All Episodes

May 2, 2024 64 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • Savage Rich Baris, Director @BIGDATAPOLL and host of 'Inside the Numbers' is in the arena tonight!

  • Curse of being a combat leader

  • Guess where Biden plans to bring Palestinian refugees?

  • Who these people really are

  • Our Education system has failed our youth

  • MTG plans to file MTV next week

  • Another shocking cover up by the CDC

  • Preparing for the coming Biden’pocalypse 



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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Good morning.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
You're about to enter the arena and join the Battle
to Save America with your host Sean Parnell. What is up,
Battle Crew? It is Wednesday, and I think it is
a particularly savage Wednesday. We've got savage Rich Barris in

the arena today. It's gonna be an awesome show. What's up,
Battle Crew. It's a great day to be an American
and from sea to Shining Sea and everybody in between,
Welcome patriots. It's great to have you here. This show's
gonna be just incredible. I love having Rich Barris here.
He's the best in the world at what he does.

We're gonna talk right off the top about the curse
of being a combat leader. We're gonna get right into
Biden and his plan to bring Palestinian few GI's. I'll
give you one guess where they might be going. I
told you about this maybe a month ago on the show.
I said to bookmark this episode because I guarantee you

it was gonna happen. Yeah, he's planning on bringing Palestinian
refugees here to America. That would be a disaster. We're
going to talk about who these people really are, how
our education system has absolutely failed our youth. I'm gonna
tell you also why this motion to vacate for Marjorie
Taylor Green is not a good idea. I understand why

she wants to do it, but strategically not smart. I
think she's falling into a trap. It's a trap. Beware.
And if we have time, I'm gonna talk to you
a little bit about another shock and cover up by
the Centers for Disease Control. Okay, let's talk. So last
night I didn't sleep well. In fact, I didn't sleep

well at all. In fact, most nights I have a
real difficult time sleeping. And no, this isn't a you know,
a PTSD thing. I have nightmares and I wake up.
I think it's just part of my time in the army,
a byproduct of that time in many ways. You know,

talked to Commander Melanie about it, and when we discuss it,
because you know, I'll wake up and I'll be like, oh,
I didn't sleep a lot that last night. And I
don't obviously talk to her about it in the middle
of the night because I don't want to wake her up.
But those are tough times. Your mind's racing a million
miles an hour. And again, so much of it is
based on my time in the military, time in combat.

And what I told Melanie and how I explained it
to her, is that like I have trouble sleeping because
I'm always planning. I'm always thinking about what's coming next.
And they really beat this into you as a young
leader in the military, especially my non commissioned officers who
taught and coached and mentored me on what it meant

to be a leader. I would have been nothing without them.
I wouldn't even be here talking to you alive today
were it not for my soldiers and my non commissioned
officers who trained me. But they were constantly plan, plan, plan,
plan for the worst, hope for the best, always have
a plan, always make a decision. And that's how I

operated in an Afghanistan, and prior to big missions, I'll
tell you right now, I didn't sleep at all because
I was going over my plan, constantly, going over my
target reference points where big guns were, targets for big
guns and artillery. What we would do is we'd pre
plan targets prior to going out on a mission so
that if we got ambushed or something which happened basically

every time we left the wire, I could just say
fire TRP one target reference point one, and that was
already planted on a map for our gun bunnies back
at the base, and wanted to check and double check
the greg coordinates to that. I wanted to check and
double check the routes that we were taking, to make
sure that we weren't traversing the same routes over and
over and over again. Why because if you set a pattern,

the enemy notices, and if the enemy notices your pattern,
it's easier for them to attack and kill you. So
much of my my life today was shaped during my
time as a young army leader, certainly during my time
in Afghanistan as well. But I didn't sleep while I
probably didn't sleep hardly at all. I don't know if

you can see it in my face, if you see
bags under my eyes or anything anything like that. But
and now because of that, I'm a little bit under
the wetter, but I'm fighting through it. I will not
miss a show. This show is for you, and it
always will be. But as I was thinking about the
show today, I was thinking about a story that I

really haven't talked about in a very long time, and
that is well. Let me first back up and say,
combat kind of turns everything on its head, all the
norms that you've experienced in your life up into a
certain moment, like the idea that we take care of

the powerless, here we love and take care of our children.
Combat just throws all that to the four winds, puts
you in the middle of one big moral quandary. And
that to me was really difficult. It was shocking. And
just follow me here. I'm going somewhere with this. I mean,
for example, what if a child in Afghanistan, you're out

on patrol. You're at a traffic control point. You know,
you've got trucks spread out, and you're just controlling the
flow of traffic, and you're checking cars, looking for the enemy,
trying to make sure you're not being ambushed. What if
out of the corner of your eye you see a
child carrying a mind and that child is walking up
to you. Now, in Afghanistan, unexploded ordinance and mind are

a common thing. They're all over the place. Is this
child bringing to you a mind to turn in because
he or she found it in its backyard, or is
this child being used by the enemy as a suicide bomber,
and when that child approaches, is that bomb gonna blow up?
I'm telling you. And if that's the case, If that's

what you think, then what do you do? You shoot
a kid? I mean, that's my point, right. You have
situations like this in combat all the time where there
oftentimes they're just not a good right, right or wrong.
And there's a right answer to a lot of this stuff.
But by God, if you make the wrong decision, you'll

be paying for that up here for the rest of
your life. And one of the things that I was
shocked about in Afghanistan, and when we first got there,
of course, we were taken in by the beauty of
Afghanistan and another life. It could be a ski resort.
If those people had their you know what, together, they
would make billions of dollars a year in tourism just

skiing on some of this SPEs in Afghanistan. It's one
of the most beautiful countries you'd ever see. And so
we were taken in by that beauty and taken in
by the cultural differences between US and Afghanistan. The best
way to explain it, folks, it is really like the
flintstones meet the Jetsons, like the Afghans were like the Flintstones,

and we were like the Jetsons. I mean, there were
times where we calling an airstrike and we have these
laser pointer things where you'd lace a target with a
you know, a thermal laser that can only be seen
through a thermal sight or night vision. And the Afghans,
they would our allies would patrol with us, and they
thought we had like magic wands. We were just pointing

at hilltops and they'd blow up, and that's what they thought.
I mean, it's crazy. It's just it sounds crazy to
talk about, but this is the kind of environment that
I was in and my soldiers were in. And again
I'm going somewhere with this, but as we traversed this
journey and learned about what Afghanistan was like, we would

find our So we all watched those World War two movies,
especially Band of Brothers, where you know World War two soldiers,
American soldiers are given candy to European kids, and we
thought that that was awesome. We wanted to be just
like them, and the kids in Afghanistan were pretty awesome,
they were remarkable. We thought we'd give them candy. From
our trucks. We were attempting to build a relationship between

ourselves and the people who lived there. Nothing but altruistic
contentions behind this, and we'd make sure that the candy
would go to everybody, to include little girls, because in
you know, here in America, little boy, little girl doesn't matter.
Little kids are awesome, you know, little kids are the best.

And what's crazy about it is how remarkably similar kids
are in Afghanistan to kids here in terms of just
you know, how they experience life. Anyway, we'd give we
give the candy to the kids. And I remember driving
off after the first time that we did it, looking
in you know, out of the back of the turret

gun truck, turret of our truck, we would see the
boys beating the hell out of the girls, and in
some cases we'd go back to the village days later
and find these little girls just absolutely decimated, beat up,
I mean, bloodied and bruised, sometimes very very seriously injured,

and come to find out, the boys, the older boys,
were beating them up to take their candy because women
are second class citizens there, and that was shocking. That
was shocking. So our policy from then on was don't
give candy to the kids anymore because it's just going
to cause issues and kids could get hurt. Just changed

the way that you think, and so it concerns me
when I heard about Biden's plan to bring Palestinians here
to America last night, listen to this this.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
News exclusively on CBS News. The Biden administration is considering
a plan to allow some Palestinian refugees to come here
to the United States. That's according to internal federal government
documents that were obtained by CBS's Camilo Montoya Galvez. According
to the plan, some Palestinians fleeing the war would be
offered a permanent safe haven here in the US, and

one option under consideration is to allow those who have
immediate family members who are either American citizens or permanent
residents to enter the country if they pass various background
checks first. The plans would require coordination with Egypt, which
has so far refused to allow large numbers of people
from Gaza to cross the border into that country.

Speaker 2 (10:55):
Listen, folks, no, no, no, no, no. I want to
give you some stats here. Fifteen countries in the Middle
East are under sharia law. Sharia law is of course,
a draconian Islamic law that allows women to be beaten

in the streets or beheaded, or God forbid, just the
accusation of adultery or even looking at another man could
lead a woman to be stoned to death. Absolutely horrible stuff.
Fifteen countries in the Middle East or under Sharia law.
Fifty plus countries in the Middle East are majority Muslim.
Zero percent of those countries none of those countries want

to take in Palestinian refugees. You heard right in that
clip that Egypt doesn't want to take them either. And
the reason for that is that anywhere the Palestinians go,
trouble follows. They are I mean everybody in the Middle
East again, remember Flinstones meets the Jetsons. That was like
my time in Afghanistan. These people could be more different

than us. But when you look at what the Palestinians believe,
there was a poll that came out something like ninety
percent of them support Hamas. And I can guarantee you,
I guarant damn tee you that these people when they're

brought here, this whole background check bullshit is just that
it's bullshit. You want to know why, because there's no
social security office in Gaza, there's no records, government records
in Gaza. We don't know who these people are, and
the vast majority of them support terrorism. Listen to the

Biden administration being asked about this plan today, and as.

Speaker 1 (12:49):
The administration considers bringing Palestinians here to the US as refugees,
do you know how many people that the US hopes
to rew And secondly, given the challenges getting in and
out of Gaza, will the US assist in physically bringing

Palestudians here?

Speaker 4 (13:10):
So let me just first start saying that we just
don't have anything to announce at this time, but I
do want to lay out a little bit and take
a step back of what we've been able to do
since the beginning of the conflict. We have helped more
than eighteen hundred American citizens and their families leave Gaza,
many of whom have come to the United States. So
many of that eighteen thousand is here, and the President

has said and as with his direction, we have also
helped and will continue to help some particularly vulnerable individuals,
such as children with serious health problems and children who
were receiving treatment for cancer, get out of harm's weight
and receive care at nearby hospitals in the region. And
let's not forget the president. This administration continues to be

the largest contributor of humanitarian assistance. This is something that
the secretary is going to be talking about in this
hour of the secondarist I'm sorry, the humanitarian system going
into Gaza to address the condition.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
What the hell is she talking about? Does anyone understand
what the hell KJP is saying? I mean, just to
go off, not to go off on too much of
a tangent, but this woman is so singularly terrible at
her job. I mean, listen, she didn't get her job
based on merit. She got her job because she was

a black lesbian. And the crazy thing about this, she
is by far one of the dumbest people ever to serve,
if not the dumbest person ever to serve as White
House Press secretary. She's by far the worst press secretary
in American history. And she's essentially a squatter. They can't
fire her precisely because they hired her because she's a

black lesbian. She's a dei hire, so she thinks she's
doing a great job, and she's basically like Leonardo DiCaprio
from Wolves of Wall Street saying I ain't leaving. She's
essentially a glorified squatter in the White House, and the
Biden administration knows what a disaster she is, which is
why you see Admiral Kirby at the podium all the time.
This woman is. It does so much damage to the

Biden administration it's unbelievable. But she thinks she's doing a
good job. She ain't going anywhere. She's comfortable to squad
in the White House. The Biden administration can't fire her
because she's a diversity higher. So this is why I'm
relatively optimistic. As again, as a little bit of a
sidebar here, I'm optimistic about the Left collapsing inter itself

like a dying star, because if their hiring process isn't
based on merit and it's based on superficial things like
skin color and sexual orientation, clearly they're not going to
get the best people, and eventually, if they don't have
the best people, those organizations will collapse in on itself.
But anyway, she doesn't answer the question, but I can

guarantdamn to you, just like I said a couple of
months ago that the Biden administration is going to bring
those people here. Mark my words, it's going to happen.
And I'll tell you exactly why it's going to happen.
It's going to happen because they don't want to lose Michigan.
They don't want to lose Wisconsin, they don't want to
lose Pennsylvania. They are doing nothing but but pandering to

a demographic of people in the hopes that it allows
them to cling with power. I've got Savage Rich Barris
up next. He's got some numbers on the Palestinian's support
of Hamas. We're gonna get to him in just a second. Okay,
let's bring Savage Rich Barrison. He's been waiting patiently in
the virtual green room. Savage Rich, welcome, my friend.

Speaker 5 (16:38):
Thanks for having me back. Brother. How's it going?

Speaker 2 (16:41):
You know what? I owe you a thank you for
holding down the show last week in my show crap
to the bed, So thank you, good sir.

Speaker 5 (16:49):
Yeah, at anytime I told you we'd roll with it,
we made it work.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
You are you are a gentleman and a scholarship sir.
And if it happens again tonight, If it happens again tonight,
people stand by savage. Rich is gonna steer the ship
for a little bit and I will be back. But Rich, Okay,
So first of all, yeah, what do you think of
all this stuff? I have some numbers here. Eighty percent
of Americans favor Israel in the in the Gaza war,

while twenty percent say they favor Hamas. And now listen
to this man, and I know you have numbers of
your own. But Israel versus Hamas support by age group
sixty five plus ninety three percent support Israel versus seven
percent supporting Hamas fifty five to sixty five, ninety one
percent support Israel, nine percent support Hamas forty five to

fifty four, eighty five percent support Israel, fifteen percent support
Hamas thirty five to forty four, seventy five Israel twenty five,
Hamas twenty five to thirty four, sixty four percent Israel,
thirty six percent Hamas eighteen to twenty four, fifty seven
percent support Israel, forty three percent support Hamas. Which is
so The dynamic here is as kids get younger, the

more difficult it is for them to see with moral clarity.
Am I understanding that? Right? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (18:06):
I mean while they're they're in school, they're young, you know,
Winston Churchill used to say, and you know, I don't
know that this totally applies and normally domestic policy, but
you know, the younger. If you're young and you're you're
not liberal, you don't have a heart. If you're old,
when you're older and you're not conservative, you don't have
a brain, you know. So that goes pretty much, you know,

with domestic policy, but also to some extent foreign policy.
And you have these kids in school, and I went back.
I was just bored, Sean. I went back and I
wanted to go back and study international relations a little bit.
And uh one of my uh, my university is one
of the ones dealing with this right now when they
put out a statement because they were hard on these kids.

But I'll tell you I've gone uh to the campus
uh to because I support them financially, and I've gone
to the campus. I've seen things with my own eyes
lately that I don't like. I'm talking about the University
of Florida, by the way, inter Nation proud of how
they reacted to this, but even still, I can tell
you that we had a professor when I was there

who was Jewish or self loathing jew and you know
very you know, the left wing, secular, self loathing Jews
and constantly uh favored Hamas or sympathized with uh the Palestinians,
sympathize with the Palestinians. And I tell him, you know,
and I don't don't say his name, but you know,
ITTO tell him, you have no idea about this world.

You are four times my age and you don't know
jack shit. They will cut your head off in a second.
Stupid old man. They don't give a damn about you.
And then he was, you know, have somebody like me.
Uh this was after I was in the army, when
I went back to US for that, and uh, you know,
I was a little bit more experienced than I was
as a younger student, of course. And I'll tell you

he was a bit of a nut even back you know,
back then it was not it's a school in international
relations dominated by realists. I'm you know, when you're in
that part of the school and I'm a little bit
like John Meerscheimer comes to speak like, do you know,
I mean, I'm a little bit surprised, Oh did you know.
I don't know if he does now but I'm a

little bit surprised how you know, it's turned into what
it's even turned into, even though it's apparently one of
the more hardline ones when it comes to these Look,
you have a right to your First Amendment rights. That's
not what's going on here. That's very different. You know,
that's that's not the same thing. When you're obstructing people,
when you're threatening people, that's not your first You don't

have a first memor right to do that. So they
they really did, you know, press the school and whatnot,
and the school reacted in health firm and that's good.
But I will say, I mean, that's the way it
is now. The younger you are, Sean, I will give
people hope by saying, you know, the generation that voted
against Richard Nixon turned out to be a very conservative
generation that voted in droves for Ronald Reagan. So you know,

give it time, Give it time.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
So tell me some of these numbers, Rich, we're talking
to Savage, Rich Barris, Yeah, talk tell me about some
of these numbers about Palestinians and their supporter from US.
Because here's what I said a month ago is that
you can bank on it when news you might have
even been on the show. And I made this prediction.
But when they were building this, when when it became
apparent that Americans were going to build a port in

Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid, I thought, immediately, they're coming
back on those ships. I'm better, they're coming back on
the ships. You mark my words, and yeah, and this
is what's happening. And here's the deal Rich, This background
check stuff, that's complete bullshit. It ain't gonna way.

Speaker 5 (21:41):
There's no way way on you were in Afghanistan or right,
you were in Afghanisa. Right, Yes, there's no way to
conduct a background check on these people, not in Syria,
not in Afghanistan, not in the Gaza strip. There is.
It is a total sham told to people in Western
countries who deal with government and infrastructure and think that's
and they're ignorant and they think that it's that.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
Way all around the world. It is not.

Speaker 5 (22:05):
There is no way to conduct a background on these people,
the vast majority of these people. That is the biggest scam.
And it really pisses me off because the people who
tell those stories know it's a scam. They know it is.
They're patently lying when they bring this stuff up. They're
not dumb, and it's not even a matter of being dumb.
It's just that most Americans don't know how it is.

Speaker 2 (22:26):
These people rich, these people hate us. I'm sorry, I'm not.
I guarantee that I'm gonna get hate mail from some
shit lib leftists tonight. Oh you said these people. Yes,
the Palestinians hate us. They celebrated it in the streets
after nine to eleven. They don't like us, they hate
America and we shouldn't be bringing them here.

Speaker 5 (22:46):
And it's even worse since nine to eleven. And this
is what I wanted to give people. So Macmoudaboss won
his election, his presidential election in five with about sixty
percent of the vote, a little bit more his rival,
his main rival got only about twenty percent. But none
of them are really well funded us FATA, you know,
none of them are really well funded or serious. A
year later, Hamas beats FATA in the parliamentary election and

gets about forty two percent, ballpark around of the vote. Then,
and this is the funny thing, Chuck Schumer calling for
elections the balls on this guy. Why don't you call
for elections in Palestine? Chuck you know, you don't want
to because you know it's going to turn out. Before
they canceled, they haven't an election almost twenty years, Ladies
and gentlemen. For those who you want to talk about
importing democracy and saving democracy, they don't believe in democracy.

They haven't had and they're.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
Fine with it. John.

Speaker 5 (23:35):
Not only have they not at a parliamentary election in
almost two decades, they're perfectly fine with it. All right.
There's nobody in the streets screaming for elections the way
they're in the street screaming for the dead bodies of
Israeli babies and women. I mean, that's just the truth
of it. And here's the kicker. Before they stopped that election,
Hamas was pulling over seventy percent. They were on track

to win seventy five percent of the seats in that part.
Un the mentary election, FATA would have been wiped off
the map. So that would so, I mean, this is
the funniest thing about it. The least Israel has an
election and Lakud wins, it's for all to see, or
you know, maybe uh, you know, Kud doesn't win. They
just won reasoning. But you know what I mean, they've

had most of they've had victories in most of the elections,
and at least Israel is willing to stand up and say, look,
yeah we are you know, we are voting back in Lakud.
They have the tougher stance. You can kiss our butt world,
you know. But at least we did this the right way.
At least we did this this self governing way, not
the Palestinians. And they don't want to have that election

because if they did the world's going to see them
elect Hamas overwhelmingly. You think the last election was bad
in pro Homas, this is not. This would be nothing.
So it's gotten even worse since the days of nine
to eleven when we imported them like a bunch of idiots,
put them in Patterson, New Jersey, and then watch them
jump on the rooftops and celebrate as the buildings came down.

By the way, Trump brought that up during the twenty
sixteen election, and the media tried to say it was
lying until the CBS video resurfaced. Anyone who lived in
the Tri State area remembered those local reports.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
Everybody who lived in the.

Speaker 5 (25:11):
Tri State area, So there is no I mean, sean
there listen I'm not one of these people who can
beat around the Bush. This is not compatible these you know.
Obama used to run around say, yeah, there are people
out there who are extreme, but you know what, ninety
nine percent and share our values. George Bush used to
say the same line, that is a load of rich.

Speaker 2 (25:35):
It isn't true at all. It's so true. And listen.
I had this video cued up. It's like three a half,
three and a half minutes. I'm not gonna play it,
but it's of David Horowitz in twenty ten. He's talking
to a woman. She's wearing a key orvious, she's obviously Muslim.
He's asked. He basically says, listen, I just ask you
first question. Because she comes at him with all sorts

of like you know, college far left talking points about Israel.
He just said, let me just ask you a question.
Can you condemn Hesbela and can you condemn Hamas today?

Speaker 5 (26:07):

Speaker 2 (26:07):
Can't? She doesn't, And then he says, it's interesting because
I asked that question because the leader of Hezbola came
out the other day and said that he wishes that
there were no Jews around the world and that they
were all in Israel. So that we could you didn't
have to hunt them down, and we can kill them
all day, all once.

Speaker 5 (26:24):

Speaker 2 (26:25):
And he says to her, do you support that? Yes
or no? And she says on camera and in front
of the audience, this is a college student in America. Yes,
I support that. This stuff, Rich, it's incompatible with Western
and American life. We are importing our doom and we're

seeing it play out on the television sets.

Speaker 5 (26:51):
Oh it is Israel. By the way.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
What pisses me off so much is that Biden comes
out today. So there's all these riots, right, and you're right,
freedom of speeches. I don't ca Hey, you want to
say from the river to see fine, Okay, you're a jackass,
you're a moron. You want to say that, that's fine,
that's your right, But you know you don't get to
say to Jewish kids on campus who are paying tuition. Hey, no,
this isn't the Jewish entrance. We're gonna barricade you. You got

to go in over there because we don't want your
kind around here. Like, this kind of shit is really scary, Rich,
it's really scary that this is happening in America. And
so while all this is going on violence on campus.
I mean, like, just just watch this, Just watch this,
and I'll continue my ramp at watch the quad. Look
at it.

Speaker 6 (27:33):
Somebody is being beaten. Now, somebody is being beaten with
a stick and punches in the middle of the lunch,
don't somebody is being badly beaten at the bottom of
that brawl.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
Right, So, first of all, where the hell are the police?

Speaker 5 (27:49):

Speaker 2 (27:49):
Well, the college professors and the president of the university
said he wanted the LAPD to stay off of campus.
So these kids are literally beaten the hell out of
each other. And by the way, a young Jewish girl
was beaten unconscious the other day. I mean, it's like
this shit is so out of control. Biden has been
completely mi i A on the issue. I mean, who
the hell knows what he's doing. He's probably crapping his

pants in front of some world leader. But what drives
me crazy is he comes out today and said he's
announcing student loan debt forgiveness and oh, by the way,
we're bringing Palestinians here the this. You know, people ask
me all the time, Rich, well, how do you how
do you know? Like, how are you making these predictions?
It's like well, I just go to whatever hurts America
the most. I think about what that is, and I.

Speaker 5 (28:31):
Still rush limb up here and.

Speaker 2 (28:33):
No bullshit, man, Yeah, one of the time. It's what
these ass clowns do. And and forgive my language, but it
feels like and for everybody that's watching, I'm sorry, but
it feels like I'm watching America collapse before my eyes. Man,
it feels like, I mean, we are.

Speaker 5 (28:49):
We're over thirty two million dollars in debt. We have
no chance to pay it off. Uh. Before they unleashed
the deadly pathogen on the entire world just to get
rid of Donald Trump, we would at least have had
some chance to grow our way out of this dead
with like, you know, decent cuts, discipline over time, and
powerful economic growth. Maybe we would we would have been

able to get it under control. You know. I had
a lot of people tell me recently, Sean that, like,
damn rich you're being so doom and gloomy. Well, I'm
just being realistic. I mean, no country survives like this,
and right, I mean, you have the economic issues, you
have the overexpansion issues, which started with the rock. Well
it started before, but a rock was like it was
the line of overexpansion. That's why we went from having

the peace evident and prosperity to being poor. I mean,
we're a poor nation. Now, we're a dead or nation.
I don't care what people say. Go into any of
our urban cities. They don't look like urban cities around
the rest of the world. I mean, this is a dump.
This place is turning into a dump. And it's sad
because we had a real opportunity and you can talk
about doing everything that's bad for the country, Sean. I mean,

we're gonna fight. Nothing's a coincidence. We're gonna find out
one day what happened with that virus, and we're not
going to like the answer. I mean, that was just
all so coincidental.

Speaker 2 (30:09):
And I mean, Rich, did you see the headline today
from the from the Epic Times that the CDC knew
that astrozeneca and Maderna vaccines caused fatalities before they rolled
them out, Sean.

Speaker 5 (30:19):
I remember, before Trump even left, his State Department was
trying to explain to the media The Washington Post, Fox News,
New York Times, this virus did not come from a
wet market in Wuhan. They were all lying. The administration
knew where it, you know, where it came from. Whether
it was a leak or not, it was kind of
irrelevant at that point. But they knew about this well

before Donald Trump ever gave the reins to Joe Biden.
They just lied about it. They intentionally lie, and then
over a two year period, it drips out about, you know,
after Biden's already in office, about the fact that this
was not a wet market you know gone you know,
a virus and a wet market from a bat gone rum.
I mean, it's just so ridiculous. But why would you
lie like that? Why would the New York Times refuse

to report the truth? The State Department John Ratcliffe, the
Director of National Intelligence, he knew, he I mean, these
aren't like classified things that were trying to let alert
the media so the media would tell the American people
the real story. And they chose not to tell that,
and by the way works, they chose to like shame
and silence people who try to actually dig in and

tell the truth about it. Yeah. I mean, so it's
not that I'm being doom and gloomy, you know, just
to get back, you know, tighten up this last point
it is what it is. And I don't know how.
I mean, we've been in like cankicking mode for twenty years.
I don't know how long, you know, much longer we
can take, you know, without having a serious conversation, because

if we don't have this conversation, and it is a
doom and gloomy conversation, but if we all don't get
on this page, we're never going to be able to
at least mitigate the dam I mentioned. It's going to
be done to it, Sean, when that debt bomb alone
goes off, you know, I mean, I'm not like Ron
Paul over here, you know, going on and on about
inflation and you know, the the debt bomb that's going

to hit us Forty years later, it still hasn't hit us.
Like this is way worse than when people started warning
about this. We're this is going to hurt a lot
of people and normal Americans are not going to be
able to deal with this. The government can't even service
the debt on national defense at this point, are you kidding?
So without borrowing more to do so. I mean, we Sean,

this is forget about Rome. Rome is nothing compared to this, Nothing, nothing,
paying the Visigasa watch their back. You know this is
we're we're where we make them look like geniuses, you
know we do.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
We're talking to Savage Rich Barris here everybody, and we
were discussing what was going on with Israel and Palestine
and so much of what's happening. Rich just feels like,
obviously now the it's come out that Soros is behind
many of these things, Like the protesters that took over
Hamilton Hall at Columbia, many of them were outside agitators

paid by George Soros. Any sane country that would not
allow George Soros to do what he's doing here. But again,
we talk about importing Palestinians and importing our demise. George
Soros is funding our demise. This is the least surprising
thing in the world, is it not.

Speaker 5 (33:25):
Yeah, I mean it's the same same story, the same
song and dance over and by the way, the Israelis
are importing their own demise too, Sean, and they're even
letting them vote. I mean, I hate to say it,
but they have done everything in their power to try
to bring Arab populations into their society and give them
a say in that society. It's suicidal, and they're doing

it just so that they look progressive and they're accepted
on the world stage. But you know, ever since last October,
something changed in the mindset of the Jewish people, and
can you blame them? We'll see how long it lasts,
because look what happened with us at nine to eleven.
I mean, you know, George Bush, he took the what

everyone thought to be the correct posture, but he was
such a naive idiot to some degree, he really was.
You know, again, I have to go back to this
pretending that we were all, you know, on the same
page and we all have the same values, when that's
very just simply not true. The Japanese don't let in
any Muslim immigration. They don't let any of them in.

Their argument is fertility rates are too low in our country,
theirs are too high. We like our culture, we like
our history, we like a nation. That's a nation. That's
what they're preserving the Japanese people as a nation. Nobody
ever calls the Japanese bigoted or xenophobic or anything like that.
Their own region doesn't want them. The same thing happened

with Syrian refugees. Their region didn't want them. I've seen
this over and over and over again, and that kind
of foolish behavior led to and this is it's unbelievable
to talk about it now. But no, there were some
seriously bad people that the George Bush administration thought were
like moderates and brought in on the conversation to have

on the conversation, including one of the teachers that later
I mean a Amilaki would be radicalized by. So you know,
this is nuts. And by the way, I'm Wlake was
like part of the State Department delegation of Muslim moderate
Muslim outreach. You know what was the point. It's really

truly something. I mean, Sean, when you just say it
out loud, you know, you're like, this is unbelievable. Now.
I'm being a little bit conservative with what I'm saying
here with Amilaki because I have heard a story and
it's not what I want to bring up, you know,
but I will tell you this, I'm Wilaki was not
radical at first, and basically we radicalized. I mean that's it.

I mean, we we did what we always do, use
people and use them for what they're worth and then
ship them out and when they come back pissed off
man at the world, man at the government, man at
the country, we blame them, and we make them and
we slap a label on them, make them public enemy
number one, and in the case of omwah Waalaki, murder

them along with a fourteen year old sitting next to them.

Speaker 2 (36:31):
Well, listen, Rich, I mean I just said this a
couple of days ago on this Sean like, what do
you you're listen, You're right, You're one hundred percent right.

Speaker 5 (36:39):
How many interpreters you leave in Afghanistan?

Speaker 2 (36:41):
A lot that's ting new life here.

Speaker 5 (36:45):
By the way, they did share our values.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
I know, I know, and and I was just gonna say,
you know, how do you think the Afghans feel about us? Right? Yes,
and not only that, what about a couple of years
from now when Ukraine is decimated, how do you think
Ukrainians are gonna feel about of March?

Speaker 5 (37:02):

Speaker 2 (37:02):
They're gonna you know, I mean, this foreign policy is devastating.
And this is what upsets me about Speaker Johnson transitioning
to that real quick. We're talking with savage Rich Barris.
But you know, listen, I don't Speaker Johnson has let
me down. If there were a you know. So say
it's after November. Republicans still, by the by the I

don't know the skin of their teeths, hopefully still have
a majority in the US House of Representatives. There's a
new speaker vote in the new Congress. I would not
vote for Speaker Johnson. Okay, I would not. But Marjorie
Taylor Green is all over this motion to vacate rich
And I have to tell you, man, I think she
has fallen into a Democrat trap. It's not really being

talked about enough, but I think Hakeem Jefferies baited her
into this. Yep, you know she was. Marjorie Taylor Green
was rightfully pissed off about this aid package to Ukraine, Taiwan,
and Israel, and nested within that, by the way, is
three point five billion dollars for a state migration program
to bring migrants from maybe Palestine. Maybe this was all

coordinated from the very beginning palafinim here to America. So
she's rightfully mad about that, and I completely get it.
I completely get it. I share her anger. So a
team Jefferies comes out, knowing that she's angry, right and
releases this statement to the media saying we're gonna save Democrats.
We are gonna save Speaker Johnson should these dysfunctional Republicans

ultra So of course she goes apoplectic, right, and so
what she do? She's I'm filing a motion to vacate.
Look at Democrats are trying to save. Oh my gosh.
If the Democrats are working with him, he's a speaker
for the Democrats. We've got to get rid of them. Well,
there was just a special election in New York and
I think, if my math is correct, Republicans only can
only afford to lose one vote right now until we

win the special election for but I think Buck's seat
and McCarthy's seat, where we can power our margin a
little bit more, but really can afford to lose one vote.
And you think about it like this, you file a
motion to vacate, Guaran damnt you a Keem Jefferies, and
the Democrats have a plan, Garan Damntu that there are
three to five Republicans who are threatening to retire behind
the scenes, who are now pissed off the are and

those people could very likely cross the aisle or not
vote that day and just retire a couple months later,
not know up and all of a sudden you got
an a Keem Jeffrey speakership in an election year. And oh,
by the way, what does that mean? What comes with
it is, says Keem Jeffries, gutting every single committee chair,
gutting every single leadership position on the GOP side. And

if we don't reach two hundred and seventy electoral votes,
I mean, Keem Jeffries is going to be controlling the
House of Representatives when the election could very well be
in their hands. Right, I mean, this is this is
a crazy political trap that she's fallen into here. At
least that's how I think. What's your take?

Speaker 5 (39:58):
And also too, I think we have acknowledge part of
this is she owes Kevin McCarthy, and Kevin McCarthy's been
doing a lot of things and that she does. Everyone
should know this. And I'm not trying to cause any
waves or anything, right, but Marjorie, you know it, like
everybody in DC knows it. You owe him. You never
got to pay him back? And what is this some

kind of BS payback at the last minute. That's like
the revenge of Kevin's scheme because the last minute challenger
they throw in against Gates, that's him. They're all like
they've been Yeah, they've been doing this, and it's like
they because Trump didn't like come to his rescue and
save him. It almost feels like to me that they're
attempting to throw this majority. So and Marjorie Taylor Green's

gonna wind up helping. And whether she's smart enough to
acknowledge it or not, but I do think Sean, she's
smart enough to understand what a political io you is
and the kind of person that will deliver it. So
I am less. I'm much more cynical and less forgiving
of her for doing this, because I get it. We
you and me, both you and I boll Sean did

not think it was smart to vacate the chair. Let
Kevin get beat up, you know. I mean, now, look
at the position we're in. But it is what it is.
So for her to do this in some kind of
like retribution move is childish, dangerous and frankly a little
bit crooked. It's dirty. You know, you're trying to He's
scratched her, you know what, So you're trying to scratch

his back. And I'm not talking about it back. I mean,
this is disgusting, you know, and it really is. And
she's not this dumb. She can't be this dumb Shohn.
She can't be, you know. I mean there's some dumb
asses in the Chamber of Congress, I mean in the chamber,
in the halls of Congress, and certainly a lot of
them on the Republican side. But she cannot be this stupid.

Speaker 2 (41:45):
Yeah, there's something.

Speaker 5 (41:46):
Come on, and Mike Johnson, it's like with all this
stuff Ukraine, the Taiwan. By the way, Taiwan got peanuts,
not even peanuts. I said this on my show earlier today.
They didn't even get peanuts compared to Ukraine. In that package.
They got shells that people spit out of their mouths
in those bars with the dirt floor where they don't
even have bowls for the peanut butter shells. This is

the They got the you know, and Ukraine got all
the juicy, salty peanuts, and they got the shells that
are on the bottom of people's shoes mixed with spit
and shitting. At the end of the day, it's like
it was such a scam, it really And Israel maybe
Israel got like a bag with like half nuts and

like sometimes the shells crack so you're missing one of
the nuts.

Speaker 2 (42:33):
You know.

Speaker 5 (42:33):
That's what they got, that's the equivalent. But Taiwan got
nothing out of this. And I feel like, you know,
I'm sitting here and I'm not that old, but I
often look at Mike Johnson and think, like was all
of this going on? Like was a rock in Afghanistan
all nine to eleven when all this happened? And all
these scams you know that they pulled on us on
the first time? Were you liking diaper?

Speaker 2 (42:56):
Still? Mic?

Speaker 1 (42:57):

Speaker 2 (42:57):
Where were you?

Speaker 5 (42:59):
Were you in dipe? Are still? How old is Mike Johnson?

Speaker 2 (43:02):
Somebody look it up.

Speaker 5 (43:03):
I feel like he was not around or something. How
could you fall for the same things over and over
and over without wising up at all?

Speaker 2 (43:14):
Yeah, it's it's a great point. I think rich. I
think I think he's being threatened with retirements behind the scenes,
and I think that would and I'm trying to I've
heard that. I've heard it. I've heard it from friends.
And if he's being threatened with retirements, honestly, what do
you do? You can't stop it? These there's that that

town down there is filled with a bunch of people
with egos that are through the roof, and I think,
and I'm trying to look, I'm trying to give this
a positive spin here, and you know, to me, it's like, well,
better to have the majority. And if hey, we've already
given Ukraine, you know, one hundred and fifty billion, two
hundred billion as it is, and what's another sixty one
billion as long as we keep the majority? Right, I

don't know, but I do know that there are other
Republicans between three and five threatening to threatening to retire,
and so okay, let's transition we're talking with.

Speaker 5 (44:08):
Yeah, we have an issue here in my state. Like,
no kidding, there's already many announced and then apparently there
are risk of others. And it's like it's unheard of.
If you put the number together in the percentage of
the delegation from the state Sean, it's unheard of. And
it's yeah, it's I mean, it's never had. This doesn't happen.

Speaker 2 (44:29):
It's and it's Democrats behind the scenes offering Republicans seven
figure paychecks job through a proxy, right, some some lobbyists
seven figure paychecks or some military industrial complex company. Yes,
and that's one hundred percent. And this is what a
Keeme jeffries. This is what the Democrats do. This is
why I respect them. When they lose, when the chips

are down, they don't surrender like Republicans. They fight back,
and they have a million different ways that they can
do it. And this is one of those ways. And
and we are we're seeing that play out right before
our eyes right now. Man, it's okay, let's transition. I
got nine minutes left, ten minutes left. Let's go inside
the numbers. Saw Marri's pole came out today, Harvard Harris

came out today. Everybody's freaking out about these numbers. I
think Marius had biden up. I think Marius is a joke.

Speaker 5 (45:16):

Speaker 2 (45:17):
It's always been a heavily Democrat pole. And then I
saw this stat here. I actually saw Barnes, Robert Barnes
mess tweet about it. He said, six times as many
Trump voters say they are more likely to vote for
Trump as less likely if that's your show, trial results
in a conviction. So again, if they put him in jail,

people are going to be more likely to vote for him.

Speaker 5 (45:42):
And that's that is from Quinnipiac, which along with Marris,
has been listen folks, there's like Democrat friendly, there's a
Republican friendly, and then there's garbage. You're so friendly to
one over the other that you know, and it's so
consistent and happens every year. Sean, let me give you
just a handful from Maris, folks. So if you think

of Biden plus and by the way, they just pulled
two weeks ago, Maris doesn't pull every two weeks. Marius
barely polls once every month for PBS or the College.
So the fact that they repolled again after having a
Biden plus four, they were abused because the New York
Times came out, of Fox News came out, NBC came
It was totally an out It was an outlier. Was

the only blue on Real clear politics. Everything else was
read Harris is Harvard's plug Trump plus four, you know,
on and on and on and Bloomberg. I mean you
saw that now the morning Console polls shifted back to Trump.
Even the economist you gov poll is Trump plus one.
That's up there with some of the worst polls. Maris
College is so bad, especially in the battleground states. Let

me give you the twenty twenty North Carolina polling for
Maris College. Are you ready?

Speaker 2 (46:53):

Speaker 5 (46:54):
The governor's election was Roy Cooper against Dan Forrester, the Republican.
It was challenging Roy Cooper Cooper plus sixteen. Okay, he
did not he won, but he won barely by four points.
And imagine being Forrester and you're going against this guy
trying to fundraise. You've been a candidate, you know what

it is, and then Maris College has you down sixteen points.
It's a little bit hard to fundraise when these polls
are so bad. Joe Biden plus six Of course, Joe
Biden lost that election. They even had Ted Budd losing.
They were the only poll. Oh no, I'm sorry. Survey
USA had Ted Budd losing too. But there hasn't been

an accurate poll in the Tar Heels state for over
a decade. In twenty two, when some polled the race largely,
most of us did pulled the race well. For Senate
in twenty two, that was the first time most of
us got North Carolina right. In sixteen, I was the
only accurate poll in twenty I was the closest, not

the only, but closest. It's been very difficult for polsters
to pull Marit is routinely one of the worst polls going.
Their final national poll I believe was Biden plus eleven.
So come on, guys, I mean, it's trash. They're trash
the fact that they have Biden up by you know, two,

even four even for Sean because four is within their
sampling era and Biden needs more than four points. He
needs four or more, at least four to secure the
electoral college. If he doesn't get it, a Biden plus
two is a loss. It's a Hillary Clinton size loss
in the electoral college. That's what it is.

Speaker 2 (48:37):
So do you think Trump's gonna win the popular vote?
I've seen polls that have him winning the popular most.

Speaker 5 (48:43):
Of them do, and I mean, Sean, it will come
down to this non white vote shift. I was for
people who've been following me a long time. They know
that I was just somebody who just never believed any
national poll, I don't care who it was, any national
poll that showed a Republic in ahead. The demographics were
just not there. And I told people, Yeah, the electoral

college is how we select our president, and that's that'll
be where those you know, my job is to is
to determine or project what popular vote margin a Democrat
needs to win the electoral college, because that's where we
are now. And I told everybody to just get your
head out of your butt. Nobody's winning the popular vote
for a long time. But when you're winning forty percent

of the Hispanic vote, you're you're really changing the math.
When you're winning forty two forty four Some polls have
Trump even winning the Hispanic vote when you're doing that,
if he's even remotely close to that, if he gets
George Bush or slightly better sized numbers, you know, forty
forty five percent, he will win the popular vote. He will.

I mean, it's unbelievable, unbelievable, Sean, but that's where we're
that's where we're at. Coupled with if you were to
get like fifteen percent of the black vote, I mean, forget,
it's gonna win it, which is just crazy. That's the math.

Speaker 2 (50:02):
Though, What do you think are you seeing anything in
any of your numbers with this? You know, pud jovin
Bragg trial in New York and of course Michael Cohen.
Michael Cohen was out this weekend and he's fundraising, talking
as a witness. And now, I mean, these these low
talent ascons, honestly not the smartest people in the room.
Michael Cohen is one of them. Man, I don't know

you look, you know this is this is one of
the areas I think. Yeah, one of the areas where
Trump needs to improve a little bit is who he
has around him. Yeah, Michael Cohen, like I will never forget,
like him him doing an interview on CNN, and CNN
asking him a question, so, what do you make of
these poll numbers? And he's just like, so, we don't
hear So the Trump organization doesn't care that you're I

mean that that that you know, Hillary Clinton might win
the state of Pennsylvania. So so what like like honest
to God? And come to find out that this guy
is like like a serial liar, a pathological liar.

Speaker 5 (50:59):
A serious's logical.

Speaker 2 (51:01):
Yeah, and now he's like he's like on TikTok trying
to fundraise and like he's out fundraising in public talking
about the trials. Well, now there's a chance that this
whole damn thing could get thrown out. How are the
but beyond the absurdity of all of this, we're talking
to Savage Rich Barris, how are the American people seeing
all of this.

Speaker 5 (51:20):
I mean, Sean, this is the Democrat's best chance to
get the label of felon on him. That's what all
my lawyer friends tell me. Given how the immunity case
looks like it's gonna go, how much trouble Jacksonmith's had,
but the Document's case and the like the Georgia case
at this point has been eviscerated. I mean, it's it's
a joke, the j six when it comes to the

obstruction issue that's before the Supreme Court. I mean, these
cases are in real trouble. The New York case is
one where they can totally control it. And here's the kicker.
Nobody cares. And it's not just Rich Barris's polling and Seltzer,
they're great and Seltzer right, her poll found over eighty
percent or the Suffic poll found over eighty percent of

Independence just said, listen, I don't give a damn. It's
a political persecution. I don't care, you know. I mean
that's a huge number, Sean, that's a huge number. And
the Seltzer poll did show that Independence really didn't care
about the verdict because they know it's politically motivated. So
a lot of this is kind of baked in. Yet
Democrats are still hoping that there is some kind of

visceral reaction to the label of felon and that if
they can get it on him, And I do believe that,
especially a judge like Mehersham will lock him up if possible,
Like and people need to snap out of this. They
want to kill him in prison, like that's what they
want to do. They want him to die in natural
death behind bars. But Americans see this for what it is,

and Democrats are hoping they already took the gamble, and
they're hoping that that kind of like I said, that
kind of visceral got rejection of the idea of voting
for a felon for president will outweigh how disgusted and
scared they are at the thought of persecuting a political opponent,
especially with like what is that? What this is you

brought up, Michael Cohen. The entire case rides on this guy,
Robert Muller and Andrew Weissman. Weisman is one of the
biggest scumbags in the federal federal lawyers. I mean he
is one of the big He's a piece of trash.
I mean never I mean what he did to Arthur Anderson.
He'll burn in hell for that. I mean, that's that's
kind of stuff. When you die, the welcoming Committee comes

and asks you about you got a tone for that stuff?
You know, I mean, really, families he ruined John, think
about I mean the level of the like human devastation
a man like Andrew Weisman is responsible for. And then,
of course he was unanimously rebuked by the Supreme Court
for it, but it's already too late. The damage was done.
If Andrew Weisman, a guy like him, and Robert Muller

all right passed on Michael Cohen because he was so
so not credible. They wanted Trump, of course they wanted Trump,
but he was such a scumbag, the biggest he was.
Even Andrew Weissman thought he was a scumbag. Think about that.
If you're in that's the kind that's the level of

we should have like scumbag tears. And on the scumbag
tier level, Andrew Weissman's like way up there, guys, all right,
maybe only somebody like a Michael Avignati or a Michael
Cohen inch above him. So if they're kicking it to
the southern District, which is what Muller did. Uh, And
then the Southern District gets a hold of it and
rejects it because everything Michael Cohan tells them turns out

to be like sixty percent truth forty percent lie based
on what I heard, right, And they would chase down
these leads Michael Cohen would give them, and it would
be so much of it was a lie in trash
that they could not use it, you know, so they
get rid of it. And it's like, you know, I'm
not gonna make that analogy, but the sloppy force fifths

leftovers is what Alvin Bragg and Joe Biden's right hand
man who was third up in the Justice Department, decided
they were going to take up against Trump. But this
is insane. I mean, there is no there is no
crime here. The supposed victim and you know, well the victim,
I guess you could say is the government. But Stormy
Daniels herself has refuted this. Michael Cohen has letters in

his own writing refuting it, I mean, and that the
only thing they can do is keep it a kangaroo
court so he can't bring an expert witness in who
is an expert in election law and explain to the
jury why this is nonsense. This is nuts. So it's
a kangaroo court. They're going to try to get that label. Sean,
I just I just let me just wrap it up

by saying this. I just don't see it. I don't
see people saying I know it's a BS prosecution, all
all engineered by a guy who sucks as president and
my life blows under him. I'm gonna but because but
because they did it to him and they're calling him
a fell in, I'm gonna I'm not gonna vote for

the guy who I now believe was a better president
and is the victim of a political persecution. That's the
logic you're asking a voter to do in their mind,
like a normy voter, an independent and truly persuadable person
who doesn't believe these are credible investigations, and they don't.
I just don't see it. Even if they tell pollsters,
some of them tell pollsters, I can't do it again.

They'll do it much, they'll do it.

Speaker 2 (56:38):
Okay. So I've got one more question for you, and
it's about the apocalypse, and I hope Savage Laura Barris
is in the room, and I want to get her.
We're gonna talk about the apocalypse. Clearly, people are worried
about what's coming. People are clearly worried about the animated
corpse that is Joe Biden in the White House. I've
made jokes on the show that if you were in
the Walking Dead universe and Joe Biden was shuffling around

amidst the horror of zombies, the zombies wouldn't know that
he was still alive and probably wouldn't eat him because
he's so disgusting.

Speaker 5 (57:05):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (57:07):
So people are clearly worried, but I and along the
battle crew, we're not the only ones. So I want
to get Savage Laura's reaction to this Listen twenty four.
We need to thinking long term. Can this man get
you through an apocalypse?

Speaker 7 (57:21):
Will he be the leader of y'all survival tribe?

Speaker 2 (57:23):
Because if not, you need a bounce, you need to go.
Is he a two warranten on the natural selection scale?
So let me ask, do I needs Savage Rich to
get her through an apocalypse?

Speaker 5 (57:38):
Does Savage Laura needs Savage Rich to get her through
an apocalypse?

Speaker 2 (57:44):
A savage answer?

Speaker 5 (57:46):
But I hope not.

Speaker 2 (57:48):
I think the savage Laura, I think that you could
get her through an apocagy. Oh oh, now I'm really
putting you on the spot.

Speaker 1 (57:56):

Speaker 5 (57:56):
No, you know what, I'm gonna let her speak up.
You can, can you hear?

Speaker 2 (58:03):
Yeah? Okay, So like.

Speaker 7 (58:05):
When picking a husband, right, I'll just put this out
here because this is the truth, the truth.

Speaker 5 (58:11):
You know, I know what she's gonna say.

Speaker 7 (58:13):
I look for a certain kind of trait. One Number
one is if everything goes to hell in a handbag,
is this man gonna be able to protect me and
my family? And obviously he did it, he has it
because I married him.

Speaker 5 (58:31):
Yeah, these are lovesve listen, I love him too.

Speaker 7 (58:37):
That was just a bonus, all right. But like just
the basic instincts of especially a strong woman, I need
a really strong man to be able to guide us through.
You know, he leads, I follow. I know he'll never
get us lost. He is my compass.

Speaker 5 (58:55):
So therefore, yeah, you remember Tom Thoms. Yeah, she used
to call She used to she hated them, she hated them,
but she used to just call me and and and
there was a joke she would says, you know, I
don't need my Tom Tom. I have a rich rich Yeah.
But uh And then on the flip side of that, though,
is that like I think, I hope, I hope, and

I think she would do a lot better without me.
Then she might think she would, you know what I mean?
Like seriously, I think.

Speaker 2 (59:23):
She's just Next question, Savage Laura and Savage Ridge. This
one's for both of you. What's your weapon of choice
during the apocalypse?

Speaker 5 (59:30):

Speaker 7 (59:32):
Well its do we have the ability to get get
like arms or yeah?

Speaker 2 (59:38):
What kind of an apocalypset Biden apocalypse, the coming Biden apocalypse?

Speaker 5 (59:43):
Well, listen, if it's the coming Biden Apocalypse, then it
may result in some gain of function research that went
awry and led to zombies that eat human flesh.

Speaker 2 (59:51):
And if that's the case, I'm not going with a gun.

Speaker 5 (59:54):
I think I'm gonna use an axe or something like
maybe like the Leviathan axe, something like that. I I
think I really like Yeah, I really like swords, like
I like the hop light sword from an old like
the old Faylank soldiers, the hoplights in like Greek formations.

Speaker 2 (01:00:11):
Yeah, I love those.

Speaker 5 (01:00:13):
And I man, we went to a Renaissance fair not
that long ago. I was actually like Sean would love this.
It was crazy because there was gear everywhere.

Speaker 2 (01:00:21):
Nobody walk around and say huzza at those things. Oh yes, absolutely.

Speaker 5 (01:00:26):
We watched the joust, the fight and everything. The squire
went nuts and killed the other squire is great. But also,
like you know in the beginning, you'd have to use
firearms for regular human beings because they're gonna have firearms
and they're gonna want what you have, and we are preparers.
We're ready, man, we are ready. And people will try
to come and take what you have. Uh, and you're

they're gonna know. They're gonna be able to spot that
you have it down, you have it locked down, and
they're gonna say that guy is doing well, I want
what he has. Laura is excellent at yeah, like foraging
and knowing plants.

Speaker 2 (01:01:01):
She knows all this stuff.

Speaker 5 (01:01:03):
Rich, you know, I'm like, damn, my hands fell swollen today.
She goes up to the garden and plucks something, brings
it back, and I swear it feels better, you know.
I mean, that's that's how she is. But yeah, what's
your weapon in too? You got to answer that question too,
because you have to have a firearm for human being Sean.
But I'm saying like, I really would like a non firearm.

Speaker 2 (01:01:22):
Well, yeah, I got lots of guns. I mean, I'm
not gonna have that. But my weapon of choice, I
think would be some sort of a if we're talking zombies,
some sort of a sword. I could see myself wielding
the Brave Heart sword, a two handed bastards clemoar bro Yeah, bastards. Yeah,
I'd be okay with that.

Speaker 5 (01:01:39):
You know, by the way, Bastard is the name of
a sword for people out there. Okay, length, that's right,
that's right, that's got length.

Speaker 2 (01:01:49):
Yeah, that's that's right. That's right. So well, well listen
your answer, Laura, especially putting you on the spot like
this was was really great, and thank you for giving
us your time. Savage Rich and savage Laura, man tell.

Speaker 7 (01:02:05):
Us somebody because she looks.

Speaker 5 (01:02:08):
Like she looks fragile, don't she.

Speaker 2 (01:02:11):
Wait, well, the girl in the clip, her beautiful nails.

Speaker 5 (01:02:15):
Oh yeah, she's adorable, she's adorbs, but she doesn't look
ready for the zombie apocalypse.

Speaker 2 (01:02:22):
To make does not look ready for the zombie apocalypse.
But savage Rich, Savage Laura, you are in savage Winston.
You could train him to be a killer puppy. Tell
tell us where we can find you and how we
can support you.

Speaker 5 (01:02:34):
At best place where everywhere, but the best place Seawan
is on locals People's pundin dot locals dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:02:40):
Awesome, awesome, Thank you Savage Rich, and thank you Laura.
Oh hey, I'm trying to get you to come on
on Wendy Bell. I'm hosting Wendy Bell Friday and Monday,
or you game you can work for me or what
it's in the morning, isn't it Yeah from nine? Yes?

Speaker 5 (01:02:54):
Oh dude, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2 (01:02:57):
Okay, Savage Rich coming on Monday or coming on Friday
or Monday. We'll figure it out. Rich.

Speaker 5 (01:03:03):
Yeah, let me know when you need me, brother.

Speaker 2 (01:03:04):
Okay, see your Rich, Cia, Laura take care of you
all right bye. That was Savage Rich Barris, the best
polster and I think pundit in the business. We love
having him on Savage Wednesdays and tomorrow, which is Thursday.
We have another amazing show for you. So make sure
you are right here with us, whether you're listening wherever

you listen to your podcast, or whether you're watching with
us here un rumble, just get here with us. We
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We are taking the fight to the radical communist mouth
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So thank you all for watching. I'm so grateful to
have you with us. I mean love having you all.
An awesome show plan for tomorrow again, don't forget I'm
hosting Wendy Bell on this coming Friday and Monday, three

hours of conservative talk radio. Don't miss that either. But anyways,
thank you for joining us, folks. I will see you
tomorrow night right here at five o'clock on Rumble and
wherever you listen to your podcast. As always, God bless
you all, God bless this exceptional nation that we call home.
Take care, good night, and I will see you tomorrow

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