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May 11, 2024 22 mins

In this episode, Buck Sexton discusses current political dynamics with Roma Daravi, a former Trump White House official now leading Daravi Strategies. They touch on Trump's campaign strategies, fundraising efforts, and the significance of swing states like Michigan and Wisconsin. Daravi also critiques Biden's foreign policy, particularly regarding Israel, and hints at potential shifts in voter sentiment.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
Hey, everybody, Welcome to the Buck Brief. This episode, Roma
Deravi back with us. She is formerly of the Trump
White House, where she was deputy communications director. She no
outruns Deravi strategies at is trying to help make America
great again once again.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Good to see you, Roma, Nice to be back.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
I want to dive into all the political stuff first.
Although the campus situation, the campus protest is also interesting,
and I wanted your take on that.

Speaker 4 (00:47):
You know.

Speaker 2 (00:47):
Somebody asked me yesterday though, and I know you're you're
close to all the people in Trump world and know
what the strategies are and what they're up to. Somebody said, Buck,
how do you think it's looking for the fall?

Speaker 1 (00:59):
Meaning Trump? Biden?

Speaker 2 (01:01):
And I said, My problem right now is it looks
so good for Trump that I can't trust it, Like
I can't emotionally or mentally just get to a place
where I'm like, yeah, Trump's gonna win this thing, right,
So how do you see this where we are right now?

Speaker 4 (01:18):
Yeah, we have a tough relationship with democracy these days,
So I'm not surprised by your reaction there, but I
would say I think we can feel very confident right now.
We heard recently that President Trump is having the campaign
really take the lead when it comes to turning out
the vote and asking the RNC to focus on election integrity.

He hears the viewers, he hears the supporters concerns.

Speaker 3 (01:47):
Just like yours.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
And I think there's going to be a big shift
with the new leadership at the RNC in a really
positive direction where they're focusing on the real problems that
we're having with our democracy, which obviously includes election integrity.
And you know, President Trump, although he's stuck in the
courtroom most days today, he's still out on the road

campaigning and out the vote like we've never seen before.
So it really is moving in the right direction. And
I wouldn't be too shocked if we keep up the momentum.
Although I won't go any further than that, I don't
want to jax it.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
Yeah, that's how I feel too. Everyone keeps asking me.
It's almost like the joke in Trump world now is hey,
do you see the last.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
Poll, And it's like, sh don't talk about it.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
You know, like everyone's worried that somehow the momentum that
is so obvious now and that Democrats I think are
even very very aware of and clearly.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
Freaking out of it.

Speaker 4 (02:44):
And there's a grass Uson poll that came out this
week that had a general election poll that had President
Trump up twelve points ahead of Biden. I mean, that
is just a beautiful sight to see. You gotta love it,
you really do.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
Yeah, No, I totally agree.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
I mean, I don't think he's going to win by twelve,
but I do think he's looking way better than he
ever has before.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
So that's encouraging.

Speaker 2 (03:10):
The campaigning on Saturday move I see that has been
that has been announcedent because of the fact that he's
got a trial taking up four of his five weekdays,
which is just absolutely insane. How unusual is it for
there to be the weekend component of the campaign like this?
I mean, is this a huge shift from what they

were planning?

Speaker 3 (03:33):
Not at all, President Trump.

Speaker 4 (03:35):
I was on the twenty sixteen campaign in Trump Tower,
and one of my rules was actually organizing the rallies
for him. So they're planning all of this based off
of the strategic move of turning out votes in areas
that they need it. They're not just deciding this based
off of the Biden trial schedule. They're going to areas

where they're focused on making sure that those voters are
ready to sign Trump's name at the ballot box in November.
And of course he would love to be out there
seven days a week, but unfortunately that's just not feasible
right now. So he's in New York. He's been there
for over three weeks at this point, and hopefully we'll

see this case come to a close quickly. There's really
no merit to it. But he's making the most of
his time. He's meeting with union workers at six o'clock
in the morning before the court's open. He's going to
meet with police and firemen after work at ten o'clock
at night. You know, bring in the guy's pizza. And
they love to see him taking the time to shake

every single first responder's hand and take a photo at
them and ask them their name. You know, these are
things that Joe Biden just doesn't do. This week, Joe
Biden is in San Francisco meeting with billion dollar donors,
big money to line their pockets. I'm sure you know
because he is the corrupt Joe Biden that we know
so well, and it's no surprise to see that he'd

rather be in a room full of billionaires, you know,
with foreign interests. You know, no shock there than meeting
with real supporters on the street. I mean, you put
President Trump in the Bronx and everybody in the media
was shocked that they loved him.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
Those of us that know Trump were not shocked at all.
We knew the support was there.

Speaker 4 (05:26):
He's been calling it the silent majority for eight years now.
I mean, this isn't a surprise to us. There's a
silent majority still out there, and frankly, it's growing because
Joe Biden has made so many people in this country
terrified about the future.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
I want to ask you about RNC fundraising stuff and
also how the ground game is looking in some of
these swing states, but we'll get to that in just
one second. We're here with Roman Deravi, former Deputy COMMPS
director of the Trump White House, talking about how the
Trump campaign is unfolding in twenty twenty four. So we'll

dive into this, but you know, you see what's going
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five gold eight three three nine nine five. Goold. Okay, Roma,
Let's let's dive into first Off, are you Laura Trump friendly?

I assume you would know each other pretty well because
she's now co chair right oft the RNC, and I'm
hearing that she is coachair co chair.

Speaker 1 (07:19):

Speaker 2 (07:19):
Yeah, I'm hearing that she's doing a tremendous fundraising to
sort of make up some of the gap that the
DNC and the RNC have.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
What can you tell us about the money race, Well.

Speaker 4 (07:30):
They're really focused on turning out the vote, and I
think that comes first before the money race. But at
the end of the day, Donald Trump thrives on small
dollar donations. He has donor events at Mar A Lago
all the time. Those are the ones that you hear
about in the press. What you don't hear about are
the small dollar donation. So you know, Laura put out

another video today saying if you have five dollars, just
five dollars to donate. Now we are turning up the
momentum and getting things flush for our president to really
run a strong campaign, and they're not going to shy
away from that because that's really how you get across
the finish line. Each single dollar turns into a vote

when it's a small dollar vote.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
Yeah, No, it's obviously getting the small dollar donations is
something that Trump has been very good at for a
long time, and getting the grassroots involved in terms of
the swing states, though, which is the one that you
will give me the two swing states that, based on
the state of play now, you think are the most challenging.

I've seen the polls. I know Trump is ahead in
every swing state, but the one, the one or two
that you're looking at and you're saying that's going to
be the real battleground or battlegrounds that determines where this
is all going.

Speaker 4 (08:53):
Well, I think you've seen right now that Trump is
focused on Michigan and Wisconsin for a multitude of reasons. Obviously,
Joe Biden is heavily focused on dearborn Michigan. He's worried
about losing the Muslim vote, and he should be. He
should also be worried about losing the very wealthy Jewish
vote that Democrats have had really as a stronghold for

many years. And any Jewish person that I speak to
today has really moved away.

Speaker 3 (09:23):
From Joe Biden.

Speaker 4 (09:25):
And it really does really actually shock some people because
typically foreign policy doesn't end up as a top issue
at the polls in November. This time is very, very different.
You have a clear juxtaposition between President Trump, who literally
moved the embassy to Jerusalem, who signed the Abraham Accords

peace agreement in the Middle East versus Joe Biden, who
had a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, has World War three
basically erupting overseas with war on our closest ally Israel,
and just this week saying he's pulling back military equipment
from being sent to Israel. So, say, there's a lot

of seats that we're focused on. I don't want to
pick a favorite here, but definitely right now, Michigan is
the hot pot because there is a spotlight on it
due to this global war that we're seeing play out today.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
And do you think it's fair to say that Joe
Biden is the most anti Israel president of our lifetime?
I would have to wonder who else it would be
if not Biden.

Speaker 4 (10:35):
You know, it really almost makes me sick to my
stomach when I listen to some of the things and
watch really some of the things that Joe Biden is.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
Not doing for our ally Israel.

Speaker 4 (10:48):
We spoke off camera book about my heritage of Jewish
Persian Egyptian descent, and you know, many of my family
members are speaking out about this. These are doctors, lawyers,
people who have no interest in getting involved in the
political process and have voted for Democrats many times, and

they are completely stepping away from Joe Biden and calling
out everyone that they know in the Jewish community, saying,
if you see what Joe Biden is doing and you
don't turn away from him, now, you yourself, as a
Jewish person, are anti Semitic. And it really it is

that that is the reality. So he's going to have
a very tough time with these individuals that he really,
I think is kind of losing sight of the fact
that they were always with him. This is a numbers game,
and it's going to come down to a few thousand
numbers in a handful of states to decide who the

next president is. And you know, a little bit here
and a little bit.

Speaker 3 (11:55):
There, especially with RFK.

Speaker 4 (11:57):
Junior in the mix, is really going to hurt Joe Biden.

Speaker 1 (12:02):
Let's talk.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
You mentioned your It's just so I get it right, Jewish, Persian,
Egyptian hair. So I want to bring that back into
the conversation in a second. With the campus protests, what's
going on there clearly having an effect on national and
international politics because Joe Biden is effectively bending the need
to them, and I want to hear your perspective on

all this. We'll get to that in a second. But
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dot org. So when you see this campus stuff.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
Going on Roma and you see.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
First of you know, I think some people forget there
are actually some Jewish students who are part of the protest,
which I've discussed this on radio. Is a whole other
component of this. Right they blame Israel for the anti
Semitism against Israel, and they think they're being somehow enlightened
by distancing themselves as Jewish Americans from Israel. But put

that aside, I mean, overall, this issue of Michigan Muslims
and campus protesters pushing the Biden administration on a foreign
policy matter that involves life and death.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
What do you make of that?

Speaker 3 (14:14):
Well, it stems from week leadership.

Speaker 4 (14:16):
Buck. You know, President Trump is a strong leader on
the world stage, and not only do people at home
respect that, but leaders abroad respect that as well. And
you wouldn't even be seeing these wars that we have
overseas if Joe Biden was not such a weak leader
to begin with. So you have our adversaries taking advantage

of our allies, and now you have student protesters that
are chanting death to America, death to Israel, you know,
right here on some of the most elite college campuses
in the world, not just in America. You know, let's
remind the audience that people from all over the world
come to attend these universities in the USA, and this

is what we're seeing on the world stage. You have
the Ayatola praising these protesters. I mean, how can you
possibly support these protesters when you have terrorist organizations telling
you that they love them, that they're doing the right thing.
I mean, who is on the side of good and
evil here? It's very very clear for everyone to see.

And you know, it's disappointing that the week leadership that
we have at the top has trickled down to the
state level, that's trickled down to the university boards. And
you have these protesters all high and mighty, calling for
amnesty and humanitarian aid as they are destroying property, breaking
into buildings, you know, destroying statues, defacing George Washington, and

hanging the Palestinian Moss flag on campuses. It's really disgusting,
and it's something that those of us from a Jewish
heritage never ever thought we would see.

Speaker 3 (15:58):
In our lifetime.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
Do you think, speaking from Jewish American perspective and Jewish heritage,
you think there's going to be a sizable change in
the Jewish vote in this election or do you think
that conservative Jews already knew this and the liberal Jews
aren't going to care enough to change their view.

Speaker 4 (16:18):
Well, I would say the change has been happening for
a while. This is really just the tipping point for
most Jewish people. I have many friends from southern California
that are liberal Jews, many friends from the New York
City Northeast Boston area that are liberal Jews, and they
are disgusted by what we're seeing from this White House

and the lack of support for Israel. They are speaking
out on it more than they spoke out about the
Black Lives Matter protests, which, as you know, buck was
very trendy for liberals. If you weren't talking about it,
you were clearly a racist. So every single liberal was
speaking out about BLM and those protests. And I would

say that my feed, and perhaps it's a little bit slanted,
but My feed is really flooded with people from both
Republican and Democrat voting backgrounds of Jewish faith that are
just absolutely horrified by this administration and what we're seeing

right now play out.

Speaker 1 (17:25):

Speaker 2 (17:26):
I know that you're a southern California gal and you're
currently inside the Beltway because you do work on political matters.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
You live inside the Beltway.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
I got a question for you. I want to ask
we come back. You can think about it for a moment.
When are you going to join the DeSantis Revolution I
move down to Florida. You can address that with us
here in just a second. But first up on the podcast,
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Shakin Analytics. Roma your southern you like warm weather. You
can have warm weather with freedom, you know, instead of California,
which unfortunately offers you totalitarianism. What do we gotta do
to get you? Are you considering Florida for your future?
I lose I used to live in DC too. Let
me tell you wouldn't leave Florida for DC these days?

Speaker 4 (19:07):
Well, I missed the sunshine and the beach single day.
When we have a sunny day here in d C.
You will see me turn into a whole new woman.
But you know, there's always a chance that I'll move
down to Florida, and the time is right. But when
you're in Washington, d C. When you're working in politics
like I am, you have the ability to really get

involved and attend events and gatherings almost on a daily occurrence.
So right now, you know, I spent a year in
New York with President Trump and Trump Tower, moved down
to d C and have been here ever since. And
those four years that I spent in the administration, you know,

I really emphasize the fact that when you're working for
the government, you are a civil servant.

Speaker 3 (19:55):
You are not there for yourself, You're there for the people.
You're there to serve the people.

Speaker 4 (20:01):
And you know, I stuck around d C because I
truly believe that President Trump is going to be back
in just a matter of months. So it's important that
we have eyes and ears in this town. It's predominantly liberal.
Ninety five percent of the vote in DC is Democrat,
and we saw.

Speaker 3 (20:18):
That in the last election cycle.

Speaker 4 (20:20):
So to be one of the little raspberries in this
big blue pond, I think is quite important, and you know,
I'm willing to kind of make that sacrifice right now
in order to have a voice in the conversation.

Speaker 3 (20:33):
And many, as you know, Buck, many.

Speaker 4 (20:36):
DC based shows focus on the hill, they focus on politics,
all different TV outlets, and it's provided the opportunity for
me to really make sure that President Trump and the
Republican Party has a voice in the conversation. There are
so many great surrogates out there, and I'm happy to
be added into the mix and make sure that, you know,

the swamp doesn't get too excited and too crazy without
someone trying to sit them back down and remind them
of the reality of the entire nation.

Speaker 2 (21:09):
That was the best pitch for the need to be
in the swamp, at least I've heard it a long time,
So good good on you. I mean, you guys don't
even have beaches up there, and yet well I guess
you kind of technically do, but not really.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
Uh, and yet you're you're making.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
Making it cud oysters. That's the one thing, you know.

Speaker 2 (21:26):
I actually loved my time living in DC, but I
always felt like I was infiltrating the enemy camp by
being there, So it's a little bit of a different mentality.

Speaker 1 (21:33):
But I had a lot of fun.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
And back in the old tr Yeah, back in the
old Trump Hotel days, that place was awesome. It was
like everyone just hanging out all the time, and you know,
seeing people like you Trump at the Trump Hotel in
downtown right near the White House. All right, Roma, you
have to make sure Trump wins and save the country.
So I'm gonna let you get back to doing that.
But where should people follow your stuff?

Speaker 4 (21:56):
You can find me at Roma darab on Twitter, Instagram, anywhere.

Speaker 3 (22:00):
You get news.

Speaker 4 (22:02):
I will probably be there on one of the channels
that you're watching. And of course right here with you, Buck.
It's my favorite.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
She's a smart lady. This is how she knows.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
She's definitely coming back. Roma, thank you so much, great
to see you.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
You too, fantastic and yeah, this will be out like

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