All Episodes

February 22, 2022 37 mins

President Trump joins Clay and Buck live from Mar-a-Lago. Clay tells us the estate is truly "majestic." Trump on Ukraine: What happened was a rigged election. What Putin did was "genius"; Biden's response "sad". Trump says Putin always wanted Ukraine, but he told him, "You can't do it." Trump on his covid response, vaccines, China, masks in school. Trump on Trudeau, the truckers, trade. Trump on Biden in 2024: "I don't think he's going to run." Plus, his thoughts on Harris' and Hillary's chances. Trump on Durham revelations: Hillary is devious. Trump: I stopped the Russian pipeline, Biden approved it, Biden's energy policy led to Ukraine crisis. Trump on 2024: You're gonna be "very happy." Trump on possible running mates, TRUTH social, CNN's demise. Buck asked Trump if he caused CNN's fall. Trump on Clay and Buck: Rush would be proud. Trump: America will come back.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show podcast. Welcome in Tuesday edition Clay Travis and
Buck Sexton Show. We are live from the Majestic Marlago
Estate with forty five himself, President Donald Trump. And I'll
bring you right in, sir, because I know our audience

loves to hear from you. Buck and I have been
walking around this estate. We had never been here before.
It is absolutely incredible and phenomenal. How are you doing
as we roll into what is going to be a
really interesting twenty twenty two season. For sure, Well, we've
been doing really well. And politically, I guess. You see

the polls, and the polls for me have never been higher,
and I guess against Biden, but who wouldn't be winning
you look at what's going on right, anybody would be winning.
Now you take the worst politician in America, I would
imagine that that person would be winning. But the Poles
have been an extraordinary ninety six percent approval rating and

so one this morning, ninety eight but ninety six percent
approval rating in the Republican Party, and doing well with Independence,
doing well with women, doing well with everybody, And I
think A lot of it has to do with the
fact that what I said was right. This is a disaster.
What's going on, whether it's Ukraine or the Afghanistan pull out,
which I think was the most embarrassing moment in the

history of our country. I think that has a lot
to do with what's going on in Ukraine. You look
at inflation, you look at all of the different things
that are happening so bad for our country. The border.
Who could forget the border. The millions of people, not
two million or one million like I say, I say
ten million. Millions of people are bum rushing our country.
And many of these people come from prisons, are being

led out countries one hundred and twenty seven countries now
they have, but many of these countries are emptying their
prisons like we're dumping ground right into our country. I've
never seen anything like it. I don't think our country
has ever been so low. You could take the five
worst presidents in the history of our country and put
them together. I don't think they've done the damage that

this administration has done as a president. In the last
twenty four hours, we know Russia has said that they
are recognizing to break away regions of Ukraine. And now
this White House is stating that this is an invasion.
That's a strong word. What went wrong here? What is
the current occupant of the Oval Office done that he

could have done differently? Well, what went wrong was a
rigged election, and what went wrong is a candidate that
shouldn't be there and a man that has no concept
of what he's doing. I went in yesterday and there
was a television screen and I said, this is genius.
Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine. Of Ukraine.

Putin declares it as independent. Oh that's wonderful. So Putin
is now saying it's independent a large section of Ukraine.
I said, how smart is that? And he's going to
go in and be a peacekeeper. That's the strongest peace force.
We could use that on our southern border. That's the
strongest peace force I've ever seen. There were more army

tanks than I've ever seen. They're gonna keep peace, all right? No,
but think of it, here's a guy who's very savvy.
I know him very well, very very well. By the way,
this never would have happened with us had I've been
in office. Not even thinkable. This would never have happened.
But here's the guy that says, you know, I'm going
to declare a big portion of Ukraine independent. He used

the word independent, and we're gonna go out and we're
gonna go in and we're gonna help keep peace. You
got to say that's pretty savvy. And you know what
the response was from Biden. There was no response. They
didn't have one for that. Now it's very sad. Do
you think the southern border is just going to continue
to deteriorate? Last year under the Biden administration? So so

under your administration, you put in place remain in Mexico.
You began the strongest border we've ever had, and last
year was the worst by the numbers, not a subjective analysis,
the worst for illegal apprehensions at the border that we've
ever seen since we've been counting. It's likely that this
year will be worse as well. Do you think the
American people have finally seen enough and know enough about
what's going on at the border that'll take action this falls? Yeah, absolutely,

But I think they know, and I think they see,
and you know, oftentimes they say, how could this be
a fifty fifty party system? When you look at no
voter id to fund the police, sanctuary cities, open borders
where criminals are allowed to pour in. When you look
at people that can't even get out of you know,
I got it down. I wanted out after twenty one years.
I wanted out of Afghanistan. We're going to be out.

I got it down to two thous and we were
getting ready to pull them out. But we were pulling
them out with very great strength. Where we're going to
keep Bagram not because of Afghanistan. They spend billions building
this space, has the biggest and longest runways in the world,
and it's one hour away from where China makes its
nuclear weapons. So I was keeping that and keeping it
in full full. But I was getting out of Afghanistan.

And we would have gone at gotten out with tremendous
strength and dignity and power and respect. Instead we looked
like we surrendered. And you know, we didn't lose an
American soldier in Afghanistan for eighteen months. I had to
talk with Abdul who's the leader. He's the current leader.
Also he was the leader and now he's the current leader.

And we had a very strong talk. And from the
time I had that talk not one American soldier was killed,
and it was an amazing thing. Biden actually said that one.
He said, not an American soldier was killed in eighteen
months and his people screaming at and we'll keep going
find out something that was wrong. And he didn't do that. No,
I was we were going to pull out with great strength.

We're going to keep Bagram, and we were pulling out
of other locations too, where there's no reason for us
to be there. They hate us, we don't particularly like them.
And you look at NATO. I called it a paper tiger.
I said, as soon as the problem come up, you're
going to have people that pull away. And I got
them to pay four hundred billion dollars. You know, they
were all delinquent, not all. There were eight countries out

of twenty eight that were paid up, including us. We
were paid up. We were more than paid up. We
were making up the difference. But we have twenty eight
countries and eight were paid up and you had twenty
countries that were not. And I was asked a question
by the president of one of the countries at a
closed meeting, does that mean and you know the prescoes
wild over this, but does that mean that if something happened,

and essentially Russia because it used to be for the
Soviet Union, but Russia. It's close enough in terms of militarily,
as you probably noticed this weekend. But do you mean
to say you wouldn't protect us? And said, you mean
you're not paid up and you want us to protect you.
I said, that's right, we will not protect you if
you're not paid up. You know what happened the next day,
billions of dollars flowed in. How worried are you that

the Biden administration might get dragged into the actual military
conflict in Ukraine if it escalates, Well, I'd rather see
them send soldiers to our southern border. I'd rather see
them in three weeks, you could finish it. They won't
even let Texas use our material, which was a boarders
sitting there waiting to be put up. It could have
been erected in less than three weeks. It took two
and a half years to get started because we had

to win eleven lawsuits. I'd rather see our southern border protected.
But I don't like the idea he's sending a small
number of troops. It's a joke compared to what the
other size. As you know, he sends three thousand troops.
I heard this morning, three thousand troops. What's that going
to do? They get you in trouble now. I would
like to see our southern border protected. And they are

handling Ukraine so badly. And remember I put something out
this morning. Russia is becoming very rich because the oil
price is being driven up so much, and that's their
primary source of income, so much that those army tanks
you see going back and forth all over the place
sets peanuts compared to the amount of money they're making.

Forty dollars a barrel. When I was there one dollar
and eighty six sense a gallon for gasolene. And now
you have some places where it's over seven dollars, and
it's going up a lot higher than bad inflation too,
no doubt, seven point five percent, mister President. I'm going
to read you a tweet here from Joe Biden. This
is almost exactly two years ago. Vladimir Putin doesn't want

me to be president. He doesn't want me to be
our nominee. If you're wondering why, it's because I'm the
only person in this field who's ever gone toe to
toe with him. Almost two years to the day, Putin
has invaded in Ukraine. Under Obama, Putin invaded as well.
All the talk about your relationship with Vladimir Putin and

he certainly didn't try that with you. Why is he
doing it to Biden? What do you think of Biden's
bluster in that tweet that has not been reflected in
the reality on the ground. Well, even sleepy, as Chuck
said this weekend during a show, I was watching it
for a change, and he said, how come there has
been no you know, invasion during the period of time

that the Trump administration was there. But they did invade,
very severely invade with Obama, and then they waited and
then they invaded. This would never have happened if we
were there, but he did. Chuck Todd asked that question,
how come there was none of this was happening during
the Trump administration. I knew Putin very well. I got
along with him great. He liked me. I liked him.

I mean, you know, he's a tough cookie. It's got
a lot of great charm and a lot of pride.
But the way he and he loves his country. You know,
he loves his country he's acting a little differently. I
think now. I think he sees this opportunity. I knew
that he always wanted Ukraine. I used to talk to
him about it. I said, you can't do it, You're

not going to do it. But I could see that
he wanted it, and I used to ask him. We
used to talk about it at length. I think nobody
probably knows him better in terms of the discussions that
we have were that we're having this morning. So I
knew him very well. I got to know him. I
got to know President She by the way, China is
gonna be next. She knows China is gonna think they're
gonna go after Taiwan. Oh absolutely not with me, they

wouldn't have. But you think with biden Nels, try if
they're waiting till after the Olympics. Now the Olympics ended,
and look at your stop watch right. No, he's he
wants that, just like It's almost like twin sisters right here,
because you have one that wanted at once to want
I think equally badly. Somebody said, who wants it more?

I think probably equally badly. But no, Putin would have
never done it, and she would have never done it
and also North Korea has not acted up for four years.
Mister President, we want to come back in just a
moment here with you to talk to you about the
COVID situation. I would say the COVID failures of the
Biden administration. Look at the numbers comparison. Also perhaps the
huge spike in crime it's occurred over the last year.

We're talking to former President Donald J. Trump forty five himself,
will be back with him in just a moment. Clay,
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offer today. Welcome back into the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show. We are live at Marlago with President Trump.
Number forty five lights now there's President. Thanks for staying

along with us. We appreciate it. You were the first
one who had to the first president who had to
deal with the issue of COVID, the pandemic, the lockdowns,
all of it. While you were dealing with that, and
during the election process, Joe Biden said, anybody who's had
the number of deaths that have occurred should not be
president anymore. When we do a ten month not even

just a year to year, a ten month to ten
month comparison of the pandemic, Joe Biden's numbers with the
vaccine that he was bequeathed by Operation warp speed substantially worse.
What happened? How did we get to this place? So
when we heard about this, nobody knew anything about it.
Nobody had any idea other than I said very early

on it came obviously, it came from the Wuhan lab,
and I took a lot of heat. They said, oh,
how could you do that? How could you do that?
How could you say it? You know, when you see
buddy bags lying all over the place around the lab,
it's not that hard a guess against them it. But
nobody knew anything about it, but we knew it was
causing tremendousness option in China and death. We saw a

lot of death. You know, people don't talk about death
in China because they don't give you exactly accurate numbers
if you listen to them. They were fine, they didn't
go through it, but they went through a lot too.
And they're going through a lot right now, worse than
it's late, but they're going through a lot right now.
So I heard about it, and we really mobilized fast,
and we made a lot of great decisions. And you know,

we were just discussing during the break about Fauci. Faucci
wasn't a big player in my administration because I made
the decisions, and I made a decision to close our
country to China, because you know, people were dying and
that was called racist. By the way, Oh yeah, I
took a lot of heat and very early it was
in January, okay, so I almost immediately, which and there

were twenty one people in the room, and every one
of them said don't do it, and I said, we're
going to do it. If Fauci said don't do it,
by the way, they all said don't do it. And
then I also closed it shortly thereafter because I looked
at what was going on in Europe and Italy and
France and Spain in particular, but was just unbelievable, and
so I closed it up to ear and we saved

hundreds of thousands of lives. But very importantly, I also
we activated and we've got tremendous amounts of gear and
everything else, the ventilators. We became the ventilator king of
the world our country, and were actually we solved that problem.
It's a very complicated machine, more complicated, believe it or
not than building a car. It's complicated and expensive, and

we mobilized and we were building thousands within a short
period of time. The team did a great job and
we were actually sending them to other countries that were
unable to get them, so that was incredible. But we
also got the gowns and the masks. We opened up
factories that made men. Now we have so many masks,
we don't know what to do with them. And now
you're finding out the masks don't work that well. You know,

it's like one of those things, right, and certainly for
the new variant. But there's so many things that we
did that was so good. And then I think what
we do get great credit for that. They tried but
it didn't work. Even their site said you can't do
that is operation warp speed. And not only the fact
that the vaccines were developed in nine months as opposed

to five years to twelve years. I said it was
going to take from five to twelve years, and I
think without that you would have had a nineteen seventeen
hundred million people catastrophe, but also the therapeutics, because the therapeutics,
if you look at what's happened with Regeneron and the
Eli Lily product and so many So we were involved
with all of that and it was really good. You know,

we didn't hear the word mandate. Everybody wanted the vaccine.
When I was there, and we were doing a million
shots a day, and you know, we mobilized and the
military really did well, much better than their leaders led them.
I will tell you in the removal from Afghanistan that
I can tell you. And they were doing really well.
They were delivering them and everybody wanted the vaccine, and

once I was out, all of a sudden people didn't
want it. And that's how you started with this whole
mandate thing, which is terrible, okay, because you're forcing people.
It's you know, you talk about liberty, you talk about freedom.
We don't have to go into it too much. But
it was a bad thing. But we didn't have that problem.
Everybody wanted them, and then all of a sudden it

became such a disaster. But if you would have told
me that with all of the work we did and
I rebuilt the economy, I built it twice and the
first time beyond belief. Second time was getting really really strong,
and I handed that over. But if you would have said,
you would have had far more deaths with the vaccines,
with the therapeutics, with all of the gowns and the

goggles and everything that we got, and helping the hospitals
then you had when people didn't know it, I would
have said, that's impossible. Do you think the kids should
have to wear masks at school? This has turned into
a big battle, and Biden has basically avoided answering that
question or deferring to local cities and states. Do you
think the kids at this point should be able to
go without masks? Yeah? I do, I do. I think

they should be able to go with that mask. I
think it should have ended a long time ago. Certainly
with the more serious variants, they weren't even affected. And
this is a more contagious but far less serious serious
but with the more serious the kids. You know, there
was a certain state that lost many people. But of
the many people, thousands of people. But of the thousands

of people, nobody, not one person was under the age
of sixteen or seventeen. I looked at that stat I said,
that's an amazing stat And you can take a look
New Jersey. Thousands of people died and virtually nobody was
under you know, I was young. I think it was
one person who had serious diabetes. It was very I
mean literally nobody. It's an amazing statistic. No, they shouldn't,

and we have to get back to our lives. We
have to get back to running the country. China did
a terrible thing by allowing that to happen, because China,
if you really look, China stopped it from going into
the rest of China, but they didn't stop it from
going out to the world. But we did an incredible job.
I was not and probably will never be given the credit,

but but we we loaded. You know, I used to
use the expression the cubbage were bare. Nobody had any equipment.
They had no gowns, they had no gas, they had nothing,
They had no masks, and they had no ventilators. Now
we had no no anything. We didn't have vaccines. We
didn't even know what this thing was. Don't forget. Nobody
had any idea what this was. Was saying what is it?
We did a great job. We can keep you through.

We'd love to hear what you have to say about
the situation of the truckers and breaking that protest movement
up in Canada. Sure you have some thoughts about Justin
Trudeau that you can share with us here in a
few minutes, as well as your plans for the future
politically and truth social which we know has just launched
this week. So we are here right now with President
Donald Trump at Mora Lago, the Clay and Buck Show.

We're going to be back Donald J. Trump in just
a few moments. We welcome back in Clay Travis Buck
Sexton Show. We are here at an incredible setting, Mara
Lago with forty five himself, President Donald Trump starting off
the first hour Tuesday with all of you, and we'll

dive right back into it with President Trump gracious enough
to spend time with us. The Canadian trucker story, mister President,
has been a monster discussion all over the country and
all over the world. Really, you know, justin Trudeau, you
had a relationship with him. What did you think of
his response to the Canadian truckers. What do you think
he should have done? And do you support the protest

of those Canadian truckers. Well, I do support it, and
I have great respect for them. And basically their freedoms
were being taken away with the mandates and other things
that they were talking about very fairly, and I thought
they were very brave. I thought it was surprising in
one way. I know to do very well. He's never
been happy with me because of trade, because they were

really ripping us off this country. People have no idea.
Canada was one of the worst, one of the worst.
You know, you put China up there. The European Union
was horrendous, okay, and used to bother me with the NATO.
Let's say, you know, we protect you, We're spending all
this money to protect you, and then you kill us
on trade. But Canada was one of the worst that
I got that horrible deal known as NAFTA, one of

the worst trade deals, probably the worst trade deal ever made.
I terminated it. Everyone said it would be impossible, you know,
how to go through Congress. I terminated it and we
got the USMCA and USMCA meaning Mexico Canada a new
trade deal. It's so good for our country. In fact,
it's so good. The Canada wants to renegotiate it, and
they shouldn't do it. They shouldn't do it because we
should have renegotiated NAFTA for thirty years and they didn't

do it. We should not do it. We got it done,
we got it approved, they approved it. But Canada is
very unhappy and Mexico is very unhappy. And you know,
in a way that makes me feel good in another
way like him to be happy. But I know them
very well. But the USMC has been a tremendous success
for us for the country. Mister President, what we talked
to you about your possible political aspirations future and what

you're planning for the country, I want to ask you
to look across the table for a moment at the Democrats.
Clay and I have an ongoing discussion on the show
about who is really going to be the standard bearer
for them the next time around. It feels like Joe Biden.
You look at the polls, you see him on TV,
there's a recognition this is a guy who to say
he's lost a step I think is kind putting it gently.

Clay and I've talked about possible other contenders stepping in
for him, maybe the vice president, maybe somebody else. Even
what do you think, who do you think will be
the Democrat nominee or the Democrat standard bearer the next
time around? Because Joe Biden gonna run again or not? So?
I don't think so. I'm watching like you're watching, and

I just don't think so. I hope he does great
for the country, it's I think it's too late, because
I don't think you can do great for the country.
There's been so much damage done that I think if
he turned out to be George Washington and Abraham Lincoln combined,
I think the net result is so bad. I just
don't think he can do it. It's so far behind

what they've done on energy, what they've done at the border,
what they've done. The destruction to this country has been
so massive. I don't think he's going to run, or
I don't think he's you know, he could run, and
maybe maybe somebody would run against him, and that's very
rare that something like that would happen. Uh. She doesn't

seem to be very popular in the polls, and you
know they always do the polls of me against him,
and I'm leading by a lot, yes, but I was leading.
I thought, I, you know, was leading by a lot
the day of the election, too, right, So you know
I was. But you know, you've got to be very
careful with the election. You got to make sure the
vote counters are run us. But so I don't see
him running. I see her running. That's the other one.

I guess you can you can include her in the
she category, right, But it's possible, but I don't see Kamala.
You know, she started off at ten or eleven, and
she was hot, and by the time they went like
four five weeks, she was down to nothing. That's why
it was such an unusual choice. And there was nobody
meaner to Joe Biden than her. She called him everything.
I know, she was calling him names. It were horrible.

So I said, you know, nobody could choose her, and
they chose her, but you know she was going to reverse.
Usually you choose somebody that sto sorts off at one
and ends up at fifteen or twenty, you know, going
like a rocket chip up. So they didn't. I so
I think she's going to certainly put a play in.
It's possible, but I watched Killery the other day. I
just don't know if she has the energy. I don't
know that she has the energy. I watched her. Look,

we had questions when she fell into the car, Yes,
when her shoes fell off, when she couldn't lift her
foot up in she couldn't walk. She keep falling down
going into the airplanes. Remember a lot of famous pictures.
And then people put the golf ball in the baseball
and all that stuff. In those pictures. You remember, they
blamed me for it. They blame me for it, but

I don't see it. But she's a very devious person.
All you have to do is take a look at
the Durham report. You see how horrible and vicious and
even the things I go through where you know these
are Hillary Clinton lawyers that it just never ends. You
have faith in Durham to get the final answers here
about the it was a hoax. You're right on your campaign.

Everyone did clip and and and they said, oh, there's
no evidence that mister presid do you trust she should
she should apologize because she came at me. Oh are
you there was no spye. Well, now everybody agrees, even
the Democrats. They just don't want to talk about it.
And the media doesn't like talking about CNN, MSNBC, New
York Times and the Washington Post almost all refused to

even cover that story when the Durham details. Do you
have faith? I will say, though the Washington Post sort
of apologized for their coverage. The Times didn't. Yeah, right,
but but the Washington Post sort of apology. Maybe Jeff
Bezos is trying to get in your good graces. Well,
the Washington Post, that whole thing in Atlanta where I

have a perfect phone call, and all of a sudden
they think I'm trying to a president, that whole thing,
and they gave phony information to the Washington Post, and
the Washington Post had a major retraction of that story.
I mean the Washington Post in all fairness, I'm not
saying great, because certainly not great at all. But the
Washington Post did apologize for a lot of the mistakes
that were made. But The Times has it they I

wouldn't say they doubled down. They certain of just don't
want to talk about it, because you can't double down.
So Durham has been He worked slowly and a lot
of people were really angry, but he has brought out
some devastating blows and if you really look at it,
if you know what this is all about, that's just
a foundation. That's a foundation for some very very big stuff.

So yeah, I'm getting to be more and more impressed
with Durham. We have to ask you or else our
audience will be agitated with us. What is your certainty
right now? We know it's always out, but what is
your certainty that you will be running again for president?
Of the United States, Buck, I love the country. I
have never seen anything like what's happening right now. And

everything I've said is correct. I said about the energy.
He killed the energy the first day, I mean the
first day. First thing he did was killed the Keystone pipeline,
Keystone XL pipeline. And he devas said he was going
to do that. He said, we'll look at it. Well
he looked at it for what two hours. What he's
done is so devastating. You know, people don't realize that

I stopped the Russian pipeline. It was dead. He came
in and he immediately let it proceed. And it's one
of the reasons the money is so enormous. I mean,
that was you know, it was an amazing thing. It's
the biggest thing they've ever done. Russian pipeline more money,
billions and billions of dollars a day, billions of dollars
a week pouring in. I stopped it, totally stopped it.

Whoton even said, you're killing me on the pipeline. I said, sorry,
I have no choice. It's wrong. Okay, he approves it,
But then they say, oh, Trump was nice to Russia.
I wasn't nice. To Russia. And by the way, I
do want to get I think getting along with Russia
is a great thing. We could have done tremendous. They
have tremendous land, they have tremendous resources, and they need

our help too. Now, of course, they're making so much
money because of what's happened with the costs of I mean,
these barrels are going to be selling for two hundred dollars.
They were thirty nine forty, they were thirty in the twenties. Remember,
during it, we had a period of time where if
you it was no good for Wall Street because they
don't carry oil, but if you actually took a barrel

of oil out. We had so much because of certain
things that we did, which were great, but if you
took a barrel of oil, they gave you thirty seven dollars.
In other ways, you walk away with thirty seven dollars
plus about Now, it only lasted for two and a
half hours, but during that period, not quite as good
as that. During that period, you know, I filled up
the strategic reserves. Nobody ever talks about that seventy five

million barrels of oil I bought during that period of time.
I said, let me, tell me about the strategic reserves.
I've heard about it all my life. Hasn't been filled
up in fifty years. In fact, it's been empty for
many years, and that's been for war. It's seventy five
million barrels I bought and we made a great deal.
And now here's the bad part. Biden is using that

to try and get the energy. But number one it's
not enough, and number two is very artificial and it's
not supposed to be that way. That's meant for war.
But I filled up the strategic reserves at that. One
more question for you, if you'll stick with us to
come back, we want to know are you looking at
vice presidential candidates. I'll let you think about it during
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three three four and MS Consumer Access dot org. Welcome
back into the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. We're
here in mar Lago with President Trump, who's been so
kind as to give us some of his time today
and also hostess if this majestic place is amazing, mister President?

Really a two for here are you running? And who's
running with you? We gotta push you on this one?
Or who are you thinking about running with you? And
also you gotta tell everybody are in your mind one
hundred percent? You're running? Is that where you are? So
I think you'll be happy. Let me put the you
know you have campaign finance loans. So you can't talk
about this stuff, so I won't. But I think you'll
be happy. I really believe you'll be happy. I know

you guys very well. I've known you for a long
time and us you have to say congratulations. You're knocking
it dead and that's good. Russia would be proud of
you because he was a spectacular person. Who would you
be thinking about though as a vice president? And may
be a broader part of the question is who's getting
it right right now for the GOP. Who are the
people that you're seeing and you're saying, you know what, yeah,

you know, because we're going into mid m here, it's important,
you know. I think I think a lot of people
are doing really well. I think the Republicans are doing
really well. You have, I really believe. First of all,
I don't think anybody very Rarely do you see somebody
voting for a vice president. Okay, that's you know, it's
a big deal. And yet people don't vote for the
vice president. But we have a lot of good people.

I have a lot of people calling me all the time.
They want to be considered because we're doing very well
in the polls and the polls where they say, if
he doesn't run, who do you think? And then they
start getting in. But if he does run, there's like
a seventy point gap, and that's a lot. But I
will say there are a lot of great people. We
have a lot of great people in the Republican Party.

I think we're gonna have a tremendous mid term and
then I think in twenty four we're going to do
it's going to be very successful and we're going to
bring our country back. You've got right now, I think,
or at least we were when we came in the
number one app in America. Truth Social, which is a
big part of your battle in the social media space.
What do you expect and hope to do with that business? Well,

it's become a big deal. Look, everybody's been terminated or that,
it's become very boring. You know, Twitter is boring as hell.
Now they miss you, well, they really do. They said
he said the worst business decision he made was getting
Trump off. There's nobody to fight with anymore. And that's
Jack Dorsey. Dorsey, Yeah, I mean he's made that statement

to I hear numerous people and the same thing with Facebook.
They're dying. You look at Facebook the first time ever
where they went down in stock tanked. The stock is tanking,
and you see what's happened with what's going on with
truth socially. You know, it's very interesting. I said, do
you think we can get the name truth? They want
to get a name, right, you know, they want a

name like tweet. Okay, a tweet. They'd like it to
be five letters, so they always has an X, you know,
put an ex in front. Because so he got in
through all these crazy names that nobody. I said, do
you think you could get the name truth? They said
absolutely not, though I said, give it a shot. The
name truth was available and we got it for a
very tiny little price, and it's such a great thing.

And their minds are blowing because Trump has the name truth.
So there's five letters, and what's better than truth? Speaking
of untruth for a second here, and miss president, did
you break CNN because it looks like they're having a
really tough time. It looks like that's a place that
is in free fall. Obviously is you know Zucker is
out and it was really weaponized against you as a

network among other places for four years. But are they
it feels like that place will never recover from it's
all out assault on Trump. Well, they are broken. I
looked at their ratings the other day and they're in very,
very bad shape. I know Zucker very well. He actually
signed me for The Apprentice, if you can believe it.
That was the last good thing he did, I suspect,
and we had a great run. We went to fourteen Seasons,

which was an incredible show, and I recommended him for
that job. Can you believe it? I recommended this guy
for the job. And then about a month and he
had no thought of He'd never thought of. He was
number five out of five. There were five candidates. I
was sitting next to the head of Time Warner. What
are you working on? It was at a boring deal
at the Plaza hotel. He said, what are you working on?

Who are you? What's your name? He told me? I said, oh, so,
I figured i'd try and help you. Have Zucker around.
I called him up, I said, you got the job.
He goes no way. I said, I'm telling you got there.
Next day they called him, they say you got the job.
He calls me, he says, thank you very much. A
month goes by, he takes over the job, they start
hitting me, and that was their business model to hit me.
And I'll tell you what, it was a disgrace. Jeff

Zucker is a disgrace. So just one of those little things.
I've had some other people, and then you also have
people that are great and loyal. We have to mention
that also. That's not as exciting, but we have to
mention that also. But CNN has really done badly and
ms DNC, as I call it as some people call it,
because that's what it is. MSDNC is doing horribly. You know,

I always thought NBC would treat me great because I
did so well for them on The Apprentice. We many
times had the number one show on television. We did great.
Our finale I think had forty two million viewers. That's like,
you know, unheard of, unheard of. And NBC has been terrible.
You know, fake news, total fake news. And NBC has

been bad and abcc one thing I would say, And
that's why your show is so important. If we don't
straighten out the honesty of the media, this country is
going to have a hard time ever coming back. They
used to be a watchdog. Now they're just a lapdog.
You've got people listening all across the country, Mr President,
we got about a minute. What do you want them
to because right now a lot of them are writing

into us. They're worried, they're worried about what's happening in
this country. Our country has never been in a situation
like this. Our media is broken and corrupt, as you
look at like CNN as an example. But you look
at the Times and you look at what they write,
and it's so wrong. It's so wrong, and it's been
so wrong. The Russia, Russia, Russia everything. We're gonna come back.

We're gonna come back strong, will be bigger and better
and stronger than ever before. Something's gonna happen. Last question
for you, and this is a fun one because I
know you're a big sports fan. Tom Brady retired. Do
you think he's done or do you think he'll come
back and play? I know you've had a relationship with
him over the years. He obviously had a very good
final year with the Bucks kind of suddenly retired. Do

you think it's done or do you think he'll come back.
I think he's coming back because I watched the way
he you know, everyone said he was retiring, but he
didn't sort of say that I think he might come back.
And if you look at statistics, he was leading virtually
every category. He was incredible. Well, I hope he comes back.
He's a great guy. Mister President. We really appreciate you
spending the time with us today, and we know the
audience did so, thank you so much. And we also

appreciate you be able to hang out with you in
mar Lago. So you let us know where the next
Clay and Buck show gets to happen. We'll be there. Yeah,
you tell us where we'll be. And we've also got
some fantastic guests today that I know are joining us
where people you're endorsing as they are running. So we're
gonna have herschel Walker joining today's right. We got a
whole bunch of great guests planned. We supsa to say

thank you so much for the hospitality and also for
the four us to serve your country. It was a
great time, sir, it was a great time. We appreciate it.
Thank you both very much. Thank you so much for
being here, and we're gonna have another great couple of
two hours coming. But thanks for President Trump. If you
missed part of it. Go listen to the whole thing,
because I think your audience is going to be thrilled

to have heard all that you said today with us.
Thank you, sir, Thank you very much. Fleet, Travis and
Buck Sexton on the front lines.

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