All Episodes

May 13, 2024 36 mins
NYT swing state polls show Trump in the lead. Trump talks before trial. Michael Cohen takes the stand. CNN's Fareed Zakaria tells the truth about Trump trial and election. There's no crime in the Bragg case and everyone can see it. Leftist protesters are out of central casting. VIP emails.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in everybody. Monday edition of the Clay Travis and
Buck Sexton Show kicks off right now. Plays out on
vacation with his family for the day, so he'll be
back with us tomorrow. Looking forward to having our Clay
Travis back in the mix. Meantime, gonna be me for
three hours with all of you today, and a lot,

a lot to get to. Oh boy, they're already busy, newsbak,
already things happening fast. First, just to give you a
little sense of where things are going, We're gonna have
us Senator Marco Rubio joining us third hour of the program.
The veepstakes is heating up. You know, people are talking,
people are saying Marco Rubio perhaps in the mix. There

have been some reports about that. I have some others
that have been taken out of the mix recently by
Trump himself no less, and some who are certainly still
in the game for it. So we shall see. We
shall dive into the veep steaks. We have the Trump
rally on the Jersey Shore in Wildwood, which got a

lot of attention from well, not the mainstream media or
the Democrat corporate media, but those of us who you know,
want to see what a presidential campaign looks like right now.
Know that Trump is doing it when he can because
he's in court the rest of the time. Doug Bergham
is getting a lot of attention on the VP side

of things right now. I just got to say, interesting,
interesting the plot Dickens, governor of North Dakota, who I
do remember. I went back and I did a little
bit of a review. I remember he had some good
moments during those Republican debates. And he's a billionaire, so
he's not in it for the money. He's not Hillary Clinton.

It's not about selling everything, including your soul. It's service
to the country. It'd be into It's interesting to me.
I don't know if it really brings that much to
the ticket in terms of winning a state, but maybe
that doesn't really matter, and Trump wants somebody just that
he can be very pro business. Anyway, I'm getting ahead

of myself. We'll get into some of that. Oh, RFK Junior.
Trump went after him pretty pretty tough, pretty harsh stuff
about RFK Junior over the weekend. So for those who
keep calling in saying he'd be a great VP for Trump,
that is not gonna happen. Not gonna happen after this one,

and we've got more and more. I got so many
stories I don't even know what to tell you. If
I have time, I'll even get to this story of
the fake genocide in Canada perpetrated by nuns against Native
American students. You see this, they call the Kamloops school incident,

that was getting some attention last week. Turns out there
this mass grave wasn't actually a mass grave anyway. I
don't know. That's Canada. We'll see if we can get
to that today. If not, maybe tomorrow. A lot of
things going on here, but obviously top of mind, top
of the news headlines right now is Michael Cohen, the

fixer they call him for Trump. I don't know if
that's really quite accurate. But if you want to make
a Godfather reference, you would say Consolieri, because remember Italian,
we don't pronounce that G. It's not Consiglieri. That's a no,
no Consolieri. He's a guy who is a known liar,

and yet he is testifying today, I should say, and
on the record admitted perjurer, not to somebody who lies
a little bit, you know, and on the record admitted
perjurer is testifying today in a trial in New York
City that no honest person could think serves the interests

of justice. And I truly mean that. Think of it
this way always, if you have not already in going forward,
the Trump business records criminal trial in New York is
a perfect litmus test. Anybody who thinks this is a
legitimate exercise of prosecutorial and judicial authority is a dishonest person.

It is not possible to think that what they are
doing to Trump. Some people may like it. They may say, oh,
I know this is crap, but I hate Trump, so
I'm going along with it. Right. That's an ethically compromised person,
But it's not a It is not possible to see
what's going on here and say, yeah, this serves the
interests of the justice system. It is a purely political exercise.

And this is cut to Trump said this himself before
the trial today. So you know what this is turning
into is he's having to use the bullcrap political persecution,
I'm sorry, legal persecution of him for political reasons. He's
having to use the attention around this trial as his

opportunity to speak not only about the trial but to
campaign for president. It's going to be June before you
know it, folks, We're going to be at the RNC
and the DNC, and you know, heaven knows what's coming
this fall. But we are now on the We are
on the runway, right. I mean, this plane has taken
off one way or another. And here he is. This

is cut to saying exactly that about the political persecution.
Here play it.

Speaker 2 (05:44):
But the big thing today seems to be the time
some ship The Times is thrilled. I respect him for
at least letting it come out. And there it is
struck leading by a lie in every state, every sling
state leading by.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
This trial is ripped. It's dishonest. It's a disgrace to
New York. It's a disgrace to the country.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
I should be at campaigning now instead of sitting in
a very cold courthouse all day long. This is a
Biden prosecution. It's election interference at a level that nobody
in this country has.

Speaker 1 (06:23):
Ever seen before.

Speaker 2 (06:24):
This is the third world countries.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
Not for the USA. It's absolutely true. I could not
agree more wholeheartedly with President Trump on this. What he
says is spot on. There is zero exaggeration in it.
There's absolutely nothing about what he just said that is
even debatable by an honest person. They held this charge

until the election year. They ignored all applicable judgment and
guideline rules about what a prosecutor should and shouldn't do.
They are rigging it now actively as the trial continues.
Someone explained this to me. Trump has a gag order
against him on at least possible pain of imprisonment by

this judge, while Michael Cohen is able to stream on
TikTok about the trial, and the judge has only said
to tell the prosecutors, hey, you know, tell them to
lay off that a little bit. No, no contempt order, No,
I'll lock you up. The whole thing is a scam.

It is a sham, and it actually does affect all
of us. If they can do this to Donald Trump
in New York City, they can do this to anyone
anywhere when their power is threatened or when there's an
issue of control that they are willing to go to
the mat to address. That's what's going on. If they

can do this to Donald Trump on this charge, they
can do it to absolutely anybody. They will find something
in your tax records. They will find something in your
business practices. They will find someone to make up a
story about you from thirty years ago that you can't
defend yourself. Anybody could be accused of something thirty years
ago with no corroborating evidence whatsoever and find themselves in

a difficult position. How do you disprove it? There's no evidence,
just someone saying something. They can get you if they
can get Trump. This is a message that is sent
to the entire country, sent to Democrats too, by the way,
they always forget this, you know. The Bolsheviks are always oh,
you know, my comrades will take care of me. It's

just the bad people are going after. Didn't work out
so well for well, go down the list, didn't work
out so well for everybody around. Stalin didn't work out
so well for you know, Robespierre during a French revolution,
which is really effectively a trial run for the socialist,

anti god revolutions of the twentieth century totalitarianisms. So, you know,
a lot to unpack here and a lot to take
a look at for not just the implications for this election,
but also what it means for the country. We are
seeing the most blatant process, the most blatant election interference,
and I would just point this out there is plenty

of reason to at least be hopeful. I think that's
a better word. Optimistic makes it sound like I think
it will happen. I'm not optimistic. I'm hopeful though, for
the country and how the country is going to react
as this plays out, as we see more of this
madness in real time, live streamed in essence from outside

the courthouse. I'm hopeful because this cannot be what the
Democrats thought it would be at this point. They're not
that clever. They're not playing eight D chess here, which
is any more DS than four D chess. As you know,
they wouldn't be able to construct a situation like this

and say, oh, we know that it will turn around
and go in our favor. They are worried this so far.
Look at the polling data, look at the mood of
the country. This is blowing up in their faces. I
just saw, you know. I launched a Hill TV a
long time ago. I was the first show with a
co host by the name of Crystal Ball, who we

always got along very well. See, you can get along
with anybody, people on the left, people in the right, Anyway,
The Hill had a poll out that I found really encouraging.
Five percent of registered voters site the January sixth US
Capital riot as their most prominent memory from the White House.

People are tired of this crap. And only the diluted
core of n and MSNBC and The New York Times,
the Washington Post, only people who live in an ecosystem
that is totally controlled in totalitarian fashion, at least in
terms of the effect that has on their minds. Only

those people think that what is going on here is
in any way valid, fair, honest. If you start to
look at this from a broader lens, you can see
people are waking up. That's why I am hopeful. And
you say, oh, well, that's January six What about what
about this trial? Remember January sixth is supposed to be
the justification for all of the things that they now

do to Trump. One leads to the other in their minds. Oh,
because of January sixth, any abuse of the system, any
injustice that the Democrats commit to stop Donald Trump is
inherently justified. That's what they believe. That is actually the
core of their anti Trump machination. It's see, because of

January sixth, he's a unique threat. He'll destroy the country. Therefore,
whatever we do is okay. It is the absolutism that
you see on display with these four criminal prosecutions, not
to mention the civil trials against them, not to mention
the states making absolute clowns of themselves, meaning that people

that are involved in these processes in those states Maine
and Colorado where they try to remove him from the
ballot or at least started the process of doing so, outrageous. Outrageous,
but anything justified because of January sixth. Well, when only
five percent of the country thinks the most important thing
or most memorable thing about Trump is January sixth, you
start to see this is fading. It's fading as a rationale.

And it's also very hard to pull off what the
Democrats are doing right now with this trial in New York,
which is you cannot claim to be saving the system
while you are destroying it, and that is what they
are doing. They are burning down the village in order
to save it. They are undermining and destroying our justice system.

They are destroying our faith in the fairness of our elections.
They are destroying our faith in our fellow Americans. Quite honestly,
the ones who are going along with this whole persecution,
and they are doing tremendous damage to the country and
to pretend that this is in good faith is the
ultimate insult. But again, I wouldn't say I am optimistic,

but I am hopeful that this is going to backfire
and continue to backfire on them, and that the only
justice here would be the ultimate poetic justice of Donald
Trump winning reelection in part because of the break the
glass do anything scorched earth tactics of the Democrats to

stop him from being president. We certainly live in interesting times.
Eight hundred and two eighty two to two eight am
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Use promo code buck. Welcome back into Clay and Buck.
Trump Trials still going on in New York City, and
you know it's on the one hand, you just have

to marvel at what Trump is able to go through,
willing to go through. You know, if he wasn't running again,
none of this would have happened either, Right. I do
think it's worth taking a step back for a moment.
The guy's a billionaire. I've been to marl Lago a
whole bunch of times. It's really nice. He could have
just said, you know what, I'm done, I'm gonna play golf.
I'm good, and you know what, that'll be fine. Got
beautiful families, got grandkids. Barren is like seven foot seven now,

I mean, you know fine. But no, he's in the
fight and he is not backing down one bit. I
thought this was interesting. Remember I said, this is a
perfect litmus test. And he who tells you this trials
on the up and up is either a liar or
an idiot. Freed Zakaria not a dumb guy. Not a

dumb guy. It's a pretty smart guy. Over at CNN
here he is saying, yeah, I don't think they would
have brought this against anybody whose name wasn't Donald Trump.
This was just yesterday the.

Speaker 3 (16:31):
Trials against him, keep him in the spotlight, infuriate his
bass who sees him as a martyr, and even myself,
to make him the object of some sympathy among people
in general who believe that his prosecutors are politically motivated.
This happens to be true in my opinion. I doubt
the New York indictment would have been brought against a

defendant whose name was not Donald Trump.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
Have you ever heard? I mean, just take a step,
that's as gentle he can be with the CNN audience
without them and going what are you doing to me?

Speaker 3 (17:03):
For Reid?

Speaker 1 (17:04):
You're not allowed to say this, for Reed of just
shaking and screaming, and they're dyed purple hair, you know,
just waving around and their nose ring falling out and
the whole thing, for Reid, what are you doing? Of course,
this would have been brought against somebody whose name wasn't
Donald Trump. I've never even heard. I didn't even know
this was a thing you could do as and I
didn't know this was even a crime that could be alleged.

You know what he did is well, that's because it's
not a crime. Again, they can do this to him.
They can do anything to anyone. The whole system is
in fact on trial right now, not just Donald Trump.
But like I said, hopeful, we'll stay hopeful. You know
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clayand Buck. Welcome back into Clay and Buck. I see
all these headlines in the reporting on the Cohen testimony, Uh,
in the Trump trial in New York. I see these headlines.
I'm just keep I keep reminding myself of they're trying

to sell it with sensationalism because the legality is not
there or the illegality is nothing, right, so the sensationalism
has to be what they sell this with. But that
has nothing to do with the trial. Understand that according
to their own view of the law, which is already

corrosive and corrupted and obtuse. Uh, they think that if
Trump had written legal services for this and it had
actually been you know, something completely you know, have have
nothing to do with with anything, right, I mean, if
they have been legal services of this, but actually Trump

was uh, you know, sending send sending Michael Cohen's or
relative on a trip to the Caribbean because he's such
a nice guy or something, then he's committed the same crime.
The elevation of it to a felony, though, is because
it was to change the outcome of the election. So

he's using a federal election crime that is unproven and
unstated to elevate what is a minor bookkeeping I won't
even say error. Really it's a bookkeeping dispute. I don't
think that it's weird to pay legal services. Hillary hired
the you know, the dossier writers under legal services. People

do this all the time. You hire lawyer. Lord goes
out and does the thing. I mean, I think it
is legal services for him to be involved in a transaction,
to have an NDA with somebody. But but all that aside,
it relies and I know it's it's dizzying. It's meant
to be dizzying. You see, they're trying to they're trying
to bore you on matters of the law and confuse

you on matters of the law and then entice interest
with this Stormy Daniels and all hush money, hush money.
You know, it's it's really, it wouldn't be that that
hard of a thing for Stormy Daniels to have been
able to prove this in a meaningful way. She also
said it didn't happen under oath. She's also changed. Even
Bill Maher came out and admitted this on his show.

She's changed her story about the encounter dramatically. It went
from yeah, again this is her allegation, Yeah, I slept
with Trump and you know whatever, and she made fun
of him to now it's oh, and his body blocked
me and I almost blacked out or something. She has
all this testimony about. Again, I don't want to get
into this, but it's quite clear to anybody. I mean,
this woman is a porn star who has sex with

completely strange men by the dozens or the hundreds. I
don't think that Donald Trump wanting to have a tryst
with her would make her just black out for some reason,
because it was so I don't know. He didn't use
force against her. She's never said that, but she's made
it seem like there was some element now of it's
she's lying. She's a liar. Michael Cohen's a liar. Michael

Cohen has admitted that even under oath, he's a liar.
He's a disbarred lawyer. He is a disgrace, and yet
the whole case turns on his word. It's a he said,
he said with Michael Cohen and Donald Trump about something
that honestly, who cares the other part of this theory

that we could talk about this, All of it is
just a house of cards. It's all a mirage, the
entire brag case against Trump. It couldn't be any more obvious.
But when you look at the roh oh, I forgot
a very important details. See, this is what happens. There's
so the case is so weak that it's a where

do I begin situation? There are so many things you
could pull on here to make the whole thing collapse.
The payment was made after the election, So how can
a payment made after the election affect the election in
a way. That's a felony under federal law that the
federal prosecutors didn't want to prosecute, and that now the
City of New York, Alvin Bragg, the district attorney, thinks

he's doing justice by overcharging a thirty four count felony indictment.
Holding this whole thing together, this is the most absurd
legal case I have ever seen at this level. I
would challenge anyone to come up with something more obscene

than this. The obscenity is, you know, is not all
Stormy Daniels and Trump. It's also gross. The obscenity here
as far as what matters to the American people is
the destruction of faith in the legal system because it
gives an opportunity to take down Donald Trump. That's the

core issue. That's the core problem, and everything else is
noised garbage. People. You notice this. They have all these
analysts going on TV, and I'll see clips of them
here and there. I mean, who watches you in anymore? Right,
I haven't been watching it in years anyway. The MSNBCC
had added, it's all the same thing, these different shows.
You watch these different analysts, and they're all getting so

into oh he said this and that, like they're calling
a sports game when any honest person should say they
should just the judge should have just tossed this whole
thing out. The judge should have tossed the whole thing out.
I mean this, it's a farce, top to bottom. There
is no part of this trial that is valid, nothing,

none of it. Maybe the only trial though, I still think,
and you know, you know I've been saying this, they're
going to try to at least start the Jay sixth
trial before the election. They're desperate, they're desperate. The only
thing that can stop them is the Supreme Court. If
the Supreme Court manages to weigh in and slow the
timetable down time table down. Fine, but the District Court

and the Appeals Court in DC, they will work in
tandem at ludicrous speed in order to make sure that
they can start a trial against Donald Trump for the
January sixth stuff. I firmly believe that because they they
know Joe Biden, this guy can't win a free and
fair election. And what saddens me, honestly, as an American

as we see all this is it's already not a
free and fair election. They're already cheating. They're already cheating.
And this is tough, right because we have to understand
that we're going into a game here where a ref
has already been paid off, and the only way that

we can achieve the eventually the just outcome is to
run up the scoreboard in front of the you know,
the assembled viewers, the audience, the American people in this case,
such that one paid off ref can't throw the whole thing.
But they've already paid off a ref. They've already thrown
a fix into this, and crying foul on it, unfortunately,

isn't going to help us. We're in the game, right,
you know, we can walk off the field and the other
team wins, or we can try to win. That's where
we are. There's no other option. But it's sad because
that is where we are. And you have a number
of people that are showing up at this courthouse in
New York to defend Donald Trump on this one. I
saw a bunch of them this morning appearing on TV

Staten Islands, Nicole mally Attakis, who's been always very very
staunch ally of President Trump's as a New York member
of Congress, that must be of New York City. It's
not a big club. I saw a Senator Tubberville, he
was speaking out and Senator jd Vance, which this probably
will be part of our upcoming discussion here into the

VP situation. The veep steaks, as the media will call it,
I guess I will call it that. Technically I'm part
of the media. This is jd Vance outside the courthouse today.
This was just before I came on air. Play it.

Speaker 4 (26:49):
Whether you love Donald Trump, whether you like Donald Trump,
or whether you're a Democrat or don't care about politics,
what's going on inside that courtroom is a threat to
American democracy. Lateies and gentlemen, we cannot have a country
where you get to prosecute your political opponents instead of
persuading voters. Joe Biden's entire strategy is to try to

distract from inflation at home and war overseas with this
sham trial. I just want to live in a reasonable
country where we try to persuade voters in our politics,
we don't try to throw our political opponents in jail.
So this is a disgrace and I wanted to be
here to show some support from my friend.

Speaker 1 (27:27):
That is the right word. JD is not overstepping or
overstating at all. It's not exaggeration. The trial is a disgrace,
and ultimately anyone, any American of good faith, should be
able to see, or at least one who has not
had their brain rotted by the mind control and the
brainwashing and the absolutism of the anti Trump left in

this country, which is I say this a lot. The
fact that they hate him as much as they do
is one of the clearest indicators of his importance in
American politics today. The ones they really hate not the
ones they mock. The ones they really hate are the
ones that they fear fear with regard to power and

people that will block their access to it. And that's
why the more ferocious the opposition to Trump, the more
certain we can be that there is only one place
now for anyone who thinks that we're supposed to have
a system worth preserving in the first place, and that
is in defense of Donald Trump. With regard to these trials,
it doesn't matter even if you think he was a

good president or not, if he's a good man or not.
I think he was a good president and he's a
good man, but that's irrelevant to whether or not somebody
can see as in American what is being done here
is wrong. It is wrong, and it is shameful. I mean,
Jad said it was a disgrace. True, it is shameful

that there are not more Democrats who are saying, guys,
I don't want Trump to be president either, But this
is this is not how we do this. It is
not how we do this. Where are those voices? Think
about that for a second. How many deaths. There's Dershowitz
who's now banned from all fancy parties in Martha's vineyard
and he's not even a politician. The guy's a You know,
a writer, thinker, scholar. What other Democrats are coming out?

We will have Tulci Gabbard back on so and I'm
sure she was just on recently. She's now basically an
independent leaning right, she's right of center, so she's left
the Democrat Party. But where are these Democrats who are
willing to come out and say what is being done
to I don't like Trump, but I understand what's at stake,
and what is being done to Trump is wrong. They

won't say it. They're just out there part of the
mob of villagers with their torches and their pitchforks looking
for Frankenstein in this case Trump, And yes, I know
it's Frankenstein's monster and doctor Frankenstein's the guy in the
novel and Mary Shelley and we could talk about that.
Some of the people go, Frankenstein isn't the monster. I know,

I know, but they think he is, and they think
Trump's Frankenstein. And you understand the analogy. Eight hundred two
eight two two eight eight two. We're gonna dive into
some of your calls here and we're gonna talk VP
a bunch of big things. Nicky Haley got into the
VP discussion again, some interesting stuff there. RFK Junior got

into the VP discussion again. You're gonna want to hear
that one. JD. Stephanic Berghum. Very interesting things going on.
We'll dive into that here coming up. Look to me,
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Welcome back to Clay and Buck. We're never gonna give
you up here, never gonna make you cry, never gonna,

I don't know, never gonna finish all the lyrics of
the songs. I can't remember them, all those pills one dregs.
We're gonna dive into some of the veepsteak stuff here
coming up shortly. And remember I have a Senator Mark
or Rubio joining us at in the third hour of
the program. And I've got to say one thing I
saw over the weekend. I think they tried I forget

where it was, but somewhere in Florida they tried to
do the whole blocking traffic thing like free Palestine. That's
what they all sound like. Do you know this is amazing.
They all have the same voice whenever they're talking free Palestine,
like very high register male, female, doesn't matter. They're never
like free Palestine. You know, they never like have it

on free Palestine. They're shrieking, reaming, and you know, purple
hair and the whole thing. It's all. I got a
central casting with these these groups. You can always find
the lunatics. I also love these people that show up.
There's this term that's used a lot now, costplay for
costume plays for people. You know, if you dress up
like Star Trek or you know, some people dress up

like Woodland creatures. I think there's another name for that,
but anyway, these guys show up. These are usually dudes.
It's usually not women doing this. Sometimes women doing this.
They show up these protests with like the cutouts of
of rubber, rubber maide, garbage cans and like a stick
because they kind of want to fight with police, but
they don't really want to fight, and they've got you know,

the whole thing is just they're completely completely nuts. But
I saw this in Florida. They had someone trying to
do the blocking traffic thing. And I saw a friend
texted this me arrested and taken off in eleven minutes.
Now that's an eleven minute highway delay, which is not amazing.
Obviously you're sitting there for eleven minutes, but you know,

eleven minutes, I can live with that. Some of these
places they do this crap. It lasts two hours, and
they've got the they've got the communists, you know, they've
got the street thugs out there. You're lying down and
screaming whenever they try to get moved, and oh, we
don't want this, this is gonna look bad on CNN tonight,
and oh we can't do it, and the whole thing

doesn't have to be that way. Uh VP stuff coming
up here, Bergham, Haley, uh well, jd Vance, a bunch
of other names in the mix. And I want to
tell you what we found out about this over the weekend.
I don't know, somebody should ask Trump about this stuff soon.
Maybe maybe maybe some of us on the show will
get fucked Trump soon about this stuff. You never know.

VIP email from Phil on the fourteenth Amendment? Is there
a possibility of Trump being immediately impeached as soon as
he's sworn in by Cabala Democrats. If he has charges
lodged against him, it's never ending. Do you believe they
have the gall to do it? Phil impeach as soon
as he's sworn in. I mean, if Democrats think they

can get away with it, they'll do it, you know,
if they have the votes and they think they can
pull it off. I think they realize it's probably pointless.
And there's also this other little aspect of it all
Trump wins. I think he's pretty ticked off about what's
going on. And I don't know if i'd want to
be a Democrat with a newly installed President Trump trying

to use the system to oust him and lock him
up again. I think Trump is ticked off.

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