Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Yo, what up is Boso south Side logo? Check me
out on the Butlet cav show Man.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Before we start the episode, man, I gotta remind everybody
that we are on the radio in eighty cities every
single day across the country. Man Real ninety two to
three every day Monday through Friday in Los Angeles, Wild
ninety four to one in Tampa, KKFI, and Phoenix. We're
all over the place, Miami Vegas. We can go on
and on. I want to give a shout out to
our latest affiliate. Shout out to Knoxville, Tennessee, Man Hot
one oh four point five for being the latest city
to join the bootleg cav Show network. All right, now,
I don't ever really talk about the radio show on
the podcast, keep them separate. But if you want to
listen to the radio show, you can click the link
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Speaker 3 (00:45):
Let's get to the interview, Yo, Boutlet Cavs show Man.
Speaker 2 (00:50):
We in here bout Let CALV Podcasts got the hommie Bozo.
Speaker 3 (00:54):
I'm gonna let you introduce your boy you brought.
Speaker 2 (00:55):
To Benji rowing been the motherfucking mixed dope.
Speaker 4 (00:58):
Al Right, what up man, Benzi six Man? You produce, Yeah,
I produce making beats?
Speaker 2 (01:04):
Yeah nice? Uh bozo, last time I seen you so
much been going on? Yeah, you signed with with the
homies from OTRs out to Solace. Yeah for sure.
Speaker 3 (01:15):
What made you want to link up with with Solace
and those guys over there? Obviously they've been killing it.
Speaker 2 (01:21):
Speaker 1 (01:21):
Well that's the thing, right, Like, when you're in the
business as long as I've been, like, you tend to
see what's lacking in what and what's not you know
what I'm saying. And I seen them the way that
the team moves, you know, Like I seen the how
they did a rollout for Lefty, for Chitas and those artists,
and I was impressed by that ship Like.
Speaker 2 (01:39):
For sure, Yeah, No, they have like a whole pr
person everything. Yeah, when we have meetings, there's a couple
of Caucasian men and a couple of Jews and you
know what.
Speaker 3 (01:50):
I'm saying, I mean, and it's like it's a good mix.
Speaker 2 (01:53):
You're like yeah, You're like, I'm like yeah, these yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
because everything comes out at that pointing from analytics to
numbers and all that shits on point you know what
I'm saying. For sure, I mean, because you've been like
independent for a long time, right, Yeah, so it's still
like you're still independent because it's not an independent label.
But like, was there like something you notice, like just
in the short amount of time that you're like, oh shit,
like I don't have to do everything anymore.
Speaker 1 (02:19):
Yeah, it's very easy because I came in with my
own resources and my own resume for what's you know,
for lack of better words, So it was easy for
me to match that with soul lists because he at
the same time was making a lot of plays and
together we're able to make better plays for me, you
know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (02:37):
So, but definitely, yeah, it was dope dog because.
Speaker 1 (02:42):
I was that like I've been around a lot of
my to say, for lack of better words, like my
rap heroes dog lately because of these guys, you know
what I mean, guys that like to me, hip Boy's
always been one.
Speaker 2 (02:54):
Of my favorite producers.
Speaker 1 (02:55):
Sure, so to be able to sit in the studio
with him and chop up with him and pick his
brain and his dad too, you know.
Speaker 3 (03:03):
H recipes free free of Jesus.
Speaker 1 (03:07):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so yeah free big hit though. Yeah,
so that ship was pretty big for me just as
a fan of hip hop.
Speaker 3 (03:13):
You feel me?
Speaker 2 (03:14):
Yeah, not for sure. Now that's fucking did you were
able to work with? No?
Speaker 1 (03:18):
No, no, Yeah, I'm trying to ship, you're you know, yeah,
I'm trying to wiggle some.
Speaker 3 (03:21):
But yeah, I'm trying to get some.
Speaker 2 (03:24):
I know.
Speaker 3 (03:24):
Left he's been working with them.
Speaker 2 (03:25):
Yeah yeahah, they got like three epis and then I know,
uh so it's problem problems yeah, Left they got an
ep too. Well.
Speaker 3 (03:32):
The record you guys just dropped is going crazy. Yeah,
it's just doing good.
Speaker 2 (03:35):
Speaker 3 (03:35):
We did that with Hitter. Yeah and yass. The video
yeah don't.
Speaker 2 (03:40):
Video is doing numbers. Dud.
Speaker 1 (03:41):
Well, you know it's one of them good for the
culture type of records, you know what I'm saying. Right then,
we kind of knew, like, you know, those are dudes
that those are real dudes, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (03:50):
From the streets.
Speaker 1 (03:50):
They got loyal fan base. They're like hit us real
I think he oh yeah, hit Us on.
Speaker 2 (03:55):
Kendricks new album.
Speaker 3 (03:56):
He's you know yeah, he's on yeah him man, Lefty.
Speaker 2 (03:59):
So that's you know what I'm saying to do something
for the culture, like genuine you know what I mean?
Speaker 3 (04:03):
For sure, show love, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (04:05):
There's a lot of you know, online, there's a lot
of instigators and you know, people trying to instigate black
and brown beef, but on some real shit on the streets,
on the blocks, like it's all love right now, you
know what I mean?
Speaker 3 (04:15):
Yeah, I mean I feel like too.
Speaker 2 (04:17):
It's almost like, you know, you hear people say like,
obviously I wouldn't know about this, but I've heard like,
you're in county jail, things are one way.
Speaker 3 (04:24):
Then you go to the pen things are a different way.
Speaker 2 (04:25):
So people you might have been fighting with the county jail,
you're not gonna fight within the pen. So if you
get out, at least in LA, you know, a certain
amount of the politics, you're kind of recess. Shit.
Speaker 3 (04:35):
That shit, that shit.
Speaker 1 (04:36):
It's the same thing when you go visit the in
laws and when you're with your parents, right, you know,
different politics, different territory, filming, So I mean, you can't
really take that shit personal dog to me, it's just business.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
Do you feel like there has been like a progress
made in terms? Because when I see like left you
working with like Jeremiah and him Boy and like shit
like that, and like even like you work with like
Benny the Butcher, do you feel like I mean, obviously
Bennie's not from the West Coast, but do you feel
like the tensions because I feel like a few years
ago when Tiger did the what was that song he
did where people were saying the video was like raied fuck,
was you know.
Speaker 3 (05:10):
What I'm talking about?
Speaker 4 (05:12):
Speaker 1 (05:12):
No, no, no, no, not go anyway the video where
he was like yeah like kamba, Yeah, I feel like
it was a goofy ass video.
Speaker 3 (05:21):
It was for sure you know what I'm saying, no
matter his intent, you know.
Speaker 2 (05:25):
But I you know, I remember at that time it
felt like there was like a lot of flames getting
kicked up in terms of like some of the old
tension tensions in LA.
Speaker 3 (05:36):
Yeah, do you feel like that's kind of lightened? Well?
Speaker 1 (05:38):
I think that our emergence, like our genre, working with
so many black artists has made better relations because now
it's visual that like the youth is seeing us fuck
with them, you know what I'm saying, and it's really
on their and their face a lot more so, it's
not foreign you know what I mean, to see black
and brown men breaking bread.
Speaker 2 (05:57):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (05:58):
Now, it's before to us, like before YouTube and.
Speaker 1 (06:01):
Ship and it was it was really uncommon, you know
what I mean, right, but now televised and having so
much reach and it making so much noise. Like as Latinos,
we've always been big fans of hip hop. You know,
our rap gods have always been black men, you know
what I'm saying. So it's not really hard for you to, like,
how should you say, man, build relationship with your idols?
You feel what I'm saying, once you get into this game,
like like Friz, like you said, with Lefty, Lefty has
a lot of you know, we got to give him
a lot of credit for him.
Speaker 3 (06:29):
I mean he's on the camera, yeah, him in pay So.
Speaker 1 (06:33):
Honestly, dog Like, that was a real problem moment for me,
you know, as being this game for a long time,
I don't really have a relationship with pay So, but
with Lefty I do. And to me it was like, damn, Like,
I'm gonna.
Speaker 3 (06:45):
Be real with you.
Speaker 1 (06:45):
I never thought I the day that that type of move,
that magnitude would happen, you know, And then the way
that it happened, you know. Usually you know, the only
way the homies are getting those type of records is
that they got.
Speaker 3 (06:56):
To pay right.
Speaker 2 (06:57):
I mean, I thought it was just dope too, because
it was like.
Speaker 3 (06:59):
We just woke up the album was here.
Speaker 1 (07:01):
Yeah, and then if it wasn't for lefties, ass like
leaky a little bit. Yeah, he definitely he left some
like I knew, we knew, but we weren't saying nothing.
I'm looking at this for one interviews and I'm like,
oh my god.
Speaker 2 (07:15):
If you go fuck this off for yourself, right, you
know what I'm saying. But I thought it was upe
like just for Kendrick to like even you know. I
feel like when it comes to like the streets like
pay so and left, he got it saying and like
to put them on to give them the opportunity. I
don't know if we've seen an artist of that stature
really like put on for Mexican rappers in such a
big numb way like that, like TV Office the number
two songs last week. This week it's the number one
non Christmas song in the country because Christmas music just
fucked up the Billboard chartist.
Speaker 1 (07:47):
Well, it's the most it's the most look like people
are criticizing the amount of his verse or whatever you
want to call it, right, and it's like dog look viral,
that's about to say, like for what it's worth, Like
it's the most commercial thing on the album.
Speaker 3 (08:03):
You know what I'm saying. People are yeah, tiktoks.
Speaker 1 (08:06):
And and you know, on the streets, like it's it's
a chant that people are saying out of pride, you
know what I'm saying for the culture, Like we're saying
that those are the moves I was trying to make
with Benny, you know, but Kendrick's on a you know,
different level, you know what I'm saying. But yeah, you're right,
like that's a that's a big move, Dog, And you know,
I don't know, I think that a lot of people
are are in their words, a lot of people that
underestimated Lefty and you know, thought he was just a
viral like you know, weird guy or whatever the fuck,
you know what I'm saying, or having to to broaden
their mind as far as like the talent and what
it requires to be in this hip hop game, Like
it's all it's not all about textbook rap dog, you know,
it's more about like essence. It's more about charisma, it's
more about like vibe that you can bring to the table.
You know what I'm saying, there's more than because there's
a lot of textbook rappers that are saying in basements
right now. You know, they could spit bars for days,
you know what I mean. Yeah, they work, you know, yeah, exactly,
you know what I'm saying. And as MC's they're amazing.
But there's you know, there's charisma lacking, and there's that
sauce lacking.
Speaker 2 (09:13):
Yeah, you gotta have at the end of the day,
there has to be some sort of like appeal to
you outside.
Speaker 3 (09:18):
Of Yeah, and that could be that could be you.
Speaker 2 (09:21):
Know, and there are or there's there are some artists.
Speaker 3 (09:23):
Who are just so good at what they do.
Speaker 2 (09:24):
Yeah that like, like, to me, Kendrick is so like
he's like a recluse. Yeah, Like we don't want to
see him in the media much. He just comes and
goes as he pleases. But it's because he's fucking Kendrick. Yeah,
but he also came from a different generation.
Speaker 1 (09:38):
He has a lot going on for sure, you know,
Like I think that he's carrying a culture on his
shoulders and that's hard.
Speaker 2 (09:43):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (09:44):
That has to be something that you have to take
on with a lot of responsibility, like some that you
really have to train for.
Speaker 2 (09:51):
I would think as a man, you know what I'm saying,
I'm curious for you, Like I wonder your thoughts because
I feel like sometimes when we talk about Mexican rappers,
because I mean, if we're really talking about like the biggest,
it's it's O g Z. Right, sure, but I feel like,
Oh j Z isn't like a gang banger.
Speaker 3 (10:07):
Yeah, So like I feel like.
Speaker 2 (10:08):
Sometimes like like he's overlooked when we talk about like yo,
like oh Jeesez is the biggest Mexican rapper, it's like
him and then that Mexican Oti, Like it's those two guys.
Speaker 3 (10:19):
You know what I'm saying In.
Speaker 2 (10:19):
Terms of numbers, Like I don't even think it's a
discussion at this point, but like I think O g
Z too just Shortlin Mafia and like their influence on
all this LA shit is crazy.
Speaker 1 (10:30):
Well, I think Oh Jesus is bigger than the culture.
I mean, like us, that's what I saw. You feel
me like he's he's he's just big dog like and yeah,
he's that fool.
Speaker 2 (10:39):
He's a beast. He's a monster. You know what I'm saying. Sure,
anything that he touched is gonna go.
Speaker 1 (10:42):
But I think that just shows that certain artists can
be put in a box, you feel what I'm saying,
And that and that's the greatness.
Speaker 2 (10:50):
He broke out of the quote unquote Mexican from the rip.
Speaker 1 (10:53):
I remember when I first saw him, I thought he
was just some cool white kid from like Malible, Venice area,
you feel me? And I was like, Okay, this fly,
you know what I'm saying, And it was dope. And
then to hear like, you know, but but quite as kep,
like you know, oh Jesuz fucks with us, you feel
I'm saying. Sure, so he with the homie. So he's
always a bro and like regardless, you know.
Speaker 2 (11:12):
Even like uh Ot Mexicano t opened up on tour
for him, yeah two years ago.
Speaker 1 (11:17):
You know that fool's hard too, man, super hard Mexicano tea.
He's he's an artist for real, you know what I'm saying.
Like he's one of them guys man that that man
like they're like they say, diamonds in the rough, you
feel me, foods that if they don't come up with
the right opportunity or blessing for what it's worth, you know, yeah, fuck,
just get overlooked. But he's gonna be around a long time.
Speaker 2 (11:39):
Yeah you could tell. I saw a kid like I
was on a few of his tour stops and he's
got like eight year olds, Yeah, buying like couple of
books and toys.
Speaker 3 (11:47):
Well he's animated. Yeah, for sure he's not.
Speaker 1 (11:49):
He's not giving a fuck about critique or or anypication.
Speaker 3 (11:54):
Yeah, he's talented as Yeah. Yeah, I saw my shape
for five he was while out on that bitch.
Speaker 2 (11:58):
I was like that, that's dope. So your first album
with OTR is it finished? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (12:05):
I already dropped on with OTR. So so when I
did my.
Speaker 2 (12:07):
Deal, I came with you know, I already came to
the body.
Speaker 3 (12:09):
I did an independent move.
Speaker 1 (12:11):
You know what I'm saying, Like, how you show up
like I got an album ready, album ready, my home
videos all this ship. I just need a machine behind
and I need major record label distribution.
Speaker 2 (12:19):
You know.
Speaker 1 (12:19):
So when you first came, you already had the video
show everything everything. So I came in so it's like
run it. We did that and dropped Necessary Evil. I
think I dropped like two months ago, and then now
me and him did a whole album together. I think
it was like six weeks. We did thirteen songs. I
just funck with his energy, his vibe, his production. Like
I said before, he's one of the main reasons why
Lefty was heard.
Speaker 2 (12:43):
You know what I'm saying? Like this Food literally took
Lefty in and was like, let's work. He saw he
saw Lefty before anybody else. Did you feel shit?
Speaker 4 (12:50):
Left He was just a gang bang at my house.
Speaker 2 (12:53):
Crazy fool.
Speaker 3 (12:54):
But here are you from his like samehood model bang
I mean.
Speaker 2 (13:00):
And ship?
Speaker 4 (13:00):
Yeah six to six. But yeah, so like how that happened?
That Food just hit me up online one day and
she was just trying to record. You know, when he
pulls up to my studio.
Speaker 3 (13:08):
How fresh out of jail was he at this flush?
Speaker 4 (13:11):
Pretty fresh and he he just got out recently. Yeah,
he just that was the whole message, like I just
got out, you know what I mean. So he pulls up.
We knocked out Bulevard Baby that night. Uh what do
we do letter the drummer? Fucking spending block. We did
like a lot of ship, you know, I did certified
stepper and all that ship like those are all my
like the song as we did together, and so yeah,
his energy got as fucked with it didn't even charge
him studio time, you know what I mean. It was
just I don't know, it was just something different about him.
Speaker 2 (13:37):
You mean.
Speaker 4 (13:38):
So he lived in Bodom Park. I lived in Covina
at the moment. So it's like right there, like you know,
we're pretty close to there. I heard of him, Okay,
I heard of him. That's great, it's coming up Lames podcast.
Speaker 1 (13:59):
Yeah, yeah, shout out to the homies.
Speaker 4 (14:03):
Yeah, but we ran that up man, and then we
just dropped all the songs you started doing the podcasts
and ship and then all of a sudden boom, you
know what I mean. The signs were soul this and
all that, and yeah, we still work to God hype
Man for the shows and ships. When yeah, yeah, whenever
you see like left for oh Man all the way.
Speaker 3 (14:20):
To get on his level. Like I'm saying, do you
have to like.
Speaker 4 (14:23):
We're partying like yeah before were taking Yeah, it's my dog, bro,
like you know what I mean. It would be nice
like a three in the morning and he'd be telling
my baby mama, like I promised, We're going to make it.
I promise, And like I said, he's just a troll
over my house and my baby mamas like who the
fuck is this in the crib? Like you know what
I mean.
Speaker 2 (14:38):
So I was like, no, your girls like who the
fuck is this?
Speaker 3 (14:40):
Speaker 4 (14:41):
Yeah, you know, he always had that high energy and
all that, but it was just something different and I
just believed in it. And then we dropped that. He
actually went back to jail for like three months. I
waited for him, and then he came back around. We
started ropping it boom boom boom, and everything started going up.
Starts doing the interviews, and then fast forward to today.
You know what I mean. I'm working with him now
and we just made a sick ass body of working out,
you know what I mean, left in still working stuff too.
But the album we did, it was like really locked in,
you know what I mean. He came like every other
day he was knocking two songs out of day, you know,
and all beats original surreal like West Coast dark, like
you know, vibe and like you know, but still like banging,
like you know what I mean for the and shit.
So yeah, that's all it is, man, And it's just like,
you know, for me, I'm just personally trying to bring
up the SGB to six through six, like that's where
we're from. Left He's from and.
Speaker 3 (15:25):
We not.
Speaker 4 (15:27):
YB Body Wax and all that like fire, you know,
so and YB he's been around, But like I feel
like we we made the culture, like we made a
dent in hip hop. I feel like right now, like
that has always been my goal. It's like hit hip
hop on the rib and kind of make it go
like this, you know, And I feel like we're doing that.
And for to see Lefty do that Kendrick song from
us being in a fucking garage year ago and doing
all this ship That's why I'm saying the most crazier shit.
So it's just like and then going up, We're about
to go on tour and all this crazy shit. Like
I said, I was hype man, you know, working when
Boso Boso became family shit, you know what I mean,
It was cool as fuck. So we we locked in
at the studio and we just you know, just making
bangers all day.
Speaker 3 (16:02):
You got anybody on the album?
Speaker 4 (16:03):
I got left on there, we got on what's we
got Mike and nine on that Fellow Fellowship.
Speaker 3 (16:08):
Yeah, some fucking O.
Speaker 2 (16:09):
G Yeah yeah, pre Styff Fellowship. It's like O G
L underground.
Speaker 1 (16:14):
Yeah, it was dope getting the studio with him, you know,
that's roots, you feel me. And it's dope to give
the ogs their flowers, man, I think that not too
many motherfuckers do that, you know, tap in you know
what I'm saying. Like, so to bring them in and
then put them on this foods production different, it's dope.
Speaker 4 (16:30):
Yeah, it was naturally, it naturally happened to his hanging.
Speaker 3 (16:33):
Yeah, he walked in all faded, and and I was
just like, trust me, get them.
Speaker 4 (16:37):
You're right, they don't right, they didn't even know each other.
So it's like two different worlds man, like.
Speaker 3 (16:41):
You know, super different worlds. Bro off the top like
it made a great like it didn't even monster for
Style Fellowship for reasons.
Speaker 2 (16:49):
Speaker 1 (16:50):
Yeah, Like I said, you gotta give these dudes their flowers, man,
because they're under estimated, you know. But it was dope.
That's dope. That's dope as fun. And then yeah, we
got Left on the album. And then I got Daisy
on the album too.
Speaker 2 (17:02):
Man, she's a beast.
Speaker 1 (17:03):
She's she's a talent, she can wrap hell yeah. So
I got her on the album too, and yeah that's it.
The rest were just thirteen songs, like I want to say,
like in six weeks.
Speaker 3 (17:12):
But I fuck with his production, you know that that
I think on the album too.
Speaker 2 (17:16):
Oh yeah yeah.
Speaker 4 (17:18):
I started off rappings because I have nobody to make
beats for me. So I was like, let me that's.
Speaker 2 (17:23):
Fire bozo you it feels like to me, over the
last like year, year and a half, you can wrapped
up in so much of like the I would say,
like the fucking I follow all the.
Speaker 3 (17:34):
Fool pages, right, I follow?
Speaker 2 (17:36):
Yeah, Lord of fool, I follow, Hey, but you're always
fucking there's always some bozo drama happened. It's because I man,
it's because I don't have a filter, bro, you feel me.
Speaker 3 (17:46):
Yeah, But I come from the stands of like not cloud.
Speaker 1 (17:49):
Bro, it's principles, you feel saying, And a lot of
people these days are too sensitive to the truth, man,
you know, so it comes off vulgar almost, you know
what I'm saying, And people tend to hate me like
I had fucking rapper Federal foreman, motherfucker put me on
his an indictment that food.
Speaker 3 (18:04):
Told on me.
Speaker 2 (18:05):
Who Yeah, fucking Armenia ten ninety Jake exposed that ship,
the fucking indictment dog and then you know like I'm like, come.
Speaker 3 (18:15):
On, did that affect you? Yeah? Hell yeah affected me.
Speaker 2 (18:18):
So for people who don't know, like there's a there's
an Armenian dude who was on no jumper.
Speaker 3 (18:22):
He was trying to come out here and ignore well
he was a millionaire scammer dog.
Speaker 1 (18:25):
You know, he did the truck truck business scams because
I saw said he had like an official business that
was working with PPP. He wanted to be like a racker. Yeah,
he wants well you know that's that Bruce Ego type ship.
You know, Foods want to pay by their honor back,
which is impossible.
Speaker 2 (18:40):
When you're from southern California, you know.
Speaker 1 (18:42):
So so yeah, he was a documented snitch, you know
for decades. You know what I'm saying, A long time,
long long time, and I need bro listen. I knew it,
and I screened it to the top of the hills,
and everybody was like.
Speaker 2 (18:55):
Bose of the hater, Bose the hater, all these foods.
Speaker 3 (18:57):
You know, hating on foods of money.
Speaker 1 (18:59):
I'm like a sure enough dog fucking he gets picked
up for fraudulent PPP loans.
Speaker 2 (19:04):
Yep, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (19:05):
And then the minute that he hits the FEDS, he's like,
I need an emergency beil because Bozo sending me pictures
on my daughters and my wife.
Speaker 2 (19:15):
So Whack one is in my DMS.
Speaker 1 (19:18):
I never met Whack, you know, yeah, but he's in
my DMS like yo, old boys trying to give you
up to get out.
Speaker 2 (19:24):
And I'm like, what the fuck. And then ten ninety
Jake drops the video and I'm like, damn, this is real.
Speaker 3 (19:29):
So Whack already knew that problem.
Speaker 1 (19:31):
Knew Yeah, I knew it before the video dropped that
ten ninety joke did.
Speaker 3 (19:35):
Yeah, like he knew within two days. So he whackby
having his people.
Speaker 2 (19:39):
Man, I don't know, whackby doing some shit dog I
mean yeah, I mean yeah.
Speaker 3 (19:44):
So yeah, so that happened.
Speaker 1 (19:46):
And then I was like, so you know, I had
to get legal, you know, defensive shit to help me with.
Speaker 2 (19:51):
That real quick.
Speaker 3 (19:52):
And so yeah, like how do you like alleviate that?
Speaker 1 (19:54):
Like, well, what happens is that it's really up to
a judge to validate his claim, you know what I'm
saying and what he and he was trying to validate
it validated by requesting access to a cell phone, like
have his people pick up his cell phone from his property.
And then he was trying to go on his DMS
and be like, look, boz Or, but anybody can be
in your DMS, you feel saying like it's not like
I'm fucking sending it, you know, like sending it directly
to him through a text or some shit. So it's
a very vague accusation you feel I'm saying, and you know,
but to me, it was just crazy because you know,
in real time, he was really going in on me
on No Jumper and other podcasts and even on his video,
like dude was talking about putting money on my head
on his YouTube channel, you know, and I'm like, who,
this is a movie, Like what the fuck? Like, yeah,
He's like I could draw forty thousand right now, forty
little homies to offer you. They's still up. It's up
on his channel still to this day.
Speaker 3 (20:48):
That's crazy.
Speaker 1 (20:49):
Yeah, And I'm like, dude, like, something's wrong with this guy. Yeah,
you know what I mean, very suspicious behavior, you know.
Speaker 2 (20:54):
Yeah, I have my business partners Armenian and that do
DM me and I just owed it to a screenshot.
It said to my boy because he's kind of like
the Armenian yeah, guru.
Speaker 3 (21:05):
So I was like, hey, y know, what's up with
this fool? He's like stay away. He's like stay away. Yeah,
they got to tie his community.
Speaker 2 (21:11):
But this was like way before he just said stay away.
That fools a snitch, Like a lot of Armenians don't
fuck with. Their community is very tight, bro.
Speaker 1 (21:19):
So honestly, the same ship was happened to me and
my DMS, Like yo, they were sending me the whole
his whole transcripts in all his paperwork, and I posted
that ship before it even came out.
Speaker 3 (21:28):
They probably thought you were fucking posted.
Speaker 2 (21:30):
Well, that motherfucker dropped the fake audio on me, an
AI audio of me supposedly speaking to a minor.
Speaker 3 (21:36):
Oh that's crazy, you know what I'm saying. So when
that ship dropped, I don't know.
Speaker 1 (21:42):
I think he kind of it was one of the
things where like you do something out of emotion and
you're like, oh shit, like I.
Speaker 2 (21:47):
Really did some stupid ship, you know.
Speaker 1 (21:49):
So he tried to retract it, but by then, like
it was already beef you know yeah once you cross
yeah that one, Yeah, it's up.
Speaker 2 (21:57):
Speaker 1 (21:57):
So he retracted it and was like on his same channel,
you know, like you know this ship, I know it's
fake whatever, I'm taking it down. So he took it down,
but by then it was one of the thes.
Speaker 2 (22:08):
It's like, come on, bro, like you can't put that
on somebody.
Speaker 1 (22:10):
That's what I'm saying, you know what I mean, especially
like I'm a dad bro. You feel me like, fuck
out of here with that shit.
Speaker 2 (22:15):
And I feel like once that's out there, people just
automatically it's like just watching like this jay Z shit,
Like that's like the Drake shit or the Drake shit.
Speaker 3 (22:24):
You feel me.
Speaker 1 (22:24):
He's when I heard listen when I heard the Kendrick this,
I loved it and everything, but I was like, damn,
he's throwing some real schmug on old boy. Yeah, like
and it's not like, you know, where's the proof? You
feel same like it's a very outlandish accusation and just
make to another man. And I get it's hip hop,
but I don't think you're fair. Someone did point this
out recently. On that song.
Speaker 3 (22:47):
He said baka has a weird case.
Speaker 2 (22:51):
Why is he around? Certified lover boy, certified head of philes.
So it was made recently. My dude, Curtis King just
pointed out, Yeah, so it's not It was him talking
about the people around him, and he did say I
heard you like I'm young, and Drake has dated young
women and had very close relationships with Millie Bobby Brown,
who is at.
Speaker 3 (23:15):
The time that she was texting Drake talking about it
as a friend. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (23:21):
She was fourteen, right, Yeah, Now, as a man, you
would never text a fourteen year.
Speaker 3 (23:26):
Old, even if Kevin's really making the case.
Speaker 2 (23:29):
What a fourteen year old girl if she was an
up and coming rapper, Yeah, yeah, it's you wouldn't text her.
Speaker 3 (23:34):
Director, You'd be like, yeah, put me in. Yeah that's weird.
Where's your mom and dad at or where's your exactly?
Speaker 2 (23:40):
Where's your management? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (23:41):
Yeah, tery poppy.
Speaker 1 (23:42):
But still it's not enough, though, I but you know
what I'm saying, No, no.
Speaker 2 (23:47):
No, but I'm saying the fact that that was put
on you feel you not I feel it. I feel that,
but you know, I mean a did you feel like
validated when that ten ninety Drake video came out.
Speaker 1 (23:56):
Now, honestly, the streets validated me because nobody believed them, right,
you know, people were coming out on their own with
I'm even talking to them like, man, that's just goofy
as fuck, like what the fuck?
Speaker 2 (24:05):
Like come on dog, Like you know.
Speaker 1 (24:07):
It's one of the things where like as a man,
you just got to check yourself, like how how much
does the social media shit matter to you? You know,
Like I'm an dude that's been all over yards everywhere,
like my last.
Speaker 2 (24:19):
Term, I just did ten years straight.
Speaker 1 (24:20):
Yeah, so I'm not a guy that hasn't been where
you have to be about that ship, you know what
I'm saying, Like, I'm proven, tested and tried many times,
you know, so it's like I didn't really worry about it.
Speaker 3 (24:31):
And then, like you said, coming from who was coming from?
Speaker 2 (24:34):
I was like, come on, because they said that that
people had like a the Mexican mafia were on his
head like for years.
Speaker 1 (24:40):
Well all I know is what it said on the
transcrips that was supposed to ten ninety j whatevery. Jake said,
like damn the fact he will current to that like
he got whacked, you know. Yeah, and shit and and
and you know he changes identity. But dog, that that
man deserves a movie though, for.
Speaker 2 (24:56):
Sure, because if you really really really dig into his
like the the fact he was able to kind of
maneuver change his name, change his.
Speaker 3 (25:04):
Hood, he changed to his main op So that takes
some fucking fuck dog for people that.
Speaker 2 (25:13):
Have some perspective, that would be like a South Sider
becoming an art techne yes and being fucking the face
of it on social media and YouTube, you know, throwing
money around and you know, see because I think back
then he probably didn't have the tattoos and physically well
he wasn't, you know, like he yeah, he wasn't a
man man yet you know, he didn't have the beard.
Speaker 3 (25:32):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (25:33):
He didn't have a lot of tattoos that he had,
but but he has some real recognizable ones.
Speaker 3 (25:37):
So so yeah, so that shit happened.
Speaker 2 (25:38):
No, definitely a great show or movie because I mean
from when I heard he actually had like a successful
business he was running.
Speaker 1 (25:44):
Yeah, well now he's a millionaire off that PvP shit.
He turned into something and.
Speaker 3 (25:48):
Like anybody, you know, it is what it is. But
that's wild ship, that is.
Speaker 1 (25:52):
Yeah, so yeah, so that that was another reason why,
like my name was really out there. But since then, though,
dog like, I really took a step back because you know,
these motherfuckers ain't playing fair. Like I'm on some you know,
different type of code and they have no code, you know. Yeah,
so it's a very slippery slope, like you know, being
a true sayer and like you know what I'm saying
and speaking up on some ship because these dudes they're
calling the cops on you, bro, They're telling they're talking
to the Feds about you, and it's a necessary ship,
you feel, I.
Speaker 2 (26:20):
Mean, do you uh, because because obviously Whack giving you
a heads up, WAC has a complicated relationship, you would
say some people who Yeah, but I know Whack very well,
and you know, I always say Whack is one of
the smartest motherfuckers in all the music. He is a
sharp always been solid to me. But you know, I
know it's obvious, you know he's had his issues with
a lot of people, but like he looked out for you. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (26:48):
So my assessment of that man is pretty like mature,
dog like, I just I just see him as a
person that if you want to play he's willing to play.
Speaker 3 (26:58):
For sure, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (26:59):
So to me, it's like, you know, I I steer
away from situations where I know that I can't match
the antics. You feel I'm saying, like he lives by
a different code, a different standard than I. Do you
feel I'm saying, so I can't be, you know, trying
to have a pissing contest with him, you feel.
Speaker 3 (27:24):
Saying, And why would I?
Speaker 1 (27:25):
Anyways, at the end of the day, it's like, why
so to me, that situation that you're bringing up, like
hater world and him in that situation. To me, I'm
gonna be honest with you when I talk. I don't
know me whatever.
Speaker 2 (27:37):
You don't know about that? Okay, Well there it's a
it was a a.
Speaker 3 (27:42):
It's a beef that there got going on right now,
you know. Just I just know that like, uh, Whack.
Speaker 2 (27:48):
And Lefty aren't necessary that situation too, right, And then
I just remember what Whack like Whack said he'd never
signed his Southsider yeah, you know, and a lot of people,
but he had signed Coyote, Yeah, Mexican.
Speaker 3 (27:57):
And if they hit the county jail, they're running yourself,
you know what I mean?
Speaker 1 (28:00):
But it don't matter though, But they hit the county jail,
They're not They're they're gonna be with the homies. I'm
just saying, they're great guys, the Homies, And you know,
I got man, you know, I believe in their talent.
Speaker 3 (28:11):
For sure, make sure for sure.
Speaker 1 (28:13):
But in real life and real time, they don't got
to say it, you know, but if they hit the system,
they're gonna fuck with us, you feel, I'm saying, that's
just how it goes.
Speaker 2 (28:23):
You know, that's just you know.
Speaker 1 (28:25):
But anyways, but going back to Whack, it's one of
the things where like, if you're gonna entertain that ship dog,
then just be ready. Though, you know what I'm saying
because I see him as a as a master, constant
content creator.
Speaker 2 (28:37):
You feel, I'm saying like and like not for nothing,
like Whack will he will shoot the fade if somebody
wants to shoot, like Whack will pull up like you know,
I mean, Whack is he is?
Speaker 3 (28:49):
Speaker 2 (28:49):
He he says a lot, but you know, and I
know he backs it up to shouts to Whack.
Speaker 3 (28:54):
I think, uh, I.
Speaker 2 (28:55):
Think what what you're what you guys are doing right
now though, is like it's just so important because not
only I feel like Mexican rappers in terms of like
with the gang background, there's been a ceiling. Yeah, and
I feel like it's it's starting to get broken through
and turns.
Speaker 3 (29:15):
Broken and the homies broken. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (29:17):
The minute that I like I said, when I seen
you know, Lefty on the Kendrick album with hit Boy.
Speaker 2 (29:22):
Yeah, that's problem hanging out with dogs all the side
produced our track.
Speaker 3 (29:28):
That's right that we just dropped Like that shit blew
my mind away.
Speaker 2 (29:31):
You know. I mean it's done, bro, I mean it's done.
Speaker 1 (29:34):
I mean it's on the next generations and the artists
under Lefty to study and see the approach that they took.
Speaker 3 (29:41):
It's up to the.
Speaker 1 (29:42):
New independent labels coming to see how Solace is working it.
Speaker 2 (29:45):
You know what I mean.
Speaker 1 (29:45):
This is real game, Like, recognize game when it's in
your face, dog Like, don't don't criticize it, soak it in,
you know what I'm saying, Like, Yeah, a lot of
people rather criticize. Nobody wants to be a student in
the game. You know, everybody wants to be the chief.
Not enough Indians in this motherfucker.
Speaker 3 (29:58):
Speaker 2 (29:58):
I feel like the next Day is really like a
tour because yeah, I'm not just a tour just like
on the West Coast. But just like, yo, how can
we turn this thing into like a national Well?
Speaker 1 (30:08):
To me, my thing is this ot lefty you know,
King Little G you know, d baby, they got to
come together and fucking do a tour though for sure,
you know what I mean, and then have all the
coming and then have the upcoming artists behind them on
every state that they you know what I'm saying, Like,
that's how you do it, Doug.
Speaker 3 (30:26):
That's how I've seen everybody else do it.
Speaker 2 (30:28):
And all those guys like kind of check different boxes. Yeah,
around the talent wise and also around the country, you know.
Speaker 1 (30:34):
Yeah, So I think like a tour with them like
O g Z you know what I mean, like those
five man dog bro.
Speaker 3 (30:40):
Could everybody get along? Though? Yeah they could, they could.
Speaker 1 (30:43):
It's just a matter of somebody bringing them to the table,
the right individual with the right influence to bring them
to the table and be like, yo, we can get
some fucking money.
Speaker 3 (30:53):
You know. Money motivates everything though, Yeah, and shot out
to King lit G. I feel like King li G
is like a godfather.
Speaker 1 (30:58):
I mean, I've always viewed as our Nipsey you feel,
saying like independent just murdering his own Yeah, dog underappreciated artist.
Speaker 3 (31:08):
Dog with a lot of fucking reach, you know. Drummer
boy too, Yeah, drummer boy too. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (31:12):
So that's a I don't know how nobody's you know,
brought that to the table.
Speaker 3 (31:17):
If I had a bag, I would.
Speaker 1 (31:18):
Have been put that shit together, right, you know what
I'm saying, Like reached out and the numbers are there,
like it's easy, it's it's it's easy money though, Yeah,
you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (31:25):
But it'll come. I mean, it's gonna come.
Speaker 1 (31:27):
You know what I'm saying left to you right now
as we speak is who knows in who's office right
now shopping a big ass deal.
Speaker 2 (31:33):
You know, as he should be, So as he should be.
Speaker 1 (31:35):
Yeah, and you know, shout out to my boy Lefty,
like I tell him to his face, like you put
you put the homies on your back foot and keep
running with it, you know, like.
Speaker 3 (31:42):
Don't worry about all this outside noise.
Speaker 1 (31:44):
Fool Like they're not gonna understand you no matter what, right,
they're not gonna get you. Fool like you're you're you're
a Martian fool. You know what I'm saying, like, don't
worry about it, dog.
Speaker 2 (31:53):
Yeah, It's just like it's funny because like every generation
of Mexican hip hop is booming. Yeah, because like you know,
I'm really close with the see Magic and he's like, dude,
I've never done more shows.
Speaker 1 (32:04):
Yeah me, I'm you know, all of us are. That's
why it's true when people say if one goes, everybody's
gonna feel it.
Speaker 2 (32:10):
Like the last two or three years since the pandemic,
like Magic, Baby Bash and Little Rob have done i mean, two.
Speaker 3 (32:18):
Hundred and fifty shows a year.
Speaker 2 (32:19):
Speaker 3 (32:20):
It's fucking insane.
Speaker 1 (32:21):
It's dope. It's good, bro. They sell out, shout out
to them. They sell out the.
Speaker 2 (32:24):
Novo like twice a year, you know, you know what
I mean.
Speaker 3 (32:26):
Like it's crazy.
Speaker 1 (32:28):
But we're in the studio and a lot of you know,
a lot of the bros, like you know, they're like, man,
you guys are on right now. We're saying like run
with it, like appreciate this ship and we fucking with y'all,
you know, and.
Speaker 2 (32:37):
Don't take and and like appreciate it and actually like
like don't take advantage of it's always gonna be like that.
Speaker 3 (32:45):
Speaker 1 (32:45):
So that's what I tell left that ball you got
to school. I tell the homies, Look, you gotta five.
Speaker 3 (32:50):
You can fumble the ball and score a touchdown.
Speaker 2 (32:52):
Yeah, for sure, ball you gotta run with it, you
know what I mean. Yeah, but yeah, but I think
we're only seeing the beginning, you know.
Speaker 3 (32:59):
Yeah, right now, Paesels, you know, is killing its hard.
Speaker 2 (33:02):
She thought I was killing it, you know, Like I said,
them guys.
Speaker 1 (33:05):
You know scheme on OTR game Ski. Yeah, he's one
of them, nerds man, one of the rap He's pull.
Speaker 2 (33:12):
Up here and I don't know what to expect because
he had like a suit on, yeah, and he had
like white boy humor. He's That's what I'm saying. He's
a real student of this fool fuck him. Yeah, what
the fuck.
Speaker 3 (33:22):
He's a rap nerd.
Speaker 1 (33:23):
He knows his ship, dog like he you know what
I'm saying, He knows his history like he's really passionate
about the rap game.
Speaker 3 (33:30):
And to me, that's exciting. I see all these guys.
Speaker 1 (33:32):
You know doing their ship is dope, man, Like it's dope,
and I feel privileged. I'm one of the only like
you know, OG's around fucking running around with these dudes.
Speaker 2 (33:39):
You know what I'm saying. They're making music with him,
you know for sure, which is dope. What are your
thoughts on Soul is just as like an executive because
you know a lot of people say, like, well he's Asian,
but he signed all these Mexican guys.
Speaker 3 (33:49):
But I know very well and I know him to
be like he's on his ship dog like.
Speaker 2 (33:54):
He's more than people, a major independent like you know
what I mean, like to so he knows what he's
done for years. I mean, yeah, no, I think that
hack Man and it's great and and uh swifty, you
know what I mean.
Speaker 1 (34:06):
Like I tell him all the time, you're doing a
great job because we talk a lot. We have you know,
man to man conversation. I tell him, like for your
killing it bro on trip, you know. And he really
cares about his artist. That's the thing. Cares that who
cares caress invested. He worries about you. He wants to
see you win, like and that's rare.
Speaker 2 (34:22):
And he'll and like producers don't ever have to worry
about getting paid from that full.
Speaker 3 (34:26):
Yeah, yeah, he's trying to. He takes pride and pays out.
He takes pride and pain. He answers every time I
call it. Yeah, I get That's what I'm saying.
Speaker 4 (34:32):
He's a genuine dude for sure.
Speaker 3 (34:34):
He takes pridate when this project you guys have together
coming to lifetime membership, lifetime membership throats ya.
Speaker 1 (34:40):
You know what I'm saying. We dropping that ship, win ship.
Need this guy to finish the songs.
Speaker 2 (34:45):
This weekend.
Speaker 1 (34:46):
He got to mixed match song with me and Lefty Thing,
me and Daisy lenn and then we're gonna drop it.
So it should be by January, January twenty twenty five.
Speaker 2 (34:53):
Yeah, Top twenty five. Yeah, start start off the year, right.
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (34:56):
Lifetime membership, Yeah, I like that.
Speaker 2 (34:58):
Well, I'm a man, you know what I mean. I'm
here to stay. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (35:03):
They saw this, some woke shit's gone. You feel the same.
Speaker 2 (35:07):
Let your nuts hang now, man, fuck these motherfuckers. Dog.
Speaker 3 (35:10):
Could you vote?
Speaker 2 (35:11):
Speaker 3 (35:11):
Yeah, I could vote.
Speaker 2 (35:12):
Shit. They gave us that right back. I think like
five years ago, I voted twice. Yeah, that's not a nationwide.
I voted for Trump.
Speaker 3 (35:18):
He told me to vote. Yeah, I was on these motherfuckers.
Speaker 2 (35:21):
I was on I was telling the homies, Look, if
you don't want to vote, I'll buy your vote on
the dead homies. I was telling them a lot of
my little homies from the hood that are like eighteen
years old.
Speaker 3 (35:31):
Dog, I'm gonna give you fifty bucks. Go vote, go vote.
Speaker 2 (35:34):
I got you ill, bet, I was really, I was
serious about that shit.
Speaker 3 (35:37):
I just see.
Speaker 2 (35:38):
So were you going when you paid them? Did you
say you gotta vote for Trump?
Speaker 3 (35:41):
Though? Yeah? For sure?
Speaker 2 (35:42):
Speaker 3 (35:43):
Yeah, a manatory yeah yeah?
Speaker 2 (35:45):
Or fuck that? Why do you think there was such
a shift in Latin men voting for Trump as opposed
to how because Trump, a man like Trump in our household,
isn't foreign.
Speaker 3 (35:58):
Trump tells you what it is, how it is, even
if you don't like it, right, and not to us,
ain't foreign at all. Because typically Latin man would vote
for Yeah, well that was that was from Reagan though.
There was a loyalty always, you feel, I.
Speaker 2 (36:12):
Would even say, all the way up until like twenty sixteen. Yeah, yeah,
but so what what what what resonated for you about Trump?
Speaker 1 (36:22):
Everybody trying to frame him, everybody trying to kill him? Yeah,
you know I could relate to that. When you're the truth,
you know the you know, to me, man, the devil
is in the details, you feel, I'm saying, like when
you really look at shit, man, like why such a resistance?
Why why so much hate towards this man?
Speaker 2 (36:37):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (36:37):
Yeah, and you know we about to find out.
Speaker 2 (36:40):
Yeah, yeah, well we're seeing dog.
Speaker 3 (36:43):
I will say this.
Speaker 2 (36:44):
I thought it was so funny that all of a sudden,
like they're talking about banning like red dye and ship
out of food because that was what RFK. It's like, Oh,
these foes are trying to get it past to take
credit for before Biden leaves. But I'd say we're really
was crazy to me was once he won, they escalated
the fuck out of that war. Yeah click, oh like
oh they're like, no, we're right there. We gotta make
World War three off.
Speaker 3 (37:08):
Yeah, we gotta.
Speaker 1 (37:10):
We gotta kill his opportunity to even do anything you feel,
I'm saying, sabotage that ship. Like like I said, I
see these bitches from the view pop up will be
Goldberg and all these bitches Like how do these bitches
run their mouth?
Speaker 3 (37:21):
Dog like so much? Dog, that's what they be paid for.
I get it. But bitches shouldn't be talking about man business.
Speaker 1 (37:27):
You feel I'm saying, goofy ass bitches, dog talking like
they like they've ever pushed the line or they've ever
built something. Dog, you feel me like, I mean, everybody
got another place, bro, You feel I know my place?
Speaker 2 (37:40):
Speaker 3 (37:41):
This is not an opinion of the blue. This is
bozo talk.
Speaker 1 (37:45):
Saying fuck them holes. Man, the fuck wrong with them bitches.
I can't stand in bitches trying to shmoo up my
boy all the time. Man, they be out there talking shit.
Dog looked the other way for every other sucker as ship, Like,
come on, man.
Speaker 2 (37:58):
They just had Bill Clinton on today, which is then
crazy because gwyn was on Epstein to Epstein.
Speaker 1 (38:03):
Island for sure, Like, motherfucker shouldn't be saying nothing about nobody. No,
keep that shit, gee boy, Like you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (38:09):
So mostly like people you know were voting for Trump.
Oh yeah, the whole hook, yeah everybody.
Speaker 2 (38:13):
Speaker 1 (38:14):
I mean it's because it was just common sense, you feel,
saying nothing extra, nothing that you have to use your
imagination and step out of your principles and home.
Speaker 3 (38:23):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (38:24):
It's like it's like common sense policies you feel saying.
Speaker 2 (38:27):
I think two, if you live in California, the economy, Bro,
the fuck well, I just think that California, if you
live here, you really, on a day to day basis,
live through what it's like if it's a one party government.
Speaker 3 (38:44):
You know what I mean?
Speaker 2 (38:45):
I believe Listen, Dog, I believe that. Look like, I
feel like California could use a little. The votes aren't
and Cali still aren't counted. That's what we're five weeks out.
Speaker 3 (38:56):
Speaker 2 (38:56):
It's just to me, it's like, dude, fucking the Bay
Areas crazy, right, Dude, they got that close, CVS is
and Denny's in and outs and and that the bail
ship and just the home. It's just like yo. And
then the taxes if you make any kind of money
and you're maybe fucking your postro, that's just crazy.
Speaker 3 (39:15):
The amount of times we test like, okay, what are.
Speaker 2 (39:17):
You what are you doing with the tax mone because
you're not cleaning up the homeless problem.
Speaker 1 (39:20):
Well, Newsom just bought a manchip for nine million, and
his salaries two hundred thousand years. I think Gavin news
is just two hundred thousand years.
Speaker 2 (39:27):
I believe, Dog, that the vote in California rigged.
Speaker 3 (39:32):
Speaker 1 (39:33):
Yeah, but I believe it's rigged in California. I believe
California is really red.
Speaker 2 (39:37):
I'm gonna be real with you.
Speaker 3 (39:38):
I'm gonna I'm gonna be real with you. That sounds great, you.
Speaker 2 (39:41):
Know what I'm saying. I really think it's red. It's
La in the Bay Are so they're so Democratic that
it doesn't even matter that the but all every county,
I want to say, every county in LA voted.
Speaker 3 (39:56):
I saw a chart.
Speaker 2 (39:57):
Even though they like the Democrats won in California, there
was a gain in the in the Republican side in
every county in the state of California, So the state
got redder it being so overwhelmingly blue. I think, you know,
like somebody like Arnold Swarzenegger ran again who was like
a Republican the Latino votes big now bro, or if
like dude, if the problem is like who's gonna run
that is middle of the road, can get people on
both sides to like I think if r fk ran
in California, that'd be dopek dope.
Speaker 3 (40:33):
But he because he lives here.
Speaker 1 (40:35):
But you know, yeah, we need somebody. Somebody needs to
come save us though, Newsome as a.
Speaker 3 (40:41):
Man, he's a fucking fraud.
Speaker 2 (40:42):
How the fuer was walking around he was he was
walking around sucking.
Speaker 3 (40:46):
Uh no, he.
Speaker 5 (40:48):
Was walking around, was security, walking by foods, laid out,
cracked out, bro like, no type of sympathy, no type
of not even yeah, just don't go.
Speaker 3 (41:01):
Yeah, he's just checking it out.
Speaker 1 (41:03):
Yeah, but he went with the shooters. Well, they're going
to clean it out for the Olympics, right, you have to. Yeah,
the Olympics are coming.
Speaker 2 (41:08):
So he's that's the one thing because when the President
g went to San Francisco.
Speaker 3 (41:12):
They cleaned up San Francisco in a week. Well, he's
talking about running for president twenty twenty. He will, it'll
be you will.
Speaker 2 (41:18):
I think it'll be jd Vance and Tolci Gabbert versus. Uh.
I love Tolci Gabert. That's a female volle for But
she's also a Democrat.
Speaker 3 (41:27):
No more. She's not a psychopath, no, no more. She's
part of part of Trump's cabinet. Yeah, I love Tolci Gabbert.
I loved her.
Speaker 2 (41:35):
He was running in twenty twenty, but they fucking she
don't play ball with all the bush And yeah, no,
I fuck with RFK and TOLSA former Democrats who you know, Democrat.
Speaker 3 (41:46):
Parties fucking they're losing it. Dogs, it's crazy. It's ober, bro,
it's over. Trust me.
Speaker 2 (41:50):
Hopefully the Republicans don't fumble it though, man, man, I
know I feel you. We'll see what happens, all right,
So hopefully we get an album in January.
Speaker 3 (41:58):
We gonna get on him.
Speaker 4 (41:59):
Yeah, I mean, I got it done this week, done
in two days.
Speaker 3 (42:02):
Man, Why does your Instagram keep getting deleted?
Speaker 1 (42:05):
Because because like trump Man, I'm like trump Man, I
be you know what i mean, pulling covers man.
Speaker 2 (42:11):
Speaker 1 (42:11):
Yeah, basically basically it has been that me bumpy heads
with you know, people that I don't know, I don't
necessarily vibe with and fuck with, and then you know.
Speaker 3 (42:19):
They get disrespectful.
Speaker 1 (42:20):
So my energy tends to be very disrespectful too, and
you know, for what it's worth. Dog, Like when I
speak at echoes, you feeling.
Speaker 3 (42:27):
Have you squashed any of your beefs?
Speaker 1 (42:30):
I just I just you know what I have, So
I've the fuck. I can't even say many, but you know,
like shout out crooked one, you know what I'm saying.
Like we had a small beef in the past. Nothing crazy,
but you know, I you know what I'm saying. I've
recognized his talent and you know what I'm saying, what
he brings to the table.
Speaker 3 (42:48):
I mean, so we're kid.
Speaker 1 (42:49):
Young kid, yeah, and everything else. I just you know,
I don't I don't care to entertain anymore.
Speaker 2 (42:55):
Maybe if it's not beef, but it's not, you know,
I mean, ain't nothing.
Speaker 3 (42:59):
Speaker 1 (42:59):
You know, I live in a different world than them guys.
So I mean, it's just saying and wherever i'd be
at that, don't be at you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (43:05):
So like you would you about lot you ever talk.
Speaker 2 (43:08):
It was never a beef with him. It was just
a difference in the opinion different both of you guys
are yeah, exactly great dudes, And yeah that's why I
was like, man, y'all too old for this ship.
Speaker 3 (43:19):
Speaker 2 (43:19):
Yeah, yeah, for sure, dog, But it was never we
never even had it was it was more of a
people expecting us to have beef. You feel sad because
I'm with Lefty all the time and I speak so
highly about Lefty and he doesn't. It was almost like
you guys had a different opinion on that on him
and so because of that.
Speaker 3 (43:40):
Yeah, but it's never been hate.
Speaker 1 (43:42):
You know, anytime I had a problem with you know, yeah,
he said I blocked them on this podcast.
Speaker 3 (43:47):
I believe I did block them, but I called him directly.
What's good? I mean? You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (43:52):
I like, it's like, I don't I don't understand how
people get offended by me, Like, if you block me, dog,
as long as you don't block me directly from your phone,
you know what I'm saying. I believe we're good to me.
Social media ain't really said. It's not the commandments. Dog, Like, Well,
I'm glad he's cool.
Speaker 3 (44:06):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (44:08):
Yeah, it ain't nothing. It's all. I wish him the best.
There it is, man, all right, Well listen, be on
the look out for the new music. And then he
also just did crazy freestyle you could go watch on
the separate YouTube video that's out, So go watch it,
bozo uh and then follow follow this guy with your ig.
Speaker 4 (44:23):
Benzi L six two six shout out to the six
two six man Man SUV.
Speaker 3 (44:27):
There it is