All Episodes

October 15, 2024 44 mins

Is Lunchbox a NERD!? He might just be after something he did over the weekend... Plus, we share a scam alert about the show that's happening and more!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Wake Up, Wake Up in the mall, and.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
It's on the radio, and the Dodgers gets on time.

Speaker 3 (00:11):

Speaker 2 (00:12):
In Lunchbox, more get too, Steve Bread out, it's trying
to put you through this Fox. He's running this week's
next bit.

Speaker 4 (00:19):
The Bobby's on the box, so you know what this.

Speaker 5 (00:27):
Is, the Bobby Ball.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
I've had my brief yoga periods where I have no flexibility.
I'm gonnaell you about a weird, weird, weird kind of yoga,
but I have no flexibility. So I would go to
yoga and it would help a little bit, but then
I would just be like, I don't want to go
at six o'clock at night when it's so close to
my bedtime, so I'd stop going to yoga. Then there's
kind of the yogas where did you ever do go yoga?

Speaker 6 (00:47):
They had like goats.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
Running around and I feel like you get on your back.
That's just like it's a distraction. It doesn't really help anything,
but it's like a distraction, but it's fun. It's goofy
you right, joy yeah?

Speaker 3 (00:57):

Speaker 2 (00:57):
And And isn't joy just the distraction? Guys? But here's
one in Lunchbox. You have no flexibility, like my.

Speaker 7 (01:04):
Snun, whatsoever.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Have you tried yoga?

Speaker 7 (01:06):
It kills me?

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Yes, I've gone with him before.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
How to go?

Speaker 3 (01:09):
He's like secret yoga guy.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Oh he is? Oh yeah, he like yoga.

Speaker 3 (01:14):
I'm not yoga because he would be very good.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
Oh he I thought he had no flexibility.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
This is like over years.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
I call this the super Petri dish. That's his elbow
behind his head.

Speaker 3 (01:24):
No, he is.

Speaker 8 (01:25):
He's a good but he knows every move. My point
is he's like good. He knows like when the teacher
says something, he's like on it.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
Here is something for lunchbox. It's called snake Yoga.

Speaker 7 (01:33):
No, what in the world, Oh mad.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
The guy hates snakes. No, why would apparently loves yoga?
So say yoga is a forty five minute class where
ball pythons are oprated into the practice six snakes. Oh
gosh our pair of the participants who randomly draw a
crystal to find their yoga partner. The instructor assures everyone
that the snake's movements are harmless. No one has ever

been bitten. The cost for this unusual experience is one hundred.

Speaker 3 (01:59):
And sixty yikes.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
The instructor says, if you feel any squeezing, it's just
her trying to not fall the snake.

Speaker 3 (02:06):
She's not trying to attack.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
Yes, don't they squeeze though it killed? Yes, they squeezed
to suffocate. Yes, I'd be worried. Lunchbox, how much for
you to do snake yoga? And don't say no price
or a million dollars because there would be a number realistically.

Speaker 9 (02:24):
Oh my gosh, that would be so I mean at
least ten thousand.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Whoa, it would take ten thousand dollars to go hold
a snake for forty five minutes.

Speaker 9 (02:33):
Aye, dude, you brought that snake in the studio and
I ran out through. I mean, I can't like, It's
just it's something about him. It paralyzes me.

Speaker 7 (02:41):
So I do not know.

Speaker 9 (02:42):
Once it started crawling towards me, I would freak out.
If there's eight of them suckers slithering.

Speaker 7 (02:47):
Around big Old.

Speaker 9 (02:48):
They're on different people, right, so it's not just okay,
but yeah, but they just stay on that person.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
Yeah, their partner with though you know it is, it's
their partner with the hotel. So not everybody gets a snake.

Speaker 6 (02:57):
It's a random drawing.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Would you want to be in the class if person
next to you.

Speaker 9 (03:00):
No, no, because the whole time I'd be looking at it,
going it's looking at me, it's looking at me.

Speaker 7 (03:06):
No uh uh?

Speaker 6 (03:08):
Would you do it for one thousand dollars? No? You what?

Speaker 2 (03:10):

Speaker 7 (03:12):
I don't think I could.

Speaker 6 (03:13):
I think for a thousand anything for money.

Speaker 9 (03:16):
I know I could do anything, That's what I'm saying though.
But the mental block, I mean block.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
Yourself mentally, you'll just be there frozen.

Speaker 4 (03:23):
You love yoga, right, No.

Speaker 9 (03:24):
No, no, Amy Penny is a bad picture picture.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
All right, here we go. Let's go to Amy now
and get in the morning Corny, the mourning Corny.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
Why don't mummies take time off?

Speaker 6 (03:39):
Why don't mummies take time off?

Speaker 3 (03:41):
They're just afraid to unwind?

Speaker 2 (03:47):
That was the morning Corny. Get it, Yeah, the mummy.
I don't think anybody didn't get it. I don't got
I think we I think we got it. That's all right.
Middlest careers that I would not do, even if it
was for double to pay. Right, Number one is a
more titian. Oh like, I could not do it. It's

not that I'm too good for any of these careers.
I just don't think I could do it. And I'm
gonna ask you guys yours in a second. But more
titian or funeral homed or it's not even the only
the dead bodies. It's also the sad people Like I
just when people are sad, it makes me sad. So
that would be number one, even if it were double
the pay. I don't think my quality of life would

be good if every day I was doing that all
day then coming home and it had more a little
more money, you know, that's number one. Number two a bodyguard,
because I would just okay, you get to carry somebody
comes up, kick it.

Speaker 6 (04:44):
Off, boom, shoot somebody immediately for no reason.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
Wait, you're saying abuse your power.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Well, I would just be scared I was gonna lose
my job and be bad. I'd just shoot somebody. Okay,
I would because oh okay, you do the opposite, but
both will be terrible.

Speaker 3 (04:58):
Yeah, mine is like I think secret service. I wouldn't.
I could never do that because I would be like, I'm.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
At least secret service. You have a little bit of
like if you do something kind of wrong, they're gonna
comfort for you.

Speaker 8 (05:08):
I know, there's such a threat all the time. It's
got to be exhausting, and then you know, like I
have to save this person's life, and what if one
do You're just like, I'm really not feeling it today.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
That's a good one too. Yeah. Like me, it's like, okay, Bobby,
today you're protecting slen To Gomez and some twelve year
old like, can I get Drup home? I just shot
her ound?

Speaker 3 (05:25):
Oh no, I was protect Yeah.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
So there's a soccer player named Lionel Messi and as
he plays, he has a bodyguard that runs up and
down with him. So he's not on the actual field,
but he runs up and down wherever Messi has.

Speaker 6 (05:39):
He's running with him the whole time. That's crazy because
people like come onto the.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
Field and if somebody comes on the field, that bodyguard
is so dialed in he runs down and cuts him
off or tackles them. And there have been times where
it's been kids and he will run out and stop
the kid, and even Messi's been like it's okay, now,
hold on, but he runs the entire time, Like I
could probably do the running part. I just want to
cure somebody else to go in. I'd be terrible at that.
Number Three A crab fisherman or any like deep sea fisherman,

not because it would it be interesting. I would just
be seasick the whole time. I would be motion sticking
in every second of my life in that way. And
it's also very dangerous. But the danger to me, although
it doesn't seem much as buld like to do, the
danger is nothing compared to me just want to vomit
all the time, being nauseous sixteen hours a day. But

also I did an episode of Breaking Bobby Bones, which
you can see now on Amazon Prime if you go
and search for it. And I did it in so
Oude of San Francisco. We were like three miles off
the coast in a fishing boat, and he lived on
his boat.

Speaker 6 (06:41):
It wasn't a big boat, but he lived on his boat.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Really, So when I say sixteen hours, it's seventy two
for him before he comes back in and brings his
fish in, before he sells it at the market.

Speaker 4 (06:51):
He's doing halibut.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
He was doing halibate, which wasn't as dangerous, but we
were catching like stingrays and then you would see seal
jump into the net and eat the halib it. It
was awesome, but I could only look for like ten seconds.
Then I had to lay back down and they would say,
look at the horizon. I look at the riseing, but
I want to vomit. The only way that I could
even and I've vomited all through the episode, but the

only way that I could even get thirty to forty
five seconds a good time was till late on my
back and stare at the sky and they'd be like, Okay, Bobb,
you gotta give it a run. Okay, look at this
every time. I'm gonna ask you. You guys in a second.
Those are my top three mortician bodyguard and like deep
sea fishermen, like crab fishermen, sound like fun man, that

does it does being on the boat out there sounds awesome. Man,
If you can't keep your cereal down, nothing is fine.
I thought of another. A window cleaner, like a skyscraper
window cleaner. Oh yeah, hey, heights so much so even
for double the pay, heck, triple the pay, amy job,
you could not do. Gosh.

Speaker 3 (07:58):
I wish I could.

Speaker 8 (07:59):
I really wish I could, but I think because of
heights and just fear an astronaut.

Speaker 6 (08:03):
Good one, I don't.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
I'd say. My phone rang right now, Hello Jeff, bezos
want to go to space on my rocket? Hang out right,
you guys don't want to go to I do, but
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
No, I do, but I just don't think I could
follow through.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
I hate correct astronaut makes my window cleaner look like
little Beebie booboo.

Speaker 5 (08:21):
But is it heights if it's you're really in space
and you don't even know what's up, what's down.

Speaker 6 (08:25):
What's goings?

Speaker 3 (08:26):
As high as you can go?

Speaker 2 (08:27):
No? Wait, good, One would never want to be an astronaut.
I would do all the astronaut stuff on the ground.
Now I wouldn't either, can sell lands vast training for
that crab and then we're like swinging them around to
the thing. I've been vomiting everywhere, vomiting everywhere, my heights
and motion sickness, worst shot, lunchbox.

Speaker 7 (08:42):
Man, mortician. One's good.

Speaker 6 (08:43):
But I'll say teacher, even for half a million dollars
a year.

Speaker 7 (08:49):
That's different. That's you said double the pay.

Speaker 6 (08:52):
I know, I know.

Speaker 9 (08:53):
I just think when teacher salary alredy is not that much,
so you double one.

Speaker 3 (08:55):
So it's your double what you pay.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
Oh, I was thinking double the pay of Like, yeah,
so let's say a teacher makes a good college professor.

Speaker 6 (09:05):
Let's say you're making one hundred and fifty thousand dollars
a year.

Speaker 7 (09:08):
It's different. So that's three hundred thousand.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
No no, no, no, okay, yeah, double it, double it. I
mean that I don't think I colle person makes hundred
fifty that. I was kind of using that as to do.

Speaker 8 (09:17):
But as a college professor, that seems awesome. I feel
like being a junior high, high school, elementary school teacher,
that's where it's rough.

Speaker 6 (09:25):
What's the worst to you? What came to your mind?

Speaker 7 (09:27):
I was thinking my middle school.

Speaker 2 (09:28):
Yeah, that sounds sixth grade.

Speaker 9 (09:30):
Yeah, or I mean even elementary school, because they're still
peeling their pants sometimes it's.

Speaker 2 (09:34):
Like, oh come on, and maybe like no, I thought
all the time in the darden first grade.

Speaker 7 (09:39):
But they have accent. I mean they got snock coming
out their nose. I mean it is it is gross
up in there.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
So a teacher was one of your first two or
three came to mind?

Speaker 9 (09:47):
Yeah, and more to that, hey, the death stuff, the mortician,
like or just working at a cemetery.

Speaker 7 (09:52):
You don't have to be the person that digs.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
The grade spot on with that. Oh I don't mind
that such you're.

Speaker 9 (09:57):
Kidding digging dirt, Yeah, you're digging a pu someone in
there and already did.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
And I think part of the mortician or funeral home
director job, it's not just the dead bodies, because that
would that that's weird, but it's a sadness all the time,
and when you're digging.

Speaker 6 (10:11):
I had a lot of digging jobs.

Speaker 7 (10:12):
So do you worry about those people?

Speaker 9 (10:14):
Like I see those people on my there's something weird
people they're working the death the mores or I.

Speaker 8 (10:22):
Often feel like it's in your family and it just
or I think they're just not bothered by it and they're
like wow there.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
It's like people who are proctologists, aren't you like wow,
why did that person choose as a hole to be
a butthole doctor? And you're like there probably was a
demand for that and it pays well and they're not
weirded out by it.

Speaker 8 (10:39):
I asked one one time he said, I'm just fascinated
with gastrontology.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Oh yeah, well someone said I'm just fascinated with dead people.

Speaker 6 (10:46):
I would think that was weird.

Speaker 9 (10:47):
And a mortician is that the one that does the
more thing where you're down there and you take apart
the body.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
A mortician would be the person at the funeral home
that is preparing for the.

Speaker 9 (10:56):
Funeral, Oh, like puts makeup on them and stead Yes. Yeah,
I'm not doing the morg person either. Yeah, but we're
not asking you to or a crime scene person has
to go pick up the day that you just.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
Transport dead bodies forensics. Yeah, but I would think there's
so much more than just the dead body part that
might actually be kind of cool. The dead body part
would just be a sly sliver of it. But now
I hear you. I agree with everything you're saying.

Speaker 5 (11:18):
People that deal with dead bodies, they look like they're
not well what I mean.

Speaker 6 (11:22):
I think just mean people.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
In funeral homes.

Speaker 5 (11:25):
Yeah, and the people have police crimes, the crime scenes
they don't.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
Those are like detectives.

Speaker 8 (11:31):
And I've have normal funeral home experiences.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
I don't. Yeah, because I go in, I'm all sad.
My mom diither like get this, ten thousand dollars.

Speaker 3 (11:42):
Three of them.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
They get you, Eddie mine.

Speaker 5 (11:47):
I love them, we need them, but a nurse I
can't be a nurse me either, And I love them,
respect them same.

Speaker 6 (11:53):
The Needles Blood.

Speaker 8 (11:55):
Twelve hour shifts like room to room, the heartache you
have to do underpaid. Sometimes you know more than the doctor,
but you don't get the respect.

Speaker 7 (12:04):
But we go amy.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
Sometimes sometimes the doctor's like, I'll leave my wife for you.

Speaker 6 (12:08):
When he doesn't.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Oh what, oh grace in that?

Speaker 4 (12:11):
Never mind?

Speaker 2 (12:12):
Never mind? How much of your money did your dog eat? Uh?

Speaker 3 (12:16):
Well, one hundred dollar bill and a five dollar bill?

Speaker 8 (12:18):
Oh no, so I had sold I sold something on
Facebook marketplace and they had just come by and given
me the cash. So I walked in, put it on
the coffee table, and then walked away.

Speaker 6 (12:32):
Why did the dog eat the money?

Speaker 1 (12:33):

Speaker 2 (12:34):
Money doesn't smell good or taste good.

Speaker 6 (12:35):
It wasn't barbecue sauce.

Speaker 8 (12:36):
It's not just why did the dog eat the money? Yeah,
it's there was one hundred dollar bill, a five dollar bill,
and a bunch of ones, and it looks like I'm
looking in. The one hundred dollars bill is like the
one that's eaten. I mean ate a little bit of
the five, but the hundred is destroyed. And so I'm like,
why have all of these options here?

Speaker 6 (12:54):
Did he?

Speaker 3 (12:54):
Why didn't he? She destroyed the one dollar bill?

Speaker 6 (12:57):
So are you going to take them back to the bank.

Speaker 3 (12:59):
Well, I have most of the one hundred dollars bill.

Speaker 6 (13:02):
They'll give you a hundred dollar bill.

Speaker 8 (13:03):
You think it's still meant She definitely swallowed a corner
of it.

Speaker 2 (13:07):
That's fine. You really only need scripped in half sixty
percent of the bill, really, and it doesn't even have
to be together. They just want to make sure they
can give you another one. They want to make sure though,
that somebody can't turn one into two, meaning if you
give two fifty percents, they're like, we'll take fifty percent.
How do you know this, I don't know from the

streets man.

Speaker 8 (13:28):
Okay, because I was fully expecting that they're going to
be like, yeah, I don't know, but I thought I
was going to give it a go. It can't hurt
because it's obviously an unused, legit one hundred dollars bill.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
So even if you were to take in two thirty
percents that went together that they made sixty, they would
give you a new bill. It just needs to be
more than half with the number on it to make
sure that people don't gain the system and take two
fifties in to fifty percent of one hundred dollar bill
to get two hundred dollars.

Speaker 7 (13:56):

Speaker 9 (13:56):
Yeah, so you had to wait for her to No,
she ripped it up.

Speaker 8 (14:01):
No, she ripped like she just was in Like I
left the room for a minute, walked back and saw
her playing on the floor and stuff, and I'm like,
what are you playing with?

Speaker 3 (14:08):
And like over and I'm like, cool, one hundred bill.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
A bank can replace a damage bill of more than
half of the note is identifiable as United States currency.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
Well, okay, it is.

Speaker 2 (14:17):
If less than half of the note is intact, you
can send it to the Department of Treasury for examination.
It sounds like what I do a baseball cards. You
send it off and hope you get a ten bank. So, yeah,
you can probably take it to the bank. What do
you sell, Well, it's good to know face marketplace.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
Some doors, huh, some.

Speaker 8 (14:32):
Doors that were in my house, like these doors they
were in the garage and I was like, I'm gonna
throw these up there and see if I can sell them.

Speaker 2 (14:38):
Did they come to your house to get them?

Speaker 5 (14:39):

Speaker 6 (14:40):
Dangerous? What do you mean do you let people come to
your house?

Speaker 3 (14:44):
It is? It is, but you have to know how
to handle it. You know, what.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
Do you think you're Okay, if somebody comes over and
decides they don't.

Speaker 6 (14:53):
Want you to be okay anymore.

Speaker 3 (14:54):
I have I have you think on one handling it.
I have a system.

Speaker 7 (14:59):
She guys were kids, get it.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
He was talking about once and you went all the
way in somebody's house to get something off the computer.
She bought like some Miles from Southwestern Life, and she
went all the way into the guy's like back bedroom.

Speaker 4 (15:10):
Where his office was, to get the Miles office computer.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
Yeah. So she got like down low and we were like,
you were almost murdered.

Speaker 3 (15:16):
Okay. We had no remember how young we were.

Speaker 8 (15:18):
We had no money, and I was trying to fly
to see my boyfriend's time. I think he was trying
to go see Air Force guy, or maybe we were
married at the point at that time, but.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
I had to be married.

Speaker 6 (15:28):
Could you get married like a day?

Speaker 2 (15:29):

Speaker 8 (15:30):
Yeah, So I was probably trying to fly to see
him because he was in America, because he.

Speaker 3 (15:34):
Spent a lot of time in Afghanistans. So anyway, I
wanted to go see him.

Speaker 8 (15:36):
And I was like, okay, this guy was selling these
uh Southwest points on Craigslist.

Speaker 6 (15:42):
And he was going to throw in a murder.

Speaker 3 (15:45):
So it was a way to get a cheap flight
and careful.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
Just be careful selling stuff on Facebook, having people come
to your house to buy doors, but you can take
your billing.

Speaker 3 (15:54):
It was doors, and I got.

Speaker 8 (15:55):
I feel like that was the easiest money, because it's
always these money to get murdered, right, a little saying
George Washington used to say that it's always easy money
till you get murdered.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Right. We'll keep you posted to take your dollars.

Speaker 6 (16:05):
Then you'll get your money back.

Speaker 2 (16:07):
Let's do the news bobbies stories. This woman was asked
to take down or Halloween decorations because they look too real.

Speaker 6 (16:16):
You have decorations of Halloween.

Speaker 8 (16:17):
No, yeah, I got some skeletons and my son's ad
the freaking mount So.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
I thought you're gonna say, you have some skeleton in
your closet you like to reveal them? Now? No, I
got I'm like that one.

Speaker 4 (16:27):
No, yeah, we're not.

Speaker 2 (16:28):
Nobody really decorates for Halloween. My neighborhood Christmas, everybody goes
pretty hard. We only go mild, but they go pretty hard.
But it looked like there was a real like graveyard
more yeah, like lots of tombstones and they look pretty real.
Although there's a body hanging from a tree in a
trash bag, that's when it gets tricky. Then there's not

a graveyard in somebody's yard.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
But are they hiding in plain sight?

Speaker 2 (16:56):
That would be cruizy. That's like a podcast type stuff. Yeah,
but yeah, it feels to me looking at it with
the bodies hanging out of the tree and they're upside
down and they're in trash bags and their duct tape.

Speaker 6 (17:07):
Like in three places, it's still Halloween decorations.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
I know.

Speaker 8 (17:11):
I just think of even the skeletons disturbing my son.
It just breaks them out, Like I could see how
kids probably are really disturbed by that.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
So that's probably why she was asked to come down.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
It's from Metro and so she says the decorations will
be displayed in her garage because she had take them down,
not about a bunch of losers that live there. Georgia
cop stumbles upon a massive drug stash during the hurricane cleanup.
You know somebody amy who had all those drugs when
they had to leave because the hurricane, they were like,
please gott to let her drugs get out. Oh no,
they were doing cleanup work and they found a big

like container of drugs, vacuum sealed weed, THHC, bait, cartridges, edibles,
coughs her up a bunch of pills and they were like, hey,
whomever is this, you come pick it up if you want.
Like they posted that, they didn't they didn't go full bonehead,
but somebody has to be like, dang that our stuff.

Speaker 6 (18:01):
It's all gone.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
And also if you have to evacuate, don't you take
that with you or at least like some of it.

Speaker 6 (18:07):
I mean, what it's probably important to you. I'm not
even saying right from the cops.

Speaker 7 (18:10):
I mean, that's probably your deal, that's your livelihood.

Speaker 2 (18:14):

Speaker 6 (18:14):

Speaker 2 (18:15):
Frontier Airlines passenger rants that she's the president after the
pilot wouldn't turn back for her forgotten phone. Who thinks
their phone is so valuable that the plane will turn
around and go get it? The President of so wild
video shows a Frontier Airlines passenger claiming to be a
sovereign ruler and president of this whole gd country in
a meltdown over the pilot refusing to turn back to

let her get her phone from the airport. The unidentified
female passenger erupted into the exploit of laden tirade as
the flight was getting ready to take off from San
Diego going to Vegas. She's already to go to Vegas.
She's already vegasing up a little bit. Obviously. The fellow
passenger who filmed the saga claimed the one went crazy,
so they weren't in the air. But still even if

they pulled that little bridge, a little walkway, once that's
pulled back and that door is shut, nobody's getting out
of there. Do you think a pilot's gonna go, Oh,
she forgot her cell phone. Oh, let's stop the plane.
That's from the New York Post. A hot air balloon
hits power line. It catches fire at a New Mexico festival,
a drone show, and and it just is showing the

drones and it's showing the hot air balloon flying over,
and then all of a sudden hits power line, big flames.

Speaker 3 (19:28):

Speaker 2 (19:29):
A balloon pilot with two passengers hit a radio tower.
It was the second time of twenty years at a balloon
had come into contact with that. Wow, that's on the pilot, right.

Speaker 7 (19:40):
You can steer a hot air balloon.

Speaker 2 (19:41):
You can't wait? Yes, you pull I've flown in one.
You can't steer it like a car with steering will
but you push, yeah, you know, up down? Yeah.

Speaker 7 (19:53):
So you like, if you do less air you go left?
More are you go?

Speaker 6 (19:55):
I'm sure about that. The wind blows it.

Speaker 5 (19:57):
No, and they pull weight like on the basket. So
like if they want to go left and put all
the weight on the left side, and then the balloon
goes left.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
But when they want to lower it, they do the
air right. Somehow they landed us right in a field.
I hated every minute of it.

Speaker 7 (20:09):
That seems very nerve wracking.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
But I mean I feel like if you are the
pilot and you hit a radio tower, that's probably for.

Speaker 6 (20:18):
Even going up.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
Maybe if you can't control the wind, for knowing the wind. Yeah,
that sucks. One person supperate ahead injury. I guess that's
a different one. There are two balloon I'm out. That
balloon thing is stupid. You're going to get in a basket.
We don't need to be in basket. It's a humans.

Speaker 6 (20:36):
You're in a basket and there's no engine.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
It's like I like a sailboat, but I don't like
to sail, but I like a sail boat with an
engine on it like a motor, because then if the
wind doesn't work right, you hit your motor. They should
have these for hot air balloons, and this crap wouldn't
be happening.

Speaker 8 (20:49):
It is cool, though, I like to think that that
was created and you can go up there and enjoy,
and it's so pretty, like those hot air bloom festivals
look so beautiful.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
You know Google image. I like that.

Speaker 7 (20:59):
But you're the mercy of them. That's all it is.
It takes you wherever.

Speaker 6 (21:02):
Good doomsday news.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
The world may be ending, but it will not come
from an asteroid strike. That's good. A new study explains
a ninety nine percent certainty. Astronomers found that the doomsday
theory of the asteroid striking is highly unlikely because there
are a fewer dangerous large asteroids in your Earth and
previously believed that's always a story until it happens the one.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
But once it happens, if that happens, we're out. We're out.
We're not even gonna know.

Speaker 6 (21:25):
Yeah, but I don't want to know.

Speaker 7 (21:26):
Oh, we'll know because they'll see it coming.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
They'll move so fast that they're just like whack, Yeah,
we'll know. I don't want to know, Like don't tell me.
I just want to be like, Hey, what's that shade
all about? That's not when the sun moves in behind
a cloud. You're like, man, I'm sure shady today. Whack
that would be it? And finally, Drew Parker is on
the Bobby Cast this week. He has this song called
Love The Leavin Good's talking about writing this song and

three other major artists wanted it for himself, and he
was like, I think I want to keep it.

Speaker 6 (21:58):
He talked about having a call one of those arts.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
My record was done, no room for any more songs.
I wrote Love believing my record's done, so as a songwriter,
I'd start pitching around.

Speaker 6 (22:08):
It goes on hold within like two.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
Hours with three different artists, Nate Smith, Luke Holmbs, and
Morgan Wallam.

Speaker 6 (22:15):
Oh my god, that was my reaction.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
I texted Luke and I was like, hey, man, I
know you love this song and I would love for
you to record it, and I think you would make
it a mega hit. Do you think I'd be crazy
for me recorded? And he was like, dude, I don't
know why the heck you weren't going to record it
to begin with.

Speaker 2 (22:32):
He gave up free money basically betting on himself because
if either one of those three guys cut it, that's money.
Because all those three guys do is put our hits.
He talked about his job because he was an X
ray technician before doing music full time. He was working
at the hospital and he made a deal with his
boss about working one last shift after he landed his
first number one as a songwriter.

Speaker 1 (22:50):
I made a deal with the boss at the hospital
that if I ever got a number one song, that
I would come work one more shift and then I'd
be done. March twenty second of twenty twenty, I got
my first number one.

Speaker 6 (22:59):
Home made I jake going.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
So that day, Monday, I'm getting ready to go work
my last shift the hospital. I'm in my bedroom putting
scrubs on. My wife walks in the bedroom and tells
me that she is going into labor. So I had
to call my boss and say, actually, I am on
my way to the hospital, but it's not to work.
The boss met me at my car, helped me and
my wife get into the hospital, and I never I

still owe her technically that last shift.

Speaker 2 (23:25):
But as a song was time in the charts. He
was still working at the hospital as an next ray technician.
Wow that crazy Drew Parker. Check it out on the
latest Bobbycast. Go search for the Bobbycast wherever you podcast.

Speaker 9 (23:34):
All right, cool, we're gonna keep you from falling for scams.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
Scam alert. Here's one good and I think I might
have fallen for this one if it would have just
got to me. But this couple is wanted by police
for scamming people because they claimed they had a time machine.
Now for me, where I'd have fallen for it is
I would have wanted to go back to like see
nineteen sixty nine, or maybe like the late eighteen hundred.

Speaker 6 (23:58):
It's that e been cool.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
But what they were doing is they were promising to
make people look younger, like a time machine.

Speaker 6 (24:06):
Yeah like that.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
I'm like a pass But can you take me to
nineteen sixty nine? A lot of cool stuff happened in
that year. But yeah, they pulled off one of the
most incredible scams in the history of mankind. They owned
a therapy center. They allegedly convinced people they were they
were age aging rapidly. The people that would come in,
they'd be like, you're aging rapidly because of the polluted air.

And because of this time machine with oxygen therapy, we
can actually make you look younger again.

Speaker 6 (24:32):
They made four million dollars.

Speaker 2 (24:34):
They made a four million dollars on this.

Speaker 3 (24:36):
I mean, is there any validity?

Speaker 2 (24:39):
Not at all? An extra They offered packages of ten
sessions for seventy two dollars and one thousand and seventy
dollars up front, so they got your heart on that
thousand bucks up front and then seventy two bucks a
session which you pay one thousand to seventy two doesn't
feel crazy. You're like, yeah, yeah, I know they promised

them time machine. Don't believe in time machines, especially if
they want you to pay it's free. Maybe you take
a chance.

Speaker 3 (25:06):
Okay, yeah, you know.

Speaker 2 (25:07):
Scam alert. That's number one scammeler. Yesterday one of my friends,
a very accomplished television to radio personality. He was on
VACH one, MTV back in the day, has done radio
all these high level places. Like I really looked up
to him and still do. I still see him, and
I'm like, what's up, dude? He messaged me. He says, hey, BB,

hope you're well. I got an email invited to do
your podcast, which was odd as they wanted to know
where to send payment for doing the show. I was like, Hey,
nobody gonna pay me to do Bobby's podcast. Here's the
email that came from. And he was basically asking if
it's true. I get this all the time from my friends.
I'm not offering anybody money. I've never paid a single
person to come on a podcast. Don't fall for it. Wow,

it's a scam alert. Scam alert. I'm not paying anybody
to be on the podcast. Scam alert. And that's somebody
who's like, for real, like who gets asked to do stuff?
That's how do you have one I do?

Speaker 5 (26:04):
I got an email from Venmo and it's said that
somebody is signing in vent your Venmo from another device.
So I click on the email. I'm like, okay, well
let me look into it. But there's clicked into your email,
just the email link they sent. No okay, and they said,
you know, if it wasn't you, there's nothing to worry about.
But if it was, you click on this article to
find out what you need to be doing.

Speaker 6 (26:26):
So I'm like, why would I may not be a scam.

Speaker 7 (26:30):

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Hold on, let me let me hear you're probably right,
But they're saying if it wasn't you nothing to do here?
But they say where it was logging in from specifically, No, Oh, okay,
that's a scam. Then I thought they said, because sometimes
my Apple will show up be like someone's address logging
in from this town and I'm like, oh, I'm actually
in this town, so that's me I need to do nothing, right, Oh,
that's for sure a scammelhert.

Speaker 4 (26:50):
But it is from Venmo at Venmo dot com.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
Is No, there's no way it's from Venmo dot com. Okay,
there's no way it's at Benmo dot com. Okay, so
I'm smart. Then I didn't click on anything.

Speaker 6 (27:01):
You just said it was from vinmodark sing.

Speaker 3 (27:03):
It's got to be like Vinmo.

Speaker 5 (27:05):
You just said dot com. There's no way it's from Venmo.
Do it says Venmo at venmo dot com?

Speaker 8 (27:11):
What about is say Venmu look at the here, that
might be.

Speaker 2 (27:17):
If it's from that.

Speaker 6 (27:18):
If you go into it.

Speaker 7 (27:20):
That might be real.

Speaker 5 (27:23):
Yeah, put a check mark on there on anything like
can't you just put a morgan?

Speaker 2 (27:30):
Is that real? Because you always going click into the
email it's sent from, and if it's from some weird
email address or hotmail or something. It's not Retten, it's real,
that's Vino.

Speaker 8 (27:39):
It's also because it's just alerting you to a sign
and they're not asking you to do anything.

Speaker 3 (27:43):
They're just saying, hey, like god, if you.

Speaker 9 (27:45):
Need to if you did have a sign in, you
need to go change your password, like if you weren't
the one signing in.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
It's just an alert email.

Speaker 6 (27:51):
So do I click the article?

Speaker 1 (27:53):

Speaker 2 (27:53):
No, no, you confuse me on what's happening right now.

Speaker 4 (27:55):
I don't know what.

Speaker 6 (27:56):
Did you sign into your Venmo to make that come
to you?

Speaker 2 (27:59):

Speaker 8 (28:00):
Okay, then you need to go change your password on
your vemos actual account.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
So I'm really getting hat unless we're leading you to
get scammed, but I feel no, I think so I
would go change your password.

Speaker 7 (28:10):
Okay, So not a scam alert.

Speaker 8 (28:13):
Yeah, it is because he's getting people someone's trying to.

Speaker 7 (28:17):
Log into Why did you log in on like your iPad?

Speaker 5 (28:20):
No? No, no, I've not logged into my venmo anywhere else?

Speaker 2 (28:23):
Has your Venmo lost money recently because somebody took it
out and not that I've noticed.

Speaker 6 (28:26):
So do you look at it?

Speaker 2 (28:27):
Yes? You also don't look at group text. So I
don't believe you look at that, it's true. That isn't
like ten group.

Speaker 5 (28:31):
Text and he never responds to one of them because
they're never pretend they're never talking to me.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
It's for the group.

Speaker 7 (28:36):
That's why it's a group text.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
You, Bobby, You go read all the text from all
the people.

Speaker 2 (28:41):
Yeah, because they're sports and gambling texts.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
Right, they can't be They certainly can't be too long.

Speaker 6 (28:46):
Depends how much money we're talking here.

Speaker 2 (28:48):
Yeah, Today Scambler are sponsored by live flock. If something
happens and someone gets in your stuff, like possibly what's
happened to Eddie, life flock is gonna be awesome for you.
Tober is Cybersecurity Awareness a month. One way to protect
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Using the same one for multiple accounts can make you

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thirty day free trial at LifeLock dot com. Promo code bones.
I'm looking at it, Eddie right here. They can't put
the check mark in the email header like that, Okay,
because that's what I wait, Mike, is this real or scam?

Speaker 3 (29:33):
Okay? Oh you hover over it for verification.

Speaker 4 (29:36):
This is so complicated.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
That's what you do in the public restrooms, Dammy, that
is the Yeah. Yeah, it's complicated, but that's why we
try to help a scam alert. So Lunchbox calls nerd
alert and he makes fun of one of us. However,
I'm gonna put this on him. I think Lunchbox is
doing something nerd alert. He doesn't think it's nerd alert.
Go ahead.

Speaker 9 (29:56):
So the season's finale a Big Brother was happening on
Sunday night, and my wife came across something where there
were contestants from last season Corey in America. They met
on the show Corey lives in Nashville. Person names in America.
Yeah that's a pretty cool name. Yeah, yeah that's hot.

Speaker 6 (30:13):
I don't care about that.

Speaker 9 (30:15):
And they got into show mats and after the show
they started dating. She moved to Nashville, and so for
the new season, they were having a paid watch party
for the season finale of Big Brothers.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
Oh so it's already happened, yes, and were you interested
in going?

Speaker 9 (30:31):
So my wife brings us to me and it's like we
should go to this, and I was like, oh my goodness,
how cool is this?

Speaker 7 (30:39):
So my question is, if I.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
Go, it's already over.

Speaker 9 (30:43):
I'm not going to tell you what I did.

Speaker 2 (30:46):
Oh got it? If you go, meaning if you were
to position it before the show, yes, finale, go ahead?

Speaker 9 (30:51):
Would you if I come to you, guys, say I went,
is that nerdy? Or is it cool?

Speaker 6 (30:55):
Okay? Will you make fun of all of us for
a nerdy thing?

Speaker 4 (30:58):
Is there something in between well and cool?

Speaker 1 (31:00):

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Wait, let's pick one. I would say, because you beat
up on us because I like Game of Thrones, or
I like baseball cards, or I mean we can do
some one hundred years. Yeah, because you say that I'm
nerdy all the time, I would say that's equally as nerdy.
I wouldn't be as judgmental on you. I would say, oh, wow,
you find joy in that nobody's getting hurt. I think
it's really cool. But I would still make fun of

you just because you make fun of me. I would say,
nerd alert. God, if mine are nerd alerts, that's a
nerd alert okay, Amy.

Speaker 3 (31:29):
I say cool.

Speaker 8 (31:30):
So that way he can just learn by example, he
can experience, and then he can see like, Oh, I'm
really into this, and I paid money to hang out
with people something that I'm interested in. So there are
people Therefore, people go pay money to hang out with,
you know, Harry Potter people or Star Wars people.

Speaker 3 (31:43):
That's just what they're into.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
No, I hear you. But what you're taking is that
he's going to improve as a person based on his experience.
One can hope he didn't because he went and waited
in line for hours to meet a teen mom, right,
that's right in a book signing.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
Maybe the more he experiences it.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
If anybody else were to go, I would not say
NERD alert, But for you, how you judge us, I
would say NERD alert? Amy has no NERD alerted. Is
it a party like they're gonna be there? Yeah, they're
gonna be there.

Speaker 9 (32:12):
Corey in America and then Bowie Jane was flying in
from LA to be part of Bowie.

Speaker 2 (32:16):
Jane's gonna be there too. It doesn't matter that it's
like Big Brother people and not like major League Baseball,
because when Eddie and I went to the Orioles and
there were two major League Baseball players there talking else
like NERD alert baseball cards.

Speaker 9 (32:27):
No, no, no, I don't mind baseball cards, but you
guys take.

Speaker 7 (32:30):
It way over the top nerd alert.

Speaker 9 (32:31):
You flew across country for some special meeting with a
bunch of dudes.

Speaker 7 (32:35):
Very weird.

Speaker 4 (32:35):
I mean, he's right, it would have been better, But
I mean that.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
Was more of an evening with grown men.

Speaker 2 (32:38):
That this people in a reality show.

Speaker 7 (32:43):
I know, but you probably go ahead.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
What did you do?

Speaker 6 (32:46):
Did you go?

Speaker 7 (32:46):
I looked at my wife.

Speaker 9 (32:47):
I said, I mean, listen, I like Big Brother, but
that is the nerdiest thing you've ever brought to me
in my life. And I said, do you understand the
reputation I have to uphold we are not.

Speaker 6 (32:56):
Going What reputation do you have other than being rude?

Speaker 9 (32:59):
If I if I'm seen on the streets hanging out
of the Big Brother paid watch party with Corey America
and Bowie Jane, but we're gonna be like this dude.

Speaker 7 (33:07):
Has lost it.

Speaker 3 (33:07):
I mean, wasn't it just a week ago? It was snooky.

Speaker 2 (33:13):

Speaker 7 (33:14):
Snooky's a different level than Korey in America.

Speaker 5 (33:16):
Do you realize if people saw you at that party,
they would think like, oh, Lunchbox is probably.

Speaker 4 (33:20):
There with them. He knows them.

Speaker 6 (33:21):
VIP style Oh, I don't think that at all.

Speaker 2 (33:23):
Oh yeah, I don't think they would have known who
he was over a.

Speaker 9 (33:25):
Table or couch. It was like two hundred bucks. It
was expensive. You want to get okay?

Speaker 6 (33:29):
Yeah, there was no judgment.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
Would you like to have gone?

Speaker 7 (33:32):
All right?

Speaker 2 (33:35):
All right? What's going on?

Speaker 4 (33:37):
We need to do hear me out?

Speaker 2 (33:39):
What does that mean?

Speaker 4 (33:39):
The bit?

Speaker 5 (33:40):
We need to do the hear me out where you
pitch something and you're like, guys.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
Hear me out.

Speaker 5 (33:43):
I have a really good idea here, because I have
a great idea of both.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
I feel like we do this bit like nine different
ways every day. Okay, yeah, you're right.

Speaker 7 (33:50):
Here are you out?

Speaker 4 (33:51):
Go ahead, guys?

Speaker 5 (33:52):
We need a Bobby Bone show sweet at the Tennessee.

Speaker 4 (33:55):
Titans games because they're terrible this year. They're gonna go cheap.

Speaker 5 (33:59):
We get our own suite and we host parties every
time there's.

Speaker 4 (34:02):
A home game.

Speaker 2 (34:03):
I don't want to go.

Speaker 4 (34:04):
What do you mean?

Speaker 2 (34:06):
I mean? I would go occasionally, but I don't want
to spend what's a sweet a year? Thirty twenty thousand dollars.

Speaker 3 (34:12):
Right now in the new stadium I heard.

Speaker 2 (34:16):
It is in doesn't exist.

Speaker 3 (34:17):
It's not I know, but people are buying them right now,
that's what people are buying.

Speaker 2 (34:20):
Yeah, but we're not there right now.

Speaker 5 (34:21):
He wants to buy one now, Yeah, because the amy
the team's so bad, the tickets have to be cheap.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
Okay, so but then who's going to want to go?

Speaker 4 (34:30):
So I rotate, We rotate, like you bone paying for
it the show. It comes out of the show fund.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
There's no show fund.

Speaker 4 (34:36):
What do you mean?

Speaker 2 (34:37):
There's no show.

Speaker 4 (34:38):
When we play games, don't we like?

Speaker 2 (34:39):
No, that's usually either of my money. And like when
I have to fly places for work sometimes I don't
even pay for them, have to pay for myself. There's
no show. There's no show fund. Okay, Hey what so
this sounds like a terrible idea.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
Anyway, I don't want a real terrible idea.

Speaker 8 (34:50):
I feel like people that have sweets and that are fans,
like they still want to go to all the games,
even if because I mean, there's a chance they could win.

Speaker 1 (34:56):

Speaker 2 (34:56):
Also, we couldn't ride it off because we aren't independent
concent tractors.

Speaker 5 (35:00):
When you see like a Tennessee balls game, and like
Morgan Walland's there, they show him on a suite right
sitting there with.

Speaker 2 (35:06):
It because they paid and they gave him for free
and he went right.

Speaker 5 (35:10):
So we invite Morgan, Luke Combs, whoever to the games,
and behind them is the big Bobby Bone show sign.

Speaker 4 (35:16):
So when they're on TV and.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
You think they can come if we invite them, but
they can't go anytime they want Otherwise.

Speaker 5 (35:21):
Wouldn't they want to go to our suite? We got dude,
we got stuff, we got snacks, drinks.

Speaker 3 (35:26):
I heard them is lunchbox like bleeding onto him or something.

Speaker 2 (35:29):
Oh, it's the dumbest idea.

Speaker 4 (35:30):
This might.

Speaker 7 (35:32):
Tell them like an up and coming artist.

Speaker 2 (35:35):
Again, where do you guys get the money to do this?

Speaker 4 (35:38):
And we don't have the money, that's what.

Speaker 2 (35:40):
And so why would I want to spend and why
would Amy want to spend her money to do something
we don't even want to do anyway when it's not
a good investment for us in any way?

Speaker 4 (35:46):

Speaker 9 (35:47):
Uh, you guys can have some fun. Your kids get
to go, and not your Bobby but Amy, your kids.
They want to go experience that and they can do that.

Speaker 4 (35:55):
Maybe that's the shift you guys need in your life, right,
have some fun.

Speaker 2 (35:58):
If I want to go to Titan's games, I would.

Speaker 5 (36:00):
Just go think it's the whole process. You don't want
to do all that. But when you have a sweet
what's all that means?

Speaker 2 (36:06):
You got to saying?

Speaker 7 (36:07):
See, you probably have a better parking for sure.

Speaker 2 (36:09):
For sure, I'll just pay the twenty bucks apart close.

Speaker 7 (36:12):
Oh no, no no, because construction of the new stadium parking.
You got a park and ride a bus.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
Anyway, I heard you out.

Speaker 4 (36:16):
What do you think?

Speaker 2 (36:18):
I wish I wouldn't have heard it.

Speaker 4 (36:22):
What's the percentage of your interest though?

Speaker 2 (36:24):
In the zero?

Speaker 4 (36:24):
Now, come on, be real.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
Zero because I'm not paying for us. Go to a Titan.
I can sit in the owner suite. You want to flex,
I could go sit in the owner suite Ray?

Speaker 4 (36:32):
How cool would that be?

Speaker 6 (36:34):
It would be cool?

Speaker 10 (36:35):
But I mean the problem is this the artist. I mean,
like Luke Combs isn't even a Titans fan. He's a
Carolina Panthers fan.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
And also if he wanted to go.

Speaker 10 (36:45):
Wherever, we almost need to make it an iHeart and
then we cater to Addison Ray do a leap of
people like.

Speaker 7 (36:50):
Don't live here.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
And kicks hot girls.

Speaker 4 (36:57):
I like what you're head there, like when the Chiefs come.
This is where Taylor sits Taylor.

Speaker 2 (37:02):
Why don't you three invest? Well, you look up what
a sweet would cost from one game, Mike, one game,
probably like five thousand bucks. If I'm guessing for one.

Speaker 3 (37:12):
Game, I would just think it was more than that.

Speaker 4 (37:14):
I thought it'd be like five hundred bucks.

Speaker 2 (37:16):
Well, I mean when you get a sweet, you also
it's catered. Tennessee Titans rentals cost between six thousand and
sixteen thousand dollars, depending on the opponent, day of the week,
in size, location. Most Titan sweets will cost around twelve
thousand dollars prior to any catering expenses. What about, Mike,
if you do sweet for a season? I mean, we
can negotiate that, right, I can't even the lowest of

the low.

Speaker 10 (37:39):
And also, it's a popularity thing. I have a buddy
who's a bar owner and he takes videos from it,
and I mean sometimes it's him and a chick. He
has trouble filling the thing. Really, can you imagine it
every Sunday? But hey, lunch or you bring your kids, Like,
we have a couple other numbers. Man, he'd be like,
go on the lake, hey, bones, can can you for
sure come with Caitlyn, you guarantee you guys are gonna come. Okay, cool,
well thanks man.

Speaker 9 (37:59):
But a single game suite you get between twenty and
forty eight tickets, that's all.

Speaker 2 (38:04):
I don't know that many people forty eight every Sunday.

Speaker 4 (38:07):
That's a burden having to fill that thing.

Speaker 2 (38:09):
That's why it has to be iHeart.

Speaker 9 (38:10):
Okay, if you'll get an annual suite it's sixteen to
twenty tickets.

Speaker 3 (38:14):
Why are we.

Speaker 2 (38:14):
Still because I was just curious how much it costs
about thirty thousand dollars for the season.

Speaker 4 (38:20):
How cool would it be?

Speaker 2 (38:21):

Speaker 4 (38:21):
If you told your buddies, like, hey, you want to
go to times game, I would.

Speaker 2 (38:24):
Rather have to say suite at the arena here because
all the concerts come through. Yeah, and I know people
have companies that have and they're like, you have tickets
in it's amazing. You can't get people to sit for anything.

Speaker 4 (38:33):
Okay, Pivot, you want to do the arena? We can
do press games, concerts.

Speaker 6 (38:39):
Do you just want free tickets?

Speaker 3 (38:41):
This stuff we're not free because these looking.

Speaker 2 (38:44):
If you spend eighty percent, Amy now will come in
on and be party other twenty percent.

Speaker 5 (38:48):
Well, how much are the arena Sweet tickets for they
got to be cheaper though, right, like the the.

Speaker 7 (38:54):
Because there's more games, you're going to pay more.

Speaker 2 (38:56):
Well, you know we're talking individually, like for an individual game,
and probably a little cheaper.

Speaker 3 (39:00):
Why would an individual sweet game be twelve thousand, but
a season b only thirty The.

Speaker 2 (39:07):
Same reason that if you buy a pack it's cheaper
than if you buy one, I know, but you're committing
more money. And a lot of the sweets are open
and they sell them each game, so they can sell
it all. Oh, at the beginning.

Speaker 4 (39:16):
That's like a case of beer is cheaper than a
six pack.

Speaker 2 (39:18):
Okay, sweets for bridgetone between three thousand on the low
end instead of six thousand on the other.

Speaker 4 (39:23):
We can do that.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Three grand that's for one one deal.

Speaker 4 (39:27):
That's one game. Yeah, you forget that. Yeah, okay, all right,
let's sit on it. Man. Just take take a time,
talk to your wife about it, and you'll circle back
and a couple we'll circle back.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
Yeah, wait for me, wait for me, come.

Speaker 3 (39:39):
Back around, Bobby Bone show.

Speaker 4 (39:42):
Sorry up today.

Speaker 9 (39:43):
This story comes us from Saint Petersburg, Florida. A twenty
two year old woman ordered a pizza from Domino's. They
show up one thirty am. Here's your pizza, ma'am. She
opens it up. This is cold and it's not cut right.
So she jumps in the car drives to the Dominoes.
And you think she's just gonna go in and say,

can you cut my pizza and warm it up?

Speaker 2 (40:06):
I don't think that.

Speaker 9 (40:08):
Nope, she went in, took the pizza, threw it at
the workers, and knocked their telephone off the wall.

Speaker 2 (40:15):
So it should be a salt. You can't throw stuff
at somebody. The weird thing is it would take less
work to cut it yourself and put in the microwave. Yeah,
far less, park, I get it. Your irritated. It's one am.
You're probably drunk. Sure, it's more upset.

Speaker 3 (40:28):
One time I ordered pizza and they forgot my barbecue drizzle,
and he went at them no, but no, But I
think I was a little hormonal.

Speaker 8 (40:37):
I called there's nothing they were even gonna do about it,
But I was like, just wanted you to know you
forgot my barbecue drizzle.

Speaker 2 (40:44):
You know they were looking at their people like.

Speaker 3 (40:45):
Okay, no, I know, I know. I felt crazy at
the time.

Speaker 2 (40:48):
Two things. One, you ever got a pizza not.

Speaker 4 (40:50):
Cut I did.

Speaker 2 (40:51):
It's weird. It's very weird because you're confused this. Do
I yank it? Do I get a nut? It's bizarre.
If you don't have a pizza cutter, it's b are.
And then the second thing is do they still have
pizza delivery drivers or is everything attached to like a
door dash Uber eats type thing. They have drivers, they
have places. Okay, well what happened to her? She was

arrested and that's probably drunk.

Speaker 9 (41:15):
Yeah, okay, all right, I'm lunch box at your bonehead
story of the day.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
They've been been in a glass that makes you drink
beer slower. The glass is like an hour glass, and
it's if you drink a lot of beer and you're like,
I'm gonna have a couple of beers. I'm not gonna
go crazy, so and you pour it in. My dog
has this thing, Stanley, because he eats so fast, he
does a higher that he will like vomit because the
food goes down too fast or he starts choking. So

we have this bowl that has like little prongs in it,
and we pour the food in there and he has
to like eat around the prongs and it would drive
me crazy if I were him, but it's the only
way he can eat without vomiting sometimes. So this is
basically that bowl of prongs but with a beer glass
for humans that are like bulldogs and they drink beer.

Speaker 3 (42:00):
Most of us, And I guess you could pour anything
in there.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
Yeah, but mostly it's for like beer drink because they
drink too It's like guys who are like, I'm drinking
weight or wives who are like, you're drinking way too
much beer, way too fast. The top half will go
right into their mouth. The bottom half of the glass
will slowly release the last half of the beverage through
the smaller passage in the middle. The idea apparently has
to take longer for someone to enjoy a drink, thereby
preventing them from drinking as much. I don't feel like

this is gonna catch on where everybody must have it,
but it's probably a good you know what, you can
have two beers tonight gift like a wife gets a husband.
It's not really a gift, not really, except sometimes you
drink way too much and I'm like, don't drink at all.
But this is our compromise.

Speaker 9 (42:42):
You gotta worry about the beer staying cold though, if
it's slow, like if it takes thirty.

Speaker 2 (42:45):
Minutes to get it out of that cup, I take
thirty minutes warm beer.

Speaker 4 (42:48):
Nobody it's still all have food.

Speaker 2 (42:50):
In like two minutes. So you're gonna drink this and
you're just not gonna be able to knock it down.

Speaker 4 (42:55):
Like I don't like it.

Speaker 2 (42:57):
You're not supposed to like it. I supposed to a
pre she ate it, and you're not supposed to want it.
But when you get it, you're supposed to understand why
you're getting it. You haven't.

Speaker 3 (43:05):
Men. If this is for men, you're gonna have to
want to do it themselves. If a wife is like, look,
I got you this.

Speaker 2 (43:10):
This is not gonna go beer like dinner, and she's like,
or he could be the opposite way, right, Sure we're
being very sexist here, but I only know my buddies
who have this problem drinking too much sometimes a week nights.
She's like, I would rather you not drink on a
Thursday because you go a little too hard. But you
can have a beer, but you have drink it out
of this class. So isn't that better than no beer
at all?

Speaker 3 (43:29):

Speaker 5 (43:29):
He's eddy, Yeah, I mean I'll take it, sure, I guess,
but I don't love beer at all. Better than no
beer at all, but I don't like it. I like
to control my own pace.

Speaker 4 (43:37):
Yeah, yes, and that's what gets you in trouble right,
which is fast paced.

Speaker 2 (43:40):
We'll see you tomorrow. Good by everybody.

Speaker 3 (43:42):
What Bobby.

Speaker 2 (43:45):
The Bobby Bone Show theme song, written, produced and saying
by read Yarberry. You can find his instagram at read Yarberry,
Scuba Steve executive producer, Ray Mundo, head of Production. I'm
Bobby Bone Bones. My instagram is mister Bobby Bones. Thank
you for listening to the podcast.
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Hosts And Creators

Bobby Bones

Bobby Bones

Amy Brown

Amy Brown



Eddie Garcia

Eddie Garcia

Morgan Huelsman

Morgan Huelsman



Mike D

Mike D

Abby Anderson

Abby Anderson

Scuba Steve

Scuba Steve

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