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August 13, 2024 36 mins
CBS News reports on Trump's no tax on tips and Kamala's copycat proposal very differently. American mainstream media is no different now than USSR Stalinist propaganda. Kamala wants population control. But there are really no policies from the Harris campaign. Legendary commentator and bestselling author Glenn Beck joins Buck to talk about the Trump-Musk billion-view X interview, America's future in peril, and his new young adult book. Caller ends the hour.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome back into Clay and Buck.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
We are in the height of an election season here
normally August. Even in a standard presidential year, a little
bit of a lull can happen. We've got the DNC
coming up here in a couple of weeks, but this
or in a.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
Week, I guess it's a week. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
It's all just jumbling together because they have this very
shortened election cycle that we're in the midst of right now,
because they change their candidate just because just because not
anything that we should well, I guess we can't be
surprised by anything Democrats do, including this. I just had

to share this with you because yesterday I played the
Harris SoundBite for you where she says that she has
this new policy of no tax on tips. Hmmm, and
I was thinking, like, if she's going to do that,
can she at least put on may make America great again?

Speaker 1 (01:01):
Hat for a second, you know, just just give a.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Little credit where it's due, because that's a policy that
Donald Trump has been promoting to particularly help those who
work in service industry and who could use you know,
if you're working as a server in a restaurant, or
you're you know, you're you're delivering.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Food, or you're a I don't know, you're a barber
or whatever.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
You're not some fat cat who's you know, oh, getting
all of the Trump tax cuts, right, I mean, you're somebody.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
Who could use a little more keeping of.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
The money that you earn, right, or rather, the government
could stop taking so much of your money.

Speaker 1 (01:44):
How we frame these things is so important. It's not
like some gift. It's really just taking the boot of
government a little bit more off your neck. Right.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
It's just a little bit of okay, a little more
leeway from what the government takes. And Trump is saying, look,
we should do this for our service worker. Oh democrats.
Democrats need service workers. And of course the unions like
SCIU they need them or else do they know they're
gonna lose, especially in a place like Nevada.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
This is the way and I this has been all
over the.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
Internet last twenty four hours when Donald Trump announced the
no tax on tips policy. This is the same organization,
I want to be clear, the same news organization. I'm
not picking different entities here, the same news organization, CBS News.
Oddly enough, where Buck started his media career as an

intern twenty something, twenty four years ago. So, yeah, CBS News,
here you have the way they covered the Donald Trump
no tax on tips policy.

Speaker 1 (02:54):

Speaker 2 (02:56):
Former President Donald Trump's vow to stop taxing tips would
cost the federal government up to two hundred and fifty
billion dollars over ten years, according to a nonpartisan watchdog group.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
Oh okay, so.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
CBS wants everyone to know the moment they hear of
the no tax on tips that this is going to
cost the federal government. Think about this. The way they
set it up, it's like, this is the federal government's
money that Trump is taking from the note. This would
be the people working in the service industry or anyone
who gets a tip Okay, drivers, all kinds of people.

Anyone working for tips as part of their compensation.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
Gets to keep more of what they have earned.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
The way that CBS News puts us those oh, it's
like they're stealing from the federal government under this Trump plan. Okay,
you heard how they covered the Trump taxing non taxing
of tips policy. Vice President Kamala Harris, who straight up
copies Trump on this, we all know that there's no
doubt that that she's like, oh my gosh, that's a

good idea. I'm just gonna say it too, so that
he can't use that to take more votes. CBS News
quote Vice President Kamala Harris is rolling out a new
policy position saying she'll fight to end taxes on tips
for service and hospitality workers end quote.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
Oh you go, Kamala.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
She's fighting to end the taxes on those tips. She's
breaking glass ceilings and making sure we are unburdened by.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
What has been This is propaganda. I mean, if I were,
It's one of my dreams.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
By the way, for any of you who are, like
the chancellor of a university or something, you know, as
I get older, let me come and teach a I
want to teach a course at your university on propaganda
and the mind manipulation of the media. Okay, because I
you know, whether we want to teach, I can teach
from the CIA angle, or I can teach it from
the media angle. I understand it all on all fronts.

But this would be a slide I would put up
in that classroom, though, just to show you exactly what
it means to be engaged in propaganda and not news gathering.
They take the same policy and shade it, so it
is reckless and undermining of government with Trump. When Kamala

Harris says it, she's fighting for you, the service workers.
I mean, this is the this is the you know,
I'll tell you something because I do i'd study. Okay,
And then you're probably figuring out that my book, which
will be coming out in the spring, deals with a
lot of these issues.

Speaker 1 (05:39):

Speaker 2 (05:39):
I don't want to get it too ahead of myself
with that in terms of telling you about the book
is going to be very good and you should all
absolutely get copies of it. I have written every word
of it myself, and I am passionate about the subject matter.
And anyway, it'll be out probably in March April of fall.
It depends on the CIA, but according to what we're

hoping for, certainly be out by next summer. You know
that there was a in the Soviet press, there was
always the false modesty of Stalin was something. It's fascinating
right that there was a false modesty being pushed when

it came to Joseph Stalin suggesting all the time that Stalin, oh,
you know, he's just he's just the most modest guy.
He doesn't want all these accolades. He doesn't want all
these statues. Oh no, he has no interest in all
the posters everywhere. Think about this, an entire cult of

personality built around a totalitarian despot with his picture everywhere.
As Hitchins used to say, like a celestial dictator. Okay,
you know, watching you at every moment, and they would
tell they would tell you when the Soviet press.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
Oh, Stalin is so humble. He doesn't want any of these,
any of this adulation.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
But we we just we have no choice. Comrade Stalin
is the best, but he doesn't want this. You know
that they do the same thing in North Korea.

Speaker 1 (07:12):
Oh, there's Kim Jong on.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
He's so modest, and he's so whimsical is a word
that they will the translation, but you know, improvisational and
whimsical and modest. And he doesn't want any of this,
you know, he's just he's just overtaken by all of
our adulation. Of course, it's all the opposite of the truth, right,
It's the exact opposite of what is reality. And I

think that it's fascinating to see the way the media
creates this narrative of Kamala Harris as whatever in the
moment they think will be most effective for Kamala Harris.
It doesn't matter if it contradicts what they said yesterday
or six months ago. Whatever they want to say now,

to try to edge public opinion in her favor is
what they will do. And I'll give you an example
of one of the things that has come up. And
I wonder how they're going to address this. This is
back in twenty twenty three, not that long ago. Kamala
Harris on population control, this is fifteen.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Play it. When we invest in clean energy and electric
vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe
clean air and drink clean water, reduce population. Think about this.

Reduce population. This is a bit like her get rid
of get rid of.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
Fossil fracking in fossil fuels. It is completely insane.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
Here you go.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
This is something in the false modesty. The Stalin Prize
back in nineteen thirty nine was to concede with Stalin's
sixtieth birthday celebrations first presented in nineteen forty one, Soviet
equivalent of a Nobel Prize, and Stalin, of course was

supposedly actively discouraging this that they said, oh, he doesn't
even want there to be a Stalin prize. No, no, no, please,
anything but that. Right, It's like, this is the kind
of stuff that they do, and this is what they
do for Kamala Harris too.

Speaker 1 (09:35):
Oh what did she say yesterday?

Speaker 3 (09:37):

Speaker 1 (09:37):
No? No?

Speaker 2 (09:38):
Is Kamala Harris a left winger? Well it depends. Well,
we'll tell you the opposite of the truth if that
serves our purposes, the opposite anti truth, the embracing of
anti truth for the Kamala campaign.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
That is what is fully underway here.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
And it is just remarkable to see they will justify
anything that she says or does or has said or done,
or they will ignore it, or they will cover it up.
I mean, it's amazing to watch this in real time.
They can't even pretend to be unbiased. They can't go

through the motions, you see what I mean. Sometimes CNN
is a master of this as a propaganda tool, and
one or two anchors over there I won't name them,
but particularly do this. They will once in a while,
once every six months, they'll say something about democrats or
a democrat. You go, oh, wow, I guess they're holding

this side to account. But really that is just part
of the overall propaganda effect. Remember, propaganda has to be
based in some degree of truth.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
There has to be a little bit.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
If it's all a total fabrication, then it can be
really hard to make it stick if you're based it
on a little bit of truth, and then you create
all these distortions and exaggeration and omissions to make it
more effective. So CNN will do that once in a while,
they'll uff, oh, you know, we don't like this thing
this Democrat did. Or once in a while, for example,

CNM will call out anti semitism. That's another one. You'll say, oh,
well that is there isn't real anti semitism. Wow, look
at them calling that out. Yeah, but they're going to
go back to doing all the other left wing dirty
work tomorrow. They just don't like the ilhan Omar wing
of the Democratic Democrat Party today, right, they don't like
that anti Semitic stuff, And that gives them actually more

leeway and makes their propaganda more effective the rest of
the time, because oh, well, I guess sometimes they tell
the truth, so maybe they're telling the truth this time. See,
And that is exactly what they can even do right
now because of the eighty some odd days of the
Kamala campaign. They can't even once in a while tell

the truth about Kamala. There's no time to get back
on track. So it's live lies, lies every day, lies, lies,
lies all the time. And in a sense, the biggest
lie of all the lie of omission of Kamalist presence
on the campaign trail. Other than with stuff that's been
written out for her, she might as well be an actor.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
I mean, in some ways she is an actor, but she.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
Might as well just she should be a Thestpia, not
a politician, because who is she We're not supposed to know.
We're not supposed to know. And if you want to know,
you're a bad person. I'm probably a Trump supporter. Oh
good heavens. We got Glumm back coming at the bottom
of this hour. By the way, make sure you stick
around for that. Really look forward to talking to Glenn.

I'll ask them about all of this, and I'll also
take some of your calls, get some of your VIP emails.
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Speaker 1 (13:01):
Sure enough.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
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Speaker 1 (13:45):
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Speaker 2 (13:50):
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Speaker 1 (14:22):
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Speaker 2 (14:23):
Go online to Legacy Box dot com slash buck for
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Speaker 4 (14:33):
Saving America one thought at a time and Clay, Travis
and Buck Sexton. Find them on the free iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
Welcome Mat Clay and Buck Show.

Speaker 2 (14:46):
We want to make sure that you subscribe to the
play in Buck podcast network.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
By the way, download the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
We've got great shows in there are Friend Carol, Marko,
Sean Parnell, Tutor Dixon, and more. Also the Buck Brief
I do I'll do an interview today for exis sample
with Matthew Marsden, an actor and a outspoken conservative. But
that's only going to be available on the podcast network.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
And if you're on.

Speaker 2 (15:08):
YouTube, by the way, the Buck Brief on YouTube, please
subscribe if you ever check out content on YouTube. We
have a lot of you listening on the podcast, which
I really appreciate, a huge podcast audience for The Buck Brief.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
But the YouTube is you know, there are.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
People that are making videos about how to like clean
your weber grill that have far more far which is
very important. But I just wondered that's a very important thing.
But they have far more subscribers than I do on YouTube.
So check out The Buck Brief on YouTube. Please subscribe.
And we're going to talk to Glenn here in just
a moment. I have so many, so many things I
want to dive into him with, dive into with him

rather and one of them is obviously the Kamala campaign.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
What's going on here?

Speaker 2 (15:47):
But I'm reminded of the incredibly successful show Seinfeld, which
I'm sure so many.

Speaker 1 (15:53):
Of you watched many I watched a lot of it.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
I can't say I have seen every single Signfeld episode,
but I have seen a lot of Seinfeld episodes, and
I remember the episode. The episode was called the Pitch
and it was where they're actually talking to NBC executives
Jerry and George to have them do a show, and
they say about nothing, and the.

Speaker 1 (16:18):
Whole it's just Jerry being Jerry and with his runs.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
But the pitches, well, it's a show about nothing, So
will your green Lighters show about nothing? And it's funny,
and you know, as Seinfeld so often was, really was brilliant,
especially in its day.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
The Kamala Harris.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
Campaign on policy is not quite a campaign about nothing,
but it's pretty close. There's something nihilistic about well, just
vote for it because we say so. You don't get
to know really anything about her. Everything that she used
to say doesn't count and do it because we say so.

It's a campaign that's about something pretty close to nothing.
I guess identity politics. It's about not being Trump. But
what is the message that they talk about? Things like joy, hope, optimism.
Has anyone ever thought of Kamala Harris before as full
of joy, hope and optimism.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
It's like a it's a whole new person.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
This would be like saying, yeah, this guy bock Sexton,
he loves loud noises, people with no manners, and going vegetarian.
You know, those are all things that do not apply
to me at all. So if somebody were to say them,
you would think, why are they lying? But that's what
they're doing with Kamala. They are saying things every day

that are just fiction. And so maybe it's not that
the Kamala campaign is about nothing, but it is certainly
a fictional story they are promoting, but has very real
consequences for all of us. We'll talk to Glenn here
in just a second. Glenn Beck coming up. You know,
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Speaker 1 (18:53):
Welcome back to Clay and Buck, everybody. Glenn Beck joins
us now. He has the phenomenal.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
Glenn That program on in the mornings on radio and
syndication across the country. Blaze Media, co founder many many
times over New York Times bestseller. His latest is actually
his first young adult fiction novel, Chasing Embers, which we'll
get to in a second. Glenn, always so fun to
have you on. Thanks thanks for joining.

Speaker 5 (19:19):
No, it's great, Oh, it's always great.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
You're you're the best.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
Oh man, I always tell them like this guy, Glenn,
you saved me from business school. Man, you saved me
from being a Wall Street drone. I can't thank you enough.
You got to get the guy talent. He's like, you've
never written anything, You've never done you've never done media,
you've never done any of this before.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
I think you'd be good. Let's hire you.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
So here we are, Glenn, You're you're you're You're a
man who can see the future. Before we get into
the book, can you just tell.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
Me on talent.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
Yeah, you're a phenomenal talent spotterer, But tell me about
what you thought about the Elon Trump discussion last night.
And I think that this which is big, not just
the conversation, but the fact that people like Elon are
coming forward like this, and also that there's no longer
a total stranglehold of the left over all the social
media platforms.

Speaker 5 (20:13):
So I think there's a couple of things. First of all,
you're right about the stranglehold. However, they are doing everything
they can to shut him down. I mean, it's amazing,
he was the hero. I mean, he's probably done more
to save the planet if you believe in you know,
global warming, He's single handedly handedly have done more for
the planet than anybody else, but man. Once he disagreed

with any of their policies, he's out. And the letter
that came from the EU, and the question from the
Washington Post reporter at the White House, what can the White.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
House do to stop this?

Speaker 5 (20:49):
It's insanity and they are They're not going to stop.
I'm telling you, Buck, if if we don't win the Whitehouse,
I don't think we have a future talking to the
American people because things are going to change, and they're
going to change rapidly, rapidly. I thought his endorsement at

the end. I'm one of the few, I guess that
listened to all of it. I thought his endorsement was incredible.
And you know when he talked about standing in line
for six hours to shake Barack Obama's hand, and he's like,
I'm not a I'm not a conservative. You know, most
people would say I'm middle of the road, but I
lean left. But this is too important. It is the

end of the road. And I hope people hear that
because it is terrifying some of the stuff that is
coming down right now. It is really spooky. You were
just talking about, you know how we're just supposed to
pretend that Kamala is Okay, look at the propaganda that
is going on right now, and it is throughout the

entire Western world. There's no place to run, There's no
place to go if we lose it here, and.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
You know, election, I think is going to decide that.
I totally agree. You mentioned this.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
We actually have the SoundBite, haven't played it yet, so
I just wanted to let you react to this.

Speaker 1 (22:11):
Glenn mentioned the in.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
The White House Press Corps asking the White House Press secretary.
A Washington Post journal is like, hey, can you guys
like shut down that elon X thing. We're not making
this up, folks, this is cut for play it.

Speaker 6 (22:26):
Elon Muskus slated to interview Donald Trump tomorrow tonight on
on X. I don't know if the President is going today.
Feel free to say if he is or not.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
But I think that.

Speaker 6 (22:39):
Misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
It's a you know, it's an America issue. What role
does the.

Speaker 6 (22:46):
White House or the President have in sort of stopping that,
or stopping the spread of that, or sort of intervening
ste Some of that was about campaign miss.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
Information, but you know, okay, let's stop right there, Glenn,
it's jaw dropping, but I won't.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
I want your reaction to this.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
The first thing that I think about is, well, yeah,
but this is what the Biden administration does. So him
asking the question isn't isn't as crazy as it seems
because they got away with it the last time.

Speaker 5 (23:15):
No, I gotta tell you, we are the ones out
of step now in America. We believe in the First
Amendment for everybody. I've never wanted to shut any voice down,
even Lewis Ferrikhon, who I think is despicable. He has
a right to say it. He has a right to
be there. You cannot have a free society if you're

not allowed to hear other opinions. And I mean if
you don't think that they won't try to kill these
people that they disagree with. Look at what they're doing.
Look look at what Europe did yesterday. They sent elon
Mosk a threatening letter saying you better watch yourself tonight.
With Donald Trump. I've never seen this before. This is

nineteen eight V for Vendetta kind of stuff, and it's
coming fast. We no longer have a we no longer
have sovereignty in our countries. They're all moving exactly the
same way. The press all over the world is acting
the same way. This is a new global mission. And

you know the reason why they're they're going after Donald
Trump and Elon Musk so hard is they are standing
in the way of us, and they just they just want.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
Us to do what they tell us to do.

Speaker 5 (24:40):
And if Donald Trump gets in, it's over for them
because he knows now what's going on.

Speaker 1 (24:47):
He knows.

Speaker 5 (24:48):
I mean, Buck, I've never I'm approaching my fiftieth year
in broadcast, I've seen a lot. I've never seen this,
and it is becoming frightened.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
I've never felt like I would fear for the future
of the country, and not in like a live hysterical way.
I'm not going to start shrieking at the sky like
a lunatic, but but to be legitimately concerned about what
the country has become. You know, I've always felt like
we can rebound. There's another you know, we've got another
bite at the apple, another chance to set things right.

But Glenn, I really do feel like if they can
make Kamala Harris president with a ninety day sham process
of just picking her and lying about her and changing
her whole record, they can make anybody president.

Speaker 1 (25:38):
So really, what's the point anymore? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
I started to get very negative feeling about it. So
that's why I'm like, well, Trump has to.

Speaker 5 (25:44):
Well, I will tell you that everyone has to go
out to the polls and vote. I mean, this is
this is imperative, this is it. I really believe Buck
that this is the last election under a constitutional America
that we understand. If they win, it's going to change

and change forever. And it's true, you lose it here,
where are you going to run? Look at what's happening
in Europe. Without a United States. We are a different world.
And I mean the way they're throwing people in jail
in England is astounding.

Speaker 1 (26:25):
I mean, we've always.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
Kind of understood that we had freedom of speech and
we had the First Amendment, and so it set us apart.
But you know, you could say things in Canada, you
could say things in England. Not anymore. And the fact
that England would say yesterday that it doesn't matter where
you're originating your misinformation. If you are found being a

purveyor of misinformation, no matter where you are on Earth,
they will put you in jail.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
That's a quote.

Speaker 5 (26:58):
From the officials in England and what can.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
I tell you something scary, Glenn, and I was just
talking to friends about this. I do not say what
you will about China and Russia, and I say a lot.
There's a lot of bad stuff going on. They will
not hand over one of their nationals to another country.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
They just won't do it right.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
You can say, oh, I want that this Chinese guy
stole you know, espionage stuff from us. The Chinese will
not hand him over. I would not trust a Kamala
Harris administration to stand for the First Amendment and refuse
an extraditional request from Great Britain over this stuff.

Speaker 1 (27:31):
I would not trust them.

Speaker 5 (27:33):
Yeah they would, Yeah, they would trust They would turn
you over. They turn me over, They turn any American over.
I mean, this is this is where we're at now.
This is no longer. I mean, I've been talking about
this stuff, you know, Buck for twenty years, and it's
always been okay. But these things have to happen, and
maybe they won't happen. We're there, We're there now. This

is the moment of choosing. And you can't give up
and give up on the youth. I mean, you know,
the ones that are coming up are more conservative than
their parents.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
It is.

Speaker 5 (28:09):
It's not a miss. It's it's not a mystery why
girls and boys who are growing up now the teens,
why the boys are conservative and the girls are not.
Girls Naturally, let's be really crazy and recognize that men
and women are different. Girls and women naturally go with

their feelings and they are to they're to mother, and
they're to heal and protect. Boys and men naturally see
problems over the horizon and they stand up and their
protective mode comes out. So when you're looking at the
difference between male and females, especially with the youth, they're

doing what they're what they're built to do, mother and defend,
and the boys are seeing the horizon and seeing what
coming at them, and that's why they're more conservative than
the girls.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
It's tell me a little bit, tell me a little
bit about the youth. This young adult fiction. This is
your first one, Chasing Embers, which has just been published.
I feel like I know you all have to know
that you tackle some real stuff in here.

Speaker 5 (29:22):
Yeah, it is. It's not political. It's a dystopian future.
It is where we will be in fifty years, maybe
not even that long, if we continue to go down
this road. If things don't change, there are a racing
history in real time. You know, it's one thing to
say that they're doing propaganda, and they can change you know,

Kamala Harris and everything that she is and has done.
Let's be clear, this is nineteen eighty four and the
Memory Hole. They are changing history in real time and
nobody knows what the truth is anymore. Well that so
this book is about is the truth worth looking for?

It's a dystopian tale where you know, the fifteen minute
cities have happened, and everybody lives in these dystopian kind
of communities and the rebels are the ones who don't
accept the history and don't accept this way of life.
And all they're trying to do is just you know,

you find out through the book they're just trying to
put a library together. But books have been banned, knowledge
has been squashed, everything has been erased, and these kids
are having to make a choice. Do I go with
the system or do I actually pursue the truth which
could get me killed and all my family killed? And

is it worth it? And there's all kinds of rabbit
holes and easter eggs in the book, hoping that we
tell true history that they're trying to piece together. And
hopefully these teens, we've written it in such a way
that they will be interested in want to go find

out more about history, real history and courage and standing
up for what you believe and what the truth actually means.
But it's a really great story.

Speaker 2 (31:21):
Great book to get for the young adult in your life.
For all of you, Chasing Embers by Glenn Beck out
now get yourself a copy. Glenn, thanks for all you do,
and also, yeah, thanks for putting me in the game.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
Coach. Always remember it, always appreciate it. Yeah, you're great.
Thanks so much, Buck, Thanks Glenn. I'm bladed.

Speaker 2 (31:40):
Yeah, I looked. I see it a lot of the
same way Glenn does. I don't know what happens if Look,
we can't lose this election. Was I was upset about
twenty twenty and I don't know what to tell people.
I don't know what to tell my own family. If Kamala
Harris becomes president, gonna win, Trump's gonna win. Keep the faith,

Keep the faith.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
Look, football is in the air. I'm gonna go see
a game next month.

Speaker 2 (32:07):
I'm gonna go see my beloved Alabama play against my
beloved Wisconsin Role Tide and Badger. Play's gonna inform me
about more of these teams, But football's in the air.
Preseason football is happening every week now, and even college football.
Like I was just saying, that's going on as someone
mentioned me, Georgia Tech and Florida State are playing in Dublin, Ireland,

of all places. I was gonna try to do an
Iris accent, but I always do a bad Scottish accent,
so I won't. But if you haven't downloaded the Prize
Picks app yet, do it this week ahead of the
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Speaker 1 (32:57):
Prize Picks is all.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
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Speaker 7 (33:27):
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Speaker 2 (33:39):
Welcome back in to Clay and Buck. I want to
remind you to please drink Crockett Coffee. I've got my
cup of it right here. I'm at a freedom Bunker
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It's the most delicious coffee and it's the company that
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great products. When you see the gear, the sweatshirts, the
hats that.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
This is gonna be what you wear.

Speaker 2 (34:08):
It's gonna be where I were all the time, that's
for sure, and you're gonna love it too. Such a
kick for me to talk to talk to Glenn. For
those of you who don't know the story, I was
into Columbia Business School and NYU Stern Business School and
was trying to figure out if I could get some
money to get kide. No money at the time, so
I needed to take out loans and see if one
of them would give me money.

Speaker 1 (34:28):
So I'm in that going through that song.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
And dance with them, and Glenn's president of the Blaze, says, hey,
can I have a coffee with you? Because she heard
about me from a mutual friend. I don't like I
just come out of CIA. I'm like doing you know,
I'm in CIA mindset. I'm gonna go to business school
and learn how to, you know, be a capitalist. And
sure enough I talked to his president, Betsy Morgan at

the time, was the president of the Blaze, and she said,
you're kind of interesting.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
Let's let's have Glenn talk you.

Speaker 2 (35:00):
And Glenn just looked at me, as Glenn can do,
and he's like, you're coming with us, like you're coming
to join this movement, this conservative.

Speaker 1 (35:11):
You know this. I don't know. It's like there's like
going off to join the circus.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
As far as I was concerned, because man, nobody I
knew worked in the media, and so I'd never done
anything before, I'd never published anything before. Before I knew it,
I was, uh, I don't know. Within three years I
was guest hosting on radio for Rush Limbaugh. So I
guess it worked out. Thank you, Glenn. We have some
calls here we go, Tom in Florida.

Speaker 1 (35:33):
What's going on? Tom?

Speaker 4 (35:35):

Speaker 3 (35:35):
I just wanted to find out if you believe that
as I do. Since Rush was alive, I've been thinking
about this that between now and say twenty forty, the
Democrats will most likely at some point take over the House,
to Senate and the presidency again. Does that make sense
to you?

Speaker 2 (35:52):
Do I think that they'll have unified government again at
some point?

Speaker 1 (35:55):
Right? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (35:56):
I mean possibly, it's I certainly hope not, but yeah,
it's possible.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
Okay, So if they do, right, what do you think
the first thing that's gonna happen with no more Cairston
Cinema and Joe.

Speaker 2 (36:06):
Manchion, Well, I mean they're always threatening to get rid
of the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, add DC and
Puerto Rico estates, and change the American electorate forever. By
the way, that also do a mass amnesty. So yeah,
the end of the country as you know it. Sorry, Tom,
that's what's true. That's I see that too. It's not
a good thing. It's gonna be a big, big problem. Yeah,

let's hope they don't get unified government. Let's hope that
Trump wins. I have faith. I have faith in Trump.
I have faith in Trump voters. I have faith in
you go out and vote and to get other people
that you know who see the world in with clear
eyes to go out and vote. Speaking of voting, Wisconsin
Senate race Eric Hoved running against Samy Bald and we'll

talk to him coming up.

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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