Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome everybody. Tuesday edition of The Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show is starting right now. Appreciate you being with us.
A lot of news coming in today. Things we're going
to be talking about throughout the show. Jd Vance versus
Tim Waltz, Walls whatever, walls Tonight the vice presidential debate
that only I think people who work in the industry
are going to be watching, but some other people will
watch it too. I think CBS in the can clearly
for the Democrats, they'll be moderating. Glenn aw will discuss
does it move the needle? The cliche that is unavoidable,
You can't find a better way to say it. Really,
Does it actually change things? We'll discuss that also, more
updates on what's going on in North Carolina. Just the
scale of the devast station a five hundred mile path
of destruction is what they're calling it. And what's going
on North Carolina. I mean when you see the photos
of homes, I mean town's washed away, just gone and homes.
We've lost a lot, lost a lot of people and
unfortunately a lot more likely to be added to that
number for fatalities from this hurricane. We'll talk about the
relief efforts. Clearly, the Biden Harris administration has realized they
were walking into a pretty rough news cycle unless they
started making some noise about the relief efforts that are happening.
We'll discuss and look at what has actually gone on
and what needs to happen. Still clay. Right now the US,
this is reported on CNN, Washington Post, all over the place.
According to senior officials, the US thinks that an Iranian
ballistic missile attack on Israel is imminent. The White House
has warned that an attack on Israel would result in
severe consequences for Iran. We're all hopeful that this will
be one of those moments where there's a warning that
does not turn into a conflagration. This is the clay.
I mean, if people are looking at how does a
broader war break out in the Middle East, I mean
a direct fight between Israel and Iran, it has always
been one of the top concerns, and the possibility of
other proxies getting involved, Iranian proxies, and then is you know,
Israel's allies, most notably the United States, somehow being drawn
into this. I think that it will pass without major incident,
but I could be wrong, meaning I don't I don't
think that this is going to result in a real
war in the Mid East, but it's obviously a high
alert situation. I mean, what these are all. You know,
we've got the big political story, We've got the hurricane
relief and response story, and the possibility of a big
war breaking out in the Middle East. Which which one
do you want to dive into first? I mean, these
are all obviously very important, very high level things.
Speaker 2 (03:10):
Yeah, no, it's a great question. I think we can
hit on all of them. My immediate response is, and
I may be wrong on this, but my antenna anytime
we know in the way that Iran is going to
ask to act publicly in advance, this feels to me
like a second round of Iran pretends that they are
really angry, but actually this is some form of a
negotiated attack. And much like when did the last one happen?
Maybe like May Ish, when Iran fired all the three
hundred missiles or whatever it was and none of them
hit the ground and they were all knocked down. When
the United States is saying, hey, we expect an Iran
attack coming, and it all feel very negotiated and almost
Kabooki theater like for show. Does that make sense if
Iran were really trying to do something to Israel. I
don't think that we would know in specific detail what
time the attack is coming, how it's happening. Hey, everybody,
go ahead and go to the bomb shelters. It feels
like Iran feels compelled to act, but in a way
that is very organized with the United States and an
Israel aware and able to protect itself. It's shadow boxing
in some ways.
Speaker 1 (04:35):
Yeah. Well, the ballistic missile strikes and the longshoreman strike,
speaking of strikes, also on the East Coast has launched
a day. We'll talk about that. This could be This
could be a mess, real trouble for the economy. As
far as I understand it, there's been no progress on
the negotiation since the strike officially went into effect, so
we'll talk about that as well. You probably saw this
union guy straight out of Central casting of the union
guy explaining why the long shortman should get their way.
But back to the Iran issue first for a moment here.
First off, we do not have a commander in chief
worthy of the name. I think that's I don't even
think there's a dispute over that. Really, Joe Biden is
not somebody who you want making important, time sensitive decisions
which could come into play if this were to get bigger.
In Clay. On the ballistic missile front, yes, Israel has
the ability and with US help, to shoot down ballistic
missiles that are in coming to Israeli territory. The other possibility, though,
is that Iran acts through proxies as Belah and others
to engage in a series of coordinated terror attacks against
soft targets, and that they could do without much difficulty.
And you don't even want to start to think about
how how far the tentacles. I mean Hesbela operates in
the Triborder region in South America, and I mean Hesbola
has has activities usually involved in drugs, money laundering and
making cash for the home country. Hesbela has activities in
a lot of the world. So if they were, if
they were operational, if their if their plans went operational
to engage in multiple coordinated terror attacks, that could really
create big problems. Not so much nation state warfare level problems,
but just security and and uh and obviously mass casualties.
So I think you're I think it's not going to be.
This isn't the big one that's about to happen. I
don't have any I don't have the inclination that that's
what's gonna come come out of this. But you know,
they did kill Nosurala and the guy who followed on,
and they blew them all up with their pagers. In
a sense, the Israeli you know, you could say that
this is an opportunity, or rather this is a moment
where there could be a major escalation, a military asca galation.
You could also say there's an opportunity for all the
enemies of Hezbollah and Hamas and these jie hottist terror
nightmares and the Iranian regime. I might add to say,
all right, you know, maybe maybe we maybe we start
to go with the strong horse a little bit more
openly here, which is Israel. Maybe maybe we start to
push the advantage here a little more as the IDF
is real. You know, the IDF has been able to show,
you know, when the gloves come off, the other side
is not on the same not on the same level.
I think that's important, Buck, because so far, by and large,
Israel has not aggressively attacked inside of Iran. Now I
know they have they engaged in a targeted assassination. They
have had a variety of different small scale attacks they
have engaged in.
Speaker 3 (07:47):
But buck, what I would like to see, and I
know people.
Speaker 2 (07:50):
Are gonna say, oh my goodness, this I'd like to
see Israel just wipe out the attempt of Iran to
get a nuclear weapon.
Speaker 3 (07:59):
If they have just think what follow with me here?
Speaker 2 (08:01):
I was reading the story about the way they killed uh,
the head of Hesbola. They have designed missiles that are
almost of a cascading effect, that meaning they knew that
he was buried deep in a bunker where they thought
this guy is protected. And the way that they drove, Yeah,
the way that they hit these is one you know,
kind of blows up one after the other. Why would
they not have the ability to do that? Where Iran
is trying to develop nuclear weapons? Now there may be
a concern about what the explosion inside of the Iranian
nuclear area might be if they hit them with the
bunker busters. But I don't you know, it seems like
we're kind of tiptoeing around the edge here, which is
Iran wants to get a nuclear bomb, and if they
get a nuclear bomb. They think it protects the Ayatola
and everybody else from ever having his power challenged for
basically the rest of any of our lives. It seems
like Iran is playing a little bit fire here because
what Israel has shown is such a technologically sophisticated ability,
as you just said with the IDF that I think
they could wipe out the Ayatola. I think they could
wipe out Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons.
Speaker 3 (09:14):
We don't know how know how close they are.
Speaker 2 (09:17):
I think Iran is playing with fire here, which is
why I think the response is shadow boxing, because if
you really were trying to do something aggressive in Iran,
I don't think the United States would be putting out
waving its arms saying, hey, an attack is coming everybody now.
To your point, if Iran really wanted to take this
to an escalating level, I actually think it would be
doing something in the United States. And that is where
all of these illegal border crossings. Is there any doubt
to you that there are hundreds of potential sleeper cell
terrorists that have been able to enter our country through
the southern border. To me, there isn't, And why is
that scary? If we know there's thirteen thousand murderers that
have come in, fifteen thousand rapists, over four hundred thousand
people with criminal records. That's according to the border that
came out last week that nobody wants to cover. But
it only took nineteen people to engage in nine to eleven.
If it only took nineteen terrorists to create nine to eleven,
I have zero doubt that far more than that have
walked across our southern border and are in the United
States right now and could be activated in some way
to engage in a terror attack in the United States.
That seems one of me one of.
Speaker 1 (10:37):
Many reasons why having a wide open border that's effectively
a joke is not just a political and economic catastrophe
in the making, it is also a national security risk,
a major national security risk. And that, by the way,
no other country would stand for. No other country would say,
we're going to allow millions of people to come in.
We don't even know who they are. In fact, a
lot of them are murderers and rapists. You see that
ice stuff. By a percentage, it's not a lot, but
fifteen thousand murderers is a lot of murderers. Okay, fifteen
thousand rapists, A lot of rapists. I mean the people
that have been able to come in among the flood
of a lot of other I know, desperate, convicted.
Speaker 2 (11:17):
Buck, We're not even just talking about all the people.
A lot of these are convicted.
Speaker 1 (11:21):
Yeah, these are people that have killed people, and we've
let them in the United States because we're a nation
of immigrants. The imbeciles all say, this is a you know,
this is a moment I think where people can recognize
having control of your borders. I mean, think about this.
The Israelis control their borders, and they realize that the
existence of the Israeli state is contingent on that. And
they especially learned this after what's known as the Second Intifada,
where what two thousand and one, two thousand and two,
they had suicide bombers just infiltrating into Israel proper all
the time and killing as many people as they could
in pizzerias, you know, bar MIT's, fuzz birthday parties, you
name it. And the Israelis just said, that's it, and
they built they built the wall, they built the security fence,
which Clay, you'll go see soon enough. I've been to
that wall. It is a it is a formidable, formidable fortification.
But yeah, I'm I'm seeing this play out. I'm thinking
that the challenge here is not so much how does
Israel handle the Iranian military. It can, we can, That's
not the issue. It's the asymmetrical warfare, terrorist cells against
soft targets where yeah, that's not going to overthrow the
Israeli government or you know, it's not gonna seize it's
not gonna seize Tel Aviv with that, but you can
kill a few hundred people and and create a lot
of carnage and chaos, and that is I think the
likeliest outcome or the most dangerous outcome of this exchange
between Israel and Iran. So we'll continue to keep an
eye on that. And Clay, we should also get into
this this longshoreman issue, yes, which is economically they've decided
to go for the jugular with when they're using their
power the absolute max October before presidential election and they've
shut down or they're shutting down shipping effectively on the
eastern seaboard of the United States. We'll talk about it
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Speaker 3 (14:27):
Saving America One Thought at a Time. Clay Travis and
Buck Sexton them.
Speaker 4 (14:33):
Find them on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you
get your podcasts.
Speaker 2 (14:38):
Welcome back in Clay Travis and Box Sexton Show. Okay, Uh,
as we were talking about what might happen in Iran,
there is now reports of an attack in tel Aviv
from an individual terrorist. Initial reports shooting two locations in
tel Aviv. Twenty injured, at least one active shooter. These
are the reports on the ground. I am reading multiple
different sources. Obviously this is just happening. There are videos
and evidence that there's going to be a decent number
of casualties.
Speaker 3 (15:20):
Out there.
Speaker 1 (15:21):
I mean, this is we were discussing and analyzing what
Iran is going to do, and it just hit the
news wires within minutes of us talking about that. I mean,
that's that's how the Iranians operate. So as we're talking
about what they may engage in small scale terror attacks
against soft targets, the news breaks that outside of Tel
Aviv they've engaged in what seems to be a small,
you know, small scale paramilitary terrorist operation against soft targets.
So this is what you know. The Iranians will do
this wherever they can in response to what has happened
to their HESBLA proxy. So unfortunately, Clay, this is it's
very difficult to counter this shooting missiles out of the sky.
The Israelis can do very well stopping all over the
world people that are working on behalf of the mulas
from just killing innocent sort in some way tied to
the US or Israel. That's very challenging, no doubt.
Speaker 2 (16:19):
And so again I think the concern is that this
could also spiral into the United States as a part
of whatever response we're getting. And when we come back,
we're going to talk some about this Longshorman strike. But Buck,
we have a lot of things all coming together as
we now have entered into October and we're five weeks out.
Speaker 3 (16:41):
We have the.
Speaker 2 (16:42):
Fallout of Hurricane Helene, which has decimated many different regions
of several different states. We're going to continue to talk
about that. We've got Israel and Iran going kind of
to a different level. Israel has invaded southern Lebanon and
is now reportedly about to be under official attack from Iran.
We've got the vice presidential debate that is going on tonight.
All of these things coming together, and then you layer
on top of it the long shortman strike in conjunction
with the fact that two major interstates are shut down
right now on the East Coast that are major avenues
for the distribution of goods. And we don't know how
long this long shoreman strike is going to go on,
but it could have debilitating impact on many of us
out there and our ability to get normal goods brought
into our home. So all of that going on right
as we get prepared for a presidential election. I want
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Speaker 1 (18:55):
We got the VP debate coming up tonight. We've got
an election about thirty days and change away, and the
ILA Union of long Shoremen has decided that they are
going to on the East Coast and Gulf Coast ports
stretching from New England down to Texas last night go
into a strike. It is the first time a union,
or this union rather, has striked since nineteen seventy seven.
Between forty three and forty nine percent of all US
imports move through the East Coast and Gulf Coast port,
so basically half of the trade of this country in
import is going through these ports. That's a big deal.
The estimates are the shutdown will be anywhere from one
I think to five billion dollars a day in losses. Well,
let's take a look at this for let's look at
what's at issue before we get to the political ramifications
of this. Because this is a big deal. They said
this was coming, and by day I mean the leader
of the International Longshoreman's Association ILA, Harold Daggett. This is
what he said a little while ago about the looming strike.
This has cut three. He threatened to cripple all of us.
Speaker 3 (20:21):
Play it tear folly means I have to go back
to work for.
Speaker 5 (20:24):
Ninety days after cooling off period. Do you think when
I go back for ninety days, those men are going
to go to work on that pier. It's going to
cost them money, the company's money to pay the salaries. Well,
go one from thirty moves and now and maybe to eight.
They're gonna be like this, who's gonna win here? In
the long run, You're better off sitting down and let's
get a contract and let's move on with this world.
Speaker 3 (20:47):
And could today's world. I'll cripple you. I will cripple you.
And you have no idea what that means. Nobody does.
Speaker 1 (20:57):
We have no idea what that means. We actually have
a pretty good ide of what that means. By the way,
there's breaking news that that missiles have been launched from
Iran as we were on the air here toward Israel.
That has been confirmed now Fox News among others reporting this.
So there there is a missile strike from Iran against
Israel underway. Now it is up to the Iron Dome
and Israeli air defense systems to prevent these missiles from
hitting their markets out of Israel. We will bring you
more updates on this as we get them. So he
says he's gonna cripple us, and this I think this
was just today, right, the same guys just happened. Did
this just happened? Because now now he is now they
have shut down these ports. Uh, this is cut twenty
eight play it.
Speaker 3 (21:41):
Do you worry that this strike the capital to settle
this thing?
Speaker 5 (21:45):
Are you worried that this strike is going to hurt
the everyday American, the farmers that need to read.
Speaker 1 (21:49):
They reached the export market. They're telling me that they're gonna.
Speaker 6 (21:51):
Hurt them, start to realize who the long shoremen are, right,
nobody can Tapa Nevi gave it about us until now
when they finally real that's a chain is being broke
now cause won't come in, food won't come in, clothing
won't come in. You know how many people depend on
odd jobs half the world, and it's time for them
and time for Washington to put so much pressure on
him to take care of us because we took care
of him and we're here one hundred and thirty five
years and brought to where they are today, and they
don't want to share.
Speaker 4 (22:25):
Speaker 1 (22:26):
I wish the ISLA didn't get its spokesman from the
you know, international society of goons and thugs. But this
guy is unfortunately doing their cause a lot of damage
in the public's eye right now, Clay, we can get
into why.
Speaker 6 (22:42):
Speaker 3 (22:42):
And also I just want to point out.
Speaker 2 (22:46):
One we have basically an absent president and it kind
of matters when Iran is firing missiles at Israel and
when we've got an awful, devastating hurricane that is hit
in multiple states and where we probably got hundreds I
hate to say it, but hundreds of people that have died.
They're still finding new bodies as they are going into
some of these areas. Buck there's reports that bodies are
just in trees because of the high level of flooding
and the collapsing of roofs and people that were stuck
on top of them. All these things that are just
awful again, just disastrous. And now we've got a longshoreman attack,
a longshoreman a strike on top.
Speaker 3 (23:30):
Of all this.
Speaker 2 (23:32):
I just again, we talked about this yesterday, but I
think it's so important. We need as much support as
we can get for people in Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia,
everybody in the Appalachian region that got hit by this
Hurricane Helene. And now they're gonna shut down the ports
and we've got lost shut down interstates, and the guys
bragging about the fact that there's gonna be an impact
and it's going to hurt the average American out there.
And where is our president? How is Biden saying nothing
about any of this?
Speaker 3 (24:07):
So a few things.
Speaker 1 (24:08):
One and the timing of this, with the devastation, we're
still just starting to figure out how devastating the hurricane
Helene tragedy has been particularly for Western North Carolina. Is
you know, we had my father in law call on yesterday.
I have family right in the worst area in terms
of flooding damage of Western North Carolina, and it is,
I mean, it looks like a nightmare out there. It's
it's absolute devastation that supply chain. You're gonna interrupt supply
chain when that's going on. You're gonna interrupt supply chain
right before presidential election because he think gives you maximum leverage. Well,
let's look at what they want. The ports have agreed
to a fifty percent pay increase. Okay, over the next
five years a fifty How many of you are getting
a fifty percent pay increase? That's not good enough. Fifty
percent pay increase. I think they want seventy seven percent
pay increase. And they also want to stand in the
way of technology. This is the real sticking point. They
don't want automization product projects to be able under contract
to be instituted at these facilities. Why because they want
to be able to keep their boot at the throat
of American shipping and commerce at a moment's notice. Now,
this is not a new thing. We get the term
Luddite from it's actually it's apocryphal.
Speaker 3 (25:35):
There was when the.
Speaker 1 (25:38):
I think it was the wool it was the wool
weaving industry in the UK Clay and there was new
you know, a new like machines essentially to do it
much more efficiently, and there were these stories that people
were smashing the machines and that ned Lud was the
the guy leading this charge. There was no ned Lud,
but Luddite is the term we get from this for
somebody who's anti technology, right, stop the technology, stop the progress.
It never works. But really, what they're doing, in my mind,
Clay is reminding everybody of the need to automate as
much as you can, as fast as you can, because
if this is how the human beings that are in
charge of this through their collective bargaining agreement, are going
to operate, it is too much of a risk to
the economy and society going forward. You know, you're not
a hero if when you're in the er room, you
know you're in the er and someone's bleeding out of
the table, you say, you know this hospital doesn't pay
me enough. I want a million dollars, or I'm not
going to treat I'm not going to operate on this patient.
Speaker 4 (26:38):
Speaker 1 (26:38):
I know that's a pretty extreme version of it, Clay,
but this does look much more like extortion to me
than good faith bargaining. What does technology? You're going to
stand the way of technology on top of wanting a
seventy seven percent pay increase. I yes, Look, I always know,
as you well should know also that whenever there are
disputes between labor and management, there's always some truth on
each side, right, That's why the dispute exists. I'm never
someone who comes out and says management's awful, they're wrong
on everything, or labor's right, they're right on everything. The
reality is eventually they come to an agreement. That's the
entire basis of the collective bargaining process. But Buck, the
president has the ability to end strikes. And again this
is it's been a while since I studied presidential authority
and exactly how it applies. But given what's going on
in North Carolina and Tennessee and the massive amount of
damage and resources that are necessary to help the people
in those states, I don't think it's crazy for the
president to exercise his political authority and demand that these
guys stay on the job until we can.
Speaker 2 (27:58):
Solve the issue. There is where this is where leadership matters. Okay,
and it's complicated and it's dynamic, and it's difficult. Do
we trust Joe Biden to be able to work through this?
We talked yesterday about two major interstates right now or
shut down because of the damage from Hurricane Helen. I
forty in particular, which is a major conduit across this country,
and I forgot I thirty six or thirty five is
the other one. We had the truck driver call in
and discuss the chaos that exists from a transportation perspective
because of Hurricane Helen. Now a huge portion of the
port system in the United States is shut down, which
is going to restrict even more the distribution and flow
of goods. And if you've forgotten about what the impact is,
remember when we had the supply chain crisis on the
West coast and mayor Pete is out there basically non existent,
and what that did to cost of goods and difficulties
out there. I'm concerned Buck that we could start to
see some panicked buying in some of these grocery stores
and some of these big box retailers because people decide, hey,
I want to make sure i've got enough. Remember when
you couldn't buy toilet paper anywhere in the United States
during the COVID mess. If people start to believe the
supply chain is breaking, guess what happens. The supply chain
breaks because generally speaking, its function. We don't have inventories
backed up in these places four weeks at a time.
Speaker 1 (29:25):
Well, you're also going to see that there's a lot
of there's a lot of rerouting that they're going to
do to the West coast ports, but that takes time, costs,
slow downs, right, So there are some ways that they
can try to alleviate this, but it's going to create
a mess. It's going to be a big problem. And
I just think that the notion that you should be
in a position where you can engage in essentially collective
extortion to prevent technological progress that would make everything more
efficient and better for all Americans, they're playing a dangerous
game here. A lot of times when yous you know
to your point, yeah, there's some truth. Look, they agreed
to a fifty five percent pay raise, right, that's the
truth on both sides. When you're agreeing But when you're
saying you're not allowed to use technology in ports to
make things more efficient, what you're saying is we want
effectively a government backed monopoly here. Yeah, because the governments
are the only reason the government enforcement of union contracts
or you know, union rather regulations is the only reason
that unions can get away with what they do in
the first place. I look this up in twenty fifteen,
Clay in twenty fifteen, so I don't know what it
is now, but this is the most recent one I
could find. West Coast union longshoremen make over one hundred
thousand dollars a year, A lot of them make over
two hundred thousand dollars a year, and some of their
union bosses make over three hundred thousand dollars a year.
And they all get free healthcare, excellent healthcare they don't
pay a dollar for. I'm sitting here. I'm like, So,
we're gonna have union guys. You're gonna make and I'm sorry,
you're gonna have long short and you're gonna start making
if they get what they want, I mean, start at
the two hundred thousand dollars level. If you get a
seventy seven percent increase. You now you're making close to
three hundred grand in base salary. Okay, that that seems
like a good gig. What are the qualifications to do this?
Speaker 5 (31:18):
Speaker 1 (31:18):
Like, how long is it takeing? You know, I know,
I know some people who are who are doctors, who
to make three hundred grand. Yeah, and they go to
medical school for six years I'm sorry four years and
then four years of residency.
Speaker 3 (31:30):
But yeah, yeah, I get it. And that's why I
think it's complicated.
Speaker 2 (31:34):
And by the way, their salaries can act as at
tax and an inflationary impact on all.
Speaker 3 (31:43):
The goods that we buy.
Speaker 2 (31:44):
Because guess what, when you have to pay a lot
more to get a product into a port, the company
doesn't just say, okay, we're gonna eat that cost. The
company says, we're going to bump up the cost of
all of our goods in order to cover the new
higher labor costs that we have. So whatever you end
up like, this cost gets passed down to you. Right
when in terms of you going out to the grocery
store wherever else you go, all of those goods that
it's not like the companies eat them. Uh.
Speaker 1 (32:15):
And there are reasons why there are boundaries. You know,
there are boundaries on this, And to your point about
the presidents stepping in, but they don't want you right now,
right because they're shaky with Kamblo, with the unions. Obviously,
that's why they're doing it, because they know they're in
a particularly power You think they try this crap under Trump,
I don't think so. They're in a particularly powerful position
visa the Democrats with a weak candidate who doesn't have
union support, and so they know that they're pushing it
even more. But you know, the American people see this
and and just you know, the ISLA is not endearing
itself to anybody right now, especially when you look at
the numbers and look at what the demands are and
this idea that they had to show up during COVID, Yeah,
so did grocery store employees. You know, calm down, Okay,
everybody got COVID and lots of people showed up to
work during COVID. It doesn't make you some heroes. We
all actually learn the lessons here. Okay, COVID, everybody got COVID,
a lot of people went to work. Doesn't mean you
get to hold a gun to the head of the
American economy afterwards. So you know, maybe I'm a little
a little too strident on this, but from what I see,
you know, Okay, what if the NYPD just said, you
know what, our cops need to make twice as much
money or else we're not shown off to work tomorrow?
Is that collective bargaining?
Speaker 3 (33:20):
Is that fair?
Speaker 1 (33:21):
I mean, be against New York state law. Of course,
it's against the law for a reason. But I'm just saying,
why is it against the law because it's extortion. What
they're doing right now feels very extortionate. It does not
feel like good faith collective bargaining, which is why they
have the chief goon going out. They're like, yeah, feel
the pain.
Speaker 3 (33:36):
And here's the other thing I would say, is we
go to break.
Speaker 2 (33:39):
I would argue that all of this is bad for
Kamala and Biden because the more chaotic their ten year seems,
the less argument there is for hey, we need you.
In the same way that I think they used BLM
riots to try to demean Trump's leadership by trying to
tear him down and argue, oh, a new pro president
will bring more stability. Well, now Democrats are in control everywhere,
does it feel stable to you as we wait for
all these rockets to arrive in Israel. Does it feel
stable to you when the East Coast shipping lanes are
shut down? Does it feel stable to you that we
don't have a president that can deploy resources to take
care of people in North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Virginia
and South Carolina, all the people in the Appalachian region.
It doesn't to me. I want to tell you, Look,
it's fall. We're officially into fall now and it's not
too long. Next month, I can say it. Now is Thanksgiving,
and I bet you have a lot of Thanksgiving memories
and we're not too far believe it or not, from Christmas.
Halloween's out there, the kids are going to be in costumes.
Have you preserved all your family memories as far back
as you can go? Think of the hours of entertainment
coming both in your family's past and future.
Speaker 3 (34:55):
Right now. You can preserve all of those.
Speaker 2 (34:57):
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Speaker 3 (35:05):
Slash clay again.
Speaker 2 (35:07):
Preserve your family's memories, get them all digitized.
Speaker 3 (35:11):
Do it before the end of the year.
Speaker 2 (35:13):
Rush at legacybox dot com slash Clay for half off
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Speaker 3 (35:27):
Do it today legacybox dot com slash Clay.
Speaker 4 (35:31):
Twenty four a weekly podcast from Clay and Buck covering
all things election. Episodes drop Sundays at noon Eastern. Find
it on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get
your podcasts.
Speaker 2 (35:44):
Hundreds of missiles from Iran have arrived in Israel.
Speaker 3 (35:50):
We are going to go.
Speaker 2 (35:53):
All different coverage of this coming back in the next hour.
This is from the official Israeli account. A short while ago,
missiles were launched from Iran towards the state of Israel.
Israelis are instructed to remain alert and follow the commands.
You can watch these videos of these missiles coming in Buck.
It looks like something out of the movie as they
are trying to intercept all these different missiles, but a
lot bigger attack than what happened in April. What is
Israel going to do in response? This is absolute failure
of the Biden administration. We'll give you more when we
come back next