All Episodes

August 14, 2024 36 mins
The illegal alien crisis is bankrupting New York. Illegal with previous rape charge rapes woman on Coney Island in NYC. Larry Kudlow: There's no evidence of corporate price gouging, gov't spending causes inflation. RFK Jr. says he takes more votes from Trump than Dems, says he'll win the election if Fox News lets him on the debate stage. Callers.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome Back Hour two.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Clay and Vok diving into illegal immigration.

Speaker 1 (00:07):
Right now, let's let's get into it, my friends.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
The second biggest issue, I think by the numbers when
it comes to what concerns the American public and voters.
Right now, we'll call it ten million. I can't no
one knows the real number. It's ten million in four years,
which is really noteworthy because if you look at the

last census data that they usually use as their illegal
immigration barometer, we were at roughly twelve million total. They said, now,
I think that number is absurd. It's far too low.
But no one disputes that were over eight million under Biden.
Eight million illegal entries. It's when you add godaways and

it's really more like ten million, and it could be
substantially more than that. This is a huge problem for Democrats,
and it's a problem especially because people now see more
than ever are. There are costs to this, costs in dollars,
costs in services, and costs in safety for the American people.

Speaker 1 (01:21):
We do not know who's coming across.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
I thought it was worthwhile exchange between Elon Musk and
Donald Trump on that space is conversation on X that
we spend a lot of time on yesterday.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
It was worthwhile that.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Elon Musk said, Look, this is not about whether most
of the illegals or even you know, ninety ninety five
percent of the illegals are decent people, kind, people just
want better things for their family. It's that we cannot
take in the entire world that wants to come here.
Our welfare state cannot sustain it, our society cannot assimilate

at that. It is the dissolution of the American Republic.
And this experiment, if you will that the democracy, if
we can keep it right, it's it's impossible. You cannot
allow this to continue, and you actually have to turn
it back, which means have to be a lot of deportations.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Have to be a lot of deportations millions.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
And part of why you have to do the deportations
is that it changes the calculations for people who will
come in the future if you just allow the status
quo to persist. Meaning I don't know, twenty million people
in the country, thirty million people in the country in
violation of federal law. Other people will say to themselves, well,
what's twenty million in one what's twenty million in two.

But if they start sending people back to their home countries,
it's do I want to pay the coyotes thousands of dollars,
the cartel coyotes thousands of dollars to take me across
the border? Do I want to go on the harrowing
journey and take them up through what the Darien Gap
and up through Central America and through Mexico?

Speaker 1 (03:07):
And do I want to do that? Maybe not right now.

Speaker 2 (03:11):
Obviously millions of them have chosen to do so, and
they're still doing so.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
It's a huge problem.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
Now the change in this is really twofold. There's the
change of the numbers. The numbers are now. They can't
play games with this. It's a total flood. It's an
avalanche of illegality.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
It's a disaster. But what does it mean for people?
You have these.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Left wing and also sometimes libertarian open borders advocates who
just say.

Speaker 1 (03:40):
No, it means GDP goes up.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
You know, it means GNP gross national product GDP gross
domestic product.

Speaker 1 (03:47):
It means it all goes up.

Speaker 2 (03:49):
Bigger economy doing the jobs Americans won't do.

Speaker 3 (03:54):

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Hold on a second.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
We have a tough labor market right now. We have
high inflation. We have people can't afford houses. Elizabeth Warren,
we'll talk about her in the third hour. She's saying, Oh,
you know, you can't.

Speaker 4 (04:04):
Afford a house. I'm gonna have me up here. You
can't afford a house, I'm gonna make it better with
government intervention. This is they agree. It's a problem for
people who are working. They always say the working class
is having it tough.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
Do they think dumping millions of illegals on the economy
who are working often off the books and therefore paid
lower wages and don't have the benefits and don't have
the recourse to the law. Therefore they can undercut the
wages of those lower on the wage scale. Supply and
demand exists, whether they think they wanted to or not,

and so they never deal with the consequences of the illegality. Well,
one consequence is you got a lot of people that
are on state benefits now right away. And that cost
in New York City is five billion dollars for shelters, security, food.
And they think, get ready for this, I've been telling

you this all along. They think that that number could
be double by twenty twenty five, ten billion dollars. The
entire budget of the forty thousand some odd men NYPD
is five billion dollars. The entire budget of the FDNY
the Fire Department of New York. These are obviously the
two biggest municipal police and fire agencies respectively in the

in the country. Budget for the fire departments two billion dollars.
They're spending five billion dollars on illegals. New York City
is ruthless for tracking down people who have been in,
you know, who have tried to leave, Oh, you still
live in New York and all this other stuff. California
is apparently the worst, but New York's the second worst
at this. So if you're if you're somebody who is

a contributor, who's paying taxes, you get harassed, you get hounded,
you get threatened, maybe even get imprisoned if you like
Trump too much. Like is a accountant went to Ryker's
Island because he didn't list the company car on his
taxes or something. It was a state offense that wasn't
a federal offense. Outrageous, outrageous stuff. But meanwhile, the migrants

weren't even supposed to be here. The city's taking your
money and paying for the migrants. What the heck is
that ten billion dollars next year, even for a city
like New York. It's a lot of money. That's a
lot of money. Where does it come from? Comes from you?
Taken by force, taken under threat of imprisonment, because the
law is the law for you.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
The law is not the law for the migrants. No,
feel sorry for them.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
Well, you know, it's getting harder to feel sorry for
the migrants as a group when you see more and
more of these stories like we have in recent days,
because heinous crimes committed by illegals shouldn't be low, it
should be zero, because they shouldn't be here. So any
person who suffers at the hand of an illegal in

this country, whether it's a murder, a rape, an assault,
a robbery, should feel completely betrayed by their own government.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
And this is here's a perfect example. This was just yesterday.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
New York Post agents with Immigration and Customs Enforcement have
tracked down a Haitian.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Illegal who had been.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
Released on five hundred dollars bond despite facing charges of
raping a child in Massachusetts. This illegal raped a fifteen
year old in Massachusetts, and he's twenty six years old.

The ICE, the federal agency that deals with this, asked
the sheriff's office that arrested him for the rape to
hold him so they could start deportation proceedings against him.
And you know what they did. Local sheriff ignored it. Now,
we're not gonna we're sanctuary jurisdiction, so we're gonna let

the child rapists go. You have to play go catch him,
you get to go catch him.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
There's a child rapist.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
You're a law enforcement officer, and a federal agency says, hey,
that guy, we want to take him. You're you're holding
him on rape charts, but we want to deport it.
This guy shouldn't even be here. And you go, no, sorry,
we're a sanctuary jurisdiction. I mean, can you imagine?

Speaker 1 (08:37):
And it gets worse. Oh, it gets worse. It gets worse.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
This guy's not a uh from what we see here,
not a first time offender.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
So this is what ends up happening.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
Now we have Coney Island, Coney Island in New York City,
you know, and people think of it an amusement park. Unfortunate,
it's a pretty rough neighborhood. Now, homeless woman allegedly raped.
This is from the New York Post. Homeless woman allegedly
raped that knife point by a migrant with the sex
assault history in Brooklyn told the Post she felt that

the brute was actually trying to kill her. It wasn't rape,
it was attempted murder. The forty six year old woman said,
he didn't try to rape me. He tried to kill me.
In this instance, the woman was that there's there's been
a Nicaraguin migrant who has been charged along with another
migrant from I'm trying to see what country he's from.

Somewhere in Latin America. Oh yeah, Mexican national. And they
assaulted a man who was with this woman to keep
him away, and then brutalized the woman. I tried to
pull the guy off her, and he tried to stab me.
This guy, the the you know, boyfriend or the man
with the woman who was rape said I grabbed the

pie with one hand and the other one was behind me.
He hit me with the brick, hit me in the back.
I ran over and asked people to call the police.
Call the police. These are all quotes. She was hurt
a lot, I was hurt a little.

Speaker 1 (10:11):
I'm a man. I got feelings, but she was really hurt.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
Ram Sammy added of his girlfriend of two weeks with
whom he'd been living in an encampment in Coney Island.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
She's messed up right now.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
When it started getting dark out last night, she was
getting paranoid. The victim out of she fought fox, she
couldn't fight anymore. Two illegals raped her at knife point,
beat her boyfriend so that he couldn't come to her aid.
And we find out that the illegal who was the

one who did the forcible rape was already wanted for
other sex offenses. You might be wondering, how can in
an illegal not supposed to be in the country he
wanted for an earlier sex offense, still be in the
country and now rapes this woman at knife point in
Coney Island. Because the Democrats think that this is what

this is the way it should be. Kamala Harris and
Tim Wallace think that we need to just let as
many illegals as possible run free in the country, and
if they rape someone, or shoot someone or stab someone,
let's not jump to conclusions and send them back to
their home country. This is the stuff that America is
made of This is the reality of our future. They

do the jobs Americans won't do.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
Et cetera, et cetera.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
Well, hold on a second, if the government doesn't hold
these illegals responsible, how can the government hold me responsible?

Speaker 1 (11:38):
Why does the law apply to me but not even people?

Speaker 2 (11:41):
But not people who by their very presence are violating
federal statute and the sovereignty of the United States. They
have no answers for this, They have no answers except
a lie to you, Harris is tough on the border.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
No, she's not. That is a lie.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
And of course there's a huge component of this as well,
where if you have an objection to the flood of
millions of illegals coming into the country because they are
coming from generally overwhelmingly very poor, lawless, and non English
speaking countries.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
The Third World, because they're.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
Flooding in from the third World, that's all you're being racist.
So the immigration system, the purpose of it is to
allow in as many people with no education, no English
language skills, no skills whatsoever, and no knowledge of their
criminal history, no knowledge in.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
What way are they American?

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Well they're not, well, then why are they allowed to
be here and get all these services and get this
special treatment from.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Our government.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
Because they're dissolving the country in front of your eyes,
day in and day. They're dissolving the United States of
America with this nonsense. That's what's actually happening. And the
Democrats are all on board for it, and they lie
and lie, and they always take the side of the legals.
They're always pushing to make it easier for illegals to
get into the country. And then they try to say, oh,
we tried to pass.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
This border bill. The border bill would have would have
made it so that they allow thousands of illegals today.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
But if it gets to ten thousand a day, well
then that's too much and we're going to shut it down.
All I mean, you know, you sit here and say,
how much worse can it be? How can any person
vote for the continuation just on the immigration.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Issue alone, with all the illegals coming to the country.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
How can any serious, honest, intelligent person want to support
the Kamala Harris continuation of the Harris or Biden Harris policies.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
There's no answer. Oh, it's such a complicated issue.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
They make it complicated by refusing to enforce the laws.
They make it worse for everybody by allowing rapists to
rape more than once, even though they are illegals who
shouldn't be in the country. I mean, think about this guy.
The guys wanted for and a sheriff won't work with
Immigration and Customs enforcement, so they release him into the

general public. Hey, this guy's violating federal law. You're a sheriff,
we're a law enforcement. Can you just hold on to
him until Nope? Sorry, sanctuary jurisdiction. Kamala Harris should be
asked about that on the debate stage. Hey, Kamala Harris,
do you believe that illegal alien rapists should be let

free after they've been arrested for committing a rape and
not hand it over to Ice for deportation. What do
you think about that, Kamala Harris?

Speaker 1 (14:38):
Donald Trump's a racist. I mean, we all know.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
Where this is going to go. We all know how
they have no answers and no response. But we've got
to hammer this stuff. We've got to stay focused on it.

Speaker 1 (14:50):
Otherwise they're going to be in charge for four more years.
You can have more of this. It's heinous what they allow,
what they encourage.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
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Speaker 5 (16:04):
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Speaker 1 (16:15):
She's going to come out with a plan.

Speaker 6 (16:17):
She's basically going to bash businesses. She's going to accuse
businesses once again of price gouging and excess margins.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
And I just want to say, these.

Speaker 6 (16:29):
Charges by Biden and Harrison are now three and a
half years old plus, and there is no evidence of
corporate price gouging or excessive margins or something called corporate greed.
Let's hate businesses, That's all I can say. Businesses are
not the problem. Government is the problem. Government spending and

regulating and taxing.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
That's Laric Goodlow, and he's totally right. And this is
the problem that Democrats always have, which is their ideas,
their policies don't work, and so instead of looking at
the cause and effect, they just tell more lies about
something else. They shift the focus, so they spend money.

We tell them, hey, that's a bad idea. You're going
to cause inflation. Too much money out there chasing fewer
goods and services that's bad and they say, oh, no,
it's not bad, and then they see, sure enough, it
is bad and people don't like it paying too much
for things, and then they say, oh, well, it's the
companies suddenly just decided that they're going to charge more
than they otherwise would.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
It's like, honestly, arguing with Democrats is like arguing with children.

Speaker 2 (17:45):
Sometimes it's never about accountability, it's never about what's real.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
It's just emotion. Isn't that really just the case, oh
the Democrats?

Speaker 2 (17:56):
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your cell phone plan Pound two five zero say Clay
and Buck. The RFK Junior factor in this election shouldn't
could be decisive. Not that he can win in my mind,
that's fantasyland stuff, but he could end up determining whether

Trump or Harris wins.

Speaker 1 (19:16):

Speaker 2 (19:17):
Let's dig into this, shaowey. This is important. And also
RFK Junior is out there making the case. He was
on our friend Sean Hannity's show last night on Fox
discussing how he well, I'll get to the sound bites
of him in a second, but he thinks he should
be on that debate stage. Here's what we know about

where RFK Junior has made it onto the ballot. As
of today, he's according to ballot ballots Pedia, he is
on nineteen state ballots. Most importantly, of course, is not
just the number, is what states, and as we look
at this, he is in some critical swing states. He's

on in Alaska, Colorado, DC, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, eh, Okay, Michigan,
big deal, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina that could
be interesting, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Yikes, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont,

West Virginia, and Wisconsin. So emphasis mind of course, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.
These are states that he is on the ballot in
and there could be more.

Speaker 1 (20:39):
Now, what is he doing? I really mean this, what
is the point? Is this just a vanity run? To me?

Speaker 2 (20:49):
I don't see how it could be anything, but but
let's hear from him. And by the way, he was invited.
He's been invited to come back on the show. He
did Hannity Show last night. He can come on here
Tommy Watson and I'll ask him a question, what are
you doing? You know Clay's going to say, I love
your stance on COVID, And by the way, I agree
with Clay that the stance on COVID RFK Junior takes

is good.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
But then I'm going to say, what are you doing
running for president?

Speaker 4 (21:13):

Speaker 2 (21:13):
At this point, why Here's what he said to Shaun
last night. This cut seven play.

Speaker 7 (21:19):
I actually say more slightly more quotes from Donald Trump
than from the Democratic Party.

Speaker 1 (21:25):
And Donald Trump.

Speaker 7 (21:28):
I've actually talked to him about it. He knows that
he has not tried to get me off of any ballots.
The Democrats have tried to get me off the ballot
and everything. Sean, I'd done something that everybody said that
I couldn't do. We now have enough signatures to get
on the ballot in every state and the edition of Columbia.
We have over a million signatures, more than any presidential

candidate in the history. They made it insurmountable, and yet
we were able to achieve it.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
Okay, did you hear that little hart where he said,
This is RFK Junior saying it to Seawan on Fox.
I take more votes from Trump than from the Democrat.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
That's what he said.

Speaker 2 (22:12):
This is what I have been telling you I've been
concerned about from the beginning.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
Democrats are the hive mind.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
Democrats are for the Star Trek fans, Nerds fans, same
thing out there.

Speaker 1 (22:28):
They're the borg right.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
They're like the cyborg entities, all with one mind controlling them.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
If you're a Starship Troopers fan.

Speaker 2 (22:38):
You know, they like Democrats, have a bug brain that
tells all the other bugs what to do. They're gonna
vote for the Democrat nominee in bigger and stronger numbers
than what you You know what you can expect Republicans
to just do as a reflexive action. What this means

is that Trump is going to lose more votes to
RFK than Hillary Is. I'm sorry, Hillary God Kamala Is.
That's a problem. That's a problem. I said it all along,
and I had people calling in here and look, we
have an ongoing conversation. You should do the conversations I
have at my at my dinner table with my family.

I'm spending a lot of time with the family this month.
You know, no Trump should do this. Trump should do that.
You know that's not right. This is right now. We
argue all the time about this stuff. It's important stuff
and you need to hear out different points of view.
So when people were calling in saying RFK Junior should
be Trump's VP, and I was like, that's crazy town
to me.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
Well, at least we had it out. We aired it
out here.

Speaker 2 (23:42):
But I think we've done enough airing out of the
RFK Junior stuff, because now it's just negative for Trump
unless you think RFK Junior doesn't know who his own
voters are. He's telling you, I'm taking more from Trump
than from Biden. So what's the upside exactly of RFK
Junior staying in this. He's gonna deliver this to Kamala?

Is that really what we're gonna you know, be sitting
here saying, Oh, I'm glad he has an extra voice
in the race or whatever.

Speaker 1 (24:11):
And that's the electoral analysis.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Now I get into the crazy town stuff, the crazy
town stuff here he is saying, you know what, I
don't want to I'm gonna let him say. This is
cut eight on Sean Show last night.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
Play it. Are you in this to the end?

Speaker 5 (24:26):
Are you in this till election day?

Speaker 2 (24:31):

Speaker 7 (24:31):
Okay, next time we have it that I'll say, if
they let me, if Fox News, if Fox News let's
meet on the stage for the debate, I will win
the election.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
If Fox News lets me on the debate stage, I
will win the election.

Speaker 1 (24:47):
That's crazy. That's just a crazy thing to say.

Speaker 2 (24:51):
He's gonna get a knockout punch against Kamala and Trump
on that debate. Stage, he will win the election. This
is bonker. Now, I understand. I understand. No one ever
likes to think that they've been swindled. You know, no
one ever likes to think that their person. And I'll
tell you here, I think I'm a pretty savvy guy.

You know, I know something about source verification and I
understand you know, espionage and counterintelligence, all these things. Actually,
in twenty twelve, it's like, maybe Mitt Romney will do
a good job. You know, I voted for I'm better
than Obama. But you know I voted for Mitt Romney.
Nobody's perfect. Nobody's perfect. And I didn't just vote for
Mit Romney. I was like, I think he'd be pretty good.

And I'm like, oh my gosh, fuck, oh oh, what
are you thinking? But you know that's what I'm saying.
No one's perfect. I think RFK Junior has taken some
people for a ride. I really believe that, and I
don't like that. That bothers me. Right, when someone's honest
about who they are, what they believe, what they want
to do, I can disagree with them, but there's a

there's a baseline of respect that I will have for that.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
When you're running for office.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
This is why I can have no respect for Democrats
like Kamala Harris for example. She's just everything is a lie,
stands for nothing, stands for everything. It changes every minute.
You know, it's just all. It's all just a machine,
a Democrat machine. Election. Where can we get the votes?
Where can we fool people into doing things that they
wouldn't do if the basic truths of the situation were acknowledged?

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Right? Uh RFK Junior.

Speaker 2 (26:23):
Here he is telling you I'm going to take more
votes from Trump and also I would win the election
and therefore completely destroy Donald Trump's chances, right, I mean
he can't have both of them win. I would win
the election. I would defeat Donald Trump. If just Fox
has let me on the debate stage, I know that
the fallback for people who like RFK Junior will be, well,
this is just braggadocio. This is uh, you know, the

showmanship or whatever on display. First of all, let's just
be honest, RFK Junior. And I don't mean this to
be mean, but his debate ability is not going to
be very good because it's very hard to hear.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Him, and he's not a charistic speaker.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
And I know it's not his fault. I'm not, but
this is I'm just objectively. I know it's a medical condition,
and I'm by no means am I making light of it.
But that's a that's a weakness, the same way that
Biden's age was just a reality and a weakness. RFK
Junior is not going to perform well on a debate stage.
He's hard to listen to, hard to hear. Okay, that's

just the truth. And I know I don't know why
he won won't come on the show and explain. What
are his policies on all these different things? Good on COVID, yes,
taking on pharma? Okay, what else is he going to do?
Where is he on all these other issues?

Speaker 6 (27:37):

Speaker 2 (27:37):
Whereas I mean on abortion, as far as I understand,
he's a nine month and I don't want this shouldn't
just be an abortion election. Does he want to poor people?
Does he want to lock down the border and deal
with illegals the way the law says that we should
and must so we can bring him back? And because
we're beyond I'm gonna tell you this, and it's a shame.
Nobody in this electorate cares about COVID anymore.

Speaker 1 (27:57):
So much so that Tim Walls, who deploy people well,
first of all, had a tip line on neighbors.

Speaker 2 (28:03):
And then after the BLM riots, the destroyed a bunch
of a city, send people out to enforce a curfew
by shooting paintballs at them on their own front porch.
Had the cops shooting paintballs at people because they were
on their own front porch, but weren't indoors at the curfew.
I mean, this guy's a totalitarian lunatic. But people don't
care about COVID anymore. We can't win this election on

their their tyrannical you know, the Democrats are tyrannical freaks
when it comes to the COVID stuff. And okay, fine,
I've I've we tried, I've tried, and a lot of
people just were like, oh, double mask and they don't
want to go back. And a lot of Republicans were
cowards on this issue. To a lot of conservative commentators were.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Cowards on COVID.

Speaker 2 (28:43):
But people somehow don't remember, you know, some of them
were like, mask up, get the vacts. It's great for you. Okay,
RFK Junior, what's he doing? What's he doing? At this point,
he could end up being the difference for Kama to win.
So that's why I'm going a little hard in the
paint here, if you get my That's why I'm throwing

some elbows. I'm sorry. What's he doing? He says he's
taking more from Trump. He says he's gonna win the election.
He will absolutely not win the election. You know what,
I gotta find out what bet does RFK Junior want
to have with me? What odds would would he have
to give me to make him comfortable betting that he
could win the election even if he got on the
debate stage with Donald Trump. It's a waste of time.
Why is he wasting everyone's time with such crazy talk?

To me, it has all the width of megalomania and narcissism.
And look, is Trump a narcissist? Yeah, a little bit,
But he's our narcissist and he can win. And you
need to have a certain level of almost irrational self
belief to certainly take on the Democrat machine. I get that,

but delusional narcissism, that's not good, that's not helpful. And
I think that he has crossed over into that territory here.
So again I I don't know the guy. I'm not
disparaging him personally. I've never met him, never shook his hand.

We've had him on the show I think once or twice.
I was actually out when he was on the show,
so that's kind of unfortunate. But I've been very skeptical
of him from the beginning. Again, he was good on
one thing. One thing is not enough. John Fetterman is
good on Israel? Does that mean that I should think
that John Fetterman should be president?

Speaker 1 (30:29):
Right? One thing not enough?

Speaker 2 (30:32):
And now to say that he thinks he could win
the election if he's on the debate stage, that's just
self justifying for him to stay in. And if he
stays in, I mean, why not endorse Donald Trump and
want to be a part of a winning ticket that
could actually achieve the things that RFK Junior says he's
devoted the last twenty years of his life to in

terms of you know, FDA reform and you know, there
could be a role for him in a Trump administration
doing the thing that he's right on and knows how
to do or really wants to do. But to play
spoiler if I'm missing something by all me, but you
heard it from him, so I don't want Oh, he's
gonna take more from the Democrats. He thinks he's taken

more from Trump and he's staying in. That's why I
wanted to play for you the soundbites. I know, I
tell you the truth. Sometimes I get mad at you,
get mad at me for some of you do when
I tell you the truth, even if I know, But
I treat you like my own family. You know, when
I'm talking to my mom, my dad, my brother's, my
sister about politics, or my cousins or my I got

aunts and uncles who are super political in their thoughts.

Speaker 1 (31:39):
Got to lay it down, got to speak the truth.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
And at this point all I see is downside, and
all I see is meglomania. I don't understand what else
you could attribute this to. So you know, light me
up in the comments. If I'm wrong, send me some emails,
tell me call in eight hundred two way two two,
wait a two. You know, I like to keep you
informed and tell you the truth, and especially get ahead
of where things are going. And that's why, especially over

the next eighty days or so, while this election is
getting heated up to crazy levels, I'm going to be
sending out a weekly email blast, and not only is
it going to look at politics and news today, it's
also going to have insights about the markets and investing.
Now that's not my area of expertise. That's why i
have teamed up with Brad Thomas. So I'm handling the

political the current events. Brad Thomas is going to be
handling the markets, money and how you can build wealth.
So it's a one two punch. Brad really has done
an incredible job for years now for thousands and thousands
of people when it comes to pointing them toward sound
investments and good strategies to profit from the markets ahead.

So we're going to be publishing this weekly newsletter that
you can go sign up for for free. For free
next editions coming out on Monday. Go to this website
The Urgent Message dot com. Easy to sign up, easy
to receive. I think you'll find it really helpful. The
Urgent Message dot Com again, that's the Urgent Message dot com.

Speaker 5 (33:11):
Need a Break from fallazis a little comedy to counter
the craziness, So do we The Sunday Hang Weekend podcast
to lighten things up a bit. Find it in the
Clay and Buck podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts team.

Speaker 2 (33:27):
Welcome back into clay end Buck. I want to remind
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Well look at the coffee you've been drinking this morning.
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the blonde roast, all these things are coming and they'll
be out this fall. Okay, Jeff and Florida, what's going on,

my fellow Floridian.

Speaker 8 (35:01):
Hey, I'm thinking that probably the Democrats are funding Ourfk's
campaign because they know there are swing voters that Kamala is.

Speaker 3 (35:11):
Not going to get.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
There are people out there who.

Speaker 8 (35:13):
I'm not voting for either of them. I'll stay home,
So ourfkpiing in there. He might take more votes from
Trump than from Kamala. And I think it's a Democrat design.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
Yeah, I think that that is I don't know the
Democrats are funny whatever. I'm just saying, it's good for Kamala. Okay,
this is where we are, and I know that there
are some some of you listening too. Thanks for calling in, Jeff,
who don't want to hear that. But we got to
keep it real now. This is going to be a
tight election and RFK Junior is not helpful to Donald

Trump by staying in.

Speaker 1 (35:49):
He's not helpful. And this has been my worry all along.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
Linda and South Carolina, Linda, what do you got for us?

Speaker 3 (35:57):
Hey, Linda, I really love the show in here.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
Thank you? Yeah, yeah, yes, ma'am.

Speaker 4 (36:02):

Speaker 3 (36:03):
And I've been listening since just before Rush passed, just
before the twenty twenty elections. And what makes you so
confident about Trump? Because Rush was pretty confident about Trump
and Trump didn't win. So that was the first thing.
The second thing is I wonder, I wonder when the

other shoe's gonna drop. So the Democrats didn't really have
to do too awfully much to get Biden out from running.

Speaker 2 (36:36):
I've only got ten seconds to address your questionnaire before
we go to bricks.

Speaker 1 (36:39):
I'll just say this.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
I think the twenty twenty was a fluke, a once
in a century situation, and I don't know.

Speaker 1 (36:47):
With Trump, I'm hooked on a feeling. I'm high, unbelieving,

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