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November 30, 2023 48 mins
Elon: go (blank) yourself. Biden backup plan? Face paint solidarity. Are you serious?

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and buck
Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Welcome in Thursday edition Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. We've
got a lot to discuss with all of you. Hope
you are having a fantastic day so far, fantastic week
off the top here it is the day of the
Rohn DeSantis Gavin Newsome great debate. We will discuss that

and what could come from it. But I would say
the biggest story that is out there circulating right now
is Ewon Musk has had Twitter, which he renamed x,
for over a year now, and he has tried in
rapid fashion to remake the fabric of the company, firing

seventy five or eighty percent of the workers, trying to
instill more of a free speech marketplace and treat everyone
even lee while simultaneaneously finding ways to monetize it in
a way different than just relying on advertisers. And recently
he has come under fire for some of the comments

that he has made surrounding the war in Israel and Palestine.
People have tried to say he's anti Semitic. He's made
the trip over to Israel and said that he is
in favor of peace. I don't think there's any way
you can reasonably call or rationally call Elon Musk and
anti Semite. But he was at the deal Book summit

put on by The New York Times and he was
asked about an ongoing advertiser boycott, specifically, Disney CEO Bob
Iger has pulled its spending off of the site. They
didn't post on the site for a day or more.
Here is what Elon Musk had to say. This is incredible.

Speaker 3 (01:54):
Listen, you're clarifying this now, but there's a public perception
that that was part of a apology, if you will,
that this had been said online. There was all of
the criticism, there was advertisers leaving. We talked to Bob Iden,
you don't advertise, you don't want them to advertise.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
What do you mean if somebody's gonna try to blackmail
me with advertising, blackmailing with money yourself.

Speaker 5 (02:20):
But go yourself? Is that clear? I hope it is. Hey, Bob,
you're in the audience.

Speaker 4 (02:31):
That's how I feel that advertise. I'm saying, what I
care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception
of it. And what I see all of the place
is people who care about looking good while doing evil them.

Speaker 6 (02:46):
Okay, that's one of my favorite clips of the year
and we're almost at the end of the year. That
was phenomenal and Elon Musk. I don't want to sound
like a fanboy, but I'm kind of the more I
learn about what he's done and dig into it all
after reading this biography and just seeing what he's done

with with Twitter, now X he understands I think what
it means to have at least one place where free
speech exists in a meaningful way online with critical mass. Look,
I never want to leave out I don't want to
take away from truth or Rumble or some of these
other platforms that are But the New York Times writers

are on X still right. This is the point. I
mean everyone, it is still the primary, and I hope
that this changes. I mean, I would love Rumble, I
would love some of these other sites to, you know,
surpass the I don't know what to say the primary
primary platforms, the more mainstream online town squares, But that
he tells these here's the thing. He's not telling some

random sponsor. He's telling IBM, Disney and Apple, some of
the biggest companies in the world, go bleep yourself if
you're going to pull your ads because of some momentary
panic that is, and what is the claim? Also, what
is the panicle about that people really think Elon Musk
is an anti semi. I do not believe Elon Musk

is an anti SEMITI. So what are we what are
we even talking about here?

Speaker 7 (04:16):

Speaker 2 (04:16):
And and and I think that is the essence of this.
Whatever you think of Elon Musk, And there are a
lot of different opinions out there, Elon Musk is a
thinker on a level that very few are a thinker.
And I think maybe the most interesting thing Elon Musk said.

Speaker 6 (04:35):
Can we say and a builder a thinker and a
build and a thinker and a builders?

Speaker 2 (04:39):
Well said one of the most interesting things he said,
and I would just say it for everybody out there listening,
is most people are trying to get ten percent better
at their business. Right, whatever business you're in, whatever small
business you're in. You sit there and you think to yourself, Okay,
we've got to hit these numbers. Let's make sure that
we create a new quarterly dynamic. We're gonna beat earnings,

We're gonna do better. All of those things are great, right,
I'm a capitalist. I know I've been there. I understand
setting goals and everything else. But one of those interesting
things I've ever seen Elon Musk say is there's lots
of competition to be ten percent better at something. There
aren't very many people who say, Okay, let's create something
brand new. And if you consider what Elon Musk did

with Tesla and SpaceX, I mean, just think about this buck.
With SpaceX, Elon Musk said, you know what, I think
I can send rockets to space better than NASA can.

Speaker 5 (05:39):
Think about the sheer gump he did and he needed, and.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
Now NASA is paying Elon Musk to get freight to
space more affordably than before. He also said, hey, I
think I can rebuild the way that we power automobiles
in this country. And I think I can make a vehicle,
which is one of the most difficult things to do

mass produce an incredibly difficult thing a car, and I
think we can do it more affordably than all of
the legacy businesses, all of the.

Speaker 5 (06:13):
Fords and all the gms.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
And I can do it without using the internal engine
powered primarily by oil. I'm going to do electric vehicles
and he did it. And now he has decided, I
have to save free speech in an Internet era, and
that is what he is now trying to do. And
I think genuinely, yes, he's very wealthy, but I think

he's motivated not only by the idea of making money,
which is obviously a very big motive for anybody, but
I think he sees this as a way to make
humanity better. He wants to get spaceships to space buck
because he wants humans to be a multiplanetary species so

that if something destructive ever happens to Earth, that our
species survives.

Speaker 5 (07:01):
I means method of thinking.

Speaker 6 (07:04):
We will have you know, there there will be ships
going to Mars and they will be based on probably
they will actually be SpaceX ships. I mean, this is
this is where we are heading now. And it's it's
been interesting to see people who know nothing about it.
And to be clear, I'm learning about it now because
I find it fascinating. One of my brothers knows a

whole heck a lot about uh, you know, the era,
what do you call it?

Speaker 5 (07:29):

Speaker 6 (07:30):
Space aerodynamics and and uh yeah, thank you, and you know,
aeronautics whatever, And I'm learning about it and yeah, astrophysics,
all these things. I'm learning about it. And it's funny
to see people that we're mocking the most recent uh
SpaceX launches, not understanding that it's actually another huge step

forward even though they saw that there, you know, there
was a failure at the end of it or whatever.
And next they call it a a rapid unscheduled disassembly
at SpaceX. That's what they call it when something kind
of comes apart. And and you know, I think that
back to the Twitter thing though, and what we're seeing
right now. You know, when people tell me, they say,
you know, was the twenty twenty election stolen? I sit

there and I say, yeah, which one? Which which way?
In which way do you want to discuss how it
was stolen or in which way? Or they want to
say it was rigged. I prefer the word rigged. Actually,
I think that's more you know that that that conjures
up a more specific set of problems. I mean the
fact that we had social media companies. I mean, imagine
if you had the telephone companies just say we're not

we're any call that's going to a Republican you know,
Republican phone bank or Republican donors. We're just not going
to take them. Yeah, And you say, well, hold on,
hold on, say now, I know phones have common carrier stuff,
and there's more rules about it. The Internet is still
kind of a we do what we want world, right.
Cable news isn't, radio isn't. There's a lot of regulations,
a lot of FCC things that we have. We had

to bleep with elon Act, he said, But everyone knows
what he said. But the point is, how can we
have free and fair elections where the you know, the
basic and most important I shouldn't say basic, but the
most foundational elements of communication can be entirely skewed to
support one side over the other and the answers you

can And he knows that, and that's why he spent
what was it, forty four billion dollars to buy twas Yes,
and and what he's hitting at here is important because
I would draw an analogy to what George Soros did
when it came to funding DA's that and let me
let me explain that analogy.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
George Soros recognized that there was a pressure point that
you didn't have to spend that much money to change
the way criminal justice was applied in the United States,
you didn't have to spend two hundred million dollars on
a president to get somebody to implement something. In Many
ca he says, you only had to spend a few

hundred thousand dollars to determine who the das were of
big cities. And he spent millions of dollars to fundamentally
change our criminal justice system by putting in soft on
crime prosecutors.

Speaker 5 (10:15):
And we're seeing the results of that decision.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
The entire media ecosystem, by and large, crumbles without advertising dollars.
That is the that is the weak point that undergirds
basically the entirety of the marketplace of opinion in the
United States today. And there is no woker industry in

all of America right now than advertising. And what's happened
is these advertisers have created a world where if you
say something that they decide they don't like, they will
pull their dollars out of your business, and they will

not allow your business to work. Whether it's Frankly a
show like this or whether it's Fox News. You've seen
massive attacks on Fox News host over the years. All
of you listening to us right now experience this with Rush.
Trust me, they haven't stopped the attacks on Buck and myself.

The pressure point here is they want to restrict what
is said, and they want to control what you feel
comfortable saying based on threatening your ability to make a living.
And Twitter is just a massive example of this. And
what I've been waiting for is what Elon Musk is doing.

And I would say, there are a lot of you
out there who are fortunate enough to be very wealthy
who listen to this program. And I'll quote this is
the first time I ever saw this quote was from Billions.
What's the point of fu money if every now and
then you don't say f you. That's a question that
I would ask to every rich person out there listening.

I understand, Buck, if you make seventy thousand dollars a
year and you're trying to make sure that your kid
can go to college, and you're fifty four years old
and you're just trying to make sure that you can
keep your job, I understand why you might not feel
comfortable speaking out loudly about what's going on in this country.

Speaker 6 (12:25):
I would even argue, your first time millions is to
your family. Yeah, your first obligation is to take care
of those immediately around you who rely on you. You know,
I always tell people, don't don't charge the machine gun
nests without a plan to take it, like, don't just
sacrifice yourself. Yes, some misdirected. This is why am I
and people have argued with me about this four years.

Whenever college kids have written into me in the past
and said, hey, I'm a conservative. Should I write this paper?
Should I tell? I always say no, write the paper
that will get you the a's. You can get the
job or get into the school you want to get into.
Eight doesn't matter. You're not stand that only your professor
sees is irrelevant. You're just getting punished. So and people go, oh,

but what about principles and everything else. I'm like, yeah, don't,
don't sign an editorial in the school newspaper where you're
making a mockery of everything you believe in. But if
you're sending a paper in for just your class, right
which you have to write to get the grade you
want to get and move on, it just doesn't help anyone.
It actually allows them to target, freeze and destroy you.
And you know, then all the lib lunatics get away

with it. So I love back to Elana on the
Twitter thing here or x sorry. We need more of this,
We need more people who are willing to say I
also think about this. Disney really look at what has
happened to some of the biggest companies in America. They
are such cowards. Yes, they have turned into such places

of cowardice, and they ally themselves over and over again
with the forces in America that seek to destroy this
the country that is the only re the only reason
Disney can exist is because of the America that has
been built.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
Walt Disney would lose his mind over what his company
has become. And by the way, thousands of people right
now on Twitter are posting that they are canceling their
Disney Plus subscriptions. So this Elon Musk, go f yourself.
Bravo to him. I want other wealthy people out there

to be willing to actually risk something.

Speaker 5 (14:31):
I'm just so fired up again.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
I understand if you have to make a mortgage payment,
or you're trying to keep your kids in school. Yes,
as Buck said, your first duty of loyalty is to
your family. I understand why you might feel compelled to
shut up. I am so mad that so many rich
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Speaker 1 (15:45):
Zero Clay, Travis and Buck Sexton chuck up a win
for Team Reality.

Speaker 6 (15:53):
Second hour of Clay and Buck kicks off right now.
We want to hear from you eight hundred two eight
two two eight eight two though, give us a call,
because I'm sure you're gonna be fired up by some
of the topics this hour. You can also send us
a VIP email to the Clanbuck dot com. Become a
VIP We'll get to some of those VIPs emails as well. Democrats,

it's the Reuters piece from six hours ago for here
you get ready for this one. I know Viveate came
on yesterday, so convincing the veke and yet so wrong
on this issue. So convincing it gets so wrong. Maybe
that should be a tagline because he says that it's
going to be Gavin Newsom and it's not going to

be Joe Biden who's the president. Here's what the Reuter's
headline is, quote Democrats have no Biden backup plan for
twenty twenty four, despite age concerns. So they're laying out
here and this is what I've been saying. The Democrat
Party I'm quoting has no plan b if Joe Biden

for any reason decides to hault his twenty twenty four
reelection camp and a sudden need to replace him as
its standard bearer for health issues would spark a messy
intra party battle. Despite weak poll numbers and questions, including
from some Democrats, about his age, Biden has stuck to
his plan to seek a second term. Even if more

Democrat candidates were jumping now, the path forward would be unclear,
as deadlines to get on the primary ballot in critical
states including Nevada, South Carolina, Georgia already passed. So if
you're not on the ballot in Nevada, South Carolina, and
Georgia as a Democrat, well, certainly Nevada and South Carolina,
Nevada and Georgia, well for the primary purposes, South Carolina

matters too. You can't win, is the point. You can't win.
That's not gonna happen, right, So they have to figure
out some other way. I'm hearing that there's still a
lot of squabbling going on behind closed doors in the
Democrat Party in the high levels about what to do here.
But it keeps coming back to there is no backup plan,
and Clay are there? Then the vice president? This is

we have a vice president in case of the need
for someone to step in, and this is a this
is a common Now, this is not anuse. Sometimes Kamala
moments are amusing because you're you know, you're just like,
what is she saying?

Speaker 5 (18:21):
This is this is such.

Speaker 6 (18:22):
Nonsense and she talks in a circle and it makes
But here you have her. She's asked a pretty straightforward
question dealing with Hamas and uh and the Israel war
in Gaza. Right now, this has cut seven. Here's how
she responds to, is Israel following rules of war?

Speaker 8 (18:41):
It is critically important that humanitarian aid be given to
Gaza and that the rules of war be followed.

Speaker 3 (18:47):
Do you think they're following them?

Speaker 5 (18:48):
Well, that's a.

Speaker 8 (18:49):
Very broad question. There are many rules, but I will
say that they we are looking at that that is
at some point a discussion that can be.

Speaker 6 (19:00):
We're looking at We're having a discussion. It's a straightforward question,
is Israel following the rules of war? What I would
really want to know is you know how she'd respond
to is hamas a terrorist entity that is violating rules
of war? Because you can tell she doesn't want to
upset Clay the far left of the party, because she

was on the ticket.

Speaker 5 (19:22):
She is the vice.

Speaker 6 (19:22):
President because of identity politics, because of racial politics in
America today. Biden was very clear about why he made
the picks that he has made, including for vice president,
and she doesn't want to upset the Hamas, you know,
the Hamas delegation in America, so to speak.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
Speaking of who could be the candidate to take the
hoist the batard to hoist the flag of the Democrat Party,
hopefully from his perspective, not get hoisted on the petard
of the Democrat Party.

Speaker 5 (19:56):
Do you know what Gavin Newsom said yesterday? Did you
see this all on Twitter? Uh? Last night? I'm reading
from Yeshar Ali.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
Last night, the Oakland City Council this a couple of
days ago now voted on a resolution to call for
a ceasefire. A city council member tried to insert this
is Oakland language, condemning Hamas into that call for a ceasefire,
and there was immediate bedlam in Oakland over the idea

that you could condemn. Gavin Newsom responded, linked this clip
and said Hamas is a terrorist organization. They must be
called out for what they are evil. Would Kamala Harris
say that.

Speaker 6 (20:46):
No, I think she would. I do not she would.
I think I think she would. She would hedge, she
would prevaricate, she would you know, she would do uh.

Speaker 2 (20:56):
She would equivocate, she would tap dance, she would avoid
trying to because in this is that conflict that the
identity politics coalition of the Democrat Party has. You can't
be pro Israel and simultaneously pro palacetaring. Now, now, the
only reason we're even talking about, we're even having a
discussion about this issue really is because of the right.

If Harris were a standout political figure on the left
and Democrats felt strongly about it, they.

Speaker 6 (21:29):
It's so clear, right, so clear, what would happened. It's
time for Biden to pass the torch. Kamala runs first
female vice president, first black female avis I'm sorry, first
female president for his black female president. And you know,
the narrative is all there. They have very low faith
in her because of the numbers. So she was asked
about this is cut nine. She was asked about the

numbers as well. This is at the New York Times
Deal Book summit.

Speaker 5 (21:54):
Right, the same thing that Elon spoke at.

Speaker 6 (21:56):
Yeah, I mean Elon's soundbites were better. So Clay got
to do the fun sound. I'm doing the Kamala sound
by it. Yes, here it is here. When she's asked
about her numbers, guess what she blames for her low numbers.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
Blame your own popularity.

Speaker 5 (22:09):
Sure, you've seen the polls.

Speaker 3 (22:10):
Also, your ratings thirty eight point five percent, Biden's forty
point four percent, and Trump is higher. Ron Klain says this,
and you you've seen press about yourself over the years.
He says that he believes that your popularity or unpopularity,
or whatever rating you want to put it as, is

a function of sexism and racism.

Speaker 5 (22:34):
He says that's part of the problem.

Speaker 3 (22:35):
He says, she doesn't get the credit for all that
she's done. Do you think that's true?

Speaker 8 (22:39):
Well, are we talking about the media? Are people as
it relates to the media, I'm sure some of that is.

Speaker 6 (22:44):
True sexism and racism. Is it a fascinating that for
Democrats the diversity is a strength and they elevate people
because of diversity and because that's so important, so much better.
But then they'll also tell us, well, the reason they're
not and remember Kama's not popular among Democrats, to be clear.

So this whole notion that at sexism and racism. She's
saying that Democrats are sexist and racist. Put aside that
Republicans even enter into this issue. It's just weak. It's
just not going to work. As the explanation.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
Two things on this one to get your job because
you are a black woman and be a heartbeat away
from the presidency and then blame people not liking you
because you're a black woman is next level gas lighting.

Speaker 5 (23:37):
Part one, Part two, And this is building on what
you just.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
Said, buck Kamala Harris dropped out of the Democrat primary
before a single vote was taken, pulling at around one
or two percent. Was the Democrat primary electorate racist and
sexist because they didn't embrace her campaign? Or is she
not a very good communicator, not particularly likable, and also

bereft of success from a political perspective that you could
point to and say, oh, she's been really accomplished in
a high level of office.

Speaker 5 (24:18):
I think it's probably the latter.

Speaker 2 (24:20):
And this is why, Bucket, you ask how this process
is going to play out. I thought I've been wrong
on this so far because I thought around a month ago,
Joe Biden would have come out and said, hey, I'm
too old. Effectively, I feel like I have done the

best job that I can given my age. It's time
for a new generation of Democrats to take over and
let there be a primary because Kamala is so bad.
If Kamala were actually doing a good job and was
well liked, and here's a question for all of you
out there, who was the last vice pre to be

really well liked in office? Joe Biden wasn't hated when
he was Barack Obama's VP. Now he was overlooked. Dick
Cheney was way less popular than George W.

Speaker 5 (25:13):

Speaker 2 (25:15):
Al Gore was quite popular, although he ran and lost.
Dan Quayle got raped over the Coles, absolutely obliterated. If
Kamala were as popular, here's a question for you, Buck.
If AOC, and I think age was a reason she
wouldn't be in the mix. If AOC were Joe Biden's

vice president right now, they would be using her as
the standard bear she would. I think that they would
look at AOC even though she's got all sorts of
issues and she just said she's gonna leave Twitter because
Elon Musk is saying such hateful things.

Speaker 5 (25:50):
I think the.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
Base likes AOC enough that they would say it's time
for Joe Biden to step down.

Speaker 5 (25:55):
Remember you and me, if.

Speaker 2 (25:56):
We had been doing this show in January of time
we took over in June of June of twenty twenty one.
If we've been doing it in January twenty twenty one,
I think we would have had complete agreement that all
Joe Biden was was a bridge to Kamala Harris, and
that was the intent. Joe Biden is very unpopular as
a VP, as as a president. Somehow is VP is

even more unpopular. Democrats haven't been able to execute their
plan as a result. But I think the coup is
going to happen at the DNC Now. I think Biden's
gonna announce he's not gonna run, and I think all
those DNC super delegates are gonna get to select the
next nominee.

Speaker 6 (26:38):
Can I just can I just throw out there that
this is the only option now other than Kamala Harris
takes over or it's Biden.

Speaker 2 (26:45):
Yes, so I've and I said for the get go Buck,
There's no way it's Kamala. They're trying to do whatever
they can to avoid Kamala being the nominee because she's
worse than Biden in terms of likelihood of winning.

Speaker 6 (26:56):
But this is why Biden's still the guy. Why we
come back to it. And just one more thing here
Kamala in the same interview, also, you know how we're
supposed to be so upset about anybody who denies elections
or undermines the sanctity of our elections. Here is Kamala
Harris on Russian interference in the twenty sixteen Trump victorious election.

Speaker 5 (27:18):

Speaker 8 (27:19):
Russia interfered in the twenty sixteen election, targeting specific groups
of Americans with dison misinformation with an intention to undermine
the American people's confidence in our institutions.

Speaker 6 (27:36):
Well, Twitter interfered in the twenty twenty election at the
behest of Democrats. So, you know, but put this aside,
the fact that you're still clinging to the Russia. Basically,
Russia interference, Russia collusion narrative is insane. But you have
to have you're Democrat, you have to somebody can correct
me on this if I'm wrong. I think that Russia

spent like one hundred and fifty k on Facebook ads.
I think that's what she's referring to when she says
Russia deliberately interfered in the twenty sixteen election. I think
it was determined that Russia spent around one hundred and
fifty thousand dollars on Facebook ads. I can tell you
that one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in Facebook ads

is nothing. We would run Facebook ads sometimes for sports
gambling ads. Sometimes we would run other like subscriber based
ads on Facebook. They are expensive, they are you know,
the audience that you would reach for one hundred and
fifty thousand dollars is an absolute pen prick.

Speaker 5 (28:44):
The idea that that would.

Speaker 2 (28:45):
Be able to still be argued eight years later, and
that there's nobody out there immediately refuting and saying, listen, Kamala,
it's one hundred and fifty.

Speaker 5 (28:55):
K is the whole Russia collusion?

Speaker 6 (29:00):

Speaker 2 (29:01):
Is probably the biggest failure of the American journalists other
than COVID, in any of.

Speaker 5 (29:10):
Our lives in the twenty first century.

Speaker 6 (29:12):
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Speaker 5 (29:18):
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Speaker 2 (29:19):
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Speaker 1 (31:04):
Slash Clay, Learn and Laugh Weekdays with Clay Travis and
Buck Sexton.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. We've been
tracking this crazy story that has gone super viral since
we started talking about it, and it evolved a elementary
school kid going to a football game having his face
painted wearing a head dress. Kansas City Chiefs fan and

credit to Jesse Waters on Foxnews for tracking this kid
down after his mom commented on an outkickstory that was
up on Foxnews dot Com about the fact that this
kid was being slammed by sports media across the universe,
including the first article written by Deadspin dot Com and

saying that this was an all because half of his
face was painted black. They didn't see the whole face,
and they tracked down this nine year old kid. Turns
out he's nine years old. Credit to Buck, I said
he was elementary school age. Buck basically nailed the age here.
And I just want you to listen to this kid,

and I want you to consider this.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
Thought and this question.

Speaker 2 (32:24):
Where are we as a society when what kids wear
to support their favorite football team is worthy of condemnation,
but men dressing up like women and pretending to be
women on the left is considered courageous. I would love
to hear somebody answer this. But listen to this nine

year old kid last night on Fox.

Speaker 9 (32:47):
News, Holden, how are you feeling right now?

Speaker 4 (32:51):
It's okay because a.

Speaker 6 (32:52):
Lot of kids at school are getting excited, but it's
starting to get me a little nervous because it's ty
go a little bit overboard. It's a little scary.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
That it's scary.

Speaker 9 (33:03):
It can be a very overwhelming experience. How big of
a Chiefs fan are you?

Speaker 5 (33:10):
And what does it mean? Year too nice?

Speaker 9 (33:15):
And what does it mean now that you're feeling all
this love from Chiefs Nation? Everyone's going to be wearing
red and black on their faces next Sunday?

Speaker 5 (33:24):
Really good? So I mean, do you hear that kid?

Speaker 2 (33:29):
Great job by Jesse interviewing him, but imagine being a
grown person and targeting someone who sounds like that. It
just I thought the interview was so well done Buck
because it brings home, because people forget And if you
don't have kids, maybe you just a nine year old kid.
I've got a nine year old, I got a third grader.

The idea that an adult would go after what a
kid wears to support his favorite team. And if you're
a listening to us and you're a Kansas City Chiefs fan,
I'm not a face painter, right like, I don't.

Speaker 6 (34:06):
I don't, I don't do. Have you have you ever
gone to a game with your face painted?

Speaker 5 (34:09):
No? I have never.

Speaker 2 (34:11):
I have never painted my my face, never had my
chest like. No, there's been no paint at any sporting event.
I've never gone shirtless with like words written.

Speaker 5 (34:21):
On or anything.

Speaker 6 (34:21):
Our next bet is gonna be, you know, Clay has
to go to a college football game with the team
that he doesn't like, letters or whatever on his chest painting.

Speaker 2 (34:31):
Oh, I don't think anybody needs to see me topless.
I I don't know that anybody needs to see me
in a you know, like a speedo. Either I need
to I need to go on a a deep dive.
I'll have to get on a zimpic or one of those,
one of those things to get to get fit. Now,
my wife, you know, people would enjoy that, Like she
could go in the in the bathing suit. She could
be in the speedohh she can stand in for the

Travis family. But there's talk now that a lot of
Kansas City Chiefs fans are going to now paint their
faces half red and half black as a show of
solidarity with this kid. Now, I don't know how many
Kansas City Chiefs fans we have who listen to this,
uh this program, and I don't know how many people

are actually going to be willing to do that. But
if I were going to a Kansas City Chiefs game
on Sunday, I would I would paint I've never done
it before, Buck, I would paint my face half a red,
half black and solidarity with this kid.

Speaker 5 (35:28):

Speaker 6 (35:28):
I think I think that's great. And I also, as
I see this, I think it's a reminder that, you know,
we can all have a very straightforward standard for this.
You know, blackface mockery of people is wrong and grotesque.
But people that aren't actually doing blackface should not be

called out for blackface. I mean this is very straightforward, right,
I mean yes, when if someone puts a little mark
of the what is it, the black eye black under
their eyes, I black, They are not mocking anybody. They
are doing this because they think it helps with glare.
And it just so happens at the black color that
is in the you know, like intense to your point matters. Yes,
And if someone is not trying to mock someone and

is not doing anything that a normal person could ever
deem a mockery of people, let it go.

Speaker 5 (36:21):
Yeah, let it go, particularly for a young kid. Right.
And and also.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
Can you think buck of someone who has worn blackface
to mock and ridicule a black person in the last decade,
I mean someone that you would know or some story.
I just I don't even think this happens, right, Like
the idea of someone deciding, hey, I'm ridiculing black people

by wearing black face, Like, where has this occurred?

Speaker 5 (37:02):

Speaker 2 (37:03):
I know people have dressed up in costumes and every
now and then you'll see on Halloween, oh somebody went
as a you know, black entertainer.

Speaker 5 (37:11):
And they dressed up.

Speaker 2 (37:14):
But when has someone intentionally said I am super racist
and I'm going to do this. And remember, historically blackface
was done on you know, stages for performance, and it
was also accompanied by exaggerated black features, as a white

performer would pretend to be black for purposes of mockery
as a part of that performance. When has something akin
to that happened in recent American history? Again, I'm not
talking about somebody dressing up in a costume and it
being considered offensive because they changed the color of their skin.

Speaker 5 (37:57):
Associated with that, I'm.

Speaker 2 (37:59):
Talking about like, when has someone actually sought to demean
a black person by dressing up as one hundred years
ago would have occurred in blackface productions.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
I don't think it even happens now.

Speaker 2 (38:14):
We had our good buddy, our good buddy, uh Trudeau,
Remember is probably the guy who's most common Like when
he dressed up as a laddin, I think it was.

Speaker 6 (38:24):
And the yeah, well and the what was it? The
previous wasn't the lieutenant governor? It was third in line
in Virginia. Remember this guy. Yeah, I'm blanking on his name,
but he he was the guy. He's a Democrat who's like, look,
I can't tell you if I'm the guy in the
KKK outfit or the guy who's doing you know, true

blackface or whatever. He couldn't even tell you which one
he was which That was his defense. So he was
either the guy in the KKK or the guy who
was doing true, true, you know blackface. And and well,
I remember they had all this scandal that was that
was really the height of how absurd democrats were.

Speaker 5 (39:04):
They had Was it the lieutenant governor.

Speaker 6 (39:07):
I remember, accused of sexual assault, so they couldn't elevate him, Yes,
and then the governor? What was the there was there
was there was a problem with the governor was a trio, Yes,
the problem of the governor, problem with the lieutenant governor,
and a problem with the like speaker of that of
the delegates or whatever there was. I have to check
and see this guy's uh you know, the team will
pull up their names. I can't believe I'm I'm blanking

on his Ralph something up Northam, Ralph, Northam, Ralph, Northam.
That's right.

Speaker 5 (39:34):
Uh, it was.

Speaker 2 (39:35):
So the governor had a scandal of like I think
it was his med school yearbook or something with like
a racist photo and then the lieutenant governor draw Democrats.
The lieutenant governor had been accused of sexual assault. I
think it was like twenty years before, if I remember correctly,
at a DNC convention. And then the next person up,

who would have been like the speaker of the House
of Delegates or whatever, also also had a racial issue, and.

Speaker 5 (40:06):
So they were like, yeah, we're just everybody just.

Speaker 2 (40:08):
Gets to stay in office because they couldn't even find
somebody who didn't have a scandal to promote to take
over as the governor of Virginia.

Speaker 5 (40:18):
And now we got Governor Glenn Youngkin.

Speaker 2 (40:20):
But that was to me a perfect approximation of how
much bs so much of these scandals are. The governor
refused to resign, the lieutenant governor couldn't be elevated because
of his sex assault scandal, and then the House of
repor Delegates guy who would have been the next man up,
also had his own scandal associated with race. One of

those guys claimed, I think he put on blackface I think,
and danced at a UVA party like back in the
early eighties, And if I remember correctly, he defended himself
by saying that he was just a big fan of rap,
which is amazing because like basically rap music didn't exist
when he was putting on blackbas I think it was

like a Michael Jackson performed that the whole thing was crazy, right,
the whole thing was crazy.

Speaker 6 (41:12):
Let's take some of yours that was going on, take
some of your calls eight hundred two way two two
eight A two.

Speaker 5 (41:18):
I know that Roe v.

Speaker 6 (41:18):
Wade was overturned, We've talked about it here on the show.
But you know that abortions are happening at higher rates
in many Blue states than even before Row was overturned
because all the infrastructure that they have from planned parenthood
and all the rest of it is pushing so hard
for women to choose abortion. Let's just understand that's that
they push for this. Uh and and it's horrifying, you know.

And look, I understand this is the holiday season. People
are running up all kinds of expenses, but you know,
what are you going to spend on the you know,
the garlands you're gonna put on different doors in your house,
or what are you going to spend on some ornaments?
You're going to spend thirty forty fifty bucks? What if
I told you that this holiday season as we get
ready to those of us who are Christian, you're ready

to celebrate the birth of Jesus and those who are
Jewish are going to be celebrating Hanukkah. What if I
told you that this holiday season you could spend thirty
or forty dollars instead of on a couple of baubles
for the tree, you could save babies lives. I mean
you could actually save a baby's life. A little human
being would be born because of your donation. Well, this

is what Preborn does every day. Preborn's network of clinics
around the country rescue babies lives, how two hundred of
them a day, and the way they do this is
very straightforward, it's very effective. They offer free ultrasounds to
pregnant mothers who are at a crisis point in terms
of the decision they're going to make. Are they going
to give that little baby life or they're going to

choose abortion If they're left to the abortion industry, if
they're left to planned parentid, we know what's going to happen.
So do you want to help this holiday season? Mothers
have another option, and it's not even just that ultrasound.
If they choose life for the baby. There's also blank
you know, material support. They'll give them, you know, blankets
and diapers and counseling and food, and they'll help them

for two years after the baby's birth. So yeah, I mean,
you could buy some extra stockings to put up by
the chimney or something. But maybe you could make a
little space here. Maybe you could make a donation to Preborn.
I donate to Preborn. I really hope you'll join me
in this mission because they rely on donations from you
and me the pro life community to save babies lives.

It's so easy to do and what could be a
better way to give and to spend some of your
I know it's harder in cash. I know times are tight,
but you can help save babies lives right now. Dial
pound two five zero, say the keyword baby pound two
five zero from your cell phone save baby. Or if
you want to donate online that's what I've done in

the past. You go to preborn dot com, slash buck,
preborn dot com, slash b u c k so a
few pumpkin spice lattes, or you can make a donation
to this very worthy organization and save babies lives. You
can save a life today Preborn dot Com slash Buck.

Speaker 1 (44:09):
Need a break from politics, a little comedy to counter
the craziness, So the Sunday Hang a weekend podcast to
lighten things up a bit. Find it in the Clay
and Buck podcast feed on the iHeartRadio, Apple or wherever
you get your podcasts. Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck
Sexton Show.

Speaker 5 (44:30):
Weren't noting that as all.

Speaker 2 (44:32):
Of these blue cities are falling apart Chicago, New York City, La,
San Francisco, Washington, d C, Philadelphia, there's effectively no opposition
party in these cities. Should mention, By the way, Charleston
elected its first Republican mayor since reconstruction. So that's at

least a positive, I believe for people who are listening
to us in Charleston. I don't think we mention that.
And certainly it's Dallas has had a mayor flip to
become a Republican and we need to get him on
still at some point. But Brandon Johnson, who is the
mayor of Chicago, followed Loriy Lightfoot. Loory Lightfoot was an

unmitigated disaster. Somehow Chicago may have made a worst decision.
City is floundering, crime is up, migrant crisis. Many people, white, Black, Asian,
and Hispanic who call Chicago home are fed up with
the decisions by their leaders. Brandon Johnson says, the problem
is Republicans. They're still mad slavery ended.

Speaker 7 (45:39):
Listen, what we've seen is a very raggedy form instituted
by right wing extremism. Everyone knows that the right wing
extremism in this country has targeted democratically ran cities, and
quite frankly, they've been very intentional about going after democratically
ran cities that are led by people of color. It's
the same Republican right wing extremism that stormed the capital.

It's the same right wing extremism that refuses to accept
the results of the Civil War. They're still mad that
a black man is free in this country. This is
nothing new. But aren't you glad that the soul of
Chicago won't be broken? And those are the words of
I think Beyonce, you won't break our soul.

Speaker 6 (46:18):
What a preposterous distraction and deflection from what's really going on,
which is Chicago has a crime rate that's appalling and
that people just can we focus on having a government
in the City of Chicago that make sure that fewer
and fewer people are being shot. It's really not about

history of racism or anything else. It's just people don't
want to get shot, and we don't want people getting shot,
and that's really what we're focused on. And their policies. Unfortunately,
Democrat policies are insufficient in this regard. So you know,
crime racism is pathetic circumstance. Look, a lot of libs

out there could use a boost in their testosterone, that's
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