All Episodes

July 9, 2024 36 mins
Second Times op-ed calls for Biden to drop out. Clay moves to Buck Island, now believes Biden won't go. KJP calls Biden's press conference a "big boy" press conference, fights with press corps over Parkinson's expert's visits to the White House. Clay's OutKick column on Biden and the media. Dems can't make Biden quit.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in, Blake, Travis buck Sexton show all of you,
all of us just waiting to see what in the
world is going to happen next, and we are here
to hang with all of you. Let me give you
a little bit of a rundown bill. O'Reilly's going to
join us at one two point thirty, Senator Marsha Blackburn
of Tennessee. That is coming this direction. But right off

the top. The New York Times has a new sternly
worded editor It is very funny to me to think
that The New York Times is like, our first editorial
didn't work. Our second editorial is really going to do
the job. You remembered a few good men. I strenuously object. Yeah,
she gets lit up over that they're strenuously objecting at

the New York Times. New York Times has a second
editorial demanding that Joe Biden step down. The headline is
the Democratic Party must speak the playing truth to the president.
This just came down shortly before we on the air here.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
I just thought a couple of these paragraphs were interesting. Buck.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
At times, mister Biden has seemed to hover on the
verge of self awareness, as when he reportedly told Democrat
governors he needs to sleep more, work less, and avoid
public events after eight pm. But he's resisted the obvious
conclusion that a man who needs to clock out at
eight should not attempt to perform simultaneously two of the
world's most difficult in all consuming jobs, serving as president

and running for president. And it says, basically goes on
and on that he must be removed as the head
of the ticket. And this is I mean probably like
a three or four thousand word piece that they have
just dropped.

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Now tell Can I tell you how I view this?
Real quick? How do you view it? I bet we
have the same opinion. Sadly. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:53):
You know, in a bar fight, there's always the guy
who gets really tough when the bar flight it's over
and he's yelling hold me back, and no one even
really cares.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
That's kind of the New York Times.

Speaker 1 (02:05):
Right now it's over, Guys, your first shot, your first
salvo didn't get it done. Doing this again just looks petulant,
But it's them just getting on the record so that
if in when Biden loses, or if something crazy happens
between now and the election, and Democrats you are looking
for someone to blame. The Times will say we did

everything we could. That's how I view it. I think
Biden's going to be the nominee, and I hate to say,
look at this love. I hate to reverse my position.
It's not that I think it's the right decision. What
I believe is the case is Biden has basically said,

you're gonna have to pride this nomination from my cold
dead hands, potentially literally from his cold dead hands, I
mean really, and Jill Biden Hunter Biden, the apparatus that
surrounds Joe has been unwilling to show even a hint

of understanding here.

Speaker 2 (03:11):
I look, I want all of you to go vote.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
And I'm gonna say this as often as I can,
because I don't want to get emails from people saying, oh,
don't tell us that we're gonna win, tell us that
we're gonna lose.

Speaker 2 (03:23):

Speaker 1 (03:24):
I don't see any way short of a major health
issue for Trump himself or something god awful in terms
of somebody coming after him and doing violence to him.
I think I don't see any way that Joe Biden
can win. And I thought they would cut through and
be able to get to him and that the legacy

argument of hey, yeah, you beat Trump once, but if
he comes back and beat you again, you're gonna go
down in history as one of the worst presidents of
all time. Instead, you could pass the baton. Maybe you're
six sess or wins, maybe they don't, but either way
you avoid the blame. You can basically let Kamala Harris
step right in front of that oncoming Trump train. Joe

Biden has been unable or unwilling to accept that argument,
and I don't think he's gonna step down. I just
want to let you know we kept the guest house
ready for you on Buck Island for this day, so
you're you're good to go, like there's space for you
and no problem. There's probably people out there right now
who were on my team that now are like play,

how dare you? But I have been looking at all
of this. There is no mechanism by which, if the
person is crazily committed to what I think is a
taking the train to crazy town, there's no mechanism by
which they can pull him off. And I thought the
pressure would work. I think they have fired every bullet

they have at him. I think they have come at
him with everything, the fact that The New York Times
is now onto a sess editorial and it'sypathetic. We're we're
even angrier this time than we were in the last time.
Here's our sternly worded letter. It's not well, here's what
that they fundamentally didn't understand, and I mean the Democrat apparatus,
and let's let's just clear the air first. They are

capable of making massive miscalculations. And we know this because
of pillary ninety seven percent chance of beating Trump in
twenty sixteen. Multiple criminal prosecutions of Donald Trump will sink him. No, actually,
the criminal prosecutions, beyond doubt have backfired in Democrats' faces.
So they have made massive miscalculations that we can point

to that I think are clear as.

Speaker 2 (05:42):
A matter of history.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
And you know, in this moment, I think Clay, the
massive miscalculation the Democrats made was they thought that by
elevating this mediocrity at best Joe Biden and rallying to
him in twenty and really handing him the presidency or

at least the Democrat nomination, right, Clyde Burne stepped up
with the other Democrat, you know, elder statesman et cetera.
All of a sudden, the media gets behind him, and
we've had this guy who's a horrible president for four years.
What they didn't stop to think about one what you
just raised, which is they actually don't have a way
to push him out. I mean they really just frankly

do not. And anyone who says the twenty fifth Amendment,
I mean, that will be a complete it's a total
disaster for the Democrats. Can you imagine the other thing
that they and this goes to Joe Biden. They misunderstood
who they were dealing with. Joe Biden is not very smart.
Joe Biden is not ethical, and Joe Biden always and

forever will do what is in Joe Biden's interests. It
has never been about public service, It has never been
about anything other than biden Ism. And if you're sitting
in his chair, the clay, the incentive to step beside
is dramatically outweighed. And I think we're seeing this for Biden,

not the Democrat Party. I would agree with you, right,
this is like, it's kind of crazy at some level
what's going on. But for Joe Biden himself and his
family and his immediate advisors. He's got to see this
thing through. He's got to take his shot to get
to you know, to get to glory.

Speaker 3 (07:21):

Speaker 1 (07:21):
He's not gonna he's not gonna allow somebody else to
step in and take his role.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
And I mentioned this.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
People are talking about how twenty sixteen Obama didn't back Biden.
Biden didn't didn't get the Democrat nod. You know, he
should have been the guy. He is never letting anybody
else pass him over again, and he doesn't have much time.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
So this is it. He is all in.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
I think the shot about the eight Parkinson's expert visits
from the doctor was what the New York put Times
was hoping was the kill shot. And by the way,
I'm speaking metaphorically, okay, that they would end his presidency
with that and the chaos that unspooled. I do want

to play this for you. All of this is playing
into Trump's hands. I wish Buck, I really desperately wish.
I know we're going to be in Milwaukee. I love
the people of Milwaukee. I wish Republicans would say, hey,
we're not going to have a traditional convention. Trump is
going to show up in Milwaukee and give an acceptance
speech and have a huge rally. I think the biggest

gift that Republicans are giving to Democrats right now is
going to come on Monday, when suddenly the Republican National
Convention starts.

Speaker 2 (08:37):
Because it takes Biden. This is what they're fighting for.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
They're thinking, if we make it to Friday, come Monday,
all the media attention is going to shift to Republicans.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
Somebody, I don't know who it's going to be.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
Somebody is going to trip all over themselves in Milwaukee.
A high ranking Republican official will say or do something
incredibly stupid and it will turn into a big story,
and they'll try to say, see, look how outrageous these
magas are. Look at what they'll do if they get
into power.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
You know it.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
I know it's some idiot knucklehead out there in the
political process is going to make himself a story that's
going to distract from Biden being on fire. And that's
what Democrats are waiting for. I wish the Republican National
Convention could just be scrapped and Trump could come out
and give a forty five minute speech and announce his
VP and that.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
Would be it.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
I mean, it's a it's a momentary reprieve. I mean,
I think you're right that anything that gives them a
shelter from the media storm right now is a good
thing for Biden the Democrats. But remember, they have their
own convention coming up. They have a clearly unsettled political vanguard.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Or you know, the the.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Power brokers within the Democrat Party, such as they are.
I think that they thought that they were the ones
calling the shots and have just gotten a cold hard
dose of reality. And this is what I mean by
I think they underestimated Joe Biden's desire to be at
the center of power. I think that they don't understand

who Jill Biden is. And I think at some level
there's a lot of resentment for Joe Biden, for all
those people, for all this time. Yeah, I know he's
been a senator, I know he was vice president, but
he's really been a pat him on the head. But
we all think he's a joke politician. You know, that's
been the case for a long time before he was president.
People in DC and I lived in DC Cleveland. DC's

been very much in this ecosystem. Everybody was kind of like, yeah,
Joe Biden, he's kind of a grinning dumb ass. I mean,
that was honestly the Hall file, as we would say
on them, that was the reputation. And I think that
he sees this as he's defiant. He's the one who
beat Trump, He's the one who can beat him again,
and he has earned the right to make this call

and be the guy at the big dance.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
End of story.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
And I think the Democrat you know, donors and power brokers,
your times are like, what do you mean?

Speaker 2 (11:06):
I think they're actually in shock right now.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
I think it also shows a great deal of cowardice
because who is the most famous person in the Democrat Party,
I mean a politician who was actually called for Joe
Biden to step down? There's nobody. Well, well, that that's
the thing, right, No one wants to be on the
wrong side of not just the candidate, you know, because remember,

if you take the shot and you miss, everyone knows
from the wire, you know, come at the King, you
best not miss, right, most famous line from what is
one of the best TV shows of all time.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
If you come at.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
Biden and you're you know, if you're if you're somebody
who wants a future in Democrat politics, people were talking
about how Kamala was even going behind closed doors to
make things happen. Oh, I'd be very careful if I
was Kamala on that one.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
I think the only.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
Two people who could do it are Bill Clinton and
Barack Obama publicly hand in hand together so everyone sees it. Yeah,
because they're already inditted their political careers. They are much
esteemed inside of the Democrat Party. And this is actually
what you would want an elder statesman of a party
to do, to say in theory, hey, this guy can't win.

He isn't able to do the job. We both did
the job for sixteen years between us. We appreciate the
four years that he did it, but he's not able
to do it. Now we have to move on. That
is what would have to happen. I think for Biden's
foundation to actually severely crumble, it would take those two
or one of those two. And I think they severely

misunderstood the way to deal with Biden. They first of
all that they didn't see this coming as one of
the great own goals in all history.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
With the debate and everything else.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
I know they were also surprised everybody who all of you,
everybody who pays attention. It isn't part of the Democrat
mourning Joe cult. I miss it this morning. I have said,
they knew what we were dealing with Joe Biden, and
even a lot of reporters knew, but they were just
lying about it. But Clay, they needed to play to
Joe's both massive and fragile ego. They needed to make

him a part of the process of building up Kamala
or the Third Option or whatever it is a year ago.
And Joe, you're the great elder states with the Democrat Party,
You're the king maker, You're the no. They were like, ah,
let's sort of see how he does. Let's sort of
see how he does. Let's just let it ride. And
then they freaked out and telling old man Joe, who's

a nasty guy, that he doesn't have it anymore. Guess what,
he's the king, so to speak, he actually gets final say.
And that's why this New York Times at editorial I
think is just it's really pathetic and amusing.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
More than anything else.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
It's also very Game of Thrones. It's the king who
is no longer able to rule, but he is on
his deathbed, and you don't know when the final breath's
gonna happen. And every now and then he may say
something that makes a little bit of sense, but most
of the time he's sort of scrambled eggs. That's unfortunately
where the country is. And the other analogy I would
make is a lot of you had to deal with this.

It's when mom and dad, grandma and grandpa are too
old to be able to drive the car and you
have to take the keys. We are the nation trying
to take the keys from Joe Biden, and there is
no mechanism by which to do it that is right
now viable. And I would just say this, and we'll
get into this a little bit more so. You and
I are seeing it very much out of ey to
eye today. But I would say I think Biden is

if he is. If we're now, you're you're agreeing, right,
So if he is the nominee, if he does push
through as a nominee, I don't think this is a
done deal.

Speaker 2 (14:39):
And I think that.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
The Save Act and the illegals and the ballot harvesting
and all, you know, we've forgotten about what happened in
twenty twenty a little bit. Not we, but you know
the sort of royal we people have forgotten about the
Democrat machinery. I worry that Biden is, even in his
decrepit state, formidable for November. Formidable not because he's personally stronger,

but just because the machine that will now once it
all gets behind him, that will back him. I have concerns. Well,
we'll talk more about that. I might just be being
a little too much of a warrior on that one.
Look to my fellow gun owners, I have a question
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Speaker 2 (15:25):
How much you think it costs?

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Well in the past, I mean I've spent over one thousand,
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Bear Creek Arsenal is absolutely what you got to go with.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Right now.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Bear Creek Arsenal is running some incredible sales for July.
If you're considering investing in a new firearm this summer,
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Speaker 2 (16:26):
It's a good idea.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
Go to Barcreek Arsenal dot com. Use my name Buck
is your promo code for ten percent off your order.
That's Bearcreek Arsenal dot com. Use promo code Buck for
ten percent off your order. Exclusions apply.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
Saving America one thought at a time and Clay Travis
and Buck Sexton find them on the free iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
Right, welcome back in to Clay and Buck Clay.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
We're making sense of all the things going on right
now for the Democrats.

Speaker 2 (16:56):
It's crazy. But what is a big boy press conference?
Did you catch this? Yeah? You know the press conference happened.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Yesterday right as we're ending the show, as we wanted
to return to what was said from the White House.
Here's Kreie, Jean Pierre and John Kirby both saying, big
boy press conference.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
Play two.

Speaker 5 (17:11):
This week, President Biden will speak to national labor leaders
of afl CIO post the Natal summit to show the
unprecedented strength of our alliance, hold a press conference, a
big boy press conference, according to Justin Sink from Bloomberg.

Speaker 4 (17:26):
After that, the President will hold a press conference.

Speaker 3 (17:29):
I guess a big boy press conferences we're calling it.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
And take some questions from you all.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
Is that just a press conference? Like? What are they
talking about?

Speaker 1 (17:38):
It sounds like they're making fun of a reporter a
little bit who had been asking for one. Meaning you
actually ask questions and you know, ask questions and answer them.
Just an actual press conference, though, is what it is.
But it also treats the president like an infant to
be referring to it in the same way like when
you have a little kid and you're like, let's time
to put on your big boy pants, Like it's just
further evidence he's not up for this job. Look, not

every day you feel the need to apply for a
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Speaker 2 (18:04):
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detailed Okay, The White House Press Corps, after basically being
the servants of the Biden administration to a large extent
for the last three and a half years. There are
a few exceptions. Peter Doocey, for instance, has regularly filayed

Karine Jean Pierre with actual questions and pointed out the
inconsistencies of the things that they have said. We understand
that there are a few exceptions, But yesterday I went
back and I just had to watch because the performance
of Joe Biden on June twenty seventh was so embarrassing
to the media that had claimed he was sharp as

attack behind closed doors and all of those stories that
they decided to go after Karine Jean Pierre related to this.
Parkinson's expert, who visited the White House eight times in
the last eight months, play cut three here. If you
missed the frenzy, this is what it sounded like.

Speaker 5 (19:54):
Bare question, hold on, hold on, wait, wait wait wait a.

Speaker 2 (19:59):
Second eight times or at least once in.

Speaker 5 (20:02):
Regards specific hold on a second should answer by this
point wait no, no, no, no, no, no wait a minute, ed,
Please a little respect here, please, I hear you.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
I answer your guys.

Speaker 5 (20:19):
Guys, guys, hold on a second. There's no reason to
get back and go back and forth with me in
this aggressive way. I missed around here about how information
has been shared with the press.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
For what are you missed about? What are you about?

Speaker 5 (20:32):
What do you And then every time I come back
and I answer the question that you guys asked, I
never answered the question incorrectly. That is not true. I
was asked about a medical exam. I was asked about
a physical that was in the line of question that
I answered regard to doctor Kevin Could And I am
telling you right now that I am not sharing confirming

names from here.

Speaker 2 (20:54):

Speaker 1 (20:56):
I part of me loves Karine Jean Pierre just getting
wrecked because the only reason she has her job is
because she's a gay, black, lesbian woman. That was the
qualifications that mattered. That's why she got this job. Having
said that, she is in such an indefensibly bad position

that even if you were the greatest White House Press
secretary who has ever existed, trying to defend a what
I believe is very likely dementia riddled president of the
United States in front of an angry press corps that
is furious that you have not only been lying to them,
but that they look stupid because they believed you is

a tough position to be in. My question for you, Buck,
how long does the angry White.

Speaker 2 (21:46):
House Press Corps last? Now?

Speaker 1 (21:48):
That is yeah, you think what another week like? And
then they go back to being docile little pups.

Speaker 2 (21:54):

Speaker 1 (21:54):
They are the handmaidens of Democrat power. I mean, they
exist not to question, not to probe. They exist to
amplify and assist Democrat messaging efforts. The only reason they're
a little upset right now is that this went too
far and so their little reporter egos are bruised because

they all look like the clowns they are.

Speaker 2 (22:22):

Speaker 1 (22:22):
The problem here isn't the collusion of the White House
and the Democrat Press Corps, which is ninety five percent
of DC journalists DC based journalists. The problem is that
everybody sees what a joke the whole thing is, right,
you know what I mean. It's not that they're angry
that they had to do this, it's that people know

about it, and so that's where the backlash I think
is coming from. I would just note that we had
Barons and on. It was amazing timing. Yesterday we had
Alex Parentson on who broke the story, which is why
we had him on about all the visits from the
Walter read a medical center expert in Parkinson's going to
the White House eight times in eight months seemed noteworthy because,

as we've pointed out, not a lot of people in
their late seventies, eighties, nineties working in the White House.
Now they're saying, oh, well, people you know, like military
members who have TBI or something like that. Okay, that's
basically their excuse, right, that's what they've been saying. Oh,
that's their rationale for why this guy was there. But
Berenson was on the show New York Times Breaks, not Breaks,

I should say, you know, appropriates his story that Bearnson
broke without credit.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
I should know. They didn't give him credit at all. Oh, yes,
of course not.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
Of course they didn't mention that he was even talking
about it on this show. You know, five hundred stations,
millions of people listening.

Speaker 2 (23:44):
You know, whatever, No big deal.

Speaker 1 (23:47):
But Barrison asked this question, Clay. If their answer is, well,
this is just standard operating procedure, explain this. It does
not say why I'm quoting Alex here from his ex
It does not say why he suddenly began coming to
the White House in July after one visit in the
first two and a half years of Biden's term, or
say he didn't consult on Biden's care, or update the

February twenty eighth medical report on Biden. So they got
nothing from February on Biden that they'll talk about. They
won't say whether this guy ever saw Biden, and they
won't say why suddenly he started coming monthly. What about
all those military members who were there for the first
two and a half years. You know what I'm saying, Clay.
They want everyone to believe this is a coincidence. You

get to be a coincidence theorist here. Yeah, And what
I would just say when they're trying to make that argument,
and I think it's a bad argument. We read that
statement yesterday from the New York Times article from Inrew Bates,
I believe, who was a spokesperson. If you work in
a place that is different than where you live, which
is for the vast majority of the American population, that's true,

and you had a work related health condition, what are
the chances that you would be treated eight different times
for that work related health condition at your place of work.
In other words, if you had Let's say that you
fainted and you had somebody come and treat you at
your place of work, and they found out that there

was some issue that you need. You would go to
the doctor's office to follow up for that appointment. You
would not be in a situation where you're constantly having
the doctor come to your place of employment unless you
lived at the White House. This is what's going on right, Like,
this is just basic common sense for anybody out there.

You don't have doctor visits come to your place of
work eight different times. Most people wouldn't want that, no
matter what you got, Like let's say you've got ah,
you've got a thing on your award on your finger,
you don't want like the dermatologists coming to your place
of business treating you, and everybody be like, what what's.

Speaker 2 (25:56):
The matter with Sondra? Right now? The doctor's here again?
This is Biden.

Speaker 1 (26:01):
Now, what I think the real story is here is
just think of follow me down this pathway here, buck Watergate.
Relatively minor thing, right, it was a stupid burglary having
to do with relatively minimal gains. It was a stupid decision.
It actually wasn't that consequential. You follow me there in

terms of like this, it's the most ridiculous, like a
fraternity prank. I know we're supposed to think it was
worse than nine to eleven, but it wasn't that big
a right. Second, some people are going to disagree with
me here. Bill Clinton had a sexual dalliance with an intern.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
I understand that it's immoral.

Speaker 1 (26:44):
I understand that it's inappropriate, but it didn't really impact
the nation as a whole. When it comes to the
president's ability to do his job. Okay, some would argue
he might have done his job a little bit better afterwards.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
But Clay Good heavens, but.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
Why about whether the president's brain works makes Watergate and
Bill Clinton's sexual dalliances look like jaywalking. This is, I believe,
the most significant lie that has been perpetrated related to
the American presidency in any of our lives, and.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
That one thing.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
I still have that question of can they really blow
this up in a way where it's proven.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
That's the question. We know the evidence is there, can
they prove it?

Speaker 1 (27:37):
I think that this is already and it's amazing to
even say such a thing out loud, but I think
this is already a bigger likely to be a bigger
blow to whatever. I guess that you could just argue
the media has no credibility as it as it currently exists.
You know when I say the legacy demo crat Journo's

Sunday talk show, warning Joe whatever. I wrote a big
piece about this, like that's up on OutKick right now,
like going to the essence of what you're saying right now.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
Well, good autkick dot com. And really, yes, but.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
I would just say this to me is an even
bigger credibility blow than the Hunter Biden laptop thing. Oh
then then I agree, then Russia collusion? Agree, Well, which
is the one I was gonna say, Which that is
just the whole thing was so crazy. I remember Trump
looking me, looking right, looking at in the face and
the Oval Office. I was interviewing him, and he's just
like he said this, he said, Russia collusion. It's just

such a stupid idea too, Like who would what? I'm
such an this is basically I'm paraphrasing. I mean, we're
doing it. Did a whole long interview with him, this
is years is like twenty eighteen, did a whole long
interview with him. But he basically said The whole idea
makes no sense. You're gonna have You're gonna have putin
give you know, have basically wait on you the whole
time and be able to to destroy you and your brand,

and and you know this is and also how would
it even work. It doesn't even make any sense that
you think that Russia would be able to somehow check.
And so it was always a dumb, crazy idea, but
the entire media ran with it. The notion that they
didn't know that Joe Biden clearly has a form of dementia,
obviously has a form of dementia, is in even more

insane and bigger lie than Russia collusion. Let me hit
you with this because I think you'll appreciate the analogy.
This is the piece that I wrote and is up
at OutKick dot com right now. I think it's linked
at clayanbuck dot com right now too. If we really
cared about getting things right, what happens every time there's
a plane crash, Let's pretend that the journalists really didn't

know that they bought in that they said, hey, we
didn't know that Biden's mental health was as bad. This is,
in my opinion, the equivalent of a journalistic plane crash.
You got everything wrong. It hurt the overall legitimate see
of your business. Your audience doesn't trust you. I would
tie this in with COVID. I would tie this in

with all of those different stories. Basically, for the last
four years, the mainstream media Washington Post, New York Times, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN,
they've gotten almost everything wrong. Every time there's a plane crash,
we roll in and we say, hey, what happened, Let's
ensure that this never happens again. How is there no

earnestness if your goal was to truly inform, educate, and
elucidate for the larger American population, how is there no
desire to fix what is clearly broken in the American
media ecosystem. What if we just use that metaphor if
you and I got something super wrong on this.

Speaker 2 (30:50):
Show, I would have trouble sleeping. I mean super wrong, Like.

Speaker 1 (30:54):
We got facts wrong, and we came on with all
of you and we said, hey, this is this. I'm
not talking about opinions, because all of us are going
to be idiots sometimes, but especially me when it comes
to opinions.

Speaker 2 (31:04):
I'm talking about facts.

Speaker 1 (31:06):
I wouldn't be able to sleep If I was Jeff
Bezos and I ran the Washington Post, I would not
be able to sleep over how wrong the Washington Post
has been for the past several years. How come there's
no desire to actually do a deep dive on how
bad all of this is to fix it in some way.
The answer to the question, and I think the answer

to the question, unfortunately is even more troubling than what
you would initially think, is that their worldview and their
perspective on America and on the fundamental role of the
press and free speech is so different that they don't
see any of this as the problem that we do.

They think that they are doing their job with all
of this. They even think I believe, when all said
and done, that they did their job by suppressing the
Biden information as long as they could. Because now that
will depend I think on what happened to the election
a little bit, This analysis can move a little. But

they view Trump as such an evil. I sound like
a hysterical old lady, I know, but this is what
they think. They view Trump as such an evil that
even violating their most fundamental principles of their work, and
quite honestly of themselves as people.

Speaker 2 (32:25):
Is absolutely what they.

Speaker 1 (32:27):
Believe is called upon in the situation. That's what they had,
that they actually think that this is what they're supposed
to do. That's how bad it is, you know what
I mean. That's why there's no big and the change.
This is why my thesis is all those people, and
I desperately believe that this is true, all those people
who claimed that they were on that you and me

and everybody listening dust was going to be on the
wrong side of history, were actually on the right. And
I think they're starting to be a realization, maybe just
a pin prick, that all the people who said, oh,
this is about being on the right side of history
have actually ended up the bad guys of history. I
think they're starting to have a tendril, a pinprick, an
idea that could be true. Take some of your calls

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Speaker 2 (33:54):
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Speaker 3 (34:03):
Twenty four Clay and Bucks Weekly Campaign Cliff Notes episodes
dropped Sundays at noon Eastern on the free iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
Hi, welcome back, everybody, Just letting you know coming up.
Bill O'Reilly Uncle Bill making a stop by to check
on Clay and Buck.

Speaker 2 (34:21):
Make sure that does he call us chucklehead or knuckleheads?
I'm not always sure, but what are the others?

Speaker 1 (34:26):
Make sure that we're not causing any trouble, making too
much noise, keeping people up at night, you know, with
our crazy radio parties that are going on day in
and day out here. But no, we'll talk to Bill
about what's going on here. Obviously DC, the White House,
big stuff happening. So we're looking forward to hearing his perspective.
Will will he officially be buying his plot of land

his boat slip perhaps on Buck Island, now that it
is closer than ever to the end of the Biden
doubters on the right. I hate to throw in the
towel here. And I understand that there are still the
Biden is going to get replaced people. I just I
don't understand what barrels there are left to unload on

Joe Biden at this point in time.

Speaker 2 (35:16):
That's where I'm kind of left right now.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
There was really that one day, and I said it
at the time, Clay, there was that one day where it.

Speaker 2 (35:25):
Was like the it wasn't palace coup.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
You could almost visualize it of people running around the
White House.

Speaker 2 (35:31):
What do we do? How do we handle this?

Speaker 1 (35:32):
Joe talking to Hunter and Jill and you know, figuring
out what to do if that day had gone differently.
I think it could have been a different outcome, but
Biden dug in and now now everything the momentum is
going in the other direction. Monday, that was such a
calculated decision of we're writing this letter and we're going
to call into mourning Joe and the punch back that

came with the eight White House visits by the Parkinson's
expert landed. But it feels like it didn't get him down.
And I just can't think of what else is out
there that they're willing to hit him with. Now, yeah,
I can't imagine what would be bigger than what they've
already got. And remember there's also a limitation here that

there must be aware of how much more do they
want to hobble their own candidate?

Speaker 2 (36:22):
You know what I mean? No, No, that's my thing.

Speaker 1 (36:24):
You know, you don't want to make it so that
you send in somebody wounded into the coliseum here to
fight against the opposition. So we shall continue to follows
very close. And we'll also talk about the Save Act
or Safe Act.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
Sorry, I think I'm forgetting what you a.

Speaker 1 (36:42):
I think it's safe right. Whatever it's about it about
voting and legal immigration. We'll talk about that coming up
here in just a second, because it's a big deal.

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