Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wake up, Wake up in the mall, and it's on
the radio and the Dodgas keeps on time. Here ready lunchbox,
Morgan two Steve Bred and it's trying to put you
through fog. He's riding this week's next bit and Bobby's
on the box. So you know what this is the
Bobby Ball. This is the iconic nineteen eighties sounds game.
I'm gonna play this too. Don't know the answers. RAYMONDO
is running it. So ray all these are sounds or
are they quote? What is it? Yeah? So it sounds
in people's voices all from the eighties. You gotta name
who or what it is? You guys wanna do roll rumble?
You're out, you miss it, You're out? Oh love it
me Amy. Everybody can play because Morgan was born in
the nineties, so she's out immediately. She's gonna hear one
thing and be out. Hey, give us an example, ladies.
Speaker 2 (00:59):
And gentlemen from Mandolin Bail, Las Vegas, lopskinter ready to rumble.
Speaker 1 (01:10):
That one might be a tough I know the answer
is Michael Buffer. I think you got boxing. Yeah, his brother, Yeah,
because he has a different like weird one he's like,
he's got to be slightly different. Now he gets sued UFC. Yeah, okay,
are the rest at heart? Give us another example? Okay,
goes yeplo. What's sloth? Yeah that's his name. So but
for like Michael Buffer, though, could you have said boxing
with that accountant? Because I'm not running it, but I
would have said no, yeah, probably more specific, so you
would have needed to say Michael Buffer. Dang. Okay, okay,
so roll rumble, Uh, everybody ready to go? Give us
number one? Hit it again? I mean you guys know
what that is? I shut up. Are you're playing? No,
I'm not playing. You're playing. Everybody's playing. I'm not playing
around that. I don't know what that is. Be good. Yeah,
I'm in for the womb. No chance Morgan has this.
But let's see what do you have, clown car. I
don't think that's it, but we'll see lunch bikes, dukes
of hazard, General Lee. Oh, good job, that's what I have,
General Lee.
Speaker 3 (02:30):
I have dukes.
Speaker 1 (02:31):
I think I raised the judge. Yeah, I would give
Amy Dukes a house on that one. I I agree
with that.
Speaker 2 (02:37):
Eddie the Beverly Hillbillies, which was not in the eighties.
Speaker 4 (02:41):
So I'm an idiot, so I think we lost too there. Wow,
good job guys. Next one, that's funny. I'll go we Herman,
we Herman, we Herman.
Speaker 1 (03:09):
Yeah, thanks h man. I think we play more time.
How annoying, especially that loud. I feel pretty good about it.
Unless it's another one. What do you have? You're on
the right track. But I don't think that's it.
Speaker 2 (03:48):
Yeah, it's man specifically shooting guns.
Speaker 1 (03:54):
I think it's a man, which is more than atari.
It's a bit, it's a I mean, it's a what do.
Speaker 5 (03:59):
You call those things used to video game?
Speaker 1 (04:02):
Is it pack man? Okay?
Speaker 3 (04:04):
That crossed my mind.
Speaker 1 (04:05):
So I thought it could have been like a Space
Invaders or you win. That's what I thought it was.
You thought it was a no, but.
Speaker 2 (04:12):
I thought Space Invaders was a game on a tory.
But I didn't know the name of the game.
Speaker 1 (04:15):
Ray. Did I win yet? Play again? That's that's not
that was fun for me. Well, can't come back in?
Everybody can play? All right? Next up? I'm in, Now
go back out. I'm in. Yeah, I'm in. If anybody
misses that, they should get fired from the show.
Speaker 3 (04:42):
I was not born in this day.
Speaker 1 (04:44):
But you should get fired from the show if you
missed us fire. Yeah, fired, you should. You're gonna have
to move the social media one oh god, in a minute,
Ray were good? Give us one more hit? Okay, Morgan,
the beginning of VHS. That's interesting. Okay, Lunchbox. The more
you know, correct, we do it a bit on the
show all the time, and play that sounder. The more
you know, yes, Amy, the more you know Eddie, the
more you know Morgan, You're done. One fired. I'm sorry.
Speaker 6 (05:19):
I don't think you guys have played that game while
I've been with the show.
Speaker 1 (05:22):
Game. It's not a game. I'll be like, that's something,
and that's that's the more you know, and.
Speaker 6 (05:27):
Then we hit the clib well, Lunchbox, here's our social.
Speaker 1 (05:32):
All right. Next up, I'm in again, Pool, I'm in.
I'm in for the wind, Eddie, mister t Eddie, Yeah, Lunchbox,
mister t mister t correct. Okay, Next I'm in, I'm in.
I'm in for the wind. Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson,
Michael Jackson. Do we have more there plenty? Yep? Okay,
go ahead, Oh yeah, what am in? I'm in? I
don't know how specific we have to be, So I'm
gonna be very specific. Oh yeah, paragraph, Oh yeah, I'm
in for the win. If you get it. I'm impressed.
Speaker 3 (06:28):
I know it.
Speaker 1 (06:29):
Let's go eighties iconic Sounds. Lunchbox.
Speaker 2 (06:34):
That is Mucho Man, Randy Savage. Snap into a slim gym.
That's what I have too.
Speaker 1 (06:38):
I have Mucho Man, snap into a slim gym. Amy.
Speaker 6 (06:41):
Okay, so I didn't have the paragraph, but I have
snap into a slim gym to ray.
Speaker 1 (06:45):
But I feel like that's it's it's that commercial and
those are all good. Hey, Eddie, I have Paul Cogan.
What Paul Cogan did You're the oldest one here.
Speaker 2 (06:54):
Yeah, all of a sudden, these age games, he's getting
them wrong on purpose, So we don't make one of
his age.
Speaker 1 (06:57):
Well they would have said snap into a slim gym.
I would have known what that was. Okay, three remaining,
go ahead.
Speaker 6 (07:08):
Speaker 1 (07:11):
Huh? We do it again? What of course? Let's know
that one one more time. I'm gonna go contact. Okay,
I'm contact clues only the same damn I gotta I'm
going with this lunchbox. Whip It Devo, Whip ITV. That
is from the eighties. I gotta say not a bad guess.
I feel like the audio would have been better for
whip It. I have never seen this, but I think
it's probably Indiana Jones and the Whip though that was
seventies eighties. Do you have Zoro? Okay, I can't get it.
I think that'd be more of a sort we play.
Speaker 6 (07:57):
The Clue.
Speaker 3 (08:02):
Power Rangers.
Speaker 1 (08:03):
I should have changed when Eddie said Indiana Jones. I
didn't know that when that was context clues only. How
many more are there? Two more? Just straight? Two more
we can do if you guys get tied. There is
a round for that as well. But if you want to,
I'll just run. I'll just do victory lap with these,
all right, go ahead? If anything, the end is explosions,
it has to be that Michael J. Fox, Right, what
is uh time? Uh? Uh? Back into uh? Back to
the future? That what that is? Yeah, can't give me
one more? I have no idea Ghostbusters. Oh I would
never got that one. No more. There's five if you
want them. I thought they had two. If there was ties,
I wanted to leave so later. Okay, I'll just take
my think my eighties belt. He won two games, dude,
has More in the eighties makes sense. Oh, women are crazy.
That's the name of the segment, Women are Crazy. Lunchbox Presents.
Women are Crazy. Okay, I thought everybody was gonna say
with me, no, no, no, we're not jumping on that one.
Go ahead. So there's this woman in Colorado. She has
a boyfriend.
Speaker 2 (09:32):
They live together, and she goes for a job interview
and she's riding the bus back from the job interview
and she's texting him and he's like, I highly doubt
you're gonna get that job. I don't do your qualified enough.
So she starts talking to some random dude on the
bus and it's like, yeah, my boyfriend don't think I
can A'm gonna get the job.
Speaker 1 (09:49):
He doesn't think I'm qualified enough.
Speaker 2 (09:50):
And they come up with playing murder him, and so
he gets off the bus with her and they go
in to shoot and kill him.
Speaker 1 (09:55):
Wait her and the random worson on the bus.
Speaker 2 (09:58):
She met him three minutes ago when she got to
the bus and they sat next to each other and
she was like, Yeah, my boyfriend's being mean to me.
Speaker 1 (10:04):
We should kill him. And they went and kill him,
like literally, the dude just went with her and killed him.
Speaker 2 (10:09):
Women are crazy.
Speaker 1 (10:12):
No, the guy was.
Speaker 2 (10:13):
Going because he was like, I'm gonna get this chick,
so kill the boyfriend.
Speaker 1 (10:17):
That's crazy for that though, for that text, I don't
think you're going to get the job, isn't that? Just
maybe break up with them, yeah, or just have a talk.
I would like it if you could be more supportive,
because she's just he's just been real right, like you're
not qualified that you're probably not going to get the job.
I can't validate you're right there because I don't know,
but I don't think it's murderer.
Speaker 7 (10:35):
Speaker 1 (10:36):
But also a dude just on the bus is like I'm.
Speaker 6 (10:39):
In yeah, he is story now, like we just met
on the bus, but really they've been together forever.
Speaker 1 (10:44):
Literally they just met on the bus. So then what
do they do. I know she's gonna be the murder
But they did it too, they did they did, Like.
Speaker 2 (10:55):
What happened to the guy in the bush. He got
away for like three years and they just caught him.
But she just got convicted a murder.
Speaker 3 (11:01):
Well, but he's going to be convicted and murder too, right, I.
Speaker 1 (11:04):
Mean eventually, yes, So why is it not? People are crazy?
He did right? People are crazy people. I mean, it
all started with the woman. It all started with the woman.
It doesn't just.
Speaker 2 (11:15):
I mean, without that woman, that guy doesn't go in there, and.
Speaker 1 (11:17):
Just I think maybe he's influence to do anything by anybody,
so eventually he would have done something. This this show what
she looked like. Yeah, she's not even like, oh she's
not terrible. Okay, no, that's what I'm saying. Like she's
not like you would think, oh yeah, where like down
on their luck would do anything for her. Like it
wasn't like it was like, oh my gosh, really for that.
You know, she's a seven. Yeah, she's a normal life seven.
And you imagine just some dude on a bus. It
never gets a woman and she's like, hey we are
here's a seven.
Speaker 6 (11:47):
I mean, I'm not looking at her, but I y'all
are the crazy on.
Speaker 1 (11:51):
Oh yeah, that.
Speaker 3 (11:54):
Takes her down.
Speaker 2 (11:58):
That's just hurting like a like a little sweatshirts mad
at her dressed up, dawled up right to go out
on the town.
Speaker 6 (12:04):
So if you all met her on a bus, you'd
be like, okay, I'll go kill your boy.
Speaker 1 (12:07):
Depends down. I wasn't my luck. And then are you
gonna am I gonna be your new boyfriend? If so,
but then I'm gonna worry I You're gonna murder me. Yeah, okay,
that's Lunchbox Presents Women Are Crazy. That's a hit. That's
a hit, kind of We just did a segment. It's
called Lunchbox Presents Women Are Crazy. So Amy, in a
few minutes has decided that she is going to meet
that segment with Amy Presents Men are Crazy. Okay, She's
gonna meet him in the middle level it out. Yes,
here's kind of a dumb story. They're like. If you
want to compose yourself fast, if you're in a stressful situation,
it could even be something happening at work. Experts say
one of the best things you can do for fast
results to compose yourself is to stick your head in
the freezer. How you've heard that, Yeah, it says for
a minute.
Speaker 3 (12:55):
Take it in there. Why because the cold?
Speaker 6 (12:57):
Well, I mean what I've heard is the cold will
stimulate like the vagus nerve, which goes down the back
of the head, but can release endorphins and help you
feel better.
Speaker 1 (13:07):
According to stress experts, different temperatures and atmosphere changes could
quickly disarm a stressed person. This is great to do
for a big meeting or a presentation, or if were
about to go off on somebody. From the Complete They're
about to go off on somebody The Complete Idiot's Guide
to Managing Stress by Jeff Davidson. You've heard that before, half,
so go stick your head in the freezer. Yeah for
a minute, try that out.
Speaker 6 (13:30):
Yeah, the temperature change the cold every morning before the
temperature change the other way, like if your cold, don't
go stick your head in the oven.
Speaker 1 (13:37):
And also know what if you're way too kind and
composed and you're like I need to be a little outrageous.
Speaker 6 (13:43):
Yeah, I think it's a temperature change towards like freezing cold.
Speaker 1 (13:46):
Got it coming up. We're minutes away from Amy presents
Men Are Crazy. Men Are Crazy, also tonight on CMT
my special Comedically Inspirational nine eight Central. I hope you
check it out post on your store. If you don't,
minagon me. I want to repost a bunch of those two.
So check it out tonight CMT nine eight Center. We
just did a segment called Lunchbox Presents Women Are Crazy,
and it was a whole story about a woman mad
at her boyfriend, meets a dude on a bus and
they go and kill her. Boy crazy and he's like,
it's all about women. Well, Amy's like, I'd like to
say a little something, so Amy presents men are crazy.
What do you got?
Speaker 6 (14:21):
There's this thirty three year old man who is now
going to be spending four months in jail for stalking
his girlfriend. He was so desperate to see her that
he shipped himself in a box or her house.
Speaker 1 (14:33):
And she opened it up.
Speaker 6 (14:35):
He came out, threatened her with a gun, and took
her keys. So when she kicked him out, he was
still coming back to her house. She ended up installing
security cams and you see him returning to the house
several times.
Speaker 1 (14:48):
How do you mail your How did he mail himself?
Did it say like how do you eat? How do
you pee? How do you Yeah?
Speaker 6 (14:52):
Well, I don't know if it was by the US
Postal Service or a FedEx, but he was delivered in
a box, so maybe he had like a courier pick
a hut or yeah, hey can you drop me up?
But listen, if any of y'all have a buddy that's
going to actually deliver you to a girlfriend's house, but
maybe they don't know you're crazy. Maybe they think you're
just like trying to be romantic. But he was definitely
stalking her and this was his way.
Speaker 1 (15:14):
In How far in did he get? Did they because
I feel like that's a pretty heavy box. Did they
get the box in the house?
Speaker 6 (15:19):
Yeah, the box was inside the house, and she said
once it was inside, he came out of the box
and then threatened her with a gun, which he denies,
by the way.
Speaker 1 (15:28):
Of course, but you can't admit to that.
Speaker 6 (15:30):
Yeah, And then he, like I said, took her keys.
Then she kicked him out, and then he kept returning
to the residence and he told the judge no, no, no, no,
she gave me the keys. I was returning because she
voluntarily gave me access, and she's like no, no, no.
So anyway, he's been sentenced to Foremasts jail for stalking.
Speaker 1 (15:48):
And that's Amy presents.
Speaker 3 (15:49):
Men are crazy, that's wild. Both are wild.
Speaker 1 (15:54):
So I would say the lunch box women are Crazy
is a little worse because somebody died. But this one
took real like a looney thought, like I'm gonna get
in a box and be delivered over there.
Speaker 3 (16:08):
I mean. And also in Lunchbuck's the story. I mean,
she did recruit a man to help her go kill
her boyfriend.
Speaker 1 (16:16):
So yeah, right, So men are crazy because they'll do
any they'll go crazy for a woman they.
Speaker 6 (16:21):
Met three minutes ago on a bus.
Speaker 1 (16:23):
Well, this guy got in a box. Yeah, crazier. You
know what men are crazier with that. They bought a
painting at a garage shell for fifty bucks. It's a
van go wow, fifty bucks at a Minnesota garage cell.
The painting, titled Lamar, was previously analyzed by a Vango
museum in the Netherlands, and it's a it looks like
a guy smoking a pipe, shoulders up fellow furry hat
on near the ocean. The painting was bought for fifty bucks.
It's not even that they knew. They just thought it
was an old painting, and so they brought in experts, historians, scientists,
data analysts. This thing could be worth fifteen million dollars.
Imagine fifty dollars because you think this old, crappy painting
is kind of cool to like put in the bathroom,
and it's worth fifteen million dollars. They're still in the
process of aut dedicating it.
Speaker 6 (17:23):
Do you go back to the garage cell, you don't give.
Speaker 3 (17:26):
That home anything.
Speaker 1 (17:28):
No, they sold it.
Speaker 6 (17:28):
I know they did, but I mean they didn't know.
And it's like now you're fifteen million, they'll never know.
Speaker 3 (17:34):
It is all in the news. They're gonna know like that,
theyll no, I don't know, they're gonna know.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
Oh does you think that like somewhere along the lines,
like whoever bought it originally knew it was Vango but
then didn't tell anyone. The reason I think I wouldn't
go back is because that is right for lawsuits against
you to have nothing oh okay, And why would you
want to open yourself up to that because you did
nothing wrong except by the painting, and then all of
a sudden somebody starts suing you and you're like, well,
I guess I'll just settle to give them five million
dollars so I have to go through you years and
years of not getting any money. So my answer would
be no to that.
Speaker 3 (18:03):
Maybe you just pay off their mortgage for them secretly.
Speaker 1 (18:09):
And then they think they're getting scammed. I don't know,
I hear you. It's just if you go back and
you're like, hey, I bought this from your house fifty bucks.
Do you have any lawsuits? There are gonna be people
advising them in every what way. Every lawyer's trying to
get money. Nope, I wouldn't, not because I don't think
I'm a kind hearted person, but because that's just too
much drama about the painting not knowing I got lucky.
I didn't scam anybody. I got lucky. So that's why
I would say no to that. I don't mind the
secret mortgage, but if somebody did that to me, I
would think, for sure, I'm in the middle of the
scam center.
Speaker 3 (18:37):
Well you're not. It's paid for.
Speaker 1 (18:41):
If somebody paid off your mortgage. If you went home
today and you're like, hey, some mystery shopper has paid
off your mortgage, what would you think?
Speaker 3 (18:47):
I feel like, Oh, my money meditation worked.
Speaker 1 (18:50):
And they'd say, what the hecks of money meditation? What
what is Oh?
Speaker 6 (18:54):
I was doing a meditation about have welcoming more abundance
instead of lack Like sometimes I feel like I think
in a lack of mentality and I just want to
think more abundance, like you know, So I would be like, well,
it's not about appreciation more than well, I'd be like,
I'll shift my mindset from no more lack. And look
what it did. My mortgage got paid off.
Speaker 1 (19:20):
I for sure would think I was being scammed. I
would thank the Lord.
Speaker 6 (19:28):
Yes, I'd pay it forward. I'd be like, wow, look
what was done for me. I shall do unto others.
Speaker 1 (19:33):
And then I would think, though, then it would get
caught up that I didn't pay off my mortgage and
then I just paid it forward and lost backwards.
Speaker 3 (19:39):
That you thinking in lack.
Speaker 1 (19:41):
I I live in lack mentality. Let's finish it off here.
There are three names, Amy, Abby, and myself. One of
us has to read this five hundred page romantic fantasy
book called the Fourth Wheel.
Speaker 3 (19:53):
What's called Fourth Wing.
Speaker 1 (19:57):
Let's let's just spend it. Whomever it lands on is
you guys, want to eliminador. Just have a winner, you guys.
Let's spin it and whoever it is is wiped off
the wheel. Okay, all right, let's spend that and it
is me. Wow wow wow wow wow wow. You can
pull it.
Speaker 5 (20:21):
Okay, Oh, we'll do that thing out of there. We'll
do the final spin after the news because we'll do it. Okay,
that's good. We're down to two it's Amy or Abby.
Oh my goodness, I take I mean it's a load
off my bag.
Speaker 1 (20:32):
Take that off. Okay, Amy, let's play this song. We're
gonna come back and do the news and get the
final wins that will spend. Oh my goodness, I cannot believe.
Thank you, thank you Amy. On our podcast twenty five Whistles,
we've been giving away super Bowl tickets. They're my tickets.
I was given four because I do a show with
the NFL and they were like, come to the super
Bowl and I'm working for a couple of days out there.
But on our whole crew there are five people. So
four tickets for five people. That sucks. So let's be honest.
I'm keeping one. So it's three tickets for four people.
We've been competing in games. They did Connect four, Eddie
and Mike won a super Bowl ticket. They did Operation,
and then yesterday they did a Boppit Championship, Stop It
and kick Off. Kevin is the only one who doesn't
get a ticket. Oh no, he lost He lost every
He lost every game. He lost it, Connect four, Operation
and bop It. I know somebody had to so he
has to go. We all have to go because we're working.
He's the only one who doesn't get.
Speaker 6 (21:38):
And so Reid got the ticket, who doesn't carr about sports,
and he's.
Speaker 1 (21:42):
Like, I don't even like sports, but I like to
go to the super Bowl.
Speaker 3 (21:45):
Okay, and he won, Yeah, he won, far and square.
Speaker 1 (21:48):
You can listen to all that mess on twenty five Whistles,
our sports podcast. But this is the good news. Super
Bowl ticket prices are plummeting. You can get one now
for four thousand dollars on sale.
Speaker 3 (21:58):
What's the plummet What were they a lot more?
Speaker 1 (22:00):
It's like a thirty percent decline. They could even drop
a little bit more. But a couple of reasons why?
Uh number one, I'd say three three reasons. Number one,
people are kind of tired of the Chiefs winning, not me.
We had mister Haunt on today, the Chiefs owner. Let's
go Chiefs, That's what I say. Uh So that also,
I've bet on them a lot at the beginning of
the year. I may just come out. I may fly
back in an airplane that I bought for my winnings. Wow,
if I hit, I don't know if I could buy
one that quick because I got to cash out in
a much No, but they're good though. Okay, yeah, Number
two is New Orleans, great city, we love being there.
Not really built the same as a Vegas a Los
Angeles as far as like the amount of hotel space
that's that could be a bit difficult. And then also
they say a little bit the host city is still
really from the terrorist attack, which is January first, right,
So but if you want to go and get your
ticket for kick off, Kevin four thousand dollars, there's still
a chance there's that stinks. Huh, yeah, it stinks for
all that stinks, and it stinks for him that he
has to go with us.
Speaker 6 (23:15):
But you did it in a way where everybody played
and had a fair chance too.
Speaker 1 (23:18):
It wasn't like a run were running or.
Speaker 6 (23:21):
Because athletically, I'm sure Kevin would have Yeah, he played
college football, OpEd everybody.
Speaker 1 (23:25):
No need to say all that because we don't know
for sure he played college football. Trust me. So let's see,
do you think your partner's totally honest with you? That's
the question. Relationship of experts say probably not.
Speaker 6 (23:39):
What does totally mean, Like, hey, are you having a
good day? And they're like yeah, and they really.
Speaker 1 (23:42):
Need no, it's virtually impossible to be one hundred percent
accurate with everything you say, reveal, recollect. Also, I just
don't remember things sometimes. There have been times in my
relationship with my wife where if I can't remember, I
picked the option that would get me in the most trouble.
So since I can't remember, I'd rather go ahead and
get in trouble than be a liar later and get
into that trouble later. Plus the line, and then it
turns out she'd be like, wait, I just found out
that wasn't true what you said. And I'm like, what
do you mean you? I gave worst possible answer and
she was like that wasn't and I was like, you
know why, I'll be honest with you. I didn't know,
so I just said the worst possible thing and went
in took my lickings.
Speaker 6 (24:21):
Like I'm trying to imagine what you'd fine one day.
Speaker 1 (24:27):
It would be like if I forgot food or something.
If she said told me to get food or something,
and like I forgot and she was like, do you
rever re tell it? And I'm like no, and I
should have got it four you It's I knew you
had said it. I was just She's like, no, I
never told you to get food.
Speaker 3 (24:43):
I'm like, oh, yeah, you just admit to I just
don't remember.
Speaker 1 (24:46):
So I will just admit whatever. Whatever can get me
in the most trouble immediately, I will admit to it
because that might have happened. I just don't remember, and
I'd rather be in trouble than lie.
Speaker 6 (24:55):
She's like, did you eat all these cookies? And You're like, yes,
I did them all.
Speaker 1 (25:00):
And Stanley's got like cookies coming off his face. Yeah, okay, yeah,
So they say your partner is not one hundred percent
honest with you. Around ninety percent of people keep small secrets.
Research finds it's things like running a meal by eating it,
or watching a TV show he's supposed to watch together. Oh,
I would never do that. That's a cardinal sin. I
would never. She'd go force me if I watched the
show that we're in, I'd come home and the Billy
Ray Cyrus song, Where am I going to live when
I get home? Because all this stuff's been thrown out?
Speaker 3 (25:34):
And that first one you said was ruining a meal.
Speaker 1 (25:38):
Ruining a meal by eating it before?
Speaker 3 (25:39):
He said it's so fast running a.
Speaker 1 (25:41):
Meal like not being hungry.
Speaker 6 (25:43):
You know, I get it now, ruining a meal, then
said running a mill.
Speaker 1 (25:48):
I'm a hillbilly, okay from Arkansas. Holy crap, are we
not going to get over my accent? Okay, miss Texas?
I don't have an accent.
Speaker 6 (25:56):
Someone told me the other day when I said I
was from Austin. They said, you don't have an accent.
Speaker 1 (26:01):
Now she's bragging even more.
Speaker 3 (26:04):
No, it's fine.
Speaker 6 (26:05):
We're trying to figure out what you said.
Speaker 1 (26:10):
Or having a couple more drinks than you said you
had there, Pisade, These.
Speaker 3 (26:13):
Are that's that's definitely a lie.
Speaker 1 (26:16):
These are minor transgressions that should be overlooked. Journal of
Consumer Psychology.
Speaker 3 (26:21):
I think about how many drinks you had is not minor?
Speaker 1 (26:23):
Are you always kind of lie about it? I think
mostly it is all these together. If there's a drinking problem,
that's probably a different situation. I can't believe you went
from from accent. We've known.
Speaker 3 (26:36):
It wasn't quick.
Speaker 1 (26:36):
We have worked together, have been friends and known each
other for how many years?
Speaker 3 (26:39):
Twenty film twenty you filtered that as an.
Speaker 1 (26:43):
Attack people and all my hillbilities out there. You attacked
us all.
Speaker 3 (26:48):
No, not at all.
Speaker 6 (26:49):
I have I come from a family of accents. I'm
saying I was clarifying what you said because I didn't
know for sure because.
Speaker 1 (26:58):
My accent was so thick. Yes, are you one of
America's luckiest people? This group finds the most fortunate people
are men ages thirty five to forty four who live
in New York State. They're the luckiest individuals in the country.
And it goes through not only work, but like even lottery,
like scratch off. So lunchbox needs to fly to New York. Yeah,
scratch off. They didn't interview you for that story. Obviously
they did not interview me. But I do think there's
a fine line between and there's a type of person
who thinks that hardworking people that take a lot of
strategic risks are lucky versus people who don't do a
whole lot and blame hardworking people who take strategic risks
and claim they're lucky. That makes sense, Sam, Or should
I say in a different accent?
Speaker 3 (27:45):
No, that was loud and clear.
Speaker 1 (27:47):
Nicole Kidman owns the handwritten lyrics to Elton John's your song, Amy,
can you sing your song? You'll know it if I
hit you with it.
Speaker 6 (27:55):
No, because all this in my head right now is
our song is a slim screen Doors speaking out late on.
Speaker 1 (28:00):
Good's another good song, though, you can.
Speaker 3 (28:03):
Tell everybody this is your song, this is your this
is your song. Yeah, that's a good one.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
I hope you don't mind.
Speaker 3 (28:12):
I hope I don't mind that.
Speaker 6 (28:14):
I put down in how wonderful life is when you're
in my world?
Speaker 1 (28:22):
Good job? Uh. Nicole Kidman fifty seven revealed what is
her range matter. I'm reading the story from the New
York Post very official. If you could own the yeah yeah, oh,
what should do that? On the Post show? If you
could own the handwritten lyrics to any song, what would
it be? But don't do a song that would just
be super expensive because you get you immediately pick like
a Beatles song or okay, posha. And then a just
because gift from a dad earns a woman a four
million dollar lottery prize, watery gift. Had you got this
for you? She boom hits it a million bucks for
four million bucks? Yeah, just because gift? That's cool? Or jeez,
there you go. Two things. One, My special tonight is
on CMT nine eight Central. I hope you watch. I
hope you will watch. I hope you will watch. It
is not a typical comedy special. I do a lot
of comedy, but Dolly is there with me at times.
There is I bring a listener up when we play
like a game for money. There there's a country artist
in the audience who is watching the show who ends
up coming up. It's a whole thing and building a song.
Speaker 6 (29:29):
Speaker 1 (29:30):
Well, I don't want to spoil too much.
Speaker 3 (29:32):
Well, that's a cool thing. I think it's cool.
Speaker 1 (29:34):
What if he came up and tap danced.
Speaker 3 (29:37):
Well, I didn't know he did that.
Speaker 1 (29:38):
It's on CMT at nine eight Central. If you watch,
I will be very grateful and post an Instagram story
and I'll repost a lot of them and yeah, so
that's tonight.
Speaker 3 (29:48):
I saw the billboard yesterday.
Speaker 6 (29:49):
I was driving and I couldn't get my phone out
in time. Then also I was like, I'm driving, I
don't need to be taking a picture of this. But
I was like, dang it, ding it because it was
on the electronic billboard so it was rotating.
Speaker 1 (30:00):
Yeah, thank you for us seeing it with your eyes.
I didn't pay for that one.
Speaker 3 (30:04):
Yeah, I know, you said some executive did.
Speaker 1 (30:06):
Somebody paid for it for it. If I had paid
for it, it had been like, don't watch the special signed unknown,
that'd have been this loser. Yeah, if this loser is
doing a special, don't watch it signed unknown. We do
have to spin the wheel for the book. It's a
I'm gonna say this, it's a little anti climatic because
it's Amy and Abby to read this five hundred page
dinosaur love making book. Yeah, dragon, dragon whatever. If it
had been a dude, it had been way funnier. But still, Abby,
do you read? No? Okay, So.
Speaker 3 (30:43):
I'm so slow. It would take me like a year.
Speaker 1 (30:45):
To Amy and Abbey are here. We're going to spin it.
Whoever it lands on is the loser. If it lands
on you, you are the loser. Ready, have you ready?
We're now right now? Okay, let's go, let's come on.
You know what?
Speaker 6 (31:07):
Okay, And the irony here is I brought this book
to y'all. I mean, I didn't come up with this competition,
but I just said, hey, have y'all heard about this?
Speaker 3 (31:15):
Because apparently it's all the rage?
Speaker 1 (31:17):
Would you read it? Eddie? For five hundred dollars? Whoa
whoa whoat me? I didn't offer? Then why are you hesitating?
That's a dollar a page that that's literally what she
just said, listens. Okay, I didn't hear that her accent.
Understand it?
Speaker 3 (31:38):
How are you?
Speaker 6 (31:40):
Speaker 1 (31:40):
Yeah, true, true, Okay, just think about it. Let me
let me we'll talk. We'll talk in the post show
about it after we get off. After we get off
the air, we continue to do the show. So we
get off the air, and then the hour so we
continue to do this show. You hear a whole podcast version.
We'll talk about that too. Okay, Amy's the loser, but
we'll see what's up. That's the news. Thank you talk
about this book. Amy lost the will, so she's going
to have to read the book. Trish in Massachusetts is
on right now. Trish, thank you for calling the show.
What's going on?
Speaker 8 (32:11):
Yes, I understand that Abby lost, so she's got to
read the Imperium Theories, at least the first book. I
have to tell you, this series is unbelievable. It's the
biggest rage all over the internet if you look at
it and the series. The book is excellent. Rebecca Yaris
is the one that wrote the books. Only three year
out right now. I'm on the third one. But I
got my husband to read it. I got my sister
to read it, and they can't put it down. Abby.
I know you lost, but Amy, you should really read
the book.
Speaker 1 (32:47):
Well, their names do sound a lot alike, So what
happened was Amy ended up losing Aby. We wanted Abby
to lose, actually wanted Lunchbox ready to lose. Let's be honest.
Speaker 6 (32:56):
Maybe just confusing because it's like the loser is actually
the Yeah.
Speaker 1 (33:00):
But regardless, I believe. I believe the book is good,
but I didn't want to read it really, and to me,
a fantasy romance, a phantom ans what do you call it?
A romanticy exactly what I meant doesn't sound appealing to me.
Even though I loved The Hunger Games. I read the
books way before the movie, before I knew the movie
was coming out, because if I had to known the
movie was coming out, probably would have wit for the movie.
I'm not that cool.
Speaker 3 (33:26):
Yeah, there's not the romance stuff is not in.
Speaker 1 (33:28):
Not really, it's kindness and peda and you kind of
root for him, but you don't know what's up. So
I'm not against it in any way. I just didn't
want to have to read a five hundred page book
and do a book report on the show for a
personal Pam pizza for book it, which is basically what
this is going to be. Nobody did book it. Huh.
I cheated it did okay? Nobody looked like they got
the reference, and so I just I just settled on
my chee. Not like I would take the test, but
I would never read the book and I'd never get
the pizza. Oh. I got lots of personal pan pizza.
It's just for that me too. I crushed. Okay, So
Amy's gonna read it and report back. The thing is
Amy wants to cheat and listen to it.
Speaker 3 (34:03):
No, I'll read I'll read it. Yes, but my friend
did say that on audible you can listen to it
here the no no.
Speaker 1 (34:10):
No, yeah, how do they do that? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (34:12):
Here, there's options.
Speaker 6 (34:13):
You can just listen to someone narrate it, or you
can listen to it being acted out by ten different
actors or something terrible.
Speaker 1 (34:19):
That your easier for this. That sounds the worst.
Speaker 3 (34:22):
It's like she said it was awesome.
Speaker 6 (34:25):
I'm just saying for other listeners that maybe want to
have that experience. She thought it was great, and then
I will read it because I know that That's part
of the thing. Is like reading five hundred pages.
Speaker 1 (34:33):
Does Audible have the acting out.
Speaker 6 (34:35):
Yes, Audible has the narrator, Like you can just listen
to someone read it, or you can choose the I
forget what they call it, like the act it's like
the visual movie version or something.
Speaker 1 (34:45):
So Amy brings up a great point. I don't want
to get lost in the great point she's making.
Speaker 6 (34:49):
She needs to be punished, which is a five hundred
pages of reading.
Speaker 1 (34:52):
Correct. But for everybody else that ends up wanting to
read this, listen listening to books on Audible where to go,
like for sure, and then if you can do that
on Audible, that's awesome too. So I would recommend the
Audible if five hundred book. The book is just thick
in real life. I'd like for you to bring it
in every day too, Amy, the book. Would you carry
it in like you're going to school every day with the.
Speaker 3 (35:14):
Book, basically carrying it around.
Speaker 1 (35:16):
Yeah, we just need you to like have it with
you too.
Speaker 6 (35:18):
My friend texts me she said, you definitely need to
do the audible version because it's kind of like a
movie with different characters and you visualize it all in
your mind is being acted.
Speaker 1 (35:26):
Out, and I think that's great. Yeah, or anyone not
being punished.
Speaker 3 (35:30):
Okay, y'all, I'll carry the book. I mean, I'm gonna
have to.
Speaker 6 (35:32):
How am I going to finished five hundred pages of
not reading every spare minute of my day.
Speaker 1 (35:37):
The people that I always looked at and admired and
wished I was more like are people that would just
do random things like go sit and get your tags,
or nude or have to wait for oil change. There's
reading a book like randomly. They just take a book
with them and anytime they have a couple of minutes
they read a book. That's going to be me because
I'm for sure like knuckles deep and Twitter TikTok, I
take my air pods like I take my air pods
and phone. People that like to read books or reading
books like I wish that was me. I like to
read some. I probably have about seven months of the
year where I read. I'm in and I have a
couple months. So I'm just like, I got nothing, nothing
in the tank as far as reading, because it's just
like I need to be on TikTok.
Speaker 3 (36:16):
You don't need to be I do.
Speaker 1 (36:18):
I do. No TikTok brings me a lot. Yeah, TikTok's awesome,
and I love how they change the terms of service
to where they can get in your phone and own
everything and know everything about you and even get your
bank accounts. That's fine, Oh that's great. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (36:30):
Speaker 6 (36:31):
I hadn't even been on TikTok in a little bit,
and when I first I opened it up last night
for something, and the first thing it sent me was
stuff I have been searching elsewhere and I haven't even
been on TikTok, and then boom, there it is.
Speaker 1 (36:46):
I'm surprised after all the years of I know everything,
hearing knowing that that would surprise you.
Speaker 3 (36:54):
It doesn't.
Speaker 6 (36:55):
It's just every time it happens in a real dramatic way, it's.
Speaker 3 (36:58):
Like it it's Bill does. It's still a little interesting
how it happens.
Speaker 1 (37:03):
Fair enough, little interesting. I'll accept, okay, because I'll search
for things on Google and then it'll pop up on TikTok.
But I'm like, you know what, they're just in my phone?
Speaker 3 (37:10):
Yeah, no, I mean, honestly, I was grateful.
Speaker 1 (37:12):
I was helpful now switches. Yeah, I'll be honest with you.
I was very happy heavy it was.
Speaker 6 (37:15):
Yeah, obviously I was looking for information and then bam,
there it was in a three minute video or however
long it was.
Speaker 1 (37:22):
Yeah, TikTok, you just got to know who to trust.
There are a couple of things on TikTok. You got
to know who to trust and to make sure if
you're going to take any advice. If there's somebody who
has a blue check or has a back a specific
background in it. And playing cards, you got to know
when to hold them and when to fold them, when
to walk away.
Speaker 6 (37:40):
Well, I don't know her credentials so much, but she
was holding up a skeleton with the brain and the muscles,
and so I was like, she must be legit.
Speaker 1 (37:48):
Well was it? I do that too.
Speaker 6 (37:50):
I was looking up how to massage the bottom of
your skull to your neck to release tension, and she.
Speaker 1 (37:57):
Look have some weird stuff on TikTok.
Speaker 3 (37:59):
No, I didn't look it up on take.
Speaker 1 (38:02):
I'm like Andre the John nineteen ninety four. That's what
I look up. Amy's like, how to massage the brain.
Speaker 3 (38:07):
That's my thing.
Speaker 6 (38:08):
Like I was talking to someone else about it or
looking it up elsewhere, and then boom, TikTok fed me
the perfect video I needed to release the tension.
Speaker 3 (38:16):
I forgot to check her credentials.
Speaker 1 (38:18):
You are much more mature than we are.
Speaker 3 (38:20):
Let's just accept it, okay.
Speaker 1 (38:21):
Carol in Massachusetts is on the phone coming at you. Carol, Hello, hic,
what's happened? It's Bobby here.
Speaker 8 (38:31):
Him Bobby.
Speaker 7 (38:33):
So I'm super confused about this spinning the wheel for
the book that Amy's on the wheel and she has.
Speaker 8 (38:40):
To read it.
Speaker 1 (38:40):
But she should have to read the book anyway, because
she's the one that presented the.
Speaker 8 (38:45):
Book, I know, so it should be her reading the
book and.
Speaker 1 (38:48):
Someone else, well, luckily for us by Ball Don't Lie,
and she brought the book and now she has to
read the book that's called Ball Don't Lie. And then secondly,
she was bringing it up as kind of.
Speaker 3 (39:01):
Like everybody's reading this right now?
Speaker 1 (39:05):
Yeah, like a recommendation should I read it? Should we
read it? So I'm okay with it, because a lot
of times we bring in stuff that we really don't
want to do to just present to the room to
see if we can make it a bit. But I
completely understand why you would say that. But in life
and throughout history, ball don't Lie. So Ball Don't Lie.
Amy has to read the book, right, So, but I
agree with you. I think that's a great point. And
that's exactly what's happening. And then if Amy reads it
and loves it, maybe we spend it with just the
dudes on it.
Speaker 6 (39:40):
I was thinking about it when you brought up being
at an oil change or something and reading a book, like.
Speaker 3 (39:45):
Someone should have to be sitting over there, and you know,
sometimes you read out loud to yourself a little bit.
Speaker 6 (39:49):
It should be on one of the steamy pages a
guy has to read.
Speaker 1 (39:54):
Take careless. We're talking about Amy's bringing this in and
she doesn't even want to do that because we can
make her do that.
Speaker 3 (39:58):
I don't want to do that, Madylvia.
Speaker 1 (40:00):
And then the drag on the wheel for that, I.
Speaker 6 (40:03):
Don't want to be on the wheel for that. I
already have to read the book to the guys are
on the whee. Y'all don't have to read the whole.
Speaker 1 (40:08):
Thing for her entertainment. Yes, Carol, you're absolutely right. I
appreciate you calling. I hope you have a great rest
of the day. And we'll let Aimy read the book
and she'll give us some tips and then possibly we
make it into another bit.
Speaker 7 (40:22):
I'm curious and Lunchbox can do an audio book of
the book.
Speaker 1 (40:27):
The Dragon caress the girl's bosom.
Speaker 6 (40:30):
I don't know that it's actually between the dragon and
the humans.
Speaker 1 (40:33):
Well, then I'm out. That's all I wanted to read.
Thank you Carol.
Speaker 7 (40:37):
As you read it. I have a good rest of
your day, you too.
Speaker 1 (40:40):
Bye bye. Let's do one more call from Elaine in Indiana. Elaine, Hello,
what's going on? It's Bobby here?
Speaker 7 (40:47):
Are you?
Speaker 8 (40:50):
Speaker 7 (40:51):
Okay, I've waited like a few times, like almost an
hour to talk to you before, so I'm glad I
got to talk.
Speaker 8 (40:57):
To you now.
Speaker 7 (40:57):
But anyway, what I'm just calling about. Let's see, when
you were doing that spin the wheel. The first time
you said, okay, if your name gets pulled, you know
you don't have to read the book. The second time
you said it, you slipped up and said you have
to read the book or however you've phrased it, and
Lunchbox's name came up. So technically, if I heard you right,
then he has to read that book.
Speaker 1 (41:25):
So I possibly could have misspoke. It happens all the time.
I've got eight things going on in my brain and
I say things, and if that's the case, that's on me.
That is not what I meant. I think to extend
the bit, which a very mid bit over three days.
It's hilarious to me. Yeah, that to me is funny.
It's a very mid bit. We did it for three days. Yeah,
And I might have said that, and that's on me,
But my intention was we spind it takes more spins,
builds up the anticipation, and we wipe somebody off every time.
I might have said that, but I think we all
kind of understood that wasn't the play, right. Sure, that's
if I said that. That's on me, and Elaine. I'm
glad you brought that up because other people will be
saying the same thing. And because you've said this, it
will actually clear the air for me to say if
I said it, I apologize and I was wrong.
Speaker 7 (42:11):
No, I thought it would be funny just to pick
on what oh what?
Speaker 1 (42:15):
Speaker 2 (42:15):
I think you just heard wrong. I think you need
to get your hearing check because I was sitting in
the studio with him, and I know he said whoever
it lands on will be a race from the wheel.
So you might want to go back and re listen
because you heard it absolutely wrong.
Speaker 1 (42:27):
Elaine, I'm sorry he's so aggressive towards you.
Speaker 2 (42:29):
She was aggressive towards me.
Speaker 1 (42:31):
Why I wouldn't say aggressive.
Speaker 2 (42:32):
She's like, I just got to be fun to pick
on muchbox. Well, let's talk about your hearing.
Speaker 1 (42:35):
I think aggression and having a difference of opinion or
two different things. I think she had an opinion that
I said something and she could have been wrong. But
I don't feel like I don't feel like she was aggressive.
I feel like you are aggressive.
Speaker 2 (42:47):
You gotta get my point across because she kept hammering.
Speaker 1 (42:51):
Again, aggression continues to seep through. Elaine. Thank you. I
could have said it wrong. I would have loved for
Lunchbox to a loss, like if it had been Lunchbox
or Eddie or Ray lol No laws lol z, that's
the double. But it wasn't. It's gonna be amy and
we'll see how it goes. But thank you Elaine for calling.
I hope you have a great rest of the day.
You kidd hike Bye bye, all right, and then in
the post show we'll talk a bit more. Okay, thank you,
Bobby Bone show. Sorry up today.
Speaker 2 (43:21):
This story comes us from Palm Beach County, Florida. A
fifty two year old lawyers at a wedding and enjoying
the night and they say the buffet is now open.
So he goes and gets in line with his plate,
and he's waiting and a girl cuts in front of him,
and he gets so mad. He walks up to the
girl's dad and boom, smashes his plate over his head,
tells him, teach your daughter not to cut.
Speaker 1 (43:45):
My dad, you're right to the dead. How old? How
old is the girl?
Speaker 2 (43:50):
The girl was like ten or eleven?
Speaker 3 (43:53):
Oh my gosh, that's terrible.
Speaker 1 (43:55):
Got a lot of feelings about this. You can't really
say anything to the kid, right, Like what if said
some once said to your kid in that situation, hey,
don't cut?
Speaker 2 (44:04):
Oh man, I'd be like, why are you talking like
their kids?
Speaker 1 (44:07):
Relax? Shut up?
Speaker 2 (44:08):
I'd get I would get pretty frustrated.
Speaker 1 (44:10):
If the aggressive and aggressive don't cut? I think, you know,
a nice hey let's not cut. I think that's fine. Right, yeah, okay,
but this guy feels aggressive. If he did that to
your kid, how would you react? Not good?
Speaker 2 (44:23):
Okay, the buffet may get knocked over, so then what's.
Speaker 1 (44:26):
He supposed to do? Just let the kid cut, honestly, yeah,
just let me get cut and then to go to
the dad. I wonder if the dad knew it was coming,
or if they like mouthed at each other first, because
I can understand he says something he says in the bag,
next thing, you know, mashed potatoes in the face. Not
that that should happen, But does it say anything about
how it unfolded?
Speaker 2 (44:46):
He just said he walked up and with the dinner plate, bam,
hit him over the head.
Speaker 1 (44:50):
And guy's gonna be like, why am I getting hitting
the head with a dinner plate? Like out of nowhere?
That's crazy? Okay, Well, I know it's a bonehead. I
mean I do get it. It was at the Prime
Rib Carving STA, so that was maybe why oh yeah, yeah,
I probably do that too to a ten year old. Okay,
I'm lunchbox.
Speaker 2 (45:06):
That's your bonehead story.
Speaker 1 (45:07):
Of the day Tonight on CMT. If you're out of television,
put it on the channel. Sometimes it's hard to find channels.
That's why I go to search, and I searched and
I find CMT. It's also on like two channels. It's
on like the HD channel like the normal channel. I
don't know the difference those either, But all I'm saying
is Tonight nine eight Central my special comedically inspirational. It
will be on CMT big thanks to Dolly for being
a part of it. She definitely didn't have to, is
so kind of her. I hope you watch it and
if you don't, no, it's okay. Nah bad luck. No,
I don't know. I don't know how I feel, but yeah,
check it out tonight, nine eight Central on CMT tonight.
That's it. Goodbye, everybody, Let's go Bobby Dobby Bone Show.
The Bobby Bone Show theme song, written, produced and sang
by read Yarberry. You can find his instagram at read Yarberry,
Scuba Steve executive producer, Raymond No, Head of Production. I'm
Bobby Bones. My instagram is mister Bobby Bones. Thank you
for listening to the podcast.