Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You'll go to Mom transmitting.
Speaker 2 (00:10):
Speaker 3 (00:11):
Welcome to Tuesday Show Morning Studio. Coming up later on
the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, mister Hunt. Also
tonight nine eighth Central on CMT my special. Hopefully you
get to watch it. Amy, I'm gonna start with you.
What do you have over there?
Speaker 4 (00:25):
Well, so I have another one of those emails that
I get about someone's podcast and we never know if
they're real or not. It doesn't offer me any money though,
because sometimes it'll be like, hey, will you come on
this famous person's podcast, and I get real excited, and
then at the bottom it's like, we'll pay you three
thousand dollars and then I know it's not real. There's
no money offering yet. I mean, I don't know if
when I start exchanging it will be. But it's for
a team mom.
Speaker 3 (00:49):
A team mom podcast, Yeah.
Speaker 4 (00:50):
Like a all Things the All Things teen Mom podcast
with Kaylin Lowry.
Speaker 3 (00:55):
Okay, read the email that you have there.
Speaker 4 (00:57):
Hey, Amy, my name is John and I'm the manager
of Kayln Lowry's a renowned podcaster for her insightful discussions
on the All Things teen Mom podcast. I'd be honored
to have you as a guest on an upcoming episode.
The interview will be conducted virtually, making it easy to participate.
Let us know your availability will coordinate a time. I've
attached demo questions related to your episode.
Speaker 1 (01:19):
Thank you for considering our invitation. We look forward to
hearing from you.
Speaker 3 (01:23):
So the guy that signs it is John Walker. So
somebody google John Walker Kayln Lowry, because what will happen
to is people will try to book guests for my
podcast or this show and go we want you to
be a guest. We'll pay you two three thousand dollars.
It's never the case. So but if it is her
manager or his manager, her manager to her right, Kayln's
a girl. Yeah, that John Walker should show up because
I can see Lunchbox think being so excited about this.
He gets scammed. He's like an old lady that ends
up dating Garth Brooks and it's a fake Garth Brooks.
Speaker 4 (01:54):
So I wasn't familiar with Kaylin Lowry, but I googled
her winter Instagram and she has five million followers.
Speaker 3 (02:00):
Has she been on our show? Yeah? Okay cool? Why
would they not go to? Well, he's kind of weird.
Is she a teen mom? Or does she just talk
about teen mom. No, come on, don't be disrespectful. Sorry,
we're not trying to be sorry, John Walker, did you
see any John Walker, Kaylin Lowry, podcast management anything like that, Lunchbox,
not that I can find. Okay, it's a scam. Then
you're not for me money yet. You should reply Okay,
we'll follow along, reply and then see what the next
move is because they may have gotten smart with a
scam to realize that nobody's gonna believe it when they
say I'll give you some money up front. So reply
back could be like I would love to be a guest,
and then see what happens Amy ends up being on it.
Lunchbox is so jealous, I mean not made me so mad.
This feels like a scam though.
Speaker 4 (02:43):
Okay, I just thought there's got to be something that
will here because they're not offering the money.
Speaker 3 (02:49):
Will you reply and say I'd love to be a guest? Yeah? Absolutely,
because if so, then we kind of get ahead when
people do it to our show too, and say, don't
fall for this crap. Scooba, are you getting these where
people are up are going? Did you reach out to
see if there'll be a guest on the show. Yeah,
I was gonna say, once you reply to him, be
careful because they send you a link. That's what that
usually is. The next step they send you a link,
they get into your computer to check something, and they
take over your face. It's not going to click a link.
I don't know. Listen to this part.
Speaker 4 (03:14):
I just noticed this part because he said I have
attached the demo questions related and there's no attachment. So
am I supposed to reply and me like, oh, I
don't see an attachment.
Speaker 3 (03:23):
Just reply and be like I would love to. Can
I get more information because just them sending an email
they have they can't get into your stuff, or they
already would have.
Speaker 1 (03:31):
Hey, John, I'd love to send more info.
Speaker 3 (03:35):
Please boom, Let's see what happens. Maybe it comes by
the end of the show. Okay, Sin, If he starts
mispelling things and not doing English in a completely proper way,
you know that it's a scam, so okay. Cool. Also
Scuba and O's because he got his Facebook completely ripped
away from him, gone own. You still don't have it.
I still don't have it to create a whole another
account of other ones just whatever. It's selling crypto to
people is Lunchbox doesn't have a Twitter age. No, it's gone.
I don't know what happened.
Speaker 5 (04:02):
Someone got in and I can't get it back, and
someone took over it.
Speaker 3 (04:06):
I think a listeners. I saw it. A listener now
has lunchboxes Twitter page, which is hilarious. Yeah, I think
that's someone in this room. But oh, you have a theory.
I wouldn't do it to that happened if it were Scuba.
Do you think he would let any of us know? No? Okay,
can I can tell you I know nothing of it?
That would be funny. But I think he's a real listener. Okay,
So maybe we'll get lamey on the t Mom podcast.
Maybe she did you call me lamey? No, Amy?
Speaker 1 (04:35):
Maybe Amy, like you said, maybe we'll get lamey.
Speaker 3 (04:38):
Maybe I did say that, It didn't mean that it's
little early. There's a question to me. Hello, Bobby Bones.
I've been dating this guy for about a month now.
Things have been going really great. He recently suggested we
go on a weekend get away together. Well, I'm excited
about the idea. I'm also a little unsure if it's
too soon. On one of our first dates, I told
her how much I love to ski, but it hadn't
been in years, so he suggested we do a three
day getaway and go skiing together. Would you go away
with someone you were dating within a month of meeting
each other? Signed Skiing Sarah. So, I think your question
is actually different from what you're asking. So if you're
just asking, would you go away with someone for a
month of meeting each other? Sure, depends on the situation.
But what you're really saying in this email is, and
I quote you, I'm a little unsure that the answer
is no. Then if you're a little un sure, you
don't go on a trip with anybody until you're sure.
Then you go on the trip.
Speaker 1 (05:46):
But what if the trip helps you learn whether or
not you're sure or not?
Speaker 3 (05:49):
You could also get murdered.
Speaker 1 (05:51):
Oh we're unsure that way, you.
Speaker 3 (05:52):
Know, if in any part of your mind you're a
little unsure, you do not go away with somebody, so
like you're doesn't murder, It could be anything.
Speaker 1 (06:01):
Okay, Well, I guess if you're not going to feel safe,
or if.
Speaker 3 (06:05):
You don't want to like have to go poop in
the lobby of the hotel. Yeah, because that you know, you.
Speaker 1 (06:09):
Don't want to put in a situation, yeah, or like.
Speaker 3 (06:11):
That, like you're like, he wants to do it and
I don't.
Speaker 1 (06:13):
Right, No, that's definitely a thing.
Speaker 3 (06:15):
So my answer is, if you're unsure you don't.
Speaker 1 (06:20):
Go, can you get two separate rooms?
Speaker 3 (06:22):
You can, and maybe that makes you a little more sure. Okay,
so you only need to go away with someone if
you feel sure. Now you can feel sure after two
weeks you're like, man, this is it. It doesn't mean
you're right about it, but you're like, I feel very confident.
This is gonna be such a fun trip. It's also
a personality trait, right, Sometimes you just go get up
and go do crazy stuff. If you're unsure, you don't go.
If you give it another month, you'll be more sure,
or you'll be out of the relationship, one of the two. Yeah.
So the question is that if I would go away
within a month of meeting.
Speaker 1 (06:54):
Because you totally could.
Speaker 3 (06:55):
Absolutely, I'd have no problem with it.
Speaker 1 (06:57):
It could be so much fun.
Speaker 3 (06:58):
Yep. But you did say you're a UNSUREA Morgan, what
do you think about this?
Speaker 6 (07:03):
I mean, I do agree with you if she's a
little unsure, but there is possibly the fact that she's
unsure because she hasn't done this before, so she's.
Speaker 1 (07:12):
Just a little nervous and this is unusual for her.
Speaker 6 (07:14):
But if you feel confidently that you like this person
and you're enjoying spending time with them, you've spent a
lot of time together already.
Speaker 1 (07:20):
I don't see the harmon going.
Speaker 6 (07:21):
I think you learn a lot about a person going
on this type of trip.
Speaker 3 (07:25):
And in another month, when you're sure, you go on
with this person. Okay, he probably wants to go. After
day one, he's probably doing this. It checks all time,
I think. So of course a month then he's taking
checks on trips.
Speaker 6 (07:37):
It come on, you know, I do always say do
things for the plot, so like, this could be a
fun story for you regardless.
Speaker 3 (07:42):
And that's also why you get abducted about every third
week on the show, Morgan. We're like a uber drivers.
I have great stories. Yes, skiing, Sarah, if you give
it a little more time, I think you'll be more sure.
That will be my advice. It's not a time thing,
it's a surreeness thing. Good luck. Thank you for emailing us.
Close it up. This is Amy segment. Let's go, Hey,
all the duck Hamy, all the dum.
Speaker 1 (08:05):
I have a little bird story for you.
Speaker 3 (08:06):
Okay, Is it about your bird watching?
Speaker 1 (08:09):
No, it's just a funny bird story with a moral purpose.
Speaker 3 (08:11):
Oka, I'm ready, go ahead, Okay.
Speaker 4 (08:12):
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It
was so cold the bird froze and fell to the
ground in a large field. While he was lying there,
a cow came by and dropped some dung on him.
As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of
cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was.
The dung was actually thawing him out. He lay there
all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.
A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate.
Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the
pile of cow dung and promptly dug him out and
ate him.
Speaker 3 (08:48):
This is the same moral as the one that I
taught you guys the other day. I mean, it's the
same thing. What is the morals of what life gives you?
You really do not know what's going to happen, So
just keep going. Meaning the bird everything sucks and he
gets pooped on like it. This sucks, except it doesn't
what you thought. Sucked actually ends up being pretty good
because now you got a winter coat. It's called cow dung.
And then you're like, wow, this is pretty good. Looks
like I do have it made. Then all of a sudden,
having a good old day, and what happens is somebody
hears you having a good old day, it comes and
eats you and kills you. Oh my gosh, then you die.
So the moral is, uh, in my mind, just keep going,
and not everybody craps on you bad, and not everybody
that comes to hang out with you while you're whistling
a good days and for the right reasons.
Speaker 4 (09:28):
Yeah, I mean pretty much, you nails it. Not everyone
who craps on you as your enemy. Not everyone who
gets you out of crap is your friend. And when
you're in deep crap, keep your mouth shut.
Speaker 3 (09:41):
Wow. Do you remember the prophet about the get with
the horse? I taught you, Oh yeah, get stuff in
like two days? No, you did talk about it? I
remember this? And then what was that one? Yeah? The horse? Okay,
what happened? What happened to the worst, It doesn't matter.
It's not just about a horse. The guy has a horse,
a wild horse that shows up and they're like. Neighbors
are like, wow, you're so lucky, and he's like, I
don't know. Maybe, and then his son gets on the
horse trying to break the horse, and the son falls
off and breaks his arm and they're like, oh my god,
the son broke his arm. That sucks. And he's like,
I don't know. I mean yeah, but maybe. And then
they come the next days they're looking for new soldiers
to go into the militia to fight a war. They're
going to lose, and everybod ends up dying, but they
don't take the sun because his arm is broken. So
it's like, again, whatever life is handing you, you actually
don't know the outcome, so just keep going. That's it.
Speaker 1 (10:29):
Yeah, you can't get that one.
Speaker 3 (10:32):
I like that.
Speaker 1 (10:32):
Yeah, that's a good one too.
Speaker 4 (10:34):
I guess we'll ask these guys in a couple of
days remember the bird story.
Speaker 3 (10:36):
I don't remember the bird story. And the only thing
that will be remembered is Lunchbox wanted to be on
the Tea Mom podcast. That is it from like two
segments ago. All the time, all the time, it's time
for the good news, which Bobby last month during a
pickleball tournament in Utah. This player, Keaven collapsed on the court.
He lost consciousness after attempting to turn and go get
a shot, and boom, he just falls. Now there's an
EMT there and everyone saw that he went down and
it wasn't like an ankle spring. So they jumped on
and they're doing CPR. They had to get the defibrillator
and so they're like clear, they're boom, they're popping them.
And minutes later from the compressions, because I think you
can only defib so many times, right, you can't, just
like you can't do unliter clear clear, clear, clear, clear correct.
So between the clears and the not mouth to mouth
because they don't recommend that now, and the compressions. Five
minutes later, they worked on it for five minutes. He
came back to life. Five minutes. You know how long
that would feel if someone's like they're unconscious. I feel like,
after like ninety seconds, I'm like, guys, we did it,
we gave it all, we gave it a hole. Let's
get back on the court. And he'd want us to
finish this game. He'd want us, Kevin will want us
finish the game. Let's just move aside. So they all
serious as they like honored all the people who helped
from the EMT who was a retired M two came
down to help, and then everybody else, and he's like
angels on the court. That's pretty cool from Fox thirteen.
I don't know, man, five minutes, I think I probably
if I was that for five minutes and I came back,
I would be telling a story that I died and
came back to life. Even if I didn't really feel
that way, it probably did though. No, I'd had a
whole journey in my head and I had to come
back and sold books and stuff.
Speaker 4 (12:27):
Right when you say that, then what if you actually
do what? I'm just honest, just being honest. But now
we're going to think if it really does.
Speaker 3 (12:35):
Happen, No, because then you would know I'd be if
I'm being honest about me doing something like that, I'd
be honest if I was. I'm always honest. So there
you go. Okay, interesting, I'm gonna try to go pro
and pickleball.
Speaker 1 (12:46):
I thought you were always being honest.
Speaker 3 (12:49):
That's correct. I'm not lying about going pro and pickleball.
I can tell you about that later, all right, thank you.
That's what it's all about that was telling me something good.
So Bobby Bones Show Interviews in case you didn't now
it is Super Bowl Week and on now is the owner,
the chairman, and the CEO of the Kansas City Chiefs,
Clark Hunt. This is awesome, mister Hunt. Is there a
different feeling for you going into this super Bowl as
opposed to the last two.
Speaker 7 (13:16):
Well, they're all different, but they're all very special. It's
just so dang hard to get to a super Bowl.
That's certainly something that we understand in Kansas City as
we went fifty years between Super Bowl four and super
Bowl fifty four when we finally made it back. To
be in a period where we've gone two years and
now we're getting to go three years, is you know, really,
you know, hard to get your head around. There are
all huge challenges. There's a lot that goes into the week.
But we're very excited.
Speaker 4 (13:53):
You know.
Speaker 7 (13:53):
We we have a great opportunity and that's really all
you can ask for. It's what we worked for the
entire You're starting in the spring, working through training camp,
winning the division, getting the number one seed, those are
all just building blocks towards being able to go to
the super Bowl and We're thrilled to be back.
Speaker 3 (14:14):
If I was the owner, I'd want to do like
player stuff. Do you ever go work out with the players?
Like cut off a shirt and hop in?
Speaker 7 (14:21):
So during training camp, when I spend a more time
around the team, I will occasionally end up in the
gym with the players, and I have to say it's
very humbling or maybe even humiliating.
Speaker 8 (14:36):
That's awesome. I feel like I wanna be doing that
all the time.
Speaker 3 (14:39):
When do you leave to go to the game and
like set up and do you do an airbnb or
a hotel or what do you do?
Speaker 7 (14:45):
We'll be in a hotel in New Orleans. It's a
very long week. I'll actually go in at the beginning
of the week and spend the rest of the week
there through hopefully what is a victory celebration late Sunday night.
Speaker 3 (15:01):
Do you get nervous before games? And do you get
really nervous before the Super Bowl?
Speaker 7 (15:06):
So over time, I've become less nervous, and maybe it's
just through through experience. My nerves are very calm before games. However,
when the ball is kicked off and you get into
the inevitable ebbs and flows that you have in any
football game. You know, my emotions will ride the roller
coaster of the game. So it's a little bit of
a mixed bag. But I've learned over the years to
have a lot of trust in Andy Reid, Patrick Mahomes
and the rest of his teammates.
Speaker 3 (15:38):
The folklore of the mister Clark hint graduating first as
class at SMU true or false.
Speaker 7 (15:44):
It's hard to believe, but but it's true. I have
several children who are at SMU recently graduated from SMU,
and it's it's a great university, and I had an
amazing experience there. I'm not sure how I pulled that off.
Speaker 8 (16:02):
After the game, do you have two plans? Plan A?
When contingency plan Plan B?
Speaker 7 (16:07):
You have to really have only one plan, And of course,
our hope and our thought process will be geared towards
winning the game. We have a big celebration after the game,
and that celebration takes place regardless of how the game
plays out.
Speaker 3 (16:26):
And my final question for you, mister Hunt, it's not
I'm not asking anything of you particularly, but I got invited.
I think they think I'm finally cool enough to go
to the Commissioner's the Commissioner's dinner. That that event that's
happening on I think Friday night. So I finally get
the invite to go. And if I come up and say, hey,
mister Hunt, it's Bobby, we just act like you know me,
some people think I'm cool. I just want to like
have to be like, oh, he must be cool. If
if mister Hunt knows him, can we like exchange like
a cool Hey, what's up buddy? Yeah?
Speaker 7 (16:52):
Absolutely, have about a little high five.
Speaker 3 (16:54):
Let's go.
Speaker 8 (16:55):
Yes, he pointed out me, like this is my guy.
He knew all along.
Speaker 3 (16:59):
If we do that, man, the world is my oyster.
Then congratulations, mister Hunt. I have been rooting for you
guys since the beginning. I'm a die hard as far
as the Chiefs go. I'm so pumped for this game.
And uh yeah, I hope that there is no contingency
because let's win three in a row is what I say.
Speaker 8 (17:16):
Thank you, mister Hunt.
Speaker 7 (17:17):
Yeah, thank you. It's great being on with you.
Speaker 8 (17:19):
There he is, mister Clark Hunt Chiefs.
Speaker 3 (17:21):
That's all see, all right, nobody wants to lose because
loser rest Read this five hundred page book called Fourth
Wing and what's the premise Okay.
Speaker 4 (17:32):
So there's like a dragon writing war amongst college kids,
and they're all just trying to survive. Like hunger games,
you don't fight to your death. But it's also a romanticy,
which is romance and fantasy put together.
Speaker 1 (17:46):
And there again are dragons involved.
Speaker 4 (17:48):
I don't know exactly what that means, but I've heard
from multiple friends that their husbands feel awkward if they're listening.
Speaker 3 (17:53):
To it on audible. Okay, so on the wheel here, Eddie, Amy, Me, Abby,
lunchbox man. That's all that's remaining. I will spin the wheel.
If the lands on your name, you're off the wheel.
Oh yeah, all right, I forgot Okay, so we want
to land. You wanted to land on you. And by
the way, you will have a big, five hundred page
book and we will be monitoring how you're reading it. Yes,
are you guys ready? Yes, let's land. Yes, Yes, I'm clear. Okay,
Thank goodness read because I really can't. I'm dyslexic, so
this would have taken me forever, even though you said
like it could be challenging and you can overcome your challenges. Bones,
I'm glad I'm out of there. Oh no, the world
really does not like, Okay, I'm gonna play song and
then we'll spind it. My gosh, Lunchbox, Abby and Amy
four left. I mean, what are the four Let's spin
the wheel again. Remember Landson has to read this five
hundred page romantic fantasy book. It's just me, Amy, Lunchbox
and Abby on the wheel. Ready, let's see that. Come on, man,
come on, come on.
Speaker 4 (19:20):
They got so close.
Speaker 3 (19:21):
Oh my gosh. Who yeah, it feels so good to
get Oh my gosh, fourth wing. Bye bye, Okay, so
we can remove the wheel for now. Take Lunchbox's name off.
It's just me, Abby and Amy.
Speaker 8 (19:40):
Oh my god, I thought.
Speaker 4 (19:41):
That was gonna it says the main character is navigating
a forbidden romance.
Speaker 3 (19:49):
Yeah. I'm more of a rule follower thing for me.
I do want to read this. According to NASA Center
for Near Earth Object Studies, a large asteroid could pass
close enough to Earth within the next decade to pose
a potential threat. This is the first time that they've
said this. The asteroid, named twenty twenty four y are
four measures between one hundred and thirty and three hundred
thirty feet in diameter and could impact Earth in twenty
thirty two. Despite its proximity. NASA officials emphasize that the
likelihood of direct impact, like they give us an actual
percentage here of a hitting Earth and Earth exploding one
point three percent. You know what, it's a little too
much for me. That's too much. That's a little too
much for me. Oh my goodness, Hey what and like
what's that size? Like what's it comparable to like a
truck or something? Like I can read you more. It
almost doesn't matter. It will because it's so fast, it
will hit and then the effects of it, like that
goes into the sky. It then covers the Sun. It
it's like almost like a nuclear situation. It's disruptive. It
kills half the Earth. So one point three percent chance
twenty thirty two. Space experts further note that asteroid twenty
twenty four y or four has an interesting orbit, which
makes tracking its path challenging. While twenty twenty four y
are force orbit raises some concerns due to its unpredictability,
NASA remains vigilant, prioritizing further studies and readiness measures. As
of now, they share the public. While the asteroids path
warrants attention, the chances have impacked are low one point
three percent. We got to get Bruce Willis on the phone. Yeah,
and we got to get Stephen Tyler right get ready
to sing and live. Yeah, Ben Affleck, we gotta get
him in. We got to get Steve Bushimi seeing that one. Yes,
he's in that. Yeah. We don't want to spoil that.
But and we have ten years, thirty decade, we have
no less less than somewhere decade years time. What you
don't want to watch is that number go from one
point three to two to four to nine. But right
now one point three percent. Nothing to see year. Move along, everybody.
By the way, tonight you know what we need something
inspirational Tonight on CMT my special comedically Inspirational nine eighth Central.
Hope you guys watch it. Find CMT please watch it.
That made me feel good. Thank you. We'll come back.
Give us a second. And we have an announcement and
Lunchbox has a question about the cruise that some of
you may find ridiculous. We're going on a cruise. I
kept a secret from the whole show. We're doing a
show cruise. It's in a year from now, so February
of twenty twenty six and I'd never been on a
cruise before, and you guys have talked me into it.
I'm getting a little excited. I'm being honest with you,
just because it'll be I was really worried nobody would come.
If you want to know the truth, that's it. But
listeners are prereserving their cabins like crazy, which is unbelievable
to me. But I do have an announcement and we're
gonna do that, and then Lunchbox is gonna ask a
funny question about it, which I think is funny. Maybe
it doesn't think it's funny. So first of all, there's
this cruise that we're doing as a show, the seven
Day Cruise on Celebrity Reflection. We're going to all these places.
We leave from Fort Lauderdale. Now I've been to Fort Lauderdale.
It's nice. Yeah, it's fine. I under staying. We leave
from there, but then we go to Nivs, never been there.
We go to Saint KITT's, never been there. We go
to Saint Martin, never been there. So that'd be cool.
Eddie and I the Raging Idiots would be performing amy Lunchbox. Eddie,
they're coming. I assume Morgan's coming. Do you know anything
about it? Oh? Yeah, I told nobody anything. Yeah, I
get a cab at dot com. But I do want
to make an announcement about the ship, which again the
show doesn't know this. Yeah, I told you guys there
would be some surprises joining the Top Shelf Country Cruise
as the headlining act. Well, I thought it was gonna
be the Raging Idiot. It's not. It's a different night.
But playing Keith Urban.
Speaker 5 (23:51):
Wow, WHOA, that's amazing.
Speaker 3 (23:58):
I know, I can't know what I don't know, just
kind of. I told you guys, we were gonna have
artists give me a song here from Keith Urban. Got
not like a fake Keith Urban like htrb A in
the Vegetable. No, Keith Urban will be the headlining act
on the boat on the cruise. So so when like
when I don't I don't know any answers, you can
ask me whatever I don't know, Okay, go ahead.
Speaker 1 (24:27):
I'm not gonna ask me things since you don't know.
Speaker 3 (24:28):
Okay, but you feel free to go ahead and ask
what you're gonna ask.
Speaker 4 (24:31):
Oh, I was gonna say, like headlining, like when's the
headlining night?
Speaker 3 (24:34):
Or I don't know? Good question, there you go. I
don't know. So it's the final days to get it
on the pre sale. Go to Bobbybones dot com to
reserve your cabin. You can reserve your cabin through Sunday,
February ninth, produced by Signature Cruise Experiences, gold standard for
charter cruises since two thousand and one. You have you
other questions.
Speaker 1 (24:50):
About acts like stay in a cabin and they like
chopper in, Chopper out.
Speaker 3 (24:54):
I don't know. I know we're not. There's no chopper
for us, and Keith is gonna be on our boat.
That's crazy. I don't know any lunchboxes have a question though,
go ahead, yeah. And I don't know why you think
it's funny.
Speaker 5 (25:03):
I just want to get verbal confirmation that our kids
are allowed to come on the cruise, because when we
started talking about.
Speaker 3 (25:10):
It, I was like, oh my goodness, a family vacation.
I went home. I started talking to my kids about it.
Speaker 5 (25:15):
We got online, started looking at pictures of the boat,
and now they see like cruise ships in like TV
shows like Dad, that's the boat, that's the boat, And
I'm like, well, that's not the exact boat.
Speaker 3 (25:26):
Ay, what I think the answer is, I'm going to
think it's a no, it's a no. What do you mean?
This is a work thing. This is not a this
is not a vacation. We're working, but his kids can buy.
We're doing this listen, But.
Speaker 1 (25:36):
I don't know if there's an age thing.
Speaker 4 (25:38):
Also, Lunchbucks keeps his kids out of everything, and now
you're going to bring them onto a boat with Listener,
like you know, you don't even Yeah, if.
Speaker 3 (25:44):
It's listeners bringing kids, I don't know. We're working. This
is a work It's like bringing your kids to this
room here.
Speaker 5 (25:49):
So no, but I'm not gonna be working twenty four
hours a day. I mean there's gonna be breaks and
then that's when I get family time. And it's the
perfect time for my kids to see the world.
Speaker 3 (25:58):
Yes, if you want to pay for them to come, yes,
but do you does everybody get to bring their families
for free? No, it's a lot of kids, it's a
lot of kids. Yes. So the answer is if you
want to buy, because you can get in that pre
sale Bobby Bones dot com to reserve your cabin through
February ninth, you can do that.
Speaker 5 (26:12):
How am I going to go back to my kids
and be like, oh, sorry, guys. Actually, Bobby said you
guys can't come.
Speaker 3 (26:17):
I know Bobby didn't say it. You should have told
him you could come to begin with. Yeah, they saw that.
Speaker 5 (26:22):
Big boat and they were out of their minds, like,
oh my gosh, I've never seen a boat that big.
Speaker 3 (26:27):
Well, you don't have to take them on a cruise,
take them on this cruise, but you can pay for it.
But yeah, no, that Everyboddy. You can't bring your kids. No.
I haven't told him for that reason because they'd want
to go. Yeah. Wow, all right, this is gonna get
awkward at my house.
Speaker 1 (26:41):
My daughter will be eighteen by the then. Isn't that weird?
Speaker 3 (26:45):
Yeah? Yeah, but she can't come. She can't. She gets
a cabin, buys a cabin.
Speaker 1 (26:48):
Well what if she says in my cabin with me?
Speaker 5 (26:50):
No, I just like you said, Amy, I just said
the same thing and you told me no. So don't
add like all of a sudden, now your daughter she's
a kidding.
Speaker 3 (26:55):
She's literally Amy's daughter is not a kid. She's literally kidding. Yeah,
he gets freaking flamed out of his ears as.
Speaker 1 (27:02):
She's she's probably gonna be in school in February.
Speaker 3 (27:05):
Yeah, it's called spring break.
Speaker 4 (27:06):
No, spring break is normally in March.
Speaker 3 (27:09):
Bobby Bones dot com. Anyway, Keith Thurbin will be headlining,
and we can't wait. It's a year from now, Bobby
bones dot com. Get in and get your get your
pre sale s A. I L on the cabins. Okay,
but it's time for the good news.
Speaker 4 (27:28):
So Travis Kelsey has been involved in this kid's life
for years. His name is Javion Mahone, and he first
met him when he was in junior high.
Speaker 1 (27:36):
Now he's in high school.
Speaker 3 (27:38):
But because this kid has just.
Speaker 4 (27:39):
Done a lot of really great things, like with his
schoolwork and after school activities and stuff, Travis gifted him
tickets to the Super Bowl.
Speaker 1 (27:47):
So he's going to get to go with his brother
and his mom.
Speaker 3 (27:50):
Pretty cool. And I just thought it was like, really cool.
Speaker 4 (27:52):
Because she using Travis kind of like the guy.
Speaker 3 (27:54):
And oh he's dating Taylor Swift.
Speaker 4 (27:56):
You don't know much about his heart, and I feel
like this shows the soft side of Travis Kelcey.
Speaker 3 (28:01):
Does this annoy you, Lunchbox? Are you cool with that? No?
I'm annoyed.
Speaker 5 (28:04):
I mean a lot of people do good in school
and they get Super Bowl tickets. I did good in school.
I passed my classes. I'll say, you're not a suber
Travis Kelsey like Shack though. That's why I was asking.
I mean, it's with Shack. You're not like I need
a free car. You're like, Shack's fake.
Speaker 3 (28:16):
But I don't think it's real.
Speaker 5 (28:18):
Also, I think it's more like, Okay, I'm with Taylor
Swift now and people think I'm just a party animals,
So let me act like I'm doing something good for
this kid so people be like, oh see, I see what.
Speaker 4 (28:28):
It's not just all of a sudden, out of nowhere,
he's been involved in this kid.
Speaker 3 (28:31):
What else done time? He just bought a house I
saw and they turned it into like a long term
facility for kids who have been in trouble to get it.
Like just spent like maybe a couple million bucks on
a residence.
Speaker 4 (28:43):
Yeah, kids to live to get specific for lunchbucks. Since
he probably wants this detail. He first met this kid
through Operation Breakthrough Ignition Lab and it's funded by Travis's
foundation and they help kids that are under privileged and
give them opportunities. And this is one of the kids
that he's like, look, this kid has really taken advantage
of the program and is like making the best of things.
So I want to give him and his brother and
his mom super Bowl Diggens.
Speaker 3 (29:09):
And this kid's last name is Mahon. That's cool. Yeah,
Mahme name is Travis Mahoney. I think Travis kill is
the probably really good dude. All Right, there you go.
That's what it's all about. That was telling me something
good time for Amy's Morning Corny, the Mourning Corny.
Speaker 1 (29:32):
Why didn't the veggies cross the road?
Speaker 3 (29:35):
Why didn't the veggies cross the road?
Speaker 1 (29:37):
They didn't want to be road kale?
Speaker 3 (29:44):
That was the Morning Corny Tuesday reviews day I'll start.
We watched the show. We binged a show hard called
Day of the Jackal. Have you guys heard of this? Nope,
it is on Peacock. It's awesome. Eddie Redmain is my
new favorite person in the world. That dude. He played
Stephen Hawking back in the day. He plays an assassin.
That's all I'm going to say it is. I don't
know what the rating is. If you can find me
the rating. I even look it up.
Speaker 1 (30:16):
On Rotten Tomatoes.
Speaker 3 (30:17):
Awesome. It is called The Day of the Jackal. It's
in another language though it's in British. That's English. I know,
I know, yes, yes, but sometimes though you're like, what
we keep the subtitles on. It's in British. It's awesome.
I'm gonna give it four and a half out of
five sniper rifles. That's all I'm gonna say. I'm gonna
say no more because I want you to enjoy the show.
And I that's two things I've mentioned. It's been on Peacock.
I'm not getting paid by Peacock. This is not no
money here. But I watched Will Rumbull on two and
it was pretty awesome. Yeah, Mike d Tuesday Revieuesday.
Speaker 2 (30:51):
Yeah, I wished a movie called You're Cordially Invited with
Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon.
Speaker 3 (30:55):
It's a movie. Yeah, it's a comedy movie on on Prime. Okay, Yeah,
just came out. It's actually pretty good.
Speaker 2 (31:00):
Like I like a good dumb comedy every now and then,
and this is like good classic Will Ferrell rrated raunchy
comedy premise. It's about he has a daughter getting married
Reese Withspoon's sisters getting married and they get double booked
at a venue, so then they have to like share
the wedding venue.
Speaker 3 (31:14):
Is that why she's in the news so much because
she's promoting a movie? Yeah, what are you reading?
Speaker 2 (31:18):
I give it three out of five, which is strong
for a movie like this, Like it's a brom com.
It's really dumb. You're gonna watch and be like this
is stupid, but you kind of enjoy it. Okay, so
we got what's it called you? You're cordially invited. You're
cordially invited? Okay, Tuesday Refuesday Amy anything.
Speaker 4 (31:31):
I have not finished anything, not allowed to review, no review,
just started a bunch of different things and now it's
like all messy and I don't know to watch it
on stressing.
Speaker 5 (31:41):
Out Anything, LaunchBox, Yeah, Black Doves on Netflix.
Speaker 3 (31:45):
Yeah. I did this a couple of weeks ago. It
is like.
Speaker 5 (31:46):
Spies and infiltration and lies and affairs.
Speaker 3 (31:51):
Man, it's awesome. It's awesome. It is so good.
Speaker 5 (31:54):
There are parts in a little corner you're like, Okay,
that's ridiculous but so entertaining, And at the end of
episode you're like, oh, I got to watch the next one.
Speaker 3 (32:01):
You don't want to to me, only a week to
watch the whole thing? Review? Uh, four out of five affairs?
Do you remember me? Reviewing it. No, I never heard
of it.
Speaker 1 (32:10):
Oh I watched it because you reviewed it.
Speaker 3 (32:13):
I just wonder if he if it's like blind karaoke
where he doesn't hear the music, if he even hears us.
Speaker 5 (32:17):
Reviewing things now. Literally, my sister in law said she
started watching it. So I told my wife and so
we were like, all right, we'll check it out. And
it took us a week.
Speaker 3 (32:24):
Done. Next month, he's going to be like the day
of Eddie anything. I started watching Glad start, so I cannot.
We shouldn't even mention when we're starting a slippery place.
I didn't mention anything. Just say no, I have nothing,
because okay, here's what I started. I'm not doing it
Morgan yet.
Speaker 6 (32:44):
On your recommendation, I watched season one of Severn's Apple
TV Plus.
Speaker 3 (32:48):
One of the best shows ever. You can hate it,
though my brain.
Speaker 6 (32:51):
Was exploding, Like I think the first couple of episodes
of was bum because it was kind of slow, and
then it just all over the place and my brain
literally sat there and after I was like, I think
I need a break.
Speaker 3 (33:00):
My brain needs a break. I loved it. Feel free
to review badly. You don't have to based it on
my opinion. No, I really loved it.
Speaker 6 (33:06):
It was a little slow in the beginning, so that's
why it's getting four.
Speaker 1 (33:08):
Out of five books.
Speaker 3 (33:10):
And season two is rolling right now, which is cool. Yeah,
I watched the first three episodes. I could do night
Age because I never officially reviewed that crap Night Agent
on Netflix. Season one, two and a half out of
five phones. Oh it is it. They telegraph the moves
in that one. You know everything that's coming. Season three, three, three,
they get a little less corny season two, Season two three. Yeah, yeah,
it's so corny. I feel like that's for people who
like couldn't quite hang with the Agency and like it's
too much. Then they watched night It.
Speaker 4 (33:42):
Yeah, like Elementary is loving it, like he wants that's perfect.
Speaker 3 (33:47):
It's like a kids that's perfect. It is a kid's
Cia white House type show. Yeah yeah, Okay, there you go.
And that is the end of the first half of
the podcast. That is the end of the first tip
of the podcast. That is the end of the first
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