All Episodes

May 2, 2024 36 mins
Biden's pathetic speech about campus protests. NY Post: 50% of Columbia protesters aren't affiliated with university. UNC chancellor stands up to protesters on taking down the American flag. House passes dangerous speech bill targeting anti-Semitism but setting dangerous First Amendment precedent. Clay and Buck going to Kentucky Derby.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome everybody. Thursday edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show starts right now. A lot going on. We've
got protests continuing as we said they would. UCLA they
had pepper spray deployed. Things getting messy over at the
campus on the west coast. Here on the east coast, Columbia,

NYPD breaks it up. A lot going on there. There's
some movement on Capitol Hill about an anti Semitism bill
that we should certainly discuss the needs of the UCLA protesters. Fascinating,
fascinating document. Yes, a lot of vegan and gluten free requests,
but understand they're largely gluten free out of choice, Clay,

they don't have Celiac disease like some of us. For
some of us, it's not a choice. But there's something
else that's happened just in the last hour I want
to jump right into, and that is Joe Biden, who yes,
is technically the President of the United States. He addressed
the people. It was short, it was not sweet. We

want you to hear some of this. This is cut
one play it.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people
are squashed. Descent American people are heard. In fact, peaceful
protests is in the best tradition of how Americans respond
to consequential issues. But neither are we a lawless country.
We are a civil society. An order must prevail for

aut our history. We've often faced moments like this because
we are a big, diverse, free thinking and freedom loving nation,
and moments like this are always those who rush in
to score political points. But this isn't a moment for politics.
It's a moment for clarity. So let me be clear.
Peaceful protest in America. Violent protest is not protected. Peaceful

protest is.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
Clay. Let me just say, the notion that we need
a reminder here about peaceful protest is absurd. Nobody would care.
We all know that there would be no interest in
any of this in terms of the new cycle and
everything else, if they were just showing up in the
quad as they do countless times and do everything in

their power to get attention for themselves with their stupid
slogans and whatever the cause of the day may be.
The issue here is they have decided to choose violence, disorder,
and destruction. They have decided that they are going to
break the law. But Biden so weak on this. Here's
the thing, he's trying some both sides ism, right, like,

oh yeah, this saw I needs peaceful protests, that saw
I needs to be respectful. I was thinking about this
when he was speaking just last hour or so. What
would we advise him to say at this point if
we were Joe Biden right, think about it this way.
He can't say what is clearly moral and what needs

to be said, which is this stuff is crazy. Stop
breaking the law, Stop acting like spoiled children, Stop being
anti Semites, because he'll lose some portion of his base,
the left and also the anti Semitic pro Palestinian movement
in this country. He needs them. So what does he say.
He kind of does what he did, which is really

say almost nothing. Nothing. We need to hear.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
Racism is bad, protest is good, but violent protests that
breaks the law is unacceptable. That's essentially what he came
out and said after ten days of silence. And what
this said to me is the polling must be awful
on this and they must be concerned that this is
not going away anytime soon. Because immediately the protesters showed

back up at Columbia after the NYPD went in I
don't know how many of you have seen this. We
need to put it up on clayanbuck dot com. I
shared a picture that was taken by one of the
Fox News reporters, and Bream shared it of the main
quad George Washington's statue at George Washington University where they

now have put I don't know, a burka basically a
headdress on the George Washington statue and defaced it. And
this is the Father of the country and it's about
seven or eight blocks from the White House. Biden was
also asked whether the National Guard should be called in.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
He said no.

Speaker 3 (04:28):
He was also asked whether this changed anything about his
position on what's going on in Israel and in Godz
that he said no to the extent that he answered
any questions. I mean he kind of said no walking away.
He said no at the press rosterrum there, and I
think this is what ultimately has to happen. But the

Identity politics coalition is untenable, and a part of me
feels like the only way that this gets resolved is
if Joe Biden makes a definitive statement and picks a side,
and he should pick Israel because they're the good side,
to the extent that you want to break this into
good and bad, good and evil. I don't think there's

a very difficult choice to make. But in making that choice,
he would lose the state of Michigan. And I think
that's the calculus.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
That's why Clay I think there's nothing he could say
at this point that would change the political challenge that
he really has because he can't make everybody happy here.
He is saying that there is no place in America
for anti Semitism or hate against Palestinians. Play two.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Let's be clear about this as well. There should be
no place in any campus, no place in America for
anti Semitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There
is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind,
whether it's anti Semitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans

or Palestinian Americans. It's simply wrong. There's no place for
race is in America. It's all wrong. It's not American.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
He's just fabricating all of this. What is he talking about.
There's some surge in Islamophobia all of a sudden. I mean,
think about how offensive this is. There is clearly a
movement to delegitimize Israel and the Jewish people. And that's
coming at a time when they're still reeling from the
horrific attack of October seventh. They're nine to eleven, and

now we have to hear whining about whining about the
Palestinian plight or something Palestinian American plight. Where is this
bigotry that they speak of. I mean, on the one hand,
you can see that Biden realizes that the situation is
hurting Democrats, But on the other this is what they've

been building to for a long time. It's not like
this just happens suddenly on Joe Biden's watch. There's been
a lot of anti semitism on campus, the Palestinian cause has,
and it was fashionable for the left when I was
in college. I remember there were pro Palaestinian protests. It's
just now, given the mass casualty attack of October seventh,

that I think there's a particular outrage and there should
be at Oh, but you know, both sides need to
calm things down now. No, I mean, one side acted
monstrously and the other side is responding to it. Clay,
here we have Biden doing the both sides Oh, we
just played it that both sides is them. It's not
gonna work right now. People aren't going to accept this.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
Well, he's doing what he accused Trump of doing at Charlottesville.
When Trump said there were very fine people on both
sides of the argument about whether you should tear down
the Roberty Lea statue there, and the media turned it
into Trump saying the Nazis were very fine people. It
was a very dishonest editing. Biden relied on that dishonesty

as the foundation of his decision to run for president
of the United States, And if we had a truly
not partisan media out there, they would point to this
being a complete failure of the basis upon which Joe
Biden decided to run for president himself. There are hundreds,
if not thousands of Charlottesville's taking place right now, and

Biden said he was running to restore the soul of
the nation. Does anybody think the soul of the nation
is strong? When Jewish kids at UCLA are not allowed
into the center of campus, when there are Palestinian flags
being raised on places like the University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, which is far from a left wing location,

and I look at it and I just say Biden
doesn't have the ability to lead and Buck. This is
a good question for you because you've been a Republican
for a long time. Can you think of a situation
where two major parts of the Republican coalition were going
head to head and American President had to somehow fenagul

it while worrying about his own reelection, Because that's the
real story here. Biden can't pick aside and win reelection.
That's the calculus I think they have come to in
the White House. Well, though, because Conservatism and the Republican
Party are supposed to be rooted in and I believe
generally are shared principle, shared approach to the Constitution and

to view of the world and our role in our
day to day lives and family and God and faith.
It's not what is your skin color, what is your ethnicity?
Now you have to believe the following things. But other
people who also have different skin colors and ethnicities will
be told they are victims, and you will come together
in a victim coalition and constantly try to undermine whether

it's core constitutional principles or push socialism or whatever the
left wants in the moment. Yeah, we don't have that, right,
we don't have a situation that that is in any
way analogous. I think to what they're going through and
what they're seeing right now, but to the point that
we have been making of it as soon as I
thought this through. And this comes from covering the.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
Occupy Wall Street BLM. It's all the same, not only
the same nonsense in a lot of ways, some of
the same people you're seeing these protesters quote.

Speaker 3 (10:19):
Safe a three year old chick like that, that is
a professional protester that has shown up at everything she's
organizing Colombia.

Speaker 1 (10:25):
For those of you who didn't I read an article
about her. I'm just like, this is wild, you understand.
And this is true of the left and of the
Democrat Party often and in general. It gives purpose to
purposeless people. These are individuals who are showing up with
these protests who have never helped anyone, who never go
outside of themselves. The whole thing is really a like

a like a bacchanal of narcissism. It's a narcissism parade.
It's one one big self congratulation machine. Even Biden himself,
this is the end of his mini presser, which is
I think the best he could manage this is cut three.
He's like, oh, yeah, I'm not actually going to change
anything in the Middle East. So just so you know,
play three. The protests forced.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
You to be consider any of the policies with regard
to the region.

Speaker 1 (11:11):
Oh do you think the National Yard should intervene? Oh no,
I mean he said to the National Guard. Put that
aside for a second. He's not going to change anything
in the Middle East. I don't think anyone really believes
that US policy will in any way be influenced by
these by these often idiotic and nasty protests. And so
then you get to the best thing I can say

about what's going on on campus right now. Well, a
couple of good things. One. I think it's helping Republicans,
I really do. I think this is showing people the
craziness and they don't have all It's not BLM. You
don't have the white guilt situation of everyone. Oh my gosh,
I have to just suspend rationality and reality because I
want to make people happy. But beyond that, BLM had

really negative consequences for the country. I think this the
best thing you can say about it is that the
results will be so meager, perhaps non existent, that the
good news is these imbeciles aren't going to actually change anything.
They're just wasting everyone's time and acting like fools.

Speaker 3 (12:09):
I also think there are certain moments of these protests
that are cutting through and being recognized by people who
otherwise are not particularly political. And I'll give you an example.
A Palestinian flag flying over the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill. Now those frat guys help to replace
it with the American flag. The President spoke out. The

frat guys I think have raised over three hundred thousand
dollars a GoFundMe to throw a huge party for them.
But what's important about that is North Carolina's battleground state.
I think there are a lot of good, normal, reasonable,
apolitical people who say, what the hell when they see
a Palestinian flag flying over the quad at Chapel Hill.

That's not Columbia, that's not UCLA, it's not New York, LA, Chicago.
That is a red blooded We love college football, we
particularly love college basketball community. And we got some funny
clips that, in the midst of the seriousness, will play
for you a little bit later, they had a protest
at Alabama. The protesters came together in a mutual chant,

which is really funny. But I think that moment, that picture,
that video has cut through and a lot of people say,
this isn't the America I grew up in, or the
America I want to live in.

Speaker 1 (13:21):

Speaker 3 (13:22):
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Speaker 1 (14:25):
The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
Welcome Back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. I said,
I wanted some of this data, Buck, and it just
I just saw it reported by the New York Post.
One hundred and thirty four out of the two hundred
and eighty two protesters that were arrested on Tuesday at

City College New York and at Columbia are actually not
students at all. So remember we've been asking what percentage
of the people at sixty percent where the early numbers
coming out of Texas. Now you're looking at around fifty
percent of those that are arrested have nothing at all

to do with the university. I think that's an important
data because it suggests that there's a larger context going
on here where these people just want to kind of
watch the world burn. But it also is a sign
that there isn't any restriction on them in many of
these cities. Because if you're not a student, you're not

going to be threatened by getting expelled or suspended. And
if you're immediately getting released with no bail, other than
the process of getting your hands put behind your backs,
taken down, booked, photo taken, whatever else, there is no
incentive to keep you from doing what exactly you've done before.
We're just telling them, hey, if anything, they probably enjoy

the process.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
This is what the protesters and when we call them protesters,
you know the you know, the the activists really because
they're doing more than even just a protest. This is
what they've known all along, which is that if you
can go rob old ladies on the subway twenty or
thirty times and not spend any significant time in prison,
you can definitely trespass on an Ivy League campus a
bunch of times, and the New York criminal justice system

is not going to punish you in any meaningful way.
So you know, you have cause and effect, you have
incentives and responses, and that's exactly what's going on here.
So I think this is likely to continue on for
a while. And also for the people that are getting
you know, their mugshots and all this, Remember this is
like a street credibility for them, right, I mean, these

are people who will share this stuff on social media
and their willingness to get arrested for this cause is
proof of how devoted to it they are. It's also
so weird you think about, there's a million things we
could talk about with why it's so weird what they're doing.
This is the most important thing to them, what's going
on in Kazakazas and thousands of miles away. US troops

are not involved, and Biden already said he's not going
to change his mind on anything. This is what they're
sleeping in the quad and making all this noise about.
No it obviously goes to something deeper, and that's where
the anti Semitism really creeps in. Have you seen the
meme that.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
Has like three different pictures and it's like somebody whispering
to somebody else and it's like I really care about Gaza.
It's like, really, I really care about Gaza? Really Okay,
I just genuinely hate the Jews, right, I mean, that
is what I think is at the essence here that
is impossible to avoid. This is about hating Jewish people, right,

Like there's no other argument here, and this is why
Biden's silence on this after his big talk about Charlottesville.
He only cares if you hate the Jews, if you're
a white person who might vote for Republicans, if you're
a Democrat, he's not gonna say anything. Look, if you
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Speaker 1 (18:50):
All right, welcome back in. You know, there is some
sanity amidst the craziness out there on the campuses. One
of our VIPs pointed out, we didn't get this, Clay,
Vanderbilt is an SEC school.

Speaker 3 (19:02):
Oh man, Yes, no, no, no, they are, but the inside, like,
Vanderbilt fans are super sensitive about the fact that people
don't always know that they're in the SEC. So if
we staidy Vanderbilt fans listening, you just it's like if
you're the ugliest girl in the sorority and you're like, well.

Speaker 1 (19:20):
She's really in the sorority.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
It's like, oh, okay, like she's very sensitive about being included,
or yeah, yeah, I get.

Speaker 1 (19:28):
It's like when people are like Cornell, is it really
an Ivy League school? Cornell doesn't like that. That's right.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
That's why the Andy Bernard character on the office is
so absolutely perfect. But yes, Vanderbilt is in the SEC
because I had applied then. I didn't even realize it
was an SEC school because I didn't pay attention to
college sports. But I had applied to and actually got
into an SEC school twenty years ago. So she pointed
that out to us. But some your world, By the way,
this is one of those sliding doors moments. How much

different do you think your life would have been if,
instead of going to cold weather, sad much of the
year Massachusetts for college, you would come to vibrant filled
with gorgeous girls walking around and sun dresses all year round.
You might have turned into a huge sec fan like
your world could have gone in an entirely different direction

if you had come to Vaderbilt.

Speaker 1 (20:16):
All true. Yes, cannot deny any of the things that
are said here. I'm one of the reasons I think
I don't get invited back to Amherst at all by
the administration is I'm not exactly a great proponent of
I did get I think a good college education there,
such as they are. I'm not a great proponent of
going and freezing your butt off for four years unless

you love skiing or just you love drinking with you know,
frost on the windows so much. Not a whole lot
to do. But UNC has a moment of glory here.
There are a bunch of these schools that are showing.
We talked about U of F, the University of Florida.
They've done a very good job of just saying no nonsense,
you want to speak. Speak. No one's saying you can't speak.

They're just saying it can't do all the illegal things
and say that you're just speaking. Okay, that's what's happened
at Columbia and u C l A and all these
other campuses u n c's there's also the issue of
pulling down a flag. And I would note you know
that it Amherst in the town, not the college. For
a while they were flying the UN flag. A kid,
you know, Jesus no United Nations.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
First of all, I don't even know what it's like
trying to keep up with the lgbt Q I A
buty but flag at this point.

Speaker 1 (21:29):
Yeah, so this is not new, but it's the latest
version of it, right.

Speaker 2 (21:35):

Speaker 1 (21:35):
They they've pulled down American flags and put up a
Palestinian flag. Uh. And you know, don't even get me
started on if any of these people actually spend any
time speaking to people in Gaza about what they think
of America and Jews in the West, they might feel
very differently about free, free Palestine. Anyway. U n c's
interim chancellor though, just saying, look, the US flag is

staying up as as long as I'm chancellor. Of unc
play it.

Speaker 4 (22:03):
This university doesn't belong to a small group of protesters.
It belongs to every citizen of North Carolina, everybody in
North Carolina, everybody who goes to school here, everybody who
lives and works here. The flag represents all of us.
To take down that flag and put up another flag,

no matter what other flag it is, that's aneesthetical to
who we are, what this university stands for, what we
have done for two hundred and twenty nine years. The
broad majority of this campus knows how to express their
views without southern, without without violating you the word to

be kind to that flag will plan here as long
as I'm.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
Changing what doesn't have that. Now that they're trying to
drown them out with their shouts and they're shrieking, and
they're low te outbursts from the notice, very few guys
actually at these protests, or or at least anybody who
you could visibly and by their actions tell is male.
There's a lot they tend to be, at least the
spokespeople that I've seen and stuff tend to be female dominated.

But nonetheless, the chancellor saying that the flag will stay
up as long as he's there. This is what it
looks like to stand up for civilization and decency in
the face of a lunatic mob. And I think the
Chancellor should be commended as much as anyone could.

Speaker 3 (23:38):
I think the Chancellor also is getting massive amounts of
pressure from alums, because earlier I said that there are
certain moments that cut through. I'll tell you, as a
George Washington University alum, the idea that they are allowing
the main statue of George Washington in the center of

the quad to be taken over by Palestinian and hamas
paraphernalia and defaced is indefensible to me. And that's a
fairly at this point now I would say left wing school.
But I bet there's a lot of pressure from other
alums who may not be necessarily the kinds of people
that you would expect. Given again the fact that we're

talking about thirty percent or more of the population being Jewish,
I would think the pressure there is substantial. That Palestinian
flag flying over the UNC Chapel Hill is a massive
clarion call that I believe has cut through the noise.
And I think there are a lot of people who
are sixty years old and longtime unc grads who really

they may not agree with some of the direction the
university has gone, they haven't necessarily paid massive amounts of
attention to it.

Speaker 1 (24:47):
I think that was a holy crap moment for them.
I really do.

Speaker 3 (24:52):
And I think this is the kind of thing you
talk about North Carolina as a battleground to the extent
that it is at all. I think Trump's going to
North Carolina by four or five points, which is a
comfortable win because I wanted to be win by like.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
A point in twenty twenty.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
Yes, I don't think that they're going to be able
to make a play in North Carolina, Partly because of this.

Speaker 1 (25:11):
I want to make sure that we are clear here.
We're aware that the GOP, the elected officials of the
Republican Party, have an uncanny ability to snatch defeat from
the jaws of victory. This House, I read it last night.

The House overwhelmingly has passed this Awareness of Anti Semitism
Bill sixty one, co sponsors fifteen Democrats going along with this.
The bill has approved three hundred and twenty to ninety one,
a majority of Democrats, one hundred and thirty three of

them joining Republicans. What are these imbeciles doing. Yeah, what
are you doing? Republicans? This is not your This is
not of your doing, meaning the campus protests. These are
not our people, meaning these lunatic protesters out there. Why
are you doing a bipartisan bill that is creating restrictions

on speech as a matter of federal law, different from
a campus policy issue. By the way, Republicans are effectively
going along here with you have free speech except not
hate speech. That is a trap. It will be used
and abused against the right and against Republicans the second
the dust clears on these protests. In fact, it has

been a trap all along. Free speech does include hate speech.
I know people don't necessarily like to hear it, but
it is true. If you cannot say mean things I'm
talking about legally now, if you cannot say mean or
offensive things, you do not have freedom of speech. It
is for the speech that is hated. It is for
as I just heard Dershwitz this morning, great friend Mark

Simone's show on wr New York. Dershowitz was saying, Jerswich
is a Jewish Man who is saying the Nazis under
our First Amendment. I'm sorry that you know the Neo
Nazis had the right to protest in Skokie. They had
the right to do it, and we have to if
we abandon this now because of the politics of the moment. Oh,
we're going to start legislating that we're going to have

certain speech protections for people. Clay, Does anyone think the
left is going to use that in good faith? It's insane.

Speaker 4 (27:29):

Speaker 3 (27:29):
And this used to be the position of the traditional liberals,
and now it's actually become a position that is espoused,
I think by intelligent people on the right more so.
And it's about standing for principle. You have to be
okay with hearing awful things that you disagree with, and
even tougher than that, you have to be okay with

defending it. And that used to be a principle that
many warriors would stand up for. Dershowitz is old school
in that respect. He's a Jewish guy. Skokie, Illinois is
what is pointed to. A lot many Holocaust survivors had
to watch neo Nazis walk through Skokie, Illinois making that argument.
You and I disagree with the KKK to the extent

that it even hardly exists. I think the KKK should
be able to march in favor of their position. I
don't agree with it. I don't agree with neo Nazis.
I don't agree with the people who are anti Israel.
Right now, you should be able to make all those arguments,
and the Republican Party right now, when your opponent has
set himself on fire, don't get close.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
To the fire. This is one. This is the other.
It's stratactically so stupid. What are you doing now, your work?
You're giving Democrats cover. This is the Biden base on
these campuses. It's the Biden base in an election year.
It is their side, it is their people. And they're
showing not only conservative Jews who have been with us

along and you know they've seen this, they've known this
all along. They're showing some sense and center left Jews. Hey,
the Democrat Party creates not just a safe space, but
really an elevated platform on campus for attacking not just Israel,
but the Jewish people in general. Let's let that sink in,

you know what I mean, Let's let the reality of
what the party, what the Democrat Party really stands for,
speak for itself. I honestly, I you know, we talk
sometimes with this Democrat as dumb. Republicans can be really
stupid too, and this is this is just a really
it's tactically dumb, and it's unprincipled. It's unprincipled from a
legal perspective. Yeah, are the people that are saying anti

Semitic things horrible and stupid and wrong. Of course, that's
how we deal with it, by pointing out what they
are saying is horrible, stupid, and wrong, trying to get
the federal government involved in claim that these are hate
speech violations. We're not the hate speech side. We say
sorry offensives, because if we are, you better get used
to saying the wrong pronouns for you know, whatever, guy

who's six ' four in wighs two eighty says his
name is now Lucinda or whatever like you better get
ready for it.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
That's why I got me a little bit nervous. I
agree that the colleges should be called out, but taking
the next step and saying I want you to apply
the same standard of speech that you applied during BLM,
that's actually creating a situation where there is no free
speech right because you're so worried about coddling students that
they might hear negative things. We need to go against

that now an even handed principle, And this is where
a really good argument is made. There's a difference between
mean words and mean actions. And there's a difference between
occupying a building or occupying a quad and walking through
for a limited time.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
In the argument we've made, there's.

Speaker 3 (30:44):
A difference between standing on someone's front lawn screaming at
them and just saying, hey, I disagree with your position.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
This is from the bill okay that just got voted
on passed overwhelming in the House of Representatives. This would
as part of the federal death definition of anti Semitism.
It would include speech that quote claims the existence of
the state of Israel is a racist endeavor. It is
absolutely free speech to claim that the existence of Israel

is a racist endeavor. I disagree with it. I think
it's insane, but it is absolutely free speech to say
that the existence of Israel is something you you know, oppose.
It's racist, it's colonialist, it's apartheid. All They've been saying
this stuff for as long as I've been alive on campus.
What are Republicans doing? I mean, they're just desperate for
some relevancy in this moment. I mean talking about Republicans

in the House, but don't interrupt your enemy when he's
making a mistake. Don't get in the middle of this.
This is a food fight among Biden based lunatics and
Republicans on the House want to look tough for their constituencies.
By that's not going to do anything. Also, it's not
gonna I mean, you know, I don't know what they think.
They have it both ways too, the saying oh, it'll
do a lot, and say what does it do. You're
gonna have the federal government now, you know, arresting people

for hate speech. Oh, won't do that. Well, then what
are you really doing? You're gonna use titles sick. I
think of the of the you know, the Civil Rights
Act to it's it's a disaster. I couldn't believe how
dumb it was when Republicans actually did this and even disagree.
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Speaker 3 (33:20):
Learn laugh and join us on the weekend on our
Sunday Hang with Clay and Buck podcast, Fight It on
the iHeart app or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome
back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all of
you hanging out with us. A little bit of news.
We're excited to do this. We're gonna be headed up
to the Kentucky Derby on Saturday. Buck is doing the

radio show from Louisville, a town where we are now
number one among many other towns across the country. We
appreciate everybody listening every single day. You have never been
to the Kentucky Derby. I have been, I think twice
to remember. I think I went once as a young
ish twenty something and then went back as a meal.

I know I went as a media member. I think
I've been twice. I think I went once, as I've
been to a bunch of horse races, so they all
kind of run together at this point. They have a
fun one in Nashville called the Steeplechase, and so all
of them kind of run together, especially if you're on
the infield drinking and not paying a lot of attention
to the horses. But we're gonna be in the grand
stands with Julie Talbot, our boss Kentucky native, and I'm

pretty excited about it. We were just talking about what
we're gonna wear, what the wives are gonna wear. As
soon as I finished the show tomorrow, I'm headed to Louisville.
You are gonna be, like I said, in studio tomorrow
and our Louisville affiliate doing the show. You're pretty excited
about this?

Speaker 1 (34:44):
Are we? Are we giving us I've never been before,
so it's very exciting for me. I are we supposed
to give our picks now or do we have to? No,
we'll do it, so we'll do it tomorrow. Because I'm
actually asking, well, unless you have a pick right now,
you gonna win. I just I'm just telling my horse
is gonna win. I got beginner's luck and I'm way
over confident for some reason.

Speaker 3 (35:04):
And you're going with which horse? Do you want to
go ahead? Do you know the hold till tomorrow? I
want every Okay, you can hold it till tomorrow. I'm
calling in some ringers. I've got a couple of buddies
who are big horse racing guys, and I'm gonna ask
them what exactly we should be betting. I I love
this not it's gonna be a surprised any of you.
I like to gamble on sports horse racing. I always

thought it was funny, was the exception. Now sports gambling
is legal in many different states, but I always thought
it was funny. You can walk in to a gambling
location and I guarantee you buck, we're gonna need some
coffee because there may be some alcohol consumed. Uh, And
it can help the next morning after to have Crockett.

Speaker 1 (35:42):
I have a confession. You have a little bit of
a hung up hangover. I have a confession to make.
Harry caught me drinking espresso martiniz and we were on vacation,
which I think you made.

Speaker 3 (35:51):
I saw that photo. They're pretty good though, by the way,
aren't They.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
Are quite delicious? And I said to her, Now, I said, well,
we're gonna have to start a Crockett espresso line so
I can make Crockett teenies if you will, or a crocket.
It's a very good idea, which sounds fancy, but it's
just gonna be coffee thrown into a martini and it'll
be delicious. But go to Krockitcoffee dot com. Please subscribe.
The Blonde Roast is on the way. By the way,

got a whole new line and also organic. All your
feedback from all of you taking into account, day in,
day out. Krocketcoffee dot com, please subscribe the best way
to do it and you'll get free shipping. I gotta
get two bags of coffee per order. Get that free
shipping done, Clay Crocketcoffee dot.

Speaker 3 (36:32):
Com, Sir, no doubt. I'm going to Morgan Wallin tonight.
I'm gonna be a little bit of a late night.
He's taken over to the stadium here and I'm gonna
need some Crocker coffee in the morning, next hour or
breaking it down for you

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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