All Episodes

May 22, 2024 66 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • In the arena tonight: Rich Baris, director of Big Data Polls, and host of ‘Inside the Numbers’

  • FBI authorized the use of deadly force against Trump

  • The FBI has been dangerously political for some time now

  • Will Biden even be on the ballot in Ohio?!

  • All the latest polls and so much more! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Warning you're about to enter the arena and join the
Battle to Save America with your host Sean Parnell. Good evening, America.
It is Savage Wednesday, and I have to say well
done to the Battle crew for naming Savage Wednesday. It,

I must admit, has quite a nice ring to it.
Well played, and of course Savage Wednesday is named in
honor of the great Savage Rich Barris, who is on
deck here. Shortly the moment we get him in the
virtual green room, I will bring him right to you

and folks listen. I have to say I was shocked
at the stuff that I had to talk about on
the show last night. A lot of the news broke
that the FBI had been authorized to use lethal force
against Trump and his family, staff members at mar Lago,
even the United States Secret Service if shit went sideways.

Excuse my language, earmuffs of course, probably should have said
that before I dropped a cussword. But my point is
there was a moment, brief as it was, where I
thought to myself, perhaps this will open some eyes on

the Democrat side of the aisle, Maybe it will shake
these never trumpers out of this Trump derangement. Syndrome stupor
that they've been in since twenty fifteen, twenty sixteen, and
I have to tell you I would have been wrong.

We'll get to why I was wrong here in a second,
but we're gonna talk more about the FBI authorizing the
use of deadly force against Trump at the mar Lago ray.
Lots of people are talking about this. And by the way,
Dan Bongino, good buddy of mine, known him for a
long time before he was like Bongino on the radio.
He's a great guy. He talked about this from based

on people in the live chat saying that he talked
about it today. And I got to tell you, listen,
that guy knows what he's talking about. Like he's been there,
he's done that, he's served warrants before Secret Service agent
and then he's protected US presidence. The dude knows what
he's talking about. I'm going at this today from a
little bit of a different angle, from a more of

a thirty thousand foot perspective, but we're gonna talk a
little bit more about that. We're gonna talk also about
how the FBI has been dangerously political for a very
long time. Now. This just didn't start yesterday. I know
that many of you all know that, but we're gonna
take a trip down memory lane to explore just how
bad it's gotten maybe when it actually began. We're gonna talk,

Hopefully we'll have a chance to talk with Savage Rich
Barris about all the latest polls, where we are as
a country, Trump versus Biden and RFK in twenty twenty four,
the plan to perhaps depose Biden and replace him with RFK.
And I don't know if you all heard this, but
it's looking like Biden is not even going to be

on the ballot in the great state of Ohio. I mean,
what an unbelievable mistake on the Biden campaign. All that
and so much more right here on Battleground Live now.
Of course, I'm your host, humble servant of America and
a combat veteran, a best selling author. But again, the

most important part of that byline is humble servant of America.
Let's harken back to what I said at the beginning
of the show, and that maybe, just maybe this author
is in of deadly force against President Trump on the
Marlago raid. Maybe that would open some eyes, maybe it
would shock never trumpers out of their stupor maybe it

would shock Democrats. Really independent minded Democrats or moderate Democrats
say hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, this is a bridge too far.
We don't support this, We can't support this. This is
not consonant with what it means to live in a
free society. America cannot long endure with gestapo tactics like
this fast becoming the norm. But that is obviously not

what I got. What I got was a unbelievable Seriously,
it was unbelievable debate on Twitter, on x on social platforms,
and obviously through mainstream reporters on mainstream legacy media outlets,
just saying, man, not a big deal. This is just
standard operating procedure. This is just standard protocol authorization of

deadly force for US. It's boiler plate on everything the
FBI does. Well. Like hear this from Catherine Falders, senior
reporter covering investigations Capitol Hill and politics for ABC, right,
And I'm not trying to I'm not trying to attack her, right,
She's just one of many people who had this perspective, which,

by the way, I think is absurd. But she says
what Trump is claiming is a distortion of what was
revealed in the docks, because after Trump came out of
the sloppy Alvin Bragg trial, he was like, holy smokes,
Biden authorized the use of deadly force against me, my family,
the staff at mar Lago, the United States Secret Service,
and Trump went on to say it, and I'm paraphrasing here,

but he said, Biden's the real danger to democracy, and
he would be exactly correct. But of course, ABC, loyal
to the Biden administration as they are, immediately came out
and said, oh, well, he's Trump is distorting what was
revealed in the documents, which shows it's a reflection of

the standard FBI policy when conducting such a search, no indication.
This is a departure from that standard posture anytime the
FBI is conducting a law enforcement activity. Folks, this is
absolutely asinine. It's asenine because there was no standard none,

there was no standard operating procedure. There was no SOP
there because there's never been a time in American history
where an American president's home or compound was rated by
the FBI or some other law enforcement agency. You and O,
by the way, the crime itself, the crime, of course,

for my friends who are listening. I'm using that term
loosely because this was clearly a deep state hit job.
The FBI at a high level, colluding with the Department
of Justice, colluding with the Biden administration, working with the GSA,
the General Services Administration, on the make sure Trump had
classified docs in the pallets they sent down to him.

Everything up into the fake crime scene photo that the
FBI created out of whole cloth that make it look
like Trump was mishandling the nuclear codes. All of this
was I'm saying this to say, all of this was
one big hoax. There was no standard. Look. Use a

personal example. Do you remember black Hawk Down? Have you
ever seen Blackhawk Down? The movie? Do you remember what
happened during Blackhawk Down? Rangers and tenth Mountain Division pinned
down in Somalia on a hot They were going after
high value target snatch and grab. A couple of helicopters
got shot down, hence the name Blackhawk Down. Well, so

what would happen on those operations? Anytime you did a
snatch and grab mission back then, Blackhawk helicopters would come in.
They would loiter, which means they would hover in place.
They drop fast ropes, and then soldiers would fast rope
down the helicopters on the ground to get in on
the top of a building or in on an objective
fast What they did to pull security in the meantime

was just they'd have little mini birds strafing the building
tops and pulling security. Well, what we found was that
that did not work right. Blackhawks could not loiter on
objective long. Why because rocket propel grenades on the objective
changed the entire game, which changed their tactics, techniques, and procedures,

which changed our standard operating procedures. So now helicopters don't
loiter at all. When they're attacking. They do what's called bumping.
We used attack helicopters and Blackhawk helicopters. They bumped all
the time to avoid rocket propel grenades. They'd fly high
up in the sky like this, and when they get
high up in the sky, they'd a million miles an

hour down to the ground attacking all the way. Why
to avoid rocket propel grenade fire. But my point is
there was no standard operating procedure prior to them changing
the TTP because they needed to change it in the
wake of the tragedy that was Blackhawk down. So all

of these people out there saying, oh, this is just standard,
this was sop, this was a boilerplate No, it's completely wrong.
It misses the forest through the trees. Even if this
is boilerplate stuff on ninety nine point nine nine nine
percent of FBI raids, it can't be boilerplate stuff for

a raid on a former American president based on a
completely fabricated crime, I dare say even a yet another hoax.
It was completely unprecedented. Folks. Think take a couple steps
back and think about this. Think about just how much

our intelligence communities have been doing much to the detriment
of our country since Donald Trump came down that Golden escalator.
Do you remember when Trump was like the FBI they're listening,
they're hacking, they're listening to my phone lines in Trump Tower.
They're tapping my phone lines to Trump Tower. They're listening
into my phone calls. Everybody, Trump's crazy, Trump's a conspiracy

theorist hunter Biden laptop people coming out and saying it's
Russian disinformation. I mean, so, think about how intimately they've
been involved in political ways in this country, going back
at least to twenty sixteen, possibly even further than that

the standard language. Are you kidding me? Think? And I'm
telling just for these never trumpers and these Democrats or
maybe these high brow conservatives, all just part of the course,
just how the FBI operates. Ask yourself the question, do
you think the FBI would ever do such a thing
to George W. Bush, to Barack Obama, to Clinton at

How about Mike Pence when they looked at his house
for classified documents? Do you think they used authorized lethal
force for him? How about the criminal Joe Biden? I mean,
I mean the guy's a criminal. The Special counsel Robert
Hurr found that Biden was a criminal. He's just too
old and feeble to stand trial, too poor of a memory.

You think they authorized lethal lethal force on that? Right?

Speaker 2 (11:41):

Speaker 1 (11:43):
So, of course, there is nothing s OP standing operating
procedure about nothing so op, nothing normal about this, just
because there's no SOP for raiding a former president's home.
It was one hundred percent a setup by the FBI,
down to the fake crime scene photo. And don't get
me wrong, I'm not painting with broad strokes here. There

have been people at the FBI who said, wait a second,
this is kind of crazy. In fact, two senior FBI
agents in charge of the search resisted the op as
too combative, said it was too heavy handed, said it
was stupid, said they would just they would just coordinate
with Trump, which is what they were all ready doing

in the first place. So why was it even necessary,
the fact that you even have to ask that question,
why was this necessary? I'm telling you, I'm saying it
right here, right now. They wanted an incident. You look
blue on blue. Incidents happen all the time. You have

an area of operations, You've got friendlies in your operations
that in your area of operations that you don't know about,
and you see somebody out of the corner of your
eye who's armed, and in your mind you're thinking they're
not supposed to be there. Bad things happen when there
are lots of moving pieces. All of these moving pieces
are armed. Maybe they know about each other, maybe they don't.

I don't know. But I'll tell you another thing. You
can bet the Biden administration knew about this. They absolutely did.
I showed you video of Merrek Garland saying that he
authorized the raid himself just yesterday. But these two FBI
agents who said, well, we should slow our role here.
This feels heavy handed. We're already working with Trump. There's

no need for a raid like this. That should tell
you something right there that there's no sop, and even
if there was, they could have deviated from it, which
is what these two senior FBI officials said. Hey, let's
deviate from this. We're working with Trump, he's working with us.
There's no need to do an armed raid. But it's
important to remember that those two high level FBI official

who objected were shot down by the Department of Justice.
That you heard that right. The Department of Justice said no,
Merrick Garland said no. Who does Merrick Garland work for?
Joe Biden? Joe Biden in Forbes in Forbes Magazine on

eight twenty four to twenty two, how much advanced notice
did you have of the FBI's plan to search Marlago?
President Biden's answer, and I quote, I didn't have any
advanced notice. Breaking yesterday five twenty one, twenty four documents
reveal the Biden administration. The Biden administration authorized the use

of deadly force during the mar Lago raid. So how
could you possibly believe that this is just standard. After
all the thing these intelligence agencies have done. Don't even
get caught in the nuts and bolts of procedure and

US Code fifteen to I don't know anything about that.
I've never served a warrant in my life, and I
don't have to. But my point is you don't have
to either. Just think about this. Listen to James Comy.
All of a sudden, by the way, James Comy is
back in the media. Isn't it interesting that he's back

in the media now, But listen to James Comy talk
about a second Trump term. Think about a second Trump administration.
What do you think the implications would be for the FBI?

Speaker 3 (15:38):
Oh serious, for the Justice Department and the FBI, because
Trump is coming for those institutions. He knows their power,
and I think he has regrets that he didn't work
hard enough to corrupt them last time. So he's coming
for them, and that's a danger for all Americans. He's
going to put people in positions in those organizations. He
didn't have all stars the last time. He'll have the
bottom of the barrel this time, people who will want

to do his will. And that should worry every American.
This election matters because of a reason like that, people
have to participate. You cannot sit on the sideline. I
don't care how you feel about Joe Biden, you must
vote for him because the consequences on the other side
are too severe.

Speaker 1 (16:19):
That's the former director of the FBI saying Trump might
appoint people that do his will. Folks, Trump is on
a path to win what could be an historic victory.
He's certainly the front runner. It's looking like I mean,

all the betting odds are the guys gonna win, and
James Comy is saying the quiet part out loud. Trump
is going to dare to appoint people who are to
the FBI, who are loyal to him, who the American
people put in office. So what does that tell you
about the thoughts in the perspective of those who once

ran the FBI, What they think of you, what they
think of Trump. They're doing everything that they can, Number one,
they don't care about you, but they're doing everything they
can to make sure that Trump doesn't get an office
so that they themselves aren't held accountable. Remember when Kmy
pushed the Pepe tape, the Russia hoax stuff. I mean,
this guy pushed that hoax. Don't forget this. He pushed

that hoax. Knowing that the Steele dossier was completely fake
didn't stop him from running to CNN and pushing it anyway.

Speaker 3 (17:38):
Listen, honestly never thought these words would come out of
my mouth. But I don't know whether the current president
of the United States was with prostitutes peeing on each
other in Moscow in twenty thirteen.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
It's possible, but I don't know it's possible. Give me
an fing break. Believe me. This was First of all,
this was a was a fabricated crime. It was a hoax,
a potentially deadly one. I don't care what anyone says.
They wanted something to go wrong at that raid. They

wanted the They wanted FBI agents rolling in their heavily
armed They wanted a Secret Service agent to draw down.
They wanted there to be some sort of drama. This
is the this happened. You realize how often this happens
with the FBI, with people whose last names aren't Trump.
They could easily soft knock, they could easily arrest somebody

at a grocery store. But they're doing pre dawn raids
and somebody just happens to answer their door with a
shotgun because they don't expect somebody knocking on their door
at three in the morning. This just happened, I think
in Colorado or Utah. An eighty five year old obese
man who posted some mean stuff about Biden on social media.
The FBI showed up at his house and a pre

don raid and killed him. Again. Don't trust me, go
read the Daily Wire piece on it. So if I'm
just telling you, folks, you don't have to be an expert,
a secret service agent. You don't have to understand the law.
You don't have to be a lawyer to know what
the hell is going on. Our intel agencies are way
too involved in domestic politics to the point where it's

getting dangerous. Not just it's already dangerous, but now they're
talking about using deadly force against a former American president
and the Republican front runner. I'm sorry, folks. The title
of this episode is There's no going back, and there
is not. The paradigm has shifted in this country because
if they can do that to Trump, obviously they can

do it to the rest of us. But think how
think of how brazenly overconfident they have to be in
their intentions or the likelihood that they would get away
with something like this, to actually put this on paper
and then go to execute execute the actual rate itself.
I mean, it's absolutely crazy. Okay, so we've been talking

about the unprecedented authorization of deadly force against the former president.
Of course we've got Savage Rich Barris on deck right here,
Savage Rich Barris, Welcome to the show, my friend. Good
to see you.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Thanks for having me back.

Speaker 4 (20:11):
Brother as always, what do you think about this insanity?
I think that I'm I'm never shocked. You know that's
somebody and I listen, we all know that. But we
all know who started.

Speaker 2 (20:23):
The standard operating procedure line on Twitter. We all know
who it is. I tend to lot.

Speaker 1 (20:27):
I like the guy.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
We get along, but talk about missing the plot, Sean, right,
look about missing the plot and then don't listen, don't
talk to us about standard operating procedure. Okay, let me,
I did this on the show today. There are standard
operating procedures for how you deal with vetting UH information
that came in with about like HVTS high value targets, right,

and you go through that and then you may deal
with that a certain way for normal people on the roster.
Then you have a very different standard operating procedure. It's
not standard at all when you get information that will
Ama bin Laden is in Islama Bad and you have
to cross the border into Pakistan and go get him,
you know, so all of a sudden, it's not standard
operating procedure.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
We're dealing with an HVT, now, is it right?

Speaker 2 (21:09):
So this is not there's nothing standard being the operative
word here, And there's nothing standard about a raid against
the former president's home, who's going to be likely the
future president. You know, damn well, he's protected by Secret
Service whose literal job it is to protect them from
men with guns, to protect him from men with guns.

And then why are we even having this conversation. The
high ranked officials in charge of the FBI who are
dealing with this leak to the Washington Post because they
knew what we know and what we're saying right now,
which is that career prosecutors taking marching orders from Joe
Biden wanted them to do some political raid for the
It's the same reason they called CNN at four o'clock

in the morning and said, get your camera ready. We're
going after Roger Stone. They wanted a political impact, and
the people at the FBI were like this, this is
not standard. This is not the same thing. We're already
working with them. By the way, call the damn National Archives.
These excuites happen all the time, and never with former presidents.
It happens all the time they are officer. The president

gets in charge, you know, in touch with the archives.
They go back and forth. The FBI agents just wanted
to pick up the phone and say, hey, mister president,
you know now we're with them, you know, and we
just want to know them about these documents.

Speaker 1 (22:26):
We want to be able to come and take a
look at them. What do you say?

Speaker 2 (22:28):
You know, that's what they wanted to do. That would
have been the correct way. Don't give me standard when
this has been going on administration, if you administration after administration,
and nobody has ever been rated by the FBI for it.
Because the president can because all of this, let's get
down to the brass tacks of this. The president is
the ultimate arbiter of what is and what is not classified.

None of this would be even happening if they didn't
push some novel bs legal prosecution against the former president
that never would be tried against somebody else.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
And it's funny you had Joe Bida. I didn't know,
you know, I only found out recently.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
So full of Sean, just like he said, they didn't
know anything about the Michael Flynn investigation, Crossfire Hurricane until
we saw Barack Obama's handwritten notes that it was Joe's
own idea to go after Michael Flynn using the logan app.
These are dangerous, dangerous people, and anyone who claims to
be on the right who wants to like make excuses
for them, let me tell you about your brethren and

the FBI, buddy. They've been killing people for decades. They've
been murdering US citizens.

Speaker 5 (23:33):
They killed over eighty eighty two Branch Davidians in Waco
because they needed a win after they murdered a Green
Beret at Ruby Rich And by the way, over two
dozen of them were children who burned to death in
their mother's arms, crispy critters when all the rubble was
moved away.

Speaker 2 (23:49):
So don't give me any of this crap of the FBI.
They lied to Janet Reno. They lied because that's what
the FBI does. That's what they know how to do.
They lied to Janet Reno to secure the order to
be able to go in there with CS gas, knowing
after the last four times they did that it costs
fires and explosions and combustion. They're full of crap, and
anyone who makes any excuses for them, Man, you're part

of the problem.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
You're a part of it. And I'll tell you what.

Speaker 2 (24:15):
I wouldn't pick up the phone and call you as
if I ever had the state come after me, because
you're the wrong person.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
What they think they're your friends, you think they're your buddies.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
They'll crawl up your rasp with every damn device they
have the minute you step out of line, too.

Speaker 1 (24:30):
I don't know what the hell you think you're doing.
That's what I was saying to open the show, was
that I was hoping, you know, because the news just
broke about this prior to me going live, so I
was kind of reacting to it in real time, like
I waited a while on this kind of story, and
I know you said, you know, I don't know rich
nothing you said, nothing surprises you. This was I was

very taken back by this, like you're gonna do it?
First of all the Marlago raid was based on a
clete and total hoax of fabrication. It's a it's another hoax,
I mean, that's all it hookes. It's all a hoax.
And they freaking staged the crime scene photo. I mean seriously,

they took top secret cover sheets and put them on
stacks of printer paper. For God's sake. It's all ridiculous.
And by the way, by the way, one like I
don't mean to go off course here, but one one
courageous judge. Look at how much one courageous by simply

doing her job, doing your job, just simply making things transparent.
Look how much damage she's done to Jack Smith. Now
imagine if we had judges like that in other places,
like jan Mrshawan and Chuck Chuckkin in DC and and
Brady and with Big Fanny down in Georgia. These judges

are the problem.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
Absolutely, there's let me get on it. They're supposed to
be our last line of defense, Sean. Look at the
story the other day from Newsweek about Tucker Carlson, a
total work of fiction, and that was nothing, but that
was the way. And you it's like, once you know it,
you can't unsee it and you spot it immediately. That
is circular reporting. It's a used to be a big

no no in the intelligence community. It's not anymore. They
leak a lie to the news media. Some schmuck who's
dyna kissed the ass of the deep state picks it
up and says, I'll report it for you. Then they
take it and go into a rubber stampfisk a vice
of court and ask the judge, look at this report.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
We need to be able to spy on him.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
So any of you have been talking texting Tucker Carlson
for the last I don't know, several weeks months, you've
been under surveillance.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Let me break this to you.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
That is a textbook, textbook information laundering operation. And this
is what they do. So I the judges are supposed
to be our last line of defense against rogue prosecutors
and rogue law enforcement, and they're not. They're in on it. Listen,
when we found out you ran that clip of James

Comy before, I think we all knew. But when we
found out that James Colly is a liar and that
he knew to be false from the jump, and that
those FISA warrants were signed and re signed on false information.
The FISA Court, the judge at the FISA Court not
only has the right as a responsibility to hurt them Sean,

okay for lying to the FISK the minute that didn't happen.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
You should have known.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
We all should have known immediately that Justice Roberts and
everyone at that court is a piece of you know,
and they're all crooked because it is, Sean. If they
weren't in on it, they would have taken steps to
hold them accountable.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
They have all the power in the world to do it.
But they didn't.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
Why because that's run of the mill behavior at the
fight sport, run of the mill behavior. And I don't
know what on earth anyone is thinking, anybody is thinking for,
you know, to as if these people have shown themselves
to be of the utmost character that you're so, oh
it's just standard operating personage or.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
No, it's not. They They've been trying, they've been trying
to depose Trump for going on ten years, and these
people are just like Usha parere, are you what world right?
Where are you? What world are you living in?

Speaker 2 (28:34):
Please tell me about the standard operating procedure. When was
the last time that sop was used against the former president.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Please, right, anyone who has that argument, please please tell me.
Did they when.

Speaker 2 (28:47):
Barack Obama had some forty thousand documents he wasn't supposed
to have, did they go sack his library in Chicago?

Speaker 1 (28:54):
Did they kick the door in.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
On Barack Obama to see whether or not he just
felt like murdering?

Speaker 1 (28:59):
You know, is a cowie?

Speaker 2 (29:00):
I mean, AI, come on, get out of here. Whether
or not he added he was in possession of some
classified document, the president decides what's classified.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
Anyway. Again, anyone who makes.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
These excuses, you're you're you're really missing the plot. This
is not credible anyway, None of this is credible. Exact
what are you talking about? So you're lending credibility to it,
making excuses for them, You're just another schmuck, You're just
another lackey, all right. I mean, but again, my point
really being is that the real difference is this. They've

been misbehaving like this for a long time. Has anybody
read the Inspector General's report on following the Woods procedures
obtaining search warrants and and conducting and prosecuting search warrants?
It was the biggest guilty verdict against the FBI and
the Justice Department from their own inspector general. I mean,

this is not something new, he said.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
This has been he said.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
Harwood said, this has been going on for a long time.
It's routine violations. Routine. So is what's what's sop? Come on,
tell me more about SOP.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
I mean, I really, look, man, I really did think, Hey,
this never Trumper's modern Democrats team. Everyone's got to come
out again, says I was completely wrong. And not only that,
they just it was even worse Rich These people just
came out and just shrugged it off. That's just how
go Are you freaking kidding me? Imagine having listen. I'll

tell you this, man. I I have done a lot
of military operations on urban train both in training and
in combat. Okay, I rarely just in some training instances.
You know, I was an officer, so I was not
really ever in the stack, and the stack is the
first four people in the room. In training, I mean,
I think I was just to learn the responsibilities, but

never in an operational sense. In combat, I was always one.
I was always the fish. What's that? No breaching reason
for me? Yes, that's right. But I was the guy
in the room, like and then they go into another
room and I'd go one behind. You gotta be you
gotta be with them, but just not with them with them.

So my point is this, that stuff is a smoker.
It is the TTPs that are our manuals say sixty
six percent casualty rate. When you do stuff like this,
six expect a sixty six percent casualty rate. So it
is it is what it's like. I'm not it is

unbelievably dangerous to do with the FBI did and Sean right, Yes,
I've been there. I've been there, I've stayed there. I
stayed right een to people, the.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Instructions that you get when you are invited to mar
A Laga. He is not take a lift or an
uber into there. You don't go down this driveway. You
don't go that way. You don't go this way. You're
to go You're to follow exactly these instructions. By the way,
after secret Service vets you long before you ever get there,
you follow these entire instructions, and if you don't, there
is a problem. Meanwhile, the FBI just thought it was

a great idea to pull a normal sop. The way
they would a common criminal. This is so insane, all
for what And here's the kicker why, political shock value?
The same reason that they called CNN when they were
going to raid Roger Stone, as if this is like
a similar circumstance or something I wanted.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
They wanted, They wanted, they wanted something to go sideways
and they couldn't. They wanted a body. It could have
easily gone sideways. You know, I know a lot of
other pundits aren't taking it that far. Well, you know
that they'll deconflict. I honestly believe. Look, you had here's
the deal. Here's why. I think you had. Two senior
FBI officials say, I don't want to do this. This

is crazy. We're already working with him. He's already working
with us. We've never done this before. Just let us
keep working with him. The DJ and the Biden administration
said no, go forward with the raid, knowing how dangerous
it was, in discarding the advice and counsel of high
level officials in the FBI, and just said do it anyway.
You don't do that unless one you want the political

shock value of a raid. In two, you're hoping beyond
hope that something goes wrong and in that situation, I've
been on those situations on the ground in combat before.
When I say it's chaotic, it is an understatement. Okay,
all it takes is, All it takes is you got
a bunch of people there with guns, right, And all
it takes is for there to be one FBI agent

that was sleeping during the breed for one Secret Service agent.
And I know these people the Secret Service are the
best in the world. I got buddies that are in
the Secret Service. All it takes is for one person
not to be aware that the FBI might become a
down that day, see somebody with a gun and it
goes I'm just saying it was so my I guess
it leads me to this question, Rich. I have been

very careful about talking like this about the FBI, just
because I've got buddies that are there. Yeah, I know
that your people's first instinct, people's first instinct, Rich is like, well, Sean,
you're an idiot, You're a naive, And honestly I understand that.
I just always believe that, hey, there are good people there,
which means the organization could be reformed. I don't see

any way that the f that that that America can
exist today, free, free and prosperous. You know, I don't
even know I want to say exist. I'm thinking I'm
like catching myself here because I say exist today, we're
damn near a police state today. So like America as
it once was? How can America as it once was

exist when you have an FBI organization that doing stuff
like this? I just think it has to be dismantled, built,
rebuilt from the ground up. Man, Me too, Me too, Sean.

Speaker 2 (34:47):
I think that you know, it took maybe it took
you a while to get there, and once upon a
time it did for me too, because we kind of
probably you know, I grew up in an era of
almost good feelings when it came to you know, the
g men were the good guys, and you know want
to believe that. And there are I again, same thing
as you. But it gets to the point I got
to a point I think, maybe a little bit before you,

Oh wow, maybe a little bit more than that, where
I just stopped because I know some people and I'm
just like listen, I mean, I'm tired of listening to you, bitch,
and I'm tired of listening to your excuses. You know,
you're a grown ass man. You're responsible for your own actions.
I kind of made the analogy today on the show.
You know, if you're with a group of people, and

you have a group of friends, or you associate with
a group of people, Right, maybe you weren't the one
throwing the rocks through the window of the store. But
when the cops come and find you all, are you
going to say, like, I didn't do it. I was
just standing here watching them like you're you're does that
make you any better? And they're doing that only on
a much worse scale. And that's the truth of it, John,
And they've been bad for a long time. I'm sorry,

Like you know this idea that, oh my god, you
don't think they You're not accusing them of wanting a
gun battle.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
Folks. This is the.

Speaker 2 (35:57):
Same organization that tried to black back mail Martin Luther
King probably was behind his death. They nudged the Newer
Chapter of the Nation of Islam to kill Malcolm X.
I mean this, These people did this stuff, all right,
and their brother their brothers over in Langley are probably
responsible for the deaths of John F.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
Kennedy. What are you talking about? Wake up? All right?

Speaker 2 (36:23):
This is not a possible to have a free society
with these powerful agencies holding this level of control over everybody.
The Fourth Amendment is absolutely like a useless It's just
a piece of paper at this point. It's useless. It's
their pay lip service to it. But they don't believe

in it anymore. You know, Jim Comy, you plead that
clip again. I gotta go back to this. They don't
believe in your right to be the sovereign.

Speaker 1 (36:51):
That's Trump.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
That's what the Trump administration, apparently probably the first we're
gonna have to start to refer to that as that's
what the first Trump administration should have taught every single
person in this country. When you decide that you want
a different representative in the executive branch. This is the
people they want it. It's time for change. They don't

recognize your right and your sovereignty to make such a change.
They don't believe that this is that kind of a
self governing society anymore. They're essentially fascists, and that's all
there is to it.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 2 (37:29):
Essentially they are fascists. They believe they have the power
to bully and coerce the private sector.

Speaker 1 (37:36):
That's fascism.

Speaker 2 (37:37):
That's the economic definition of fascism. It's like we always
get hung up on the racial component of Nazism and
that always clouds us from understanding that there are real
definitions for these things. You know, communists, public ownership, but
they're all forms of socialism. It's just one doesn't go
all the way to public ownership.

Speaker 1 (37:58):
This is what they are you.

Speaker 2 (38:00):
The power of the police state to coerce the private sector,
to oppress individual liberties, to oppress individual freedoms, that is fascism.
I hate to tell all of you we are living
in a fascist state. I'm sorry, but it is true.
This is not I called it years and years ago
in an obscure book nobody ever read. You know, I mean,

that's not true.

Speaker 1 (38:21):
But years ago I.

Speaker 2 (38:22):
Called it hologram hologram capitalism and hologram liberty, meaning it's there,
you say it, you talk about it, it looks like
it's real. But try to reach out and touch it.
And in twenty sixteen, that's what the American people did.
They tried to reach out and touch it, and it
just wasn't there. Sean just shimmered away because it's a hologram.

When they don't like it, they don't abide by it,
and that's it. JFK wants to change policy with the Russians.
His brains end up all over his wife's lap, and
that's all there is to it.

Speaker 1 (38:55):
Come on, people, I mean Nix Nixon campaigned against the
Deep States. Well, yeah, we know now that we know
that the CIA was intimately involved now in Watergate.

Speaker 2 (39:07):
One of the most popular presidents, and now look at
how we look at him because of the dark.

Speaker 1 (39:14):
I mean, I don't even know what it's called.

Speaker 2 (39:15):
It's the cult they refer to it, and it's the
dark arts that they unleashed on us, which is supposed
to be used against other countries. Nixon is now synonymous
with scandal. He was a great president, He was one
of the most popular presidents in the twentieth century. But
now because of their information war that they launch on
you every single day. You know, this has been going

on now for decades and decades. This is the propaganda
they push again, very fascist like in nature. He's now
synonymous with scandal and disgrace. And and this was a
man who came from nothing. He was not rating. They
never liked him. They never accepted him because he was
an everyday person.

Speaker 1 (39:55):
He wasn't one of them.

Speaker 2 (39:57):
And there's a lot of parallels from Nixon the Trump
a lot hates tell everybody and one of them. And
Trump better get this through his head, seriously. One of
the bad ones that he needs to remember is that
Nixon wanted to be liked to. He wanted really bad
to get everybody to get along. Well, they can't get along.
You're not going to reform him. It's not possible. They

won't let you. Did you hear Jims call me in
that video. They won't let you.

Speaker 1 (40:22):
They have to be defeated. It's that simple, Rich. I
couldn't agree with you more so. I got two things here.
It's sack. But talking with one of my buddies, who
is a clandestine operator behind the scenes, I asked him like,
hey man, what's what do you think of all this?

He said, I completely agree. The FBI has been very,
very corrupt for a very long time, he said, But
the danger is going to come for the person who
actually tries to do the dismantling. That was somebody who
has served this country and the curtain for twenty five years.
That said this to me just just yesterday or today,

I can't quite remember. It's all blending together. But the
second second much so we don't, I mean the second
the second part of it is I just something that
Trump said that concerned me that I have to say
I disagreed with is, hey, let's build the FBI big

shiny headquarters in DC. And immediately I know, knowing Trump
the guy and then knowing his son is the way
that I do. You know, you you you can't you
if you believe the things that Schumer says, the intelligence
community has six ways from Sunday. You don't want to
go after them. So like so maybe you know, you've

got Trump trying to ingratiate himself with the with the
intellcommunity or whatever. But you're right, they cannot be reformed.
They are always going to stand in opposition to him.
That does worry me. And I hope that this was
a wake up call for him.

Speaker 2 (42:03):
Yeah, I'll tell you I would have thought after and
I think I think those comments are attempts maybe to
I don't think he believes them, you know what I mean,
I really I really don't. And you know, you know
that Trump's certainly better than me. I don't think he
believes them. I just think that's his That's one of
Trump's ways. And you know what he's trying to I'm

not gonna I don't even want to say it.

Speaker 1 (42:25):
But this is why I.

Speaker 2 (42:28):
Make because I do think I know his real intention.
I think Jim Comey knows his real intention. I think
that's why Jim Comey's talking like that. And I really
think Donald Trump needs to remember what I'm about to say.
If he doesn't listen to a damn word, I say,
he better listen to this. Your vice presidential pick is
not about how much popularity or political how many votes

they're going to go delivered to you in a state
or a region, you know, like it typically is. You
pick my Pence because you wanted to make a certain
wing of the party comfortable with you. Barack Obama picked
an old white guy so we could make people comfortable
with voting for a young black guy.

Speaker 1 (43:03):
Let's get real.

Speaker 2 (43:04):
All of those usual considerations are out the window this time.
The vice presidential pick needs to be your insurance policy,
your life insurance policy. Okay, because if they can't remove
you by the natural way, by what twisted Mitch McConnell's
crooked ass arm right and having him launch some you know, right,

some kind of removal proceedings in the Senate. If they
can't do that, then what do you think they're gonna
do next? You think they're just gonna let you do
what you want to do, which is dismantle them. I mean,
got the ATF, got the justin b and we all heard,
we've all heard the you know, we've all heard what
now I'm trying to be, you know, a nice year,

and I don't want to set off any any bills.
But he can't do that stuff, not without protecting himself.
They will absolutely comfort And I'm just stunned there's anybody
in this country at this point that it still thinks,
you know, I got a friend, he's I don't want
to blow him up, but he's in a very totalitarian

Arab state. And it makes a joke all the time
about me because like how much he likes that I'm one.
I'm I'm a rare American who acknowledges like this is
not the country you talk about it being like gets
let's get real. It's like the Godfather who's being naive now, Kate,

you know, of course so rich.

Speaker 1 (44:34):
Look, of course who who break? Who is who is
Trump's insurance policy? You know who's the vice president.

Speaker 2 (44:44):
It's tough. I mean, it's really looks like, you know,
remember the idea what six months ago r f K
and Trump would scare the hell and out of the
deep state. It looks like RFK cave like a two
dollars you know what.

Speaker 1 (44:57):
By the way, by the way, what do you think
of a theory put forth by eight Silver and others
that RFK is just waiting in the wings that I mean, look,
I've said Biden's the guy Lee Biden to yeah, jump
in and replace Biden? Should they kick him to the car?
I don't think it's to be clear.

Speaker 2 (45:12):
Names should know better with the procedures and the rules,
though Nate Silver should know better and the nightmare paperwork
that would be involved, considering that he already filed with
many of these states as his own independent organization. I've
gone through this. It's the most boring show I've ever done.
But because it's all about laws and procedures, but we've
gone through this before. Would be an utter nightmare. But

then again, the party can do whatever they want. They
got super delegates. Technically they can. I'm just saying it's
not that simple. RFK didn't receive a single vote from
Democratic voters, not one single vote. They're worried about Biden
right now, having a problem with the Democratic base. What
do you think what kind of a problem you think
they would have if they threw in a guy who

didn't get a single vote, who is looked at by
them as an anti type axer, you know, who's been
ostracized by every corner of Democratic society. You know, he's
been banned basically. I mean, he's canceled and every you know,
so by his own family, which is disgraceful. Supposed to
show you what the Kennedys are. Now, the guy his

uncle gave his life for this, Are you kidding me?
His uncle gave his life so his family can can
can trash his nephew so they get their invites to
the cocktail parties so they can eat their freaking what croissants.
I mean, what a bunch of scumbags. I mean, really,
thank God I'm not a Kennedy and I'm so glad
I was born a working class, real American and not
a piece of garbage Kennedy like that. Sorry, I don't care.

I just don't care. This is what his uncle died for,
this is what his father you know, come on, are
you kidding me?

Speaker 1 (46:45):
This is why we called Savage Wednesdays, and listen, people
like it. Stay In Salty, who is in our live
chat she's a loyal OG member and Hammerhead both tipping
in the live chat, Hammerhead saying great show, kicks ass.
Stay In Salty is like Rich is smoking hot toil.
He's fire. So people love it.

Speaker 2 (47:02):
Man, guys, If we don't do this now, it's a rap.

Speaker 1 (47:07):
I mean.

Speaker 2 (47:08):
And the fact that people are enjoy these segments so
much at least gives me some positive outlook that there
are some people like truly truly awake here, you know,
truly awake. This isn't Hoover saying I'm gonna leak a
tape to your wife. I know you had sex with
some other woman, and if you take that award, I'm

gonna leak the tape to your wife like he did
to Martin Luther King. You know, it's not some cute
little thing like that. I am with you one hundred percent.

Speaker 1 (47:36):
You people who.

Speaker 2 (47:36):
Don't understand anything about this world that could have ended
very very badly. I'm telling you they wanted it to
end badly.

Speaker 1 (47:45):
They would have loved that.

Speaker 2 (47:46):
They would have had a story about secret service agents
gone rogue.

Speaker 1 (47:50):
They must be magg and nutcases.

Speaker 2 (47:52):
They would have ran that wall to wall, see exchanging
fire with the FBI, and the heroic FBI laid them out. Well, yeah,
of course they would have, because one's got forty you know,
one's got a forty on their hip and the other
one's coming in hot with an M ten or an
M four.

Speaker 1 (48:08):
Are you kidding?

Speaker 2 (48:08):
I mean, give me a break. And they would have
made them out to be you know, just come on, man,
how do you not see that? How do you not
These are the same people who incited a man to
shoot the house majority whip four others, including his own security.

Speaker 1 (48:24):
By the way, you don't think they'd ever do this.

Speaker 2 (48:26):
Stuff or they care about these people. They don't for
others other than steve'scalice, including the brave people tasked to
protect him, went down as well. They don't give a
damn why it helped them. It helped their narrative. They
incite shootings of kids every day, all day, all for
the aim of taking out the Second Amendment. They don't
give a damn about those children. They don't care about Columbalium,

they don't care about Sandy Hook, They don't care about
anybody or anything except for their own ideology. Your dead kids,
in the effort to get rid of the Second Amendment,
are just whatever cannon fodder stepping stones on the way
to the greater glory, that is the mighty utopia. The
hell with them, And that's it, I mean, that's how
they think. How could you not understand how this went down.

There were a few FBI agents who said, this is wrong,
you can't do this.

Speaker 1 (49:17):
This is a former president.

Speaker 2 (49:19):
And they told main Justice, who was run by Biden,
said shut the up and do what you are told.
And unless they want to lose their pension in their career,
they had no choice but to do it. Standard operating procedure.
Nothing standard about that at all, nothing nothing. What freaking
world are these people living in Sean? That's what That

was the entire lead in of my show. And then
and then you add to that, well, this is not
this is not a one off. This has been, as
you said, be going happening forever. They they have a
long track record just since Trump was president of them
doing really really really horrible stuff.

Speaker 1 (50:04):
Yeah, I mean, and then and then call me out
there pushing the pee pee tape hookes. I mean, the
guy these I'm telling you, these people were dangerous and
so let me let me okay, so let me actually
actually ask you a polling question. Well, first of all,
you never actually answered the VP question. Actually, yeah, I don't.
Let me hold on the polling question and ask you this.

Here's how about DeSantis? I know the people on the
did you hear that rumors?

Speaker 2 (50:31):
Too many rumors, too many rumors? They listen. I have
been told that he had heads up, Oh for sure
he was coming, and he was like, thanks for giving
me a heads up.

Speaker 1 (50:44):
Yeah, that's a real president.

Speaker 2 (50:45):
Didn't tell the president didn't do nothing?

Speaker 1 (50:48):

Speaker 2 (50:48):
Because DeSantis was hoping for all this to go bad too?
Are you kidding me? It was the only way for
him to be nominated. Listen, guys, politicians, have you go.
You know, I've met many and many many of them
over the years. They all think almost all, not all,
And there's some good, very good one very very good

people out there, and I'll name her. Bob Good is
a stand up man. Whether you agree with him or not.
He's a principled man and he is not like the
rest of them. Jd Vance is a principled guy. He
is not like the rest of them. But I mean
I can count them on like maybe two hands. Maybe
all these people that I've met, I give the speeches

over here to this one, give speeches with that one.

Speaker 1 (51:31):
Talk to this one, dude Paulling for that one. They're
all the same. I mean, they all.

Speaker 2 (51:36):
Have their own ambitions, and pretty much anyone who's a
casualty on the way to those ambitions just doesn't mean anything.
They put them away, They somehow kind of compartmentalize them,
and they move on. So with that said, I don't know, Sean.
I'm not the president who sat down with these people
and looked in their eyes, you know, while he was
interviewing them, to say, I like christinom As like a person.

Speaker 1 (51:57):
I like her.

Speaker 2 (51:57):
I just don't know that she's ready for that. And
I don't know what she's made out of, you know
what I'm saying. And I haven't seen her. I've been vetitor,
I haven't you know, I haven't really dressed her up
and down.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (52:08):
I don't know, man, I mean, I I think I'd
have to do it myself, you know.

Speaker 1 (52:13):
Yeah, I mean, I'm I'm not gonna talked a little
bit about Christy Nooam on the show, But I don't
know what she was thinking with that book. I don't
know what she was thinking, not just with the dog
thing man like, but just with meeting the world leaders.
Like this guy's a record of that. Like, come on,
you people, you know, yeah, you're gonna get caught. Yeah.
I don't want to like, I don't want to like,

I don't want right on right violence here, you know
what I mean political violence? So to speak, My god,
I like jd Vance a lot. I ran with him
in twenty twenty two. Like he's a buddy of mine.
I think he's fantastic.

Speaker 2 (52:46):
He's the most representative senator in the US Senate right now.
That's what we call that's what we call him. Literally
he is, he's.

Speaker 1 (52:54):
Speaking speaking of representation, Morning Console Bloomberg, Paul Pennsylvania Trump
forty eight, Biden forty six, Wisconsin Trump forty seven, Biden
forty six, North Carolina Trump forty nine, Biden forty two,
Arizona Trump forty nine, Biden forty four it goes on
like that except for Michigan, where Biden is forty six
Trump forty five. Noise noise.

Speaker 2 (53:16):
So they've been doing that poll for a while along
with their national and the battleground state with Bloomberg. It's
a tracking pole they did, they released monthly. It has
been you know, it moves here and there, a little
bit on the margin, Sean, but if you look at
the trend, for the most part across the battleground states,
Trump has had a lead now and for the for
the entire time since they've tracked that, with the exception

of one month where it looked like got a little
bit better for Biden. I'll be honest with you as
this is my putting my pulster hat on now. It's
a very small sample size for each individual state it is,
and I would chalk that up to noise and take
the greater trend at more phase value because and we
talked about this on the show today, You're not going

to win Wisconsin in Pennsylvania and lose Oh by the way,
You're not gonna win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina
and lose Michigan. Like these states have voted together every
election since nineteen eighty eight, when Wisconsin buck the trendon
went with tecaucas It may be close at times, like

it was close with Biden. I mean it was barely
barely in Wisconsin. He won, even though he had a
bigger margin or you know, bigger margin less than three
points in Michigan. But the same thing was true with
Hillary Clinton. It was close in Michigan, but she's still lost,
you know, and Trump had a bigger margin in Pennsylvania
and Wisconsin. They tend to swing with each other, and

it's like it's noise. It's noise, sean one month from
the next, it's noise. Look at the size that they're
sampling era for me and I like them, Don't get
me wrong, I like them.

Speaker 1 (54:51):
I just think.

Speaker 2 (54:53):
The national poll is doesn't match how they are doing
these wilds. Sometimes wild swings six points four points in
these states, and that's because the sample size is so small.

Speaker 1 (55:06):
What do you think about that poll with Independence with
Trump and Independence have him losing Independence? Now? I mean
I suspected that they're react, right, I don't. I think
it was. I actually think it was. Let me see here.
McLaughlin and associates Oh, that's yeah. John is John, you

know what.

Speaker 2 (55:27):
Look, I know John, and uh, you know, I can't.

Speaker 1 (55:30):
The numbers are Biden forty one, Trump thirty seven with
independence and with Kennedy on the ball at Biden twenty nine,
Kennedy twenty three, Trump twenty two.

Speaker 2 (55:39):
Honestly, it's possible because John waits for party and I don't.
It is possible that because he's doing a party weight,
he is basically taking what are Republican leaning independence and
they're becoming because he's waiting up for Republicans, they're becoming more.

You know, he's he's cannibalizing the Republican independent vote by
the way he waits. And that's the best way I
can kind of explain it and throw it off.

Speaker 1 (56:11):
I will tell you this.

Speaker 2 (56:12):
In our poll Trump, because we're gonna have a pull
out real soon. Trump is ahead with independence. It's not
that much. But at the same time more people are
identifying as Republicans. So again, I mean, it's like as
where John would wait up for Republicans, because we don't.
We don't do that at all. We wait for different variables.

And it's really called rake waiting. And I don't want
to get in you know the weeds too much. But
you know, basically, it's I think I would argue, and
it's a big debate among pollsters. I would argue, that's
the right way to identify the partisan makeup of the electorate.
John says, Look, I don't I don't like the percentage
of Republicans. So I'm gonna make it from thirty two

to thirty five. And that's that's how I'm gonna. Wait. Listen,
there's an argument for there is. I'm not mocking it.
I'm just saying, what happens then is that you're taking
your cannibalizing the independent vote, and that's going to happen
in the math. I'm just making him trying to say
this in a very layman way, but it's probably you know,
things shift from month to month, and it's possible. I

don't know what his overall top line was, but for instance,
I wouldn't be surprised if he still had Trump up
and it was just a more Republican electorate because he
waited up for it. We don't really do that, you know,
we let the electorate tell us.

Speaker 1 (57:28):
What it is.

Speaker 2 (57:29):
Otherwise, you know, there look, for instance, Mitt Romney lost,
I mean he excuse me. Mitt Romney won independence, right,
let me give you an example. He won independence in
twenty twelve, but Barack Obama still won, and he did
because he cannibalized his share of the vote and drove
the d electorate up.

Speaker 1 (57:47):
All right.

Speaker 2 (57:48):
So if you try to like wait for party, you
would never have saw that comment, you know what I mean.
So that's one reason why I don't do it. And
it's still that's still possible to see those variations month
a month, but Trump not lose his lead.

Speaker 1 (58:03):
It's weird.

Speaker 2 (58:04):
It's weird, but it's true, it's valid. I just I
can't speak for what he does. I can just look
and I'm telling you, I'm looking at it right now
and looks like Trump is about a five point lead
with independence.

Speaker 1 (58:13):
M all right. So I had I learned a lesson, well,
a lesson that I had already known in in marriage.
The other day, Rich, I remember telling I was telling
Commander Melanie. She was like, I really need to get
these bottle baby goats, and I'm like, I don't really
want to. Yeah, yeah, they're like called bottle babies. I know,

goats that you got to feed with bottles. And I said,
you know, well, we have kids. I don't really want
to go back to like bottle feeding. You got a
bottle feed them three times a day too. I said,
you know, hold, I'm too old, and I'm putting my
foot down.

Speaker 2 (58:50):
I've done that already, a sand.

Speaker 1 (58:52):
I'm putting my foot down. This was yesterday. You got one,
I got we got we just get one.

Speaker 2 (59:05):
I didn't have to I Laura just walked in. I
wish you would have heard that. So Sean was gonna
put his foot down. Melanie wanted bottle fed baby goats, right,
and he was like, listen, Melanie, no, I've done fed
the kids with bottles. I'm getting too over this. I
don't want well, fast forward and.

Speaker 1 (59:23):
Then we all know how that goes. Yes, and I'm downstairs.
I'm downstairs. It's like it's like six in the morning
before the kids even go to school. And Melanie's of
course up all excited, beat some big smile on her face.
So we're gonna go beat the babies. The babies, they're
just the babies, their goats.

Speaker 2 (59:45):
I'll tell you Sean, first of all, by yourself into
thinking you have a choice. Men, all right, stop stop
the fighting, and you could still be alpha, but understand
Dan that that's never gonna happen.

Speaker 1 (01:00:01):
All right, and the commander, Yeah, but I'll tell you what, that's.

Speaker 2 (01:00:06):
A cute goat. That's a cute goat.

Speaker 1 (01:00:10):
They I have to say, these things are like baby,
they're like, they're so they're easy and we have like
we already have a pen for them, and so that
works really good. And it's great for the kids because
it gives them a sense of responsibility and they're very
I was very nervous to get them because it was
just new, but they are very, very easy. They're not

too aren't they really smart? They're insanely smart. Don't watch
you do anything or they'll learn how to do it,
but they follow you everywhere. They're super easy. Like it's
just awesome. It's awesome. So my point was, it doesn't
matter when I put my foot down or draw a
line in the sand.

Speaker 2 (01:00:51):
No, are you kidding me? No, it doesn't. This happens
to me all the time. I don't even fight it anymore.
And you know, and if I really don't, and because
my daughter is getting older too, like they team up
and my son is like, this doesn't make any sense.
There's more of us and my son.

Speaker 1 (01:01:10):
You'll learn. You will learn. First of all, there are
three there's me, Ethan and Evan, three boys. But now
it's it is Melanie, Katie, Natalie, Emma, Pups, Harley a
Ka Pups, McGee, Lucy, Urcat, Misty our cat number. So
like we're like vastly outnumbered in Fort Parnell, Man, and

it is not it is not easy. I'll just say
that it is not easy.

Speaker 2 (01:01:39):
It's it's it's but we'll bring only a one guy advantage.
So yeah, because there's there's me, there's uh, my oldest Nico,
there's Roman, and there's Winston, and then there's just my
wife and my daughter.

Speaker 1 (01:01:55):
You got to bring the family up to stay at
Fort Parnell.

Speaker 2 (01:01:59):
Like I would love to come back to Pennsylvania. I
love Pennsylvania, I really do.

Speaker 1 (01:02:05):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:02:05):
It's funny we were talking earlier today and I didn't
say this to it and send this back to you
as a text. But after Democrats ruined my ancestral home
upstate New York, which I loved because I've really was
born in the city. Well, I was born in Newburgh,
but we lived in the city at the time. I
don't know my parents were out when I was born
or something, so it was technically born in Newburgh. But
then when we moved out of the boroughs, the last

of us kind of moved out of the boroughs. Part
of us went to Jersey, the other part went upstate,
and that was like my little slice of heaven. I
loved it, always did. Unfortunately it was This's just why
I think I understood the voters. I didn't think about
it at the time, but when voters started to tell
me and remind me, it made sense to me. I mean,

it was ruined by illegal immigration, it was ruined by
free trade, so I saw it. It didn't really impact
me personally at the time, but I could see what
it did to other communities. So I guess that's why
I took voters more seriously as Polster when I heard it.
You know, but a lot of my retreat areas were
in Pennsylvania, and a lot like from Juniata, even like

these obscure places I used to love to go in,
like Mifflin Town. You know, a lot of people know
Lancaster and stuff like that, but man, I know some
trails out there and the you know, there.

Speaker 1 (01:03:18):
Are mountain folks, they're mountains.

Speaker 2 (01:03:20):
I mean it's like, it's not a tiny ass hill,
it's a mountain.

Speaker 1 (01:03:24):
Yeah, I got miss Pennsylvania, plenty of space in Fort Parnell.

Speaker 2 (01:03:31):
For like the Hotel California song Baby I'm in.

Speaker 1 (01:03:35):
Let's do it all right? Well, listen, Rich tell us
all where we can find you. I think people know
by now, but go ahead and remind us. Yeah, so
we uh best place.

Speaker 2 (01:03:45):
Follow us on locals, People's punditt locals dot com. Go
check out the public Polling Project. We're really trying to
get it to ramp up here. We're getting into the
election season, so share it far and wide. You know,
obviously any successful crowdfunding project that the larger the base
the better, So share it like crazy if you could.
We'd appreciate that, and keep an eye on it. Keep

an eye on locals because we're gonna have a couple
of pole results out soon. And then once I'm done
and get this all situated, We're actually gonna dive into
Michigan again, Sean and see what's going on over there,
because I really I want to keep an eye on
Michigan and we'll have news on why which I think
you know how I can get.

Speaker 1 (01:04:23):
I can't wait. Yeah, yes I do. To the folks
that were listening and watching. More to follow on Michigan
stuff coming out of there. But Rich as always, thank
you and thank Savage Laura and Savage Winston and all
your savage children here. That Winston.

Speaker 2 (01:04:42):
He stays on my feet all the time when I'm
on a show.

Speaker 1 (01:04:46):
It's great. We're grateful for you, my friend. I thank you. Brother.
We'll see you soon, brother. Take care, see your rich
take care. That was Savage Rich Barris. We're always grateful
for time. He really is the best polster in the business.
And you should go to his locals and subscribe and

support him because you know, that's how he stays independent, right,
That's how he is able to bring it some of
the most accurate polls out there because he's incentivized to
get it right because he's If he's wrong, why would
anybody even listen to him? Folks, As always, thank you
all for watching the show. I love watching the battle

crew grow. Make sure that you like and rumble smash
that little green thumb beneath the video. The more likes
we get, the faster the closer we get to the leaderboard.
And that's something that's a goal that I've set for
myself this year. By the end of the year, I
want to be somewhere in the top fifty videos, live
stream videos and all of Rumble. Yes, it's a lofty goal,

but hey, listen the bottom like the fiftieth, forty nine fifty,
get between six hundred likes and seven hundred and fifty likes.
We're between four and you know, four fifty a show now,
so we're getting there. We're making progress. So smash that
Rumble button, that little green thumb beneath the video. Help

me out. It helps us a lot. Tell your family
and your friends to subscribe to Battleground Live. Also subscribe
to Savage Rich on locals. He's the best as always, folks, listen,
dark times, tough times, but keep the faith, take action,
and as always, God bless you all, and God bless
this amazing country that we call home. I will see

you tomorrow night, have an amazing show for you planned
so five o'clock live right here on Rumble. I will
see you later. Take care, good night, and God bless

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