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May 3, 2024 61 mins
Political lawfare precedence. Tim Sheehy, candidate for the U.S. Senate in Montana. RFK Jr. as VP? John Rich, country music star, on patriotic students.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Let's check in on President Trump here for a second
and see how he's doing, how he's feeling. He spoke
before court today. Court back in session on this Friday.
They have Wednesdays off during this absurd trial. But here
he is probably not surprising for any of you to

hear that he is unimpressed by the Biden numbers.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
This is five.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
The job numbers just came out and they're horrm and
they're very and I say that not happily. They say
that very unhappily. But the numbers are horrible. It's just
these people are destroying our country. Is another sign of it.
So as you probably know before I did, the job
numbers came out.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
There, really really low, really.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
Man our economy's band and now it's starting to show.
So you'll see it'll only get worse. It'll only get worse.
We're only going one way with the so called leadership.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
There is.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
I think if the buying economy, if it even just
continues in this stall that it feels like it's in
right now, clay another headwind that they just can't afford
right now going into the election. I think it'll affect
Democrats up and down the ballot across the board. But
this was interesting as well. We've discussed this a bit.
Andy McCarthy our buddy. Well, let's get Andy on next

week to address some of these things. Talk to him,
click and talk some smack over BA. Isn't baseball happening now?
Baseball season is underway. Also, I need to have Andy
tell me. Remember they still want me arrested for jury tampering,
although that seems to have died down. Who the best
criminal defense attorney I should go ahead and retain in
New York to make sure that that I can be
defended is I haven't.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Forgotten about that yet. I thought they had let that go.
They're still bothering you.

Speaker 5 (01:47):
We came now and then I'm still getting still getting
messages letting me know that I'm going to be headed
to Rikers Island. Then I should prepare to spend a
lot of time in prison. I know some MYPD guys, Well,
we'll come visit you.

Speaker 2 (01:57):
It'll be all right. So here is what Karthy though.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
This is really interesting because it does raise, first of all,
the ultimate question here is what's the point of all
these trials if there's really going to be no punishment
for Trump? Even if he's convicted, if it is just
for politics, I don't think anybody cares if he gets
convicted in need, we've thought that all along. The conviction
alone in New York is almost certainly not going to
do anything. And so if they're not going to put

him in jail and nothing's really going to happen to him,
what are they even doing? But on the gag order
issue as well, remember they're trying to say Trump can't
speak about people involved in the trial. They can speak
about him somehow outside the trial, but he can't speak
about them.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Andy here arguing.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
That basically the judge is too shook, as they would say,
too scared to put Trump in jail for violating the
gag order. This is seven play it.

Speaker 4 (02:48):
He's fighting this politic The trial is one thing. The
gag order stuff is all about the politics of the campaign.
And I must say I think that Judge march On
understands that putting Trump in jail, which he can do
for up to thirty days, for any violation of the
gag order, would be a catastrophe politically for Democrats. So
he's finding him a thousand dollars every time. There's no

doubt that there are violations of the gag order. I
think the gag order is unconstitutional, but that ships sailed.
If I were Trump, I'd be tempted to just give
Judge march On a check for about ten thousand dollars
every Monday and say this is for this week's violations
and just go do what he's going to do, because
I don't think he'll put him in jail.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
Oh man, can you assuming that true?

Speaker 5 (03:32):
I just think it would be funny if Trump came
to the courthouse with one of those big oversized checks,
you know, like you get when you win a sweepstakes,
and he just announced, Hey, I want everybody to know
I think this gag order is unconstitutional, but nothing is
going to stop me from saying what I need to
say to win this election. And therefore I am going
to go ahead in pre deposit fines and here is

and like written on it, Judge merchants.

Speaker 6 (03:57):
A big beautiful check because he's a I mean, he's
a terrible judge, unfair violating my constitutional rights. So we
brought him ten thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars per week.

Speaker 5 (04:09):
There you go, just go ahead and get the tab started. Yeah,
you just take it off my tab. I'm gonna go
ahead and give you twenty K because you're finding me nine.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
But I know there's gonna be another ten or eleven coming.

Speaker 5 (04:20):
I just want you to have it so you can
just go take it out of the kiddy whenever you
need it. That would be a pretty remarkable move by Trump.
And I think what Andy McCarthy is hitting on is
something we've said on this show for some time. And
the analogy I made a lot of you actually knew
what I was talking about. Some of you thought I
was crazy.

Speaker 2 (04:35):
My prayer rabbit analogy, Yeah, great analogy. Trump throwing in
the patch.

Speaker 5 (04:41):
Trump wants to get thrown in the Brier patch, and
yet he's out there saying, oh, please, don't throw me
into the Brier patch. Preasee don't and then they throw
him in there. Rabbits love being in the briar patch.
Trump would benefit tremendously from I think the video of
him being put in Riker's Island or wherever the jail
for purposes of just saying what he needs to say

he believes.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
To win a political campaign.

Speaker 1 (05:05):
What do you think of the chances at some point
in the weeks ahead when the judge is announcing in
another violation the gag where Trump just says.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Put it on my tab, the amazing line.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
I think he should go for it. I think you
should there. It would be a tremendous response to say
put it on his tab.

Speaker 5 (05:21):
And look, we had Mark Simon on last week Friday,
a week ago, and he said that he thought Trump
could win New York.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
Boldest prediction.

Speaker 5 (05:31):
I think that we've had on the show in some time,
Marx Simone knows New York, as you have said, Monster
Audience on WR leading into us. When I watched Trump
deliver the pizzas to the fireman yesterday after being in
the court all day, I couldn't help but think how
incredibly skilled Trump is at moments like that. He's done

it now with the construction crew in New York City.
He did it when he went to the Harlem. Butdega,
they're gonna set up I think some sort of large
rally in New York City at some time. I would
imagine he'll have an interaction with New York policeman at
some point as well, where he goes and delivers pizza
to them. But that moment with the fireman, it would

be the ultimate own goal, the ultimate self inflicted wound.
If by putting him on trial in New York City,
suddenly Trump is able to put New York even in
the van, even in the possibility of a play.

Speaker 2 (06:32):
Remember again we talked about emails to spend money. That's right.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
If he makes them even spend money in New York
at all or any time in New York, it's a win.
This is what Democrats always try to do with Texas, right.
They just use it as right now to try to
expand expand the battlefield, to expand the battle space a
little bit.

Speaker 2 (06:50):
I just say the best way.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
You know, we talk a lot about the breaking of
precedent and and the setting of precedent. That is going
to have bad implications, I think politically for the country
long after Trump is gone from the political scene. And
I think the only one of the only ways that
you can counteract that would be the kind of repudiation

politically that you'd get if Donald Trump won New York
after being tried there, and maybe even I don't know,
I don't think they're gonna put him in jail even
for a day. But you know that is I'm not
saying it's going to happen. But that's the way that
you set a different kind of president, which is the
American people see through this kind of thing for what

it is, and they will punish you at the ballot box.
All there really is at this point. None of the
people that are are the nemeses of Trump in this
None of the people that are abusing the law that
are doing all they're doing this constant game of oh,
we're protecting institutions by basically subverting institutions and going after

Trump Clay. They're not going to be punished. I don't
think anybody should be under it, be under any belief
that there's going to be prosecutors fired and bad things
are gonna happen to them. No, nothing's gonna happen to them.
The only way that there's some measure of justice here
is you get a big enough win for Trump in
enough places and the Republicans that Democrats will think twice
about doing this in the future. I can assure you

if Joe Biden wins, this then becomes a part of
the playbook what they're doing right now, they will do
it to other Republicans definitely.

Speaker 5 (08:31):
And that's why I would say if you're listening to
us and you're on the fence, I understand a lot
of people don't like Trump or Biden, and I bet
there's not an insubstantial number of you listening to us
right now. You were to say atist people, you were
nicky Haley people, maybe you're RFK junior people because you
just really don't like Trump and you don't like Biden.

That's not in substantial way. The quarter, probably thirty percent
of the United States, I would say, is in that
camp right now not a big fan of either guy.
If you are making a decision between the two. The
idea of putting your chief political opponent in prison for
the rest of his life if Democrats win, will become

a feature of campaign playbooks in the future. Trump will
not be the last person to face this kind of
lawfair if he wins. And by the way, I think
the idea of doing this is awful, regardless of whether
Democrats or Republicans were doing it.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
I think it's an awful precedent.

Speaker 5 (09:30):
If Trump wins, I think there'll be a lot of
people saying Biden blew it, Democrats blew it because they
won't give Trump credit, and a lot of them will
look at this law fair and they'll say it failed.
Oh and I think they'll also say, yeah.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
I was gonna say.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
I think they're gonna go they're not going to accept
that he won, no way, Oh well, they're He'll say,
is Russia China collusion.

Speaker 2 (09:53):
They'll they'll come up with a.

Speaker 5 (09:54):
That's why it really needs to be that. That's why, honestly,
I would it marks some He's a big enough.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
Margin that they have to shut right. But if it's tight,
if it's close, they're gonna say, and they're gonna say, well,
look what Trump said in twenty twenty, and we're gonna say,
well look what you lunatics did in twenty sixteen with
Russia collusion, and you know, and the cycle continues. They
will not accept it, and they will not certify. If
Democrats can, will they will try to block certification or
play games around certification in the House process too, just

everything they can do so they can do the same
chant they did in twenty sixteen when he beat Hillary,
which was not my president. That was remember that was
the whole They lived in this alternative universe where Trump
wasn't the president, but he was.

Speaker 5 (10:34):
I mean, I'll say this too. The idea that there
are only seven states that both Democrats and Republicans think
are in play given this election, the fact that there
are forty three states twenty some odd whatever the math is,
eighteen that Joe Biden's got locked up. Biden is I
think the worst candidate that Democrats have put forward in

our lifetime as his nominee.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
I really do.

Speaker 5 (10:58):
I mean, And you could say, even in twenty at
least the campaign they ran, I could understand why people
would vote for Biden. Now that you've seen four years
of what his stewardship of the country is and the
mental and physical frailty on top of that that compounds
his failure. I don't understand how anyone that is rational

could vote for Joe Biden. I really don't. And the
fact that he's got nineteen or whatever it is, eighteen
states that are not even in competition, I mean, I
think it's a really bad sign. Compared to let's say
nineteen eighty four, when people could look at Reagan, they
judged him for four years and you had an absolute landslide.
The fact that we could never have a landslide like

that again, I think is a testament to how few
people are actually paying attention.

Speaker 1 (11:44):
Sadly, take some of your calls here coming up and
we'll get into a big third hour as well. John
Rich will be joining us right Clay. You know John So,
I know John Well. I was just at his house
a couple of Fridays ago. He was throwing a big
fundraiser for Marsha Blackburn. He played a concert there. He
is a patriot, awesome dude, friend of mine. We had

him on the big noon kickoff show here this past fall.
As the musical verse, I bet he respects flute players.
Just saying a good question. Just say it's a good question.

Speaker 5 (12:16):
Which eight hundred serment player does he have the least
respect for as an accomplished musician. That would be a
great question.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
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Speaker 7 (14:22):
Have fun with the guys on Sundays, the Sunday Hang Podcast.
It's silly, it's goofy, it's good times. Fight it in
the Clay and Buck podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
All right, second hour Clay and Buck. Get's going right now.
We're joined by Tim Sheehy, who is running for US
Senate in Montana, an absolutely critical fight against tester up there.
Tim is a former Navy seal founder and CEO of
an aerospace company. H and a lot of other great

stuff we'll get into here in just a second. Tim,
appreciate you with us, first time on the show.

Speaker 8 (15:02):
Great to be here. Thanks for taking the time.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
So let's just start with it.

Speaker 9 (15:06):
What is uh, what's pushing you to try to push
this guy test her aside and become the next senator
from the great state of Montana.

Speaker 8 (15:18):
Well, to be honest, I'd rather be doing something else.
You know, I got a great business, I've got four
young kids, and you know, we live out in our
farm and ranch in Montana. So I'd love to love
to stay here and not have to waste my time
in the swamp. But the reality is America's at a crossroads.
And in summer twenty twenty one, you know, I watched
Cobble fall and the most disgraceful, despicable, shameful, you know,
display of American idiocy in a generation. And you know

I fought there. My wife fought there. She was a
Marine Corps officer. You know, her brothers were in the military.
So almost all of our best friends, you know, we
went to the Naval Academy. We're in the service, served there.
I lost a lot of friends there. I was wounded there.
I mean, the list goes on. I mean the amount
of sacrifice that a very small sector of our population made,
as you well know, one percent joined and went. You know,

most of America was never affected by the war. So
those of us who went again and again and again
and had deep relationships there, were so disgusted to see
the way in which Joe Biden his Lackey's dishonored all
of our sacrifice and made a fool of our country
at the end of our nation's longest war. And you know,
I worked so hard to get friends and allies, interpreters
out of there alive, while our government did nothing. So,

you know, that experience really woke me up to the
fact that, you know, if good people don't get involved
in government, if good people don't get involved and try
to be part of the solution, we're never going to
get this country back. So that's why I'm doing it.
That's why I'm here, and let's get to work.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
We're talking to Tim Shehe.

Speaker 5 (16:41):
He is the Republican nominee in Montana getting ready to
take on John Tester. For people out there listening in
Montana and certainly around the nation who are paying attention
to what could be a race that would flip control
of the Senate. John Tester has gotten by the past
several cycles by claiming that he's just kind of a
oderate middle of the road guy, old Montana farmer who

just tries to make common sense decisions. The data doesn't
actually support that he does that for people who might
have bought that argument. Now that you have dove into
this and you are running, what does John Tester actually
do in office as opposed to what he says he's
going to do?

Speaker 8 (17:22):
Well again, I mean it's you know, Tester has has
two axe he plays, you know, when he's in DC.
He's a loyal foot soldier for Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden,
you know, and then as soon as he comes back
to Montana, he throws on a Carhart jacket and walks
around and says, you know, he's working with Republicans to
secure the border. The reality is, you know, he's de
rated by the NRA one hundred percent planned parenthood. He's

you know, ninety plus percent voting record with Joe Biden. Actually,
I think it's more during this term. I think he's
like ninety five or ninety six percent, you know, this term.
You know, he's voting. He voted against the Lake and
Riley Act, voted to let boys play girl sports, has
voted to continue funding illegal umbergrant fly all over this country,
and you know he's a loyal footsoldier for the left.

So he plays the game in Montana, and you know
he's been able to survive as you said, several terms.
You know, he's part of the Lucky Canader Club six, twelve,
and eighteen, all strong Blue years, and you know Chuck
Schumer and Harry before him. You know, they dump tremendous
resources into the state. They literally buy this Senate seat
every cycle because they know John Tesser can't win without
a hundred million dollars of dark money two in a

million dollars of dark money pouring into the state and
protecting him. And then finally, the last thing they do
is they have one tactic every election, and that's outright
character assassination and smear at tactics on the Republican opponent.
They can never run on the issues of Montana because
he loses on the issues all the way down the ballot.
So instead they just savage the opponent with completely discussing

personal attacks. And that's what they're doing now. But the
polls are showing it's not working.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
Speaking to Tim Shee, he is running up in Montana
for a Senate seat, and Tim you mentioned your opponent
playing make belief. When it comes to wanting to secure
the border, what's your position on the border. You might
have heard Trump, I think it was just two days
ago in Michigan saying there's going to be major deportations

if he wins a whole range of things. The border
in some polls is the number one or number two issue,
depends on which polster you believe most. It's certainly top
of mind. What is your position when it comes to
the crisis we have now of an open border, illegals
pouring in by the millions. What should be done?

Speaker 8 (19:32):
My position on everything, and this issue is no difference,
is common sense. No other country in the world, let's happen.
What's happening to us right now? No one else in
the world, no other country says hey, millions of people
come in here, some of them probably good people, of course,
a lot of them very bad people coming here, bringing fentanyl,
you know, bringing their gang ties, you know, murdering people,

literally murdering people and getting away with it. We saw
those kids in New York City, you know, beating cops
in the street and the next day they're free. Let go. Meanwhile,
we're arresting presidents and putting them in trial. We have
the resources for that, but we don't have the resources
to prosecute criminal illegal aliens here murdering Americans. It's insane.
So my policy is very simple that border needs to

be airtight tomorrow. There's no excuse. We need to stop
incentivizing people to come here. And how are we incentivizing.
We're telling them when you come here, you're going to
get free closed, free lodging, free food, free air, transportation
around the country to a city of your choosing, and
there's no consequences. And you know, we as a country
have to get back to rewarding good behavior and punishing

bad behavior. That's what common sense is. If you break
the law, you go to jail. If you're a squatter
in someone's home, you don't arrest the homeowner, you arrest
the squatter. And across the board where you know, up
is down and down is upright, Now, boys are girls
and girls are boys. It's insanity and the border is
no different. We have to lock it down. I'm prolommigration.
I want people to come to this country the right way.
I've brought people to this country the right way to

work for my companies. But that's a big difference from
bringing people here the right way to have people pour
into this country who don't want what's right for our
country by the millions. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
Tim Sheehey with us right now.

Speaker 5 (21:06):
He's running for Senate in Montana, trying to flip control
of the chamber back as his seat is one of
the top targets of both sides. Frankly in terms of
the battle for who's going to control of the Senate.
I don't know if you know the numbers yet, but
I imagine that the amount of money raised in a Montana
Senate race is going to be ninety ninety five percent

out of state, and that people in Montana are just
going to be flooded and inundated with the amount of
money that's being spent. How are you doing in terms
of raising money from actual Montanas and how much of
the money that you're going to have to fight against
from John Tester is going to be flooding in from elsewhere.
And for people out there who are listening and want
to support you, how can they do it? But I'm

just kind of curious. I mean, this is going to
be one of the most expensive Senate races. I would
imagine anywhere in the country, this will be.

Speaker 8 (21:54):
The most expensive race in American history per vote, of
any race, the most will defensive race. It's an American
history on a per boat basis, which is ridiculous. It's embarrassing.
You know, we need to have campaign finance perform, We
need to fix this crap. But that's not gonna happen
before November. So in the meantime, tenfriendt dot com. You know,
folks can learn about me and about the race. You know, yeah,

we're getting out spend. I mean, test is raising you know,
sometimes eight million dollars a quarter. You know, every quarter.
We're hoping to punch through two maybe three if we're lucky,
and you know, we're we're doing grassroots, hitting the whole state,
every VFW hall, every rodeo. But you're absolutely right, I
mean it is we're getting not raised three to one,
four to one, five to one, and outspent. I mean
there's a period of time there was million dollars a
week of just peer savage attack ads on me, you know,

nothing even talking about what Tester's doing, just made up
crap about me. My family are a tradable worker businesses,
my military record, and that's what they spend their money on.
The money goes to do one thing, assault me and
my family and everything we've done. My wife and I
both serve this country in combat. I was wounded in combat.
We've created hundreds of jobs. But of course they're turning
all that into evil. And what I've challenged Ester is, hey,

why don't we just have a race about the issues, man,
Why don't we just talk about the border and gas
prices and foreign policy and inflation. Instead, all he wants
to do is make up lies about us. But that's
where the money is going. We're getting outspent, you know
again picked your week two to one, three to one,
four to one, five to one. But we're getting crushed.
But we're winning in the polls. The last poll that
came out, we're forty eight to forty five. So the

more money they spend, the more people are realizing that
sending John Tester back for a fourth term to sell
out America for another six years is not the right answer.

Speaker 2 (23:32):
You're actually favored.

Speaker 5 (23:33):
I don't know if you pay attention to the polymarket,
offshore markets for people out there who are interested in
investing your favored to win this race right now, despite
what they're spending on against you. You said something pretty
extraordinary there that per vote, this is going to be
the most expensive race that has ever happened in the
history of the United States. What kind of cost per
voter are we looking at? What is this race going

to cost?

Speaker 8 (23:55):
Well, you know, we got about seven hundred thousand. I mean,
you got a million ish residents in Montana, you know,
typical voter turnout, we'll get six hundred thousand, seven hundred thousand. Obviously,
we're trying to drive more voter turnout because we know
that the people in Montana don't want boys and girls
locker rooms, they don't want open borders, they don't want
six dollars diesel. So we know that the people support us.
We just got to get them to the polls and

please everybody listening. You know, I assume you're conservative. You're listening.
You know we're getting beat coast to coast ten on
voter turnout by the Democrats. You know, we all want
I want in person voter ID one hundred percent, but
guess what, that's not the law of the land this year.
We need to make sure Republicans, get out and vote early,
vote by mail, vote, absentee vote, DA, whatever it is.
Just make sure you actually vote because we're getting crushed

on turnout. And in Montana they're saying this race could
be two hundred and fifty to three hundred million for
six to seven hundred thousand voters. Oh that's crazy. Those
are crazy numbers. Exactly, It's insane. But you know that's
where we're at. And you know we're not going to
beat them on the money side, we know that, but
we got to have enough to fight back. You know,
I'm not going to be more more Ammo, but I
got to be able to fight back.

Speaker 1 (24:56):
Timmy, you got a big chunk of of You know,
it's funny because I think to people who haven't spent
a lot of time in Montana and don't know the
state particularly, well, it's republic It's a Republican state, right
if you look at the voting demographics and party registration.
But there's a big chunk of independents who can swing

it one way or the other. Right, is that the
breakdown in Montana. I remember someone telling me, you know,
Bozeman's obviously very blue. Couple of other little blue pieces
of the state, then the rest of the state's very red.
Just give us a sense of how that all comes
together and how independence you know, view this race and
why you think you're able to get more of them.

Speaker 8 (25:36):
Yeah. No, thank you for asking that, because you're absolutely right.
There's an oversimplification of what people think Montana is politically.
You know, they say, well, they're a big square, empty
western state, so they must be deep red. And the
fact is it's far more complex than that. I mean, yes,
Trump won the state by twenty points, you know, seventeen points,
you know, landslide the state. But the reality is just

nine years ago here in Montana, I get a seven
out of eight state wide elected off is we're Democrats
and today eight of nine are Republicans, and that just
shows the shift the state has not changed. What's changed
is the Democrat Party has left the state. You know,
the Democrats in Montana. Of course, yes, you have your
you know, pro Hamas Palestinian lefty loonies on the college campuses.
But the traditional Montana Democrats were union, they were labor,

they were you know, they were back when you could
still have a Democrat that was pro gun, pro cop
pro border pro life democrat, you know, that doesn't really
exist anymore. And and those people in Montana have said, man,
this part of that used to support my grandfather's mining union,
pipe fitters union. You know, like they're not they're not
they're not standing up for the white working class, blue

collar guy anymore. You know, they're selling us out. And
so that's been the big shift. And and you know
all the other common misconceptions folks coming into the state,
especially during COVID, you know, they see the so yellowstone,
they're like, oh, I everyone's a liberal Californian parachuting into
Montana making it blue. And that's actually incorrect. Most of
the people coming here are political refugees fleeing Portland, Seattle, Sacramento,

San Francisco, La, saying I'm getting away from this craziness.
I'm getting away from you know, homelessness and crime and
crazy taxes, and I'm going to move to a state
where I'm going to be free. And they're bringing those
values here. And that's another reason why why we're seeing
the states solidify. Read So there is that there is
an independent swing, and I wouldn't quite call it independent,

It's more of a libertarian swing. Here in Montana, we
do have a lot of folks that their mindset is, hey,
less government's better government, and I can't disagree with that
one bit. You know, their outlook is really, I don't
really care what party, just stay out of my curios,
don't bother me, and go home. And I think those folks,
of course, there's only one party now that even mentions,
you know, smaller government, that even mentions restricting the power

of our federal government. And we know which part of
that is. So I think that that kind of libertarian
position has drifted to the right here in these last
few years, especially especially during and after COVID, when we
saw the greatest trampling of our constitutional rights in the
history of this country.

Speaker 1 (28:00):
Tim four Mt dot com is where you can go
to help out and pitch in. Tim Sheehy, we are
certainly rooting for you here. Thank you for your service
to the country, and thank you for joining us.

Speaker 2 (28:11):
On the show.

Speaker 8 (28:13):
Thanks your Tom. We'll be back to the most times.

Speaker 2 (28:15):

Speaker 1 (28:16):
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Speaker 7 (29:49):
The Truth Compass Pointing, Do Right every Day, The Clay
Travis San Buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 5 (29:56):
Welcome back in fourteen hours up onto fifteenth hour of
the show. This week, Buck Sexton is in Louisville. I
will be headed up there soon. We will be together
with our wives and our fantastic boss, Julie Talbot and
her husband. The six of us will all be at
the Kentucky Derby tomorrow with one hundred and fifty or

so thousand of our best friends who watch the race there,
which should we hopefully get some good weather, should be
a lot of fun.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
Does Laura back your your mint Julip blasphemy? By the way,
is she on board for anti mint Julip? That's a
fantastic question. I don't know that Lara has had Well,
certainly she hasn't. Lara has never been to the Kentucky Derby,
so she has not had a Kentucky Derby.

Speaker 2 (30:43):
Neither is Carrie.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
You're the only one of the of the four of
us who's been, and so you've you're the only Derby
veteran and the only julyp officiant or anti officionado. I
guess as the case, maybe because neither Karen nor I
have ever had a mind jewlip.

Speaker 5 (30:56):
Twenty two dollars for a mint jewlyp at the Kentucky
Dery be free tip. So if you went with let's
say a quad basically four four mint Jules would cost
you nearly one hundred bucks.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
That's that's like a bargain for a Miami a Miami
club or something. My friend, that's you know, you get
a vodka Red Bull, it's forty bucks like that. The
twenty two bucks is not that not that crazy. That
is definitely New York City Miami prices. Because there's a
lot of people out there like twenty two bucks. That's
a twelve pack and and and sometimes it's a lot
of Natty light for our fraternity brother fans. Before before

before Biden, it was a twelve pack. Now it is
sadly just a six pack.

Speaker 5 (31:35):
It's crazy how much everything costs. All right, couple of
things that are out there. Report from Bloomberg that Donald
Trump is down to a final four on his vice
presidential list.

Speaker 2 (31:50):
I just tweeted out a poll.

Speaker 5 (31:51):
We will share it from Clay and Buck if you
want to vote both Buck and Mine's pick still alive
and in the final four. According to Bloomberg. Again this
is Bloomberg. Only Trump has the list. I'm not claiming
that this is one hundred percent accurate. I'm telling you
what Bloomberg reported. Senators Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, and JD. Vance,

and then Governor Doug Bergham of North Dakota. That is
the report for men. What do you think about this
final four? First of all, do you think it's accurate?

Speaker 2 (32:29):
No, I don't. I don't think it's accurate.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
I think that the easiest way to get clicks and
attention at this part of the political cycle for any
of these news organizations is speak to somebody that you
can plausibly claim has access to Trump in his inner
circle and come up with your VP list. I think,
you know, Bloomberg, they probably aren't just flying off the

handle here. They have some kind of sourcing on this one.
The fact that there's not a single woman in the mix, though,
I find surprising. Doug Bergham is the one though that
I just why, well, what would that he doesn't have
name recognition.

Speaker 5 (33:06):
Trump must really like him or something. Is I think
Trump really likes him. We've had him on the show
a couple of times. I think it's the no drama factor.
He's a really successful business guy. If you really go
back to Mike Pence, Mike Pence is the most bland
politician on the planet. Well, he was supposed to make
evangelicals feel comfortable that Trump wasn't you know, about to

turn into like a atheist socialist or something. But I
don't think like we had the Veke on the show yesterday,
right or two days ago, whatever day it was.

Speaker 2 (33:36):
I love the Vike.

Speaker 5 (33:38):
Theveke is not going to shrink into the corner and
be unnoticeable. He is outspoken. He's going to get attention.

Speaker 2 (33:46):
You know my job.

Speaker 1 (33:47):
I think Devike really wants to be I was joking
around about how you know, Treasury Secretary and Treasury Building
of all the of all the agencies and buildings in
d C. Treasury buildings is really nice, really close to
the White House, but not the White House.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
It's a little more chill.

Speaker 1 (34:03):
You're right there kind of looking off to the back
of the White House where the pickups with the helicopter happened. Anyway,
it's a nice building. I would say, I would say
if Vake would enjoy the most being Press secretary, I
think I think he loves just he doesn't need the money.

Speaker 2 (34:20):
He doesn't care.

Speaker 1 (34:21):
He's got more money than he's ever gonna spend, so
it's not like it's a he needs it as a
career stepping stone. I feel like he would really enjoy.
Could you imagine him as Press secretary, it would be
a slaughter, It'd be great TV.

Speaker 2 (34:32):
He would, he would, he'd be so good.

Speaker 1 (34:35):
Really, So I think that'd be you know, I don't
I don't know if you would take that job. He
probably wants to build more companies and be on the
outside into his thing, because remember, you got to be
if you're taking a White House role, you gotta be
at the White House, you gotta live in DC, you
got to actually do these things. So I don't think
that's for him necessarily. We'll see, Okay, So VP picks
so sorry Bergham, Tim Scott. Still the betting home, I would.

Speaker 5 (34:55):
Say, is in the Mike Pence realm, where he's not
going to really eight waves, but he's more of a
business guy than an evangelical guy. Vance who you like
as your top pick? Senator from Ohio? Marco Rubio. Complications
there are that he's from Florida. They would have to
figure out the residency issue, but that would be a

sign that Trump thinks there's a lot of Hispanic men
to play, make a play for. And then to me
Tim Scott, who I think is going to be the pick.
I think Trump believes that there are black men out
there that are going to support him. I think he
sees Tim Scott as part of pathway there. Let me
give you the results so far. You can go vote.
Three thousand of you have voted in the first five minutes.

Tim Scott thirty seven percent. Jd Vance thirty one percent,
twenty three percent, Marco Rubio nine percent. Doug Bergham. I
think a lot of people just don't know. Doug Bergham
would be to a certain extent. This is going to
be a name recognition poll, and Doug Bergham, I would say,
is the least well known of this group.

Speaker 2 (35:58):
So those four are out there.

Speaker 5 (36:01):
But Bucket said he thinks it's going to be jd
Vance I have said I think it's going to be
Tim Scott. We'll see how this continues to play out,
but I wanted to update all of you.

Speaker 2 (36:09):
Just because that story was out there.

Speaker 5 (36:11):
Also, Trump has started to take aim at RFK Junior.
A lot of attention out there on Trump v. Biden.
We all know that, but the Trump team has now
gone into the archives and they're finding a lot of
stuff that RFK Junior has said. In the past, I
have said, I think RFK Junior is one hundred percent

right on or ninety nine point, like a huge percentage
right on COVID. That's where I would agree atinghold.

Speaker 1 (36:42):
But now now I'm gonna put my full RFK skepticism
once again on display. And I was skeptical from the beginning.
And I know we still have people call in and
said that they would you know, They're like, I listened
to Rush for thirty years. I'm super conservative, and I
love Trump, and I think RFK would be a great VP.
And I sit here and I go, he's a Democrat.

Speaker 2 (36:59):
Well what am I am? I taking crazy pills here?
He's a Democrat? Wh why didn't I don't understand why
people don't see that as a problem.

Speaker 1 (37:06):
He's good on COVID, Clay, you, I everybody on the
right who is worth anything is good on COVID. Yeah,
that alone is enough. I think there are people frustrated.
I think a lot of the DeSantis people are COVID
voters and they're frustrated because they don't think Trump was
good enough on COVID, and so they see RFK Junior
as that pathway. But I want to play these two
cuts for you because and we've Rfk's been on the show,

We've invited him back on the show. I think he
should have the right to explain himself on these cuts,
and people evolve, certainly I have. I was gonna say,
you're just gonna say he doesn't believe what he says
in these cuts anymore, But I.

Speaker 5 (37:41):
Do think you should hear them. Here is August of
twenty sixteen. RFK Junior says that he's supporting Hillary and
he thinks she's going to be a very very good president.

Speaker 10 (37:52):
Listen, are you solidly for Hillary or are you more
anti Trump? Oh?

Speaker 2 (37:57):
I'm solidly for Hillary.

Speaker 11 (37:59):
I think Hillary is going to be a very very
good president.

Speaker 5 (38:03):
Okay, I mean solidly for Hillary. In twenty sixteen, here.
He also is Now this is further back, this is
from two thousand and five, but this is actually a
pretty direct attack on people who live in Red states.
This is a again a flashback RFK two thousand and five.

Speaker 11 (38:21):
Red state people are more likely to murder you, to
impregnate your teenage daughter, to commit a violent crime against you,
to commit a non violent crime against you, to watch
Desperate Housewives on TV, to buy pornography, to buy you know,
degenerate video games like Grand Theft a Otto.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
So that is a take on Red state.

Speaker 5 (38:46):
Now, you can maybe say I was joking a little
bit with the Desperate Housewives line, But as RFK is
fleshing out to me, this is a sign that there
is recognition that he I think he hurts Trump more
than he hurts Biden.

Speaker 1 (39:01):
I've thought that all along, and you know, I just
just to clear the air. I have been skeptical of
RFK as a candidate. Yeah, we agree on COVID, right,
I mean there are other you know, Berenson was a
hero on COVID and is I would say center right now.
But he's not some huge Trump fan. I mean there
are people out there who who fit this mold of

just seeing COVID lockdowns and all that for what it was.
I've been skeptical of him because he's a Democrat the
whole time, and I've thought the whole time he's gonna
hurt Trump. He's gonna hurt Trump more. You know what
you don't see and maybe I'm missing this. I mean,
there's only so much that anyone can absorb, and we're
just constantly living in this news cycle. Clay and I
both I don't see Democrats attacking him the way they

would if they really thought that he was a threat.

Speaker 2 (39:46):
Are you seeing that?

Speaker 1 (39:48):
I don't see Democrats trying to trying to, you know,
tear down RFK Junior as aggressively as they go after
people that they think really pose a challenge to their
power mad nature.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
You know, I don't see it. I feel like they're playing.

Speaker 3 (40:05):
Us, and.

Speaker 2 (40:07):
I've just saying it all along.

Speaker 5 (40:09):
But I do think that they don't want third parties.
Jill Stein hurts them. Jill Stein is taking votes from
Joe Biden. I think Carnell West is taking votes from
Joe Biden. But I think that RFK Junior is going
to take more votes from Trump. So the fact that

they're I think they're playing a little bit of a
subterfuge game here where they claim that they actually are
really afraid of RFK Junior to try to keep the
Trump people from recognizing that it actually hurts them, hurts
helps them.

Speaker 1 (40:45):
So I completely see it that way too, and I
have all along and this is why I've been very
skeptical of the I don't understand where yet he is
good on one thing. There are a lot of things
that you need to be able to do. Remember, it's
not just about being the VP for electoral prospects. I
honestly I would bet money that Trump has I think

Trump is going to see triple digits. Like I think
he's in phenomenal condition for somebody his age. But when
someone's going to be in their eighties, the vice president
needs to be ready to go. And to me, as
a conservative and one who's been a conservative since you know,
I was watching Saturday morning cartoons, basically, I don't see

how you could ever think having a member of the
Kennedy family no less. I mean, I know he's supposed
to be kind of rogue and they've turned on him now,
but you're gonna put a Kennedy on a Republican ticket
and tell me this is I think they're trying to
swindle people, and I know no one likes to hear
they're being swindled.

Speaker 2 (41:44):
I think they're trying to swindle people. I really do.

Speaker 5 (41:46):
I would I would be fine with anybody as VP
if it meant Biden lost, like I would. I'm just
being honest, like I would roll the dice on we
had Tulcy Gabbert on. I really like her, I like
the veg I would be fine with any of these
four finalists.

Speaker 2 (42:01):
Can I address that real quick?

Speaker 1 (42:02):
Also, because obviously I feel very different, you know, I
feel very differently in terms of my trade.

Speaker 2 (42:07):
Look, I'm just going on gut.

Speaker 1 (42:09):
I I trust that Tulsi Gabbert has come to the right,
you know, overwhelmingly and fully because she experienced what happened
with the Democratic You're somebody who has overwhelmingly shifted your own
believe you know, so we come at this different perspective.

Speaker 5 (42:25):
I think that, yeah, right, I think people have gone
so crazy that I kind of stayed the same place,
and I'm gone from somebody who was center left at
like twenty to now being like considered far right wing
and many of the things I believe are the exact
name most stuff. And it's just kind of crazy of
how much I think the political environment has shifted. But yes,
you like Tulsi.

Speaker 1 (42:44):
I think Tulsi has made a conversion so people and
people can disagree with that, and you know, and the
RFK thing. Also, you know, Kennedy knows like a lot
of it's just the family name and you know, all
the environmental stuff. And I'd love to talk to him
about climate change, like do you believe in all that nonsense?
Like you really think we're going to die because of
climate change? And you know, the humanity is going to

be over a lot of questions I could ask him.
I do think that the third party thing is that
we talk about how Biden could win. We're looking at
super narrow margins, We're looking at a brand fight of
Democrat versus Republican, especially with Biden at the head of
the Democrat ticket. Third party could be the thing that delivered.
And I know people don't like to hear it, but
you look at the Jill Stein vote in twenty sixteen.

Speaker 2 (43:28):
Yeah, Jill Stein, no libertarian vote in twenty against Trump.

Speaker 1 (43:31):
Yeah, Libertarians, I got some. I gotta talk to you
libert the libertarians out there.

Speaker 2 (43:37):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (43:38):
I thought COVID was going to be your super Bowl.
A lot of libertarians were like.

Speaker 2 (43:42):
Well, they have a right to shut down the churches.
I was like, I don't think they do. I don't
think they do.

Speaker 1 (43:47):
Libertarians some of them went a little not all of you,
I'm throw a little shadyer. Not all of you, but
some of you went a little little mia on me
during COVID.

Speaker 5 (43:55):
I will just say I would take anybody as VP
if it meant that Trump would win. Now, the argument
of does the VP really matter, I think is a
very valid one. But if you told me I would
take a RFK Junior, I would anybody at VP. I
feel confident Trump's going to live through his term, but
I just want to be Biden. Speaking of VP candidateacy,
see that the governor of South Dakota, Christy nom has

been community noted on x for changing her story now
about the dog, because it is now what she is
saying on TV is not what was said in the book.
And for anyone who says who cares about this fair
another news story today. She claimed in her book, which
is called No Turning Back, which many are pointing out

the irony of this one to have met Kim Jong un.
The problem with the claim that she met Kim Jong
un is that she did not meet Kim Jong un,
as now even her spokes hack has has set out
in public, so they're now having to.

Speaker 2 (44:57):
Change that in the book. I don't know, man.

Speaker 1 (45:00):
If I told you that I met Elvis in my
memoir and then I was like, actually, I didn't meet Elvis,
you might think that.

Speaker 2 (45:07):
Was a bit strange because you would remember, wouldn't You.

Speaker 5 (45:10):
Were moving rapidly towards the Charles Barkley when he claimed
that he was misquoted in his own autobiography. Do you
remember this, Like this is probably like twenty five years ago.
He was doing his publicity tour and he was like,
I don't think I said that, and they were like,
it's in your book and he was like, I didn't
read it. I mean, so again, I just if you

decide you want to get elected president because you killed
the dog and you want to share that story, and
then you lie about meeting the dictator of North.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
Korea, like that seems like kind of a big deal.
In your oldest story, I was.

Speaker 1 (45:41):
Reporting the news I mean, she got community noted on
the dog situation, so they're saying that she's changed the
story and you know, largely changed the story in a
way that the ex community has has weighed in on.
And then the story about the North I mean, could
you go go check it out? I mean, tell me
if I'm wrong. I mean, if she met, if she
met Kim Jong ung. I would love to hear in

detail about it, but apparently not. So it's important you
get these things right. It's one thing, Clay, you know,
and I know from book World, your enemies are going
to dive. They're going to dive into it, and if
you give them anything to work with, you're going to
be in a tough spot really quickly. It's also hard
to meet the dictator of North Korea. It's not like
he just randomly shows up in Pere, South Dakota. There's

been a deal, it would be a big deal.

Speaker 5 (46:27):
There's an attack on the excellence in America, not just
protesting on campuses, Excellence attacked in many of our institutions
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Speaker 2 (47:27):
They're here to shed light on the truth every day.
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 5 (47:32):
We are rolling through the Friday edition of the program,
joined now by John Rich. He knows a little bit
about a lot of things. I think that's a good
way to describe. You had an awesome last time I
saw you. A couple of weeks ago at your house
doing an awesome fundraiser for Marsha Blackburn. You're fighting for
people out there left and right, and I know you're

a big University of Texas fan, so I may ask
you something.

Speaker 2 (47:55):
About that in a moment.

Speaker 5 (47:56):
But how much have you enjoyed seeing so many different
kids on southern campuses sec ACC standing up against these
anti Israel protesters. I know you've got and reached out
and made contact with the UNC guys who have gone
super viral for holding up the flag, But has it

given you some optimism in the next generation. We'll figure
out what's going on with John's audio in a moment, Buck,
I am ready to also give everybody my pick on
the Kentucky Derby kind of going forward and breaking all
that down.

Speaker 2 (48:34):
Did you actually know anything about horse racing or are
you You know?

Speaker 1 (48:37):
You know about other sports stuff, but do you know
about horse racing?

Speaker 2 (48:39):
I don't know. I know the horse is run and
I saw a sea biscuit, that's about it.

Speaker 4 (48:43):

Speaker 5 (48:43):
I've been to a bunch of horse races and I've
gambled on horses a lot. No, I don't know one
thing about horse Yeah, one I mean, if you bet
on enough horse races, you win. I've never won any
money that's substantial enough to kind of make me think, oh,
my goodness, this was an unbelievable trip. But yeah, look,
I mean there will be horse race is all day.
I mean, I've bet on dog races back in the day.
I don't think they allow dog racing anymore. But they

used to allow greyhound racing in the state you call
home now Florida. As a kid, I went to what's
wrong with dog racing is that? I think they decided
that it was unkind to the dogs. I don't I
don't know. You know, they pretend to chase a rabbit.
They used to have greyhound racing tracks all over the
place in the South, in particular. I don't think they Arkansas, Iowa, Texas,

West Virginia allow greyhound racing. Still, you go, I've been
to This is real, not like something that you might
see in La or New York. I've been to cockfighting.
You know, they have a cockfighting ring in I believe
it's still there Puerto Rico. You can go gamble on cockfighting.
They have cockfighting palaces and you can go sit in

there and watch the roosters go head to head and
uh and pick winners. I think it's still up and
running and uh. And I was like, man, this is
you talk about a cultural experience. U Oh, yes, I
like to go figure out the odds and dive in.
I said, the thing that I don't like in particular
is paramutual, the way that you don't know what the

odds are until it actually gets there. My pick, and
this is from people out there who are way smarter
than me about horse racing, my pick is going to
be the number eleven horse forever young. It's a dominant horse.
Let's bring in John now we've got him back, John
Rich with us. I gave you an incredibly illustrious introduction.

I don't know if you heard it, but i'll shorten
it up.

Speaker 2 (50:33):

Speaker 5 (50:34):
You were raising money for Marsha Blackburn. You're a fantastic guy.
You're a patriot. Are you optimistic? I know you've made
contact with the UNC fraternity guys who helped to hold
up the flag. When you see what's happened at so
many different Southern schools, and the kids who've been willing
to show up and counter protest the anti Israel protesters
Are you optimistic about the next generation. What can you

tell us about your contact with those guys, Yes, I am.

Speaker 10 (51:01):
I can tell you. First of all, I played concerts
all over the US, and so I see this kind
of this kind of patriotism from the stage. I look
out and see just vast tens of thousands of people singing,
you know, God bless America at the top of their
lungs at every single show. So they're out there. I
think we have maybe been tricked into thinking that America's

youth is by and large the ones that are running
around acting like idiots and protesting and tearing stuff up,
that we think that's what it is. But in honesty,
what it is is they're the ones that get on TV.
I think the hard work, forward thinking American youth for
the most part, you don't see them on TV, man

because they're not they're not causing any trouble. They're studying,
they're working, they're trying to figure out how to plan
their life and go be a success in America. So
I don't think you hear from them. But when I
saw those those FRAPs that un see stand underneath the
flag and make sure it didn't touch the ground, which
is a big deal. Anybody that knows about flag etiquette,
you're never supposed to let the United States flag touch

the ground. I saw that and went with somebody raised
those boys right because they know how to treat the flag.
And even though they had rocks and bottles and sticks
being thrown at them, they never dropped the flag. They
just held it until it got raised back up to
the top. It impressed me to such a degree that
I basically just reached out on Twitter on X and
I said, Hey, anybody knows how to get a hold

of these guys, let me know, but I would like
to offer a free concert for them whenever they decide
to have this rager, as they put it on their
donation page. And now I've been able to connect with
those guys and it looks like we're going to put
something together really significant. I've had all kinds of artists
calling me saying, hey, man, let me know what that

date is, because I will be the Lee Greenwood hit
me with the text and said, hey, John, you think
those college guys would want to hear God Bless the USA.
And I said, yeah, Lee, I'm pretty sure that want
to hear that one and so he goes cool, tell
them my men. So I think this can become a
real moment where we celebrate young Americans who are patriotic

and who are sick and tired of the nonsense that
they've had to deal with. If you think about what
they've been through since twenty twenty, take the back So
you can't go to college, take all your classes online. No,
you're not going to have a graduation. And now they
look up and their campuses are totally overrun, and here
we go again. They've got a lot to deal with.
So I think they should be celebrated. And I'm proud

to be a part of it and looking forward to
making this a really big deal.

Speaker 1 (53:36):
Hey John, it's buck. You know, you're a country music superstar,
a patriot, and a musician, so we think you're perfect
to weigh in on a controversy here. I don't want
to put you too much on the hot seat, but
as a musician and country music superstar, do you give
respect to all instruments, including all of the woodwinds equally

or do you pick and choose among the instruments out there?
Because I will tell you Clay has some choice words
about flute players.

Speaker 2 (54:06):
Sir, Clay's calling out the flute players.

Speaker 5 (54:09):
I'm anti flute. I think if you're a grown man
you play the flute, you should have picked another instrument.
You're a musical genius. What do you how do you
analyze the different respective instruments?

Speaker 10 (54:19):
Well, I will tell you that back in the day now,
the Revolutionary War, they had guys hitting the bombs and
they had guys blowing flute. Okay, I mean you heard it.
The British heard it, So I don't know, that's pretty manly.
If you can continue playing a flute while bullets are
whizzing by your head, that's that's pretty good. So I
don't know.

Speaker 2 (54:38):
Thank you, sir.

Speaker 1 (54:39):
He didn't even have to go Jethrow Tull on us.
He just pulled out Revolutionary War Clay. I think John
just solved this. Solve this riddle.

Speaker 5 (54:46):
John tying in with that, You've got a great whiskey,
and I was sampling some of it at your at
your Marshall Blackburn Uh fundraiser that you threw. I don't
know how many times you've been to the Derby buck
as now I've been a couple of times. We're gonna
be in Louisville tomorrow going, I said, and again, you're

a whiskey guy. You know bourbon, you know that the
mint julip. In my opinion, I'm an old fashioned guy.
I'm also fine with whiskey. You know in ice on ice,
do you find the mint julop to be as awful
of a drink as I do? Can you think of
a drink that you've tried and you thought, Man, this
thing is so overhyped? How would you assess the liquor
breakdown here?

Speaker 10 (55:28):
I would agree with you on the mint julip. I've
never been a big fan of that. Now there is
a whiskey version of that. It's funny you bring that up.
At the top of my Twitter page on X, I
just posted a redneck rivier, a Thoroughbred was what we
call it. It's for the Kentucky Derby and it has
a couple of the elements of a mint julip, but
it's using Rednick Riviera whiskey. So if you're looking for

an alternative, just go to my Twitter page at John
Rich and make the thing. It's like four or five ingredients.
But I agree with you. The mint julip as it
stands it's a classic. I would never order one. I
think people probably only drink those when the race happens.

Speaker 2 (56:04):
No doubt.

Speaker 5 (56:05):
By the way, how optimistic are you about Texas joining
the SEC? You're a huge Texas Longhorn fan. You were
in the Rose Bowl for the Vince Young National Championship
win over my buddy Matt Lioner, one of the probably
the greatest college football game in the last thirty forty years.
I know Texas made the playoff this past year, and
I know you were excited about that. You came on
big noon. How are the Longhorns gonna do as full

fledged SEC members?

Speaker 10 (56:30):
You know, I think they'll do fine. It's obviously that
the competition is going to be I mean, every week
is going to be another grinder. But one thing I'm
really excited about for next year in college football is
the playoff scenario finally. I mean, you know, if you're
a really good team and you barely missed a cut,
well you won't barely miss it this time. You're actually
gonna have a shot. I think that's gonna make it

a really exciting finish to college football. Are you pretty
happy to see that set up that.

Speaker 2 (56:57):
Way as well? Yeah, you know, I had Buck with me.

Speaker 5 (57:00):
We went to watch Texas play Alabama and Athens a
couple of years I mean, uh in Austin a couple
of years ago. Phenomenal scene. I think it's gonna be
a great fit for both Texas and Oklahoma. I can't
wait to see how it all shakes out.

Speaker 10 (57:13):
Yeah, me too. And you know I'm married at Texas, Aggy,
so oh, I know you.

Speaker 2 (57:18):
Got an A and M.

Speaker 5 (57:18):
You got A and M and H in Texas. Your
your kids are gonna have to choose now.

Speaker 3 (57:23):
I know.

Speaker 10 (57:23):
My oldest son is A and M. My youngest son
is a Longhorn fan. So it's definitely a civil war
in the house when that game is gonna happen. I
can't wait for it.

Speaker 2 (57:31):
That's gonna be great to have it back.

Speaker 10 (57:34):
Yeah it is. That was always one of the most
classic head to head you know, matchups, rivalries anywhere in
the US. So I hated to lose that. So I
think it's gonna be great. Man, Texas going the SEC.
I think it stumbs up across the board.

Speaker 5 (57:48):
Now you've got Also, this is pretty cool. You're bringing
back a show, The Pursuit with John Rich, which is
gonna be on Fox Business Network. Uh, what can you
tell us about that?

Speaker 10 (58:02):
So this is the show that I created and I
host the show. It's about people who pursue happiness in America.
With all the negativity going on. Even in this interview,
we have to talk about it. I thought, Man, if
you can unplug on a Saturday night and watch some
really entertaining stuff that's positive and talks about the greatness
of our country, that's a good show. So that's what's

coming on Saturday nights now on Fox Business Network, eight
o'clock Eastern, seventh Central. It's people like Tim Tebow, Dana White,
Wolfgang Puck, Gary Sinise, Vanilla Ice, I mean, on and
on and on, Michael W. Smith, Jim Brewer, who I
think is the funniest guy in America right now. So
it's a lot of really high caliber people telling their stories.

So to get a chance Saturday evening, sit back and
turn it on and check it out.

Speaker 5 (58:49):
Last question for you, John, as we go out, you
mentioned that you've been in contact with those UNC fraternity
brothers who held the flag and kept it off the ground.
Also that Lee Greenwood wants to involved potentially other artists.
What do you think the chances are Donald Trump wants
to be involved. I know you played one of his
most recent fundraisers that he did here in Nashville. And
how big of a party could that really turn into?

Given how many people want to be a part of
celebrating America with those North Carolinians.

Speaker 8 (59:18):
You know.

Speaker 10 (59:18):
I mean, it wouldn't shock me if he wanted to come.
I think it's probably up to the guys on the ground. Honestly,
it's up to those It's up to those college boys.
They're the reason we're having this discussion. So if they
wanted to invite Trump, they should invite him. If they
don't want to make it political at all, that's also
totally fine with me. I will tell you I was
contacted by bikers for Trump out of North Carolina and

the guy said, hey, you better book a very large
venue because we're all coming.

Speaker 7 (59:48):

Speaker 10 (59:49):
Okay, So I think this could turn into a really
massive thing, and I hope it. We're going to call
it flagstock, by the way.

Speaker 2 (59:55):
Flag Oh that's amazing.

Speaker 10 (59:57):
Imagine that T shirt. I mean it's perfect. So I
hope flagstock kicks off flagstocks all over the United States.
I hope campuses show their patriotism and walk out and
be heard and stand up. I mean, they've got a
right to protest on one side, and we've got a
right to say what we want to say too. And
there's a lot more than more of us than there are.

I'm firmly convinced of that. God bless those boys from UNC.

Speaker 5 (01:00:21):
No doubt we want to be there. Flagstock is an amazing,
amazing name, buck and I need to be there as well. John,
I'll see you around soon, I'm sure appreciate the time.

Speaker 10 (01:00:29):
Man, Yes, sir, thank you.

Speaker 5 (01:00:32):
Look, I want to tell you you're hearing from Bucket Mey.
We're going to be at the Kentucky Derby tomorrow. And
maybe you're not going to be at the derby. Maybe
you want to kick back and watch some of the
NBA playoffs or the NHL playoffs or Major League Baseball
seasons in full swing.

Speaker 2 (01:00:45):
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Speaker 2 (01:01:38):
My Name Clay twenty four.

Speaker 7 (01:01:42):
A weekly podcast from Clay and Buck covering all things election.
Episodes drops Sundays at noon Eastern. Find it on the
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