All Episodes

May 13, 2024 59 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • Historic rally in NJ

  • Regime is melting down

  • Dems Massive Base Problems

  • Kamala Harris said WHAT?!

  • Serial Liar Michael Cohen taken the stand

  • AstraZeneca COVID vax recalled

  • America is no longer a melting pot


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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Morning Europe about to enter the arena and join the
battle to save.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
America with your host Sean Carnell. Good evening, America, It's Monday.
I hope you're having a good day from sea to
Shining Sea and everybody in between. Welcome Patriots. I hope
you had a great weekend, because I know that I did.

It was a little crazy, but crazy in a good way.
Prom was this weekend. If you remember, when I finished
the show on Friday, I shut down the studio as
fast as possible. I sent the episode off to iHeart
so that they could drop it on audio, and then
I rushed to promenade. We got to see Katie with

her date, and she looked beautiful walking across the stage
and all that was amazing. And I just remember, like Melanie, Commander,
Melanie sent me a screenshot of one of her Facebook memories.
You know, you get Facebook memories from time to time,
and it was our whole family at my youngest son's

hockey game. He was on the ice, but we are all,
you know, in the stands together and this was back
in I think twenty twenty one, and it's just amazing
when you look at that photo and of course we're
all there cheering for Evan. When you look at that photo,
just in the short span of a couple years, how
little all of the kids are. It really is just something.

It's unbelievable. I laugh because, you know, in the studio
next to me, I've got, you know, my grandparents, some
stuff from my grandparents. I got my grandfather's three river
stadium id to get in the park. I've got a
memory card from my grandma that we had at our funeral.
And my grandma used to say to me all the time,

those kids just grow up so fast? Is this grow
up so fast? Look at how big you got, like
every time I'd come in the house. And in an
odd way, history repeats itself. You know, you look at
your kids, you realize how fast they're growing. Not to
get overly sentimental, but it's it's unbelievable. We're so proud
of not just Katie, but all of our kids as

they grow in Fort Parnell. You know, on Mondays, I
like to lead the show off with a Fort Parnell
situation report. So that's what this is. Don't worry, We're
getting to the news here. In a second. Fort Parnell
has has taken a turn and become obsessed with homesteading.
When I joked around with you about a month ago

when I said, Sean's goats and stuff, Apparently that's happening.
Commander Melanie is all over that, and I think that's
gonna happen in a very short amount of time. We're
gonna have chickens here, We're gonna have goats here. Commander
Melanie has our garden boxes all ready to rock. The
whole thing is just about saying the heck with the
government being self sufficient if we need to. And I'm

telling you, that's been kind of an amazing thing. And
I think that if a situation like that ever did arise,
I might find myself in a touch situation. Because with
Prom and all of these celebrations, and we had, of course,
my father in law was in town for Prom, and
my dad came here for a little bit. I probably
ate five thousand calories a day, so I would probably struggle.

I would probably struggle if there ever was a situation where,
you know, we needed to tighten our belts here a
little bit. Okay, let me just get right into the
show run down. Uh. Trump had an historic rally in
New Jersey. We're going to talk about what that means
and its impact on the race in twenty twenty four.
The regime, I think, as a result of that, in

the greater political climate, is in the midst of an
unbelievable meltdown because they have a base problem. I talked
about it a little bit on Friday, But the Democrats
are in the middle of their base rotting from the core. Yes,
many people at the core of the Democrat base just

aren't great people. The core of the Democrat base. For example,
when I say not great people, if you're a Democrat
in the chat, I come from a family of Union Democrats.
That's not who I'm talking about here. The core of
the Democrat base right now are the people that would
would like nothing more to commit than to commit genocide
against the Jews. They've got a core base problem that

they're going to have a very difficult time. In twenty
twenty four, Escaping Kamala Harris said something crazy which should
really come as no surprise to any of you, but
maybe it wasn't what It's not her typical version of crazy.
So we'll get to that. Michael Cohen takes the stand
Astrozenica COVID vaccine recalled worldwide. America is no longer a

melting pot anymore, and that should concern all of us,
and Saki, of course, pulls the misinformation card. We'll get
to that and so much more on Battleground Live. Let's
talk real quickly about National Police Week. I'm so grateful
if for the men and women who put on that uniform.
I really am, and I think of my soldiers at

moments like this because of dead of soldiers. Right off
the top of my head. His name is Chris Cowen.
A couple what about last year I did a two
part interview with him when the podcast was just a
once a week thing. And this guy served two combat
deployments in Afghanistan, came home, went to a police academy,

went to two different police academies, became a police officer,
served his community, became a detective, was on SWAT, had
a huge narcotic busts, had gangs going after him where
he was living inside the city. I mean just but
my point is is that Chris and so many other
police officers, they really do serve, rise up to volunteer

to serve to protect and defend their communities because they
love this country in it today more than almost any
other time in our nation's history. Is a thankless time
to be a law enforcement officer. It just it just is,
and so so grateful for men and women in blue especially.
I mean, look violent crime. Check this out. Dangerous crimes

like homicide aggravated assault up seventeen and eight percent, respectively.
So America has never been more dangerous. That is just
a fact. So thank you to our men and women
in blue. And I guess in what what are better?
Oh my gosh, it's Monday, having a difficult time talking,

But what better way to honor police officers than by
U n C, you and C abolishing their Diversity, Equity
and Inclusion Department. And apparently it's looking like now they'll
transfer all their funds to campus police, which is awesome.
So just democrat logic. Defund the police, America spirals into

a death spiral of crime, and then refund the police.
You see how all that works. It's democrat logic, Democrat politics,
one oh one. The lesson is don't be a democrat, okay,
And Democrats like this, for example, jumping right off the
top rope and into the top story. Mickey Cheryl. Mickey
Cheryl is a former federal prosecutor and she's running for

Congress in New Jersey. Now, there are lots of strong
Republicans in New Jersey. There really are. In fact, that
state is trending more and more Republican Republicans, slowly but surely,
but it's going in the right direction. But it's a
blue state. So Mickey Cheryl is running for Congress and

she puts out a post on x that says, this,
Donald Trump, You're not welcome in New Jersey because in
the Garden State, we believe in democracy. We know that
diversity is our strength, and we let women make their
own healthcare decisions. Do us all a favor and go
back to court. Okay, So I I just gotta say

that post is just an embarrassment. I mean, this woman
should just be embarrassed because obviously she's an intergalactic level
more on again, folks, I say this all the time.
The level of education that you have does not correlate
to intelligence, and clearly that's the case with Mickey. But
her post is just like stock platitudes talking points from

the left. We believe in democracy while simultaneously trying to
throw the top Republican in the country, the top political
candidate in jail for the rest of your life. Yeah,
yoh yeah, you believe in democracy, all right, we know
that diversity is our strength. Wait a second, in America, No,
it's not, because if it was a strength, you would

you would push past diversity and talk about unity. But
Democrats don't do that. Democrats do nothing but divide along
every single dividing line here in America, young versus old,
rich versus poor, Blacks versus white, versus Asian versus Mexican,
North versus South, like like Christian, jew Muslim atheists, like

doesn't matter. The Democrats do that to stay in power.
And then she says, let women make their own health
care decisions unless I guess it's a female baby in
the womb. If you're a female, a woman baby, a
little girl baby in the womb, then you're screwed. These
see people are It's just unbelievably stupid. But my point

is for saying all of this, why is a former
federal prosecutor who's running for Congress telling an American citizen
and Donald Trump that he is not welcome in the
state of New Jersey. Do you realize like, first of all,
there is a fascist streak and it is a real

problem in the Democrat Party right now that runs through
the core of the party. Every single one of these
people the New Democrat Party are many tyrants. It's just
part of the DNA of their party in this candidate
who is a former federal prosecutor. So if you wonder

where this law fair in all this insanity that we're
living through right now comes from, it's from people like
Mickey who believe that they can tell Americans where they
can and can't go, and what states they're welcome in
and what states they're not welcome in. Now, this is
important because the Donald Trump has a home in New Jersey.

Donald Trump, the Bedminster Bedminster golf Course is in New Jersey.
Donald Trump could be her constituent. The job of representative
in the US House of Representatives is to represent your
constituents Democrat, Republican, independent, other. But this Democrat doesn't seem

to care because they're all many tyrants. But Trump came
to New Jersey anyway, and he set the record for
a political rally there. I mean some of the images
that came out of New Jersey over the weekend, which
I'm sure is informed voters like you all are. I'm
sure you've seen some of the images. But just to recap,

just look at this crowd, ten thousand folks. The Democrats

did this to themselves. That rally reports between eighty and
one hundred thousand people. In fact, these numbers came from
political officials from I think Wildwood, New Jersey, or wherever
the actual rally itself was held from Wildwood. Eighty thousand.

That's enough to fill a football stadium. And I want
to just make this point because we're used to seeing
big rallies for Donald Trump everywhere. Again, I've been on
the stage with him four times. I mean, the guy.
They're like patriotic rock concerts. But that's not my point.

Donald Trump has been in court for the last month
in New York. Before that, the Democrats have been coming well,
they've been coming after him in multiple states, in multiple
courts for the last six months. Donald Trump, because of that,

hasn't been able to be on the campaign trail really
running for president as much as he'd like. So this
was over the weekend where he got a day off
from going to court. Eighty thousand people showed up, and
that's the conservative estimate. Some people say one hundred thousand.

Apparently the rally size competed with FDR's nineteen thirty two
speech in Segert, which reportedly drew over one hundred thousand people.
But folks, this is a huge deal. Here's what I'm
getting to here. I talked at the top of the
show about the rotting core of the Democrat base. What

I mean by that is that this is a process
on the Democrat side of the House that has evolved
since twenty sixteen, certainly, but perhaps even going back before that.
The Democrats rig their own primaries. They're young voters. Imagine
you're eighteen in twenty sixteen, you're a Democrat, you're a
Bernie Sanders supporter, and you're a first time Democrat voter,

and they rig the primary to screw Bernie Sanders over,
effectively making Hillary Clinton the nominee. Now, if you're a
Democrat voter, an eighteen year old first time voter, you're
pissed because you know that because with the Democrat super
delegate system, that their process is rigged. Their super delegates
can essentially select a candidate and basically give you know,

the middle finger to any nobody else. They did it
to Bernie Sanders in sixteen, despite him having a real base,
real momentum, a threat on the campaign trail, the Democrats
said screw you. So if you're an eighteen year old voter,
you're thinking, well, this sucks, this is bs, but maybe
you're not completely disenfranchised yet. Right, So twenty twenty comes

around Bernie Sanders in the primary, rocking and rolling, absolutely
crushing it again, huge crowds. Remember there's a crowd in
New York with Alexandria Costio Cortez who spoke there, looked
like a Trump rally. Because remember, Bernie Sanders on the
left kind of represents the Bernie Sanders has a populace

on the left wing side of things, has a populous
streak that runs through the heart of his movement, much
like Donald Trump on the right. Unfortunately, Bernie Sanders is
a communist. Donald Trump is a capitalist, he's a free
markets guy, He's pro freedom. Bernie Sanders is not. Nevertheless,
there's a populous streak that runs through both movements. And
my point is in twenty twenty, Bernie Sanders had a

real movement behind them. So what did the Democrats do?
The Democrats rig the system again. The primary consolidated magically,
remember Elizabeth Warren and all the other candidates getting out
of the race and immediately endorsing Joe Biden. The consolidation
after South Carolina, you remember all of that, right, magically
consolidates behind Joe Biden. Screw Bernie Sanders over again. So

if you're now a second, maybe third time Democrat voter,
you're like, screw this, this is bs. My voice doesn't matter.
And that's how you destroy the base of a party.
And that's precisely where the Democrats are right now. Where
you have tens of thousands of uncommitted votes in places

like Minnesota, in places like Michigan, in places like Wisconsin,
in places like can they have a real problem on
their hands. I know by the way they've got RFK
in the race, who's going to siphon even more votes
away from traditional Democrats. So when you have this type

of problem and the polling isn't on your side, and
in a New New York Times Ciena poll came out
today and it is brutal for Joe Biden, I mean
absolutely cataclysmic. And CNN, I mean just this CNN clip
that I'm about to show you is astounding. One that

it happened on CNN, but two, the numbers that you
will see in this poll are unbelievable. You will likely
never see numbers for a Republican candidate like this ever. Again, Listen, watch, enjoy.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
The sumbout battleground says frankly, for the Joe Biden campaign,
these numbers are an absolute disaster. The smallest leaders in
Arizona for Donald Trump.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
He's up six.

Speaker 1 (18:03):
Look at this nine. In Georgia thirteen. And Nevada, My goodness, gracious,
my god, that is a huge lead. No Democrat has
lost that state since John Kerry lost it back in
two thousand and four. How about these great lake battleground states.
This is something that the Joe Biden campaign can work with.
Look Pennsylvania, Donald Trump up three, but that's well within
the margin of error. Wisconsin, Donald Trump up one, well

within the margin of error. And actually a Joe Biden
lead well within the margin of error, up a point here.
This they can work with the Joe Biden campaign. This
the Donald campaign. Donald Trump campaign absolutely loves and it
looks like a lot of the other polling out of
the Sunbelt battle.

Speaker 3 (18:38):
When you're looking into the numbers, why do you think
Biden is doing better in the Great Lakes and Trump
is doing so much better than subelt.

Speaker 1 (18:44):
Yeah, the Trump coalition is changing. That's basically what's cooking here.
This is at least one of the big reasons why
so this is among likely voters in these in all
these battleground states we just spoke about. Back in twenty twenty,
eighty four percent of the Trump camp pained the Trump
coalition was white. Look where it is now, it's seventy

eight percent. The non white portion of the Trump coalition
it was thirteen percent in twenty twenty.

Speaker 4 (19:11):
Look at this now it's nineteen percent.

Speaker 5 (19:14):
So the Trump coalition.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
There you go. If you've been watching Battleground Live, which
I know many of you have, We've been telling you
this forever, you have been ahead of the curve. If
you've been listening watching this show, I'm telling you I
ran I had my name on that ballot in twenty nineteen,
or in twenty twenty, and in twenty twenty two. I

know what it's like to run a campaign. I'm telling
you I am wired in on these polls. Never ever
seen polling like this for any Republican president going into
the summer months, which usually is a tough time for
Republicans as they campaign because the Democrats always have a
lot more money. So the Democrats usually because they have

a lot more money, go up on television and they
widen that polling gap. But I'm telling you, the Democrats
are the architects of their own demise here because they've
created a situation in which things are just so bad.
What they've done so egregious that even people who don't

pay attention to politics are looking at this and saying,
wait a second, this is not the kind of country
that I want to grow up in. And when you
compare that to the fact that Biden is an animated
corpse that doesn't have a brain, that is, prior to

being an animated corpse, prior to having dementia, like he
was an intergalactic level moron. Now he's just gone just
the worst communicator ever, just lies of the American people.
Turns out that's just not that popular when you lie
about literally everything. The border secure, the economy's great violent

crime has gone down. Afghanistan surrender was a great success.
I mean, the list goes on and on and on,
and so this from the New York Times. Folks, things
are so bad that even outlets like the New York
Times and CNN are actually being forced to report on
this stuff. Jacob Sprague, thirty two, who works as a

system engineer in Reno, Nevada, said he voted for Biden
in twenty twenty, but not this time. It's concerning to
me when I keep seeing press come out of the
White House where they keep saying the economy is good.
That's really weird because I'm paying more on taxes and
more on groceries, and more on housing, and more on fuel,

so that doesn't feel good. Jacob Sprague, thirty two, Welcome
to the party. We're glad to have you. Remember when
I told you James carvel old adage it's the economy stupid,
and that I also told you that Biden has taking
a perverse twist on that phrase. What is timeless wisdom

for any Republican and Democrat, it's the economy stupid. Democrats
have changed that to the economy's great stupid. And it
turns out the American people, Democrat, Republican, independent, don't really
like lying scumbags like Joe Biden and the vast majority
of Democrats who are occupying the White House. Okay, let

me tell you about Swedeen real quick, and then we'll
move on to Michael Cohen, who is just another intergalactic
level mora. We'll get to that in a second. Hey,
let me just say thank you to Boston guy. I
got a something flagged by Aunt Cindy who monitors the
live check because I can't always watch it, just got

one screen in the studio for now, Boston, thank you
for the rumble rant tip. One hundred percent of that
goes to making this studio better, giving you all a
better viewing listening experience. It's it's also about keeping the
show independent. I don't give a damn what anyone tells me.
I'm not. I'm going to cover what I want to

cover on this show. So if that matters to you,
stick here on Battle Around Live because I'm always going
to tell you the truth. But Boston, thank you for that.
The show's not possible without you all folks. The battle crew.
Also please take time to smash that little green thumb
that like button. It matters a lot, smash it. I
like finishing the show with over two hundred likes, so

let's get there. Okay, we've got to get back on
track here. Serial liar Michael Cohen is taking the stand
today and sloppy Alvin Bragg's very very sloppy case. And
this never ceases to amaze me that this case, the
lynch pins of this case are around a gross porn

star who has sex on camera for a living, who
is lied, who has said I have Wow, wasn't an affair?
I did have an affair. Wasn't an affair? I mean
as multiple written statements denying it. And the other key
witness is Michael Cohen, who's a convicted felon and a

serial perjurer, a convicted serial perjurer. But that's the world
that we live in. This has gotten so ridiculous, and
I mean so unbelievably ridiculous. As I mentioned, even traditional
left leaning media outlets like CNN have to cover it

because it's so multiversal stupid, like in other words, in
every dimension similar to ours. It's just as stupid there
as it is here. Like it's like, it's like unbelievable.
And Bill Maher had to cover it just over the
last I think, over the weekend. Bill Maher said that

in twenty eighteen, Stormy Daniels talked to him and said,
straight up on camera in the interview, and if you
watch that, you're something. Not going to play it on
here because we run out of time so quickly, so
I'll just talk about it. But she can watch your
body language. You can find it on Twitter. I mean,
all this video is on Twitter, but watch your body language.
I mean, she's she's just so full of it. But

she s tells Bill Maher straight up, she wasn't coerced,
and in court last week she said that Trump blocked
her from leaving and she blacked out. So she tried
to make this entire thing about me too, but she
lied to Bill Maher about it. And even people like
Bill Maher are starting to notice. And how could you not?

Every single person involved in Sloppy Alvin Bragg's trial persecution
against Trump, not prosecution. I chose the word deliberately, persecution
against Trump is a Democrat operative. I mean, seriously, sloppy

Alvin Bragg is a Soros funded da The judge donated
to Joe Biden, is basically a commy activist judge. His
daughter is making millions off of putting fundraising off of
putting Trump in prison. The number three at the Biden DOJ,
who was also taking money from the DNC, took a

demotion to go be a nothing burger prosecutor with sloppy
album bray. Every single person in this that's prosecuting Trump
is a Democrat operative. That's not even an exaggeration to
say that the Democrats knew that going in. They knew
they had a lapdog media that wasn't going to cover it.
They knew that if they they thought that if they

get Trump, none of this would get out. They thought
that if they gaged Trump, Trump wouldn't be able to
use his huge platform to get the truth out, that
they'd be able to put the guy in jail. The
American people at the exact same time would think, well, hey,
this is just our independent justice system working as it should.
And ultimately that's the reason why Trump is gagged, so

that they that these dem operative if you got kids around,
ear mus, I'm about to just kind of go a
little bit ballistic here. That's why these Democrat communist assholes
tried to gag them so that they could go out
there and they could have their their surrogates go out
there and smear Trump and shape public sentiment and pollute

the jury, pull the jury the jury. They watched TV too.
They feel like if surrogates are out there shaping public sentiment,
that hey, maybe if they can twist the jurors minds
or pollute the jury, pull a little bit more, make
the trial even more corrupt. Trump can't say anything perfect
constellation of things happening right there to throw a former

president and political opponent in jail. But that's not what's
happening right now. And thank god, because there are some
members of the GOP that are standing up and not
just standing up, but showing up for President Trump to
have his back. And I'm telling you, folks, having been
in the arena before running for office, I am telling

you when they came after me with Lawfair in a
very similar way, say so many Republicans, these cowardly Republicans,
just disappear when the going gets tough, Republicans get going.
A spineless GOP is a real problem. But there have

been some real strong members of Congress. They're few and
far between that are actually showing up with Trump at
the courtroom. So you got like Takas, you got Tommy Tuberville,
a US Senator. Nicole Maliatakas is a congresswoman from New York.
JD Vance Senator from Ohio. Ken Paxson, Attorney General from Texas.

Vivik Ramaswami is expected to show up tomorrow. And this
is good. Republicans. I know you're listening. I know your
staff listens too. If you're an elected official, get your
ass to New York. Stand there, shoulder to shoulder with Trump.
I think Bongino talked about this last week sometime, but

he's absolutely right. Get your ass over there, show solidarity
with President Trump because this won't stop with him. The
entire party should be screaming from the rooftops about this.
So kudos to every member of the Republican Party that's
actually having the courage to show up. American needs you

now more than ever. Yes, someone in the live chat locks,
thank you for reminding me. Rick Scott from Florida showed
up as well. Kudos to Rick Scott. Tommy Tubarella watched
a SoundBite of him a video of him walking out
of the courtroom, and he demanding on camera that these

commie assholes stop calling Trump mister Trump and start referring
to him as President I mean, it's absolutely unbelievable what
they're doing to this guy. I mean, Democrat, Republican. That's
what you do, right, I mean, like, if you're in
an official setting, I mean people call Trump Trump Obama Obama,

but if you're an official setting, you bestow upon him
the highest title that he earned. It's just a respect thing.
But Trump isn't afforded respect. This is nothing. I told you,
I think a couple of weeks ago, but also last week,
that this was a humiliation ritual. None of Stormy Daniels's
testimony about what kind of boxer shorts Trump wears and

what sex physicians they had, none of that is actually
relevant to what is essentially a bookkeeping accusation. It's not
a crime, it's a non crime. But this entire trial
is about bookkeeping. None of what Stormy Daniel alleges is
even relevant. It's grounds for appeal, one hundred percent. But

it's not about the law. It's not about the success
of an appeal. It's about dragging Trump through the mud,
right now. That's the point. But it's a humiliation ritual,
and thankfully Senator Tubeville picked up on that as well.
He said, you're here in New York and New York
City's beautiful. People think of America, they think of New York,

and he's like, this is a beautiful city. And then
you go into this dingy trial room with sloppy Alvin
Bragg and communist hack losers all around, and it's depressing.
The courtroom, the environment, the setting. Folks. It is an
exercise and humiliation. It's intended to be depressing. I know,

I've been there. It's intended to be some form of
psychological torture. It's all meant to demoralize Donald Trump. Nothing
works against the guy. I mean. Jd Vance was reading
something out there or heard from a friend of mine

that jd Vance said that Trump is just in great spirits,
Like it's just like nothing is even bothering of you know,
for Trump, life goes on the right man for the
right moment. But the interesting dynamic that the Democrats have
created here, if we ask ourselves, man, how does Trump
get eighty to one hundred thousand people in Wildwood, New

Jersey over the weekend? And Biden can't even pull eight
people in five different circles at any either rallies or
fundraisers that he goes to and by the way, Trump
can't even campaign, even even with the Biden administration throwing
it in his space, acting like they're campaigning hard, saying well,
look at Trump can't even campaign. Ha ha ha. Look

it's unbelievable. Do you ever ask yourself how this is possible?
Will the Dems have created a real terrible situation for them.
They've created a situation it's so egregious and so terrible.
They're what they've done is so horrifying and so the
antithesis of our American system of justice. That Trump doesn't

have to campaign, the situation speaks for itself. So every
one of these Democrats that are going after President Trump,
every one of these Democrats that are committing lawfair, they
look at that crowd in New Jersey and they then
have a long look in the mirror, because they're the
ones that are created this scenario. Even CNN has to

admit that these trials are politically motivated. A listen, Even CNN,
let me say that again, is admitting that these trials
are politically motivated.

Speaker 6 (34:19):
Listen, and the trials against him keep him in the spotlight,
infuriate his base, who sees him as a martyr and
even may serve to make him the object of some
sympathy among people in general who believe that his prosecutors
are politically motivated. This happens to be true in my opinion.
I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought

against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump. A
majority of Americans are skeptical that Trump will be able
to get a fair trial, according to a CNN poll.

Speaker 2 (34:52):
Folks, the Dems are are panicked. I think the Dems
at CNN and all these other liberal media outlets are
panicked as well. CNN analysts, this is a quote. I've
never seen a witness who's lied to Congress, who's lied
to court, who's lied to the irs, who's lied to
the Southern District of New York, who lied to his banker.

The entire prosecution witness team has been lied to by
Michael Cohen, and he is their star witness. Seriously, Michael
Cohen is their star witness. This guy.

Speaker 5 (35:28):
You can't imagine the things that he's going to do,
how far he's going to press the line. If you
think Vladimir putin Russia entering Ukraine is you know, for
a land Gram well, what do you think Donald is
going to do if he becomes a dictator? Mexico, Canada, whatever,
our bordering countries are so ali When you said that

you're running to Canada, you know half my family lives
in Toronto. I can only tell you we can't go
to Canada because eventually Canada will become ann next to America.
And I know people say, stop it, Michael, it's all hyperbole.

Speaker 7 (36:04):
No, it's not won't be a dictator on day two.
He will be a king. He will make himself into
the furor and he will make everybody raise their hand
and salute him. You know, Hyle Shitler, because that's what
he is. That's what he's gonna shut down this station.
He wants to jail your president's CEO. He wants to
execute Joint Chief of Staff Mark Millie. He wants to,

you know, execute Mike Pens. I mean, he's got a
hit list of people. He wants to throw everyone into Gitmo.
I mean, this is it's hard to imagine that we're
even having this conversation.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
It is hard to imagine that we're even having this conversation,
Michael Cohen, because you're a complete moron. No one should
trust you the fact that Joy Reid, and by the way,
jur Reid claims to hate Donald Trump, but she sure
does try to mimic his hairstyle quite a bit, right
if you're watching. Of course, he's got a blonde hair
that's all slicked over the side, literally looks exactly like
Donald Trump. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Joy Reid.

I know you're a demented Trump derangement syndrome hater, but
still the hair striking similarities there. But my point is
Michael Cohen gets to go out and say and saying
things like that while Donald Trump can't say anything. And
of course, oh can we also can we just make
fun of Michael Cohen a little bit? Do you remember
a couple of weeks ago I told you about Michael

Cohen when he was actually a surrogate for the Trump campaign,
saying so what so who? Odd long silences on the
media like, honestly, not an effective surrogate. But this is
definitely listened to. This a top ten Michael Cohen moment.
This is what I was telling you about a couple
of weeks ago. Most of them, all of.

Speaker 7 (37:50):
Them says who polls.

Speaker 3 (37:57):
I just told you I answered your question, okay, all
of them.

Speaker 2 (38:04):
Well, this is, of course, like he just kept saying okay,
who so what so I mean, over and over and
over again. So today Michael Cohen basically just blew the
entire case apart. And now every time there's a witness
on the stand, I tend to think the same thing.
Stormy Daniel's testimony was a complete joke. Michael Cohen gets

up there and says he spent the latter part of
the morning talking about Trump's knowledge of the Stormy Daniels situation.
According to him, Trump didn't care about the story being
embarrassing because he only cared about the campaign. The important
part is that this testimony contradicts the entire indictment because
the prosecution says Trump wanted to hide the story for

campaign gains, but the checks to Cohen came after he
was elected. So riddle me that he claims that Trump.
He claims to Trump said it if he wins, the
story will no longer matter, but also claims Trump paid
him as legal fees to hide their affair in twenty seventeen.
None of this makes any sense, And speaking of things

that well are finally starting to make sense Ashley Biden's diary.
So we now know that claims of sexual abuse made
by Biden's daughter are authentic. Do you remember Ashle Biden's
diary and saying these uncomfortable showers with my dad found

And of course they're prosecuting, trying to throw the woman
in prison who found the diary. How that's a crime.
Who the hell knows? But Ashley Biden came out and
basically admitted that the diary was real. So anyone who
supports Biden essentially what supports an alleged pedophile? I mean, seriously,

And what's crazy to me about all all of this
is that the FBI, I mean, Biden is surrounded by
secret Service agents, but he should be surrounded by police,
He should be surrounded by FBI agents investigating him. But no,
the FBI is busy going after Trump supporters and trying
to throw the woman in jail who found the diary.

Absolutely crazy, even Snopes situation, even so bad that Snopes
had to reverse the fact check after Ashley Biden's reveals
in a letter to the judge her stolen diary is authentic.
It's like, there goes another conspiracy theory. Now, imagine, if

you will, if this were Trump. Imagine please, if Trump
did anything like this, do you think maybe it would
be headline news basically everywhere, NonStop, relentlessly for an entire

year leading up to the campaign. Yeah. Absolutely crazy. Now
Conservatives are all over social media today and even some
last week talking about removing Biden from the ticket. Folks,
I'm here to tell you that I simply don't know
how that will happen. Anything's possible on the Democrats side.

They have a lot more control over their primary, as
we've clearly established already. But Biden, unless something terrible happens
to the guy. God, and I don't wish that on anybody,
but he's an old man, you know. And again I'm
not wishing that on him. I'm not a leftist. But
unless something like that happens, I don't know how legally

they can replace him, especially with our DEI vice president
Kamala Harris on the ticket. And I think this is
why Democrats are so afraid. How do you get rid
of Kamala Harris if you appointed her because she was
black and you wanted to say, hey, we appointed the
first black woman or woman of color as vice president

and she's an historic figure and that's the reason that
you use to appoint her. How then do you remove
her without removing the first I mean, it's like a dilemma.
And the Democrats are afraid of this. They don't know
what to do this, so I say they're in. The
regime is a complete meltdown. And oh, by the way,

you got Biden who's president, who is an animated corpse, yes,
but is still the president and wields an enormous amount
of power and he thinks he's doing a great job.
I simply don't know how. I mean, we'll see, but
I don't know how they take them out. And they're
afraid of Kamala Harris because she says stuff like this.
And if you got kids around, seriously make sure your

ear muffs this one. We have to know that sometimes
people will open the door for you and leave.

Speaker 4 (42:59):
It open, sometimes moved, and then you.

Speaker 2 (43:02):
Need to kick that fucking door down. Use my language.
We gotta make T shirts with that saying kick the
fucking door down. Please, please make Kamala the nominee. Please.

Oh my, So she's dropping f bombs. Yeah, And Whiskey's
in the chat saying Bongino doesn't agree. I know he doesn't.
People it could A lot of conservative influencers are out
there saying that they have to replace Biden. I just look,
there are there are mechanisms there. You gotta have signatures

to get on the ballot, you gotta have a legal team,
you have to have campaign infrastructure, you gotta have that
in all states. You gotta have to have an FBC declaration.
I mean, there's a there are ways to do it,
but it's hard to see any other person other than
Kamala stepping into the role, if if it even happens
at all. So, I mean, it would almost have to

be like he steps down before the convention as president,
resigns or something, and then have Kamala step in so
she's the actual president with the power of the incumbency.
It's just hard to see there are actual legal procedural
mechanisms in place. It would make it hard. So anyway,
so we'll see what happens there. But it's going to

be a very very interesting next couple of months. Okay,
So let's transition from Democrat dilemmas in big government with
the twenty twenty four campaign to more vaccine stuff I'm
not letting this stuff go, and I will not go
to a network that forces me to let this stuff go.

I cannot believe. I just I just think that what
our gun did and what these global organizations did with
the vaccines at the height of COVID will go down
as one of the most horrific human rights abuses of
our time. And the reason for it, I mean, there's

so many reasons for it, just the lies that they told.
The lab leak, right, even though it was the same
kind of virus that emerged from.

Speaker 4 (45:27):
A research facility in Wuhan that literally studies coronaviruses, our
government came out and said it came from bat soup
in a wet market.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
I mean, it's unbelievable, you don't. They just are so
brazen with their lies. I mean, they were studying the
virus in the exact same location that was exactly the
same as COVID. Yet if you talked about the lab leak,
you were labeled a conspiracy theorist and shunned. In some cases,

you were fired. But the crazy thing is that then
they developed these vaccines, they rushed them, and many of
the people that developed them. I'm talking to doctors, and
these doctors who worked for big pharma and high level
executives at big pharma companies knew that the vaccine wasn't affected,

And even the doctors in the White House knew that
many of these vaccines weren't going to be affected. Listen
to scarf Lady Deborah Burks talk about just this.

Speaker 8 (46:31):
I'm going to get your take on a lot of
people looking at the president now having this and all
these people who have been fully vaxxed, vaccinated and moosed
it and all that, and they're getting it. The twenty
percent or so of Americans who have not been vaccinated
might look at that doctor and say, well, why bother?

Speaker 2 (46:48):
Why bother?

Speaker 8 (46:49):
What do you tell them?

Speaker 9 (46:51):
Well, if you're across the South and you're in the
middle of this wave, what's going to save you right now?

Speaker 1 (46:56):
As paxlovid.

Speaker 9 (46:58):
But once we get through this wave, during that law,
you should get vaccinated and boosted because we do believe
it will protect you, particularly if you're over seventy. I
knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection,
and I think we overplayed the vaccines and it made
people then worry that it's not going to protect against
severe disease and hospitalization. It will, but.

Speaker 2 (47:23):
She knew that they overplayed the vaccine. They knew, they knew,
and they lied to us. I'm telling you, folks, and
stuff really gets me mad because I got people that
I love and care about and friends who are really
really suffering from what they believe are vaccine induced health problems.

But they can't go to a doctor anywhere to treat
them for those problems because no doctor will even admit
that it's vaccine related. Despite all of these studies coming
out tying chronic medical conditions like biocarditis to getting the vaccine.
I'm telling you this as a problem. Why is like
Grand Paul the only person even in Congress talking about this.

I honestly don't understand it. I mean, look what we
had to endure was CNN about the vaccine. Listen to
this propaganda. I mean, looking back at this now, it
to just fill you with righteous indignation and anger. That's
how I feel we do.

Speaker 3 (48:23):
Some breaking news, drug maker fives are just announcing the
results of its vaccine trial for adolescence. It says it's
coronavirus shot was one hundred percent effective at preventing infection
and sickness among twelve to fifteen year olds. This could
be a major game changer for reopening schools across America.
So joining us now is doctor Chris Parnell. She's a

public health physician and fellow at the American College of
Preventative Medicine.

Speaker 7 (48:49):
I'm doctor Parnell.

Speaker 3 (48:50):
Great to see you. One hundred percent effective?

Speaker 2 (48:52):
Is that?

Speaker 3 (48:53):
I mean, John, and I haven't heard numbers like that.
Is that unusual to find.

Speaker 10 (48:57):
That efficacy rate? Well, that's even higher than what we
were reported when we had ninety five percent efficacy in adults. Look,
we know these mRNA vaccines are a game changer. The
technology is different, the technology is very promising.

Speaker 4 (49:13):
I mean it's one hundred percent.

Speaker 2 (49:16):
I mean, I mean, you know, it does not get
any better. We now know that Pfizer hadn't even tested
the vaccine on stopping transmission at this point. We only
know this because of Freedom of Information Act and whistleblowers.
So I guess yeah, I mean, it's one hundred percent transmission.

It stops one hundred percent, But you don't even you've
never even tested it before. And of course at the
Astrosenica the Astrosenica vaccine was withdrawn after admitting blood clots.
I just I don't even know what else to say
other than this is a crime against humanity. I mean,
listen to these British news outlets talking about how the

COVID vaccine, how people are getting blood clods out of
the COVID vaccine but don't worry and it has absolutely
nothing to do with the vaccine, and watch them change
their tune really really fast after Pfizer yankst I'm tawny, folks,
This stuff is just infuriating.

Speaker 11 (50:18):
World Health Organization says there's no reason to stop the
use of the Oxford Astrozenica coronavirus vaccine. The statement comes
after Bulgaria, Romania, and Thailand joined three Scandinavian countries in
suspending inoculations with this particular vaccine. They were reacting to
reports of blood clots in some people who'd received the shot.
Although there is no evidence of any link.

Speaker 3 (50:40):
We can say that, yes, blood clots are happening after vaccination,
but they're almost certainly not caused by the vaccinations.

Speaker 2 (50:47):
There's nothing to suggest a causal link between clots and
the vaccine, so there seems no reason to be worried
about either vaccine being used in the UK.

Speaker 12 (50:57):
Rollout Astrazenica it's COVID vaccine can cause rare side effect.
They're currently admitted in court for the first time that
the COVID jab can cause a deadly blood clotting side effects.

Speaker 13 (51:12):
Astroseneca has told a British court that it's COVID vaccine
can cause a rare side effect which can lead to
blood clots and low PLATO account. The company is currently
facing a barrage of class action suits in the UK.

Speaker 2 (51:27):
What else do I need to say here? Why? Look you,
If you're somebody that's out there that trusts the government,
I'm sorry, then you're just in You're just intergalactic level stupid.
I say to somebody, I love our country. I love America,
but I despise our government. But we can do so

much better than this, so much better. So am I
again taking the kids to school listening to a new
station that I used to love. A radio station I
used to love plays awesome classic rock, used to be funny.
Now they're just political morons, honestly, just some of the
dumbest left wingers out there. I'm sure that maybe they're

nice people, but I I have no tolerance for morons
that have huge platforms that use it for stupid reasons
to push left wing talking points. Steve Buscemi, who's a
famous comedian firefighter who helped respond after nine eleven. I
don't know what his politics are and I don't care.
It's not about that gets punched in the face randomly

in New York City and this radio station it's like,
oh Wow, there's this trend on TikTok, and then that's
all the kids are doing this stuff. And maybe that's true,
But you think, maybe, just maybe you're ignoring the underlying
cause of this, and that is the invasion at our
southern border and you have illegal invaders, some of whom

are horrible, evil gang members that are attacking and slashing
people on the streets in the city of New York.
You think matt might be the underlying cause of it,
and just not American kids on TikTok. Absolutely positively ridiculous.
Now check this out screen sharing and I'll read it
for people that are listening. This is from the Center

for Immigration Studies. They put out a post on x
The foreign born population has hit record highs in March
of twenty twenty four, fifty one point six million, in
fifteen percent of the total US population. Now, if you're
paying attention, then you know that estimated number of illegal

aliens in this country is around twenty five million. So
are we then to believe that half of the foreign
born population, and I'm speculating, I don't know a number.
I've just known the estimate between twenty and twenty five
million illegal aliens in this country. Half of the foreign
born population in America could potentially be illegal aliens. So

that means that nearly one in six residents of the
United States is now foreign born. At the rate that
we are being invaded, it is damn near impossible to
be a melting pot. It's damn near impossible for people

to come to the country, appreciate what we have here, assimilate,
believe in the constitution, believe in our value system, believe
in life, liberty, in the pursuit of happiness. At this level,
we just don't have the systems and infrastructure to support it.
You understand that, right, You understand that, as Trump said

in New Jersey, that systems like social security system is
already collapsing, but it cannot survive with migration. Migration levels
happening at the level that they're happening. And by migration,
I mean invasion. There are simply too many people in
this country that will that are here and make it

almost impossible to assimilate. And I'm looking here at my phone.
And the reason why I'm telling you this is that
there's vast majorities. There are forty two percent of people,
maybe even more, support mass deportations. So look at this.
Sixty two percent of Nevada supports mass deportation, fifty eight
percent of Arizona, seventy eight percent of Texas, fifty three

percent of New York, forty nine percent of Pennsylvania, fifty
nine percent in Wisconsin, North Carolina seventy four percent, Florida
seventy four percent. Folks, I'm reading to you Swing states.
I mean Michigan looks like fifty nine percent. Sorry, the

graphics small, it's hard to see, it's hard to read
the numbers. But my point is the vast majority of
this country supports mass deportation. And I think this is
why on some level, Commander Melanie and I were talking
about this, that why why you know people have a

sense that something bad is going to happen. I think
a lot of people have that sense, and that a
lot of people in this country a lot. And you
can read this because I now I know this because
we got a subscription to a homesteading magazine. Melany Go,
I'd like see it or read on the cads, Like
what are you reading? Is I say, homesteading on it? Yes,

you got a subscript. I mean I'm telling you when
I say that homesteading has taken our house Fort Parnell
by storm, I mean it. But a lot of people
all sort of at the same time, as part of
a collective unconscious of a general sense that maybe things
aren't rate, that something bad is gonna happen. And you
see trends in homesteading, being independent, being self sufficient, and

I think, generally speaking, and I'm saying beyond politics, people
have a sense that certain things need to happen in
order for a nation or a family or an individual
to survive. Like perhaps we've evolved in this way. And
that's why you see large percentages, high percentages even in

swing states that support mass deportation, because maybe on some level,
people in those states know that the invasion is happening
at such a high level in our country that it's unsustainable.
It's just it's unbelievable. It really is. That's why Trump's important, folks.

So all right, just over an hour, make sure you
like and Rumble smash that little green thumb. I mean,
it's really really important. You all are doing such a
great job. Battle crew, Thank you. But tomorrow got a
great show for you that we're planning tomorrow. It's coming
together real nicely. Uh So, I'm so grateful that you're

that you're here with us for the full hour. It's
I mean, seriously, folks, the audience is growing. I mean,
it's it's awesome to watch. This show is yours, it
always will be. Tell your family and your friends to
subscribe to Battleground Live. To this show. It helps us,
and we want them in the trenches. It helps us,
but we also want them in the trenches finding to

save this country. Anyways, stick with us. Tomorrow will be
here right here on Rumble at five p m. Live
as always, folks. Keep the Faith MAGA is a movement
the America First Agenda. It's one that millions of Americans share.

Keep the Faith the best is yet to come. Take
action in your communities, Do what you have to do
to win this what will be what we are in
the throes of a multi generational fight. Do what you
got to do to win. Twenty twenty four is just
one battle. But let's do everything we can to change
this country because we only I mean, there is only America.

There's nowhere else to go. So keep the faith. I
will see you tomorrow. Thank you all for watching, folks.
God bless you all, and God bless this amazing country
that we call home. Take care, good night, and I
will see you tomorrow.

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