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Bobby wrote an original song about the single ladies on the show, hear how it went! Plus, find out why people are making fun of Lunchbox for the way he says something in his diaper commercial. Then, we challenge Swiftie Lauren to see if she can name 34 Taylor Swift songs in one minute.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Transmitting America.

Speaker 2 (00:10):

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Welcome to Wednesday Show More Studio Morning. This is where
we start the show and go around the room to
check in on everybody.

Speaker 4 (00:18):

Speaker 2 (00:18):
First, our video producer.

Speaker 3 (00:20):
He made his son missed the spelling be for a
basketball game, but when other parents do something similar, he
makes them feel shame. I'm not gonna argue that one,
but anyway, guys, So remember, like a few days ago,
I talked about me possibly being dyslexic. Yes, because I
had said something backwards, and I'm like, that happens sometimes,
So maybe I am dyslex I don't know. I'm not

diagnosed with that or whatever. But I was on TikTok
and I saw something come down where there was a
doctor saying you can take a quick two question tests
to see if you're dyslexic.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
You have audio, Yeah, I have it right.

Speaker 5 (00:51):
Number one, how would you say kale backwards? Don't think
about the letters, only this sounds? How would you say
kaye backwards? Number two? How many sounds? Don't think about
the letters? How many individual sounds are in the word cabbage?

Speaker 2 (01:09):
What so kale backwards?

Speaker 4 (01:10):

Speaker 3 (01:10):
Because I would go e lac elact That's what I
went with but but it says, don't think about the letters.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
I'm not so kale, so it'd be like yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
Yeah, right, okay, so that's my guess.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
Okay, and then the cabbage one? What was that question?

Speaker 3 (01:25):

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Everybody sound sound? This is not official.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
This can't be an official she's a doctor, man, Yes
am I okay, you are?

Speaker 2 (01:32):
But how many sounds are on the word cabbage?

Speaker 3 (01:35):

Speaker 2 (01:36):
Cabbage? Two?

Speaker 3 (01:37):
Cabbage? There's two syllables though, cabbage two sylla, but I.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Don't remember be four cabbage.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
You don't say it like that. It's not syllables. It's
gotta be three syllables.

Speaker 6 (01:49):
I hear three.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
I don't know, but cabbage, Yeah, it's gotta be three. Okay,
we have answers. Answer, And if you knew that.

Speaker 5 (01:57):
There were five sounds in cabbage and that k spoken
backwards is lake?

Speaker 4 (02:02):
And it is likely that you do not have dyslexia?

Speaker 1 (02:05):
Where does.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
I didn't understand that's what we were doing. Yeah, yeah, okay,
can't be lake?

Speaker 3 (02:11):
Ko man?

Speaker 2 (02:15):
So are we all? Do we all feel that test?

Speaker 3 (02:18):
Yes? I didn't. It's only two questions on quiets and
the rules. But how does it five? How's cabbage?

Speaker 2 (02:23):

Speaker 3 (02:24):

Speaker 2 (02:25):
She's saying sounds, not syllables. You're doing. There's only two syllables.
There's three sounds that I hear. Cabage.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
She must be going, what country? Do you have a
clip of that? Or she explains that one?

Speaker 2 (02:38):
No, but just.

Speaker 3 (02:41):
Oh wow, he Rai's the only one that he did.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
But I don't know cut a but that is not official.
You're right, it's a dumb test. It's not official. But
that's funny, all right. Moving on.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
He loves to get stuff for free, and if you
do one of his best mets, you're uh, for sure
gonna lose your money. That's a guarantee. It's lunchbox. So
movie Mike, you know, he's the movie reviewer.

Speaker 7 (03:11):
And then the Oscars came out for Best Picture, and
so I've been watching these movies and I watched Past
Lives and it's about two kids that are friends and
then they go their separate ways and they come back
later in life. It's fantastic, guys, it is I don't
even know what you consider that, if it's a drama,
if it's a but I was just man, I was

tense the whole time, and edge of my seat.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
It was so freaking good.

Speaker 7 (03:36):
Okay, we'll watch that then past So I mean just
I don't know. It was uncomfortable. No, i'd say it's
four out of five.

Speaker 2 (03:45):
No, but you're saying it's fantastic. That's a fiber, isn't it.
It's just a four and a half.

Speaker 7 (03:49):
It's not perfect. It's not the best movie I've ever seen.
You're you're you're saying that a five out of five.
Amy gets everything five out of five. That means it
has to be the best ever.

Speaker 2 (03:59):
Right, everything ever? But four and a half. I really
enjoyed it.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
Okay, I've don't want to change your scoring system, by
the way, but he's like it was awesome too, too,
But he's good, huh, that was really good. It's U
two watches it's about love. That was like a lot
of kissing and stuff. No, okay, good? And then two
in English because last Eddie always tells us.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
To watch or Mike doesn't. It's like, I'm pretty.

Speaker 7 (04:24):
Sure sometimes but you don't even after about thirty seconds,
you don't even know.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
What language is it.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
There's some English. That's all I need is some Yeah, yeah, okay,
I don't mind that.

Speaker 2 (04:35):
Then and it was really mine did you like that movie, Okay,
watch we'll watch it.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
I'm gonna watch it.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Did you watch The Greatest Night in Pop? I did
watch The Greatest Night.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
I haven't seen it yet, but I know he was
gonna watch it to see it prove you wrong.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
Mostly, of course. Yeah. It was interesting.

Speaker 7 (04:52):
It's where they all get together and sing we all
the world. I don't know who some of those people are.
I didn't know some of them, Like there was a short,
little guy and I was just like.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
Who are are you?

Speaker 3 (05:00):
Man? Paul Simon, I don't know who that is.

Speaker 7 (05:04):
And there's one guy there that I was like, doesn't
want to be there, hates it. And I was impressed
that the person stayed the whole time. I'm not going
to say who it was, but it was.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
One that didn't stay and I didn't even know he was.

Speaker 3 (05:15):

Speaker 2 (05:15):
Well, that was crazy. Yeah, I gotta get on that one.

Speaker 7 (05:22):
But it was cool to see that many superstars in
one room at one time, because now like people sing
songs like oh I was never even in the same.

Speaker 3 (05:33):
Room to get right, Yeah, well there was. The technology
didn't exist then that does now. But if they could
ship the tapes to another studio, which is kind of
what they would do sometimes harder not doets really they'd
get the same studio.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
But man, it was it was a very enjoyable watch.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
You can listen to that one star some of those
people though. Still, I mean, I need to watch it
because I know that's right up my alley. It's just
getting my wife to watch a show like that. I
feel like it. I promised you'll like it. Of us wrong, No,
he just was wanting to watch it because it was like,
you guess I get so great. He's like, oh show, then, hey,
was it cool? Sean Tina, I mean it was a
little weird. It was like cause she passed away, knows

was like, oh yeah, Amy, I gotta do your sorry.
She once painted a picture for Taylor Swift, and Taylor
told her she really loved the gift. Amy.

Speaker 8 (06:19):
I don't know if you'll have any embarrassing moments lately,
but I'll tell you my latest, which was at church
on Sunday.

Speaker 4 (06:26):
I drove over the.

Speaker 8 (06:28):
Big orange cones that they set up and I didn't
realize it, and I was in my daughter's car, so
I wasn't used to The size is different than mine,
so I guess I don't even honestly never even saw
the cone. But I hear this loud noise as I'm
driving along.

Speaker 4 (06:43):
Like so loud. I thought I got a flat tire.

Speaker 8 (06:46):
Oh yes, So I pulled over slowly and opened the
door and just peeked because I knew. I was like, oh,
I'm going to see a flat tire. And I was like, oh, dang,
my tires are fine.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
I'll keep going.

Speaker 4 (06:56):
So I did in I started driving it. I'm like,
what is that noise?

Speaker 8 (07:00):
But I get out and there's this huge orange cone
stuck under the car, like I don't even know how
to get it out, and I'm really trying and I can't.
And then I was so embarrassed. When someone stopped to
ask for help. I was like, I'm good because you
couldn't really, like, but you weren't getting what I was
doing is I don't find carry on carry on? And
then finally I got in and I reversed and I
went forward and I reversed and I shook it loose.

Finally got it out, and then I had to run
it back to where I originally.

Speaker 4 (07:26):
Ran over. Yeah, and I put it back.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
But that's embarrassing. We've all done it, right, No, you've
never ran over a cone.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
I've probably clipped a cone, like on the highway, like
if there's construction and they move them, they slowly go
from you know, way into out and there's only one line.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
I probably cliped a couple, okay, one.

Speaker 7 (07:46):
You've never had one stuck on your car in a
parking lot?

Speaker 3 (07:48):
I have, no.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
It's crazy because it won't come out.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
You can it. It will not come out?

Speaker 4 (07:52):
Are there now?

Speaker 3 (07:57):
All right? Go ahead?

Speaker 2 (07:58):
From Mountain Pine in Arkansas? He gulled with George Burge
a lot. Y'all should write together. On second thought, Bobby Bones,
thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (08:06):
So my wife has been walking around the house with
her fingers doing this, which is a scissors motion. Any
idea why she continues to hair? Yeah, to me, it
was I'm been going out my hair as a bit
to see when she or anybody be like, dude, you
gotta cut your hair.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
It's weird.

Speaker 4 (08:21):
You have your own little personal bits in your head.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
Oh, And that's what drives her crazy because I do
bits all the time just for me, and she's like,
are you doing a bit? Not for the hair for life.
Sometimes she's just like, are you doing a bit? And
I'm like, yeah for me. She's like, that's weird. I'm
like yeah, but I'm really enjoying it. So I I've
been doing this bit with myself, growing my hair out
for no reason, and so she has scheduled me a
haircut today. She's never once scheduled me a haircut in

my whole life, but she has scheduled me a haircut.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
Do you have to go?

Speaker 4 (08:49):

Speaker 2 (08:50):
Now? Define half?

Speaker 4 (08:51):

Speaker 2 (08:51):
Like like is it worse? Will I go to jail
if I don't go? No? Will it?

Speaker 3 (08:58):
Will life at home not be as comfortable, right because
you accidentally forget? But I don't forget anything but maybe something.
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Oh right, right,
you're lack of sleepe.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
I'm having brains.

Speaker 4 (09:11):
Good for him.

Speaker 8 (09:11):
But here it is you didn't show up to every
other work things that day.

Speaker 4 (09:14):
She's not gonna like that.

Speaker 3 (09:15):
I've been thinking about making it a bit though, where
I cut my hair really weird now, like I show
up mullet mullet, Well, I can I can mock? I
can mull I could like cause moully you can always
cut out of it. Sure, yeah, just do one strip
down the middle. I could trump it up top and
just leave it all on the back and then just
go home. Because sometimes I do a bit where I
leave a mustache. I go to you and if I
haven't shaved in a while and it she hates it.

She's like, that is so gross, and I will not
shave it off for a whole night and I'll make
her sleep next to me with it. And sometimes you
can't do that, she'll get up go sleep. She's like,
it's so gross. So I'm gonna get a haircut today.
I guess about the ill.

Speaker 2 (09:49):
I mean, I don't. I don't hate it looks great, dude,
I think it's awesome.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
Yeah, I mean, we're this is like for us.

Speaker 8 (09:55):
I think it's probably nostalgic because you had long hair
like this when we all first started this thing.

Speaker 4 (10:00):
So it's like, oh, look at Bobby with his long hair.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
We have been together a long time.

Speaker 8 (10:06):
Yeah, but when he wore a hat, it would like
curl outs like that.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
So and if I watch it, it's like hardcore curls.
She told me a little Dicky the other day.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
Oh, a little Dicky. That show is so funny.

Speaker 3 (10:17):
Well, the rapper, the comedian Rapper also has Dave. The
show she goes, look a little dicky, Faith is so
hair Oh my god. All right, that's what's up. Gotch
you guys in here. Let's get the show started tomorrow.
Probably have a haircut, but what kind of haircut will
it be? Let's open up the mail back.

Speaker 1 (10:36):
You friend, the game mail and red in all the air.
If you dig something, we call Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Yeah, hello, whoa, whoa, Bobby Bones.

Speaker 3 (10:44):
My wife and I are coming to grips with our
different parenting styles, and it's clearly going to become a problem.
She insists that she be the disciplinarian because she's not
as intimidating she thinks I can be by intimidating. I
think she's refronted the fact that when I count to three,
I said one two three, I don't say one two,
two and a quarter, two and a half, two and

three quarters.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
The kids are.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
Learning if they act sorry and play fake remorse, they
can get out of whatever punishment she assigns. And I
hear them laughing about it because she wants to be
the disciplinering and it's not good at it. Feel the
gouda run all over us, which does seem to be
the direction we're heading. Wanted to see if you and
the parents had some advice for me. Signed dad of discipline.

Speaker 8 (11:27):
Amy, I think you'll definitely need to be on the
same page whatever it is. You got to be consistent
and yeah, if you're accounting to three, that's what that's
that's how you count to three.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
Two point two point two, two point three, two point four.

Speaker 8 (11:39):
Well, but I could understand the difference that's there. But
I think a sit down with y'all and coming up
with a compromise like okay, maybe you do one and
then two and a half.

Speaker 4 (11:49):
Two two and a half and then diffractions. I didn't
care a little bit.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
But Eddie, you are the disciplinary in your house.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
I have to be your kids. They shape up. Whenever
I've seen it, it's really weird. I don't know what
it is, and I've talked to other dads and parents
about it, but like when the male talks to the kids.
And I have four boys, so maybe different if you
have girls. But for my boys, if I talk to
them and I count to three, they stop what they're doing.
My wife is because though you've counted to three before

and then like counterproduct them or something like are they.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
Talked no, no, no, no, no, I don't.

Speaker 3 (12:20):
I don't.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
I don't do that. But I'm serious.

Speaker 3 (12:23):
I'm serious when I say if I get if I
have to get to one or three or whatever, like,
we're gonna have probably there's gonna be a disciplined there's
gonna be a disciplinary action.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
And I do it.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
My wife's always just like okay, she she's totally the
one and a half, two and a half. Guys, I'm
about to get to three second in an hour, ready, right?
And so to them they think, really, it's like, oh,
Mom's not gonna do anything, so let's just do whatever
we want. Both presidents have been set when you get
to three. If you get to three, something's not gonna

be good. And when she starts counting to three, who
knows right? Who knows well?

Speaker 8 (13:01):
So Eddie is the dad that they listened to. Could
you talk to them about listening to their mom?

Speaker 2 (13:05):
I do it all the time, and but it's just
not inger. It's not going to go through their brain.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
Well, they listen better if you're there while she's doing it, yes,
but if you're gone, So what I do? Sometimes if
my wife's counting to three or whatever, and I stand
behind her and cross my arms like, let's see what
you do while she's counted to three, and they're like,
oh, oh got it, got it.

Speaker 4 (13:24):
I know, But see, I don't. I really don't want
my kids to respond out of fear.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
It's not fear. It's just it's not we're being serious.
It's the seriousness of whatever we're trying to tell you
what to do.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
Yeah, that's it. It's not fear.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
What would you recommend to him, Eddie. It's like Amy said,
they have to be on the same page. And again
it's not easy. I've talked to my wife thousands of
times about like, hey, we have to follow through with
what we say, like and if she counts the three,
she's counted three, she needs to count to do whatever
said she's going to do correct. And if she needs
to say like I'm gonna bring I'm gonna bring your
dad into this, if she needs to do that, then they'll.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Take her serious.

Speaker 3 (13:56):
But also if she's always like a super kind one
when they're not in trouble, they probably is that's assume
she's even gonna be that one's trouble time. I know,
I know it's not easy, man, But the closer they
can get on the same day.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Was so easy.

Speaker 1 (14:08):

Speaker 4 (14:08):
Yes, I fall into two categories.

Speaker 8 (14:11):
Sometimes it's because I'm being kind and also sometimes I
realize I'm being passive because that's easier.

Speaker 2 (14:17):
Yeah, generally, but.

Speaker 8 (14:18):
That then I have to remind myself that I'm not
doing my kids any favors by being passive.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
Right, thank you for your email. There you go, we
got this. Nope, well send him here? Yeah, good, send
him send him to us. All right, close it up.

Speaker 4 (14:30):
We got your gmail and we ran on her.

Speaker 3 (14:33):
Now let's find the clothes.

Speaker 9 (14:35):
Bobby fail bag year.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
It's time for the good news Bobby. In Hector, Arkansas,
there is a deaf blue healer named Dakota who's a
hero for sure.

Speaker 2 (14:48):
Saved a family of five from a house fire.

Speaker 3 (14:50):
Uh. The dogs in double digit age here, so he's older.
It's also deaf because what happened was he got an
ear infestation and I guess it went untreated and he
lost his hearing. That su oh man, I know. But
he was able to detect the fire because of smell

and so dog like I'm doing, know what the dog
would do. Yeah. So the dog's owners Mike and Jennifer.
They're both volunteer firefighters. Oddly, and the night of the fire,
Dakota the dog goes in oh and wakes everybody up,
like freaking out.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
And so they didn't know if he had to.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
Go to the bathroom because sometimes I can hear Stanley
and I just know when he comes to the door
at twelve thirty he's got to go to the bathroom,
because he doesn't do that. But he starts going crazy.
The family's all confused. The dad goes to look because
maybe it's like a burglar or something too, and there's
the fire, and so they all get out of there
in time, and they lost their home because it ended

up being a big fire. But had it not been
for Dakota the deaf old dog, they could have been
in the fire.

Speaker 4 (16:01):
I wonder if my dog would you since that.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
Yeah, maybe, but then the dog would leave.

Speaker 4 (16:06):
Yeah, but I would already be like, oh, somebody's built
a fire.

Speaker 8 (16:10):
Yeah, like this is dangerous.

Speaker 4 (16:13):
I need to alert someone, you know, interesting, because I
don't know.

Speaker 2 (16:17):
I had a blue heeler when I was younger.

Speaker 3 (16:19):
Those are some crazy dogs, loyal, but crazy dogs like that.
My dog would bite tires of cars that were driving by, remember.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
And then they would catch them.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
Sometimes they would pop the tire, like the dog would
pop a car with.

Speaker 4 (16:32):
His teeth as it's driving by.

Speaker 3 (16:34):
As the car was driving, not fast, probably driving about
fifteen miles per hour. It's crazy, dude, are you sure
it wasn't like it didn't stop it like a light.
And then he yeah, no, as the car and I
would see it happened. The car would be driving, the
dog would just bark bark, bark, bark bark, and the
car for bike bicycle by.

Speaker 2 (16:49):
It was a car going fifteen miles an hour. Yeah,
you have your memories. Nothing they don't get run over.

Speaker 4 (16:56):
No, gosh, remember my rottliler.

Speaker 8 (16:59):
Josie would chase trailers and one time I had the
front door open and a trailer drove top.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
But it did unhooked a trailer while it was going
fifteen miles an hour and park it back.

Speaker 8 (17:09):
Thirty miles an hour. A truck drove by with a
trailer and she was like, I have to chase trailer.
So she goes out to chase the trailer and then
the car behind.

Speaker 4 (17:16):
The trailer hit her. And yeah, oh.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
This is why would you do that? Story?

Speaker 4 (17:21):
You tell me something good? Is a scooped up. We
went to the vet and all she did was vomit
a little bit and she was fine.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
Okay, we have to say that. You just want that
give you knew justice on Red with a herd dog.
All right, that's what it's all about. Yeah, that was
telling me something good.

Speaker 3 (17:41):
I was in the bathroom. I rarely leave the studio,
but I went to the bathroom. I was just so inspired.
I wrote a song while I was in the bathroom,
wondering where you were. I mean, you were in there
for a little bit longer than we thought we were
being on jerseys.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
No, I could have been doing that too.

Speaker 3 (17:54):
So that documentary that you guys have watched, it haven't
seen yet, The Biggest Night and Pop calling Grass. There's
a song in it and I don't know if this
is gonna work because I haven't even heard how the
song goes in a long time, but it goes.

Speaker 2 (18:06):
We are the world, we are the children.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
We are the ones to make a better place.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
So let's start giving. And then somebody goes, it's a
choice we are making. We're saving our own lives. We're
going I'll make a better.

Speaker 3 (18:23):
Day, just you and me. They all got to that
we are the world right basically, Okay, want to hear
the instrumental because I wrote one for us in the
bathroom and I haven't written on my paper on my phone.
But I have to sing it all and then I
will assign the parts and I have to do it
without the music. So it goes, Yes, we are single,

we are now dating, we are no the guys will
sing this part them, we'll be that, and then we'll
sing it. Then they'll do their part. So we got
like they are non't sing it right now? They are single. Oh,
they are now dating.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
They are the ones.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
They are the ones on their dating apps and they're
just waiting. Okay, hold on, and then Amy comes on
and she does her first solo verse. She goes, it's
a choice that I am making. No one over forty nine,
don't be broke. If you need a car, I won't
co sign. Then we all go they are so. Then

we do this verse again, and then Morgan comes on
and then she goes.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
No more losers in my future.

Speaker 3 (19:34):
I can't seem to get away from dudes that are
toxic and use hairspray. And we all go and then
we sing it again, and then Abby although she's not single,
she's been for a long time. Then she comes on
and goes, I'm not single anymore, and I hope to
never be.

Speaker 2 (19:51):
But I have known to get obsessed. Just wait and see,
and then.

Speaker 4 (19:56):
There are the one they are single. Ye.

Speaker 2 (19:59):
So I just wrote Okay, okay, I like it, dude,
but the music doesn't match.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
Just just the chorus. We just got to keep doing
the chorus over and over and I think towards the chorus,
that's what it does. So then can we take a
second and put it into production and loop that chorus
to where it makes it sense like that, I may
have to put like mic on it, and I can
do something else like play a song or something.

Speaker 2 (20:25):
Yeah. I can also music supervise back there. I can
check it out too. Yeah yeah, well, why don't you lunchbox.

Speaker 3 (20:32):
I'll be check it out from here in case they
call you and I don't know.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
Everything I wrote is all.

Speaker 3 (20:41):
I can send it all.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
You're Rick Rubin.

Speaker 3 (20:45):

Speaker 2 (20:46):
He's put He put Jones the Rick Rum.

Speaker 3 (20:48):
Because he never really played anything, but he was like
the greatest producer.

Speaker 2 (20:51):
He told everyone, he told him what to do.

Speaker 3 (20:53):
Okay, Yes, Quincy Joe, I haven't seen it yet. Then
let's hold on a second, go fix that, and when
we come back, maybe we'll get to the first ever. Wow,
they are single, they are, and all the guys would
sing that part.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
They are single.

Speaker 3 (21:07):
They are now dating. They now are dating. They are
the ones on apps right, yeah, but I don't want
to say dating and dating twice. Yeah, they are now
dating on the app. Now they are the ones on
their phones on apps, but.

Speaker 4 (21:21):
On their look for love on apps.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
They're all just okay to handle that. We come back
and we'll maybe perform our first for our first time ever.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
They're going out from the apps.

Speaker 10 (21:32):
Look, I'm not getting made anybody credit sotan stuff. It's
only I think they're not just me on the looking
for true love on the apps. Okay, handle it, we
got all right, hold on, let me play.

Speaker 2 (21:45):
This the Bobby Bone Show.

Speaker 3 (21:47):
Okay. So we had to stop the segment right there
because we can't play music on the show. We can't
even play us singing over music. That's a parody. I
don't know why, but we've been told by our attorneys
who is Scuba Steve, to not do that. So if
you want to see or hear the full version of
the song that we did on the show this morning.
You can go to this all of our social crap.
You can go to my page show page, mister Bobby Bones,

and you can watch us sing the song. Now. You
heard us mess around with it earlier, because we did
that bit earlier where we were kind of raw dogging
it with no music, trying to figure it out.

Speaker 4 (22:17):
Right, Yeah, that's allowed.

Speaker 3 (22:18):
Raw yeah, raw dog and it's allowed. Yeah, it's good.
But we can put that up, right.

Speaker 9 (22:23):
You used the instrumental that one too, so no, no, no, no,
you did it. Yeah you did, yeah, because that when
you're like that was when you're like, oh, this is
the full song, the full song one the instrumental or
the hooks.

Speaker 3 (22:31):
Yeah, but we never we could cut that part oct
we never sang over it.

Speaker 9 (22:34):
Yeah, we can cut that part out, correct. Yeah, so
we'll do that and we'll just use initial.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
Well, they've already heard that segment, so they already are
hearing what we just did.

Speaker 9 (22:41):
Yeah, yes, yeah, yeah, so we are here, we are
in the future.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Yeah, it so, but they got to hear that, right.

Speaker 9 (22:44):
They got to hear that correct.

Speaker 3 (22:46):
Yes, this is so stupid.

Speaker 4 (22:48):
They heard that, and then.

Speaker 3 (22:49):
Now you just go to the socials or whatever to
watch the final version of it. We boo, don't pay,
don't get too angry about it. It's always got He
raised up from his word to say, boo, okay, so
we're sorry about that.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
We are more annoyed than you are. We promise we're annoyed.
We are annoyed. It is our podcast.

Speaker 3 (23:12):
We can't blame music on it anyway, So let's just
go to the next segment. All right, thank you guys.

Speaker 2 (23:21):
Pile of stories.

Speaker 8 (23:22):
So, I was reading this whole article about how there's
harmful things that people say to girl scouts when they're
outside the grocery store selling them and they don't want.

Speaker 4 (23:29):
The cookies, so well follow him here, follow the mem here.

Speaker 8 (23:33):
Harmful or damaging to the little girl's brains when it
comes to body image. So sometimes people walk by and
be like, oh, sorry, I'm on a diet, I can't
have those, or.

Speaker 4 (23:44):
There's too much fun that's okay. Well no, they're saying like,
let's just tell the girls.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
No thanks, No, I get it, I get it.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
But I'm saying I don't think that's harmful to say, hey,
I'm on a dieting and have those.

Speaker 8 (23:53):
Okay, then it goes into talking about calories, pointing out
body flaws like on you like, oh my hips can't
take this, there's too much information. Guys narrating out loud
why you aren't buying cookies because you'll eat.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
The whole box as I would.

Speaker 8 (24:12):
I think, just these are young, impressionable minds and you
don't want them then looking at their bodies and being like,
oh should I not have this cookie because my hips
look this way?

Speaker 2 (24:21):
Or whatnot fair?

Speaker 8 (24:23):
The encouragement is just say no thanks. You don't have
to give an excuse.

Speaker 3 (24:27):
Yes, you can just say no thanks, And what you're
saying is absolutely fair. However, I know, but I agree
it's your opinion too. However, how you set it up,
I felt like people were like, would you like to
buy a cookie from the girls Scouts? Like shut up,
girl Scouts, diet your stupid.

Speaker 2 (24:48):
Cookie, and then it throw it at them. That's kind
of what it felt like.

Speaker 8 (24:50):
But I do see you, Okay, okay, that's I didn't
even to set it up that way, but just simply
say no thanks, that's good enough.

Speaker 4 (24:59):
All right. So there's dry.

Speaker 8 (25:00):
January and now we're rolling well into February.

Speaker 4 (25:04):
But de talks February is happening digital.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Know no because I don't need it.

Speaker 4 (25:08):
Well, it's digital de talks.

Speaker 3 (25:10):
Oh, I think I'm.

Speaker 2 (25:14):
Going to do with this here though I don't think I'm.

Speaker 8 (25:17):
Going to do it, So it's not too late to
join in because there's an upside to it. These are
just some of the benefits that you'll get if you
start a digital d talks right now. Reduced anxiety, better sleep,
stronger social connections, increased focus, no more fomo, increased productivity
and better help.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
Okay, And for me, if I did it, the things
that I would benefit from. Why if not being annoyed
w I'm on the phone all the time. Number two,
I'm not dropping the phone on my head when IM
laying in bed trying to read something about Number three,
not spending useless amounts of money on things on Instagram
targets towards me.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
So I could do that, but TikTok.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
I prefer not.

Speaker 4 (25:51):
Yeah, don't act like your TikTok right now.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
But they don't target me. That's just fun. Like I
target it, go to the Jerseys. Instagram targets me with
stuff and I'm like, I would look good in that.

Speaker 8 (26:04):
Oh, it gave me a brain game the other day
as a sponsored thing or whatever, and I click on
it and I'm like, whoa, this is fun and say
it's going to exercise my mind, and I'm sharper.

Speaker 4 (26:14):
Yeah, I went ahead and bought cheaper if I bought
the whole year.

Speaker 2 (26:17):

Speaker 8 (26:20):
I have a friend, No, he gets to give him
from four month to three ninety a month.

Speaker 4 (26:24):
If I paid it all over bands.

Speaker 3 (26:25):
But it's four ninety nine a month for one month
or three ninety nine a month for twelve times.

Speaker 4 (26:29):
Yeah, but I want to do it every day because
it's going to help my brain.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
We'll check it back in three months and see if
you're still doing it. Okay.

Speaker 3 (26:34):
I have a friend that is a sucker for Instagram
ads and he doesn't like he works in He's an entrepreneur,
works in tech builds companies, and he likes to wear
the same thing every day so I doesn't have to
worry about it, which I would prefer that too, And
like when we tore, I wear the same thing every
day because it's just like, why I didn't bother yourself
with that decision yet?

Speaker 2 (26:53):
Other stuff to do.

Speaker 3 (26:54):
That being said, every time there's a subscription service like well,
send you clothes for every you know, every month. He's like,
it always looks so good, so I'll buy all of them.
And so he'll he has like five subscription services of
clothes that come to him and he's like, this stuff sucks,
and then he has to cancel, but then they still
send it for a couple more months. So he's got
all these weird clothes in his house. But it is

every single time that gets them, it gets them.

Speaker 2 (27:17):
Well, he's buy one.

Speaker 3 (27:17):
Everybody's going to get the note and start sending you
those right the subscription boxes all right ahead.

Speaker 8 (27:21):
So there's a lot of hype about Valentine's Day, but
for most people the day isn't really all that special.
A poll found that most Americans don't really enjoy Valentine's
Day anymore than the average day.

Speaker 4 (27:34):
To them, it's just a day. And I'm like, oh wow,
there's some people where Valentine's Day is it's forced, very different.
It's more special.

Speaker 2 (27:42):
It's forced.

Speaker 3 (27:43):
I think if you're new in a relationship, it gives
you a reason to treat it with a little more seriously,
to show you think about. But for dudes later on,
like I enjoy it, But even I know that it's
kind of goofy and it's not a real holiday.

Speaker 2 (28:03):
It's a holiday that a company made up, like you
know cards.

Speaker 3 (28:07):
Yeah, but I still I still like to do something
for my wife that's a little over the top. And
what it does is it reminds me that I should
do stuff like this.

Speaker 4 (28:15):
Well, it's basically seven days away. Do you have plans?

Speaker 3 (28:17):
Yeah, I've plans, Forest Bobby has plants like three boays,
what are you gonna do? Why would I say it
right now? She doesn't even know.

Speaker 2 (28:24):
And second of all, it's what's really difficult.

Speaker 3 (28:27):
For me is her birthday, Christmas, her Birthday, and Valentine's
Day basically all within a Month's not cool. You gotta
get rid of one of those then. So Valentine's Day,
I think is the one. Yeah, I think you skipped that,
not Christmas or her birthday.

Speaker 2 (28:39):
Probably Christmas most expensive for me, so I gotta get
rid of one.

Speaker 8 (28:42):
The survey also found that most people think Valentine's Day
is about all kinds of love.

Speaker 4 (28:47):
It's not just your romantic love.

Speaker 8 (28:49):
It can be your friendship love, your love for your pets,
your kids, your love for your kids.

Speaker 4 (28:53):
Yeah, luck love all the loves.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
Oh we get we get our kids like little child.
That's fine, but it's really not about that. It's the
holiday was made for love, like romance, created, especially created.
But yes, you can make it whatever you want. It's
all all you guys have Valentine's Day. Get us something,
get us some far, get me something. I'm always a
person think it's jack crap around here?

Speaker 2 (29:12):
Is that it?

Speaker 4 (29:13):
Okay? Yeah, that's my file.

Speaker 2 (29:15):
That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the
good news.

Speaker 3 (29:24):
The Glover family of Oklahoma City, we're having just a
hard time making ends meet. So the Oklahoma City Parks
and Wreck after School Program Department, they.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
Said, you know what, let's gift them with something.

Speaker 3 (29:35):
They gifted them with a free grocery shopping spree.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
It was at Homeland grocery Store.

Speaker 3 (29:41):
Right. So they show up and they're like, all right,
you have a certain amount of time to go and
grab anything you need. That's where you go, and you
get all the turkeys and do them all in the cart.
Ye seldom, But I bet they'm not playing supermarket sweep.
I bet they're just geting the right But here's the
cool part. And then they opened the door and They're like,
we have a surprise. Guess MBA star Kyante Johnson, he
plays for the Oklahoma Thunder.

Speaker 2 (30:02):
He shows up and now he's.

Speaker 3 (30:04):
Going to help them do the shopping spree, which I
think is so.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Cool because he's like really tall. He can get all
on the top exactly.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
So not only are they fans that they were really
excited to see him, but they got to get free groceries.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
That's cool. That's what it's all about. That was telling
me something good. Say the name of the month we're.

Speaker 8 (30:22):
In, February, February, February, February. Say it how you would
really say February February, but it's spelled February.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
Well, the question is do you say the R?

Speaker 11 (30:32):

Speaker 3 (30:32):
No, No one does, right, I don't. I've never heard
anyone call it February.

Speaker 4 (30:37):
But in my mind, if I'm writing it, I want to, like,
I have to go wed this day.

Speaker 3 (30:43):
Oh yeah, rest taurant rest tallerrant. I struggle spelling that
one rest talant? Does I have to spell restaurant? I
think that's right, right, yeah, rant, But February is how
it said.

Speaker 2 (30:57):
Most Americans don't say it right.

Speaker 3 (30:59):
Both work are socially acceptable but there are is how
you would say it February. So we're saying it wrong.

Speaker 4 (31:08):

Speaker 3 (31:09):
Well again, they're socially acceptable February. Yeah, but maybe we
should go back to the original. If you said, hey,
what's today February shicks, they'd be like, what different in
your mouth? Did you eat a pepper? It's even hard
to say it how it's meant to be said. February. February, February, February, February, February.
I say, we start saying it like that and just

watch the world take it. I never address it. Today
is February third, February.

Speaker 2 (31:34):
Oh, that's tough. It's even hard to say it that way.

Speaker 3 (31:36):
That's why nobody says it, because most people say, feb
you wear re February.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
That's from Mary in Webster.

Speaker 3 (31:42):
All right, Time to get over to Amy and The
Morning Corny, The Morning Corny.

Speaker 4 (31:49):
What is a ghost's favorite month?

Speaker 3 (31:52):
February februarybu February that was the morning Corny.

Speaker 2 (32:02):
How did you have that?

Speaker 4 (32:03):
You didn't plan that out?

Speaker 2 (32:05):
Well, that's really cool. We had that because she didn't
know I was going to go to that story. You
guys never know what I'm about to bring up.

Speaker 4 (32:10):
I just feel like maybe we're.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
In Is that a Western? I don't know. I was
like that sound.

Speaker 3 (32:18):
We're gonna see if our very own Swifty Lauren can
set the Guinness World Record for Taylor Swift songs because
it's been set and broken. He used to be twenty
seven outs thirty four people would read lyrics and this
one dude, who's a new record holder, would nail the song.
He got thirty four in sixty seconds. So top fifty
best selling songs of all time? Lauren, do you feel
like you're pretty good at Taylor Swift lyrics? I do

feel like, yeah, I'm pretty good. No, I'm lot. Yeah,
if I just said a word or two, you think
you can identify the song because I'm not gonna sing
it right, But it's the first Yeah, it's not the chorus.

Speaker 2 (32:49):
Yeah, okay, get that?

Speaker 4 (32:50):
So wait, is it just like randomly in the song?

Speaker 3 (32:52):

Speaker 2 (32:52):
No, it's the first's where it starts.

Speaker 8 (32:54):

Speaker 2 (32:55):
I think I could probably do pretty well with this.

Speaker 3 (32:57):
Okay, and I'm ray if you want to get the
timer ready and I'm not going to sing it like
the melody, okay, uh speak it? So the record again
is thirty four over under fifteen under you gonna think
she was fifteen.

Speaker 8 (33:12):
I think I think that that's still impressive to get
like fourteen, even.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
Under fifteen and one minute over guys fifteen, she knows
more than fifteen Taylor songs.

Speaker 2 (33:24):
Give me a braintar will use.

Speaker 3 (33:27):
The same exact list they used Ray will you put
sixty seconds up on the clock?

Speaker 2 (33:32):
Now again?

Speaker 3 (33:32):
These are aren't just like album cuts that people don't know.
These are the top fifty selling or stream Taylor Swift songs. Okay,
are you ready?

Speaker 2 (33:40):
H Here we go?

Speaker 3 (33:41):
Timer doesn't start until we finish the first song, Here
we go and go. I stay out too late, got
nothing in my brain late off.

Speaker 2 (33:52):
Correct. I have this thing where I get older but
just never wyen.

Speaker 3 (33:56):
Correct. You're on the phone with your girlfriend. She's upset,
you bloring with me.

Speaker 2 (34:00):

Speaker 3 (34:00):
Nice to meet you where you've been Correct. We were
both young when I first saw you. Correct fever dream
high in the quiet of the nine. Correct, Once upon
a time, A few mistakes.

Speaker 2 (34:10):
Ago, I knew you were in trouble. I remember when
we broke up the first time. We are never getting
back together, because baby, now we got bad blood. Bad blood.
Been sitting eyes wide open behind these four walls. I
don't want to live forever, he said.

Speaker 3 (34:25):
Let's get out of this town, drive out of the city,
away from the crowds, wildest dreams.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
Midnight, you come and pick me up. No headline.

Speaker 3 (34:33):
I don't like your little games, don't like your tilted stage.

Speaker 7 (34:38):
Oh this is why we can't have no no no,
Oh my god, oh my god.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
It is right on the tip of my tongue. You
made me do correct. You were in college working part
time waiting tables. Mine correct?

Speaker 2 (34:49):
You talking wow? One shots the count fourteen? Did you
know the first word wow? Because you did awesome?

Speaker 4 (35:00):
Thank you. That's crazy to not get thirty seven like that.
You got thirty four. The previous record was twenty son
Oh okay, that's yeah. And he an he's from Pakistan.

Speaker 3 (35:11):
I believe she has a lot of songs so and
most of them start with I. So how does he
know which eye it is? Amy? See if you can
get a feture? Oh, dear, ready, I'll give you an
easy one. How many think Amy can get sixty seconds?
Sixty seconds?

Speaker 2 (35:29):
Okay? Time already? Three? Three and go? Drew looks at me.
I fake a smart guitar. Correct?

Speaker 3 (35:35):
I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the
front seat of his our song.

Speaker 2 (35:39):

Speaker 3 (35:39):
You are somebody that I don't know, but you're taking
shots at me like it's patron.

Speaker 2 (35:44):
Oh, I don't know, past. I promise that you'll never
find another like me.

Speaker 4 (35:53):
We uh shoot, I know this one past.

Speaker 2 (35:56):
I'll come back to meet me at midnight.

Speaker 4 (35:58):
Meet me at midnight. Midnight pass.

Speaker 3 (36:02):
This ain't for the best. My reputation has never been worse.
Reputations Incorrect. I'm so glad you made time to see me.
How's life? Tell me, how's your family?

Speaker 5 (36:10):

Speaker 4 (36:11):
Tell me how's your family?

Speaker 2 (36:14):

Speaker 4 (36:15):
No, is the other one? All too well? That's when
I passed.

Speaker 3 (36:18):
No, okay pass once the fly had flown with the
wilt to the rose. Yeah no, I'm like the water
when your ship rolled in that night.

Speaker 4 (36:32):

Speaker 10 (36:33):
Incorrect too, Right?

Speaker 3 (36:40):
Do you know you are somebody that I don't know,
but you take it chots to me like it's petron.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
You need to calm down. Correct.

Speaker 3 (36:46):
I promise you'll never find another like me me. Correct,
meet me at midnight. Correct, This ain't for the best.
My reputation has never been worse.

Speaker 2 (36:55):

Speaker 4 (36:56):
These that album more like the newer song.

Speaker 2 (36:58):
I'm so glad you made time to see me.

Speaker 3 (37:00):
How's life?

Speaker 2 (37:00):
Tell me? How's your family? Went back to December?

Speaker 4 (37:03):
That's that one.

Speaker 2 (37:05):
She's so good.

Speaker 4 (37:06):
Yeah, that was a little embarrassing. And I.

Speaker 2 (37:09):
Think this dude cheated. No, I mean Guinness was there? Yeah,
I think yeah, fight right, that's great mm hmm.

Speaker 3 (37:21):
Once the flight had flown with the wilt to the rose,
that's the one you said, was is it over now?

Speaker 4 (37:28):
Or is it over now? Where's Tim?

Speaker 2 (37:32):

Speaker 4 (37:32):
It was all random, I know, but I'm just curious.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
Eddie and lunchbox, Yes, okay, and yeah, you're if you
have the one of you get it?

Speaker 1 (37:41):
Got it?

Speaker 3 (37:41):
Go say you're sorry. The face of an angel comes
out here, John and correct, Tim McGrath and correct, that's
white Horse. We could leave the Christmas lights up till January. Snowflake, Yeah, yeah,
December and correct. Lover finached t brand new phone, high
hills on cobblestones.

Speaker 2 (38:01):
Who's made for walking?

Speaker 3 (38:02):
Bad blood card again? Next one knew he was a
killer the first time I saw him.

Speaker 2 (38:07):
Bad blood killer.

Speaker 3 (38:09):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's me. I'm the problem on
me incorrect. It feels like a perfect night to dress up.

Speaker 2 (38:14):
Like hipsters, feels like a twenty two. Correct. I walk
through the door with you. The air was cold. I
walked through the door with you.

Speaker 3 (38:22):
The air was cold and correct Tim mcgrawl and correct,
all too well. You take a deep breath and you
walk through the doors. He just walked through the door.

Speaker 2 (38:29):
We just did that. Oh you know who walked in correct? Nfteen.

Speaker 3 (38:33):
Bet your windows rolled down and your hair is pulled back,
wildest dreams and correct high.

Speaker 2 (38:40):
I don't care you with your words like knives and swords. Correct. Yeah,
but you didn't help it all. I know what Eddie?

Speaker 5 (38:53):

Speaker 2 (38:54):
Good. Wow. So you and Amy basically the same.

Speaker 3 (38:56):

Speaker 2 (38:56):
Yeah, we're swifties. You want a sudden death against the.

Speaker 4 (38:58):
Other to the second you get twenty two cous of
me though, Yes.

Speaker 2 (39:02):
We did that five thousand times.

Speaker 3 (39:03):
We'll do five buzzing with your name, Amy, ready as
soon as you know it, Come on ready. Yeah you
said the way my blue eyes Amy time. You can't
install Eddie. Correct, you can't say your name in stall.
You're right, thank you, thank you, Eddie won Amy zero.

Here we go state the obvious. I didn't get my
perfect fantasy, Eddie. Incorrect, You didn't have an answer state
the obvious. I didn't get my perfect fantasy, then you
could ever love me?

Speaker 8 (39:40):
Joseph time picture to burn Yep, that's it.

Speaker 4 (39:43):
Get here, I'm going to get there.

Speaker 3 (39:45):
He was there.

Speaker 4 (39:45):

Speaker 3 (39:46):
One zero still, Eddie, you could be the second swifty.
Come on, second place swifty.

Speaker 2 (39:49):

Speaker 3 (39:49):
Next up, there's something about the way the street looks
when it.

Speaker 2 (39:52):
Just rained, Eddie, Eddie Cardigan. Now we already did that one.

Speaker 4 (39:57):
So there's something about the street the way looks when
it just rained.

Speaker 2 (40:01):
Whatever I said, wet roads.

Speaker 3 (40:04):
That's a good one, Amy.

Speaker 4 (40:06):
No, damn pavement.

Speaker 2 (40:08):
I thought you were saying a bad word.

Speaker 1 (40:11):

Speaker 3 (40:13):
Do you know that?

Speaker 4 (40:13):

Speaker 2 (40:14):
Fearless fearless?

Speaker 3 (40:15):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, only two left, Addie, You're about to
be the second place champion here. Next up, the way
you move is like a full on rain storm.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
Eddie, dear John incorrect, the.

Speaker 8 (40:28):
Way you move, Amy, Amy thunder rolls.

Speaker 2 (40:34):
That's garth smart.

Speaker 3 (40:37):
All right.

Speaker 2 (40:37):
Last one, Nice to meet you where you've been.

Speaker 8 (40:41):
Nice to meet you you've been, But I need the tune.

Speaker 2 (40:48):
Of the song, Eddie, a reputation incorrect.

Speaker 4 (40:51):
Nice to meet nice, You're not gonna get it.

Speaker 8 (40:57):
Nice meets you where you've been our song.

Speaker 4 (41:07):
You can be.

Speaker 2 (41:14):
Your second place. You guys are having a good morning.

Speaker 3 (41:18):
And my jersey of the day Jaylen Waddle number seventeen,
Miami Dolphins. They're not in the super Bowl, but this
is signed I got from TikTok.

Speaker 2 (41:28):
What am I gonna do with it? So I'm just
wearing them.

Speaker 3 (41:30):
You know what, though I thought they would be oversized
like most of them they are.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
I'm just bigger. It's good. Yeah, so you can watch
it on our Facebook.

Speaker 4 (41:37):
What I don't know, Eddie, you know love he's getting
a little.

Speaker 2 (41:42):
He's thicker, Yeah, but no thicker and not bigger.

Speaker 4 (41:44):
It's thicker. I thought we just I thought we decided.

Speaker 2 (41:47):
Now I'm now now I'm spiraling. I'm spiraling.

Speaker 3 (41:50):
I thought we decided.

Speaker 2 (41:52):
I don't like it.

Speaker 4 (41:52):
I'll say whatever you want, no, but I don't want.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
You to say what you want me to say. No,
But it's not it's not. And now I'm spiraling. Andy
put me in a bad place.

Speaker 8 (42:00):
Yeah, he pointed out your jersey he.

Speaker 3 (42:07):
Met like shoulder pads. Okay, dang, I am okay. Well nope, nope,
don't lie.

Speaker 2 (42:15):
Time for the news.

Speaker 3 (42:17):
Bobby Stories, Taylor Swift sends a season assist over a
celebrity jet tracker account Taylor Swift, threatening legal action over
account that tracts a private jet on social media. Jack Sweeney,
who runs the accounts attract plans of a lot of
public figures, received a cease and assist from the legal
team of Taylor Swift. The letter, which obtained by the outlet,

stated the Swift thirty four would have no choice but
to pursue any in all legal remedies if he did
not stop his quote stalking, harassing behavior. Now it's public
information is a weird thing.

Speaker 8 (42:48):
Yeah, everywhere for people that wouldn't take the time to
go look at that.

Speaker 2 (42:52):
Okay, it's public information.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
Get yourself. I'm not saying good over yourself. I'm just
saying he does it with a lot of people, and
it's freedom of Information Act. If there's something like a
public university as you can go and request it and
get it.

Speaker 2 (43:05):
It's like the nine to one calls.

Speaker 3 (43:07):
It's like, yeah, does so he takes public information from
the Federal Aviation Administration in addition to other people who
do the same thing.

Speaker 2 (43:18):
So I I don't know.

Speaker 3 (43:22):
What's happening behind the scenes here or if there have
been some information about her that's got out that makes them,
not her, not feel safe. I would understand not want
to be tracked. Yeah, but it's weird if it's public information.
It's like, hey, stop taking public information and making it
more public. I wonder if there's like a stalker charge
in there somewhere. Well, there's she has one stalker that's
like bendor House like three times. But that still as

unfortunate as that part is. And they've arrested him. They're
rested again, like last week the stalker. Yeah, Elon Musk
had this happened to him.

Speaker 2 (43:53):
Yeah, it's the same guy.

Speaker 3 (43:54):
Yeah, So it is public information, but I'm saying, like,
if you follow someone home like that's stock, but telling
where they live, it's like public information of a plane
that anybody can.

Speaker 2 (44:04):
See if they just log into a site. That's crazy.

Speaker 8 (44:06):
The paper said quote that she's in constant state of
fear for her personal safety.

Speaker 2 (44:11):
So am I always yes? Like I love that amen. Yeah,
And if she doesn't want to be tracked, fly commercial?

Speaker 3 (44:18):
Oh can you imagine the airports you can track that?
You can't.

Speaker 2 (44:22):
You don't know who's on what. You don't know who's
on what. Flight. You just know the flight.

Speaker 3 (44:26):
But if she flew commercial, you'd know exactly where she
was because the airport would be exactly That would not
be good. She can't fly for she can. Can you
imagine the airports would be insane. Nothing would be able
to get happen.

Speaker 7 (44:39):
I mean, it makes it look like I'm that commercial
that she does that she flies commercial, because you could
run into her in one of those Capital one lounges
at the airport.

Speaker 2 (44:46):
I have twice. Have you seen that. It's like what
she's working behind the counter. Yeah, that's funny. This is
an unfortunate.

Speaker 3 (44:55):
Part of being famous, really famous, is that people want
to know about you, right, and this information is public.
It's weird that he's threatened with legal action over taking
something that's public and making it even more public. But
I would also understand the fear of Hey, what you
should do is just message and be like, I'll give
you two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a shut up,

Like I'll use some of my resources that I made
from being rich to stop some of the stuff that
you get to do to me because I am rich. Yeah,
Like that seems like that would have probably been what
I would have tried to do is honey it and
not vinegar it.

Speaker 8 (45:31):
I don't know exactly how this works, so there's probably
a reason why this isn't the plan. But can they
do a tail number or plane or get something new
or that's registered in something else and then he doesn't
know what it's associated.

Speaker 2 (45:42):
We put it in a trust.

Speaker 3 (45:43):
Sure, I'm sure I don't know a new listen, I
no idea if these aren't in trust anyway, right?

Speaker 2 (45:51):
Or to like the president or fly to up at
the exact same cool like Elvis.

Speaker 3 (45:57):
You know he would get a one car and you know
they'd split apart after a show, and so they fly
to exactly and then they split off and go different
places and you don't know which one she's in. That's all.
That's just unfortunate for everybody because it's not comfortable for everybody.
But if the kid's not doing anything legal, it does
feel weird to say, hey, season assist doing that legal thing.

Speaker 8 (46:16):
Yeah, he said he's not intending harm. He's just sharing
the facts and that he's.

Speaker 2 (46:19):
Actually he's not.

Speaker 3 (46:22):
What's he doing though, Like it's it's he's just trying
to get what about us? If we're doing a story
about somebody's personal life. That's a celebrity. Yeah, that you
you hop in and take part in, like you're sharing
personal information. We get it from like news sources. No,
that's a legitimate source of information. That data has to
be put in by the people doing it. We get
it from like sources like cousins, third cousins. Okay, I

see what you're saying. You're not better than that, but
I do understand why they would be concerned about that.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
I think it's kind of funny that does it.

Speaker 4 (46:51):
I don't.

Speaker 7 (46:53):
I mean, he's just some college kid that came up
with this idea and started doing it, and well so
a lot of followers he didn't.

Speaker 2 (46:59):
This is how I know about it.

Speaker 3 (47:00):
Anytime we've had a college football coach search or basketball search,
the Arkansas fans they track planes and they can tell
where the university planes are going, where the booster planes
are going, and they'll go, oh, this plane went to Florida.
They're talking to this coach. We've been here for years.
It's so ridiculous. I can't speak out and go don't
do it because I live and die by the plane tracker.

Whenever we're looking for a coach but I do understand
why that would be concerning, So hopefully they come to
a resolution.

Speaker 2 (47:28):
Everybody good, Yeah, yes, yeah, she calmed down.

Speaker 3 (47:31):
We should stop talk about celebrities.

Speaker 2 (47:32):
Yeah, but she was calmed down, I mean relaxed. I
get it.

Speaker 3 (47:35):
Maybe I would flex that too, if the guy wouldn't
take money.

Speaker 4 (47:38):
Yeah, maybe they have all heard it.

Speaker 3 (47:40):
And you just put it in and be like, well,
season its this, but you can't make every season to
this actually work.

Speaker 2 (47:45):
But I get it. I want people knowing where I was, and.

Speaker 7 (47:47):
He probably doesn't have as good as lawyer as Taylor.

Speaker 3 (47:49):
Okay, let's go. A lot of workers pretend to be
busy at work. Forty seven percent of workers fake being
busy on a regular basis. The reason why because they're
scared they be fired if they sat around looking bored
or superiors in the area, and they like to fake
being busy.

Speaker 2 (48:07):
This is from Stylist magazine.

Speaker 3 (48:08):
So when Lunchbox does want of guest is here, he
just gets on his computer and is working away taking notes.

Speaker 2 (48:12):
Or something he's watching.

Speaker 3 (48:14):
Taking that a wordle which, by the way, Ray, would
you play voicemail number four please?

Speaker 6 (48:21):
Good morning? Do I think that Lunchbox needs to be
put on the wheel of punishment for spoiling the wordle amy.
I know you will support this, but it's no fun
when he tells us what the word is before everyone
gets to play it. So wheel of punishment. Sorry, lunchie,
you know I love you, but he ruined and spoiled
my wordle today.

Speaker 1 (48:42):

Speaker 2 (48:43):
But here's the problem. Here's the problem.

Speaker 7 (48:46):
Those interviews are recorded beforehand, so thank you. The wordle
was like three days ago that you heard, so didn't
spoil Haha.

Speaker 2 (48:53):
We recorded the interviews with Nate.

Speaker 3 (48:56):
We don't make people sing live live for the most
part because we don't want them to cap to coming
to six O clo. I can sing, so we'll do
that after the show sometimes. And that was the wordle
from the day before. So does that matter no, because
once it's gone, it's gone that I know of. When
I go, it's a new wordle. So there's one wordle
for the whole world that day.

Speaker 8 (49:12):
Yes, I thought it was ruined, so maybe shooting the
Playboe wasul.

Speaker 3 (49:17):
But you still ruin it for her though it doesn't
sound like that's I don't know the case. I don't
play wordle. I never evene a word I knew. I
thought it was crossword puzzle some wow. I mean after
that segment though, I was pretty fun. Yeah, yeah, I
thought about it a couple of times since then. Yeah,
but I don't think he can be accused of spoiling
because it was a day.

Speaker 4 (49:38):
Delayed and things aren't always It.

Speaker 3 (49:40):
Wasn't Nate Smith, it was Jad Clayton, Jada Clayton.

Speaker 8 (49:43):
Yeah, they're not always always pre taped, so just be
careful with that.

Speaker 2 (49:47):
That's true too.

Speaker 7 (49:48):
Yeah, like if they're singing, correct, we don't make them
sing early, right, because they don't.

Speaker 3 (49:53):
You know that.

Speaker 2 (49:53):
When you said it, it's okay to say it because.

Speaker 7 (49:55):
We're going to hear it, all right.

Speaker 2 (49:59):
There's proof that money really doesn't buy you happiness.

Speaker 3 (50:02):
I believe it. A study of nineteen regions show people
who are in virtually nothing or just as content as
those who earn big bucks. Based on a survey of
three thousand people from indigenous and local communities and nineteen
locations across the globe, researchers have found societies of indigenous
people and those in small local communities report living very
satisfying lives despite not having a lot of money. The
researchers wrote, the striking aspect of our findings is that

reported life satisfaction and very low income communities can meet
and even exceed that reported at the highest levels of
material well provided by industrial ways of life. Only sixty
four percent households included the Sober report having any cash income.
Most of the communities had an estmate of monitary income
up less than one thousand dollars per person. Countries with
the happiest include well everybody but us wow, Finland seven

point eight, did Mark seven point six, Iceland seven point five.
I would already be like in the negatives because all
those are cold. Yeah, oh yeah they Could's not from miserable,
it's from the daily mail line walks your thoughts.

Speaker 7 (50:56):
Yeah, my thoughts. Okay. They don't know any different, so
they think their life is great. So they're making a
thousand less than a thousand per person in the household.
Give that person a million dollars and check back with
them in a year and see if they're happier.

Speaker 2 (51:07):
So that's what it is.

Speaker 3 (51:09):
Give the person next to them a million dollars and
then check back in a year. More than give them
a million. Yeah, because they get jealous Are.

Speaker 7 (51:16):
You happier now that you're making more money or back
in the day when.

Speaker 2 (51:19):
You make crap.

Speaker 3 (51:20):
I don't about the saying shut up about he asked
you a question and that would not accept your an.

Speaker 2 (51:29):
And living in debt.

Speaker 3 (51:30):
I mean that was stressful, But I mean I'm stressed
about other things.

Speaker 2 (51:32):
Now you have more room for other stress.

Speaker 3 (51:34):

Speaker 2 (51:34):
Man, I got four kids. I'm stressed. Yeah, but you're
happier now because you.

Speaker 4 (51:37):
Can happier A question anybody.

Speaker 7 (51:43):
You guys are so full crapped, Bobby, Are you happier
now that you can go to a nice restaurant or
being on food stamps?

Speaker 2 (51:49):
Unless be real, but I think that's just one.

Speaker 3 (51:52):
I'm more secure now and I think that helps my
mental health. But I think there I think general happiness,
I've added a big element that I never had. But
those days when it was like a struggle, and take
the finance part out of it, and I was like
going to college, driving an hour and half home working
ten hours, and I go and play KNDRE Virginior baseball,
listen to County Crows and wonder how in the world

I'm going to make it. But the whole world was
ahead of you. Like that was very exciting. That's cool,
that's an exciting time. But there was a lot of
insecurity as far as.

Speaker 2 (52:23):

Speaker 3 (52:23):
Yeah, knowing where your next meal is going to come from.
That's mostly younger of college. I kind of started to
have it. But I understand what they're saying, the different
worries and people that have no comparison to them versus
someone else. They're not even knowing what compared to. They're
just going, yeah, we're very happy. We don't need money
to make us happier, because they don't even understand the
concept of having that much money or currency, right, But.

Speaker 7 (52:44):
Once they get that million dollars and they're living in
a castle, they're like, hey, you know what, my life
sucked back.

Speaker 2 (52:48):
It's all about But it's also all about comparison.

Speaker 3 (52:51):
All you're saying is if you made something they could
compare themselves to and felt bad, they'd feel worse.

Speaker 2 (52:54):
But that could be in the situation.

Speaker 8 (52:56):
There's so many examples of people that have come into
wealth or have wealth and they honestly say, if they're
reflecting back on their life, like, oh wow, I don't
know that that really changed my level of happiness. Maybe
I got all this money, but internally I still feel
a little bit sad.

Speaker 2 (53:10):
Or I'm not gonna lie to you. It feels pretty
good and I have to worry about paying the bills.

Speaker 3 (53:13):
Oh yeah, that does feel good.

Speaker 4 (53:14):
Yeah, well that part for sure.

Speaker 3 (53:16):
That's but that's like the fundamental part of I don't
I'm not always trying to survive and so I am
a bit happier there. But those people are people who
like blow it all on nineteen corvettes and their crew
and they're possy.

Speaker 4 (53:27):

Speaker 3 (53:28):
True, they went a lottery and it's like, all right,
all my friends, A dairy queen meth ring was just
busted by Texas police. What employees that a dairy Queen
and Texas were caught well serving more than blizzards and
dip cones. Last week, police in Clifton, Texas announced that
they busted a methaphetamine ring operating out of a dairy Queen.
While the arrest took place this month, authorities initially received

information about the drug rings June twenty twenty three from Yah.
I wonder what the order was, right, Like, what do
you say, like, don't hold it upside down the blizzard?
But if you say don't specifically, that means you want
the mess. They just had to know. People just had
to know.

Speaker 2 (54:04):
And is it drive through only can you come you
go in and get it? Probably probably both?

Speaker 8 (54:11):
What if you get at what if it's that you
order an im okay?

Speaker 2 (54:16):
Who has more issues?

Speaker 3 (54:17):
Parents of girls of parents of boys?

Speaker 2 (54:19):
Girls girls girls a lot of drama.

Speaker 3 (54:24):
The parents of girls are more likely than the parents
of boys to report hostile child rearing attitudes, such as
feeling the child is a burden. It's from the Personality
and Social Psychology Journal, child is a burden. I wouldn't
put it that way. The other behaviors that are more
likely with girls feeling emotionally distant and constant misbehaving, as
well as acting up more so, raising a girl tends
to lead to more daily frustrations than raising a boy.

Speaker 4 (54:46):

Speaker 3 (54:47):
According to experts, it just depends. I don't know that's
a scientific it just yes, it depends, but more than not.

Speaker 2 (54:54):
You can and I often do.

Speaker 3 (54:56):
But that is their results based on doing studies with folks,
you know science. But it does just depend. But most
of the time, according to I get it.

Speaker 4 (55:06):
I was a teenage girl.

Speaker 2 (55:07):
Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 4 (55:10):
See, I'm sure my parents are like, this is a burden.

Speaker 3 (55:13):
All right, I don't. I got a bunch of stuff,
but I want to get to the next bit we're
about to do because it's so funny. So it's about
it's uncomfortable. We're gonna get to it next. It's just funny.
It's so funny, uncomfortable for who It's just uncomfortable and
so funny. So close the news here Bobby's story.

Speaker 2 (55:36):
All right, buckle up, here's voicem myl number one.

Speaker 4 (55:39):
Are you Bobby?

Speaker 1 (55:40):
Good morning studio.

Speaker 6 (55:41):
Just is listening to the podcast and heard a commercial
that Lunchbox does for little movers diapers, and I just
feel like you guys should listen to it. The way
he says pushy is odd, and the way he says something.

Speaker 8 (55:58):
About go baby at the end.

Speaker 2 (56:01):
I just it was odd.

Speaker 6 (56:03):
I felt weird, and I have two kids.

Speaker 9 (56:05):
Anyway, love this show, Thanks.

Speaker 2 (56:07):
Guys, Thank you.

Speaker 3 (56:08):
Multiple people from voicemails and on this show company me
and said something about it. I have not heard of
the commercial. How long is commercial ray? Thirty six seconds?

Speaker 2 (56:17):
Okay, this is a lunchbox? What's it? What's it for?
Little movers?

Speaker 1 (56:21):

Speaker 2 (56:21):
Their tushies wiggle and jiggle Man dippers.

Speaker 4 (56:23):
Yeah, is that their tagliner?

Speaker 2 (56:25):
Yes, Okay, here we get let's see. Let's listen and
see how it feels. Go ahead.

Speaker 7 (56:30):
This episode brought to you by Huggies Little Movers.

Speaker 2 (56:32):

Speaker 7 (56:33):
Huggies knows that babies come in all shapes and sizes,
and so do their tushies, especially when they start moving.
With Huggies Little Movers, you get their best fitting diaper
with its curved and stretchy fit. That's right, So no
matter what kind of mover you've got, they'll feel protected
in company while they're a little tushy wiggles and jiggles
all around. Huggies Little Movers has curves designed to fit

all baby curves and helps remind up to twelve hour
protection its leaks. So make the switch to Huggies Little
Movers today, we got you baby.

Speaker 2 (57:07):
That's weird.

Speaker 3 (57:08):
It does anyone on the show want to admit they
also came to me. It doesn't matter who you are,
and I won't throw you under the bus. But if
ey one on the show also want to admit they
came to me and said that you have to hear this.

Speaker 4 (57:19):
Okay, I mean he does have three kids, No.

Speaker 2 (57:22):
I hear you. It's just weird.

Speaker 11 (57:23):

Speaker 2 (57:23):
I have four kids, but I gotta I got a
question that weird.

Speaker 7 (57:27):
Why are you so scared to admit that you thought
it was creepy?

Speaker 2 (57:29):
Say it? Who I mean, That's what I'm saying. Whoever,
it wasn't me, That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (57:36):
Here's the thing, though, He says that the phrase is
wiggle and jiggle like, I don't see anything on their
website about wiggleing.

Speaker 2 (57:41):
Do you have the spot? Yeah, obviously would have been Eddie.

Speaker 3 (57:44):
That's the first time I heard that spot. I did
say it was Eddie. This episode brought to you by
Huggies Little Movers. Listen, Huggy knows the babies come in
all shapes and sizes, and so do their tushies, especially
when they really start moving. With Huggies Little Movers, you
get the best fitting diaper with its curved and stretch.

Speaker 2 (57:56):
You fit.

Speaker 3 (57:56):
That's right, So no matter what kind of mover you got,
they feel protected and comfy while the little tushies wiggle
and jiggle all around. Huggies Little Movers has curves designed
to fit baby curves and help provide up to twelve
hour protection against leaks. So Mike Twitch to Huggies Little
Movers today, we got you baby.

Speaker 2 (58:10):
That didn't sound creepy. Well, I think it's just him
doing it feels weak. But wait, that's the first you
heard it.

Speaker 3 (58:16):
So that's the first time I heard.

Speaker 2 (58:17):
Well, I heard yours and now I heard this. Oh
so it's obviously Eddie.

Speaker 3 (58:22):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 7 (58:23):
I don't understand why people don't have guts, like if
you're gonna.

Speaker 3 (58:26):
He usually admits it him, though, to be fair, nothing inventually.
He eventually says, it's tim Okay.

Speaker 2 (58:34):
Anything creepy about it?

Speaker 3 (58:35):
I I you just play the first fifteen seconds again.
That's what I feel at my heart.

Speaker 7 (58:38):
This episode brought to you by Huggies Little Movers. Listen,
Huggies knows the baby's coming, all shapes and sizes, and
so do their tushies.

Speaker 2 (58:47):
Yeah, I think it's just weird. I mean, look, that
is how he says everything.

Speaker 3 (58:53):
Anything you talk about huge drink coffee today comes you
from album arde.

Speaker 7 (59:01):
I mean wiggle and jiggle their tushies.

Speaker 2 (59:03):
That keeps them protected.

Speaker 7 (59:04):
I mean you get the point, you get the message.
You remember the commercial. I'd say it's a home run. Yeah,
it's good I don't see anything creepy about it. We're
just not used to you don't call them butts.

Speaker 3 (59:16):
No change, you could have changed that. It's not bold.
There's certain parts you have to.

Speaker 4 (59:21):
Read, but it's not their tagline.

Speaker 3 (59:23):
Well the only part. But there's no tushies. He has
to say. He does not have to say tushies. I
just I just saw this.

Speaker 4 (59:30):
He toushies and volunteerly what he's saying bottom, he.

Speaker 2 (59:33):
Could say huggies, nose.

Speaker 3 (59:36):
The babies come in all shapes and sizes, and so
to their bodies especially you know their bodies.

Speaker 7 (59:41):
No, that's just like tushies is weird from you, but
it's a baby term. Guy, But no, you don't say.
That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (59:49):
I like bottoms, bom. I think different people can call
tushies off. Yeah, like it's weird. Yeah, I don't know.
I don't try. I wouldn't try. I'd be like, instead
of the tushies, I get off. Okay, but still you
did a good jobs.

Speaker 2 (01:00:06):
It's twelve hours leak proof.

Speaker 3 (01:00:07):
Man. Our listeners just call like crazy, like they were
trying to be caller ten for something to let us
know that it felt weird.

Speaker 2 (01:00:15):
And then it felt creepy.

Speaker 3 (01:00:16):
So what I would tell everybody is hold on to
your tushy because you ain't heard nothing yet.

Speaker 2 (01:00:20):
Wiggle, giggle, wiggel and jiggle right hold on to your tushy.
Took a quick update.

Speaker 3 (01:00:26):
Lunchbox wanted the show to send him to the super Bowl,
and we thought, well, we'd all like to be sent
to the super Bowl.

Speaker 2 (01:00:33):
But you thought there was some real value because.

Speaker 7 (01:00:35):
I could cover all the parties. I got invited to
get credentialed for all the parties, Gronk's Party Shacks, fun House,
and so I was like, we have to send me
because I'll have all the inside gossip, hot goss on
the celebs.

Speaker 2 (01:00:48):
We love spot guys. Yeah, so.

Speaker 3 (01:00:52):
That didn't mean the company would send them, because they won't.
So that I mean I would have to pay the
bill for him to go have a great time in Vegas.

Speaker 7 (01:00:59):
For days working working in Vegas.

Speaker 3 (01:01:03):
You've never just volunteered to work. That's for the sake
of working and not fun.

Speaker 7 (01:01:09):
Look, you always when you're working, you had to make
fun out of it. You've got to find fun and
I would do my best to do that.

Speaker 3 (01:01:15):
Okay, that's a famous quote by city. It's a good one.

Speaker 2 (01:01:19):
I just made that up.

Speaker 3 (01:01:19):
Okay, So I said Lunchbox could go, but the hotel
rooms were way expensive. The only way that we could
go is I'd buy him a flight, but he'd have
to stay with a listener that he doesn't know, like
go and stay at their house, because that would be
part of the bit too. Yeah, that would be hilarious.
And on phone now is Nick in Vegas? Nick?

Speaker 2 (01:01:40):
What's up?

Speaker 3 (01:01:40):

Speaker 1 (01:01:42):
Helly Bobby Morning Studio.

Speaker 2 (01:01:47):

Speaker 3 (01:01:47):

Speaker 1 (01:01:49):
Wait, Lunchbox, do you want to come to stay in
my house?

Speaker 8 (01:01:57):
It sounds weird when you say, how do you have
a spare bedroom?

Speaker 4 (01:02:01):
And would you all be sharing a room?

Speaker 1 (01:02:03):
I am am not gonna I'm not gonna share room
with Lunchbucks. That was spare bedroom. It's my wife and I.
We live here, we have a dog. We're totally normal.

Speaker 8 (01:02:15):
Well you know when people say they're normally No, no,
but he has a wife.

Speaker 2 (01:02:19):
I mean, okay, you guys.

Speaker 4 (01:02:21):
Ever, he was like interested in you.

Speaker 7 (01:02:24):
No, I'm just saying, like there's someone there that will
know if I get murdered, Like if he's just by himself,
they're murdering.

Speaker 4 (01:02:30):

Speaker 2 (01:02:30):
I was about to ask him you guys, ever been
murdered together?

Speaker 7 (01:02:32):
I didn't think about that. Yeah, one day, you guys
ever been on snapped?

Speaker 1 (01:02:38):
Snapped? I don't know if that is ye.

Speaker 3 (01:02:40):
So do you think Lunchbox would enjoy staying with you
for a couple of days?

Speaker 4 (01:02:44):

Speaker 3 (01:02:45):
Nick? Like?

Speaker 2 (01:02:45):
What part of Near Vegas do you live in? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (01:02:48):
I mean we live in suburbia way way at the
house west, a bunch of houses, but thirty minutes from
the strip.

Speaker 7 (01:02:55):
Oh, but you can provide travel to and from the strip.

Speaker 1 (01:03:00):
I don't show for you around and go gamble, play
golf or whatever.

Speaker 2 (01:03:03):
Oh no, there there'll be no golfing. Well, he's going
out there to go to parties. That sounds fun if
he goes. So and what's that? What bed do you have?

Speaker 3 (01:03:10):
What kind of bed?

Speaker 2 (01:03:10):
Like the size bed? And what kind of a mattress?

Speaker 1 (01:03:14):
It's a queen bed. I think it's an old like
memories fell mackfist.

Speaker 2 (01:03:20):
It's not a sleep number.

Speaker 1 (01:03:22):
It's not a sleep number.

Speaker 2 (01:03:24):
You want to look into that, but you know what,
like you could you could? Yeah? How big is the house?

Speaker 3 (01:03:29):

Speaker 2 (01:03:29):
Do we have like a golf simulator? Like a pool?
What do you have there?

Speaker 1 (01:03:34):
No? No, I can't afford those things. And hey, it's yet,
but it's the twenty five hundreds perfect house like our
immediate room. Oh okay, I got a backyard with a
fire pit.

Speaker 2 (01:03:44):
Come on?

Speaker 7 (01:03:46):
What about meals?

Speaker 3 (01:03:46):

Speaker 7 (01:03:47):
Are you gonna like if I come in late night?
Is your wife gonna be willing to cook me at
late night like drunken meal?

Speaker 1 (01:03:54):
Probably not. I mean we can go get fourth meal somewhere.

Speaker 2 (01:03:57):
Are you It sounds like you wants to go with you.
It's what it sounds like, he sunds a.

Speaker 3 (01:04:02):
Hold on, But Nick, are you wanting to go with
lunchbox to all the events?

Speaker 11 (01:04:05):

Speaker 1 (01:04:05):
I don't want to go to the party. I'm not
a party animal. I just want to handle the lunchbox
to share at the house.

Speaker 2 (01:04:10):
Okay, do you need to see a picture of him
or anything? Yeah, that would help. Do you want to
say how big is your TV?

Speaker 4 (01:04:17):

Speaker 2 (01:04:19):
Like I probably just go to sportsbook? Does he have
like all the channels? Yeah? Do you have the cable package?

Speaker 1 (01:04:28):
Uh? No, but I will get on there.

Speaker 4 (01:04:31):
He didn't have cable, guys, he said, don't get it
on there for you.

Speaker 2 (01:04:33):
You don't have but he probably has streaming services. I
don't have cable anymore? Do you have streaming services? Yeah?
I have all of them. Oh see, So do you
want to say your Instagram over the air?

Speaker 7 (01:04:44):
You have a separate shower, like, I'm not gonna to
share the like the master bath where you got a spear.

Speaker 1 (01:04:48):
Shot, there's a guest shower, okay?

Speaker 3 (01:04:51):
Or do we want to get his Instagram from like
on the phone? Which one do we want to do?

Speaker 2 (01:04:55):
And not wait? Not have him said over the year? Okay,
all right, pull him down? Question?

Speaker 3 (01:04:59):
Lets somebody looks like yeah, okay, he looks to you
like someone who's not a murderer would like.

Speaker 7 (01:05:04):
Is there a lock on the spare bedroom door?

Speaker 3 (01:05:06):
Like a good question? Well maybe not. Sometimes they don't
have those locks. Is there a lock on this? Or
the cameras in the toilet?

Speaker 2 (01:05:13):
Oh? Yeah, spare bedroom cameras he's talking. Okay, would you
consider it?

Speaker 3 (01:05:18):
Yeah? I mean, thirty minutes is a long long drive.

Speaker 2 (01:05:22):
You know what's longer than that? However many hours it
is from here to there when you don't go.

Speaker 7 (01:05:26):
But thirty minutes too, and then two thirty minutes from
oh man, that's an hour round trip.

Speaker 2 (01:05:31):
Do you have locks on the bedroom door? Nick I?
Got it.

Speaker 1 (01:05:34):
Uh, that's a really good question. I don't know.

Speaker 8 (01:05:37):
Oh man, it's kind of good that he doesn't know, right,
What do you mean it's good.

Speaker 2 (01:05:43):
Going to the stuff you have his name? Yeah, okay,
it's uh. I don't say it on the air. You
can turn it down again. But Amy, don't you know
if you have locks on your doors? Yeah? The bedroom, well,
all the all our doors in our house are the same.

Speaker 3 (01:05:54):
Yeah. Well our bedroom door has a lock on it,
so my assumption is the other bedroom doors have locked it, although.

Speaker 2 (01:06:02):
You can't say for sure.

Speaker 3 (01:06:04):
He's a private accounts dancing though. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:06:07):
It's like in a suit you click on that looks
like col dude. Oh yeah, it looks fun. He looks normal.
Think about it.

Speaker 8 (01:06:16):
I will think about how what else would you need
to know? This sounds pretty perfect?

Speaker 2 (01:06:20):
Oh man? And you'd really live to stan at your house? Nick?

Speaker 1 (01:06:25):
Oh, yeah, for.

Speaker 2 (01:06:25):
Sure, we got a job you got.

Speaker 1 (01:06:29):
I'm in the airport.

Speaker 4 (01:06:31):

Speaker 2 (01:06:32):
What does your wife do?

Speaker 1 (01:06:35):
He's also in the airport?

Speaker 4 (01:06:36):
Okay, Okay, don't get any better than this.

Speaker 7 (01:06:39):
Okay, I mean, like, I just worry about I don't
want to cause a riff in the marriage, Like what
if she tries to throw.

Speaker 2 (01:06:46):
That's a great point.

Speaker 3 (01:06:47):
Like all of a sudden, you're laying in bed, you
feel somebody's warm touch and you think, wow, that's too
much Nick, And you look back at his next wife,
too much, Nicol?

Speaker 4 (01:07:00):
Kind of dog do you have?

Speaker 2 (01:07:01):
That's a good call.

Speaker 1 (01:07:02):
Uh, it's like a rescue.

Speaker 2 (01:07:06):
This guy sounds like.

Speaker 4 (01:07:07):
A good serve our country. They've rescued animals.

Speaker 2 (01:07:09):
Do you have a hot?

Speaker 1 (01:07:12):
No? I don't have a hot.

Speaker 2 (01:07:13):
But where did you go to school?

Speaker 1 (01:07:17):
University of Texans? I've been listening to you guys for
for you're in Austin. Was in high school?

Speaker 3 (01:07:22):
I think there's a longhorn.

Speaker 7 (01:07:23):
Oh, man, we've been way back. Where'd you go to
high school?

Speaker 2 (01:07:26):

Speaker 1 (01:07:27):
That's like, oh, here's yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:07:30):
Just like a cousin family.

Speaker 3 (01:07:33):
I just want to go stay with him now for
not even for this, it would be it would be
the greatest segment ever. I need to look at you
because let me check out flights now there are no
non stops unless it's southwest. After this all the.

Speaker 2 (01:07:48):
Time, Hey, Nick, can you pick me up on the airport?

Speaker 3 (01:07:50):
Though? Question?

Speaker 1 (01:07:51):
Sure? When are you coming in?

Speaker 2 (01:07:53):
What kind of car you got?

Speaker 1 (01:07:55):
I have a Ford monkey?

Speaker 7 (01:08:00):

Speaker 4 (01:08:01):
What's your rank.

Speaker 2 (01:08:03):
I'm okay, the one that's got to come stay with me.
Now that sounds awesome. So if if I leave tonight, no,
you have to leave tomorrow after the show now, just hey,
just saying, go ahead to get out there early. All right,
let's look tomorrow.

Speaker 8 (01:08:19):
This is the perfect candidate, and it doesn't get any
better than.

Speaker 2 (01:08:22):
Next when I come back Tuesday.

Speaker 3 (01:08:24):
No, why would you come back Tuesday recovery day? No, No,
we're gonna look at ourselves, dear, it's just even. The
one to get aways are four hundred and ninety bucks
for one.

Speaker 2 (01:08:34):
I put it on. Here we go, there it goes.

Speaker 3 (01:08:36):
Okay, Nick, we have your number, right, I believe so yeah, okay,
will you make sure Ray? Yeah, okay, cool, we're gonna
look some stuff up here.

Speaker 7 (01:08:46):
Oh my gosh, guys, wow, wow, what the way home?

Speaker 4 (01:08:54):
No way?

Speaker 2 (01:08:55):
Yeah, that's what you got to round it up.

Speaker 3 (01:08:57):
No, no, no, I'm Thursday to Monday, or let's just
even say Friday after the show.

Speaker 7 (01:09:05):
I'm just telling you coming back. The cheapes is eight
hundred and sixty four.

Speaker 3 (01:09:09):
They have any points I need to check if I do, okay,
So for four eighty nine, now, Mike, will you look
back Sunday night?

Speaker 2 (01:09:16):
Oh no, no, no, or Monday. That one's four hundred bucks.
That's on the way Sunday day, even before the game. Bro,
I gotta be at the super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (01:09:25):
You're not going to the game. We're not giving me
that was already discussed. We don't have tickets to the game.

Speaker 2 (01:09:29):
Wow, you know how many points? It is? Seven dollars?

Speaker 3 (01:09:33):
It's nine hundred dollars a round up.

Speaker 2 (01:09:36):
That's crazy. Look at Sunday.

Speaker 4 (01:09:39):
Mike might have to be Sunday during the game.

Speaker 2 (01:09:43):
No, not even during the game, but before the game.

Speaker 3 (01:09:45):
There's still it's still four hundred ninety three dollars because
he could for sure come back at like eight forty
five am and could be back way.

Speaker 7 (01:09:51):
Before eight am. Did I want to I'll just be
getting back from the parties.

Speaker 2 (01:09:55):
They can go straight to Well.

Speaker 3 (01:09:57):
I need to see about this because now it's a
lot of just go by much money we have in the.

Speaker 9 (01:10:00):
Kiddie, I don't we have much for that?

Speaker 2 (01:10:04):
Can you use gift cards on this?

Speaker 3 (01:10:06):

Speaker 2 (01:10:07):
But no, you mean.

Speaker 9 (01:10:09):
We I think we have some visa gift cards we
can possibly use that are in the in the prize
closet and I think if we pull up together, are fine.
This is this is for the listeners essentially. Nick, it's yeah,
we're giving you a listener. Go ahead this and then
if we all pull our points together, like if we
all put it on ten thousand flight notes, you could
maybe even get it for free.

Speaker 3 (01:10:27):
In that way, I'm not giving you my points. I'll
give them five thousand. I did to see if I
didn't have many points. Okay, so I'll do Nick. We
will be in touch.

Speaker 1 (01:10:35):
Okay, sounds good.

Speaker 3 (01:10:37):
We got to figure some stuff out. But if we'll
let you know by today for sure.

Speaker 4 (01:10:40):
Because Nick, do you have points?

Speaker 1 (01:10:44):

Speaker 2 (01:10:44):
Get out paying for it?

Speaker 4 (01:10:46):
Are you a pilot?

Speaker 3 (01:10:49):
No, we'll analyze this for us. Is it worth it
to send lunchbucks? They're paying our own money? Okay, Nick,
hang out or don't hang out, but hang up and
we'll call you back probably after the show if we
can figure this out.

Speaker 1 (01:11:00):
Okay, buddy, thanks Barby, all.

Speaker 2 (01:11:03):
Right, see man, thanks for calling.

Speaker 4 (01:11:04):
Wow so good?

Speaker 2 (01:11:05):
How hilarious?

Speaker 7 (01:11:06):
So I mean he's sounding a lot more normal when
he said he had a wife and like God thought
he was just like by himself.

Speaker 2 (01:11:11):
Right, And do you want to come spend the night.

Speaker 4 (01:11:15):
Yeah, it got better.

Speaker 3 (01:11:16):
Yeah, so for sure, and you still thinking getting those
parties lunch box.

Speaker 2 (01:11:19):
If we said you yeah, I.

Speaker 7 (01:11:20):
Mean I'll feel out the credential thing right now.

Speaker 3 (01:11:21):
Okay, hold on, Bobby Bones show sorry up today.

Speaker 7 (01:11:27):
This story comes with us from Colorado Springs, Colorado. Hey
man wanted to show off how fast his motorcycle could go.
So he got a little camera put on his motorcycle
and he drove from Colorado Springs to Denver in twenty minutes.
Usually it takes about an hour. It's about sixty five
to seventy miles, so he was going one hundred and

fifty miles an hour.

Speaker 2 (01:11:49):
What's crazy about that?

Speaker 3 (01:11:50):
Not just to speed, but on a motorcycle two wheels
in line. If he were to hit a rock or something, yeah,
like one that's not a pill or anything, he's gone crazy.

Speaker 2 (01:12:02):
But the video he's swerving in and out of traffic.
Man shoo, shoo, shoo, and hey, he would have never
got caught because he didn't get pulled over.

Speaker 7 (01:12:09):
Right but ah, gigs or Bra on YouTube, his name
is gigs or Bra on YouTube.

Speaker 2 (01:12:15):
I had to put it on his YouTube.

Speaker 3 (01:12:17):
His own probably got a lot of subscribers. People man,
I see those videos all the time. They got helmet cams. Yeah,
but I never subscribe.

Speaker 2 (01:12:23):
I just watched it, just watching go ton idiot and
then I move on. I never subscribe to that stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:12:28):

Speaker 2 (01:12:28):
But then the police found it online. They said, Brah,
did they subscribe?

Speaker 1 (01:12:31):

Speaker 2 (01:12:32):
Come on, you want to arrest? We have a subscription
in prison? I mean, how crazy? Yeah, it's great.

Speaker 3 (01:12:37):
I'm watching the video of because what the video is again,
it's like Lunch said, it's his helmet cam, so you
don't see him. You just see the front of the motorcycle,
which is like a glass that that little cover that
you can lay under. But I mean he's going around
cars like they're standing in between cars, like they're still.

Speaker 2 (01:12:53):
It makes me nervous if we're.

Speaker 3 (01:12:55):
On the interstate and like traffic is happening and there
are certain places where like these motorcycles going between and
they can.

Speaker 2 (01:13:01):
No no, no, no no, why do they do that? It
almost hits your mirror and it's like, whoa, yeah, that's legal.

Speaker 4 (01:13:06):
They can on the highway like that.

Speaker 2 (01:13:08):
If you're stopped.

Speaker 3 (01:13:10):
I'm almost positive that's just motorcycles can go in between
benefit But it still scares me that they're going to
hit something. I've never seen it. I've never seen one
hit somebody, have you? Somebody hit me? A motorcycle hit
me the two days after I got my driver's permit.

Speaker 2 (01:13:26):
So like in the sixties, motorcycles even have stop I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:13:29):
I was sixteen years old and I got my driver's
permit and my mom wanted to go get water Burger.
So we go, and on the way back, I'm turning
into my neighborhood, motorcycle hits me my back bump or
flies right by my window. So there are some states
where it's legal and somewhere it's not California legal, where
we are not legal. I guess maybe that doesn't happen
a lot here. That's it just doesn't seem well when

you drive in between lanes like that, Like all it
takes is for one car to just change lanes without looking.

Speaker 2 (01:13:57):
Well, but mostly it's stopping, is what I'm talking about.
Like if you're stopped in traffic and they're just.

Speaker 3 (01:14:04):
Going through, I hate it. Yeah, I know, but I
probably do it. I had a month ago.

Speaker 7 (01:14:08):
All right, luch box, how much box? That's your bonehead
story of the day.

Speaker 2 (01:14:12):
A couple of voicemails we got last night.

Speaker 1 (01:14:14):
Here you go, bye, Bobby.

Speaker 6 (01:14:15):
I just wanted to congratu let you guys on the
tribute that you gave to Toby Keith. I thought it
was awesome and I'm sure everybody appreciated it.

Speaker 1 (01:14:24):
I hope you have a great day.

Speaker 2 (01:14:26):
I love your show.

Speaker 3 (01:14:27):
Thank you. We did best we could and we just
did it as natural as we could, so hopefully it
came off, you know, super respectful and filled with love,
and we laughed a lot because we had a lot
of funny memories of Toby Keith.

Speaker 2 (01:14:42):
So yeah, thanks, I appreciate that call.

Speaker 3 (01:14:44):
You never know how they're going to be taken by people,
whenever somebody dies and you talk about it for an
hour and a half. All right, here's another.

Speaker 11 (01:14:49):
One, Hey, Bobby. I was just listening to the podcast
and born in Toby with everybody, and you were talking
about that first interview you did with him, and that
seemed pretty inner. I was wondering if maybe you could
replay it on the show, or possibly put a link
up to it or on ill just helping you could help,
So thank you.

Speaker 3 (01:15:08):
Yeah, I appreciate the call. If you go to the
Bobby Cast today, we have actually made. I mean it's
a special, I guess, but we just wanted to put
all of our Toby stuff up. So it's the all
of his appearances on the show Full interview twenty thirteen,
twenty fourteen, twenty fifteen, twenty eight. All of that is up.
So if it's not up right now, it'll be up
in the next few minutes. But on the Bobby Cast,

all the Toby stuff pretty much from the past ten
to eleven years in one semi concise special. So just
search for the Bobby Cast wherever you listen to the show.
Now you can search for the Bobby Bone Show as
well to hear this podcast. Morgan, what's on today's show?

Speaker 7 (01:15:44):
Well, listeners wanted us to talk about a strange commercial
Lunchbox recorded.

Speaker 3 (01:15:49):
Yeah, and it just became so many listeners that were
bringing it up to me or leaving voicemails that I
had to talk about it.

Speaker 2 (01:15:56):
Hilarious. I'd never heard it. We played it this morning, hilarious.

Speaker 8 (01:16:01):
All right?

Speaker 2 (01:16:01):
What else?

Speaker 4 (01:16:02):
Amy had an embarrassing moment at church.

Speaker 3 (01:16:05):
Yeah, you shouldn't have prayed for that, lad.

Speaker 8 (01:16:07):
All right, and you wrote a song for the show
to sing, but you'll have to go to our Instagram
and watch us good Sight.

Speaker 2 (01:16:12):
But that's a parody protected by Supreme Court.

Speaker 3 (01:16:15):
Oh yeah, of course we can't put on our podcast
Goober the parody.

Speaker 9 (01:16:21):
There's been a lot of things that we're talking about
behind the scenes as far as copyright, copywriting and all
that kind of stuff. And that instrumental is copywritten by
who by wherever it was pulled from. I read the
whole thing. It's like copyright by some guy's name. I'm
not going to get into it because I don't want
to call it out. But we've had a lot of
issues behind the scenes with stuff, and we have to
be very careful we post so we don't get in trouble.

Speaker 2 (01:16:41):
But why'd you say?

Speaker 3 (01:16:42):
But that still fits with what you were saying to
begin with. I thought you're going to fliplip it and
be like, but we can post it and it's hilarious.

Speaker 9 (01:16:48):
No, we can't post it. Sorry, I was in something else.

Speaker 2 (01:16:50):
I wasn't, but focused we still can't post it.

Speaker 9 (01:16:52):
You still can't post it there. It won't be on there.
So I encourage everyone to listen to the show live
so you can hear all the stuff.

Speaker 8 (01:16:58):
But can you it up into one second.

Speaker 4 (01:17:02):
Yeah that's dead too, What that's dead?

Speaker 3 (01:17:05):

Speaker 9 (01:17:05):
No music whatsoever is the dumbest. And we have to
another big thing where some talking about.

Speaker 3 (01:17:10):
Later were talking about not having any music.

Speaker 9 (01:17:11):
What we're gonna talk about later, but wet's talk about
it now. So we have to go through all of
our production and get rid of like a lot of it.

Speaker 4 (01:17:17):
Oh yeah, how to do that on my podcast?

Speaker 3 (01:17:20):
I can't even sing songs at home anymore, like buddy,
If you sing a song at home and they catch you,
you go to podcast jail, you know.

Speaker 9 (01:17:27):
Make wild wild West. And they've started to come up
with rules and things in place, and our company is
very sensitive and doesn't want to get sued, so they're
very very cautious.

Speaker 8 (01:17:36):
You would think if you're a radio company you could still.

Speaker 3 (01:17:39):
It is been. They have the license to play it
on raid on the but it's the podcast space.

Speaker 9 (01:17:43):
It's new and they didn't get ahead of that, and
so now we're having to figure this out.

Speaker 3 (01:17:47):
Eddie'll pay for it.

Speaker 2 (01:17:48):
No, No, I was gonna say I can learn it
on guitar because with that.

Speaker 9 (01:17:51):
Work, but that should be on our social accounts. You
could watch the video.

Speaker 3 (01:17:54):
I hear you were talking about the podcast right erstand
when we get paid if people listen to our podcast,
that affects us. Yeah, man, how we get paid.

Speaker 2 (01:18:01):
That's how the show keeps their salaries. It's how we
don't get fired.

Speaker 3 (01:18:03):
That's not like you go to social all you freaking
want and we ain't nothing happening.

Speaker 4 (01:18:06):
What if we do it a cappella? Yeah, that would work,
just for the podcast.

Speaker 3 (01:18:12):
I guess my kids will eat tonight.

Speaker 4 (01:18:13):
Oh like we just do it.

Speaker 9 (01:18:15):
Hey, the national radio show is still doing great and
people are listening to that and they can hear it
there to know you want to hear it and post,
I understand, this isn't.

Speaker 3 (01:18:22):
It's not even post. I think a massive part of
our audience, almost fifty percent now listen later or they
may hear some live and go listen to the whole
show on podcast. And I'm blaming you for everything. And
then you have nothing to do with You're just the
bear bad news. So you know what, it's your fault.
You're the messager kill. Okay, we'll figure something out. I'm sorry,
I'll post it Eddie. Were you just sending the video then?

Speaker 2 (01:18:44):

Speaker 3 (01:18:44):
I got to Okay, I'll post it on mine too,
mister Bobby Bones. All right, Well anyway, I hope everybody's
a crappy day like us. See you tomorrow. Bye on Twitter, Bone,
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In The Village will take you into the most exclusive areas of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to explore the daily life of athletes, complete with all the funny, mundane and unexpected things you learn off the field of play. Join Elizabeth Beisel as she sits down with Olympians each day in Paris.

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

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