All Episodes

April 30, 2024 54 mins
Pelosi the propagandist. Trump and DeSantis hug it out. TX AG Ken Paxton from the courthouse with Trump. Amber Smith on wokeness in the military.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome everybody. Tuesday edition of the Clay Travison Buck Section
Show gets off to a fantastic start right now. We're
very excited to have you all with us. A lot
of stories to dive into. Those campus protests still insane,
insane in the membrane. They are doing crazy stuff on

these campus sees. So we will look at what the
latest is. We will look at what the GW campus
is going to do as a result of the defacing.
It is the George Washington University campus where Clay is
a distinguished alumni. Why don't they ask you to come speak?

By the way, what kind of nonsense.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Is I've never been invited to speak. They've asked me
for a lot of money, I will say, to be
fair to them, the athletic department has hosted me for
a basketball game before, but I've never been in It
is kind of funny to think about never been invited
to bring you to a basketball game though, So what
I'm a sports guy. I mean, wouldn't you think they
would invite me to speak? I mean, how many people
of my age that graduated from GW have have done.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
More in media? I mean, you know why? You know
why that's I was invited to speak at Amherst before
I ever did media. When I was in the CIA,
they wanted me to call up and give speeches, and
they invite me since I started, since I went to
work for Glenn at the Blaze. Never again, never since
then have they reached out.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
So you and GW can want as many successful alums
to come to campus, regardless of how they are are successful, right,
I mean that seems like a no brainer to me.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
Yeah, except if you're a communist, you don't care about
success or truth. So GW campus has defaced the GW
statue George himself, that's right, Father of the nation. They
have defaced that statue. So on the one hand, we
continue to talk about the ideology, the toxic ideas of

the left and how they're playing on on these campuses.
But also there's a part of me that's like they
kind of getting what they deserve on some of these
campuses in terms of the administrations being in disarray and
the whole thing being a mess. We shall discuss plus
a meeting with Trump and DeSantis. I think we told
you here many times. Even with things we're a little

bit a little bit testy little feisty between the Trump
and DeSantis camps of supporters during the primary. Said they're
going they're gonna hug it out and they're gonna be
on the same team for the benefit of the country.
And sure enough, Trump himself has said great meeting, ron
fully on board, MAGA. And we'll break some of that

down for you because I and also it's a little
bit of we promised you what would happen. Some of
you doubted it, but it is in fact what is
going on. Statement from ut on how they're handling the protests.
I think that's particularly interesting. If we have time, we'll
get to this Arizona rancher who was charged in the
shooting of a of an illegal on his property, who
will not be retry after a jury was deadlocked. I

think that's an interesting story. Goes back away as we
talked to you about it, I think a couple of
years ago, now, maybe a year ago, two years ago.
And we've got a lot more, but Clay, let's start
with this one. We haven't heard much from Nancy Pelosi
these days. You know, Nancy's been a little quiet. I
don't know, she's taken some naps to sleep it off.
After a third bottle of chardonnay, and Nancy showed up

on MSNBC. If there's one thing it would be hard
to accuse MSNBC of one would think it's Trump apologies
or being apologists on behalf of Donald Trump. Pelosi was
talking to Katie Terr, who apparently still works in media.
Pelosi was not happy with this exchange. We want to

break it down for you because it goes to where
the economy is right now. This is cut six.

Speaker 3 (03:49):
There are those who have religitimate concerns about immigration, globalization,
innovation and what does that mean for their job and
their family's future. And we have to those concerns. And
Joe Biden is doing that created nine million jobs in
his tournament office. Donald Trump as the worst record of

job loss of any president. So we just have to
make sure people know that was a global pandemic. He
had the worst record of any president. We've had other
concerns in our country. If you want to be an
apologist for Donald Trump, that may be your role, but
it ain't mine.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
So first of all, so nasty, and I think it's
because she's looking at Katie Turr like you're a propagandist
and a fool, You're supposed to just go along with.
What could be more dishonest than claiming that the pandemic
which caused a shutdown that Democrats demanded shrieking that they
were all being murdered if they didn't get it. Those

job losses are on Trump.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
I think it's illustrative of how many Democrat are arguments
collapse with one sentence of opposition. And when I saw
this clip that went viral of Katie Terror at MSNBC
actually just bothering to correct Nancy Pelosi on a transparent falsehood. Frankly,

because in February of twenty twenty, right before COVID overtook
the country, and as you point out, Democrats insisted that
everybody stop working and everything shut down, we had the
lowest unemployment rate, virtually no inflation, lowest mortgage rates, highest
employment rate for every different ethnic and racial group that

I'm aware of in the United States history. We were
at that time at the absolute apex economically ever in
the United States history. And I think that's why, looking
back nostalgically, many people remember now the Trump era with fondness,
But this was also emblematic to me of what happened
to Gavin Newsom. When Gavin Newsom debated Ron DeSantis and

got completely and totally filayed in the Sean Hannity primetime special.
It was because Hannity didn't really do anything other than
present facts. But Gavin Newsom lives in that alternative facts
universe of MSNBC and CNN, and he walked right into
a buzzsaw and got obliterated because Florida handled COVID better

than California did as an objective measure of fact in
every respect. And so when that's actually pointed out and
when you have to deal with it, Democrats don't react
very well. In fact, Nancy Pelosi really kind of lost
it there that she was questioned in any way on
MSNBC and then called Katie Turror Trump propagandist for pointing out, Hey,

you know, COVID was going on, and they've made this
argument because Biden came back in, they started to open
back up. I think the math is buck, there are
most of the job growth in Joe Biden, if you
take away the people who just got to go back
to the jobs that they already had, is actually in
illegal immigrants. The number of new American citizen jobs that

have existed during Joe Biden's tenure is not very substantial
at all. So they're cooking the books here to make
Biden's economic numbers look better than they actually are, and the.

Speaker 1 (07:27):
Numbers still aren't that great. Well, to say that the
worst job losses in history occurred under Donald Trump, when
the truth is it was a pandemic, and that the
criticism of Trump from the Democrats, including from Nancy Pelosi,
was that he didn't shut down more, he didn't shut
down harder for longer. It is so disingenuous, and it

just requires Nancy Pelosi just spewing this venom of stupidity,
which she does all the time, where it just doesn't
matter to her in the least how untrue and what
a big pile of bull crap it is that she's
pushing forward to the point where even even Katie Tura,
I think, realized it would be embarrassing. It would be

embarrassing for her to go along with that, because there
are a lot of things that they can and do
say about Donald Trump, but to pretend like the job
losses of the pandemic are representative of the Trump economy.
Trumpet comedy was fantastic. Joe Biden's economy stinks. Everybody knows it.
And so what Pelosi does is tried out that talking point.

There's that, but then there's also this Pelosi saying that
after the election, Democrats and they've said this about other
things before, but that they would be willing to nuke
the filibuster and go for a national abortion law. Seven
play it.

Speaker 4 (08:49):
And if President Biden gets re elected and there's a
Democratic House and a Democratic Senate, what can President Biden
the Democrats do to protect abortion nationwide?

Speaker 3 (08:58):
Very clearly, we can line into the wall Roe v.
Wade and that makes a big diff.

Speaker 4 (09:04):
That would take two thirds in the Senate. I think
the Democrats can get two thirds in the Senate.

Speaker 3 (09:07):
Doesn't get two thirds, that doesn't I mean sixty votes
is the Senate now. But if we win fifty plus
one in the Senate, fifty plus the Vice president, we
can overturn the sixty vote, the filibuster, the philibuster, and
pass it with a fifty one vote margin.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
First of all, that would be inviting the just continued
changes with every change of the Senate and the House.
You would have this back and forth over something as
serious and intense as they fight over abortion laws. But
even beyond that, I do think that Clay the Democrats
will get rid of the filibuster. I don't know if

it's on this issue. It may be, but it is
just a matter of time. Let's not forget it was
Democrats who initially started this fight by getting rid of
it when it comes to judges, so it was Harry Reid.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
I also think it would be a funny response to
the Nancy Pelosi commentary, not only on the filibuster, but
particularly on the job creation by Joe Biden and her
attack on Trump that he had the worst job record ever.
You know, FDR had a really rough record when it
came to soldiers who died while he was president too.

He didn't choose World War two to start, and he
had to get involved. But if you compared let's say
FDR's presidential loss of life to Hoover's, then FDR would
look atrocious because World War II happened. So it just
takes the barest minimum of pushback to say, well, that's

because of COVID and because of Democrat policies. But her
anger at the fact that that was even raised as
an issue is indicative of how much I believe they
have come to anticipate total propagandistic media to further their arguments,
even when they are are intellectually dishonest, and even when

they're talking to someone who's inclined to believe the arguments
that they're making.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
It almost felt like Nancy was about to fall out
of her chair, not on a drunken stupor, but but
to express her outrage at Katie Turf for not understanding
Biden's behind in every swing stack. Right now in the polls,
Biden is losing ground with each passing day. This is

not going the way the Democrats. I really think now
we're deep enough into the legal stuff that we can
see Democrats thought the legal stuff would sing Trump. They
were wrong, yes, meeting in public opinion. I don't know
what's going to happen with the actual trials, but they
thought public opinion would turn against Trump if they used
the law fair. To use the law fair canon the
way that they have and it's the opposite. And I

think that they are panicked because I don't have any
good plan b.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
It's turned into potentially the most destructive own goal in
modern American political history. Now there's still six months out.
We'll talk about some of the latest numbers. So maybe
they still think they're going to get some benefit of it.
But right now Trump has painted them into a corner.
And even these discussions about contempt of court I think
are making the Democrats look worse. We'll talk about all

that more in the meantime. Twenty dollars doesn't buy you
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Speaker 5 (13:29):
Do it today, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton making sense
in an insane world.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
For those who are watching on our Clan Buck vip
at clan dot com, Ginger making another appearance you wanted
to treat top of the shows. Oh, there you go.
You gotta gotta be fast in this game. Become a
clan buck vip my friends. You get the Ginger cam
as it pops up.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
Here and there, shameless play for listener approbation, there by
having the cute dog in your lap to start the hour.
It doesn't matter what you argue now unless Christy Noam
is watching, You've got everybody supporting.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
We go just saying so thank you Ginger. There's a
little bit of a happy moment. A little bit of
a come together moment where finally after well, it wasn't
apprusing primary actually at all, it was almost no primary,
which might factor into why it's almost a feeling of

magnanimity right now coming from Trump on this issue. Looks
like everything's going just fine. You had a meeting that
was reported on yesterday between Donald Trump and the governor
of Florida, Ronda Santis, who I do think is still,
by anybody who pays attention to these things, and as

a conservative, the best governor in America. There are some
other excellent governors. I think Kevin Stitt and Oklahoma's doing
a great job, and Kim Reynolds and I was doing
a really good job. A whole bunch of governors, you know.
I know our Texas friends are good friends, like Jesse
Kelly and Michael Barry. I'd leave it to them to
judge how Texas's governor is doing overall. But we just

had Paxton on who's the attorney general, And I got
to say sometimes sometimes the governor of Texas I think
does a pretty good job.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
I think I think Greg Abbott's done a phenomenal job
on the border and handling protests so far. The other
one I would mention Brian Kemp. They cleaned out Emory.
Guy has one of the highest population popularity numbers anywhere
in the country, one by seven or eight stamp Stacy Abrams.
There are a lot of good Republican governors, and my

governor Bill Lee, I think, has done a pretty good
job on a lot of fronts.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
Yeah, so you've got good governors there. I mean, if
you were trying to figure out the worst governor in America,
oh man, I know a lot of my New York
friends would argue with people that Kathy Hochel is as
bad as it gets. But you've got Gretchen Witmer in Michigan.
You got some really bad governors in the mix on
the Democrats side of things, anyway, No question. Ron de

Santis has done a phenomenal job in Florida based on
everything that you can objectively see. People moving here, economic growth,
I mean, and people complain about the cost of housing. Yeah,
supply and demand and it is way too expensive. Let
me let me just say, but that's because people want
to live here, right, I mean, it's you know, why

why are like you know, Mercedes so expensive as cars?
People want them I mean, you know they can charge
the prices they do. It's what the market will bear.
And people want to live in Florida, so it's very expensive. Anyway,
DeSantis had a meeting in Miami with Trump, and Trump
put this out on Truth Social, which Clay watches the stock.

Do we do? I need to put some money to
put and then if I put money into Truth Social
might not allowed to talk about Truth Social. Right, That's
the thing. So I have to say, don't know.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
We told you it was going to be a crazy ride.
The stock was at seventy dollars roughly at the end
of March. It then fell to twenty two dollars by
mid April. It's now basically back to fifty as we
come to the end of the month. All Right, this
is not the stock. If you just want to put

it in the in the in the Senate, I forget
it is.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
It is a roller coaster ride every day no matter what. Yes,
So Trump on Truth Social, That's why I was thinking
about it. Put this out there. I'm just gonna read
this to you. I am very happy to.

Speaker 6 (17:34):
Have the full and enthusiastic support of Governor DeSantis of Florida.
We had a great meeting yesterday arranged by mutual friend
Steve Woodcoff at his beautiful Shelby Club.

Speaker 1 (17:46):
In Hollywood, Florida. The conversation mostly concerned how we would
work closer together to make America great again. Also discussed
was the future of Florida, which is fantastic. I greatly
appreciate Ron's support and taking back our country from the
worst president in the history of the United States. November

fifth is a big day. There you go from from
the thank you from the death. Next time I'll do
it in a Cajun accent to really mess this up
Trump himself. It's hugely different. Yeah, we don't want to
get those confused. Look, this is it's good to see
and I think on the one hand, it's just we
We had said this was coming and because people got

very passionate. Remember, why are you endorsing descentists? Why are
you endorsing Trump? Or or you're pushing too hard for
just said, is you're pushing too hard for Trump? He said, Look,
we're just talking about what they're saying. We can't endorse.
We don't endorse. We have a rule, the rush rule.
Now everyone gets to just hold hands and watch you know,
now we get to put on helmets and fight the communists,

but we're all doing it together, which is the good thing.
And this is the one, the one more broad political
takeaway I have from this clay because we knew this
to happen. Trump's de Santis said it's a good thing.
And I'm glad to see that this is where it's going.
And I still hope that Governor Stantists just has a
big role in GOP politics going forward, setting the example

he has in Florida. And maybe he's gonna run again
in twenty eight. We'll see. But the prosecutions of Donald Trump,
I think have not only failed to turn people against Trump.
I think that they have also ensured a circling of

the wagons, a consolidation of support around Donald Trump. Because
even if you are you know, you can go down
the list. We all know what they are. The criticisms
of Trump couldn't get the following things done on the
first term. You know, there are Republicans and I don't
mean never Trumpers, and I don't think it's helpful to
conflate those things. Never Trumpers are Democrats who lie to everybody, right,

There are Republicans who are critical of Trump but will
still support Trump, or have been critical of Trump but
now are totally behind him. And I think even for
those for those individuals who are cautious in their support
of Trump in the past, play to see what's gone
on with the civil uh, you know, the civil law
fair the criminal prosecutions, the craziness they have unleashed against him.

I think they've helped ensure that it truly is Trump's
party again just in time for the election.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
There's a funny he uh, now they're not going to
have this case. But there was the poll out I
believe it was from CNN, which said that if Trump
were to win the if Trump were convicted, This was
from ge Harvard Harris Pole, if Trump is convicted for

inciting the Capitol riots of January sixth, who would you
vote for Trump? Fifty two to forty eight. His margin
in this poll actually went up if he was convicted
for inciting the It's of January sixth. So it is
in some level, potentially the case that these charges have

been the best advertisement possible for Trump, because they have
solidified his argument that all of the government is a
rate against him and that he is standing between you
meaning all of us and otherwise chaos. And even today

when Merchand came out the judge in the New York
City case and said, I'm finding Trump in contempt nine
different times, he find him nine thousand dollars and then
complained that the overall cost, basically his power, given Trump's wealth,

was not significant enough to deter his behavior. Nine thousand
dollars to Trump is the equivalent of many people out
there getting like a five dollars parking fine if it's
not significant enough, more of a just kind of a
sign of how little there is a consequence. So he

said Buck that now he's got to think about jailing
Trump if he is continuing to act in contempt of court.
And I actually think this would be the best thing
ever for Trump if they put him in jail for
speaking out about how ridiculous the case is against him.
I feel like his poll numbers would go up even more.

So we're three weeks in to this trial. If anything,
I bet you would agree with me. Most people are
paying more attention to the protests on college campuses than
they are to the Trump trial, to the extent that
you can compare the two in terms of what's going on,
and if you are paying attention to them, either it's

making you more steadfast in your support of Trump or
it's making you less likely to support Biden. I think
they've destroyed They only had two real arguments to me.
Buck they had and still have abortion, which they're gonna
run as hard as they can. It's basically the only
issue they have. But they in twenty twenty two ran
on democracy in January sixth as an insurrection, and Trump

is a unique threat to democracy. I think a lot
of people say, wait a minute, you're trying to put
your chief political opponent in prison for the.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
Rest of his life.

Speaker 2 (23:28):
I think that's canceled out the democracy argument for Democrats.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
Yeah, I think that they've created a situation where they
they've overplayed their hand and they've become exactly what they
pretend to be fighting against in the eyes of the public,
which is the election interference here. It couldn't be more obvious.
I'd also say Clay that because there's no cameras in
the courtroom, and because the subject matters so far, and

let's be honest, this is like it's like they're holding
a criminal prosecution of Donald Trump for ripping the mattress
tags off prematurely or something. It couldn't be you know
the things that say you cannot remove under penalty of law.
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. It couldn't be more boring. Okay,
a business records trial. I know they're saying, oh, but

Stormy Daniels in the payoff, and maybe they're gonna call
Stormy Daniels as a witness. It's just not interesting and
it's certainly not horrifying and criminal and you know, worthy
of high drama. And and so I think it's really
hard for the Democrats to get away with spinning this
as anything other than a harassment campaign. I mean, just

the fact of what they're doing, what they're proposing as
the crimes that Trump committed, and that there's no high
court room drama. We're all sitting here. It's like they're
forcing Trump to go through you know, DEI training for
the trial or something. I mean, it's really boring, nonsensical stuff.

Speaker 2 (24:57):
I think that's true. And also it's all public before,
so really there's no new revelation that I have seen
come out of any of this court proceeding. And so
I think it's ultimately working to Trump's favor. And according
to Mark Simon, maybe helping Trump to make a case.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
To win New York.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
That would be the ultimate kick in the teeth thing
here if let's say, Buck that we got a mistrial,
which there's a twenty percent chance of according to the
gambling market's polymarket, and then Trump were able to make
New York competitive because they forced him to stay up
here for six or eight weeks, and he kept going
out a meeting with the construction workers, and he kept

going and meeting with all the different people all over.

Speaker 1 (25:41):
Remember they cheered him in Harlem.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
I this is why I started off the show by saying,
tomorrow is May one. I think there's starting to be
a legit panic among Democrats as they look. I mean,
we talked about this was it last week? I believe
Axios reported that there now when Biden walks to and
from the helicopter, trying to surround him with aids because

he looks to infirm if he walks by himself. I mean,
this is this is a panic. Imagine that's your election
strategy is, let's just not let people see the guy
who is the President of the United States by himself
very often.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
This whole thing is a farce, meaning the Biden presidency.
The fact that they elected this guy in the first
place was really in response, I think to the unique
circumstances of the pandemic and the fact that they thought
that they could get away with him not presenting himself
to the American people, they could control the entire national narrative.

This is it's absurd. I mean, this is absurd in
the truest sense, that Joe Biden was president already and
that he's running again, and at some point people enough
people wake up to this reality. I think we may
be there. But I'm also I'm concerned because it was
almost as crazy in twenty twenty in a lot of ways,

it's only a little crazier now because we've seen more
of him. We know he's not a uniter, we know
he's a divider, we know he's bad at the job.
We know his family's corrupt, we know his son should
be in prison. Like we know all of these things now,
and yet really this guy was president, Like this is
the best the Democrats have. I know, people can like
Trump or not like Trump or whatever. I understand that

there's all this that he invokes, all this passionate people
He's a remarkable guy, you know what I mean. He's
not a heck of a life. He's not some boring,
shiftless machine politician who or shifty, I should say, machine
politician who hasn't had an original thought or real victory

to call his own his entire life.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
That's why I went back and listened to the Howard
Stern interview with Biden. I just wanted to hear it
because we haven't, frankly heard Biden talk for very long.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
Are you changing your opinion on Howard Stern in general?
By the way, I'm gonna start sending to you more stuff.
Howard Stern's gotten away with a lot of people thinking
a lot of things about him that were never really true.
On what I respected was the ability to redefine the
way that you do radio. Regardless of what you think
about what he says. There was a rebelliousness in his

in the same way that I think you could say
Rush redefine the way you do radio. I think Howard
Stern and Rush are the most legendary people in our
lives to do radio. Rush guns his whole life. Howard Stern,
it's building on what you said. It's one thing that.

Speaker 2 (28:41):
It's one thing to say that you don't like Trump.
I don't agree with that. But if Howard Stern's position
was just I don't like Trump, I'd be like, this
is a weird hill to die on. But for him
to say Biden has been a great president. Do we
have that audio?

Speaker 1 (28:57):
That's what we do, and we've got a great We've
got great Kamala audio too. Oh yeah, I don't even
know that Drew Barrymore had a show, but we'll she
has a show, appairent. We'll get into this. But if
you don't want to be a pathetic campus protester who's like, eh,
why are they coming and spaying me with the pepper spray?
Because you demand?

Speaker 2 (29:15):
Did they do this?

Speaker 1 (29:17):
You demand?

Speaker 7 (29:17):
You know.

Speaker 1 (29:17):
I think I'm just gonna say it. I think there's
a lot of low tea out there among these guys
at these protests. For sure, they're all crying, go home
to mommy. They're all crying. It's ridiculous, but that's what
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Speaker 5 (30:17):
Truth Seeking, Reality Telling The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. We are
scheduled in the year term here and are now joined
by the Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton. He is
with us from New York City, where I believe he
has spent part of today so far with Donald Trump,
who is in the courtroom today in New York City

dealing with the insane lawfair that is continuing to play
itself out there, and you got a bunch you want
to talk about with us, and we appreciate you coming on,
Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, but I actually want
to start with you. You have been through, maybe more
than almost anyone, lawfair of an unprecedented degree with people

coming after you in the state of Texas. Have you
talked about that with Trump walked through what happened to
you and is there any lesson that you can draw
from what happened to you that you think could be
applied to what Trump is going through right now?

Speaker 8 (31:19):
Oh? Absolutely.

Speaker 7 (31:20):
As a matter of fact, I was literally just talking
to them and I walked out we're eating lunch to
go get on this radio show. And that's something we've
talked about often about how many times since I've been
in office, how many times they've come after me. And
the goal is they try to wear you down, They
try to drain you of your resources, They try to
use the media to force you to resign without ever

proving anything, and they just it is so frustrating that
we're having to deal with this and I'm sitting here
listening to this trial today and I'm like, this is
just a waste of time, weeks and weeks of just
wasting people's times and putting President Trump under stress that
he shouldn't have to be enter.

Speaker 8 (32:03):
It's it's sad.

Speaker 7 (32:05):
I'm little sitting here thinking it's just sad that we're
at this place in our country where the left use
of the court system not to promote justice, not to
enforce the rule of law, but to try to take
out political opponents. And that's exactly what they're doing to him.
They've done it to me.

Speaker 1 (32:22):
General Paxton, thanks for being with us. What do you
what are your your hopes here as you're observing firsthand
what's going on in New York, if the system is
going to maintain any sense of integrity and if people
are going to be able to have any belief in
its fairness going forward, Clearly you can't get a guilty

verdict against Donald Trump because that would just be giving
the law fair crowd exactly what they want. But are
there any things that we should expect in terms of
what the Trump defense is going to be putting forward,
either as as claims or as motions in the court
that you think could help bring about at least a
hung jury, if not an acquittal.

Speaker 7 (33:03):
So I'm not necessarily part of their their legal strategy.
I just wanted to come show support for the president
and then speak out generally on the issue of what's
going on here. I mean, we know that he's in
a place where it's difficult to win. He's going to
judge that is probably.

Speaker 1 (33:20):
How's well, then tell me this, how's he doing? I mean,
you know, if you don't want to get into the
strategy aspect of it, I mean, how'ses how's his state
of mind? The whole thing. It just must be like
he's living in some Kafka nightmare.

Speaker 7 (33:32):
Well, look, he I think it's frustrating to him that
he can't get out on the campaign trail he's running
for I mean, think about it. They time this so
that he would occur while he's running for president, and
I say, this didn't happen three years ago, This didn't
happen two years ago, it didn'tven happen a year ago.
It's happening right now, right before presidential election. And I
think that's very, very frustrating to him. But I will

say this, he's he's a very upbeat guy. Despite the
fact that they are trying to destroy his life. I
mean literally, he's one of the most upbeat people I've
ever met, and he's so resilient. I'm really proud of him.

Speaker 2 (34:06):
We're talking to the Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton
right now. In addition to the lawfair that's going on
with Trump, you've got all sorts of craziness breaking out
on university campuses just up the road from where you
guys are now at Columbia, but also back in the
state of Texas, at the University of Texas at Austin,
and I believe at Rice among others. What should happen

to anti Israel protesters in your mind? And how much
would you like to have the authority to resolve what's
going on at Columbia and NY you right now? How
easy would it be to apply the law and in
these protests if blue city and blue state attorney generals
and law enforcement were willing to do so.

Speaker 7 (34:50):
Yeah, And there's a big difference between exercising your First
Amendment right. I think everybody has a right to speak
on whatever they wanted to speak about, until you start
threatening other people and you start causing harm to other people,
like blocking roads. They should never be allowed to block roads.
They should be arrested if they're putting people at risk,
they're slowing down transportation.

Speaker 8 (35:10):
There are places you can protest.

Speaker 7 (35:12):
And people should have every right to have their beliefs
and say what they believe. This is a free country
and we have a First Amendment. But when you start
threatening other people and you start causing harm to other people,
you should be arrested for that harm. And that's not
happening in this country.

Speaker 1 (35:27):

Speaker 2 (35:28):
There's a report out and I don't know if you've
gotten this report yourself or if you have some idea
of it, but this is Lily Kepner.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
I shared this on Twitter.

Speaker 2 (35:37):
A source at University of Texas Austin tells me of
the seventy seven arrests at yesterday's protest, forty six were
not Texas students. I believe that's around sixty percent of
the arrests not Texas students. When you see these protests
happening all over the place, and you see a lot
of these green pup tints suddenly emerge all over the

place as well, a lot of our listeners, a lot
of us think there's a lot of money being put
behind this. These are not oftentimes college kids. If these
numbers are accurate at Texas, how much of this is
a nationwide issue? And should there be an investigation into
who's funding these protests and how these all came about,
because it sure feels very organized that this would suddenly

emerge so rapidly so many different places.

Speaker 7 (36:25):
Yeah, and it reminds me very much of what happened
when we had a Blum protests and Antifa protests. As
we well know now, many of these people are being
paid to come into different cities and states to do
the protests. They weren't just organic protests.

Speaker 8 (36:39):
So yeah, I'd love to know what's going on.

Speaker 7 (36:41):
I'd love to know who's behind these what I would
call non organic protests that are being organized by somebody
in a central location.

Speaker 1 (36:51):
Speaking to Attorney General Ken Paxton of State of Texas
AG of the State of Texas, do you think that
these protests are likely to continue on in the places
that they seem to have, at least so far, had
the greatest residence. I mean to me, as it gets warmer,
especially in places like New York and DC, these people

have no incentive other than to continue on what they're
doing right. They seem to love the attention. Maybe they
don't love the pepper spray, but they love the attention.

Speaker 7 (37:22):
Well, look, I think it depends on how we treat
it in individual locations. I think if you watched what
happened with BLM and Antifa, eventually you know it went away,
but it had a dramatic impact on some of our cities.
I've seen, you know, it's all of businesses shut down.

Speaker 8 (37:38):
I've seen, you.

Speaker 7 (37:38):
Know, hotels shut down. So I don't in the long run,
if we don't address it, the places that don't address it,
they end up suffering the greatest consequences of negative consequences
for not dealing with real issues that affect business and
commerce and people's safety.

Speaker 2 (37:57):
Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton with us, he's with Trump.
Tell me I am President Trump, that Buck and Clay
say hi, and that we need to get him on
the show again soon.

Speaker 1 (38:04):
By the way, when you go back in Oh And
I'm going to go say that to him.

Speaker 2 (38:08):
I appreciate that, all right. So you also are filing
a lawsuit regarding Title nine. I know you're a big
sports fan. Buck and I watched the Texas Alabama game
a couple of years with you down in Austin the idea,
and I'm sure you're like me, you can't believe that
this is the world we're in where I'm sure you
saw OutKick asked Don Staley, Hey, should men be able

to identify as women and play women's sports? And she
said yes? And now the Biden administration basically has endorsed
Don Staley's perspective with their new Title nine law application.
What are you trying to do to ensure that men
don't get to identify as women and dominate women's sports

and also frankly use women's locker rooms and take over
places that otherwise would belong to women.

Speaker 7 (38:56):
Yeah, it's pretty clear what Congress intended here. They they
designed Title nine to protect women's sports, to give women
an opportunity to compete, to have resources, you know, go
to them allocated and dedicated to women's sports.

Speaker 8 (39:08):
As as the father of.

Speaker 7 (39:10):
Three daughters and now women, you know, I thought it
was it ended up being a great deal for my daughters.
Here we have a choice, and that's just the opposite.
They're rewriting law without going through Congress and changing the
allocation to men to compete against women, which is one
unfair and two is a violation of federal law and.

Speaker 8 (39:31):
The violation of his ability.

Speaker 7 (39:33):
He's not allowed in the constitution, I'd say him, Joe Biden.
He's not allowed to just change the law. These are
laws put in place by elected representatives. So we're assuming
him because we don't think he has the authority to
do this. If Congress did it, it'd be a different story.

Speaker 1 (39:48):
Turning, General Paxton, appreciate you being with us. Thanks so much, sir.

Speaker 8 (39:51):
Have a great day, all right.

Speaker 1 (39:54):
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Speaker 5 (41:15):
With Clay and Bucks campaign coverage with twenty four a
Sunday highlight reel from the week. Find it on the
free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (41:25):
All right, welcome back into play and Buck, and we've
got a lot going on here. We're gonna be joined
shortly by our friend Amber Smith talk on her new book.
She was a combat pilot HELO rotary wing pilot in
Afghanistan and she's going to talk to us a bit

about what her new book is about. So we're going
to enjoy that conversation to be sure, and we're also
going to take some more of your calls. Go to
Clayandbuck dot com and make sure that you consider subscribing
to play in Buck. There you get the VIP VIDs
behind the scene. Also the email for our VIP email inbox,

which is getting read every day, going right to us,
and we got a few of them while we're waiting
right here, Mark Rights. On top of all the factors
you've mentioned with Biden inflation, most small businesses now tack
on a three percent fee for using a credit card.
I've seen this too, Clay, where places are are charging

an additional fee for use of a credit card. Isn't
that against the credit card agreement though? But they're just
doing it anyway or am missing something?

Speaker 2 (42:38):
I think they're just passing what they have to pay
to the credit card company onto the consul.

Speaker 1 (42:43):
But have you heard no? I know, but have you
heard that? I think the credit cards companies as part
of the agreement with the you know.

Speaker 2 (42:50):
The vendor retailer.

Speaker 1 (42:51):
The vendor retailer says you're not supposed to do that
because they don't want people to stop using credit cards. Obviously.

Speaker 2 (42:56):
Yeah, what you used to see was occasionally. I don't
think it's people don't carry as much cash, but you
used to get a discount if you paid with cash.
You probably heard and seen that over the years, but
I haven't seen that many places. I know one place
where it definitely happens is whenever I have to pay
for my law license, I pay online and they say, hey,

you have to pay the credit card fee as well.
So I have seen that online a couple of times.
I saw one of our writers at OutKick had a
good argument up and I hadn't seen him before. You know,
the thing that I've noticed is you have to tip
for everything now, every single thing you do, even if
you are just going in and picking up food for instance,

They're like, hey, do you need there's a tip calculator.
How do we feel about this? I well, so have
an argument. I've got a good one here. He said,
if you order while standing up, you should never tip.
And I've been thinking about it since I saw that argument,
and I'm like, you know what, if you're ordering standing
up or picking up, I would say standing up, I

think it's an interesting argument that there should be no
tip allowed. Now. I also tend to tip just because
they stand and look at you, and it feels awkward
to hit the zero percent. And there are some exceptions.
For instance, I would say, you know, if there's teenagers
at an ice cream shop, I take my kids into
the ice cream shop. They stand up in scoop, so

I can see an argument there. Someone who makes your coffee,
you're standing up and ordering, I can see a tip there.

Speaker 1 (44:30):
I tip, I tip for coffee and all those things,
and I you know, I can understand these days. Look,
I think if you can, you should tip, and you
should tip as big as you're comfortable tipping all the time.
It's a really good way to spread it around, and
you can really make someone's day with a with a
big tip. Works in the service industry, so I think
that's an excellent thing to do when you can. I

do feel, oh we got her, Oh we got her
all right. Amber Smith with US now former senior defense
official at DoD and she's a combat veteran a rock
and Afghanistan tours. She was a Kiowa pilot and she's
got a book, a new book out, Unfit to Fight.
How woke policies are destroying our military? Amber, great to have.

Speaker 9 (45:13):
You great to be honest, you bock appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
All right. So we talk about wokeness a lot here
on the show. Clearly it affects sports, which gets Clay
very upset. It affects everything else which also gets to
be very upset, and that includes our military. In what
ways is the woke stuff actually manifesting in what is
still the most fearsome and awesome armed forces in the world.

But how is wokeness infiltrating significantly?

Speaker 9 (45:43):
It is now systemic throughout the Department OF's Defense and
the military, and it did catch a lot of people
by surprise, because if you think about wokeness, you think,
you know, for a while now, people have seen it
in the public school system, in the medical system, in
different industries throughout America, but most people weren't paying attention
to what was going on inside the military. You think

most recruitment, you know, happens from Red States, patriotic Americans
who want to serve their country. A lot of people
view them as conservative and they would never allow you know,
wokeness to infiltrate the US military. But sadly, that is
exactly what has happened, and it's led to an extreme
culture shift inside the Department of Defense from the top

all the way down to the bottom, from you know,
the ear ring of the Pentagon to the service the
military service academies and have really shifted from being a
mission driven, mission purpose oriented organization to one that has
shifted their focus to identity politics, to diversity inclusion, you know,

climate change extremism, gender ideology.

Speaker 4 (46:57):

Speaker 9 (46:57):
And it's really taken a toll, as we have seen
in the recruitment numbers, the retention crisis, and morale throughout
the service members.

Speaker 2 (47:07):
Amber when you see, and I'm with Buck here, sometimes
I see things associated with the military and I feel
like I'm being pranked. When I see, for instance, that
we have a trans admiral that we're supposed to pretend
is actually a woman when it's clearly just a dude
dressed up.

Speaker 1 (47:23):
Like a woman.

Speaker 2 (47:24):
Doesn't that have a major impact in terms of I
want badasses who want to serve in the military, people
who want to kick ass. When I see a dude
pretending to be a woman, it doesn't make me think,
oh my goodness, I feel so much safer.

Speaker 1 (47:37):
I want to go sign up with these people.

Speaker 9 (47:40):
Exactly. It has very serious consequences. You know, China's watching Russia, Iran,
North Korea. They are all paying attention to what is
going on inside our military, and it just projects some
serious weakness. All of our adversaries are not focused on
ensuring that they're troops, are focused on proper pronouns and

men being allowed to wear finger polish or if the
word mohawk is offensive. They are focused on which our military,
by the way, is focused on.

Speaker 7 (48:12):

Speaker 9 (48:13):
Our adversaries are focused on how they can fight and
destroy their enemy, which happens to be us. So every
single day they are training and getting stronger in order
to defeat their enemy. And that's what our military used
to be about. Sadly, because of woke leaderships both in
the Biden administration and inside the Department of Defense, they

have shifted that priority, the one that I served in
that I loved, where we trained every day to ensure
that we have the skills, equipment, training necessary to accomplish
the mission. We're not seeing that in today's military, and
it has some very serious and dangerous consequences when it
comes to our national security and the threat speed, faith,
and the viability and sustainability of the all volunteer force

that we have had since the end of the Vietnam
War Hamber.

Speaker 1 (49:01):
First off, everyone can check out the book Unfit to Fight.
How woke policies are destroying our military. Amber Smith is
the author. For everyone out there. We got a lot
of military current and former, so we have a lot
of veterans, a lot of active duty military to listen
to the show. But you know that's a portion of
the audience, a lot of other people they are not
specifically personally familiar with military operations. What was it like

being a Kiwa pilot?

Speaker 9 (49:26):
It was awesome. It was the coolest job I've ever
had and probably ever will have. It was like driving
a race car in the sky and that was just
you know, wiggling the stix. Flying the helicopter portion of it.
It's our mission that made it absolutely incredible. Purpose driven
we Kia was a light attack reconnaissance helicopter. It has

a fifty cal machine gun, seven high explosive rockets. We
can be configured to carry four health fire missiles. But
we fly extremely low level, so sometimes you know, fifty
hundred feet off the ground, and we work very closely
with any friendly ground force, so the infantry, Special operations,
NATO forces, in country forces like Afghan military, Iraq military,

stuff like that, and we hunt for ibs, We do
convoy securities, but one of our biggest missions is to
say the ground force isn't a firefight. They call in
us our helicopters and we come in and take out
enemy targets. So it was an incredible experience. I absolutely
loved flying that aircraft. It was sort of the aircraft

that was extremely effective on the battlefield that many people
didn't know about until these two wars kicked off. The
post Lanine eleven wars.

Speaker 2 (50:47):
Amber you talked about it being like flying a race
car in the sky. That makes me think that you
probably like to drive fast. How difficult is it to
go like forty miles an hour when you've been flying
a helicopter at at insane rates of speech speed closely
above the ground.

Speaker 9 (51:05):
It's not driving is not as fun as when you
get to do it, you know, just a little bit
off the ground. We had so much fun. It was it.
But flying a helicopter is like just it kind of
is exhausting because you are doing so much, like with like,
so much coordination goes into it. You're listening to five
radios at the exact same time. You have the navigation systems,

the weapon systems, the helicopter flight control systems, and you
have to worry about whether hazards. We fly low enough
that you need to watch out for, like telephone poles
or you know, like power lines, cell phone towers, that
type of stuff. So there's a lot going to it.
So comparing that to a car, like a car is

just it's just easy.

Speaker 2 (51:50):
I'm just sinking it hit you regularly, speed all over
the place, is what I was getting at. I can't
imagine that. You're like, oh, I'm going to go thirty
five of officials. She's very, very low, by very law.
By your your husband. Your husband, isn't he a fixed
wing fighter pilot?

Speaker 9 (52:08):
He is a helicopter pilot.

Speaker 1 (52:09):
Oh he's also rotary. Oh we got I was gonna say,
what's it? Sorry? I thought he was a fixed wing guy.
What is the difference? So you guys kept it all
in the family. There the difference in personality, and you
might start a little fight among the service here. So
I'm trying to stir the pot difference in personality between
a rotary wing fighter and a and a fixed wing

fighter pilot.

Speaker 9 (52:32):
Oh you know, how do you know when a fire
fighter walks into a bars? I'll tell you I think
that's I think that's probably the difference.

Speaker 1 (52:41):
I'm gonna tell I'm gonna tell my father in law
that the F eighteen pilot. This is gonna be fun.
Start some stuff. Everybody go, it's an it's an important
We're having some fun with you, but it's it's an
important book here. I want people to go check it out. Please,
so unfit to fight? How woke policies are destoring our military?
Our friend veteran Amber Smith, Amber, thank you so much,
good luck with the book, and we'll talk to you

again soon.

Speaker 9 (53:03):
Appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (53:04):
Thanks Buck absolutely.

Speaker 2 (53:06):
Look, we were just talking earlier in the show about
the four Charlotte police and first responders who lost their
lives yesterday. That's what Tunnel the Towers does now. They
take care of so many first responders, police, military, you
just heard Amber talking, who give their lives to protect
all of us and the Tunnel the Towers Foundation as well.

They do incredible work. They pay the mortgage off the
family homes and lift the financial burden of the spouses
and children left behind. For severely injured veterans and first responders,
they'll also help build mortgage free smart homes. They're working
right now, Frank Siller is to bring so many homeless
veterans in off the streets. Last year, thirty three hundred

helped alone. These are the men and women who put
their lives on the line for our country and our communities,
and they need your help now more than ever. Buck
and I with Crockett Coffee are helping to make donations
to make a tremendous difference for hopefully their ability to
take care of as many people as possible. But you
guys are the engine that drives their mission, and you

can join Tunnel the Towers on their mission to do
good and never forget nine to eleven or the sacrifices
of this country's heroes. Join us in donating eleven dollars
a month at t twot dot org. That's t the
number two t dot org

Speaker 5 (54:27):
Twenty four Clay and Bucks Weekly Campaign cliff Notes episodes
dropped Sundays at noon Eastern on the free iHeartRadio app,
or wherever you get your podcasts.

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