All Episodes

May 15, 2024 67 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • In the arena: Rich Baris, Director of Big Data Polls & host of Inside the Numbers

  • Biden and Trump set a date…to debate!

  • Biden’s new plan on the border

  • Sloppy Alvin Bragg’s case just got destroyed in the House

  • EcoHealth Alliance goes down…

  • And much more ahead! 

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Warning you're a about to enter the arena and join
the Battle to Save America with your host, Sean Parnell.
Good evening, America. Hello battle crew, it is Wednesday, and
from sea to shining Sea in everybody in between. Welcome

patriots to Battleground Live. I am your host, combat veteran
and humble servant of America, Sean Parnell. Thank you all
for being with us on deck tonight. We've got Savage
Rich Barris. You know him, You love them, and we've
kind of coined Wednesdays as Savage Wednesdays in his honor. Now,

for a lot of the folks who are listening are
first time listeners or viewers, Savage Rich is a very
close friend of mine. He's also the best polster in
the business. And I do not say that likely lightly.
But he's on deck and so excited about that. But
before I get into the show run down, I've got
to say Biden spoke today at the National Peace Officers

Memorial Service. It's National Police Week and the National Peace
Officer's Memorial Service is all about honoring those police officers
who were tragically killed in the line of duty, gave
the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our communities and ultimately
our nation. It is not an easy time in America

to be a police officer, to be a law enforcement officer.
Their backs are up against the wall. The Democrats, half
of our political apparatus, sees them as the enemy and
wants them defunded, which is absolutely horrific.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
And wrong on so many levels.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
But Biden, I watch his speeches. I'm watching the memorial
service today because I think it's important to honor those
who serve our country, and I'm watching Biden speak, folks.
And he did it again. Somehow. He made a speech
about fallen police officers and servants of America, he made

it about him, and again I try to give him grace.
This is a man that lost his son to cancer,
but he did it. He brings up his son again, says,
you know, my son served in Iraq, came home, died
of stage four cancers. It leaves a void. I know
exactly what it's like. I know what it's like. But

the difference is is Joe Biden did not lose his
son in the line of duty. And as tragic as
it is to lose, no parents should ever have to
lose a child. I'm not a leftist. I'm not a
whack job liberal. I'm not gonna I try to give
Joe Biden a little bit of grace here and there,
even though he certainly wouldn't give the same grace to me.

But ultimately, I think that's what makes us different, that's
why we're the good guys. But at any rate, I
served as a casualty assistance officer and a casually notification officer.
After I came back from Afghanistan, I was wounded. I
was in the medical retirement process. The Big Army was
in the process of showing me the door and retiring me.
And while I was waiting, rather than go to a

wounded warrior battalion and just transition, I wanted to keep serving.
And my job eventually was to train new soldiers to
go to Afghanistan into the fight, because who better. Who
better to do so than me, someone who had just
come back and was wounded in the process, take care
of wounded soldiers that came home, and be that knock
at the door for America in the event that they

lost a loved one. By far, the worst job that
you could possibly imagine, ten times worse than combat cauching notification.
But one of the first things that they teach you
as a casualty notification officer in the Army was that
you never say the words I know how you feel,

because the truth is, you just don't, even if you've
lost a loved one. Everybody goes through things differently, everybody
grieves differently. And I'll just say this, the commander in chief,
somebody who spent fifty years in Washington, should know better.
But folks, he just doesn't change. I suppose that's what

they mean by you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
But at any rate, talk about right off the top,
Biden and Trump are set to debate. Biden set out
all these crazy rules and they're crazy. We're going to
get into that. Biden has a brand new plan on
the border. If you watch this show, have been watching
the show for the last six months, you know you

won't be surprised. But sloppy Alvin Bragg's case just got destroyed.
And of course we've got savage Rich Barris on deck.
So Biden is hitting the reset button in a big
way right now. Maybe you all don't realize it, maybe
you sense that something on the campaign trail is changing.
But yesterday I did the entire open of my show

about whether or not Biden's going to be kicked to
the curb. I mean, we spent probably a good twenty
five minutes on it. Right, folks, you know my position.
I think it's too late. I could be completely wrong.
The Democrats have an extraordinary level of control over their
own primary, the super delegate system, and everything else. But
I just think too they're stuck with Joe Biden. And

I think in the back of a lot of these
Democrat operatives' minds is that, hey, look, we got Biden
elected in twenty He was a turn up back then.
He's more rotted today, but hey, we got him elected
in twenty we can get him elected today. Hey, and
in the middle. In the meantime, in twenty two, we
got Fetterman elected as well in Pennsylvania, which is a
swing state. So if we can get two turn up

brains elected, surely we can get Joe Biden elected this time.
So they are relying heavily on what is a vicious
get out the vote ballot harvesting infrastructure that Republicans thus
far have failed to catch up. So I don't think
he's going anywhere but the Biden campaign, his staff, his operatives,
the people behind the curtain rest assured that they are

under an enormous amount of pressure to change the game
and hit the reset button. And trust me when I
tell you, as somebody who's run two campaigns, you don't
want to be in a situation like this five months
out of elect before election day, and think about it
like this. Recently, Biden ditched the term Bidenomics. Right when

have you heard KJP, the worst press secretary in the
history of the world, utter the term Bidenomics in the
last couple in the last month or so. They haven't.
They do not want Biden's name associated with this economy.
The economy is a dumpster fire. In fact, everything Biden
touches eventually becomes a dumpster fire. Yesterday we reported that

Biden pulled a major one point eighty on tariffs on China. Look,
I was on the campaign trow in twenty twenty. I
talked to executives of steel manufacturing facilities. Every single one
of them said, look, the band aid had to get
ripped off every now and eventually. These are Democrats and Republicans.
Democrat and Republican business leaders said that what Trump did

on China was a tough move, but the right move.
In the short term, maybe it'll be tough, but in
the long term, the companies will profit a lot more.
Americans will be better served by making sure that China
has fair trade practices.

Speaker 2 (07:46):

Speaker 1 (07:47):
Biden insulted Trump during twenty twenty, said that Trump does
not understand the American economy, said that the American people
were essentially paying for the tariffs that were placed on China,
and attacked Trump relentlessly on this. But just yesterday Biden
adopted what was a major Trump era policy. Nothing this

guy is doing is working, and I'm telling you there
is a radical shift happening behind the scenes now. This
New York Post headline this did not get enough play today.
By the way, Biden plans executive order to shut down
border once crossings reach four thousand per day, despite saying

he needs Congress to act, I mean. The article goes on,
President Biden is planning executive action that would allow him
to shut down the US Mexico border once the number
of migrant crossings reaches four thousand per day, a source
close to the White House told the Post on Wednesday.
The order would match a provision in the bipartisan border
bill that failed to pass the Senate in February, which

gave the president the authority to expel migrants when the
border crossings reached the same daily average. So you see
what's happening here, right, This is another major change of
pace the Biden administration. The Democrats behind the Curtin Obama, Clinton,
Valerie Jarrett like all the same Susan Rice, the usual

Democrat suspects are in panic mode and they need to
do something drastic. And that brings me to my experience
waking up this morning to Joe Biden releasing a video
saying that he wants to debate Donald Trump. Now he
said he was going to debate Donald Trump on Howard

Stern and collectively as he said that, I could hear
the gasps of his staff like as he said it live,
because the first thing they probably thought, Now, first thing
they probably thought was, man, what if this guy craps
his pants on stage. I'm not even exaggerating. I mean,
can you imagine putting yourself in the shoes of a
staffer and thinking, oh my god, I didn't want my

boss to debate. Oh my god, I'm not even worried
about the dumb things that he's gonna say. We can
spin that. But what if he craps his pants on
live TV on the debate stage. Are the CNN moderator's
gonna change his diaper in between commercials? I don't know,
but I guarantee you the Democrats staff, his Democrats staff
are thinking about this stuff. Listen to Joe Biden chout

try to take the narrative back from Donald Trump in
the video that I woke up to this morning.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
Listen, well, it's two debates to me.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
In twenty twenty, Sain Sandy hadn't shown.

Speaker 4 (10:31):
Up for debate.

Speaker 5 (10:31):
Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again.
Will make my day, pal, I'll even do it twice.
So let's pick the dates. Donald, I hear you're free
on Wednesdays.

Speaker 1 (10:41):
So first of all, did you notice there were five
jump cuts in thirteen seconds? So if you're watching, you
probably saw the camera zoom in, zoom out, hard, stop,
splice together. If you're listening, I'm explaining it to you
so you can kind of understand where I'm going with this.
But the reason why they did that, Foe is because
Biden could not string together a fifteen second video calling

out Donald Trump and asking him for a debate. Do
you want to know why they had to splice it
all together? Because this is what happens when Joe Biden
says things like that live listen.

Speaker 5 (11:22):
I want to tell my Republican friends, get ready, Bell,
You're gonna en for a problem. I want to tell
my Republican friends, get ready Bell, You're gonna end for
a problem.

Speaker 1 (11:36):
I mean, seriously, this guy is going to be on
the debate stage.

Speaker 3 (11:39):
Listen to this groundbreaking Asian Americans like Very Wang and
Joan Shengang SHV passed by Shangha Koa.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
Look, there were lots of Biden reached out to the
Commission on Presidential Debates and basically said he wasn't going
to participate in the Commission's debate format. And he set
forth all of these rules right just to don't want
to have to read that letter right because I don't
want it. We've got you know, time is of the essence,

and I want to get Savage rich on here soon.
But Biden's debate offering to Trump did come with major,
major fine print, no live audience, and remember when Trump
was last on CNN with Kitlin Collins. Kitlin Collins tried
to get Trump numerous times, but by the end of

that debate, Trump had the audience laughing. So now Biden's
trying to adjust fire. Doesn't want Trump having that advantage.
RFK banned from the stage. Trump's mike will be muted
when Biden speaks. In all the criteria that Biden set
out there in terms of a network that would be
qualified to host a debate between him and Trump, the

only ones that qualify for it are NPR, CNN, MSNBC,
ABC or CBS. Hmmm. That kind of seems like they
did this on purpose. Well, of course they did. And
of course it's gonna be moderated, because if it's on
one of those networks, gonna be moderated by a Democrat
activist reporter. And of course, so we learned just before

I went live on the show that Jake Tapper on
this show, we call Jake Tapper Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend. But
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the first presidential
debate between Biden and Trump. So I mean, of course, right,
of course all of this is gonna happen. But Trump,
of course, agrees to it said any time anywhere. He

doesn't care. So, of course the deck is gonna be
stacked against Trump. Of course the moderators are gonna suck.
They always do. Trump is still going to stomp Biden.
Trump will absolutely positively annihilate Biden to bite the deck.
The deck being stacked in Biden's favor, rest assured, Trump
is gonna annihilate him. I am not saying in any

way that Trump should take this for granted. If you're
a member of the Trump campaign, I'm speaking to you directly.
When you prep Donald Trump for this debate. I'm sure
you already know this, but make sure that he's disciplined,
you know, just cite the facts. Biden is gonna have
so many drugs shot in his system just to make

it seem like he's alive on that stage. He is
going to be prone to flying off the handle. So
if you're Trump, calm, cool, collected, laugh at the guy.
The guy is not gonna be able to string together
a coherent sentence. Biden is banking on the fact that
Trump is gonna look angry. He's gonna look deranged. He's
gonna expect the moderator to bail him out. Trump does

not have to play into that trap. Cool calm, collected
site the facts. Laugh at the fact that Biden can't
string together a coherent sentence, And if you feel so compelled,
point out when you feel like he poops his pants,
because it's probably gonna happen in hour long debate format.
But I say all of this to say, over the
next several months, you're gonna see and feel Just keep

an eye out for it. Okay, very very j what
feel like jarring adjustments from Biden when you think, like,
wait a second, Biden was against tariffs on China, now
he's for them. Wait a second, Biden had an open
border in which ten point five million illegal alien invaders
came across our border, and now all of a sudden
he wants to take executive actions to seal the border.

All of this is for one reason and one reason only.
It's a desperate attempt to hit the reset button five
months before an election. It's not an enviable position to be.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
In, folks.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
It's just not so up next savage, Rich Barris, So,
without further ado, let's get my buddies, Rich Barris, my friend,
how's it going.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
Hey man?

Speaker 6 (16:02):
It's going well as always. But just before you brought
me on, my son came in and he was showing me.
You know, we had this conversation, Sean. He's in ROTC
and now he wants to do Call of Guard and stuff,
and he's showing me his new dress blues and everything.
He's getting promoted really quickly, I mean, and I'm proud
of him for it.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
You know, I can't say.

Speaker 6 (16:19):
You know, I'm listening to what you're saying, and we
all know how this commander chief operates.

Speaker 2 (16:23):
But it won't always be like that, so maybe it'll
be better.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
But we'll see.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
We've had these conversations.

Speaker 6 (16:27):
But if nothing else, it's good for the discipline and
the academic benefit.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
I mean, look, man, I look back. Yeah, yeah, I
look back on my time in the army, and you know,
the best thing, the best and worst thing about the
United States Military are the people. And it's just like
everything else you do in life, you know, just like it. Yeah,
but you know, I look back on that time and
I don't remember all the time sitting on a flight
line with a parachute, you know, between my legs being

bored out of my mind, or sitting on a ope,
like getting rained on thinking, my god, this sucks. I
remember my soul, I remember the time spent with them
in the I just that that is the stuff that
I remember, and I remember all the lead the leadership
experience that I had in the military. Rich I leading
men in combat and stuff. It's just something that just
made me a better person in every way. It challenged

me in some very very significant ways and ways in
life that I never thought I would ever be challenged.
But look, if your son man, kudos to him for
even thinking about it, for even thinking about it, for
even wanting to do it, because it is that's a
pretty damn awesome thing. You must be really proud of him.

Speaker 6 (17:35):
Yeah, I mean, look, you know, I know it's not
the same military, but I'm meeting all of his leaders
and everything, the major you know, the it's different ranks
than what we had, so I'm getting used to it.
It's it is the Department of Navy, you know.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
But kind of sorry sale is out there, but it's.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
Been even out there. What's that seemen in the battle crew?

Speaker 6 (17:58):
I know, right, and listen, you know, probably if he's
got a his girlfriend's brothers going into the Navy, he won't.
He's trying buds man, he's going right for it. And uh,
I think, you know, maybe he'd do something like that,
that'd be all right. But otherwise I'm gonna have to
push him in, nudge him in another direction, because I'm like, listen,
the Marines, they get all the stuff that don't work anymore.

Speaker 2 (18:18):
You know what, idstand so true, it's so true, and
you know it's true.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
The Marines were carried around in Afghanistan like old school
M sixteen a ones. Oh my god, auction from like Vietnam.
I'm like, what the hell are you doing? Man? I mean,
then you get all the secondhand.

Speaker 6 (18:34):
Stuff, even airborne schools showing I remember like outside saying Hill.

Speaker 2 (18:38):
You know, the at Fort Benning they had the airborne school.

Speaker 6 (18:41):
Everybody comes to Fort Benning, so the Navy comes, the
Marines coming. There were some force recon guys, and then
there were Pj's para jumpers that were with us, you know,
and uh, you know, then the Seals are crazy. They
actually delayed the program because they were climbing up the
tower like nutcases and got caught.

Speaker 2 (18:57):
So they delayed it for three days.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
Are insane.

Speaker 6 (19:02):
I think I'm nuts and They're like, let's climb the
tower and hang two hundred feet off the other like
this was probably four of the times.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
I can't remember.

Speaker 6 (19:09):
It's two something, I think, But anyway, Uh, the Marines,
man they're looking at just started like regular tea gear,
you know, T fifteen STU.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
They're like, whoa, look, how nice is it? One?

Speaker 6 (19:19):
Look at chands off me man, and then you know
we still have like old bed us and stuff.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
Man, forget about the weapons. Your radio works. You're a
radio work, you know.

Speaker 6 (19:29):
So those poor guys. It's true though, and you know it.
You know it's about the Seals. They got to pack
their own shoots like they were kid you not, which
is just not possible for people who have been through
and know what I'm talking about. They were like making
a big fuss and they were like, look if I'm
we were taught out to do this. If my shoot

doesn't open, and then that's my fault, you know, and
that's it.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
You know, there's people who do that.

Speaker 6 (19:54):
So you guys, know, it's as when you're an airborne
you jump out of the plane, it's already attached to
the plane, like you don't do anything, and they're over
there trying to make sure it's on the line. I'm like,
oh my god, but that's how crazy they are.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
It's hilarious.

Speaker 6 (20:09):
But when you get to Halo, they do it on
their own too, which is which is uh, you know,
I would never. I would absolutely never, you know, But
then again, I wasn't taught to do that. Maybe I'd
want to do it to.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
You gotta go. You got to go to rigor school
and that's in order to do that. Yeah, yeah, so
I never. I never did that. I always relied on
them to pack my shoots. But like then the Army,
yeah you could, you could go to that school and
learn that stuff. But the point was, it's like you
inspect your buddy's gear, your buddy inspects your gear. And

the goal is trust in the equipment, trust each other,
trust the equipment.

Speaker 2 (20:45):
And that was.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
But Seals have a different mission set and that a
lot of times they're they're on small obviously much smaller teams,
and they're more independent operators and they got to be
able to handle things on the fly. You know, Big
Army is just a little bit different. Okay, let's shift gears.
You got to tell me, you got to tell me
what you think of you know, Biden now all of

a sudden, I mean, this is clearly a strategy Biden,
all of a sudden, adopting all of these new policies,
some of which are Trump era policies, in the hopes
to save the.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
Sinking ship that is his campaign. What do you think?

Speaker 6 (21:21):
So I have a buddy and once in a while
he'll give me a sneak peek on what is going
on in that world.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
And in that mindset, here's what they think. They think
that he's done.

Speaker 6 (21:34):
In the Sunbelt, he's done, and they're not getting back
North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and even Nevada is probably gone.
Although they do have this and they're right about this.
I used to call Nevada fool's goal for Republicans myself,
but they are at least acknowledging that the trend, the
shift with Hispanics will take Nevada with them.

Speaker 2 (21:54):

Speaker 6 (21:55):
So I'm not trying to be you know, over optimistic
for Trump people out there listening, but that's how they
think that being set.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
This is kind of wise.

Speaker 6 (22:03):
Democrats are smart, they're not stupid, and people really need
to stop underestimating them. The white older vote is somewhere
where Biden appears to still have some strength, especially in
the Midwest and the northern Midwest where there's still Democrat
ancestral voting patterns and behaviors. You know you're from an
area just like that, Michigan. They have obviously huge pockets

of Democratic old white voting groups still to this day.
That's what makes Trump so dangerous to them and always
has because Republicans cannot break into that white vote and
Trump can. But they still think that he is going
to be stronger there. But they need to shift gears.
They cannot ignore like Hillary Clinton ignored the tariffs, you know,
the issues with in twenty twenty, and we know we

polled this in twenty twenty. A lot of these states,
including yours, many people were under the impression that Biden
was like a Trumper when it came to trade, and
now he's beings is not being won and that's a
real problem for him in the polls. So this go
in and do everything different than Trump hurt him. So
they're trying to correct that right now. Secondly, there's definitely

a shift. They were not going to debate. They're debating,
and the reason for that is that's an acknowledgment that
they are behind an incumbent president who was ahead, you know,
and as we know from the Biden's campaign's previous strategy
hide in the basement, you know, kind of approach that
they would hide him in the basement again if they
felt they could Jean.

Speaker 2 (23:32):
But they can, so they need to do something with him.

Speaker 6 (23:34):
The best bet rig the debates go only with networks
that we know will be favorable to us, even the
Fox News debate. I got to tell you, I think
Trump's stepping on a serious landline here. I think he's
making a mistake. And I'm going to say this just
blatantly and outright. The demographic groups that are shifting to
Donald Trump and are handing him what looks to be
a potential landslide right now, don't watch CNN. They don't

watch Fox News, all right, They watch Tucker on Twitter,
they watch independent programs.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
They don't get their news from these sources. All you
can do is hurt yourself with the boomers that you
have been recovering with. You do this and you make
a stick.

Speaker 6 (24:14):
Oh it takes is one mishap, and he's got you
where he wants you. And I know you think he's
senile and stupid and you know mentally handicap. And I'm
talking out there to the Trump campaign and everyone else.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
I know you do.

Speaker 6 (24:25):
But they will stick whatever drug and his left ass
cheek they need to stick in there to make sure
he can stand up for an hour.

Speaker 2 (24:31):
You think they're not. He's the president.

Speaker 6 (24:33):
He has access to the most advanced what do they
call him, nootropics, whatever they are to get your mind
focused for a couple of minutes. They have access to
that stuff. We all have heard the reports.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
They use it.

Speaker 6 (24:43):
They will use it, and without a crowd there. Why
do they not want a crowd, Jean? Why are they
using all these stipulations because.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
It takes them out. Yeah, it distracts them.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
It distracts him because he's senile.

Speaker 6 (24:54):
And if there's a laughter in the crowd and it
makes him angry, like old senile people get angry, it's
gonna react. But they are using a controlled environment and
Trump is walking right into it. Trump should have challenged
him to a debate on Tucker on Twitter or Joe
Rogan experience or something. This is totally totally pointless for him.

It's no there's like no upside there's no upside. I'm sorry,
there's not. This is playing by their rules in their
world again. And the one great thing about Donald Trump
is that he doesn't do that. So why in hell
is he doing it now? I'm sorry, he's making a
mistake here.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
Yeah, it's interesting because I think Trump thinks that, Hey, look,
I'm not going to get a fair shake anywhere I go.
And it is, by the way, change.

Speaker 6 (25:41):
The trajectory though, Sean, just a man, I mean to
interrupt you. He's not going who has to change the
trajectory right now? Joe Biden is so he's going to
win if the election is today, tomorrow, a month from now.
The trend is as stable as it's been for fourteen months.
If if that is the case, Joe Biden loves So
why on earth would you do anything anything to change

the trajectory which in a way that is no longer
in your favor.

Speaker 2 (26:08):
This is not a smart move. I'm sorry. I speak
my mind, man.

Speaker 1 (26:12):
And look, Rich, that's why we love you, that's why
we have you on. I think I think Trump, I
think he believes it's gonna be unfair either way. And
by the way, you're completely right. The election we're held today,
he'd be he'd be the winner. And things aren't getting
any better for Biden. They're just not And I was shocked.
I have to say I was shocked to see Biden

come out and challenge him to a debate the way
that he did, because it must mean that things aren't
just close. Things are really freaking bad, really bad. I
think it's a weak move for an incumbent president to
go to a candidate and be like, hey, bro, debate me.

I just don't think it's it didn't look I mean, obviously,
he's like one hundred years old and with fifteen jump
cuts didn't even look real to me.

Speaker 2 (27:02):
It was cut up?

Speaker 1 (27:03):
Brother? Did you cut up?

Speaker 2 (27:05):
Click? Click? Because he couldn't even get through it.

Speaker 6 (27:08):
And the thing is too it's already got what like
five or six community notes on the bottom of it
on Twitter right now because what he's saying wasn't even true,
and there was only yeah, beat him twice. You only
debated him twice because you rigged the debate process, and
the Commission on Presidential Debates helped you. The second debate
is always the incumbent president's strongest debate because it's on

foreign policy. They use COVID to basically take the second
debate they had the first one, announced that the second
one would be canceled because they couldn't use plexiglass.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
And then all of a sudden, the third one was
up and running again.

Speaker 6 (27:44):
Why Joe Biden's been wrong on every foreign policy decision
in forty five years that he's been in Washington, DC.
He's the only coward who advised Barack Obama not to
press the green button and go Red team, Go Red team, go,
go get him in Islama body, and they got something
bin Lana and he was too much of a.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
To do that.

Speaker 6 (28:05):
And then uh, when Trump, for instance, killed Cassan Solamani,
you know, is responsible for countless of your friend's desk,
no doubt where you are. Then he was on Twitter
and on the news saying how this is gonna end
up with a war in the Middle East. Well, guess what,
there's a war in the Middle East under him, not
under Donald Trump.

Speaker 2 (28:24):
So I mean, they're gonna do this in a way.

Speaker 6 (28:26):
Believe me, they're gonna try to do this, not gonna try,
They're going to do this in a way in a
similar fashion of what we saw in twenty twenty and.

Speaker 2 (28:34):
Without the crowd even there.

Speaker 6 (28:36):
I mean, come on, there's gonna be laughing, and there's
gonna be mocking, and Trump is gonna call him senile.
They don't want the crowd to laugh at it. They
don't want Joe flipping out. He should not have agreed
to these terms. What's the matter, Joe?

Speaker 2 (28:47):
Are you too?

Speaker 1 (28:48):

Speaker 6 (28:48):
You're the president of the United States. The correct answer,
you are the president of the United States. Are you
afraid you're gonna shit your pants in front of a
crowd of people? That's what the correct response was. And
guess what all the thirty to forty five year old
black men who are now voting for Donald Trump would
have fell over and rolled with laughter over it, and

so and by the way, they would have convinced their
girlfriend with that one to vote for him too.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
This was the wrong move.

Speaker 6 (29:14):
Stop acting like a political consultant and play ball in
your own damn field. Don't keep walking onto their home turf.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
It's just I'm a little.

Speaker 1 (29:25):
Bit you're swaying. I'm a little bit.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
Stunned that he would fall for this.

Speaker 1 (29:30):
I'm sorry in your corner, but you're swaying me like
I amn't like because I think I think campaigns are about,
you know, the the optics of things. And Trump is
going to be on the stage and Biden's going to
be on the stage. And we've shown videos of of
Biden on the show Rich of him in twenty twenty,

and I mean I was shocked the first time as
the freaking host seeing these videos, and I'm thinking to myself, like,
holy God, he looks so much better in twenty twenty
than he does today. And so the American people when
they watch that debate, you know, comportment aside.

Speaker 2 (30:13):
I get that.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
I think if you're Biden, if you're his staff, but.

Speaker 2 (30:19):
They're gonna clip it. They're gonna clip it.

Speaker 6 (30:21):
You're not gonna see the geriatric shuffle on the way
to the podium. You're not gonna see it. And folks,
you know what I'm talking about, the geriatric shuffle. Hold on, okay,
you're a geriatric shoff. The neck is here, you know,
the necks out like this, they're hunched over and you
kind of like shuffle. You don't even pick your feet
up anymore. They just kind of slide across the ground
with your neck out like a like a freaking Ostrich

you know what I'm talking.

Speaker 1 (30:43):
About, mister Burns, Like how he's holding his hands up.
Remember Biden on me my flippers.

Speaker 2 (30:50):
And slippers made from flippers, exactly.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
Exactly, and it is it's so bad. I don't know.
I think I think the American people are I don't know.
We'll see. And you've swayed me. I initially was like,
no matter how much it's rigged against Trump, everything, I mean,
that's the entire year has been rigged against Trump. It
hasn't gone the Democrats way. And as rigged as this

is gonna be it, it's even with all that, I
still see. I mean, you're not, to be clear, you're
not wrong about anything that you're saying.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
Yeah, and I'm not saying he's automatically gonna lose Sean.
I'm just saying, this could have been such a better approach.

Speaker 6 (31:31):
You know, this could have been such a better don't
play ball on their damn home turf. You could have
embarrassed him, he could have had a meltdown. We all
know he's a senile old man. You want him to
just completely lose it. He's going to lose it. This
isn't a state he lost it. Actually, the State of
the Union is the biggest lay up. I said this

on your show when it happened, I.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
Was, and yeah, it's the biggest lamp speech a president
can do. And he's still lost it there with one
bit of the audience Marjorie Taylor Green going, you know, liar,
say her name, you know, and he lost his mind.

Speaker 6 (32:10):
He Trump just agreed to take all that away when
he didn't have to, is my only point.

Speaker 1 (32:16):
What's interesting he would lose a debate listen, man like
and Biden as deranged as he came off and angry
during the State of the Union. He made it through,
you know it through. He made it through. So it
would be wrong to underestimate Biden and wrong to underestimate
the overall situation that Trump. Look, he has to know,

he has to know that that he's going into hostile Tarry.
Of course, of course he doesn't have he of course
he knows that. But we'll see, we'll see how it
is out.

Speaker 6 (32:47):
Why don't you come out and do a video and say,
in case you haven't noticed, Joe on kicking your you know,
I don't need to debate you, you need to debate me.
I don't give a damn if you're the president or not.
I sat at the Resolute guest too. You're going to
debate me on my terms or we can just keep
going on like this and.

Speaker 2 (33:07):
You will lose because you will listen.

Speaker 6 (33:11):
Let me just say something, and I know a lot
of Trumpers aren't going to hear it, but it's one
hundred percent trip.

Speaker 2 (33:16):
It just dawned on dumbass Joe Scarborough the.

Speaker 6 (33:18):
Other day that these prosecutions hurt them, not just because
they made people.

Speaker 2 (33:23):
Really he made Trump relatable. There was just a focus
group with Georgia voters on MSNBC.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
I have it, I have it. I want to play it.

Speaker 6 (33:33):
Yeah, but if you can play it, play it all right,
we'll try my point on all right, here we go.

Speaker 7 (33:38):
Are they being impacted by this trial? Are they paying
close attention? And what impact might a guilty verdict have
on their decision to support the former president? Here's what
they told me. Take a look. Do each of you
support Donald Trump?

Speaker 1 (33:51):
I do?

Speaker 8 (33:52):
Yes, yes, yes, for all three of you.

Speaker 7 (33:54):
Has this trial changed your opinion even caused you to
waiver or question that at all?

Speaker 9 (34:00):
No, it's actually caused me to support him more. I
just don't believe there's a coincidence that we have a
trial happening in Atlanta, we have one happening.

Speaker 4 (34:12):
In New York.

Speaker 9 (34:13):
So the question people are beginning to ask themselves, like
I did, is like why now.

Speaker 10 (34:18):
It's pretty much everybody says they're picking on him. You know,
people are tired of going after him, and you see
it in so many areas. It's really not a big
issue in the party. Actually, they're really making everybody mad,
and they look at a big bully and the government
is the bully.

Speaker 7 (34:36):
This is going to be your first time casting a ballot?

Speaker 4 (34:39):
What is it for you?

Speaker 11 (34:40):
But he still hasn't given up, and he keeps fighting
to do his right.

Speaker 8 (34:43):
I've talked to many people who formally identified as a Democrat.
They have changed their political persuasion to independent and they
are looking forward to voting for Trump because now they
find something in common with a political candidate. At that level.

Speaker 7 (34:58):
When you say they find commonality, what is that commonality?

Speaker 8 (35:01):
The baby They have felt persecuted by the system of
American injustice, and it's not a stretch for them to
think that Trump may be a victim as well. The
people see that there's there's some kind of commonality between
himself and maybe all the black men that have been
incarcerated in the families that have been impacted by black
men incarceration.

Speaker 6 (35:21):
Here I mean, and I get a sweet Jesus same man.
I have been saying this for months, and now there
it is out of the mouth of a young black woman,
a professional black woman. I've been saying this, and like
white people are just like, duh, don't make sense, Like
because you're a white person and you don't get it,

and you don't have any real black friends and you're
not in any real black social circles, so you don't
understand their plight.

Speaker 2 (35:49):
I mean, whether you want to admit it or not.
So just leave that, leave what they are saying, leave
their perception alone, and then don't don't do.

Speaker 6 (35:58):
What Trump has done in sixteen twenty and again it
just dawned on Joe that if you do that, you're
in deep trouble. You want Trump to be out there
playing the game that you want him to play, saying
the things you want him to say, so then you
can attack him and make that the narrative instead of
the victimhood of it. Let him be the victim. Just
let him be the victim, the winning underdog victim. And

I just don't see why on earth, you know, you
just can't sit back and you know.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
Just take the gift. Take the gift, just take it.
Don't do anything risky.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
Okay, let's get back to Savage Rich, Barris Rich, welcome back. Yeah,
so people, but I think the Biden campaign, well, first
of all, you've swayed me on the Trump stuff. I
thought for Trump, the deck was always going to be
stacked against him. Yeah, it feels a little bit like
it's an ambush. Maybe, you know, maybe he should have
been a little bit more cautious. I still not completely

sold Biden is he's gonna mess up. He's gonna mess up.
I mean, we'll see.

Speaker 6 (37:00):
I can see to that, you know, I mean I
can see, go ahead, good, I can see that.

Speaker 1 (37:04):
I'm just saying, if it would have been about the whole,
like all these conservative influencers before we get to the
morning Joe's stuff and him freaking out of her polling,
what do you think about all the influencers saying almost
unequivocally that they're going to replace Biden at the convention,
And I say, you know, look, maybe I just don't
see how it's possible.

Speaker 6 (37:22):
Now, listen, I would say to them or about them,
that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
You don't know how the convention rules work, you don't
know the party rules. You don't understand that millions and
millions of people already cast ballots for him. If they
did that, that would be the end of the party, regardless.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
They know that that people already voted too. That's interesting. Absolutely,
you're telling hundreds of millions of how many, Well, no, probably,
I'd have to go back and look, I haven't looked
up the Democratic vote. But you're telling millions that their
vote doesn't matter. And Joe Biden's not going to go down.

Speaker 6 (38:00):
Either of the people who have already hitched their you know, wagon,
his horse, they're not gonna just let that happen.

Speaker 2 (38:05):
They they're legally.

Speaker 6 (38:07):
Exposed, they're politically exposed, they're financially exposed, they're professionally exposed.
If Biden goes down, they go down with them in
some way, shape or form. You think they're just gonna
let that happen, And then what leapfrog The first non
white vice female, first female, and first non white vice
president in the history of the country for somebody else.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
That just scares.

Speaker 6 (38:28):
Conservative influencers right now. I mean, because that's what I've
heard it myself. I've seen It's like when I hear that,
when I hear these arguments, what I really hear is fear,
and I hear like, uh, you know, whoever haunts their
dreams at night that they worry that could.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
Be you know, oh my god, it'll be this one.
It'll be Gavin, And it's always Gavin.

Speaker 1 (38:48):
By the way, get crushed exactly. They make The mistake
would be thinking that, Yeah, while maybe Gavin Newsom and
people like Josh Shapiro, maybe they're charismatic, maybe they're popular
in their own state, so is DeSantis. He got right,
totally different when you're running nationwide, people don't People don't
know Gavin Newsom in Iowa. I mean maybe if they

don't know Gavin Newsom and those who dude don't like him, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2 (39:16):
We pulled him in the rust belt.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
He can't.

Speaker 2 (39:18):
I mean, honestly, the number one.

Speaker 6 (39:21):
Word I think, if if I had to pin it down,
I'm serious, the number one word I would have to
use is like slimy. I think that's how they they
air perception of him. They thought he was slimy, and
just like you know.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
What I mean that if they really did pick the
word slimy, they really got Gavin newsom Peg.

Speaker 2 (39:40):
We heard that a lot, like he's just too slick.
He looks like a slimeball to me.

Speaker 6 (39:44):
And uh, he just doesn't play with the like Wisconsin nice,
Minnesota nice. You know, don't you know Bobby kind of
voter like he doesn't play with them. And you guys
know what I'm talking about there Bobby's.

Speaker 2 (39:55):
World, don't you know? Bobby, remember that U doesn't play
with them, brother, he doesn't.

Speaker 6 (40:02):
I mean tackling you know, Chinese students or whatever the
hell you do in your free time.

Speaker 2 (40:06):
I mean, that's just not that they're not going to
relate to.

Speaker 1 (40:09):
He's a Chinese kid of the.

Speaker 2 (40:11):
Butt plane back in the rear, Bro.

Speaker 1 (40:13):
Can you imagine, I mean, oh my god, like doing
that to a child that's not yours. It's just the
weirdest thing. Democrats are so weird. It's like they have
to fabricate real human emotion and social interaction because they
have no soul. I mean, the new I'm talking about.

Speaker 6 (40:30):
Like AI trying to blend in Hello, humans, plea, is
it okay if I sniff your hair and talk about
the legs of the hair around my legs?

Speaker 2 (40:42):
I mean, what the hell? Somebody, somebody programmed this one
real wrong.

Speaker 1 (40:46):
Send it back to the factory saying something about corn
pop and having a what the hell? And ironically, by
the way, maybe corn popping all of this was the
good guy. Have you ever considered that maybe maybe we
should have been rooting for cornpop.

Speaker 2 (41:03):
All the higher time.

Speaker 6 (41:07):
I'm telling you, man, you know that's And the ironic
thing is that Biden is even with him and being
abnormal as well. Biden is the one there. He's their
strongest camp. We've pulled everybody, even Michelle Obama. I don't
care what people say. That's another one. It's Gavin or Michelle. Somehow,
Michelle's gonna rise up with the hand through the grave

like a horror movie.

Speaker 2 (41:30):
Ah, and she's.

Speaker 6 (41:32):
Gonna steal the nomination from Joe Biden. It's like, give
me a damn break. Michelle Obama hasn't worked the day
in her life. She's not gonna work to win the
nomination the election, and she sures hell, not going to
do the job of the presidency.

Speaker 2 (41:46):
Come on, she has no intention. Secondly, by the way,
Kamala Harris.

Speaker 6 (41:50):
Was supposed to be super super popular as well.

Speaker 2 (41:53):
Not even black people don't even like her. I'm serious.

Speaker 6 (41:56):
It's like they white people make her out to be
like this, like star for non white women everywhere, and
non white women can't stand or ask. So I mean,
this is like always talked up and talked up and
never comes.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
But the rules make it very difficult.

Speaker 6 (42:12):
Let me just say it, And I don't like to
say these things out loud because I'm a believer in
the power of words, so I'll just allude to it.
The only way Joe Biden is getting replaced is if
he which I'm not going to say out loud.

Speaker 1 (42:26):
That's it. I know. I don't like saying that either,
because we're different from the left in that way. They'll
go go out there and wish for death on somebody.
You know, we still have a moral compass as conservatives,
and that's what separates us from them, and.

Speaker 6 (42:40):
Even the power of words too, Sean. I mean, you
don't wish things on people. You don't speak things into existence.
If you're a believer, if you're a spiritual person, and
JUDEO Christian values and beliefs. Hello, God created the universe
with the spoken word basically, so you know, there's got
to be something to the say us in the logos,

and I don't like to play with those voices, you know.
So if there's a piece of Him in us, then
we shouldn't be doing it. We should be more responsible.
So I just don't believe in saying those things out loud.
They they have a way of coming.

Speaker 1 (43:14):
Rich the theologian. He's a theologist, right that the right?
Is that the right word?

Speaker 12 (43:23):

Speaker 6 (43:23):
Yeah, that, I mean, when it's only religion, it's theologian.
And but you know, even the Greeks had their This
is the crazy thing. And I don't mean to go
off on the tangent here, but this is the crazy thing.
Even the Greeks, you know, Aristotle and played Oh, they
had similar concepts. And that's where that they also logos

that's a Greek comes from.

Speaker 1 (43:44):

Speaker 2 (43:45):
They had similar concepts even though they had no concept of.

Speaker 6 (43:48):
The right of the ubrew Bible. Yet somehow they had this,
They had this worked out deduced.

Speaker 2 (43:56):
In their mind. It's really something.

Speaker 1 (43:58):
Well, okay, so let's get to the morning. Joe freak
out I think we've got that right here and get
a haircut to three to one.

Speaker 11 (44:09):
Here's what I'd say about this about this pole. If
I were to ask you this question, Joe, do you
know anybody on either side who who doesn't think that
it's the case that of the battleground states that Joe
Biden is stronger in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin than he is
in Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia.

Speaker 1 (44:29):
It sounds about right.

Speaker 13 (44:30):
I've seen some suppolts that show that George is very close.
Greg Bluestein actually had an article that I'm not saying
that is wildly I'm not saying this.

Speaker 11 (44:40):
I'm not going to carry water for the New York
Times or for the methodology of this pole. I'll keep
going back to a thing that I try to try
to say every time we talk about these things, which
is that I'm really interested and I know you know this.
It's like, where are the polls talking us directionally about
the race.

Speaker 13 (44:52):
I understand that there's a difference though with the New
York Time Siena poll, and you know this, it's given
disproportion impact this year this cycle. It is skewed wildly,
and Donald Trump's direction hold on, and the New York
Times feasts on it with clickbait stories like a dozen

at a time.

Speaker 11 (45:13):
And I and what I'm trying to focus on is
what I think people should pay attention to.

Speaker 13 (45:17):
But what I'm trying to focus on is New York
Times right now is actively shaping the election cycles. Where
this poll comes out on a Sunday and on Monding,
people go oh, and I heard it, And I'm sitting
there going, oh, don't be so stupid. That's why we're
doing this. So hold on a second, hold no, hold on.
What I hear is after these Siena polls come out

every time New York fense pall is, oh, well, everything
that Joe Biden's done since the since the the State
of the Union address, all of these all this money
that he's put out, all of the campaigning is for
not no, it's.

Speaker 1 (45:50):
It is. The guy's getting his ass kicked. I mean
that's look, that is like he's like out there to
begin with, but man, he is so wrong about New
York Times.

Speaker 2 (46:01):
Siana pol is in the tank for Trump.

Speaker 1 (46:03):
Give me a break.

Speaker 6 (46:05):
Let's go down memory lane, shall we. Twenty sixteen North
Carolina Clinton plus six, Florida Clinton plus six. Let's fast
forward a little bit twenty eighteen Andrew Gillam Florida plus six.
We could just go on and on in twenty eighteen,
there were so many bad ones. Twenty twenty final New
York Times Poll Biden plus nine nationally, And of course.

Speaker 1 (46:28):
That was way.

Speaker 2 (46:29):
It was more than double what he got. All right.

Speaker 6 (46:32):
Pennsylvania, they weren't that bad. I think they had him
up by six. He won by a little less than two,
so I mean still bad. Wisconsin Biden plus eleven. He
won by less than a half of point. Okay, Georgia
was close. It was a tie. So that was one
where that you can't really give them hell over it.
North Carolina Biden plus six.

Speaker 2 (46:52):
He lost. That's an eight point miss.

Speaker 6 (46:54):
Iowa sean Iowa Biden plus one, Ohio Biden plus three.
The Water states he got his total ass get Florida
Biden plus six. That's a nine and a half point miss.
For Joe to say, this is unbelievably ridiculous. And he
didn't care about how much influence and how much more

weight that pole got when it showed Biden with ridiculous leads.
He was never going to have, and you know, it's
kind of sad to listen to what's his name from
the circus go on and on, Sam not going to
defend the methodology of the New York Times Bowl Jesus Man.

Speaker 2 (47:28):
Six months ago.

Speaker 6 (47:29):
It was the gold standard, you know, like, make up
your damn mind, unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (47:35):
The only thing they.

Speaker 6 (47:36):
Have changed since, And one big, big change that they
have made is that they aren't immediately disqualifying dropped interviews
meaning the person did not finish.

Speaker 2 (47:46):
They said, I'm voting for Trump. Here's the end. They
were like, you know what, I gotta go go bye.
Happens a lot. I've shown you these interviews. I've shown
you the transcripts of these.

Speaker 1 (47:55):
Can I say what I'm talking about Rich? Yes, I
mean like for him to say it is, but like,
let's say, just take a thirty thousand foot view, right.
Trump was never up in sixteen in any poll. Trump
was never up in twenty twenty in any poll. Polls always,
and I mean at least it seems like in those

two cycles always underestimate or understated Trump's support. So for
him to be up, I mean, god, man is like
to me, it's like he must be up way more
than they're letting on. That's I don't know, I mean,
unless unless there's something sinister afoot and they've changed their
methodology a lot, and they're trying to make people complacent,

which sounds a little conspiratorial if I'm being honest. But
I know.

Speaker 6 (48:42):
The change they made, Sean, and I'm sure I've showed
you those in those transcripts of people who drop those interviews.

Speaker 2 (48:50):
They were all Trump supporters.

Speaker 6 (48:51):
Like Biden supporters, Democrats, they don't drop at the rate
that Republicans, specially Trump supporters drop.

Speaker 2 (48:57):
So what the New York.

Speaker 6 (48:58):
Times did is go back and look and in twenty twenty,
had they not immediately excluded and screened those people out,
they wouldn't have as badly understated Trump's support. So they said, listen,
if we know the demographics of this person, and we
know it's them, it's validated that we're talking to this voter.
By the time they say right, I'm voting for Trump,

I'm done with the interview, We're still gonna include them.
Just because they didn't give us their household income, we
already know their household income.

Speaker 2 (49:26):
Just because they didn't.

Speaker 6 (49:27):
Say you live in a rural area or you know,
a suburban area. We know it's a suburb, right, so
we can do this and continue to keep this respondent.

Speaker 2 (49:36):
That's all they did.

Speaker 6 (49:37):
And honestly, that is a debated thing in this industry.
But there is nothing, nothing so off about that change
that you would begin to question it. It's got an
A plus rating from five thirty eight, their favorite website,
So give me a break. I mean, come on, this
is just because they're losing. They're the worst losers ever.

I hear about a election deniers. They are the ogs
of election denialism. They never accept elections they lose. Stacy
Abrams still hasn't accepted that she lost to Brian Kemp
in twenty eighteen.

Speaker 2 (50:11):
This is crazy.

Speaker 6 (50:12):
Hillary Clinton still talks about Vladimir Putin hacking the election.

Speaker 2 (50:16):
This is insane, you know. And for that, and Joe
is just and Joe's like a bought and paid for mouthpiece.
Here's some real here's some dig on Joe.

Speaker 6 (50:26):
I know for a fact that Joe Scarbough used to
call Fox News when Bill O'Reilly was still there and
kiss his ass just again on Fox News, Bill, I
will be more conservative than Sean Hannity if you can
get Roger to get me on the air.

Speaker 1 (50:42):
You know you did it.

Speaker 2 (50:43):
Joe, you're for sale. You're you're a political whore. You'll
say whatever the hell you're paid to say.

Speaker 6 (50:48):
You'll be a conservative one day, you'll be a latte
sippin liberal the next day. You're a total schmuck, all right.
Just but he fits the bill perfectly. He fits the
bill perfect You can't get another wave in your hair.
By the way, so stop, it's like out there, somebody
draw that guy in a character. It would be hilarious,
you know, I mean, we all got.

Speaker 1 (51:09):
A little flips.

Speaker 2 (51:09):
You do a thing. What the hell are you doing?
Are you sturfing off the end of that son of
a bit? Or what? Come on? Guy?

Speaker 6 (51:17):
I'm telling you, By the way, I dare him to
deny that story.

Speaker 1 (51:20):
I just told.

Speaker 2 (51:20):
I dare him to. I double triple dog, dare him
to deny that he begged to get on Fox News.
I'll change, I'll be so conservative, you have no idea.
I'll make Sean handed you look like a liberal. I
swear that's a true story. I dare him to deny it.

Speaker 1 (51:38):
Damn, you are a madman. That's awesome. So yeah, So
about the no soul sean, No, I agree, no core convictions.
I completely agree. Tell me, tell me we got some
five thirty eight news, my friend, which by long overdo
and you never answered my question what the hell took
so long? So pill everybody in on what five thirty

eight is and why what you're about to tell us
really matters, because it actually is a huge deal for you,
and it's it's it should have happened a long time ago,
but go it is.

Speaker 2 (52:14):
And honestly, I didn't know about it.

Speaker 6 (52:16):
I started getting voicemails last night and I didn't know.
And it looks like they retroactively added them because some
of the polls that people were showing me were older
polls and older averages, so I guess they added back
added all these poles. So for a long time, when
Nate Silver was at the head of five thirty eight,
we were like, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (52:35):
What a poll it's a polling aggregator.

Speaker 6 (52:38):
It is, but they claim to be like honestly, they
got their little Polster scorecard and they claimed to be
like the authority in the polling industry, which I never liked,
all right, So I kind of came out swinging when
I became a you know, a public polster, like in
the light, in the public light, and especially when it
came to Nate Silver. It's just because and by the way,

I'm not alone like other people like Larry's Sabado and
others used to say that what he does is pseudoscience.
He cannot give you seventy eight percent chance someone's going
to win an election. It doesn't really work that way.
You can give people a range on likelihood, but you
can't do what he does. And the fact of the
matter is it's not really a model. It's just a
pole reading operation. And you know, data, if you know,

crap in, crap out. If the data that's going into
a model is garbage, the model itself is going to
be garbage.

Speaker 2 (53:26):
So look, it was adversarial from the beginning. He thought
he would be cute. And in twenty sixteen, even though
we admitted what we were doing was experimental, an attempt
to show that responds biases the cause of polling swings,
not true change in public opinion. You know, it was like, oh,
this isn't legit and banned us and it was like

a real crappy thing to do.

Speaker 6 (53:48):
No email, no nothing, and by the way, that was
after I had sent Nate Silver a list of methodological
ex like explanation like what is now. I had been
doing it long before it ever even came out. What
is now the American Association of a Public Opinion Research
is what they called the Transparency Initiative. This is where

you get the data from. This is how you collect it.
Here's how the interviews are done. Right, everything you need
to know, how you calculated sampling errors. He just flatly
ignored it and banned me. And that can hurt in
this industry, There's no doubt about it.

Speaker 2 (54:21):
It can hurt. I had to thank all my followers.

Speaker 6 (54:24):
And listeners today because they stuck with me anyway. And apparently,
now with Nate's Silver gone he was fired months ago,
they're doing some retooling over there. They are still run
by liberals, but they now, like Decision Desk, also aggregate
our polls. It's a big deal to the fact that
we are no longer banned from five point thirty eight,
it's like kind of like a moral victory, you know,

I mean it really it's a recognition that here's the deal.
I mean, after twenty fourteen, when we released the model
and our polls, we outperformed them badly, and I'd like,
I wasn't a sore winner, you know, Sean, like, I
wasn't a sore winner. But it was worth pointing out
that fundamentals decide elections and that sometimes polls can actually

be quite misleading. And that was the entire point of
what I was trying to show people. It's just simply
trying to educate them. I guess you got to stick
up his butt over it. He didn't like it, and
you know, and it can hurt. How bad can it hurt?
Google deplatformed us after twenty sixteen because we were right
and Eate Silver was wrong. So I mean they totally
we had a great relationship with Google News. They totally

removed us because of five p thirty eight. So, I mean,
this is a big deal. I mean, it really is.
It's a huge deal.

Speaker 1 (55:39):
People in the live chat are saying congrats, Savage, congrats Rich.
People were psyched for you. Man. That people love when
you come on the show and they support you.

Speaker 2 (55:48):
I had to go to.

Speaker 6 (55:49):
The decision desk Sean for sticking with me all these years,
Like decision desk never cared. I mean, we've always had
a great relationship. They've aggregated our polls from the beginning.
That's why their averages have been more accurate, by the way,
because again, garbage in, garbage out. You keep the best
people out and you're not going to have the best average.
So you want your model to be accurate. You want

your average to be accurate. You got to you know,
not play petty little games like this. So thanks to everybody.

Speaker 1 (56:14):
Really, well, listen, congratulations, I mean, we love you, we
love having you on. I've been like, I've known about
your polling for quite some time, having been a candidate myself,
I always relied on it, even from the outside before
we even met. And what was again, what I've told
you from the very beginning is that, like it's very important,
although it doesn't factor into your analysis, but in terms

of the data, but you understand the moment that we're in,
and that really does make a difference. A lot of
these people that are inside the Beltway and take trains
back and forth from New York City to DC and
back again, they don't understand what Americans are going through.
And so why that matters is how you phrase your
questions matters, and it can elicit a better result, which

can elicit more accurate results for a pollster. And I'm
sorry that matters for you. It matters, Franny Polster, but
you're especially good at it, so it's well deserved. It
should have happened a long time ago. Rich, It really
should have. But I'm glad I suppose better late than never.

Speaker 6 (57:15):
Right in RCP, you know who I love. I love
those guys. They're great guys. You know I expect the
same presently. You know I expect the same presently. But
you know, being in touch does really help, Sean. It
does because you know, like I maybe wasn't even though
I did well in sixteen, maybe I wasn't as much

as I am now, and that caused.

Speaker 2 (57:37):
Me to understate Trump.

Speaker 6 (57:38):
And in Ohio I got it right, but not not
like on the money, you know, like I knew you'd
win it, but not that much, you know, and looking
at like likely voter polls, Nate Cohen, he's in a
cubicle to The New York Times all day if his
registered voter is Trump plus seven in Michigan, and he
doesn't see anything wrong with the fact that he just decides, Oh,
I really think is going to vote fighten plus one.

Speaker 2 (58:01):
That's a big difference.

Speaker 6 (58:02):
You know, So I really do think and having your
thumb on the pulse makes a difference because he's screening
out people. He just simply doesn't believe. You know, I
don't believe them. They're not going to vote for Trump
and they're not gonna vote at all. Well, you know,
in the Trump era, disbelieve a voter at your own risk.
Because I know I've learned that lesson, I'll never do
it again.

Speaker 1 (58:23):
Wow, man, Well tell tell us all. I mean, I
think people know where they can find you at this point,
but tell people, if they're watching, listening for the first time,
tell us how we can support you.

Speaker 6 (58:33):
My friend home bases locals as always, People's pundent dot
locals dot com, People's pundit dot locals dot com. They
can check out the public Pulling project, let's sit a
little hand, support the poles, you know, they can click
on that check it out.

Speaker 2 (58:47):
But yeah, so it's a great it's a great online community,
really is, and I can't thank them enough. They're they're amazing.

Speaker 1 (58:55):
Well, we love you, man, Hopefully we'll see you next week.
I know it's getting to the end of the year
with kid in school, and it's a crazy time. So yeah,
I had a chorus concert last night, hockey games tomorrow,
course concert on Friday, course concert on Saturday. It's like
all this end of the year stuff is like snowballing.
So I completely get it, man, But we hope to
catch you next week.

Speaker 6 (59:16):
My friend sounds good. Brother, as always, I'll talk to
you soon. Thanks for having me see you, Rich, take care.

Speaker 1 (59:21):
That was savage Rich Farris, the best polster in the business. Yeah.
Like I said, he's the best. He's in touch. We're
lucky to have him. We hope that he continues to
set time aside for this show every Wednesday because his
insight is just so valuable. Okay, so all that stuff
was savage Rich. I mean, he's just so on the
money with everything. But listen, I've got it. I'd be

remiss if I didn't tell you about this because nobody's
talking about it. I don't see any national news organization
talking about it. And that's Michael Cohen's former attorney revealed
huge news today on Capitol Hill in front of the
How Judiciary Kennedy, which of course Jim Jordan is the chair.
Michael Cohen like one, he didn't believe Michael Cohen. After

speaking to him, he testified that Michael Cohen didn't actually
believe the Stormy Daniel's allegation. Two he believes that Cohen
paid Stormy Daniels all on his own, and three he
believed that the President had absolutely nothing to do with
his folks. This is so important. Pay attention to this,
Listen to it because it just blows this case wide

open and should end it today.

Speaker 14 (01:00:31):
Listen further cross examination, Cohen told me that he knew
there was money missing from the Trump inauguration.

Speaker 4 (01:00:37):
I see where you are in now, thankay.

Speaker 14 (01:00:38):
And then on the next page, into that first paragraph,
Cohen decided that while he didn't believe the allegation of
the Stormy Daniels story, that he thought the story would
be embarrassing for Trump and especially for Milania.

Speaker 4 (01:00:52):
So he decided he would take care of it himself. Absolutely.

Speaker 12 (01:00:55):
And that is contrary to what this guy testified to
in court in New York.

Speaker 1 (01:00:59):
Yes, so that's lie number one. It's unbelievable. This should
stop the case immediately. I mean that was lie number
one contrary testimony.

Speaker 14 (01:01:09):
Listen today, Well, and what's not being talked about is
your next paragraph like the reason in his motivation for that,
so as you could just kind of walk through that
for the committee. Yeah, obviously, when we started to talk
about the NDAs, and this is the very first meeting
at the Regency Hotel, when, by the way, Rudy Giuliani
was not involved in representing Donald Trump at that time.

Cone testified that it was a conspiracy between Julianni and
Costello as of this date, totally false in any event.
He also said that he didn't discuss the Stormy Daniels
matter with us, and he certainly did. I specifically asked
him because he kept on going back saying, I can't
believe they're trying to.

Speaker 4 (01:01:50):
Put me in jail for these NDAs.

Speaker 12 (01:01:52):
So I said, Michael, tell me about the NDA, tell
me about Stormy Daniels.

Speaker 4 (01:01:56):
What did you do?

Speaker 12 (01:01:57):
He said, I got a call from from a lawyer
rep presenting Stormy Daniels who represented that she was going
to testify that Donald Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels.
Michael Cohne said, I didn't believe the allegation, but I
knew that such an allegation would be terribly embarrassing. He
said it would be embarrassing. He focused on Milania Trump.

He said, I didn't want to embarrass Malania Trump. He said,
that's why I decided to take care of this on
my own. I went back to that several times. You
did this on your own, on my own. Did Donald
Trump have anything to do with it? No?

Speaker 4 (01:02:33):
Did you get the money from Donald Trump?

Speaker 12 (01:02:35):
No from any of his organizations, No from anybody connected
to Donald Trump.

Speaker 4 (01:02:40):

Speaker 12 (01:02:41):
Where did you get the money. I took out a
heelock loan against my property. I said, why would you
do that? He said. I didn't want anybody to know
where I got this money. I didn't want Malania to know.
I didn't want my own wife to know, because she's
in charge, he said. Of the Cone family finances, he said,
if she saw money coming out of mind account, she'd
ask me one hundred questions and I didn't want to

answer any of them.

Speaker 1 (01:03:05):
Folks, there is a paper trayal for all of this,
and this was Cohen's former attorney. Listen to me, folks.
If you think that this is not coordinated at the
highest levels of the Biden administration, ask yourself why. Because
you know Trump is not in court today. It's when
day he's off. But ask yourself why Wan Murshawn is

the judge. So it's the same judges popping up for
all this stuff. When Trump finishes this trial in New York,
when Jan murshan Democrat, activist, communist judge is finished with
this trial, do you know whose trial he takes up?
Steve Bannon. So again, somebody else, the Democrats are trying

to take out a commission with law fair. Believe me
when I tell you this is rigged. It always has been.
Never believe anything anyone else tells you on this. I'm
telling you, every day that goes by, we learn more.
And speaking of learning more, before we sign off today,
there's some good news that I have for you, and
that's today. Again, you're not going to see this on

the news. I haven't seen it reported anywhere, but the HHS,
the Health and Human Services suspended funding and proposed a
formal debarment of the EcoHealth Alliance, citing evidence from the
House COVID Selects report, and it says accountability is here.

So from the COVID Select Committee, the House Committee on
an Investigation of COVID basically today, based on evidence uncovered
in COVID Select Committee's recent report, the US Department of
Health and Human Services commenced formal debarment proceedings against EcoHealth Alliance.
EcoHealth will now face an immediate government wide suspension of

taxpayer funds, including a hold on all active grants. Folks,
this is incurab let's hope. Now. Accountability comes for Fauci,
Accountability comes for Scarf Lady, accountability calls, it comes for

every one of these deep state hacks that destroyed this
country through lockdowns and mask mandates and vaccine mandates. This
is a positive step. So I don't know what it means.
I don't know what it means. I'm not going to
look too far into it. But this is a positive
step and we should celebrate it while it's here. So
thank you all, folks. I mean, we've been rocking and

rolling for seventy two minutes straight. Could go on for
another hour, but thank you all so much for sticking
with me, and thank you to Savage Ritz for being here.
We have an amazing show planned for tomorrow. I'm gonna
try to get Brian Dean Wright, former CIA guy, talk
about this barge in Galveston that slammed into a bridge.

He was taught Brian Dean Wright again a CIA guy.
Is it possible for the Chinese to hack barges? Of
course it is.

Speaker 2 (01:06:00):
He's talking about that in his podcast tonight or today.

Speaker 1 (01:06:03):
I believe I want to unpack that with him on
this show for you. It's part of my job to
keep us all thinking critically and talk about things from
a fresh perspective. So that'll be either Thursday or Friday.
But either way, I've been planning the show for tomorrow.
It's already hopping and popping. It's going to be great.
So stick with us. Stick with us and watch the
show live here on Rumble from five to six, or

for our friends listening on iHeart, come over to Rumble
and subscribe and follow Battleground live on the show here.
We'd love to have you in the live chat before
we sign off. Got a flag here from Aunt Cindy
steel Woman. Thank you for the Rumble rant tip. Thank
you seriously, Boston Guy and Hammerhead. You all are the best.

You guys have been with this show since the very beginning.
This show is and always will be for you. You
don't have to do that, but one hundred percent of
the proceeds that you all put in the tips there
in the live chat, go to building a better show.
Have my promise on that it's all about you. This
show is and it always will be. It's a show
for we the people. So oh, before we sign off,

smash that like button. I don't know where are we at?
Let me come over here and look looks like we
are at two hundred and thirty five rumbles. That's awesome.
Smash that like button, that little green thumb beneath the
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And as always, folks, thank you. The show is for you.

God bless you all, and God bless this amazing country
that we call home. Take care, good night, and I
will see you tomorrow

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