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August 14, 2024 21 mins
Actor and conservative commentator Matthew Marsden joins Buck Sexton to discuss the cultural and political decline in the UK, including rising crime, immigration issues, and the erosion of free speech. Marsden contrasts the situation in the UK with the freedoms protected in the U.S., expressing concerns about growing censorship and the importance of a strong media strategy for conservatives. The conversation also touches on future U.S. leadership and the role of media in shaping political narratives.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to The Buck Sexton Show podcast, make sure
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
Hi, everybody, Welcome to the Buck Brief.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
On this episode, our friend Matthew Marsden is with us.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
He is formerly an actor.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
We've seen him in things like Blackhawk Down, one of
the Rambo movies, and now a red pilled conservative voice
in the podcast world. Formerly from the UK, or I
guess always from the UK. But now are you a
US citizen yet?

Speaker 2 (00:45):
Have you become one?

Speaker 3 (00:45):
I am that I am one of you. Love.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
Yeah, So lucky for you you've got you've got the actual
citizenship and you've got like seven kids?

Speaker 2 (00:54):
Is it seven? How many?

Speaker 3 (00:55):
Is it? Nine?

Speaker 2 (00:56):

Speaker 3 (00:56):

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Nine kids?

Speaker 3 (00:58):

Speaker 1 (01:01):
For those who remember Herman Kane rest in peace. So
we want to dive into some things. I actually am
very curious. I haven't talked about this at all on
podcast yet or on radio either. What the heck is
going on in the UK, because I know you've been
following this. Things have been getting rough on the streets there.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
Yeah, it's really crazy. And actually I was there three
weeks ago, so was there just before that? Stabbing happened.
But I've Buck, I've been talking about this for a
long time. What you've basically had is years and years
and years of the Conservative government as well, gas lighting
the British people. You know there are terrorist attacks, they
won't say that. They always come out and they say, well,

we don't really know the motivation, right, we don't know
the motivation. Look, just say what it is. It's Islamic terrorism, right.
But then when someone who isn't Islamic commits a crime,
they'll come out with it immediately and all the rest
of them will clamp down on it. And so there's
this clear two tier policing. And this has gone on
for years and years and years, and with the establishment

government and the police saying if you say anything against this,
then you are a racist. People have just had enough,
you know. They got to the the point whether just like, look,
I'm sick of this, Brexit was all about immigration, they
didn't really want to come out and say because guess what, Buck,
they'd be called racists. And now they're in a situation
where they're saying, listen, this kid got stabbed, all right,

someone put up the sorry. Three girls got murdered horrifically.
I was thinking about the guy, the kid that got
stabbed yesterday in London. But there's been this real massive
shift because they're importing cultures that aren't compatible with the
British culture. And guess what, as we say all along
over here in the United States, what are you going

to expect when you're importing people that aren't assimilating into
your culture and think that you're a racist story your oppressors.
It's not a good it's not a good recipe. Right,
Diversity isn't our strength at all as it turns out.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
Is it too late for the UK?

Speaker 1 (02:59):
I mean it is the fall of Western civilization in
the United Kingdom now too far gone to turn around.

Speaker 3 (03:07):
Yeah, not here, not here. God bless America. America. I've
always said he is going to be the last bastion
of freedom on the planet, and that's purely because of
the Second Amendment. But England's gone. They can't keep up
with it. I even speak to some of my family like, well,
this is matt like in our area, you know, we
don't see anything, And I'm like, yeah, because that's because

you've done what everyone else does that has a little
bit of money as you move out of the cities,
you move more rurally, but that doesn't mean it's gone.
It's still there. And the actions of Starma have been
utterly staggering on the way that they've just immediately cracked
down on people and crack down on free speech online. Right,
I mean, it's insane to me. I cannot even comprehend

what is happening to my home country. It's baffling.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Now, explain to everybody, because again this is the first
time anyone watching or listening will have heard of this
from me or in a conversation with me.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
What kind of censorship?

Speaker 1 (04:06):
I mean they're taking people now, or they're telling people
now they will arrest them for spreading misinformation about immigrants
or the riots. But even relaying or retweeting or reposting
information that they say is hateful can get you arrested.
And they've actually arrested people for this. Is that basically

where it is.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
That's one hundred percent where it is. It's like, if
you have retweeted someone that said this, say reposted, right,
I still can't get out of that tweet thing. If
you've reposted it, or if you've done something that they
could consider to be an incitement to violence. I mean,
what does that mean in this day and age we
don't know is that they're going to come and arrest you.

But what's even better is they said, it doesn't matter
where you are in the world, we will prosecute you.
We will come for you. And I'm like, good luck
with that one. Although you know who knows with women disgovernment.

Speaker 1 (05:05):
If we take them at their word, Matthew, that means
if in America says something about the UK riots that
UK authorities think crosses some kind of lines that they're
making up as they go, theoretically they could try to
bring a charge in a UK court and demand extradition
of a US citizen.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
That's exactly right.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
Yeah, you know, you know what's so crazy about this
is that not only is that an out just outrageous
and intellectually and defensible, morally indefensible on every level. If
Kamala Harris becomes president, I'm I don't think that she
would necessarily defend Americans against that kind of extra territorial jurisdiction.

I think that you might say, oh, some right winger
were saying bad things about immigrants in the UK. UK
government is a close partner I guess we'll hand you over.

Speaker 3 (05:57):
I think you're entirely right, and that's where I was going,
you know right now, I wouldn't if they brought that
over right now. I think with Biden in or whoever
you want to think he's pulling the strings in, I
think that they might delay it a little bit. If
gets in, absolutely no way, there's no way that would happen.
But if Kamala gets in, then yeah, of course I
can see them extraditing people to the UK over this.

It's really really alarming, and the I think the most
alarming thing about it is that Kirs Starmer has only
been in for like four weeks or five weeks before
he started doing this, so it's kind of a it's
really an indication of where the country is going to go.
It's not going to get better. And you know this, buck,
what do you do in these situations? Right You calm down,

You de escalate, you de escalate the tensions. There was
an amazing video of a guy who was a British
Army sorry no, he was a policeman. He was a
policeman and he said when the BLM rights were going
on over in England, because you know, that had everything
to do with the Brits as well, even though they
never had anything to do with you know, the civil

rights movement or anything like that in the UK. So
what they were told was with Berlin, you have to
dress down, you have to wear civilian clothes, and you
can only wear a smart you can only take a
small shield for your protection. And this policeman said that
the writers were coming past and tapping their shields with machetes. Right,

Yet three days later at a British soccer game, full
right gear and go in and sort it out, right,
So they clearly know the difference between you know, escalating
and de escalating a situation. So what would be the
smart thing to do here? Okay, guys, everybody calm down.
You know, we're going to try and de escalate the situation.

Speaker 2 (07:47):

Speaker 3 (07:48):
What they're doing is if anyone wants to look at this,
look on the Crown Prosecution Service Twitter feed. It is
full of them dunking on people that they have arrested.
It's staggering. And the funny thing is is like they're
ninety five percent white, So what are you doing? Why
you The whole point is this inequality policing that's what

is really about buck, They're saying, this group of people
are being treated differently to us, and then when we
complain about it, we're being called racists. Not that his
Lamb is a race, right, it's not a race at all.
But then what they're saying is we want to be heard.
That's why the riots happen. They're like, hey, guys, listen,
we've had enough. We're the most like America, the most

accepting country in the world, one of the most accepting
countries in the world, yet telling us that we're racist
because we object to knife crime, raping gangs, grooming gangs.
And then they're just instead of like calming it all down,
the CPS and the British government are going no, no,
we're going to double down on it and we're going
to knock you guys down even more. Like where do
you think this is going to go? It's not going

to end.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
Yeah, it's total it's total madness.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
But I mean, here you have somebody who in essence
is almost a political refugee from the UK. I know
you came here for work to act, but you're not
going back, that's for sure.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
You're an American now. So England has fallen.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
I think that's what we have seen the question of
how it's last days as a as a free society,
or its last period as a free society goes. We'll
come back in and focus on America. Here, America, because
you've got two Americans, Americas, despite one of them having
a cool accent.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
We're gonna fundy one.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Whichever way you want to look at it.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
Yeah, we'll get into second.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
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Speaker 2 (10:31):
By the way, today Birch Gold Group. Go check it out.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
All right, Kamala can't win this thing, right, Matthew, you know,
make me feel better about this.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
I have faith in Trump? But am I am I being?

Speaker 3 (10:43):

Speaker 2 (10:44):
Am I being too faithful?

Speaker 3 (10:46):
Yeah? She can win it, dude. That's so she can
win it. I mean, I mean it is because I mean,
you know it looks. I mean she's terrible. I mean,
she's a moron, let's face it. I mean, she's not
smart at all. Correct, But you've seen the Democrat machine
and it's impressive to watch, right, how they roll out,

how they have absolutely non morals, they have no standards.
They just understand power. You know this, and you know
she piaks the most radical choice that she could the
most radical choice that she could choice. And and yeah, everyone, look,
it's it's like we've seen this over the past like

four years, three years, nearly four years, that Joe Biden
is actually the greatest president of all time. Like he
makes Abraham Lincoln look like a cook. I mean, this
guy is amazing. He's super sharp. And they just you know,
when he went and did that debate with Trump, and
they couldn't hide anymore, right, I mean, Trump just had
to sit there and watch him like disintegrate in front

of our eyes. They then said, okay, well, now we
have this woman who actually got less than two percent
right in the original debates for president for the nomination,
and she is awful. I mean, by any stretch of
the imagination, she's awful. She's unlikable, women don't like her,
and all of a sudden she is the second coming.

It is impressive. And I don't, look, I have my
own reasons why I think that their pushing is so hard.
I actually, you know, I actually, in the real world,
she doesn't stand a chance at all because she's terrible.
All the momentum is behind Trump. But you know what
they like, they'll do whatever they can to win.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
What I've said, if they could make Biden president, they
can make Kamala president. That's really, that's really the inescapable
reality of all this. And if they can make Kamala win,
what does that even mean for the Republican Party? If
the dominant political force in Republican politics since Ronald Reagan
can lose with Kamala Harris stepping in with a ninety

day election, do you know what I'm saying? Like, what
are we even doing? I don't I might have to
just do like book reviews and movie reviews. You can
join me for those on my show. If Kamala wins,
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
Well, will be in I'll take the top bunk in
the gulag and you can be on the gotten bunk
in the goolag, right, so, and we can do our
reviews from there. But no, it is really shocking, and
I think, I mean, look, I've been watching really closely
because obviously you know, my game is the entertainment industry.
And I saw an ad that came out yesterday for
Kamala and it was really good. I mean they go

to the best people. They have Hollywood on tap, right,
they have all that, and the conservatives from those parts
just dismissed that, and they don't think that it's important.
But it is, and they should have understood when Trump
ran and he won in twenty sixteen. He is a star, right,
he has the X factor. He's a star. He's been
on television for seventeen years. He's the master of the improv.

He's great in front of a camera. And so they
understand that. We kind of don't understand that. We're kind
of like fumbling through it. Like, hang on a second.
The best, the best ideas will always win, right, right,
they'll always win. Right. No, it's not about that, and
we still are playing catch of us. Saw. I don't
know if you've seen this book on YouTube. There's a

video that Trump took and he's on his plane and
is doing a call for money. Right. It's a terrible video. Right,
It's just someone's got an iPhone and stuck it in
front of him and took it. It's not Trump's terrible,
it's just they haven't really thought through. Look, everything has
to be slick because people are used to a standard
and now they watch someone like Kamala Harris, the slick ads,

you know, the clearly astro turfed conventions that she's doing
when she does them. I mean, you're not telling me
that all those people are turning up for her. I mean,
come on, nobody likes her. I don't know anyone that
likes I've never met anyone that likes her, actually, But
they are so good at the rolling out the media
monster that they have. That's all you need. And a

little bit of tweaking here, right, buck, a little bit
of tweaking there in this county.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
We like to call them shenanigans so that we don't
get sued. You know what I mean, shenanigans, which is
probably a good Irish word, right, It sounds like I
in it probably comes.

Speaker 2 (15:12):
From from the mother.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
Against exactly malarkey shenanigans. You get what you got what
I'm putting down. I'm excited that you are your own
podcast hosts. Now, where can everyone listen to your podcast
or what do they do to find it?

Speaker 3 (15:27):
Well, it's it's Matthew de Mars and I'm I'm ramping
it up. I'm ramping it up. I'm I'm trying my
best because you know.

Speaker 2 (15:34):
I won't ever know.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
I'm an early I was an early adopter, had them
on my podcast many times.

Speaker 2 (15:40):
You know, when he gets all famous, I'm not. I'm
not Rody. I've got like the mit his touch.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Like I people just start to do a little commentary
and all of a sudden, I'm like this one is good,
and then kaboom, everyone's like, oh, this person's amazing.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
So just saying from my listen, it's.

Speaker 3 (15:54):
It's Buck Sexton Kingmaker.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
Yeah, I mean probably a little bit.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
Some people are saying he makes Pezza people superstars.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
He makes them huge, huge. I will get back to
this in a second.

Speaker 1 (16:08):
You know, there's something else I want you all to
know about talking about subscribing to things. I've got a
newsletter coming out now weekly that deals with all the
biggest events and also gets into what the economy is
going to do. I'm partnering with Brad Thomas for this.
He is a guy who has been helping thousands and
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decades now. So Brad Thomas and I have this newsletter

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and protect yourself when things get shoppy and crazy in
the markets. If you want to be prepared, go to
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Speaker 2 (16:47):
It's free.

Speaker 1 (16:47):
It's a free email newsletter The Urgent Message dot com.
Sign up for free get my steps to help you
prepare and profit in the stock market, especially given the
upcoming election. A lot of important insights for you. The
Urgent Message dot com. Sign up for this free newsletter
when you can. All right, now, how is Trump? I

mean you got into it's a little bit. Look Trump
after the attempted assassination, it took a bull through the
year and put his fist in the air. I was like,
I mean, this guy is a figure of destiny. But
I worry that his campaign peaked in the middle of
the summer instead of right before people are voting.

Speaker 3 (17:28):
Yeah. No, I mean that's what I was alluding to.
I think that I don't know what it is. I
said the same thing about Rhonda Scientists. You know, Rhonda
Sciantists came out the gate really well, and then he
just like kind of collapsed as it went along, and
the campaign just wasn't good and I got criticized for it,
but it's just true. I mean, he was I remember
at the very beginning, right, it was him or Trump
and more Trump, and they just went and I feel

like the same with Trump. I feel like they've kind
of missed a step or something like that. They're not
really out there. I think last night's thing on Twitter
on X was really good, but you see immediately the
horde of Democrats like come out to try and suppress it,
say it's bad. It's like, you know, they are really
good at marbilizing, right that they are so good at marbilizing.

But I haven't seen the Trump campaign hit back. It's
it's just kind of like being weak. And I don't
know why that is. And you'd think, you think someone
tries to assassinate the president, that happens, which is an
iconic moment of you know, for all time he's going
to win. And then but what they do is they
just like throw all this muck muck muck. No, he

had a blood pack, he had this, he did that.
It wasn't really a she. It was the telepromptive. None
of that mattered, right, Like, none of it mattered. But
they just kept throwing it all out there, and all
of a sudden, now it's almost like the assassination attempt
was like last year. That's how I feel like. It
feels so far away now. And I just don't think

that the Trump campaign has done enough to keep him
front and center and make arguments, legitimate arguments that are
getting out there. I haven't really seen anything. I'm bombarded
with Democrat message all the time, so I'm obviously not
their target, right, so who they're really hitting a lot

of people, and it's really concerning.

Speaker 1 (19:20):
I am concerned, indeed, but I also am keeping the faith.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
I think Trump will win.

Speaker 1 (19:25):
One more sponsor after tell everybody about is Tun of
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All right, so my friend, you're going to have a
podcast up. Well, this podcast will be out and some
more people can check out your podcast and learn about
what you're doing.

Speaker 2 (20:40):
You're on YouTube, You're on all the places.

Speaker 3 (20:43):
Yeah, yeah, I'm mainly on X. I'll go on X
a lot because it's nice and convenient. But yeah, I'm
on all the all the places, all the socials.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
I know a guy, I know a guy who could
be a good podcast guest. I'm just throwing it out there.
At some point he likes to answer us questions instead
of asking them.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
So I would love to have you on, if you're
willing to come on, that would be a delight.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
Yeah, tax to me. We'll make it, will make it happen.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
I'll give you the best action movie list of all time,
and you can agree or disagree with me. But if
you disagree, you're gonna get smoked because obviously it's the
best list.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
As long as the Black Cloak Down is on it.

Speaker 2 (21:18):
Of course, of course.

Speaker 3 (21:19):
Well there you go there, Yeah, let's do it.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
Special operations guys that I know, I kid you. Not
everyone that I've ever asked, what is the most realistic
movie to depict modern combat, especially in the special operations context?
They all say, black Hawk Down.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
If you change my life, yeah, yeah, it changed my life.
I'm very, very grateful to be a part of that film.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
Yeah, very cool.

Speaker 1 (21:41):
It's a fantastic movie. All right, my friend. Well, I'll
talk to you on your podcast and everybody else talk
to you soon.

Speaker 2 (21:46):
Shield Tie

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