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May 19, 2024 48 mins
Trump isn’t the only thing on trial or the ballot – our way of life is, too.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is twenty four, a weekly highlight reel from the
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show featuring all things election coverage.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Let's get started. Here are Clay and Buck. We are
both super excited to welcome in right now with US
Arizona Senate candidate Carrie Lake. Carrie, we got a lot
to hit run through with you, but let's start here.
I know that it is a national presidential election that's underway.

But when you hear Biden want to debate on June
twenty seventh and on September tenth, what do you think
that debate will be like for Trump and Biden? And
what does it tell you that Biden wants debates so soon?
Your state, Arizona is a battleground state. How is the
national election playing and how do you think all that

will implicate your race?

Speaker 3 (00:56):

Speaker 4 (00:56):
I'm really excited to watch these debates. I mean, it's
gonna be musty. It's interesting. You know, he acted like
mister tough guy in his video, but when you read
this small print, he's got a lot of requirements for
that debate. No crowds, because I'm sure he knows he'd
boot off the stage by just everyday average Americans, you know,
even Democrats. I'm out in the field. I'm out campaigning

right now, and I'm going to town and the crowds
are increasingly growing with Democrats who are attending to hear
what I have to say about turning Arizona around and
helping our country. They are set up the sky high
Inflation's affecting them just as it's affecting Republicans. So I
think he's afraid of even Democrat voters at this point.

But it's going to be great. President Trump, no matter
what the requirements Joe Biden puts on, will win this debate.
I'm putting all my money on President Trump, and I
think the rest of this country is as well.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Hey, Kerry, thanks for being here with us.

Speaker 5 (01:52):
The way they're structuring this, let's assume that Trump more
or less agrees to the the laundry list of things
that Biden wants. You were as certainly people in Arizona now,
I think a lot of other folks now have come.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
To know this as well.

Speaker 5 (02:08):
About you a TV news anchor for decades, right, so
you've been in the media game for a long time
before you were running for politics. On political office, what
do you think the best way is that this should
be structured. Is there even a moderator that you think
would be acceptable to both sides that would work in
this case? How do you break that down?

Speaker 6 (02:31):
It's gonna be.

Speaker 4 (02:31):
Tough because you know, so many people are if you
say one nice thing about President Trump, they say, oh,
you're maga and you're not fair anymore. But I think
there are moderators who could. I've done debates, I've moderated
debates and forums before, and you know, you have to
check your beliefs and your views to the side and
just be fair. And I think there's a lot of
people right now who could do that. You know, Joe

Rogan would be great. You can't say Joe Rogan is
a Republican or a Democrat. I think he's truly independent.
Scott Adams, I can think John Solomon is a true
journalist out there. Maria Bartiromo, he would be great because
she understands the economy, you know, and all of the
questions that are going to be based on the economy.
You need to have someone who truly understands what they're

talking about.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
By by the way, breaking news, I.

Speaker 4 (03:20):
Think we should have a live audience absolutely, and maybe
even take some questions from the audience.

Speaker 2 (03:25):
I don't think there's any doubt at all. By the way, Carrie,
this just came from Trump. He says he wants Biden
to debate him on Fox News Wednesday, October two, twenty
twenty four. Host would be Brett Baer and Martha McCollum.
That's interesting, So that literally just came down from Trump.
All right, let's go to Arizona. New York Times Ciena polling.

I'm sure you get all sorts of poles that are
currently underway in Arizona showed Trump opening up a substantial
lead in Arizona. You are in a super tight race
with Ruben Diego, your opponent out there. Do you think
Trump is winning Arizona right now? First part of this question,
like the New York Times Siena poll showed, and what

makes you think that you can catch Ruben to the
extent you're behind or do you think you're up right
now based on what you see polling data wise?

Speaker 4 (04:17):
Well, I saw that poll and I had a meeting
yesterday with my pollster, and we're really happy with that poll.
First of all, when you look at the fine print
in that pole, they underrepresented Republicans, even though Republicans have
a large edge over Democrats. So when you rewait that
poll with what the actual voters are and what the

turnout will be here in Arizona, we're actually up or tied.
But regardless of how you look at it, we're right
there in the margin of era. It's going to be close.
President Trump, I believe is up bigger than what the
New York Times poll says.

Speaker 3 (04:51):
He's up.

Speaker 4 (04:51):
I'm on the streets of Arizona every day. And you've
got to remember, you know, Ruben Diego, my radical far
left Chicago demoocraft frankly marks this opponent. He just spent
seven million dollars and carpet bomb the airways with a
bunch of bogus ads trying to paint him as a
moderate when he is the most radical Democrat to ever

run in the state of Arizona and possibly in the country.
He actually makes Elizabeth Warren an AOC look almost moderate.
He just spent seven million dollars and did not see
a bump in the polls. They are in panic mode.
They just announced they're going to put twenty million more
in ads. Listen if they want to flush money down
the toilet and run a bunch of ads. People are

awake to who Reuben Diego is. He's voted for the
open border policies, he's pro sanctuary city, he marched and
defund the police rallies. He has voted in one hundred
percent in lockstep with Joe Biden. He's the reason we're
seeing the high inflation rates. He's the reason we're seeing
crisis that we can't even afford. It's because he has
pushed these disastrous, dead end policies that Joe Biden is pushing.

The scary thing is he's a Biden mini me when
it comes to policy. But he's forty years younger. So
if we don't stop him right now, we're going to
have a guy who, for forty years, can bring a
reign of terror on this country if he is elected
into the US Senate. And that's why we all have
to get out, get registered to vote, start talking to
our neighbors, make sure they're registered to vote. Nobody can

afford to sit home this next election. I feel confident
that President Trump will win in sweep Arizona, and I
feel confident that I will win. He has endorsed me
he wants me to help him out when I get
to the US Senate and getting his America First agenda
pushed through.

Speaker 5 (06:34):
We're talking to Kerry Lake, she's running for a critical
Senate seat in Arizona.

Speaker 7 (06:38):

Speaker 5 (06:38):
I'm just wanting you mentioned some of the big ticket items,
if you will, things like the border, inflation, the economy,
those are all trending against Biden and all the Democrats
who go along with him, like Diegos, your opponent in
this race. What about the campus protests and the Biden
administration's knifing Israel in the back? Is that nationally we

know that has some real implications. We're seeing it planned
in Michigan. Does it have any implications as you can
see it in Arizona, whether it's the protests alone or
the foreign policy disasters?

Speaker 4 (07:12):
Oh boy, hon, every I mean, it just shows he's
showing our allies that we don't stand by them, and
it's going to make things worse for us when it
comes to foreign policy. Right now, you know, Biden is
a laughing stock that nobody respects them, nobody fears him.
We used to have peace through strength, Now we have
war through weakness, and so on. The foreign policy side,

it's been disastrous. But let me tell you what I'm
seeing on the ground. We've been going to college campuses.
This young group of people that are in college right
now about ready to graduate, are waking up to the
fact that Joe Biden not only is he not cool,
his policies are killing them. And they're waking up and
realizing that we have to get back to a strong

economy as they get ready to go into the workforce.
You know the unemployment numbers that Biden released, I think
it was three point four unemployment, but when you look
closer for young people eighteen to forty nine, it's eleven
point one percent unemployment. They also recognize that the things
that they used to buy four or five years ago
are in some cases more than twice as much money

right now. So they're looking at themselves entering into a
job market that's very shaky for them, not being able
to afford the basic necessities, not being able to afford rent,
and they are very quickly becoming America First Republicans. So,
plus they're watching all of that chaos on the campus,
which they're finding out is funded by a bunch of

people who fund the Democrats and Joe Biden and my
opponent Ruben Guyenko. The people funding all of that chaos,
tearing their campus apart, are behind people like Biden, Ruben
Gego and other leftists who are destroying our country.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
Yeah, I saw the Arizona State Forack. Guys. I'm sure
you saw that video cleaning up the mess from the
Palestinian protesters and it went super viral and I loved
it as we saw a lot of people on campus
standing up to them. Question for you, Carrie, abortion has
been a mess all over the country, in particular focused
in Arizona. Eighteen sixty four law the Arizona Supreme Court

involved the state legislature of both the House and the Senate.
I believe have addressed this. What is going on there?
How much of an issue do you believe, not only
statewide but also for the national election, given how close
it's going to be there is abortion going to play
What are you hearing on the ground and what's the
situation likely to be by the time people start headed

to the polls.

Speaker 4 (09:40):
Well, I think the Democrats want to make that their issue,
but the real fact of the matter is when people
can't afford groceries, when people can't afford gasoline, when they're
being evicted from their apartment because they can't afford the
rent anymore. When we're watching as twelve million people pour
across their border and drive down wages because it's cheap labor,
and we have to put the bill for putting them

up in housing them services, I think that it takes
a back burner. I think it really is on the
back burner. We are back to the law that we
had for several years, the fifteen week law. It was
approved and voted in by both Republicans and Democrats, and
a Republican governor signed it into law. That is our

current law in Arizona, and I believe people when they
get to the polls will decide on that. We will
have the choice between the fifteen week law and a
planned Parents who ad voter initiative that will pretty much
legalize abortion right up until birth. So I agree with
President Trump. It's going to be up to the states.
The people of Arizona will decide which law they want.
And I'm running for US Senate, so this is now

in the hands.

Speaker 6 (10:43):
Of the state.

Speaker 4 (10:43):
But I will tell you this as a US Senator,
I will never vote to approve federal funding to support abortion.
I will also never vote for a federal abortion ban.
I agree with the Supreme Court it should be left
up to the states. But what I do want to
see is that we work with pro family legislation to

encourage families. We're watching our population growth. It's going way down.
We're actually going to be at a critical point if
we don't start growing families and having babies in this country,
and so I want to push good pro family laws
In Hungary. I had a chance to visit with Victor
orbon about a year ago, and I noticed that they
had cut their abortion rate in half, nearly in half,

and they never changed a single law. They did it
through pro family legislation to encourage people to start a
family and grow their family. And you know this just
as I do. The country is only as strong as
our most important institution, and that institution is the family.
And right now the foundation of our families is pretty shaky,

and we need to do something to change that. And
I'll be the most pro family senator in the US.

Speaker 5 (11:53):
Senate Kerry Lake running for Senate Carrie We're going to
keep talking to you. Is this guy's closer and this
audience is going to help out. So thank you for
being with us.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Yes, thank you.

Speaker 4 (12:01):
Visit Terrie Lake dot com and support our campaign. We're
going to bring about some good America First policies to
turn this Biden nightmare around.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
If you're listening to twenty four The Year of Impact
with Clay and Buck.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
We have a photo shoot. Don't even get me started
on the three hour photo shoot that we have. I
didn't pick out my clothes. I wonder if Buck picked
out his. My wife doesn't trust me to pick out
my own clothes to get my photos taken. So that
probably gives you a good sense of my fashion sense.
As I'm sitting here in a T shirt and shorts
doing the show, Tulsi Gabbert joins us. Now, Tulsi, do

you pick out your own clothes for photo shoots or
do you have a stylist? Do you think you have
good style? My wife has no faith in my style.

Speaker 3 (12:49):
I'm laughing as I was hearing you say that I
don't have a stylist, but generally, if I'm doing something
fancy like that, I will ask my husband, and I
trust his taste are more than I trust my own.
I'm sitting here in workout clothes as I'm talking to
you today. So we're good.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
So let me ask you this. How long have you
been married?

Speaker 3 (13:10):
We just celebrated our ninth anniversary.

Speaker 2 (13:12):
Congratulations, We're about to celebrate twenty. My wife for twenty
years has asked me what should I wear to an event?
And for twenty years I've had no idea what to
tell her. Does your husband give you good advice on
what to wear new events? I mean, it's actually kind
of curious because you have so many formal events I
would imagine and things to go to, Like the whole

concept of what to wear to things for women, I
have no idea.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
It's a real problem. It's a real problem.

Speaker 7 (13:38):

Speaker 3 (13:40):
I am of the mindset that in you in a
twenty four hour period, and maybe you can relate. We
have a lot of decisions to make just in the
course of a day, everything from you know, what am
I gonna have for breakfast or what to far more
serious things, and so for me, I like to minimize
the decisions about what I wear to be as simple
as pos. That's why I love one of one of

the reasons why when I'm on Army Dude in uniform
like that is. That is the easiest thing. So I
just I keep it very simple. So if I have
to break out of my normal rotation of three suits
or blazers that I use, I do ask my husband.
He has he has great tastes in just being able

to tell like I don't know. He has never steered
me wrong. He's a cinematographer, he's a musician, so he
uses a different side of the brain than I do.
And and it's always you know, I just go for clean,
classy and simple, and he is on the mark anytime
I have any question at all.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
Tulsa Gabbart always finally dressed for the per appropriate thanks
to her husband having great taste. All right, let's dive
into this CBS News supposedly VP debate July twenty third
August thirteenth. They haven't set a date officially yet. How
bad do you think you would massacre Kamala Harri if

you got the opportunity to go head to head against
her in a vice presidential debate? And how much, based
on your experience in the twenty twenty race, would you
relish that opportunity? Be honest, is there anybody you would
rather eviscerate in a debate than Kamala Harris.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
You know, I'm not one to hold personal grudges. However,
I can say based on the experience I had in
our interaction on a debate stage in twenty twenty, and
how surprised I was that her lack of preparedness to
address her own record that she was running on during

her presidential campaign. She was proud of her record, and
yet asking her some very simple questions about that record
completely blew her cover and showed how ill prepared she was,
and that has only been reaffirmed throughout her tenure as
Vice president. So I would love to have the opportunity
to go toe to tode with her on the debate stage.

There is not a lack of material to address. Given
the substance of the failures of both President Biden and
Vice President Kamala Harris in their positions.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
Doesn't it speak to how bad she is that despite
the fact that Joe Biden is objectively, I think it's
fair to say the worst president in most of our lives,
they are terrified at eighty two year old Joe Biden
stepping down because it would mean they would have to
elevate Kamala Harris, who has managed to somehow be worse

than Joe Biden despite the fact that he's the worst
president ever. I mean, that really kind of sums up
the awfulness of their combination, doesn't it.

Speaker 3 (16:44):
It does, and it point It points to the lack
of judgment obviously in President Biden knows around him. For
him to make a decision that he stated from the
outset would be purely based on identity politics reveals the
failailure of that whole that whole premise. I think the

other thing that just came to mind, given their identity
politics is is I know this because it's the excuse
Kamala Harris uses every time anyone in the media dares
to point out her failures and her lack of preparedness,
she says, well, you know they are racist or they
are sexist. If I am going toe to toe with

her as a quote unquote woman of color on the
debate stage, I don't know how she uses that as
an excuse to cover up her inadequacy and her in
her lack of qualification to serve in the current position
that she's in and to be literally one breath away
from the presidency.

Speaker 2 (17:46):
We're talking to Tulsea Gabbard, four term congresswoman, combat veteran
currently serving as a lieutenant colonel in the US Army Reserve,
and she has a best selling book for Love of Country,
which you'd encourage you guys to go check out. Tulsa,
you grew up in Hawaii. I believe you are a
big surfer. I think we've talked about this before. Would

you have ever believed that men would be able to
identify as women and compete in surfing championships to win
women surfing championships as a woman who has grown up
surfing all over Hawaii? If you and I are around
the same age, if I had told you that was
going to happen in two thousand and three, two thousand

and four, twenty years ago, I think you would have
told me that I was crazy, and maybe I would
have agreed to make that argument. But now it's Democrat
standard orthodoxy. How do we get here?

Speaker 6 (18:39):
It is?

Speaker 3 (18:40):
It's literal insanity, and I dedicate a whole chapter in
my book specifically to this topic, both because of what
the consequence is. I've spoken with a few of the
women who are currently on the World Surfing circuit tour
and them expressing their frustrations because not only is it
completely unfair, there are two different divisions for a reason.

The physical capability of male surfers to be able to
paddle into some of the biggest waves in the world
is just different from the women. These women are excellent
beyond you know, I'm like I'm like in kindergarten as
a surfer compared to what these women are doing and
dominating around the world. However, they are different for a reason,

and if they speak up about it, they they will
immediately see their sponsorships canceled and perhaps be kicked off
the tour. We see this because it happened to Bethany Hamilton.
You know, she had her arm bid off as a child,
and so as a one armed surfing woman she is
still going out and competing and doing things that I

defined for a.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
Moment with you, because I want the Bethany Hamilton's story
to me is so amazing. If I ever got attacked
by a shark, because I think that's how she lost
her arm, right as a surfer, she was attacked by
a shark. If a shark ever bid me, if I
had the tiniest little cut. Ever, I'm not sure I
would ever go in the ocean again. Can you imagine
the bravery that it takes to lose an arm to

a shark and then get better and go back out
into the ocean with only one arm to try to
catch waves. I mean to me, that is a bravery
that's unparalleled in terms of athletics. And she's speaking out
and saying, hey, there's a big difference between men and women.
And it's like she's not even being paid attention to

by many people.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
She's not, and worse, she's being retaliate against. And you're
absolutely right. I mean, her courage and bravery is she
was healing from, you know, the shark bit off her arm,
very close to her shoulder, so there's nothing there really
to work with. She doesn't use a prosthetic when she's paddling.
I don't even know if that's a viable thing. But
she was eager. I think she was twelve years old

when this happened. She was eager. It's amazing in the
water to pursue her passion, and really what I respect
in her and her story. It's powerful for so many reasons.
But as you look at the courage she exhibited them,
and you look at the courage she exhibits now as
a mom of I think three kids now competing in
incredible waves around the world. When she just stood up

and said men should not be competing against women in surfing,
her decades long sponsor immediately canceled their sponsorship for her,
which is a way to earn her livelihood to help
support her family. And there's a thing on International Women's
Day that's become a tradition in surfing where the male surfers,
as they're competing, they choose the name of a woman

they admire and put it on their jersey. In these
past couple of years, multiple male competitors chose Bethany Hamilton
as the woman they most admire. And after Bethany Hamilton
made that statement, the World Surf League would not allow
her name on these men's jersey. Unbelie like four or

five of them wanted to feature her, admire her, applaud her,
champion her, and they said, no, you are not allowed
to have this woman, this specific woman's name on your jersey.
I give her so much credit because she is continuing
to stand up and speak out for free speech and
for equality, for women and girls and protecting women and
girls in surfing, in all sports, and I hope that

more women are willing to do the same, and men
for that matter.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
I think this is important. I think I asked you
this the last time you were on your in consideration
potentially to be vice president or to be involved in
the cabinet. You and I have a similar political evolution.
You were a Democrat. I voted for Democrats, I worked
for Democrats, and then I finally just looked around, starting
about six seven years ago in real earnest and said

Democrats have lost their minds, and I haven't really changed.
I still believe pretty much the same thing I always have,
but I'm now considered to be a right winger, and
as I sawd earlier, people say, oh, I'm super controversial
because I say things like, you know, men's sports should
only be made up of men, and women's sports sholl
only be made up of women. I think there are
tens of millions of people out there, like you and me,

who are persuadable to recognize that things are broken in
this country. They need to be fixed, and much of
the breaking is being done by the left wing in
this country. How many people do you think are out
there persuadable and how do you think they respond to
you when you make that argument?

Speaker 3 (23:30):
Oh gosh, I mean millions to tens of millions of
people at at a minimum. You know, my evidence is
purely anecdotal at this point. But I live out of
a suitcase, and I travel across the country, and I
meet people and hear from people every single day who
say the same thing that you just said, who resonate
deeply with my experience in your experience, who are now

being called conservatives or right wing Republicans simply for standing
up and stating what is obvious in objective truth of biology,
between the differences between a man and a woman standing
up and saying that the government should not be censoring speech.
Free speech is free speech in America. That the government
shouldn't be weaponizing its institutions against its political opponents. That

our streets should be safe and our police should be
allowed to do their jobs, our borders should be secure.
These things are not radical ideas, They are fundamentally American ideals.
And I specifically focused in my book about each chapter
dedicated to one of these major fundamental principles. And this

is where I see hope and opportunity in this election
and where I've experienced my ability to connect with people
and let them know, Hey, it's not only okay for
you to walk away from the craziness of the Democratic Party,
but we must seize this moment as Americans and fulfill
our responsibility as citizens to save our country and to

defend our freedom and make sure we send President Biden
and Kamala Harris packing on election day.

Speaker 2 (25:08):
Tulsi, you not only managed to write a best selling book,
you did it without bragging about killing a puppy or
meeting Kim Jong un. Congratulations, Thank you. We'll talk to
you again soon. That is Tulsea Gabbard.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
You're listening to twenty four the most Important Tier in
Politics with Clay Travis and Box Sexton.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
You're heading out to Arizona right now, where we're going
to be joined right now by Abe Hammaday who is
running for Congress out in Arizona, battleground state. And Abe,
I want to start with this. I'm going to get
into the Attorney General of Arizona race with you here
in a sec But first, you were a prosecutor. I'm
sure you've been paying some attention to the Trump case

in New York City that Alvin Bragg brought as a prosecutor.
How would you analyze the case so far from your perspective, but.

Speaker 7 (26:06):
A're gonna be with you, Well, if you look at this,
you know, people always ask me about my legal analysis
on this case, and quite frankly, it's kind of difficult
to do that because I think all of us can
recognize what is happening. It's a political witch hunt. The
case involved, you know, federal issues of election law that
was declined way back in twenty seventeen. But Alvin Bragg

what he did he brought the third highest ranking member
of the Department of Justice to be this prosecutor on
this case. So I'm a former prosecutor Clay, and I
am ashamed of the legal system. And if you're looking,
it's not just in New York with this one case.
You see Letitia James, Fanny Willis, you have Chris May's
out here in Arizona. Then you had Jack Smith. And

what really concerns me is these are attorneys who are
in their forties, fifties, and sixties who are this radicalized
with this marxisc ieteology. What concerns me, is this new
crop that's coming out of the universities, how committed they
are going to be to destroying our country in the
rule of law. So you know, this is this is
why Trump passed to win. And I know the jury
pool is very heavily favored in terms of the prosecution,

just because it was overwhelmingly for Joe Biden. But if
you look at Michael Cohen's testimony, he's a convicted liar
multiple times. And I think the defense is doing an
excellent job on it. But you know, it's hard when
it's stacked against you so much. But I you know,
we have to pray and hope that the jury does
the right thing. But I think everybody, at least everybody
watching this, if they've seen any trials of this case,

they're they're looking at this as a witch hunt, and
I think it's only helped Trump in his election prospects.

Speaker 2 (27:38):
I don't want you to dodge this because you're a politician,
and politicians are good at dodging questions. This is going
to be maybe the most difficult question you get this
whole campaign. You went to Arizona State undergrad, you went
to the University of Arizona, for law school. Who do
you root for when Arizona and Arizona State play and
a tie? And by the way, a tie is not

an acceptable answer at all, sir, No, it's not.

Speaker 3 (28:02):
I'm brutally honest.

Speaker 7 (28:04):
Well, it depends which sport. My brother in law, he
was actually an NBA champion who played at ASU, Jeff Ayres.
So you know, with basketball it's probably ASU. But you know,
typically u of AD does a lot better, but football
attends to be u of AID. It really depends on
which sport it is. But I had a good time
at both schools.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
I saw, by the way, that is the typical politician answer. Well,
in football one thing, basketball another, so both sides can
be happy and angry simultaneously. I'm sure you saw the
video of the ASU frat guys clearing up the Palestine protests,
and it went super viral and intended to be a negative,
but a lot of people were like, hey, good for
those guys. Would you have believed when you were at

ASU and you were at the U of A that
it would ever get to the point where Jewish students
didn't feel comfortable walking around campus.

Speaker 7 (28:53):
No, And I think that's what's so scary right now.
Clay is how aggressive the Marxists are and has been saying,
what it's kind of an unusual alliance that's happening right now.
Right You see these I mean these people have purple hair,
pink hair, they don't know what gender they are. They're
flying this LGBTQ flag along with hes Bolas flags and
Palestinian flags, which is unusual, right, But this is what

Marxism is. It's it's filled with contradictions. They're using the
universities as their training camps. They're using the media as
their propaganda arm, and they're using radical Islamist b l
M and antifas their military wing. So you know, in
combination of all those three things, it's a recipe for disaster.
And what's you know, I applaud a SU and u
of A has been cracking down a lot more aggressively
than other schools. And if you saw the frat boys

at ASU, it was almost sanctioned by the university. Actually,
the police, the undercover police are basically telling them, hey,
go do the go, do the dirty work for us.
So I'm it's good to see that strong people. You know,
courage is contagious. Clay and I think that's what's important.
We have to stand for truth. We have to protect
you know, these you know we keep saying Jewish UITs,
but these are Americans shoes. These are there are fellow Americans.

And imagine if the same was in reverse where you
saw people at his jobs not allowed to go to
campus classrooms. You know, everybody been being up war. So
we have to be fair. We have to, you know,
protect our Jewish American students. And you know in Congress
what I want to do. I want to start going
after the universities. They're taking all this money from Qatar, China,
the Emirates, and that's the problem right now, is that

our universities are captured by foreign countries.

Speaker 2 (30:28):
We're talking to Abe. I'm gonna get you right now.
Your name correctly here, Hammaday. You can correct me if
I'm mispronouncing. One of the things that I do on
the show all the time, Abe is mispronounced everybody's name.
I think I have the worst phonetics on the planet.
So hopefully I'm getting that right. I want you to
dive into because you know better than anybody what's going
on in Arizona. I'm sitting here in Tennessee. Buck is

usually down in Florida, and I'm concerned that in twenty
twenty four the election is going to come down to
a few thousand votes in Arizona. And we saw what
happened in twenty twenty where it felt like it's a
month to figure out what the vote tally was going
to be. You know better than anybody, I would say,
almost in the entire country in twenty twenty two. You
can tell the audience that may not be aware how

minimal the gap was between you being the Attorney general
of Arizona and you not and all of the issues,
particularly Americopa County, but certainly in other parts of Arizona
as well. Should we non Arizonas but I'm sure Arizonas
certainly want this as well. But for people outside, have
you guys fixed the election related issues? Are you confident

that in twenty twenty four we talked to carry Lake
a couple days ago, you know this tell us your
attorney general experience in that race and what happened, and
should we be confident at all in the process in Arizona?

Speaker 7 (31:46):
Yeah, Well, that's a great question. Ed. You're pronouncing my
name correctly, Clay, and I don't have an easy name
like you at two first names.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
I actually got three Richard, Clay, Travis, And yes, that
causes its own issues, but yeah, tell us about the
attorney general process.

Speaker 7 (32:02):
Absolutely so. In twenty twenty two here in Arizona, we
all saw what happened with those machines going down. Ultimately,
you know, I supposedly lost my race by two hundred
and eighty votes out of two point five million, the
closest race in Arizona history, Clay. And there's still nine
thousand uncounted ballots from election day. And what's interesting about
that is a lot of these ballots that were not

counted are actually legitimate ballots. One of them is a
husband of a state senator who's an Army veterans for
thirty years. Imagine his vote did not count. It was counted.
They've classified as a provisional ballot. So, and we overwhelmingly
won election day votes. That's why those machines were targeted.
I believe they were targeted, and they went down in
my congressional district that I'm running, and it was hit
the hardest, and it was a very Republican area with

the most amount of seniors in the entire state. And
those you know, those people can't wait in line for
that long. And I tell people that I am not
confident about what's going to happen. I'm only confident that
me and Kerry Lake have been exposing all of this
here in Arizona. But unfortunately, the same people who ran
twenty twenty, in twenty twenty two in Arizona are still
in charge. However, I think a lot of these lawsuits,

you know, there has been good momentum with it. We
have a strong RNC chairwoman, we have a strong Arizona
Republican Party chairwoman who's excellent on election integrity. So at
least we're vigilant now, but we have to be guarded
of course. But you know, with President Trump, I think
they're worried right now. Clay, in twenty twenty, the biggest
difference was there wasn't this rise of third parties. If

you remember, the Green Party was not on the ballot,
RFK Junior was not about. So now you have this
combination of all these third parties. So I think it
becomes more difficult for the left to positively cheat in
this election. I tell folks, you know how they're doing,
how they're rigging our elections. It's not just the voter roles,
it's not just the machines with the you know, going
down its death by a thousand cuts. And that's something

that I've learned over the past two years, and that's
why I'm so excited. You know, I've endorsed by President
Trump and carry Lake because they know I'm a strong fighter.
I don't back down from this corruption. So when I
go to Washington, d C. It's going to be one
of my top priorities. But my race is July thirtieth,
and when I win my primary, it's a very Republican district.
I'm going to make sure we recapture the Senate by

getting Kerry Lake elected, and we take back the White
House by getting President Trump elected. Because this is a
do or dielection, everybody recognizes it. And Arizona, You're right,
it was the closest state in the country and now
it's being headed by these Democrats and unfortunately some of
these weak need Republicans who don't want to acknowledge what's happening.
But look at just yesterday in Texas, a judge literally
just ordered a new election for twenty twenty two. I

don't know if you saw that. But you know, people
are starting to take election integrity much more seriously now,
and I think that's a good thing. We have to
really focus on it when we get to Washington, d c.

Speaker 2 (34:45):
A appreciate the time. Two hundred and eighty votes. I
can't even imagine what that's like. We're rooting for you
guys all to take back Arizona, flip it back around,
and help to restore some sanity in the country. You
appreciate the time.

Speaker 7 (34:58):
Thanks so much.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
You're listening to twenty four The Year of Impact with
Clay and Buck.

Speaker 5 (35:08):
We are joined by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. Senator Rubio,
great to talk to you again.

Speaker 6 (35:15):
Hey, thanks for having me on.

Speaker 5 (35:17):
Let's start with this one. I mean, your colleague and
the Senate j ed Vance was outside of the courthouse
in New York this morning just giving his overview analysis
of what an outrage the whole thing is, how despicable
he finds the whole trial as you see this in
Michael Cohen, the star witness, and all the media focus
on it play out in New York. What are your

thoughts as somebody who serves this country and loves this country.

Speaker 6 (35:44):
My thoughts are that we have sanctioned other countries for
doing this in their politics, and anti democratic is basically
the targeting of the opposite the leading opposition candidate in
the next election, not with one trial, but with numerous
trials in the most one of the most liberal counties
in America, with a Biden supporting judge, a Biden supporting

prosecutor who doesn't even go after violent criminals, but has
charged them on this, on this, on this ridiculous bookkeeping
charge that they've extended to a felony by finnageling federal
law for reasons that I can't explain how crazy that is.
It's just And then on top of that, the president
it's mirrored every single day by including witnesses in this

trial like Michael Cohen, and if he responds, he gets
fined and announce threatned to jail. This trial, of all
the trials, I think are ridiculous, all of them, but
this one in particular is the most ridiculous. It makes
the country look like a third world banana republic, like
a kangaroo court democracy. It's an outrage. It's a complete
and total outreage. If that trial was brought in any
other jurisdiction in America, just a normal, regular middle road jurisdiction.

There's no way to get a conviction if Donald Trump's
last name is anything. No other person there is not
a single other person in the world who this prosecutor
would have charged with this with the same set of facts,
other than Donald Trump. So the whole thing is I
think an embarrassment to the country and an outreach, and
I think people see it for what it is.

Speaker 5 (37:07):
Senator, when it comes to that last point, is I
think the critical one the issue of the American people
seeing through this. Not all of them obviously are going
to see truth and reality. But how would you describe
your confidence at this point that this campaign sort of
generally not just New York, but more broadly as well

of legal or of law fair. You could say the
legal assault on Donald Trump is politically backfiring. Are you
seeing that already? You think it's too.

Speaker 6 (37:38):
Soon to tell. I think even Democrats are embarrassed by it,
which is why they barely talk about it. I mean
the commentators giggle and energy. You know, CNN is like
wall to wall coverage, even though they can't cover it.
They're in the courtroom, like I guess someone's texting out
what's happening. But beyond that, like the average every day,
hard working person, they see it for what. Even people
that aren't going to vote for Trump, even people that

may not like Trump, No one is under any illusion
about what this is about. And of all places, Manhattan,
where you have a district attorney that basically if you
kill a couple of people, you might not even be charged.
I mean, you'll certainly be out on bail waiting a trial,
and you drop the charges to something lower. You've got
a city where they this DA has notoriously not gone
after violent criminals and given people the ace and the

ninth chance to go out and reoffend. But they bring
this charge, and with this much resources and time. So
I think people know there's no way with a straight
face to argue that this trial is a legitimate trial
or is anything other than political. And I do think
that among it's certainly motivating a lot of Trump supporters,
but I think it's also influencing a lot of other
people that are asking themselves, if in fact, this guy

is so terrible and he's so bad, and Biden's so good,
then why are they afraid to run? Against them. Why
are they doing everything possible and to keep him from
being able to campaign and uh and stand for election.
In fact, if you read some of the press coverage,
they're flat out or saying why aren't all of these
trials happening beforehand? All these trus need to happen now.
They need to happen right away. We they've got to

figure out a way to bring this to trial before
the election. They all want this to happen now because they,
I believe the only way they think they can beat
them at this point.

Speaker 5 (39:11):
Speaking to Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and Senator I'm
sure you've seen that with all the stuff going on
in the world of prosecuting Donald Trump, the polls have
him across the board ahead in the swing states and
mostly considerably ahead and in some cases ahead in every

swing state. So the election if it were today, which
we know it's not so many months off, but it
would look very good for Donald Trump as it stands now.
Would you want to be a part of this if offered?
Have you discussed being a VP with former President Trump?

Speaker 3 (39:49):

Speaker 6 (39:50):
I've never talked to anybody in the campaign about it.
I've read about it, in these papers, but I've never
heard it. And the reason I'm not trying to be cloy,
the reason why I don't spend a lot of time
thinking about it or talking it is because, frankly, there's
only one person on the planet who knows who that's
going to be, and that's Donald Trump, not his advisors,
not the people with inside knowledge of the campaign. He's
the only one. He'll make that decision, and he's the

only one that knows. So hearing it from anybody other
than him is really not something that I would put
a lot of credence in.

Speaker 3 (40:17):

Speaker 6 (40:17):
Look, just to be mentioned, I guess you know, is
an honor in and of itself, and I would say
this to you. Look, these people, I truly believe if
Joe Biden gets another term, these people will destroy the country.
They are doing it already. Just think about immigration, ten
million people, how many are in three years? How many
are going to come in over the next three and
at four and a half if he gets re elected. Okay,

just that alone. Look at the damage he's done to
us around the world. What happened with Afghanistan since that moment,
Ukraine's been invaded, Israel's been attacked, not being a lot
covered every day, but China is constantly harassing the Philippines
and Taiwan that could break out at any moment. North
Korea's firing missiles again of greater and great and greater lethalities.
The world's gone nuts. Here at home, we got pro homocive.

I never, in mind wildest dreams that I ever believed
you would see pro hamas sympathizers of terrorism taking over
college campuses and flying the Palestinian flag over our campuses
and disrupting graduation ceremonies and finals and classes.

Speaker 5 (41:15):
Do you think on the campus protester center, do you
think that's a real legitimate challenge for the Democrats politically
or do you think it'll fade away?

Speaker 6 (41:25):
Well, I think it's a challenge because it's not just
about the issue of the month. The issue now that
they're focused on is this issue of Hamas and Palestine
and their hatred of Israel. But this is the same movement,
by the way, the same group of people that are
constantly arguing that the US is an evil country of
colonizers that were imperialists, This is a nation founded on

white supremacy, that the world is divided between victims and victimizers,
and we are the victimizers, and so it's an anti Western,
anti US sentiment. That are the same people that tomorrow
the cause will be something else. But at its core
is they hate the country. They want America destroy. They
don't view this as a special country worth saving. They
view it as an inherently terrible one that needs to

be torn down and rebuilt into something else, and that
includes not having bordered and things of that nature. So
that movement is an enormous liability because it has become
a core of the Democratic Party. Not every Democrat, a
lot of Democrats don't agree with them, but that's where
they get their activists, that's where they get their staff,
that's where they populate the State Department and all the
other agencies of government. From these are the people that

help them raise money. Who funds these groups? We know
now it is people that have given millions and millions
of dollars to Democratic causes who are funding this movement
or the groups that are the seed money for this movement.
So it's a huge liability because it pulls Democrats further
and further away in their policies from the everyday American,
including some who are registered as Democrats are independents, and

that's why you're seeing Trump doing well among working classes, Hispanics,
working class, after the Americans, working class people across the board.
The Democrats have moved so far to the radical left
because of this core base of their party that it
is more and more people can't coexist with them politically.

Speaker 5 (43:03):
It seems also that Biden, who's in my view, spent
his entire life just trying to find whatever the thing
is that he's supposed to say for the most popularity
among Democrats in the moment. I mean, I really think
that has been what his political career has.

Speaker 2 (43:17):
Been devoted to.

Speaker 5 (43:18):
He seems to have been stumped a little bit here
on this issue of you know, Hamas and Israel and
the pro Palestinian and anti Semitic factions on campus and
all the rest of it, to the point where he
even started talking about him. You've worked a lot on
a foreign affair side of the Senate and foreign policy.
For a president to seemingly bend the knee on an

issue as important as arms provision to Israel when it's
in an ongoing military campaign, I mean this is because
he's really worried about losing Michigan. Is it that simple?

Speaker 3 (43:53):

Speaker 6 (43:53):
Well, and I think there's two things happening here. You've
got one element of the Democratic Party that supports Israel,
wants us to support Isel, and you've seen some of
these members of Congress sending letters and criticizing it. And
then the other element are the people in his campaign,
the people in staffing, different levels of the State Department,
and it's political advisors that are saying, you know, we've
got to do something to appease this group. Because of

this group stayed home and doesn't vote for us, we're
going to lose the election. And so he's trying to
have it both ways. He wants to go around saying
I'm ironclad with Israel, but then he tries to appease
them by saying, but I'm going to cut off their
weapons as they go into Rafa or I hate I'm
not pro Israel, but I don't like net Yok. So
they've tried a lot of different strategies to try to
have it both ways here. This is not the kind
of issue you can have it both ways. You're either

with Israel or you're with the terrorists. You're either supporting
Israel's right to destroy this group that did these horrible things,
or you're not. You're in favor of that group surviving
and coming back and doing it again in the future.
And this is not something this is not a needle
he can thread. But he is trying to balance that
internally because he's I imagine, getting a tremendous amount of
pressure from elements of his own staff, I would imagine,

and so because they're core of the Democratic Party owner
base and the political advisors are basically saying, if we
lose Michigan, we're finished. If we lose in Minnesota, we're finished.
And if these voters stay home across the country, young
people and so forth, were finished. So in an election
that's supposed to be close, I imagine they're very worried about
this element of their base that not coming out to vote,

and they're trying to know them and they're doing damage
to the country.

Speaker 5 (45:23):
As a We're speaking to center Mark or Rubio of
Florida and to that end of center Ruby, I know
you're a University of Miami guy for law school, right,
so you're you Miami Florida gator.

Speaker 6 (45:32):
Let's I mean, we got to get that right, you know,
that's not where I went to undergrad.

Speaker 5 (45:36):
I was gonna say next, I mean you and my
wife are both Florida Gators, and she corrected me. Recently,
she just said UF. I think I said you of
F She said, no, it's just UF. So I'm learning
the Gator ways. But about all these schools and the
protests and that's going on, there have been some states
where this has been with you know, with very large universities,
very very popular university systems, where this has been very absent.

You know, there's been little bits of it here and there,
and it gets shut down very quickly. How do you
feel as a UF alum and why has it been different?
Is it really just your colleague former colleague in the
Senate sass As The chancellor has just said, we're not
doing that nonsense here. What's been the difference?

Speaker 6 (46:15):
I think there's no doubt that's been key to it.
It's you know, if you allow groups to say it's
set up camp and put up tents and take over
different buildings, ward gets out and people are going to gravitate,
They're going to go there, they go say this is
the place we need to go because they're allowing them
to stay, and then that encampment builds, and then these
professional agitators come in and guide them towards what's the
next step. They hand out guide. This is how you

get arrested. This is how we resist, This is how
we break into buildings. These are you're right, this is
what you need to do. This is how to cover
your face. And no, I'm going to take a picture
of you and then not hire you in the future
when you try to get a job. I do think
that if you've seen some of the commonality, some of
the biggest issues here have been in New York and
Los Angeles, a little bit in Washington, DC. These are
big cities where a small group of students can become

a magnet to bring in these professional agitators and you know,
part of this whole anti American movement who are always
looking for a cause to latch onto, and they join
and suddenly you know, you've got these encampments going on,
and you've got straight up violence and chaos. These are
not protests. These are a riot. These are unlawful demonstrations,
disruptive and harmful. And even if every and I always

laugh at the meet, he says, Wow, there's no evidence
that they're outside agitators. Okay, I mean there is, and
there's plenty of evidence. Who's printing all this stuff, making
all the signs, these fancy tenstering and all that. But
even if every person in those encampments was a student
in most of these universities, you're talking about a very
small percentage of the student body, very very small percentage
of the student body that's participating. But they're joined by

these outside agitators, and they're willing to be violent and
disruptive and illegal and what they do, and they've got
and caused tremendous harm for these institutions. For the life
of me, I don't know why anybody who want to
go to one of these schools right now.

Speaker 5 (47:57):
Senator Mark or Rubio Florida Center as a Fello Floridian,
thank you so much for being here.

Speaker 6 (48:01):
Appreciate it all right, Go getors.

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