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May 2, 2024 57 mins
The Biden base on display. Trump trial: they have no case. Tudor Dixon recaps Trump's MI rally.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome everybody.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
Thursday edition of the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show
starts right now.

Speaker 1 (00:06):
A lot going on.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
We've got protests continuing as we said they would. UCLA
they had pepper spray deployed. Things getting messy over at
the campus on the west coast. Here on the east coast, Columbia,
NYPD breaks it up.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
A lot going on there.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
There's some movement on Capitol Hill about an anti Semitism
bill that we should certainly discuss the needs of the
UCLA protesters. Fascinating, fascinating document. Yes, a lot of vegan
and gluten free requests, but understand they're largely gluten free
out of choice, Clay, they don't have Celiac disease like

some of us. For some of us, it's not a choice.
But there's something else that's happened just in the last
hour I want to jump right into, and that is
Joe Biden, who yes, is technically the President of the
United States. He addressed the American people. It was short,
it was not sweet. We want you to hear some

of this. This is cut one play it.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people
are squashed, descent American people are heard. In fact, peaceful
protests is in the best tradition of how Americans respond
to consequential issues. But neither are we a lawless country.
We are a civil society. An order must prevail for

aut our history. We've often faced moments like this because
we are a big, diverse, freethinking and freedom loving nation,
and moments like this there are always those who rush
in to score political points. But this isn't a moment
for politics. It's a moment for clarity. So let me
be clear. Peaceful protest in America. Violent protest is not protected.

Peaceful protest is.

Speaker 1 (01:54):

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Let me just say, the notion that we need a
reminder here about a peaceful protest is absurd. Nobody would care.
We all know that there would be no interest in
any of this in terms of the new cycle and
everything else, if they were just showing up in the
quad as they do countless times and do everything in

their power to get attention for themselves with their stupid
slogans and whatever the cause of the day may be.
The issue here is they have decided to choose violence, disorder,
and destruction. They have decided that they are going to
break the law. But Biden so weak on this. Here's
the thing. He's trying some both sides ism, right, like,

oh yeah, this saw I needs peaceful protests that so
it needs to be respectful. I was thinking about this
when he was speaking just last hour or so. What
would we advise him to say at this point if
we were Joe Biden right, think about it this way.
He can't say what is clearly moral and what needs

to be said, which is this stuff is crazy. Stop
breaking the law, Stop acting like spoiled children, Stop being
anti Semites, because he'll lose some portion of his base,
the left and also the anti Semitic pro Palestinian movement
in this country.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
He needs them.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
So what does he say. He kind of does what
he did, which is really say almost nothing.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Nothing. We need to hear.

Speaker 4 (03:21):
Racism is bad, protest is good, but violent protests that
breaks the law is unacceptable. That's essentially what he came
out and said after ten days of silence. And what
this said to me is the polling must be awful
on this and they must be concerned that this is
not going away anytime soon. Because immediately the protesters showed

back up at Columbia after the NYPD went in, I
don't know how many of you have seen this. We
need to put it up On clayanbuck dot com. I
shared a picture that was taken by one of the
Fox News reporters, and Bream shared it of the main
quad George Washington Statue at George Washington University where they

now have put I don't know, a burka basically a
headdress on the George Washington statue and defaced it. And
this is the Father of the country and it's about
seven or eight blocks from the White House. Biden was
also asked whether the National Guard should be called in.
He said no. He was also asked whether this changed

anything about his position on what's going on in Israel
and in Godza. He said no to the extent that
he answered any questions. I mean he kind of said
no walking away. He said no at the press rostrum there.
And I think this is what ultimately has to happen.
But the Identity politics coalition is untenable, and a part

of me feels like the only way that this gets
resolved is if Joe Biden makes a definitive statement and
picks a side, and he should pick Israel because they're
the good side to the extent that you want to
break this into good and bad, good and evil. I
don't think there's a very difficult choice to make. But
in making that choice, he would lose the state of Michigan.

And I think that's the calculus. That's why Clay I
think there's nothing he could say at this point that
would change the political challenge that he really has because
he can't make everybody happy here. He is saying that
there is no place in America for anti Semitism or
hate against Palestinians.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Play two.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
Let's be clear about this as well. There should be
no place in any campus, no place in America for
anti Semitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There
is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind,
whether it's anti Semitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans

or Palestinian Americans. It's simply wrong. There's no place for
racism in America. It's all wrong. It's not America.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
He's just fabricating all of this. What is he talking about.
There's some surge in Islamophobia all of a sudden. I mean,
think about how offensive this is. There is clearly a
movement to delegitimize Israel and the Jewish people. And that's
coming at a time when they're still reeling from the
horrific attack of October seventh. They're nine to eleven, and

now we have to hear whining about whining about the
Palestinian plight or something Palestinian American plight. Where is this
bigotry that they speak of. I mean, on the one hand,
you can see that Biden realizes that the situation is
hurting Democrats. But on the other this is what they've

been building to for a long time. It's not like
this just happens suddenly on Joe Biden's watch. There's been
a lot of anti semitism on campus. The Palestinian cause
has been it was fashionable for the left when I
was in college. I remember there were pro Palastinian protests.
It's just now, given the mass casualty attack of October

seventh that I think there's a particular outrage and there
should be at Oh, but you know, both sides need
to calm things down now. No, I mean, one side
acted monstrously and the other side is responding to it. Clay,
here we have Biden doing the both sides. Oh, we
just played it that both sides is them. It's not
going to work right now. People aren't going to accept this.

Speaker 4 (07:31):
Well, he's doing what he accused Trump of doing at Charlottesville.
When Trump said there were very fine people on both
sides of the argument about whether you should tear down
the Roberty Lea statue there, and the media turned it
into Trump saying the Nazis were very fine people. It
was a very dishonest editing. Biden relied on that dishonesty

as the foundation of his decision to run for president
of the United States, And if we had a truly
non partisan media out there, they would point to this
being a complete failure of the basis upon which Joe
Biden decided to run for president himself. There are hundreds,
if not thousands of Charlottesville's taking place right now, and

Biden said he was running to restore the soul of
the nation. Does anybody think the soul of the nation
is strong when Jewish kids at UCLA are not allowed
into the center of campus, when there are Palestinian flags
being raised on places like the University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, which is far from a left wing location,

and I look at it and I just say, Biden
doesn't have the ability to lead and Buck This is
a good question for you because you've been a Republican
for a long time. Can you think of a situation
where two major parts of the Republican coalition were going
head to head and an American president had to somehow

fenagle it while worrying about his own reelection, Because that's
the real story here. Biden can't pick aside and win reelection.
That's the calculus I think they have come to in
the White House well though, because conservatism and the Republican
Party are supposed to be rooted in and I believe
generally are shared principle, shared approach to the Constitution and

to view of the world and our role in our
day to day lives and family and God and faith.
It's not what is your skin color, what is your ethnicity?
Now you have to believe the following things. But other
people who also have different skin colors and ethnicities will
be told they are victims, and you will come together
in a victim coalition and constantly try to undermine whether

it's core constitutional principles or push socialism or whatever. The
left wants in the moment. Yeah, we don't have that, right,
we don't have a situation that is in any way
analogous I think to what they're going through and what
they're seeing right now, but to the point that we've
been making of it as soon as I thought this through.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
And this comes from covering the.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
Occupy Wall Street BLM. It's all the same, not only
the same nonsense. In a lot of ways, some of
the same people you're seeing these protesters.

Speaker 4 (10:19):
Quote a three year old chick like that that is
a professional protester that has shown up at everything she's
organizing Colombia.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
For those of you who didn't, I read an article
about her. I'm just like, this is wild, you understand.
And this is true of the left and of the
Democrat Party often and in general. It gives purpose to
purposeless people. These are individuals who are showing up to
these protests who have never helped anyone, who never go
outside of themselves.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
The whole thing is.

Speaker 2 (10:45):
Really a like a like a bacchanal of narcissism. It's
a narcissism parade. It's one one big self congratulation machine.
Even Biden himself, this is the end of his mini presser,
which is I think the best he could manage this
cut three. He's like, oh yeah, I'm not actually going
to change anything in the Middle East. So just so
you know, play three.

Speaker 5 (11:05):
Mister, the protests forced you to reconsider any of the
policies with regard to the region.

Speaker 6 (11:13):
Do you think the National Guard should intervene?

Speaker 2 (11:16):
Oh no, I mean he said to the national Guard.
Put that aside for a second. He's not going to
change anything in the Middle East. I don't think anyone
really believes that US policy will in any way be
influenced by these by these often idiotic and nasty protests.
And so then you get to the best thing I
can say about what's going on on campus right now.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
Well, a couple of good things. One.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
I think it's helping Republicans, I really do. I think
this is showing people the craziness and they don't have
all It's not BLM. You don't have the white guilt
situation of everyone. Oh my gosh, I have to just
suspend rationality and reality because I want to make people happy.
But beyond that, BLM had really negative consequences for the country.
I think this the best thing you can say about

it is that the results will be so meager, perhaps
non existent, that the good news is these imbeciles aren't
going to actually change anything. They're just wasting everyone's time
and acting like fools.

Speaker 4 (12:09):
I also think there are certain moments of these protests
that are cutting through and being recognized by people who
otherwise are not particularly political.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
And I'll give you an example.

Speaker 4 (12:21):
A Palestinian flag flying over the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill. Now those frat guys help to replace
it with the American flag. The President spoke out the
frat guys. I think I've raised over three hundred thousand
dollars a GoFundMe to throw a huge party for them.
But what's important about that is North Carolina's battleground state.

I think there are a lot of good, normal, reasonable,
apolitical people who say, what the hell when they see
a Palestinian flag flying over the quad at Chapel Hill.
That's not Columbia, that's not UCLA, it's not New York, La, Chicago.
That is a red blooded We love college football, we
particularly love college basketball community, and we got some funny

clips that in the midst of the seriousness, we'll play
for you. A little bit later, they had a protest
at Alabama. The protesters came together in a mutual chant,
which is really funny. But I think that moment, that
picture of that video has cut through and a lot
of people say, this isn't the America I grew up in,
or the America I want to live in.

Speaker 1 (13:22):

Speaker 4 (13:22):
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Speaker 7 (14:20):
You separate truth from fiction every single weekday. The Clay
Travis and Buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
All right, welcome back in.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
You know there is some sanity amidst the craziness out
there on the campuses. One of our viips pointed out,
we didn't get this, Clay, Vanderbilt is an SEC school.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Oh man, yes.

Speaker 4 (14:42):
No, no, no, they are, but the inside, like Vanderbilt
fans are super sensitive about the fact that people don't
always know that they're in the SEC. So if we
staidy Vanderbilt fans listening, you just it's like if you're
the ugliest girl in the sorority and you're like, well,
she's really in the sorority. It's like, oh, okay, like
she's very sensitive about being included, or yeah, yeah, I get.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
It's like when people are like, Cornell, is it really
an Ivy League school? Cornell doesn't like that.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
That's right.

Speaker 4 (15:10):
That's why the Andy Bernard character on the office is
so absolutely perfect. But yes, Vanderbilt is in the SEC
because I had applied then.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
I didn't even realize it was an SEC school because
I didn't pay attention to college sports. But I had
applied to and actually got into an SEC school twenty
years ago. So she pointed that out to us.

Speaker 4 (15:26):
But some your world, by the way, this is one
of those sliding doors moments. How much different do you
think your life would have been if instead of going
to cold weather, sad much of the year Massachusetts for college,
you would come to vibrant filled with gorgeous girls walking
around and sun dresses all year round. You might have

turned into a huge SEC fan. Like your world could
have gone in an entirely different direction if you had
come to Vanderbilt.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
All true.

Speaker 2 (15:55):
Yes, can't cannot deny any of the things that are
said here. One of the reasons I think I don't
get invited back to Amherst at all by the administration
is that I'm not exactly a great proponent of I
did get I think a good college education there, such
as they are. I'm not a great proponent of going
and freezing your butt off for four years, unless you
love skiing or just you love drinking with you know,

frost on the windows so much. Not a whole lot
to do. But UNC has a moment of glory here.
There are a bunch of these schools that are showing
we talked about you U of F, the University of Florida.
They've done a very good job of just saying no nonsense.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
You want to speak. Speak.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
No one's saying you can't speak. They're just saying you
can't do all the illegal things and say that you're
just speaking. Okay, that's what's happened at Columbia and UCLA
and all these other campuses. UNC's there's also the issue
of pulling down a flag. And I would note you
know that at Amherst, in a town, not the college,
for a while they were flying the UN flag. A kid,

you NOTUS, no United Nations. First of all, I don't
even know what the.

Speaker 4 (17:01):
It's like trying to keep up with the lgbt Q
I A but but flag at this point.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
Yeah, so this is not new, but it's the latest
version of it, right.

Speaker 4 (17:13):

Speaker 2 (17:13):
They they've pulled down American flags and put up a
Palestinian flag.

Speaker 4 (17:18):

Speaker 2 (17:18):
And you know, don't even get me started on If
any of these people actually spend any time speaking to
people in Gaza about what they think of America and
Jews in the West, they might feel very differently about free,
free Palestine.

Speaker 1 (17:31):

Speaker 2 (17:32):
Un c's interim chancellor, though, I was just saying, look,
the US flag is staying up as long as I'm
chancellor of u n C play it.

Speaker 8 (17:41):
This university doesn't belong to a small group of protesters.
It belongs to every citizen of North Carolina, everybody in
North Carolina, everybody who goes to school here, everybody who
lives and works here. The flag represents it's all of us.
To take down that flag and put up another flag,

no matter what other flag it is, that's anethetical to
who we are, what this university stands for, what we
have done for two hundred and twenty nine years, the
broad majority of this campus, who knows how to express
their views without saturday, without without violating you the word

to be pure, that flag will come here as long
as I'm changing what you now that they're trying to
drown them out with their shouts and they're shrieking and
their their their.

Speaker 2 (18:43):
Low te outbursts from the notice, very few guys actually
at these protests, or or at least anybody who you
could visibly and buy their actions tell is male. There's
a lot they tend to be, at least the spokespeople
that I've seen and stuff tend to be female dominated.
But nonetheless, the Chancellor saying that the flag will stay
up as long as he's there, This is what it

looks like to stand up for civilization and decency in
the face of a lunatic mob. And I think the
Chancellor should be commended as much as anyone could.

Speaker 4 (19:16):
I think the Chancellor also is getting massive amounts of
pressure from alums because earlier I said that there are
certain moments that cut through. I'll tell you, as a
George Washington University alum, the idea that they are allowing
the main statue of George Washington in the center of

the quad to be taken over by Palestinian and hamas
paraphernalia and defaced is indefensible to me. And that's a
fairly at this point now, I would say left wing school.
But I bet there's a lot of pressure from other
alums who may not be necessarily the kinds of people
that you would expect. Given again, the fact that we're

talking about thirty percent or more of the population being Jewish,
I would think the pressure there is substantial. That Palestinian
flag flying over the UNC Chapel Hill is a massive
clarion call that I believe has cut through the noise.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
And I think there are a lot.

Speaker 4 (20:13):
Of people who are sixty years old and longtime UNC
grads who really they may not agree with some of
the direction the university has gone, they haven't necessarily paid
massive amounts of attention to it. I think that was
a holy crap moment for them, I really do. And
I think this is the kind of thing you talk
about North Carolina as a battleground to the extent that

it is at all. I think Trump's going to win
North Carolina by four or five points, which is a
comfortable win because I wanted to be win by like
a point in twenty twenty. Yes, I don't think that
they're going to be able to make a play in
North Carolina, partly because of this.

Speaker 2 (20:50):
I want to make sure that we are clear here.
We're aware that the GOP, the elected officials of the
Republican Party, have an uncanny ability to snatch defeat from
the jaws of victory this House. I read it last night.
The House overwhelmingly has passed this Awareness of Anti Semitism

Bill sixty one co sponsors fifteen Democrats going along with this.
The bill has approved three hundred and twenty to ninety one,
a majority of Democrats, one hundred and thirty three of
them joining Republicans. What are these imbeciles doing? Yeah, what
are you doing?

Speaker 1 (21:36):

Speaker 2 (21:38):
This is not your This is not of your doing,
meaning the campus protests. These are not our people, meaning
these lunatic protesters out there. Why are you doing a
bipartisan bill that is creating restrictions on speech as a
matter of federal law, different from a campus policy issue.
By the way, Republicans are effectively going along here with

you have free speech, except not hate speech.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
That is a trap.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
It will be used and abused against the right and
against Republicans the second the dust clears on these protests.
In fact, it has been a trap all along. Free
speech does include hate speech. I know people don't necessarily
like to hear it, but it is true. If you
cannot say mean things I'm talking about legally now, if

you cannot say mean or offensive things, you do not
have freedom of speech. It is for the speech that
is hated. It is for as I just heard Dershwitz
this morning. He's on our great friend Mark Simon's show
on wr New York. Dershwitz was saying, Drshwich is a
Jewish Man who is saying the Nazis under our First Amendment.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
I'm sorry that.

Speaker 2 (22:47):
You know, the neo Nazis had the right to protest
in Skokie. They had the right to do it, and
we have to if we abandon this now because of
the politics of the moment. Oh, we're going to start
legislating that we're going to have certain speech protections for people. Clay,
does anyone think the left is going to use that
in good faith?

Speaker 1 (23:06):
It's insane.

Speaker 5 (23:07):

Speaker 4 (23:07):
And this used to be the position of the traditional liberals,
and now it's actually become a position that is espoused,
I think by intelligent people on the right more so.
And it's about standing for principle, you have to be
okay with hearing awful things that you disagree with, and
even tougher than that, you have to be okay with

defending it. And that used to be a principle that
many warriors would stand up for Dershowitz, his old school.
In that respect, he's a Jewish guy. Skokey, Illinois is
what is pointed to a lot many Holocaust survivors had
to watch neo Nazis walk through Skoky Illinois making that argument.
You and I disagree with the KKK to the extent

that it even hardly exists. I think the KKK should
be able to march in favor of their position. I
don't agree with it. I don't agree with neo Nazis.
I don't agree with the people who are anti Israel.
Right now, you should be able to make all those arguments,
and the Republican Party right now, when your opponent has
set himself on fire, don't get close to the fire.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
This is what this is the.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
Other It's stratactically so stupid. What are you doing now?

Speaker 1 (24:16):
Your work?

Speaker 2 (24:16):
You're giving Democrats cover. This is the Biden base on
these campuses. It's the Biden base in an election year.
It is their side, it is their people. And they're
showing not only conservative Jews who have been with us
along and you know they've seen this, they've known this
all along. They're showing some center and center left Jews Hey,

the Democrat Party creates not just a safe space, but
really an elevated platform on campus for attacking not just Israel,
but the Jewish people in general. Let's let that sink in,
you know what I mean, Let's let the reality of
what the party, what the Democrat Party really stands for,
speak for itself. I honestly, I you know, we talk

sometimes with this Democrat as dumb. Republicans can be really
stupid too, and this is this is just a really
it's tactically dumb, and it's unprincipled. It's unprincipled from a
legal perspective. Yeah, are the people that are saying anti
Semitic things horrible and stupid and wrong. Of course, that's
how we deal with it, by pointing out what they
are saying is horrible, stupid, and wrong. Trying to get

the federal government involved and claim that these are hate
speech violations. We're not the hate speech side. We say
sorry offensives, because if we are, you better get used
to saying the wrong pronouns for you know, whatever, guy
who's six ' four in waighs two eighty says his
name is now Lucinda or whatever like, you better get
ready for it.

Speaker 4 (25:41):
That's why I got me a little bit nervous. I
agree that the colleges should be called out, but taking
the next step and saying I want you to apply
the same standard of speech that you applied during BLM,
that's actually creating a situation where there is no free
speech right because you're so worried about codding students that
they might hear negative things. We need to go against

that now an even handed principle, And this is where
a really good argument is made. There's a difference between
mean words and mean actions, and there's a difference between
occupying a building or occupying a quad and walking through
for a limited time. In the argument we've made, there's
a difference between standing on someone's front law and screaming

at them and just saying, hey, I disagree with your position.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
This is from the bill okay that just got voted
on passed overwhelming in the House of Representatives. This would
as part of the federal definition of anti semitism. It
would include speech that quote claims the existence of the
state of Israel is a racist endeavor. It is absolutely
free speech to claim that the existence of Israel is

a racist endeavor. I disagree with it.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
I think it's.

Speaker 2 (26:52):
Insane, but it is absolutely free speech to say that
the existence of Israel is something you know oppose. It's racist,
it's colonialist, it's apart tod All. They've been saying this
stuff for as long as I've been alive on campus.
What are Republicans doing? I mean, they're just desperate for
some relevancy in this moment. I mean talking about Republicans
in the House, But don't interrupt your enemy when he's

making a mistake.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
Don't get in the middle of this.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
This is a food fight among Biden based lunatics and
Republicans on the House want to look tough for their constituencies.
By that's not going to do anything. Also, it's not
gonna I mean, you know, I don't know what they think.
They have it both ways too. They're saying, oh, it'll
do a lot, and say, what does it do. You're
gonna have the federal government, now, you know, arresting people
for hate speech.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Oh won't do that. Well, then what are you really doing.

Speaker 2 (27:36):
You're gonna use Title six I think of the of
the you know, the Civil Rights Act too. It's it's
a disaster. I couldn't believe how dumb it was when
Republicans actually did this, and eOne disagree. Let me know
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Speaker 7 (28:58):
Learn laugh at join us on the weekend on our
Sunday Hang with Clay and Fuck podcast. Fight it on
the iHeart Apple or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (29:08):
Can't believe how fast time is flying by today, almost
as fast as the horse that I pick will be
flying by all the competitors at the Kentucky Derby on Saturday.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
I'm looking forward to.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
So I guess I've said I won't give my pick
until tomorrow. I will be at our Louisville or as
we used to say in New York when I was
growing up, Louisville. So I don't know you could tell
me which is correct a Louisville Affiliates tomorrow, which will
be my first time there. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody,
seeing the team there and catching up with them, and

I will put forth my.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
Kentucky Derby pick.

Speaker 2 (29:46):
Which I think will will work in the same way
that sometimes a person the first time they ever go bowling,
and they don't think about it and they just throw
that ball down the lane, they tend to get a strike.
I think this will be my one and done. I'm
going in on a derby pick and everybody will realize
beginner's luck is a real thing.

Speaker 6 (30:04):

Speaker 4 (30:05):
Here's what I don't like about the derby betting. The
number you bet you don't know until the race actually
goes off.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
That is, you can.

Speaker 4 (30:18):
Think, hey, I found an absolute stellar pick, and if
you bet it early in the day and it's eight
to one, it might end up going off if money
comes flooring in, flooding in at three to one. It
isn't fixed. In other words, most betting, if you get
a good number, you get to ride with it throughout.

I hate the idea of betting on horses when the
number you don't know what you got until the actual
go off moment of the race, when the bets are locked.
Does that make sense? It's unique most betting. If you say, hey,
you know, like you're beloved when you were in the nineties,
the knicks are playing against the seventy six ers tonight,

and I think the seventy six ers are three and
a half point favorite. If suddenly you found and you
bet it, let's say you bet it right now. You're like,
I love the Knicks. You're thinking it's Patrick Ewing John
Stark's era. They're gonna get a win, They're gonna win
the series. You lock it in and then you find
out that Joel Embiid suddenly isn't gonna play, and the
line flips and the Knick send up a two point favorite.

Your number doesn't shift. You get the number that you
bought at that point in time. I don't like horse
racing because you don't know what the actual number you
got is gonna be until the horses go off. If
that makes sense, it is your number is constantly shifting.
It's not locked when you're there present at the at
the Derby. In addition to the fact that the mint

jewelip is overrated, those are the two things, and by overrated,
I mean awful. Those are the two things that I
would change about the Kentucky Derby if I had a
magic one.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
I'm a little disappointed to see how many of you
just because it's fun when you get mad at Clay
about one of his random takes. A lot of from Kentuckians,
no less support for his scorching hot mint jewlip take
that it may be the worst alcoholic beverage out there,
which I do de clia.

Speaker 4 (32:14):
Certainly relative to the pomp, the circumstance, all of its
incredible endorsement. I drank my first ever mint jewel it
probably been fifteen twenty years ago, and I wanted to
spit right afterwards. I don't remember ever. Again, I'm not
anti clearly, I'm not anti alcohol. I like lots of

different alcohol. It's awful. It is the most overrated alcoholic
beverage on the planet, or at least in the United States. Well,
I'll try one on video. We'll put it up at
Clay and Buck for next week. You know, Clay, we
mentioned the Trump trial which is going on in New
York and how it's just not really landing in a
daily mail, which is among my favorite news sites. Number

one story right now.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
The panic paniced text message Stormy Daniel's lawyer sent to
National Inquirer editor on twenty sixteen election night, once it
was clear Donald Trump had won, and it goes into
you know.

Speaker 1 (33:12):
Here, here's what it really good.

Speaker 2 (33:14):
I think no one cares. Yeah, I think this is
still they're they're hoping for. You know, the media is
a business. I mean there's a lot of ideology involved,
but it still is a business. They want clicks, and
they're looking for the best stories that they can get. Understandably,
it is news. I'm not saying otherwise, but the best
stories they can get out of this situation in New York,

that the trial in New York and so far it's
all pretty boring. And I think that also goes against
what they were hoping, which would which is that there
would be you know, some kind of revelations. I mean,
there's there's really nothing that is even conceivable that would
come out of this. I mean Stormy Daniels. We've already
heard her say that she had an affair with Trump.
We already heard her claim that she, you know, saw

Trump's man parts, and you know, we've heard all of them,
but that's.

Speaker 1 (34:03):
What she said.

Speaker 4 (34:04):
I just I know, I just saw you start to
panic about what phrase you were gonna use as soon
as you said we've already heard her say Trump's and
I can see like you being like, oh, I've painted
myself into a corner here. That's what am I gonna say?
And man parts is the very man parts. That's a
fair thing, very very funny, just a very funny. I
was wondering where you were gonna go, and you said,
we already know that she's seen Trumps. I could just

see like your your you know, like a there was
a moment you saw that you saw the train coming
down the tracks and realize that there wasn't an easy
way off.

Speaker 2 (34:34):
So so with all that going on, whenever he gets
an opportunity to address the media outside the courtroom, he's
able to continue to hammer home the point I think
the pr of this so far is in Trump's favor
in the aggregate all together, when you add all this up,
this is cut fifteen.

Speaker 1 (34:54):
He's just he can make a.

Speaker 2 (34:57):
Better case in a forty second sound bite, and the
prosecution is going to be able to make in the
entirety of their shamp case against Trump.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
Play fifteen.

Speaker 5 (35:06):
We're down at the trial now, getting ready to spend
another day in the courthouse, which is bogus trial that
every leading authority on law says this should never have
been brought. That Alvin Brand didn't want to bring it
until the election happened, and that he brought it. You
just do know that this case could have been brought
eight years ago. It could have been brought eight years ago.

Instead they wait and wait and wait. They know it's
not a good case, and now it's turned out to
be they've lost every I mean, they have no case.
They have no case, but we have a very conflicted
judge unfortunately, and I say no, no, no, But other than that,
there's no case and it should have never been brought.
But if it was going to be brought, it should

have been brought eight years ago.

Speaker 2 (35:50):
I think this clay for this and the other prosecutions
as well, is a critical point because there is no
and I mean no refutation possible for it. There's no counterpoint.
Why did they bring this now? Why did they all sit,
including New York, on these alleged charges or charges I guess,

these allegations. Why did they all sit on these allegations
and these indictments simultaneously and then all unleash them in
the election year. It is not a coincidence. That is
absurd there And even if you just want to look
at New York, leave the other ones out of it.
Why do they wait so long? Why wait until he
is the Republican nominee again? They don't even try to

answer it because the only answer is they're trying to
stop him from being president. That is the only answer.

Speaker 5 (36:41):
It is.

Speaker 4 (36:42):
I think a time for panic in the Biden campaign.
I've said for a long time that if Biden hadn't
moved the numbers by Memorial Day, he's going to be
in a really difficult spot. And as we sit here,
we now know these protests are at a minimum going

to continue through much of may best case scenario for
the Biden team, You've got graduation and people move on.
But you made a good point, and it reminds me
of when I was in college about Columbia. George Washington
University maybe as bad right now as any university on
the planet. I went to GW. You pointed out about Columbia.

It's the same way most kids who are at GW
or Columbia, you stay in the city of New York,
or you stay in Washington, d c. Over the whole summer,
because the summer is actually the best time to be there.
And a lot of kids at Columbia and a lot
of kids at GW and this is different than many

other schools might be out there. You got an apartment
and you've got a lease for the year round, so
you either have to find somebody else to move in
to help cover your cost, or you just stay up
there through the summers. And I think about that because
I loved being in DC. I spent the summer after
my junior year mostly in DC. I spent the summer

after what would have been my senior year mostly in DC.
It's an amazing place to be and a lot of
kids out there who are around New York City. You
might go to a big city. I've been a lot
of you out there listening who were in college. You
had friends who got internships in DC or New York,
and you maybe went to those places. Those student populations
are not going away. But also the professional protesters ain't

going anywhere. This is what they live for, and so
I don't know that this is gonna go away. Even
in the summer. This may just continue the weather's maybe
it gets too hot and they don't want to stay
in the tents because it can get to ninety degrees
or hotter in DC in New York in the summer,
for sure, and maybe that's what ultimately kicks them off

the campus. They're like, oh, it's too hot, you know,
we're not enjoying it. It's a nice time of year
right now to be outside. They I saw a headline
buck in the New York in the LA Times, which
kind of speaks to how great the weather is in La. Uh.
And I'm paraphrasing it, but it's said the protesters were
locked in even as temperatures plummeted in LA to the

mid fifties. The protesters didn't leave. And I'm just kind
of laughing because if you live in LA, you know,
like mid fifties.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
People in upstate New.

Speaker 2 (39:26):
York, they're like, that's like, that's like June. You know,
I live in South Florida. I'm throwing no stones on
this issue, let me.

Speaker 1 (39:33):
Tell you know. But it gets so funny.

Speaker 2 (39:34):
It gets sub sixty five here and we all of
a sudden act like it's the end of days.

Speaker 6 (39:38):

Speaker 4 (39:39):
I just think it's so funny that they were trying to,
you know, like boost up the protesters at UCLA, like
they're so committed to the cast.

Speaker 1 (39:47):
It was the mid fifties and they.

Speaker 4 (39:49):
Didn't even leave and I'm just laughing. At mid fifties
at the University of Michigan is may you're like five
shorts again, that's right. And when Wisconsin Addison where they
also have to protest if it hits the fifties, like
you're you're running around like girls are out in their
in their bikinis. Basically, I also think it's just laughable.

Speaker 2 (40:11):
I think that back to Trump and the trial and
how he's leveraging the media. The media focus they were
hoping with this trial would be on.

Speaker 9 (40:20):
Oh my gosh, you're under you're you know, facing criminal
charges and it's so terrible and Trump and handcuffs, and
that's what they were hoping it would be, and instead
it's turned into Trump holding impromptu press conferences while this
sham is going on behind him, and people aren't upset
with Trump at all about this.

Speaker 2 (40:37):
Who weren't who weren't before? Right, I Mean, no one's saying,
oh my gosh, I thought Trump was actually pretty cool,
but now with this, you know, managerial, I'm trying to
even think what the misstating of internal expenses and his
business is basically what the real people keep saying, It's
about the hush money it's really about how they entered
into the ledger, what the business expenses were in I mean,

it's even weaker than a hush money trial. By the way,
Stormy Daniels, what's the difference to what she did in extortion.
That's a whole other basically hiring a lawyer who does
the extortion for you, like Michael Abanati. But Trump has
spoken as well about law enforcement specifically, and I think
this is another key place where he can make the distinctions.
Democrats care about the law when they are persecuting political opponents.

Trump and Republicans care about the law when it is
keeping you safe from violent criminals on the streets and
from lunatics on these campuses.

Speaker 1 (41:31):
Play sixteen quickly.

Speaker 5 (41:33):
On the colleges and universities. It's a shame. I'm so
proud of the New York's finists, the great people too,
and so many of them. They're incredible. They did a
job at Columbia and likewise in Los Angeles, they did
a really good job at UCLA. It was very much embedded.
And just so you understand, this is the radical left.
This is a movement from the left, not from the right.

The right is not your problem. Despite what like law
enforcement likes to say. The FBI director said that he
worries about the right. Now, don't worry about the right.
The right's fine, worry about the left because this is
a movement from the left. These are radical left lunatics.

Speaker 1 (42:13):
There we go.

Speaker 2 (42:15):
This is they wanted the trial, They wanted to focus
on it, New York City getting a lot of attention.
Not the way Democrats want though, no doubt. It's a
total mess for them.

Speaker 4 (42:25):
And this is why I think earlier you heard us
playing Joe Scarborough and so many people out there who
are a little bit uncomfortable with how this is going
for Democrats, and the polling must be awful. If they
finally got Joe Biden to leave and actually address this
after ten days of silence, that's kind of how bad

I think in general, all of this is playing for him,
kind of going forward.

Speaker 2 (42:51):
Yeah, eight h two two eight a two. We got
Tutor Dixon joining us. Trump was just in Michigan. Actually
had some wonderful words about our friend Tutor, which we'll
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Speaker 7 (44:05):
Twenty four on you podcast from Clay and Buck covering
all things Election episodes drumps Sundays at noon Eastern. Find
it on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (44:17):
Welcome back to everybody.

Speaker 2 (44:18):
As promised, the one and only Tutor Dixon is with
us of the great tit of Michigan and of course
the Tutor Dixon podcast, which is rocketing up the listenership charts.
You should subscribe on the Clay Unbuck podcast network. Tutors
show pops up in that feed. Go subscribe today. The
iHeartRadio app is the best way to do it. Look

up Tutor, look up Clay and Buck, find the Tutor
Dition show, or subscribe to the Tutor Diiction Show on
the iHeart app.

Speaker 1 (44:45):
Tutor, great to have.

Speaker 6 (44:46):
You, Thank you for having me.

Speaker 2 (44:49):
Let's start with the biggest takeaway from Trump's speech and
the energy and the message that he gave in your
home state of Michigan.

Speaker 6 (45:01):
There were people from all over the state. I mean
I came, I drove in from two and a half
hours away and people came up to me and they
were like, we're from we live right down the street
from you. So I know that people were excited to
have him here. There was overwhelming support for him, overwhelming
disgust that he can't campaign right now that he's limited

to one day a week, and I think that has
just helped to make people more excited about this election.
I mean, it was really electric. The people were so
excited to be there. It was pretty awesome.

Speaker 4 (45:34):
Tudor, if the election were to day, you know the
state of Michigan, Well, do you think Trump would win?
And what needs to happen if you don't over the
next six months to make that possible? Kind of how
would you assess what's on the ground now and what
you expect to be like in six months.

Speaker 6 (45:52):
I think Michigan is always an incredibly tight state and
it's very hard for either side. It's a battle, and
it's a battle on the ground. It's a battle on
the phones. People have to be communicating regularly, but Michigan
Republicans need to make sure that the ground game is
strong because the Democrats have a very strong ground game
in Michigan. We saw it in twenty twenty, we saw

it in twenty two, and I will tell you they
didn't in twenty sixteen, and they regretit it and they
made sure that they put in place what they needed
to have for twenty eighteen, for twenty and twenty two,
and the Republicans have been catching up. And so I
say it's tight because I think that they've lost Democrats
have lost a lot of support, and we have gained support,

but we have to make sure that we keep that
support going through November.

Speaker 2 (46:39):
Tudor do you think that Trump's I'm sorry, Biden's challenges
right now with the Muslim and more specifically Arab Muslim
constituency of your state of Michigan is really concerning Democrats
as a possible reason they might lose in the upcoming election.
Or is that overstating it.

Speaker 6 (46:59):
No, I think that's what's concerning them across the country
right now because that's what they saw in the primary,
and the primary was very telling. They went into the
primary and they said, even Gretchen Whitmer said, we think
that we may have ten thousand uncommitted voters, which means
Democrats came out and they said, look, we don't like
any of you. We're not voting for any of you.
And they ended up with one hundred thousand. But the

thing that I think really scared them because even that
they could say, Okay, this was a statement from our
Arab American community, and we're going to get those people back.
But the problem they had was it happened at Michigan State.
It happened at you of them, and so when they
saw those student numbers had turned against them, and now
they can't figure out how to talk about these protests,
how to get them to stop, how to get these

people calmed down. This is something that they haven't experienced before,
that they are protesting against the Democrats. So I think
that Michigan was the starting point for that, and now
they are looking at the rest of the country and saying, gosh,
what did we do with the youth vote? And can
we fix this in time for November?

Speaker 4 (48:03):
Did you enjoy tutor when Gretchen Whitmer walked out at
the draft and was universally booed by all of the
football fans there. I'm sure you saw that video that
went viral. I don't know why they decided to invite her,
but did you take some small measure of enjoyment there?

Speaker 6 (48:21):
And look, this is a risk that you take when
you try to make yourself as a politician also a
pop star and I think we've seen this with a
lot of people, but no one to the extent that
Gretchen Whitmer does it. She does these videos. She has
the video of her talking to a potato. She wants
to be famous, and she always has. This was you know,

she went to college wanting to be a sports reporter
for ESPN. That is her passion. That's where her heart
has always been. She was kind of dragged into politics,
and she's always stayed here because this is the next
best way for her to become famous. She's trying to
put those two things together. And what she doesn't realize
is that she is very polarizing, a very polarizing figure,

and many of the football fans are conservatives. So the
way she's treated the state, the destruction that she's caused
in the state, just not only during COVID but afterward
with businesses and regulations, she is not a popular figure
among conservatives, and yet she wants so desperately to be

loved by everyone, So she put herself out there. It
was a risk she took, and yeah, I'll say I
might have smiled a little bit about it.

Speaker 2 (49:31):
Clay, you could have just hired Gretchen Whitmer at OutKick
a long time ago and saved the people of Michigan
so much as well.

Speaker 4 (49:38):
Maybe I would have saved the people of Michigan, but
the company might have gone bankrupted to rely on her
to be likable.

Speaker 2 (49:43):
That's a fair point. So what are your points of advice?
I'm sure you're talking to a President Trump tutor, you know, offline,
and you know to the degree that you can speak
to it's just about the advice you'd give him in
person and in public for winning the state of Michigan. Like,
what does the pathway? Because I think you're right, and

you're just being honest with us. Even in a great
environment for Trump, which it feels like we're in right now,
and even with the Biden administration failures which are obvious,
it's going to be tight. It's going to be close. Right,
No one's winning Michigan by twenty points. So with that
in mind, what is the pathway to victory for Trump
and any other Republicans on the ballot?

Speaker 6 (50:22):
Look like Trump is doing the exact right thing in
Michigan right now, And if I were sitting down with
him every day, I would continue to say the same
thing he got out of the trap that Gretchen Whitmer
wanted to lay for him. She wanted to make this
about abortion again. And for people who have criticized him
for that, they must understand that that issue is going

to have to have a herculean cultural effort and not
a political effort. And so him stepping out of the
arena on abortion takes away all weapons against him, and
therefore he can talk about the things that are affecting Michiganders.
Every single day he did. He talked about what's happening
in the ev industry, and when we talk about mandates

and regulations from the Biden administration, this is directly impacting
the people in this state and hurting them on a
daily basis. It's hurting them with their jobs. He's also
talking about energy, it's hurting them with their finances. Because
every time GM or Ford or one of these companies
lays off a bunch of people. You just hear about

the people to get affected by the big automotive companies,
but all of our tier one, tier two, tier three suppliers,
then they're either laying people off, or they're working fewer shifts,
or they're paying less overtime, and all of a sudden,
all of the families in the state of Michigan are hurting.
So as long as he continues to talk about manufacturing

and energy, and we have the highest energy costs in
the entire Midwest. And Gretchen Whitmer wants to shut down
another pipeline. They're trying desperately to shut down a pipeline
in Michigan that is critical for folks in the Upper
Peninsula but also for folks in the Lower Peninsula. And
we just saw gas praises Rice. He continues to talk
about those things. Those are winning issues for him in Michigan,

and Biden and Whitmer can do nothing to harm him.

Speaker 4 (52:15):
We're talking to Tutor Dixon. You can listen to her
as part of the Clay and Buck podcast network. She's
killing it there. She was just with Trump yesterday at
a big rally in Michigan. Buck and I are going
to be in your college state, Kentucky tomorrow and we're
going to the Kentucky Derby on Saturday. My bet as
a UK student would be that you have been to
a couple of Kentucky Derby's at some point in your life.

What advice would you give us for the Derby And
have you ever tried a mint julep, And if so,
do you agree with me that is the most overrated
alcoholic drink of all time.

Speaker 6 (52:50):
So, first off, I will say that that's what I've
always been told about in mint julip and I have
never tried one because I've heard they are disgusting and
I'm not a big drinker, so I really don't drink
and putting myself in the position of drinking something awful.
It's like when someone's like this is terrible or this
smell horrible. Smell it you do, no thanks. I hope

that's not that. But the Derby is such a special
time in Kentucky and such a neat thing because you
have to remember that Kentucky has no national sports teams
or anything like that, so they don't when they have
football season. It's college football season, basketball season, college basketball season.
This is very unique to the state of Kentucky. The

Kentucky Derby, it's very special. There's a lot of history.
It's a great place to be and I encourage anyone
who can attend to go at least once in their life.

Speaker 4 (53:40):
Are you a hat person when you I'm assuming you've
been right. I assume almost everybody who goes to the
University of Kentucky like has an obligation. I know you've
been to Keeenland, which is also really fun, but are
you a hat person? Like, what kind of fashion advice
would you give if, like Buck's wife Carrie, my wife Laura,
they haven't been before. What advice would you give for women?

Speaker 6 (54:02):
You have to be You have to be kind of
I mean, you have to dress the derby, you have
to be a little bit loud, and you have to
do a hat because how often in our lifetime do
we get to go out and wear a very fancy
hat as women anymore? So Yes, dress us and absorb
it all. Take it all in, go all out, wear
the hat, have bright colors. It's spring, enjoy it, celebrate May.

It's a beautiful weekend. Go all out.

Speaker 2 (54:27):
Outstanding stuff, yep, outstanding stuff. Tutorddiction go subscribe to the
tutor didiction show. She's doing a great job and Tutor,
thank you so much for being with.

Speaker 6 (54:36):
Us as always, thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 2 (54:39):
You know, Clay, I'd have to go to like a
special I don't even know if this exists.

Speaker 1 (54:43):
Oh your head's too big to have a hat. Let's
be sensitive about this.

Speaker 2 (54:47):
Okay, Yes, my head is too big for all of
the fedoras that are out there, which are for normal
sized head people, so I'd have to find some. I
found one for baseball hats, so finally I can have
basely know my baseball hat looks.

Speaker 1 (55:02):
Like a parachute to most people.

Speaker 2 (55:03):
But I don't know if there are Kentucky Derby double
double XL.

Speaker 1 (55:09):
Hats out there, so we'll see.

Speaker 4 (55:11):
Have you thought about how much worse your life would
be as a man with a big head? Most people
don't notice. Woman with a gigantic head like would be
a tough look for you.

Speaker 1 (55:21):
That's true, I guess.

Speaker 5 (55:22):

Speaker 4 (55:23):
I mean, if you're a woman out there a gigantic
head and you can't find like a hat to wear
the cast I imagine it's kind of a panic.

Speaker 1 (55:30):
The man hands.

Speaker 2 (55:31):
There was the woman who was really attractive and then
big like furry man hands.

Speaker 4 (55:35):
Yes, a man head would be a bad look on
a woman. I'm just gonna say, you can't find like
a nice, like feminine hat that would be a tough look.
Maybe you have to drink a lot of mint julips.
But to help forget about how gigantic your head is
and how much it ruins everything. But sorry, if you
have a big head out there and you're a woman.
But I just watched a video of protesters on a

college campus.

Speaker 1 (56:00):
You've got to see this video. I just shared it.

Speaker 4 (56:02):
It's a bunch of loser dudes running with bike I
can't believe this is real with bike helmets on, and
they've cut up a plastic garbage can and they are
using the plastic garbage can as a shield. It looks
like the worst paintball game ever. And they just get
wrecked by the police officers. And I thought to myself,

there's no way those guys have any testosterone in their
body at all, because if you did, you wouldn't be
protesting in favor of Gaza. But at some point in time,
your testosterone would have clicked in and you would have said,
I'm wearing a bike helmet and running with a shield
made from a garbage can. I look like a loser.
No one is ever going to sleep with me, and

you would leave the protest. Those men need chalk, and
they did it bad.

Speaker 1 (56:50):
C Hoq.

Speaker 4 (56:52):
If you know a man, I'm just gonna say it.
If you know a man that would do that, you
need to just give him a bottle of chalk and say, dude,
just start taking this. Your life's gonna get better. Your
voice will probably get deeper, maybe you will grow hair
on your body. Cchoq is the phone. Phone number is
the website you can get hooked up. Use name Clay,

you get a great deal on subscriptions. Don't be a
left wing loser protester. Put some testosterone in your body.
Choq is the website chalk dot com, and my name
Clay gets you a subscription bonus.

Speaker 7 (57:30):
Need a break from follozis a little comedy to counter
the craziness, So do we. The Sunday Hang, a weekend
podcast to lighten things up a bit. Find it in
the Clay and Buck podcast feed, on the iHeartRadio app,
or wherever you get your podcasts.

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