All Episodes

May 17, 2024 57 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • Donald Trump attends Barron’s graduation

  • All of the leftist conspiracy theories are legit insane

  • Chaos in the US House

  • Amazing Biden parody song

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Warning you're about to enter the arena and join the
Battle to Save America with your host Sean Parnell.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
What is a battle crew? It is Friday. I am
trying to see right now if we've made the transition
to going live, and it doesn't look like we have.
Let me see here just a second. Have we transitioned?

Have we transitioned? Trying to see, trying to see. I'm good, okay,
good to go, well, welcome battle crew. It's good to
send me check with Commander Melanie. Just gotta see him
like having some technical difficulties here, but don't sweat it, okay, okay,

get here in the live chat to go. Okay, Welcome
battle crew. It is Friday. We've plowed through this week,
have we not. It is great to be with you
from sea to Shining Sea and everybody in between. Welcome patriots.
How is your week? My week was really, really awesome.

We have so much to talk about today. Actually, just
let me tell you a quick personal story here. I
woke up on my calendar. We'll get into the show
run down, but you've got to hear this. It's kind
of funny. I wake up this morning and I look
in my calendar, and on my calendar, I see right there,

first thing in the morning, goat field trip. Now, as
you know, if you've been paying attention to Battleground Live
over the past several months, then you know homesteading has
become something of a thing here in Fort Parnell. While
Commander Melanie had added on my calendar a trip to
see these new goats that we're supposed to be getting.

And as you know, if you've talked to Commander Melanie
in the live chat, which I know for a fact
that you have been, then then you know I've been
reluctant to get what's called bottle babies because we have
five kids, we've already given plenty of bottles. Perhaps we

shouldn't volunteer for more bottle giving. But so she's like,
just come and see the goats. That'll be fine, it'll
be a good trip. And because look, we've already committed
to getting goats that we're just trying to decide if
we want to get, if we want to get bottle
babies or not. So she takes me to this place

and I go there, and I have to admit I
am a little bit overwhelmed, no doubt about it. There's
probably about forty goats. A lot of them are little.
They're making all this noise, they're running around. They're literally
hopping on everything, jumping side jumping everywhere. I mean, they're
little babies, no more than eight weeks old. They were

super super cute. But there was this brother and sister
there and they were like these white with gold, white
gold little baby goats, brother and sister and they just
were running and playing everywhere together. And we went through
all of this and we picked a couple of goats
that we wanted that were younger, that would be able

to be delivered in sometime in June or whatever. And
I'm like watching these little brother and sister goats hop
around everywhere, and I said, well, maybe we should get
those two. And Melanie said, well, those are those are
the bottle babies. And keep in mind, I have not
really been keeping like looking at all the goats like
that Melanie has, so I couldn't really keep track of

which goat was who. And I'm like, oh, those are
the bottle babies. She's like, yes, they're also a brother
and sister. And I look at Melanie and she's looking
at the two women who have the goats and ourself
selling them to us, And I said, so what do
we do? Those are the bottle babies. I said, well,
they're brother and sister. We can't just leave him here.
They look how happy they are they're running around, And
I saw Melanie smile and she said, I don't know,

you're in charge here. And that's when the red flag
went up, because I don't think there's ever been a
time throughout the entirety of our marriage where Commander Melanie
has said you are in charge here. And that is
when I knew I was drawn into a trap, you see,
because we had already picked out two little baby goats

that we were gonna get in June, but they were
not the bottle babies. But Commander Melanie knew that. When
I went to that place and I saw those two
little brother sister bottle baby goats together, she knew, she
knows me so well, that I was gonna one like
them and two wouldn't have the heart to split them up.
So now it looks like we are going to end

up having bottle babies here. Probably just gonna stick with
two for now, But but she knows me so well,
I don't know what she just knows me. So that
was a story. Sean's goats and stuff is probably going
to become a reality. Oh and I also have to
show you this, and for a friends who are listening
on iHeart you see this is the cover of the
New York Post. The cover of the New York Post

today says sick lies and on the cover it has
Fauci with this model of a virus, and it says,
after years of falsehood's health official, health official admits US
funded dangerous virus research at China's COVID lab. So listen.

I had to comb through some c SPAN videos and
Committee hearing videos to get that video to you yesterday.
But that was the cover of the Post today. We
talked about that yesterday. So I got to say, I
think we're doing okay here on Battleground Live, folks, in
terms of getting you the news in the stories before

anybody else. So that's awesome. You're in the right place
if you want to get news before anybody else. And
this isn't a news show. I'm not a freaking journalist,
but we try to stay ahead of the game here.
That's the whole point about around Live, staying one step
ahead of our political enemies. Okay, so let me get
into the rundown. Trump is attending his son Baron's graduation.

We're going to talk and this is such an important segment,
and I really want you with me on this, But
all of the leftist conspiracy theories are legitimately insane. Now,
they like to say that we're the conspiracy theorist, but
nothing could be further from the truth. And not only
am I gonna expose, I'm gonna show you why they're

the real conspiracy theorists. But in order for anyone to
believe them, they would have to jump through one crazy
logical hoop after the next in order for them to
even be half believable. But here we are, so trust me.
It's this is gonna be a fun segment. Chaos in

the US House of Representative. Representative Crockett is just a
total whack job. We're going to talk about that. We're
gonna talk about this amazing Biden parody song. Remember that
debate wasn't really a debate about I'm seeing Steve in
the live chat. You should just go ahead and get
four four goats. I want to ease in with the goats.

I don't want to just go to four right away.
I feel like I feel a little overwhelmed here, and
I feel like, you know, crawl, walk, run, get two goats,
get used to the bottle babies, you know, get used
to the get a battle rhythm, and then maybe over time,
get a couple more if we need to. Okay, all right.
Trump attended Baron's graduation today, and I thought that that

was a pretty awesome thing. In fact, Sharon to the screen. Here,
I want you to see some pictures. This from Flotus
report on X. I'll describe it for our friends who
are listening. But here you have a picture of Baron,
who is a giant, by the way, way taller than
than Donald, holding his high school diploma. And we're scrolling through. Here,
we're looking at a picture of Malania's father on the left,

Milania dressed super sharply in the middle, as my grandmother
would say, she looks snazzy.

Speaker 1 (08:23):

Speaker 2 (08:23):
And then Trump there in his in his characteristic suit.
And what blows me away by some of these pictures.
And here again Milania's father. Here's Millania with a huge
smile on her Trump smiling as well, watching his son graduate.
And I have to say, folks, this is this is
a pretty awesome thing. This is Trump just being a father.

And I think that the American people need to see
more of that. I think there's a general sense with
Trump that Trump is tough. Trump's a businessman, you thy
type guy, right, that is who he is. In fact,
in fact, the American people buy and large from twenty

sixteen to twenty twenty, when they pulled the lever for
him twice. The number one concern and you probably share
some of this as well. And I'm a huge Trump guy, right,
I've been a Trump guy since twenty sixteen. But the
number one concern that people have is that, oh, man,
I wish you wouldn't have said that on Twitter, or

maybe I wish you wouldn't have said this. Look, I
don't really care about that stuff. I'm not voting for
Trump to date my daughter. I'm voting for Trump to
walk into a room with President she and be an
ass kicker. Right. I understand that Trump is a New
York City construction guy. New York City construction guys. If

you've ever hung out with him, you know that they're
a little bit rough around the edges. Trump came up
in the construction trade. I know that about I like
that about him. I like his brash, no nonsense personality.
It's part of what's appealing to me about him. But
but not every American once that likes that, prefers that,

and I understand that. So if people have one single
complaint now Trump, it's maybe I wish you wouldn't have
said X said this. But this go around Trump has
done this campaign, this campaign cycle, Trump has been so

much more disciplined with his words. He's been so much
more on message. Let's think, folks back to him being
on CNN in a town hall. When it happened, Everyone's like,
what is he doing? Can't be going on CNN and
doing a town hall. He's he's it's a trap. It's

a trap because so, of course it is. And Trump
knew that. There was a live studio audience, and Caitlyn
Collins was a horrible and I do mean horrible moderator,
tried one gotcha question after the next with Trump. But
Trump the whole time was just charming, and by the
end of the CNN town hall, he had the audience laughing.

He didn't lose his temper, he didn't really get angry.
He called BS when he saw it. In fact, you
remember him, he pulled something out of his pocket. Oh, actually,
I got the answer to that right here. Actually, Caitlin,
you're lying. You know that's actually not what I said.
Here's the tweet that I said. Here's exactly what I
said on January sixth and the time that I said it. So, Caitlyn,
you're lying. He called BS. You can do that, it's politics.

But by the end of that, the crowd loved him.
He did the exact same thing on Fox News Brett Baar,
Martha McCallum town Hall. He he had Brett Bayer laughing
legitimately laughing because he was funny, he was charming. He
didn't lose it. Right. So this, if Trump conducts himself

like this, he's and you add that to is his
polling and the fact that he is surging. The title
of this episode is Trump is surging. Well, now you
added that Trump at a graduation with his son, just
doing dad's stuff. I'm telling you, folks, Trump is gonna

be real hard to beat. I mean, you talk about
Trump polling, you look at how he's doing with Black Americans.
Now listen, if you have watched this show and the
things that Savage Rich and I talk about. And the
reason why I have Savage Rich on this show is
because he's been doing polling for a long time. He
understands the moment. And I'm recapping some of this stuff

for our new listeners who might not be aware of
who's Rich Barris Ish, might not be aware of our
perspective on something. So the original gangsters of the Battle
Crew just bear with me for a little bit. Want
to make sure that we feel new listeners, new members
here in the live chat understand what we're talking about.
But we've been telling you for a very long time,
six months or so that Trump was surging with Black Americans,

that Lawfair. Even before anyone was talking about Lawfair, we
were saying how it was inevitably going to fail because
it's going to humanize Trump in a way that the
Democrats didn't anticipate. And that's exactly what's happening. And you're
going to see that here encapsulated in this segment. And listen,
watch this segment here on CNN as they say Trump's

performance with black Americans is quote historic.

Speaker 3 (13:43):
Listen, where is Biden's weakest among black voters?

Speaker 2 (13:47):
Would you look at this number. Who are they? Yeah,
who are these voters?

Speaker 3 (13:50):
And let's break it down by age, because I really
think this gives you a good insight into what's exactly
cooking here.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
Take a look here.

Speaker 3 (13:58):
If you look among Black voters age fifty over, you
see that Joe Biden has a very substantial leader. Look
at this, eighty two percent to eight percent. This lead
is still in the seventies. This looks a lot like
what we saw in the overall pulling back in twenty twenty.
But look at voters under the age of fifty. Look here,
Donald Trump is pulling twenty five percent of that vote.
Joe Biden is at just sixty two percent of this

This leads sre This lead is just south of forty
percentage points.

Speaker 2 (14:24):
This is historic.

Speaker 3 (14:25):
This is what a lot of folks's been talking about
that Joe Biden has a specific problem among younger black voters,
and that is exactly what's showing up right here.

Speaker 2 (14:35):
Now. Listen, twenty five percent among young black voters. Unbelievable. Again,
I think Gerald Ford got the highest percentage of the
Black vote of any Republican I mean all the way
back to Gerald Ford. Jerald Ford, I mean I think
he had something like twenty one percent. Don't quote me
on that, but something thereabout twenty five percent for Trump

of just young black men is historic. Now, got to
get them out to vote. Got to make sure that
there's infrastructure in a way to get them out to
pull the lever for Trump. Polling is just a snapshot
in time, doesn't mean you know, it doesn't mean it's
gonna sway things on election day unless we can get
those people out. But my point is every poll. Now,

don't trust polls, because I know I can go over
here in the live chat and see all you talk about.
I don't trust polls, and you'll be right to say that.
By the way, you shouldn't trust a single poll, but
you should look at polls and the aggregate and trust trends.
Every single poll over the last six months, almost every
single poll has shown Trump surgeing in every way. So

every snapshot, every picture that those polls take of that
specific moment showed Trump getting stronger and stronger and stronger.
So I don't listen, don't get complacent, campaign like you're
ten points down. That's the rule on this show. Always
your default, aggressive on all things. But Trump is most

certainly certainly winning. And what I'm getting to is, if
Trump can figure out a way to show a different
side of himself to the American people, He's gonna make
these good snapshots so much better. He's gonna be so
much stronger. I'm telling you, Biden's path every single day

gets more narrow. And let me tell you what a
good example of what I mean about showing a side
of Trump that the American people. I mean, maybe you
or me, I mean, we're wired into this stuff. We
pay attention every day. Maybe you or me, maybe we
know this stuff right. But the vast majority of Americans,
they don't see this side of Trump. They don't see
him at Baron's graduation. They don't see him being a father.

They don't see him interact with Don and Eric and
Avanka and Tiffany. They don't see him with Milania. You know,
they don't see the Trump behind closed doors. The media
only gives you a very narrow view of who this
man is. And this is one of those segments to
me that I just think is very telling about the
man Trump that we don't often see. And if he
shows himself like this, if his campaign figures out a

way to give the American people this side of Trump.
I don't see how Biden wins, even with all the cheating.
I don't see how Biden wins. Listen to this very curious.

Speaker 1 (17:26):
You're a tough person, obviously, but you have experienced loss
like anybody else. You lost your brother over the past
couple of years, your sister, your late wife of Hanna.
How do you grieve because you were like right back
at work. It had to be And it's hard to
conceive somebody like you shedding tears. And I'm curious, did

it happen?

Speaker 4 (17:49):

Speaker 5 (17:49):
Has it happened?

Speaker 6 (17:50):
So I don't like to do it. I you know,
it's when you lose somebody, it's very tough. I lost
my mother in love very recently. She was a great woman.
She was very beautiful woman inside and out, and she died.
And I will tell you know, it's a tough thing.
I don't like to show that. I don't like to
see it. But you've got people, sure you do. I

mean you do when you lose somebody that you really love,
my sister, my brother, when you lose your parents, it's
a very tough thing. And I find nothing wrong with it,
but I don't like. I don't like to do it
in public. Now I have to tell you something I
don't sometimes I don't think you can really help it.

And that's okay too. I think that's okay too. But
grieving is grieving when you lose somebody that's very close.
In many ways, if you don't grieve, perhaps you're not
such a good person.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
It's interesting when he says, if you don't grieve, perhaps
you're not such a good person. That is a focusing
in on that sentence tells you something about the man. Now, listen,
I happened to know Trump. I'm not his friend. I've
been in meetings with the guy. I've spoken to him
on the phone several times. I've spoke on the stage

with him. I'm friends with his son, Don and Eric.
But Trump for him to say, perhaps, if you don't grieve,
it means you're not you're probably not well, that is very,
very true. And there's a way in which I can
tell you. Having met the Trumps and knowing Don the
way that I do, they're very guarded people, and for

good reason. They have been used, abused, and stabbed in
the back more times than any American family. I swear
to God, it's absolutely unbelievable. These are political outsiders that
volunteered to get in the fight. They get in the fight,
and even Republicans in many ways stab them in the back.
So they're very guarded people. So you can tell when
Greg Kelly asks Trump that question that he's taken off guard,

because there's a way in which when you're attacked all
the time, constantly, constantly, you build up a tough exterior.
It almost gets difficult to answer questions about how you're
feeling in a certain moment. But I'm telling you those
answers and Trump, you know, what these trials have done
is that they've humanized them, right that they've they've humanized Trump.

The American people see that. The polling has reflected that
seeing Trump at his son's graduation, that that humanizes the man.
While the media is telling you that he's literally hitler,
the American people are seeing something that is very, very
very different, and that's the pathway forward for Trump. And

that also brings me to the debates. Now, if you
think back a couple of days ago, you'll know that
Savage Rich Barris and I did not necessarily agree on
the debates and as the show went on with Savage Rich,
he was swaying me that yes, that that that Trump

sort of that that he stepped in it. And I know,
I'm look, I'm look at jury's still out on this, folks.
But that maybe Trump, uh shouldn't have agreed to these debates.
Maybe there should have been more conditions. And I know that.
Commander Melanie and I talked after the fact, and I
think she kind of She's like, well, I kind of
rich suade me as well. But now there was a

part of me always holding out for Trump just he
always has a plan, it seems, always has something up
his sleeve. There's a reason why he beat a bush
in Clinton in the same election cycle. So Trump, just
before the show comes out and says this, this is,
this is, this is this is very very smart, folks,

very smart. He says, I've accepted a fourth presidential debate
against Crooked Joe Biden, this time with NBC and Telemundo.
It's important as Republicans that we win both our great
Hispanic community, who Biden is devastated with cripping and crip inflation,
high gas prices, crime in our streets, and border chaos.

This fourth debate will go along with our previously accepted
presidential primary debates on CNN, ABC and Fox. This is
all in addition to our accepting an invitation from Brett
Bay or Martha McCallum of Fox News to host the
vice presidential debate at Virginia State University or another venue
in Virginia to be named later. These are the debates

that voters have been asking for, and these are the
debates that voters will get. Folks, let me tell you
this is a genius move, because the media was like, oh,
this is amazing. Biden has totally taken the debate narrative
to Trump. Remember that video come at me Pal, like anytime, pal,

with fifteen different jump cuts in a thirteen second video. Yeah,
that debate debate video of Biden. Well, here's Trump basically saying, anywhere, anytime,
Not only do I agree to your two debates on
your conditions, I'll agree to one on NBC, I'll agree
to one on Fox News. I'll agree to one on
Telemundo as well. Like, hey, Biden, you're getting your ass

whip with with Hispanic Americans. Trump is winning historic percentages
of Hispanic Americans. How are you going to turn down
a debate on Telemundo without looking weak? How are you
going to turn down a debate on NBC without looking weak?
How are you going to turn down debates on your
home terrain where essentially you don't even have to debate.
Trump is just going to debate the monitor, the moderators

as well as the Joe Biden and likely still win.
He has taken not only is he taken back the
debate narrative here, he has effectively boxed Joe Biden in
because every debate that Trump accepts, now Biden can turn
around and say I'm not doing a debate, but that
is going to look soft and weak as hell. It's

not gonna look good for the president of the United
States to say, now, I'm just not going to debate.
Trump is boxing him in. He's accepting these debates closer
to the day of actual early voting and election, and
it's just a really really smart moves. So is typically
the case. Trump had an ace up his sleep, right,

he knew exactly what he was doing, and now it
just seems like his strategy is to debate Biden as
much as humanly possible, or as accept debates as much
as humanly possible, knowing that Biden and his political enemy
is going to be reluctant to debate at all, so
he's seizing on that weakness and I think it's extremely smart. Okay,

so we've got to talk about the left wing conspiracy theories, which,
by the way, have you ever heard of any left
wing conspiracy theories in the media. You probably haven't. Is
a term exclusively reserved for right wing people like ourselves.
But stick with me on this next set because it's
gonna blow you away, and it's gonna be a fun segment.

I'm super excited to talk about this because I think
it's just really really important. So the deep State, the left,
their allies in the media, they want America, mainstream Americans
who aren't tethered to politics like you or I, they
want them to believe that we're conspiracy theorists, and it's

the truth. I mean what they do anyone who thinks
for themselves, anyone who questions the government narrative. Okay, the leftists,
the deep State, their allies, and the media, these mouth breathers.
They use fantastical lies right to explain away our so

called conspiracy theories, which, by the way, have all been
proven and to be true, by the way, But their lies,
these lies that they tell to explain away are so
called conspiracy theories, are insane. They're a far stranger, and

they require all sorts of mental gymnastics in order to
believe them at all. Listen, we spend so much time
listening to what the left and the media says. For example,
when we'll get to this, but Hunter Biden's laptop is
Russian disinformation, so we say, well, it's insane that Hunter
Biden's laptop. Oh my god, it's ridiculous. Of course it's

not Russian disinformation. Well have you ever thought, i mean
seriously thought about what it would mean for Hunter Biden's
laptop to be Russian disinformation? It's absolutely crazy. So the left,
the deep state, the media, they use actual conspiracy theories
to attack anyone who thinks for themselves. They use conspiracy

theories to attack anyone who diverges from the government narrative.
Your thought about that? In fact, how about this? Can
you think of one single leftists lie or conspiracy theory
that has actually been proven correct? And I'm thinking specifically,

like Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation and COVID was
not from a lab leak. It's from a wet market.
Like obviously, you see what I'm saying here, right, their
conspiracy theories to attack all of us who can think
for ourselves. They have. Can you think of a single
one that has ever, over time been proven true? Literally,

and I mean literally, all of my conspiracy theories have
come true since twenty twenty. Not only come true, but
they were true at the time. They've been proven true
over time. I'm all out of them, but this has
left ever been right one? I mean, answer in the
live chat. If you can think of something, let me know.

But so anyway, okay, so let's start. Let me let's
walk through. Let's walk through Hunter Biden's laptop. Okay, now,
do you remember what the media said about Hunter Biden's laptop? Hell,
not just the media, do you remember what Biden said
about Hunter Biden's laptops? Hunter Biden's laptop it was they

pushed out was Russian disinformation. Again, the leftist media pushes
conspiracy theories as fact. It's why you don't hear the
term conspiracy theory even associated with the left at all.
But with the benefit of hindsight, listen, to this craziness.

Speaker 4 (28:48):
Fifty former national intelligence folks who said that what this
he's accusing me of is a Russian plant. They have
said that this has all the care. Four five formers
of the CIA, both parties say what he's saying is
a bunch of garbage. This is classic Trump. We have
four days left and all of a sudden, there's a laptop.

There's overwhelming evidence that from the intelligence community that the
Russians are engaged.

Speaker 2 (29:17):
From the fall of Alfric Cimeter.

Speaker 4 (29:24):
Yes, yes, yes, I know you that.

Speaker 2 (29:26):
I have no response.

Speaker 4 (29:29):
It's the lastest effort in this desperate champaign to smear
me and my family. The vast majority of the intelligence
people have come out and said there's no basis at all.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
Hot tip to RNC research on that. But the media,
the Dems, the deep state would have people believe, and
you heard it right there in that clip. You heard
it from President in Biden. They would have people believe

that Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation. Well, in order
for that to happen, a Russian spy would have had
to literally drop off Hunter Biden's laptop to a random
computer shop in Delaware, of all places. No plan in place,

just a spy dropping it off, right. They would also
have you believe that the Russians fabricated tens of thousands
of images of Hunter Biden naked, of Hunter Biden banging hookers,
doing drugs, sniffing cocaine off of their butts. They would
what would they? They would actually have you believed that

they use photoshop for all of these images. Meanwhile, here's
the kicker. The President's son is actually a well known
hormongering crackhead. It's crazy to me. They would have you
believe that the Russians fabricated cell phone records and likely

hundreds of thousands of eye messages and text messages and emails.
This Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation is simply ridiculous.
On the merits, folks, have you ever thought about this?
How does anyone even believe this stuff? I mean, for forever,

all I did was respond on surface level like, yeah, yeah, oh,
Hunter Biden's laptop Russian disinformation. Well that's crazy. Can't believe
they're going with that one. But actually unpack it in
your mind as to what it would mean if it
actually was. It makes no sense. The deep state, the Democrats,
their allies, and the media. They also do this in

reversed contrast what I just told you about Hunter Biden
now with their treatment of Brett. Do you remember that
throughout this guy's entire professional career, not a single complaint
lodged against Brett Kavanaugh, not a single complaint against him

anywhere at any level of his career. In fact, his
female colleagues had nothing but incredible things to say about him,
thought that he was, generally speaking, a delightful guy. Guys,
a high school basketball coach. No one ever complained about

Brett Kavanaugh. The guy's been a choir boy his entire life.
He this dude. I mean, how many kids do you
know who keep detailed notes and journal entries keeping track
of where they were and what they were doing going
back decades. But even though they had records that no

other person in the history of the world could possibly have,
Brett Kavanall did. He's just kind of a person. He's
just kind of dorky on every single level. I oh,
no offense meant to Brett Kavanall. He's on the highest
court of the land. But I mean, your son, daughter, grandkids,
could you know they keep detailed journal entries on where

they are at any given moment in the times associated
with where they are for decades, probably not yet, the
media would have you believe that this man was the
ringleader of weekly gang parties. And oh, by the way,
this only came to fruition as he was trying to

be as they were trying to get him confirmed on
the United States Supreme Court. They literally pushed a conspiracy
theory about Brett Kavanaugh, a man who kept journal entries
of his entire life, that he would you believe that
he was the ringleader of weekly gang rape parties. I mean,

that is insane, an insane conspiracy theory, but it didn't
stop them from doing it. It seriously happened. Okay, let's
talk now about the lab league. Like we remember how
that all went down. I remember I was running for

Congress and I said, well, you know, I think it's
probably pretty likely that it came from a lab in China,
and everyone branded me immediately a conspiracy theorist. Essentially, what
conservatives said was, well, you know, there just so happens
to be the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where they specialized

in studying coronaviruses and it's also where COVID first appeared.
I mean, maybe, just maybe the coronavirus came from there, folks,
that that is the most reasonable thing in the entire world.

To come up with that conclusion, even in the early
days of COVID, made all the sense in the world.
Was the least crazy thing ever. Do you remember with
the deep state, the Democrats, the allies in the media,
do you remember what they said? The left said, no, no, actually,

some actually, actually, some poor sucker at a die dining
at a local Wuhan wet market had a bad bowl
of bat soup, like that's what they told us. And
also also, you're a racist for even suggesting it. And
then they would say things like, why do you hate
the Chinese? This actually happened, It actually actually happened. So

in honor of why do you hate the Chinese? Why
are you blaming the Chinese? Why are you calling it
the China virus? I thought we'd just do this in
honor of that real quickly, because this video is amazing
and funny, and it's Friday, so we should go out
on a high note, on a funny note, on a
bang right virus.

Speaker 7 (36:27):
Calling this the Chinese virus virus, this training.

Speaker 2 (36:33):
Training virus.

Speaker 8 (36:39):
It comes from China. China comes from.

Speaker 2 (36:57):
Yeah, well look look I play that to mock them
because I despise them. Well, we're racist for even suggesting
that this came from a wet market that coming from China. Period.
The explanation that the deep state, the media, the leftists

went with for years was so bizarre and so fantastical
that it can only be described as a conspiracy theory
of the highest order. Also, if I may, isn't their
explanation of the wet market in China actually pretty derogatory

and racist to the Chinese Just I'm just some Chinese
moron sucking the brains of a bat, rather than a
very plausible explanation of a bunch of scientists studying a
virus at a lab with a virus potentially lead from
I mean, folks, this actually happened. The media actually pushed

this insanity. Honest, like, I'm telling you all this. I
got one more example. But I'm telling you all this
because we not the ones who are insane. They are insane.
How about the twenty twenty election. Okay, okay, I could
go on, I could do a week's worth of shows
on this, But it's just like pulling apart what they

want us to believe. It just exposes how insane they are,
how stupid they must think we are, that we would
just fall for this stuff. But we suggested in the
twenty twenty election that perhaps it wasn't prudent to try

mass mail in ballots for the first time, and for
the first time ever in history, in the middle of
a once in one hundred year pandemic, with next to
no preparation, in the middle of a presidential election that
would likely be the highest turnout election in our nation's history.
Perhaps it's not a good idea to try a new

system again. The most prudent, reasonable thing in the entire world,
the media, the deep state, and the left said this, Actually,
despite being banned and every other advanced nation on Earth,
our election had no issues whatsoever, none, no fraud, The bestest, safest,

most securest election of all time in the history of elections.
That should have been your first red flag, the government
saying it was the bestest, most securest election in the
history of any election conducted on the face of the earth.
I mean, obviously that makes no sense. But even then
we said, okay, okay, all right, that's cool. Can maybe

we just audit those results? I don't know, I mean
states elect auditor generals to audit us. Is it okay?
You know, if we the people audit the results of
a state conducted election, you know, just to make sure
that the election that was conducted in the middle of
a once in a one hundred year pandemic, with no preparation,
completely rolling out a new system, just making sure it

was okay, you know, just making sure you know, the
election was up and up. Can we just like audit
a couple of ballots, just have a look, they said,
were they were so sure that the election was the
bestest of all time that you're not even allowed to
see the ballots or audit anything. And if you say
anything more, we'll center you, will label you, will silence you,

and we'll ban you from social media. So when courageous
Americans said, okay, you know, enough is enough. This this
is BS and they stood up right and they said,
we're going to do these audits anyway. The media, the
deep state, they're left this ally said, what you guessed it?

These audits are crazy conspiracy ladened fantastic goal lies, and
we shouldn't trust them. Then after that they took power
and they said, well, for those of you that challenged
the election, those of you that pushed these dangerous conspiracy theories,

which by the way, we're true, We're just now that
we have power, we're just gonna indict you and put
you in jail. Believe us. Trust the science, folks. This
kind of stuff is the most ridiculous. This is the
most ridiculous stuff ever. So I'm telling you all this
to say to say this, and I'm going somewhere here

there's a sense in this country when you hear people
say the silent majority and meaning like the vast majority
of us don't speak up. But we're normal people. We
just want to live our lives. And I heard a
friend of mine, Jesse Kelly, say on his show, the
silent majority is complete. Bs. I don't want to ever
hear that again because silence solves nothing. And he is

one hundred percent right. We can't be the silent majority.
Did you ever ask yourself? I mean, that dynamic is
real everywhere I go. Everywhere I go, people come up
to me and say, we support you, we support Trump,
and they whisper it, and I say, why do you want?
You know, thinking to myself. I don't say this to people,

but I think to myself sometimes, why why whisper? Why
be ashamed of who you support politically? It's because we've
become conditioned over time to be afraid to speak up,
to be afraid to push traditional conservative values out of

being labeled something by the media. But listen, think I'm
talking to the og gangsters, the original gangsters of the
Battle Crew, but to everybody else, you're the normal one.
They want you to feel ostracized. The stuff that they
suggest in the media. For God's sake, when Ivanna Trump,

Trump's ex wife died, they said that he was smuggling
class He was likely smuggling classified documents in her casket.
These people are certifiably insane. If you had a naked,
homeless dude on a corner saying something like that, would
you take him something? You have people in the media
saying the same thing. These people are nuts. You're the

normal one. You cannot be silent. You should never be silent.
Don't let them. Don't be afraid. You're the normal one. Okay, hey,
let me take a quick break. Let me take a
quick break. We got some more stuff to talk about here.
We got we're gonna talk about this absolute chaos in
the US House of Representative. We are not sending our

best to the United States House of Representatives to do
the people's business. We've got to do better. But the
meltdown was I mean, honestly, it's par for the course
for Democrats. We'll get to that here in a second. Okay, So, hey,
I got gotta flag here for me. It's Cindy. So
Bulldog Patriot, thank you for the rumble rant tip. Listen

to the battle crew. Honestly, thank you, Thank you all
so much. You make the show what it is. It's
growing fast, right, I mean, and it's growing fast because
of you. You know, we are building a community here
and all of you. I love engaging with you in
the live chat. I look forward to it every day.
This show is for you. It always will be, even

as the show grows, even as it even as the
show gets bigger, Like you all the audience is always
They're always going to be my number one priority. So
thanks to Bulldog Patriot and stay in Salty. She says,
do not comply, and that is exactly right. I wore
a do not comply T shirt into a government building
and I wear do not Comply T shirts like pretty
much everywhere I go, uh and people love them. So

thank you all so much, Stay in Salty and Bulldog Patriot.
So grateful for your support. One hundred percent of what
is given in the Rumble rants chat goes to building
a better show for you all. So thank you. I'm
so so grateful. Also take a second to smash that
like button, that little green thumb beneath the video. I

like to try to finish the show with over two
hundred and I was looking at we were so close
to the leaderboard yesterday. Folks. You get likes on Rumble,
likes go, I mean they're like, I think they're very
heavily weighted for the leaderboard. So Bongino is always number one,
He's got like something like fifteen thousand likes, Wendy Bell

number four with like over thirty five hundred likes, But
down like the top fifty videos on Rumble, I think
the like towards the bottom of the list has anywhere
between six hundred and seven hundred likes, and we are
at we're like between four hundred and and five hundred likes.
Every show we're getting so close, so smash that little
green thumb and helps the show immensely. Okay, So we've

got to talk about what's going on in the House
of Representatives because it's just chaos. And before I play
the sound, I want you all to just take a
moment and think about the times that we're in right now.
In fact, think about the segment that we just did

about the like the insanity of these leftist conspiracy theories.
In fact, it's all comes back to Trump. Trump broke
these people. Yeah, the media used to lie. Yeah, the
Democrats almost always lie. All politicians lie. The Democrats lie more.
But now the lies they tell are just so outlandish
and so fantastical, and it's so detached from reality that

it's almost impossible to believe them. So keep that in mind.
But also the fact that we're thirty five thirty four
thirty five trillion dollars in debt. We live a very rich,
lavish lifestyle here in America, even lower income Americas. We're
middle class America. We struggle. We live paycheck to paycheck

around here, probably just like you. But even even even
though we struggle, we're still better off than ninety five
percent of the whole freaking world here in America, right,
we're so grateful for what we have. We've got, but
we've also got a wide open southern border. We've got

inflation that's that's outpacing wage growth. So, in other words,
if you aren't getting serious and I mean serious raises
at work, your dollar is worth less. You're working a
lot harder for a lot less money, and your money
doesn't go as far. You're buying groceries, putting gas in
the car, it doesn't go as far. You got a

world that is quite literally on fire. I mean, China
is very likely before November to perhaps even invade Taiwan.
Situation in Ukraine between Ukraine and Russia is bad. Ukraine's
getting their ass kicked. I told you this six months
ago that they would Israel Hamas our enemies are emboldened

all over the world. Biden is crapping his pants in
front of world leaders and is barely alive, not fit
for the job at all. And this is our Congress
right now, Miss Green for four minutes and twenty one.

Speaker 9 (48:25):
Mister chair, order.

Speaker 2 (48:31):
This, Crockett.

Speaker 9 (48:32):
I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling. If
someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blind,
bad built, butch body that would not be engaging in personalities.
Correct of what now, Chairman, I make a motion to
strike those I don't think that's all trying to find

clarification on what quality emotion.

Speaker 7 (48:57):
You said, we're not gonna We're not gonna do this.

Speaker 2 (48:59):
Like you guys earlier literally just voted order to get clarification.

Speaker 7 (49:08):
Get calmed down, calm down, No, no, no, because this is
what I don't docket.

Speaker 2 (49:14):
You're not recognized yelling, don't want mom down. You please
call down.

Speaker 9 (49:19):
Me to calm down down.

Speaker 2 (49:20):
How's y'all talk?

Speaker 7 (49:21):
Conn and then you were out of control?

Speaker 2 (49:29):
U chair? Okay, order chair? Now record Jasmine Crockett is
an intergalactic level moron. She's an embarrassment to the US
House of Representatives. She's insane, and I mean she is

certifiably insane. I mean, listen, here's another here's here's a
super cut of her insanity. Listen, have you ever heard.

Speaker 9 (49:56):
Them say if Since we've been sitting here for I
don't know how long, because honestly, if they would continue
to say if or hunter and we were playing a
drinking game, I would be drunk by now. I'm just
curious just to better understand your ruling. If someone on
this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built,
butch body that would not be engaging in personalities.

Speaker 7 (50:18):
Correct, what now, chairman?

Speaker 9 (50:23):
And it also sounds like you have to know something
about math. My colleague brought that up as well. It
sounds like you need to be at least somewhat decent
accounting to be with I r S. Yes, yes, you'd agree.

Speaker 7 (50:40):
Because right now what they're doing is they're peddling Russian lies. Basically,
the Republicans have become synonymous for Russians at this point.
You a question, okay, when I haven't so when I
asked you a question, that's when you answer. Otherwise I'm talking,
so excuse with my time, because it's my time.

Speaker 5 (51:02):
Is that a question?

Speaker 2 (51:03):
It's not a question. You'll know when I asked you
a question. I promise I'll.

Speaker 9 (51:07):
Try to get a clarification.

Speaker 2 (51:08):
Get calm down, calm now, no, no, no, because this is
so so so stupid, folks, listen. First of all, let
me just make a quick joke. I would love to
see Marjorie Taylor Green give the stone cold stunner to

Crockett or aoc or body slam, jump off the top robe,
give them the people's elbow. I would pay money to
see that on a pay per view. That would be awesome.
And I think there's no question that Marjorie Taylor Green
would whip some serious ass. But in all seriousness, this
country is right now. I firmly believe we live at

one of the most dangerous times in American history, where
our government has been weaponized against half the country, where
our institutionized institutions have been weaponized against half the country.
Where we're putting Americans in jail and political prisoners in jail,
and are American president is barely alive, asleep at the wheel.

Americans are craving leadership. Americans are looking desperately for someone
to stand up and get us back on the right path.
But I'm telling you, folks, it's not going to be
these people in Congress. But I mean, I mean again,
you might have a great congress person, and if that's
the case, great, But these people, I'm just telling you,

we're not sending our best. It's just the truth. And
so when you talk about Joe Biden and I think
it's Friday. Let's go into the weekend on a light note.
When you talk about Joe Biden and him being an
animated corpse, I mean more and more people see that,
they realize that, and they're mocking that. And that's a

good thing because the more people that see it, the
more people that mock it, the more normies see it
as well, and the less likely they are to pull
the lever for this guy. I love this Tom Petty
parody song. I don't know if you've seen it or not,
but listen, it's amazing.

Speaker 5 (53:20):
He's an old guy, has demanchia.

Speaker 2 (53:26):
Can't lead.

Speaker 5 (53:28):
Us, and the country is screwed. Tell some big guys
barely speak slish, sniffs chugim and their.

Speaker 2 (53:41):
Mom's here too.

Speaker 5 (53:43):
Goes the wrong way when he leaves his speeches, gets
losty day.

Speaker 9 (53:52):
In the White House yard.

Speaker 5 (53:54):
All the damn say that we should re elect him.

Speaker 2 (54:00):
How can he run when walking is hard.

Speaker 5 (54:05):
And jokey bong game five ball and jokey game five fall.

Speaker 2 (54:29):
The more we do that, the more likely it is
that we're gonna win. Mocking them, making jokes, laughing at
their expense. All these people are huge, huge mouth breathers. Folks,
So listen, make sure let me just get my final
thoughts on here on preparing. Leaders aren't gonna save us.
Biden ain't gonna save us. It comes down to us.

And if you think something that might not be on
the up and up, and you're getting a sense that
I saw somebody in the live chat actually talking about
feeling weird about maybe the fourth of July and something
bad happening on the fourth of July. Look, I don't know.
I hope it doesn't happen. I hope we never experience
anything like that. So listen, folks. Actually, look, I got
a flag here from Aunt Cindy. Buzzy Bee. Thank you

for the rumble, Rant says, keep up the great job. Well,
thank you, I will do it for you all. Gloria
Glow said for the cute baby goats, they sound so cute. Well,
thank you, Thank you Glow. I appreciate that. Maybe what
we'll do when we get the bottle babies, because I
think that that's a foregone conclusion it's gonna happen. Maybe

I'll bring them down to the studio and we get them.
I'll show to you on the next show, because we're
probably gonna end up getting them early next week. But listen, folks,
stay in the fight, stay optimistic, be happy warriors. I
know that there's it's really easy to get down in
the world that we live in today because it seems
like we're surrounded by bad news all the time. The

Left sucks, they're fundamentally unfunny, they're humorless in every way.
We can't let them suck the joy out of our lives.
We have to remain happy warriors in all things. So
keep the faith. Take action. Don't just have faith, but
take action. Work in your communities to seizing power back

from these communist mouth breathing dirt bags, because that's what
it's going to take to save our country. But be
happy warriors along the way. And also listen, have a great,
great weekend. I will see you on Monday. We're already
planning a next week's show. It's going to be a
great week next week. But have a great weekend. Enjoy

the freedom right here in America and the greatest country
in the face of the earth. And I'll see you
on Monday. God bless you all, and God bless this
amazing country that we call home. Take care and good night.
Have a good weekend, See you Monday.

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