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November 8, 2024 30 mins

Interview with Tha Eastsidaz on The Bootleg Kev Podcast.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Jeez up this big tray e, Little Goldie Low and
we the East Siders check us out on the Bootleg
cav podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Before we start the episode, man, I got to remind
everybody that we are on the radio in eighty cities
every single day across the country. Man Real ninety two
to three every day Monday through Friday in Los Angeles,
Wild ninety four to one in Tampa, Kkfur and Phoenix.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
We're all over the place, Miami, Vegas. We can go
on and on.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
We want to give a shout out to our latest affiliate.
Shout out to Knoxville, Tennessee, Man Hot one oh four
point five for being the latest city to join the
Bootleg CAV Show network. All right, now, I don't ever
really talk about the radio show on the podcast, keep
them separate. But if you want to listen to the
radio show, you can click the link in the bio
for a list of all the cities you can listen
to at Yeah, that makes sense.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
Let's get to the interview, Yo.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
Bootlet cav Podcasts special guests in here, Man, Trey D
and Goldie Loke the East Side of It their backs
bo Leg. Hey Man, so y'all just dropped this new EP. Now,
is this the first body of work since like oh
one or y'all already put you guys have been putting
out some like INDEPENDENTI shit.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
But in terms of like being.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
Under like back with Snoop officially, like in terms of
like the paperwork and shit, like, is this like y'all's
first time like dropping with Snooping in that long well?

Speaker 1 (01:23):
When I touched down in twenty fourteen, I did like
ten and a half and I came home and we
got together and did a mix tape we did, matter
of fact, we did That's My Work Volume four with
Snoop Dogg. And we had dropped a single called get
You right off of There, did a video to it

and everything, and it was pretty well received, you know
what I'm saying. And we did our own thing, dropped
a few songs in the entrim. We always you know,
through shows with Dog and all that, for sure, you know,
we always in the mix. But like you said, when
we got in here, just having some brand new music
out there, just letting the people feel us and know
that we still you know, swag like that. That's a

that's a good feeling.

Speaker 2 (02:10):
Like I feel so old. I don't even talk about
hold y'all you When I was looking at the Spotify
because I like vividly remember going and buying the first album,
and that shit came out in the year two thousand,
I'm like, god, damn, yeah, yeah, like twenty four years
ago had some change.

Speaker 4 (02:30):
We brought the Millennium Man right though.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
And that was kind of like you guys were kind
of like what like I want to say, like kind
of kicked.

Speaker 3 (02:37):
Off like like Snoop as like a label owner.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
I felt like you guys were like kind of like
the first guys he was presenting as like this is
like my shit, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (02:46):
Yeah, yeah, it was us, and then the Doggies Age
Doggies Angels.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
Yeah yeah, I remember Doggi's Angels.

Speaker 4 (02:52):
Yeah yeah.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
They came up behind us, and then we dropped the
second one after them. We dropped a dud to trace
the old fashioned Yeah. I was working on our third one, and.

Speaker 3 (03:03):
Then you got locked up.

Speaker 5 (03:04):
Yeah damn. We did the movie movie. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
What do you guys remember about that time, like working
on that first album kind of knowing you I mean
at the time, I mean obviously your two thousand Snoops
fucking you know, on top of the world. The No
Limit shit's happening, you guys kind of be in the
face of his label, like what what what do you
remember about that era of like you guys working on
that first album.

Speaker 4 (03:25):
M hm.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
Ship you was bringing new gold, y'all. I feel that
I've been I've been diffite and dabbing on verse.

Speaker 4 (03:35):
You know I did with the dog Paan I fucked
with uh.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
You know because this was during the No Limit years,
right right after he had just dropped his No Limit last.

Speaker 4 (03:43):
The Last Meal.

Speaker 3 (03:44):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and.

Speaker 4 (03:48):
Yeah he came on after that.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
Yeah, and then we had the hood behind us, So
that really felt good because you know, we represent two
different different sets in the hood, so you know, to
have all home boys come together and start you know,
partying together and hanging out together, that was a big.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
Accomplishment for us.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
Yeah, you know, because you know, prior to that, it
was you know, just a lot of gun playing, you know,
conflict every time you know, the two sides met up anywhere.
So for us to bridge that gap, that was the
biggest part of the east side of this project.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
Was that, like something that you guys knew was important like,
was Snoop kind of the catalysts to say, hey, we
got to bring bring everybody together from Long Beach so
you guys can move to that like kind of together
in the same way. Or was it just like y'all
it just was already.

Speaker 4 (04:38):
Moving like that individuals, right, Yeah, you.

Speaker 6 (04:40):
Know what I'm saying, because Long Beach, you know, you know,
we all either related somehow anyway, you know what I
mean a little bit. Yeah, So so it just came
about about you know, us as individuals smashing for the
city a certain way, being stand up guys.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
You know, he probably had the foresight that that would
happen by bringing us together. Og me from my hood,
young homie from his hood.

Speaker 5 (05:10):
You know, just.

Speaker 7 (05:11):
That that divide right there, just bridging that divide was
you know, it was probably something he conceived that would
bring some healing about to the city, you know, because
he always been, you know, pushing about the city.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
He ain't never been no device in person or nothing
like that.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
Sure, I wondered so around the year two thousand, I'm
trying to put myself in a time machine here. The
fact you guys have an album out on Death Throw.
If you guys would have heard that in two thousand,
you guys have been like, that's fucking wild. Yeah, because
around that time, should drop the Chronic two thousand, right,
which no, no, he remember, should drop like the weird

Chronic two thousand.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
I don't remember that there was a guy on this
remember that?

Speaker 2 (05:56):
Do you guys remember there was a dude on that
album who sounded just like Snoop Dog when he wrapped.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
Top Dog, top Dog, he sounded just like the top Dog.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
So I like Sugar drop that album to kind of
like stop any momentum that Dre had for the Chronic
two thousand and one.

Speaker 4 (06:11):
Right, But it didn't.

Speaker 2 (06:13):
But I'm saying like that was like a real like
interesting time because at the time, obviously Snoop and Sugar
not seeing eye to eye. What was that like just
like kind of being around for that kind of because
that was like a very interesting time. Snoops obviously he
decided to go to No Limit. There's this weird Chronic
album that drops. Chronical two thousand one is about to drive.
I think it was out in two by two thousand,
I think it did drop. I think it dropped in

two thousand.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
Yeah, okay, okay, were ninety nine what was it fuzzy?

Speaker 4 (06:38):
It was.

Speaker 5 (06:39):
It was on out there in the streets.

Speaker 3 (06:41):
It was crazy.

Speaker 5 (06:41):
It was on. Yeah, it was on and popping yeah everywhere.

Speaker 1 (06:45):
Yeah, it was no telling what was gonna go down
when you know, when we interacted with different clicks and
cruise like that.

Speaker 4 (06:52):
But you know, we was pushing with dogs. So it
was whatever.

Speaker 2 (06:56):
You guys coming from the street side, and then there's
like the street side mixing with the wrap side.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
Yeah, it's label ship.

Speaker 1 (07:02):
Yeah, and you gotta stand on what you stand on
regardless because UK say, oh, there's just some rap ship
and handled that a different way than you would handle business.

Speaker 4 (07:12):
On the other side.

Speaker 1 (07:12):
So yeah, it was wild man, it was.

Speaker 4 (07:15):
It was. It was a very interesting time in hip hop.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
And now you guys have you have a death Row
chain on, you have a project. I guess it's crazy
how this guy bought death.

Speaker 4 (07:24):
Row right right, Yeah it is, it is.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
And now you can get death throw hard seltzers, you
could get death throw I mean there's the death Row
logo fucking everything.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
You need some death throw rims.

Speaker 1 (07:40):
I gotta see them with you. Yeah, that's crazy though,
that would be hard some some label rims.

Speaker 5 (07:52):

Speaker 4 (07:53):
Yeah, yeah, I knew.

Speaker 5 (07:55):
The ship was coming. Though I knew the ship was
gonna happen.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Yeah, now it's been up to see man, and I
just loved, like love to see like just like you know,
I have bought Doggy Style is the most important album
in my life. Time changed my life. So I have
like every piece of Doggy Style random. I got the jacket,
I got the bump box, I got boom box of
my garage and stuff. I got every fucking I got

every copy of the CD that ever was printed. It's
like that album, Like really, that's my bucket list interviews.
When I interviewed Stoop, I'm be like, man, I wouldn't
be here without you, buddy.

Speaker 4 (08:28):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
I got Doggy Style because you remember, back in the
day I used to get in the magazines, you would be.

Speaker 3 (08:33):
Able to order like fifteen CS for a penny.

Speaker 5 (08:35):
Yeah, I.

Speaker 4 (08:38):
Remember that.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
My grandma got Doggy Style on accident in the mail.
I was like five, and she gave it to me
because she was an old lady and she just saw
a cartoon on the front. And I learned that whole whoa.
And by the time my mom found out what I
was listening to, already knew the whole sit by her.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
She took it was too late.

Speaker 4 (08:56):
You beat on the table.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
To me, it's just there's doggy styllon and everything else.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
Right right, it would be too just getting familiar with
it at that impression of the skits like no.

Speaker 2 (09:09):
Man, the skits like are you being like you feel
like you was there? Yeah, beginning the murder was the case.

Speaker 5 (09:14):

Speaker 4 (09:15):

Speaker 1 (09:15):
You go back and listen to all Doctor Droit productions.
Though he's one of the masters of skits, he always
inject you know, some humor or some you know.

Speaker 3 (09:27):
Skits on albums.

Speaker 4 (09:28):
I feel like scratching, yeah.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
You know what I mean, and the DJ the call
and response with the you know, the back and forth
you say something when you leave a word out and
the DJ filling in with the scratching the something. Yes,
it's yes. Hip hop is going in a whole different direction.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
Talk about this new project still Easte.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
How long were you guys working on it, these songs,
like is it a mixture of older stuff you guys
had or is this all new stuff you got?

Speaker 5 (09:51):

Speaker 2 (09:52):
All what inspired it to be? Like time to finally
like let's let's let's do ep, let's get together let's
make some ship. Mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
Well, we had been in there with him. We had
been in we had been in the lab with him
a couple of times planning on dropping some in side
of ship. But you know, scheduling is always a motherfucker.
Then when you're dealing with the largest president hip hop,
you know what I mean. You know, it's hard to
lock him down for a particular time to get get

it done. But he let us know after he was
producing the Dog Pounds album, he was like, you know,
I'm only gonna have this window, man, and I need
y'all to you know, give me something, you know, so
we can get together and you know, do some world
tours and ship next year, you know, and all that
with the family, you know, the Doghouse, dog Pound Family,
death Row.

Speaker 4 (10:46):
And I think we put this together in about about
ten days.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
Well I was about to say that the Dog Pound
album just dropped recently. Yeah, yeah, so you guys really
cook this thing up.

Speaker 4 (10:58):
Oh yeah. We fell in there when right.

Speaker 6 (11:00):
The work we was already kind of working on it,
you know what I mean, And we came back to
missed him up.

Speaker 5 (11:04):

Speaker 1 (11:05):
Yeah, we had with just want going down the song
with Battle cat We had did that already, but we
hadn't spearheaded it for no particular project.

Speaker 4 (11:16):
Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (11:17):
It was something that we was going to add to
the catalog of things we was doing in there and
build something from there.

Speaker 6 (11:23):
But in the midst of help us with the NFT
music and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2 (11:27):
What's it like working with the October guy October London
is like I feel like I always tell people like
Snoop got this guy. He sounds like he's from like
fucking nineteen seventy nine, Like he's.

Speaker 3 (11:37):
Making real R and B.

Speaker 2 (11:39):
Yeah, like he's making like real dope R and B music.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
It's like been missing bad man.

Speaker 4 (11:45):
Yeah, he's cold, Yeah, bad man.

Speaker 5 (11:48):
He shout out to him.

Speaker 4 (11:49):
He knocked that. He knocked that.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
Uh, he knocked that hook out, Like he knocked that
chorus out just like in ten minutes, you know what
I mean. He felt the song and he went there
and laid the chorus down. And in the midst of
us recording, I think we did like about like three
or four songs one day. I think Goldie did four.
I did three because Goldie had he had it was

a verse. I think he had to do gangster fide,
so he had to get back on there. So we
was just recording one day, just back to back, and
he slid that track to London and London hit us
back with that and it was just go yeah, you.

Speaker 5 (12:25):
Know, it was go.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
I wonder you guys had Mob Deep on your second project?
What was it like, because around that time, it's like,
oh one, so, I mean the East Coast West Cooast
Ship's kind of over with at that point in time.
Whose idea was it to work with Mob Deep? And
you know, obviously Prodigy rest in peace to him, one
of the goats.

Speaker 5 (12:43):
I thought that was dope.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
That was Snoop Dogg's idea, and we had did We
did a song called dal Sheldon I Kill with with
Mob Deep when they was doing murder music I did.
I was out there with dog and you know, I
wrote a verse and he was like you was like,
what's you're getting on the cut? I'm like, hell, yeah,
I'm getting on it. I'm welcome. So he was like, man,
drop your ship. He's like me, He's like, man, drop

that ship. So we had a relationship.

Speaker 3 (13:10):
So you was already in the studio with Prodigy.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
Yeah, I've been in that studio win before and then
I got him on my one of my subsequent albums
on a song called General salute Me.

Speaker 3 (13:18):
You guys hard.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
So we had that report and then I guess Dog
wanted to give us some East Coast flavor on the
second album as well, because it was straight West on.

Speaker 4 (13:29):
The first one.

Speaker 1 (13:30):
And that's that's that was a group that he called on.
We was in the studio, uh Premiere DJ Premier came through.

Speaker 4 (13:38):
I think we did. Did we do a song with
a little more that night too? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (13:42):
Yeah, so we was I don't forget what studio we
was in.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
I always feel like Snooper was like kind of like
the guy who was like pretty level headed throughout all
that because he had a lot of like love for
the East Coast and like had a lot of relationships
with a lot of those artists and so and and
like you said, like getting that had to be crazy
just working with Prodigy and.

Speaker 6 (14:02):
We was moving and ship like yeah, we was really
moving around with Snoop as well like that to building relationships.

Speaker 5 (14:09):
Yeah yeah, And it just came about you.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
Guys have a lot of music with Nate who I
feel like we still haven't necessary I mean, there's been
artists who have come that have had like their grips
on being the hook guy in hip hop type dollar
Sign or a Conti paint, et cetera. I just feel
like they've never been the same since Nate passed away.
His son is really dope to in Hell's Dope and
sounds very But what can you tell me, because you

guys do have a lot of records with Nate. What
was it like just working with him?

Speaker 3 (14:38):
Was it? And what was his writing process like?

Speaker 4 (14:41):
M mmmm?

Speaker 5 (14:46):
What Nate?

Speaker 1 (14:47):
Nate added his own essence to the song. He didn't
really he directed songs more or less. He you know,
he was when he laid the hook. You was just
expected to follow what he late. He wouldn't come in
and be like, so, what we're talking about today?

Speaker 5 (15:03):
Or you know?

Speaker 4 (15:04):
Was it?

Speaker 1 (15:05):
He would feel the track like most of us do,
and he would just do his thing, and everybody had
just follow suit because you know, when they.

Speaker 4 (15:12):
Get on the track, it's pretty much a rap. So
it was always a pleasure.

Speaker 5 (15:17):

Speaker 1 (15:17):
I worked with him at his house, work with him
different studios. I was on I was on his U
his first time a g Folk Classics volume.

Speaker 4 (15:25):
One The Bag of weeds.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
So you know, I've been out of been out to
his people house with him and Clarksdale, Mississippi a couple
of times. So Nate was a good friend of mine
as well as a colleague appear you know, DPGC member.

Speaker 4 (15:39):
He was dope, man. He was just dope all around.
And he wasn't no joke.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
What was it like like because I feel like we
didn't see a lot of like Nate Dogg interviews because
he was kind of like he kind of felt like
an introvert a little bit he did. He wasn't out
there like everybody else.

Speaker 4 (15:53):
Right, right, but he knew he was a bad motherfucker.
That's what he did.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
Was there anything about like him that you think people
didn't really know about like because he seemed like you know,
we just I feel like I always saw the music videos,
didn't see a lot of interviews with him and ship
like he always felt like he was playing the cut.

Speaker 4 (16:07):
You know. It was just a solid dude. Man.

Speaker 1 (16:10):
He was a gangster in his hard you know, he
wasn't gonna let nobody playing play with him.

Speaker 4 (16:16):
You know, he loved women.

Speaker 1 (16:18):
You know you're getting you getting the limo with Nate
and it be eight women in there like these all mine, damn,
you know, so you know that's you know, they was
a player to the heart.

Speaker 4 (16:31):

Speaker 3 (16:31):
I don't even know biagra back then. They don't have
to be off that.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
It was that Brown, was that Jack? Yeah, he asked
him here to see. That's all some weed. That's it.
That's all the bus for you go.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
I'm curious when he ends up going to jail for
for as long as he was in prison for ten
and a half years. Like you said, where did like
did you kind of feel like ship because you guys
are moving together. You guys are known as the East Side.
It's like, how did you kind of maneuver it through
out that time of him being gone? And and like
did you ever lose any sort of motivation to do
the music full time or not?

Speaker 5 (17:07):

Speaker 6 (17:08):
It just just kept moving, you know, just keeping the
brand alive and you know, getting the merchandise going, and
you know, just start start doing different things, you know,
you know, and just and just getting some time out,
you know what I mean, to reflect on everything, and
you know, and just keeping that thing moving as much
as I can social wise, you know what I'm saying,

And just and just trying to keep everything moving.

Speaker 5 (17:32):
You know, I still stayed active with Snoop. We did
the war.

Speaker 6 (17:35):
Zone project m C A Cam you know what I'm saying.
Then I did an overseas joint with the dubstep music
so we just do steps.

Speaker 5 (17:43):

Speaker 6 (17:43):
I did a whole project with what you know what
I mean, soot shit.

Speaker 4 (17:47):

Speaker 5 (17:48):
Man, they call dog and say, Man, that dude Goldie Man.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
We needing you're rapping over dubsteck.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
Man. I did a whole project.

Speaker 3 (17:54):
Hey did you have Did you go toward that kind
of shit overseas? I should have because they are.

Speaker 5 (17:58):
Still and still probably they waiting on me right now.

Speaker 3 (18:01):
You go over there.

Speaker 6 (18:05):
Wild yeah, man, But you know, to stay doing all
kinds of different things to stay motivated, you know what
I mean, and and wait for da touchdown so we could.

Speaker 4 (18:14):
Do what we do, are you? I mean?

Speaker 2 (18:17):
Obviously, I feel like we're in this kind of dope
moment of West Coast music where we just got you know,
Kendrick Calmars got the biggest song of the year, Tyler,
the creators got the number one song in the country.
You guys just dropped Dog Pound, just drop Why g
dropped this year? We uh we have this missionary album

coming out that's huge, which is gonna be big. I'm
just curious, like, how excited are you guys for everybody
to like finally hear this missionary album because I know
that Snoop had a listening session like last week of
the week before. I wasn't in town, but I'm hearing
it's amazing. Do you like if y'all feel like this
is like it's back in La now like that all

over again?

Speaker 5 (19:00):
What it feels like to me all over again?

Speaker 4 (19:03):
Yeah, Very invited me to up there to hear the album.

Speaker 1 (19:06):
I saw him at the Olympics when they did the
closing ceremonial Long Beach, so he told me come put
my ear on it, and uh yeah, he went. He
went there sonically, you know what I mean. And it's
a it's a diverse project. It's a mature project, you know.
And you know Dre is always evolving as a producer,

so Dog trusted him to give him the soundscape of
what where he's seen him at musically, and I.

Speaker 4 (19:37):
Think it worked for sure. I think it worked for
both of them. You know. Yo.

Speaker 2 (19:41):
Uh Trady, I wanted to ask you because you've had
like your You're like, how much fans do you have
to come up to you in public that only know
you from your interviews because you're like your lad interviews
go pretty crazy, right right, So like there's probably people
who just come up to you because they saw you
like talk online, Like is that like a new thing

for you to like have, like this whole other fan
base that might not necessarily be hip to the East sides.

Speaker 1 (20:08):
I see, I encountered different people here and there would
who would say that, like, you know, and I know
that's where they know me from because you can look
at them and tell they don't listen to the East
side of the caster wrap.

Speaker 4 (20:21):
Well you know you could, you could, you know.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Guess that they probably wouldn't. And you know, it's good,
you know, it's good that people appreciate my perspective on things,
me being who I am, because you know, I don't
try to be politically correct or know it all or
nothing like that. You know, I just speak from the
heart about different things that we discuss. And you know,

we had we had a pretty good run, you know,
four or five years sitting up you know, discussing the
latest and things like that. So I think that helped
people get to know my personality, know as outside of
just music, outside of my bars.

Speaker 4 (21:04):
So it helped. It worked.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
And you know, I'm not really out there like that
in the streets moving around for a lot of people
to see me and and and approach me. You know,
I really just come out when it's time to make
a move or get some dough.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
You also, I follow you, I've been following you for
some years on Instagram. And you work out a lot,
You'll be fucking jacked, like doing the fucking prison workouts
in the backyard and ship dog like that should be
having me motivated.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
I like, I'm like, damn trading. I don't know how
old you are, but you know I'm thirty seven.

Speaker 2 (21:37):
But I'm like, man, if Trady could be out here
fucking getting it in looking like a goddamn rock, I
need to figure my ship out. Are you Are you
with him on the fitness or are you slap?

Speaker 3 (21:48):
Do you slip it?

Speaker 5 (21:50):

Speaker 3 (21:50):
Okay, so you work out too here and there, here
and there, but not like him.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
I just move around because this guy he's doing get
his burpy's in the programs, and.

Speaker 5 (22:02):
I want you not getting my curlan. I do certain
things here and there when I feel I got to
tighten them up, you know what I mean? He stay
on it though. You know I used to be on
that ship too all the time. My brother.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Yeah, I seen the dumb bells and the man came,
you know, came out still sucking around.

Speaker 5 (22:18):
Don't get it to it. We still pushing that line.

Speaker 2 (22:23):
I do feel like there are a few guys like
in like the landscape of West Coast history who get
a little slept on, and I think Cocaine's one of them.
Butch Cassidy is one of them. But Cassidy is on
the new project. I think he's I mean he's been
on some just classics, especially with Snoop. Uh what was
it like kind of getting back with him and making
sure he was he was included on the new EP.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
We were all in the studio recording and he was
doing his solo project then and.

Speaker 4 (22:51):
Snoop was playing us some tracks.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
And had you left that day, Godie, or was you
still there?

Speaker 5 (22:57):
I was still there working on but you had to
I think.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
You had to go ahead.

Speaker 5 (23:02):
It was it was his birthday party exactly.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
So Snoop played that track that gangs the fire track,
and I just seen Butch Cassidy walk out the room
and go back to his session, and I was like,
he has to get on this song, right if I'm
fucking with this track?

Speaker 4 (23:23):
And I am. I'm like, no, we.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
Got what studio in in the starship, but come on
down here. I said, yeah, you know, tired of the
track gangs to five man, do your thing?

Speaker 3 (23:36):
What you want?

Speaker 4 (23:37):
He did his thing.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
That's that's that's like that and uh that I told
Anne this song, it's just the vibe of those songs
kind of like, you know, take me there.

Speaker 4 (23:50):
So it was dope me.

Speaker 6 (23:52):
But you know he cousins when they dog, they come
from the same church. Yeah, oh crazy, Yeah, yeah, they
come from the same first cousin.

Speaker 5 (24:01):

Speaker 2 (24:01):
How fun was it shooting the I Love It music video?
Because that is one of the like that's a legendary video,
y'all like that.

Speaker 3 (24:13):
How fun was that day?

Speaker 4 (24:16):
Man? I don't even know when I caught up with you.

Speaker 1 (24:20):
I think I I think I came. I think I
came with a couple of homies and we parked on
the other side and we were just seeing all that
activity and everything.

Speaker 4 (24:27):
It was a little bit late, but you know, he
had Gary.

Speaker 3 (24:30):
Coleman resting that video was crazy.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
Yeah, he was doing all these different characters and ship
and that's when I found out I couldn't run fifty
yards for.

Speaker 3 (24:41):
Me with the that's funny right here.

Speaker 4 (24:45):
And when I spinned bringing back there. So yeah, we
had a ball though. Man.

Speaker 1 (24:49):
It was just just just having you know, the comedic
side of everything and then you know, having such a
good song, a feel good song, a feel good video
with it. I think they helped prepare us to when
we went, you know, double platinum.

Speaker 5 (25:06):
Great record.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
Yeah, that's biggest, bigger than.

Speaker 4 (25:10):
I think that was the big I think that was
the big big.

Speaker 3 (25:13):

Speaker 2 (25:14):
I want to get your guys' take because we have
like where I feel like sometimes when we think about
West Coast hip hop, we always kind of forget to
include Tyler the creator in those conversations. And he's like
a part of this like new generation of kids who
grew up in LA but don't necessarily sound like traditional
West Coast gangster rap. I just wonder, like, what are

your guys take on a guy like Tyler who's fuck man.
When it's all said and done, he you know, he
might be on that Mount Rushmore next to like Snoop
and Cube and those guys, Like, what do you guys
think about Tyler? Like, are you guys vans? You guys ever?

Speaker 3 (25:47):
Like you know, you know, not folks would.

Speaker 1 (25:55):
New music. I gravitate to the or prominent songs that's
out there.

Speaker 4 (26:03):
You know.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
And I'm not really regional in my taste of music.

Speaker 4 (26:08):
You know.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
I bumped some South shit, I bumped East Coast shit,
I bump all ship all that shit. So as far
as being into Tyler Creator as an artist, I'm very
aware of who he is, but his music. I haven't
locked in on him as an artist to be able
to even critique, right, you know that. Yeah, I'm gonna

be honest. You know, I ain't gonna sit there and
act like you know, oh yeah, I'm not gonna do that.

Speaker 2 (26:36):
There was this list that came out that beat out
Did he Broke Down? Like the top ten West Coast
albums of all time? And I think number one, I
forget who he had is number one? Was it the
chronic he had the Chronics number one? Doggy Styles number two.
I think I did my own and I put Doggy
Styles number one because I think it's just like again,

doggy Style and everything else. It's really like for me
for like with that with everything you know? Uh, but
what what? What are your guys' top three West Coast
albums each of y'all all time?

Speaker 5 (27:12):
Mm hmm on you get your trade off. I'm thinking.

Speaker 4 (27:19):
West costs all time? Definitely the chronic America's most wanted
and all lies on me.

Speaker 5 (27:32):
I respect it.

Speaker 3 (27:33):
No, doggy style.

Speaker 4 (27:37):
The chronic interesting?

Speaker 3 (27:39):
No, no, no, you picture three now your.

Speaker 5 (27:41):
Chron chronic for show n W A which album?

Speaker 4 (27:49):
Which one.

Speaker 2 (27:51):

Speaker 5 (27:51):
All that ship to be? I grew up on all
that stuff. But man and yeah and damn man, and.

Speaker 3 (28:05):
Just say doggy style. It's doggy style. What are we
doing here again? Dogtown?

Speaker 5 (28:11):
Yeah, Doggystown. Gotta go with Dogistyle, all right.

Speaker 2 (28:16):
I respect the America's most Wanted choice. I put that
certificate over America's Most Wanted. But I understand why America's
most wanted is your pick. It's a great album. Class right,
went to the East Coast. Work with those producers, changed
up all kind of shit.

Speaker 4 (28:28):
Yeah, I mean you broadened the sound.

Speaker 1 (28:29):
When you take the sound somewhere, it's like what you
did with deuces and trays, you know what I mean.
We showed that we were beyond just three local act
you know what I mean, And we could trade boards
with Prodigy and you know Sister that caliber, you know,
Havoc and things like that. So you know the elevation

and the evolution that always impresses me and music and originality.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
We're in a great time because ice Cube just dropped,
Snoops dropping, you guys just dropped.

Speaker 3 (29:00):
We got a new Dog Pound album this year.

Speaker 2 (29:03):
Uh exhibit exhibit exhibits on the way or just dropped. Okay,
shout out to X. It just feels like the West
Coast is back two their.

Speaker 5 (29:13):
Back two thousand all over again.

Speaker 3 (29:15):
Boy, y'all got.

Speaker 2 (29:15):
To do a new Cali is Active, like twenty twenty
four with a new video, because think about it the
old like were you locked up when Kelly's Active came out?
You saw the music video, it was like everybody in
their mom from LA was in that mother except you obviously.
But but twenty twenty four, let's plant that seeding Snoop's head,

like Yo is.

Speaker 5 (29:37):
Coming twenty twenty four, but give me a knapkin, but
it's coming.

Speaker 3 (29:41):
And it was kind of shitting here trendy ac and you're.

Speaker 5 (29:43):
About to see it.

Speaker 6 (29:44):
Uh in the in the shows too, like the concerts
and stuff were pulling it all all the way around.

Speaker 5 (29:49):
I'm assuming.

Speaker 2 (29:50):
Yeah, I mean, look y'all man snooping on the road
so much doing this thing. Well, look, I appreciate y'all.
The new EP is out right now, go say East
still East? Uh? Any videos on the way? I know
you guys already three? I just watched one today. So
is there anything that isn't out yet? Do you guys
already shot?

Speaker 4 (30:11):

Speaker 1 (30:12):
No, we we pretty much just dropped everything as a
you know, as a package deal.

Speaker 4 (30:17):
Were back.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
Here go three videos, Here go to EP. You know,
wait on the whole thing because it's coming.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
There it is, you know, he said, I appreciate you.

Speaker 4 (30:26):
Ill appreciate you.
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