All Episodes

May 14, 2024 62 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • Are they going to ditch Biden or not?

  • The Media stoops to a new low

  • American justice system is totally broken

  • The Deep State is filled with….Patriots?!?!

  • Lawfare is failing, Biden is down, what’s the Dem plan now?

  • Psaki pulls the misinfo card… 

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Speaker 1 (00:03):

Speaker 2 (00:04):
You're about to enter the arena and join the battle to.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
Save America with your host, Sean Parnell. Good evening, America.
It's great to be with you tonight. Welcome to Battleground Live.
I'm your host, Sean Parnell, combat veteran New York Times
bestselling author. But more important than those two things, I
am simply a humble servant of America. I love this

country and I want to pass on a great and
free country to our children. From sea to Shining Sea
and everybody in between. Welcome patriots. You know how I
has said this pretty often, But do you know how
I tell you that basically every tactical situation begin and

what I mean by tactical is wartime situation that we
get in in this country, going back as long as
I can remember, even going all the way back to
the Vietnam War. I mean, it really feels like the
last war that we that we fought the right way
was was World War Two. But people in suits in

air conditioned office buildings in Washington, they tend to just
screw everything up. And look, folks, it's not an exaggeration.
You saw Trump leave the Oval office, Biden entered the

Oval Office, and you saw the disaster that unfolded in Afghanistan,
which now has an entire generation of veterans who wonder
what they're hell their service was for. I mean, this
is why I always say with war, especially if America's
sons and daughters are involved, if you are a leader

in this country, Democrat, Republican, if you're an American president,
you're the Secretary of Defense, secretary of State, and you're
trying to decide whether or not you want to send
America's sons and daughters into harm's way. And as I
speak about this, I want you to think about your
own children, future children, grandchildren, and imagine them, you know,

throwing a uniform on, donning a pair of combat boots,
carrying a rifle into combat. It's the serious stuff that
we're dealing with. And the world is on fire right now.
War could erupt and is erupting all around the world,
but it could involve us very very soon. And so
when our leaders decide whether or not to send people

into combat, they have to keep in mind, on the
forefront of their mind, that it's not just about a
show of strength. I mean, it's certainly part of it,
right but it's not just about a show of force.
It's about having a clearly defined state. What does victory

look like? And this is a rule that can be
applied even without American troops on the battlefield. This could
be applied in the grips of negotiations or executing a
diplomatic mission. Trust me when I tell you we didn't
just kill a lot of bad guys in Afghanistan. At
twenty four years old, I was conducting diplomatic negotiations with

some of the toughest foreign fighters on the face of
the earth in Afghanistan. I know what this is like.
But if you don't have a clearly defined end state
and then you end up pulling out of or in
America's case, surrendering in Afghanistan, you've lost the moral justification
for war in the first place. This is why I say,

if you choose to send america sons and daughters into
the fight, you have an obligation. You are morally obligated
to win. And I mean that when with a clearly
defined victory, Yes it's possible. And as we're barreling towards

what could be a war that I do not believe
America is ready for and I mean this, folks, this country,
a war with Russia, a war with any conventional nation
Russia included China. We're not ready for it. And I'm
telling you, listen, do lots of research for this show.

I don't think there's another show out there that talks
about this as much as me. And I'm talking about
this out of experience, from experience I served at a time,
and this isn't just a story about me. And again,
I'm taking this someplace, so just bear with me, and
then we'll get into the show run down. But this
all ties together. There's a theme throughout the course of

this show. But I served right at a time where
after nine to eleven, where we migrated our force from
a conventional a conventional military that was designed at the
height of the Cold War to face down a Soviet
Russian horde. Well then we changed to what's called brigade

combat teams, small compartmentalized units meant to fight insurgencies or
asymmetric threats. We have not evolved our force from that
which we used to great effect on the battlefield and Afghanistan,
in Iraq, we have not evolved sufficiently from a brigade
combat team structure. And what I mean by that is

compartmentalized units meant to fight an Afghan insurgency who we
know going into the fight that don't have surface to
air missiles. We know that about their capability. Right, just
say that you know something about an enemy's capability, Well,
that capability is then removed from a brigade combat team.
You don't need it. You go in light, you know

what you're facing. But of course, and of course I'm
oversimplifying it just so I don't have to get too
deep in the weeds and the tactics. But my point
is we are not ready to face down any sort
of conventional military force because we've not evolved our force
back to face it. So what's going on in Ukraine
should worry you. It should worry you that we have

morons in charge of this country. And by the way,
not just democrats. I mean again, don't want to paint
with broad strokes. There are plenty of good Republicans out there,
but it seems like in key positions, especially within the
Biden administration, we are led by complete morons. The title
of this episode is the next phase of the deep

state operation. They are planning something and I will show
you what that is, and we'll get to that here
in a second. But I saw this video of our
Secretary of State Anthony Blincoln in a bar in Ukraine recently.
Just watch this. I mean, look, folks, this blew my mind.

Him singing keep on Rocking in the Free World in
a bar in Kiev, in Ukraine after we passed what
one hundred million, hundred billion dollars of aid for the country.
Just just just listen. From an optics damnpoint, I do

not see how could this could be perceived as good.
The guy is acting like there's not a care in
the world. He's acting like we haven't just helped in
killing an entire generation of Ukrainians in a war that
seems will be going on without end, no diplomatic negotiations

in sight. He refuses, and I mean he, along with Biden,
along with members of Congress, refuse to audit the aid
money that we've given to Ukraine, that's our money. Refuses
to audit what's happening there. And so it especially enrages
me when I see headlines like this from the Human Events.

Ukrainian Corruption Center reports Northern Border Defense funds were diverted
to fake companies letting Russians walk right across the border
and new Kharkiv offensive. Head of MESA Anti corruption Center
Martina Boslavits, has written a report in Pravada asking where

are the fortifications. She reports that millions of dollars that
were intended for the construction of fortifications in Ukraine were
instead transferred to Kharkiv Ova to front companies of avatars.
Boslavit said the Ukrainian Kharkiv Regional Military Administration paid out

funds to fictitious companies during the construction and fortification of
the Kharkiv region. This report comes as Russian forces have
broken into the northern region of Ukraine and the US
continues funding the war. According to Ukrainian Pravada reports, the
Russian military has begun to advance in the northern region
of Ukraine were funding that was set for fortification was

transferred to fake companies. This comes as the BBC reports
that a regional U Ukrainian commander and Kharkiv has said
that the first line of defense was missing in a
quote massive betrayal in the northern region of the country.

Folks I seem to remember covering right here on this
show that both Democrats and Republicans screaming from the rooftops
about how necessary in urgent this Ukrainian aid package was,
because Vladimir Putin was gonna storm across Europe if we

didn't get the money there in time. You remember Speaker
Johnson's turn on what seemed like a dime talking about, oh, well,
we've who the hell with our own southern border, Let's
defend Ukraine's border. Let's send the money as fast as
humanly possible. But now we know that that money was

not needed, that money was perhaps not urgent, we didn't
have to send it over immediately. And now we also
know that Russian oligarch's very likely pocketed that money by
stunting them all of the cash American cash into what

are ostensibly shell companies. This should really really piss you off.
And when we talk about, you know, Speaker Johnson in
his turn on a dime, and where did that come from?
We talk about members of Congress, how they all go
out there and regurgitate the same talking points over and
over and over and over again. We better get Ukraine
the aid that they need, because Vladimir Putin's just gonna

rampage across Europe. If they don't do, who do you
think Who do you think is briefing them on this
intelligence Where do you think these members of Congress, both
Democrats and Republicans, where do you think they're getting this information?

They are getting this information from the deep State. It's
just that simple. And the views set forth from those
in our intelligence community, in the blob and the deep State,
call them whatever you want, don't necessarily align with we
the people. And let me tell you that the deep

State at this point in time in our country is
involved in damn near everything. And I'm gonna get into it,
and I'm gonna show you we're going to talk about
right off the top of the show. Well I talked
about this off the top of the show, So we're
gonna talk about are they gonna ditch Biden or not.
I'm telling you, folks, people are all over Twitter conservative

influencers talking about, oh yeah, they're gonna ditch Biden at
the convention. I'm gonna give you my thoughts on that
in a little bit more depth than I have in
the last couple of shows. The media stoops to yes
a new low. I know it's impossible, it's difficult to
see how they could stoop lower. But every day they
set new records, So we're gonna talk about what they did.

That's just so egregious. The American justice system totally broken,
totally need to reform it, tear it down, build it up,
brick by brick, do whatever's necessary. But I'm telling you
right now, it ain't working and it's dangerous for me
and you. The new propaganda surrounding the deep state, oh

my gosh, it's gonna blow your mind. Stick around for that.
Lawfare is failing. So what is then now? The Deep
States plan? And then we're gonna end with some sacky
misinformation and new tariffs on China. Of course, Biden is
adopting of Trump eraon policy because he's getting absolutely annihilated
in the polls. Okay, now let's get into it, shall we.

Let's discuss whether or not Biden's going to be the
guy again. I've told you that social media is awash
with people debating this very topic. In fact, many of
the people we've got many, many, many good friends of
mine that believe Biden is going to be replaced at

the at the convention. They just believe it, and I understand.
I understand where they're coming from. So let's look at
the underlying assumption here and why these people believe the
things that they do. And again, they're not wrong. I
might be wrong, Okay, truthfully, I don't have a crystal ball.
I don't know. But the underlying assumption is that Democrats

will do anything to win, and if they are convinced
they will lose, they will do something drastic to change it.
Do you all agree? I'll read this again, I'll check
the live chat, and then we'll just keep rolling. But
the underlying assumption for why people believe that Biden will

be replaced at the convention is that they're convinced that
the Democrats will do anything in their power to win.
If it looks like they're gonna get slacked, they will
do something drastic to change it. That is how their
party is. And rest assured folks that the Democrats are

one hundred percent behind closed doors panicked that Joe Biden
is their candidate. They wish like hell that it wasn't,
So this is true. They also know that Kamala Harris
is one big, cackling disaster. She is a disaster. Somehow,

some way she manages to be less popular than the
animated corpse that is Joe Biden. Somehow she manages that.
I don't know how that in and of itself is
a true accomplishment. But people who are pulling the strings

for Biden, the people that are behind the curtain, Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton, all the usual suspects, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett.
You know these people, They've been in the Democrat game
for a very long time. Those people, they want him gone.
And I'm telling you, folks, listen, Barack Obama despises Joe Biden.

They despise it. He doesn't like him. He thinks Joe
Biden is stupid, and he's right. Joe Biden is an
intergalactic level moron. So yes, these people want Joe Biden
gone to a certain but only in so far as
they just want to win. That's all the Democrats care about.

But let me also tell you this, because it doesn't
get this does not get talked about enough. What they
have in Joe Biden is a perfect situation for every
radical Democrat in Congress, Senate, House, every staffer, everybody in

their garbage radical party that wants to run for president someday.
They got the perfect person in Joe Biden. He's an
animated corpse. He doesn't know where the hell he's going.
He poops his pants on the regular in front of
world leaders. I think you just did it in front
of the media the other day. So people like Barack

Obama and Hillary Clinton and all of their lackeys that
have had their fingers in Democrat politics for years now
get to implement their very, very radical agenda. Uh, without
being attached to it at all. They can use the

animated corpse that is Joe Biden to do everything. All
the terrible things that they've wanted to do to America
but couldn't out of fear of retribution from the American people.
Now they can do Because Joe Biden's an animated corpus,
it doesn't really matter he's he's he's a meat puppet

for their agenda. They don't have to take responsibility for
any of it. So when somebody like Elizabeth Warren runs again,
she can turn around and say, well, I'll walk art. Uh. Look,
I didn't want that out Joe Biden was president. I mean,
she just gives her plausible deniability. It's a perfect situation
accept accept except that Joe Biden is gonna lose. He's

getting his ass kicked in a big way. Listen, are
the Democrats can a cheat, Yes, of course they do,
but they can only cheat by around the margins. If
Trump is only winning by one and a half points
nationally or in a swing state by one and a
half points, and the Democrats control the big cities there, yeah,
you could bet that they're gonna cheat, and that cheating

might get them over the finish line. Too big to
rig is a real thing. Trump is polling beyond the
fraud right now. Now, Yes, polling only gives you a
snapshot of what's happening in the moment. At the end
of the day, the only thing it matters is people
who show up on election day. But I can tell

you look at New Jersey. People in this country are
waking up. We have all the makings of a landslide
victory right now in favor of Trump. Now, listen, you
always campaign, and I mean always with a capital way.
I've told you this and I'll tell you before. You
always campaign like you were down by ten points. You
take nothing for granted, and then when you win, you

push the pedal to the metal and then you go
full more on dismantling the Democrat Party. They are an
existential risk to this country. You do to the Democrats
exactly what they did to us, the Republicans for the
last several years, and ultimately the Democrats are afraid of

just this. The Democrats believe that we're going to do
to them what they did to us. And if I
have any say over that, you bet you're ass we will.
I only know one way, and that is fighting fire
with fire. That's why people are panicked. That's why Democrats

want Biden gone. Yeah, they love the fact that he's
a meat puppet for their agenda that shields them from accountability.
Is a veneer, a protective veneer to their radicalism. But
if they lose, they lose everything. So even if you
think Joe Biden is a zombie, which he is, Joe

Biden's not a zombie. She loved being first Lady. They
love dress. She loves dressing. I don't know if she
realizes this, but she loves dressing like she's an extra
on Willie Waka's New Chocolate Factory movie. Like she's some
sort of colorful Opa Loopa or something. I mean, she
loves being shunted around in Air Force one and driving

around in the Beast. So she's not a zombie. She
wants to stay her staff Biden's step. They probably like
their jobs. They're cush jobs in the White House and
the power that comes along with it. Now consider this,
if somehow they force Biden out, if somehow they bribe

them and they say, look, we're gonna throw Hunter in jail,
We're gonna expose all this stuff. If just go up
there on the convention and just say you're getting out
for health reasons, if they do all this stuff, they're
still left with cackling Kamala. She doesn't just go away,
She doesn't want to go anywhere. So is vice president.

She doesn't have a whole lot of institutional power, but
she does have the power of the microphone. She can
use her bully pulpit, her position as vice president to
go on the media where cameras follow her everywhere, and
shape the public perception. She's on the ticket as of

this moment with the President of the United States. So
let me tell you, folks, she ain't budging. And so
that gives these people Obama, Clinton, Beller, Jarrett, the people
behind the curtain it gives them pause because she is
less popular than Joe Biden is. And oh, by the way,

she's a dei and didn't earn it. Pointee, who is
appointed for one reason, and one reason only, for the
color of her skin, not because of her accomplishments. So
if they remove her, she will go out there. I
mean unless they bribe her too, which I don't think
they're gonna be able to do because she doesn't want

to go. If she leaves, you have to understand something, folks,
If she walks away, she ain't ever seen the inside
of the Oval Office as president ever. Again, the closest
that she is right now to the Oval Office is
serving as vice president of Joe Biden, who is older
than hell and one day the Lazarus pit just ain't
gonna work for him. She ain't letting that power go,

not now, not ever. And it doesn't matter if they
try to bribe her get her to switch positions with
Gavin Newsom. So you see, the Democrats have a dilemma.
But but do they have a dilemma? Yes, I mean
if they ditch Kamala Harris is going to be held

to pay with their base, which is already in a
serious state of decay with all the pro Haamas terrorist
sympathizers that they have as part of their base. And then,
of course we've talked about the legal and procedural hurdles.
I mean, getting signatures for a candidate to be in
a state, setting up political action committees and super packs,
and being able to have fundraising infrastructure in all fifty states,

and all of that set me. I mean, and I
suppose it's possible Democrats could stand that all up overnight.
Is it possible, yes? Is it likely? No, They're running
out of time to do all of that. So there's
that stuff as well. But let me ask you a question.
Did the Democrats, even with Biden being unpopular, even with

him being a meat puppet and animated corpse, even with
cackling Kamala. If you are a high level Democrat operative,
are you worried? I mean, I think you didy have
legitimate reason to worry. Yes, but think about Biden wins
in twenty twenty. What's remarkable is if you look at

some of the videos of Biden in twenty twenty, he's
vastly better in twenty twenty than he is today. And
I thought he couldn't even get a coherent sentence out
in twenty twenty. He was terrible in twenty twenty, but
he's worse today than he was then. But then they
didn't just win with Biden, they won with Fetterman, who

is also has the brain power of a turnip. So
if they can win with Biden and they won with Fetterman,
and then you add to that all the new illegals
that have poured into this country and the Helping America
Vote Act JAVA, which is being implemented in Texas and
in Pennsylvania and in other swing states. Clearly the end

state goal is to try to have illegal alien invaders
vote in federal elections and hoping that the first time
that they pull that lever it will be for a
Democrat who led him into this country illegally. Can you
add to that a sophisticated vote vote harvesting operation. Do
you think they're really worried about Biden being an animated corpse?

And you know, no, they're not. They can literally get
a turn up elected if they wanted to. And are
they worried? Of course? Is there something to too big
to rig? Yeah? But if I'm a Democrat operative I'm
banking on the GOP screwing the pooch like our party
always does, except this time is different. The Trump's are

running the show at the RNC. Laura Trump is laser
focused on the RNC and election integrity efforts. And there
are patriots, let me just tell you many patriots in Pennsylvania,
by the way, which is the lynchpin working behind the
scenes to make sure that we have a mail in

ballot operation that rivals that of the Democrats. So yeah,
they should be scared. They should be scared. But I
don't think that they're going to replace Joe Biden. You
heard That's my thought. I could be wrong. They probably
wish Kamala would step down at the convention. They probably

wish they could put Newsom in her spot. So if when,
if when Biden doesn't finish a potential second term, although
it definitely looks like I mean he's not good. I
mean Trump at this point is gonna win. I'm just
saying theoretically, but she ain't stepping down either. Trust me
on that. Trust me. So we will see. It's gonna

be very interesting a couple of months. I know that
my opinion is different than that of many conservative influencers.
Like I said, I could be wrong, but again we
will see. Okay, we gotta talk about the media because
the media is inextricably linked to everything that happens in

the Democrat Party. They just are. It's it's how it is.
And as many of you already know, the media is
irredeemably corrupt. There's no questioning that, totally in the tank
for the Democrat machine. But every single day they stoop

to new Lows and they put on display for the
world what truly shameless hacks they are. Look at this
for my friends who are listening, this is Steve Peoples,
the national political correspondent for the Associated Press. The Associated Press,

It's it's a massive publication because anytime they write something,
it gets filtered down into local news. It's crazy. But
this dude we're talking about, we're going to talk within
the context of sloppy Alvin Bragg's trial in New York
and the hush money case. For lack of a better term,

no crime committed whatsoever. But he says, because Speaker Johnson
and Trump showed up with a Republican entourage again today,
which included Speaker Mike Johnson, it included Vivik Ramaswami, It
included several other elected official Republicans who are showing up
at the trial in solidarity. And they should do that.

They're not just going to stop at Trump, folks. We
know that. And the Republicans should be circling their wagons
around Trump. He's our nominee, he's all we got to
save this country. Should be screaming from the rooftops about
this stuff. But this guy, there's been a shift in
the media narrative today, and this guy says the appearance

House speaker, second in the line of succession to the president,
is at politically stunning and significant show of Republican support
for the indicted Trump coming from the highest levels of power.
Johnson is using the powerful pulpits of the Speaker's office
to attack and tear down the US judicial system. First

of all, if he was doing that, that's awesome, fine,
I mean, we need to reform the judicial system. But
my god, chief political reporter for the Associated Press is
saying that show trials that are basically what amount to
election interference. It threaten these very trials threaten our system,

threaten our country, threaten the rule of law. Like he
says that just for Republicans speaking up, we're the one.
We should just lay back and take it. Let the
corrupted almost beyond repair justice system see it, see its

see its way through, see see things through to the
very end without saying, hey, this process sucks. It kind
of feels like things are rigged. But it didn't just
stop with the Associated Press. You see all of the media.
When there's a new talking point that goes out in Unison,
all of these hack morons start repeating the same things
over and over and over again, like parrots of the

Democrat Party. This is Costa reports, I think from NBC.
He says, an elected official with significant constitutional power, second
in line to the presidency, it's weighing in on an
active criminal case as a jury hears evidence this morning.
Do you remember, uh, mister Costas or other dem hack

attorneys when Biden bragged about imprisoning j six American citizens
who protested his fake election victory. And oh, by the way,
Biden used his bully pulpit on a nationally televised speech
to describe those people as insurrectionists, even while those people
were in the middle of a trial. I didn't hear

these hack losers in the media saying a damn thing
about the President of the United States using his position
of power to maybe influence the outcome of a trial.
Or how about Biden's Department of Justice when they raided
the house of Donald Trump and mar A Lago. None
of these assholes said a damn thing about that, other

than to cheer it on. Or how about Matthew Colin Jello,
the number three official with Biden's doj who took a
demotion to go work with sloppy Alvin Bragg to try
to get Trump in New York for what is essentially nothing.
This dude Colon Jello delivered the opening arguments and was

the number three at the Biden Department of Justice and
took money from the DNC. Yet you heard nothing from
these hacks in the media about that. Yet these ass
clowns are saying that Mike Johnson and other Republicans at

a press conference are an attack on America's judicial system.
What an absolute joke. It's an absolute joke. And never
mind the fact. Again, if you don't hear the media
talk about any of this stuff unless it's you know,

you're watching shows like this. Mershawn Judge jan Mrshaan's family
is becoming fantastically rich and fundraising off of jailing Trump. Mrshawan,
the judge who's overseeing this case, maybe that is destroying
and tearing down our judicial system. I mean, listen, folks,

these people are dangerous. These people. Trump said a long
time ago that these media types are the enemy of
the people. And this is why essentially every single member
of this case or what is what amounts to a

Democrat operative judge Wan Murshan, a commie activist who donated
to the Biden campaign. His daughter is enriching his family
by fundraising off of Trump, and every day that goes by,
we learn more about it. Sloppy Alvin Bragg taking money
from George Soros, taking commands from the Biden White House.
Every day that goes by, we learn more about it.

Colon Jello number three at the DOJ takes a demotion
to go after Trump. I mean, the list goes on
and on and on and oh, by the way, the
entire damn case revolves around a disgusting porn star and
a disgusting convicted perjurer liar, And yet this is what
they're doing to the former president of the United States.
If we don't stop them now, they will never stop.

And so Republicans, I'm telling you, God a support. I mean,
they're doing a great job. You know, I credit where
credits due to Speaker Johnson. You're up there. You're using
the power of your office to support the President of
the United States says he's being politically persecuted. Well done.

I love to see it. And we are five weeks
into this thing. Never mind the fact that we are
five weeks into this thing in Sloppy Alvin Bragg hasn't
even established what the hell the crime even is. I mean,
keep in mind, this is a falsified business records case.

Sloppy Alvin Bragg is essentially arguing that the falsification of
a business record was in furtherance of another really dastardly crime,
and that makes it a felony, even though five weeks
into the case he hasn't described at all what the

crime was. So listen to this. I found this video
the SoundBite of Eric Holder. I mean, because listen, remember
the Golden rule. The Democrats always and I mean always
accuse us for what they're doing, or they say the
quiet part out loud. If you just know how to listen.

I dug this up of Eric Holder, I think in
December of twenty twenty three. Listen to him talk about
the dangers of a weaponized justice system, and he's talking,
of course about Trump getting access to the winning in
twenty twenty four. But listen to how he describes, almost verbatim,

what they're doing to Trump. It's unbelievable.

Speaker 1 (37:11):
Can you just describe a little bit in terms of
the role of how it would transform if an attorney
general we're not looking at things purely from the facts,
purely from the evidentiary burden and how to meet it,
but instead taking directives on who to prosecute from the
President of the United States.

Speaker 2 (37:27):
Sure, if the President told a compliant attorney general, I
don't like what this congressman said about me or did
about me, did to me over the course of the
last two three years, whatever, open an investigation on that person.
That attorney general could tell a compliant United States attorney
to do just that, Talk to a compliant FBI director

who could be placed by the President to open an investigation,
and then to just look through that person's life and
look for anything that you possibly can find. Who's to
say what you find in any person's life that might
run a foul of the law. And even beyond that,
the fact, the mere fact of an investigation of a

person who is a public figure can be reputation ruining,
can be politically damaging, not even if you find anything,
just the fact that the investigation itself exists. And if
you've got the full weight of the Justice Department, the
full weight of the Presidency, the full weight of the
FBI focusing on somebody like that, that can be extremely
damaging to not only that person individually, but to our

democracy writ large.

Speaker 3 (38:34):
That's exactly what they're doing to Trump. Even the investigation
could be damaging to a person. That can destroy a
person's reputation, especially politically. So something is telling me, oh
and that Eric Holder goes on, well, this could destroy
our democracy for sure. You know they're talking point of
destruction of democracy. Yeah, that's yeah. So if we believe

Eric Holder, then what the Democrats are doing is destroying
our democracy and maybe it does speak to the need
to reform our judicial system. Sharing this. Have a look
at this. You see that picture of a young man
in Washington, d C. Holding what looks like in AK

forty seven eighteen year old sprays a Washington, d C.
Neighborhood with twenty six rounds from an AK forty seven
shot at a car. I'll but he missed it. DC
Judge's freedom on bond, and now he's out on the
streets right now. You know, maybe our judicial system does

need to be torn down if if somebody like that
can fire an AK forty seven and a bunch of
innocent bystander, But are people in a car and be
let out? Potential violent criminal let out on bail that night,
while January sixers have languished in solitary confinement for three
years on unlawful parading in this the same damn jurisdiction.

Maybe our judicial system does need to be reformed. Or
how about this today, thirty year old pro life activist
Lauren Handy just sentenced to fifty seven months in prison
for handing roses and resources to women at an abortion facility.
Or how about this the Department of Justice and the

Bannon trial. The court shall order defendant to be detained,
so the stay of the sentence must be lifted. So
the Justice Department, the corrupt Biden Justice Department, is asking
the court to lift its hold on Bannon's four month
prison sentence. So what they're trying to do, and they're

not even trying to we don't even trying to hide it.
What they're trying to do is send Bannon to for
what will be the rest of the election year. And meanwhile,
this guy is the most one of the most pro
Trump shows in the country. Now, Banner's just simply saying, hey,
while I'm appealing, let me stay out of prison. No,

the Justice Department is asking to put him in prison,
just like Peter Navarro, just like anybody who doesn't tow
the line and represents a threat to this administration. I
want you I'm gonna show you listen to this piece
of sound because I told you that every day that

goes by, things tend to get worse and worse. We
learn a little bit more about this corrupt, self licking
ice cream cone that is Washington d C. What this
next piece of sound that you're going to listen to
is Representative Dan Goldman, who has essentially taken on the
de facto role of the Biden family personal attorney. Well,

we find out in this SoundBite it's almost like he
let this slip that not only is he working to
be the de facto family attorney for the Biden crime family.
He's also working with Michael Cohen and that matters a lot.
And I'll tell you why in a second. Listen that

and I have deposed Michael Cohen. I have met with
him a number of times to prepare him. So he's
met with him a number of times to prepare him.
Now look at this, and for our friends who are listening,
I will describe it. This is from our friend on

x m Use, who's a great independent journalist. Here he says,
Democrat star witness Michael Cohen has been working with Democrat
Representative Dan Goldman to prepare for crossing emation and that
Dan is a cost of acting. Just Jan Mershan's daughter.
You see that little red arrow right there, That little

red arrow goes right to a circle, that says Representative
Dan Goldman. So what's unbelievable. This is unbelievable to me
that the judge's daughter got paid by Dan Goldman, who
prepped Michael Cohen for this trial. How in God's name

can you have someone who pays off the judge's family
essentially talking to and coaching a witness, and then to
have the goal to be a member of the media
and say, well, this was a fair trial, Like, what
the hell is going on? They're throwing it right in

our faces, America. They are telling they're laughing at us.
They know exactly what they're doing. KJP from the White
House Press room, Diversity higher extraordinaire, the worst White House
Press secretary in the history of the country. Listen to her.

Speaker 4 (44:12):
Was it appropriate for Speaker Johnson to show up at
the trial of the.

Speaker 1 (44:16):
Former president today?

Speaker 5 (44:18):
So look, I can't speak to don't want to comment obviously,
as this is related to twenty twenty four elections, and
I can't.

Speaker 3 (44:28):
So commenting on Speaker Johnson outside of a trial of
a former president. You can't talk to that, KJP, because
it it's about the twenty twenty four election. Huh oh,
that's right. This whole case is political, and the whole

reason you're doing it is election interference. That's right. You see,
it's as all rigged, folks, Everything about this disgusting trial. Hile,
this disgusting anti American Soviet era show trial is rigged.
Every Democrat knows it. And as time goes on, they're

simply throwing it in our faces. So We've been talking
about the deep state and how they're involved in everything,
and how this trial with Sloppy album Bragg it's a joke.
Of course it's a joke. It's always been a joke.
The Democrats know it's a joke, and they're throwing it
in our faces. It's not just that even this classified

docs case the Biden administration has been involved in from
day one. Did you see the news about the FBI.
We knew the FBI was trying to blackmail Trump's employees
and associates to spy on former President Trump, but now
we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that they

were targeting Trump's lawyers as well, like Walt Nuda, who
had an attorney client privileged relationship with Trump. The FBI
tried to compromise that attorney client privileged relationship by getting
trying to get Walt to establish some sort of relationship

with them so they could so he could serve as
an undercover informant to the FBI. Folks, this is attorney
client privilege is everything. It's everything. I mean, if the
FBI can pierce that, and they have, they have already,

it's already happened. But if we lose that, how are
you ever going to be entitled to a fair trial?
Do you see what I'm saying? The deep state is
involved in everything, and now it's not a myth. Mean,
for the longest time, the medium, well he used to
be with the deep state. Conservatives would say it. People

you note that can think for themselves would say, wait
a second, there's something else going on here. There's got it.
The deep state, the deep state, it's real. They're pulling
the strings behind the scenes. The media would be like,
you crazy conservative, come on you conspiracy. There's no there's
such things as the deep state. And now it's the

narrative is completely shifted from outright denying the deep state's
existence to now saying that they're the deep state is
just filled with patriots. Listen to George Stefanoppanopanopolis on The
View today promoting his new book, Everyone's Got a Book.
He does too. Listen.

Speaker 4 (47:46):
That was my favorite part about doing the book. I
interviewed about one hundred duty officers from the White House,
and these are people that come They're relatively young people
who come from all over the government, the CIA, the DiiA,
Defense Department, military terry, and you know, some people like
to call those people the deep state deep state. Well,
the big thing I learned doing this book is that
the deep state is packed with patriots, people who go

to work every single day on the front lines of
the most intense crises the country faces, and do it
to serve their country and to serve the presidency, not
the president. They don't care about political parties. They're there
to serve the presidency.

Speaker 1 (48:21):
In the institution, and they're doing it anonymously.

Speaker 4 (48:23):
Absolutely, as one of them told me, Mike Seely said,
you know we served in silence.

Speaker 3 (48:29):
Yeah, the deep George Stefanopolopolis, the deep state is filled
with patriots, my ass, they're filled with patriots. I didn't
elect any of those people. You saw what they did
to Trump. You saw how they undermine his first term

over and over and over again. I didn't elect him.
You didn't elect him. And if you're a Democrat out
there and it's fair minded, even though they're doing what
you want them to do, at least as it pertains
to Trump, you didn't elect them either. That should concern
the hell out of you because they're not always gonna
be there, right. What if it were a bunch of
Republicans doing everything they could to stifle and basically throw

one soft coup after the next. While Joe Biden was
in office, they'd be screaming bloody murder. They'd be in
the streets rioting. Deep state is filled with patriots. This
is why I mean, if you as if you needed
another reason why you could not trust the media, My goodness,
the deep state is filled with patriots. And this guy

is an anchor on Good Morning America, I think, on ABC.
And now do you see why the deep state says, well,
the twenty twenty election was the best, most most perfect
election in the history of all elections. You see why
they say that the deep state tells them something, They
just regurgitate it because, well, to people like George not monopolists,

the deep state filled with patriots. But now they're at
least they're many. I guess we should just be grateful
that now they're admitting that the deep state exists. So
when I do shows like this, they can't even call
me a conspiracy theorist anymore, because now they themselves have
admitted that it exists. They're filled with patriots, but it

exists nonetheless, all right, The deep state filled with American
patriots who aren't elected, but they just basically do what
they Wown't they do what they wown't George stefanop and
not Monopolis. This is just like unbelievable to me. So
the law fair is obviously failing. Biden's getting annihilated in

the polls. We've established that. I believe the Democrats are
stuck with both Biden and cackling Kamala. So now the
dams along with the deep state again deep state who
are all paid, they're moving on to the next phase
of the operation. And I believe that is all in

on doing whatever they can to cheat in the next
election and intimidate from intimidate Republicans. Okay, and what I
mean is use the power of our government, just like
they're trying to intimidate pro lifers who dare protest outside

of an abortion clinic, throw them in jail for ten years,
or anybody who protests an election. Look what they're doing
the January six ers who are on who parade in
jail for you know, three four five years for unlawful parading.
I think they gave some dude, Enrico Tario, who I
don't proud boy I don't know who the hell they were.

Twenty years he wasn't even at the capitol all while
they let criminals out on the street. No, by the way,
this is like really important. I saw somebody comment on
this on Exit. I believe his name was Dan, and
I want to give him credit because I think he's
exactly right. Prosecuting law abiding Americans, throwing Americans who are

pro life in prison, or throwing Americans who protest elections
in prisons, anybody who disagrees with the narrative of the
deep state. That's the point. They want to scare those people.
But letting criminals on the street back out on the street,
violent criminals after they commit crimes is also part of

the plan. The plan is for these deep state lackeys,
they hate America, and that leads them to they want
to fundamentally change America. And the way that they will
fundamentally change America is by imprisoning patriots and letting criminals
back out on the street. It's all deliberate because criminals

on the street leads to higher crime. Higher crime leads
to instability. The more unstable we are, the more we'll
look to a big government to save us. And we
should resist that, always resist that. But Meyrick Garland, I
mean listen. Flanked by Christopher Ray and Deputy Attorney General

Lisa Monaco, gives an update on how the Elections Threats
task Force has accelerated its work. Elections Threats Task Force.
Listen to Merrick Garland talk about the Election Threats Task
Force because this is their next phase and the deep

state operation to influence the twenty twenty four election.

Speaker 6 (53:44):
Public servants, the ones who administer our elections, those threats
and danger are democracy itself. That is why over the
past three years we have accelerated our efforts to combat
the increase in threats against election workers, officials, and volunteers
that followed the twenty twenty election. Our Election Threats Task

Force has secured the guilty plea of a man who
threatened an election worker in Michigan. The defendant made vile threats,
saying that the election worker deserved a quote throat to
the knife. We secured a three and a half year
prison sentence for a man in Texas who threatened the
lives of Arizona election officials and their children and advocated

for a mass shooting of poll workers and election workers
in precincts he believed had quote suspect results. We secured
a three and a half year prison sentence for a
Massachusetts man for sending.

Speaker 3 (54:40):
About they've accelerated their plan. They've accelerated their Elections Threats
task Force. And of course what he's trying to do
are the people committing those crimes. What they did was
completely wrong. Okay, I'm not justifying any of that. Do

not in any way make threats or commit vines. But
you need to stay vigilant, stay involved. Watch these people
like a hawk. They know that things are different this
time around. They know that people are gonna be watching
these drop boxes. We're gonna have pole watchers everywhere. We're
getting hip to the Democrats mail in ballot game. They

got one play and that's to turn up the heat
on American patriots. That's it, and that's exactly what this
is gonna be. That's exactly what Merrick Garland is doing
in that clip. So what's this Biden talking about the
deep state and we're talking about how they're gonna influence

the next election and all the things that they're gonna
do to try to influence things. Well, Biden is also
doing everything he can to try to write the ship,
even though he's an animated corpse that sucks and can
barely strenge together ro caher and sentence. And what he's
trying to do is just to dop all the Trump
policies to see if that'll save them. I mean, I

wonder I've often wondered this. If Biden just walked into
the Oval Office and did nothing with the economy, did
nothing with the border, did nothing with the oil and
gas industry, did just left everything Trump did in place,
I think that Joe Biden would be coasting to reelection

right now. I mean, seriously, Trump's policies were extraordinary. I mean,
had this world and a pathway to peace. Our economy
was booming. I mean, everything was working as it should.
Americans had money in their pocket, they were saving money,
people's retirement accounts in four oh one k's were going
through the roof. Biden gets in there, and in three

years the world collapses. So I think if Biden just, hey,
I'm gonna just go in there and cruise for the
next four years, you know, kick my anime? Did corpse
feed up here on this on the on the on
the desk in the Oval in coast for four years,
you probably would coast to eight years in the White House.
But he didn't do that. So Biden just today said,

I announced I just imposed a series of tariffs on
goods made in China. Twenty five percent on steel and aluminum,
fifty percent on semiconductors, one hundred percent on evs, and
fifty percent on solar panels. China is determined to dominate
these industries. I'm determined to ensure America leads the world

in them. No, you're not. You're a wholly owned subsidiary
of the communist Chinese. I didn't get I didn't pull
the SoundBite for this, but there's video out there of
Biden saying, we need to make sure that China rises
in the world. It's good for China, it's good for
the world. Biden's been in the pocket of the Chinese
for ten years now, twenty years now. And oh, by

the way, the big takeaway here is that these are
all Trump era policies, and Biden said that Trump was irresponsible,
that he didn't understand the world. That is, tariff's hurt
hard working middle class American. But now because he's getting
his ass kicked in the polls. He's adopted Trump's policies well, diversity,

higher extraordinaire. The worst White House Press secretary in the
history of the world. KJP was asked about Biden adopting
the Trump era policies in the White House press room
listening to what she said. So in July of.

Speaker 4 (58:32):
Twenty nineteen, then Canadate Biden said, the tariffs on China
are abusive policy.

Speaker 5 (58:37):
Has the President changed his mind and now believes tariff's work. So, look,
I'm going to be really mindful. I'm gonna let and
do order. You'll hear directly from the President, directly from us,
So don't want to get ahead of that. Jake said
it really well when he was here. We have always
had concerns on China's unfair trade policies. We've been very

clear about that, and the last administration when they did
a trade deal with China, what it did is it
failed to increase American exports or boost manufacturing.

Speaker 3 (59:10):
That is, she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.
The squatter in the White House. She sucks. They can't
fire her. She's a Dei hire and she ain't leaving.
Much like Kamala She ain't going anywhere either. It was
why they're stuck. But this is a Trump era policy
and KJP can't even articulate, can't even articulate why speaking

of press secretaries, I gotta get this in. Did you
see Jensaki writing her new book about how Biden didn't
check his watch when he was at at dover receiving
the remains the dignified transfer of remains for American Americans
who died during his surrender of Afghans, him checking the watch.
You've seen the picture, it's famous. Well, she says in

her new book that Biden didn't do that and that
it was misinformation, and of course that's not true. That's
a lie. And now she's got to revise her book.
And if you didn't know that, well that tells you
everything you need to know about the media, because it's
it's like amazing to me that for weeks we got
non stop attacks on Christy Nome for some of the

some of the lies told in her book. But Jensaki
gets a complete pass for life, I mean, and her
lies are actually far worse than that. I mean it lies, Alie,
But her lies are far worse than Christy Nomes lives worse.
He's just trying to cover in propaganda for a president
where Christy nomans like, look how important I am I
met all these cool people. I mean a lies, a lie,

All lies are bad. But you see how one the
Democrats are holding to it completely held to a completely
different standard than the Republicans are. Right, It's absolutely crazy.
But of course now Jensaki has got to her in
all future publications of her book, that passage isn't gonna
be there. And she was just on the View last
week trashing Christy Nolmes. So I mean, if the Demo

Democrat double standards are just normal, but these people are
just nothing but huge liars. Anyway, folks, we're way over time.
Thank you for sticking with me. As always, thank you
all for watching. Make sure that you smash that like button,
that little green thumb, very little green thumb beneath this video.

Smash that like button. It helps propel us to the
Rumble leader board, which is what we're trying to do.
Get on that leader board before the end of the year.
Tomorrow's show, we got on deck as always Savage Wednesdays
with Savage Rich Barris coming down the pike and et
you tomorrow, so be there for that or the latest
round of polling. You're not gonna believe some of the

polling in these swing states, folks, it's absolutely out of
this world. So make sure you're there for Savage Rich
Barris tomorrow. Got a great show planned for you and all.
As always, I'm going to run to my daughter's course
concert after this. I'm like, of course, looking at the
time and thinking, oh my gosh, we've gone over. My
daughter has a course concert. I'm so excited to go
watch her sing. She is such a little performer. And

then my other daughter has a course concert on Saturday.
Lots of course concerts is that time of year here
in Fort Parnell. But I'm gonna run over there now.
Got a great show play for you tomorrow. I'll see
you tomorrow. But God bless you all, and God bless
this exceptional nation that we call home. Take care, good night,
and I will see you tomorrow. Good evening from Fort Partal.

Take care,

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