All Episodes

May 16, 2024 60 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • In the arena: Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA Ops Officer and host of the Wright Report

  • Base Decay

  • Cohen Implosion 

  • Some Dems call for the DNC to be canceled

  • Bryan Dean Wright on Texas Barge Crash and China

  • Yet another COVID Conspiracy bites the dust

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Recording Europe. About to enter the arena and join the
battle to.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Save America with your host, Sean Parnell.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
Good evening, patriots, it's a Thursday. Welcome to Battleground Live.
I'm your host of combat veteran and a humble servant
of America from sea to shining Sea in everybody in between.
Welcome patriots. It's time to save this country. Tonight got

a huge show. I've got Brian Dean Wright in the arena.
I'm sure you've seen him on Tucker and on all
these different shows.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
He is a disaffected.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
Democrat, but now he is staunchly America first. He is
also a former CIA operations officer and he's the host
of The Right Report. It's a great podcast. You should
definitely go listen to wherever you listen to your podcast.
But he's in the arena tonight. We are going to
be talking about in very short time, about this barge
crash in Texas and about whether or not the Chinese

have the ability to hack our vessels at sea. It's
gonna be fascinating, so stay tuned for that. But we're
gonna talk about base decay in the Democrat Party. We're
going to talk about Republicans absolutely needing to get their
house in order in order for us to win in
twenty twenty four, the Cohen case implodes. And listen to

me very carefully. I'm gonna end this show with something
I've been thinking about a lot, and that is COVID.
And I'll tell you this another COVID conspiracy bites the
dust in.

Speaker 1 (01:44):
A big, big way.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
Okay, thank you for being patient, my fellow patriots. Let
me just tell you something right off the top here, folks,
Republicans have better get our own house in order.

Speaker 4 (01:58):

Speaker 3 (01:59):
We talk a lot on this show about the fact
that the Democrats are in disarray. We talk a lot
about Trump's polling and how we are on a pathway
to what looks like could be a Trump landslide. Now,
let me tell you this, always, and I mean always,
with a capital a campaign like you are what ten

points down, it doesn't matter if you think a landslide
is imminent. You work your ass off until the very
very enuntil you cross that finish line. That's all that
matters is winning. We talk about this often, but Republicans,
we absolutely cannot get complacent in twenty twenty four. And
I'm real, real fired up about something right off the

top here, folks. And I've been doing a lot of
studying in Pennsylvania. And you might be saying, is you
watch this show? Well, look, I'm not from Pennsylvania. This
is a national show. Why the hell is he talk
about Pennsylvania so much? Well, the reason why I talk
about Pennsylvania is because, as you know, the original gangsters
of the Battle Crew will tell you, is that Pennsylvania
is the lynch pin. If Republicans win Pennsylvania, it is

very very likely that everything else falls in line. Nevada, Arizona,
North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Montana, I mean obviously West Virginia.
I think that the Republicans are going to win the Senate,
have a very very strong likelihood that we could win
the White House. But I'm telling you, folks, this is
critically important. The polls don't really matter, right They're just

a snapshot of a moment in time. They give us
a sentiment of where the country is right now. And
right now, the vast majority of the country believes that
Biden is an old, feeble animated corpse. They've literally seen
the guy poop himself on camera in front of the media.

These guy poops himself in front of world leaders. Okay,
Biden's a disaster, but the people who are running the
show are not. And that means we can't get complacent.
I'm a combat vetteran it was wounded in Afghanistan a
couple of times. Right, you get complacent in Afghanistan. If

you aren't constantly thinking in combat about what your enemy
is going to do next, you are dead. You are dead.
And my fear right now is that Republicans are riding high.
We see these Trump rallies in New Jersey, we see
the polls. I mean, obviously the lawfare is failing on
all fronts, and we're gonna get to that in just

a second. But we cannot get complacent. And I'm gonna
tell you why. Like, listen, listen to this talk about
Pennsylvania again. If we win Pennsylvania, we save America. It's
just that simple. I'm like looking at these numbers and
it just drives me absolutely crazy. We talk about the

fact that Democrats and the deep state rigged the twenty
twenty election, and they absolutely did. They can't win in
any other way. But follow me with these numbers, and
as I talk I want you to understand the terminology.
So let me tell you about what you would call
a four of four voter is. So when you're talking
about four of four, you're saying in four election cycles,

a four of four voter is somebody who was voted
in every one of those election cycles, of all the
last four election sitle four or four voter right there,
at every single one. He is what we would call
in the Republican Party as a high prop voter, right,
very likelihood, very high likelihood that somebody like that is voting. Okay,

A three of four voter, Okay.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
Do the math.

Speaker 3 (05:47):
Someone who shows up in three of four elections, so
technically still a high prop voter. Now I want you
to follow first, I'm going to talk about four or
four voters. Now, this is by the numbers. You aren't
going to hear this anywhere else, and you want to
know why, because our freaking party, Conservative Republican Party, is
so behind the curve on this stuff that it's embarrassing.

So I have taken it upon myself to figure this,
you know what, out for you. But in twenty twenty,
more than listen to this in Pennsylvania. Okay, in twenty twenty,
more than thirty five thousand, four of four voters skipped
the general election. Okay, In twenty twenty two, that number

rose to over sixty one thousand, four of four voters
skipped that election. Now back to twenty twenty, let's talk
about three of four voters, right.

Speaker 1 (06:45):
These are our high prop people.

Speaker 3 (06:49):
In twenty twenty, more than seventy thousand, three of four
Republican voters skipped the general election seventy thousand. In twenty
and twenty two, that number rose to one hundred and
seventy three thousand, nine hundred three of four voters.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
Skipping the election.

Speaker 3 (07:11):
So in two thousand and twenty, more than one hundred
thousand lockstock and barrel true believing high prop Republican voters
just skipped. And in twenty twenty two, more than two
hundred and thirty thousand high prop lock stock and barrel
conservatives just said, you know what, I'm not going to vote.

So even with let's talk about twenty twenty, the margin
in twenty twenty was eighty thousand votes in Pennsylvania, even
with all the cheating, even with the you know, the
assholes in Philadelphia throwing up the cardboard. You know poll watchers,
COVID lockdowns, unsupervised dropboxes, Zuckerbucks, and every single heavily Democrat

precinct no voter ID, no signature verification, no postmark requirement, nothing,
even with all of the cheating went that went on,
and believe me, there was a ton. These one hundred
thousand high prop voters are are true believing Republican conservative voters.

Had they showed up, Trump would have won by twenty
thousand votes in twenty and twenty.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
Think about that.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
So this is what I'm This is what I'm getting
to when you talk about the Democrats being their backs
up against the wall, Yeah they are, but we have
to be better. And how about in twenty twenty two.
So in twenty twenty two for Senate, we got Turnip
Brain Fetterman in there, but we lost by two hundred
and sixty thousand votes. So we're only talking about a

thirty thousand vote difference even in twenty and twenty two
if our high prop people just showed up. But what
hope do we have of ever saving this country when
our most passionate voters stay home. Now, listen, folks, I
did this. I've got organizations pulled together working my ass
off to save this country every day. But these these

numbers are accurate, and our people just we're not showing up.
We aren't showing up. So when the Democrats cheat their
way to victory, who the hell are we to complaint?
And it frustrates the hell out of me because I
got kids, You got kids, grandkids, loved ones, and you
want them to inherit in America that is free and

rich with opportunity.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
I worry every.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
Damn day for my children. I got five kids in
this country. They're the most amazing kids in the world.
And I think, you know, they're all pretty damn conservative,
and that's a pretty great thing. But I worry about
the country that they're gonna inherit because the Democrats are

just a disaster in every way, shape and form. But
they are in the grips of what I call on
this show, and original gangsters of the Battle Crew know this.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
They are in the.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
Grips of what I believe is the great base decay.
In other words, their base is so divided. The Democrats
if look, if they rig, they rig their own primaries
through a super delegate system. Remember back in twenty sixteen,
they rig the primary in favor of Hillary Clinton by

pushing Bernie Sanders off to the side. In twenty twenty,
they rig the primary in favor of Joe Biden. Remember
the magical consolidation after South Carolina. And guess who they
push to the side, Bernie Sanders. Well, so, if you're
a voter in the Democrat Party over the last two
presidential election cycles, you're wondering, what the hell am I
even voting for it? Does my voice even matter? And

so what's happening now in their party? And you see
it reflected between the Israel the pro Israel Democrats in
the pro terrorst sympathizing Hamas Democrats. They're divided, they don't
know what the hell they're gonna do it. But the
way it's manifesting itself and has manifested itself in the
Democrat primary is in the form of uncommitted votes. And

again I point to Wisconsin as a great example. Wisconsin's
a swing state. Joe Biden got double the amount of
uncommitted votes in twenty twenty four then his margin of
victory in twenty twenty In other words, two times as
many uncommitted votes in the Democrat primary, then his total
margin of victory in twenty twenty. This animated corpse is

in big, big trouble, and not only that their lawfare
is failing on all fronts. This Alisa Fara, she's used
to work for Trump, but she's she was in his
outer circle, never really had any one on one time
with him, but she was able to part that into
like a seven figure job on the View. And if

you ever watched The View, I mean, first of all,
if you watch for more than ten minutes, there's the
View should come with a warning label that your IQ
will drop substantially if you watch it. And so if
you watch for ten minutes, you might find yourself with
an I a Q below seventy. You know, you might
find yourself with some real at least temporarily. But Farah
is on the View, and even she's not convinced that

the lawfair is working. And of course she's on with
Jake Tapper, who we like to call on this program,
Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend, and all the new people who are
watching the show right now. Yeah, Jake Tapper, go google
Jake Tapper, Monica Lewinsky. You'll see what I'm talking about.
A lot of people don't know that, but check it out.
But listen to Alissa Farra on with Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend.

Speaker 4 (12:48):
So the jury's not going to hear this, so don't worry.
How would based on well, you would never be accepted
as a jury. You're too you're too much biased, no offense,
what you experience with the defendant. Do you think that
they are proving this case within a with a with
a without a reasonable doubt? I mean, like, have they
cleared the burden for you?

Speaker 5 (13:09):
For me, even with my strong feelings about Donald Trump,
my knowledge of how he behaves, I couldn't today convict
beyond a reasonable doubt. Michael Cohen is just such a
problematic figure, and in this own cross I was just
waiting to see somebody who was above board, didn't step
and it didn't lie, didn't end up getting kind of
hostile and pushing back in some of these challenges, and

it's it's hard for me to believe him when he's
misrepresenting something as fundamental as having wanted a job in
the White House.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
Jojo in the live chat before we get on to
Michael Cohen and all his lying and the fact that
CNN is not even buying this propaganda. Thank you for
the Rumble Rant tip. One hundred percent of what we
get in the Rumble Rants goes to building out this
studio and improving this show for you. It's a show
for we the people. It always will be. So thank
you for that. And if you're watching for the first time,

make sure you subscribe. Followed Battleground Live. We want you
in the trenches helping to save this country. But look, folks,
I don't care how blue New York City is you
hear Alyssa Farah Griffin on with Jake Tapper. They're talking
about how disastrous Michael Cohen's testimony is, how it doesn't
seem to be working at all. I mean this to me, Look,

I don't have a crystal ball. I know it's in
a deep blue city. To me, I feel like, what's
going to end up happening is jury's going to be hung.
I don't see. I think this trial is done. But
Michael Cohen, all the lies that this dude is told
it shouldn't surprise any of us. He lied to Congress
in seventeen, he lied to the Office of Special Counsel,

He lied to the FBI, He.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
Lied to Judge Polly.

Speaker 3 (14:45):
He lied by a mission to his wife about the
Helock loan that he supposedly took out the payoff Stormy
Daniels without Trump knowing. He lied about asking for a
pre pardon through his lawyers. He lied about Castello being
his lawyer. He lied about meeting with Alvin Bragg. The
guy used AI to put together a law brief, and
the AI actually fabricated cases that he submitted to an

actual court. I mean, lawyers have been sanctioned for far,
far less, and now Democrat officials, things are so bad
in their base. The base decay is so bad. They're
in such a precarious spot. They're out there they're talking
about now, actual elected official Democrats are out there talking

now on conservative networks about the possibility of canceling the DNC.
I mean, this is absolutely crazy. Listen to this.

Speaker 6 (15:37):
Well, let me start by saying Brett that I think
President Biden has done a very good job of supporting
our ally and friend Israel. I think he made a misstep,
of course last week withholding some arm shipments, but I'm
very pleased with his support. Clearly, young progressives are dismayed,
and frankly, I think now the President has kind of
offended those on both sides of this issue, but he

can recapture that. You believe he's principled in his support
for Israel. But I'm afraid that this is looking awfully
like nineteen sixty eight, with a lot of anger and
angst and disenfranchisement that I think are going to play
out on TV this summer and it's going to be
awfully contentious. So Times Correct.

Speaker 1 (16:16):
Was in Chicago the Democratic Convention. You think he could
look a little like that.

Speaker 6 (16:21):
I think it can, And frankly, I think it would
be in the best interest of the Democratic Party to
forego the convention this year and focus on campaigning, because
I don't see anyway it can be a creedive to
the mission of winning the next election.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
Hid Biden at all costs. There's going to be Hella
protests in Chicago. They want Biden to run to the
basement again. That is one hundred percent true, and that's
why it's critically important for when Trump gets on this stage,
he's not just going to be debating Joe Biden. He's
going to be in the first debate on CNN. He's

walking into hostile territory. He's going to be debating Monica
Lewinsky's Boyfrid and Jake Tapper, and he's also going to
be debating Dana Bash and they are gonna do everything
that they can to fly cover for Joe Biden on
that stage. So the best thing that Donald Trump can
do is just be cool, calm, collected. Joe Biden is
gonna be shot up with so many drugs. He's gonna

sound angry, he's gonna slur his words. He's there's gonna
be word salad all over the place jet And frankly,
when you look at that, you know people are talking
about how they're gonna be able to cut off Mike's
and that's not gonna be good for Donald Trump. I'm
just telling you, the less Donald Trump talks in this debate,
the better, because Biden cannot string together a coherent sentence.

So if the moderators are cutting off, you know, say,
Trump's Mike, I'm not sure how that hurts him because
he doesn't even have to All he has to do
is cite facts. He doesn't have to do anything. And
I'm telling you, look this from the Associated Press. If
you watch the show yesterday, I told you the same
thing the Associated Press headline hardly a conservative outlet. In fact,

about as far left as you can possibly imagine. Biden
Trump set two debates.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Now listen.

Speaker 3 (18:05):
The swiftness with which the matchups came together reflects how
each of the two unpopular candidates thinks he can get
the better of his opponent and a head to head showdown.
Trump and his team are convinced the debates will exacerbate
voters concerns about Biden's age incompetence, while Biden believes listen
to this, while Biden's team believes Trump's often incendiary rhetoric

will remind voters of why they voted him out of
the White House four years ago. So obviously, Biden and
his team are setting a trap for Trump. They're hoping
that he goes off the rails. The best thing that
Trump can do is exactly how he acted in front
of Caitlin Collins on CNN the last time he was there,

when there was a live studio audience. By the end
of that time his time on the stage, the CNN
audience was actually laughing at Trump and they didn't really
like Caitlin Collins. Okay, so that's my advice to the
Trump Team. I want to bring on my friend Brian
Dean Wright. We're going to talk about this Texas barge thing. Brian, welcome,

Glad to have you back, my friend.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
Good to be here.

Speaker 1 (19:13):

Speaker 3 (19:14):
And let me tell you, first of all, I take
issue with something here. You come on to my show
and somehow you have better facial hair than me. This
is not This is not okay. I'm though supposed I'm
supposed to have the monopoly on the operator facial hair
on this show.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
Got it? Can you give me something? You got the
beautiful face and beautiful head of hair, Give me give
me the mustache. One thing.

Speaker 3 (19:35):
God, You're not anybody I can't one at all. Look
at you dressed up all spiffy. You got a date
or something that I don't know about. What's going on?

Speaker 2 (19:46):
A funeral? Who knows? God, I gotta you never know.
You know, it's like we're a tie. You never know.

Speaker 3 (19:51):
You former CIA guys man, you never know what you're doing.
You know, you gotta blend in it all. Okay, So
listen this. This Pelican Island Bridge was struck by a
large barge caused by and it caused part of the
bridge to collapse and obviously caused an oil spill. The
extent of that oil spill, I don't know. I've actually

got video of it. Let me put it up here.
And for people who are who are listening, our friends
who are listening, what you're seeing is this bridge. There
are one hundred different pillars under there. There's no way
a barge of that size in any way could fit
under that bridge. How something like this could happen is
beyond me. And you know, I thought you're a perfect

person to talk about this, Brian, because one you're a
CIA operations officer. You understand our enemy capabilities, the enemies
of this country and their capabilities better than most. And
you know, in the wake of the bridge, the bridge
accident in Baltimore, And by the way, when I saw
that happen, the FBI within the I'm not even exaggerating, man,
within the first five minutes they rule out terrorism and

I'm like, wait a second, Okay, that's a red live
for me.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
So what do you think about all this, my friend?

Speaker 2 (21:05):
So, what I think we're seeing is the beginning of
an adversary, probably the Chinese attacking this country through some
initial testing of their cyber a capabilities. So One of
the things that we got this week was a report
out of Europe, a Slovakian intel agency effectively, that looked
at the Chinese some cyber hacking of cargo companies in

places like the Netherlands and Greece as well as Sweden.
And what they're finding is that the Chinese are actually
using a trojan malware and taking access of both the
corporate systems as well as commanding control of the cargo
ships themselves. So it's not just a computer system inside
corporate headquarters back in Greece or the Netherlands, but rather

on the ships themselves. So why would the Chinese be
doing this. It's a hacking group called Mustang Panda. So
why are the guys at Mustang Panda excuse me doing this? Well,
they're trying to work with Beijing to make sure that
they can get access to our critical systems. And we've
seen this over the past six months to year that
the Chinese government is moving away from collection of intellectual property.

So they're not just hacking our companies anymore, but what
they're looking to do is burrow themselves into our critical infrastructure,
whether that be water, electricity, cell phones, ports, pipelines and yes,
cargo ships. So to do that, or the reason that
they're doing that is in the run up to a
war with Taiwan. When China invades Taiwan, they're going to

need to knock us out for a few days or
a few weeks, because otherwise we are going to likely
respond to tie pace calls for help. So if they
can cause panic, if they can induce chaos in this country,
then they're going to do that in the hours of
days before they invade that we will be so caught
up in that chaos that the successful or the likelihood
of success in their invasion of Taiwan goes up. So

that's how these bars attacks I think fit into the
broader picture of these groups like Mustang Panda. There's another
one called volt type foon. These groups are directly related
to the CCP. They're acting as their interlockers around the world,
hacking into these systems to gain control of our critical system.
So that's the context for the Chinese are doing this

latest barge attack as it were in Texas. It fits
the pattern. Is it a cyber attack? Do we know
that yet? So far we do not. But the question
is now is get these patterns, we would expect to
see that the Chinese are going to try out or
test their hacking capabilities. You don't test the day that

you want to launch your invasion. It's Taiwan, You're gonna
be testing that many months beforehand. And so that's why
I think when we see the other barge issues or
cargo ship container issues like we did in Baltimore, which
initially we thought, well.

Speaker 3 (23:55):
Maybe that's listen to this. Like last week a barge
struck the Fort Madison Bridge. Middle of April twenty six,
barges broke loose and struck a bridge on the Ohio
River that's in my neck of the woods in Pittsburgh.
Bridge in Oklahoma was struck by a barge at the
end of March. End of March Bridge Spontaneo. I mean
this is like so barges sometimes barges break loose, but
it does seem like I mean, here's the thing, Brian Lee,

infrastructure warfare. I mean, look, I'm a knuckle dragger, but
when we do an analysis of enemy terrain, we look
at key terrain obviously that we would want to occupy
and critical enemy infrastructure that we would want to destroy.
So this is a re infrastructure warfare is real.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
Amen, And we also now it's we can combine two
things at this point. One, we know your background, We
know what you're saying to be absolutely true. That is
very clear in warfare modern and otherwise. We also have
these very strange series of accidents involving these cargo ships
or barges, et cetera. And now we have this report

out of Europe that's confirming that, in fact, the Chinese
are hacking into these systems, these cargo ship container systems,
both in terms of corporate headquarters and the ships themselves
taking command and control. So you put all those two together,
what does that tell you, Well, it suggests with medium
to high confidence that the Chinese are trying to take
control over critical infrastructure to include our vessels. And some

of these accidents aren't probably accidents at all. Not all
of them accidents happened. Humans are silly people. We do
dumb things sometimes, like you know, maybe that one of
these guys had one too many cocktails and he screwed
up and hit a bridge. Fine, but that doesn't explain
all of them, especially when you look at the broader
context of this. Mustang panned the group or volt typhoon. Again,

we are getting very very clear indicators that the lights
are flashy, not just red, but a brighter red and
more consistently loud, saying we got a problem, and the
Chinese are probably looking to wire us, not just for
the short term to cause problems in this country, but
in the run up to a war. So that tells
me that a war is likely to happen sooner rather

than later in terms of the Chinese invading Taiwan.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
So what do we do, Brian?

Speaker 3 (26:09):
Because I talk a lot in the show about the
fact that this country has not sufficiently evolved our force.
You know, when I joined in the wake of nine
to eleven, we evolved our force away from facing conventional threats,
preferring instead to focus on brigade combat teams and primarily
asymmetric insurgent threats, more compartmentalized units that could do that.
For example, how did that manifest itself for US and

light infantry battalions. We no longer had Stinger missiles that
were directly attached to him, because we knew that our
enemy didn't have rotary wing aircraft, you know, so we
didn't need it, discarded it. We wanted to be lighter
on our feet, but now the trend is we're going
back to facing more conventional threats. When you look at
what's happening in Russia and Ukraine, that certainly feels like
a conventional war, although you know, drones are a component

that I've never faced before. But China is absolutely a
conventional threat. And it doesn't feel like we've evolved our
force back to being able to combat a conventional force yet.
I mean, it just feels like, I don't know, man,
it just feels like a very I mean, for lack
of a better word, scary time, and our leaders. When

you combine the feeling to the fact that our leaders
just don't feel up to the task, it's worrisome.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
I think it's more than that. In fact, about six
months ago, there was an exercise that was done in
southern California where we have the Marine Corps try to
respond to a hypothetical attack by what we note that
the Chinese have and the Marines were unable to stop it,
in no small part because we also have statements by

some of the Marine Corps commanders in the South Pacific
that they don't have anti drome technologies to shoot that
stuff down. So we are pivoting to a different era
of warfare that is not only the conventional stuff, but
has also been infused with this drone and AI infused
drone warfare, the swarm warfare. That is a new game

change and reality for militaries all across the world. And
we're scrambling like a lot of other conventional militaries. Or
the smaller you are right now, the bigger punch you have,
because you can actually out fox your adversary who might
be spending billions or trillions of dollars, but you can
do a lot of damage with just some couple thousand
dollars worth of drones. And we're seeing that in Ukraine,

and we're seeing that in Africa actually in some of
those conflicts. So, yeah, you're right, we need to pivot.
But I'm not sure we even quite know what the
threat is fully and how to respond to it.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
I know, I mean, all you could do is laugh
because our leaders are just so inept. And it certainly
feels like, at least on the military side of things,
when you see people like General Millie who are on
Capitol Hill and are talking about wanting to learn more
about white rage, and I'm thinking to myself, maybe you
should focus more on the withdrawal from Afghanistan. And after
he's three months, after he's on Capitol Hill, we suffer

one of the worst surrenders in this country since Vietnam.
It's like, what the hell are our leaders doing? Brian, Yeah,
what do you make of all of this? Do you
feel like our leaders are up to task. I'm sure
that you saw, or maybe you didn't, but this video
of this navy guy that was leaked talking about, hey, like,
when the first missile hits DEI is gonna go away, which,
by the way, I don't know why they leaked that

video on that guy. He said he was a Democrat,
but he seemed like he was pro America. Didn't say
anything that was crazy inflammatory to me. I don't know
why we're leaking it trying to hurt one of our own,
but he seemed to express concern about the fact that
DEI is a waste of time. But hey, if you
know what hits the fan, we're gonna get away from
that real quick. But I just don't know how you

do it, I mean without suffering serious losses.

Speaker 2 (29:42):
First, Yeah, well, I think that you probably could ask
some of the guys in World War Two in the
run up to Japan's bombing to Pearl Harbor, you know,
were we ready for that? Do we know how to
respond to? Answers? No, We got punched in the face
and a lot of people died. And I think that
that's what's coming. I think we're gonna have a pretty
horrific attack that's going to shock the consence of the
country and the military, and there's going to be a

lot of you know, plans that about, hey, how would
we respond, and then you get punched in the face
and you're like, well, actually, we don't know how to respond,
and we got to figure it out on the fly.
And that's when you hope to have a really good
leadership rise to the top. That it's innovative that has
been there because of their skill, because of merit, and
not because of the color of their skin or their

sexual orientation or any other immutable characteristic that ultimately is irrelevant.
You want smart people when the really bad stuff and
surprising stuff happens, so that they can bring that dexterity
to the fight that I think is the fundamental problem
that this country faces in our leadership. From top to bottom.
You know, Miliye is a great example. This guy's talking
about white rage or white supremacy in the national military.

The data actually showed the opposite, by the way, last
Spring and Summer Ran Corporation, which is a left leaning outfit,
published the study that showed actually, in the veterans community,
it's five times more likely that a back of someone
will be a black nationalist than a white nationalist or supremacist.
Both numbers are quite small, by the way. I think
it's like zero point eight percent of white veterans you

have what they called white supremacists or white nationalists views.
We're around five percent of black veterans had those views.
So you're looking at just the data tell you that
the entire premise of some sort of crazy, you know,
radical right wing, the white supremacist stuff in the military,
it's just absurd. Milly knew that, he should have known it,

and now we have the data to prove that. But
of course the talking point has to be something different,
because we're in the middle of this Marxist revolution that's
really what's going on, and that is permeating into our military.
But the point is that you're making is correct. We
got to have really really smart people when it comes
to really really tough new challenges, and that means you
got to have the best folks there who are the smartest,
most flexible, And you ain't going to get that with THEEI,

because that's not what the focus is obviously.

Speaker 3 (31:50):
Brian, can we shift gears? You talked about that Marxist revolution,
and you know, it seems to me that the CIA, well,
they've always been involved inpulation of media, and it seems
like the New York Times and the Washington Post especially
are all too willing to I mean, I could see
this stuff from a mile away, But the problem is
the vast majority of the American people probably can't what

looks to be just like, what are intelligence plants and
our media to shape public sentiment about say Ukraine for example?
And to what extent? Which this might be a direct
question or too direct of a question, but first of all,
does the CIA really still continue to manipulate media in
terms of developing narratives? And if so, why would they

be on board with what is essentially a Marxist color
revolution here in America. It seems like it does like
those two things aren't consonant.

Speaker 2 (32:46):
Yeah, all right, so let's talk about what we can prove.
So we note that the CIA is absolutely putting stuff
that has to say the US intelligence community at large,
they're putting stuff in our media, in Western media, to
shape our views on foreign affairs. So we know that's
true because the Office of Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines,
is the lead of that entity. She went on BBC

Radio BBC one in the early days of the conflict
in Ukraine. She sat down with the guy last name
of Fleming, who's one of the heads of the British
intel and they were talking about what they called the
pre bunking, which is they were taking our intelligence, whether
it was good or garbage, and they were putting it
out into the public sphere with the goal of influencing
hearts and minds inside of Russia, Russia's allies and then

ultimately stopping the war in Ukraine are otherwise throwing stand
in the gears of the Russian offensive. But what they
said was that didn't work, It didn't accomplish the propaganda goals.
But what they also added on the record, and you
could listen to them talk about this, is that their
propaganda did influence the hearts and the minds of people
in Europe and the United States. So they showed and

demonstrated that actually, it was really great to put this
propaganda out because it helped to sort of knoculate the
American and Western mind from any other Russian propaganda naturally,
but any other talking points that didn't fit what they
wanted the people to hear.

Speaker 7 (34:09):
So that's provable.

Speaker 2 (34:10):
We know that's the case, So we can now go
beyond that to say, okay, well, if we know that
in that case, they're putting out propaganda to influence hearts
and minds in this country a that is awful. I
thought we learned long ago that the intelligence community should
not do that. It's disastrous outcomes. It's it's like Egypt, Pakistan,
you know, some puppeteering country abroad that you wouldn't want

to be a part of.

Speaker 1 (34:33):
So that's awful.

Speaker 2 (34:34):
You combine that with the fact that we have Chuck
Schumer saying, as I think you and I have talked
about before, the CIA and other intel agencies have six
waves of soundy to get back at you. Okay, well,
now we have more public confirmation that the intel community
is doing some bad things in this country. So you
start putting together just the open, you know, overt, real
provable stuff, and all the conspiracies start to sound pretty reasonable,

pretty informed actually. So I think that that's important for
people to re that that it is happening. It's demonstrated. Uh,
and it's it's nightmarish for a republic. It's great if
you're you know, some corrupt, you know, banana republic, but
it's not great if you're a republic or a democratic
minded people. So it's real, it's happening. The propaganda's out there.

Why would the CIA do this? Why would the leadership
be on board with it? Every good organization can go
bad right when we know this, you start replacing the
top leadership with really really garbage leadership, like we have
seen that the CIA, for instance, over the years we
have had Obama, but also before we had guys who
like George Tennant back of the day under Bush. I

regret to say push forward until that wasn't true or real.
We have that example, we had a guy what was
his name, the ding Dong that was schlepping and hanging
out with this the gal given our top secret information
portrayals Patreus Portreas so we have that guy.

Speaker 7 (35:55):

Speaker 2 (35:55):
You know, we have other leaders in more modern eras
who are very clearly in this leftist sort of ideology
that embrace that. And of course the most infamous is
John Brennan, who back in the old days, according to him,
he was a communist. He was affiliated or felt drawn
to the communist ideology. So, yeah, if you're gonna get
those guys what's called the seventh floor, that the top

leadership of the CIA, that's going to trickle down all
the way into hr By the way, and then they're
going to hire people who fit that same sort of
left the ideology. And over time, that's how you change
a culture. All the good people look around and they're like,
I don't fit here anymore. I'm gonna leave, and they do.
Or they're like, well, now I have to be really quiet,
and I can't speak what I actually believe to be true,

not necessarily even my own opinion, but even the facts
if those run contrary to this sort of more Marxist
way of viewing the world. I don't want to get fired.
I gotta pay for the mortgage, I got kids in college. Whatever.
And that's how you change a culture. That's how you
change an agency. That's how your leadership destroys the organization,
and that's what's happened at the CIA.

Speaker 3 (36:59):
How do we get out of this? I mean because
I mean, you know, so let's just say Trump wins
and then he tries to fire the top twenty people
at every institution, which I think absolutely needs to happen.
Obama did it, certainly a president's prerogative to do, Brian,
but you know Trump does something like that, it'll be like, oh,
Trump's basically hitler. So look, I don't I think that,

you know, if he wins, I happen to believe he's
going to win. I I but but he's going to
have to have the wherewithal to do it. I think
he's ready to do it. But outside of just mass firings,
how do you overhaul an institution? Because you know, it's like,
I've got buddies at the FBI who are on HRT,
who are great people. I've got buddies at the CIA

who are great American patriots. So when you have conservatives
out there, tay, hey, let's scout it. We've got to
break up the CIA, we got to break up the FBI,
scatter these places to the Four Wins, It's like, well,
I understand the underlying sentiment.

Speaker 1 (37:55):
Of that, I really really do.

Speaker 3 (37:58):
I mean, the FBI and CIA today seem just just
wildly out of control, but like there are patriots there,
so is it even possible at this point to reform
those organizations?

Speaker 2 (38:11):
So you started with the most fundamental and critical part,
which is different leadership at the White House. You have
to have somebody in the White House who recognizes that
there is a problem and you want to change it, right,
and you start firing people. Your point, and I think
it's accurate, is you're going to hear people say it's
a dictatorship, it's Hitler. Well, we have to understand and
respect this. Jesus Christ himself could descend from the clouds

and sit next to Trump and say he's definitely not Hitler,
and everybody in the left and the press would be like, yeah,
but he probably still is. So if you understand that
that's going to happen, and that's the opposition and it's
irrespective of what's true, then you just have to blast
through those folks. You just have to treat them like
either the useful idiots that they are or the regime

you know of apparatics that they are right, that's how
you have to treat them. They're just absolutely vile humans,
and that's how you treat them. So guy gets into
the White House, a Trump, a guy like Trump, it
just starts a clean house. He's of course going to
get absolute hell fire from the left. All right, we
all know it's coming. Uh, but that's where you start.
You just you got a clean house. Now to your point,

maybe some conservatives out there who say, look, we can't
reform it, we gotta we gotta tear it down. I'm
actually okay with that. The issue that I think you
bring up is but they's still a mission. So how
do we accomplish the mission? Because there are lots of
bad guys. We talked about China earlier. Yeah, we got
to do something about them. They have infiltrated this company,
our country, and so we got to figure out what
to do about that. Plus the Russians plus oh, by

the way, eight million unvetted illegals, how about plus counting
just on the past three years. I think there might
be a threat there, Yeah, somewhere in there. So we
have a lot of really important mission sets, both domestically
and abroad that we have to figure out how to
resource and how to how to tackle so two things.
Can we reform it? Sure, but we got we have
these other mission sets that we have to tackle. But again,

if you trust or believe that your leaders understand that
the place is rotten and you got to clean it up,
then I think a lot of us are going to
give that leader a lot more leiche to clean things
up because we're going to trust that person understands that
there's a problem and they want to fix it. Then
we're gonna be like, all right, I'm not really sure
going to be able to do it, but I'm going
to give you a shot to clean it up. And
that's what we need to do. And if you, by
the way, had a really great house or a Senate

that did an investigation into all these deep staters, I
think that you could probably have a truth and reconciliation
committee or campaign that smoked out what actually happened. I
think you can clean it up.

Speaker 1 (40:33):
But we'll see, we'll see. Brian.

Speaker 3 (40:36):
Tell the audience how they can support you, where they
can find you, Tell them about the right report, your podcast,
how they can subscribe, Tell us all ah.

Speaker 2 (40:45):
That's awesome, thanks mate. So about a year ago I
kicked off the Right Report, bringing forth this idea of
every morning the president gets a daily brief. I try
to bring folks that as well. One morning to yeah,
seven am Eastern. So the Right Report does that. We
go around the country, around the world. We talk about
really strange places like this morning we talked about New Caledonia.
Where is that? Why do we care? We should? We

should care? It's in the South Pacific. It goes back
to World War two. So we talk about really strange
and awesome places and how they're relevant today. That the
news there, and we talk about a lot of domestic
stuff too. So about twenty five minutes give or take
every morning seven am Eastern and all podcast platforms, people
can dig into it. The really cool part is that
create transcripts with all the hyperlinks to all the sources.
So people want to dig into these issues and they

want to explore more themselves or send to something to somebody.
I've got all the resources therefore you to do it.
So that's I think the value add at the end
of the day. So seven am Eastern usually a little
earlier though usually by five am. If I can get
up that early, but it's there forty five minutes each
day Friday's week.

Speaker 1 (41:45):
Well listen.

Speaker 3 (41:46):
If you all want your own personal presidential daily brief,
go subscribe to the Right Report, because there's really nobody
smarter at this stuff. You know again, I mentioned to
everybody in the audience, Brian, that you used to go
on Tucker all the time that disaffected Democrat now hard
now America first, like you understand the moment that we're

in as a country. And to me, I don't really
give a damn about Democrat Republican, Brian. I don't if
you understand the danger that we're in right now as
a country. It's not even about political parties.

Speaker 1 (42:18):
And so.

Speaker 3 (42:20):
I appreciate you giving giving me so much of your
time today and giving the audience so much of your
time today. And folks, you should really support Brian. But
we got to get you back. We got to get
you back. You gotta bring the maps. I'm not you
like pointing out stuff on maps for people.

Speaker 2 (42:35):
Yes, let's do it. I'm gonna be I'm gonna be
your personal map guide around the world. I actually encourage
people to bring their maps when they listen to the
podcast because we do go to weird places. So I'll
have one in the background. That's my family cattle brand
in the background. We'll replace that with a map instead.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
You have a family cattle brand.

Speaker 2 (42:51):
Yeah, you see buy my left shoulder.

Speaker 1 (42:54):
That's okay.

Speaker 3 (42:55):
So the whole thing with Fort Parnell here, we have
a small farm in western Pennsylvania. Now we are all
hardcore into homesteading. We're about to get chickens. We got
a chicken coop, we got goats coming. And now my
wife is talking about getting a cow.

Speaker 1 (43:08):
She just brought. Hey, we got to get this cow.

Speaker 3 (43:10):
We got to build a barn for You can't just
start by getting chickens. It's snowballs into goats and then
goats become dairy cow. Where does it end, Brian.

Speaker 2 (43:19):
It doesn't. And I'm going to give you a piece
of counsel. Friend, if your wife is encouraging you to
get a dairy cow, do not do it, because that
requires milking twice a day, man, every day. It never ends,
all right, That's where they've mechanized that stuff, because that's
a miserable job unless you want to pull on the
teets of a cow, and then that's a whole different deal.
The point is, don't do dairy doo beef. Just buy

your milk. It's a lot easier.

Speaker 3 (43:44):
Brian Dean Wright, host of The Right Report, Thank you
for your time, my friend.

Speaker 1 (43:47):
I'll see you soon. You got it all right, see it? Brian? Okay,
listen COVID. We gotta talk, folks.

Speaker 3 (43:54):
I've been talking about COVID, I know, and probably if
I'm talking about it too much.

Speaker 1 (43:58):

Speaker 3 (43:58):
By the way, folks, make sure you can rumble smash
that little green thumb. Let's get on the leader board
for rumble. U. Tell your family and your friends to
subscribe to Battleground Live, where a rumble picked us today.
We're an editor's pick. So please subscribe. Follow Battleground Live.
This is your show. I read your comments. I'm in
the live chat. It's fully interactive, and we want you

in the trenches as a real deal conservative fighting to
save this country. So follow, Subscribe, Tell everybody you know
to follow.

Speaker 2 (44:28):

Speaker 1 (44:28):
Okay, Back to COVID.

Speaker 3 (44:30):
There have been there has been so much breaking news
about COVID that it is absolutely unbelievable and it is
a tragedy, and I mean a tragedy that it has
not been headline news damn near everywhere. I have to
scour the internet and see SPAN sites and everything else.

Just define the congressional testimony from the COVID Select Committee,
which is investigating the pandemic, just to.

Speaker 1 (44:59):
Bring you this information. It's unbelievable.

Speaker 3 (45:02):
And here's part of the reason why these major networks,
even conservative networks, they can't question the narrative. Why because
Pfizer Maderna, they all sponsor these networks to the tune
of hundreds of millions of dollars a year. It's for
the very say, it's the very same reason that people
who are vaccine injured and people that I know and
I love dearly, people in my family, friends who who

are vaccine injured, they can't find anyone to treat the
injury because no doctor will admit that it's the vaccine
that's causing it, because the doctor likely prescribed it, and
don't they don't Those people don't want to get sued.
In fact, not only were they and not only did
they prescribe it, and they're afraid of getting sued, they
were financially incentivized to prescribe this medication. They got paid

each and every time they gave it it's sickening, but
I don't give a damn.

Speaker 1 (45:54):
I'm not gonna stop talking about it.

Speaker 3 (45:56):
Look a look at the testimony today on Capitol Hill
where they were questioned or yet members of Congress questioning
government employees at the National Institute of Hell asking them
about gain of function research and whether or not our
tax dollars were funding it. What gain of function research
express sole purpose of making a virus more deadly and

giving it the capability from jumping to jump from an animal.

Speaker 1 (46:20):
To a human. It just that simple. Listen for yourself,
doctor Tabek.

Speaker 2 (46:27):
Did NIH fund gain and function research at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology through echo health?

Speaker 7 (46:34):
It depends on your definition of gain of function research.
If you're speaking about the generic term, yes we did,
because but this is research. The generic term is research
that goes on in many, many labs around the country.
It is not regulated, and the reason is not regulated

is it poses no threat or harm to anybody.

Speaker 3 (46:58):
The CIA or the CNN Deathticker would like to have
a word about that. I mean, are you kidding me?
This is absolutely crazy. Let me see if I can
get this up on the screen. This is really important
for you to see and I'm just gonna show you
the actual paperwork. But you want to talk about making

up science because it seems like these people, you know,
all of these people who are supposed to protect us,
well they didn't. It seems like they made it up
as they were going along. That doesn't sound bad enough.
Check this out, Okay, check this out. This is former

NIH director Francis Collins, and she's admitting here in testimony
that no science or evidence ever supported social distancing policies.
Here's the question. Can you all see it?

Speaker 1 (47:50):
Yes? You can.

Speaker 3 (47:52):
The question do you recall science or evidence that supported
the six foot social distance?

Speaker 1 (47:57):
I do not. This is highlighted.

Speaker 3 (47:59):
Have you seen any evidence since then supporting six feet? No, folks,
there are still signs and airports in bars, I mean,
in freaking gyms that still say six feet social distancing.
So here's how I'm gonna end this show. I was
thinking about this today and talking about it. Does the

government ever tell us the truth? That's the title of
this show. We will end where we began. I mean, obviously,
the answer, at least in today's day and age, is that,
Hell no, the government doesn't tell us the truth.

Speaker 1 (48:35):
Let's think about COVID.

Speaker 3 (48:36):
Though for just a second, everything the government did was
designed to make things worse. Think about that. Let it
sink in, and I'm gonna say it again. Everything the
government did, our government did was designed to make the

pandemic worse and to be fair in the midst of
a crisis. And I have been in a great many crises,
in combat and back here at home. I know the
moment kaleidoscope surround you, there's chaos. Sometimes we just get
things wrong, sometimes we just make mistakes.

Speaker 1 (49:25):
But everything.

Speaker 3 (49:28):
Everything the government did was wrong, literally everything. Think think
about this. They closed down gyms, well, gyms keep us healthy.
Why would they do that. It was not just wrong,
it was the opposite of what was right. They kept
kids out of school, well we knew that the virus

did not affect children. They literally did the opposite of
what was right. How the freaking woman who was most
responsible for this has done a complete one eighty and
is expecting people to not notice. And that's why I
will never, and I mean never, stop talking about this.
Randy Wigarden student, She says on x last night, students

who are chronically absent have a harder time reading at
grade level, and even graduating high school. President Biden and
the vice president, Kamala Harris commitments to increase engagement in
reducing absenteeism are necessary to helping young people succeed.

Speaker 1 (50:31):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 3 (50:33):
This as clown was the one who kept our children
out of schools for years. Biden gave this unelected bureaucrat
power that you or I didn't give her. We didn't
bespoke to bestow upon this union leader a damn thing.
We never voted for her. But how about this? How
about lockdowns? Lockdowns isolated us. They closed down parks, they

closed down I will never forget back then. I mean
a couple of years ago, it seemed like our kids
were so much smaller. Melanie and I are trying to
take the kids out to a playground and they got
all this caution tape around them outside. We're like, what
the hell is going on with this? You remember they
closed down beaches? You remember the skate park in Los

Angeles that they that they filled up with sand Or
how about all those police officers chasing after a kayaker
on the beach and no, because he was daring to
throw a kayak without a mask, they were arresting moms
on the playground. For God's sake, all of this, these lockdowns,
this isolation, these school closures, they created an epidemic in

this country of depression and suicide. The policy itself of lockdown,
school closures, closing parks. Ever, all of that, it was
exactly the opposite of what was best. It wasn't just wrong,
it was the opposite of what was best. And when
your mental health suffers, so does your immune system. When

your immune system suffers and is weak, it makes it
harder to what fight off viruses. So here again, the
policy of lockdown, of isolation, of policies that created a
mental health epidemic of depression.

Speaker 1 (52:27):
Was the opposite of what was best.

Speaker 3 (52:30):
I know by the way it created a generation worth
of learning issues and speech issues in our children. How
about this, what's the best source of vitamin D? The
sun told us to stay inside? How about this one?
They shunted old folks into nursing homes, knowing at the
time it would likely kill them. Instead of actually safeguarding

the elderly, we sent, in many cases the elderly to
their death. Again, they didn't just get it wrong. They
did the opposite of what was best. We allowed strip
clubs to stay open and alcohol to be sold, while
we simultaneously allowed Black Lives Matter and Antifa to protests

all over the country to the tune of tens of
thousands of people in close quarters burning buildings down. And
guess what our medical community, our doctors, they.

Speaker 1 (53:25):
All said it was okay.

Speaker 3 (53:27):
So while they locked down the healthy, and they locked
down people who were peaceful, they gave violent people the
ability to protest all.

Speaker 1 (53:35):
Across the country.

Speaker 3 (53:37):
And the very few doctors who came forward and said,
wait a second, this doesn't work. The few doctors that
were capable of thinking for themselves to question the treatment protocols,
those doctors were slandered. They were called crazy conspiracy theorists.
Some of those doctors had their medical licenses revoked. I mean, listen,

you are so sure that you are right, that you
are correct, that your treatment protocols are better than anybody else's.
Did you had the smear, silence and censor your critics.

Speaker 1 (54:12):
Give me a break.

Speaker 3 (54:15):
Medicines they prescribed, let's talk about this for a second.
Medicines that they prescribed us they actually killed us, Like
remdesevir actually kind of pretty dangerous. But they prevented ivermectin
and hydroxychloroquin. Medicines that were safe have been safe for generations,
and it could have saved many How about ventilators, Let's
talk about that for a second. Ventilators weren't for the
protection of the actual patient like we were led to believe.

They were meant for the protection of the doctors and nurses.
Almost everybody who was put on a ventilator died. Again,
they didn't just get it wrong. They did the opposite
of what was right. We fired servicemen and women in
this country for not getting the experimental vas The Navy

secretary was on Capitol Hill. Well talking about this today.
Listen to what he said. Does it sound like he
cares You believe they want.

Speaker 1 (55:05):
All the members of your team to feel like they're included. Well,
I have a question.

Speaker 8 (55:08):
Do you believe that you were an ally for the
one eight hundred and seventy eight soldiers who were fired
or the three thousand, seven hundred and forty six Marines
who were fired for not taking the COVID shot? Were
you an ally for them?

Speaker 1 (55:21):
Sir? I followed the laws they disobeyed. What did they
feel included? They disobeyed all. They were fired. They were
fired because they dis You regret that, do you regret
that currently existed? I have no regrets to you.

Speaker 9 (55:34):
You have recruitment challenges, you refused to You refuse to
admit that the guy's a part of this. You're firing
qualified people who are well trained, and you sit here
so smugly to act like none of that has any
impact on the readiness of our navy center.

Speaker 3 (55:48):
We recontacted thirty five hundred of the forty eight hundred
people who were fired.

Speaker 1 (55:53):
You know how many actually decided to come back to
the Navy? How many too? Shocker?

Speaker 8 (55:57):
Too shocker at the level of disrespect they received their.

Speaker 3 (56:00):
Government shouldn't shock anyone, of course, they wouldn't want to
come back. They were so disrespected by their leaders in
this country. Why the hell would you want to subject
yourself to that. Folks, listen to me. Our government didn't
just get some things wrong. They got everything wrong.

Speaker 1 (56:24):

Speaker 3 (56:24):
I mean hell, the only thing that they got right,
and it was only for the briefest of moments, was
that masks don't work. And then they immediately changed course.
God forbid the government tell us the truth about anything.
And I'm saying this right now, And I don't really
care what people think. This was one hundred percent deliberate.

Whoever was pulling the strings, whoever was calling the shots,
they did what they did to maximize this nation's pain.
They wanted the misery index, which is a real thing,
as high as humanly possible. They wanted the misery index
associated with Trump. They were so desperate to beating him.

They were so desperate to beat him. And what comes
with beating Trump a full scale institutional takeover, an erosion
of your freedom. Trump was standing on their way of
all of that stuff. And for all the people in
the chat that are probably thinking, or maybe Republicans who
maybe didn't back Trump or a critical of Trump for
all of this, I mean he was president at the time,

right well, I mean it was by and large, state
medical boards revoking medical license governors. The states were the
ones really locking people down, deep state employees, random uck
and Trump didn't even know what the hell was going
He had no idea what these people were doing behind
the scenes, stifling his agenda at every turn. I mean,

this is part of the problem, right These deep state
government employees are unfireable. You can't get rid of them.
What's the saying in the government. Presidents come and go,
but the deep state is here forever. It was all deliberate,
all of it. You can't trust our government for anything.

Do everything that you can to take this country back.
Do everything that you can to volunteer from the ground up.
I told you how many lock Stock and Barrel, true
believing conservatives right at the top of this show stayed
home in twenty twenty, even though everything was rigged in

all the Democrat cheating, we still could have won in
the state of Pennsylvania by twenty thousand votes. People stayed home.
I don't care what it takes moving forward. We've got
to do better as a party. No One, and I
mean no one is coming to save us.

Speaker 1 (58:50):
No one.

Speaker 3 (58:53):
Anyways, folks, thank you for watching. I really appreciate it.
For all the new people who are who are For
all the new people who are watching, please subscribe to
the show, follow the show on Rumble.

Speaker 1 (59:08):
We're grateful to have you.

Speaker 3 (59:09):
We want you in the trenches with us each and
every night, Monday through Friday, five to six. Sometimes we
go a little bit over, because you know, taking the
fight to these radical liberals and sometimes Republicans is tough work.
We got to do what we gotta do right. But
this show is for you. It is it always will
be for you. We're in the live chat, we have fun,
We're building a community. We want you a part of

that community. So follow, subscribe, make sure you smash that
little green thumb.

Speaker 1 (59:36):
Smash it.

Speaker 3 (59:37):
It helps us get to the Rumble leader board and
that's where we want to be. You know, we're a
new show, less than a few we have six months
old now seven months old now, I mean, I don't
know times flying doing this daily show. But smash that
little green thumb. And as always, folks, thank you all
for sticking with me. Thank you for being a part
of the battle crew and in the live chat and

supporting me. And as always, take action. Keep the faith
organize from the ground up. God bless you all, and
God bless this amazing country that we call home. I
will see you all tomorrow night. Great show for your
planned see you tomorrow, God bless good night.

Speaker 1 (01:00:19):
Take care

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