All Episodes

May 20, 2024 58 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • The dangerous times in which we live

  • Iran's regime's president Ebrahim Raisi, the Butcher of Tehran is dead

  • UN Security Council should be disbanded immediately

  • Biden’s horrible & divisive words 

  • Should Biden be drug tested before the debate?

  • Cohen digs an even deeper hole for himself

  • There’s more to the Stormy/Cohen relationship than we realize

  • The Pope needs to (respectfully) shut it

  • A shadow lawfare campaign that could hurt us all

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Morning, you're about to enter the arena and join the
battle to save America with your host Sean Parnell.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Good evening, America. It is Monday. From sea to Shining
Sea and everybody in between. Welcome Patriots. I hope that
you all had a wonderful, wonderful weekend. I want to
give a special shout out to Devon, who is the
son of one of the great patriots in the live

chat Bam Devin got married this weekend. I think it was.
But at any rate, Devon, you are on joining in
the great adventure, my friend. Buckle in. Now here's what
I'll tell you. Here's what I'll tell you. You know,
I don't look I'm not a marriage expert by an

any way, shape or form, but I will tell you
that marriage is so much about commitment. I mean, yes,
love is important, Yes, making sure that you truly care
about that person, and I mean really care, And especially
when you're in fights, right you have to start. You
have sometimes you have to take a step back and say,
wait a second, I really care about this person. But

even more than love or anything else, if you're in
it for the long haul, commitment is everything. So Devin,
good luck, to you, my friend. You're on the great
adventure now. Also, I want to give a special shout
out to my son, my oldest son, Ethan, his team,
and you're looking here at my locals page on the screen,

and for our friends who are listening, my son's team
won the Spring Hockey League championship. I don't know if
you can see my purser on the screen, but I'm
pointing to this strapping young man right there on his
spring hockey team. You can see Spring League twenty twenty
four champions Congratulations areas all sweaty and gross post game,

but congratulations to my son Ethan. Of course, on Monday,
you know, forgive me, I always do somewhat of a
quick weekend update for you all. And also and the goats, right,
we got bottle babies. The bottle babies are coming tomorrow.
So very very excited, but also a little bit nervous

about that because you know, yes, Commander Melanie and I
have five children, but we're out of the bottle phase.
And I have to say I've been reticent to go
back to that phase, even if it's with a goat.
It's kind of tough not having your independence. But I
will say about the bottle babies. Having met them, it

doesn't look like they're super high maintenance. Just a few
minutes here or there with a bottle and eventually they'll
be weaned off of all that. And by the way,
we got the goat pen and on our property looking
top notch. Are going to have a really great home.
So again we're turning up the dial here at Fort Parnell,
the homesteading dial. So things are going really, really good.

All right, let me get into the show. Let me
get into the show. Rundown. I'm going to talk right
off the top about the dangerous times in which we
live and why having leaders that see with moral clarity
is especially important in times like this. I mean, it's
important all the time, right, but it's especially important during

very dangerous time in Iran's regime. The Iran regime's president,
Ibraham Rossi, the Butcher of Tehran, is dead, crashed and
burned in a helicopter crash in a remote area of Iran.
The only thing that I could say is hey, good,
like one terrible human being, less that we have in
the world. But I'm going to tell you why this

matters a lot. Biden's horrible divisive words at a historically
black college commencement. I mean these kind of the stuff
that he said at this commencement ceremony. I don't know
if you heard them or not, but they're they're absolutely ridiculous,
and he had an opportunity to say something inspiring, but
as usual, Biden crapped the bed. I suppose we should

just be grateful that he didn't crap his pants in
front of all of the students. And of course, if
you paid attention to this sloppy Alvin Bragg case Cohen
somehow dug his grave even deeper today. The Pope, the
Catholic Pope. I say this as a Catholic. He just
needs to shut the hell up and a shadow law
fair campaign that really could hurt us. All, Okay, When

I was deployed in Afghanistan, and I tell you a
lot of these stories and some of this stuff the
OG members, the original gangsters of the Battle Crew. You've
heard some of these stories. But we get new listeners
and new viewers every day, so occasionally you'll hear a
recap for the folks who are new. But when you're
in combat, like I was in Afghanistan for sixteen months,

we were in heavy combat for for sixteen months. You
learn how to be effective. And the reason why I'm
telling you about this is I'm doing a special with
Eagles and Angels Limited. They take old uniforms and they
turn them into apparel. So I had to go digging
through all of my old uniforms and I came across

these bad boys. I don't know if you all can
see them. These are called the battle the old school
battle dress uniform, and we wore the acus and the
BDUs when I was in the army, but this is
the battle dress uniform. You can see here there's my name,
no combat patch on the right shoulder, you know. And
you look here you see the badges right the bad

this little rifle here the Expert Infantrymen's badge. Those are
my airborne wings. These cross rifles historic. Anytime you see
cross rifles like this on somebody, it means that they
were in the infantry. I'm very proud of being in
the infantry. And of course on my shoulder here let
me see you see this right here, that's the tenth
Mountain patch mountain tab in the ranger tab. So you

see the uniform here and I'm digging through all this stuff.
You're going to send this stuff down to Eagles and
Angels Limited, and they're gonna cut it up and they're
gonna make apparel, hats, t shirts, whatever out of this
old uniform, which is very cool. But I started thinking
about a lot of things, and that was holy smokes.

Looking at that uniform. That reminds me of when I
was a brand new officer, never been to combat before.
Because really when we by the time we got to Afghanistan,
we were in the new Army combat uniform, which was
kind of like a digital grayish camo. Quite honestly, it sucked.
But I would have rather had the BDU, the battle
dress uniform, the Woodland green camo over there. But that's
not the reason why I'm telling you this. The reason

why I'm telling you this is that over time, combat
changes you. And it's so strange on so many levels,
because when you're in combat, you go from an insulated
American citizen who's had nothing but an easy life. And
I say, this is somebody who, prior to going to combat,
was in ranger school, went to airborne school, and so

all these cool sexy infantry schools. But even that was
easy because we live in the greatest country in the
face of the of the planet. Even people who live
in poverty here in this country have a higher standard
of living than most people all over the world. And
I say this as somebody who has been broke and
heavily in debt before, somebody whose parents really work their

butts off to give me everything. They have live paycheck
to paycheck. And in combat, you go from this insulated
American kid and I was twenty something, you know, early twenties,
and you learn very quickly how to survive because combat
is unforgiving. It's life and death. And I will never
forget the first time, you know, we're out on a

patrol when someone shoots at you and you're thinking to yourself, like,
holy smokes, there is somebody out there in those mountains
that wants to kill me and has never met me.
And this is real, it could happen. And throughout my
sixteen months in Afghanistan, and I was right on the
border of Afghanistan for folks who are listening for the

first time in two thousand and six, and Michael tune
was Our sole mission was find Osama bin Laden, close
with and destroy the enemy. This was a very different time.
It seems like forever ago, but over time, the ever present,
almost hand of death was you could feel it everywhere

all around you. It's a tangible it's a real tangible thing.
And you go through so much stuff when you're over there.
You see your friends get hurt, you see your friends
get killed, You see the locals, the children around you victimize,
caught in between these two warring forces. We never did

anything to hurt any any civilians, but the enemy did
all the time. Seeing that that stuff and being exposed
to that stuff changes you. And if you stay that
insulated American citizen, you know, that naive American citizen, you're
gonna get killed pretty quickly. If you hesitate for even
a second on being afraid of dying, you will die.

I mean, it's the strangest thing in the world. So
at some point in combat you have to give up
this idea that you're ever coming home. Periods, you just
have to. You have to say I'm already dead. It's
just a question of when and how. That's the only
way you can operate effectively over there. And when you

flip that switch, when you actually get to that point,
it is very, very very difficult to turn that back on,
so to speak. So I feel like that's a lot
part of the reason why when veterans come home, I think,
especially a lot of my friends. I'm just speaking from

my personal experience, but a lot of veterans come home
and they struggle to fit in because it's hard to
turn that switch back on, if that makes sense. You
almost have to go numb, right in order to survive
in combat, and so when veterans come home, their numb
they don't turn that switch back on. Maybe those they're

thinking about, those terrible experiences. Maybe that's why they drink,
Maybe that's why they're taking medication. Maybe that's why they're
doing risky things, you know, driving fast in a car,
riding a motorcycle fast, just to get their adrenaline up,
to feel anything beyond that numbness that you have to
feel in combat in order to survive. So my point
is is that if you somehow aren't tethered to your

reality and the idea that we come from a great
country and you know we're coming back. We have a
set of ideals in America that are worth fighting for,
that are worth striving for. If you're still not tethered
to that in some way. You can lose yourself morally

in combat pretty quickly. And even though you go into
war thinking that you're the good guy, well you can
turn into the bad guy pretty fast if you're not
still tethered to a set of ideals that makes us
the most exceptional fighting force on the face of the planet.
And I'm going somewhere with this. See, back then, we

still had a sense everything. You can look back on
the war in Afghanistan, like we clearly politicians clearly screwed
the pooch over there, Biden clearly surrendered over there. But
my troops and every single man or woman who served
in Afghanistan busted their ass for twenty years. They deserve
all the credit in the world. They're extraordinary patriots in fact, somehow,

and I think about this all the time. We end
up winning every tactical battle on the battle field in Afghanistan,
but we lose the war because our politicians just suck.
And part of that is that we've had politicians that
can't see with moral clarity. And when you can't see
with moral clarity, bad things can happen. Things can go

from good to bad and bad to worse, very very
very fast. And when you're talking about being the leader,
of course Joe Biden and then he's got blinking and
as Secretary of State and Austin as Secretary of Defense.
You have these people at every level who don't see
with moral clarity, who have the full might and power
of the United States Military and the most powerful superpower

in the world at their back, things can go really
really bad, really really fast. And I saw a segment
from a Holocaust survivor on sixty Minutes that sort of
talked about how fast, you know, people can turn into
animals and how people can just be very dangerous. And
again I'm going somewhere with this, or just bear with me,

but listen, the.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
Most dangerous animal in the world is man. Because other
animals will hurt you if they're hungry or it's their
nature of hunting. But man can turn into an animal
in no time. All he needs is permission. As soon

as permission is given from higher ups from government, it accelerates,
even a hint of permission that it's okay to attack
this group or exclude this group for shame that group.
It's happening. It's never stopped.

Speaker 2 (13:41):
She says, it's happening. It's never stopped. Well, I'm sure
you all saw the news over the weekend of Iran
regime's president Ibram Rossi, the Butcher of Tehran. Well, first
he disappeared in a helicopter crash and then come to
find out, I think it was reported officially today that
he had perished in a helicopter crash. Well, the Security Council,
and I've got video of it, but I'm not going

to play it because it's hard for our folks that
are listening, you know, with the accents, it's hard to
kind of understand what they're talking about. But the United
Nations Security Council stood and paused for a moment of
silence for Iran's president again, the Butcher of Tehran. This

man was the head of the governing body, whatever governing
body there was in Iran, who made it their mission
to kill Americans for damn near fifty years.

Speaker 4 (14:38):

Speaker 2 (14:39):
This guy wasn't around for fifty years, but obviously the
government of Iran has been doing nothing but trying to
kill American citizens, whether in uniform or not. And standing
with the US Deputy was the US Deputy un Ambassador
and European allies. They actually took part in this. And

it wasn't just the United Nations Security Council standing for
a moment of silence and praying for this butcher who
did horrific things and killed Americans. Our own Senate chaplain
did the same thing. Now, now listen and I'll explain
to you.

Speaker 4 (15:17):
I'll give you my thoughts, and Lord, we pray for
the Iranian people who mourn the death of the president.
We pray in your loving name, ah Man.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
This is crazy to me because yeah, he says, why
I pray for the Iranian people, But I can assure
you that the vast majority of Iranians are glad this
man is dead. It just shows you how backward. Why
are our people, ambassadors to the United Nations standing for
this man who is a terrorist, who is undoubtedly responsible

for the deaths of Americans. I mean, look at this.
Rozzi supported various terrorist groups, including Hamas and Gaza, right
Hesblah and Lebanon, and the Houthi rebels in Yemen. These
people attack, These terrorist organizations funded and propped up by
Iran attack American citizens. In the summer of nineteen eighty eight,

Rozzi was part of a four man death panel that
oversaw the executions of at least five thousand and as
many as thirty thousand political prisoners. This in Iran. Basically,
what we're talking about here are political prisoners, people who
just spoke their minds and were executed for it. In
ninety nine, Rozzi held or had student protesters arrested and tortured,
leading to deaths and injuries among the protesters. Rozzi supported

the killing of protesters who were challenging the presidential election
results during the two thousand and nine Green Movement protests.
In late twenty seventeen, Rozzi was a conservative candidate for
the Iranian presidential election and then indicated his support for
severe measures against protesters. Security forces arrested thousands, if not

tens of thousands, and killed people. Folks, this is not
good that American leaders are standing up and praying for
and honoring people like this. I don't I don't care

about you know. Oh, we're just trying to do the
right thing. We're trying to calm tension. We're trying to
build diplomatic relations. You can try to build diplomatic relations
with a country without praying for I mean, what could be?
This is now the term Hitler is overused all the time,
but this man is kind of not on par with,

you know, the genocidal devastation that Hitler left in his way.
But he's certainly in the same case category. And what
is very very concerning, I mean, beyond the obvious here,
is that the UN Security Council is standing and giving
a moment of silence for this man. Our Senate chaplain

is praying for this man, essentially praying for this man
and the Iranian people, but also praying for this man
on our Senate floor, while our own president has a
difficult time supporting Israel in their campaign against Hamas after
they murdered twelve hundred people. You see what I'm saying.

There is a moral right and moral wrong in this world.
There is a good and evil in this world. And
when we find ourselves unable to see with moral clarity,
now you you know, listen, we always knew that we
were the good guys in the battlefield. Our politicians maybe

you know, they always have our ulterior motive. Soldiers that
fought in a rock, soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines. Yeah, they
were there because they were given orders to be there.
GI means government issue again and a rock looking back hindsight,
being twenty twenty was probably a mistake, was definitely not

Probably definitely was a mistake. Weapons of mass destruction, the lies,
and everything else. But that doesn't take away from the
honor of the service on the battlefield. At his core,
our military saw right from wrong, very very clearly. Well.
The problem is now today our military has never been weaker.

The Air Force is literally sending out letters celebrating diversity, equity,
and inclusion. They're celebrating Pride Month, all of these things.
Now Listen, LGBTQ ELEMENTARP, I don't really care about your sexuality.
I don't care. When I was in the Army, didn't
care if you were gay or straight. Only that mattered
to me was whether or not you could do your job.

But celebrating diversity in a military, that diversity does not matter.
The only thing that matters is can you pull your weight?
Can you do your job? Are you the best in
the world at your job? Because that is what I
need beside me in combat. Your skin color doesn't matter.

The only thing that matters is unity beyond our many differences.
And that's the entire point of basic training of entry
level training in the United States military does not matter
what branch you are in, Black, white, Christian, atheist, jew
None of that matters. Leave it at the door. You're
an American. But celebrating all of this division does nothing

but weaken our force. It balkanizes our force. And then
you add to that the fact that the Biden administration
put out American patriots because they refuse to get a vaccine.
The vast majority of people that they fired because they
refuse to get an ex spar experimental vaccine. We're the
true tip of the spear. Guys. They've asked our militaries,

asked them to come back. They've said, screw you, We're
not coming back. And so our country has never been
has never been in a more dangerous place. With leaders
who can't see with moral clarity, our military has never
been weaker. Now we still have technological capabilities, but we
don't have the right people leading the charge. And when
you combine that with leaders like an American president who

doesn't know good from evil. We're out there honoring and
praying for terrorists, it gets really really dangerous. Things could
go bad really really fast. And then you add to
all of this on top of everything that I just
told you, Victoria Newland on ABC this weekend calling for

you guessed it, direct attacks in Russia. This isn't on
some fringe network. This is on ABC. She's out there
talking about a significant escalation that will undoubtedly lead to
our sons and daughters being boots on the ground in Ukraine.
Bank on that, but listen to this.

Speaker 5 (22:14):
They need to be able to stop these Russian attacks
that are coming from bases inside Russia. So I think
there's also a question of whether we the United States
and our allies ought to give them more help in
hitting Russian basis, which heretofore we've not been willing to do.
I think if the attacks are coming directly from over
the line in Russia, that those bases ought to be

fair game, whether they are where missiles are being launched
from or where they are where troops are being supplied from.
I think it's time for that because Russia has obviously
escalated this war, including as you said at the beginning,
attacking Russia's second city, Harkiev, which is not on the
front lines, and trying to decimate it without ever having
to put a boot on the ground. So I think

it is time to give the Ukrainians more help hitting
these spaces inside Russia.

Speaker 3 (23:03):
One of the reasons that the administration has hesitated is
because they believe it will escalate things even further with
Russia pull the US further in Why not?

Speaker 2 (23:12):
Why so? Why do you think that's a good.

Speaker 5 (23:14):
Idea, Because it's Russia that has escalated this war. Russia
has learned how to pull its forces back out of
the range where we have allowed Ukraine to use our
weapons and get our support. So they are getting a
direct advantage in this war from our hesitation, and they
have escalated massively. As you know, they have flattened a

third of Harkiev without her having to get on the
ground there. So it is time to stop that and
help Ukraine push them back.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
Victoria Newland, for our new listeners and new viewers, is
at the center of everything that happens in Ukraine. She
supported regime change in twenty fourteen. She pushed the envelope
as a tains to Russia. One can make the argument
that Victoria Newland wanted these wars to strike into Russia

would be tantamount to a significant escalation in this fight,
and one that I oppose with all of my heart
and my soul. And you have these policy people on
Twitter and social media who act like they have all
the answers, but they've never had to make the decision
in combat to flip that switch and say, I'm not

going to allow myself to experience emotion because if I
do that, emotion could lead to fear. And if that
fear leads to hesitation in the middle of a kill
zone and I'm not leading my troops in the way
that I should, people could die. The only problem is
once you flip that switch, it's hard to turn it
back on. But the people that are making these decisions
have never had to say that to themselves. They've never

had to turn that come home and try to turn
that back on. And so what I'm saying we cannot
allow ourselves on this path to be advocating openly for
attacks on Russia when the exact opposite needs to happen.
Any sort of any member in the US House, any

member of the United States Senate, Democrat, Republican, I don't care.
Is there anybody there? I saw Thomas Massey out on
Twitter slash x talking about this. He's spot on, But
we shouldn't be talking about escalating the conflict. We should
be talking about diplomacy and how to get us out
of this disaster that is the war in Ukraine. Get

Russia to the table, get Ukraine to the table, and
end this thing. Because all those policymakers with Ukrainian flags
in their bios, or strategic experts that have never had
to carry a machine gun in combat, that just seem
to have all the answers for everything, Like do they
support Ukraine so much that they're to send their own
American son and daughter there to die for a country

like Ukraine. I think that they probably don't care about
it that much. And I'm not saying, folks that some
things that freedom is not worth fighting for. I've said
it many times. If America were ever threatened, I'd be
the first in line fighting to defend this country. Sometimes

you have to fight. Ukraine is not one of those times. Okay,
So you know how we talk I've talked to you
all about the Democrats and their pathway to power and
how they keep them retain power. They largely do that
through keeping us divided. The Democrats have become a party
of just perpetual victims. I mean, they entrench a sense

of victimhood in their voters, and they keep those voters
angry even if the Democrats aren't serving those can stillencies
at all. It's part of their strategy. For example, the
Democrats have taken for granted black communities for generations, for

fifty sixty seventy years, They've done nothing for Black America.
In fact, every Democrat run city in America has gotten
worse and worse under one party rule Democrat rule. Look
no further than Chicago, look no further than San Francisco.
Every party or every city that has Democrats in charge

at every level Baltimore descend into absolute chaos unions another
of trade unions. People that the Democrats have taken for granted,
taken for granted for years. They just try to cater
to them by keeping these people angry. Well, Joe Biden
was speaking in an historically black college, and I'm telling you,

this guy, his remarks were so horrible and so divisive.
I had to highlight it because it just encapsulates perfectly
what these garbage liberals do in order to keep and
retain power. It's a perfect example of that, and it's
especially egregious given the fact that Biden was practically a

member of the KKK. Didn't want didn't want to advocate,
didn't want to desegregate schools, was eulogizing members of the
KKK at their funeral. Biden was on the wrong side
of the civil rights of every civil rights issue of
our time. I mean, he opposed the Voting Rights Act.
I mean, the guy is a racist to the court.
So this is like, it's kind of like a double whammy.

It's really bad on the front of that, it's horrible
and it's divisive, and you don't want your child black, White, Indian, Asian,
doesn't matter. You don't want your kid thinking like this.
But it's also especially bad because it's coming from basically
a guy that's a hardcore racist. Listen to this today.

Speaker 6 (28:59):
You missed your high school graduation, you start a college
just as George Floyd was murdered, and there was a
reckoning on race. It's natural to wonder the democracy you
hear about actually works for you. What is democracy if

black matter being killed in the street? What is democracy?
Portrayal of broken promises still leave black communities behind. What
is democracy if you have to be ten times better
than anyone else to get a fair shot. Most of all,
what does it mean, as you've heard before, to be

a black man who loves his country even if it
doesn't love him back in equal measures.

Speaker 2 (29:54):
There's like a couple people clapping in the audience. Let's
not pretend that that was raucous a plause. What a dark, horrible,
divisive speech that was. I'm not surprised, right, I'm not surprised.
But it leads me to this video of Biden that
somebody got with a cell phone. And it's gonna be
difficult for our friends who are listening, but I'll describe it.

It's basically grumpy Biden. It's like Biden sitting on the
stage in a cap and gown with a scowl on
the face. He could be doing anything. He could be
crapping his pants, he could be thinking about how Joe
yelled at him. He could be well, he might not
be thinking about anything. It just maybe the Lazarus pit
is wearing off. But I don't know. But look at
look at this. This man is the leader of the

free world, nay as a human being to call for
an immediate and the permanence ceasefire and NASA stripping he
through like that man is the leader of the free

world right now. But there was a video and all
of this debate about Biden, you know, basically needing to
take a drug test prior to the debate. And by
the way, Trump is a genius for bringing this up
because he created just by virtue of the fact that
he's a front running Republican candidate, front running Republican, the

leader of the country. I would say he created this
national conversation about Biden's cognitive state and whether or not
he should be taking a drug test prior to debate, which,
by the way, I'm sorry, is genius. If you have
to take a drug test prior to playing Major League baseball,
or take a drug test prior to doing any sort

of gymnastics at the Olympic level, why then would you
not have to take a drug test? If you look
like you're a senile old man, then it don't just
look like you sound like a senile old man everywhere
you go. Are you taking illegal drugs to get you
to a point where where you can actually be coherent?
So over the weekend there was this debate on this

video that resurfaced from a couple of years ago, and
it's like Biden from The Simpsons with his eyes like
wide open, looks like a completely different guy. But just
just watch the watch this and we'll discuss.

Speaker 7 (32:19):
Be pro insurrection and pro cop you can't be pro
insurrection and pro democracy. You can't be pro insurrection and
pro American. Donald Trump lacked the courage to act. The
brave women and men in blue Field.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
Don't forget that look pupils dial. Look at this pupils
dilated eyes open. It's a far cry from the from
the video of this guy that looks like this, like
doesn't even look like he's alive. Right, So listen, there
is an original uncut version of this video on the
White House's YouTube page. What you saw and by the way,

the Democrats were out there saying, oh, publicans made this
with AI, it's not real. They did something to his eyes. Nope,
that what I showed you. That video is directly from
the Twitter page of the Democrats, their official page. They
tweeted that his eyes peeled wide open, like he's hopped
up on some uppers or drugs. But the actual original video,

uncut is on the White House's YouTube page. I want
you to watch this and I'll describe for folks who
are listening. But the video is basically divided into it
doesn't matter what he says, don't listen to what he's saying.
Focus on There's one cut. There's like the first half

of him I'm him talking where his face is like
all scrunched up. He's barely alive. Right, He's typical Biden,
the Biden that we see stumbling and bumbling everywhere. Okay,
and then the clip cuts and it's the Biden wired
like he's high on some upper but like, watch, listen
to this.

Speaker 7 (34:02):
Those who have served their time should qualify not only
for PELL grants to earn a degree, but get access
to good jobs and training, affordable housing, barely food, and
medical benefits. All these steps will reduce crime and prevent
crime from happening in the first place. And my Safe
American Plan is part of my administration's relentless efforts to

invest and empower black communities to be architect.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
Did they swap them out with a guy in a costume?
I mean seriously, did you see that? And so this
video today is now starting to is now starting to
get traction. My friend can con he's got a great
he's got a great show on bad Lands media. He's
been trying to draw attention to this video for forever,

but it went viral this weekend, and all because Donald
Trump is out there talking about, Hey, this guy should
take a drug test. He's not even he's not even cognizant. Now, listen,
this guy is the leader of the free world. And
there's a raucous debate out there right now among conservative

influencers saying that, well, actually, most people think that Biden's
not going to be the guy. I have a little
bit of a differing opinion on that. I think that
the Democrats are kind of stuck with him. Even though
Biden is an animated corpse, He's still the president, wields
enormous power, and there ain't no way you're peeling away
the presidency from doctor Jill. Doctor Jill definitely enjoys being

the first Lady. So this is just interesting. I'm I'm
anxious to see what happens here with this drug test
think because what if, somehow, some way the Biden White
House agrees to it. What if Trump says, hey, I'll
take a drug test. I'm fine, and then puts pressure
on Biden to not take a drug test. It's kind
of like Trump agreeing to do all these other debates

on Telemundo and stuff, and basically knowing that he's walking
into enemy territory. By the way, the American people also
know that he's walking into enemy territory and asking themselves, well,
why isn't Biden doing it? Could it be because he's old? Well,
Trump's willing to take a drug test, why not bide him.
It just raises questions in the minds of the American people.
So we will see, Okay, the sloppy happy Alfin Bragg.

Speaker 4 (36:25):

Speaker 2 (36:25):
By the way, have you ever seen a picture of
Alvin Bragg. The dude is the biggest slob in the world.
I mean, that's why I'd taken to calling him sloppy
Alvin Bragg, because it's just so appropriate. But this case
is a disaster. Somehow it got even worse for Bragg
and Cohen, who is seemingly digging his own grave. I mean, honestly,

I how Cohen comes out of this unscathed is beyond me. Now, granted,
he's already been he's already a felon, he's already a
convicted perjurer, he's a serial life. Everybody knows that, So
you might be wondering, well, how can things get any
worse for this guy? Well, I think they did today

because Cohen on the stand admitted that he was actively
stealing from the Trump organization. On the stand, he admitted
it that he was stealing tens of thousands of dollars
from Trump on the stand, not even exaggerating. Listen to
Fox News talk about it.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
Finch and Cohen confirms that he owed Redfinch fifty grand
and never paid the full cash. Trump's attorney Bland says,
you stole from the Trump organization.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
Cohen says, yes, sir.

Speaker 8 (37:42):
He also confirms lying to Alan Weisselberg. I don't know
how many of that is on the list, but that's
another prevarication, and Cohen says he never pleaded guilty to larceny.
On they Go, Blanche presses Cohen, you did steal from
the Trump organization based upon the expected reimbursement of Redfinch,
and he said, yes, sir.

Speaker 2 (38:00):
So that's so, let me give you a sense of
what this means. Okay, when you talk about stealing. Cohen
admitted he admitted on the stand that he would basically
negotiate settlements for for for Trump, for the Trump organization
and then go back to the Trump organization at a

significantly higher amount. And what would he do with with
with the with the remainder, he would pocket it. That
that's a crime, that's stealing, that's embezzlement. People go to
jail for that. And what's more is that Bragg knew
about all of this, but he refused to prosecute Michael Cohen. Instead,

he's going after Cohen's victim in Trump for not itemizing
the payments made to his embezzler the right way think
about that. Instead of prosecuting like sloppy Alvin Bragg, instead
of prosecuting Michael Cohen for crimes that he knew he

was committing, of embezzlement and theft, He's going after Michael
Cohen's victim for not itemizing the embezzlement find. I mean,
it's insane, it's insane. And so if you look at Cohen,
Cohen has a long history. I would always talk about
him on the show as if he's a serial liar.
It's because he is, this guy like told so many

lies it's hard to even be hard to even know
where to start. But lying to Congress, Cohen testified that
He falsely claimed there were no plans for Trump Tower
in Moscow to align with Trump's public statements denying any
Russian connection. Misleading bank accounts. He opened a bank account
under false pretenses to facilitate a payment to a tall
film actress, Stormy Daniels, using a home equity loan to

avoid leaving a paper trail. Trump did not know about this.
He manipulated legal documents. Cohen created a non disclosure agreement
with Stormy Daniel, a porn star, using aliases for Trump
and Daniels, and later his law firm drafted a misleading
letter to the Federal Election Commission about the Trump organization's involvement.
This guy is a career criminal courting Trump coenly secretly.

Cohen secretly recorded a conversation with Trump about paying off
Karen McDougall, a former playboy model, to bury her story
of an alleged affair with Trump. Although none of this
actually looked like it happened at all. And here's the deal. Actually,
I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say
it didn't happen. They're doing this just to get Trump.
But even CNN agrees that sloppy Alvin Bragg's case is

dead on a rival.

Speaker 6 (40:42):
Listen, this has given such ammunition as to possibly fatally
undermine the prosecution's case.

Speaker 2 (40:50):
I mean, CNN straight up said that they are not
a conservative network. But I'm laying all this out there
because I think that there is more to this Coen conspiracy,
because that's what it sounds like to me. You're talking
about a guy that's negotiating settlements that Trump didn't even
know about, or maybe he did, who knows. None of

that's really clear. But if you're a businessman in charge
of a global business, you have people that sue you
all the time, and you come to settlements with those
people to do everything that you can to stay out
of trial because trial could be infinitely more expensive. Or
you've got what's called nuisance payments. You don't want to
deal with something, so you just pay something. This stuff

happens all the time in business. But I think there's
something more to this than even we realize. Because here's
the thing. CNN is out there saying today as the
trial is going on, that Trump isn't tied to this
in any way. If CNN is forced to admit this,

then you know it's far worse in the actual courtroom
for sloppy Alvin Bragg. Something else is going on here
that we're not aware of, not yet anyway. But listen
to CNN talking about how Trump's just not tied to
this in any way.

Speaker 9 (42:09):
Rackt But this is significant because they appear to have
caught Cohen in another lie, and this would be a
lie to the other person who is allegedly part of
this conspiracy, Alan Weisselberg, who prosecutors have chosen not to
call because they believe that he would not testify, that
he would plead the fifth The judge has urged him
them to bring him in any way, they have not
done that. So Blanche once again now focusing on the

retainer agreament.

Speaker 10 (42:31):
But what this also does is it puts the onus
on Michael Cohen. It was Michael Cohen who arranged this scheme,
the repayment scheme. If he's the one fudging to Alan
Weisberg and lying about this and twisting that, it puts
more of it on him than either Weislberger, certainly on
Donald Trump.

Speaker 9 (42:45):
And so far there is no direct link Prouden beyond
a reasonable doubt to the defendant in this alleged conspiracy.
There is a lot of evidence that has been presented.
There's testimony from Michael Cohen, there's testimony from others about conversations.
But that is the goal of the defense team, and
this right here, this line of questionings. So far, they
have established that Cohen may have lied in order to

get some of this money.

Speaker 10 (43:08):
But the prosecution is going to get up and talk
about this and then what Michael Cohen.

Speaker 2 (43:13):
So Jonathan Turley was in the courtroom today and Jonathan
Turley said that Cohen admitted that he told reporters on
the record that Trump did not know about the payments
to Stormy Daniels. He told the BBC, for example, that
there was quote no way that he would have told Trump.

Cohen recorded the interview with the BBC reporter without her knowledge.
So if we know, folks, again keeping in mind that
I think there's more here than meets the eye with
this case, I don't know what that is, but I'm
just going to go out on a limb and make
an educated guess. So if we know, based on the

testimony today, that Cohen would negotiate settlements for one amount
and then turn around and go to the Trump administration
and say, actually, the settlement is a much higher amount
than what I actually settled for. That seems like he's
done it. Certainly seems like he's done this way more

than once. It seems like he's made a business of
doing this. And if you're willing to do that, might
you be willing to work with Stormy Daniels to concoct like, hey,
look I got this settlement racket. All you got to do,
miss porn star is not going to hurt your reputation
because you literally sleep with people on camera, right, So

just go with me here. He's like, look, maybe Cohen
and Stormy Daniels were hooking up. I don't know. Here's
I have no idea. But maybe he goes to Stormy
Daniels and say, hey, look, Trump's about to run for president.
I'm not in the conversation, or at least not at
a level that i'd like to be for working at
a Trump White House. I'm angry. So maybe he goes

to Stormy Daniels and say, hey, look, Trump's gonna be
running for president. Just come out and say you slepple
it him. You know, well, I'll see if I can
get you a settlement I keep half, you keep half.
Maybe we split the difference. But my point is, you
see that what Cohen has going on here is a racket.
So I'm going out on a limb and I'm saying
that something like this happened. Nobody else has really talked
about this yet to my knowledge, but I'm telling you

something happened between Cohen and Stormy Daniels. There is some
sort of agreement on the hush hust that Cohen's telling
her come out and say, you bang Donald Trump and
I'll get I'll settle this out of court. I'll get way.
Cohen's thinking I'll get way more from Trump than what
she tells me. She's you see what I'm saying, It's
a racket. It's a racket. I'm telling you this, This

thing reeks the high Heaven and the Democrats allowing this
to go to court with jan Murshawn as the judge.
I mean, we've been talking all along about how horrible
this is and should never happen in America, and that
is true, but this has the real potential of exposing

like this whole scheme that Cohen had going has the
potential not look, not only do we realize now that
the Democrats have unleashed lawfare and are using it in
a brazenly partisan way. But we also might what also
might come to light is the level of Cohen in

Stormy Daniel's collusion together. Prior to unveiling this scheme in
the way that they've done, they thought that they were
going to get away with it. But this trial just
might expose it. And so meanwhile, Trump is out there
on the campaign trail. I'm sure that you saw Trump
this weekend speaking. He spoke at the NRA convention and
a bunch of other places up in Minnesota. Trump is

unphased by all of this. And I'm telling you, the
guy is on the top of his game. And then
some listen to him cracking jokes as if he's not,
as if he's like not not facing down life in
prison and fake fake ninety three counts of fake felonies.
I mean, it's absolutely unbelievable what this guy can tolerate.

Speaker 11 (47:13):
Listen, he's all about disinformation. Pilots come in, he said,
I used to fly a plane. Truckers come in. I
used to drive a truck. People come in from Minnesota.

Speaker 2 (47:26):
I used to live in Minnesota.

Speaker 11 (47:29):
Right, he is so full of shit. This guy terrible, terrible.

Speaker 2 (48:06):
The man is on his game, and of course Bob
Costello took the stand up. Bob Costello is the man
that testified in front of Congress last week who basically
was Michael Cohen's old lawyer and said Michael Cohen's a liar,
that none of this happened. He offered testimony on the
record in front of Congress, Democrats, Republicans, gets in front
of Jan Marshon. Jan Marshon is not really letting him

testify about relevant information. Apparently there were fireworks in the courtroom.
Mrshon and Costello getting into it. I guess Costello's rolling
his eyes at Mershan because he knows Mershon is a
political activist hack that's just doing this to get Trump.
And so that's just more details on that coming tomorrow
when I learn a little bit more about it. But folks,
this case is unraveling, and for the good of the

nation it is because I think ultimately it's helping Trump,
and I hate the fact that he has to go
through this, but it might just be necessary for the
American people to see how and corrupt our justice system
has become. We've got to talk about. I got to
talk about Senator Schumer bringing this bipartisan, fake, bipartisan border bill.

It's not a border bill. It's a border it's a
codification of a border invasion. Right, it's a border invasion bill.
But he's bringing it back to the Senate floor for
another vote on this bill because Democrats want to be
able to campaign on Look, where are the party of
border security? Okay, listen, folks, you gotta know this. Okay,
we'll close out the show with this. Schumer announced I

think it was Friday, maybe even over the weekend, that
he's going to bring the fake border security bill back
to the Senate floor to take a vote this week.
I told you six months ago that the Democrats were
going to be brazen enough to campaign on border security.
They've tried to do it. It's not going well for them.
So Schumer is going to bring this bill back to
the floor. This is the Langford Bill that would allow

five thousand illegal alien invaders across our border every single day,
up to one point four to eight million every single
year to come over our border illegally. It was a
disaster of a bill just simply to give the illusion
of bipartisanship to give the illusion of border security. It's nothing.
It is nothing. It serves one purpose, and that's to

help the Democrats campaign on border security in the twenty
twenty four election season. That's it. It actually makes the
problem a lot worse. It actually turns our border, our
customs and border patrol into basically, you know, fully armed
travel agents. All they would do is give a legal
alien invaders tickets and fly them to swing states all
across our country. So Schumer sends out this letter. He says,

the Senate is prepared to take up the by Partisan
Border Act as a standalone measure this coming week. We
are hoping this by partisan approval will bring serious minded
Republicans back to the table to advance this by partisan
solution for order. So you see this bipartisan border bill,
bipartisan proposal, bipartisan solution for our borders. So you see

what they're doing right there in that statement, in one sentence,
the word bipartisan was used like three times. Always beware
the word bipartisan in today's day and age. It simply
means Democrat propaganda to give the illusion that we're actually
working with Republicans. But we're not we're just working with
spineless rhinos that we have compromising information on. But so

almost on Q, and this is what I'm getting to
is sixty minutes. I'm I'm telling you, it's amazing how
the Democrats, with their how they're the legislative agenda of
the Democrats correlates perfectly two interviews. The media dies. It's amazing.

So almost on Q sixty minutes does an interview with
the Pope where the Pope and again I say this
as a practicing Catholic, let me do the sign of
the Cross. Please, don't exec community excommunicate me, Pope Francis.
But the dude comes out and says, Pope denounces attempts
to close southern border as madness. Oh really, pontivics, do

you think that closing our southern border is madness? Not
the you know, the missing eighty five thousand children at
our southern border, probably a higher number now, Not the
fentanyl coming across our southern border. There's killing. That's the
number one killer of Americans between eighteen and forty five.
Not the tidal wave of human trafficking. It's the fact
that we won't take illegal aliens. Hey, hey, hey, Pope. Hey,

brother Pope, why don't you open up the walls of
the Vatican and let in ten point five million illegal
alien invaders? See how that goes for you? No, you're
not gonna do that, Father, Then please shut the hell up, honestly, like,
I'm absolutely Look, you say what you want about me.
I'm a practicing Catholic. I love my faith. But this Pope,
I don't know what the hell's gotten into him. I

don't know what he's thinking. He's out of his lane.
He should stop talking. So Hope says this, right, Remember
Biden is a Catholic, a pro abortion Catholic, but a Catholic,
a Catholic in quotations, nonetheless, But the Associated Press comes
out after the Pope comes out and says that, the
Associated Press comes out and says non citizen voting already illegal,

and federal elections becomes centerpiece of twenty twenty four GOP messaging.
So I've been telling you from the very get go
that the Democrat plan is to have illegal alien invaders
vote in the election. So, but you'll notice this Associated
Press headline timed at the exact time that Chuck Schumer
is gonna vote on the border bill time at the
exact times that the damn Pope comes out and saying

that US Republicans daring to secure our southern border as madness.
The Associated Press headline comes out and says, you crazy,
it's a non citizen voting is already illegal in federal elections,
You crazy conspiracy theorist Republican, which is of course the implication.

But do you notice how they specified federal just because
in many states illegal alien invaders vote in local elections,
and these Democrats want them to vote in local state elections.
So my point is there's a narrative of foot here.
You see Schumer coming out talking about bringing the bipartisan

border bill back to the floor, see the Pope come
out and basically say, read between the lines that Republicans
who want to secure the border are not Catholic, they're
not Christian, they don't care about migrants or refugees, which
of course is a lie, right, And then you see
the Associated Press come out with a non citizen voting
is already illegal and become centerpiece of twenty twenty four

GOP messaging. All at the same time. Do you know
what this tells you, folks? I'm waiting to see it
in the live chat. This tells you that the Democrats
one hundred percent are counting on illegal alien invaders voting
in the election. All of these things don't happen in

the media, all at the exact same time, seemingly by chance,
if this is not exactly what their plan is. So anyways, folks,
it's been over an hour. We're going to talk about tomorrow.
That dovetails perfectly with illegal alien invaders voting in our elections,
and that is lawfair. The fact that it's a silent

lawfair campaign. But this is from a muse on Twitter.
He asked the question, will it be any Republican lawyers
left to ensure election integrity in November? It's a great
question because Democrats clandestinely, seems like clandestinely are tying up
Republican lawyers in court in what they call disbarment proceedings

for years. If you're in the midst of a disbarment
proceed you can't practice law. And so it seems like
this is a plan that you all need to know about.
Election integrity is important, But who are we going to
use to fight this out in the courts? If all
of our people are engaged in lawfare, fighting to protect

their own licenses. We're going to talk about this tomorrow,
so make sure you're with us tomorrow. Also make sure
you smash that like button, that little green thumb at
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listen to the show. We want you in the trenches
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seen so many new people in the live chat. Buzzybe,
you know, shar I see SMP thirty two, slew Coat, Bam,
Boston Ray, all of you all. I mean, there's so

many new people. Not all of you are new, but
there are so many new people. In the live chat,
and I love seeing it because what we're doing is
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us who can stay ahead of the Left and their scheming,
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This is their show, your show. It always will be

a show for we the people. And as I say
at the end of every show, folks, keep the faith,
but take action in your community. Ask yourself every day,
what am I doing to save my country today? So
take action in your communities. And as always, folks, God
bless you. God bless you all, and God bless this amazing,

exceptional country that we call home. Take care and I
will see you tomorrow night. Don't miss tomorrow night's show.
It's going to be a good one. Take care and
good night.

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