All Episodes

May 13, 2024 51 mins
If they do it to Trump, they'll do it to you. Trump's VP? Senator Marco Rubio on the kangaroo court. Jerry Seinfeld on the power of humor.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in everybody.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
Monday edition of the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show kicks.

Speaker 1 (00:06):
Off right now.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Plays out on vacation with his family for the day,
so he'll be back with us tomorrow. Looking forward to
having our Clay Travis back in the mix. Meantime, gonna
be me for three hours with all of you today,
and a lot, a lot to get to. Oh boy,
they're already busy news already, things happening fast. First, just

to give you a little sense of where things are going,
We're gonna have us Senator Marco Rubio joining us third
hour of the program.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
The veepstakes is heating up.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
You know, people are talking, people are saying Marco Rubio
perhaps in the mix.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
There have been some reports about that. I have some.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
Others that have been taken out of the mix recently
by Trump himself no less, and some who are certainly still.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
In the game for it.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
So we shall see. We shall dive into the veep steaks.
Have the Trump rally on the Jersey Shore in Wildwood,
which got a lot of attention from well, not the
mainstream media or the Democrat corporate media, but those of
us who you know, want to see what a presidential

campaign looks like right now. Know that Trump is doing
it when he can because he's in court the rest
of the time. Doug Bergham is getting a lot of
attention on the VP side of things right now. I
just got to say, interesting, interesting the plot Dickens, governor

of North Dakota, who I do remember. I went back
and I did a little bit of a review. I
remember he had some good moments during those Republican debates.
And he's a billionaire, so he's not in it for
the money. He's not Hillary Clinton. It's not about selling everything,
including your soul. It's service to the country. It'd be

It's interesting to me. I don't know if it really
brings that much to the ticket in terms of winning
a state, but maybe that doesn't really matter, and Trump
wants somebody just that he can be very pro business. Anyway,
I'm getting ahead of myself. We'll get into some of that. Oh,
RFK Junior. Trump went after him pretty pretty tough, pretty

harsh stuff about RFK Junior over the weekend. So for
those who keep calling in saying he'd be a great
VP for Trump, that is not gonna happen. Not gonna
happen after this one, and we've got more and more.
I got so many stories. I don't even know what
to tell you. If I have time, I'll even get
to this story of the fake genocide in Canada perpetrated

by nuns against Native American students. You see this, they
call the Kamloops school incident, that was getting some attention
last week. Turns out there this mass grave wasn't actually
a mass grave anyway.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
That's Canada. We'll see if we can get to that today.
If not, maybe tomorrow. A lot of things going on here,
but obviously top of mind, top of the news headlines
right now is Michael Cohen, the fixer they call him

for Trump. I don't know if that's really quite accurate.
But if you want to make a Godfather reference, you
would say Consolieri, because remember Italian, we don't pronounce that G.
It's not Consiglieri. That's a no, no Consolieri.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
He's a guy who is a known.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
Liar, and yet he is testifying today, I should say,
and on the record admitted perjurer, not just somebody who
lies a little bit, you know, and on the record
admitted perjurer is testifying today in a trial in New
York City that no honest person could think serves the

interests of justice. And I truly mean that. Think of
it this way always, if you have not already in
going forward. The Trump business records criminal trial in New
York is a perfect litmus test. Anybody who thinks this
is a legitimate exercise of prosecutorial and judicial authority is

a dishonest person. It is not possible to think that
what they are doing to Trump. Some people may like it.
They may say, oh, I know this is crap, but
I hate Trump, so I'm going along with it.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
Right. That's an ethically.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
Compromised person, But it's not a It is not possible
to see what's going on here and say, yeah, this
serves the interests of the justice system. It is a
purely political exercise. And this is cut to Trump said
this himself before trial today. So you know what this
is turning into is he's having to use the bull

crap political persecution, I'm sorry, legal persecution of him for
political reasons. He's having to use the attention around this
trial as his opportunity to speak not only about the
trial but to campaign for president it's going to be
June before you know it, folks, We're going to be
at the RNC and the DNC, and you know, heaven

knows what's coming this fall. But we are now on
the We are on the runway, right. I mean, this
plane has taken off one way or another. And here
he is, this is cut to saying exactly that about
the political persecution.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
Here play it.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
But the big thing today seems to be the time
some shun the Times is thrill.

Speaker 4 (05:48):
I respect him for at least letting it come out.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
And there it is, struck leading by a lie in
every state, every swing state.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
Leading by this trial is ritted.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
It's dishonest. It's a disgrace to New York. It's a
disgrace to the country.

Speaker 3 (06:08):
I should be at campaigning now instead of sitting in
a very cold courthouse all day long. This is a
viden prosecution. It's election interference at a level that nobody
in this country has ever seen before.

Speaker 4 (06:24):
This is the third world countries, not.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
For the USA.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
It's absolutely true. I could not agree more wholeheartedly with
President Trump on this. What he says is spot on.
There is zero exaggeration in it. There's absolutely nothing about
what he just said that is even debatable by an
honest person. They held this charge until the election year.

They ignored all applicable judgment and guideline rules about what
a prosecutor should and shouldn't do. They are rigging it
now actively as the trial continues.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
Someone explained this to me.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
Trump has a gag order against him on at least
possible pain of imprisonment by this judge, while Michael Cohen
is able to stream on TikTok about the trial, and
the judge has only said to tell the prosecutors, hey,
you know, tell them to lay off.

Speaker 1 (07:25):
That a little bit.

Speaker 2 (07:26):
No, no contempt order, No, I'll lock you up.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
The whole thing.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
Is a scam. It is a sham, and it actually
does affect all of us. If they can do this
to Donald Trump in New York City, they can do
this to anyone anywhere when their power is threatened or
when there's an issue of control that they are willing
to go to the mat to address. That's what's going on.

If they can do this to Donald Trump on this charge,
they can do it to absolutely anybody. They will find
something in your tax records, they will find something in
your business practices.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
They will find someone.

Speaker 2 (08:06):
To make up a story about you from thirty years
ago that you can't defend yourself.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
Anybody could be accused of.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
Something thirty years ago with no corroborating evidence whatsoever and
find themselves in a difficult position. How do you disprove it?
There's no evidence, just someone saying something. They can get
you if they can get Trump. This is a message
that is sent to the entire country, sent to Democrats too,

by the way, they always forget this.

Speaker 5 (08:34):
You know.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
The Bolsheviks are always oh, you know, my comrades will
take care of me. It's just the bad people are
going after. Didn't work out so well for well, go
down the list, didn't work out so well for everybody around.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
Stalin didn't work out so well for.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
You know, Robespierre during the French Revolution, which is really
effectively a trial run for the socialist, anti god revolutions
of the twentieth century totalitarianisms. So, you know, a lot
to unpack here, and a lot to take a look
at for not just the implications for this election, but

also what it means for the country. We are seeing
the most blatant process, the most blatant election interference and
I would just point this out. There is plenty of
reason to at least be hopeful. I think that's a
better word. Optimistic makes it sound like I think it
will happen. I'm not optimistic. I'm hopeful though, for the

country and how the country is going to react as
this plays out, as we see more of this madness
in real time, live streamed, in essence from outside the courthouse.
I'm hopeful because this cannot be what the Democrats thought

it would be at this point. They're not that clever.
They're not playing eight D chess here, which is men
more ds than four D chess. As you know, they
wouldn't be able to construct a situation like this and say, oh,
we know that it will turn around and go in
our favor. They are worried this so far. Look at

the polling data, look at the mood of the country.
This is blowing up in their faces. I just saw,
you know. I launched a Hill TV a long time ago.
I was the first show with a co host by
the name of Crystal Ball, who we always got along
very well. See, you can get along with anybody, people
on the left, people in the right. Anyway, The Hill

had a poll out that I found really encouraging. Five
percent of registered voters site the January sixth US Capital
riot as their most prominent memory from the White House.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
People are tired of this crap. And only the diluted.

Speaker 2 (10:59):
Core of C and MSNBC and The New York Times,
the Washington Post, only people who live in an ecosystem
that is totally controlled in totalitarian fashion, at least in
terms of the effect that has on their minds. Only
those people think that what is going on here is

in any way valid, fair, honest. If you start to
look at this from a broader lens, you can see
people are waking up. That's why I am hopeful. And
you say, oh, well, that's January six What about what
about this trial? Remember January sixth is supposed to be
the justification for all of the things that they now
do to Trump. One leads to the other in their minds. Oh,

because of January sixth, any abuse of the system, any
injustice that the Democrats commit to stop Donald Trump is
inherently justified. That's what they believe. That is actually the
core of their anti Trump machinations. It's see, because of

January sixth, He's a unique threat He'll destroy the country.
Therefore whatever we do is okay. It is the absolutism
that you see on display with these four criminal prosecutions,
not to mention the civil trials against them, Not to
mention the states making absolute clowns of themselves, meaning the

people that are involved in these processes in those states
Maine and Colorado where they try to remove him from
the ballot, or at least started the process.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
Of doing so.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Outrageous, outrageous, but anything justified because of January sixth. Well,
when only five percent of the country thinks the most
important thing or most memorable thing about Trump is January sixth,
you start to see this is fading. It's fading as irrationale.
And it's also very hard to pull off what the
Democrats are doing right now with this trial in New York,

which is, you cannot claim to be saving the system
while you are destroying it, And that is what they
are doing. They are burning down the village in order
to save it. They are undermining and destroying our justice system.
They are destroying our faith in the fairness of our elections.
They are destroying our faith in our fellow Americans. Quite honestly,

the ones who are going along with this whole persecution,
and they are doing tremendous damage to the country, and
to pretend that this is in good faith is the
ultimate insult. But again, I wouldn't say I am optimistic,
but I am hopeful that this is going to backfire
and continue to backfire on them, and that the only

justice here would be the ultimate poetic justice of Donald
Trump winning reelection in part because of the break the
glass do anything scorched earth tactics of the Democrats to
stop him from being president. We certainly live in interesting
times eight hundred and two A two tight a too.

You know, Kary and I just got our stuff from
gov x.

Speaker 1 (14:03):

Speaker 2 (14:03):
I mean, when you go on the govex website and
you see the brands that are there, you're gonna say,
oh my gosh, that's amazing. I get discounts on this.

Speaker 1 (14:09):

Speaker 2 (14:10):
If you are former military, law enforcement, firefighter, emergency medical personnel,
if you've done government service, you have a government service
employee in the past or present, you can go to
gov x dot com. See I was in the CIA
better for worse, so I qualify govx dot com. If
you're an educator, government service employee. You can do it

as well gov x dot com, Easy, fast and free.
It just give me a great saving. Carrie loves a deal.
She's amazing at it. I put her in charge's she
does our shopping. She's in charge of all that stuff,
you know, and she loves getting a great deal. And
she is a big fan of this govx site. You'll
see for yourself. I was honestly surprised at how top
tier the brands are and how good the sales are.

Gov X has brands like Bench Maade. You have knives
out there, you know, I'm talking about Garmin, Brooks running
five eleven Tackle. We just got raybansunglasses off of gov
x dot com.

Speaker 1 (15:03):
They're great. I mean, I love RayBan.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
Save up to forty percent. Apparel, boots, shoes, jewelry including watches, optics,
hunting gear, camping stuff. It's amazing gov x dot com.
When you go to gov x dot com, use the
code buck. You've got an extra fifteen percent off your
first order. That's goovx dot com use promo code buck
for fifteen dollars. Fifteen dollars off your first We've got

VP discussion in the air. Let's start with this who
is not going to be the VP? Well, you may
have seen because there are a couple, we can cross
them off the list.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
Uh, there have been a couple. I think it's.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
Unlikely that you're going to see this change, although with
Trump you never know. We had discussed previously another vice
president possibility here a governor of a state that is
not North Dakota but sounds similar to North Dakota. Who's
unlikely to be the VP now, I think, But that
could change and we don't want to waste any time

on that. Today we have Doug Bergham coming up over
the weekend as a very real contender of this. So
the governor of North Dakota, the Dakota with the oil.
We will have a conversation about that. But Nicki Haley
and I felt badly because you know, Clay's on vacation.

Speaker 1 (16:34):
He'll be back tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
I felt badly because I texted about this is I said, buddy,
if you end up correct on this one, this would
be quite a call to make, and that I don't know. Look,
to be clear, this didn't last very long, Nicki Haley.
There was a report I think it was an axios. Yeah,

it was an Axios where it came out that someone
close to Trump had said Nicki Haley was under consideration.
That was quickly shot down, shot down rapidly by Trump himself.
So I think I think we can say it is

unlikely that Donald Trump is going to decide to go
against what he himself had said about Nicky Haley as VP,
and I just I don't see that. I think too
many people have too much frustration with Nicky Haley after
the way that she ran her campaign and the way
that she went after Donald Trump. So I don't see

that when happening. But there was a report over the
weekend Nicky Haley maybe the VP, and Trump immediately said
there's absolutely no way that that is going to happen.
So she is I think, officially off the list.

Speaker 1 (18:01):
She is officially off the list.

Speaker 2 (18:04):
And I think that we can also look now at
another person who was off the list.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
R F.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
I was trying to find Trump's truth where he said
it's not gonna Nikki Haley.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
It doesn't really matter. She's off the list. R F.

Speaker 2 (18:16):
K oh, here we go, here, I have it. Nikki
Haley is not under consideration for the VP slot, but
I wish her well very nice, very nice from Trump.
Magnanimous on that one. It's not gonna be Nicki Haley buddy,
which is her. Well, okay, that's nice. Now we have
RFK Junior. I understand that there have been going for

a long time now. There have been people on the
right who have thought that there was this RFK Trump
unity ticket. And I'm always honest with all of you,
so I have always said that I think that RFK
is a Democrat, which means you cannot trust him, which
turned out I think.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
To be.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Good, a good place to be on this issue. He
is good on COVID, Fetterman is good on Israel. Do
I want Fetterman to be the vice president?

Speaker 1 (19:01):

Speaker 2 (19:04):
This is what Trump said over the weekend about our
FK Junior. I think you should. You should hear this.
This is cut seven, Trump giving one of his video speeches.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Listen to this.

Speaker 4 (19:15):
RFK Jior is a Democrat plant, a radical left liberal
who's been put in place in order to help Crooked
Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of the
United States, get reelected. A lot of people think that
Junior is a conservative.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
He's not.

Speaker 4 (19:32):
He's more liberal than anybody running on the Democrat side.
A vote for Junior would essentially be a wasted protest
vote that could swing either way, but would only swing
against the Democrats if Republicans knew the true story about him.
Junior is totally anti gun, an extreme environmentalist who makes
the green news scammers look very conservative by comparison, A

big time taxer. He wants to tax you, and open
border advocate. He he wants those porters to be wide
open for more people to come in from prisons and
mental institutions. And he's anti Militariati's anti vet. He's an
extreme liberal. He's radical left and radicalized. Also are his family.

They'll never allow him to be a Republican. They've said
that we will not let him be a Republican. And
his chief funder is the VP candidate that nobody ever
heard of except a ex husband who's been stripped of
a big chunk of his cash.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
That's right, he was referencing the divorce settlement at the
end there. That's about as big of a Trump body
slam as. I think you're gonna hear anywhere about anyone.
Now you can say, well, it's just the general election,
and you know this is how Trump does things he fights. Yeah,
but remember there has been this ongoing argument that RFK

Junior will take more votes from Biden than he will
from Trump. Do we think that he would be attacking
RFK Junior in this way if he really believed that
to be true. Keep in mind they still have to
figure out all their ballot access issues. And now you
could say, well, if he convinces all Republicans not to

vote for FK Junior, and some Democrats still vote for
FK Junior, that's the best possible outcome. I understand that.
But to me, this is an indicator that there is
concern currently that there would be more Republicans who would
leave Trump or RFK Junior than there are Democrats who
would leave Biden, or perhaps a better way of putting it,
in the Key states, RFK Junior could be more of

a benefit to Biden than he is to Trump. But
did you hear all that? That was really I had
never heard Trump go after, honestly, any of his primary
opponents like that. Maybe you could say it's because he
just brushed them off and it didn't even matter. That
would be a fair point to make, But he really
was hammering and basically saying RFK is a huge limousine liberal.

You know, you know, a big climate change not open
borders guy. He was hammering him. And in case you again.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
This is Trump.

Speaker 2 (22:11):
I'm playing Trump's words for you. I want you to
hear this. I'm I'm the messenger here. Okay, don't be
mad at the messenger for anyone who loves RFK Junior
as VP, I'm just telling you where Trump is on this. Now,
all right, you got a problem, send your emails to
send your emails to Trump or send him a truth
on truth social and say.

Speaker 1 (22:27):
But RFK Jr. Is great. This is him.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
To make the point really clear for everyone, this is
Donald Trump saying that you're ready for it. He would
rather Biden be president than RFK Junior play it.

Speaker 4 (22:44):
I'd even take Biden over JR. Because our country would
last about a year or two longer than it would
with JR. It would collapse almost immediately, and his family,
a radical left, a crazy left, a bunch of lunatics
would take over and our country will die very quickly.
So rfk's views on vaccines are fake, as is everything

else about his candidacy. He is not a Republican, so
don't think you're gonna vote for him and feel good.
He's a radical left Democrat. Let the Democrats have RFK Junior.
They deserve him.

Speaker 2 (23:20):
Wow, this is I'm playing video of Trump. This was
a prepared statement. He just put this out. He would
rather Biden win than RFK Junior be president. So let
it be known for anyone is saying I think that
I think that Trump maybe's gonna pick RFK Junior.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
I don't think so, and I think he's right. I've
seen this all along.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
I don't know how RFK Junior was able. He's only
been on our show once we checked this. I didn't
get to interview him. I was sick or traveling. I
forget so Clay handled that interview. I always was skeptical
of this guy. Why he's a Democrat and he's a
Kennedy okay to me. You know, it's like we're all
sitting there in the you know, in the in the

chicken coop together and you guys, some of you were like, Hey,
this guy, he's a Fox, but you know, he says
he's not going to be a bad Fox this time.

Speaker 1 (24:12):
I'm like, I think we kind of know what's going
on here.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
I think we want to keep him, you know, at
at arm's length from from.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
Power, you know.

Speaker 2 (24:22):
And and Trump peven said he's fake on vaccines, which
to me is wow. Maybe he's trying to argue that
at least on COVID it's it's something that RFK Junior
is doing that is uh opportunistic as opposed to principle. Okay,
all I'm saying is you hear all that. I want
to open the lines on this too. Are any of

you surprise? Do do you agree? I want to I
don't just want people going to call it and say that,
oh no, Trump still likes him and he's still great.
RFK Junior's great, and this is just in the general election.
Well here's some of that. I'm sure if you want
to call on and talk about that. I'm wondering if
any of you agree with Trump on this one. You're like,
finally someone's saying it, because that's kind of how I feel.
Obviously sort of felt that way the whole time. We've

played good soundbites from RFK Junior on COVID stuff we've played.
He even said a couple of good things on the border,
although it was there wasn't a lot on that but
on everything else. I was like, so if your pro
life disaster, he wants abortion all nine months of her pregnancy,
which he said. When I shared that clip somebody, I
had some people on the right, at least ostensibly saying, well,

you know, what's the context. There's no context needed for
I think you're going to board a baby in the
ninth month just because you want to, which is what
he said. There's no context for that, right, it's not oh,
but he said it in a way that no.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
Sorry. Now onto the happy side of the equation.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
Doug burgham surging in the markets. We got any big
Dougie Bee fans out there, I want to hear from
you. You think Dougie b is the guy. I don't know
if anyone else called him Doug e Bee but me,
But is he your man? The billionaire understands business has
worked in the private sector, came off well in some

of the Republican primary debates. I got to go back
and look at all of his issues. But again, as
a VP, he wouldn't have the portfolio of everything necessarily,
although he'd have to be ready for that. As president,
he could really probably focus in on the business. You know,
the business community the economy, have some real background and

understanding of it. I mean, this is one of the reasons,
like we like Eric Hovedy so much running for Senate
in Wisconsin. People that know how the economy actually works
know more about the economy than people who have been
getting a check from the public sector their entire life.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
It's just a fact.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
So we like people that have had to operate in
the private sector, and especially if they have a track
record of considerable success in the private sector.

Speaker 1 (26:49):
That's meaningful.

Speaker 2 (26:51):
It's so funny, isn't we think all these people you have,
all these people like Joe Biden, they go to whatever
law school and they don't even really practice law, and
then they just want to run to DC as fast
as possible and just be little, you know, piglets at
the power trough as fast as possible. That's it, and
that's their whole life, that's their whole purpose.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
I don't like that. I don't think that's a good way.

Speaker 2 (27:10):
Doug Bergham is currently in the words Clay when we
need him talking. Betting Markets is currently number one along
with the Tim Scott. They're tied Tim Scott and Doug
Bergham top of the VP betting right now, either one
of those be fine choices. Again, I've for me, it's
more just avoiding a disastrous VP choice than anything else.

I think it's important that we as the community here
on the right have these discussions out in the open.
I don't want a disaster as VP, because that's that's
not a good thing. I think as long as we
have somebody who's good enough, that's fine. And Tim Scott
is good enough, maybe great. Who knows Doug burgham good enough,

maybe great? JD Van's same thing, E least dephonic, impress
of impressive lady, a little liberal for me on some things,
but certainly wouldn't be a disaster. I think would bring
some interesting components to it. I don't see it being
at least defining. I don't even think. I don't think
it's going to be a woman guys. I know people
have been saying that, you know, I don't think it's
going to be a woman VP. I just I don't

see Trump doing that. I could totally end up eating
my words on this one. Understand, trying to predict Trump
is I mean, this is truly being at the roulette
wheel or something.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
I mean, you know, who knows right.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
Trying to predict a Trump move is usually a fool's errand,
but I don't think it's going to be a woman.
So I want to open this up. If you have
strong opinions on the RFK Junior clips, I just played
for you Trump talking about him, you know, yay or nay,
pro or con. I'm curious about that. Also, Doug Bergham,
what do you think of him as a surging VP option?

I like it, to be honest with you, you know,
I've been I've been saying I think it will be
jd Vance And I like jd Vance as a as
a leader, as a politician, but I think Doug Bergan
would be solid. Jim Scott obviously is a good guy,
solid guy. So you know there's there's some good things,
good folks in the mix here. Let's hear from you
eight hundred two A two two eight A two.

Speaker 1 (29:12):
If you have.

Speaker 2 (29:13):
Strong I want strong opinions on who should or should
not be VP of the ones we've talked about Stephanic,
any of you New Yorkers have more insight on Stephanic. Member,
if you live in a place where you're represented by
a governor, a senator or a congressman. You're probably gonna
know more as a lot of them running around, right,
You're gonna know more about the history and background of
that than uh. It's gonna be possible for somebody like me.

He was to cover all the territory all the time.
So I'd love to hear from some of you on
those options and those possibilities. Remember, we got Cenator Marco
Rubio third hour will be joining us here on the program.
And I also want to get back into the latest
from the Trump trial. More coming out, catch and kill stories,
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Speaker 1 (31:31):
Claye travinsad Buck Sexton.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
We are joined by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. Senator Rubio,
great to talk to.

Speaker 5 (31:39):
You again, Hey, thanks for having me on.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Let's start with this one, I mean, your colleague and
the Senate Jedi Vance was outside of the courthouse in
New York this morning just giving his overview analysis of
what an outrage the whole thing is, how despicable he
finds the whole trial as you see this in myl
Cohen the star witness, and all the media focus on
it play out in New York. What are your thoughts

as somebody who serves this country and loves this country.

Speaker 5 (32:09):
My thoughts are that we have sanctioned other countries for
doing this in their politics, and anti democratic is basically
the targeting of the opposite the leading opposition candidate in
the next election, not with one trial, but with numerous
trials in the most one of the most liberal counties
in America, with a Biden supporting judge, a Biden supporting

prosecutor who doesn't even go after violent criminals but has
charged them on this, on this, on this ridiculous bookkeeping
charge that they've extended to a felony by finagling federal
law for reasons that I can't explain how crazy that is.
It's just and then on top of that, the president
it's me heard every single day by including witnesses in
this trial like Michael Cohen, and if he responds, he

gets fined and announce threatn no jail. This trial, of
all the trials, I think are ridiculous, all of them,
but this one in particular is the most ridiculous. It
makes the country look like a third world banana republic,
like a kangaroo court democracy. It's an outrage. It's a
complete and total outreage. If that trial was brought in
any other jurisdiction in America, just a normal, regular middle
road jurisdiction, there's no way to get a conviction if

Donald Trump's last name is anything. No other person there
is not a single other person in the world who
this prosecutor would have charged with this with the same
set of facts, other than Donald Trump. So the whole
thing is I think an embarrassment to the country and
an outrage, and I think people see it for what
it is.

Speaker 1 (33:33):

Speaker 2 (33:34):
When it comes to that last point is I think
the critical one, the issue of the American people seeing
through this. Not all of them obviously are going to
see truth and reality. But how would you describe your
confidence at this point that this campaign sort of generally
not just New York but more broadly as well of

legal or of law fair. You could say the legal
assault on Donald Trump is politically backfiring.

Speaker 1 (34:02):
Are you seeing that already? You think it's too soon
to tell.

Speaker 5 (34:05):
I think even Democrats are embarrassed by it, which is
why they barely talk about it. I mean, the commentators
giggle and their you know, CNN is like wall to
wall coverage, even though they can't cover it. They're in
the courtroom, like I guess someone's texting out what's happening.
But beyond that, like the average every day, hard working person,
they see it for what Even people that aren't going
to vote for the Trump, even people that may not
like Trump. No one is under any illusion about what

this is about. And of all places, Manhattan, where you
have a district attorney that basically if you kill a
couple of people, you might not even be charged. I
mean you'll certainly be out on bail waiting to tryal
and you drop the charges to something lower. You've got
a city where they this DA has notoriously not gone
after violent criminals and given people the ace and the
ninth chance to go out and reoffend. But they bring

this charge and with this much resources and time. So
I think people know there's no way with a straight
face to argue that this trial is a legitimate trial
or anything other than political. And I do think that
among its certainly motivating a lot of Trump supporters, but
I think it's also influencing a lot of other people
that are asking themselves, if, in fact, this guy is
so terrible and he's so bad and Biden's so good,

then why are they afraid to run against them? Why
are they doing everything possible and to keep him from
being able to campaign and uh and stand for election.
In fact, if you read some of the press coverage,
they have flat out or saying why aren't all of
these trials happening beforehand? All these trusts need to happen now,
They need to happen right away. We need they've got
to figure out a way to bring this to trial
before the election. They all want this to happen now

because they I believe the only way they think they
can beat him at this point.

Speaker 2 (35:37):
Speaking to Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and Senator I'm
sure you've seen that with all the stuff going on
in the world of prosecuting Donald Trump, the polls have
him across the board ahead in the swing states and
mostly considerably ahead and in some cases ahead in every

swing state. So the election if it were today, which
we know it's not so many months off, but it
would look very good for Donald Trump as it stands now.
Would you want to be a part of this if offered?
Have you discussed being a VP with former President Trump?

Speaker 5 (36:15):
Never? I've never talked to anybody in the campaign about it.
I've read about it in these papers, but I've never
heard it. And the reason I'm not trying to be cloy,
the reason why I don't spend a lot of time
thinking about it or talking about it, is because, frankly,
there's only one person on the planet who knows who
that's going to be, and that's Donald Trump, not his advisors,
not the people with inside knowledge of the campaign. He's
the only one He'll make that decision, and he's the

only one that knows, so hearing it from anybody other
than him is really not something that I would put
a lot of credence in. Now, Look, just to be mentioned,
I guess you know, as an honor in and of itself,
and I would say this to you. Look, these people,
I truly believe if Joe Biden gets another term, these
people will destroy the country. They are doing it already.
Just think about immigration, ten million people, how many are

in three years? How many are going to come in
over the next three and four and a half if
he gets re elected. Okay, this that alone. Look at
the damage he's done to us around the world. What
happened with Afghanistan since that moment, Ukraine's been invaded, Israel's
been attacked, not being a lot covered every day, but
China is constantly harassing the Philippines and Taiwan that could
break out at any moment. North Korea's firing missiles again

of greater and great and greater lethalities. The world's gone nuts.
Here at home, we've got pro Hamas. I never in
mind wildest teams that I ever believe you would see
pro Hamas sympathizers of terrorism, taking over college campuses and
flying the Palestinian flag over our campuses and disrupting graduation
ceremonies and finals and classes.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
Do you think on the campus protester center, do you
think that's a real legitimate challenge for the Democrats politically
or do you think it'll fade away?

Speaker 5 (37:50):
Well, I think it's a challenge because it's not just
about the issue of the month. The issue now that
they're focused on is this issue of Hamas and Palestine
and their hatred of Israel. But this is the same movement,
by the way, the same group of people that are
constantly arguing that the US is an evil country of
colonizers that were imperialists, This is a nation founded on

white supremacy, that the world is divided between victims and victimizers,
and we are the victimizers, and so it's an anti Western,
anti US sentiment. That are the same people that tomorrow
the cause will be something else. But at its core
is they hate the country. They want America destroy. They
don't view this as a special country worth saving. They
view it as an inherently terrible one that needs to

be torn down and rebuilt into something else. And that
includes not having bordered and things of that nature. So
that movement is an enormous liability because it has become
a core of the Democratic Party. Not every Democrat, a
lot of Democrats don't agree with them, but that's where
they get their activists, that's where they get their staff,
that's where they populate the State Department and all the
other agencies of government. From these are the people that

help them raise money. Who funds these groups We know
now it is people that have given millions and millions
of dollars to Democratic causes, who are funding the movement
or the groups that are the seed money for this movement.
So it's a huge liability because it pulls Democrats further
and further away in their policies from the everyday American,
including some who are registered as Democrats, are independents, and

that's why you're seeing Trump doing well among working class Hispanics,
working class African Americans, working class people across the board.
The Democrats have moved so far to the radical left
because of this core base of their party that it
is more and more people can't coexist to them politically.

Speaker 2 (39:28):
It seems also that Biden, who's in my view, spent
his entire life just trying to find whatever the thing
is that he's supposed to say for the most popularity
among Democrats in the moment. I mean, I really think
that has been what his political career has been devoted to.
He seems to have been stumped a little bit here
on this issue of you know, Hamas and Israel and

the pro Palestinian and anti Semitic factions on campus and
all the rest of it, to the point where he
even started talking about him. You've worked a lot on
a foreign of fair side of the Senate and foreign policy.
For a president to seemingly bend the knee on an
issue as important as arms provision to Israel when it's

in an ongoing military campaign, I mean this is because
he's really worried about losing Michigan.

Speaker 1 (40:16):
Is it that simple?

Speaker 5 (40:18):
Yeah? Well, and I think there's two things happening here.
You've got one element of the Democratic Party that supports Israel,
wants us to support Israel, and you've seen some of
these members of Congress sending letters and criticizing it. And
then the other element are the people in his campaign,
the people in staffing different levels of the State Department,
and it's political advisors that are saying, you know, we've
got to do something to appease this group, because if

this group stay home and doesn't vote for us, we're
going to lose the election. And so he's trying to
have it both ways. He wants to go around saying
I'm ironclad with Israel, but then he tries to appease
them by saying, but I'm going to cut off their
weapons as they go into Rafa, or I hate I'm
not pro Israel, but I don't like net Yok. So
they've tried a lot of different strategies to try to
have it both ways here. This is not the kind
of issue you can have it both ways. Either with

Israel or you're with the terrorists. You're either supporting Israel's
right to destroy this group that did these horrible things,
or you're not. You're in favor of that group surviving
and coming back and doing it again in the future.
And this is not something this is not a needle
he can thread. But he is trying to balance that
internally because he's I imagine, getting a tremendous amount of
pressure from elements of his own staff, I would imagine.

And so because they're core of the Democratic Party, but
of the donor base and the political advisors are basically saying,
if we lose Michigan, we're finished. If we lose in Minnesota,
we're finished. And if these voters stay home across the country,
young people and so forth, were finished. So in an
election that's supposed to be close, I imagine they're very
worried about this element of their base that not coming

out to vote, and they're trying to them and they're
doing damage to the country.

Speaker 2 (41:48):
As a We're speaking to center Mark or Rubio off
Florida and to that end of center Ruby, I know
you're a University of Miami guy for law school, right,
so you're you Miami Florida Gator.

Speaker 5 (41:58):
Let's I mean, we've got to get that right. That's
not where I went to undergrad.

Speaker 2 (42:01):
I was gonna say next, I mean you and my
wife are both Florida Gators. And she corrected me. Recently,
she just said UF. I think I said you of F.
She said, no, it's just UF. So I'm learning the
Gator ways. But about all these schools and the protests
and that's going on, there have been some states where
this has been with you know, with very large universities,
very very popular university systems, where this has been very absent.

You know, there have been little bits of it here
and there, and it gets shut down very quickly. How
do you feel as a as a uf alum and
why has it been different? Is it really just your
colleague former colleague in the Senate sass as the Chancellor
has just said, we're not doing that nonsense here. What's
been the difference?

Speaker 5 (42:40):
I think there's no doubt that's been key to it.
It's you know, if you allow groups to say set
up camp and put up tents and take over the buildings,
board gets out and people are going to gravitate, they're
going to go there, they go say this is the
place we need to go because they're allowing them to stay.
And then that encampment builds and then these professional agitators
come in and guide them towards what's the next that
they hand out guides. This is how you get arrested.

This is how we resist, this is how we break
into buildings. These are you're right, this is what you
need to do. This is how to cover your face
and no one can take a picture of you and
then not hire you in the future when you try
to get a job. I do think that if you've
seen some of the commonality. Some of the biggest issues
here have been in New York and Los Angeles, a
little bit in Washington, DC. These are big cities where
a small group of students can become a magnet to

bring in these professional agitators and you know, part of
this whole anti American movement who are always looking for
a cause to latch onto, and they join and suddenly
you know, you've got these encampments going on, and you've
got straight up violence and chaos. These are not protests,
these are riots. These are unlawful demonstrations, disruptive and harmful.

And even if every and I always laughing at me
and he says, wow, there's no evidence that they're outside agitators. Okay,
I mean there is, and there's plenty of evidence. Who's
printing all this stuff, making all the signs, these fancy
tenster in and all that. But even if every person
in those encampments was a student and most of these unis,
you're talking about a very small percentage of the student body,

very very small percentage of the student body that's participating.
But they're joined by these outsider agitators, and they're willing
to be violent and disruptive and illegal and what they do,
and they've got and caused tremendous harm to these institutions.
For the life of me, I don't know why anybody
who want to go to one of these schools right now.

Speaker 2 (44:22):
Senator Mark or Rubio, Florida Senator, as a fellow Floridian,
thank you so much for being here.

Speaker 5 (44:27):
Appreciate it all right, go gators, Yes, sir, I'm.

Speaker 1 (44:30):
Gonna tell my wife. She'll be very excited about this.
She's very Progators.

Speaker 2 (44:34):
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Speaker 4 (45:46):
You know them as conservative radio hosts, now just get
to know them as guys on this Sunday hang podcast
with Clay and Fuck.

Speaker 2 (45:55):
Find it in their podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your pod. We're gonna be closing
up shop here on Clay and Buck in just a
few moments. Clay will be back tomorrow and that'll be exciting,
so looking forward to having them back in the mix.
He's on vacation, having a great time in the mountains.
I think is it the Smoky Mountains mountains of Tennessee.

I get my mountain ranges in that part of the world,
sometimes a little confused, just to be honest with you,
But yes, he's having a great time. And we will
get some more of your VIP emails tomorrow, more of
the Trump trial stuff, although I don't think this Michael
Cohen testimony is doing anything other than giving journalists who
hate Trump an opportunity to revisit the stormy Daniel's allegations,
which there's really nothing new in any of this, and

it's all just it's an absurdity and it's a disgrace
the whole thing. I am perhaps a graduation grinch because
I don't think that graduations are usually much fun. My graduations,
all of them were very boring and forgettable, and I
wish that I had had the option, certainly for colle

high school, I will admit, is different high school graduation.
You've been in school for four years, you know the people,
you know that you know, they are more more formative
role in your life. So I'm really it was really
more college graduations that I find are just and you
gotta like show up to an eighty thousand person stadium
and there's all these big speakers and you gotta wait
in line forever. And you know, depending on where you go,

the whole thing can be kind of a mess.

Speaker 5 (47:23):

Speaker 2 (47:23):
You know those gowns they're made out of. I don't
know what the fabric is, but it's h is it tensil?
You know, it's some kind of like a like poly blend. Anyway,
not doesn't breathe. Well, I this is the thing. It's
not very comfortable where those those things that they put
on there. I remember my year was a big thing.
If you were going to have your diploma on on

like a parchment paper or like sheep's bladder papers a
big series. This was a thing like you could get it.
You could get it on like some kind of innards
of a sheep, or you could get it on paper.
And they were people were all upset about the fact
that there was even a sheep's bladder option or something.
I don't think it was the bladder skin. Maybe it
was the skin of the sheep, as that makes sense.

It was some part of a sheep that you could
get the you could get the degree on. And of
course I went for the you know, the sheep option back,
so it was fine. I mean, look at Mutton, you
use it all you get the wool.

Speaker 1 (48:19):
It's I don't know.

Speaker 2 (48:20):
I didn't think it was that big of a deal.
But back to commencements, graduations, whatever you want to call him.
We certainly didn't have world famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld that mine.
That would have been helpful. He spoke at Duke and
you know, I don't want to focus on the fact
that there was a.

Speaker 1 (48:36):
Walk out steinfilm. We're gonna walk in on Steinfeld.

Speaker 2 (48:40):
Because remember what I've said all along the campus left
and the Democrat communists think that Israel is white, and
you know, that Jewish and white, and that Jerry's and
that everyone in Israel is effectively like Jerry Seinfeld, and
that he is very you know, Caucasian in appearance and
very privileged and all this stuff. It's not true. It's

actually not the reality of Israel at all. But that
they don't care, because how could they care. They don't know,
they're ignorant, they're not smart. But Seinfeld spoke about privilege specifically,
and I thought this was I thought Jerry did a
nice job at the speech, which is unsurprising, and so
you should hear some of his graduation wisdom. This is
cut twenty nine.

Speaker 6 (49:20):
Privilege is a word that has taken quite a beating lately.
Privilege today seems to be the worst thing you can have.
I would like to take a moment to defend it.
Use your privilege. I grew up a Jewish boy from
New York. That is a privilege. If you want to
be a comedian, you went to Duke, that is an
unbelievable privilege. I now have an honorary doctorate, a Humane

letters degree from Duke University, and if I can figure
out a way to use that, I will. I haven't
figured anything out yet. I think it's pretty much as
useful in real life as this outfit I'm wearing. But
so what I'll take it point is we're embarrassed about
things we should be proud of, and proud of things

we should be embarrassed about.

Speaker 1 (50:07):
Very well said.

Speaker 2 (50:08):
And you know what, if you're talking about Jerry Seinfeld,
one of the most successful and I think you could
argue most influential comedians of our era, certainly of his generation.
Here he is on It's true for everybody, you gotta
be able to. It's why we try to laugh as
much as we can on the show, and know we
talk about a lot of serious stuff, but we really

want to have fun too, And by have fun, I
mean understand that.

Speaker 1 (50:33):
You just got to be able to laugh at things.
Play thirty.

Speaker 6 (50:35):
What I need to tell you as a comedian to
not lose your sense of humor. You can have no
idea at this point in your life how much you
are going to need it to get through. Not enough
of life makes sense for you to be able to
survive it without humor. I bet the world because of
you will be a much better place, but it will
still not make a whole hell of a lot of sense.

It'll be a better, different, but still pretty insane mess.
And it is worth the sacrifice of an occasional discomfort
to have some laughs.

Speaker 1 (51:08):
Don't lose that, even if.

Speaker 6 (51:10):
It's at the cost of occasional hard feelings.

Speaker 1 (51:12):
It's okay, you gotta laugh.

Speaker 6 (51:14):
That is the one thing at the end of your
life you will not wish you did less of humor
is the most powerful, most survival essential quality you will
ever have or need to navigate through the human experience.

Speaker 1 (51:28):
Humor is certainly very important. It's important we all keep it.

Speaker 2 (51:31):
Why I would like to make jokes about ourselves and
all the craziness out there here.

Speaker 1 (51:35):
On the show play back tomorrow. We'll see you then

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