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May 10, 2024 55 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Warning you're about to enter the arena and join the
battle to save America with your host, Sean Parnell. Welcome
to battle Ground live on a Friday. My name is
Sean Parnell, combat veteran, New York Times bestselling author and

humble servant of America. That's the most important part. It's
important for all of us to be humble servants. In fact,
I think a pathway to experiencing joy in life is
to have a servant's heart and to do good things
for other people, from sea to Shining Sea and everybody

in between. Welcome patriots, It's been one heck of a week.
And quick shout out to all the mothers out there.
Happy Mother's Day early, I know, but you know we
don't have the show on the weekend, so I got
to get in my Happy Mother's Day now. I am very,

very lucky to have amazing mothers in my life. My mom,
I'll tell you quickly about her. She was a great
mom growing up. She was strong, raised me and my
two younger brothers and my younger sister. And when I
went to Afghanistan, obviously I talk about my combat deployment

with you all quite a bit, but My family really
really struggled through that deployment. You know, there's an there's
a phrase that you know, service service member goes overseas
and deploys, but the family serves as well. Whether it's
a spouse or a mom or dad, brother or sister,
they all go through this change together and it can

be really tough. And for my family it was really tough.
But through it all well, my mom was the rock
of my family. She just was. She held it all together.
You know that time where I told you the helicopter crash,
when when the helicopter went down and a bunch of

tenth Mountain Soldiers were killed, it was all over the news.
I was out on the mission cycle. I wasn't able
to call home. We didn't have cell phones back then.
We had AOL instant messenger, do you remember that? And
so I was gone, so my parents couldn't hear from me.
They weren't able to just simply call her text. That
stuff didn't exist back then really. But my mom, you know,

throughout that whole deployment, not just that during that really
tumultuous time of the helicopter crash, but all the big
firefights and engagements, she got in. She kept our family
together and she kept hope alive. And really really so
lucky to have her in our lives. We love her
so much. And also my wife, Melanie. I mean, I'm
telling you, I am so lucky to be married such

an extraordinary woman. She's just commander. Melanie is amazing in
so many ways. But she is just an unbelievable mom
to our kids. I mean, she is so supportive, she
cares about all of them so much. She teaches them
the importance of being fiercely independent and to be leaders.
And that is so important to not just be a follower,

but to be a leader. And it's incumbent upon all
of us, really, folks, to be leaders in our lives,
and leaders as it pertains to serving our country, not
just serving our country, but saving it. Because we're going
to get into when I get into the show right
off the top, I'm going to talk about how we
got into this mess and maybe how we get out
of it. But all of us have a charge of

being leaders. And Melanie, she does such a great job
at just being there for our kids in good moments
and in bad. She is the most loyal, fiercely dedicated
person that I could ever hope to find. But she
is awesome and I'm just so lucky to have so.
Happy Mother's Day to both Melanie, my amazed commander, Melanie

my wife, and my own mother, but to all the
other women out there who are mothers, Happy Mother's Day
to you as well. So let's get right into the showdown,
Show rundown. The Dems are running out of options and
they're also running out of time, and with that, I
believe it makes them dangerous and desperate. We'll talk about that.

We're going to talk about what the next phase of
this Democrat war against half of the country looks like.
And I think the fact that Trump allies are going
to find themselves more in the crosshair soon of the
deep State and the Democrats and this odd relationship that
they have together sloppy. Alvin Bragg's case is well sloppier

than hell. And some Democrats really want to embrace Trump's
policies now more than ever because nothing they're doing is
wor Okay, let's get right into the show, shall we.
I know it's Friday, people are busy Friday, and so
let's get right into it. Do you ever wonder how

we'll ever get out of this mess. And I mean
that I think about this all the time. You know,
we talk on this show quite a bit about the
up and coming election and the importance of Trump winning
that election. And to be clear, we are right to
do that. This election is everything. You know, candidates say

all the time. I've said it myself as well, that
this is the most important election of our lives. And
it's not that when people say that, it's untrue. Every
election is important. Hell, I thought twenty twenty was the
most important election of our lives, and it just might
prove to be. Because we allow the Democrats to rig

and steal twenty twenty. Republicans just laid back and we're
afraid to fight. I mean outside of some of the
more America first people, but the vast majority of Republicans,
out of fear of being called an election denier or
a conspiracy theorist, just wanted to forget about it. Let
Biden be president. How much worse could he be than Trump?

And of course we all know he's a hell of
a lot worse. Our country, by every empirical measure, is
far worse off today than it was three and a
half years ago in fact, I'm not entirely sure our

country can survive another four years of Joe Biden, and
I happen to believe and think that that is the intent.
I am. I don't believe that Joe Biden and the
people behind the curtain calling the shots. I do not

believe that they share the same vision for America that
you and I have. And that scares the hell out
of me. But what happens after Trump? You ever thought
about that? When he's gone or he's no longer eligible

to serve? Who comes after? Who do we look to, folks,
my fellow patriots. I believe that we are in the
very early phases of what will be a multi generational fight.

I am not here to tell you things that you
don't want to hear. I guess maybe sometimes that's my job,
just to tell you the unabashed truth, sometimes even if
that truth is difficult. So maybe part of my job
is to tell you sometimes what you don't want to hear.
I used to say all the time, all the time

after nine to eleven, especially, you know, if I have
to go to Afghanistan and kill the bastards who attacked
us on nine to eleven, you know what it's well
worth it if my kids don't have to do it.
And now I realize that maybe in my youth, maybe

I was just naive, maybe I didn't really understand the
way that the world worked. But looking back now, I
realized that I was incorrect. That all kids have their moment,
all kids have to step up and fight to protect
this country and serve this country. And I'm here to

tell you now that your kids are a part of
this multi generational fight to save this country. Your grandkids
are as well. And I know for many of you
all who are listening or watching, you're probably thinking, it's
hard to think of your kids in that way. It's
hard to think of your eleven year old fighting back

against a government that is politically persecuting them, and what
that might be like, what kind of life your child
or your grandkids will inherit. It's difficult. It's easier for
us to not think about it at all. But I'm
telling you tonight that we have to think about it.

Trump is just the beginning. Trump is the one who
showed us the rot in our own party, the Republican Party.
These never Trumpers and by the way, who were never
really conservatives to begin with that much. I believe now

more than ever never. Trumpers, I also believe, are far
worse than Democrats because we thought these people to be
our friends until they betrayed us, until they stabbed us
in the back, people like Bill Crystal and the like.
But Trump highlighted that these people were never really conservatives.

They were just grifters. Right, So this is a silver
lining for us. We know who the real conservatives are
in our party. Trump also showed us the full extent
of media corruption. I'm grateful for that, I really am.

While I always knew that the media leaned left, I
never knew how bad it truly was. That these people
are lock stock and barrel communists who would be fine
with the downfall of America as long as they had
their seven fires. Your job on television doesn't matter if

they're pushing state lives or not. As long as they're
getting paid. We the people can go straight to hell.
As far as they're concerned. They don't care. Trump also
showed us that the uniparty exists. I mean, have you
ever thought about this? Republicans and Democrats are unified on

so many things. The debt are the spending. Let me
think about we're thirty four trillion dollars in debt. We
got there under Republican presidents, Democrat presidents, Democrat controlled House
of Representatives, Republican controlled House of Representatives. The same is

true for the Senate. Each party has had their time
and power, and now we're thirty four trillion dollars in debt.
To say that that is not a grave national security threat,
I mean, hell, that even sounds like an understatement. Folks.
The ship is sinking. The ship that is America is

sinking to the bottom of the ocean. It's hard to
see how we get out of this. But think about
foreign wars, illegal immigration, Republicans Democrats unified on that. Trump
showed us the extent to which they are unified against us.

Think about it. It's not like we have Republicans and
Democrats in Washington actually representing us. It's actually the reverse
is true, the idea that Republicans and Democrats now are
unified in Washington against us. Otherwise we would not be

in a situation where our government was coming after we
the people. Trump also exposed the deep state fully. I mean,
think about this, what was it nine years ago? I mean, seriously,
in the last decade, by and large, people thought that

the deep state was a myth, like, yeah, I know
we have intelligence agencies, but how much are they really
listening to us? Yeah? I know the Patriot Act and
in the potential erosion of our liberty, well, of course,
like that's dangerous and all, But are they are? Is
the NSA really listening to our phone calls? And then

we come to find out over the last couple of
years that that, yes, they had tapped even Tucker Carlson's phone,
monitoring his text messages. And now I think we see
the blob and the deep State for what it really is.

Trump gave us all of these things. But but, but
Trump is just the beginning. What do we do when
he's gone? I think many of us go to, well,
who will we look to? Who will lead the party?

Is it going to be Speaker Johnson? I mean it
was a joke. Of course, it's not going to be
Speaker Johnson? Right, But my point is maybe we're not
asking the right question. Who will we look to? Who
will be Trump's replacement? I think in this instance who

is not the right question. I don't think it can
be a single politician. I think we have to look internally,
I think we have to we talk about this being
a multi generational fight. We talk about our children having

to fight and be involved. I think part of our
responsibility as people who are grown and in the middle
of this fight for the soul of America right now,
we've got to teach our kids what it means to
be principled conservatives. We have to teach our children about

the Constitution, about the idea that is a contract between
we the people and our government, a contract that limits
the power, limits the size, limits the scope of the
federal government. We have to teach our children that if
you are to pursue higher education and you go to college,

you have to know, at least now, as this fight
is in the early stages, before we've had an opportunity
to enact real reform, that if you choose to get
a degree, you need to know that you were going
into hostile territory, that there is going to be a
war for your very mind, and your children must be

equipped to deal with that fight. Otherwise you'll send your
kid off the school and they'll come back for Thanksgiving
with purple hair and thinking Stalin was great. I mean,
it's kind of a joke, but it's also serious. The
task of saving this country is going to fall to us.

It's our responsibility. There's not a single politician in Washington
that's gonna save us. It's just the truth. We are
the solution to our nation's problems. We the people. These
neurons that we have in Washington are just a reflection.

I know this might be hard to hear, but are
just a reflection of us. So if we have a
problem with them, we should also have a problem with ourselves.
And look, you might have a great congress person. I mean,
I'm not saying this is if it doesn't apply to you,
and you've got a great congress person and your party
in your area, you know, has it together, that's amazing.

Let's figure out how to replicate that across this country
because we have too many conservatives in Washington who do nothing,
who do nothing but tow the line. They get to
Washington and they find themselves holy corrupted. They get to
Washington and they find out like, hey, I want an election.

Hey I could be famous. Hey I could use this
as a pathway to being a Z list celebrity, and
that's better than being a nothing. Right, they have the
staff that follows them on around everywhere. They had the
media following them around asking them all these questions or
treated like celebrities everywhere they go. But ultimately we cause

that by sending the wrong kinds of people to Washington.
So how do we get out of this mess? How
do we save this country? It starts with us. Okay,
let's get back into the show. Articles of impeachment were
filed today against President Biden based on the Democrat Parties

sham that the first impeachment the sham's first impeachment of
the former President Donald Trump and I quote. In violation
of his oath to faithfully execute the office of president
and to uphold the Constitution, President Biden abused the powers
of his office by soliciting a quid pro quote with
Israel while leveraging vital military aid for policy changes. This

from Kyle Becker on x slash Twitter. The egregious action
not only compromised the credibility of the United States, but
also undermined the interests of our long standing ally Israel. Therefore,
President Biden's conduct warrants impeachment, trial, removal from office, and
disqualification from holding any future office under the United States,

and of course who filed this. Representative Corey Mills. Representative Mills,
a Republican from Florida, formally filed the articles of impeachment
against Predent Biden today. The impeachment articles were triggered by
Biden's recent comments about withholding offensive weapons to Israel, which
hearkens back to House democrats first impeachment of former President

Donald Trump. Remember how they the whole quid pro quote
thing and Trump's withholding lethal aid to Ukraine and all
that bs that hoax stuff. But what Biden is doing
today is not a hoax. It's he's actually said it.
In an interview recently, Mills told Fox News Digital it
was his constitutional duty to do this. His impeachment articles

accuse Biden of abuse of power. So Joe Biden is
pressuring Israel, our biggest ally in the Middle East by
pausing their funding that has already been approved in the House.
If they don't stop all operations with Moss. It's a
very clear message this for that, Mills said, these are
the same accusations made against President Trump which resulted in

his impeachment by Democrats. The same must happen for Joe
Biden now, which is why we're drawing up articles of impeachment.
And I couldn't agree. I couldn't agree more with Corey
Mills when we talk about saving this country and the
need for strong Republicans to fight back, fight fire with fire.
This is part of it. Now, how's this gonna go?

Is it even gonna make it out of the US
House of Representatives. I don't know. I don't know. We
have so many squish Republicans that it's hard to know
if we will actually have enough Republican votes to impeach
a president who has violated the law, the most corrupt,
animated corpse of a president in the history of this country.

And yet we still have Republicans who don't seem to
understand what time it is. Have a look at this,
and if you're listening, I'll read it. This is a
tweet from Joe Biden October eighteenth, twenty nineteen. President Trump

withheld congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine unless they granted him
a political favor. It's the definition of quid pro quo.
This is no joke. Trump continues to put his own
personal political interests ahead of national interests. He must be
impeached now. Here's the interesting thing about this. Why is

Biden doing this? Why is Biden sending this message to
Ukraine that he is not, I'm sorry, sending this message
to Israel that he is not going to send them
lethal aid to invade Rafa to eradicate Hamas. We've talked
about this on the show. Do you remember why he's

doing this. He's doing this because of uncommitted votes all
over the country from his pro hamas terrorist sympathizing base.
So remember what the Democrats, the Democrats accused Republicans of,
they themselves are guilty of one hundred percent of the time.
This is yet another example of the Golden rule that

we talk about on the show almost every single day.
Of the Golden Rule is undefeated, is it not. Biden
is withholding aid to Israel, military aid to Israel so
that he could get uncommitted votes for strictly a political reason,

just like what Biden accused Trump of doing when Trump
was in office. But I want to, I want, I
really really want to give you a sense of why
what Biden's doing is just so egregious. Israel is in
the middle of hostage negotiations with Hamas. There are Americans

being held hostage by Hamas. I think there are still
five American citizens held hostage. So Biden coming out and
saying we are not going to send lethal aid to
Israel in the middle of these negotiations, because remember, folks,
the only thing that Israel has is the threat of hey,

We're gonna come in to Rafa and kill you if
you don't give us our hostages back. That's the only
leverage Israel has. And so Biden comes in and says,
I'm not going to give you precision guided munitions to
help get the job done. So what does that do
in the middle of those negotiations. It tips the scales
in the favor of hamam Us. Ultimately, what Biden did

was kill those negotiations. So are we ever going to
get our American hostages back? I don't know, because Biden
killed the negotiations. The simplest way for you to put
this to your family member, friends, if you're going to
talk about this, Biden is literally saving a terrorist organization

after committing after this terrorist organization committed the worst atrocity
against Jews since the Holocaust. And that is not an exaggeration.
And again, the reason for it is a political one.
The Democrats are getting their asses kicked. Biden is getting

his old decrepit ass kicked. Nothing is working. People like
James Carvel again, remember who James Carr. I think he's
a smart, shrewd guy. Hey, it's the economy stupid. In fact,
I put out a tweet about this today that it's
the economy stupid was a great line that helped both

I think Republican candidates and Democrat candidates who are running
for office keep things in perspective. You build a strong,
robust economy, you make Americans, You give Americans the sense
that their life is secure, they can provide for their family,
and everything else falls into place. You do that and
you win elections. It's the economy stupid. But what's happening

right now with these Democrats because they're all many tyrants,
They are no different than Joseph Stalin and their propaganda
tactics and how they they don't just lie. Every politician lies,
but they don't just lie, they tell the opposite of
the truth. The Democrats are anti truth. The economy is

in shambles. It's the worst that it's been since Jimmy
Carter era. In fact, it's probably worse now than it
was then. Yet if you talk to anybody in the
Democrat Party in any leadership position, they'd say, the economy
is great. What are you talking about? The economy's great stupid.
So we've gone literally from it's about the economy stupid

to the economy is great, stupid. And you see the difference.
You see why that message isn't resonating with the American people. Right,
So listen to James Carvell, sound in the alarm. Joe
Biden's getting his ass whipped, and they don't know why.

Speaker 2 (26:44):
Listen in Trump's more ahead than he's ever been, more
fewer people think January sixth was of any kind of
What it was.

Speaker 3 (26:55):
Is an assault on the temple of democracy, a constitution.

Speaker 4 (27:00):
I don't know what the fuck you want to say.
It's going the wrong way, it's not working. Everything that
we're throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of
it is sticking me included. And it's hard when you
start in your eightieth year and you can, you know,

like anybody else, have an opinion of myself, and the
opinion I've come to is I don't matter.

Speaker 3 (27:30):
It doesn't matter.

Speaker 5 (27:31):
You can prepare, you can be on TV, or you
can write pieces, or you can have a YouTube channel,
you can have a podcast and nothing.

Speaker 3 (27:44):
Nothing. And you know, we're got to like trying to
think of something different because what we're doing is really
really not working.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
Yes, it's not hard to see why though, Right, you
don't have to be be a seven to eight figure
political assultant consultant to understand why Biden is tanking in
the polls. He's freaking brain dead. He's got nothing up here. Again,
make your walking dead joke. You can put him in
a city full of zombies and the zombies wouldn't know

that he's alive. They also wouldn't eat him because he's disgusted.
And if you believe in the whole zombies he brains, well,
there's nothing for them to eat because Biden doesn't have
a brain. He's barely alive as it is. That's their candidate.
They have RFK in the race, right, and RFK is

trying to run the left of Joe Biden. That's gonna
siphon votes away from Joe Biden. And this is part
of the reason why dementia Joe animated corpse that he is,
is collapsing in the polls. And they're panicked. The Democrats
are absolutely panicked because they know that Trump is coming

for them four years, last four years in office, doesn't
have to worry about re election. It's looking more and
more clearly like Trump is going to win, and the
Democrats are in cope mode, looking hoping for some outside

event to change the dynamic.

Speaker 6 (29:28):
Listen, Donald Trump is a phenomenon that's not going away,
and I'm wondering when the Democratic Party is going to
figure out. You know, you can make fun of him,
you can talk about him being on trial and everything
like that. He's not going away. None of this seems
to be damaging him with the core of his support.

Speaker 1 (29:48):

Speaker 7 (29:48):
And you look at Wisconsin and that is just absolutely
ground zero for probably the state of the three most
important states where this election is going to be decided.

Speaker 8 (30:00):
And the polling, the recent polling is so close that
it just shows how this election is going to be
such a nailbider and really subject to what crazy event
is going to happen and ultimately shake it in one
direction or the other over the next six months.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
To Telei's's point, there were a pair of polls released
just what crazy event is going to happen. We've talked
about on this show quite a bit that it does
feel like the Dems are going to try to pull
something right. Nothing that they're doing is working. They've tried everything,
and Trump is just unstoppable. Now there are some people saying,

in my friend Dan Bongino is one of them, that
Trump should be afraid for his life. I don't disagree
with that, I really don't. There are too many crazy
people in this country. But I actually have another theory.
I think that at some point, the deep state, the blob,

these people trying to take out Trump, are going to
recognize that there's nothing they can do, and that lashing
out physically against Trumps would be a terrible idea. It
would descend this country into a civil war. It just would.
I don't want violence. I hate violence. I have horror violence.
I don't want a civil war. But if something like

that happens, I'm afraid there's no stop in that freight train.
And I think they know that. I think they're gonna
lay low. I think they're gonna say, Okay, let's let
the chips fall where they may. If the Democrats can't
stop this way, we'll let them continue to try, but

we'll do everything that we can to stifle Trump when
he's in office. Again, the deep state is real. They
have all kinds of ways to stifle an American president.
They tried it Trump's first term and despite that withering
resistant Trump's got an extraordinary amount of things done. But

I think they're just gonna say, Okay, we've tried everything,
let's get the guy in there, and then we'll just
paralyze him when he's in office. I mean, this is
why Biden is passing all of these executive orders, getting
these things in place, to make sure that the deep
stake can handicap Trump. Make it harder to fire, you know,
government union employees, make it impossible for Trump to cut

off a to Ukraine. They're doing all of these things
and laying the groundwork for a second Trump turn turn
behind the scenes because they believe that he can win.
And so you want to get a sense of where
your political enemies are. Just listen to the things that

they're talking about. You want to get a sense of
what they're scared of. Listen to what the Democrats are
talking about, and then turn it around on them to Hill.
They got Hillary Clinton back out in the news and
listen to the stuff that she was saying.

Speaker 9 (33:04):
A determined demagogue, unfortunately supported by members of his political party,
other enablers, people who care more about a future tax
cut than the sanctity of the Constitution, are falling in
line behind him. They are trying to excuse some of
the most outrageous things that you just recited. And I

don't think the press has done enough to basically say, Okay,
the circus is here, you can watch the circus, but
let's tell you what that means. Let's talk to people
who have a real understanding of how dictatorships evolve. Let's
look at the people that he admires and what they've
already done. You know, back in twenty sixteen, we didn't

have interviews with him, we didn't have a track record
of four years in office. You know, there was a
lot of speculation, and you know, I understood that people
wouldn't take what I said necessarily as gossip about what
I thought could happen.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
I get that.

Speaker 9 (34:02):
But now we know, we've seen him and we've heard him,
and so we need to do a better job of
making it absolutely clear that someone who says these things,
you know, maybe he wouldn't jail all of his political opponents.
One is one too many. Maybe he wouldn't try to
force out of business the members of the press who

didn't agree with him. One is one too many. We
go down the line, and maybe this would be our
last election. Because someone who will not accept the validity
of an election is someone who doesn't believe in elections.
He believes in his own power, his own right to power,
and his demand that he be installed regardless of whether

he gets the votes or not.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
Everything that the Democrats accuse Republicans of, they themselves are
guilty of. It's the golden rule. This pig in a
moo moo, because you ever see your walk around in
momos means she like like someone she's got some I
don't know if these people that surround Hillary Clinton just
hate her, because man, they got her walking around in
mumos and let me just tell her, they ain't doing

her any favors. Okay, But this is a woman that
says this as one of the leaders of the Democrat Party,
that says all of this while they're trying to put
Trump in jail for the rest of his life for
non crimes. It's absolutely insane. And Hillary Clinton. As far
as the election, she's still not accepted that the election

of twenty sixteen was legitimate. She's still out there pushing
the conspiracy theory that Trump is a Russian agent. So
here's what I think. I think that the Democrats have
put themselves in a terriblest place. I think that law
fair is failing miserably. Put yourself in the shoes of

a Democrat base voter. And let's recognize that their party
is very divided right now. They've got moderate Democrats, union Democrats,
working class Democrats that feel like they don't have a home.
And then they've got the terrorist sympathizing wing of their base,
these Free Palestine whack jobs, or the raising hell on
college campuses all across the country. Put yourself in your shoes.

The Democrats rig their own primaries. They just do so. Again,
if they rig their own primaries, it stands the reason
that they'll rig generals, right, That's what they do. But
they rig the primary in twenty sixteen against Bernie Sanders
in favor of Hillary. We know this. It's a fact.
They rig the primary in twenty twenty to throw the

race to Biden again. Why to defeat Bernie Sanders, do
you remember after South Carolina like this create what felt
to be like this crazy, magical consolidation behind Biden. It's
because under the super delegate system of the Democrat primary,
they have the ability to rig things, and they did

it twice. So if you are a base member of
the party, you're like, what the hell does it even matter?
Like why would I even vote? And so this is
what I mean. The Democrats have put themselves in a
ridiculously tough spot, and now you see why their base
is like fu Now you see why these uncommitted votes.

They're not just hey, we hate Israel when we want
to kill all the Jews. No, that's part of it.
But they feel like they don't have a voice, and
so the uncontested votes are the these these votes that
are these anti Biden votes or anti establishment votes. Their
base is decaying before their eyes. They don't know what
to do. They can't stop Trump. He keeps rising in

the polls. They failed on almost every single front, and
their base is is rotting. It's rotting. This is part
of the reason why they're hemorrhaging young voters. They're hemorrhaging
black voters. They're They're killed the Jews bas is like
vote none content. They're just voting not for Biden, but

for literally anybody else. Everything that they do is failing,
and they're panicked about it. So do you remember the
staged FBI photo Remember that the FBI classified documents case
they staged. They they laid out all of these pieces

of paper and then they put covers. The FBI campered
with evidence. Again, FBI working as part of deranged Special
Prosecutor BD eyed little freak prosecutor Jacksmith, they laid these
secret and top secret cover pages on what could be
blank pieces of paper to give the impression that Donald

Trump is irresponsible, that he's using he's got the nuclear
codes while he's sitting on the toilet. Democrats literally said
these things. All of this was tamper and all of
it was fake. We know this now. So Jay Bratt,
the lead Department of Justice prosecutor under Jack Smith, admitted
that the FBI planted cover sheets reading top secret in

mar Lago. The Special Council was admitted that the document
seized from the foreign president's residents were handled improperly. So
my question is, is this not a violation of fifteen
twelve C obstruction of an official proceeding. And I'm not

the only one that's thinking this. The American Thinker headline
Jack Smith has admitted to violating the same lawsuit used
against Jay six defendants special This is from the article
special Prosecutor Jack Smith has just admitted that he and
other DOJ and FBI minions manipulated documentary underlying the mar

Lago case against Donald Trump. Everybody from Judge Eileen Cannon
on down realizes this is bad. Still, I wonder how
many people have noticed that Smith has admitted to doing
what the J six defendants are accused and have been
convicted of doing, violating eighteen USC. Fifteen twelve C. The

statutory charges against the J six defendants are a specialist,
a specialist abuse of the law, but they perfectly fit
Smith's admitted conduct. One of the main tools in the
DOJ arsenal against anyone near the Capitol on January sixth
is fifteen twelve C Obstruction of official proceeding, which the

DOJ claims means imprisonment for a person who corruptly obstructs, influences,
or impedes any official proceeding. This is exactly what Jack
Smith did. He manipulated evidence, he staged fake photos, and

he obstructed what is a clear official preceding what Republicans
need to do in a second Trump term, or if
there is a deep red Republican attorney general in a
red state, charge charge Jackson. This is an obstruction of it.

You're down in Florida, DeSantis, You're down there. I mean,
this is clearly something has to be done about this.
Jack Smith absolutely needs to be charged with fifteen twelve C.
Turn things around on these radical, corrupt communist Democrats. Fight
fire with fire and listen to this. Alvin Bragg, one

of Alvin Bragg's paralegals, right, sloppy, Alvin Bragg. Now we're
talking about the Stormy Daniels non crime of the hush
money stuff. The entire case hinges on the word of
a porn star and a convicted perjurer. The entire things
a joke. It's the case itself is as sloppy as
Alvin Bragg is. But Alvin Bragg's paralegals admitted on the
stand today in the Trump trial that his own office

deleted three pages worth of phone calls between Stormy Daniels
lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen. Not only that, but
they submitted the call records into evidence, but didn't mention
to Trump's team that some of the files were deleted. Again,
how is this not textbook obstruction of an official proceeding?

It absolutely is in The Democrats absolutely must pay for this,
They must be charged for this. And I'll tell you
something else. Donald Trump is the man for this moment.
There's nobody else. I've said this many times before. If

you ever wonder if God has a plan, Yeah, I
mean it's things are rough right now. There's no other
person and I think in the world that could withstand
what's being thrown at him other than Donald Trump. Take
that for what it is. Agree disagree with me, I
don't know. It's what I believe. He's the right man

for this moment, and that kind of gives me peace
that maybe there is a plan, maybe there is a
way out of all this. But listen to Donald Trump
outside this ridiculous case, this Stormy Daniels porn star case
up and up in New York. He wants to put
me to jail, and that could happen one day, and
I'd be very proud to go to jail for a

constitution because what he's doing is so unbecause you have
Trump saying he'd be proud to go to jail because
of this unconstitutional gag order. Now keep in mind, Michael
Cohen can go out there and say this it is mighty.

Speaker 4 (44:07):
So it's Midas Touch.

Speaker 1 (44:11):
Network m and you'll see Maya Kopa podcast merchandise mm hm, yep.

Speaker 6 (44:20):
Okay, perfect.

Speaker 8 (44:21):
I didn't write it down yesterday, and I thought I'll
remember it.

Speaker 7 (44:24):
I didn't.

Speaker 1 (44:26):
All right, I got it written. My point is, Michael Cohen,
the entire case hinges around this convicted perjurer and this
psycho can go out there and sell merchandise with Donald
Trump and jail, but Donald Trump himself is gagged, so
everybody else can attack Trump and public. He can't defend himself.

And you have Trump out there saying to the media
just before he walks into that trial with the bastard
in the black black robe, Juan Mershan, this communist activist,
disgraceful judge saying you can go ahead and put me
in jail, and they might just do that. They might
remember Eric Adams said Rikers Island is ready to receive

Donald Trump. Okay, good, luck with that assholes. Trump is
going to have the Secret Service with him. He's likely
going to get a wing to himself. Guarantee you his
campaign gets a picture of him in an orange jump
shoot and chains watch as he skyrockets twenty five points
in the polls. You do that, it's game, set match
for you. So maybe they won't do that. Jan Mrshawn

is a political activist. If we believe that he's a
political activist, then clearly he's receiving his marching orders from Biden,
the animated corpse in the White House, and his Department
of Justice. So he might not go after Trump. He
might not do that. They might not make Trump into
a martyr. But did you see this story today? I

have here in front of me from Julie Kelly, DC
Appellet panel upholds contempt of Congress conviction of Steve Bannon,
one Obama, one Biden and the Trump judge who screwed
up the fifteen twelve seed decision in the Fisher deciding.
So to be clear, they're trying to throw Steve Bannon

in jail. They're going to throw Steve Bannon in jail
in an electioneer. The guy has one of the most
popular pro Trump America first shows in the country, and
Joe Biden, along with the Biden dj are going to
throw him in jail for failing to show up to

a subpoena issued by the corrupt January sixth committee. That
was a sham committee that was for one reason and
one reason only, to push propaganda to shape the narrative
around January sixth. I mean they brought in the Democrats,
Pelosi brought in a producer from ABC to help them

craft the narrative and is of course, since that narrative
has completely fallen apart. And Steve Bannon didn't just not
show up. He cited executive privilege. He worked directly for
President Trump, was the chief of staff. So listen, the
Democrats are going after him. They're going after people like
Peter Navarro, and they're going after Trump allies because they're

easier targets. They don't have the last name Trump, and
they don't have a billion dollars in the bank. So again,
this is part of the Democrats' plan to thwart a
second Trump term. They're desperate, and in their desperation, they're
getting dangerous. And this is why I think you're gonna see. Yeah,
they're gonna keep throwing stuff at President Trump, but they're

gonna start going after his allies. They don't want good
people working in his second term. They want. This is
all one big intimidation technique, intimidation tactic I should say.
I mean, look at this headline from the main wire.
I mean, this is this is amazing. Man investigated by
Secret Service for joking about Biden wearing depends. He said

he was gonna sneak into the White House and get
a picture of Biden wearing defends. And the Secret Service
is wasting your taxpayer dollars investigating this guy. We have
the FBI tracking mothers in yoga pants who protest to
porn in schools. We have the FBI throwing pro lifers
in prison, Department of Justice throwing pro lifers in prison

for a decade. Yeah, believe me, they're gonna start. I
expect this to get worse before it gets better, and
they will go after people who don't have the last
name Trump, who don't have the resources that Trump does,
because they expect Trump to win and they don't want
people working for him when he does. Okay, so in

their panic, the Democrats are reaching for anything to include
their allies and the media. The Democrats are reaching for anything,
anything to help Biden. Course, correct, Look, I think they're
stuck with him. There are a lot of conservative pundits
out there that'll say, well, I think you know they're
going to try to get rid of Biden at the convention,

And look, I mean that might be true. I could
be wrong. I don't have a crystal ball. I don't
think that's going to happen because Biden is still President
of the United States. Even though he's an animated corpse.
He's not calling the shots for himselves, for himself on
major complex issues of policy, especially as it pertains to

the destruction of this country. But he's still the president.
I think he still has enough up there to say, yeah,
like I want to run and anybody who gets in
my way, I'm going to use the power of my
office to crush them. That gives them power. I don't
care what anyone says. So you even have people like
far Red Zakira of CNN talking about out Biden and

the need for Biden to adopt Trump immigration policies. No, yeah,
you heard that right, Listen to.

Speaker 10 (50:10):
This system is broken and Biden needs to confront that
and say, you know, we're going to have to reform
the whole system. Would I would wish he'd do something
much more extreme, like say, the old asylum system is dead.
No one is coming in through that process. You have
to apply from your home.

Speaker 1 (50:26):
Country, which was a Trump policy, which was a.

Speaker 10 (50:29):
You know, a Trump and also the Mexico you know,
let you have to be in Mexico to apply. I
think that's all correct.

Speaker 3 (50:38):
So strategically, you think that if Biden would tack towards
Trump policies, better political chance.

Speaker 10 (50:45):
And it's also the right policy because the old asylum
system is being gained by millions of people.

Speaker 1 (50:51):
The old asylum system is being gained. We talked about
this on this show months ago. But you see how
people in the media, they're starting to get panicked. They
know Biden doesn't have it anymore. They know that every
time he goes out there he says something insanely stupid.
But then you have Biden on the other hand, thinking, hey,
I'm the guy, I'm the president. I'm staying in this fight.

Oh man, the Democrats are in chaos. But that policy
of ten million plus illegals in three years, the invasion
at our southern border. There's a reason why the Democrats
are allowing it to go on again. If they thought
that these people coming here to this country, we're going

to vote Republican, they would not permit it. We've made
the point on the show a great many times that
the Biden administration plans to one count i Leegal aliens
in the census to help bolster their chances of holding
the White House by giving states that have a dwindling

Blue states that have a dwindle population a shot in
the arm with illegal aliens. Count them in the census.
Those states with a dwindling population, like California, Pennsylvania's one
of them. Look in, Pennsylvania had twenty electoral votes in
twenty twenty. Today we have nineteen. Why because people are
getting the hell out of this blue state. All blue
states are like that. They're losing their population, and as

they lose their population, their power in the electoral College
goes down. Biden doesn't want that to happen, so he's
given them a shot in the arm by sending illegal
alien invaders to those places. Count them in the census.
They maintain their electoral power. You see, He's also sending
them the Swing States, because his hope is that if
they vote, if he gives blanket amnesty. Right, he gives

blanket amnesty, all these people could turn around and vote.
Every single poll shows that first time immigrant voters, they're
not immigrants, they're invaders. But if you make some citizens,
then you know, with amnesty, with the stroke of a pen,
they would vote Democrat. It's a huge shot in the

arm for the Democrats nationally. It's the only reason why
the policy of invasion continues unabated. Yed Biden slip up.
Remember when Biden said that he's created the greatest voter
fraud organization ever. Remember that, and then they cheated in
twenty twenty. Listen to Biden talking about illegal alien invaders

as potential voters. Here listen, it's a little bit.

Speaker 6 (53:31):
Like if back in the eighteen forties and the Great
Exodus to wire them because from the family of the
way Irish Catholics are treated, we said, no, no, we
don't need any one of those things. That is a
large influx has even a bigger influts in terms of
Hispanic voters. Fish Expanic Hispanic citizens wanted.

Speaker 1 (53:51):
To come even in bigger influx. Now the Hispanic voters.
Oh well, I mean it's part of their plan. There's
Biden pooping his pants and saying the quiet part out loud.
So anyway, folks, I'm gonna end the show a little
bit early today. I'm gonna talk my oldest daughter. It

has our first prom today. Boy, I can't believe. Man,
she just looks so grown up and I'm so proud
of her. She's got such a good head on her shoulders.
And they do this promenade thing at the school where
all the kids walk down the aisle as they call names,
and that starts here soon, so I want to make
sure that I'm there for that, supporting her. I hope

you all have a great weekend. I really do, and
I'm so grateful for you all being here with me
for the full hour today. Make sure you like and
rumble smash that little green thumb beneath the video. It
helps the show immensely. Tell your family and your friends
to subscribe to Battleground Live. We need them in our ranks.
We need them in the trenches in the fight to
save this country. In the meantime, keep the faith, take

action organize. This is a generational fight and we're just
in the beginning phases of it. So I've got a
great show for you planned on Monday. But have a
great weekend, all right, relaxed, chill. We live in the
greatest country in the face of the planet, and I
will see you Monday. God bless you all, and God
bless this amazing country that we call home. Take care,

good night, have a great weekend. I'll see you Monday.

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