All Episodes

March 27, 2024 93 mins

Morgan shares a dating update about the "man in uniform" she's seeing and the sweet gesture he sent her while he's gone. Then, Bobby purchased something from George Washington and the show shares their thoughts... Plus, find out the warning Lunchbox has for Amy and Morgan!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The transmitting.

Speaker 2 (00:10):

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Welcome to Wednesday's show more than studio morning. Let's go
around the room and check in with everybody like we
do to start the show. He spent his birthday watching
basketball and relaxing last week, and he's been working hard
on improving his physique.

Speaker 4 (00:23):
It's a producer.

Speaker 5 (00:24):
Dy, honest question. I'm not and I know it's early.

Speaker 3 (00:30):
Oh he's not kind again. He started the morning off.

Speaker 4 (00:32):
Now he's just gonna be mean.

Speaker 5 (00:34):
Okay, now we created an animal. No, go ahead, okay,
real question? Can you poop? Okay? Can you go number
two in an airplane?

Speaker 4 (00:43):
You already sad? Poops? Now what you can? You like?
Is that allowed?

Speaker 5 (00:50):
Because sometimes you know we is it because sometimes we
like back in.

Speaker 4 (00:54):
The day, we just take a tour bus to shows.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
But that's because we could identify who was in the bathroom.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
Oh but I thought it was.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
To rule if you got a Southwest flight, nobody knows
and you don't owe them anything. It's a bathroom, okay,
all right? Why?

Speaker 5 (01:07):
And also to it says like don't throw toilet paper
down the mola.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
It says only throw toilet paper. Oh it does. Yeah,
I think just lexic because I had to go. Did
I didn't think about him? Amazing idiot. Okay, there we go.
Oh my gosh, nice of the extra mean, wow, I'm
just being honest. Hey you did vote? He yeah, I
did not.

Speaker 6 (01:26):
I mean I don't know what are you able to
come on to your ask? Are you allowed to go
to the bathroom?

Speaker 7 (01:34):

Speaker 2 (01:34):

Speaker 8 (01:35):
Actually I And this is me not being rude. This
is like, I'm dead serious, curious. Okay, Eddie at forty
four years old, didn't know.

Speaker 4 (01:43):
That you're forty five. He doesn't know he can knows
about airport.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
He didn't know that you could go both.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
Ways in the baby ways. What are you talking about?
But one's standing in one sitting?

Speaker 3 (01:57):
Follow up question, I think you mean, is it no?

Speaker 4 (02:01):
No? Can you there's a toilet there? No?

Speaker 5 (02:03):
No, no, but the toll Follow questions has anyone.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
Else pooped in it? No?

Speaker 3 (02:07):
Yeah, I have never had Yes, you haven't. No, because
I don't want to use a public toilet. Though his
Jayhawks recently brought him some sadness because they got bounced
early in March madness.

Speaker 4 (02:16):
It's lunchbox, everybody. That's not true. But uh, I have
a question.

Speaker 6 (02:21):
Is we played a game where I got to win
a Sonic gift card because my son during the football
games that would see a cheeseburger hot dog and he
wanted to get a cheeseburger hot dog. So I played
for one hundred dollars Sonic gift card and I still
have not received it. Yeah, like why? Like what is great?

Speaker 4 (02:37):

Speaker 6 (02:37):
Like when we have a listeners, do we do that?
Do we wait six months to mail them their prizes?

Speaker 4 (02:42):
I have no idea.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
Hey, Scooba Lunchbox has not got his gift card? What's up?

Speaker 4 (02:46):
I don't want to make it mad. I've just been
sitting at my desk and I have to give it
to him. It's right here, right here. Let me get
it for him.

Speaker 3 (02:54):
For you.

Speaker 4 (02:54):
Yeah, no, I'm good, Eddie, I'm good.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
What do you think about Scooba forgetting about it? Oh?

Speaker 4 (02:58):
And it happens he's busy kind of yeah, as honest.

Speaker 3 (03:01):
I feel like now he's picked he's like Scuba voted CONDI.
He's picked sides and now he's being kind of the kind. Okay,
but get it during.

Speaker 4 (03:09):
The break, thanks man. And I'll probably do two hundred books.

Speaker 9 (03:12):
Oh it's two hundred. Member, we got you got two
one hundred gift cards. Remember that that's really I don't
remember that two hundred. I could feed some people, get
us auce of lunch.

Speaker 4 (03:23):
Well, Bobby Scuba, Amy, you guys want to go to lunch.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
You don't know who voted for You think he has
a pretty good feeling. Moving on to Amy, she loves
to give food hacks you can use in the kitchen,
including a cinnamon raised grilled cheese. That's a family tradition.

Speaker 8 (03:35):
Amy, everybody, So I had more dyslexia testing.

Speaker 1 (03:40):
Okay, So she came on and tested.

Speaker 3 (03:42):
All of us the same same teacher.

Speaker 8 (03:44):
Same teacher, and so I connected her over zoom for
further testing because I would like to do the intervention
necessary to you know, help retain information to learn more.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
And uh uh.

Speaker 8 (03:57):
The further testing gave like the more accurate results of
what I have going on, which she's compiling into you know,
a document that's going to get sent to me. So
I don't have the document yet because it takes a
minute to get everything.

Speaker 6 (04:08):
But she just goes bathroom. The toilet wells going to
be cured. Surprising, it's just my ADHD or whatever, you know, No, it's.

Speaker 8 (04:16):
No, it's I do have ADHD and I do have dyslexia,
but you know, it's a spectrum and so where I fall.
She's gonna when I have the information that'll tell me
when I go to an interventionist what I need to watch.

Speaker 4 (04:28):
That feels like a weird word for that, I know,
I know.

Speaker 8 (04:29):
I even called it tutoring, like I was like, so
a minute, because she's going to be on my podcast
this week actually because that's so many questions which that
episode will come out tomorrow. But she said that no,
you're you're you're going to get intervention. You're not going
to get tutoring. And I'm like, okay, okay, okay, And.

Speaker 3 (04:42):
I'm sure that's the appropriate word. I've just been a
part of interventions for like drug about and that's a hardcore.
This one was kind of funny that one was this Yeah,
this was like Amy like wanting to figure out a
way to like grow.

Speaker 8 (04:54):
Yeah, and she wants to encourage everybody and that was
her thing when she came on and Eddie, she wants
to send encouragement your way too, because at your age,
you've said nah, I'm good, I don't want to do it,
And she doesn't want other people to hear that and
feel like that there they have a limit, Like if
you're an adult and you're getting diagnosed with it, you
can have growth and she would encourage you to do.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
It and not stop.

Speaker 4 (05:13):
Why are you working out with me a few times
a week? M just makes my body feel good. I
feel like makes your body feel good.

Speaker 3 (05:19):
Yeah. I think you think you can improve physically the
same way you can improve physically.

Speaker 4 (05:24):
What am I improving?

Speaker 5 (05:26):
I just feel better, right, I'm not trying to run
faster or go play with in the NFL.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
That your brain will feel better.

Speaker 5 (05:33):
Good, And please people listening, don't ever base what I'm
saying in your life. Don't try to be like me.
You guys, be yourself.

Speaker 4 (05:39):
You're saying you're not a role model. I'm just saying me.
I'm just talking about me, all right. Reg go ahead
from Mountain Pine, Arkansas.

Speaker 3 (05:45):
He usually gets scared on an airplane in the bathroom,
keeps him saying Bobby bones who.

Speaker 4 (05:51):
Wow, Wow, a lot of rudeness.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
I was writing a note to myself, and that's what
I have to do to remember what I don't say.

Speaker 3 (05:59):
What Race said up okay, regardless saying playing sane No,
But why does the wrong. Didn't you have to go
in there and you were sick going to Hawaii one
time and you had to lock the door. Yeah?

Speaker 4 (06:13):
Yeah, anyway, he remember that.

Speaker 3 (06:14):
Let's just do this. I'm going to not next week,
but the week after that. I'm going to the University
of Arkis and I'm going to teach classes for a
couple of days.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
I'm going because a professor.

Speaker 4 (06:27):
I'm a doctor.

Speaker 3 (06:28):
What class you know? They have to call me doctor
when I'm there.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
That's what I'm talking about, doctor Bones.

Speaker 3 (06:32):

Speaker 4 (06:33):
I don't know about that.

Speaker 1 (06:34):

Speaker 3 (06:34):
Maybe maybe doctor Bobby. Uh.

Speaker 4 (06:37):
Yeah, I'm gonna go.

Speaker 3 (06:38):
We'll still dot the show in the morning, but I'll
be working from there. I'm gonna go teach for a
couple days. What's the class?

Speaker 4 (06:43):
I think we're going to do physics? No, you're not
advanced physics.

Speaker 3 (06:48):
Who do you teach to media students?

Speaker 4 (06:50):
Okay? Yeah, okay, So Bones, the last time you did that,
the last time I wasn't in by back.

Speaker 3 (06:55):
I went and spoke at Texas State and they said,
never come back. And then I got a letter of
years later going, We're so sorry, we shouldn't have told
you never to come back. But I just gave him
a dose of the truth. But this is more specific
on skills. Okay, so, but I'm gonna go teach for
two days there.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Wow, are you excited or nervous.

Speaker 4 (07:10):
Or what not? Nervous?

Speaker 3 (07:12):
I think it's pretty cool. I've never in an official
capacity been an instructor.

Speaker 4 (07:17):
You can give it.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
I don't know, pop quiz first day, Yeah, just to
let him know who's here and whose boss. So I'm
excited about it. I just don't quite really know. I
don't have a lesson plan yet. I gotta guess. I
gotta go and get that book from like the teacher
surplus store. Yeah, they have a calendar you're agenda fill
it out. Yeah, I'm not not really sure. And I
got to get some toys some if some whoever the
good student of the day is it gets the picking

the toy box.

Speaker 4 (07:40):
Oh yeah, trus my gosh, oh my gosh, I already
know what you're gonna do.

Speaker 5 (07:43):
You're gonna lock the door when the bell rings, so
if you're late, you can't come fire hazard.

Speaker 6 (07:49):
Lean on me.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
But you can't come in, you can always go out.
So there's a lot of fire hazard. Right.

Speaker 8 (07:55):
Speaking of going out, those that are good, like one
of my teachers would if you were good enough, like
get yeah, yes, my third grade teacher would have sleepovers.

Speaker 4 (08:05):
Is his name?

Speaker 1 (08:06):
It was a woman and.

Speaker 4 (08:08):
One of my teachers in middle school had a sleepover.
Did you go? No, I didn't go. I didn't. I
wasn't in the group. Was it a dude? There was
a dude.

Speaker 6 (08:19):
Forest went okay, teeth, yeah, I can't. But Forrest mom
was not happy. I wouldn't be Forest.

Speaker 4 (08:27):
He said, you spend the night somewhere else and he
wouldn't stay with a dude teacher. Yeah, because the other
kids were going and gets there. He's only kid.

Speaker 6 (08:34):
See Forrest mom went over and got him. Yeah, how
old sounds great? So how old that is?

Speaker 4 (08:40):
That's crazy? Dude?

Speaker 3 (08:41):
Well, I mean think's crazy.

Speaker 4 (08:42):
Maybe it's great. Raid led me off. I think I
didn't understand, and bones don't do any sleepovers.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
Why didn't I'm walking off to listen now was my
lesson plan.

Speaker 6 (08:49):
But the first thing you need to teach your class
when you go in there and be like, listen, guys,
when you go into a bathroom, you can peet or poop.

Speaker 4 (08:55):
In the bathroom that way. You know that.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
On the board I'm gonna go be mister Bones, like
in the big white board. Write my name on it
so they know. Then I'm gonna have whoever's bad dusty erasers.
Oh yeah, go in the back.

Speaker 8 (09:09):
And also you could send a message that if any
of you are dyslexic or have ADHD, you're not stupid.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
Tell them that they need to know. I wish someone
had told me he was going to.

Speaker 4 (09:21):
Be a disaster.

Speaker 3 (09:22):
I'm bringing you guys in his guest speakers, guest teacher.

Speaker 4 (09:26):
Let's do it.

Speaker 8 (09:27):
I could do an exercise with them to exercise their brain.
It's called brain Jim.

Speaker 3 (09:30):
Do you want to say I neede, No, No, what's happening.

Speaker 4 (09:32):
I gonna do smoking chickens when I want them done.
Let's open up the mail bag. You send the game
nail and we reading it all the air. Get something
we call Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
Get me Hello, Bobby Bones, my roommate. And now I've
been sharing a home for the last two months. Three
days ago he told me he's leaving to see his family.
He'd be back in a week. I had the whole
house to myself. Today, I walked out of the shower,
the kitchen naked, to check out the cake. Guys bacon.
My roommate suddenly barged in while I was in the kitchen.
We're both guys. Things gotten very awkward for us. Since
then he's saying I should have run around house naked.

I'm saying that he should have told me he's coming
in earlier. Who's a faultier signed the naked roommate.

Speaker 4 (10:12):
I don't understand it awkward.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
It just happened. And it's not like, why is he
checking the oven when he's naked?

Speaker 4 (10:20):
Why is he Why is he baking a cake? Dude issue?
That's not a baker? Like a baker.

Speaker 3 (10:32):
Watch you ever watch the Guys The Great Bacon. The
chefs are awesome. Yeah, a lot of dudes do that.
But do they do it naked? Don't think it's a
different show. Yeah, there's a lot about this. I would
question if I had you in the room to ask you.
It shouldn't be awkward because one dude saw another naked.

Speaker 4 (10:51):
No, no bones.

Speaker 5 (10:52):
If you if I walk back into the apartment, we're
roommates and you're checking the oven, but.

Speaker 3 (10:57):
Chet question if you're walking through the house naked and
you think the house you're you're all alone. It's like,
oh god, yeah, it's not like it's awkward for another
four days now.

Speaker 4 (11:07):
If you're if you're baking, if you're baking, baking naked, though,
that's kind of weird. But I don't think that's it.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
I don't think that's what the issue is.

Speaker 4 (11:15):
I think that's the issue.

Speaker 10 (11:17):
Oh, I was something else happening because they I walked out.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
I mean, did somebody stare for too long?

Speaker 6 (11:22):
But then it's and then it's like a piece of
that cake and you're like, no, man, you were.

Speaker 4 (11:27):
Baking that naked.

Speaker 3 (11:28):
Yeah. I walked out of the shower to the kitchen
naked to check on the cake I was baking. And
also something a limerick the cake I was baking today.
I walked out of the shower to the kitchen naked
to check on the cake I was baking. I don't know, guys,
you grow.

Speaker 4 (11:44):
Up, dude.

Speaker 5 (11:45):
If I if it was my birthday, he's making me
that cake and I found he was naked, I'm like,
what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (11:49):
It's supposed to be gone though, Remember he's gone.

Speaker 4 (11:51):
Understand that still got everybody goodness he got home. Everybody
grow up.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
I'm talking about in this email I'm talking about over
there in child Landia.

Speaker 4 (11:59):
You two to grow up.

Speaker 3 (12:01):
Everybody, just a grow up? Who cares? That's all I got.
Nothing else. Be careful if you're baking naked. Other than that,
that's awkward.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
Man, the roommate have feelings for him.

Speaker 3 (12:13):
We don't know. As I said, they stared a little
too long, alright, Like.

Speaker 4 (12:17):
And why did you think you're stare at duck? You
could have been staring at the caked Dude, someone's naked baking.
You're not staring at the cake.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
So check on that.

Speaker 3 (12:25):
What's the shape of the cake. Everybody, grow up. That's
that's why I say to that email, we got your beam.

Speaker 6 (12:32):
Made, ran on your now's found the clothes Bobby failed?

Speaker 1 (12:37):
Back on the Bobby Bones Show.

Speaker 10 (12:40):
Now Ashley Cook, so good, How are you good?

Speaker 4 (12:44):
You have a jeep?

Speaker 3 (12:45):
Do you do the thing like they do, like Morgan
does when you walk around throw the ducks at the
other jeep.

Speaker 10 (12:50):
You throw them like I'm not sure exactly what happens.

Speaker 4 (12:53):
You can throw it up on the handle.

Speaker 11 (12:55):
Okay, yes, that's that's that's accurate. Yeah, they're like, do
you ducks keep ducking?

Speaker 2 (12:58):

Speaker 10 (12:58):
For sure.

Speaker 11 (12:59):
And also like fans of my Now I've found this out,
so they bring me specific little ducks with stuff written
on them.

Speaker 10 (13:03):
Two shows. It's a thing jeep culture. Come on, get
with it, Bobby.

Speaker 4 (13:06):
But you have a jeep too, though, Oh no, no, I
got rid of my jeep.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
Oh dang.

Speaker 3 (13:09):
The only good thing about my Jeep that I liked
was it flooded at once. I was driving and didn't
have the top on and it rained and it flooded.
But then I just pulled the things out of the floorboard.

Speaker 10 (13:17):
And it's meant for like mudding and off roading and stuff,
So yes.

Speaker 4 (13:20):
Not look at me.

Speaker 3 (13:21):
I'm not from mudding or off roading in it anyway.

Speaker 10 (13:23):
I have a newer Jeep though.

Speaker 11 (13:24):
My first Jep was like a twenty fourteen and it
had all the same kind of stuff. The newer ones, though,
they're pretty high tech, so I can't really go off
roading and mudding with like leather interior.

Speaker 10 (13:31):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (13:32):
Did you get a new one in the last couple
of years?

Speaker 10 (13:34):
Yeah, like last year twenty three.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
So like you're like, I'm kind of making it now
I'm gonna get a new Jeep.

Speaker 4 (13:39):
Is that the move?

Speaker 10 (13:40):
Honestly? I mean yeah.

Speaker 11 (13:41):
I was like, I'm gonna shreat myself, but also my
old jeep. My first Jeep was a twenty I think
was fourteen, and it was getting just like some engine
failure and stuff like that, which usually they hold their
value very well.

Speaker 10 (13:50):
So I was very surprised by it. But I was like,
all right, New Life, let's do it.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
Do you show your jeep, your specific jeep now on
your social media?

Speaker 10 (13:57):
I do, and I debated not doing that.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
I wonder if people identify you by your jeep a
little bit of privacy that you're already not. I mean,
you're as open as you can be as an artist,
but if people like see your jeep out and you're
like at the you know that, what will be an
embarrassing place to be like the butt doctor that's comes
with the butt doctor.

Speaker 11 (14:17):
Oh my god, have spotted your jeep for sure. I
don't have the windows sinted either yet, so I need
to kind of like, you know. But also I love
it because it's part of the community. It's jeep jep
fan People that drive jeeps will like jeep wave and be.

Speaker 4 (14:27):
Like, oh my god, what hey.

Speaker 3 (14:28):
I thought when I had a jeep, everybody waved at me.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
You didn't wave back. Well, I was always confused, what
do you mean?

Speaker 10 (14:34):
Do they do like a full blown wave or just
like the jeep?

Speaker 4 (14:35):
Way what?

Speaker 3 (14:36):
It doesn't matter because I didn't know that was a
thing when I had it, and I was like, oh, man,
I wonder.

Speaker 4 (14:40):
Who that was? Like eight people every time, I wonder that.

Speaker 11 (14:44):
You sold those because everybody waves all the time. That's
also though, here's my thing. Okay, I'm one of those
people that only waves it Wranglers. I don't wave it
like grand Cherokees.

Speaker 4 (14:51):
Oh you're a snob.

Speaker 10 (14:52):
I always have a snob.

Speaker 11 (14:53):
But I feel like it's one of those things that
I'm like, okay, what's a Wrangler thing? Like do you like,
do you go duck a grand Cherokee? Or it's only
a Wrangler, right.

Speaker 3 (15:00):
It's only like the O G jeep.

Speaker 5 (15:05):
But see now they have the trucks, you know, so
you see the front of it, you think it's a.

Speaker 4 (15:09):
Yeah, you don't. You don't wave it.

Speaker 11 (15:10):
Everything that's a brand, and just like just the Wrangler
Liberties get the boxy looking one, the normal Wrangler, all right.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
Not the I'm glad to get rid of it because'm
annoyed about this conversation now and what do you drive now?
A lot of things, but mostly I drive a Hundai.

Speaker 4 (15:26):
Yeah you do, I say like that, I don't know
why the.

Speaker 3 (15:29):
Parking spot this morning day or no, my car this morning?
Where'd you come into the park and gardator?

Speaker 10 (15:34):
I saw the Reggie out there, but I thought, I
thought for a second that was yours.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
That's mine.

Speaker 11 (15:37):
Okay, so we're all Jeepans. So you're just through the
wame one here you you you did.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
Start our I just got annoyed that people will wave
at me all the time, and I didn't know that
because where I grew up, everybody waved it everybody, but
you knew everybody.

Speaker 10 (15:49):
Yeah, that's part of the community that with jeep is everybody's.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
Kind of like I got enough communities in my life.
I'm be honest with you. Your hometown, what is it?

Speaker 11 (15:57):
It's kind of an interesting answer because I moved around
a lot growing up, But I usually just say Parkland, Florida,
because I was there before I was in Nashville, So
like high school years were spent in Florida, and I
moved here from there.

Speaker 3 (16:06):
Like if I were to say the house you grew
up in is is what town.

Speaker 10 (16:10):
Well, I lived in nineteen homes before I was eighteen.

Speaker 3 (16:12):
I know, but I'm saying like, what, well, do you
have someone that you assigned to?

Speaker 4 (16:15):
Is like the house you like?

Speaker 10 (16:17):
Has it built me?

Speaker 4 (16:18):

Speaker 3 (16:18):
If someone said tape, we're doing a special on you,
Ashley Cook, and we want to go to the house
that you have the most memories in, where would you go?

Speaker 11 (16:26):
Probably Parkland because I spent like gosh, I was fourteen
to eighteen in that same house, So I spent the
most time I think, in that one house, and my
high school graduation party was there, and so many memories
like I got my first jeep there and all of that.

Speaker 10 (16:38):
So I'd probably go Parkland if I had to choose.

Speaker 4 (16:40):
And you moved around so much because.

Speaker 10 (16:42):
My dad's job, he's a corporate guy.

Speaker 11 (16:44):
And also I started music really young, Like my sister
was an acting when she was like, gosh, eleven, twelve
years old. I was in music when I was eleven,
so we kind of just moved around for that. And
I was in Nashville super young. Actually I came here
first in like twenty ten to write songs on music throw.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
Do you remember the first famous Nashville person you met
when you were Oh man, I'm in to town.

Speaker 4 (17:04):
You're like, wow, this is crazy.

Speaker 10 (17:04):
Well famous, how like artists famous?

Speaker 3 (17:06):
Like right, I would say artists famous. Amy just saw
Keith and we know Keith Urbane, but Amy just saw
Keith urban hiking the other day.

Speaker 4 (17:11):
Oh, I got so fun.

Speaker 3 (17:12):
So you come to Nasville and you just see somebody
around your room, like you're like, holy crap, that's I
want to say.

Speaker 11 (17:17):
It was Shania Twain. We saw her at what used
to be Cantina Laredo down in the Gulch.

Speaker 4 (17:22):
That's crazy.

Speaker 11 (17:22):
Yeah, And she was sitting at a table and my
sister and I had like written a song with her
name in it, and we walked up.

Speaker 10 (17:26):
We're like, we have a song, and she was like,
why are you bothering? Got my dinner? But yeah, we
saw Shania.

Speaker 4 (17:31):
I think I never seen Shania. No, she's lived here, Yeah,
she's been in the studio.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
Yeah, I mean I've like talked to her working, but
I've never like randomly seen her anyone.

Speaker 4 (17:39):
It's amazing.

Speaker 10 (17:39):
It had to have been like twenty twelve. Yeah, it
was like a minute ago.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
How old were you the first time you came to
town to work I'm.

Speaker 4 (17:45):
Out a math.

Speaker 10 (17:45):
Okay, so twenty ten, I'm twenty six, now what would
that be.

Speaker 11 (17:48):
I don't know, fourteen twelve, fourteen years ago, fourteen years ago,
so it's twenty six minus fourteen twelve.

Speaker 10 (17:54):
Yeah, I didn't study math in school.

Speaker 4 (17:56):
We were twelve years old, coming to town with what
purpose music.

Speaker 11 (17:59):
I wanted to perform and like write songs on music Grow.
And I literally got to town. My sister and I
were in a duo together that we had from being
in LA and moving around a lot and stuff, and
came to town and started writing stuff on music Grow
and just kind of like planted in the town. And
my dad was still in California at the time, so
we kind of split time between the two trying to
pursue a career out here.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
I'm going to play the new song in your Place, which,
by the way, do it in case you guys haven't heard.
Ashley is the iHeart Country on the Verge artist, which
just means this company commits a ton of time and
energy and airtime to playing your music. So it's a
big deal. Congratulations, Hi deal, thank you. Yeah, that's really
cool for you. I mean everything's been it really feels like,
and I know you're living in the weeds, so everything

feels maybe a bit slow because you're waiting, But man,
is it from afar.

Speaker 4 (18:42):
It's been like you've blown up.

Speaker 10 (18:44):
It's been wild. It's crazy, I will say too, like
you're right being in the weeds.

Speaker 11 (18:47):
Sometimes with this career you can feel like, okay, like
is anything even happening to people actually care like all
of that stuff. But I would say the last couple
months have really felt like momentum picking up, which is
just huge, and it feels like Nashville and Heart and
so many people are like rallying around what I'm doing,
and it's it's really it's exciting.

Speaker 10 (19:04):
It's a huge honor to get to like be in
this spot.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
You know, give me your top three if I said,
let's do four, like your mount Rushmore artists that you
have listened to the most in your life, listen to
the most.

Speaker 11 (19:17):
Okay, I go Rascal Flats, I'd go Ed. I love
Taylor Swift obviously too. They might be tied Taylor Swift
and Rascal Flats. Okay, Ed Sheeron and lately i'd say
Jp Sacks. He's a killer artist. He's amazing.

Speaker 4 (19:32):
Have you met the Flats guys and yeah, okay, yeah.

Speaker 11 (19:34):
I've met almost all of them. I've met Gary and
Jay and there. Jay actually was at the Opry the
other night and stopped by and said, hey, and.

Speaker 4 (19:40):
How cool is that you get to play the Opry?

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Oh my gosh, it was.

Speaker 10 (19:43):
It was my fourth time playing it, and I was like,
this is insane.

Speaker 11 (19:45):
And it's it's weird too, because my first time I
was super super nervous, like just walking up there, You're like,
there's so much history in this building and making your debut. Also,
the crowd at the Opry, they're all just sitting there
staring at you, which I'm obviously in a country where
used to play in like bar crowds and louder stuff,
and the Opry is just so they care and they
pay attention and they're zoned in, so it's it's it's cool.

Speaker 3 (20:04):

Speaker 11 (20:04):
I feel like this is my hopefully well fifth time
playing it soon and it's like, you know, I'm finally okay, yeah, breath.

Speaker 10 (20:10):
Like you're good.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
Yeah, you gets because well the first time saying like
the lights you're in the circle. My favorite time is
the second time I played it. Out of I think
I played it twenty times or so now just doing comedy.
But first time it was the worst and the best.

Speaker 10 (20:22):
That's what I'm saying, because you're like, Okay, you don't.

Speaker 3 (20:23):
Really get to take it in. You're just so it's
you so in awe of everything happening.

Speaker 10 (20:26):
Yeah, it's not like a normal show.

Speaker 11 (20:27):
You have such a big like weight on your shoulders
to you know, do well and make the oprety proud.
So it's definitely a different thing. But now I feel
like this last time, I was a lot more confident
in walking in there.

Speaker 3 (20:36):
Yeah, I could see people's faces now one hundred and
six feet blurried, yes, like oh god, and.

Speaker 11 (20:41):
Overthink what you're going to say before you walk on stage,
and you know, don't say a curse word.

Speaker 10 (20:44):
It's the operation.

Speaker 4 (20:45):
I don't deal with that one. Yeah, oh I do.

Speaker 10 (20:48):
I have the mouth of the sailor. It's horrible.

Speaker 3 (20:49):
Congrat congratulations actually and everything. Really, I mean I feel like,
I mean we started talking with you, Mike, how long ago,
super early on.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
Yeah, it's crazy to watch.

Speaker 3 (20:58):
And I just you know, watch it from a far
and see your so and stuff, all the cool things happening.
But you deserve it all it's so cool to see
you just kind of kill it now and you're getting
all the I saw you got a CMT Award nomination.

Speaker 4 (21:08):
It did that?

Speaker 3 (21:10):
Is that your first big nomination?

Speaker 12 (21:11):

Speaker 10 (21:12):
First one first, like big award show.

Speaker 3 (21:14):
You know.

Speaker 11 (21:15):
If I win, fingers crossed, then it's like the whole
walk up on stage, do the acceptance speech, all of that.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
So the best part is the red carpet beforehand because
you haven't lost yet.

Speaker 11 (21:25):
Honestly though, the category is pretty dope. So I feel
like I'm one.

Speaker 10 (21:28):
Of those people. I've never been a very competitive person,
so I feel.

Speaker 3 (21:30):
Like, oh see, I am for me. I just want
to I don't like winning. I hate losing. So that's
why I think of it as like that I don't
like winning. When that's fine, I hate losing, Okay, so
you'd rather stab my eyes out before I lose something, dally,
I don't mind winning.

Speaker 10 (21:45):
I'm like, that's so weird. That's a weird take on
it that you hate as much.

Speaker 3 (21:49):
It's an insecurity thing, right, Like if I lose, then
people look down on me. But if you win, lose again, No,
I don't care about that. But it's like if I win,
how long is it gonna last somebody else is gonna
win it? In another you're anyway, or people are gonna
be like, hey, doesn't deserve I feel like.

Speaker 10 (22:03):
I overthink a lot, and you ever think times thirty
based off that statement.

Speaker 3 (22:06):
I think our overthinking is probably both just based on
the different traumas in our life. I just hate losing
because I feel less than see.

Speaker 11 (22:13):
I walk into award shows and all these things if
I'm nominated thinking like, oh, so and so is totally
gonna win it, and I'm so happy for them.

Speaker 10 (22:19):
That's how I walk into it.

Speaker 1 (22:20):
I never thought that, like you're honored just to be
That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (22:23):
I never have anybody to beat me at anything. I think.

Speaker 10 (22:25):
Do you know what the enneagram is?

Speaker 4 (22:26):
Yeah, I'm a eight.

Speaker 11 (22:27):
Okay, I'm a seven, and so seven's avoid negative emotion.
And I think that that's why I do that, as
I'm like, oh, obviously this is not going to happen.
So if it does happen, I'm like over the moon,
but I'm not expecting it to be let down.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
You're also just always there for a good time.

Speaker 11 (22:38):
Exactly, like let's just get some drinks, have a good time, whatever,
if people win, sick if they don't.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
Okay, Like I'm the opposite of that too. I prefer
not a good time and I prefer to only suffer. Yeah,
I'm a challenger.

Speaker 10 (22:49):
Okay, I'm I could see that. I could definitely see that.

Speaker 4 (22:52):
Yeah, I want to.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
Yeah, Ashley, I'm a challenge her right now. I'm not
going to though, I'm let her go. I'm having a
wildly successful career. She's the new her country on the
verge artist with her song and we just play call
your Place.

Speaker 4 (23:02):
I'm so happy for you. Every time you come in.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
It's something new and something big, and I have a
feeling this is going to be a trend for a while.

Speaker 4 (23:08):
So great to see you. Let me say this.

Speaker 3 (23:10):
You can go and Ashley's on Jordan Davis on his tour.
Go to Ashley cook dot com c O K E.
And you can see all the dates playing, all the festivals, all.

Speaker 12 (23:18):
The festivals, all the things got on bus now I
do actually through the Night, which is so nice, that's
super cool. And then check out the Shot in the
Dark which came out last year.

Speaker 4 (23:29):
But what's to do it? When's a new package?

Speaker 10 (23:30):
When's the new like new new music?

Speaker 4 (23:32):
Yeah, like, what's up.

Speaker 11 (23:33):
It's always so hard that I feel like when I
dropped my debut album and be like, okay, cool, this
is cool. Now what's next? Like it's one of the
things I've already written enough to fill a second album, truly,
but we're just kind of taking our time, you know this.
This song is doing really great at radio, which is
very exciting, and who knows, we'll see no news yet,
but you'll be the first time. Now, I swear I'll
tell you first.

Speaker 4 (23:49):
You won't tell me first, but I will say I
will take you this interview. She will tell me very first.

Speaker 3 (23:54):
I'll call you and be like, yo, Ashley Cook follow
her at the Ashley Cook, good to see you, and
congratulations our new iHeart country. On the Verge artist, it's
actually Cook goob, good job.

Speaker 10 (24:06):
It's time for the good news.

Speaker 6 (24:12):
Jake mcapplin thought he was doing something nice, cleaning up
the house. Throw that away, throw this away, throw that away,
and his wife comes home. It's like, hey, where's Cupcake Yeah,
and he's like Cupcake goes yeah, you know, your daughter's
favorite stuffed animal. He's like, oh, I thought we were
done with that. I threw it in the trash. It's
already gone, the trashman already come taking it to the dump.

And Maria's like, we gotta get cupcake back. She posted
on social media, and Brian Monahan and Dan Conway, who
worked with the sanitation, the trash and the recycle, saw
the message, said Hey, we'll go out there and we'll
start digging with their own hands, dig dig. The trash
had already been compacted, dumped in the dump, and they
dug until they found cupcake.

Speaker 4 (25:00):
Do you even want cupcake back at that? Exactly? That's
so nice of them to do that. But cupcakes now.

Speaker 3 (25:04):
Been covered everybody's coffee grounds and it can't smell good diapers,
I hear you. No, No, those guys are awesome for
doing that. But Cupcake, I.

Speaker 4 (25:12):
Mean, Cupcake is home.

Speaker 6 (25:14):
A little batter, bruised, yeah, gonna need some band aids,
probably missing an eye maybe, yeah, but cupcake is home safely.

Speaker 4 (25:22):
Gotta love that cupcake. No word on how much the
reward was.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
Don't sound like there was one. And that's okay. I
think the reward was just going to do something good
for somebody.

Speaker 4 (25:29):
They said, it made us feel pretty good.

Speaker 6 (25:31):
No one wants to be without their stuffy and the
smile on their face said it all.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
That's what it's all about. That was telling me something good.

Speaker 4 (25:42):
The game is never gonna get it. You know you're
not gonna get it yet. You're never gonna get it.

Speaker 3 (25:48):
All right, listen, here's the question. This is worth an
average of seven dollars and nine cents in twenty twenty four,
down twenty cents since last year.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
What is it?

Speaker 3 (26:00):
It's worth an average? You have seven dollars and nine
cents and twenty twenty four, down twenty cent since last year?

Speaker 4 (26:07):
What is it? Never gonna get it? No, you're not
gonna get it now. We're gonna seven dollars, Chris? How
you doing? Buddy good? Y'all good?

Speaker 3 (26:15):
You're gonna compete here for a one hundred dollars Sonic
gift card. I'm gonna read you the question again, and Chris,
you'll get to answer the question first. It's okay if
you miss it. You have two different basically lifelines here.
This is worth on average seven dollars and nine cents
in twenty twenty four, down twenty cents since last year.

Speaker 4 (26:34):
What is it?

Speaker 1 (26:35):

Speaker 4 (26:35):
What do you think that is? Oh?

Speaker 1 (26:39):
Man, it's okay.

Speaker 4 (26:43):
If you miss it, just throw something out there, no.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Answer at all, because like, what's gone down?

Speaker 4 (26:51):

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Nothing done down?

Speaker 4 (26:53):
No answer?

Speaker 3 (26:53):
Okay, that's okay. So now each of you guys have
written an answer down.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Amy, Yeah, I have one lunchbox thinking about it on it.

Speaker 4 (27:01):
Oh, you guys are struggling. Yeah, I got one. Do
you feel good about it? Yeah? I feel real good
about it. Morgan, I got one.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
I felt really good.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
Uh so you get to pick.

Speaker 3 (27:08):
I'm gonna let you have two callers or two players here, Chris.
You can pick any two members of the show, and
if they get it, you win the prize. So you
have Amy lunchbox, Eddie or Morgan. Both Eddie and Morgan
feel like they've got a good handle on it. So Chris,
who you partner up with.

Speaker 2 (27:25):

Speaker 4 (27:27):
Let's do with Eddie.

Speaker 2 (27:29):
Let's do Eddie and Morgan.

Speaker 4 (27:31):
Okay, the first time in history.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
I don't have it same.

Speaker 4 (27:36):
You guys have both missed many Yeah, but I've gotten
a lot. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (27:39):
No, but this is worth an average of seven dollars
and nine cents of twenty twenty four, twenty cents down
since last year.

Speaker 4 (27:46):
Amy, what you have your opinion? What all right?

Speaker 3 (27:53):
Lunchbox gold coin. Hey Eddie, I have toilet paper, Morgan,
pap toileting.

Speaker 1 (27:58):
I got cigarette?

Speaker 3 (28:00):
Okay, seven dollars and nine cents down, Morgan.

Speaker 1 (28:03):
No, I feel like they make it more so you
don't buy it.

Speaker 13 (28:06):
No, there, it's less because not as many people are buying.

Speaker 4 (28:08):
Oh do you know you smoking? You bought it back?
You're all wrong? What everybody?

Speaker 3 (28:15):
I knew that it's wrong. But I'm gonna give him
another shot because you're never gonna get it.

Speaker 4 (28:22):
No, you're not gonna get it. You're never gonna get it.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
It's worth an average of seven dollars and nine cents
this year, down twenty cents. So think of an answer, now, Chris,
you can pick that the whole show misses it or
one of them gets it out of them out of
the four, what do you think.

Speaker 1 (28:40):
I think the whole show is gonna miss it?

Speaker 3 (28:42):
Okay, that's a good hater. If everybody misses it, he wins. Now,
you guys try to get it.

Speaker 4 (28:46):
Got it?

Speaker 3 (28:47):
Oh, he's got it? He doesn't do the inspiration.

Speaker 4 (28:49):
Yeah, I like going be able to pick against me.
Oh man, I gotta guess.

Speaker 13 (28:55):
Bogan in Yeah, it was really common to about my last.

Speaker 4 (29:00):
That was a terrible paper was good?

Speaker 10 (29:01):
No quiet?

Speaker 4 (29:02):

Speaker 3 (29:03):
Yeah, seven dollars and nine cents?

Speaker 4 (29:05):
What do you have? A sandwich, lunchbox, combo meal, Eddie
Weird big Mac?

Speaker 10 (29:17):
I did also as a fast food meal.

Speaker 4 (29:19):

Speaker 3 (29:20):
Now, Chris, you have chosen that none of them get
it right. I will give you the opportunity to change
your answer if you heard an answer you think could
be the right answer. So are you gonna stick with
your original or no, Amy, your answer of a sandwich, wrong, lunchbox,
combo meal wrong, Eddie Big Mac?

Speaker 2 (29:44):

Speaker 4 (29:44):
Wrong? Oh, Morgan, I forgot what.

Speaker 13 (29:46):
You said, have fast food meal?

Speaker 4 (29:48):
Wrong? It's a lost baby tooth.

Speaker 3 (29:52):
The average the kid would get paid with seven dollars
and nine cents, down twenty centents last year.

Speaker 4 (30:00):
You're telling me the truth fairy gives seven dollars.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
On average the tooth fairy depending on what part of
the country. Yeah, but you, Chris, nice job, buddy, big
wonder here. Yeah, yeah, look at it. Each is a
bet on you guys losing.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
I know how smart though, it's not like we were
exuding confidence.

Speaker 4 (30:18):
That was pretty much impossible.

Speaker 3 (30:20):
All right, Chris, we're gonna get you a sanic gift car. Congratulations,
buddy Worse.

Speaker 4 (30:23):
I appreciate it one hundred dollars, I think. Is that right? Scooba?
Your city is all right?

Speaker 3 (30:31):
Hold on a second, at Lunchwalks, how would you describe
the past few months with Morgan and the Man in
Uniform that she's been dating but not seriously dating?

Speaker 6 (30:44):
Well, I mean a little fast forward. I mean she's
been really all gas, no breaks, falling in love real quick.

Speaker 3 (30:51):
I felt, okay, so that's your interpretation of it. What
is your interpretation of it?

Speaker 8 (30:55):
M I feel like she's gone out with him five
times at least that I know of, and she's like
taking it as it comes, like, I don't feel like
she's like all beat ahead.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
I think what Lunchbox will be referring to is the
fact that he's like, I thought of fifteen things we
can do.

Speaker 4 (31:09):
Yeah, that was like that, but that was like so
early on, it was just so quick, like it just
has abby vibes. We always get so he's he's so
he's abby though, Yes he's abby.

Speaker 3 (31:20):
Okay, So when only call him the man in Uniform,
you guys do not know what he does.

Speaker 4 (31:23):
I do know what he does. I think it's a
great name to call him Morgan.

Speaker 3 (31:26):
So this man in uniform, are you guys still seeing
each other or have you not actually seen him physically
because he's gone.

Speaker 14 (31:33):
Yeah, I haven't seen him physically or been able to
talk to him since he's been gone.

Speaker 4 (31:38):
And how long.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
Like five days, it'll be three weeks.

Speaker 14 (31:43):
It'll have to be three weeks before I get his talk.

Speaker 10 (31:45):
To him and then see him again.

Speaker 3 (31:46):
So has he done anything in the I know you
even't spoken to him, but he's he like done anything special?

Speaker 4 (31:52):

Speaker 14 (31:52):
So I got a package in the mail and it
was super sweet and a very thoughtful gift. It was
something based on a conversation that we had had before
he left, and it was just a package.

Speaker 13 (32:05):
To be like thinking about you and hope you're having
a good week.

Speaker 4 (32:08):
Package do you want to say? Yeah?

Speaker 10 (32:10):
But it kind of it may not make sense to some.

Speaker 3 (32:13):
People, Like beside jokes, I was want to be a
part of one guy.

Speaker 14 (32:16):
Basically we were talking about like ourselves and how we
would describe ourselves, and I was like, you know, I
think one of my favorite compliments a friend has given
me is that I'm like human sunshine.

Speaker 13 (32:26):
And so he sent me a sunshine box.

Speaker 14 (32:28):
That had candies and some fuzzy socks and a little
plant in it, and it was just like.

Speaker 3 (32:32):
I'm thinking about it's amazing.

Speaker 1 (32:33):
Okay, I'm officially I'm sure.

Speaker 3 (32:36):
Okay, so Eddie, let me both switched places. Okay, hold on,
I mean.

Speaker 4 (32:41):
It's hard to go. I want to go.

Speaker 3 (32:44):
Who gives effort? Then when he gives effort, you're like,
I hate a guy. So but I'm happy to go
around the room and talking about this. But how many
times you've been out with him?

Speaker 4 (32:53):
Just reset it? Total?

Speaker 1 (32:55):
Five times?

Speaker 4 (32:56):
Good Jobby?

Speaker 3 (32:56):
Remember the thanks? Yeah, because I didn't remember. That's this
is not Twister guy.

Speaker 4 (33:01):
No, this is not Twister guy. Does he know about
Twister Guy?

Speaker 3 (33:04):
I know?

Speaker 14 (33:04):
I mean we haven't like talked about pastorals maybe gone disappeared.

Speaker 4 (33:09):
Oh yeah, so okay, let's talk about it.

Speaker 3 (33:12):
Not only has he made a list of like fifteen
big activities that he wants to do with her whatever
that was, he now has sent her a package while
he's gone, Eddie, you said romantic go. This guy is
like perfect. Whatever he's doing, he cares about Morgan. He's
thinking about what Morgan is saying.

Speaker 4 (33:30):
And like, you know what, that's a great point he
heard her. He heard her.

Speaker 5 (33:33):
He says, I'm going to be gone for three weeks.
I want to do something special for her. And plus
he's a planner, Like, okay, he's got fifteen dates. He
wants to plan Morgan. This guy is just perfect and
I like it. I like when I you up for him?
Oh yeah, okay, if I was.

Speaker 8 (33:48):
Single, Okay, does it start to fall into the category
of like love bombing to war?

Speaker 4 (33:52):
That's it.

Speaker 8 (33:52):
He's trying to woo her a little too much. And
also I get that he's a man in uniform. I understand,
and I was married to a person in uniform that
would go.

Speaker 4 (34:03):
Away from maybe not the same kind of uniform.

Speaker 8 (34:04):
Just the record, I know, I'm just saying. I was like,
I know what it's like for people to go away
and you can't talk to him, stuff like that. I
know that's real, that exists. But what is also real
and also exists are people that are living double life,
and like he could be away at his other life
and then he sends her a package to like, you know,

keep her going, you know, and then.

Speaker 1 (34:27):
And then he's like hanging out with his other family.

Speaker 3 (34:30):
So is your thing now? Conspiracy?

Speaker 4 (34:32):
Double life? Or is it love bomb. It's two different things.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
It's love yeah, but people that live the double lives,
they love bombs.

Speaker 4 (34:37):
Okay, but I don't think we should pay you double long.
I don't know where you go super hard at the beginning,
you brainwash them.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
It's like I look how amazing I look how amazing
I am? And then you get then or were not
as much into it.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
As okay, yeah, or once you get them, it just
kind of like stops.

Speaker 3 (34:50):
But you can't have both of those.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
I can't, but but they go hand in hand.

Speaker 3 (34:54):
Thing is, if you pick double live, Google, you're Google.
If you pick love bomb, that is like, okay, that's
something interesting to talk.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
Be fine. I'll pick double life, but be worried.

Speaker 4 (35:02):
That's what. Okay, lunch flocks he's got a family.

Speaker 6 (35:06):
Eddie goes romantic and he goes double life leuf'flock amy.
I didn't know the term, but that's what it's called.
Love bomb. This dude has been gone for three days
and he's already sending packages relaxed three weeks.

Speaker 4 (35:17):
No, No, he's been gone three days.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
He's going to be gone.

Speaker 4 (35:19):
He's gonna be going until three weeks. But he's been
gone three days.

Speaker 13 (35:22):
We had to send it before he left, exactly, No
he didn't.

Speaker 4 (35:25):
You don't know.

Speaker 6 (35:25):
You're you're telling me there's no mail where he's at.
There's no you can't write. Okay, then write a letter,
do something like or.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
Wait till they he doesn't have hands, how do you feel?

Speaker 4 (35:36):
Or he leaves it with a friend and says, hey,
wait until it's three weeks.

Speaker 6 (35:41):
And I'm about to come back. I mean after three days, ridiculous. Okay,
it is out of control you Morgan. I am worried
about you, like you all meat, like all meat ads
and now you're going for love bomb.

Speaker 4 (35:55):
I mean you are.

Speaker 3 (35:56):
You don't know how to do this? Okay, so Eddie
goes romantic. Oh my god, I to wacko.

Speaker 4 (36:01):
That does wacko for.

Speaker 1 (36:02):
There's nothing wrong with Morgan. Morgan's great.

Speaker 4 (36:04):
It's him, but you guys don't even know this. Let
me give my piece here. But he's sending a hold on.
I would like to give my vote here here with us.
I think I like him for now until proven guilty.

Speaker 1 (36:20):
Guilty until proven in a sense.

Speaker 3 (36:28):
Morgan, I think there is a fine line at being
too much, being bold, being crazy. It just depends how
much you like him, because if you didn't really like him,
this would seem crazy.

Speaker 4 (36:42):
But you do like him, but he does this to
make you like him more, Like that's okay to cloud
your mind.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
I think I don't think he's brainwashing you. I think
he really likes you. I am like Eddie. I think
it's a great gesture.

Speaker 4 (36:54):
I would just not even pink.

Speaker 3 (36:58):
I just like a white flat. Uh, just like look
for if it's too extra, not now, I love it.
I think it's great. For now, he's really into you.
Just be aware that there is this, you know, a
certain thing called love bombing. Sometimes you don't realize it
because you're in the middle of it.

Speaker 4 (37:13):
But I'm in.

Speaker 6 (37:14):
I go.

Speaker 4 (37:16):
Positive, healthy, let's go.

Speaker 5 (37:19):
It's a tough market out there, so you got to
make sure like you do your best to get the
girl that you want.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
And it's also if you're gonna say, I just want
a guy who pays attention to things I say and cares.
And then when he does pay attention to things you're
saying cares, you're like, he's living a double life.

Speaker 1 (37:32):
Yeah, he's doing a lot.

Speaker 8 (37:34):
Right away, he can show he already showed you paid
attention with the list of fifteen things.

Speaker 3 (37:38):
Imagine if you're a dude and you find somebody you
like and you're leaving for weeks. You're probably insecure that
you have this great girl and that she's going to
probably date somebody else because she's on the app, and
so you're gone for weeks, and it's like, I just
don't want her.

Speaker 4 (37:52):
To start dating somebody else. I'll forget about it. I
just met her.

Speaker 3 (37:55):
So you're probably just like, it's just like a don't
forget me thing.

Speaker 4 (37:59):
I like it a lot.

Speaker 3 (38:00):
Maybe you've heard our piece, Yes, yeah, make your own decision.

Speaker 4 (38:06):
I don't you know.

Speaker 14 (38:06):
I don't feel like he's loved bombing. I am very
well aware of love bombers.

Speaker 1 (38:11):
They say, hold on, hold on.

Speaker 4 (38:16):

Speaker 14 (38:16):
There is a definitely thing that comes associated with love bombing,
and they're like, oh, I love you, I want to
marry you, I want everything with you, and there's a
whole lot of things. Not right away, no, but it comes.
It comes pretty quickly, and that isn't even being talked
about yet. It's moving very slow. Like we've we're very
intentional about how we're talking to each other, spending time

and communicating with each other.

Speaker 1 (38:38):
You're not communicating right now.

Speaker 4 (38:45):
We're good. You're good. Be happy.

Speaker 13 (38:47):
Yeah, I think he's great. There's no replies for me yet.

Speaker 4 (38:50):
I agree, Eddie, and I agree with you. Yes.

Speaker 3 (38:53):
Now, if you get a letter and it's the wrong
name double life, okay, I'm not concerned.

Speaker 4 (38:58):
About Yes, real quick, three words?

Speaker 1 (39:03):
Something was wrong?

Speaker 4 (39:06):
Excuse me?

Speaker 1 (39:06):
Listen to it. It's a podcast, all this kind of stuff.
It's crazy.

Speaker 4 (39:09):
Okay, you don't want to put that in your head.

Speaker 14 (39:13):
I remember being in this place, like I was so cynical,
and I still am, and I'm still very aware of
what's happening around me.

Speaker 4 (39:21):
You get it.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
It, Yes, you are amy, you love a double life.

Speaker 4 (39:30):
Pile of stories.

Speaker 8 (39:31):
So it's election years, so a lot of political content
on social media is thrown our way. But if you
want to limit content from people you don't follow, if
you fed all this stuff, then you can go into
the Instagram app and select the option to limit that stuff.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
That way, you're not inundated with all these things that
maybe you don't want.

Speaker 3 (39:50):
I will not go into the app. I would like
to limit it, but I'll never remember it. They should
make it really easy, you know how. Sometimes they put
up those suggested for you. They should put it in
a suggested for youuggested for you click here to shut
everybody up that doesn't know what they're talking about their part,
So they won't do that because they don't really care.
They just want to give us the they want to say,
they've given us the options. So when they have to
go in front of Congress eventually for another whatever, you know,

sharing information, sure, those little trials.

Speaker 8 (40:17):
Yeah, well, Instagram says they're already going to proactively limit
what we are consuming politically.

Speaker 1 (40:22):
But we'll see what.

Speaker 3 (40:23):
There are some countries where there is no algorithm for
a feed. You get it based because you have a
couple options too. You have to go click on it
and you can get like the feed posts in the
exact order that they come and I forget what it's called, Morgan,
what's they called.

Speaker 14 (40:37):
You're talking about like the following versus just your algorithm.

Speaker 3 (40:40):
Yes, because they'll show you like certain people you like them.
Or you can get your feed based on time when
people post chronolatically.

Speaker 13 (40:47):
You can have favorites list, or you can have following.

Speaker 3 (40:50):
In some countries it's not even option. You only get
in order of when they post it, so that the
social media can't lead you in a certain direction like that.

Speaker 4 (40:57):
That's the way it used to be.

Speaker 3 (40:58):
I remember the twenties before we knew they could take
advantage of us.

Speaker 8 (41:02):
Also, with election, you're just keep in mind that echo
chambers are real, and you're being fed a out of
information that makes you think that everybody's thinking that.

Speaker 3 (41:08):
Way, and just you know, you are being fed information
based on what you already think, which then drives you
to be more polar Yes, so whatever you're feeling is
toward a person, a party, an ideal, You're going to
be fed.

Speaker 4 (41:24):
More to lead you that direction.

Speaker 1 (41:25):
It magnetizes, it magnifies, it magnified.

Speaker 4 (41:29):
Yes, there we go.

Speaker 8 (41:32):
Okay, So women were talking about the specific things that
men do that give them the ick. So run through
the list so y'all can make sure you're not doing them. Okay,
all of them running with a backpack on, like.

Speaker 4 (41:42):
If you're late. There's a dude that does that in
my neighborhood. I would waited best if I could.

Speaker 8 (41:51):
I just went, okay, Okay, when their nose whistles when breathing,
you should hear me with the sepad on.

Speaker 4 (41:59):
That's not their fault exactly.

Speaker 3 (42:00):
When they're ugly, well probably what's supposed to.

Speaker 1 (42:03):
Do calling themselves like I'm an alpha ray.

Speaker 3 (42:09):
Okay, I get it. That's that's hurt Parray.

Speaker 8 (42:11):
Does a But they wear flip flops anywhere, like besides
like going to the pool or the beast.

Speaker 3 (42:16):
I don't mind flip flops, but I don't wear them
at all ever because it hurts my back.

Speaker 4 (42:20):
Oh yeah, does it?

Speaker 3 (42:21):
Giving people that I'm fortyou be forty four.

Speaker 8 (42:23):
Now, yeah, go ahead, tucking their shirt into their workout shorts.

Speaker 3 (42:28):
I will do that if I don't people to see
my stomach if it's kind of fat when I'm doing
sit ups, but never for like a re like when
people looking at my gut, I'll tuck it in.

Speaker 8 (42:35):
And then using childish, childish words like you know, if
you're like, oh, boobies, stuff.

Speaker 3 (42:42):
Like that, that's my whole, my entire vocabulary, words like booby,
I'm gonna be honest, okay.

Speaker 10 (42:48):
Stuff like that.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
So I saw this story Wreener boobies.

Speaker 4 (42:51):
I mean those are all normal.

Speaker 1 (42:52):
Yeah, well I know, but somewhere were like you talk
that way.

Speaker 4 (42:56):
Yeah, wife likes it, I think no.

Speaker 1 (43:00):
Eric Church always wears sunglasses on stage, But do you.

Speaker 4 (43:03):
Know why got it right? Cool but look cool?

Speaker 1 (43:07):
Some people think.

Speaker 8 (43:10):
Or maybe it's the lights, but he learned early on
with his contacts. He said his eyes don't produce a
lot of like lubrication, so with the lights and everything,
his eyes were getting really dry.

Speaker 1 (43:19):
With the contacts.

Speaker 4 (43:20):
Sounds like what he says now and the heat. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 3 (43:22):
That would be like if I started wearing them to
look cool early on and the people are like, why
are you wearing glasses, I'd be like, dude, I got
a sty so I wear it all the time. I
would change my story. I'm not saying his is not true.
I would just it looks cool. That's probably why I
did it. There could be other reasons too, but it
looks cool because if it looked really bad, he wouldn't
have done it.

Speaker 5 (43:42):
If it was the reason Amy's saying, then where like
Kareem abdul Jabar goggles the goggles, but.

Speaker 1 (43:47):
Also it's not the reason I'm saying is the reason
Eric is saying.

Speaker 8 (43:50):
Someone handed him sunglasses like here, try this, and it
ended up working out for him, so it stuck, and
every time he's on stage he wears them.

Speaker 3 (43:59):
But he doesn't wear to me if they would have
handed him a welder's mask and it worked.

Speaker 4 (44:02):
We would still see Eric Church after. I don't think so,
because it all look cool, okay.

Speaker 8 (44:07):
I think that they would pivot and be like, obviously
you can't wear a Walder's mask on stage, so here's
some cool sunglasses.

Speaker 3 (44:11):
If I were a Church, I'd be like, what's a
Walder's mask?

Speaker 1 (44:13):
Yeah, go ahead, Amy, that's my file.

Speaker 4 (44:20):
That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the
good news.

Speaker 3 (44:25):

Speaker 5 (44:29):
About two years ago, Chester the pitbull was found in
a vacant home with three other dogs. He was in
poor condition, but the shelter brought him in. Nurses vets
took care of him for over ten months, got him
up to good health, and then they put him up
for adoption. Right here, he is, get Chester. They waited
and waited, people came through, just passed on Chester. He
was in this Ohio shelter for six hundred days. Then

finally someone named Lauren came in and said, you know what,
I like Chester, I'm going to take him home.

Speaker 4 (44:59):
And they were like, guys, Chester's getting adopted.

Speaker 5 (45:01):
So they hired a limo driver to come pick up
Chester and they delivered him to his new.

Speaker 4 (45:05):
Home in a limo. It looks like a good dog too,
jest to the pitbow.

Speaker 3 (45:10):
You know, I got some of a tough background.

Speaker 4 (45:12):
Yeah, two years.

Speaker 3 (45:14):
They also thought I saw the story too, that all right,
he's healthy, now somebody come get him.

Speaker 4 (45:18):
And then nobody got nothing. Man six hundred days in
a shelter. That's not crazy.

Speaker 3 (45:22):
So tough, great story, that's what it's all about.

Speaker 4 (45:25):
That was telling me something good. This is Beth in Virginia.

Speaker 2 (45:30):
I just got a call from my husband because, without
telling me, listed one of his very favorite guitars on
a guitar forum. And he just called me and said,
you're not going to believe this, but I just got
an offer for my guitar from Chris.

Speaker 1 (45:43):
Stapleton from Nashville, Tennessee.

Speaker 2 (45:45):
I didn't even though my husband was selling the guitar.
He's selling it because we want to take our kids
to Disney, and he is selling it so we can
afford to do it. And I just thought, number one,
it's really cool that Chris Stapleton might be buying my
husband's guitar, and number two, how cool it would be a.

Speaker 1 (46:00):
Way to thank him if you could somehow get Chris
on the show to.

Speaker 2 (46:03):
Try out my husband's guitar. So wild thoughts, but I
just thought it was cool. I hope you guys are
doing great. I'm a long time listener.

Speaker 10 (46:08):
And I love the show.

Speaker 3 (46:10):
I don't know that we could demand Chris bring a
certain guitar up here and play it. Love when Chris
comes by. Christ Apleton's kind of a guy that does
his own thing and just comes out occasionally like I'm back.
But that's cool if it really is Christapleton.

Speaker 4 (46:24):
No way, it could be.

Speaker 6 (46:25):
He's a big guitar guy. But wouldn't he just put
a fake name? You don't want to use your real name.

Speaker 3 (46:29):
That's a good point too. I could do some digging.

Speaker 4 (46:33):
Because that would have to give his address, must.

Speaker 3 (46:36):
Have a No, I don't because on the eBay account
that we set up, it's not my address.

Speaker 4 (46:40):
We set up a heel box. Okay, let me get
into that. Regardless you get paid. You get paid, that's awesome.
But let me do a little digging. How cool is
his guitar and go all the way to Disney was
let me the guitar has a beer too? He's like,
I gotta have that.

Speaker 3 (46:54):
All right, Let's go over and get in with Amy
and do a little Morning Corny, the Mourning Corny.

Speaker 1 (47:02):
What do you call an anxious ant? A jitterbug?

Speaker 4 (47:11):
That was the Morning Corny.

Speaker 3 (47:13):
Very unfulfilled anxious ant, not a bug.

Speaker 4 (47:20):
Yeah, yeah, I guess.

Speaker 8 (47:22):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (47:22):
I feel very fulfilled with that one, but I have
another one.

Speaker 4 (47:25):
Yeah, okay, No, just because.

Speaker 3 (47:26):
I'm u fulfilled doesn't mean it's not fulfilling.

Speaker 1 (47:28):
What do you call a cat with eight legs an octopuss?

Speaker 4 (47:33):
That's funny. See, I like that.

Speaker 1 (47:36):
I got too nervous.

Speaker 3 (47:37):
I was going to save well, don't keep saying it,
Morning Corny, Thank you closing up where you close it.
So a couple of things I wanted to mention. First,
that floating door that saved Kate Winslet and Titanic. They
sold it at an auction from the movie. And it's
hard to go guess how much because it could be

anything anything, But that door sold for seven hundred and
eighteen thousand dollars.

Speaker 4 (48:04):
That's crazy.

Speaker 3 (48:04):
I thought it would go for like twenty If you
asked me like twenty thousand, I'd have been like, that's great.
Seven I want one of the thousand dollars is crazy. Yeah,
but it's such a pop culture moment. I would have
thought around twenty twenty.

Speaker 4 (48:15):
One thousand dollars.

Speaker 5 (48:16):
I always like put myself in the scenario of going
to some millionaire's house and been like, oh, awesome.

Speaker 4 (48:20):
This right here is the door.

Speaker 3 (48:21):
That would be like, that's crazy to see. I would
be like cool, what else? I'd be like, can I
get a picture with it? Harrison Ford's whip in Temple
a Doom. That's cool went for five hundred twenty five
thousand dollars.

Speaker 4 (48:32):
Whoa wow.

Speaker 3 (48:34):
Bill Murray's rose bowling ball and Kingpin went for three
hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That was a cool ball,
that's why. So okay, that door went for three quarters
of million dollars.

Speaker 4 (48:46):
Ridiculous. Wild.

Speaker 3 (48:47):
It just shows you the significance of pop culture now.
And I'm looking at it. It's a prop from the movie.
So it really isn't a weathered old door. When you
look at it up closed, it looks like a door.
It was produced to be a weathered old door, and
it was probably made out of foam, so it floated, right,
I think it was. I still think it was kind

of a woodm I mean, looking at it, I'm glad.
I mean, if I'm gonna pay three coars million dollars,
I don't want phone.

Speaker 4 (49:14):
Right A door.

Speaker 3 (49:16):
There was another one that I saw Mozart's autograph. What
a real autograph, so his signature, right, not so much
an autograph, his signature. They're putting it up and it
could go for as much as two hundred thousand dollars.

Speaker 4 (49:29):
Yeah, that's amazing. WHOA, I'm surprised that that is lower
than the door.

Speaker 3 (49:34):
Mozart's signature, written in black ink, has been authenticated and
graded by PSADNA, the top dog in third party authentication
for autographs and memorabilia. Wow. Mozart's full name was Wolfgang
Amedeus Mozart. He is widely regarded as the most influential
Austrian composer of the classical period. And he died at
age thirty five in seventeen ninety one. And here's his
autograph and they think that it will get around twenty

thousand dollars. He died at thirty five, hold on seventeen
ninety one. Uh huh, what do you think?

Speaker 8 (50:02):
It was?

Speaker 3 (50:03):
Seventy an Holdies Radio Classic Rock. Here's here's Bill Hayley
in the comments followed by Mozar. They played a show
together last week. You think he opened up with the Beatles, like,
what are you thinking? You're gonna tell me you knew
he was in the seventeen hundred.

Speaker 1 (50:14):
Yeah, I don't know that I knew that. I'm not surprised.

Speaker 4 (50:17):
I mean, I wouldn't know seventeen on one, Like I
wouldn't have the date. I would think set sixteen.

Speaker 3 (50:21):
I ifo't seventeen hundred's because it's definitely.

Speaker 1 (50:23):
Not eighteen Why definitely not eighteen one?

Speaker 3 (50:26):
Yeah, it feels like frontier times to me. Eighteen hundred.
He wasn't alive during frontier times. Oh, I mean eighteen
hundred is civil war like yeah.

Speaker 4 (50:33):
Eighteen sixty five.

Speaker 3 (50:34):
Yeah, yeah, he wasn't playing it though, regardless, way before that,
So I didn't these stories came out today. This has
nothing to do with what I told my wife. I
told my wife, I said, you know what I bought?
She said, what I said, I bought? George Washing a
word that George Washington wrote online.

Speaker 1 (50:48):
What a word?

Speaker 4 (50:49):
A word? What word?

Speaker 1 (50:50):

Speaker 4 (50:51):
Hold on, So, huh, you're missing the point. He said,
what she said? What do you mean? I said?

Speaker 3 (50:56):
George Washington wrote a letter, and it's been authenticated, and
they have a picture of the whole letter, but they
cut out words and you can buy different words that
George Washington, the father of our country, he wrote and
they auction they sold them, and I bought one of them.

Speaker 4 (51:10):
A word. It's the actual word. You're addicted. That's amazing.
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (51:20):
And he said, I'm missing the point.

Speaker 4 (51:22):
Trying to figure it out the word?

Speaker 3 (51:24):
It just does it matters that I have a word,
George Washington wrote with his own hand.

Speaker 1 (51:29):
I mean, because is it a long word or the words?

Speaker 3 (51:32):
The it is?

Speaker 1 (51:34):
It's the it's a short word.

Speaker 3 (51:36):
It doesn't matter if it's short. You want to see
a picture.

Speaker 1 (51:38):
So what do you do with it?

Speaker 3 (51:39):

Speaker 4 (51:40):
But no, you want to see it?

Speaker 3 (51:41):
Come? Is it?

Speaker 4 (51:43):
Does it?

Speaker 1 (51:43):
When I come look at it? Am I going to
see the price?

Speaker 4 (51:45):
Just come look at it?

Speaker 1 (51:46):
Am I going to want to raise?

Speaker 4 (51:48):
Yeah? And you want to raise anyway?

Speaker 1 (51:50):
Come on here, listen. He's buying words, George Washington.

Speaker 3 (51:55):
But that's really cool, George Washington. And that's the word
right there. Yeah, like that in the seal. It's graded
and it's authenticated, and if you wanted to see it close,
that's it, and there's a top letter of another word
below it.

Speaker 4 (52:06):
But you don't know what that.

Speaker 3 (52:07):
I don't know that, Amy, How like you put this
on the wall in your house. What it's like a bonus?
That's a bonus top let. Don't worry about the price.
Why is everything about prices?

Speaker 6 (52:16):
To you?

Speaker 3 (52:17):
Hey? So does it tell you? So the letter was
written to who I can it's in the actual description. Okay,
And does it say what the letter was about?

Speaker 4 (52:26):
Well? My okay, everybody needs to relax.

Speaker 3 (52:28):
George Washington, he wrote a letter.

Speaker 4 (52:30):
I get it. I had to hear this from my wife.
She would not stop laughing. The same people that I'm
Martha Washington, he did. He wrote it the.

Speaker 3 (52:40):
Same people that authenticated the Mozart.

Speaker 8 (52:45):
Signature, Like, isn't it worth more if it stays intact?

Speaker 1 (52:49):
Like are?

Speaker 4 (52:50):
But I didn't tall. I didn't tear it apart. I
just bought it. It says offer.

Speaker 3 (52:53):
For the first time I ever a hand written a
word from George Washington encapsulated by p S, a DNA
produced in a limited quantity of They took thirty seven
words and put him on different in different cards. The
handwritten word was carefully removed from the remnants of a
letter Washington wrote as president.

Speaker 4 (53:08):
But it could have been to like his brother or
something right like, hey, the milk is in the fridge, but.

Speaker 3 (53:13):
It doesn't matter to me. It's love George. Right. He
wrote it with his own hand. It says the word
was removed from a handwritten letter Washington wrote to his
nephew bush Rod on February tenth, seventeen ninety six. Busy
with figuring out how to tactfully leave the highest office
in the land, Washington saw his help and dispensing the
estate of Colonel Thomas Colville, Washington would request James Madison
to help write his iconic farewell addresses three months after

sending this letter.

Speaker 4 (53:36):
Yeah, but that's not it.

Speaker 3 (53:37):
It is. This is from the letter that he wrote
to ask for help for doing it.

Speaker 1 (53:41):
This is the letter before the iconic And he said
in that.

Speaker 3 (53:44):
Letter it's the greatest word in the English language.

Speaker 4 (53:47):
The Oh, the horse is a little It's, Michael, the
dumbest thing you've ever bought?

Speaker 1 (53:52):
Do you say the are?

Speaker 3 (53:53):
Thus I had to say the because he would say
the if I'm describing the word itself, but if I'm
saying in it a sentence, I would say the well.

Speaker 1 (54:00):
I wonder how he meant it, though the country.

Speaker 6 (54:03):
Does not.

Speaker 14 (54:05):

Speaker 3 (54:06):
Do you have idiot who buys this word?

Speaker 8 (54:08):
When you get the card, though, will will have like
on the back the full letter printed, so you can
know where.

Speaker 4 (54:15):
I already see the full letter.

Speaker 3 (54:16):
There's a picture of it, because you you know where,
you know which which one it's the one that was awesome?

Speaker 4 (54:23):
How much I can track the order? I just got
a message. I mean it's due. I think it's really cool.

Speaker 1 (54:28):
Bobby, tell me right now how much you spent on
the word.

Speaker 4 (54:31):
Why are you talking to him like that?

Speaker 1 (54:32):
Because I need him to listen.

Speaker 4 (54:33):
Amy, I need you to know.

Speaker 3 (54:36):
It's a hobby. And I love America. So you hate America,
I don't. I don't know what the word he hates America?
Amy hates America. I have George Washington's handwritten from Mount Vernon.
Oh that'd be way more expensive.

Speaker 4 (54:50):
But I don't know what that word is brought.

Speaker 1 (54:51):
Okay, So what Bobby just did was deflection America.

Speaker 4 (54:56):
And he hates America. The word is chick.

Speaker 1 (54:58):
I'm just concerned you addicted to things right now?

Speaker 4 (55:02):
This is an awesome If I'm addicted. Lomon Arch country.
Then don't put me in rehab is two words. It's
too add She was like, that's the.

Speaker 3 (55:10):
Dumbest thing I've ever seen anyone buying the history of
buying things. I'll show it to you when I get it.
But that's all I'm done. I think it's aw I
didn't come here to be judged. I came here to
actually share my new passion presidential memorabilia.

Speaker 4 (55:22):
Buying words he wrote it just.

Speaker 3 (55:26):
You wouldn't even be here right now if it wasn't
for him.

Speaker 4 (55:28):
That's true.

Speaker 3 (55:28):
Well he did not birth me. No, but you would
have been in America or did he?

Speaker 1 (55:32):
Is a full letter by him for sale somewhere because like.

Speaker 4 (55:34):
Yeah, but that's it's like real estate. I can't do
this anymore. It's like real estate. You buy the whole
letter word by words.

Speaker 3 (55:40):
It was like, well, you're gonna buy like a five acres, Well,
can you just buy earth? No, I just bought five acres.

Speaker 6 (55:45):
I mean, guys will be doing it behind the scenes
like documentary on Bobby where it all went wrong the
that's where.

Speaker 3 (55:51):
No one way wrong before that, where it all went
wrong way before that. Okay, well, thank you guys for
showing the end that's all. I guess I'll just receive
it and celebrate America with it and a fourth of July.

Speaker 4 (56:02):
I hold it tight.

Speaker 1 (56:04):
The word where will you keep it?

Speaker 4 (56:07):
He's gonna tell you that Frameman put on the wall.
You're gonna say, it's gonna a little no. No, it's
in a fra.

Speaker 3 (56:11):
It's in a sealed, graded, authenticated box.

Speaker 4 (56:18):
That is pretty cool.

Speaker 3 (56:18):
Thank you, Eddie, thanks for being my friend.

Speaker 4 (56:20):
All Right, I want to play this song. Hete everybody
in here except al ready.

Speaker 1 (56:25):
You know, people buy like Someone's breath exactly.

Speaker 3 (56:31):
He wrote it with his own hand. It's an actual tangible.
I know a lot of you have things to say
about the last segment, and you can hit me with
your best shot in a few minutes if you want to.
But first I want to get over to Lunchbox because
he's come with a bit of kindness. Even though that's over. Yeah,
he still wants to be positive towards you guys, against

maybe his better interest.

Speaker 4 (56:53):
And he has a warning for who Amy and Morgan
and eventually Abby.

Speaker 3 (56:58):
Okay, well that seem nice.

Speaker 6 (57:01):
Yes, I need you guys to pull out your phones
right now. Morgan, Amy and those dating apps you have
to delete them, get off of them. They are not safe.
I was scrolling through Netflix yesterday and some show popped
up called lover Stalker Killer, and I watched it and
it all started on a dating app, and I'm like,

get away, guys, run what happens?

Speaker 3 (57:24):
I can't tell you that I got him at Just
in Loving and there's some stoking, probably some killing. So
not to spoil it.

Speaker 4 (57:30):
Yeah, I mean it's pretty obvious by the name of
the show. What happens is this dude? Is it true?
Like it's it's one episode, like it's an hour and hour,
it's a documentary. Then, yes, it's this dude.

Speaker 6 (57:44):
He got divorced and he moved to another town and
he's like, man, I'm gonna get back on the dating scene.
He gets on the dating app. He matches with one chick.
You know, it's fine. He's like, but we're not anything serious.
Then he meets another chick on the dating app. That's
when it goes haywire.

Speaker 4 (57:59):
What's just say, Let's just say, oh boy, lover Stalker Killer,
get off the app. I'll read you the like the preview.
I can read this.

Speaker 3 (58:10):
There's no spoiler, it says. On February ninth, I guess,
which is when it came out. Lover Stalker Killer recounts
the true story of how an auto mechanic became embroiled
an online dating nightmare that resulted in years of stalking, harassment, Arson,
Oh Murder. Why do they do lover stalker arson fire
burning fire murder?

Speaker 4 (58:30):
Dude? Is it? Is it good as a show? Yeah?
It was interesting.

Speaker 3 (58:34):
I was just like, holy crap, it's so dating apps.
I don't know the Morgan's on him anymore because she's
got mister Mann in uniform. Or I bet you're not.
I bet you just have it up ready just in case.

Speaker 13 (58:48):
Yeah, it's kind of on I like loosely look at it.
I'm not actively seeking delete it.

Speaker 3 (58:53):
Look, I just throw your phone on.

Speaker 4 (58:55):
Don't even be on the phone.

Speaker 14 (58:56):
I am telling you guys, it was I have had
some horror stories from the ever lover oh stalker.

Speaker 13 (59:02):
Yeah, I mean you guys remember my crazy X. I
met him on bumble So, yeah, a really bad one.

Speaker 1 (59:09):
Morgan could go on the podcast about that. She could.

Speaker 8 (59:12):
There's a whole there's a podcast dedicated to this stuff,
and Morgan, you could share your stung.

Speaker 3 (59:16):
I hear you.

Speaker 4 (59:17):
But I wouldn't.

Speaker 3 (59:17):
It's nosh and you're setting yourself up to be.

Speaker 1 (59:21):
They change names to protect the it's Morgan. She could
change your name.

Speaker 4 (59:25):
Here's Morgan number three. We're going to protect her identity here.

Speaker 1 (59:29):
Well, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (59:30):
From the Bobby Jones show, were you're on hand, Jamie.

Speaker 1 (59:34):
Yeah, I pulled up my app right now. I'm looking
at these guys that have sent me like a rose
or whatever mail. Pretty nice was to.

Speaker 3 (59:40):
Pay to send you a rose? Like is it like
ninety nine cents a rose?

Speaker 14 (59:43):
Or is it just you get one free one and
then you have to pay for him if you send
multiple roses.

Speaker 1 (59:48):
I don't remember sent a rose.

Speaker 3 (59:49):
You ever had more than one rose sent to you
by one?

Speaker 4 (59:52):
Bye? Dude?

Speaker 1 (59:54):
I don't think so.

Speaker 4 (59:55):
But yeah, what about were you thinking about deleting hinge
that this guy says.

Speaker 1 (59:59):
Oh, you're very cute woman.

Speaker 4 (01:00:01):
That's weird. You're a very cute woman.

Speaker 3 (01:00:03):
Yeah, those two things, don't know, like the juxtaposition a
cute and woman are a bit weird.

Speaker 4 (01:00:08):
Yeah, this guy's just like you got a picture beautiful woman? Sure,
a beautiful woman or like cute picture cute that something? Yeah,
cute is more of like a lover start.

Speaker 3 (01:00:23):
I wouldn't even say an age thing. It's like it
could be an age or a small thing. Cute is
more as many.

Speaker 8 (01:00:30):
And by the way, these are the comments. This is
the first communication they're ever making with you, seeing if
you're going to connect back based on what they say.

Speaker 1 (01:00:38):
One guy just goes, no, way, you're forty two dot
dot dot. I will apply to that because, okay, thank you,
you're well. I haven't updated my age.

Speaker 3 (01:00:48):
Yeah, I means like Evan updated since I was twenty
seven together, Like, so, what's happening with you on hinge? No?

Speaker 1 (01:00:55):
Then I just like, look at the people. I don't
really tap back, but it's entertaining.

Speaker 4 (01:01:00):
M he's window shopping, Yeah, that's what it is.

Speaker 1 (01:01:03):
But it's scary out there. You heard about Lunch?

Speaker 4 (01:01:06):
Have you seen Lovers Talker Kills?

Speaker 14 (01:01:08):

Speaker 1 (01:01:08):
But I watched the first.

Speaker 8 (01:01:12):
Five minutes of that one, and I thought, you know,
this probably is just healthy for me to watch right now.
That and the Something Was Wrong podcast. Every Man is
a liar pretty much?

Speaker 4 (01:01:22):
Okay, I agree every Man.

Speaker 3 (01:01:24):
I would think this is always what I had said,
yeah about all that deep, and I didn't want to
say it because it's it's going to be taken wrong
and how we're canceled.

Speaker 1 (01:01:32):
So well, I just said a very startcast.

Speaker 4 (01:01:34):
Every man is.

Speaker 3 (01:01:37):
At their core, has the option the possibility to be
an a whole a swindler.

Speaker 4 (01:01:42):
No, I just just in general, like just like in them.

Speaker 3 (01:01:44):
And I think every woman has possibility to be something like, Oh,
it's it's the negative core attribute and how it's perceived
within culture. So if we do something and every dude
has possibility a jerk, and but that's what we're seen
as jerks. And I would say every woman has a
possibility to be crazy for sure, just because of I

agree with you on that one, just because of like
the unfair association of it's hormones. But I say, culturally
that's kind of how it feels if a dude's not right.

Speaker 1 (01:02:16):
Dude, is that My ob g y in actually told
me I'm normal.

Speaker 3 (01:02:19):
What was happening in the middle of what? Because if
you're in stirrups, you know, it's a whole different conversation.

Speaker 4 (01:02:27):

Speaker 1 (01:02:27):
When I was talking to her about some of my
hormonal No. No, but she's like, what some.

Speaker 8 (01:02:32):
Women need to understand is they keep wanting to like
fix what's happening to them and in a certain state
of their life, and it's like, also, you can't accept. Yeah,
there are things you can do to help with your hormones,
but at the same time, you don't have to judge
every single thing that's happening as something's wrong with you.

Speaker 1 (01:02:48):
It's actually part of the process.

Speaker 14 (01:02:50):
I like it.

Speaker 3 (01:02:50):
I think I would just me I would like common
when I get a little like normal, normal feels like
that's a standard we're supposed to, uh like aspire or
common means other people have.

Speaker 8 (01:03:04):
It, okay, but for women, it is normal for your
hormones to change when you're going through menopause.

Speaker 3 (01:03:10):
But I mean, but it's but it affects everybody differently.
Is that the only reason there? Did you see Holly
Berry thought she had herpes and they trying to be
popause pre menopause? Yeah, yeah, I didn't use that. I
don't know, but I didn't colleck the headline because I
don't want the pictures.

Speaker 5 (01:03:24):
I read it there was something going wrong down there,
and they said that was a result from perimenopause.

Speaker 4 (01:03:30):
Wait, but it wasn't like I didn't click any pictures.
They didn't have pictures. Dude, that's why article you just
talked about it.

Speaker 8 (01:03:38):
Okay, I haven't had hmm, that's an interesting side effect.
I didn't know rashes maybe were a thing, but maybe
they are.

Speaker 3 (01:03:45):
I think it's common for a lot of different things
to happen.

Speaker 1 (01:03:49):
And that could be normal for some.

Speaker 3 (01:03:52):
Normal may that not two words? I don't really like
normal and nice? I said, well, that's a whole pet.

Speaker 1 (01:03:59):
Peek literally when it's not literally.

Speaker 3 (01:04:02):
Nice to me and how people associate that word and
I you're right to say it just for me, people like,
oh man, they're so nice. Nice feels like a very
surface at times, fake version of someone. Doesn't have to
be in your guys description. But if someone's like, are
they nice? My mind is a very surface. Can't really
tell if it's sure or not. But they put forward

an effort to present themselves in a way that to
me is nice. Yeah, there's a difference in kind, there's
a difference in sure. The same thing with normal. It
feels like a status you're trying to achieve to fit in.
When common feels like it's happening to a lot of people,
even if people aren't talking about it. But it doesn't
again like it This is just I spend way too
much time think about stupid.

Speaker 8 (01:04:44):
I think that's good even for as a parent, helping
our kids understand that, because sometimes they're trying to be.

Speaker 1 (01:04:50):
Like whatever is normal amongst their peers, and what is normal.

Speaker 3 (01:04:54):
Like, my kids aren't normal, but they probably it's very
common for them to be the way they are.

Speaker 4 (01:05:00):
I've seen normal kids. They're yeah, yeah, hey, real quick.

Speaker 3 (01:05:09):
I did not realize the socks I was about to
end and I just added to it. So there's a
pit called charity Buzz. We're not associated or affiliated, but
we just put up four We put up four front
row tickets to the million dollar show, which is Eddie
and I the Raging Idiots. This year it's Sam Hunt,
John Party. The list goes on Ben Rector, the list
goes on Edwin McCain, Thank you, The list goes on

Nate Smith. So it says four front row tickets and
a million dollar show. And I just added meet and
greet for Eddie and I just now because it wasn't
on there. And I was like, oh, that's easy for us.
And if you were to go get four front row
tickets online, you have to buy them secondary you know,
it costs more than this, But if you want to go,
I'm gonna put on my Instagram story right now. We're

gonna will you send me that link?

Speaker 1 (01:05:56):
It's right in your text, thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (01:05:59):
So I'm gonna post that is not Morgan. Oh no,
it is good, and then go and get on it
if you can. Again, don't make any money off of it.
Just trying to help Saint Jude. And I'm doing it
like you guys are hearing me right now. Post this
is good radio here. That's why they're putting this on
all those new cities here. Oh yeah, yeah, how do
watch this?

Speaker 4 (01:06:17):
All right?

Speaker 3 (01:06:17):
Let me go to back questions at your template Avatar music.

Speaker 4 (01:06:23):
Where's the link? Oh there is.

Speaker 3 (01:06:24):
They changed up all the Instagram little things and now
all they're all goofy looking, you know I'm talking about.

Speaker 4 (01:06:29):
Okay, paste click here.

Speaker 3 (01:06:34):
Now it's up. There's literally just hours left on this.
Click here post on my story for Furrow tickets, anime
and greet with Addy and I good luck. Please go
spend money on that if you can. If you have
it all right now, oh here we go. McCartney, Ian Munsick,
Megan Morony. The list goes on. Laura the list goes
on thank you, Let's.

Speaker 4 (01:06:55):
Get over to the new Bobby's stories.

Speaker 3 (01:07:00):
Most people are not super comfortable in life. Only one
out of five Americans have experienced true comfort in the
past twenty four hours. The Polarville's The average American only
fields completely relaxed, typically when they get home from work,
rarely during their job. This is from SERTA. Your thoughts,
Have you been comfortable in the last twenty four hours? No,
only one in five have. I haven't been comfortable last

twenty four years. So cool, Eddie, No, No, not comfortable
at all. I feel like Lunchbox is comfortable now. I
think he's on Facebook over there, chat with like his
old friend f hig school.

Speaker 4 (01:07:31):
Oh he's on Twitter. Yeah, I'm on Twitter. Yeah. Oh
my baddy. Oh he's looking on a bar fight. Yeah,
you're watching a bar fight. I'm watching the Vince Young
fight again. Up apparently.

Speaker 8 (01:07:39):

Speaker 6 (01:07:40):
The fight happened in uh Houston and it was a
conversation about race that turned into a fight.

Speaker 3 (01:07:46):
Vince Young got punched. Vince Young lucker punched. Vince Young
was the quarterback of the Longhorns but also the Titans NFL.

Speaker 4 (01:07:54):
I went sucker punch him. You won the national championship.

Speaker 6 (01:07:56):
Yeah, yeah, like he's trying to break it up here,
like he's trying to hold people back.

Speaker 4 (01:08:00):
And then some guy just are you comfortable right now?

Speaker 7 (01:08:04):

Speaker 3 (01:08:04):
Man? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (01:08:05):
I mean Eddie watched this? No, no, look, yeah, I'm
I'm very comfortable. Watch he's holding everybody back, he's trying
to stop the fight. Yeah, and then this guy just
out of no oh, oh gosh knocks him. Is he
knocked out?

Speaker 4 (01:08:15):

Speaker 3 (01:08:17):
Dude, must tho a heck of a haymaker to knock
Vince Young out with a punch?

Speaker 4 (01:08:20):
Yea, that is that?

Speaker 3 (01:08:21):
Are you embarrassed if you Vince Young? And the video
gets out?

Speaker 4 (01:08:23):
Or was it so out of nowhere?

Speaker 6 (01:08:25):
That's so out of nowhere because he's literally just trying
to hold people back from fighting, like he's not doing anything,
and this guy is on his right, so he's looking
this way and the guy's on his.

Speaker 3 (01:08:33):
Right, and just I don't like to watch that stuff.
Lunchbots loves to watch. I did watch the TMZ video though,
of it's like a thirty second video inside of Diddy's
house once they went in and like.

Speaker 4 (01:08:46):
What they ran?

Speaker 3 (01:08:47):
They raided, Yeah, they raided it, Like everything's open all
there's we don't only see anything but like drawers are
pulled open and it was on TMZ with the TMZ
letters on the middle of it, like real.

Speaker 4 (01:08:59):
Lights, so you know watermarked.

Speaker 3 (01:09:01):
Yeah, good call on that. I mean that is crazy.
Like when they go in that hard dude, there's like
a safe that's open. I mean, I feel like it
ain't good, like lots of wires and like the computer,
like the brain room. What do we know for a
little I don't know. I think there's about to be
if they find what they think they're going to find.

I think that's just the string. If you want to
destroy my sweater, the string, and it's gonna be like
the whole things.

Speaker 8 (01:09:32):
There are some people right now that are probably like
great and they should feel that way.

Speaker 6 (01:09:37):
And I do feel relaxed, man, I feel good, comfortable,
Like if you're asking.

Speaker 4 (01:09:41):
Do you always feel relaxed lunchbox? Not always.

Speaker 3 (01:09:47):
A soccer game, No soccer games, and when that's fun,
like you're stressed every once in a while, Like what
stresses lunchbox out?

Speaker 4 (01:09:55):
I like the kids sometimes stressed me out, like when
we're trying to leave. Yeah, and one run runs one direction,
another one runs the other direction, and then the third
one is trying to steal something out of someone else's
like drawer. So let's just met the kid. Maayhem. Yeah,
because it's like one head of the parking lot. That's
about it. I mean, that's the stressful stuff in life
and a lottery when it gets big.

Speaker 3 (01:10:16):
Well, a woman wants twenty five thousand dollars a year
for life after having a dream she'd win the lottery. Oh,
Patricia Harris won twenty five a year for life, but
often to receive the one time payment of three hundred
ninety thousand dollars. I would not do that because you
never know, you still got to pay taxes on three ninety.
But I would still take that. Yeah, because yeah, the

woman said she had a dream about winning the lottery
six months before she actually won.

Speaker 4 (01:10:41):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:10:41):
That window seems a little large. Year four maybe six
months seems like I got a lot of reams.

Speaker 5 (01:10:47):
But I've never had a dream of winning the lottery
like I've thought of winning. I must play it a lot.

Speaker 4 (01:10:51):
So she was thinking about it. Do you dream about it, lunchbox? No, never,
never about winning it. It ain't come to my dream.
So if you do have that dream. It's a good sign.

Speaker 3 (01:11:00):
It means invests more. Seven different insects found during colonoscopies.
Excuse me, well, no, no, I mean listen, think about
your mouth. Oh thinks of tiny, tiny, tiny things can
fly in your mouth colon oscar that's the one that
goes the right. Yeah, they're not crawling up your butt.
They can get into your system in many different ways
that would have.

Speaker 1 (01:11:20):
We also have stories of people putting things.

Speaker 3 (01:11:22):
Yes I'm talking about time, but a buggeting, yes, I
hear you, but an ant that's one of them.

Speaker 4 (01:11:28):
Nobody's going, all right, get the ant house, get the ant.
One of the ant farm.

Speaker 3 (01:11:31):
Out or insects that have been found inside of people
during colonoscopies. And this is not one single person. This
is just somehow. It can even be in food, you know,
lots of ways, A flying and a cockroach, a ladybug,
a moth, a be, a yellow jacket wasp.

Speaker 4 (01:11:47):
Which one did you choke at? Amy cockroach? Probably that's
from cracked all of them.

Speaker 3 (01:11:54):
French fries and onion rings could contain chemicals and increase
the risk of dementia. I now think the French fries
are gonna be the new cigarettes. French fries, but French
fries specifically because they continue to put out the stories
about the carcinogens and how they make French fries. And
this has been a five year thing where they're like,
the worst food you could have is French fries because

of the oil and how they got to fry it,
plus the potato that they slowly are being just about
the worst thing you can possibly eat.

Speaker 4 (01:12:23):
What about sweet potato fries?

Speaker 3 (01:12:25):
Don't know, I have no knowledge eating onion rings and
French fries could raise your risk of dementia. Cause you
have people like I love French fries, like doctors. I
love French fries, doctors and fifties. I love cigarettes because
it wasn't that big.

Speaker 4 (01:12:38):
Of a deal. Oh man, I love French fries.

Speaker 8 (01:12:41):

Speaker 3 (01:12:41):
They found that the oil can contain brain damaging impurities
which the food deep fat. Frier owners are told to
change the oil and friers every two to eight uses,
but hardly anyone does that, and so the combination of
the oil already and then them not chained. It's from
the Daily Mail.

Speaker 6 (01:12:59):
And you love French fries, Eddie love French Who doesn't?

Speaker 4 (01:13:05):
And I think they're overrated. You do, yeah, like I don't.
I don't understand French fries. I don't. What's there to
understand about French fries. They're just not that good.

Speaker 6 (01:13:12):
No, that's fair, but you understand what they are. What
I'm saying, they don't fly. No, it is the hype people.
They go crazy over French fries.

Speaker 3 (01:13:22):
I think because they taste good. Like I love French
hood who goes crazy parade everything? You just said you
love French fries, but I love French fries. Chickwa fries
are like cardboard. Yeah, I gotta understand why you would
think the chickil a waffle fries are that. They're not
my favorites.

Speaker 4 (01:13:41):
They're not good.

Speaker 3 (01:13:42):
I think they're good, but I'm my favorites. But I
can say if you don't like French fries, how you
don't love those. This is the same guy that says
cake is disgusting. Well, this is the same guy that
says music who needs it?

Speaker 4 (01:13:52):
Right? So he's just a bit different. Yeah, cake, I
don't get cake because the frosting. I don't know what
you say it's disgusting. I'm like, that's not a good
description of cake. You may not like it, but it's
not disgusting. It could be to him. Yeah, I'd rather
have it like a cupcake with no icing. Well that's
a cake. That's cake though, that's just so small cake.
That's what I'm saying. But I don't like. The icing
is what makes it. Then it's the icing you don't like.

Speaker 3 (01:14:11):
Correct, So you like a like a muffin, like a muffin.
There you go with icing cake and North Carolina. He
stops for a hot dog, wins a million bucks.

Speaker 4 (01:14:21):
You guys, just do these stories make me up something?

Speaker 3 (01:14:23):
There are a lot of stories. Absolutely well. This is
the greatest PR department of all time, the lottery pr apartment.
You have a lottery story every day. I don't because
people win millions of dollars every.

Speaker 4 (01:14:34):
Day and it's never me. All right, that's from EPI,
thank you. That's the boy.

Speaker 3 (01:14:42):
The timing could not be worse for the story that
was just sent to me. For somebody on this show,
timing is everything. The timing could not be worse. It's
not something that's going to damage someone, but it may
make them feel a little weird.

Speaker 4 (01:14:59):
The timing could not be worse. We'll get to that.

Speaker 3 (01:15:02):
And also this teacher that's trying to be a rapper
and they end up firing her.

Speaker 4 (01:15:06):
We're trying to be a rep. Yeah, I'll play this stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:15:08):
It's what does she wrap?

Speaker 4 (01:15:10):
Well? It feels very hypocrite.

Speaker 3 (01:15:12):
It feels like a bunch of people that just want
to be up on their high horse and like, I'm
gonna show you guys my morals. Yeah, let's see what's
happened in your bedroom?

Speaker 4 (01:15:20):

Speaker 3 (01:15:20):
Yeah, you put gout animals in there. All right, we'll
come back next Hey, you guys can hop in if
you want to comment on what we're talking about. The
phone numbers eight seven seven seventy seven. Bobby, that's it,
eight seven seven seventy seven, Bobby Morgan. I'm gonna let
you give the recap first before I let one of
these goobers do it earlier. We're talking about this guy,

man in uniform, who you've been dating. So tell me
quickly about the list that he made you a couple
of days ago.

Speaker 14 (01:15:50):
He made a list of about like fifteen different date
ideas for things.

Speaker 13 (01:15:54):
Of us to do, and he also made me cookies,
and then he sent me a package.

Speaker 3 (01:15:59):
Number was the cookies in the list? Uh fourths eight okay,
And then the package you just got just got.

Speaker 14 (01:16:06):
Recently because he's out of town, I don't get to
speak to him or.

Speaker 13 (01:16:09):
See him for three weeks.

Speaker 3 (01:16:10):
And so with the package, like, can you give us an.

Speaker 4 (01:16:12):
Idea what was in it?

Speaker 13 (01:16:13):

Speaker 1 (01:16:13):
So there was like candies, some.

Speaker 13 (01:16:15):
Fuzzy socks, some hot chocolate, and a plant.

Speaker 14 (01:16:18):
But it was called like the Sunjunshine because because because
I had told him that one of my friends called
me human Sunshine. It was a connection to something we
were talking about before.

Speaker 4 (01:16:27):
So five dates in, this dude is going hard out.

Speaker 3 (01:16:30):
I'm here for it, you know, fine line, but you
want to get as closer to that line as possible,
Like if you're it's it's a hard world. And also
if he's leaving for three weeks for whatever and they
haven't like committed to just each other, I'd be like, man,
she can be out running the streets, not literally. I
find a new dude's working in the corners, you know,
not literally.

Speaker 4 (01:16:51):
So that was earlier.

Speaker 3 (01:16:54):
I present you this from psychology today.

Speaker 4 (01:16:56):
Oh boy, bad news. Be aware of love.

Speaker 3 (01:17:00):
Love bombers this time of the year. Oh by the way,
for the record, Amy thinks he's living a double lot.

Speaker 10 (01:17:06):
I say, you knew it. There's no info yet, Like
he just said, I think he could have.

Speaker 4 (01:17:11):
This is the time of year they love bombing.

Speaker 13 (01:17:13):
I know you both just said I knew it.

Speaker 3 (01:17:15):
Nothing to know because nothing's been proven. A good point, Morgan.
Love bombing occurs a lot more now that the holidays
and Valentine's are over. Love Bombing is when someone wants
to quickly reel in a new partner and they manipulate
you with overly affectionate words and actions, and it starts
to really be common now. I mean, this is to

a t what is going on in this relationship unless
he just really really likes her? Again, fine line.

Speaker 4 (01:17:44):
Making cookies, fifteen dates after four days. They're not even committed.

Speaker 6 (01:17:48):
They're not even like boyfriend girlfriend and he has a
list of fifteen You should at least wait till you
have to talk about, Hey, we're committed and we're going
to see this thing like no.

Speaker 13 (01:17:58):
Trying to date me.

Speaker 3 (01:18:00):
I know I would say cocording you. Yeah, like old school.

Speaker 1 (01:18:03):
But where is he right now with life?

Speaker 4 (01:18:05):
According to.

Speaker 1 (01:18:07):
Various program he's up north with his family.

Speaker 4 (01:18:13):
No, No, I would you know listen the fact that
you're so attached to him living a double liver. It's
the funniest thing happening on the show right now.

Speaker 3 (01:18:20):
Unless it turns out to be true that it's gonna
be really sad.

Speaker 14 (01:18:22):
It's gonna be very, very sad. Listen, there's no signs
of that. Like I would totally respect that, but there's
no signs of when.

Speaker 4 (01:18:27):
You have a double life, you don't leave signs behind.

Speaker 3 (01:18:29):
I know.

Speaker 4 (01:18:31):

Speaker 1 (01:18:32):
They have a reason for everything.

Speaker 3 (01:18:33):
They finished the article. Love bombers use this type of language.
I've never met anyone like you, he says that. Hold on,
let's ask you don't know that. He says that, So
we don't jump in unless.

Speaker 4 (01:18:43):
You know she's gonna say she's gonna deny it, because
jump in deny.

Speaker 13 (01:18:47):
I've always been honest.

Speaker 10 (01:18:48):
I brought this to the test.

Speaker 3 (01:18:49):
He ever said I've never met anyone like you.

Speaker 10 (01:18:51):
No, he has not said that.

Speaker 3 (01:18:52):
How about like, I've never met anyone just like you.

Speaker 14 (01:18:55):
No, he said, I find you really awesome and really intriguing.
So I don't think that's the same thing.

Speaker 3 (01:19:00):
How about something like I've never fallen this fast before. No,
he's never said that, You're the only person who really
understood me. No, He hasn't said that I'm going to
send you a box with a planet?

Speaker 4 (01:19:10):
He did that?

Speaker 2 (01:19:14):
Do we?

Speaker 4 (01:19:17):
And what do they do?

Speaker 3 (01:19:18):
They love them? Yeah, well that's the point of it.
It's like love, and then when they get bored, they're out.
It's mostly to like attract them in, have them, hold them,
do what they want, and then out. Why did you
go to your computer so intent so intensely, Amy.

Speaker 1 (01:19:32):
Well, I was reading What causes a Man to live
a double life?

Speaker 4 (01:19:36):
You are just weirdly attached to this go ahead.

Speaker 8 (01:19:39):
The urge to live a double life usually stems from
deep psychological issues. The person views part of their personality
as shameful and cannot reconcile with their other self.

Speaker 1 (01:19:51):
Has he done therapy? Yep, for real?

Speaker 13 (01:19:56):
Yes, and it's because of something very serious with his
parents that his parents went through.

Speaker 4 (01:20:00):
So boom, How do you feel guilty?

Speaker 2 (01:20:01):

Speaker 4 (01:20:01):
It's a great guy.

Speaker 1 (01:20:02):
Have you met his parents yet?

Speaker 8 (01:20:03):

Speaker 1 (01:20:03):
I have not.

Speaker 3 (01:20:07):
That way Later, Okay, I'm rooting for you.

Speaker 4 (01:20:09):
I believe in you.

Speaker 3 (01:20:10):
I believe anything called love.

Speaker 4 (01:20:11):
Thank you.

Speaker 14 (01:20:14):
It's really exciting to be excited about somebody.

Speaker 3 (01:20:16):
Yes, and if it goes wrong, this is what I'll say,
at least you opened up yourself to let it.

Speaker 4 (01:20:24):
Mature. However, it's going to mature.

Speaker 3 (01:20:26):
The worst thing you can do is shut yourself off
for a possibility you still want to have, like a
slight slide eye open just because dudes in general jerks.
But I'm rooting for you, and I think it's awesome
that you're able to open yourself up to this possibly
being something really great because you have been burnt horribly
in the past, and I think that also shows maturity
within yourself.

Speaker 4 (01:20:45):
It's hard to do. I'm rooting for you, Thank you, Sunshine.
But if we do find out it's love bomb, can
we come on here like more, publish and be like No,
I told you we run around the studio and celebrate.
Why would you want to do that?

Speaker 1 (01:20:59):
No, don't want to do that.

Speaker 3 (01:21:01):
You would like that, but the rest of us. Even
if he was only living a single life, I think
Amy would be happy.

Speaker 4 (01:21:07):
Yes, if it was a double life.

Speaker 1 (01:21:10):
Sure, I'm not rooting for it at all.

Speaker 4 (01:21:11):
I don't.

Speaker 8 (01:21:12):
I want Morgan to find the love that she's looking for,
and I want nothing but the best for her. It's
just I'm going to take the role of devil's advocate.

Speaker 3 (01:21:20):
That's not a really devil's advocate. That's like weirdo conspiracy
theory person.

Speaker 4 (01:21:23):
But I hear you not.

Speaker 8 (01:21:25):
There are so many stories out there and these are
just the ones being reported.

Speaker 3 (01:21:29):
Are crazy, and news reports crazy things. They didn't report
normal things because nobody would click it.

Speaker 4 (01:21:36):
I just want you to know that Dominique Brown the teacher.

Speaker 3 (01:21:41):
She won Teacher of the Month in December, so before
I get the story, he's a good teacher. Some Michigan
teacher said she was fired because of her rap career
that she was doing outside of school. Dominique Brown, whose
rap name is Dripping Honey Cool, I like that talk
about why she got fired from her teaching position.

Speaker 7 (01:22:00):
Nobody even knew I was a rapper until the parent
kept continuously complaining principle than d and they had told
me that the parent wished to stay anonymous, and she
felt as if she didn't like my rap career and
that I was a bad influence on the kids because
I wrap my mind in my heart was.

Speaker 4 (01:22:14):
Telling me two things.

Speaker 7 (01:22:15):
I'm just I couldn't see myself giving up my other
passion just because somebody didn't like it. They say, you
race all your content. That was the automatic e race
all your content. I'm just like, respectfully, I can't.

Speaker 4 (01:22:24):
Do that respectfully.

Speaker 3 (01:22:25):
She's not doing OnlyFans and her music. Although there are
bad words, the content is not.

Speaker 4 (01:22:31):
I can play some of it.

Speaker 3 (01:22:33):
Yeah, I want to hear it again. She just won
Teacher of the Month in December. So we're like, we
want our kids to have good teachers. We want them
to be and then we fire good teachers because you
don't like they say a few bad words that the
kids are probably saying a one hundred times over so again,
Dominique Brown, dripping honey, that's goods. It's been educated for

seven years. Okay, I'll play a little bits. This is
dripping one on one from Dripping Honey, curse words are reversed.

Speaker 4 (01:23:01):
Go oh baby going crazy.

Speaker 7 (01:23:04):
It's take it if you got chased, takes it take
all fours g E B C stevy five three one.

Speaker 4 (01:23:10):
Three O me. I mean that they headed back to
the DCE.

Speaker 7 (01:23:14):
I'm big dream lo cc me drawing another level that
they really can't but get money.

Speaker 1 (01:23:19):
That'sn't see ip. I'm running up like, yeah we go
see you got motion. Just just check this watching every
move sweet oh time.

Speaker 3 (01:23:28):
Baby going crazy she's young.

Speaker 4 (01:23:31):
Curse words not that big of a deal.

Speaker 3 (01:23:32):
If you're making cursewords a real big deal, you're really
not prioritizing what the real big deals are in people's lives.

Speaker 8 (01:23:38):
When they say take the content down, I don't their
visual video.

Speaker 3 (01:23:41):
Yeah, she's dancing around with all her friends, throwing money
up in the air and being like yo, clothes yeah sure, yeah,
fully clothed, long sleeves and sweats, not.

Speaker 4 (01:23:49):
Doing any illegal activities.

Speaker 3 (01:23:51):
No, okay, it sounds good to me unless they're like
buying stocks that they've got some insider trading on on
their phones. Yeah, there's nothing happened, And so they fired
her again.

Speaker 4 (01:24:02):
She won.

Speaker 3 (01:24:03):
If they were looking for a reason to fire because
she was doing a bad job, and they'd try to
get a paper trail and it's like we can, like
I would get that, but maybe it's still not the
perfect way to do it. But it's like she's not good,
we need to find it. She won teacher of the
month in December.

Speaker 4 (01:24:18):
Yeah, just a few months ago.

Speaker 1 (01:24:19):
Surely there's another school that's going to scoop her up.

Speaker 4 (01:24:21):
I hope.

Speaker 6 (01:24:22):
So, yeah, because or she's going to get a deal
out of this. Maybe the best thing they ever happened
to her. Maybe I think she'll get this part. I
don't think she'll get a deal.

Speaker 3 (01:24:30):
I don't know that she's there right now, ready for
a deal as a former mentor American out for four years.
Maybe I don't know. Ya listened to a couple of songs.
They'll find it pretty good. And she was just doing
as like a side thing. She's not. There's no rapping
about illegal activity. There's no rapping about being a criminal.
Our teacher is not allowed to be humans. And if
they are more human, doesn't that allow them to connect

on a more human level with students?

Speaker 1 (01:24:53):
Exactly? Yes, it does.

Speaker 3 (01:24:56):
That would be the thing that irritates me the most
is that we want people to be great mentors to
our students. We put teachers in this position to have
connection with them every day. We depend on our teachers
to lead our kids by example by teaching them what's
right and what's wrong. Yet, when there's something that they're

doing that could actually bridge that weird gap of teacher
to student, age gap boss to employ we're like, Nope,
got a fire. The dumbest thing I've ever heard, No,
I've heard dumber, But this is a dumb thing for today.

Speaker 4 (01:25:33):
So I am.

Speaker 3 (01:25:35):
I can't get enough dripping honey. I'm a stream dripping
honey extra day.

Speaker 4 (01:25:39):
Give her some numbers.

Speaker 3 (01:25:39):
If dripping honey has merch, I'm gonna buy dripping honey merch.

Speaker 4 (01:25:43):
That's what she should be doing, something mer dripping.

Speaker 3 (01:25:45):
I don't get on only fans, though, because if you
do after this, then it's gonna make us only foolish.
I no, no, no, she's going to but a lot
of people will go, I've been fired. I'm gonna go
to OnlyFans. And they can make a lot of money.

Speaker 4 (01:25:53):
They say they make millions. They do, some do, some
do not most.

Speaker 3 (01:25:58):
But I'm a big and there's there's no reason I
think she would do that.

Speaker 4 (01:26:01):
I'm just saying.

Speaker 3 (01:26:01):
Sometimes people will go, screw you, guys, I'm going only fans.
This sucks for her, and it sucks as an example
to young teachers that want to make a difference in kids' lives,
and the way they can make a difference is by
connecting with them, and a lot of ways, music is
the way to connect, especially when it's a music that
is basically the number one type of music with young

teens and young adults.

Speaker 4 (01:26:27):
It's so stupid.

Speaker 1 (01:26:29):
Yeah, I mean she said that these are her two passions.

Speaker 3 (01:26:32):
Drip Honey's what I say, and tell your kids, choose
you go go eat you passion. Maybe you got to
go to school and finish school, but you can still
be a rapper.

Speaker 4 (01:26:38):
Yeah, you're watching the video lunchbox.

Speaker 3 (01:26:41):
Yeah, he won't stand on it much because there's nothing
like boobs or well.

Speaker 4 (01:26:45):
I'm starting to think that these are her students in
the video.

Speaker 3 (01:26:47):
They are students and some of them yeah, but they
are all older students and they all were cool with it,
and they're part of a video.

Speaker 5 (01:26:53):
That's cool.

Speaker 4 (01:26:53):
I would have done that. It has one hundred and
seventy four thousand views. It's pretty good. There's nothing. I'm
glad you said that. That's part of it.

Speaker 3 (01:26:58):
There are all this students just like put their arms
up dancing, and there's that you rock with teacher notes
and you're the memories.

Speaker 6 (01:27:06):
You're you're creating something to keep the students interested. What's
wrong with that dumb who fired her?

Speaker 4 (01:27:12):
Justice for dripping, honey.

Speaker 3 (01:27:14):
Justice for dripping? Yes, hashtag justice for dripping.

Speaker 1 (01:27:17):
If it was my mom or dad that kept going
to the school over and over and be so embarrassed.

Speaker 3 (01:27:21):
It's probably some self righteous parent who's like, I didn't
like your bad words. They're probably have to some nefarious
activity themselves, because I ain't nobody perfect. Get your glasshouse,
take this teacher down, and hope we don't raise your house.

Speaker 4 (01:27:36):
Yeah, shows them with my words. I'm gonna call the school.
So that was one of the things I got. Lots
I got.

Speaker 3 (01:27:47):
Uh, eBay's not for me. I'm just gonna say it
right now. What I don't have the patience for it.
I started this eBay shop. By the way, we sold
all our funkos. I bought these funk there's only one
Raging Idiot's funk set that we sold one of one,
and then I put up five other funkos of just
Me this funko plastic thing and signed them and wrote
a message on the back at each one individually.

Speaker 4 (01:28:07):
Those all sold that immediately. Oh wow.

Speaker 3 (01:28:08):
And so I'm like, well, why aren't people buying the jerseys?
So what if I sign all the jerseys with the player? No, No,
that'd be terrible.

Speaker 4 (01:28:18):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:28:18):
But also here's the other thing. I don't have the
patience for it because I'm OCD about it. Like it
was up six hours and I'm like, I'm dropping prices.

Speaker 4 (01:28:26):
Work, we're going out of business set. Sometimes it takes
weeks and months to sell something.

Speaker 3 (01:28:30):
I've only put up like five or six things, and
I have like three hundred.

Speaker 4 (01:28:33):
I just haven't well.

Speaker 1 (01:28:35):
So if you're already saying you're over it, I've already.

Speaker 3 (01:28:37):
Dropped prices though, because I'm like prices already already, because
I'm like, I gotta sell this stuff.

Speaker 4 (01:28:41):
Be patient? Why be patient?

Speaker 3 (01:28:42):
I know, but i haven't even put anything else new
up because I'm like I'm putting anything else.

Speaker 4 (01:28:46):
I'm all the other stuff. And that's not how you
should do eBay, don't take this the wrong way. But
you can't say that he's.

Speaker 3 (01:28:52):
Gonna take it the right to take it the wrong
way just because you.

Speaker 4 (01:28:54):
Said that, go ahead, Okay.

Speaker 1 (01:28:56):
I'm kind of surprised you're the one monitoring it.

Speaker 3 (01:28:59):
Why I'm monitoring every single thing I do. I'm monitor
every second thing. I'm obsessed with being a failure, and
so I don't want it to fail. But here's the
other thing too.

Speaker 8 (01:29:08):
I'm not surprised you're involved in it, but I just
thought you'd have somebody else like deal with like you cut.
My point is you could have someone do the part
that's not really for you right now with.

Speaker 4 (01:29:17):
The reed helps me.

Speaker 3 (01:29:18):
But we do it together. We get on zoom and
load the stuff up and okay.

Speaker 1 (01:29:21):
But you could like step back a little bit that
way you're not stressed about.

Speaker 2 (01:29:24):
It, like it?

Speaker 4 (01:29:25):
Who am I normal? Yeah? Step back? Amy? Are you
talking to Bobby or hold on? Hold on.

Speaker 3 (01:29:30):
I'm running out of time here, but I do want
to say, because we're working with Saint Jude on the
charity bus thing, charity budd is not my side. It's
not eBay and there's only like two hours left depending
when you hear this. It's four tickets to the million
Dollar Show coming up? Is that thing next week?

Speaker 4 (01:29:47):
Next week?

Speaker 3 (01:29:47):

Speaker 4 (01:29:48):
Yes, next Wednesday.

Speaker 3 (01:29:50):
It's Eddie and I the Ryman. It's sold out immediately,
Sam Hunt, Meghan Maroney, John Party stopping by Ben Recht
or Matt Carney. It's gonna be awesome. It's our seventh show.
We put up four front road tickets. Hey, if you want,
I'll spit on you.

Speaker 4 (01:30:02):
Oh like extra bonus. Oh my god. People are into that.

Speaker 3 (01:30:07):
Meet and greets, which is out of the meet and
greets like a few hours ago because the saint you
had to put it up would give them the tickets.

Speaker 4 (01:30:13):
We're like, we can meet people before the show. That's easy.

Speaker 3 (01:30:16):
It's up on my Instagram story. Mister Bobby Bones. You
do not have to buy them, but I just want
to make sure to add we put the meet and
greets up. There's three hours and fourteen minutes left now
that you may hear this on uh West and you
only have an hour and fifteen minutes. But that's up,
mister Bobby Bones story.

Speaker 4 (01:30:34):
That's all.

Speaker 3 (01:30:36):
But nobody's I'm about to go on full sale like Clearan.
It's everything must go. I'm doing those commercialidations. Yeah, but
then I put new stuff up again after that's eBay,
it's not for me. I don't have any reviews yet.
I guess I have a melding anything off though, huh,
I haven't melted off yet.

Speaker 4 (01:30:51):
Oh, I have them here today. How do you mail
them off? You got to send them the mail like
post offices.

Speaker 1 (01:30:57):
This is where you go, Abby.

Speaker 3 (01:30:59):
That's interesting, Abby, that's.

Speaker 4 (01:31:03):
All bobbed Bone show. Sorry up today.

Speaker 6 (01:31:09):
This story comes to us from Florida. A nineteen year
old man has a motorcycle in his license plate. You know,
he got one of those special ones that says will run.
And he was speeding, well least tried to wooo, and
he said you ran. Have you seen the license plate?
And he got it up to one hundred and forty
five miles now trying to get away.

Speaker 3 (01:31:28):
I would have thought he was a marathon runner, I'll
be honest with him.

Speaker 4 (01:31:30):
Oh yea yeah, I'd have.

Speaker 3 (01:31:31):
Been like, look at this guy trying to be healthy.
Way he's running now from us? Oh oh he's means
from the cop.

Speaker 5 (01:31:34):
No, Usually those guys have the twenty six point one
sticker six two, Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 3 (01:31:39):
Did you have a twenty six point one?

Speaker 4 (01:31:41):
You are a loser?

Speaker 3 (01:31:42):
Yeah? You ran a long way and that's cool, but
you quit one point one. They got him, I'm assuming.

Speaker 4 (01:31:47):
Yeah, finally they got him to pull over. Will run.

Speaker 3 (01:31:50):
You shouldn't really proclaim the crimes that you may do
publicly because I steal.

Speaker 8 (01:31:55):
I mean, could he possibly be a runner on the
side And it's just like, you know, this is sort
of I think it's.

Speaker 3 (01:32:01):
Probably a motorcycle flex like got a motorcycle, will run,
like being funny, Okay, but then he ran, so there
you go.

Speaker 4 (01:32:07):
I'm Lunchbox. That's your bonehead story of the day. Right
here is voicemail that we got last night. Man, this sucks.
I was listening to the show and I wonder why
I never got a thank.

Speaker 3 (01:32:18):
You from Lunchbox and you all give him your apologies
to him.

Speaker 6 (01:32:21):
The box that Eddie lost I sent for Lunchbox five
thousand dollars to show my appreciation for all the great
andess he's brought on the radio all these years.

Speaker 10 (01:32:31):
I've been listening forever, and I was like, you know what,
I'm gonna throw this dude a bag. And Eddie, you
lost a box, Eddie, unforgivable.

Speaker 11 (01:32:39):
I don't have any more.

Speaker 4 (01:32:40):
I can't sit more. That sucks. He just lost. That's
just terrible. So Eddie has me five thousand dollars.

Speaker 3 (01:32:46):
Now, I don't well know that actually isn't the case
because it was accidentally lost.

Speaker 4 (01:32:52):
Now he stole my mail that five thousand dollars in it. No,
he lost it. He didn't steal. He put under his desk.
It was right here. Somebody whoever stole that mail should
go to jail. Good idea, who was that who cleaned
this desk?

Speaker 3 (01:33:05):
Who knows somebody stole it though, But man, the listeners
sent you five thousand dollars.

Speaker 4 (01:33:09):
See, I'm never going to break you.

Speaker 3 (01:33:11):
Don't believe that though, right, He's a kidding. It's a
listener in on a joke.

Speaker 4 (01:33:15):
He said, he's listened for a long time.

Speaker 3 (01:33:17):
You think a listener is gonna just send you five
thousand dollars? And if so, why hasn't it happened yet.
We've been on the show for one hundred years.

Speaker 4 (01:33:23):
Some people do random things. It's like random acts of kindness.
It's called pimp and joy. He was kidding.

Speaker 3 (01:33:27):
You can tell, you can tell when he goes. And
I don't have any more to send, I said him.
I saidim very last K five K to Lunchbox.

Speaker 4 (01:33:36):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (01:33:36):
We'll see you tomorrow by Buddy, Bobby and Bone if
you can find us on Facebook too.

Speaker 4 (01:33:41):
At Bobby Bone's show.
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