All Episodes

May 22, 2024 36 mins
Biden's DOJ/FBI authorized use of lethal force in Mar-a-Lago raid. Merrick Garland said he "personally approved" the raid. Joy Behar says MAGA hats should have swastikas on them. Bill Maher has been red-pilled on some issues, but not others. Where's his apology for being wrong? Clay's stepfather-in-law passes away.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in Wednesday edition Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. We
appreciate all of you hanging out with us. We have
got a loaded program for you. We're going to talk
with our friend Julie Kelly in the next hour. She
is down in South Florida, I believe, following the latest
on the Aileen Cannon, sorry, the Eileen Cannon the case

that has to do with with the.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Class line documents.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Yes, mar A Lago documents that is proceeding there.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
We're going to talk about that shortly.

Speaker 1 (00:32):
Jim Jordan, you might have mentioned heard us mentioning yesterday
that we were going to be talking with him. We
taped with him in Washington, d C. Yesterday, shared a
couple of those clips on social media already. But he
will be with us in the third hour. But I
want to dive right in to what Julie Kelly reported

yesterday in the mar A Lago classified documents case. I
think this is a huge deal per particularly because Merrick Garland,
Attorney General of the United States, took complete responsibility for
this raid and said he directly signed off on it
the FBI. And I'm reading from Julie Kelly's tweet as

well as the attachment for that filing, the FBI authorized
the use of deadly force at mar Lago, and the
particular pertinent part says law enforcement officers of the Department
of Justice may use deadly force when necessary. Now some

are saying, well, this is how all FBI raids are
typically handled from a order perspective. Sorry, I'm not accepting
that as a valid reason why this should have happened.
If Merrick Garland had been applying any reasonable intelligence here,
he would have recognized that this is a raid unlike

any other that has ever been conducted in the history
of the United States. Former sitting president, you are raiding
a Secret Service protected location. You and I Buck have
been through mar A Lago many times.

Speaker 2 (02:15):

Speaker 1 (02:16):
You are in a secure location. You can't just walk
in with a gun. The only people that are armed
at mar A Lago are Secret Service agents. So when
you tell the FBI as a part of their raid
you can use deadly force if necessary, you are permitting
them to be able to kill someone during the course

of this classified document raid. And what I would say
in general is here, if Merrick Garland was truly trying
to be as safe as he possibly could, you tell me, Buck,
why do any of these FBI agents need to be
armed when they are conducting a search inside of a
Secret Service protected location, when they are notifying the Secret

Service that they are coming. The idea that you would
advise or allow or permit this in any way is crazy,
And it just feels like the FBI is actually super
fortunate that there wasn't some sort of violent act that
actually occurred.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
Well a few things here.

Speaker 3 (03:18):
One is that cops generally don't feel like cops if
they're not carrying guns. So you're not going to get
police or FBI or whatever to usually walk around and
do their jobs if they're not armed. The armed part
of it, I don't find. I would assume that FBI
guys are armed. The inclusion of the lethal force component
in this seems strange, and I can tell you this much.

It certainly seems strange to Donald Trump himself. He put
this out on truth Social Wow. I just came out
of the Biden witch on trial in Manhattan the Ice
Box and was showing reports that Crooked Joe Biden's DOJ
and their illegal and unconstitutional rate of mar A Lago
authorized the FBI to use deadly lethal force. Now we

know for sure that Joe Biden is a serious threat
to democracy. He is mentally unfit to hold off his
twenty fifth Amendment. He's straight up calling for the twenty
fifth Amendment right now, which is a very you know,
that's a flourish at the bottom of the truth post here.
Look the fact that they allowed this to happen at all,

and the way that they conducted themselves during the raid,
displaying out the papers in a way that was meant
to make it seem like ominous classified stuff was being found.
I mean, Clay, the abuse of the Department of Justice
that has occurred as part of the election interference from Democrats,
it's not just unprecedented, it's game changing. Unfortunately, I think

that we've entered into a new era in this country,
and the precedent that this has said, even if Trump wins,
is a very dangerous one for the next fifty years.
And I'm sure that they will have their explanations for why.
They'll say it was just procedure, or they'll say it's,
you know, standard or something. This wasn't a standard rate though,

Like to anybody who was involved in preparing any documents
around this, you would think that that would be very,
very bizarre for there to be this inclusion. And it's
just no matter what I think, a reminder of how
extreme this weaponization and this law fair really is. I mean,

they're treating Donald Trump like a criminal. He has not
been proven guilty of a single crime. The crimes they're
alleging he committed don't even seem like crimes to any
normal person. They're stacking the deck against him, They're holding
the prosecutions until the election. And all of this is
based on the premise that we already know that he's

the bad guy. There's no presumption of innocence for a
former and possible future president.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
I'm gonna I understated position of the FBI agents expect
to be armed. I actually think that Merrek Garland, if
he was truly paying attention as he said, and we're
about to play the audio for you, should have said,
FBI agents are going in unarmed here.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
Because what is the danger?

Speaker 1 (06:18):
Most all FBI raids require that you go into a
place that you probably are not aware of how secure
it is. Mar A Lago is one of the most
secure locations on the planet. The Secret Service is there
and they are armed I wouldn't even want them to

have weapons where this could turn into some sort of
violent endeavor. I would actually be concerned that the FBI
and the Secret Service, which they notified, that there could
be some conflict there. Now, I understand your point of
the FBI agents always want to be armed, but if
you're rating a completely secure location, I don't even understand
why you need arms. Certainly don't understand, so we can

disagree on that a little bit. I certainly don't understand
how if you're Merit Garland and you're reading this warrant
you can authorize the use of deadly force at all,
Like that language has to be taken out of the
document and you have to say there can be no
violence whatsoever against two different parts of the government as
it pertains to this Trump raid.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
I would want to know, uh, what, what is the
scenario in which Merrick Garland thinks deadly force is going
to be authorized? Like one of Trump's groundskeepers is going
to grab a box of papers and make a run
for it to one of the yachts park nearby mar
A Lago, and they're gonna have to just take him down.
First of all, they wouldn't be authorized under normal circumstances
to shoot him there. Well under under what you know,

under what possibility could you see lethal force as justified
given the dynamics of this raid at Mar A Lago,
you know what I'm saying. Point on even having the
market is crazy. Well, but I'm I mean, the cops
are armed. You know, they're pretty much armed all the time, right,
I mean, they think, but.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
They never raided the former president of the United States
behind Secret Service protected venues, So I understand, like usually
you're going in where there could be danger buck what
would have been now they tried to make.

Speaker 3 (08:13):
Their arguments for them, They would say, what if there
was a threat to the president and we're FBI guys
and we weren't armed, and we couldn't step in and help.
I mean, you know, trust me, they'll have a million
ways to expect. Whether service is there is why I'm
coming back to it. But what would have happened They
tried to time this raid so Trump wasn't there. What
if somebody was there in the family and just refused access.

What if Milania had been there and she doesn't want
her underwear drawer getting raided and she just stands there
and says no, and listen to America.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
This is all so much of the problems that you
find yourself in are a function of all of the
choices that you make. And Merrick Garland, basically he's hired
for his judgment. The fact that he would sign off
on this raid, I think is indefensible. The fact that
he would sign off on an arm with a ability
to use deadly force is indefensible. And if you're out

there saying, well, Merrick Garland wasn't really involved in this,
he came out and said he specifically approved this decision.
Listen to Cut twenty two.

Speaker 4 (09:14):
Federal law, long standing department rules, and our ethical obligations
prevent me from providing further details as to the basis
of the search at this time. There are, however, certain
points I want you to know. First, I personally approved
the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter. Second,
the Department does not take such a decision lightly. Where possible,

it is standard practice to seek less intrusive means as
an alternative to a search, and to narrowly scope any
search that is undertaken.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
I just I look at this and I already knew,
and I think you did two buck that the rig
job was in here. But the more details that come
out in this Eileen Canon case down in South Florida,
the more of a c set up this becomes. And
she's just basically applying the law pretty evenly, it seems
to me, and every one of these filings, and we'll

talk with Julie Kelly about this next hour, makes this
look more outrageous than it already did. And in August
to twenty two, when this happened, you and I came
on and said this is outrageous. It's actually becoming more
indefensible as we get more and more details associated with
this rate. I don't think the Democrats who are behind

all of this anticipated what's happening. And I think you
can see this from the data around independence. In a
lot of places across the country, not just in the
Swing States, this is increasingly seen as a meaning the
stuff they are doing to Trump is so unacceptable out
of bounds, offsides, you know, all that stuff, that it

alone becomes an entirely reasonable explanation for a vote for
Donald Trump to be president again, because otherwise this wins. Otherwise,
this is acceptable what has gone on here, and so
you know, we could talk about the economy and the
wide open border, and we do all these other things.

When you look at it from a cost benefit analysis
of a Trump presidency versus a Biden presidency, Trump is
clearly better, right. But I'm saying this has now created
almost a solo issue or a single issue voter paradigm
where if you don't want this to be a third
world joke of a country where elections are rigged by
the prosecutor's office, you vote for Donald Trump. I don't

think they anticipated that that feeling is out there as
strongly as it is. Can you imagine? And I do
think it's important to try to apply principle and precedent
and contemplate it. If Trump had authorized the FBI to
have an armed raid, using deadly force when necessary, of
Barack Obama's personal residents to try to go get classified

documents that he believed or store there, the media would
have I mean, he would have been impeached. I don't
think there's any doubt at all he would have been
impeached for this. There would have.

Speaker 3 (12:08):
Been an impeach and removed, impeached and removed. I think
Republicans would go along with it. I think he actually
would have been taken out of office.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
I hope you're wrong, because I would like to think
that Republicans would be you wouldn't get to sixty seven
in the Senate.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
But you may well be right.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
I Trump ordered a raid on Obama's house, a lot
of Republicans would go I'm telling you a lot of
Republicans would go along with it. We don't fight dirty
the way they do.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
And the point here is this thing is really trying
to get snowed under. A lot of people are saying, well,
this is standard FBI operating procedure, that's not a big deal. Well,
you're raiding the former president's home for the first time
in two hundred and fifty years, and the sitting president
is effectively signing off on it through his department, his
attorney general, who specifically said he approved every aspect of

this raid. It was on his desk, This was his decision.
Just think about what the reaction would be. Trump has
a call to Ukraine and he gets impeached over it.
Imagine if he had rated Obama.

Speaker 3 (13:04):
The other part of this is, and I can speak
with some familiarity because I mean, I've seen for years
I saw what was going into the Presidential Daily Briefing
on a rock stuff, on a whole range of things.
I doubt very much that the information that Trump has
that they're so worried about, a normal person would look
at and say, oh my gosh, if our enemies got this,

then we'd really be screwed, Like right, I think. I mean,
there's and anyone who has any familiarity with the classification system. Again,
it's different because he's a president. He's allowed to say
this is declassified. He can do what we used to
call in the CIA real time declassification. If the president
goes on TV and says, guys, you know, you know,
we just did an air strike five minutes ago. It
was a black op and now I'm telling you about it.

You're not locking him up. He's a commander chief. You
can talk about wherever he wants, right, So it's different
for a president. The rules for classified information are different.
And that's where I think there's a little bit of
some legal back and forth that needs to be hashed
out a little bit like the presidential immunity thing. But
to act like this is some imminent national security threat
that there were some boxes under lock and Key at

mar A Lago and like maybe the bad guys we're
going to get this and there, you know, and then
the terrorists would win. It's entirely disingenuous. And I think
this is also why they're never going to get this
case through because you know, the Florida case, because they're
never going to show the public. If it's so classified,
they can't show the public, and the public is not
going to take their word for it if they refuse

to show what these documents were that they wanted so badly,
So the whole thing ends up falling apart, and then
you're going to try to get on an obstruction charge.
I Clay, I think it's very hard to convince people
that a former president is engaged in criminal obstruction when
his lawyers are going back and forth with the National
Archives for months.

Speaker 2 (14:47):
You know what I'm saying, Like this is just not
anyway the whole thing.

Speaker 3 (14:51):
But this brings me back to people voting for Trump
just because they want to nullify the law fair effort,
and I think.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
That that is growing out there, especially give then what
we've seen in New York City.

Speaker 3 (15:01):
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Speaker 5 (16:17):
Learn, Laugh and shoin us on the weekend on our
Sunday Hang with Clay and Buck.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Podcast, Fight It on the iHeart Apple or wherever you
get your podcast.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
Slick turn here. I'll lay something out, Clay.

Speaker 3 (16:30):
I did a little fun poll before, like worst person
is it Fauci, James Comy, Michael Cohen or Bragg the
district attorney, and uh oh that's a good poll.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
Yeah, by the way, Fauci crushed.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
I was gonna say, I bet everybody like not even
close out.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
The Fouch is the worst. And you guys are right,
Fouch is the worst. That is true.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
But I bring it up because James Comy is now
making the rounds, the guy who was begging Trump to
keep him on and trying to suck up to him
and now has made a career of Trump is going
to destroy our republican, our democracy. This is kind of
a funny one. You'll hear more of this too. You
can hear from him, will play the clip. But Clay,
he's worried that if Trump wins, maybe he'll abuse the

DOJ to go after his political enemy. Oh my goodness, right,
they say that just doing that daring to They say
this without irony.

Speaker 2 (17:27):
They say this, like, guys, you know what could happen
if Trump is president?

Speaker 3 (17:31):
I mean he could start having the DOJ prosecute political rivals.

Speaker 2 (17:35):
And we're all looking at them like what is wrong
with you? Libs? Like how what world are you living in?

Speaker 1 (17:42):
Even Bill Maher, who I like and think is pretty smart,
has gotten kind of wrecked as he's going around doing
his show.

Speaker 3 (17:49):
He believes about that too, And I've got a lot
of thoughts on that. I've I've dealt with Bill before
a couple of times. We'll discuss this.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
You know.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
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Speaker 1 (18:53):
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton show couple of
clips from our friends over on the View. I shouldn't
Bill Maher a little bit earlier, And you said you
have a take on Bill Maher. He's on the I
would say, the media circuit promoting a book that I
believe he had come out this week. And I want
to play a couple of things. First of all, Joy Behar,

who is I think the dumbest person who appears on
television on a daily basis in America.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
Joy Behar, she's number one.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Really, number would you put on the dumber list than
Joy Behar? I have to think about it, but number
one is a strong I mean that's a strong statement.
I think she was probably probably a pretty good stand
up comedian in her day. Didn't you do comedy?

Speaker 2 (19:34):

Speaker 1 (19:34):
I mean she's eighty now and so I'm sure she's
lost her fastball to a large extent, but she regular well,
sunny hoston is up there. I mean, this is the
dumbest show. The only competition I think she would have
is inside of her show itself. But here's Joy Behar saying,
people who wear Maga hats they should just go ahead
and put swastikas on them.

Speaker 6 (19:54):
And by the way out there, that hat that you
keep wearing, that red hat that says make America great again,
that tells people then you go along with this, So
Michael just put a swastiker on the hat that.

Speaker 2 (20:06):
Because we see it anyway, all right?

Speaker 1 (20:09):
I think that was Alyssa far Griffin saying, don't do that.
Bill Maher was on with Joy Behar, and Behar was
interesting here because she said she holds back her criticism
of Joe Biden, and uh, well, let's play first this
Bill Maher says, Biden is basically a walking dead man.

Speaker 7 (20:26):
Listen, Biden just presents as old. It's not really fair, no,
because he's almost the same age. Trump is almost the
same age as him. But Trump doesn't present that way.
You know, you look at somebody right away, you can
kind of just sum them up. I mean, we are
not young, but we don't present as old. Yeah, Biden does.
I saw him yesterday making that speech. I mean, I'm sorry,

he's goodover.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
Like, but his brain is good.

Speaker 6 (20:49):
He's still great.

Speaker 1 (20:51):
His brain is good. He's still great. That's what they
tried to do. And then here's one more cutbuck. Joey
Bahar said, yeah, you know, I don't really criticize Biden
because as yeah, she's a Democrat. Listen to cut three.

Speaker 6 (21:02):
I'm nervous about saying anything against Biden because I feel,
you know, not that I have so much power and
you have some of them than I do, obviously, but
are you afraid that you might you know, influment it
so the people.

Speaker 7 (21:15):
Who are on the fence, I think he lose all credibility.
I do. My bond with my audience has always been
I don't pull a punch.

Speaker 6 (21:21):

Speaker 7 (21:21):
My bond with my audience is you're not going to
like everything I say, but you know I'm saying what
I really think is true.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
Okay, you've been on the show before. I've been disappointed
in mar I saw him get lit up by Megan Kelly.
He's got a lot of people who can make sure
that he's got facts right. He, for instance, still believes
that cops were murdered during January sixth. That's a big
lie that is out there, the very fine people hoax.
He has gone on this tour and I think he

said Hillary didn't didn't deny the election. He's still somewhat
in that left wing bubble. Even though I agree with
some of the things he said. Factually he's wrong on
many things.

Speaker 3 (22:02):
Still, Yeah, well, this is my my irritation with a
lot of the i't know, I don't know what you'd
call them, the dissidents from the left, the people, the
apostates maybe from the left, people who have been staunch
left wing Democrats in some cases their whole lives, but

certainly for the last let's say a decade or so,
and then when there's like this opening for them to
create a new space maybe to reach a new audience.
They always take this approach of well, I still think
the right is crazy, but I don't agree with my
side on everything, and I kind of look at them

and I want to say, like, I want to say
this to Bill Maher. Your side has been wrong monumentally
about pretty much everything for the last seven or now
eight years in the Trump era. How about a I'm sorry,
you guys were right. You know, I think there's a
lack of humility, Like I don't think you get to
create the fire, and then when the fire is blazing

beyond your own control and it's gonna burn your house down,
on everyone's house down, you get to say, oh.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
I don't know about this fire. I think it's time
for us to get some buckets of water.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
I think that, you know, he helped create the lunatic
Democrat party that we see, and that's where I would
push him.

Speaker 2 (23:21):
I remember doing his show before COVID, and it was
all Trump's gonna murder everybody.

Speaker 3 (23:26):
In fact, the problem I have with Trump on COVID
was he did exactly what the experts told him to
do in the first few months. Now I'm not yet,
I'm not trying to re litigate there's not the right
decision for him or not that is in retrospect, it
wasn't correct. I mean you can blame him or not
blame him for it. But they were all saying the
same thing. Trump doesn't care all he cares abouts being rich.
And I had to sit there while these idiots, I

mean just apps. I don't even remember who's on that panel,
sheer morons or.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
Like Trump's gonna murder everybody. He doesn't care about anything,
and everyone's all freaked out about COVID.

Speaker 3 (23:54):
So he helped fan those flames, like he helped create
this and now he goes around it's what is a
book tour, right, Yeah, and he.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Wants to tell us he should be.

Speaker 3 (24:02):
I mean, we'll invite him on the show, by the way,
he should say, you guys have been right about immigration,
about the gender nonsense, about COVID, about I mean, go
to about Russia. Well, actually know he's still a Russia
collusion truther. I mean he's a climate change truther too,
by the way. I mean, he's one of these people
that still adheres to these just bizarre liberal fantasies, but
on the ones where he agrees with us it's like, well,

my side's crazy, but I still don't like those terrible
maga Republicans. Maybe be a little more humble and say, wow,
why were they right on all those things? Do you
know what I'm saying, Clay, that's the ticket that I
find frustrated.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
I think he's a little bit held hostage by the
show that he does in La.

Speaker 2 (24:38):
You've been on that show.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
They are VeryE of the dumbest audiences you will find
for any medium of media. On the I mean the
live audience. You could not find more dogmatic left wing
loans anywhere.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
In his defense, we've talked about this, it's one of
the few areas where people with differing opinions actually come
on and talk. And I I think his fear if
he were being one hundred percent honest with us is
if he admits all the things that you said, which
I think are important and are true, he might not

be able to get left wing guests to come on
his show anymore. And I think that's why he's trying
to play both sides.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
Of the lie. Is what I mean.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
Don't tell us you're a hero and you want to
speak the truth, but then you're worried about your crazy
LIB guests not coming on your show because he's you know,
because you're pulling back. I think I think he is
pulling back. He's actually he is a he is smarter
than most of the LIB commentariat.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
He is.

Speaker 3 (25:35):
He is higher IQ and more reasonable. He can be
more reasonable than most of them. But he is still
playing both sides a little bit. Look the guys, he's
older than he looks bout. I think he's in his
almost seventy Yeah, he is almost seventy years old. He
guy's making ten million dollars a year. He's been making
ten million dollars a year for a long time. No
kids yet, I'm guessing, but I mean he's you google it.
I'm sure it's about that. And you know, once he

got to lose other than just speak the absolute truth.
So he says he's speaking the truth. But no, I
mean he should say to his audience, you know, you
guys who were all listening to the science and Fauci
are a bunch of morons. The right wingers that you mocked,
they were all correct. We should think about this a
little bit. Why were you all so wrong? He will
never say that, though.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
I also believe that his criticism of Trump is the
way that he maintains his bonafides with the left.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
Well, I think he has a personal This is also
a thing with Scarborough. There is legitimate personal animosity. Yeah,
Trump sued you remember this, He sued Bill for five
million dollars. Yes, I remember that. I was reading Past Weekend. Yeah,
it's very funny because I mean, I don't actually think
this is a funny joke that Bill marmad I think

it's funny that there's a lawsuit over it.

Speaker 2 (26:45):
That he said that Trump was related to an orangutang.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Yes, I mean that was the and if you could
prove that he wasn't, he would give you five million dollars.
And so Trump, which is actually very funny. I think
the Trump response was, here's my birth certificate. My mom
and dad are humans. I'm not in orangutating. You owe
me five million dollars.

Speaker 3 (27:04):
Now, I just feel like a lot of these people
that are that are that are from the dissident left,
and even some of what they used to call like
the intellectual dark Web, are they.

Speaker 2 (27:14):
Really with us?

Speaker 3 (27:14):
Because their entire foundational philosophy is wrong. You know, It's
not like pick and choose I'm a little wrong here,
I'm a little wrong there. The left is an emotionally driven,
godless cult and they're wrong about everything of importance in
human society and civilization. And they can either recognize that
and come over into the truth, light and justice or not.

But I don't like this one foot in, one foot
out nonsense.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
I'm just saying I think it's the way I agree,
and I'm less troubled by the one foot in, one
foot out because I agree with you.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
I would rather somebody just own it.

Speaker 1 (27:48):
But I think the reason he's trying to do that
is he's doing a show in la and he's trying
to maintain his ability to get liberal guests. My biggest
issue is he should never get a factor wrong. Thinking
that there were cops murder on January sixth, to me,
is such a fundamental failing of his job, which is
that that's a that's a basic fact.

Speaker 3 (28:09):
That you want me to play live for a second,
because I can play live and tell you how they
because I've come across this. Remember I've hosted shows with
leftists before right for years, for years of my life.
I know what they really think and how they operate.
They'll say well, no, I mean it's it's uh the
murder again, I'm speaking as a live I have to
do a weird voice.

Speaker 2 (28:27):
They'd be like, excuse me, sir, excuse me. Uh no.

Speaker 3 (28:31):
But what they would say is that the stress of
January six caused the heart attack and so effectively it's like,
you know, like an involuntary mans and I get that,
but that's different than saying people died at the Capitol
on January sixth.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
Who were.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
Which is where to say? This is what we wiggle
room on it. They create this thing of oh, well,
you know the heart attack was caused by right, right, Okay.

Speaker 1 (28:57):
But so the Ashley Babbitt thing, I think still blows
a lot of people's mind, as does the very Fine
People hoax that is totally blown up. There's a lot
of things.

Speaker 3 (29:06):
That people believe or I mean, yes, I'm very prolongedfied
thing as everybody knows here. I mean, i've law enforcement
in my career, patrol officer, basically my family and I
I look at that video and we all see what happened.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
Ashley Babbitt was murdered.

Speaker 3 (29:24):
I mean that guy freaked out and shot somebody who
did not pose in him in a threat. And if
that was this, if that was the standard for lethal force,
I mean, you would have had thousands of bodies at
the BLM protests where people were attacking officers doing all
kinds of things. And this notion that, you know, and
and if it was such an imminent threat that the
mob was going to break in and and harm all

these members of Congress, then why didn't all the other
officers open up? Why didn't they all open fire? If
it was that clear, right, only one guy shoots one person,
a woman, He freaked out and he killed her, and
it should have been treated as a manslaughter, and it wasn't.
And we all know why because they can they command
the judiciary in DC and the media and the Democrat
Party is ruthless. I mean, I think it's all pretty

That would have also changed the total narrative. If there
had been an investigation into the murder of an innocent veteran,
people would have started to ask questions, how did this happen?
Who he probably, as part of his defense, might well
have defended by saying, Hey, the failure of the National
Guard to be there, the failure of there to be
more barricade set up all those things that would be

a part of his defense, and it would really put
the system of protection on trial that day, which is
very different than what they want to talk about. Yeah,
and in fact, he effectively shot into a crowd. I mean,
think about the rules of engagement. Now you have a
rowdy crowd. Look, it was a riot, and there are
people who were doing some ill advised and illegal things.

But you don't open fire. You open fire, you're just
going to have like a tienm N Square situation. You're
going to kill a whole bunch of people. That guy
opened fire. I mean, it's I think you're right. It's
very clear why the narrative was shaped the way that
it was. But when you look at the fact that
people are still saying comps are murdered on January sixth,
I mean that goes to the depth of the propaganda.

And look, you know, Bill's had me on his show,
which I do appreciate. Whenever somebody has me on the show,
I would go back on the show. I would be
less polite to his idiot lib guests than I have
been in the past. Although it's hard because you're getting
booed the whole time. It's always people always think that
go in there and be the hero when you're one
against four and you're gonna get booed by the audience.
I don't care who you think it is. It's tough

because you can't talk that much. And when three people
all pile on you and say, look what he shout
is dumb, and the audience is like, yeah, it doesn't
matter if you're the second coming.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
Of William F.

Speaker 3 (31:44):
Buckley or whatever, like, you're not going to be able
to fight through that noise.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
An entire generation of kids are growing up today knowing
little than nothing about our nation's darkest day. September eleven,
two thousand and one. That's the day we're attacked. Nine
hundred and seventy seven people killed. Twenty three years later,
more than eighty thousand people are still suffering with nine
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Speaker 5 (32:59):
Twenty Clay and Bucks Weekly Campaign Cliff Notes episodes dropped
Sundays at noon Eastern on the free iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
All right, welcome back into Clay and Buff We're gonna
talk to Julie Kelly here in a few minutes about
the lethal Force order or lethal force rules of engagement.
I should say in the warrant for the mar Lago raid.
She broke that story yesterday. I got a huge amount
of attention. Julie Kelly will be with us on that
and more. But also I wanted to hand the floor

over to Clay for a minute.

Speaker 2 (33:31):

Speaker 1 (33:31):
Look, first of all, excited to talk with Julie. I
want to say something. At the last three or four weeks,
thanks to the crew here on the studio, we've been
moving around a lot in the Travis household because my
step father in law passed away on Saturday. Name's Larry Kornaki,

lifelong Michigander, amazing guy, seventy eight years old, served in
the military during Vietnam. Is a business owner in Southeast Michigan.
Has owned his business, his food production business for decades.
I say stepfather in law, It's not really accurate because

for me personally, I think I have two great father
in laws, both of whom are Michiganders. Up in Southeast Michigan.
He'd been married to my wife's mom for twenty five years.
I've been married in August for twenty years, so the
minute I met him, we were already I've only known
him as a father in law. And he had a

stroke about three and a half weeks ago. He had
moved to East Tennessee to live on the lake there
while still managing a lot of his business interests back
in Michigan and so we've been going back and forth
a lot with that. Didn't want to say he runs
a business, wanted to make sure that everybody was taken
care of. Theirs got over one hundred employees, it's thriving,
it's doing well in Southeast Michigan. But for me personally,

credible grandfather to my three boys. He's got seven grandsons,
which is really pretty remarkable to think about across his family.
We were in the hotel, we were in the hospital
room as he passed on Saturday, the three boys, me,
friend's family surrounding him. But personally, I don't know that
I would have a media career if it weren't for him.

Right now, I don't know that any of you would
be listening to me because if you work in media
and Buck, I know you've experienced this. You can get
fired at any moment. It's really hard to make a
living in this industry, particularly when you start off. I
got fired in January of twenty eleven along with about
one hundred other people on a website called FanHouse, and Larry,

who had owned a small business his entire life, told me, hey,
don't let anybody else basically control your future. Start your
own business. I started out kick. I wouldn't have done
it without his encouragement. I don't think I would be
sitting here talking to all of you without his encouragement.
So for everybody out there, I know there are many
different types of families everywhere, try to be that force

of positivity in your household, even if you're not blood
related to people. The difference that you can make in
someone else's life is so tremendous. I wouldn't be here
without Larry. I wanted to say thank you to all
of the Larry's across this entire listenership. I know that
many of you have people who have done for you

what he did for me. He'll be deeply missed. I
thank all of you in advance for the condolences and
everything else, but I just want to encourage you to
be the positive force in someone's life and help them
get to the proverbial next level in their own way
like he did for me.

Speaker 2 (36:47):
Appreciate y'all. We'll be back next with Julie Kelly.

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