All Episodes

May 3, 2024 53 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • America is waking up

  • New economic numbers are out!

  • Hey look! Another Dem Foreign Agent

  • Trump always knew something was not right

  • Looking back on 2020 I realized something

  • Biden calls Japan xenophobic 

  • Why America is so taken with frat boys right now

  • Remembering the Fallen


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):

Speaker 2 (00:04):
E'rerope about to enter the arena and join the Battle
to save America with your host Sean Parnell.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
What is a battle Crew? It is Friday? What is
up America. It's a great day to be an American
from sea to signing Sea and everybody in between. Welcome, patriots.
It's great to have you here. And I'm sure I
saw a lot of you this morning when I hosted
three hours, three very very intense hours of Wendy Bell

Radio program. First of all, let me just tell you
before we get into the show and the rundown and
everything else, I just got to say to the battle
Crew and to all the new members of the battle Crew,
from the bottom of my heart, welcome. We want you
here on the show and in the live chat. We
want you in the fight and in the trenches to
save this country. We don't want you, just want you.

We need you. And so thank you for all the
new people that are here and all the original Gangster members,
the OG members of the battle Crew. I love you.
I'm glad you're here. And I saw you representing in
the chat this morning, and I tried where I could,
and I saw like looking at the live chat it
moves a lot faster on Wendy Bell's show, But I

tried to give shout outs as appropriate during the commercials
because you all deserve all the recognition for this show.
This show is yours. It always will be. And I'm
sure if you pay, if you watched the Wendy Bell
Show today, I'm sure you saw the camera incident where
the first block of the show, she's got this camera.

It's like, I don't know if you have you watch
Star Wars, but it's like this R two D two
looking camera that follows you and has this little head
that tracks back and forth. And I'm doing the show,
I'm live on the air. There's probably close to ten
thousand people watching on Rumble, and who the hell knows
how many more thousand listening on the radio. And the

camera you know, I'm talking with my hands. I'm an
Italian guy. That's just how well listen If you watch
you watch my show, which I know you do, but
if you're watching my show, then you know I talk
with my hands a lot. And so the camera just
zooms in real close on my face and we couldn't
get it to zoom out. And on the commercial break,
I just kept rolling while we were live, didn't matter,

just tried to ignore it. And on the commercial break,
producer Extraordinary, the Brockenader or brock Star came into the
room and was trying to fix it. And I was
like messing around behind the camera and I got on
the floor and I tried to high crawl, and the
camera looked down at me on the floor and it
caught me. And I was like this, and I started

thinking to myself, well, holy smokes, this camera is following
me everywhere. So when I got up to go to
the bathroom two and a half hours into the show,
I was like going to the bathroom and turning around
looking over my shoulder, thinking that that little camera would
be floating there when you're doing the show, my camera.
I wish you could see the camera and my studios
set up, but my camera's fixed. It just looks right

at me. That little camera zooms around and moves up
and down. It's the strangest thing, but I'm pretty sure
it zoomed in pretty close on my face. And so
I'm very sorry to you all about that. Anyways, let's
get into the show Rundown. Thank you all for watching
me on Wendy Bell. I'm really excited to be back
on the show on Monday, and again thank you for

sticking with me for full three hours. And again here tonight. Okay,
the show rundown. America is waking up. They are They're
seeing how horrible things are and it's opening a lot
of eyes. I'm gonna tell you why. I'm gonna show
you what's causing that. New economic numbers are out and

as you can imagine, it's a dumpster fire. Hey have
you noticed that there was breaking news today about another
Democrat foreign agent that makes two in the United States Congress?
Is there any Democrat that's not bought and paid for,
paid for by a country that hates America. Trump always
knew that something was not right, even prior to twenty twenty.

I talked about this a little bit this morning on
the Wendy Belt radio show. I want to get into
it a little bit more tonight because I've been thinking
about it as the day has gone on, and looking
back on twenty twenty, I realized something. And of course
you saw Biden talking about Japan, calling them xenophobic. We're
going to talk about why America is so taken with
frat boys right now, and I've got to talk to

you about remembering the fallen. If you watched Wendy Bell,
then you know a little bit about what I'm talking about.
But I'd like to tell you a little bit more
of the story before we go into the weekend, because
it would be great to have your prayers, not for me,
but for well. You're always welcome to pray for me.
I would love to have your prayers, but just for

those that we lost in service to this country. Okay,
let's talk about America waking up, because I firmly believe
this America is waking up. I think that things have
gotten so bad and uncomfortable for people that they can't

help but wake up to the realities of how difficult
life has become. And a lot of that is made
manifestly apparent through the left's conduct. And what I mean
by that is the latest thing or all of these
college protests. You see what's happening on these colleges, and

if you're a parent of children and I have five,
or if you've got grandkids or family that you care about,
you say to yourself immediately when you see these protests,
oh my gosh, what kind of world are my children
and going to inherit I guarantee you that, in some way,

shape or form, you say those things if you have children, grandkids,
people that you love and you care about, and that's
a normal thing. I think when you have children, grandchildren,
even if you don't, then you still love America. I'm
not trying to exclude people that don't. I'm just saying
that when you've got kids, you want to make sure

that they're not inheriting a country that is insane. And
when you see what's going on in these college campuses,
that's exactly how I feel. Because eventually the kids on
these campuses are going to graduate. They are going to
populate corporate boards. You think companies are woke and terrible,

now wait ten years when these pro genocide, pro Hamas
lunatics are populating the board at Amazon, it's going to
feel a whole lot worse. Also, well, these kids are
going to grow up and they're going to run for local, state,
and federal office someday. You think AOC is crazy, woke,

an insane communist, you just wait, wait until these Prohamas,
pro terror sympathizing losers graduate and populate the halls of Congress.
It's going to get very very bad if we don't
do something about it. But the good news is as

I think Americans are going to take bold action. And
I've talked about it this more on the radio, and
I don't want to go down this path. But for
those of you all rolling your eyes and saying, well,
the Democrats rerig elections, and I would say, of course
they do. Yes, They've been cheating an election since eighteen
sixty four. But to talk a little bit more about

the twenty twenty election and what I realized and all
of that here and a little bit on the show,
not to constantly look back in twenty twenty, but for
the new folks who are joining, and for our friends
who listen to the podcast, listen to the show, it's
very very important to me to constantly be analyzing what

happened in twenty twenty, twenty twenty two, twenty twenty three.
Our job as leaders in this movement is to study history.
What's that phrase that we're always taught in school. If
you don't study history, you're doomed to repeat it. So
you understand that's why the media and the Democrats ridicule

us make fun of us, label us election deniers or
conspiracy theorists, because they don't want you studying what happened.
They want you to just put your head in the
sand and not fight back. So this is the reason why,
just for folks who are new with US, people who
are listening as well, this is the reason why I

talk about it often and I share with you the
epiphanies that I have. But you see what's happening on
these college campuses, and American moms and dads are like,
I don't want that for my son or daughter. And
this is why I said in the radio today. And

you might think it's a harsh position to take, but
I stand by it. I hope that these protests go
on for a lot longer. I think that every day
that these protests go on, Trump gets another ten thousand votes,
wakes up more people. As far as my political enemies go,

I got no issues with them fighting each other. And
that's the essence of communism, right, That's the essence of diversity, equity,
and inclusion at its core. Nothing in their movement is
about merit. It's all about smoke and mirrors, skin color, religion,

not skill, not grade point, average, not working hard, not
individual responsibility. No, I mean, look no further than KJP,
who we will talk about later, but diversity higher extraordinary.
Biden wants to fire her. People in the Biden White

House want to fire her. This is fact. You can
look it up in the New York Post. There's a
detailed report on this. She is destroying the Biden administration.
She's hurting Biden's chances at the polls, shry him at
the polls, and is gonna hurt him in November. That's
what many Democrats believe, and I happen to believe that
as well. This is why you've seen John Kirby in

the White House press briefing room more often. He's better
on his feet with issues actually studies. KJP doesn't. She's
a black lesbian and got the job because she was
a black lesbian, period, full stop. That that's it. And
what's more, she knows it. She thinks she's doing a

great job. So come hell or high water, she ain't
leaving the White House. She is literally a squatter in
the White House. They can't get rid of her. And
so this is what I mean about communism, Marxism, diversity, equity,
and inclusion and everything on the left, they end up
destroying each other. It collapses in on itself like a

dying star. Because if you're not hiring people based on
merit and you're only hiring mouth breathing lunatics, well, eventually
the mouth breeding lunatics are going to fail. That organization
can't get rid of the mouth breathing lunatics, and eventually
the organization itself is going to fail because there are
going to be so many points of failure, you understand.

But the American people, for a long time, I think
that they were asleep to this. But I think they're
seeing it now. I think they're waking up to the
fact that, holy smokes, these kids on collar calling for
a genocide of a whole people. Holy smokes, my kid
goes to college. Is my daughter being indoctrinate in this stuff?

Is she gonna have purple hair when she comes home
for her first Thanksgiving? I don't know. Maybe the American
people hear stuff like this and it's opening their eyes how.

Speaker 3 (12:29):
Much your race traitsering a Jewish supremacist country. Outside agitators
aren't done louds. You're working for an entity.

Speaker 1 (12:51):
That was Byron Donald's Republican member of Congress being called
a race trader and an uncle Tom. He just made
a visit to a car college campus and happens to
have an R after his name. The American people see
that stuff, you know what else they see? They see
real life garbage pal kids, spoiled rich liberal children going

to school, not appreciating the education America, the historic nature
of their college, not appreciating any of that. But they're
seeing them wear bicycle helmets. They're seeing them fashion rubber
made shields from the sides of garbage cans. I'm gonna
show you in a second for our friends who are listening,

what you're gonna hear is cheering. And just close your
eyes as you hear this cheering, and imagine some of
the most unathletic, spindly people that you've ever imagined in
your life, with masks on and bicycle helmets on, in

rubber made shields from garbage cans cut in half. And
imagine those spindly losers. Imagine them charging the line as
if they were out of the movie Gladiator, and watch
and listen as they get lit up by the police.

Here they are cheer. Hear the cheers Yep, they got
umbrellas too. Look out here they come, they're charging. Look
at that the Koan athletic They are actually that one
and three two on you hear the screeching. Yeah, the

American people see that stuff. Now, let's do it with
a voiceover from the NFL. If you're watching, uh, you'll
love this. If you're listening, just imagine the same spindly
kids with rubber made shields, gar Garbage Powell kids, but
with NFL music NFL voiceover over top this video.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
Listen article of misguided valor. The privileged warriors bravely advanced,
placing their faith in rubber maid and Petrulli oil, but
the guardians of order stood resolute, repelling the advance.

Speaker 1 (15:19):
Like the Steel Curtain.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
The would be revolutionaries met not with victory, but with
the cold reality of life. Echoes of the folly of
youth reverberated across the nation, a cautionary tale immortalized in
the Annals of Absurdity.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
So believe me what I tell you. The American people
see this. The American people are waking up. You know
what else they're waking up to. They're probably not waking
up to it. They've probably been feeling the heat for
three years under Joe Biden's horrible presidency. And that is
the economy. It's in the tank. Believe me. Americans noticed
that too. The economy in the month of April at

a hund undred and seventy five thousand jobs, much below
expectation of the expectations of two hundred and thirty eight
thousand jobs. So here's the thing with this that I
want you to keep in your hip pocket. This one
hundred and sent the economy added one hundred and seventy
five thousand jobs. They will end up, mark my words, Uh,

they will end up revising this number down, just like
they have eleven of the last thirteen months. They publish
a strong economic stat months later, on page five, column D,
they revise the number now down, hoping that the American
people don't notice. Us unemployment rate actually rose again point

one percent to three point nine percent. It's actually much
higher than that because people are leaving the labor force
the labor force and not coming back. They're just not
looking for jobs anymore. This happening during an election year.
Not good. Wage growth is only increasing at a three
point nine per page, which is the lowest since June

of twenty twenty one. Again, inflation being close to fifteen
sixteen percent, your wages increasing at three point nine percent.
What a joke. Inflation has far outpaced wage growth. So,
in other words, if you're not getting a fifteen sixteen

percent raise, you're not even breaking even with the consistent,
consistent wage growth that's happening under Bidenomics. It's ridiculous. Whole
the economy is terrible. But if you listen to the
Biden administration KJP and Joe Biden, they tell you that
biden nomics is great, the economy is great. Stupid. Remember

what I said on the show. The Democrat Party has
gone from the James Carvel's party of the middle class.
It's the economy stupid. In other words, effective campaigns and
effective messages are about the economy. They've gone from that
to the economy's great, stupid and wondering why their numbers
are in the tank. But thankfully, Joe Biden has the

best and the brightest on his staff, like White House
Economic Advisor Jared Bernstein. Listen to him when he's asked
about the government borrowing money. And again keep in mind
that this man advises Joe Biden in the White House
on Economic Policy list.

Speaker 4 (18:29):
Like you said, they print the dollar, so why why
does the government even borrow? Well the uh so, the
I mean again, some of this stuff gets some of
the language that some of the language and concepts are
just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money, and

it definitely lends that money. Which is why the government
definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by
selling bonds.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
Is that what they do?

Speaker 5 (19:01):
They they.

Speaker 4 (19:03):
Yeah, they they sell bonds. Yeah, they sell bonds, right,
since they sell bonds and people buy the bonds and
lend them the money.

Speaker 3 (19:11):

Speaker 4 (19:12):
So a lot of times, a lot of times, at
least to my year with MMT, the language and the
concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing, But there is
no question that the government prints money and then it
uses that money to So yeah, I guess I'm just

I don't I can't really talk.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
I don't.

Speaker 4 (19:35):
I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about, like,
because it's like, the government clearly prints money, it does
it all the time, and it clearly borrows. Otherwise we
wouldn't be having this debt and depthist conversation. So I
don't think there's anything confusing there.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
I hate the laugh, but the alternative is to cry,
these are the pep This is the guy. Let me
be clear about something here. That's Jared Bernstein, chair of
the Council of Economic Advisors. He's the chair. He's in
charge of Bidenomics, and he doesn't understand the US economy,

and so it should surprise no one. I mean, honestly,
the economy is so bad right now, and it's watch
that video. Watching listening to that video, you can see why, right,
So it should surprise no one that this guy gave
Biden the advice of letting the Trump tax cuts expire.

At least one would think that he gave him that advice,
because that's what's happening. So there is this transcript of
a reporter back and forth with KJP. The reporter is
asking KJP again the world's worst White House Press secretary,
about the Trump tax cuts, and the reporter asked, the

President said, he wants to let the Trump tax cuts expire.
If that law expires, it does raise taxes on almost
every American. Does he still support that expiring without anything
else in place? KJP? The President is going to allow
the Trump tax cuts to expire. He was very clear,

but he will not raise taxes on anyone making less
than four hundred thousand dollars a year. It's going to
expire for the wealthy. The reporter, the president can't pick
and choose which parts of the law sunset. The entire
law will sunset. That in the Tax Foundation said that
someone who's married two kids making eighty five thousand dollars

a year would pay seventeen hundred dollars more in taxes.
That's somebody under four hundred thousand dollars. And then KJP
cuts this reporter off and says, yeah, but Republicans, those
beski Republicans, they want to give tax breaks to corporations
and millionaires and billionaires and gazillionaires. They want to kick

people off of Medicare, and they want to kick people
off of Medicare. I mean the same old bs. Look,
twenty five percent of the country, the most hardcore garbage
liberals out there. You know your purple hair aunt Petty
that comes to Thanksgiving dinner with fifteen masks on her
face and talks to you about how sharp Joe Biden is. Yeah,

she's probably believing KJP here but nobody else is okay,
nobody else believes this stuff. And just to be clear
about something you want to talk about being clear, KJP
is always like, well, the president's still very clear on this. Well,
by the way, the president hasn't not clear on anything,
can't even form a coalharin sentence. But if the Trump

tax cuts do expire, it raises taxes on ninety one
percent of all Americans. Okay, who Okay? The Democrats they're corrupt,
mouth breathing losers, we know this, but they're also a
danger to America. Hey, look another Democrat for an agent.

The Department of Justice indicts Democrat Texas Representative Color and
his wife Immelda on charges of money laundering. The DOJ
accuses the pair of accepting six hundred thousand dollars in
bribes from quote two foreign entities, an oil and gas
company wholly owned and controlled by the government at Azerbaijan

and a bank headquartered in Mexico City. They're charged with
two counts of conspiracy to commit bribery of a federal
official and to have a public official act as an
agent of a foreign principle, five years in prison on
each count if convicted. Two counts of bribery of a
federal official fifteen years in prison on each count. Two

counts of conspiracy to commit honest services wirefraud twenty years
in prison on each account, two counts of violating the
ban on public officials acting as agents of a foreign
principle two years in prison on each account, one count
of conspiracy to commit concealment money laundering twenty years in prison,
five counts of money laundering twenty years in prison on

each account. The Department of Justice claims that the bride
payments were allegedly laundered pursuant to sham consulting contracts through
a series of front companies and middlemen into shell companies
owned by Emmelda Amelder Qlar, his wife, who performed little

to no legitimate work under the contracts. So let me
ask you a question. Who does this sound like? That
a government official had a close family member doing work
that they weren't qualified for as a non registered foreign agent,

essentially taking bribes from countries who hate us while simultaneously
undermining American policy in the halls of Congress or the
White House. Who does this sound like? If you guess
Joe Biden, Ding ding ding ding, you would be correct.
Who else did this sound like ding ding ding ding ding?
If you guessed Bob Menendez, who is a city United

States Senator from New Jersey who literally wove gold bars
from Egypt into his congressional jacket, you would be correct.
And my question somewhat rhetorical, is there any member of
Congress who is not on the take from a country
who hates us? I mean, think about Joe Biden, the
communist Chinese. They own him. If they own him, they

can control him. And what's interesting is that the Dems
are always a cute This is so fascinating. Think about this.
Talked about on Wendy Bell today, we talked about the
Russia collusion hoax being one of the greatest hoaxes ever
perpetrated on the American people, used and funded by your
taxpayer dollars. Did horrible damage to our country, did horrible

damage to our institutions. It actually swayed the House in
favor of the Democrats in twenty eighteen, So it actually
did horrible damage to President Trump while he was in
the White House in addition to his reputation. Horrible, horrible,
horrible for the country. Not only was it terrible for
the country, but not a single person who created it

was ever held accountable. I mean, go back and watch
if you haven't watched it yet, or I'm sure if
you did watch it. On Wendy Bell this morning, I
played a mashup of the media going crazy over a
hoax about Russian hookers and a peepee tape. I mean
that happened in America. Hillary Clinton and Mark Elias colluded

with Christopher Steele, who was a foreign agent. He was
a foreign agent to just create out of thin air
a dossier that smeared Trump all to help Hillary Clinton
win and if she didn't win, it was an insurance
policy against his presidency. But you see, it's not even

just Biden. That's a wholly owned subsidiary of the CCP.
Now you have Menendez and now you have Representative Queler.
This is crazy to me. So the CCP owns Biden.
They also own our universities. So you wonder why they're
going after the fat grad student on the quad carrying
a rubber made garbage shield and tackling them and throwing
zip ties on them and unmad. As much as I

love to see that, by the way, I don't mind
seeing it. I told you I want those protests to
go on as long as possible so that the American
people continue to wake up. But the communist Chinese have
given over four hundred million dollars to American universities over
the last several years, seventy million of which went to
Harvard only ten percent of many of these colleges, ten

percent of their budget is made up from tuition that
students pay. Over fifty percent are from donations and gifts.
The four hundred million dollars from China to these universities,
who you think these universities? You want to ask yourself
why these universities aren't stopping these protests? Kind of makes

you wonder who they're answering to. Right, if we believe
that Biden is doing the bidding of the CCP, because
he definitely is, they own him, for God's sake. They
paid Hunter Biden in diamonds. Only bond villains get paid
in diamonds. Of course they own him. If he's doing

the bidding of the CCP and softening American policy to
the communist Chinese, what do you think these universities are doing? So?
On one hand, here domestically, you have George Soros funding
these protests, well, the communist Chinese fund these universe. It's
a real problem, folks. It's a real problem. And if
the Republican Party doesn't get smart real quick, it's going

to do a hell of a lot more damage to
this country. We talk about something. Trump always knew something
was going on with the twenty twenty election. And as
I'm sitting here, as I told uh said this morning
on the show, I said it briefly that as I
was prepping for the show, I noticed this. You know

how you get like Facebook memories. Sometimes it happens with
Twitter where somebody will like a tweet that's a couple
of years old, and it will pop up on your
notifications and you you're like, what is this? I want
to see if I can put this on my screen
for you, because I want you to see this. This
is Donald J. Trump on Twitter slash x. You see

this right here. It says Pennsylvania mistakes made in my opinion,
on purpose by the Democrat governor or puts Republicans in particular,
Sean Parnell, USA, yours truly at great risk. Corrupt politics
in Pennsylvania must be investigated immediately. By the way, Philadelphia
is out of control. And then he tags right here

at the end, look at this, right here, the Justice Department.
Now something got me about this. It's been driving me
crazy all day. The President of the United States, nine
days before the twenty twenty election, nine full days before

the twenty twenty election, is calling out corrupt politicians and
corrupt politics in Pennsylvania, one of the states where they
stole and rigged the twenty twenty election. He tags the
Justice Department. The Justice Department then under Bill Barr, did
absolutely nothing nothing.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
I J.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
Trump was the President of the United States. Now, keep
in mind, in Pennsylvania in twenty twenty, there were all
sorts of hardcore unconstitutional things happening, clear violations of the
letter of the law. First time mail in voters not
submitting ID there were tens of thousands of them. You know,

there's a million things. They could have been challenged legitimately
without even claiming fraud in Pennsylvania, without even nine days
before the election. The Department of Justice could have done
something if it were reversed and the Democrats held the
White House and their depart I mean, for God's sake,

the Democrat Department of Justice is trying to put Trump
in jail for life on bogus trumped up charges. If
the situation were reversed, do you think the Department of
Justice would do nothing? I look, everything happens for a reason.
This tweet pops up up in my feed for a reason.
I see the Department of Justice, Trump is asking them investigate.

They did nothing. So you ever see the movie Braveheart
where William Wallace is winning all of these battles against
the English, that fighting for freedom, by the way, the
freedom for Scotland to be free, and all the while,
behind his back, the nobles are scheming and playing games,

just like every DC politician you've ever met in your life.
So William ballis William Wallace wins a battle. People wake up.
That's pretty awesome, but they're still scared. He wins another battle.
The nobles join them. You can tell they're just testing
the waters. They're not real leaders. They just inherited everything

that they had. William Wallace wins another battle, then he
goes to York, defeats the English on their terrain. Then
he wins another battle, and still the noble don't follow
this guy. The nobles just him and haul and test
the political wins. And then the King of England, King Longshanks,
reaches out to them, and what does he do. He

bribes them with English Land and so on the battlefield
right there in front of William wallas Was. He's on
the battlefield, surrounded, outmanned and getting slaughtered. The nobles make
a scene of it, turn around and walk away. His friends,
his allies turn away and abandon him. That is exactly

what the Department of Justice and establishment conservative or Republicans,
not conservatives, but establishment Republicans did in these institutions, like
the Department of Justice. They didn't like Trump. They thought
he was bad for the party. They thought if they
got rid of him, he would never be able to
run again. And with Trump on, MAGA would be dead.

So what they don't understand, and what they never understood,
is that Make America Great Again movement is not about Trump.
Trump represented a feeling amongst the American people that existed
long before Trump. And that is the idea that our politicians,
both Democrats and Republicans in Washington have forgotten about us.
We've seen our communities become derelict over time, victims of

their horrible policy and so now Trump is laser focused.
He sees and understands the game for what it is
in this next administration. I know. I've spoken to him,
and I've spoken to my friends. I've spoken to John
Junior about this. They are going to populate the next
administration with true believer loyalists, and the media is melting down. Listen.

Speaker 5 (34:50):
He wants to go into a second term and consolidate
power into the office of the Presidency so that he
can remove the guard rails that stood in his way
from implementing his agenda the last time he was in office.
What Donald Trump was conveying to me was that he
would not be inclined to hire anyone who has come

out and admitted that Donald Trump lost the last election.

Speaker 1 (35:15):

Speaker 5 (35:15):
And so I think he is planning to fill the
most important offices in the executive branch with true believers
of the MAGA doctrine.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
Good don't tempt me with a good time. That's a
great thing. And the way that the media is spinning
this is oh gosh Trump. Trump wants to bring in
loyal people to his administration. Oh god, Trump is basically Hitler.
Oh gosh, Trump is basically Mussolina he's a dictator, I
tell you really, because he wants to populate his administration

with people that are loyal. Let me tell you about
the twenty twenty election. I ran in twenty twenty. I
shared the stage with Trump many many times, all with
my own two eyes that they cheated. Most people think
that the cheating in Pennsylvania happened in Philadelphia, And yeah,
they were cheating in Philadelphia, believe me. But it was
way worse in Pittsburgh. It was way worse in Alleghany County.

I saw it. I witnessed it. I saw people standing
in line to vote who weren't even from this state
but flew in and were voting. I saw Democrats stuffing
multiple mail in ballots that weren't their ballots, in the
drop boxes that were unsupervised. I witnessed it. I saw it.
It was a disaster. I will never be gaslet into

believing otherwise. In fact, as time goes on, I believe
more and more than it was rigged and stolen. And
what's more, if the Biden administration or any Democrat thought
and wanted to create a sense of security and belief
in the American people that it was secure, they wouldn't
have fought so hard to protect themselves from audits and recounts.

They would have just said, yeah, look, I'm comfortable in
my victory. Gohad and count as long as you need to.
It doesn't matter to me. Take as long as you need.
I want the American people to feel comfortable. But they
didn't do that. So not only is Trump right about
building the next administration with MAGA loyalists, people who understand
the moment and are loyal to Trump, He's also right

to ask them the ultimate test question for our times?
Do you know what that test question is? It's an
important one. It is was the twenty twenty elections stolen
or not? Was the twenty twenty election rigged or not?

If someone says no, If someone says that Biden won
fair and square, then they're not right for the moment.
They've been successfully gas lit by the media, or they
know it was stolen that are too cowardly to speak up.
So Trump is right to ask that of people who

work with him him. The only way we fix this
is by being unafraid of speaking truth to power. That
used to be the job of responsible journalists. It's not
that we don't have. We have very few of them
in this country right now, So the task falls to us,

ladies and gentlemen. Everywhere we go, like, people will see
me and they'll come up to me at the gas
station or at Walmart, or at the grocery store, running errands,
or at sports and be like, I voted for you,
I love you and Trump, And I think to myself
sometimes I actually talk to them about it. I'm like,
why are you whispering? But not that I don't understand.

I do understand. Conservatives have been made to feel like
we're the ones that are crazy. I am here to
tell you that we are not crazy. The left wants
you to believe that you're crazy. The left wants to
bludgeon you into thinking it's not okay to question things.
But we can't back down. We have to always. We can't.

Don't feel like you ever have to whisper. So why
is America so taken with frat boys right now? You know,
in my day it seems like I was in college
a long time ago now. And by the way, I
have an undergrad degree and a master's degree, and I
don't use them at all. It's just so cute, Like

I don't regret my time in college, but I sure
as hell don't use my degrees. But why is America
so taken with these frat boys right now? I talked
about this a little bit on the Wendy Bell radio
program this morning, and the angle that I took was
that college kids aren't They're not all dumpster fired. I mean, yeah,
there's lots of loser, mouth breathing communists on there, some

of whom actually believe in genocide. And I and if
you paid attention and watched the show yesterday, I showed
you a clip of a Muslim woman who was fine
with hunting down all the Jews in Israel and killing them,
said so on I showed you the video clips. So
there are some students that believe that committing genocide is
just fine, and they would take part in it if

need be. But there are a lot of people right now,
a lot of red blooded Americans. And when I talked
about it this morning, the focus was on this one
picture of these frat boys surrounding and protecting the American flag,
which was a powerful image when they were surrounded by
these rabid communist animals trying to tear it down. And

so America's become taken with that image. They become so
taken with that image that these frat boys raised over
five hundred thousand dollars to throw a rag er. It's
almost as if America's trying to tell them thank you.
By contrast, these Marxist communist lunatics weren't even able to
raise more than ten thousand dollars in the eight days

that they've had their go fund me up. So my
point is it gives you a sense of where America
is right now. It gives you a sense of the
fact that Americans do want to feel proud of their country.
They don't want to feel like they have to go
out in public and whisper about it. America has taken

it on the chin long enough under Biden. In three years,
he's driven this country off of a cliff. The wreckage
is on fire and the fire department anywhere to be seen,
and Joe Biden would have us all have this country

just completely collapse. But people have taken to this image
of these sprat boys with a flag like they took
to an image at Ewo Jima or any picture of
American soldiers waving the flag. I find that fascinating, and
I think it's worth repeating that. I think it's proof

that Americans love their country, that America wants their country back.
I mean, not everybody is like Taylor Lorenz. You know,
Taylor Lorenz. Taylor Lorenz is a crazy, insane liberal. It
made the point on the Wendy Bell radio program this
morning that if all these LGBTQ BIPOC ELEMENTOP people really

believe what they're saying, you know, gays for Palestine, I
challenge them to go to Palestine with a sign that
says I support LGBTQ ELEMENTO p people. Hold the sign
up on the corner. See how long it takes for
them to throw you off a building and murder you.
It won't take long that much, I can assure you.
But Taylor Lorenz thinks that all that's it's just as

bad here in America. Listen to this liberal psycho.

Speaker 6 (42:55):
Well, then, Taylor, how do you how do you reconcile
the way marginalized groups? Many of the people in these marginalized.

Speaker 1 (43:02):
Groups, obviously they are fighting for Palestine, for the Palestinians,
and for what's happening in Gaza.

Speaker 6 (43:08):
But yet in Gaza they would not have any freedom.
You know, they don't have freedoms in Texas and Florida.
Does that mean but they don't? But I understand that.
But Taylor, Taylor, I'm a member of the LGBTQ community.
If I go to Texas, They're not going to throw
me off of a roof. They're not going.

Speaker 1 (43:26):
You know, Taylor Lorenz is crazy when she's making Don
Lemon look sane. But my point is not everybody thinks
like Taylor Lorenz. Although Taylor Lorenz has a huge microphone,
so it certainly seems like more people feel like crazy
Taylor Lorenz than actually do. But I don't believe that
that's the case. I believe, just like the title of

this episode suggested, that the American people are done with
the insanity and they are rising up to put a
stop to this. Okay, Remembering our fallen is something that
is very very important to me when I give speeches publicly,

And there was a time where I used to give
thirty five speaking engagements a year and people will ask
me all the time what life is like after coming
back from combat, and I tell them that it's challenging,

And they also asked me, well, like, how do you
make meaning of it all. And I just say, you know,
having spent sixteen months of my life in Afghanistan, sixteen
months of heavy combat in Afghanistan. Over time, you know,
I'm forty two years old, but America was at war
in Afghanistan for twenty years, So you do the math.

Over time, I've lost legitimately over probably thirty one of
my close friends to these wars, a very close connection
to these wars. And so people ask me, well, how
do you remember? And I just say this, every day
that I wake up and I draw breath, I endeavor

to live a life worthy of their great sacrifice, of
the men and women who never came home. It's incumbent
upon me as an American blessed with freedom to live
my life to the fullest. And I'll give you an
example of what I mean. A Memorial Day is coming up. Now.
There's all sorts of people out there that will say, well,
Memorial Days, it's about remembering our fall in it. It's

not about barbecuing, right, And I understand that, and they
would be right people that say that. But what I say,
and I'm going to say this again, I'm a Memorial Day.
But what I say to people is like, this is America.
You live your life. You do what you want on
your Memorial Day. You know, read a book, walk on
a beach, hang out with your family, hold your spouse's hand.

You know, do what you want, Celebrate Memorial Day the
way that you want. Live a life worthy of their
extraordinary sacrifice. This is America. We are free. Earn that freedom,
earn that life every single day because what we have here.

I know sometimes it's easy to lose sight of it,
but what we have here is extraordinarily rare. It really is.
I've seen much of the world. There's no place like America. None.
I was always grateful to come home. And so back
in two thousand and six. The Spring Offensive started in

April May, so about this time of year in two
thousand and six. On May fifth, two thousand and six,
seven to one cavalry which was a part of our
AO what you call area of operations just north of us,
gotten a big firefight. One of their CH forty seven's
Chinook helicopter was shot at it. I don't remember what

the investigation said, but the incoming caused the bird to
take evasive action, which caused the tail rotor of the
bird and a S forty seven is that big helicopter
metropolitan transit bust looking thing with two rotors. It looks
it's huge. It caused the bird to take evasive action.
The tail of the bird hit them mount and the

bird crashed and we lost a lieutenant colonel and several
other great Americans to in my area of operations in
two thousand and six. It was all over the news,
all over the news, and of course when their bird
went down, my unit was sent out to one try

to find the people that did it, because we knew
the moment that they shot that bird down that they
would get off the objective ary as fast as possible
because they knew that other Americans would be on site
and trying to kill them. So we expected them to
run south, which I think they did. Two days later
we caught them. But my point is we were sent
out right away and we were on missions for about

a week when this bird went down. So all we
heard on the Tactical Operation Center was a bird went
down their American casually, it's all we know. We think
the enemies coming south. Get out there outside the wire,
see if you can find them. Well, little did I
know that this bird that crashed was all over the news.
I mean all over the news, and my parents were

beside themselves with anxiety because I was in the same
unit that these men were that this that when it crashed.
I was in the tenth Mountain Division and I was
out on missions. I could that we had no cell
phones back then. There's there's nothing. We were out that
was it like. We weren't getting in contact with anybody. Still
used AOL instant messenger for God's sake. So my parents,

I didn't realize, were sick to themselves with worry. We
were out looking for these guys and two days later
the bird crash in May fifth. Two days later we
found these guys. They ambushed us and we killed them.
But I'm telling you right now, we could have killed
one hundred of them that day, but they wouldn't have
been worth These men, and the men I'm talking about

are from three seven to one Cavalry of the tenth
Mountain Division. Joe Fenti, who is a lieutenant colonel who
was forty one, was killed that day. PFC Brian Moqwinn
Junior was killed that day. Specialist David Timmins Junior was
killed that day. Specialist Justin O'donnaho was killed that day.
Sergeant Jeffrey Wincamp, Sergeant John Griffith, Sergeant Brian Brewster, staff

Sergeant Christopher Howick, Chief Warrant Officer two Christopher Donaldson, and
Chief Warrant Officer three, Eric Totin. Those men died that
day on that mountain in Afghani Stan. And it kind
of breaks my heart a little bit because we don't
seem to talk about this stuff anymore as Americans. It

upsets me. It's almost like the Afghan War in many
people's minds is over, and that's good. I think that's fine.
I'm glad we're out of that country. I wish, like
hell Biden didn't screw it all up. But I want
to give you. People ask me all the time why

I come off as anti war. This is why we
could have killed a hundred of those enemy soldiers and
they're not worth one of these great Americans. And what
drove me crazy is that Joe Fenti when he was killed,
he's forty one when he was killed, so he was
a lieutenant colonel. I was a young lieutenant, so I
was twenty three. He was forty one, I'm forty two now,

so he'd be damn near sixty years old. It just
crushes me that he's not still with us, just crushes me.
And so if you all could do me a favor
this week, and will you pray for these men, Pray
for their families who are still left behind. We left
a lot of American blood and treasure in Afghanistan, and

it bothers me to this day that the Biden administration
surrendered there. But anyway, folks, please pray for these men.
Thank you all so much for being with me during
all three hours of the Wendy Bell Radio program and
then another hour here on Friday night, no less, watching

the show tonight with me, and I tried really really
hard to cobble together a show with new content because
the new cycle changes from morning tonight. So if you
watch me during the morning on Wendy Bell, I ain't
doing my job if I'm not giving you an honest assessment,
an appraisal of what's happening in the world so that

you can stay one step ahead of these garbage radical democrats.
That's my job. So anyway, folks, thank you all for watching. Okay,
if you have a minute and you're still here with us,
make sure you like and rumble. That little green thumb
at the bottom of this video helps immensely, you know,
I mean Wendy Bell, I mean we got three thousand

on her show. We're not near that yet, but by
the end of the year, I want to try to
hit seven hundred rumbles on the show. So if you
can smash that little green thumb, it would mean a lot.
We are already putting together the show for Monday, and
I will be in studio with Wendy Bell on Monday
for three hours. Wendy Bell brock Star will be in

the studio with me doing the show there Monday morning,
coming back here doing the show here tonight. So on
Monday night, so be with me there as well. I
can't wait to see you anyway. I hope you all
have a great weekend as always. Thank you for being
being with me. Thank you to the battle crew. See
you Monday. God bless you all, and God bless this

amazing country that we call home. Take care, good night
and have a great weekend.

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