All Episodes

August 6, 2024 33 mins

Amy shares the story of her son getting baptized over the weekend. Bobby talks about playing pickleball over the weekend and hanging out with Rich Eisen. We talk more about crazy stories from the Olympics and what sports are the most expensive to play. Bobby talks about why we are changing the name of the Mailbag and reveals the new title and theme song. We also got an update from our NVIDIA stock that’s not great…

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's time for the Bobby Bones post show. Here's your host,
Bobby Bone.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
That was really kid.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
It was really good.

Speaker 4 (00:14):
Yeah, what happened pretty low key other than yesterday, it's
a big day.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
Stevenson got baptized.

Speaker 5 (00:20):
Oh yeah, how was that?

Speaker 4 (00:21):
Yeah, it was really special, Like it was just a
really great moment for him and for our family. And
even the way our church does it, you're kind of
there's a lot of people getting baptized at once, and
it happens really fast, like during the praise and worship,
and so you're lined up and you go up and

it's like up in the elevated in the ceiling and
there's like a little tiny little pool, and so his
dad and I and then his sisters to share us,
so mebin Is to share. We're the ones up there.
And then there's someone there that can baptize if you want,
or mom or dad can do it. And Stevenson wanted
both of us to do it, but that would be

really difficult.

Speaker 5 (01:04):
A lot of people in the bowl.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
Oh yeah, you don't even have to get in though
you like lean over. He's the only one in.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
There's like a little you can kneel at our church.

Speaker 5 (01:13):
Oh, yeah, you get all the way and back in
the day, preacher were waiters. Oh yeah, it was up
in front of church.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Yeah, back in the church I grew up in.

Speaker 4 (01:20):
Yeah, my preacher was preaching from inside the water in
the at the front of the church.

Speaker 3 (01:24):
But yeah, and so Ben got to do it.

Speaker 4 (01:26):
I mean, we made that decision together, and Stevenson was
okay with it, and I was okay with it. But
Ben took him down and then brought him back up
and to Sharon and I.

Speaker 3 (01:36):
Were right there by his side.

Speaker 4 (01:37):
But it was just a good family moment because obviously,
given our dynamic with Ben and I are not being together,
but that we could come together in that moment and
it felt like we're still a family, and it was
really special. My sister was watching on the live stream
in Colorado and she sent me screenshots and it's kind
of funny. There's this one picture the witch she got
and I think it is just coincidence, but Stevenson's coming up.

Speaker 3 (01:58):
But Stevenson was sort of like resisting. I wasn't making
it easy.

Speaker 4 (02:01):
And Ben to go down to come back up like
he had dipped him and coming back up, and Ben's
like face, he looks like he's like struggling, like like
to get him out of the water, and I'm like,
oh my gosh, thank goodness it wasn't me, because I
probably would have dropped him back into the pool.

Speaker 3 (02:16):
So yeah, it was really special.

Speaker 4 (02:18):
He's gonna be fourteen this weekend, which is crazy his
birthdays and Saturday, so it's happened at like a good time.
And just even thinking back over the last few years,
like how much he's grown and matured, and yeah, it
was just cool.

Speaker 5 (02:34):
Lusch walks. Would you do?

Speaker 2 (02:35):
Uh what do? We did a lot of errands this
and that, just really getting ready for kindergarten. I mean,
hanging out at the house. Nothing exciting. We did go
to Monster Jam.

Speaker 5 (02:45):
The whole family day yeah, monster trucks yeah, and such
headaches those things.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
I was pretty loud.

Speaker 5 (02:51):
Do you take air plugs or do not want to
be wimpy?

Speaker 1 (02:54):

Speaker 2 (02:54):
I didn't want to be a whimp.

Speaker 5 (02:55):
Does your wife with air plugs? Nope?

Speaker 2 (02:57):
Then and the kids didn't have ear plugs either until
it started. And then my two year old started crying.
I had to go buy your plus for but just him,
just him, another two I was like, nope, you guys
are toughing it out.

Speaker 5 (03:07):
Oh, I would leave that thing with such a headache.
It was I mean, it was it fun though they
have a good time.

Speaker 2 (03:11):
Oh, they loved it, loved it, and so I mean, yes,
they were rules. Engines are so loud. You don't realize
it until they start reving them, and they rev them
for like eight seconds. They're doing donuts and smashing cars
and the kids are just going bananas. A lot of
people there, yeah, a lot of people.

Speaker 5 (03:29):
Lorgan your weekend.

Speaker 3 (03:30):
Oh it was good.

Speaker 2 (03:31):
I mean I did a lot of relaxing and hanging
out of my house and hanging some pictures up.

Speaker 5 (03:36):
So nothing really super exciting this weekend.

Speaker 3 (03:38):
I slept a.

Speaker 5 (03:39):
Lot, played some pickleball this weekend, which is kind of
the thing. Now my feet, my tendon's on my feet.
I think that's the age thing. They hurt so bad
app tendonitis down there. And then yesterday rich Eisen came
over to my house to record a podcast. And he's
very famous from the ESPN days way back in the day.
It was one of the sports and rancors and he

works for NFL net right now, host a Hall of
Fame and does his own national sports I went to
fill in for him in La on his sports show.

Speaker 3 (04:08):
But oh that's why I know him.

Speaker 5 (04:09):
Okay, yeah, face recognized him.

Speaker 4 (04:11):
Yes, I totally recognize face, but I mean even his name.
I guess you're filling him for him at that from that, yeah,
because yeah, but definitely recognize him.

Speaker 5 (04:21):
I was talking to him about his fame because to
somebody like me or a lunchbox, like, he's been wildly
famous in the sports world for thirty years and I'm
just like, what is it like to be you and
everybody know who you are? But famous? So fractured now still,
but again, he was super famous when they were like
seven options, and so we were talking about people coming up

and like asking him for a picture and stuff and
you know, getting recognized, and sometimes only one of them
will recognize him.

Speaker 6 (04:50):
Some dude stops me and says, bitch, Eisen, can we
take a picture? And I'm like yeah, and he's like,
love you man, this that the other thing, and he
turns around as I'm and his wife says.

Speaker 5 (05:01):
Who's that? Who's that? Like out loud, yeah.

Speaker 6 (05:05):
And I laughed, you know what I mean, Like I'm
just gonna laugh and not turn around and say what
do you like it's just there's different, you know, walks
of life and just trying to cross over as much
as I possibly can and get my material out there.

Speaker 5 (05:19):
But it kind of just was funny that she would say,
who's that? So loud is so close to him? Right?
He was like, I don't know, because I was talking
about when people will come up and I gave anse
went to the All Star Game and somebody listened to
the shows, Can I get a picture? And so sure,
So somebody came up afterward and was like, hey, can
I get a picture? I'm like sure, and they took
the picture, like who are you again? I just thought
you take a picture with them? So now I got

to explain to them and I don't mind, but it's
just a weird place to put me in to go
like well, and then they're not impressed. After that, they
probably you know, deleted the picture. But his point was
sometimes it's just weird when someone's like, who was that
you just took a picture with? He's like, maybe say
a little choets, so it protects me a little bit.
What was that? But he came over to the houses.
It was super cool. Matt Overton came to play pickleball. Yesterday.

My wife wasn't feeling great on Saturday, so we just
kind of hung out at the house pretty much all Saturday.

Speaker 3 (06:09):
But Matt was he there when Eisman was there.

Speaker 5 (06:17):
You're getting the Heisman to look at her again, Richmanmanman,
You're saying the same word, just with a different inflections.
Oh yeah, Okay, No, he.

Speaker 4 (06:35):
Can because I didn't know if they knew each other
because he played football.

Speaker 5 (06:39):
No, no, Matt, No, No, they didn't know each other.
Matt came over to play pickleball afterward after rich left
to fly back. Rich was in Cleveland doing the Hall
of Fame, and he flew down to Nashville for like
twelve hours and then flew out to LA to meet
with you. Yeah, he did two things while he was here.
Came to my house and went to do Busting with

the Boys with Taylor Lawe so because both of us
are here in Nashville. So we did that and then
went back home. Super nice. I've actually I talked to
him on the phone. I've talked to my FaceTime, but
I never met him in person because when I would
go fill in for him, he wasn't there obviously. So
it was the first time i'd like seen him.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
Are you going to fill him from again?

Speaker 5 (07:20):
Yeah, he asked, Well, I was gonna fill him for
him a couple weeks ago, but it wasn't able. Some
stuff changed and I was not able to do that. Yeah,
hopefully it's fine. It's fun to do that. Yeah, that
was the weekend there. Watched a lot of the Olympics
as well, the sprinting. That's pretty cool. Did you watch
that lunchbox live?

Speaker 2 (07:36):
I watched it live. It was awesome. I mean I've
been watching everything. I mean I was watching uh, kayak racing, dude,
that was so cool. They drop off a platform and
then it's go, go, go go, they gotta go. I
mean it is so fun.

Speaker 5 (07:50):
I love the they go on between the poles on
kayak racing.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
They got to go around the pole. Yeah. Yeah, there's
like poles on the right or the left, so you
get to pick which one you go around. And you
had to go around him and it's like and I
saw him flip under like there's a little poll and
they got flipped under and roll over and get back up.
I mean, it's so fun.

Speaker 5 (08:07):
I watched a little bit of the women play basketball. Man,
nobody's going to the women.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
I didn't even watch that.

Speaker 5 (08:12):
I mean, and we're winning, We're five times in a row.
We gonna be the Olympic champs. But nobody's going. If
they had put Calea Clark on the team, it had
been a whole different story. People are going to other
countries women, but they don't. Nobody cares about the US
women's basketball team. It's crazy. They're always one of the
lower attended games.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
They don't try to lower people.

Speaker 5 (08:31):
That's not a word.

Speaker 3 (08:32):
That's why killers like you get a prize, I.

Speaker 5 (08:36):
Don't think so.

Speaker 2 (08:36):
It's not like an award show where they were People.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
Probably be super helpful, you know, and the energy is
better some.

Speaker 5 (08:43):
Of the games between some of the countries, like twenty
thousand people there, US like eight.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
I'm shocked how many people go to some of those games.
Like I was watching field hockey and it was jam packed,
and I was like, I don't really understand why people
are but I watched it. H the ski shooting a
ton of people there and there was controversy. I feel
bad for the woman that lost because they went into
a shootoff where you got to hit the two targets

and she the replay shows her hit it and it
a little bit chips off, like, no, we're not going
to video replay. You missed it and she got the silver.

Speaker 5 (09:17):
Why would they not go to video replay? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
I don't.

Speaker 5 (09:19):
I don't visit a role about how many replays you
can go to like a challenge in the NFL.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
That's a great question. I don't know. And then I
watched the one with the swords fencing, Yeah, and we
were going for a bronze against France and we were dominating, dominating.
We were up like thirteen to six. Next thing you know,
they just smoked us and then one guy beat us
in a match eight to zero, so they took eight points,

we got zero.

Speaker 5 (09:44):
And it was like, oh they ever do that with
like real swords in the Olympics. I wonder if fencing
was ever actual sword fighting and maybe not to the death,
but like when you cut somebody, like oh, when you
draw blood, Like fencing had to at some point been
actual swords and people fighting. Yeah, back in them had
to be old school days. I saw where we won
their Golden golf though scottis Scheffler hit the yeah, like

a sixty two on his final day and they took
off all their hats amy to get up on the
one two three stand, and they're all their foreheads of
the top three, they're pale as crap, and their faces
are all brown. You never see them without their hats on,
but they weren't. They play golf all the time. Yeah,
and their face from like the eyes down brown as
could be. They pulled their hats off. I mean, baby's
butt white.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
It's pretty funny.

Speaker 5 (10:27):
And all three of them were up there on the
pedestal doing that. Yeah, and then we won.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
The woman won. She won the bike race like it's
like a I didn't. They went like one hundred and
twenty miles in one day, one hundred and fifty miles
in one day. She won USA, USA.

Speaker 5 (10:39):
Do you see the Korean guy who did not finish
top three in golf and so he has to go
do military service?

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Now, Oh, it's terrible if what happened, that is so terrible.

Speaker 5 (10:47):
Yeah, if you finish, and I believe it's South Korea,
Yeah that North Korea as no, but in South Korea,
the mandatory military service for all men and unless you
medal at the Olympics is one of the ways out.
And so he was in the running, like he was
up there to finish the top three and then he didn't,
and they had a video of him doing his score game.

He's pretty emotional that he didn't hit the top three,
and so now he has to go to military service.

Speaker 2 (11:12):
That's crazy.

Speaker 5 (11:14):
South Koreans are exempt from military service if they win
any medal at the Olympics or a gold medal from
the Asian Games, and he was close.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
Where what are the Asian Games?

Speaker 5 (11:24):
I would assume they're like the North American Games, but
I don't know if those are either, So.

Speaker 4 (11:28):
I just think Hunger Games, Like what are they doing?

Speaker 5 (11:31):
I would assume it's just like an Olympics by just
for Asian countries.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
Just think about how much pressure you're like, you're not
thinking about just winning a gold medal, Okay, cool, You're
thinking like, okay, I get out of military service.

Speaker 3 (11:41):
I know.

Speaker 4 (11:41):
I feel like if I was competing next to him,
I'd be like, dang, I really need him to medal
like I will. I don't want him to have to
go do something he doesn't want to do.

Speaker 5 (11:49):
I think that, but then go, ah, screw it. I
have worked so hard.

Speaker 2 (11:52):
Yeah, but then I want the gold. I want the silver.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
I get it.

Speaker 5 (11:55):
The Asian Games it's a continental multi sport of men
held every fourth year among athletes from all over Asia.
The Games were regulated by the Asian Games Federation in
New Delhi, India, nineteen fifty one. It's basically like the
don't they do like the World Championships, but they're a mirror.
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (12:12):
They do a lot of like different tournaments.

Speaker 5 (12:15):
They do lots of stuff.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
Well, we did have one swimmer she got disqualified. She
would have bronzed in some competition, and they said she
didn't do her backstroke the full all the way on
her back, the full length of the mole way. Yeah.
I think she's from Nashville.

Speaker 5 (12:29):
She got dq They show the video over not doing
the backstroke.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
And I can't listen when they're swimming. It all looks
the same to me. I thought it was fine, but
I might if they say it then.

Speaker 5 (12:39):
But I watched like two times, and I feel like
I could be a judge.

Speaker 4 (12:43):
Okay the keyword, you feel like you could be a judge.

Speaker 5 (12:46):
But I was like two of anything. The second time
I watched, I'm like, oh my god, the second judge
this really.

Speaker 2 (12:50):
Because I mean the fencing. They went to the judges
all the time.

Speaker 5 (12:54):
But the fencing's weird because they didn't like the little yeah, like.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
The line up and sometimes it goes off like laser tag,
and then they're like, oh no, no, I hit him first,
And they'll review the video and they're like, oh, yeah,
you did hit him first, it just didn't go off,
and they'd give the point.

Speaker 5 (13:08):
So they give it. It is like laser tag. I
square to god, I shot you and your your thing.
You just didn't go off.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
And who knew. In fencing there was yellow cards and
red cards. Don't know what they got him for, but
they were throwing yellow cards and red cards. I mean
it was wild.

Speaker 5 (13:20):
I bet you've got to be so rich in America
to no fencing, Like as a kid, can you imagine
the neighborhoods fencing is in, or like the school districts.
There's got to be really rich school districts. We didn't
even have a baseball field. We for sure didn't have swimming.
Our track didn't have concrete or asphalt. It was dirt
and we had to go practice on others. So we
weren't going to have fencing.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
I don't even know where you get fencing. I bet you.

Speaker 5 (13:41):
Fencing is like way after lacrosse, because lacrosse is starting
to blow up on the West coast, East coast right there.
So you know, I think most schools have basketball because
basketball is the cheapest to have, because there would be
schools in our conference that only had basketball. They were
only basketball schools. Okay them baseball if they wanted to
have a team. Now we had a baseball team, but
we didn't have a field. Football is expensive, but in

the South, especially football is a priority, So I would
go football then track.

Speaker 2 (14:14):
I feel like track has to be everywhere because it's
just run.

Speaker 5 (14:18):
But it's like coaches, right, No one's going to hire
just a track coach at a school where so the
football coach or the basketball coach is going to have
to be the track coach as well. Ours as well,
coach gan Off was also the track coach. I'd put
track after football because you really only got a track
team if you had a football team. And I don't
know any schools that only have a track team without

a football team or a basketball team. Track is cheaper,
but usually that's a spin off.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
Yeah, that's probably not the main We didn't have swimming.

Speaker 3 (14:47):
Pool about wrestling, because that's.

Speaker 5 (14:49):
I'm sure in parts of the country that we had
wrestling priority and it is not an expensive sport. Yeah,
wrestling probably you could have. Did you guys have swimming?

Speaker 2 (14:59):
No, we didn't swimming.

Speaker 4 (15:00):
I mean we did, but our school didn't have a pool,
so I feel like if there's people that swam, they
had met somewhere else to swim, and then they competed cheerleading.

Speaker 5 (15:07):
But ours really wasn't competitive. Ours was just you just
do dances. Oh yeah at the games.

Speaker 3 (15:11):
I was a cheerleader.

Speaker 4 (15:12):
We were not competitive because obviously if I made the team, like.

Speaker 2 (15:15):
Ours was just a popularity contest. If you're a popular
you got voted on the cheerleading squad. If you want
to be on it, then it was.

Speaker 5 (15:23):
We did not have a golf team, but a golf
team doesn't take much money to have because you don't
have to have a golf course. You just need somebody
to drive the people to the to a course. But
we didn't have because nobody played golf where I came from.
I worked on a golf course, but I never really
played golf because golf was a sport for people that
had a little bit of money usually so we never
but like equestrian, I.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Don't know what that is. Oh no, I watched they
had a horse galloping the other night and I was
watching it and literally they were just in one little
square and I thought, okay, they're gonna do tricks. And
they went around that square probably twenty times, and it
looked at the they didn't do anything except for walk
around the scare square twenty times. They're like, oh, this
is just beautiful. She is really controlling that horse. I'm like,

she's doing the exact same thing. She's not doing like
spins or flips or anything. Literally just try like the
horse to talk. I wanted to do something, and my
son was like, they probably were that, we just didn't.
I didn't see it.

Speaker 5 (16:15):
We probably wouldn't have known the intricacy of why what
they were doing was amazing.

Speaker 2 (16:21):
No, I understand. But my son was like, dead out,
can we go to the one where they jump things?
And I was says dead, I, well, I had to
I can't. I had to say what he said. I
have to do the exact quote or she wouldn't understand.
And I'm like, I don't know. He goes, let's go
watch canoeing because he was like, I'm done with it.
This is boring? Is crap?

Speaker 5 (16:38):
A questrian is the most expensive kids sport.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
I would think, what is Oh, that's the jumping horses thing.

Speaker 5 (16:44):
Yeah, ice hockey is at too, but I think a
lot of people, especially in cold States, ice hockey is
a for sure sport. Like football, they are able if
the school has it. They provide a lot of the equipment, pads,
like football, they provided the pads, you know, helmets, and.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
Yeah, we had golf at our school.

Speaker 5 (17:00):
Fencing is number three an expense. I just can't imagine
a school unless it is so so so rich to
have fencing.

Speaker 2 (17:07):
I can't believe it. High school would have fencing.

Speaker 5 (17:11):
There's got to be a high school fencing league. We
look up high school fencing leagues in America. But do
you have a high school fencing in Florida? No way, dude.
I think lacrosse was our most fancy thing. Yeah, lacrosse
is a pretty fancy sport.

Speaker 3 (17:24):
Is this like a boarding schools or something?

Speaker 5 (17:26):
Maybe, Whether you're eager to fence at your high school
or keen on initiating a high school fencing program, USA
fencing is here to assist you every step of the way.
So there must be high school fencing. I like fencing.
Maybe it was like the wisest who didn't want to
have sword fight, But who's gonna But there's not a place, right,
I do have a high school All American fencing team,

Tennessee State High School Fencing Championships. They have some in Tennessee. Huh,
all students. I don't know anyway, that.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
Fencing was interesting to watch though, I mean there was
a couple of times.

Speaker 5 (17:59):
They actually just ask that we can't see their face.

Speaker 2 (18:01):
Yeah, but they had the and they have the flag
of whatever country you're representing on your mask.

Speaker 5 (18:05):
That's cool.

Speaker 2 (18:06):
That was cool. And they actually did some dodging, like
where they were able to like move around.

Speaker 5 (18:09):
I was like, whoa soccer We didn't have soccer team,
but I would think cities with more of a population,
a slightly diverse population would have soccer team.

Speaker 2 (18:20):

Speaker 5 (18:21):
We ours was not diverse. It was black and white.
That's it. Nobody knew soccer.

Speaker 4 (18:25):
Yeah, I mean going out, I mean countries, Yeah, we
had soccer, but like going out, you just kick a ball.

Speaker 5 (18:30):
But I would think in Texas though, because of the
proximity Texas, Mexico, Mexico. That's their main sport, soccer, right, Yeah,
do you guys have a good soccer team?

Speaker 2 (18:40):
Yeah, we were good.

Speaker 5 (18:40):
Were they better in South Texas than they are.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
In depended different type of soccer?

Speaker 5 (18:48):
What do you mean different type?

Speaker 2 (18:50):
I mean they were just more I mean they were
a little more physical than we than our soccer. I
mean they were rough, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
It's like street soccer.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Yeah, I mean I don't think they had maybe refs
growing up.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
See, I always felt like growing up like they.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
Didn't really know what a foul was, you know what
I mean, Like you go South, there was a little
more physical Away was the more finesse.

Speaker 5 (19:12):
No, okay, no, the richer schools be more finesse, like
in Dallas. Yeah, they have more finesse, I'd say, So
that's funny they didn't have refs growing up. Okay, let's
take a break. Let's say a little mid roll here.
So starting next week, we are going to alter the
name of the mail Bag. It'll still be the mail Bag.

A couple of things have happened. Number One, I messed
up in somebody's name last week when I shouldn't have
sad their name, remember that. I don't know if it
was greg. I think it was Gregor Craig or something.
I don't remember. Number two is say it again when
they they do like research on the show, which they
do about once every two years, and basically what they'll

do is and not super in depth, but they'll just
play a segment and they'll have people as they listening,
like push up arrow if they like it and want
to keep listening, push down arrow if they don't like it.
And the mailbag researches really well. People love the segment,
but with an asked about it, it's such a generic name.
They were they were like, I don't know whatever that
segment was where they gave advice, so they couldn't really

associate what it was with what it was like. They
liked it while it was on, but they couldn't name
and it was such a generic name anyway. So because
of those two things, we've changed the name. What's it
called mikeymous Inbox. It's okay, it's called the anonymous inbox
because I have to remember to keep people anonymous. And
then two, it's still a way you can still email us.

But also that name has more of a texture to it,
the anonymous Inbox. It's fun to say people remember it, well,
we don't know yet, but and then at the end, yeah,
at the end, I still say mailbag. So I want
to read who does our jingle that comes on the
second half of the podcast and the radio show that
goes wake Up, Wake Up in the morning. And he

wrote that song and I sent him a note and
I was like, hey, and I sent him kind of
a melody, but he definitely did his own thing here.
I said, can you make us like a fifteen to
twenty second jingle for the anonymous Inbox? Now, we currently
have a mail bag song which Sydy ray. When you
play the mailbag song, do.

Speaker 7 (21:18):
You send the gamemail?

Speaker 1 (21:20):
And we read it all the air.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
It's something we call Bobby's mail Bag.

Speaker 7 (21:24):

Speaker 5 (21:25):
People know the song, by the way, they just don't
really know what the mailbag is, but they so Reed
has made a song for the Anonymous Inbox. Hit it.

Speaker 7 (21:35):
It's the Anonymous Inbox. Anonymous Inbox. There's a question to be.

Speaker 5 (21:47):
The man and then the music plays and I talk
over the music. It's fine one definitely, definitely so. But
I said it to him. I was like, hey, can
you do this. I'm like, twelve hours later he sent
that back and then all day long singing it's the
anonymous sindbox, the anonymous sydbox. There's a question to be had,

send it into the mail bag. Forty good.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
That's good.

Speaker 5 (22:12):
So starting next week we won't do it this week,
same time, everything except it'll be called the anonymous inbox,
which then tells me keep it anonymous. Even if I
forget to take their name off the email, I've got
to keep it anonymous. And two, it gives it a
little texture for when we do the bit and people
have to recall the segment if you want.

Speaker 4 (22:31):
I feel like people may start to share more details
because they're like, it's a reminder than too, oh, this
is anonymous.

Speaker 5 (22:38):
Great point. One more time right from the top, hit
that anonymous.

Speaker 7 (22:41):
It's the anonymous inbox, anonymous syndbox.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
Here's a question to be.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
Kind to the man.

Speaker 5 (22:56):
And I'm like, hey, this is from Greg, but that's it.
So starting next week we'll get that on and then
Read just sings every jingle since we can't use songs
anything not as well does ever read sing everything at
this point, So there's.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
That we need him to do. Winning songs for everybody
please thinks.

Speaker 5 (23:15):
I can't play those. I know. I pay him though extra,
because I do pay him. He works for me, full
salaried to do. He travels and takes pictures for work stuff.
Nobody goes on vacation with my wife and I take pictures.
She usually props them up on stuff the phone, or
we asked them to take a picture. But people sometimes
are like, who do you take with you to take
these pictures? We can't believe you go on vacation with
a camera person. We don't if I tour or I'm traveling,

or we're shooting too much access or any of those shows.
Reid goes because Red's also doing video for this read
does all of my non show digital meaning non radio show.
But he also is a good singer. But I paid
him to do that extra.

Speaker 3 (23:56):
So yeah, so you could pay him to do our songs.

Speaker 5 (23:58):
You're missing the point. I had to pay him. It's
a lot, you know, it's money. They get to keep
paying him money for all this stuff, you know what
I mean?

Speaker 4 (24:04):
So so we could all pay him individually to do
our song.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
I'm good, I'm not paying them to do my song, but.

Speaker 5 (24:11):
Your song has not been on the podcast in months.
Like the person listening to this now has not heard
your winning song, and literally months, they don't even know
what it is. It could be a new podcaster, they
have no idea. They're like a winning song.

Speaker 4 (24:22):
Well that's they just hear you go and they say
that I don't even hear that.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
That's unfortunate.

Speaker 5 (24:27):
But we don't have the ability to separate files. We
may in our new place, but it doesn't matter. We
can't pull channels and take that off but keep everything else.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
But then read would have to pay DJ called and
I don't think he wants to do that.

Speaker 5 (24:38):
No, he would just be a whole different song.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
You'd get a customized song just for you.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
Oh no, no, no, no, we're sticking with all of those.

Speaker 5 (24:45):
When that so you would rather and it's your choice,
Well I'm not. No, I'm not giving him a choice
because I'm not making a song.

Speaker 3 (24:52):

Speaker 4 (24:52):
I think we should made songs, but I mean I
also think we should all go on a trip or
hang out or do something together.

Speaker 2 (24:59):
But you're just lonely.

Speaker 5 (25:00):
I think you started really filling this plight once you
got anything about this.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
Yeah, yeah, the big D And I don't mean Dallas.

Speaker 3 (25:08):
What do you mean.

Speaker 5 (25:11):
When you divorced? But I just yeah. Nathan and Kim
Maker returned home last week. They went scuba diving and
they were diving off the coast in Freeport, Texas. While
on the water, their dives were cut short due to
malfunction with a piece of equipment on the way up
to the surface. All the divers were using a line
to get them back to the boat. One of the
women in their group lost her hand on the line

and it was drifting out. I think we had a
bit of this story last week, but now they're back
and talking about it.

Speaker 3 (25:38):
Yeah, because we were like, how did that happen?

Speaker 5 (25:40):
Yeah, the woman that he helped was able to make
it back, but he and Kim, his wife, did not.
They stayed stranded out in the water. They saw a
shining light from an oil rig north from where they
were floating. They were for forty hours. They were floating
almost two full days, forty hours. They swam nine hours
toward the direction the light, Like, that's how far it was.

They spent for nine hours. A massive storm hit. They
were just in the storm in the water. Once the
storm was moved away, the light was gone. That's either
how far I moved them or whatever that light it was.
But the light wouldn't have moved if it was an
oil rig, so that storm must have moved them. The
second day on the water, they heard the miracle. It

was the US Coastcard coming to the rescue and they
shot a KFO or that is crazy that they lived
and think of their family. It's like, are their friends
that know they're out in the water and they're like,
they're gone, and for two days you think they're gone.
They're they're gone in your mind, they're gone, They're done.

Speaker 4 (26:41):
I guess when you're in the water, if you're like,
if you're in that situation, I mean, you have to believe,
like we're going to get rescued. You have to stay
a positive and focused because you have to if you're
the minute you give up, like I just feel like
you're going to surrender.

Speaker 3 (26:53):
To the water.

Speaker 5 (26:53):
Like luckily they had floats right there because since they
were scubav and they whatever, they weren't just having a
dog pedal. But still you're right, it'sn't even a dog
pedals dog paddal, isn't it.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
Yeah? And would you have to ditch their oxygen tank?

Speaker 5 (27:08):
You always think, so why do you need it? See,
it's just wait at that point, right.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
Have to, But they clipped to each other's they wouldn't separate.

Speaker 5 (27:18):
August fiels longer than most months because of the heat
and the fact there is not a single federal holiday
this month, only a month federal holiday, or maybe they're
only a few.

Speaker 3 (27:26):
Well, then right at the top of September you get
a holiday.

Speaker 2 (27:29):
What about June? Is there any holidays in June?

Speaker 3 (27:31):
The first Monday in September?

Speaker 5 (27:34):
Okay, January June, New Year's Day June tenth, that's true.
Now February, but Valentine's Day is not not a federal holiday.

Speaker 2 (27:42):

Speaker 5 (27:44):
Yeah, I'm gonna I just assume you guys are right,
because I don't know the dates these are.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
In January is usually my calendar.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
Huh. There are no federal holidays in April, federal holiday,
New Year's Day, January, Martin Luther King Day January fifteenth,
Washington's Birthday February nineteenth. We have January, February. Nothing in March.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
April's Easter.

Speaker 5 (28:17):
April not always sometimes it's in March. Really Memorial Day
May twenty seventh, so May June is June teenth, July
fourth Independence Day, July fourth August. Where we are now September,
there's Labor Day, October, there's Columbus Day. November, there's Veterans
Day and Thanksgiving and then Christmas. So it's just April

and August or the only two without that's a fun
trivia question. Maybe not fun to you guys, but for.

Speaker 2 (28:45):
Me, I'll remember that that's not that fun.

Speaker 5 (28:47):
Those are the two days that two months I don't have.

Speaker 3 (28:51):
What are we waiting on throwing a holiday?

Speaker 5 (28:53):
Let's enough holidays? Final thing? Once talk, we haven't heard
of Nvidia stock check.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
Yeah, man, we've been trying to keep it kind of
quiet over here.

Speaker 3 (29:04):
What happened? I don't even know.

Speaker 5 (29:07):
We bought all this stock. Lunchbox convinced us to put
a bunch of money with him.

Speaker 3 (29:12):
It's okay, it's you have to be patient with stocks.

Speaker 5 (29:15):
Well, no, not not king dangling a stock that's gonna
make us a ton of money. According to no, no
patience here.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
In the last month, our total portfolio, it's down one
thousand and fifty five dollars.

Speaker 5 (29:29):
Oh my god, Oh no, I didn't like it was
that much.

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Oh No, today alone, today alone, we're down three hundred
and fourteen.

Speaker 5 (29:39):
Dollars, and Ray, if you're gonna laugh out loud, turn
your mic up. Doomsday? What happened?

Speaker 2 (29:51):
You gotta sell that crap.

Speaker 5 (29:53):
We all put our money and Lunchbox made us buy
these stocks as a group. And he was so sure.

Speaker 3 (29:59):
Yeah, the it's going to come back.

Speaker 5 (30:01):
What's the deal?

Speaker 2 (30:01):
Hey, you want to hear the positive though? Yes, our
total turn on the video to this day.

Speaker 5 (30:07):
This is the one you believe in more than anything.

Speaker 2 (30:09):
Go ahead, even though we're down, Yeah, go ahead, we're
oh it just went down again. Uh, overall, we're up
sixteen dollars and seventy seven cents.

Speaker 5 (30:18):
That's it.

Speaker 2 (30:19):
Now we're up twenty four dollars.

Speaker 3 (30:21):
See how quickly things can change?

Speaker 2 (30:22):
Now nineteen?

Speaker 5 (30:23):
How are we down one thousand dollars in our Bybone.

Speaker 2 (30:25):
Show portfolio that we've been taking a blood bath?

Speaker 5 (30:28):
Where do we fall?

Speaker 2 (30:30):
Oh? Well, we're right now? Positive?

Speaker 5 (30:33):
Oh my gos, what stocks do we fall the most?

Speaker 2 (30:36):
Video? Everything's down? Oh my goodness, Academy Sports Outdoors. Now
I just tainked, dang man.

Speaker 5 (30:45):
How much is in our total portfolio?

Speaker 2 (30:49):
Four eight, two hundred and seventy three dollars? We just
went down under fifteen.

Speaker 5 (30:54):
Oh my gosh, So what do we do to bounce
back there?

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Well, according to my experts on here, it says, right
now is the time to buy the video.

Speaker 5 (31:02):
Now we've already spent all our money in the video.

Speaker 2 (31:04):
It says ninety percent buyna video right now. It says
do not sell bye bye bye, and you can get
it low right now?

Speaker 5 (31:12):
What do you what do you want to do?

Speaker 2 (31:13):
We should buy, we should buy.

Speaker 3 (31:15):
Yeah, this is how.

Speaker 5 (31:16):
This you want to send? Send you more money?

Speaker 3 (31:18):
Yeah, well, this is how the big players do.

Speaker 5 (31:21):
This is how the ball we go broke right now?

Speaker 2 (31:23):
The video is ninety nine dollars a pop right now,
So how many do we want to buy?

Speaker 5 (31:29):
How about Amy and I just send you a hundred
bucks each and you will buy three more shares?

Speaker 2 (31:33):
Okay, okay, so send me one hundred and five dollars
one five because there's fees.

Speaker 3 (31:39):
Is that your own personal fee?

Speaker 1 (31:40):

Speaker 2 (31:40):
No, the app takes a fee. Like I'll put in
three hundred dollars and be like, you don't have enough
buying power because there's a fee to buy each stock.

Speaker 5 (31:48):
Okay, we'll send you that. We want to update in
a couple of weeks. But right now we've lost a
thousand bucks in the past couple of weeks.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
Oh dude, we were taking it killing man. I was
not going to bring it up. I was like, man,
we're moving on from the video, but you guys want
to talk about it, we'll talk about You have to
bring it up.

Speaker 5 (32:04):
It's our money.

Speaker 2 (32:05):
Yeah we okay? Oh man, all.

Speaker 5 (32:08):
Right, we're done. I hope everybody has a great rest
of the day. We will see you guys tomorrow. Morgan's
podcast is up today. Morgan for the podcast listeners that
maybe didn't hear the show, who's on your podcast today?

Speaker 2 (32:21):
I have on Doctor Solomon and Kylie Morgan.

Speaker 5 (32:24):
How you can you can hit that out clear again?

Speaker 2 (32:27):
Oh my gosh, guys. Oh man, we're only up eight
dollars total on the video for the lifetime. But let's
buy some more.

Speaker 3 (32:39):
I'm sending you right now. Are we doing this?

Speaker 2 (32:42):
Yeah, we're doing it, man.

Speaker 3 (32:43):
Bobby, are you doing this?

Speaker 2 (32:46):

Speaker 1 (32:46):
Why not?

Speaker 3 (32:46):

Speaker 2 (32:47):
You want me to look at some other stocks? No, no,
we'll get some good at stocks.

Speaker 5 (32:53):
Check out Morgan's podcast. All right, she's dying over there,
all right, thank you guys.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
W Wait, what is Solana?

Speaker 1 (32:59):

Speaker 5 (32:59):
No, not do any more sex. We'll see we'll see
it tomorrow by everybody,
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Bobby Bones

Bobby Bones

Amy Brown

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Eddie Garcia

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Morgan Huelsman

Morgan Huelsman



Mike D

Mike D

Abby Anderson

Abby Anderson

Scuba Steve

Scuba Steve

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