Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Speaker 2 (00:04):
You're rope about to enter the arena and join the
battle to.
Speaker 1 (00:08):
Save America with your host Sean Parnell. Good evening, America,
Welcome to Battleground Live. This is the show where we
kick ass, we take names, we lock horns with the
radical left. We never quit, we never surrender. From sea
to shining Sea and everybody in between. Welcome Patriots on
this glorious Tuesday, and yes, the week is rolling on.
It's awesome to be here. It's awesome to have you.
Welcome to the show. You know, folks, today has been
one of those days. Now get into all that here
in a second. But while I'm doing the intro to
the show here and talking about all this stuff that's
on top of mind, make sure you like button that
little green thumb beneath the video. It helps the show immensely.
Don't forget about doing that. I try to remind you
all a couple of times throughout the show. But it's
just so important. It helps us make the leader board,
and I mean we basically made it every single day,
like every I mean, you know, we're in the forties.
I think the highest I've ever gotten was thirty two.
But again that's because of you, So thank you all
for that. I'm just seeing coming across the wires here,
like I'm almost speechless because this this shit is just
it's insane to me, and it just makes me so mad.
And our leaders on both sides of the Aisle just
it don't seem to get it. Like, so, the US
and G seven are giving Ukraine a fifty billion dollar loan,
and the only reason they're calling it alone, and the
only reason they're throwing the G seven in there at all,
is to soften the blowback to the US taxpayers because
we know that the line share of this money is
going to come from US. And I just this is
just it's maddening to me because the Biden administration is
just seems to be doing everything that they can to
go all in on all of these insane policy priorities
that risk setting the world on fire. Just prior to
Trump coming back in office, fifty billion dollars, We've already
given Ukraine probably two hundred billion dollars of our money
over the last you know, over three years, and now
fifty billion more as Biden and his ilk and his
staff are on the way out of the White House.
Have we learned nothing from the multiple quagmires that our
country has been involved in in just my lifetime. Freaking
scream this from the room all the time in battle crew.
You'll have to forgive me, because I think feel like
I'm about to do it again. But as someone who
has fought in these wars that both Republicans and Democrats
sent me to on behalf of a grateful nation, and
you know the drill on this. If America were ever threatened,
I'd be first in line volunteering to send my ass
to the front lines of that fight. Think you know
enough about me by now to know that that much
is true. But my god, Iraq, Afghanistan, now Ukraine, trillions
of dollars spent of our taxpayer dollars spent in support
of these ridiculous wars. What do we have to show
for it? I mean that thousands dead, tens of thousands wounded,
hundreds of thousands with the invisible wounds of war. You know,
million Afghan dead, of Afghan dead, a million Iraqi's dead,
you know, probably close to dan near a million Ukrainians dead,
now six hundred thousand Russian dead. What the freaking hell
are we doing? Immediately? Rushing into war is not leadership.
Casting America's sons and daughters into the fire is not leadership.
I mean, obviously, America, you know, listen, we've got to
have the biggest, baddest military on the block. Walk softly,
but carry a big stick. Of course, we should invest
in our military. Of course, if a war is righteous
and our freedom is threatened, we should not want a
fair fight. In fact, the objective of the United States
military is simply to get on the objective and kick boots.
That's it. We don't want a fair fight. All. We
want to be the baddest ass force on the planet.
But it doesn't mean that we should use the force
frivolously and dump billions of dollars. I'm in fifty billion dollars.
This is a loan, but you know it's going to
be forgiven. And this is the game that these warmongers
play all the time. And I'm just sick of it
because this is not what President Trump ran on. Trump
ran on something that is unprecedented in American history, or
at least in my lifetime. Maybe it's a stretch to
say American history, but Trump ran on getting us out
of wars. Trump ran on ending the military industrial complex
and this big self flicking ice cream cone of corruption
within the Pentagon and defense contractors, Pentagon defense contractors. You know,
general at the Pentagon says, sure, we'll give raythee on
this billion dollar contract through acquisitions, and oh, by the way,
that general, that same general is going to get a
million dollar board position the moment that he's This is
the game that's played, and oftentimes it's America's sons and
daughters who pay the price for the irresponsible behavior. And
this is what this is just what I'm coming off
the top rope and the show really clearly frustrated. And
again it's been a day. I'll fill you in on that.
But the resistance to Pete Haig Sath and not just him,
but at first President Trump and now all of his
cabinet picks. You go back over the last twenty years,
I mean, really take a minute to do some research,
go back over the last twenty years and find, you know,
the nominees that weren't confirmed. I bet you can find
them on and maybe there's probably hardly any Democrat or Republican.
But the media is really in the midst of something
very sinister, right, now, and I think in many ways
Republicans might be playing along with it a little bit.
And I'm not talking about the folks on this show.
Oh maybe inside the Beltwigh Republicans and certainly influencer Republicans
are just debating back and forth about whether or not
somebody should be confirmed or not, or if they're qualified
or not. I mean, to me, that's playing the media's game.
One of the reasons why President Trump was elected was
because he went on podcasts and shattered the traditional media
approach to running for office. Well, why have we fallen
back right into that same model with cabinet confirmations. If
you're a Republican in the House or the Senate, or
an advisor or a staff member, I know that you
listen to the show. Don't give these traditional media outlets,
these corporate media outlets, the fake news, the power to
knock off cabinet appointments. Don't give them that power. It's
all fake, fabricated bullshit. And again, go back over the
last twenty years, maybe longer, find nominee that were shot down,
torpedoed by the other party. There probably aren't that many.
Fact I know there aren't that many because a president,
Democrat or Republican is entitled to their cabinet. And look,
say what you want about John Fetterman, Okay, listen, I
don't agree with him at all. I think much of
what he's talking about today, you know, I mean I'm
talking specifically with regards to his trend to the right.
I don't believe it. You know, you have to compare
what he says to his voting record. His voting record
is still radical and crazy left. But he said something
on the view the other day, and that was Listen,
our party has to understand talking about the Democrat Party,
our party has to understand that when we lose in
the way that we did in the House, the Senate,
in the White House, the president is allowed to appoint
the cabinet that as he sees fit. He's entitled to that.
And for God's sake, no one is saying this, or
at least not. Maybe there's one or two if they're
out there, tag me on X let me know. But
the role of the United States Senate is to advise
and consent. Advice and consent. That's their constitutional obligation to
this process. Nowhere in that constitutional obligation is obstruction and
so it's just insane to me that the only things
standing away of Trump's mandate are Republican senators right now.
Drives me crazy and in many ways look like Pete
seems to have turned a corner. I mean, I believe that.
I think the next phase is to put a face
with the accusations. That's what the Democrats do. They find
somebody who is easily manipulated, who maybe needs the cash,
maybe wants to be a little famous. They drag them out,
put a face with the accusations, and they can't just
be shrugged off as anonymous. And then you have you
have someone whoever the target is, has to respond directly
to them to refute them, and then it becomes a
back and forth. Then he said, she said, and all
of a sudden, you're not focused on Senate confirmation and
making the argument to senators. You're focused on a back
and forth with somebody who's falsely accused you of something. So,
I fully, I don't know if something like that's gonna happen,
but it very easily could. So I had a conversation
with Don Junior today. I want to tell you a
little bit about it here in a second, but let
me take a quick break. Everyone thinks they're keeping their
family safe, but are you really. Elections are in the books.
I think we got the right guy going back to
the White House. But if you live in a radical
left wing area or in a radical left wing city,
anything might happen. If you dare defend yourself, our twisted
legal system will probably put you behind bars while the
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right now. Okay, So I had a conversation with Don
Junior today. I'm gonna tell you about that conversation here
in just a second. But today kind of went off
the rails off on this Ukraine loan and uh, yeah,
I apologize for that. I just see that stuff and
it absolutely drives me insane. But today was one of
those days around here at Fort Parnell. You know. I
went on Don to talk to Don Junior today and
then I went on the Drinking Bros. Drinking Bros. Podcast.
I've never been on it before, but it's a it's
a it's a rated R podcast. Uh. Military veterans, like
combat veterans. Military veterans go on that show. I don't.
I I it was cool to go on it and
talk about Pete hag Seth and stuff. But these interviews
that that I did today, a couple of them were
over an hour, which is kind of crazy. So that's
like tough on the voice. But today was one of
those days people I have been talking about. Now, you guys,
probably I promise you I'll get back to the conversation
with Don Junior soon. But I've been talking about getting
an ice maker for a very very long time, very
long time. We don't have an ice maker in my house.
We don't.
Speaker 3 (13:15):
Speaker 1 (13:16):
It kind of sucks because you've got to go out
and buy ice. Believe me when I tell you that sucks.
It's been that way for a couple of years. The
ice maker that we do have is broken, tried lots
of solution, it's like it's like one of those under
cabinet ice makers, Like we bought it from there, the
owners of the house we bought the house. It's been
like that supposed to be moved in. As the point,
we love the people who we bought the house from,
and we finally got a new one. And I have
been talking to my wife to Commander Melanie. I mean,
it feels like every day about how excited I am
to actually have an ice maker again, and I'm like,
this is gonna be amazing. I'm never gonna have to
buy another bag of ice again. We finally saved up
enough money to go I an ice maker, because let
me tell you, those under the cabinet ice makers, they
ain't cheap, do you ever, you know, those things aren't cheap.
It's kind of ridiculous. So they save up enough money
to get one of these things. And the thing is
supposed to come today to be installed before the holidays.
And I wake up, I'm like super excited. Supposed to
happen at ten thirty in the morning, and I had
to run out run a couple of errands this morning,
and I came back and this sucker was supposed to
be in. I was really excited for it. And I
come back and said to Commander Melanie, I said, so
the ice maker go in or be good to go?
She goes, No, it didn't get put in. There's some
bullshit plumbing problem or whatever. Oh my god, I might
sound stupid, and as I talk it through, indeed it does.
As I get these thoughts out of my mind, Yeah,
it does kind of sound a little bit stupid. But
I really wanted to have an ice maker. I was
very excited about. So now I got this ice maker
that we saved up for in my freaking garage and
we have to call somebody else to install it. And
by the way, I don't know what the hell the
problem was. I think these guys just didn't want to
do it, so a little fired up about that. Had
this conversation with Don Junior. Get to the stuff that
you really care about. But this day was just crazy meetings, interviews, meetings, interviews.
And by the way, shout out to Brock who helped
me cobble together a show today. I could not have
done the show today without him because I did not
anticipate these meetings that I was in today going as
long as they as they did, and I kind of
once you get in them, you're kind of stuck. And
so he helped flag some stuff for me, and I'm
very grateful that he did. But talked to Dawn today
for a while, and you know, I don't want to
get into the in depth of what we talked about,
but he said something that really jumped out at me
because we were talking about what the deep state was
doing Depete. I mean, that was the context of all
of it. Because I worked with Pete during the time
supposedly when all this bullshit happened to concern Vets for America.
I was the senior advisor for the organization, as you
all know. So I was having a conversation with Don
about that, and he somehow we got to a conversation
that he had with President Alec Trump about the Russia
collusion hoax. Do you remember that when Don had to
go testify for hours and hours and hours and Adam
Schiff was going out there on television saying that Donald
Trump Junior was a Russian asset and had worked with
Russia and they were going to throw him in jail
for the rest of his life. You know, We've been
to a couple of Trump rallies Commander Mellie and I
where President Trump is clearly affected by this about the
treatment of his son, and he mentions it from the
stage and you can tell it almost gets him emotional.
He's like, it's you know, you're a father. Your job
is to protect your son, and you have these Democrats
in Congress talking about throwing him in prison for a
crime that he didn't commit. Take a moment and really
think about that. You're the president of the United States.
You were elected to do the will of the people.
And something else that we talked about today was that
how when President Trump got in office, the first time
he had ever spent any time or stayed overnight in
Washington was his first day as president. Elect sounds insane
as a global businessman like Donald Trump. But Donald Trump
is not a politician. He's run his own business. He's
been completely laser focused on that his entire career, and
he built an empire doing that. But Don told me
today how he wanted to get to Washington work with everybody,
Democrats and Republicans to make America great again. That's honestly
what he believed. And I heard Don tell me that.
So he just went to work hiring all these people.
And President Trump was very affected by as far as
any father would be, by the treatment of Don. Yeah.
I mean, he got testified and he subpoened, like over
twelve times, testified for hours and hours and hours and hours.
And we were talking about this, and Don told me
about a conversation with his dad with President elect Trump,
and President elect Trump was saying, I hate this. I
feel terrible. This is this is terrible what they're doing
to you. You know, what can I do to help?
And when it was all over, Dawn told me that
he said, Hey, Dad, don't be upset for me. You know,
I am grateful for the experience. And he's like, because
that experience made me stronger, and I thought like, this
is sorry, I'm losing my voice here, I said. I said,
this is the sun of the most powerful man on
Earth and Donald Trump and also the most famous guy
on the planet. There's no question about that. Now, the
forty seventh president of the United States. Just consider that.
Just how ridiculous. You know that I live on a
farm in western Pennsylvania and I have a conversation with
the President of the United States son. It's pretty damn amazing.
But he was talking just with humility about Hey, this
experience made me stronger. Dad, you don't need to do anything.
Doesn't That speak volumes about the character of the Trumps,
most powerful man on the planet, having a candid conversation
with his son. Clearly he's hurting, and Don Junior saying, no,
this made me stronger. And then it got to thinking about,
like some of the things the Dems have done to
me in my own life, and I think the same thing.
And here's the interesting thing. There's the when the Dems
do shit like this, whether it's de Pete or to
Dawn or to President elect Trump or to me, and
they they they open people's eyes and make them more
dangerous political fighters. If that makes sense. A good example
of unintended consequences of how that of just sinister Democrat
behavior is the twenty twenty election. They one hundred percent
cheated in that election. They won one hundred percent rig
that election. There is no doubt in my mind that
they cheated and rigged that election. And President Trump and
Don Junior they all know that. But had the Democrats
did had if they just didn't cheat, then President Trump
would be out of office in forty days and would
have had a Senate that was controlled by Democrats, and
would have had a House that was controlled by Democrats. Now,
President Trump got extraordinary things accomplished in his first term
in the face of withering resistance, in the face of
a broken government, in the face of a deep state
that was out to get him. I'm not saying that
President Trump wouldn't have been effective in his last four years,
but it would have been a hell of a fight.
But because the Democrats messed around with this and cheated,
now they got Trump back. He controls every branch of government,
he controls state houses, and he's not going back into
office with no knowledge of how government works. Think back
to what I told you the first go around. He
just the first time he spent overnight in Washington was
when he was president, and all of a sudden, you're
told you've got to hire like forty thousand people. I mean,
it's insane. Now he understands the process, he understands the moment.
And so the law of unintended consequences here is that
the DEM's behavior caused this. Isn't that some serious karma? Well,
in messing with Don Junior, and certainly in messing with
Trump and messing with me and now Pete boy. I mean,
there's that phrase, if you're gonna take a shot at
the king, you better not miss. Because when the Democrats
do this, what they do are create relentless warriors whose
eyes have been opened to the corrupt system of government
that we are now living in. President Trump, I can
assure you seize this. Clearly. Don Junior, his son, sees this. Clearly, Eric, Ivanka,
Tiffany Baron, everybody that's experienced this all sees that Pete
hegseeth you know, was a combat veteran's been in the
public eye for you know, well over ten years, a
host on a national television show and Fox and Friends,
always been involved politically he's sharp, he's articulate, he's he's
he's smart, he understands the game, he's got good political instincts,
but he's never been on the receiving end of a
Democrats smear. And now even his eyes are probably being
open to the depth of the dem depravity with regards
to this stuff. Same thing with me. They've made me
a far more lethal political fighter because of what they did.
So I just thought that that was an amazing conversation
that should kind of color everything that we talk about today.
And no matter how crazy the Democrats have gotten, and yes,
believe me when I tell you they are insane, and
they are more insane now than they ever have been before.
Let me tell you, folks, like the title of the
episode is, the Democrats have a learned exactly zero lessons
from the twenty twenty four cycle. They just don't understand
how we won. And I think that's a gift to Republicans,
But it doesn't mean that the Democrats are not laser
focused on the lawlessness that they've been embroiled with for
the last almost four years of a Biden administration. Yesterday
I showed you a headline from a magazine called the
nation about how President Biden should issue blanket pardons for
illegal alien invaders in this country. There are tens of
millions of them here that would completely turn on its
head our country, I mean, one hundred percent trying to
replace you, no doubt about it now, right, And so
Dick Durbin comes out today and called for mass amnesty
for quote undocumented immigrants who don't pose a threat to
our country. I mean, there are estimates out there of
something like sixty five million I legal aliens. Of course,
on the high side, in our country, that would mean
something like one in five people in our country is
here illegally. So you see what's happening here. This article
is out there written by left wing media. Biden should
issue blanket pardons now all of a sudden, that policy
position is echoed by Democrats, in this case Senator Dick
Durbin's on the Senate Judiciary Committee. But this argument and
policy position is pushed now in the Senate from high
ranking Democrats in the Senate. So I just want to
I want you to see the genesis of how these
you know, these advances on these hardcore leftist dem initiatives happen.
You're seeing it now and thankfully you know this Breitbart headline,
Federal judge stops Biden agencies from opening Obamacare to illegal aliens.
Did you realize that that was happening. Probably not, because
we have a leftist corporate media in this country that
doesn't report these things. So this from the Breitbart article,
A federal judge has halted President Joe Biden's plans to
open the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare to illegal
aliens enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and
that's the DACUP program DACA. In May, Biden and Vice
President Kamala Harris announced a final rule to open Obamacare
roles to DHAKA, illegal aliens enrolled in the program. Former
President Barack Obama first created the DACA program via executive order,
shielding more than a million illegal aliens from deportation through
the years. On Monday, District Judge Daniel Traynor granted a
preliminary injunction and stay to ensure that Biden's agencies cannot
implement such plans while the issue makes its way through
federal courts. So you see, the Democrats have not let
up on any of their critical, critical ugh it's been
a day on any of their crazy, radical policy proposals.
It's pedal to the medal, despite what the American people
voted for and out Today this headline New York Attorney
General Letitia James old tiss James refuses to drop the
civil fraud case against President elect Trump, stating presidents aren't
immune from civil litigation. Trump has ordered, of course, to
pay four hundred and fifty four million dollar judgment previously
urged James to drop the case for the greater good
of the country. Well, clearly she's not going to do that,
and really no one should be surprised because listen to
this psycho left step.
Speaker 3 (28:01):
He's called me venomous.
Speaker 4 (28:02):
We will fight back to your attempt to bring trump
Ism to New York wittings.
Speaker 3 (28:07):
He's called me disgraceful.
Speaker 4 (28:10):
They style a Supreme Card set an Ellen, gentleman president
and an Ell, a gentleman member of the United States Supreme.
Speaker 3 (28:22):
Card, has called me radical.
Speaker 4 (28:24):
Listen, we know he's crazy, we know he doesn't have
a set mind. We know he's out of control, we
know he's losing it. We know his days on timber
and we welcome together.
Speaker 3 (28:41):
He's called me a racist.
Speaker 4 (28:42):
We've got to stand up to an administration which is too.
Speaker 3 (28:47):
Mail Chopel and to stell.
Speaker 4 (28:58):
To mail ju Pel and to sell to Pale.
Speaker 3 (29:03):
And he thank you.
Speaker 1 (29:06):
I'm sorry. President Trump was right about everything that he
said about Tish James, was he not? But my point
is the Democrats will always double down on their lawlessness.
And so why does this matter Battle Crew? It matters
because the Democrats expect Republicans to be weak. The Democrats,
I mean, they know that a president is entitled to
his cabinet. They know that a very very very maybe
less than a handful of people over the years have
been rejected to serve on president's cabinets by the Senate.
They know that. They expect the media to gaslight the
American people into thinking that this is just a normal process.
It's not. But the Democrats anticipate Republican weakness. And when
Senators come out and say, well, we got to take
these accusations seriously, even though they're anonymous and insane and
no substance to any of them. But when Republicans come
out and say, well we've got to really evaluate this stuff,
I don't know, or they back away from a nominee
because of this bullshit in the media. It's like blood
in the water for the Democrats, and then it emboldens
them to do crazier shit. You see this, right. I
know that you all understand this, right, but I am
so tired of having conversations about weak Republicans from deep
red states, and really, folks, this is a problem that
I think we have to look as a party, not
you all, battle crew, but as a party, look in
the mirror and ask ourselves about what kinds of Republicans
are we sending to Washington. If you're a Senator from
South Dakota, if you're a Senator from Iowa, if you're
a Senator from Texas, you need to be an absolute
red meat Republican bomb thrower. You need to be a
relentless fighter. In the United States Senate, we cannot afford
to have these milk toast wieners in these in these
in these deep red states. We just can't afford it anymore.
Look at what Josh Holly does in the United States Senate.
We need five more Josh Holly. How we need ten
more Josh Holly's in the United States. That's or Mike Lees, right,
take your pick of jd Vance. It's critically important that
we have fighters because if we don't have fighters, then
the Democrats listen. I see, we're an American. I see
milk toast wieners. I know that just kind of it's
been a long day, haven't gotten a lot of sleep,
that kind of that one just kind of wrong. I'm sorry,
it's true. We don't need we don't need the yeah
fifty Ran Paul's no, Bill Clinton, You're exactly right. We
don't need milk toast wieners in these I'm sorry, you
get I get in these modes and I just go
sorry about that. But it's true. We need strong senators
because if we don't have strong senators to Dems anticipate
the weakness, and once they smell blood in the water,
they get even crazier. And as they get more crazy,
it's bad for all of us. Get things get more dangerous. Okay,
So I want to talk about here next the House
Task Force on the assassination attempt against Trump. They issued
their final report today. I want to tell you about
some of the recommendations that have come out of that.
But before I get to that, let me take a
quick break. The Christmas and Honka season is a time
of hope and peace for many of us, but for
those in Israel facing the ongoing war, it is a
time of fear and uncertainty. The hardships are felt by everyone,
with many people struggling to afford food and basic necessities
during this holiday season. Many living through the war and
the Holy Land are grieving the loss of loved ones
while also enduring isolation and hunger. We must not let
them feel forgotten by the rest of the world. That's
why I'm partnering with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.
Your special holiday gift to the Fellowship helps provide a
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to bring nourishment, warmth, and comfort to someone in need.
Give the gift of hope and answered prayers this holiday season.
Go to SUPPORTIFCJ dot org to donate now, that is
SUPPORTIFCJ dot org or call to give at eight eight
eight for eight eight IFCJ. That's eight eight eight four
eight eight four three two five. Okay, folks, lots of
things to talk about this block of the show. But
the House Task Force on the Assassination Attempt against Trump
issued their final report, and you'll have to forgive me
because I don't have this in my show notes because
it just came out, so I'm looking at it here
on my phone. Here's the list of the main recommendations
from the task force. I'm going to read them all
because I think it's just really important that you know
what recommendations that are. The House of Representatives is putting
forth to ensure that something like this never happens again.
One The number one recommendation is record all radio transmissions
and evaluate communications retention policies. Number two. Consider staffing redundancy
for high pressure situations or moments. Number three, develop and
formalize a process for escalating conflicts with protect the staff.
Number four. Provide more robust training for non United States
Secret Service, federal personnel on site or Department of Homeland
Security post standards. Number five prioritize experience and assignment process.
I mean that's a no brainer, right, More time protecting
people should mean greater responsibility. I mean that one's a
no brainer. The fact that they're not doing that now
is a real head scratcher. Number six, in person advanced
activities must include all relevant subject matter experts. Well, that's
another big no shit. Right, anybody that is on the
advanced protection outfit of the United States Secret Service, whether
sniper's a drone operator or anybody else, the lead agent,
the agent in charge, they should all be there in person,
right at least for whatever location they're protecting. That's a
no brainer. Number seven, review the US Secret Service budget,
staffing in retention. Eight, reduce the number of protectees. Okay,
Congress and the Secretary of Homeland Security should review the
Secret Service's investigative role. So I guess they're talking about counterfeiting.
Dan Bongino has made this recommendation over and over again
that the Secret Service should be singularly focused on protecting, protecting,
you know, hot you know, politicians, and not in the
counterfeiting business. I think he's right about that. Number ten,
evaluate whether Secret Service should remain inside the Heartment of
Homeland Security. Number eleven the last one, Congress should clarify
its right to obtain law enforcement sensitive information because the
Secret Service has been stonewalling, along with other federal agencies,
have been stonewalling Congress on trying to figure out what happened.
And here's the thing, folks like I think Number three
and five three was developed and formalize a process for
escalating conflicts with staff. So, in other words, like you
know with campaign staff, and five is actually putting experienced
people in positions of greater responsibility. I mean, this is great,
but can I just state the obvious here. None of
this explains I mean, these recommendations are great, but none
of this explains how a twenty year old kid was
able to defeat the premier protection agency in the world.
A twenty year old kid with no training whatsoever, was
able to penetrate United States Secret Service security and get
on a roof one hundred and thirty five yards away
with the rect line of sight to the president. None
of this report explains how something like this could possibly happen.
And you know, the only reason that Trump is alive.
And I've said this before, and you know, people say, oh,
thank god, the guy was in a good shot. But
the guy hit Trump on his first shot. The only
reason he survived is because he did this at the
exact right time. He turned his head in the exact
right time, and that gave the counter snipers time to
engage back sniper had the assassin would be assassin probably
had to adjustice site picture made him less accurate, but
he still hit and killed Corey comparator. I mean, I've
got no answers about this, folks, And this is yet
another thing that I am so tired of banging my
head against the wall talking about this, because we should
have more information about what happened that day. We should
have answers to the questions about why there was no
silverware in this guy's home when it was raided. We
should be able to ask questions about why Crooks's father
retained an attorney to help him navigate this process. We
should be able to ask questions about why the FBI
decided to cremate his body before informing any law enforcement
partners that might have questions about looking at or analyzing
the autopsy report or the actual body itself. None of
this makes any sense, and the fact that it doesn't
make any sense leads me to believe that there's some
very real corruption happening here, folks. And speaking of the corruption,
you know, Trump said in his interview over the weekend
that everybody on the January sixth committee should be in jail.
In the left about lost their mind. I was gonna
put us political wents in jail. Oh my god, Like, okay,
so weird American says milk toast Wiener. No milk toast
Wiener shirts allowed. Oh wait are you saying, oh oh,
you're saying you want milk toast Wiener shirts with like
a cry, so you want them in the merch shop.
That might be a good idea. People might also get
the wrong about what the real meaning of those shirts ares.
We're going to have to communicate across you know, the
T shirt medium to make sure we're talking about milk
toast Republican senators from deep red states. But Trump said
the January sixth Committee should be in jail, and I
happen to agree with them because they I agree with
President Trump because that committee made a mockery of Congress's
role to investigate and provide oversight. It was a sham committee.
Adam Kinsinger and Liz Cheney are not adequate Republicans to
be appointed to that committee. In fact, all they did
was toe the line with radical left wing propaganda and
in an attempt to destroy President Trump. I mean, like
what they did was just damn it was. It was
I mean, sedition, treason, whatever, I mean, Like maybe that
word is overused, but they lied, They pushed a false narrative.
They hired a producer from ABC to help them tell
the story and pitch it as if it were a
television show. These are not good people, and so Liz
Cheney came out and warned that any lawyer investigating members
of the January sixth Committee will be engaging in conduct
subject to sanctions. Harmyat Dylan responded to that yesterday after
the show had said, oh really, like, in other words, fu,
that's not possible. Well, guess what. Trump appointed Harmyat Dylan
to the Attorney General's Office to be a Deputy Attorney
General I think over civil rights, which is amazing because
harm Eat Dylan is an extraordinary attorney. She's someone who
has been a fighter for President Trump for a very
long time. This is a great appointment. And within minutes
of Trump making that appointment, Mark Elias, Democrat, corrupt super
lawyer and Russia collusion hoaxer, I mean he helped create
the Russia collusion hoax and the Steele dossier and everything else.
Mark Elias came out and said Donald Trump has nominated
a sycophant loyalist to head the Department of Justice's Civil
Rights Division. This will put pressure on groups and election
lawyers to fight for voting rights in court. DOJ will
be on the side of vote suppressors and election deniers.
This sounds like a pretty damn good endorsement from Mark Elias,
who is one of the corrupt, most disgusting lawyers attorneys
people in this country. And if he doesn't like it,
it's a pretty damn good appointment. If I don't say
so myself, but even Benny Thompson, who is a Democrat
chair of the then January sixth Committee, was asked about
President Trump's comments, and I'm telling you, it seems like
people were scared.
Speaker 5 (44:01):
Listen over the weekend, I'm a President Trump and an
interview suggested that January sixth members should be jailed. Do
you have any reaction to that? And do you think
that a president or a prev preemptive party is necessary.
Speaker 6 (44:13):
Well, I'll take it one other time, Okay. First of all,
President former to be President Trump is absolutely wrong. Uh,
there's nothing we did as a January sixth select committee.
Uh that violates the law.
Speaker 4 (44:29):
Speaker 6 (44:30):
Just because you disagree with the work of the committee,
there's no way to threaten those members of the committee
UH with jail. So obviously that's his opinion. UH. As
to whether or not UH President Biden does anything with
respect to that, UH, it's his decision.
Speaker 1 (44:50):
Speaker 6 (44:50):
I'm comfortable with the fact that as members of Congress,
we were doing our job, and as long as we
do our job. UH, they are certain guarantees UH that
we have and I look forward to UH enforcing those guarantees.
Speaker 5 (45:04):
Now, Adam Shift, he said that he thinks that a
department isn't necessary.
Speaker 3 (45:08):
Do you agree with that? Do you think it's not necessary?
Speaker 6 (45:12):
Well, he's a member of the committee, he's UH absolutely
has his right. UH. I think UH that's a decision
that UH is left to the president.
Speaker 5 (45:22):
And then what do you make of cash matel How
concerned are you if he were to get confirmed to
hold this FBI position.
Speaker 6 (45:30):
Well, again, I think people in positions of responsibility to
carry out those responsibilities according to the statute. UH. I
don't think you have to go against individuals because you
dislike them or they take positions you disagree with. UH.
As a nation of laws, UH, clearly, UH we stand
strong on the principles of freedom of speech, assimily and
all those things that are guaranteed by the Constitution, and
obviously I would expect someone in his position to do likewise.
Speaker 1 (46:08):
What about the January sixth Committee destroying records to make
sure that they hid information that would lead people to
the conclusion that January six was one big FED surrection
info operation. Because there have been lots of allegations, not
just allegations. I believe that to be true. The January
sixth Committee absolutely did destroy evidence. One hundred percent that's
not in dispute. And do you notice how that interview,
that conversation was tied back to cash Battel. Now, listen,
we've had cash Battel on the show. You heard him
talk about President Trump issuing the order about the National
Guard on January sixth, and how he helped craft the
memo that would out you the DC National Guard about
all this and we were censored for that. But Cash
Battel knows where the bodies are buried. Cash Battel is
imminently qualified to be the FBI director. Cash Battel is competent.
He's been all over the democrat weaponizing of the government
since he was a young staffer with Devin Nunez in Congress.
He uncovered the Russia collusion hoax. He was relentless in
determining that as well. And I genuinely think that the
Left is scared of him, and they should be because
he knows how they play this game, he knows how
dirty they are. And so you saw the news today.
I'm sure of FBI agents are saying if cash Battel
becomes FBI director, it would cause quote massive damage to
the agency, and are threatening to quit the agency in mass. So, uh,
maybe we don't even need Elon musk and Vivic's Ramaswami's
Department of Government Efficiency. If the if all of these
as clowns just quit on their own, well maybe we
won't need Maybe the problem solves itself. But Cash Battel
is let's just let's just be honest about this. Cash
Battel is more dangerous to the Democrat agenda than Pete
hegseth is. I believe that, And I talked earlier about
the law of unintended consequences, and I did it within
the context of hey being attacked in the way that
you know I was. Pete was Don Junior was President Trump.
Was opened your eyes to how corrupt and rotten the
system is. But another unintended consequence of what the media
is doing to Pete is that the eye of sauron,
the eye of the deep state is singularly focused on
Pete in taking him out. And I think because of that,
you know, Bongino calls it, they're flooding the zone. You know,
Trump is appointing all of these cabinet nominies. The media
doesn't know where to focus, but now they've picked Pete Hegseth,
and they're focused on him all the while. You know,
Cash Bettel is like Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgy's sneaking
into Mortar. Forgive me for using the Lord of the
Rings reference. We watched that this time of year, and
I know, much to the chagran of my wife, who's
upstairs rolling her eyes because she knows what a Lord
of the Rings fan I am. But my point is
all the stuff that is being thrown at Pete means
they're not focused on Cash and he's far more dangerous
to their agenda than Pete Hegseth. Another interesting point about
all of this, people have said, well, you know RFK Junior,
he might have a tough time getting confirmed. I'm gonna
tell you, But let me tell you something here. And
Melanie just texted me angrily that she likes Lord of
the Rings, and yes she does, but I don't know
that she likes me geeking out about Lord of the
Rings all of the time. I mean, you know, this
is the time of year. Who I'm doing constant Lord
of the Rings references and I just subjected you to this.
So maybe maybe she's right, But it doesn't mean I'm
gonna stop. However, back give me back to the show. Here.
The the Democrat factor here, there's a whole lot been
made about Republicans, but there's a very good chance that
RFK gets a couple of Democrat votes. Bernie Sanders has
already done that. He's already said he's going to vote
for RFK. Now we'll see what happens. Who knows what
will actually play out. Don't trust the Democratic Democrats until
they've actually cast their vote. But if Democrats start voting
for some Republican cabinet nominees, say John Fetterman votes for
some some well what leg does a Republican have to
stand on for voting against them? If a Democrat comes
out in support of some of President Trump's nominees. It
puts some of these Republicans on very precarious political footing,
more dangerous than that. I mean, look, they're on precarious
political footing as it is. Yeah, we acknowledge that, of course,
but this throws a wrinkle in it. And it just
throws a wrinkle in their plans. Right, How does a
Republican in good faith oppose a nominee if a Democrat
here or there is willing to vote for them. And
so I think that if you get even one or
two Democrat votes for some of these cabinet members, I
think the wall comes crashing down. It actually gives Republicans cover.
To why they would need cover, I don't know, but
I'm just saying how it's framed in their mind, it
might actually give them cover to vote for these nominees.
All it takes is one or two Democrats Bernie Sanders
for RFK Junior. I mean, a Fetterman has already said
he's going to vote for doctor Oz. I mean, and
let me tell you about Fetterman. I don't trust or
believe anything that he's saying, but I do know that
he understands Pennsylvania. He understands the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
the voters here. He also knows what we're doing to
turn this state read. He sees the writing on the wall,
the state is trending to the red. And if I
have anything to say about it, which I will because
I don't know. Did I tell you all this that
I was just tapped by Senator Alec Dave McCormick and
and America First Folks to run this pack called Pennsylvania Rising,
and that the mission of that pack is to continue
to turn Pennsylvania read or a voter registration vote by
mail operation early vote like what we did in Pennsylvania.
This last cycle was outcome determinative. And so I just
named the chair of this new pack, which is kind
of cool that I'll get to continue that mission. And
by the way, that mission, just so you're all tracking,
is to make sure that Shapiro and Fetterman are the
last two statewide elected DEMS in this state to turn
it read for the next hundred years. That's my mission.
But Fetterman sees the writing on the wall. He knows
that the state is getting it is trending red. He
might listen, listen to this and bear with me. Here,
he is going to look for ways that he can
cross the aisle and vote with Republicans sometimes to give
him ammunition when he turns around and runs in twenty
eight to say, look, I voted for some'mer president of
Trump's cabinet nominees. Now these are votes that he can
take without compromising the radical left Democrat agenda. He could
still vote radical left. But if he just votes to
confirm a couple of cabinet nominees, well that's the cabinet
nomine and he's come and go every four years, a hell,
some of them are every two years. He can do that,
get some conservative wins, give him the ability to turn
around in Pennsylvania and say, look, I voted for someone
President Trump's I about of crazy leftists while continuing to
vote crazy leftists. You see what I'm saying, right, So
you might get Democrats in some of these swing states
breaking away from their party to vote for Republican nominees.
If that happens, the wall comes crashing down and everybody
on our side gets confirmed. And by the way, everyone
on our side should get confirmed. Anyways, folks, let me
tell you I know Gosh I left a lot on
the cutting room floor. But okay, I gotta get to
this though, Lindsey Graham talking about cabinet nominees and who
should and should not just talking about the latest on cataint.
Noamis he just came out prior to me going live.
I want you to hear it too.
Speaker 2 (54:57):
The accusations are anonymous that the police report I've read
right now. He's in pretty good shape. I think he's
very smart. I actually was with him in Afghanistan. What
he's doing is his duty.
Speaker 1 (55:14):
I was over there very briefly as a reservist.
Speaker 2 (55:17):
So the accusations about mismanage your money and about non
consensual behavior, if they come forward, I will listen to
those accusations, but they have to be credible and they
have to be presented in a fashion that Pete can
Rebut so he's much better off this week than it
was last week.
Speaker 1 (55:41):
So much different tune than he had last week.
Speaker 7 (55:43):
And there are other critical meetings that Hecseth has as well,
not just moved Rakowsky, but also with Senator Susan Collins
of Maine, another key swing vote.
Speaker 1 (55:51):
He was meeting with her tomorrow.
Speaker 7 (55:53):
But there are still at the moment nobody know on
the Republican side who have come out and said they
will absolutely not vote for Hecseth, which is giving the
Trump team hope that eventually he will get the job.
And that's same for other controversial picks like Toulci Gabber
for the to be the top intelligence director of National Intelligence.
She's been back on Capitol Hill today. She's still no
outspoken opposition to her despite some of her reviews, including
on the issue of Russia and as well as Cash.
Pattel someone who would be the new FBI director, as
Trump is signaling he's ready to push out the existing
FBI director of Christopher Ray. He met Patel, Jess met
with Lindsay Graham, and Graham also signed positive about Ptel's
prospects as well.
Speaker 1 (56:30):
Yeah, all right, Manu Raj, you thank you so much.
So I think this is a good development for Pete
and Cash and Tulsi that Republican senators, I mean, milk
as milk toast as some of them can be. It
looks like we're trending in the right direction, and I
think that's a good thing. If Democrats vote for Republicans,
oh Man, Wall comes crashing down. So there are some
reasons I think there are some reasons to be slightly
optimistic here, of course, with caution regarding the next FBI
director in cash retel with President Trump will likely not
have to fire the next FBI director because if this
Breitbart headline is true, and I'll tell you my friends
at Breitbart, I know Matt Boyle who is the editor
in chief at Breitbart right now, and a lot of
his reporters, they are ahead of the curve on damn
near everything over there. But the headline is report FBI
Director Ray prepares to resign, does not want to be fired.
So again, we might not need the Department of Government
Efficiency under Elon Musk and Vivek Rabmaswami. Just by simply
appointing cabinet members who believe in the America First agenda
seems to be solving many of these problems. So at
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One last piece of sound that I want you to hear.
I look, I'm giving you some reasons to be optimistic here.
Of course, anything can happen. What I said about Pete
hegg Seth is true, and how the Democrats are gonna
they always do try to put a face with the name.
But the Democrats have very real problems. They've learned nothing
from the twenty twenty four loss. They're still all in
on the lawlessness. They're still all in in the law fair,
They're still all in on the training insanity, They're still
all in on sex changes for young children. I mean,
they're effing insane. And here's the thing. There are a
lot of Democrats now that are waking up to it.
I mean Tulca Gabbard, RFK to name a few, right,
and even Joe Rogan. These are all Democrats who just
see the crazy that's become the Democrat Party and are
defecting to our side. Democrats have a lot of work
to do before the mid terms. Twenty twenty six is
right around the corner. And let me tell you something.
Their party is a complete and total shit show. And
there are some Democrats, very influential, influential Democrats like Anna Casperin,
who is a host with chenk Unger on The Young Turks,
which is the crazy radical left wing show. But listen
to her taking her own party to task. Listen, look at.
Speaker 8 (01:00:40):
My life right now, and I ask myself, which political
party has made my life worse. It's not the Republican
Party locally speaking. The Democrats have complete control and they
have nearly destroyed my family's livelihood. Okay, we are living
in trash and squalor everywhere, and unless Democratic Party actually
acknowledge these issues and solve these issues rather than stealing
our taxpayer money and funneling it to their nonprofit friends,
they keep doing this, They're going to keep losing, and
I'm going to keep speaking out against them. I don't
care how much they hate Trump. I don't care how
naughty the Republicans are being. Right now, the people having
a negative impact on my life is the Democratic Party,
and they need to change their ways. When we say
we want to change the status quo, it doesn't mean
we want to live in anarchy. It doesn't mean that
we want to have twenty four billion dollars of our
taxpayer money in California stolen by these nonprofits. It means
that we want working people to be rewarded for their
hard work. We want affordable housing, we want better working conditions,
higher wages, better healthcare. These are things that Democrats used
to purport to want to do. They don't do any
of it anymore, and so I'm done with them until
they change their ways.
Speaker 1 (01:01:50):
Yeah, I completely understand. Look, I don't agree with a lot.
I mean, look, everyone wants that stuff. It's just a
question of how we go about making it happen. But
I think you're gonna see more of this, folks, I do.
I think there's massive paradigm shift, a political earthquake happening
in this country. I'm very optimistic, cautiously optimistic. Now, we've
got to get President Trump in office. He's got to
take the oath. You got to get him back in
the oval. Anything can happen between now and then. But
it's okay to be optimistic every now and again. Right.
So with that, folks, that brings us to the end
of Battleground Live Today. Now again, make sure you smash
that like button, that little green thumb beneath the video.
Smash it, you know. And also, folks, were on our
way to twenty thousand likes. So do me a favor,
tell your family and your friends to subscribe to Battleground Live.
We want him in the trenches fighting to save this
country with us. The article about Dave McCormack, Senator, like
Dave McCormick and President Trump and Don Junior me running
that being the chairman of this pack called Pennsylvania Rising.
That's over there on Local so go read it. It's
kind of cool. I'm kind of proud to be able
to continue party building and being a leader in the
America First movement and really making sure that these radical
commie bastard Dems never win an election again here in
our state. Right So, there's lots of reasons to be optimistic, folks.
So God bless you all, folks, seriously, don't forget to
smash that like button. Oh, Savage Wednesday tomorrow. As of
right now, still haven't confirmed with Rich Barris, but he
hasn't missed a Wednesday in a very long time. So
Savage Wednesday tomorrow, right night on Friday, got a very
eventful week coming up. So see you tomorrow night right
here at five on Rumble Savage Wednesday. God bless you all,
and God blessed this amazing country that we call home.
Take care, good night, battle Crewe, and I will see
you tomorrow.