Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wake Up, Wake Up in the mall and it's a
radio and the Dodgers.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
He's on time.
Speaker 1 (00:11):
Already, lunchbox, more get too steve Red and it's trying
to put you through fog.
Speaker 3 (00:17):
He's running this Week's next week.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
The Bobby's on the box. So you know what this this.
Speaker 4 (00:27):
The Bobby Ball.
Speaker 2 (00:29):
Now time for Amy in the Morning, Corny, The Morning Corny.
Speaker 5 (00:36):
What did the pirates say when he turned eighty years old?
Speaker 2 (00:40):
I maybe, Oh funny, it was the Morning Corny. Allow
me to say, the joke's been really good lately, I
think because sometimes we're like, that's all.
Speaker 5 (00:53):
That's good. One of my class for twenty five.
Speaker 1 (00:56):
All right, better jokes should have been going like every year.
Speaker 5 (01:01):
There's so many.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
Yeah, no, you're doing good. All right, Let's play this
voicemail from.
Speaker 6 (01:05):
Last night Good Morning studio question.
Speaker 7 (01:08):
Me and my friend were coming to Nashville in February and.
Speaker 5 (01:11):
She's stuck on TikTok where she is seeing all these
videos of people being followed by people and it's going
to be abducted.
Speaker 1 (01:19):
And I know Morgan number.
Speaker 5 (01:19):
Two's been talking about that.
Speaker 2 (01:21):
Stuff and just wondering is there some sketchy stuff going on?
Speaker 8 (01:25):
Broadway of Nashville, like, should we be worried? Any advice?
Speaker 5 (01:29):
Okay? Thanks?
Speaker 7 (01:29):
Love the show.
Speaker 2 (01:30):
Morgan gets abducted in every city, it's not just Nashville,
Like someone's chasing her always. And also I think probably
you watched a full video of one of these, so
now you get fed them all. I don't know that
there's just like ten thousand videos of people getting abducted.
Speaker 1 (01:42):
But Morgan, what would you say to this?
Speaker 6 (01:44):
I would say, if you're going to go out on Broadway,
you do need to be aware of your surroundings. You
need to make sure you're covering your drink if you're
out at the bars.
Speaker 2 (01:51):
Just a wild West out there, more than any other
crazy to do, That's what I'm saying, more than any
other crazy city.
Speaker 1 (01:57):
She's asking there is specifically nationale.
Speaker 6 (02:00):
I don't know if it's just being reported more right
now or what, but there is a heightened thing.
Speaker 5 (02:03):
It is common, it's it's happening right now.
Speaker 6 (02:06):
But it's not anything different than a big city in
a congested area. So just be aware of your surroundings,
and you know, make sure you're staying with your friends
and covering your drinks.
Speaker 1 (02:16):
Dang, I can cover your drinks. Well that's all that's
been the last five years. Dude.
Speaker 2 (02:20):
That sounds Terribdudes are awful. They're like put a little
and then all of a sudden you're passed out. I
didn't have fun when you have to worry about that
the whole time.
Speaker 5 (02:27):
Oh, and watch the bartenders make your drink.
Speaker 1 (02:29):
That's also.
Speaker 5 (02:31):
What There's rumors.
Speaker 1 (02:33):
I don't know.
Speaker 6 (02:33):
I cannot confirm this, but there is rumors that there
are bartenders at different bars who are also involved.
Speaker 1 (02:39):
In roofinge drinks. Wow.
Speaker 6 (02:41):
So I just say, make sure you're watching when your
drink is getting made so you know.
Speaker 1 (02:45):
What's going into it.
Speaker 2 (02:46):
Can you always see your drink getting made though, because
I feel like there's so much action and they put
it like blow the bar sometimes.
Speaker 1 (02:50):
Sometimes they're doing the bad baran.
Speaker 6 (02:52):
You can watch for the most part, you can see
most of what's happening. Just you know, again, just be
extra aware and you will be Okay.
Speaker 1 (03:00):
Sounds like you just stay home. Just say it.
Speaker 2 (03:03):
I just stay home if I were you learned from
my doctor that I had a sea section.
Speaker 1 (03:08):
Boom. You didn't expect that from me today, did you?
Speaker 7 (03:10):
Speaker 5 (03:10):
I didn't, because what do you mean because the sea section.
Obviously you weren't removing a baby.
Speaker 2 (03:17):
Hey, we all can say what we want these days,
So why would you just think that automatic.
Speaker 5 (03:21):
I know you've had something removed from your body.
Speaker 1 (03:24):
My wiener.
Speaker 2 (03:26):
So I have a scar that runs from my sternarm
all the way down past my belt line. When I
was six years old, I fell off a house onto
a boat trailer ruptured my spleen and I had to
have it removed. And I've had to do a lot
of education on the splane. There are many years they
were like, you don't need a splaine. Now they're like splains,
but actually you don't need it, but it helps, you know,
with getting rid of a lot of the bad stuff
in your body.
Speaker 1 (03:48):
And so I don't have a splane.
Speaker 2 (03:50):
I was considered at risk whenever COVID was happening because
I didn't have a splane. I didn't share that because
we're all at risk all the time. I mean you
walk down the street, I walk down the street.
Speaker 5 (03:59):
I'm at risk, more vulnerable than others.
Speaker 1 (04:02):
Tell me about it.
Speaker 2 (04:02):
So I have on and I always have like right
above my belt, like there's this little bit of fat
that I can never get rid of and it's just
as weird, and you don't if I'm in like great shape,
you can still see it. It just will not go away.
And I was talking to my doctor about it. I said, hey,
what's wrong with me? Like I can eat six months
ripped everything, And he's like, you basically had a sea section.
Speaker 1 (04:25):
You had a rectus abdominus.
Speaker 2 (04:27):
Like they had to cut through your abs to get
into your spleen the same way they cut the abs
of someone going in for a sea section.
Speaker 5 (04:33):
So what you're calling fat isn't fat.
Speaker 1 (04:36):
It's a little car tissue.
Speaker 2 (04:38):
And it's said so after a woman has a baby,
when they have that that bottom thing at the pooch,
that is from their abdominal muscles being cut open.
Speaker 5 (04:48):
So if they have a cesarean, yes, yes.
Speaker 1 (04:52):
And so I've had I've had a sea section.
Speaker 2 (04:54):
Yeah, but they had to get my spleen out because
it was all ruptured and they had to slice through
my abs, and for my whole life, I'm like, am
I it's not working hard enough because it's bottom fat
off my stomach and he's like, bro rectus abdominance they.
Speaker 5 (05:05):
Got cut Your doctor said, bro nah.
Speaker 1 (05:08):
In my mind though we were like browing it up.
Speaker 2 (05:11):
The conditions called diastis recti, a common complication that can
occur after a sea section delivery.
Speaker 1 (05:17):
This is what I have.
Speaker 2 (05:19):
Essentially, the recti muscles are the abdominal muscles that can
separate along the midline during a sea section incision.
Speaker 5 (05:25):
So they look at me out a sea section?
Speaker 1 (05:27):
Could you get a tummy tuck? That is literally what
he said.
Speaker 2 (05:30):
He goes, you could get a tummy tuck to fix it,
And I said, I heard he goes, yeah, I'm.
Speaker 1 (05:33):
Like, I'm out forget about it. Like if you can
do it like fifteen minutes and it's like a day
just chilling.
Speaker 2 (05:38):
Yeah, okay, if it's like a cavity, Like cavities aren't fun.
They kind of hurt a little bit, but you need
it and then the next day you're pretty good. If
they could, like because it's just like the bottom right here,
because I got four abs it just hello scream and
then I got like that bottom two that's like little
little but uh yeah, so anyway out a sea section
kind of cool, saying maybe the only man that had
a sea section.
Speaker 5 (06:02):
Maybe, So don't you think other men have had?
Speaker 1 (06:05):
I don't know the baby that I had to give
was my spleen, right, but.
Speaker 5 (06:08):
Other people have maybe lost their spleen one of them.
What's another one that what's that gall bladder?
Speaker 2 (06:16):
The weird thing about my surgery, what I remember, because
again I was young, is that they when they cut
in to me, they didn't cut in the right spot
to get it all, so they had to go That's
why my scar is still so long. It ran my
whole body when I was a kid. Like I've grown,
the scar is the same size I've grown. Hey, I've grown. Yeah,
I got I've gotten toler that's pretty cool. It's crazy
that they had to rip your your abdomens. Part of
my belly button's gone because that's where the scar goes,
and they had to cut my my abs right in
the middle.
Speaker 1 (06:44):
So just to do with the.
Speaker 5 (06:45):
Sea section, chillers, that's another one. Oh, appendix, These are
things that people get removed.
Speaker 1 (06:51):
You don't have to have a sea section for that.
I do, you don't.
Speaker 5 (06:53):
I have no idea Where do they go to pull
the appendix out if it ruptures?
Speaker 1 (06:57):
No, where I go.
Speaker 2 (06:58):
I buy a baby to get out of there. It's
little spleeny. Now you know what it's like to have
a baby. Do you've always known I've always known Los Pleiny.
I miss him. I hope whoever's raising him now is
doing a great job.
Speaker 7 (07:08):
Maybe you'll reunite someday.
Speaker 1 (07:11):
Tell me something good.
Speaker 2 (07:12):
Little Splainy reaches out when I'm older and it's like,
is me, I'm a little spleeny?
Speaker 1 (07:16):
Uh So anyway, that's a pretty cool.
Speaker 5 (07:19):
Huh Yeah, that's just young something you can be known for.
Speaker 1 (07:22):
Now, that's all. I need something else to be known for.
Breaking notes, big announcemate, breaking news now.
Speaker 2 (07:30):
I will say this, For years, I did not want
to go on a cruise. The show would be like,
let's do a show. Cruise companies would come and say, let's.
Speaker 1 (07:41):
Do a show. No, thank you.
Speaker 2 (07:43):
Breaking news listeners would come up to me and go
like you have to do a cruise, Like, well, come on.
Speaker 1 (07:51):
That was another part too.
Speaker 2 (07:52):
I thought, who would spend money to come on a
cruise with us?
Speaker 1 (07:55):
Like, that's not It's not like buying a pair of socks,
it's like a cruise.
Speaker 2 (07:59):
I was like, I would get so many messages when
I would be touring. People came up be like, how
are you not doing the cruise? That sounds amazing and
I'd be like, I'll never do a cruise, breaking news.
Come on, We're gonna do a cruise. The thing is
to you guys don't know really about this, Like god,
you know nothing.
Speaker 1 (08:20):
This is also breaking news to the show.
Speaker 5 (08:22):
We don't know where, we don't know where.
Speaker 1 (08:24):
I'm not to tell you what is happening. This is
so cool? Can off the cruise? No, dude, it's a
cruise boat, not a flat bottom.
Speaker 5 (08:32):
Is it a boat full of just our people or
there's gonna.
Speaker 2 (08:35):
Be let me talk you through it. This is not
even a commercial. This is me saying that I have
we talked about this on the show. People have changed
their minds and I'm.
Speaker 1 (08:45):
All for it.
Speaker 5 (08:46):
Oh, you're allowed to change your mind absolutely, as a person,
as a parent, as a politician.
Speaker 2 (08:50):
You can learn and change more. You can go maybe
I was wrong, Let me try and see what happens.
So what we're going to do gosh on this. We'll
just call it, for the sake of it, the Bobby
Bone Show Cruise. But it's gonna be bigger than that. We're
gonna have a artists to come and play.
Speaker 1 (09:06):
Really oh mas, wow.
Speaker 2 (09:09):
It is a seven day cruise, seven on a luxury
ship called is it called Celebrity Reflection.
Speaker 7 (09:16):
Yeah, so Celebrity is the cruise and Reflection is one
of those ships within Celebrities fleet.
Speaker 5 (09:20):
And wow.
Speaker 2 (09:22):
Ports of call is something that I think the boat
goes into.
Speaker 1 (09:26):
Yes, okay, thank you, thank you. What is that?
Speaker 2 (09:28):
That's where you're going, Doc, So we will be leaving
as the cruise from Fort Lauderdale down in Florida. Love
that place, and we're going to may pronounce some of
this wrong.
Speaker 1 (09:38):
Oh my gosh, Nevis.
Speaker 2 (09:40):
N EBIs who someone can look up where that is.
Speaker 1 (09:44):
It's got it's gotta be in the Caribbean. It sounds beautiful. Yes,
thank you.
Speaker 2 (09:46):
Saint KITT's, Oh yeah, the other one, Saint Martin will
be another one. These are the ports of call. Oh
my goodness, we'll all be there. The cruise is happening
in early twenty twenty six, so you have a year
to get in to buy your tickets. We will do
Bobby Bones show stuff on it. Eddie and I are
gonna play raging Idiots. We're gonna do it. They have
a stage and they're gonna do We're gonna do a concert,
Amy Lunchbox, Eddie your coming.
Speaker 1 (10:15):
There'll be some artists they're gonna play.
Speaker 5 (10:17):
I'll lead a meditation.
Speaker 1 (10:20):
Is that already a thing?
Speaker 5 (10:20):
No, but if you want me to.
Speaker 1 (10:22):
I just looked and people cancel their tickets.
Speaker 2 (10:26):
So to get in on the pre sell you can
go to Bobby Bones dot com. We have the link
up now or it's going up now. Morgan has already
kind of been in the know on this for the record,
which is why she didn't yell.
Speaker 1 (10:36):
She didn't know.
Speaker 5 (10:37):
So you're saying it's early in the year, so we're
gonna be able to escape the cold to go somewhere
warm ish.
Speaker 2 (10:44):
I wasn't saying that, but I will say that now
because that does make sense. Yes, it does make sense.
Speaker 5 (10:48):
I don't know.
Speaker 2 (10:49):
Go to Bobby Bones dot com or Topshelf Country Cruise
dot com and reserve your cabin.
Speaker 1 (10:54):
So is the cabin the room scuba stea room, Yes,
in your space on the cruise.
Speaker 2 (10:58):
They will give you your first choice of your cabin
and to secure your spot on the cruise produced by
Signature Cruise Experience as gold standard for charter cruises in
two thousand and one. So we I'm going against everything
you ever said, and I'm happy to do it because
I think there there are growth times, there's experimentation time.
There's sometimes just going you know what, if everybody else
wants to do it, we'll do it. Had I not
been approached by so many listeners, I was just amazed
that listeners dot they would go with us my fear
of doing this and nobody buying tickets and then we're
just on the boat and like sagebrush blowning groups.
Speaker 1 (11:35):
Yeah, it just us like doing stuff with each other. Hey, guys,
would that be a big boat to be chilling on?
So let's let's do it. I'm I'm excited to give
this a try.
Speaker 2 (11:45):
So people can go to top shelf Country Cruise dot com.
But it's a Bobbybones dot com as well, easier to remember.
And we're going to do this.
Speaker 1 (11:53):
We're gonna find it. I got to buy a swimsuit.
Speaker 2 (11:55):
We're gonna do this twenty twenty six. It's gonna be
a year from now, not even sure the exact day.
Speaker 1 (12:00):
Do we know the month? It'll be in February of
next year of next year. Yeah, okay, ooh question and
possibly an answer.
Speaker 7 (12:08):
You might have the answer to this. But if we're
going to the Caribbean, do I need a passport.
Speaker 1 (12:12):
I don't know, dude.
Speaker 7 (12:13):
Yeah, you need a passport, I believe, because when you
get off at ports of call, they check your passports
going on and off.
Speaker 1 (12:18):
Okay, it depends if for in another country.
Speaker 2 (12:19):
Are these other places in Yeah, they're like they're not
territorial owned by the US, so some are British countries.
Speaker 1 (12:25):
So you will need a passport. How you know it's
not a commercial. I don't know. This is amazing. I've
never been to the Caribbean, dude. I love the ocean here.
Speaker 3 (12:32):
I don't know where the Caribbean is.
Speaker 1 (12:34):
Okay, we're doing it. It's down under Florida. Legit, we're
doing it.
Speaker 2 (12:38):
Oh man, here's what it says, entertainment days, Bobby Bone show,
games and contests, dancing.
Speaker 1 (12:45):
It just says dancing.
Speaker 2 (12:46):
I don't know what that means, special meet and great opportunities.
I think we're just gonna be on the boat. Oh yeah, yeah,
there'll be artists we're gonna announce in the coming weeks.
They're gonna play, and then Eddie and I are going
to play as the Raging Idiots and do a comedy
show as well. Anyway, that's it. Bobbybones dot Com go please.
I'm begging you please come. If you can't, you feel
like this is it's a year out. I know it
ain't cheap. It's not like again buying a shirt.
Speaker 5 (13:08):
You start saving now though, but it's a start working
on that pass board now.
Speaker 1 (13:11):
So I got working on ABS. I want it ABS.
Speaker 5 (13:14):
I thought you were like always ready.
Speaker 1 (13:16):
Well I gotta like do more if I'm be out
with other people by the water. Also tell my wife.
Speaker 2 (13:20):
Oh yeah yeah, oh maybe I know she's not listening now.
So I got to go home and be like we're
going on the cruise either way in a year.
Speaker 1 (13:29):
Uh yeah, So there you go, Bobbybones dot com. That's
it breaking those thank you every pretty good? Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (13:43):
Eddie has broken his arm like thing that like an
eight year old does, but he's like forty five. I
feel bad for you, but you broke your arm.
Speaker 7 (13:52):
This isn't like a spring no, it's a break where
and so it's like right below my elbow. I was
roller skating because it was my son's birthday. He's six
years old. He wanted to go roller skating. He's like,
come on, dad, come out with us.
Speaker 1 (14:06):
So I did. How are you though? Skating? Initially, oh, dude,
I dominated for two hours.
Speaker 7 (14:11):
Two hours domination, even doing little spin moves.
Speaker 2 (14:14):
He'ple probably looking at you, going that guy, he knows.
Speaker 1 (14:16):
What he's doing.
Speaker 7 (14:17):
Yeah, this dude was a thriving in the eighties and
so like it was the last lap. One of my
boys goes, dad, let's go like one more time. We
were about to pack it up and go home, and
he wanted to race. We're flying, dude, we were flying,
and then one of my skates got in front of
the other.
Speaker 1 (14:32):
Are you blading or are you four wheeling? Four wheeling?
Old school four this with disco balls and like had
limbo in the middle.
Speaker 7 (14:39):
Yeah, And I just went flying forward and I put
my arms out, my hands out to catch my break
my fall, and I guess the momentum kind of just
like said no, no, hands straight elbow and it broke
right under my elbow. And I guess it's called the
radius bone. So I can't do I don't know, I can't.
Speaker 2 (14:58):
Like, if you're going pretty good, see your hand like this, Yes,
I can't do that.
Speaker 7 (15:03):
Maybe, and I can't straighten it all the way. But dude,
as soon as I fell, I knew, like this is
not good.
Speaker 1 (15:08):
Did you know what was broken? Did you hear a break?
Speaker 7 (15:10):
I heard kind of a break, but you know, it's
like maybe it was the floor, maybe it was my pants,
Like I have no idea.
Speaker 1 (15:16):
It was some kind of like noise.
Speaker 7 (15:18):
But then it started tingling immediately and I couldn't straighten
my elbow.
Speaker 1 (15:22):
I knew it was a problem. When did you go
to the doctor?
Speaker 7 (15:25):
So so I was like, you know what, I'm gonna
tough it out. I'm gonna go to the urgent care
in the morning. It's Saturday night. It happened like at
nine PM, so I'm gonna sleep it off and then
wake up at seven.
Speaker 1 (15:33):
Go to the urgent care.
Speaker 7 (15:35):
At three point thirty in the morning, I woke up
like crying because it hurts so bad. And I told
my wife like, I'm gonna go to the er, and
she's like, well, I can't take you. We got like
four boys sleeping like I can't.
Speaker 1 (15:45):
Just get up.
Speaker 7 (15:45):
So I, dude, I battled it. I got in the
car one arm, drove myself to the hospital straight over
the top style. Wow, man, you didn't metle.
Speaker 1 (15:54):
Somebody has gotten metal. It was even snow, and I'm like,
I don't know if I'm gonna.
Speaker 2 (15:58):
Make it, think through the blizzard, no gas. So you
get there and what are you saying? How long until
you actually get in? So there was no Luckily there
was no wait.
Speaker 7 (16:07):
They took me right in, but I did lay in
the bed for about thirty minutes before anyone came in,
and then they finally checked it out and they did
X rays. Took about three hours. The whole experience was
about three hours. And the doctor said, yeah, it's broken,
but and I said, like, can you cast it? Because
I literally there is no place I can put my
arm without it hurting so bad. And he said, I
don't want to cast it until you go see an
orthopedic because he will know exactly or they'll know exactly
what to do, and I don't want to do that
before they do.
Speaker 1 (16:36):
So I've been just in a sling since Saturday night.
Speaker 2 (16:40):
When Eddy told me he broke his arm, I immediately
hit him with the question, can I be the first
one to sign your cast? So?
Speaker 1 (16:47):
When do you go to the orthopedic today today after
the show? Is it hurt right now?
Speaker 2 (16:50):
Speaker 1 (16:51):
Because I'm on paid meds.
Speaker 7 (16:53):
Are on prosec or prosovic, No one of those provoset.
Speaker 2 (16:59):
It won't be pro a zach because that's like a
a I history, right, and then prozac is depression.
Speaker 1 (17:06):
I thought that one.
Speaker 5 (17:07):
Were you able to drive yourself?
Speaker 1 (17:08):
Yeah, yeah, I'm I don't know what you're on. I'm like,
I like drunk right now? Did You're not even at work? Hey?
Speaker 2 (17:17):
Right now, you're asleep. This is all a dreams. I
wish it was a dream.
Speaker 1 (17:20):
That sucks. Dude, you're older, so.
Speaker 7 (17:22):
No, so it's pretty stupid, and like, of course you
start worrying about everything.
Speaker 1 (17:26):
You're just like, gosh, man, how am I gonna do
my work? Like?
Speaker 7 (17:28):
Am I gonna edit videos? How am I gonna like?
But dude, we're doing it if the drummer of Death Leopard.
Speaker 1 (17:33):
Can do it. He lost his arm in a car wreck,
completely like.
Speaker 5 (17:35):
He's not comparing that.
Speaker 1 (17:39):
Yeah, but try.
Speaker 7 (17:39):
Putting your pants on with one arm, with your left arm,
because it's my right hand that I hurt.
Speaker 1 (17:44):
On my right arm that I hurt.
Speaker 7 (17:45):
It's like putting pants and zippering in your pants, putting
on a shirt by yourself with one arms, it's crazy.
If you need help with the zippering in the pants,
lunchbox is available. Thanks loving change while you're here.
Speaker 1 (17:58):
That sucks. You broke your arm.
Speaker 2 (17:59):
It sucks if you're eleven and it happens if you're
in your forties and it happens.
Speaker 5 (18:03):
And on the last lap, like they were about to
leave in the sun's like a little.
Speaker 1 (18:09):
You're really like competing for a scholarship. Like I told
my wife to him, like, gosh, I'm so stupid. She's like,
you can't blame yourself like you were. You were skating
really well for two hours. It was the last lap
and that's when I felt.
Speaker 2 (18:20):
Now, now you're giving yourself a compliment by your supposed wife.
Speaker 1 (18:24):
You could have been on the Olympic team. Is how
good you were doing. I was dominating, dude. I really
feel bad for you. Thank you. I can't.
Speaker 2 (18:30):
I just kept text him, I cannot believe you really
broke your arm, not fell on it, injured it sprained
it bruised it.
Speaker 1 (18:35):
You broke your arm roller skating. What a child? Does
I know?
Speaker 2 (18:39):
It makes me rethink like the stupid active stuff that
I do. Yeah, sa, I told my wife, it's like
if a friend. If a friend dies, and so you
start thinking like I need to live my life different.
So because I just don't want to end tragically like that.
I told cal And I was like Eddie broke his arm.
Like with all the crazy stuff that I'm doing, like athletically,
if it's not training or shooting these shows or like.
Speaker 1 (18:58):
Jumping off stuff, I have stopped doing it. Yeah I
was yesterday. I changed my life, say yesterday.
Speaker 2 (19:04):
But I had a minute where I was really like
thinking about life that.
Speaker 7 (19:08):
Yeah, that's I'm gonna have to reevaluate some things for sure.
Like next time I go to the skating rink, I'm
just gonna say no, just say no fall.
Speaker 1 (19:14):
Like I do.
Speaker 2 (19:15):
If I'm gonna fall, I don't put my arms out.
I stopped dropping roll like when I fall. Any time
I'm going to fall, I just tug my arms in
and roll. We'll see then that's how you break a shoulder.
Speaker 5 (19:23):
Or they have those little bars you can roller skate
with that are in front of you.
Speaker 1 (19:26):
Oh I kid doing that. Yeah I saw kids doing that,
but that's not for me.
Speaker 5 (19:30):
Well it might be now, sorry, buddy.
Speaker 2 (19:34):
Two people from Oregon were arrested for impersonating firefighters firefighters
at the Palisades Fire in California. The Los Angeles County
Sheriff's office was alerted after an illegitimate fire truck was
spotted in the area. The two suspects claimed to be
from a non existent fire department. As their names, they
may they're either married or brother and sister. Dustin Neil
and Jennifer Neil were wrested from personating a firefighter and
entering an evacuation zone. The Palisades Fire has burned over
twenty three thousand acres and destroyed numerous structures in Los Angeles.
That is from NBC Los Angeles. I saw a picture
of the fake fire truck. It looks like a firetruck.
It might even be a real fire truck, just not
one that is licensed to fight fires. And then I
wonder what they're up to because I saw a picture
of the guy and like his mugshot, he looks like
a guy that would be up.
Speaker 1 (20:28):
To no good.
Speaker 2 (20:28):
Oh white dude, got kind of a mullet, and then
he's losing his hair up front, but he has that
dot on the front of his head which you won't
shave off, and a goatee. And you're like, sir, I
bet you're up to no good because you made other
choices that aren't great, like allowing all that together.
Speaker 5 (20:45):
Like not shaving.
Speaker 2 (20:45):
Yeah, it's just like a couple of those things can
go mullets, fine, the dot's okay by itself, possibly the goatee,
but all three together, like you look like somebody that
makes bad decisions. And so I wonder if they this
is me speculating we're using these fire trucks to get
into area is and then like loot or steal because
that had been happening. Oh, but also wonder what's left
even to loot or steal at this point? But that
is commitment to have a fake firetruck.
Speaker 7 (21:12):
But if you do all that bones and you like
help fight the fires, but you're not a real firefighter,
you still get arrested.
Speaker 2 (21:19):
Probably what happened was somebody saw them doing something that
didn't look like what a firefighter would do, because had
they been fighting a fire, I don't think anyone would
have been like, we must stop you from fighting that fire.
Speaker 5 (21:31):
Right, But if you're helping fight fires, can you impersonate?
Speaker 2 (21:34):
Speaker 1 (21:34):
I don't think so, I can't. I don't think you
can have a fire truck and claiming to be part
of a fire department.
Speaker 5 (21:39):
That's okay, that's what I mean.
Speaker 2 (21:40):
Like the fire truck is such a commitment, Like I
got to.
Speaker 1 (21:42):
Shout them out for that.
Speaker 2 (21:43):
This can't be their first time unless they got it
off craigs less like cheap right before and they were like,
we have the perfect scam.
Speaker 1 (21:50):
I just have never seen a fake.
Speaker 2 (21:51):
Fire truck, although it looks like a real fire truck,
but it just isn't a real one for that area.
Take your headphones to the store with you. If you
go grocery shopping, your headphones they're in your ears. And
if you listen to up beat music, that means you.
Speaker 5 (22:04):
Will buy less, you'll get out of their faster.
Speaker 2 (22:07):
Yes, many stores that even play music with a rhythm
that's higher. It makes people move through faster, so they
keep That's why. Mostly it's like the Fray and Tonic
and Edwin McCain. It's the slow stuff.
Speaker 1 (22:20):
Yeah, so that that will be your crying.
Speaker 2 (22:23):
Shore honey go beats. You just go and you slowly
grab stuff, you stay in the time. That's from what
women want, the science of female shopping. You think guys
would do that too, kind of sexist stuff. A Southwest
Airlines pilot was arrested for dui at the Georgia Airport.
I know a Transportation Security Administration officer smelled alcohol on
the pilot and then informed law enforcement officials who was arrested. Quote,
we're ware the situation involving an employee on flight thirty
seven to seventy two this morning. The employee has been
removed from duty. The flight, which was headed to Chicago,
was delayed by five hours because they had to get
another pilot. Probably the airline apologized for the disruption. It
sad customers were accommodated on other flights or they had
to just wait. That's again from NBC News. Andy lyrics
to Bob Dylan's They missed the tambourine man sell for
five hundred and eight thousand dollars at an auction. About
sixty Bob Dylan items in total were sold, but the
big one, mister tambourine Man, over half a million dollars.
So it's like his handwritten lyrics. Yeah, it was like
the draft of the lyrics. Yeah, what if you couldn't
read them? Like you can't understand them when he sings them.
It looks like a bunch of prescription writing from a doctor.
It's not funny. You're hating the above, Dylan, I'm not hating.
I'm saying that's from ABC thirteen. The Home Alone House
sold for five point five million dollars. The iconic Home
Alone mansion has officially sold. I feel like this is
beg This story to me feels like when they say
the oldest person ever has died, Like that story happened
like every six months. I feel like the Home Alone
house or the full House house or the Golden Girls
House sells like every six months.
Speaker 5 (24:09):
Where's this one located?
Speaker 2 (24:10):
I don't even know in Illinois. I believe the Home
Alone Mansion sold. The win a talk At Illinois Home
or the win At Illinois Home was listed for five
point twenty five million in May of twenty twenty four,
but it looks like the new owners spent a little
more five point five million.
Speaker 1 (24:28):
Da da da, there you go. Congratulations to them.
Speaker 2 (24:31):
And then finally, a clerk's pick lands a customer half
a million dollars in the lotto. And this is in
South Carolina. A customer walking to a convenience store looking
for a lottery ticket and let the store clerk.
Speaker 1 (24:41):
Choose for them. The ten dollars shimmering.
Speaker 2 (24:43):
Richest scratch off turned out to be a life changing decision,
winning the customer half a million dollars. So if this
happens to you lunchbox and you go into a gas
station and they pick it, do you go back and
give them any money?
Speaker 1 (24:56):
Ooh no? Okay.
Speaker 2 (24:58):
If you are the person that's working at the store,
the clerk, do you expect money if the person wins, Yeah,
you expect a tip. Do you see where there's a problem.
Speaker 1 (25:13):
No where. If it's you winning, you're not going to give.
But if it's you helping, you expect a winner to
give you. I mean, without me, they wouldn't have won, right,
it could have been someone else.
Speaker 2 (25:23):
Again, But if you're the one getting the ticket, the
same thing has just happened. But because it's not you,
you're not giving the money. Maybe I buy him a dinner,
maybe you buy them at dinner.
Speaker 5 (25:33):
But why did you say half a million, Bobby?
Speaker 1 (25:35):
Yea dinner? Okay, five hundred thousand dollars, it's a lot
of money.
Speaker 2 (25:40):
But if you're the one that helps them buy the ticket,
you expect how much fifty thousand?
Speaker 1 (25:46):
Okay, that's a lot of money. It's not even that,
it's the fact that he thinks.
Speaker 2 (25:53):
One way, if it's involving him, you should get something,
but the other way, if it's involving him, he shouldn't
give something. I mean, that's my only point here. But
congratulations they hit. Why didn't that happen to me? Probably
because of Man, Probably because of how you just described
what you would do in that situation. If you believe
that there are reasons that you should and that you
will win, that's bigger than you, which I don't. But
if you're like Man, if I just do certain things,
I'll win, I would think that if karma existed, mister
and missus, karma is going. I just heard this guy
I was listening this morning show I Love Him by
Bone Show, I Love Him hilarious. The lunchbox said, if
he won, he would not give the person money, but
if he was the one giving and they won, he
would expect money.
Speaker 1 (26:38):
Do you not see the difference there? No, like an attitude.
Speaker 2 (26:41):
No. But I'm gonna go have clerks pick out lottery
tickets from you today.
Speaker 1 (26:45):
It's a sign from the man upstairs. Okay, thank you,
that's your news.
Speaker 2 (26:50):
Bobby's We're gonna have to do Amy's story probably tomorrow.
Speaker 1 (26:57):
She had an explosion kind of in her house. It
was hilarious. Oh it's hilarious.
Speaker 5 (27:01):
Oh well, hilarious, yes, but I'm laughing.
Speaker 1 (27:05):
You're here today, you look okay, you look great. You
never look better. Also can help you.
Speaker 5 (27:09):
The things in my mind continued through the nights where
I barely slept because then I thought, well, wait, what
if this catches fire?
Speaker 2 (27:15):
So we'll talk about that either in the post show
or tomorrow. And then I do want to mention too.
Eddie and I are doing a couple of shows for
Saint Jude. Free shows. Tickets go on sell tomorrow. We're
doing in Atlanta and then Mobile, Alabama, back to back
nights Tuesday, February fourth and Wednesday, February fifth. I go
to Bobby Bones dot comform information but tickets going sell
tomorrow local time ten am. It's Eddie and I, the
Raging Idiots and Matt Styll, who has a bunch of
number one songs.
Speaker 5 (27:40):
When you say free shows, that means y'all aren't making anything,
because it's oh.
Speaker 1 (27:42):
Yeah, I guess we're saying said you said.
Speaker 2 (27:44):
I thought, it's going, yeah, we're not making any money, right,
So in parentheses it's we're doing it for free. It's
a great point. I'm glad you said that because I'm
an idiot.
Speaker 5 (27:54):
Sounded confusing.
Speaker 1 (27:55):
No, yeah, it was totally confusing. It makes sense to
us though, because we're doing it for free.
Speaker 2 (27:58):
Maybe I didn't even mean to say it out loud. Maybe
in my head, I'm like, we're doing a free show,
and I said it. No, no, no, I'm not even
sure how much tickets cost though they can't be that much.
Speaker 5 (28:06):
But whatever is coming from the tickets is going to
same you.
Speaker 2 (28:09):
Because will work with the free As I said, that's funny.
Thanks for catching that. No problem, all right, Bobbybones dot com.
If you want information on those shows, all right. Thank
you for having on the phone. Sindy in North Carolina.
We're talking about Eddie who broke his arm. Hey, Cindy,
what do you have Hi, Cindy, Hey.
Speaker 8 (28:26):
Good morning, studio morning. I feel for Eddie breaking his arm.
Was skating last year. I went to the same kind
of thing birthday party for grandchild. Everybody's like, hey, come on,
let's go skate. So I get on the fool wheelers
get out there, and I'm like, you know, I think
I'll just try the rollerblades because you know, if you
follow on the rollerblades, you fall on your butt. Well,
I'll fall on the roller blades and broke both of
my wrists at the same time. Had to have surgery
two weeks later, twelve weeks with no hand hand you.
So I feel for you, Eddie, Sorry about that boat hands.
Speaker 2 (29:05):
Did you fall back and try to catch your falling
back with your hands?
Speaker 8 (29:09):
And you know, the doctor said that my feet flew
up so fast that my butt hit, but my wrist
hit before my butt did, so I can hear it,
I mean literally hear the bones break. And then you know,
I'm sitting there on the floor by feet out in
front of me. All the kids are rolling around, and
I'm like, okay, this is not good.
Speaker 7 (29:30):
That's the thing too. No one stops to help you.
At the roller skating rink, they keep flying by.
Speaker 8 (29:34):
Yeah, yeah, well a couple of people did, cause like
I'm sixty three, so you know, they looked at me like,
oh my gosh, she needs help.
Speaker 1 (29:42):
You broke both.
Speaker 8 (29:44):
Yes at the same time. And you know what everybody's
first question was when you tell them that, what how
did you wipe your butt?
Speaker 2 (29:54):
You know what, I think we probably would have I
wanted to though, how would she have waped her button?
Speaker 1 (29:58):
So I was thinking it. I I just wouldn't the
whole time.
Speaker 5 (30:01):
I never thought it for.
Speaker 2 (30:03):
Like six months. I'd have been stinky McGee really yeah.
Or I'd have built some sort of contraption, because there's
no way anybody's wiping my butt.
Speaker 1 (30:10):
There's no way. I'd had some kind of stick.
Speaker 5 (30:12):
No, maybe one of those punge out on real quick
from Amazon.
Speaker 2 (30:17):
I would have had like a really long plunger and
would have put a bristle on top of it.
Speaker 1 (30:21):
Bristle, and then I would have just sat. I would
have just sat on it and went back and forth
like a bear.
Speaker 2 (30:27):
Yeah, and then I would have like kicked that into
the garbage and got rid of the garbage.
Speaker 1 (30:31):
There's no way before you ask your wife to help you.
Speaker 2 (30:34):
No, no, there is no asking my wife what you
would That's what marriage is all about you.
Speaker 1 (30:40):
It's not about that.
Speaker 5 (30:41):
And you're older than her.
Speaker 2 (30:43):
Maybe when I get older, But right now, I'm building
some sort of contraption with a Brillo pad.
Speaker 1 (30:50):
And that's how we're doing it. Okay, we are gonna
do and then we're brillowing.
Speaker 5 (30:55):
I don't know that it needs to be brillow. That
sounds rough. Just do like soft sponge.
Speaker 1 (30:59):
Just gonna tooth rush or something.
Speaker 2 (31:02):
I think goes now, Yeah, all of a sudden, I'm
one of those people getting like a squirrel taken out
of your butt. But it's four tooth brushes because I
wouldn't go in for the first tooth brush. That'd be
too embarrassed. Yeah, but like after like four, I'm like, guys,
we got to get these out of here.
Speaker 1 (31:17):
Uh, Cindy, thank you for your story. I really appreciate that.
Speaker 8 (31:20):
Speaker 1 (31:21):
Are you Are you good?
Speaker 4 (31:22):
Speaker 1 (31:23):
Is everything?
Speaker 4 (31:23):
Speaker 8 (31:24):
Oh, yeah, it's been a year. Everything's great. I'm good,
thank you very much. Good and everything.
Speaker 1 (31:31):
All right, Sindy, bye bye, thank you bye, thank you.
That's awesome call.
Speaker 7 (31:36):
Yeah, very hopeful for me and she can get through that.
Speaker 2 (31:40):
I can get through this only one arm. Yes, let's
go to Kelly and Florida. Hi, Kelly, you're on the show.
Speaker 1 (31:45):
What's going on?
Speaker 4 (31:47):
Hi? Good morning? How are you?
Speaker 1 (31:49):
We're doing pretty good? Tell us your story.
Speaker 4 (31:53):
I was calling about the right hand issue. I fell
off the ladder back to the end of May and
shattered my hand and broke both of the knobbed off
my radius phone in my wrist, and I can relate
with getting dressed with only one hand. It is terrible.
Speaker 2 (32:18):
Was it a full ladder like going outside or was
it a small ladder in the house.
Speaker 4 (32:23):
It was a full ladder. But I was in the
house cleaning the top of the refrigerator and I took
something off the top of the refrigerator to set it
down on the counter. It was a glass of cutting board,
and I didn't want it to break, so I bent
over too far and the ladder started walking and it
went one way. I went to the other. I landed
on my wrist and shattered my wrist and it's still
not right. And I just I wanted to sympathize that
what he's going through is really, really bad.
Speaker 2 (32:59):
Yeah, you know, we're not gonna give him that much.
Speaker 1 (33:03):
And he wants a moment of silence you can fill him.
Can we please have one off air a minute ago?
Speaker 2 (33:10):
I just said again, because I've said it nineteen times,
I've texted to him over and over again, I cannot
believe you broke your arm, And he did say that
was my fault.
Speaker 1 (33:19):
I'm so stupid. It is.
Speaker 7 (33:21):
I shouldn't have gone skating like I shouldn't have put
roller skates on and gone skating, like I really had
gone in there planning not to do it.
Speaker 2 (33:28):
But I don't think that's why. I think that would
be limiting yourself. It was your son's birthday. You're going
to skate a little bit. You're in good shape, So
let's say let's remove just skating. I don't know I was
there anything about the very end of the.
Speaker 1 (33:39):
Night that you did. Maybe you would not do though.
Speaker 2 (33:43):
Like race now now we're talking, yeah, we're flying, maybe
racing him as the final act.
Speaker 7 (33:49):
But once you're skating for like two hours, man, you
think you can do anything.
Speaker 1 (33:52):
Triple axle, double axle, all of it. He made me
want to go skating.
Speaker 2 (33:58):
Thank you for the call, Kelly. Are you good now?
Is everything good?
Speaker 1 (34:01):
You held up? I still bothers you like? Is that
like me?
Speaker 8 (34:05):
Speaker 1 (34:05):
It gets bad.
Speaker 4 (34:05):
I still can't make a fifth. Oh, I still can't
make a fifth.
Speaker 8 (34:09):
So but other than that, I'm good.
Speaker 4 (34:11):
But who's lucky. He's only in his forties. I'm sixty
and so my refrigerator will stay dirty on the top
of it for the rest of my life unless I
hire somebody to come clean it. I won't do it again.
Speaker 1 (34:24):
What did you learn from this?
Speaker 7 (34:25):
I'm not roller skating again, and don't clean the top
my refrigerator higher.
Speaker 2 (34:30):
I'll get one of your kids to do it. Kelly,
thank you. Have a great day, you too, take care
of all right, boy, Bobby.
Speaker 1 (34:37):
Bones show sorry up today.
Speaker 3 (34:40):
This story comes us from Panama City, Florida. A forty
one year old woman was looking for some drugs. She
texts her dealer, Hey, I got forty five dollars. Can
you get me some drugs? He's like, yeah, where do
you want to meet? She tells them the gas station
she goes to meet up. Cops are waiting for she
texted the wrong person. It was a detective and phone
that from a previous case. She had saved his number, so.
Speaker 1 (35:03):
It was in the phone. It wasn't like random.
Speaker 3 (35:05):
Yeah, it was like initials were the same.
Speaker 5 (35:07):
Oh no.
Speaker 1 (35:08):
Also, don't you have code words that stuff? Not like
hey got any drugs?
Speaker 2 (35:12):
Like, hey got me the odorant and that means drugs,
so they can't get Yeah.
Speaker 1 (35:16):
I guess she wouldn't be a bonehead though if that
didn't happen.
Speaker 3 (35:18):
Okay, I'm lunch box. That's year bonehead story of the day.
Speaker 2 (35:22):
On January sixth, twenty twenty five, that's this year. A
couple of weeks ago, I put a bold prediction in
this envelope and I sealed it and I did a
squiggly in a way that I could not replicate, so
I could not change the envelope out put two x's
on the back, just like this.
Speaker 1 (35:37):
We put it all on camera.
Speaker 2 (35:38):
Now it still has not come true, but listeners are
asking me to update, and that's it. It still has
it come true. I still believe fully that the mystery,
the bold prediction, which I don't think I've even told
Mike what it is, the bold prediction will come true.
And so there it has not come true. It is
not any us true, but I think we're getting there.
Does this have anything to do with the I will
not probably give an answer to this, but feel.
Speaker 7 (36:07):
Free person leaving the show or something.
Speaker 1 (36:11):
I know? Or were those two different things? Two different things?
Speaker 2 (36:15):
Then this is a bowl and most people think it's
about them, because we're all obsessed with ourselves. And so
when I asked, like, who thinks it's about them? Maybe
it was like me, Morgan was like me, lunchbox. Maybe
Lunchbox didn't said me.
Speaker 3 (36:27):
Yeah, No, probably about me. I'm gonna get something big,
like a big break maybe.
Speaker 1 (36:32):
I Yeah, that's what I'm assuming.
Speaker 2 (36:34):
It's very specific, so it's not just me predicting a
vague accomplishment or achievement or failure.
Speaker 1 (36:43):
It's not that at all. And how did that come
to you? Just in a dream? Man?
Speaker 2 (36:48):
I feel very So that's the update. The update is that, huh,
you know what? And I see that the envelope seal
has kind of weathered off a bit. It is open again,
So I'm gonna tape it. But Mike, I'm gonna let
you look at it right here because you have not
seen it. No, Mike knows all my secrets, and there's
no reason he should know this secret.
Speaker 5 (37:05):
But this isn't your secret about you.
Speaker 2 (37:07):
It's my secret prediction for twenty twenty five. You won't
to look at it.
Speaker 1 (37:10):
Yeah, put it under the desk.
Speaker 5 (37:11):
So if it were to come to.
Speaker 1 (37:13):
You, guys are gonna be like he's a sycrec.
Speaker 5 (37:14):
If it comes to fruition, that's the next day you'll
open it or the next minute, whatever.
Speaker 1 (37:22):
It will be.
Speaker 2 (37:23):
Relative relatively near the time that it happens. Did you
read it, Mike, what is it, and I'll need you
to take that because it came.
Speaker 1 (37:34):
Mike never has an expression in his face. He does
now smiling.
Speaker 2 (37:39):
You don't say too much, but you know thoughts I
think it's solid, think it's bad.
Speaker 1 (37:44):
Or does I want to give any indication? Yeah, my
smile is enough. Okay, that's how I feel about it.
Speaker 2 (37:50):
That's all. So that's the update. It has not happened yet.
I feel solid about it, and we'll see what happens.
Twenty twenty five envelopes still in play. And if it's
ever not, I'll also because something could happen and make
it not true, I will pull out and be like,
I absolutely missed on this.
Speaker 1 (38:06):
But you have till the end of the year to
do that, right, Oh yeah, I don't even I don't
need that long. What is happening? I don't think I
need that long.
Speaker 5 (38:15):
You think whatever is in that envelope is going to
happen well before the end of the year.
Speaker 2 (38:20):
Yeah, you think it happened for the end of the year.
If it happens, Mike, yeah.
Speaker 3 (38:24):
I would say so too.
Speaker 1 (38:26):
I'm right there with you. I've been led in no
way to think this is going to happen.
Speaker 2 (38:29):
I can just I could read the room, so got it?
Speaker 1 (38:32):
That's it?
Speaker 8 (38:33):
No, you don't it, got it?
Speaker 1 (38:34):
No you don't.
Speaker 3 (38:35):
I don't want I don't want to ruin it. No,
I'm not going to ruin it.
Speaker 1 (38:38):
But I can. I can walk, I can put an envelope. No,
we're not doing that.
Speaker 2 (38:42):
I can walk in a room and I can look
at people in the eyes.
Speaker 5 (38:46):
You can sniff it out.
Speaker 1 (38:47):
I see big things for you if it doesn't have
to do with anything on.
Speaker 5 (38:50):
Like the show, but it's so with someone on the show's.
Speaker 2 (38:55):
No, and it's a big thing, but it can be professional,
but just not about the radio.
Speaker 5 (38:59):
Show, gotcha?
Speaker 1 (39:00):
Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, see big things for you.
Speaker 5 (39:04):
What if you know that one of us is getting
some offer for something.
Speaker 2 (39:07):
That will be a cheating and that would be hilarious,
like if I knew like the company trading Yeah, mar Stewart, Yes,
it's not that, but it is a prediction. I won't
say that, but you know there's something called there's something there,
but I'm not cheating in any way whatsoever. And it
could also be bad for us as a whole, but
it could be great for a person.
Speaker 1 (39:28):
So either way, it's great for this person. Absolutely can't wait.
Oh no, you guys are gonna start everything.
Speaker 2 (39:34):
I think it's them now and the thought they were
gonna get the acting role see tomorrow.
Speaker 1 (39:37):
By it is no Bobby Bone. Bobby Bone The.
Speaker 2 (39:43):
Bobby Bones Show theme song, written, produced and sang by
read Yarberry. You can find his instagram at read Yarberry,
Scuba Steve executive producer, Raymondo, head of Production.
Speaker 1 (39:57):
I'm Bobby Bones.
Speaker 2 (39:58):
My instagram is mister Bobby Bones. Thank you for listening
to the podcast.