Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Transmitting four men were arrested for the burglary at the
home of Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow. Now this has
become a theme where professional athletes when playing their games
a lot of times on the road, they have their
houses broken into. Now this was a story because as
they broke in, one of the people that called nine
one one, you may remember this was a bit of
a famous influencer. And then we found out that they
were dating. And I think at one point I could
be wrong about this. I'd already heard the rumors they
were dating. I live in those circles, but I just
know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody, So I
don't really live in the circle, but I kind of
had an idea already. But secondly, Luca, Bobby Portis Kansas
City chiefs Mahomes and Kelsey maybe both two, maybe Kelsey
right had to And there was a group that we're
targeting them.
Speaker 2 (01:07):
Crazy I heard gang. Is it a real gang or
just one of those burglary gangs.
Speaker 1 (01:13):
I'm glad you asked four Chilean nationals who authorities believe
had a roll in the December burglary of Joe Burrow's
Ohio mansion were arrested. This is an update to that story.
Core documents that TMZ obtained showed the suspect of taking
into custody on January tenth. Where's My Mouse Today takes
the twent ago twenty second after officials say they saw
signs during a traffic stop. Authorities wrote in the documents
that men who were illegally in the country or outstayed
their permissions were in possession of an LSU shirt. Can
you imagine you're wearing Joe Burrow's stuff after you rob them?
Do you ever see that clipping court? It's TikTok and
the judge is like, Okay, you've stolen and you've also
stolen a Miami Dolphins jersey and the guy's wearing the
jersey and the clip it's hilarious, funny, and the guy's
like yeah, he goes sart. Are you wearing the jersey?
Speaker 3 (02:07):
Speaker 1 (02:08):
So funny? But this guy they had the LSU share
the Bengals ballcap. They were taken from Burrough's place. They
also stated to the guys had Husky automatic center punch
tools that are commonly used by the South American Theft
group to break glass and enter into houses. None of
the four are currently facing burglary charges, but the doc
show they've all been hit with felonies, including possession, possession
of criminal tools, and participating in criminal gangs. That's from TMZ.
I wonder if they had anything to do with the
other ones, because we had heard that too, like they
were targeting wild And maybe this has changed because there
has been a string of these wild that you let
everybody know you're on the road by just your actions,
because you can't hide it when you're on television and
nobody's at your house. I don't think that normal people,
even famous normal people, although they may live behind a
gate and it could be a bit difficult to get
behind the gate. I don't think that people have security
at their house all the time a lot of times
just for privacy.
Speaker 2 (03:04):
Reasons because also, yeah, I mean that would add up,
and the security might need to be with you on the.
Speaker 1 (03:09):
Yah or you can hire somebody else, right if you.
But most people that I know that are medium to
pretty famous, I don't have any friends that are like
super super famous. That's a whole different world, like the
Bieber's and the pop star. I don't know any of
those people, but they don't want people always at their
house because like their husband or their wife's like, I
don't like people like looking in the window, even security
people looking all the time. But if they're gone and
you know they're gone, I'm surprised people with means don't
have somebody there.
Speaker 2 (03:43):
Also, there's certain husky tools that are considered criminal.
Speaker 1 (03:47):
I think for what they were using them for, specifically
to break glass like this.
Speaker 2 (03:51):
Yeah, but yes, you can't just have a tool from.
Speaker 1 (03:55):
I don't think that's it, and I don't I'm not
the expert on husky tools. I'm an expert a lot
of things, but.
Speaker 2 (03:59):
I'm like, but I guess if they have it and
it matches the crime scene, it becomes a criminal tool
because but if you're just a worker, that actually means
that you're not running around with a criminal tool.
Speaker 1 (04:10):
Yeah, I don't think my uncle at roof and houses,
he's got the old husky tools. It's gonna be arrested.
But I'm surprised when they were gone and you're a
pro athlete that you don't have somebody even like at
ann or an uncle at the house. But he did
have her there, the girl he was dead or who
was working for him, but they didn't know that because
she called nine one one. She called her mom, then
called nine one one.
Speaker 4 (04:30):
Speaker 2 (04:30):
It's just but it almost makes whoever saying they're vulnerable
because if they think that nobody's there, but then's like, no, no, no,
somebody's here.
Speaker 1 (04:37):
Well, she didn't want to be known she was there.
So I don't think there are a lot of lights
on or a lot of walking around when we leave.
If I'm like I got a tour d eight or
I'm at this place, there's somebody always there. One Stanley
a bulldog. He can't go to like dog daycare anymore
because he's so his immune system is so weak because
he's a bulldog. These dogs are so weak. He's also awesome,
so let's not get it twisted. But he gets sick
all the time. So we can't put them on with a
munch of other dogs. So somebody has to stay at
the house with them. But while they did, they hold
a machine gun. That's the rule. Good keep it around
your neck and it's a machine gun, and watch for
husky tools. Anybody coming toward the house with husky tools,
that's bad news. But yeah, I know that they are
all these athletes. Olivia Ponton was the model they called Hello,
I'm called she. I believe at one point she was
a lesbian.
Speaker 3 (05:28):
Really, what do you mean?
Speaker 2 (05:30):
You believe at one point?
Speaker 1 (05:32):
He's heard in the circles, the circles. I believe she
was a lesbian at one point. Wow, or bisexual? But
I think a lesbian. Well, Mike, would you research that
for me?
Speaker 4 (05:42):
Should I google her name lesbian?
Speaker 1 (05:45):
Yeah? I think you can. I think she's had girlfriends if.
Speaker 2 (05:49):
She has a boyfriend, so that would be yeah.
Speaker 1 (05:52):
Yeah, so and she Olivia has said she's a lesbian,
but she's she has explicitly said she's a lesbian. Now
I'm reading that from Reddit, credible source source. Here's one
from TikTok.
Speaker 2 (06:07):
But they use the word explicitly.
Speaker 1 (06:09):
Yes, yeah, regardless. I hope these athletes don't get robed
anymore because they're definitely targeting these guys. And all they
got was LSU gear and a cap that's when you
go on vacation.
Speaker 2 (06:20):
It's just what they were wearing.
Speaker 1 (06:22):
Came all the way here and all my all my
grandson got me was a stupid turt t shirt.
Speaker 3 (06:26):
Yeah, he broke into Joe Burro's house and all you
guy was the LSU shirt.
Speaker 1 (06:28):
I'm sure they got more than that. Okay, yeah, I
read that. That's good. The Razzie nominations are out, which
means these are the worst movies, and so we probably
haven't seen these movies. I'm assuming possibly Mike d has
seen these movies. So I'll ask but one, okay, reading
me the best well worst picture Razzies.
Speaker 4 (06:46):
Borderlands is a bad video game movie.
Speaker 1 (06:50):
Okay, didn't watch it? Did you watch it?
Speaker 4 (06:52):
Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Speaker 1 (06:53):
It is bad.
Speaker 4 (06:53):
It's like they left in mistakes so you can see
people in the crew in certain shots. There's a part
where like they opened this thing. How do you can
see the arm of somebody working on the movie?
Speaker 3 (07:03):
Speaker 1 (07:03):
Why does that happen?
Speaker 4 (07:04):
They rushed these movies, terrible production.
Speaker 1 (07:06):
But how much rushing is it to cut somebody's arm, right,
or like when one of those boom microphones almost hit
somebody in the head Occasionally those will be in movies.
Speaker 3 (07:13):
Or did they hire just like one of their sons
to like, all right, quality control. Watch this movie. Make
sure there's nothing wrong with it.
Speaker 4 (07:18):
It's such an important shot that they're like, oh this
we have to use this, and they probably couldn't take
it out digitally or they didn't have the money too,
so they're like, all right, leave it in the movie.
Speaker 1 (07:26):
There are typos in my first book, Bare Bones, So
I can understand having so many things wrong that they
can't catch them all. And I have a the biggest publisher.
I mean, it's I think HarperCollins is possibly the biggest
book publisher in the world. So it's not like they
don't have the resources. But I think I had so
many errors because I didn't know how to write a book.
I'm talking about either typos or I just structurally were
writing sentences wrong, and a few of them made the book.
Speaker 2 (07:53):
Maybe they were just trying to keep it real.
Speaker 1 (07:55):
And is that what they were doing with the movie,
just keeping it real?
Speaker 4 (07:57):
Just keeping it real.
Speaker 3 (07:59):
You can't keep the boom guy in there.
Speaker 1 (08:01):
I agree you should give a type on a book either.
Speaker 4 (08:03):
I mean, there are mistakes in pretty famous movies, like
in Dances with Wolves. You can see a guy on
a horse with nikes.
Speaker 1 (08:08):
It happens, that's fun.
Speaker 2 (08:10):
Do you think they do that on purpose?
Speaker 1 (08:11):
Though not then I could see now because there are
there's a strategy on social media where if you get
on social media and you say something wrong, a little
factually inaccurate as a part of your entire video, that
you're only doing that so people will notice, post a comment,
which then creates engagement, which then more people see your video.
Speaker 2 (08:35):
Yeah, like this one person that does these cooking videos,
she'll often be like okay, and then you do a
teaspoon of go lick, and then everybody freaks out and
they're like it's garlic and she's but she's doing go
lick on purpose.
Speaker 1 (08:48):
Those people need to relax because that could be an
accent thing.
Speaker 4 (08:50):
No, no, no.
Speaker 1 (08:51):
But if I were like, okay, purpose of cyanide, that
would be a bit different.
Speaker 2 (09:00):
Yeah, y'all know what I'm talking about.
Speaker 1 (09:02):
The go lit girl Sack can send a lot of
cooking content.
Speaker 2 (09:06):
I don't either. It just shows up. I don't know.
I don't. Her stuff always pops up online, maybe because
it gets me over there and I watch it. I
never follow her, but then I get more and more
and I get so annoyed, but I don't comment or engage.
Speaker 1 (09:21):
I get annoyed at stupid stuff, which we talked about
in the show. I get annoyed at the stupid stuff.
We all have stupid stuff. We get annoyed at lunchbox shack,
Amy Golic me, sad sacks who don't really say why
they're sad, but just want you to feel bad for them.
I hate that Mike get made of.
Speaker 4 (09:35):
The movie You Have a Joker Too.
Speaker 1 (09:38):
Never saw it. Had friends that watched it, including you.
You gave it a terrible review and they were like,
it was really weird. I said it was a bad
they were like, it was so weird. I can't even
say it was bad.
Speaker 4 (09:50):
I think the director made the movie he wanted to make,
but since it was a musical, it was for nobody.
Because the first one was so like shocking and packed
r rated and you know, it made you feel very
like dark. This was just dumb because it's just random
singing that has nothing to do with anything, and for
a musical to not have any good song, it's like,
what's even the purpose of this movie?
Speaker 1 (10:13):
Any chance this movie becomes Pinkerton?
Speaker 5 (10:16):
Speaker 4 (10:17):
I really think so.
Speaker 1 (10:18):
Pinkerton was a Weezer album everybody hated, except now everybody
loves it because it was hated for so long, different
than what they were known for. A bit odd that now,
after so many years of Pinkerton's Weezer's worst album, that
people love Pinkerton. It's not like a cult. There are
other cults. I wonder if you don't think this can
be that.
Speaker 4 (10:42):
No, I think if there's a bad musical, people don't
really go back and revisit it and be like, oh, yeah,
this is actually something good.
Speaker 1 (10:49):
I'm pretty impressed with my Pinkerton reference. I'll be honest
with you.
Speaker 3 (10:51):
What's what's on that?
Speaker 1 (10:52):
Being a Weezer guy? And then yeah, Butterfly, no massive song.
I think that was part of that album was I
don't know that there were any massive Weezer alternative hits
I can look here. I hate to be wrong about
something I really love, so I'm gonna not be wrong
from Pinkertons. Oh yeah, I want El Scorcha l Scorcho's. Yeah,
pink Triangle. I was gonna say pink Trongle. Thought I
was gonna be wrong, but yeah, anyway, enough of my
niche comedy. What else on the list, Madam Webb, don't
know what that is? Charlotte's Web, No.
Speaker 4 (11:27):
Older, it was the Sony Spider Verse movie where it's
supposed to be like, oh yeah, with Dakota Johnson, and.
Speaker 1 (11:34):
She didn't want to promote it because she thought it sucked.
Speaker 4 (11:36):
Yeah. She I think she thought she was joining the MCU,
which is totally different, and this is like the bad
side of Marvel, which now they're done with. It was
like one of the worst scripts I'd ever just like
there was no thing that made sense in this movie.
There's one part of the movie where she totally goes
on this side quest that leaves all these other people
just hanging and then joins them back like thirty minutes later.
Speaker 1 (11:55):
Question, do you think you can read a script and
know if the movie's gonna be good? Yeah, then someone
like a Dakota Johnson or another very famous actor that
is good at their craft, how do they read scripts
and then do a bad movie.
Speaker 4 (12:10):
I think sometimes we forget that actors don't know when
their next job is gonna come. So if they're on
the fence, if they need to take a project they
need to make some money, they could say like, oh,
here's a movie that I'm going to be the lead in.
This would be good for my career. It's attached to
a big studio. I should take this because of what
the step I'm trying to get to right now?
Speaker 1 (12:31):
Could some of it be too that they this is
what I would think. I'm reading this. I don't know.
I don't get it. But there's so much cgi I'm
depending on massive promotion by the movie company because this
is a Marvel movie, that there's a lot that they
don't know, and they're filling in the gaps with the
success that that business or property has had before.
Speaker 4 (12:53):
I think with her specifically taking on this movie, she thought, oh, Marvel,
I don't get superhero movies, but I see that people
love them. I see that they make a lot of money.
I don't really understand this script, but I'm gonna trust
it be based on what has been successful.
Speaker 1 (13:07):
Yeah, I probably take all those And with this.
Speaker 4 (13:08):
Movie, she was in front of like a blue or
a green screen the entire time. She doesn't even know
like who she's acting towards. She doesn't know what it's
going to turn into. She's like, Okay, I guess it's
gonna work.
Speaker 1 (13:17):
I would just trust it. I almost took the movie
Fart Eater because I thought it would be great based
on just it's a superhero.
Speaker 3 (13:22):
I'm the plot.
Speaker 1 (13:23):
Yeah, look like I didn't get it. I finished second,
I didn't get it, and I was like, this movie
kind of sucks. It's kind of gross, but I trust it.
It never happened. I give me one more.
Speaker 4 (13:30):
Movie, Megalopolis. This was another passion project fail. It's Francis
Ford Coppola.
Speaker 1 (13:35):
Who did I've heard that? Okay, godfather I don't. I
never I've never seen The Godfathers, but I just act. Sometimes.
Once someone is Francis Ford Cope, I'm like, Wow, no, idea,
who really that is?
Speaker 3 (13:46):
And his daughter is Sophia Coppola?
Speaker 1 (13:48):
Who she is?
Speaker 3 (13:50):
It's like a more model.
Speaker 4 (13:50):
Loss in translation.
Speaker 1 (13:52):
Yeah, I think I know who?
Speaker 4 (13:53):
That is? A Priscilla movie.
Speaker 1 (13:54):
Or maybe i'm I'm like, oh, that's Francis Fort Coppola's daughter.
You didn't like that one.
Speaker 4 (14:00):
He spent his own money to make it. He like
put up his vineyard to get like one hundred million
dollars to make this movie, kind of the same way
that Kevin Costaer. Yeah. So these directors who have been
around a long time, they want to make these movies
that they've always wanted to make, and they almost just
make it for themselves and don't really consider like people
watching it. It was like three hours long, because.
Speaker 1 (14:18):
You do social media like I do just for myself
that way down. The cost one hundred million.
Speaker 4 (14:21):
Dollars and the movie was really about nothing, so it
just kind of falls apart. But it's just something that
they've always wanted to make and they don't really care
if it's successful or not and spend their own money
on it.
Speaker 1 (14:30):
It's bad movie, Yeah, any of them on the list
that you thought were actually pretty good.
Speaker 4 (14:36):
No, I mean, Madam Webb is so so bad that
it's kind of fun to watch to make fun of.
It's one of those movies. It's I mean, I was
mad walking into theaters because it was so bad that
I wanted to leave. But it's one of those that
if I had to go back and rewatch one, that
would be the only one, just to remember how dumb
it was.
Speaker 1 (14:53):
Speaking of a dumb and social media, I'm going to
do a video at some point today where I'll just
be sitting in a chair and I kind of look
at the camera and be like, Hey, a lot of
you guys are gonna be upset by this. I as
a kid, I hunted a lot, and I haven't been hunting,
you know, much at all in the past ten years.
But I did recently go hunting yesterday and killed something.
I killed Oscar the Grouchy and I'm wearing my my
cardigan looks like I pilled Oscar the Grouch and skin
off today.
Speaker 3 (15:21):
Oh it kind of does? It looks like it.
Speaker 1 (15:23):
Cost Yeah, it looks like I guess like I killed
Oscar the Grouch and skinned them and more it to
work today and then just leave it there and see
if anybody The problem is I'll do jokes. Not everybody
gets them, because sometimes maybe they're not even that funny,
but they're funny to me. I'm Francis fort Coppa of
social media. You're right, it's much cheaper. I do passion
projects that only make me laugh. It's like when I
do bits at home for my wife or just bits
to the dog, just doing for me, and people may
just not get it because I'm not gonna go get it.
I killed Oscar the Grouch and peeled the skin off
and I'm wearing it. See how furry my cardigan is,
and then.
Speaker 2 (15:57):
Maybe you should say it.
Speaker 1 (15:59):
I haven't written out. I don't need to readrite yet.
I don't I do need to readride yea, I'm not
there yet oh no, here we go again.
Speaker 6 (16:08):
The other day.
Speaker 1 (16:09):
The other day we were we had finished the show.
This is my favorite moment. No, I love this moment.
Speaker 4 (16:13):
Speaker 1 (16:14):
I know, well, but I want to tell this moment
please because it's so timely and I love it so much.
Speaker 2 (16:17):
What is timely is about this? They're not related, They're not.
Speaker 1 (16:21):
Go ahead, they're not related. Go ahead, and i'd like
the related.
Speaker 2 (16:24):
Mine is related, not because of something you're saying. I
was just I was making a joke about something we
talked about a minute ago. But the go lick. Maybe
you say Oscar the coach, and then people will be like,
it's growled, idiot.
Speaker 1 (16:36):
You're hitting the table. I'm trying to do better and
not hitting the table. You know, you're fake typing hitting
the table. That's funny. Okay, you know what. That's your
own brand and no one else thought that was funny.
But I do that all the time, where no one
thinks myself is funny.
Speaker 2 (16:52):
No, we got or whatever, coach, like you missed we
got because of go lick.
Speaker 1 (16:57):
But then I'm trying to do two jokes at once
with no real in imagine.
Speaker 4 (17:00):
Yeah, I think you mispronounced that card again or something.
Speaker 1 (17:03):
Yeah, if I were to do that, I can't be like,
uh oz, blow the gouch. But you it's so stupid.
Speaker 4 (17:10):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (17:10):
It's the bets so dumb.
Speaker 3 (17:11):
Anyway, anyway, telling me story.
Speaker 1 (17:13):
I love this story.
Speaker 2 (17:16):
You didn't go hunting, you.
Speaker 1 (17:17):
Went No, we were finishing up on a friday. I
believe we were finishing up on a friday.
Speaker 3 (17:24):
What's wrong with you?
Speaker 1 (17:26):
I think you should be proud of the story.
Speaker 2 (17:27):
I'm just going to give repeating you story.
Speaker 3 (17:30):
It's stupid, it's funny.
Speaker 1 (17:31):
Go ahead, do you know want me to tell the story?
Speaker 2 (17:33):
You tell the story. Tell it finely, Get over with
tell the story.
Speaker 1 (17:40):
I think she's repeating me now, But why should repeat
I don't know, but that's funny to me.
Speaker 2 (17:46):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (17:49):
Really, I'm unmedicated. And also in this environment, I drive
forward very hard, meaning we run a very tight ship.
Right couple minute, I still going on time? Yep, okay, seven,
We run a very tight ship. If there is a
down moment, if we're at commercial, if we're playing a song,
we are getting something else done. If it's a countdown,
if it's reads for another city, if it's bits we're
doing because vacation's coming up where we want to have
all these show Like I feel like I am extremely
type A organized, and so is Mike d And a
lot of our stress is making sure that every single
thing is done for this show every single day. And
we're finishing up one day because it may even been
last week because we had Monday off.
Speaker 2 (18:41):
No I know exactly when it was.
Speaker 1 (18:42):
I'll never forget, please, I'd like to hear, because I
could be wrong about this part.
Speaker 2 (18:45):
But we're preparing for just in case the snow. The snow, that's.
Speaker 1 (18:50):
Right, good job. So we were doing extras to make
sure that if it's snowed we couldn't get in that
we were covered with a fresh new show. I hate reruns.
And we'd finished up everything, countdowns, commercials, other city reads.
We have been working like this for years when I
had to like live in South America for a while,
Like we got really good at it for doing a
television show when ied Dancing with the Stars, Like Mike
and I are really good at stressing the freak out
about getting all these shows done. And so we're finishing
up and and he's like, are you sure we're done?
Speaker 3 (19:27):
He said, all right, I think we're I think we
got everything.
Speaker 2 (19:29):
And I said, oh, are you sure? I didn't say
are you sure we're done? And I said oh, because
I still had some papers out and normally when I
finished whatever I need, I flip it over. So this
was on me. But I had it flipped over one
thing that I thought was done, and I thought, well,
I better double check this.
Speaker 1 (19:50):
She said this. Almost every eyeball went up and looked
at me.
Speaker 2 (19:53):
Like and then you go, you go. I'm kind of
offended right now because I'm trying to look out.
Speaker 1 (20:00):
I had us here like it was like two pm.
We've been here all day, and he's like, are you
sure we're done?
Speaker 3 (20:04):
And there have been times where like Bobby says we're
done and Like's like, actually we're not. We have these
things or vice versa. But they both were like, yeah,
I believe we're good here, We're good here.
Speaker 1 (20:14):
Yeah you yeah, shut up, you idiot. No, neither were mad.
I thought it was so funny.
Speaker 2 (20:20):
Saying it, but you're saying it back that. I was like,
are you sure we're done? And I didn't turn up
my nose or say it that way. I just said, oh,
it was so funny.
Speaker 1 (20:28):
What everybody thought it was so funny.
Speaker 3 (20:30):
Are you serious?
Speaker 1 (20:31):
Yeah, but I will say again, we push forward constantly.
But the person that I encourage other two one afterward
a scuba if he's like, you didn't get this done,
but during it's Amy, because Amy has every right to
stop me and correct me, especially for recording steps, like
you didn't say this right, you didn't say this right,
and like I need no because you did it this morning,
but I was going to do it right away. But no, no, no,
not on that. No, I said something wrong with just
my brain. I read things wrong. She's like, you didn't
say that right. I need that, Like that's very important
to me.
Speaker 2 (21:01):
Okay, but do you want me to stop you right away?
Because I went ahead and you finished the whole thing,
and then I told you and I was like.
Speaker 1 (21:06):
No, because it's not the same things. It was just
the organization part. You were challenging both Mike and myself
and we weren't even mad. We just thought it was hilarious.
Speaker 2 (21:14):
But let me tell you that.
Speaker 1 (21:15):
The A that miss add was like, uh, are you
sure it's funny?
Speaker 5 (21:19):
Speaker 2 (21:19):
I know so. I The reason why I would let
you wait it out is because I thought maybe he
meant to say ticket.
Speaker 1 (21:25):
No, you know, I didn't know.
Speaker 2 (21:26):
I knew, I didn't you know.
Speaker 1 (21:27):
I mixed my words up sometimes, But.
Speaker 2 (21:28):
Then I didn't want you to be like I meant
to do that, no, because.
Speaker 1 (21:30):
Those I don't do. That was the one incidence where
that was all. It was just funny. Nobody even you're
the only person that care because we thought it was
so funny.
Speaker 2 (21:40):
I know, but like, yeah, I just trust me it.
I won't forget it.
Speaker 3 (21:45):
It was funny, funny. Are you sure it's funny?
Speaker 5 (21:48):
Speaker 1 (21:49):
Like six hours?
Speaker 2 (21:50):
Are you sure?
Speaker 1 (21:51):
Are you sure? We've completed all the task. I check
list everything, I black out everything. We were there, okay,
and it's like, all right, you guys are cut, we're
good to go. Let's go home just to kid. Yeah,
are you sure sure?
Speaker 2 (22:01):
That's more like you really? Yeah, that's you.
Speaker 4 (22:05):
I'm sure.
Speaker 1 (22:05):
Okay, let's do a little bit. By the way, nobody
was ever mad. It was just funny.
Speaker 2 (22:10):
No, no, no, no, nobody's mad.
Speaker 1 (22:11):
I know, are you okay?
Speaker 5 (22:13):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (22:14):
I know she's scarred by that one. No break, break right,
let's take a break and we'll come back. We're back.
Speaker 3 (22:22):
We're back, We're back.
Speaker 1 (22:24):
A woman at South Carolina who copied another customer's purchase
at a convenience store one of two hundred thousand dollars
lottery prize. The woman told the clerk to give her
twenty five dollars worth of the same five dollars tickets
as the previous customer. So copy, she just bought the
same thing. That's copying. That's not an ip you own.
So it's not like you're stealing code.
Speaker 5 (22:47):
Speaker 1 (22:47):
It didn't say steal, it said copied, No, I know,
but copied almost feels like stealing because if you copy
someone's homework and they don't know it, that is dishonest,
That is stealing. She later said, I hope the gentleman
in front of me want something good too. I bet
the gentleman didn't. A South Carolina woman who copied the
purchase won two hundred thousand dollars on a gold Rush
scratch off. Now, had they copied the numbers and hit
in the lottery, that had been a different story because
they both would have hit.
Speaker 3 (23:15):
Yeah. And did She say, like, I didn't know what
I was gonna get, but when I saw him get
that one, I just said, give me that one too.
Like that, that's different, right, But what if she went
in there thinking like I want that one and he
just have an order in front of her.
Speaker 1 (23:27):
No, because she told the clerk to give her twenty
five dollars worth of the same five dollars tickets as
a previous customer. I would think in court, I'm not
I'm probably not gonna win this argument, but I would
think that she just saw him do it, maybe didn't care.
I was like, I'll just take the same.
Speaker 6 (23:41):
There's nothing wrong with that, nothing, nothing but the headline
makes you think that she stole something, which, by the way,
I know it's not Tuesday Reviews day, but we did
watch the first episode of the night Phone Call answer
what's his jobs?
Speaker 3 (23:59):
To sit in the night room?
Speaker 2 (24:00):
Why I said that?
Speaker 3 (24:01):
And watch the phone?
Speaker 1 (24:03):
Yes you ever see Do you guys ever watch It's
always sunny?
Speaker 3 (24:06):
No? I want to though, because everyone says it's so
funny night Man.
Speaker 5 (24:11):
Speaker 1 (24:11):
Yeah, it's like one of the greatest I won't even
say it's an arc, like it's one of the funniest things.
When they play they do a show and Nightman is
a character. It's like a and they're doing a musical
about night Man. It is Nightman, right, I'm getting now
mixed up with the night Manager. And he's like, when
night Man comes inside you because Nightmare like goes in
and takes over to someone's body, and and Danny's like,
who whoa that doesn't sound He's like, no, no, you
go like.
Speaker 3 (24:43):
Yeah the yeah, yeah yeah.
Speaker 1 (24:46):
Night again comes inside of you and hold you down.
He's like no, no, no, no, that's funny. Like, and
I'm now because I used to watch religiously because when
I especially when i'm a download shows, but now I
just kind of consume all the old stuff through TikTok again.
It's part of my algorithm.
Speaker 4 (25:04):
They just had a crossover episode with Avid Elementary. It's funny.
Speaker 1 (25:08):
That's interesting. I did not know that. I don't think
I'm caught up enough to you don't even have to
be caught up, but that show what's And if you've
never watched the show, I don't even think this is
not interesting. But what happened was one of the guys
on that show, struggling actor, shot a basically a proof
of concept, a pilot with just his video camera. Spent
like five hundred bucks and they just shot it and
the whole because that show is about these friends and
they're all kind of despicable in their own way, which
makes it funny. Like they're not great people. It's kind
of like Succession, but if it were just hilarious.
Speaker 4 (25:46):
Yeah criminals.
Speaker 1 (25:47):
Yeah, so they're not good people, but they're funny. And
so the first pilot episode is one of the guys
telling his other friend that he has cancer and the
other friends like just trying to get out of the room,
and like that's the whole premise. Yeah, he's like, yeah,
you know, I've been really I got to get to
work and he's like no, I don't think you about it,
and it's so awkward. But and so they take that
and they do that, and they pitch it, pitch it,
pitch it, and nobody wants it, and finally, like FX,
I believe is where it still is, but it's it's
had I mean seasons.
Speaker 3 (26:21):
I mean it's twenty it's like the twenty ten so yeah, wow.
Speaker 1 (26:24):
So they said, well, we don't want the story to
be of a struggling actors, which is what it was, like,
can you do it somewhere else that's not Los Angeles?
So they were like, yeah, we'll do Philly and so
instead they did it in a bar, which they have Patty,
and so they have the bar and so they do
the first season and did okay, and the executive and
I've heard the story told where the executives like, we
need to add somebody to the show that has like
a little punch, it's not just you four friends, Like,
we don't want to do the show if you're adding somebody,
and they're like, it's Danny DeVito. It's like, we love
Danny DeVito. We think we don't know them, we love
them cheers, but we don't think this is for us,
like we are the four friends that we're going to
do it. And the executive was like, well, then we're
going to cancel the show. And they're like, we loved
Vito Adam and then it became so natural, like Danny
DeVito is.
Speaker 3 (27:13):
So good and he wasn't in the first season at all.
In the first season.
Speaker 1 (27:16):
No, wow, But it's a good story of a show
that almost didn't make it many times, almost was canceled.
I mean Family Guy was canceled, and it became so
big on DBD that they brought it back TPD.
Speaker 4 (27:32):
Wow, that's how I started watching it.
Speaker 1 (27:33):
Yeah, Family Guy was canceled. They seth MCGA did season
or two whatever it was, maybe even one. Not sure.
They canceled the show, but it did so well in
DVD sales as they brought the freaking show back and
now it's still on twenty years later. Another one of
those examples is The Office, where they kept continuing The Office.
They do season one, it's based off a British show,
doesn't do great in the ratings, and the writer strike
happens too. My name is Earl got canceled from the
writer's strike. Whenever The Office. The Office survived barely and
so they finished then one. I believe they gave them
six more episodes in season two, which is not a commitment.
But what happened was it started to be downloaded so
much on iTunes video whenever you can watch videos that
that is really what gave them I wouldn't even say courage,
but the confidence to invest money in the show because
they knew people were watching it in a younger audience,
and so that was really what caused that show to
be renewed again. One of the major factors a lot
of those stories, most success stories are if people just
barely hanging on and barely hanging on until that right
like that right spots hit and they're able to grow
from that.
Speaker 4 (28:48):
I mean, it's like the creator a Squid Game was
pitching that show for ten years before they picked it up.
Speaker 1 (28:52):
Yellowstone was bought by Max and they wouldn't. They then
decided not to produce it like they wouldn't. They were like,
and it's not for us, we don't want to do
so all these most of these massive things that happened
are things that just barely hung on by a thread
until someone, the creator, the person that invested, just wouldn't
quit and it finally caught somewhere. And all it needs
is a little head start. I mean, Lunchbox and I
we robbed a bank, almost go robbed a store due
we all want. I thought we were done. We were done.
We were suspended for weeks with no like we're suspending you,
here's the end date and you can come back. Then
we're suspending you and we have talked to our lawyers
and you're probably going to be fired. But once we
came back, game over. Because we were in Austin, we
weren't even syndicated, we were just in morning show, had
no ratings. But once we came back, it had been
talked about so much. We just barely got to come back.
I think the show made just enough money because the
station was struggling, and they were like, what do we
have to lose a couple of idiots, We'll put them
over six months in and it came back and we
never weren't number one for like seven years after that.
We would never do that again. Oh no, I spent
a good amount of time in the big House. By me,
I meant Lunchbox. But yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I was
there with real criminals with eh kind of No, it
wasn't prison, it was in jail. It was real criminals. Yeah,
not convicted felons, but jail.
Speaker 3 (30:30):
Now. One guy was like, oh man, they got me,
Hopefully I'll be out here in six months. I'm like,
oh boy, by six o'clock. I didn't know you can
be in jail for six months.
Speaker 1 (30:40):
I think based on what he was going to have
to like plead and pleat and then do it.
Speaker 3 (30:45):
Dang. Okay.
Speaker 1 (30:45):
Yeah, I don't think Lunchbox was in the penitentiary. But yeah, yeah.
Most success stories are that hang on just long enough
to have a shot. That's it. A new study found
that the most dangerous state for children to live in
is text is what mostly due to child abductions and
school shootings?
Speaker 3 (31:03):
Oh my good?
Speaker 5 (31:04):
Speaker 1 (31:04):
Florida second, followed by California three, Tennessee four, Georgia five child.
Speaker 2 (31:09):
Abductions just because the state's so big, or because there's
support in Houston or Texas.
Speaker 1 (31:15):
Texas has abduction day two, which a lot of people
don't know about the holiday.
Speaker 3 (31:17):
Oh like, what day is three?
Speaker 1 (31:19):
Abductions? Well they don't tell you. Yeah, I know it's
it literally is looking at data from all fifty states,
including abductions, shootings, crime rate, kidnapping rate, which I guess
would be abduction, missing child cases wo, Texas, Florida, California, Tennessee,
Georgia at six's Colorado, sevens Alaska, eight, Utah and nine
North Dakota ten Arkansas. Of course we got to represent
in some way.
Speaker 3 (31:42):
Speaker 1 (31:42):
That's from Live five five News. How to prevent and
recover from the neuro virus the stomach bug that is surging.
I had this thing.
Speaker 3 (31:51):
How did you recover?
Speaker 1 (31:53):
Guts determinations?
Speaker 3 (31:54):
Speaker 1 (31:55):
You fought the will to live, the will to love?
Speaker 3 (31:58):
Is that what it says in your little store.
Speaker 1 (32:00):
Nah, that's definitely. It says, wash your hands, that's it. Well, no,
there's a few things. Yeah, yeah, it's like take care
of yourself, but mine was mostly the will to live
and the will to love. Neuro Virus transmission can occur
after you touch a contaminated surface, eat food prepared by
someone who didn't wash their hands, or consume unwashed fruits
and vegetables. They have the virus on the surface. It
takes twelve to thirty six hours. Number one, wash your hands.
Number two, prepare food at home. Number three, hit the
drug store as soon as possible. Stock up on over
the counter anti diereal medication and electrolytees, sports drinks. Because
what's happening is when you do get sick and it
all comes out either up or down. You got to
replenish that, and a lot of people, including myself, don't
at times because it doesn't feel comfortable to do. Practice
isolation if you get neuro virus, and good hygiene keeps
it from happening. If you can. Some University of Chicago Medicine, Hey, Scuba,
they want to come in, They come in, Come in,
Come in, come in. We have yes, enter enter Hello,
come on in, come, come, we come in. Yeah, Kelly,
come over here, come just comes down for a second.
You're welcome to sit down. We are on on YouTube
right now, on a podcast. We would we would love
to talk to you. Oh my gosh, So Kelly, let
me know when the microphone gets up Scooba, Kelly, you're
not running from thelaw or anything, right like, you can
be here yep, okay, because that happens sometimes where people
will put we'll be like, hey, you want to go
on like I can't because my wife knew I was
up at the station. They should kill me. So that
you're good. Where do you live? What state do you live?
Speaker 5 (33:32):
I live in Massachusetts.
Speaker 1 (33:34):
Are you Boston? Yes? My except for winter. Oh it's
brutal colder here now now I love Boston like top
three cities except winter where I can't do it. I
don't have my bones hurt, my blood hurts, everything hurts.
Were you born and raised in Boston? Yes, so to you,
it's a normal day.
Speaker 5 (33:55):
Speaker 1 (33:56):
Snow when the snow. Do you guys ever cancel school
because of snow? Very rarely we do. If it's like
it might snow in a month, school's canceled because we
don't have like the truck. Yeah, where you guys do, which,
by the way, you say that you worked for Wayfair,
which were massive fans of Are.
Speaker 3 (34:15):
You a Southie?
Speaker 5 (34:16):
I am?
Speaker 3 (34:17):
Whoa, that's cool, Okay, DiCaprio, I just got that from
Goodwild Hunting dude, so it worked out, okay a flat.
Matt Damon, Yeah, do you.
Speaker 1 (34:26):
Take pride in Ben Affleck or Matt Damon, Ben Affleck,
those guys? Yeah, yeah, like local because in Arkansas we
don't have many people. We have Johnny Cash dead, we
have Brookshrobins and Third Basement Baltimore Orioles dead, Bill Clinton
almost dead.
Speaker 3 (34:43):
He's not almost dead, He's like, yeah, he's got probably
got some time.
Speaker 2 (34:47):
Well he's on the later side.
Speaker 1 (34:49):
Yeah, me barely alive. So yeah, you guys have a lot.
Who else do you have? Do you like the Boberg?
What about the other Wahlberg? Donnie not as much work,
not as much acting. McCarthy, Jane McCarthy, Wall burgers h
Tom Brady not from there, but yes, but still a hero.
Speaker 3 (35:14):
There, right, m hmm.
Speaker 2 (35:16):
Benjamin Franklin.
Speaker 1 (35:19):
Talking about Yeah, was Franklin from Boston?
Speaker 2 (35:24):
I did famous people from Boston and Benji popped up.
Speaker 3 (35:27):
Oh, Sam Adams, that's right, Yeah, tea party, Adams tea party. No,
I was thinking of the beer.
Speaker 1 (35:31):
But yeah, I'm thinking I'm just doing a different one,
the tea party. So how long you've worked for Wayfair?
Speaker 5 (35:38):
Five and a half years.
Speaker 1 (35:39):
I got our chair in yesterday that we ordered. Let
me tell you about it, or did you care? Tell
me about it? It came as so when we've ordered
beds from you guys that we assembled them or we
pay somebody to assemble because they're so large, you know
you're just gonna deliver a bed. But I was super
excited at the chair. I just asked my wife it
came assembled.
Speaker 5 (36:01):
Speaker 1 (36:01):
It wasn't for sure if it was going to come
assembled or not. The chair we ordered, what came assembled.
Speaker 5 (36:05):
That's the same when I order something sometimes I get
surprised and it shows up fully put together.
Speaker 1 (36:09):
Yeah. So, how and what do you do at Wayfair?
Speaker 5 (36:12):
I lead our audio marketing team?
Speaker 1 (36:15):
Oh so like what you're doing here?
Speaker 3 (36:16):
Yes, that makes sense.
Speaker 1 (36:17):
You come on, talk about people from Boston that have
influenced your life greatly. If I read it, this is
what we got. We got the latitude run Royale forty
with buncle swivel single chair. Is that your favorite of all?
Speaker 2 (36:30):
Speaker 1 (36:30):
Yeah, yeah, I thought so. It's really popular with the
with the young folks. Yeah, we're big wayfarers. And this
is not a commercial. They were just like you did
you were coming by and I was like, it was great,
bring her on in. And so what is your goal?
Like what can we do that makes us win in
your eyes? Like what do you for us to be
like a good partner? Like how what do we do
that wins?
Speaker 5 (36:56):
Talk about it conversationally, you know, getting the audience to relate.
We have thousands and thousands of products that people don't
necessarily know that we have. We call them like our
endless aisles that you can shop online, everything from like
vanities to I know, Amy, you were talking about a
cat litter box.
Speaker 1 (37:16):
Oh well, do you know who we are?
Speaker 4 (37:18):
Are you familiar with us?
Speaker 1 (37:19):
Yes? Oh I didn't know if like you're just like
I wasn't taking that for grand Okay, that's Amy, Okay, great,
continue conversation, friends.
Speaker 2 (37:25):
So a litter box can just be an eye sore,
and y'all have these cute little I'll call it a
little litter box huch thing that I got that goes
over the litter box. It looks like a little house
and it's so cute. It's wicker. I just it helps
make it not be such an eyesore. And my cat
likes going in and having the privacy.
Speaker 5 (37:45):
Absolutely, we got something at our apartment. It's like a
dog crate, but it's also a coffee table, so it
sort of blends the crate into your living room so
you don't actually see it and it's not an eyesore.
Speaker 1 (37:57):
I was watching this show last night called night Agent,
so it's called guy Yep, and he has this table
that turns into a safe. You have any of those,
because I feel like I've done all the numbers on
the bottom because we've looked for we bought a bunch
stuff wayfair. So you have a little square on the
numbers and you just go page one, page two. He
pushes the button and like the safe is in the
middle of it. If you have that, I didn't get
to it, would you link me? Oh yeah, absolutely out
that'd be awesome I can find And then he puts
his phones in there so they can't track them. If
you have an untrackable desk, that turns into a safe
with the push of a button. Let me now, I'm
gonna buy that.
Speaker 2 (38:27):
Can we say the name of your swivel chair again?
Speaker 1 (38:30):
Bro let me go back to it.
Speaker 2 (38:32):
No, and also Benjamin Franklin was born on Milk Street
in Boston.
Speaker 3 (38:35):
There you go, that's cool. You know where that is?
Milk Street.
Speaker 5 (38:39):
I don't.
Speaker 1 (38:41):
You set up for failure there?
Speaker 3 (38:42):
Eddy, Well, you know it's just very Eddy.
Speaker 2 (38:45):
It was seventeen oh six, so maybe the street has changed.
Speaker 1 (38:49):
Okay, here it is, Amy. It's the rail r A
y E L forty with bout clay swivel single chair
bout clay. It's spelled b o u c l e
balucl bouklay.
Speaker 2 (39:05):
Okay, Bookley. I didn't know if you were saying boot
clay or blue like boot How would I say blue
is boot clay. I didn't hear the boo I heard. Okay,
you know my hearing what You've.
Speaker 3 (39:16):
Never said anything about your hearing, never once?
Speaker 1 (39:18):
Should have. Once. Amy was like you know how I
am with the repeating themes were like, no, we don't know.
Speaker 2 (39:23):
See, you still don't remember what it is. It's because
I say things y'all and y'all don't remember them. I said,
you know how I am with my words. I like
for them to have a double meaning.
Speaker 1 (39:32):
And we're like, you've never won, Yes, but.
Speaker 2 (39:34):
Yes I have. And I've also talked about how my
hearing is terrible.
Speaker 1 (39:38):
Really multiple times. I must not have heard of you exactly.
It's called the Boo Rayal forty maybe inch with boot
clay swivel single chair sits deep and comfortable by latitude
run quantity one. It was delivered on the seventeenth. Okay, cool,
boom you gonna get you one?
Speaker 2 (40:00):
Found it? Thank you, Thank you for spelling it out
for me. I could. I was obviously hearing the wrong
thing because I couldn't find it.
Speaker 1 (40:08):
What's the offices? Like? What kind of at Wayfair? Like?
Everybody go in right now? Can you work remotely?
Speaker 5 (40:14):
Speaker 4 (40:14):
Speaker 5 (40:14):
We go in four days a week.
Speaker 1 (40:18):
Does everybody have Wayfair furniture? Do you have to sit
on Wayfair furniture?
Speaker 4 (40:22):
Speaker 5 (40:22):
The whole office is decked out into toe and anything
you can think of from Wayfair.
Speaker 1 (40:27):
Because my friend worked at the Buckle and they had
to wear all buckle clothes. Have you ever been to
the Buckle? Do you know what that is?
Speaker 4 (40:33):
Speaker 3 (40:34):
Are they still around?
Speaker 2 (40:35):
Speaker 1 (40:35):
Yeah, some malls. The Buckle is a store. You go
into it's a mall, and they have jeans. You know
how some pockets have a lot of designs on them.
Most of the jeans have like crazy like a lot
of designs. And then you go in and you're like,
I want to try the shirt on. And then while
you're trying the shirt on there they just start throwing
like seven pair of pants over the top of it
and belts. I'm like, did you try there as a on?
That's my experience of the Buckle, But you had to
wear buckle clothes because I had a friend who worked there.
And what if you like, I want this chair wasn't
wayfair and you took it in? Do they care?
Speaker 5 (41:03):
I don't think they would care.
Speaker 1 (41:04):
Now do you have an office?
Speaker 5 (41:07):
So it's all open for so we're all sitting in
groups of deaths that we call pods together.
Speaker 1 (41:14):
We had ordered two chairs to like we wanted them
not assembled. We had to order a non a simple
chair for later this week because we were gonna have
a contest between Morgan and Eddie and who could put
it together the fastest. The problem is Eddie broke.
Speaker 3 (41:28):
His arm, So now what do we do exactly or
do I is this just my handicap? Like I just
deal with it?
Speaker 1 (41:36):
No, because then you have an excuse if you lose, right,
I mean a big excuse. Yeah, that's because I broke
my right arm. Like, how long are you out?
Speaker 3 (41:44):
Six to eight weeks?
Speaker 1 (41:46):
What did the doctor say yesterday?
Speaker 3 (41:47):
Six to eight weeks?
Speaker 1 (41:48):
No? Like, what more about your broken eyes?
Speaker 3 (41:50):
He said that it's definitely broken. They did more X
rays on it and that I can put a cast
on it, but it'd be more of pain in the
butt for me if I had a cast on it.
Or I can just be a responsible person and not
hit my elbow keeping this sling and I sit like
every hour, which I haven't done in like two hours.
Speaker 1 (42:08):
So then what if we just punt scoob? But what
if we just punt the bit back to eight weeks?
Speaker 3 (42:15):
Eight weeks or six Who knows?
Speaker 1 (42:18):
Dude, that's fine.
Speaker 3 (42:19):
Maybe I'm a fast feeler.
Speaker 2 (42:20):
Maybe can someone else just do it?
Speaker 1 (42:22):
Yeah? But Eddie was the one that he was so
sure that he could beat Morgan. The rest of the
guys that are like probably can't beat.
Speaker 3 (42:27):
Her lunch box that he probably can't beat her.
Speaker 1 (42:28):
Yeah, So it's like I don't want someone who thinks
they're going to lose to Eddie was like, oh I
can Eddie thinks he's so great at putting stuff together. Yeah,
that that was what it was.
Speaker 3 (42:36):
How about how about like I have someone to do
what no, I tell them to do it, like I'm
like their manager, a man like standing behind him being
like that screw goes there? Put that one there.
Speaker 1 (42:47):
You're not gonna be a supervisor in this hole. And
so how long are you in town? Are you just
doing Nashville or do you fly all around and see
other people that talk about Wayfair.
Speaker 5 (42:56):
Just doing Nashville?
Speaker 1 (42:57):
And how long are you here till Thursday morning?
Speaker 5 (43:00):
So quick trip?
Speaker 1 (43:01):
Oh it's tomorrow. Are you doing like the Nashville stuff
like honk dogs?
Speaker 5 (43:07):
Going out to a couple dinners around here? But we're
here for an event that Wayfair is sponsoring.
Speaker 1 (43:14):
What event?
Speaker 5 (43:16):
It's the Studio six one five live concert sessions with Pandora.
Speaker 1 (43:22):
Oh we weren't invited to that? Can you get u
some tickets? Yeah? Absolutely right. Well we are big fans
of Wayfair. I met with Wayfair like a year and
a half ago accidentally in like a foreign country. They
tell you that it was it in France. Yeah, I
just sat in on a meeting. It wasn't my meeting,
and I was like, you guys are wayfair. I was like,
oh dude, I bought like six things from you guys
and I showed them and then.
Speaker 5 (43:45):
I think that was my manager.
Speaker 1 (43:47):
Yeah, yeah, probably, but yeah, Goad you stopped by. Is
do we need to do anything else? I mean, I
don't know. I didn't know you're coming by. I was like,
just have her come in, and you happen to come
in while we're doing this.
Speaker 5 (43:55):
I appreciate it. Thanks for having me.
Speaker 1 (43:56):
Yeah, and anything you want to promote, like an artist
comes when your album come out, you have a new song, yeah,
I don't you want to not the Instagram and we
want to share none of that, Okay, all right, well
then I guess that's it. It's been really great.
Speaker 3 (44:12):
It was your chance. You could have done your venmo
that's true.
Speaker 1 (44:17):
Have we met before in Vegas?
Speaker 5 (44:20):
Yes, because everybody was in there.
Speaker 1 (44:24):
Angela ye, yes, And I felt like I was being
rushed because Ryan wanted to see you guys, and I
was like, yeah, and so in the hierarchy, Ryan up
here and then you know, you play pink, I'm down
a couple of notches, and so I went, that's that's
what it was. I'm not wrong about that.
Speaker 5 (44:46):
There was a lot going on.
Speaker 1 (44:47):
Yeah, and the Blue Man Group was in the room. Yes,
they were a meeting with you two. No, but they
were just there. I remember all this happening.
Speaker 2 (44:52):
Now, another guy you saw with the tattoos.
Speaker 1 (44:54):
Yeah, the lead singer, Papa Roach. Yeah, I remember that, dude. Yeah.
I don't think you was spokes a person of.
Speaker 2 (45:01):
Awayfair though, had the good snacks in there.
Speaker 1 (45:04):
People can touch them though you.
Speaker 2 (45:07):
Were eating them. Yeah, I shouldn't have, I know, but
sometimes I feel like that's when you're get in your
sugar moments. You're like, forget it.
Speaker 1 (45:13):
Oh yeah, I give it all up for sugar. I
give it all up. Well, thank you for coming by.
Speaker 5 (45:17):
Yeah, having me.
Speaker 1 (45:19):
I hope we're doing a good job. Hopefully we'll continue
to do a good job. Anything else we can do
let us know. I don't know. It's not a commercials
so I don't have anything to say, like, was this
fun promo code? Bobby?
Speaker 5 (45:28):
Yes, I was not expecting this at all.
Speaker 1 (45:30):
Send this to your bosses. We will tell them that
you forced you no this is what you do. Be like.
I showed up and I felt like we needed a
new strategy, so I said, hey, is there any way
you can get me on the podcast? Last year we
wait over one hundred million downloads this podcast. No lie
and say like and I said, do it or my
way or the highway? And we said okay, your way.
And then you came in and we told people to
go to Wayfair dot com and buy furniture.
Speaker 5 (45:55):
I love that.
Speaker 1 (45:55):
Great, but you have to cut this part off because
if you play them this part, then they'll know I'll
stop it.
Speaker 5 (46:00):
Stop the clip before I send it to it cool.
Speaker 2 (46:02):
Are there are any tips I've been looking for. I'm
doing a new podcast room and I'm looking for blackout curtains.
So I've been on Wayfair. But do you recommend because
there's so many there's, like you said, endless aisles. So
for me, I am all over the place and then
I get overwhelmed and I'm like, Okay, I'll come back
to this later. And so I guess probably what I
need to take the time to do is go fill
in the filters.
Speaker 5 (46:25):
Filters are huge. Okay, they are my best friend when
I'm shopping on the site know the dimensions of what
you need. I think that narrows it down a lot.
For like the size that you need, then you can
pick everything from color to how you're planning.
Speaker 2 (46:40):
Light filtration, Like I just need so I need to Okay,
So that's just what I have to do because every
personality is a little different, and for me, that's what
gets Like if I'm having a lot of options, is great,
but then I need to use the tools to help
near it down or I get then I have to
walk away and then I come back and I really
need to make a decision like acab.
Speaker 1 (46:57):
Yes, we met a guy in Vegas who gives out
two dollar our bills. He walks around just gives out
two dollar bills. Do you have like a stack of
Wayfair gift card just give to people when you meet
them and you're like, hey, how about this, you're all out.
I don't remember the guy. I remember that our bill.
Speaker 5 (47:13):
Oh yeah, no.
Speaker 2 (47:13):
My daughter remembers him because I think I brought her
a two dollar bill and anytime we go back to Vegas,
she's like, call, you get me another two dollars bill.
Speaker 5 (47:19):
That guy's there.
Speaker 1 (47:21):
What are you doing today for lunch? Like what's about
to happen.
Speaker 5 (47:23):
Now, I'm about to go get breakfast with.
Speaker 1 (47:27):
Breakfast we forget we wake up so long ago.
Speaker 3 (47:30):
It's dinner time for us.
Speaker 1 (47:32):
Yeah, we're about to go to bed for the night. Kelly,
thank you for coming in.
Speaker 2 (47:36):
Speaker 1 (47:36):
What's your official title?
Speaker 5 (47:38):
I am Head of Audio Marketing.
Speaker 1 (47:39):
Like that's where your card says head of Audio Marketing.
Speaker 2 (47:42):
Do you have a business card?
Speaker 5 (47:43):
Pay? Don't?
Speaker 2 (47:44):
We don't. We don't use it.
Speaker 1 (47:45):
Probably were you ever assistant to the head of audio marketing?
Speaker 2 (47:49):
Speaker 5 (47:49):
So we just started the audio marketing channel this year
at Wayfair. We hadn't been doing it prior. And the
first one to join the team.
Speaker 1 (47:59):
Wow, you are she discovered it, trailblazer. She should get
an award first audio head of Marketing and Wayfair history.
You'll be like Benjamin Franklin also born in Boston. Milk
Street now Milk Street. Okay, good to see kellys. Guys,
we're going to keep going, so don't feel weird when
we keep talking because we're just in the middle of it.
So we're just gonna keep going, all right, Thank you?
Speaker 4 (48:22):
Speaker 1 (48:23):
Was that fun? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (48:24):
Speaker 1 (48:25):
Yes? Or is that weird? Okay? Sometimes people walk out there, like,
I hated that I didn't. They tricked me into getting
on that on the show Me Too. I'm introverted to
until it's time to do this crap, and then I
come in and nail it.
Speaker 2 (48:37):
Speaker 1 (48:40):
Okay, so we were on neurovirus. See there's anything else
I wanted to get into that wayfair, they have so
much stuff. I understand what you're talking about, because there
could be. There's so much. They can be easy to
not want to pick because there's so much.
Speaker 2 (48:54):
I just to go through and do all of the like.
She was good that She's like, no, your measurements. But
then sometimes I like, I'll just measure later. But I
need to measure before know exactly what I want. No,
no measurements of my ceiling height.
Speaker 1 (49:07):
Six foot one, six foot one thirty two way size
eleven shoes.
Speaker 5 (49:13):
I have to get it.
Speaker 1 (49:13):
I have to get a new suit.
Speaker 3 (49:15):
Speaker 1 (49:16):
I can't tell you right now? Okay, Hey, if you
guys are watching, at what time is it? At eleven
thirty Central, we will be doing an announcement via cake.
Speaker 3 (49:25):
We're gonna stay on till eleven thirty.
Speaker 1 (49:27):
No, we have to have more stuff to do. I
have client Steff to do. I have a podcast interview
for a Yellowstone podcast I'm doing. We have a lot
of stuff to do. But eleven thirty on the Bobby
Bone Show YouTube channel. Go and subscribe, but we'll be
doing an announcement via Cake's awesome. You don't know what
it is.
Speaker 3 (49:42):
No, the fact that you're announcing something on a cake
is legit.
Speaker 1 (49:45):
I think it's gonna be my thing. I was telling
my wife that last night. I got an idea I'm
gonna do. I'm gonna do all announcements on cake.
Speaker 3 (49:50):
We're gonna get fat.
Speaker 1 (49:51):
And she was like, that's weird, but it is different,
and I was like, yeah, who does announcements on cake?
Like the reveal of the announcements always like flip up
the lip of the cake and here's the announcement. Oh,
eleven thirty Central on the Bobby Bone Show YouTube channel. Also,
our tickets are now on sale in Atlanta and Mobile
for the Raging Idiots and Matt Stell. That's not next week,
but it's the week after correct. Oh broken arm Eddie,
Oh brah, Yeah, I'll be there now. I gotta play
freaking guitar for both parts.
Speaker 3 (50:20):
You got this man, you want me to do the lead.
Speaker 1 (50:24):
Did we just switch it all up.
Speaker 3 (50:27):
All you do is play guitar, all right, that's it.
Speaker 1 (50:29):
Thank you guys, and we will see you tomorrow. Goodbye, everybody,