All Episodes

February 7, 2024 24 mins

Find out what Amy accidentally drove over while at Church that she was really embarrassed by. Then, Bobby's wife has been walking around their house trying to send him a message that he needs to get something done... Mailbag: Listener and wife are arguing over the way they discipline their kids. The wife wants to be the disciplinary one because she's not as intimidating. Our listener thinks she's too easy on them. How should they handle discipline moving forward?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Transmitting America.

Speaker 2 (00:10):

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Welcome to Wednesday Show More Studio Morning. This is where
we start the show and go around the room to
check in on everybody. Up. First, our video producer. He
made his son missed the spelling be for a basketball game,
but when other parents do something similar, he makes them
feel shame.

Speaker 4 (00:28):
I'm not gonna argue that one, but anyway, guys, So remember,
like a few days ago, I talked about me possibly
being dyslexic. Yes, because I had said something backwards, and
I'm like, that happens sometimes, So maybe I am dyslex
I don't know. I'm not diagnosed with that or whatever.
But I was on TikTok and I saw something come
down where there was a doctor saying you can take
a quick two question tests to see if you're dyslexic.

Speaker 5 (00:49):
You have audio, Yeah, I have it right.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Number one, how would you say kale backwards? Don't think
about the letters, only this sounds? How would you say
kaye backwards? Number two? How many sounds? Don't think about
the letters? How many individual sounds are in the word cabbage?

Speaker 3 (01:09):
What so kale backwards?

Speaker 6 (01:10):

Speaker 3 (01:10):
Because I would go e lac eLAC That's what I
went with but but it says don't think about the letters.
I'm not so kale, so it'd be.

Speaker 4 (01:17):
Like yeah, yeah, right, okay, so that's my guess.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Okay, and then the cabbage one? What was that question? Again?

Speaker 5 (01:25):
Everybody sound sound?

Speaker 3 (01:27):
This is not official. This can't be an official she's
a doctor, man, Yes am I okay you are? But
how many sounds are on the word cabbage?

Speaker 5 (01:35):
Cabbage? Cabbage?

Speaker 3 (01:36):
Two? Cabbage? There's two syllables though, cabbage two sylla, but
I don't remember be four cabbage. You don't say it
like that. It's not syllables. It's gotta be three syllables.

Speaker 7 (01:49):
I hear three peas, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
But cabbage, Yeah, it's gotta be three. Okay, we have answers. Answer,
And if you knew that.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
There were five sounds in cabbage and that k spoken
backwards is lake and it is likely that you do
not have dyslexia?

Speaker 8 (02:05):
Where does.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
I didn't understand that what we were doing?

Speaker 4 (02:09):
Yeah, yeah, okay, can't be lake?

Speaker 3 (02:11):
Kao man?

Speaker 4 (02:15):
So are we all do we all feel that test?

Speaker 3 (02:18):
Yes? I didn't. It's only two questions on quiets and
the rules. But how does it five? How's cabbage five cat.

Speaker 5 (02:25):
She's saying, sounds not syable you're doing there's only two syllables.

Speaker 3 (02:29):
There's three sounds that I hear cabage.

Speaker 7 (02:31):
She must be going.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
What country? Do you have a clip of that? Or
she explains that one?

Speaker 5 (02:38):
No, but just.

Speaker 4 (02:41):
Oh wow, he Rai's the only one that he did.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
But I don't know.

Speaker 4 (02:50):
Cut that test is not official. You're right, it's a
dumb test. It's not official. But that's funny, all right.

Speaker 5 (03:00):
Moving on.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
He loves to get stuff for free, and if you
do one of his best mets, you're uh, for sure
gonna lose your money.

Speaker 5 (03:06):
That's a guarantee. It's lunchbox. So movie Mike, you know,
he's the movie reviewer. And then the Oscars came out
for Best Picture, and so I've been watching these movies
and I watched Past Lives and it's about two kids
that are friends and then they go their separate ways
and they come back later in life. It's fantastic, guys,
it is I don't even know what you consider that,

if it's a drama, if it's a but I was
just man, I was tense the whole time, and edge
of my seat. It was so freaking good.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
Okay, we'll watch that then past So I mean just.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (03:41):
It was uncomfortable. No, i'd say it's four out of five.

Speaker 3 (03:45):
No, but you're saying it's fantastic.

Speaker 4 (03:46):
That's a fiber, isn't it.

Speaker 3 (03:47):
It's just a four and a half.

Speaker 5 (03:49):
It's not perfect. It's not the best movie I've ever seen.
You're you're you're saying that a five out of five.
Amy gets everything five out of five. That means it
has to be the best ever.

Speaker 3 (03:59):
Right, everything ever? But four and a half.

Speaker 5 (04:04):
I really enjoyed it.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
Okay, I don't want to change your scoring system, by
the way. But he's like it was awesome too, too,
But he's good, huh, that was really good. It's two watches.
It's about love. There was like a lot of kissing
and stuff. No, okay, good and then two in English
because last Eddie always tells us.

Speaker 5 (04:23):
To watch or Mike doesn't. It's like, I'm pretty sure
sometimes but you don't even after about thirty seconds.

Speaker 3 (04:27):
You don't even know what language is it. There's some English.
That's all I need is some Yeah, yeah, okay, I
don't mind that.

Speaker 5 (04:35):
Then and it was really mine. Did you like that movie.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
Okay, watch we'll watch it.

Speaker 7 (04:40):
I'm gonna watch it.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
Did you watch The Greatest Night in Pop?

Speaker 5 (04:43):
I did watch The Greatest Night.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
I haven't seen it yet, but I know he was
gonna watch it to see it prove you wrong mostly,
of course.

Speaker 5 (04:49):
Yeah. It was interesting.

Speaker 3 (04:52):
It's where they all get together and sing we all
the world.

Speaker 5 (04:54):
I don't know who some of those people are, like,
I didn't know some of them, Like there was a short,
little guy and I was just like, who are are you?

Speaker 4 (05:00):
Man, Paul Simon, I don't know who that is.

Speaker 5 (05:04):
And there's one guy there that I was like, doesn't
want to be there, hates it. And I was impressed
that the person stayed the whole time. I'm not going
to say who it was, but it was.

Speaker 4 (05:14):
One that didn't stay and I didn't even know he was.

Speaker 3 (05:15):

Speaker 5 (05:15):
Well, that was crazy.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
Yeah, I gotta get on that one.

Speaker 5 (05:22):
But it was cool to see that many superstars in
one room at one time, because now like people sing
songs like oh I was never even in the same.

Speaker 3 (05:33):
Room to get right, Yeah, well there was. The technology
didn't exist then that does now.

Speaker 4 (05:39):
But if they could ship the tapes to another studio,
which is kind of what they would do sometimes harder
not doets really they'd get the same studio.

Speaker 5 (05:45):
But man, it was it was a very enjoyable watch.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
You can listen to that one star some of those
people though. Still, I mean, I need to watch it
because I know that's right up my alley. It's just
getting my wife to watch a show like that.

Speaker 5 (05:58):
I feel like it.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
I promised you'll like it.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
Of us wrong, No, he just was wanting to watch
it because it was like, you guess I get so great.

Speaker 5 (06:03):
He's like, oh show? Then, hey was it cool?

Speaker 4 (06:05):
Seean Tina.

Speaker 5 (06:06):
I mean it was a little weird.

Speaker 3 (06:08):
It was like cause she passed away, I knows, was like,
oh yeah, Amy, I gotta do your sorry. She once
painted a picture for Taylor Swift, and Taylor told her
she really loved the gift.

Speaker 4 (06:17):

Speaker 8 (06:19):
I don't know if you'll have any embarrassing moments lately,
but I'll tell you my latest, which was at church
on Sunday.

Speaker 7 (06:26):
I drove over the.

Speaker 8 (06:28):
Big orange cones that they set up and I didn't
realize it, and I was in my daughter's car, so
I wasn't used to The size is different than mine,
so I guess I don't even honestly never even saw
the cone. But I hear this loud noise as I'm
driving along.

Speaker 7 (06:43):
Like so loud. I thought I got a flat tire.

Speaker 8 (06:46):
Oh yes, So I pulled over slowly and opened the
door and just peeked because I knew. I was like, oh,
I'm going to see a flat tire. And I was like, oh, dang,
my tires are fine.

Speaker 7 (06:55):
I'll keep going. So I did in I started driving it.
I'm like, what is that noise?

Speaker 8 (07:00):
But I get out and there's this huge orange cone
stuck under the car, like I don't even know how
to get it out, and I'm really trying and I can't.
And then I was so embarrassed. When someone stopped to
ask for help. I was like, I'm good because you
couldn't really, like, but you weren't getting what I was
doing is I don't find carry on carry on? And
then finally I got in and I reversed and I
went forward and I reversed and I shook it loose.

Finally got it out, and then I had to run
it back to where I originally.

Speaker 7 (07:26):
Ran over. Yeah, and I put it back.

Speaker 4 (07:28):
But that's embarrassing. We've all done it, right, No, you've
never ran over a cone.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
I've probably clipped a cone, like on the highway, like
if there's construction and they move them, they slowly go
from you know, way into out and there's only one line.

Speaker 5 (07:43):
I probably cliped a couple, okay, one. You've never had
one stuck on your car in a parking lot. I have, no.

Speaker 4 (07:49):
It's crazy because it won't come out.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
You can it.

Speaker 5 (07:51):
It will not come out.

Speaker 7 (07:52):
Things are there now, all right?

Speaker 3 (07:57):
Go ahead from Mountain Pine in Arkansas. He gulled with
George Burge a lot.

Speaker 5 (08:01):
Y'all should write together.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
On second thought, Bobby Bones, thank you very much. So
my wife has been walking around the house with her
fingers doing this, which is a scissors motion. Any idea
why she continues to hear? Yeah to me, it was
I'm been going out my hair as a bit to
see when she or anybody be like, dude, you gotta
cut your hair.

Speaker 5 (08:20):
It's weird.

Speaker 7 (08:21):
You have your own little personal bits in your head.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
Oh, And that's what drives her crazy because I do
bits all the time just for me, and she's like,
are you doing a bit? Not for the hair for life.
Sometimes she's just like, are you doing a bit? And
I'm like, yeah for me. She's like, that's weird. I'm
like yeah, but I'm really enjoying it. So I I've
been doing this bit with myself, growing my hair out
for no reason, and so she has scheduled me a
haircut today. She's never once scheduled me a haircut in

my whole life, but she has scheduled me a haircut.

Speaker 5 (08:47):
Do you have to go?

Speaker 7 (08:49):

Speaker 5 (08:50):
Now define half?

Speaker 7 (08:51):

Speaker 4 (08:51):
Like like, is it worse?

Speaker 3 (08:53):
Will I go to jail if I don't go?

Speaker 5 (08:54):

Speaker 3 (08:55):
Will it will life at home not be as comfortable,
right because you accidentally forget But I don't forget anything.

Speaker 5 (09:03):
But maybe I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.
Oh right, right, you're lack of sleep. I'm having brain
It's good for him.

Speaker 8 (09:11):
But here it is you didn't show up to every
other work things that day.

Speaker 7 (09:14):
She's not gonna like that.

Speaker 3 (09:15):
I've been thinking about making it a bit though, where
I cut my hair really weird now, like I show
up mullet mullet, Well, I can I can mock? I
can mull I could like, because Molly, you can always
cut out of it. Sure, yeah, just do one strip
down the middle. I could trump it up top and
just leave it all on the back and then just
go home. Because sometimes I do a bit where I
leave a mustache. I go to you and if I
haven't shaved in a while and it she hates it.

She's like, that is so gross, and I will not
shave it off for a whole night and I'll make
her sleep next to me with it. And sometimes you
can't do that, She'll get up go sleep. She's like,
it's so gross. So I'm gonna get a haircut today.
I guess about the ill.

Speaker 5 (09:49):
I mean, I don't.

Speaker 4 (09:49):
I don't hate it looks great, dude, I think it's awesome.

Speaker 7 (09:52):
Yeah, I mean we are This is like for us.

Speaker 8 (09:55):
I think it's probably nostalgic because you had long hair
like this when we all first started this thing.

Speaker 7 (10:00):
So it's like, oh, look at Bobby with his long hair.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
We have been together a long time.

Speaker 7 (10:06):
Yeah, but when he.

Speaker 8 (10:07):
Wore a hat, it would like curl outs like that.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
So and if I watch it, it's like hardcore curls.
She told me a little Dicky the other day.

Speaker 5 (10:14):
Oh, a little Dicky. That show is so funny.

Speaker 3 (10:17):
Well, the rapper, the comedian rapper also has Dave the show.

Speaker 6 (10:21):
She goes, look a little dicky, Faith is so hair
Oh my god. All right, that's what's up. Gotch you
guys in here. Let's get the show started tomorrow. Probably
have a haircut, but what kind of haircut will it be?
Let's open up the mail back you.

Speaker 4 (10:36):
Friend, the game mail and red in all the air.

Speaker 7 (10:39):
If you dig something, we call Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 3 (10:42):
Yeah, hello, whoa, whoa, Bobby Bones. My wife and I
are coming to grips with our different parenting styles, and
it's clearly going to become a problem. She insists that
she'd be the disciplinarian because she's not as intimidating she
thinks I can be by intimidating, I think she's refronted
the fact that when I count to three, I said
one two three, I don't say one two, two and

a quarter, two and a half, two and three quarters.

Speaker 5 (11:07):
The kids are.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
Learning if they act sorry and play fake remorse, they
can get out of whatever punishment she assigns. And I
hear them laughing about it because she wants to be
the disciplinering and it's not good at it. Feel they
could run all over us, which does seem to be
the direction we're heading wanted to see if you and
the parents had some advice for me. Signed dad of discipline.

Speaker 8 (11:27):
Amy, I think you'll definitely need to be on the
same page whatever it is. You got to be consistent
and yeah, if you're accounting to three, that's what that's
that's how you count to three.

Speaker 3 (11:37):
Two point two point two, two point three, two point four.

Speaker 8 (11:39):
Well, but I could understand the difference that's there. But
I think a sit down with y'all and coming up
with a compromise like okay, maybe you do one and
then two and a half.

Speaker 7 (11:49):
Two, two and a half and then diffractions. I didn't
care a little bit.

Speaker 3 (11:53):
But Eddie, you are the disciplinary in your house. I
have to be your kids. They shape up whenever I've
seen it, it's really weird.

Speaker 4 (12:01):
I don't know what it is, and I've talked to
other dads and parents about it, but like when the
male talks to the kids. And I have four boys,
so maybe different if you have girls. But for my boys,
if I talk to them and I count to three,
they stop what they're doing.

Speaker 5 (12:14):
My wife is.

Speaker 3 (12:15):
Because though you've counted to three before and then like
counterproduct them or something like are they talked?

Speaker 1 (12:19):

Speaker 4 (12:19):
No, no, no, no, I don't.

Speaker 7 (12:20):
I don't.

Speaker 5 (12:21):
I don't do that. But I'm serious.

Speaker 4 (12:23):
I'm serious when I say if I get if I
have to get to one or three or whatever, like,
we're gonna have probably there's gonna be a disciplined there's
gonna be a disciplinary action.

Speaker 3 (12:32):
And and I do it.

Speaker 4 (12:34):
My wife's always just like okay, she she's totally the
one and a half, two and a half. Guys, I'm
about to get to three second in an hour, ready, right?
And so to them, they think, really, it's like, oh,
Mom's not gonna do anything, so let's just do whatever
we want.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
Both presidents have been set when you get to three.
If you get to three, something's not gonna be good.
And when she starts counting to three, who knows right?

Speaker 5 (13:01):
Who knows well?

Speaker 8 (13:01):
So Eddie is the dad that they listened to. Could
you talk to them about listening to their mom?

Speaker 4 (13:05):
I do it all the time, and but it's just
not inger. It's not going to go through their brain.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
Well, they listen better if you're there while she's doing it, yes,
but if you're gone.

Speaker 5 (13:15):
So what I do?

Speaker 4 (13:15):
Sometimes if my wife's counting to three or whatever, and
I stand behind her and cross my arms, like, let's
see what you do while she's counted to three, and
they're like, oh, oh got it, got it.

Speaker 7 (13:24):
I know, But see, I don't. I really don't want
my kids to respond out of fear.

Speaker 4 (13:28):
It's not fear. It's just it's not we're being serious.
It's the seriousness of whatever we're trying to tell you
what to do. Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 5 (13:36):
It's not fear.

Speaker 4 (13:36):
What would you recommend to him, Eddie. It's like Amy said,
they have to be on the same page. And again
it's not easy. I've talked to my wife thousands of
times about like, hey, we have to follow through with.

Speaker 3 (13:45):
What we say, like and if she counts the three,
she's counted three, she needs to count to do whatever
said she's going to do correct.

Speaker 4 (13:50):
And if she needs to say like I'm gonna bring
I'm gonna bring your dad into this, if she needs
to do that, then they'll take her serious.

Speaker 3 (13:56):
But also if she's always like a super kind one
when they're not in trouble, they probably is that's assume
she's even gonna be that one's trouble time.

Speaker 4 (14:04):
I know, I know it's not easy, man, But the
closer they can get on the same day.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
Was so easy.

Speaker 7 (14:08):
Yes, I fall into two categories.

Speaker 8 (14:11):
Sometimes it's because I'm being kind and also sometimes I
realize I'm being passive because that's easier.

Speaker 3 (14:17):
Yeah, generally, but.

Speaker 8 (14:18):
That then I have to remind myself that I'm not
doing my kids any favors by being passive.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
Right, thank you for your email. There you go, we
got this. Nope, well send him here? Yeah good, send
him to us. All right, close it up.

Speaker 5 (14:30):
We got your gmail and we laid on your Now
let's find the clothes.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
Bobby fail back.

Speaker 2 (14:39):
It's time for the good news. Bobby.

Speaker 3 (14:45):
In Hector, Arkansas, there is a deaf blue healer named
Dakota who's a hero for sure. Saved a family of
five from a house fire.

Speaker 5 (14:52):

Speaker 3 (14:53):
The dogs in double digit age here, so he's older.
It's also deaf because what happened was he got an
ear mighte infestation and I guess it went untreated and
he lost his hearing.

Speaker 5 (15:08):
That suck, oh, man, I know.

Speaker 3 (15:10):
But he was able to detect the fire because of
smell and so dog like, I'm doing what the dog
would do.

Speaker 5 (15:18):

Speaker 3 (15:19):
So the dog's owners, Mike and Jennifer, they're both volunteer firefighters. Oddly,
and the night of the fire, Dakota the dog goes
in oh and wakes everybody up, like freaking out. And
so they didn't know if he had to go to
the bathroom, because sometimes I can hear Stanley and I
just know when he comes to the door at twelve thirty,
he's got to go to the bathroom, because he doesn't

do that. But he starts going crazy. The family's all confused.
The dad goes to look because maybe it's like a
burglar or something too, and there's the fire, and so
they all get out of there in time, and they
lost their home because it ended up being a big fire.
But had it not been for Dakota the deaf old dog,

they could have been in the fire.

Speaker 7 (16:03):
I was wonder if my dog would since that.

Speaker 3 (16:06):
Yeah, maybe, but then the dog would leave.

Speaker 8 (16:08):
Yeah, but I would already be like, oh, somebody's built
a fire. Yeah, like this is dangerous. I need to
alert someone, you know, interesting, because I don't know.

Speaker 4 (16:19):
I had a blue heeler when I was younger. Those
are some crazy dogs. Loyal, but crazy dogs like that.
My dog would bite tires of cars that were driving by,
and then.

Speaker 3 (16:29):
They would catch them sometimes they would pop the tire,
like the dog would pop a car with his.

Speaker 7 (16:34):
Teeth as it's driving by.

Speaker 4 (16:36):
As the car was driving, not fast, probably driving about
fifteen miles per hour.

Speaker 3 (16:40):
It's crazy, dude, are you sure it wasn't like it
didn't stop it like a light.

Speaker 4 (16:43):
And then he yeah, no, as the car and I
would see it happened. The car would be driving, the
dog would just bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.

Speaker 5 (16:49):
And the car for bike bicycle by.

Speaker 4 (16:51):
It was a car.

Speaker 5 (16:54):
Going fifteen miles an hour. Yeah, you have your memories.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
It was nothing.

Speaker 5 (16:57):
They don't get run over.

Speaker 7 (16:58):
No, remember my rottliler.

Speaker 8 (17:01):
Josie would chase trailers and one time I had the
front door open and a trailer drove.

Speaker 7 (17:05):
Of top of it.

Speaker 3 (17:06):
Did unhooked a trailer while it was going an hour
and park it back.

Speaker 7 (17:11):
Thirty miles an hour.

Speaker 8 (17:12):
A truck drove by with a trailer and she was like,
I have to chase trailer. So she goes out to
chase the trailer and then the car behind.

Speaker 7 (17:18):
The trailer hit her and yeah, oh.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
This is why would you do that story?

Speaker 7 (17:23):
You tell me something good is scooped her up.

Speaker 8 (17:26):
We went to the vet and all she did was
vomit a little bit, and she was.

Speaker 5 (17:31):
Fine, Okay, we have to say that you just want this.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
Give me you knew with a herd dog, all right,
that's what it's all about. Yeah, that was.

Speaker 2 (17:40):
Telling me something good. Pile of stories.

Speaker 8 (17:45):
So I was reading this whole article about how there's
harmful things that people say to girl scouts when they're
outside the grocery store selling them and they don't want
the cookies, so well, follow him here, follow me here,
harmful or damaging to the little girl's brains when it
comes to body image.

Speaker 7 (18:00):
So sometimes people walk by and be like.

Speaker 8 (18:02):
Oh, sorry, I'm on a diet, I can't have those,
or there's too much fine. Well no, they're saying like,
let's just tell the girls no thanks.

Speaker 5 (18:11):
No, I get it, I get it.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
But I'm saying I don't think that's harmful to say, hey,
I'm on a dieting and have those.

Speaker 7 (18:15):

Speaker 8 (18:16):
Then it goes into talking about calories, pointing out body
flaws like on you like, oh my hips can't take this.

Speaker 5 (18:22):
No, that's too much information.

Speaker 8 (18:24):
Guys narrating out loud why you aren't buying cookies because
you'll eat the whole box as I think, just these
are young, impressionable minds and you don't want them then
looking at their bodies and being like, oh, should I
not have this cookie because my hips look this way
or whatnot fair? The encouragement is just say no thanks.

You don't have to give an excuse.

Speaker 3 (18:50):
Yes, you can just say no thanks, and what you're
saying is absolutely fair. However, I know, but I agree
that's your opinion too. However, how you set it up,
I felt like people were like, would you like to
buy a cookie from the girl Scouts?

Speaker 5 (19:06):
Like, shut up, girl Scouts? Die want your stupid cookie?

Speaker 3 (19:11):
And then it throw it at them. That's kind of
what it felt like. But I do see, I'm with you.

Speaker 8 (19:15):
Okay, Okay, go ahead, Okay, that's I didn't even to
set it up that way, but just simply say no thanks.

Speaker 7 (19:20):
It's good enough. All right. So there's dry.

Speaker 8 (19:23):
January and now we're rolling well into February.

Speaker 7 (19:26):
But detox February is happening.

Speaker 3 (19:28):
Did you'll know no because I don't need it?

Speaker 7 (19:31):
Well, it's digital de talks.

Speaker 4 (19:33):
Oh, I don't think I'm going to do with this
here though. I don't think I'm.

Speaker 5 (19:39):
Gonna do it.

Speaker 8 (19:40):
It's not too late to join in because there's an
upside to it. These are just some of the benefits
that you'll get if you start a digital detox right now.
Reduced anxiety, better sleep, stronger social connections, increased focus, no
more fomo, increased productivity, and better help.

Speaker 3 (19:56):
Okay, And for me, if I did it, the things
that I would benefit from if not being annoyed when
I'm on the phone all the time. Number two, I'm
not dropping the phone on my head when I'm laying
in bed trying to read something.

Speaker 5 (20:07):
Number three.

Speaker 3 (20:08):
Not spending useless amount of money on things that Instagram
targets towards me. So I could do that, but TikTok
I prefer not.

Speaker 8 (20:14):
Yeah, don't act like your TikTok right now, but they
don't target me.

Speaker 3 (20:17):
That's just fun. Like I target it. I go to
the Jerseys. Instagram targets me with stuff and I'm like,
I would look good in that.

Speaker 7 (20:27):

Speaker 8 (20:27):
It gave me a brain game the other day as
a sponsored thing or whatever, and I click on it
and I'm like, whoa, this is fun and it's going
to exercise my mind. And I'm sharper.

Speaker 7 (20:37):
Yeah, I went ahead and bought cheaper if I bought
the whole year.

Speaker 3 (20:40):
Oh, I have a friend.

Speaker 8 (20:43):
No, he gets to give them for three ninety month
if I paid it.

Speaker 7 (20:47):
All of the band.

Speaker 3 (20:48):
But it's four a month for one month or three
ninety nine a month for twelve times.

Speaker 7 (20:51):
Yeah, but I want to.

Speaker 8 (20:52):
Do it every day because it's going to help my brain.

Speaker 3 (20:54):
I'll check it back in three months and see if
you're still doing it.

Speaker 7 (20:56):

Speaker 3 (20:56):
I have a friend that is a sucker for Instagram
ads and he doesn't like he works in he's an entrepreneur,
works in tech, builds companies, and he likes to wear
the same thing every day so he doesn't have to
worry about it, which I would prefer that too, And
like when we tour, I wear the same thing every
day because it's just like why I haven't bother yourself
with that decision yet other stuff to do. That being said,

every time there's a subscription service like well send you
clothes for every you know, every month, he's like, it
always looks so good, so I'll buy all of them.
And so he'll he has like five subscription services of
clothes that come to him and he's like, this stuff
sucks and then he has to cancel. Oh, but then
they still send it for a couple more months. So
he's got all these weird clothes in his house. But
it says every single time that gets them, it gets them.

Well he's buy one. Everybody's going to get the note
and start sending you those, right the subscription boxes, All right,
go ahead.

Speaker 8 (21:44):
So there's a lot of hype about Valentine's Day, but
for most people the day isn't really all that special.
A poll found that most Americans don't really enjoy Valentine's
Day anymore than the average day. To them, it's just
a day. And I'm like, oh wow, there's some people
were Valentine's Day is. It's forced, very different, it's more special,

it's forced.

Speaker 3 (22:05):
I think if you're new in a relationship, it gives
you a reason to treat it with a little more seriously,
to show you think about But for dudes later on,
like I enjoy it, but even I know that it's
kind of goofy and it's not a real holiday. It's

a holiday that a company made up, like you know cards.
But I still I still like to do something for
my wife that's a little over the top. And what
it does is it reminds me that I should do
stuff like this.

Speaker 7 (22:38):
Well, it's basically seven days away. Do you have lands?

Speaker 5 (22:40):
Yeah, Bobby has plants? Like three ways? What are you
gonna do?

Speaker 3 (22:45):
Why would I say it right now? She doesn't even know.
And second of all, it's what's really difficult for me
is her birthday, Christmas, her Birthday, and Valentine's Day basically
all within a Month's not cool.

Speaker 4 (22:55):
You gotta get rid of one of those then, So
Valentine's Day, I think is the one. Yeah, I think
you skip does not Christmas or her birthday? Probably Christmas
most expensive for gotta get rid of one.

Speaker 8 (23:05):
And the survey also found that most people think Valentine's
Day is about all kinds of love.

Speaker 7 (23:10):
It's not just your romantic love.

Speaker 8 (23:12):
It can be your friendship, love, your love for your pets,
your kids, your love for your kid.

Speaker 7 (23:16):
Yeah, love all the loves.

Speaker 3 (23:17):
Oh we get we get our kids like little Sean.
That's fine, but actually not about that. It's the holiday
was made for love, like romance, created, especially created. But yes,
you can make it whatever you want. It's all all
you guys have. Valentine's Day. Get us something, Get us something,
get me something. I'm always a person think it's jack
crap around here?

Speaker 5 (23:35):
Is that it?

Speaker 7 (23:35):
Okay? Yeah, maybe that's my file.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the
good news.

Speaker 8 (23:42):

Speaker 4 (23:47):
The Glover family of Oklahoma City, we're having just a
hard time making ends meet. So the Oklahoma City Parks
and Wreck after School Program Department, they said, you know what,
let's gift them with something. They gifted them with a
free grocery shopping spree. It was at Homeland grocery store, right.
So they show up and they're like, all right, you
have a certain amount of time to go and grab

anything you need.

Speaker 3 (24:09):
That's where you go, and you get all the turkeys
and keep them all in the cart. Yeah you seldom.
But I bet they're not playing supermarket sweep. I bet
they're just getting grocery the house, right. But here's the
cool part. And then they open the door and they're like,
we have a surprise guest. NBA star Keyante Johnson, he
plays for the Oklahoma Thunder.

Speaker 4 (24:25):
He shows up and now he's gonna help them do
the shopping spree, which I think is so cool because
he's like really tall. He can get on the top
exactly so. Not only are they fans that they were
really excited to see him, cool, but they got to
get free groceries.

Speaker 5 (24:38):
That's cool.

Speaker 3 (24:39):
That's what it's all about.

Speaker 2 (24:40):
That was telling me something good.
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