All Episodes

June 21, 2024 58 mins

           Tonight, on Battleground LIVE:

    • Declassified US military documents to destabilize America

    • New DHS documents show who the Deep State is targeting

    • Biden is drafting our daughters

    • Lawfare on Trump is backfiring 

    • SCOTUS (and leaker?!) you need to know about

    • Trump Biden fundraising numbers

    • America is becoming an Illegal alien hellscape 

    • Trump has momentum but we have to SHOW UP

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Morning. You're about to enter the arena and join the
Battle to save America with your host, Sean Parnell. Good evening, America,
Welcome to battle Ground Live. I'm your host, Sean Parnell.
I'm a combat vet, best selling author, and more important

than both of those things, I love this country and
I consider myself to be a humble servant of America
from sea to shining Sea and everybody in between. Welcome patriots, folks.
You know what, Listen, I'm fired up today. I'm really
freaking fired up because everything is on the line this

election cycle. And I've said it many many times before.
I've been guilty of it on the campaign trail as well,
where I stand up there on the stage and say
this is the most important election of our lifetime, so
we have better get our asses up and get our
asses out there the polls and vote. But this election
really is I've got a huge show for you today.

I'm gonna break down all the reasons why it is.
Of course, many of you already know what those reasons are.
But I feel like this country is on the brink
everything that we love and cherish about America, life, liberty,
and pursuit of happiness. The Constitution itself is on the ballot.

Your children's ability to be able to grow up in
a country that is free and rich with opportunity, one
that is safe, one that, for God's sake, just makes sense.
Everything is morally upside down in America right now. Have

you noticed that it seems like very little make it
makes sense right now? We lionize criminals, We evangelize criminals
while we demonize police. We celebrate illegal aliens and change

the words to call them migrants and then newcomers, Oh,
they're just undocumented. No, they're not illegal alien criminals coming here.
The first act committed in this country is lawlessness and
breaking the law. No, no, that's changed the language to
be fair to people who are breaking the law. Meanwhile, Americans,

we have kids, young kids being attacked, women being attacked
in the streets. Every single day, a new horrific story
comes out about that. We're going to talk about that
a little bit later in the show. But Americans are
struggling everywhere I go. I see it, I feel it.
Yet it feels like we have an administration doesn't feel

like it. We do have an administration that just doesn't
care this just in I got to get to this
right off the top and then we'll jump right into
the show. But the father of Nashville's Audrey Hale, Audrey
Hale is the tranny that shot up the Covenants School,
killed some kids and killed an adults, a real horrific shooting.

The FBI, along with local police there hid this this
person's manifesto for one reason and one reason, and only
because they knew that it would hurt the trend, that
it might that it might hurt the trans community, or
some bullshit like that. Bottom line, it was a cover up.

But Audrey Hale's father believes that Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital corrupted
his daughter into becoming a radical, militant trans person, which
ultimately led to the horrific school shooting. His comments were
made directly to the Tennis Star in Folks, this just

came in before the show started, So I want to
read them to you because this just pisses me off
and it touches a nerve within me. And I'll explain
why here in a second. I'm writing to you as
a result of your investigation regarding Audrey Hale and the
reprehensible care she received at Vanderbilt during her time at

the psychiatric hospital, my daughter began mentioning a trans lifestyle
and adopted a male name. I have reason, but no
concrete proof, to believe that the psychiatric hospital played a
role in molding and shaping her into wanting to live
a trans lifestyle. According to notes, Hale told the staff

that she had fantasies of committing suicide, of ending her
father's life, and orchestrating a mass school shooting. Knowing what
I know, so knowing what I now know, I also
believe that the same people who treated Audrey Hale have treated,
and may well be presently treating my daughter. This begs

the question is Vanderbilt's Psychiatric Hospital an incubator for creating
psychologically compromised trans youth who are then referred for transition
surgery at the main hospital. My point to all of
this is, if, in caps for a reason, the VUMC
did this to Audrey Hale as well as my daughter,

there must be others who are in the same predicament.
Without question, the VUMC should be held accountable for what
they did to Audrey, but possibly have done to my
daughter and other youngsters. Folks. This is something that gives
me so angry this affirming care that children are given

by medical professionals, both doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists telling them
that it's okay that, yes, you can be a different
biological gender. All you have to do is mutilate yourself
and go through what is They know this, but the
kids don't go through what is a horrific surgery. And

I heard leaked audio from one of these mutilating doctors
who should know better, talking about, Oh, these trans kids
and are just ready to go on the journey, you know,
and they're and look that journey is gonna include, you know,
horrible necrotic infections and you know, and wound healing. And

so they know. These doctors know what they are putting
these children through before they before they cut into them,
yet they do it anyway. So much for doing no harm.
And now we've got these mentally ill children believing that
they can be any gender that they want on our strength.
That's exactly what they are. They're mentally ill, folks. And

I'm going to tell you something here. This leads me
to another point. If you are not living your life
in a way where you are saying exactly what you
mean and what you think every single day I think
you're wrong. I'm not insulting anybody out there, because we
live in a hyper politically correct world where speaking your mind,

especially as a conservative, can have real dire consequences. Nobody
understands that better than me. Believe me, I had to
rebuild almost almost my entire life after having run for
office twice. But I think we have a duty and
an obligation to say what's up here on our minds

all the time. Be bold and truthful in everything that
you say, to push back against this insanity, this upside
down world that we're living in. Because yes, folks, it
is upside down. So that enough on that. I don't
want to go down that rabbit hole anymore. But I
read that it's important. I wanted you to know it.

So today, look, we're going to talk about Department of
Homeland Security documents that America First Legal pushed to get
the basically show who the deep state is really targeting.
You know, New Splash, it's you and declassified US military
documents that destabilize America that were released by accident under

the JFK administration decades ago. But it's going to sound
real familiar to all the stuff that's happening today in
our society, Biden drafting our daughters, lawfair and Trump backfiring,
that and so much more. If you're new to the show,
make sure you like and rumble. Smash that little green
thumb beneath this video. It helps us immensely subscribe to

this show. Follow and subscribe. This is your show, Battle Crew,
this is your show. We want you in our ranks.
We want you in the trenches fighting to save the
soul of this country from the depravity of the radical left.
So follow, subscribe. We want you in our ranks, fighting

with us. Okay, so listen back to the show. We've
talked a lot this week about January six. We've talked
a lot this week about the deep state, in the
danger that unelected bureaucrats pose in our lives. If you've
been watching this show and yeah, actually Ken Buddy from

the live chat member of the Battle Crew, was asking, Hey,
when's the year anniversary of the show. Well, it's coming up,
it's almost here. We've been doing this show for about
a year now, probably one of the fastest growing conservative
podcasts out there, which is an honor and a testament
to you. Battlecru and your strength. But if you've been
listening to the show for a long time, then you know,

oh that I believe that the greatest threat that we
face as Americans, and it's not even particularly close, is
the collusion between big government, big media, big corporations, big education,
and all of our corrupt institutions working together to push

a narrative on the American people. And make no mistake
about it, narrative is very, very different from the truth.
It was just at the doctor today, and by the way,
as a conservative, as somebody who's a known conservative, I
gotta have conservative doctors. That should tell you something about

the state of the country that we live in and
the mind of the modern day fascist, communist liberal where
they are wholly dedicated to cause, not science or medicine.
All that matters to them is propaganda and politics. But
talking to my doctor today, he was just saying how

he doesn't trust a single damn thing that the CDC
says anymore. I mean, what does that say about the
state of our country? What does that say about a
potential actual pandemic happening? They could be deadly. Are any
of you going to be trusting the CDC and the
guidance that they issue after all the horrors that they

committed during COVID and thereafter. I think you know the
answer to that. The answer is no. But my point is,
all of these things that I just laid out there
for you present a constellation of different threats that we
the people face. All you have to do is be

a rudimentary student of history to know that governments, not
just here in America, but governments all over the world
have been the number one killer of people in the world.
Big bloated government does terrible things to citizens. It's a
danger that we face in this country right now. So

Mike Ben's went on a television network called The First
and talked about classified documents that were accidentally leaked during
JFK's administration that lays out a playbook for the United
States military and our intelligence communities, using crises here at

home as a pretext for war and a pretext for
policy changes. I want you to listen to Mike Ben's talk. Now,
this is something that came out and was accidentally declassified
under JFK, But I want you to listen to it
with an ear that's current and tell me that this
doesn't sound exactly like what we're going through right now.

Speaker 2 (12:51):
Listen to this early nineteen sixties documents, and one of
the documents accidentally declassified effectively in the late nineteen nineties
was this annex to a Joint Chiefs of Staff proposal
to President John F. Kennedy called Pretext to War Pretext
to War with Cuba, And it was a proposal of

menu options that the Joint Chiefs unanimously but Lyman Lemnitzer,
who was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, sort of
Mark Milly one point zero figure, a guy who was
later promoted as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. But he
made this proposal to the President John F. Kennedy for
the military to deploy its own assets and to stage

riots on the streets of US cities, to occupy US
federal buildings, to bomb US barrackses in the United States,
to sink US ships at sea, to hijack US airplanes.
This is the US military proposing a menu options to

the US President for how US military assets can conduct
a false flag attack on the United States in order
to create the political predicate to declare war.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
Now, I'm sure that none of that surprises you. But
if you think that what Mike just talked about isn't
happening right now, then you have another thing coming. And
the good news is most people in this audience members
of the battle crew. If you're watching this show, you

already know that. But we bring receipts here on this show. Yes,
this threat is real. The media would have you labeled
a conspiracy theorist for even talking about this stuff, but
it's real. The target the title of this episode is target,

We the people. Part of the reason why they're going
after Donald Trump the way that they are is because
he is representative of all of us. I want to
show you something. I want you to see what America
First Legal unearthed, and so our friends who are listening,
I'm sharing my screen. This says. Exclusive internal docs from

Biden's DHS show their plans to target Trump supporters as
domestic extremists. The Brennan Clapper Intel Group discussed how most
of the domestic terrorism threat now comes from supporters of
the former president. And what you were looking at on
the screen right now, highlight it is from a legal document,

says this. There is a political backdrop to all of this.
It seems that most of the domestic terrorism threat now
comes from supporters of the former president. So let me
ask you, folks, who exact they're referring to you. Never

mind the fact if you're in the military, you're labeled
an extremist threat as part of this document. So the
Department of Homeland Security is I denting and identifying you.
You all, if you served in the military as a
right wing extremist, you're your supporter of President Trump, You're
a right wing extremist. And again, I can't emphasize this enough.

This Department of Homeland Security unit is run by Obama's
former CIA chief. If you think this big corrupt, self
licking ice cream com I mean, I'm telling you, folks,
the corruption is deep in this country right now. So basically,

this is what I think is somebody who served in
the military. If you raise your right hand and you
volunteer to serve, now keep this in mind. I want
you to follow me here. You raise your right hand,
you say, I love this country. We live at a
dangerous time. I want to protect America. I want to
protect freedom. I want to protect my family, my friends,

my loved one, my community. You raise your right hand,
you take that oath to protect this country against all enemies,
foreign and domestic. That oath, by the way, is to
the constitution, your military intelligence. Your own government immediately sees
you as a threat to the military, despite you signing

up to be in the military. So how does that work?
And you wonder why we have a historic recruiting crisis
in this country right now? You wonder why Biden is
has is literally going to try to draft our daughters

into frontline engagements and if I have them register for
the Selective Service and send them to wars. But it's
you see what's happening here, folks, right the Biden administration,
the radical left, they're destroying the heart and soul of
this country, the patriots who make America go. And then

they're these policies create a recruiting crisis in the military,
which makes us weaker. It also emboldens our enemies. It
also makes it less likely for meat eating alpha males
to join our military. You know, you want those people
kicking indoors and protecting this country. They're saying, screw it.

And so now Biden's plan is to selectively to register
our daughters into the Selective Service. And by the way,
there are real consequences to this. Having served in the military,
just tell you, give you a quick story of of
of what happened. I'm just gonna you expect me to

always tell you the unvarnished truth, right, So that's that's
what I'm gonna do. We had one woman on our
base in Afghanistan. This was at a time when this
was at a time when there were no women in
the infantry. So when I say men, I mean like men.
We had one woman on our base. She ended up
getting pregnant and I think less than a month. It's

I'm trying to be diplomatic here because I like the
idea that in and all volunteer and military, a woman
has the right to choose the way that she wants
to serve. There is having three daughters myself, I kind
of understand that. But at the same time, there are
very real consequences for women serving in close combat roles. Obviously,

the fact that men are bigger, stronger, faster. Of course,
it's a big guy gets shot in combat. I'm six
six two and forty five pounds, Like it's it's hard.
It's hard to pull me if I got shot, right,
woman's gonna have a hard time doing that. But even
beyond that, when you thrust men and women together into

a situation like with the one that I was in,
when life and death is on the line all the time,
when you could die at any moment, rules kind of
go out the window. They're gonna say, hey, I might
not be alive tomorrow, so we're gonna we're gonna hook up.
I know, that's just how it is. It was. It

got so bad that even in our brigade bases that
were in the rear with the gear, they had sex
patrols where they'd have one female lieutenant one male lieutenant
who would walk around to the bunkers because soldiers were
having sex in the bunkers. I'm telling you that is
that distracts from the mission. It creates command issues. Even

when I was a commander, rear detachment commander, I was
in an infantry unit, again, no women. I would come back.
I would drive into work and the units that support
units that had women as part of them. I drive
by those units who were deployed some cases to Iraq
and Afghanistan and there would be women doing pt out
front who initially deployed with the unit and came home pregnant,

probably an entire platoon's worth. I'm telling you, folks, this
stuff is real. Just laying out the facts, you take
them anyway that you won. But the point is, folks,
everything that Biden administration is doing is putting this nation
in grave danger. I believe that we live at one
of the most precarious times in American history. I mean

that the truth isn't the truth anymore. Violence is peace,
freedom is slavery. I mean, everything is upside down. But
they're going after you. They're trying to keep it a secret,

but they're going after you. But people like this get
off Scott Free.

Speaker 3 (22:10):
Listen nothing, and I will underscore nothing that I was
sent or that I sent was marked classified.

Speaker 4 (22:18):
Secretary Clinton said, I did not email any classified material
to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Was that true?

Speaker 5 (22:26):
There was classified material email?

Speaker 3 (22:28):
I never sent nor received any information that was classified
at the time it was sent and received.

Speaker 4 (22:33):
Sect Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails,
either sent or received. Was that true?

Speaker 5 (22:39):
That's not true. One and ten emails in fifty two
email chains have been determined by the owning agency to
contain classified information at the time they were sent or received.

Speaker 3 (22:52):
When I got to work as Secretary of State, I
opted for convenience to use my personal email account because
I thought it would be easier to carry just one
device for my work and for my personal emails instead
of two.

Speaker 4 (23:07):
Sectorin Clinton said she used just one device.

Speaker 1 (23:10):
Was that true.

Speaker 5 (23:13):
She used multiple devices during the four years of her
term as Secretary of State.

Speaker 3 (23:18):
I didn't have to turn over anything. I chose to
turn over fifty five thousand pages of my email, but
we turned over everything that was work related, every single thing.

Speaker 4 (23:30):
Sector Clinton said all work related emails were returned to
the State Department. Was that true.

Speaker 5 (23:36):
No, we found work related emails thousands that were not returned.

Speaker 3 (23:40):
What like with a cloth or something.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
Well, no, you get a subpoena, and after getting the subpoena,
you delete thirty three thousand emails, and then you asked
it wash them.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
Everything he just said is absolutely false.

Speaker 4 (23:55):
Sector Clinton said neither she nor anyone else deleted work
related emails from her person account. Was that true.

Speaker 5 (24:02):
The email software was removed, that didn't remove the email content.
The effect was that millions of email fragments ended up
in the server's unused or slack space. This helped us
recover work related emails that were not among the thirty
thousand that were produced to State.

Speaker 3 (24:19):
We went through a thorough process to identify all of
my work related emails and deliver them to the State Department.

Speaker 4 (24:29):
Stector. Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the
emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the
email content individually?

Speaker 5 (24:38):
Now, although there is evidence of potential violations of the
statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is
that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

Speaker 4 (24:50):
Did Donald Trump obstruct justice? As you read the incidences
as Smuller lays them.

Speaker 3 (24:58):
Out, Well, I think there there's enough there that any
other person who had engaged in those acts.

Speaker 1 (25:09):
I mean, it's important to remember all of that stuff
that look at all of the laws that that disgusting
snake Hillary Clinton has broken. And now, of course there's
all these rumors that she's going to replace Biden. I
don't know about that. I just don't know about that.

But let me tell you something, folks, I want you
to understand how we got here. If you think that
this is all not coordinated, oh boy, it is. This
from my friend Matt Boyle, who is the chief Washington
Chorus upon it. For Breitbart, everything in the law fair

stems from one single day in November twenty two, when
three major events happened on the same day. I'm reading
from his post on truth Social Merrik Garland appoints Jack Smith,
Nathan Wade had meetings at the White House. Matthew Colangelo

left Department of Justice to join sloppy Alvin Bragg's office
in New York City. All three of these things happened
on the exact same day, November eighteenth, twenty twenty two. Folks,
there are no coincidences in politics, none, nothing. Everybody and
their mother knows that this is a completely rigged and

weaponized system intended to interfere in an election. Even New
York City Democrats see this listen.

Speaker 2 (26:49):
Is that the justice system working or is it the
justice system being manipulated?

Speaker 6 (26:55):
I would be happier, as someone who owns property in
Manhattan if the District Attorney of New York County would
take care of criminals who were making it impossible for
citizens to walk in the streets and use the subway.
To use his efforts to keep those people off the street,
then to spend five million or ten million dollars of

taxpayer's money trying Donald Trump on this nonsense. That's my view.
But I, as a taxpayer in this country, resent using
the system for your own personal self aggrandizement. Now, if
you didn't know, that's.

Speaker 4 (27:35):
What you think the DA did in Manhattan.

Speaker 6 (27:38):
That's what I think. I mean, if you look, he
had to twist yourself into a pretzel to figure out
what the crime was. He doesn't like him, New York
City didn't like him for a while. Trump Trump, What
do you think of Donald Trump? What do I think
of him? Uh? I think he was a good business man.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
Now listen, judge, Judy. That is a New York City
Liberal Democrat. She is. She's not a Trump fan. Now.
By the way, she was asked by Chris Wallace, who
another thing? We got these snakes when in our movement
Chris Wallace is one of them. I mean, what a

disgusting hack. He's become fully exposed on CNN we see,
but here he's asking her. He's desperately trying to get
her to go after Trump, to say something negative about Trump,
and she doesn't do it. In fact, she says, hey,
what sloppy Alvin Bragg is doing is bullshit. I am

telling you folks, it is going to go down as
one of the gravest miscalculations in modern political history. Law
fair against an American president, making President Trump an outlaw.
You know, Americans, we love an underdog. Americans. We hate

big brother, we hate the government, we hate government pressure,
we hate government in our lives. Most pragmatic Americans, most
Americans just want to live their lives and be left alone. Life, liberty,
pursuit of happiness. But now what the radical left has done,

what they've done is create a campaign narrative for Trump
that tells the story for him. Hey, life, liberty, pursuit
of happiness. That's at risk. Why is it at risk?
Because the animated corpse in the White House, that is
Joe Biden, is going after President Trump. And not only that,
they're going after all of his allies and states everywhere,

and people see it. Even Democrats like Judge Judy sees it.
But unfortunately don't think she'll get her wish. This headline
from the Free Beacon, her wish of I wish the
legal system and the Democrats, you know, would use the
legal system the right way this headline from the Free Beacon, Manhattan, DA,

that's sloppy. Alvin Bragg drops charges against thirty Columbia protesters
arrested over campus building occupation. So how exactly is sloppy
Alvin Bragg dropping charges against people who occupied a building

and told students at that building that today the Jewish
door is over there, Like, oh, I'm sorry, we're gonna
use We're gonna physically bar you from going to school
at a school that you pay to go to. But
here's sloppy albn Bright trying to put Trump and jail
for the rest of his life dismissing charges against protesters. Folks,

there's two tiered system of justice in this country. It's
got to come to an end, you know. And people
tell me all the time, almost every day, what are
we gonna do? What's Trump gonna do? Even if Trump wins,
there still gonna they're still gonna go after him. And
oh and people will also say, I don't like that
Trump talks about revenge. Listen to me, folks, you got
to put that stuff out of your mind and not

saying that you all that you all. I think that
revenge revenge is not the right word accountability is the
right word. There's no path forward in America unless we
hold these deep state in trench bureaucrats accountable for the
hell that they've put this country through since at least

twenty and sixteen, and very likely going back prior. There's hope.
There's hope. Supreme Court. Some Supreme Court Court cases came
down today. They're good for Trump and they're good for America.
And I'm gonna tell you about them in a second,
a break down real quickly what they mean. Okay, hope,

there's hope on the horizon. The sham case against Nevadas
six alternate electors has been dismissed. That, my fellow Americans
and patriots, is a massive win for people who question elections,

people who think for themselves. America first, patriots who believe
that our elections are broken, and that's a fundamental right
of every American, both Democrat and Republican, to challenge those elections,
was just dismissed in Nevada. That's one win for us
in six. This is a Supreme Court now. In a
six ' to three decision issued today, the Supreme Court

ruled that one this is nested within some of their opinions. One,
a jury must be unanimous in its findings on a
criminal conviction. Okay. Two, Sentencing enhancements cannot be arbitrarily implemented

by judicial fiat. Now, the ruling and the rhetoric in
the opinion have obvious, very very obvious implications for both
the illegal, sloppy Alvin Bragg trial against Trump in New
York City and the bogus and I do mean bogus

J six fifteen twelve C obstruction of an official preceding
bullshit that these DC, these bastards and black robes in
DC use fifteen twelve C to enhance the sentences of
J six prisoners who have now spent three years in
solitary confinement. One dude got twenty years in prison for

shaking offense. I'm telling you, folks, boy, these ruling that
the Supreme Court are going to issue these cases the
fifteen twelve CE in presidential immunity. It's coming down the
pike soon. But this tells me that the Supreme Court
sees what's going on in this country and they don't

like it. Really really important. Also, another critically important case
Supreme Court, a US citizen does not have a fundamental
liberty interest in her non citizen spouse being admitted to
the country. Now, what do you think that would do

to Joe Biden's recent announcement to bring in well, what
is it, half a million a million illegal aliens through
their spouses. Remember just a couple of days ago that
Joe Biden announced amnesty for these spouses illegal aliens. Supreme
Court just completely blew that out of the water. So

here's here's what's interest about this. Is there a new
leaker at the Supreme Court. Remember what happened on the
Roe v. Wade stuff, kicking it back to the States.
The opinion at the Supreme Court leaked before it was
actually issued by the justices. First time that's ever happened.

And now you have Biden, somehow, two days before this
opinion is issued, takes executive action to give amnesty to
half a million a million illegal alien spouses, just two
days before the Supreme Court issues the order. Somebody at
this court, some communist scum life loser at the court,

is leaking to Biden. Garn damn t you. They are
leaking information to Joe Biden and the Biden administration. It's happening.
Let's pivot to something here speaking of the Biden administration,
Joe Biden, the debate with Trump six days away, folks,

six days away, Biden this entire week is going to
be at Camp David like doing debate prep. No joke.
I saw a CNN segment just before I came on
saying that he's that Biden is literally just just practicing

standing for ninety minutes. So listen, I gotta fill you
in on something Democrat connections that I have been hearing
things about what Biden's strategy is going to be. Biden's
strategy on the debate stage is going to be baiting

and trapping Donald Trump, trying to get Donald Trump to
talk about the twenty twenty election, get Donald Trump to
talk about J six and threats against democracy and pardoning
J six rioters. Biden is doing this to keep Trump

from talking about one how horrible Joe Biden is today
for the American people, but also to distract Americans from
remembering what life was like under Trump. This presidential debate.
Reason why I'm even talking about this six days prior.

This debate carries with it enormous importance for both candidates.
Rarely has a presidential debate had this much attention and
weight as it pertains to an election. Now on the
Democrat side of things, told you what the plan is,

what the Demos plan is with regards to Trump. But
make no mistake about it that the Democrats they see
what's going on with Joe Biden, Obama Clinton. The people
that are behind the curtain, that is, the animated corps
who are really calling the shots, they see the condition

that Biden is in and I've heard from numerous sources
that they are very, very concerned not just about him
making it through the debate, but making it to election day.
His condition gets worse and worse. I mean, we see it,
but the world is starting to see it too. Biden

at the G seven, Biden at Normandy. There is a
debate with Biden at Normandy for almost twelve hours about
whether the guy crapped his pants. And I hate to
say that, but he's the leader of the free world.
I don't think it's too much to ask them to
make and a leader of the free world that can

speak a coherent sentences and not soil himself at memorial ceremonies.
But here we are. Believe me, the Democrats see this
and then of course that big fundraiser where Obama grabs
him by the risk and a risk and pulling them
off stage. The media is just all in on brazen propaganda.
These are cheap bakes, These are videos taking out of context. No, no,

the American people see what's going on the dem side.
They want to see and they want to know if
Biden can physically make it to the finish line. And
I mean that, folks. I don't know if he will.
They don't know if he will. The American people don't
know if Biden's gonna make it. He's old, he's feeble,
he's weak. And I think this is the most important part.

Having talked to some of my sources on the Democrat
side of the aisle, there's this sense that Trump's ascension
in the polls is happening because of Biden's cognitive decline.
So there's a sense of urgency on the Democrats side

to conceal that, to get the media to lie about it,
to send Joe Biden to Camp David for a week
so that he could do debate prep for an entire
week and practice standing for ninety minutes. Now, listen, I
think this is just part of it. I mean, it's

Biden's decline in the polls is also because of a
lot of different things too, the economy, the border crime, inflation.
It's just putting the squeeze on everybody. But the Democrats
are watching, and I think this debate means a lot,
as it means a lot as to whether or not

Joe Biden is going to be the guy moving forward.
I'm just telling you this is just what I'm hearing now.
Trump Trump has I would say if I was asked
a question who has more on the line, I would
say Trump has more on the line here than Biden.
And the reason for that is that Trump is winning.

He's walked into a hostile media network. He knows he's
gonna have to debate fake Jake Tapper, Monica Lewinsk aka
Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend, and debate Joe Biden and debate what
is a muted microphone? And he knows the rules of
the game are stacked against him. But walking into the

hornet's nest is something that Trump does and has done
his entire life, and he's not afraid to do. But
he's winning. And you got to understand something here, folks,
As long as Biden doesn't crap his pants on stage,
the media will say it's a resounding success for him.
He won. I'm telling you what we need from Trump,

and I know staff watch this stuff, listen to this
show what we need. I don't know who's coaching President
Trump on some of these debates. We need controlled, we
need calm, cool, collected. And I'm speaking from experience here.

I've been on that, I've had my name on a ballot,
I've debated somebody on TV before. I know what it's
like to prepare for a debate. I know what it's
like to look in that camera, and I know what
it's like to be three feet from someone you're debating.
Trust me when I tell you it's as someone who
has core principles. I can't fake it. People. You know
that about me, Like what you see is what you get.

I get real fired up sometimes about stuff. I can't
hide it. Trump is kind of the same in that way.
He's default aggressive. So the impulse is going to be
to go after Biden all the time. But Biden is
in such poor condition he can barely speak. What we
need from Trump is allow Biden to speak, because he

can't speak in coherent sentences, and he will undoubtedly make mistakes.
But for Trump and the strategy needs to be constantly
talking about the American people. One of the things that
I learned about running for office, and these politicians on

both sides of the aisle, generally speaking with notable exceptions,
are generally they're loathsome people, politicians folks, And this is
wisdom that I learned from experiencing running for office. Politicians
think and believe to the core of who they are

that elections are about them, but they would be wrong.
Elections are not about them. Elections are about you, about we,
the people. I wish more politicians understood this, but I
need Trump and his team to understand this going into

that debate. What Trump needs to do on that debate stage.
And by the way, I understand that probably not in
a place to tell Trump what to do. I get it.
If I could advise him and he could hear this advice.
The American people need to hear President Trump talking about them.

How did Joe Biden's policies affect our country and affect
the people? Empathize with the plight of the people. He
does that so well at these rallies. That's why he's
the only candidate in this race that has a movement
behind him. Every time you get an opportunity to speak,

talk about the people, how you're going to make people's
lives better, How your four years spent in the White
House are going to be your work, your ass off,
to give people a better life to preserve in America
that is free for our children. That's what we need
from Donald Trump on that stage. And listen when I

say that Trump has is the guy with everything to lose,
I mean it. Look New York Post headline. Biden rakes
in eighty five million in mad donations, well short of
Trump's one hundred and forty one million dollar fundraising all.
I cannot even begin to tell you how rare it
is for a Republican to outraise a Democrat. On average,

Democrats raise about three times more money than Republicans. Trump
crushed Biden in May, mostly with small dollar donors. Small
dollar donors are are what allow campaigns to thrive. So
politicians aren't tethered to special interests. They're not tethered to

big corporations, they're not tethered to lobbyists. They are tethered
and accountable to the people. What we have in Trump
is an opportunity to put an American president in office
that our founders always intended and wanted for this country.
Now we have politicians that are beholden to special interests,
that are beholden to corporations, take tons of money from millionaires,

completely unaccountable to we the people. Well, Trump is fueled
by small dollar donors one hundred and forty one million
dollar race. So yes, he has a lot to lose.
We need him taking this seriously. He's clicking on all
cylinders and I know he's taking it seriously. He's running
a better campaign now then he ran in sixteen and

then he ran in twenty. There's a special thing happening
in this country right now. There's a special sort of
energy on the ground in America because I think Americans
understand the threat. And of course you see I don't
know if you saw this, but I'm gonna tell you
if you didn't. After receiving an invitation from Trump, Sean O'Brien,

the leader of one of the biggest labor unions in
the world, will be speaking at the Republican National Convention.
O'Brien is the president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters
with over one point three million members. The reason why

the energy is different this time is because Trump's coalition
is very different. Biden is hemorrhaging support and I mean
hemorrhaging support with moderate Democrats, with Union Democrats, with Latino Democrats,
with black I'm telling you, listen, Pennsylvania is the lynchpin.

Pennsylvania is the lynchpin for everything. As Pennsylvania goes, so
goes the nation for president. I just saw a poll
here in Pennsylvania that had Trump up for now, Listen,
I don't give a damn about polls. I look at trends,

but all the trends keep going in Trump's direction. He's
got everything to lose, Folks. We need him on his game,
and thus far he has been. Folks. Trump is leading everywhere,
but we cannot get complacent. Every day it seems like

there's a horrific story of an illegal alien invader doing
terrible things to the citizens of this country, mostly women
and children. And I think part of the reason why
Trump is ascending. You know, I told you earlier that
most Democrats believe that Trump is ascending because Biden just
appears so weak that's part of it, but not the

entire story. When the poor policies of a president Democrat
or Republican start impacting people's lives, it's very, very hard
for a president to come back from that Democrat or
a Republican. That's why inflation is so damaging to any president,

regardless of political party, because inflation is a silent tax
on all of us. We feel the heat. We see
our bank accounts, we see our gas bills and our
grocery bills. We know how difficult everybody, everybody feels the heat. Well,

the invasion at our southern order is getting to a
point where everybody is feeling the heat. Now, this is
something that affects all of us. All states are border states.
Listen to this segment and tell me that it's that
just isn't This is just so heartbreaking. Listen.

Speaker 7 (50:16):
Jocelyn's mother tells me this doesn't feel real. She says
she does not understand how anyone could hurt her twelve
year old daughter, who she describes as loving and kind.

Speaker 1 (50:29):
It's hard, it's so hard.

Speaker 7 (50:33):
Tears streamed down Alexis nunger Ray's face as she speaks
about her twelve year old daughter, Jocelyn.

Speaker 1 (50:39):
She was boofy.

Speaker 7 (50:41):
She always had her own little spunk.

Speaker 4 (50:43):
She never followed the crowd.

Speaker 3 (50:46):
She always stood up for what was right.

Speaker 7 (50:49):
Jocelyn's family member showed up to the creek where her
body was discovered Monday morning.

Speaker 4 (50:53):
When was the last.

Speaker 7 (50:54):
Time you saw her?

Speaker 1 (50:55):
And spoke to her?

Speaker 4 (50:57):
Right before I went into bed Sunday night.

Speaker 1 (51:01):
Imported not to stay up late, and she was gonna
come with me to work.

Speaker 3 (51:06):
She can't.

Speaker 1 (51:10):
Joscelyn was twelve. She was found raped and strangled to
death by two Venezuelan illegal aliens who had come into
this country recently. That interview is very, very tough, and
these stories coming out over and over and over again.
It crushes me, you know, having three daughters, I can't

imagine the pain. I don't even like thinking about it.
But I can tell you if something like that happened,
I can't imagine myself not taking things into my own hands.
And I think that that's how Americans are starting to
see this. They're starting to feel this pain. I mean

many people. I mean you might know somebody who's affected this.
You go into your city and you see it, You
go to your airports and you see it. Your churches
are overwhelmed with in some places illegal alien invaders. The
strain in our society is getting to a point where
it's breaking our systems. No, I did an event right

here where I'm from in western Pennsylvania, and I turned
to the sheriff and I said, what would ten thousand
illegal alien invaders do to this amazing small town. You
say it would crush us, It would overwhelm us. You see,
Americans the reason why Biden is in a real difficult spot.

And yeah, everybody talks about election fraud and cheating. I've
said this before and I'll say it again. Democrats cheat
on the margins. They do cheat. They've been cheating in
every election since eighteen sixty four. Yes, twenty twenty was
rigged and stole, and I believe that through and through.
But they can only go so far as the voter
rules will take them. They can't fabricate a name out
of whole cloth that that person's not on the rolls.

It's too easy to check. So if the Democrats are
hemorrhaging traditional Democrat voters who maybe just didn't show up
in the past, or maybe when they did show up,
they'd vote for Democrats, those people are now voting for Republicans.
Very hard to fix that, very very hard to fix that.

But this invasion of at our southern border, mostly unvetted,
fighting age males, has just ushered in what is a
dystopian healthscape, a terrifying new reality of illegal alien crime
all over our country that are mostly directed at women

and children. And so yeah, look, Trump is leading in
Minnesota by point six according to the decision desk, Great Arizona,
Trump is up four point five. Great Michigan is tied.
I just told you that in Pennsylvania, Trump is up
for great. None of it matters if we don't show

up in force. None of these polls matter if we
do not show up in force. Not just you take
accountability for ten people in your lives and make sure
that they get out to come hell or high water.
The ten people that you look that you know, find

them in your phone, find them in your cell phone,
make a list of them, these ten people I'm getting,
And then I want you to tell those ten people
to find ten people and do the same damn thing.
That's how we win this. And so, folks, that's it
for today. You know, I appreciate you all being with me.

This show this week has grown so much. Have you
seen it? Have you felt it? That's because of you,
because of the Battle Crew, That's because of mcgroin nation,
that's because of all of our new friends who are
streaming here to the getting in the live chat and
fighting to save this country with all of us. It's amazing.
It's been amazing to watch, and it's a testament to

the power of we the people. This is your show,
it always will be. Please, before we leave, do not
forget to like this show. Smash that little green thumb
like that helps us get to the Rumble leader board,
and that's our goal, right, So smash that little green
thumb that helps the show immensely. Tell your family and

your friends to subscribe to Battleground Live to follow this
show as the election approaches. We are building a coalition
of people and the mission of that coalition is to
save this country. So get in the trenches with us.
We need you. Tell your family and your friends to
subscribe to Battleground Live, and folks, keep the faith, take

action in your community. The best is yet to come.
Everywhere I go, I mean this. Everywhere I go people
tell me, well, I'm just one person, What can I do?
One person can change the world. One person focused on

a mission, unwilling to be defeated, can usher in enormous change.
So it doesn't matter if your local party sucks or
if you're if you know they're not organized in your area,
do your thing. Find something that you love that's meaningful
to you, rally around it. Become an activist, become your

own grassroots organizer. So what if you have two people
at your first meeting. You got to start somewhere, allow
yourself to be a beginner. But we cannot be the
silent majority any longer, folks, And so if a couple things,
a couple of admin things before you go, check out
my episode with Don Junior yesterday that has blown up

in a huge way. We had lots of fun on
that interview on Don Junior's podcast Triggered. Check that out.
We have an amaze Wait until next week. We have
an amazing week of shows planned for you. Again, just
bring in the heat and the truth every single day.
This show is independent and beholden to no one, and
I freaking love every second of it. So stick with

us all next week Monday through Friday, live right here
on Rumble Battleground Live with Sean Parnell. Yours truly in
the meantime, folks, God bless you all. I want you
to have a great weekend. God bless you all, and
God bless this amazing, exceptional country that we call home.
Take care, good night, have a great weekend, and I

will see you on Monday. Good night, Patriots.

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