All Episodes

May 10, 2024 36 mins
Dems putting Trump associates in prison with laws that are never used. Eric Adams talks about jailing Trump on Rikers Island. Adams goes to Italy. RNC Chairman Michael Whatley joins Buck to discuss the state of the campaign so far. Buck shares VIP emails.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Second hour, Clay and Buck kicks off. Now we have
been talking here about the Trump trial. Obviously New York City.
It's a big deal, you know, trying to use the
legal system to destroy a presidential candidate over the most
absurd stuff. I mean, it would be a reach. Let's
say Trump had pulled the hunter Biden. Well, well, I'm sorry,

let me so that would be great. I just meant
in terms of taxes. Okay, I just meant in terms
of taxes. Calmed down, everybody, mine's out of the gutter.
If he hadn't, you know, filed income tax or something
for which they thought they could get Trump on taxes. Remember,
but if they were holding a real tax crime that

Trump had committed until the election year, and then excessively
trying to punish him instead of say, letting him pay
a fine, which is often the case for a tax violation,
depends on what it is. You know, if they held
it until the election year, used it for political purposes,
and we're over punishing because they're basically they hate Trump,

right and they don't want to be president, I would
still be saying this is an outrage. I would still
be saying, guys, this is they held it until the
last minute. They timed it to do political damage. They're
not supposed to play those games. The justice system isn't
supposed to be trying to forget about putting their hand
on the scale in this election. For the Democrats, they're

putting their butt on the scale. I mean, they're sitting
on the thing. They're trying to they're they're they're, you know,
crushing the scale on one side. They're doing everything they can.
And what they're doing against Donald Trump is not even
what I just ascribed to you, because there's there's no crime.
There's no crime. He didn't do anything bad. He did
nothing bad, He did nothing for which he should be

punished by the state. That is just a fundamic, fundamental
ethical recognition here. And you know, if I thought differently,
I would tell you, and I have in the past,
I haven't agreed with President Trump on everything. I mean
a lot of things, but not absolutely everything. And I
would say so at the time I didn't agree with

all of his picks when he was in office to
be in senior posts, and people got mad at me.
At the time is when I was doing the show
by myself six to nine Eastern during the first first
Trump term, people got mad at me, and I just said, look,
I'm calling him like I see him. And then of
course later on Trump said, yeah, I had some really bad,
really bad appointees, and then it was okay, don't Then

no one was mad at me anymore. But I was saying,
you can't have people who don't share the ideology of
conservatism and aren't really dedicated to America first, whore dedicated
to themselves first in very senior roles in the White House,
for example, And that was definitely the case in Trump's
first term. I'm just saying I would call it out.

But there's not only the political implications of this. I mean,
the brag case against Trump could theoretically put him in
prison theoretically. I still am. I have a tough time
with this one, right because on the one hand, I

feel like they don't have the stones for that, so
to speak, the HUTSPA. But on the other hand, I
just told you they are trying to put Steve Bannon
in federal prison. They are actively trying to do that,
and they will if they can. They have already put
Peter Navarro in federal prison. They have already put Alan

we Weiselberg, I think his name is Trump's accountant and
Trump Incorporated employee in prison in Rikers Island. I mean,
they've done this to people. We never do this to
their side. Now some are gonna say, well, buckets, we
fight fire with fire. We never do this to them though,

they do this to us. And we say that's not fair.
You're using a double standard, sir. And they just keep
you know, they just keep on punching us in the face.
We go ow ow. We have to figure out that
they aren't going to stop because it's wrong. They're going
to stop these things because they are made to stop,
because they do not have the power, because we win.

We have to win. Trump passed to win not just
in court, but in the court of public opinion. That
will be this pivotal election this fall. So that's all
going on. I name all these people who have been
sent to prison or imminently could go to prison, and
I'm not even including in that. They sent away Paul Maniford.

Remember they charge Paul Maniford. If you really want to
understand the full extent of the Democrat abuse of the
legal sin system in the Trump era, they charged and
added years in prison to his sentence, Paul Menaphort with
failure to register as a foreign agent. Now, first off,

that's a crime that never used to be charged in
a criminal fashion and nobody used to go to prison for.
But they changed that for Trump. Pharah was a speeding
ticket in DC terms, you pay a fine. They change
it for Trump to go after Maniford and Manifort's partner.
If I recall and you know what else do you

know who as clear as could be violated Pharah and
they didn't charge him and they never will because they
let the statute of limitations run out. Biden's son, Hunter Biden,
Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden violated Pharah, no question about it.
No one can deny it. But they sat on it
and they buried it. So they just think about this.

They dust off a law that is never you for
criminal purposes to go after Trump's people, and they were
hoping to get more than just Manafort with it. They
then ignore that same law for years to allow Hunter
Biden to escape the statute of limitations on it. And
they want us to call this a justice system. They

want us to pretend like we think this is a
fair game. In fact, I think you could argue maybe
more egregious than that. It's certainly close. The Logan Act was,
let's not forget, used as the pretext to entrap General

Flynn in a he said, he said conversation with the
FBI when he's the incoming National Security Advisor. The Logan
Act had not been used to successfully prosecute anyone in
two hundred years. But call me, because sank to Comby James,

call me is one of the biggest disgraces to law
enforcement to have ever served in this country. Coby figures out, hey,
we can in bad faith use this Logan Act thing
that nobody takes seriously in order to see what we
can jam up General Flinn with. And they were successful,

and they were trying to send General Flinn to person.
The whole thing was a scam. The whole thing was
a scam. That was the head of the FBI. That
wasn't some rogue agent in an office somewhere, and nobody
knew who the guy's name that was the head of
the FBI. So the legal abuse here has been a
long time coming. And that's why I think it is
unlikely that they will try to incarcerate President Trump based

on this New York City trial, but I can't tell
you it won't happen. Can't tell you it won't happen.
This was a couple of days ago. We've mentioned it
on the show. We hadn't yet talked about it, or
rather played the audio on the show. The Mayor of
New York City, Alvin Bragg, I'm sorry, the Mayor of
New York City, Adams, Alvin braggs the prosecutor Adams, the mayor.

The mayor of New York City was asked about this
and he said that, yes, there have been conversations, not
with Bragg's office, but with the prison you know, the
head of the I don't know who, the head of
the prison system, the head of the prison system in
New York City and runs Rikers Island, that yes, they

have discussed. Yes, they have had a conversation about incarcerating
President Trump. Listen to this. This is from Wednesday.

Speaker 2 (08:41):
So at President Trump's trial, they were talking about how
he might end up in jail if he continues to
violate its court orders.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
As Rikers prepared for that, You guys have those discussions yet,
and if so, what would they.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
Even look like?

Speaker 4 (08:54):
Of the our amazing commissioner. She is prepared for whatever
comes Unrikyus Island. I'm pretty sure she would be prepared
to manage and deal with the situation. As you see
what's happening with Harvey Weinstein. We have to adjust, you know,
in this business, particularly around law enforcement, we have to

adjust whatever comes our way. But you know, we don't
want to deal with the hypothetical. But their professionals, everybody, Yeah,
had those discussions with Directions.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
About that situation there you kind of heard at the
very end. Have you had discussions? You know, Adams was
initially trying to say we're ready for anything, and he's
speaking in vague terms, but he's pushed by that by
that reporter, and the reporter sure enough gets him to say, yeah,
we have had those discussions. So the City of New

York is ready, bureaucratically at least to take Trump and
put him in a cell. I don't even know what
this you know, how this can really go down, How
this could really because it's never happened before. So anyone
who says they know exactly how it goes is making
that up because it's never in the history of our country.

It has never been done before. And this is where
they're Unfortunately, they're hysteria, and it truly is a hysteria
among Democrats. This is where the hysteria is so important
because for all of their norm breaking in institution, undermining,
and systematic abuse to be justified, they have to believe,

or at least pretend that they believe, depending on which
Democrat commie leftists were talking about, they have to pretend
to believe that Donald Trump is a unique threat to
the United States of America, which is a really weird
argument because he was a very successful president. Joe Biden

ended up taking over for four years and now by
all the poalsy American people want one Trump could be
president again. So somehow he is a unique threat to
the country that the country would like to run the
country for four more years. And they don't see any
dissonance in that. They don't see the conflict that exists,
because if they did see that even a little bit,

then they'd have to understand what they're doing here trying
to lock him up using the legal system in this way.
You know, the sad part of it all is they've
already interfered in the election. I mean, we're way past
election interference to really election subversion. Now, what they're doing
is more egregious than just dishonest media stuff and suppressing

stories in the background. They are using the force of
the state to subvert a presidential election. In fact, they're
using the force of a few states to subvert a
presidential election. I mean, this is not far in terms
of the level of abuse from Yeah, we're just going
to change out the ballots and the boxes. I'm just

being honest with you. It's really in terms of how grotesque,
immoral and wrong it is bringing holding all of these
criminal cases until the election year, specifically to stop Trump
from campaigning, to stop him from being able to make
his case fairly, to try to smear him, which is

not working, but smear him in the eyes of the
American people is really, like I said, it's not election interference,
it's subversion. I mean, this is the stuff that you
would expect in some third world hell hole where they
have make believe elections. That's what they do. And I've
spent time in third world hellholes, and I used to
work at the CIA, so I know something about you know,

elections that aren't exactly on the up and up. And
this is what happens the people in power just say,
oh no, to defend our constitution. And you know, in
a lot of these places, the constitution should be in
quotes entirely, you know, scare quotes our constitution. We've got
to lock up this very popular opposition leader. Oh, he

didn't pay his taxes. Do you know before he died
in prison? Do you know what they got navalny on
Alexi Navalney, the Russian dissident before he died, locked away
in some hellish Russian gulag. Pretty sure it was tax
and fraud issues like financial stuff. Oh, I'm sure it

was so dirty they had to lock him up for that, right,
it's outrageous. It's outrageous how it goes on in other countries.
And yet how different is it from what we're seeing here.
We've got a porn performer testifying against Trump about an
NDA from years ago about sexual a consensual sexual encounter

that she says occurred twenty years ago, and about a
payoff of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars and that
this was going to change the The whole thing is,
this is nuts. Only people who are disconnected from reality
and entirely dishonest could think that this is in any
way good for the country. And you know, it really
bothers me also as a lifetime until recently New Yorker

to see the city of New York not just dragged
into the middle of this, but really being used, being
wielded as a club to try to beat Trump into submission.
In this way, it's wrong. Trump is a native son
of New York, born and raised in New York City.
The fact that as a president he has not been
celebrated by New York City just goes to what a

delusional place New York has become politically, and what a
just a series of poor leaders they have had in
recent years as well. And I'll get into some of
the crime issues that are plaguing the city when we
come back here. In just a moment, lines are opened up. Also, member,
the vip emails opened up eight hundred two two two

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Speaker 3 (16:18):
From the front lines of Truth Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
Now, I was just talking about leadership in New York
City and how it's been really bad for a while now.
The Mayor Eric Adams just put this out on social media.
He is traveling to Italy to address climate change and
migrants play it.

Speaker 4 (16:40):
First of all, most important thing.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
Let's go next, nix. Let's when it headed to Italy.
Card up in overall.

Speaker 5 (16:48):
Finding on common grounds, how we deal with migrants and
asylum seekers, how we deal with affordable housing, are economy
sustainability to some important issues. And the most significant moment
for me is the opportunity to meet awfully found of
the Pope, his holiness and this son of a journey.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
So the city of New York is mired in a
whole range of crises, and the Mayor of New York
City is flying over to Rome so that he can
hang out with the Pope and talk to assorted celebrities
and other I suppose politicians about climate change and the

migrant crisis. This is a vacation paid for by some
foundation tied to the Pope. But this just goes to
exactly what I'm saying. Just if you want time off,
take time off. Don't pretend like this is for the
benefit of the people of New York. Man we've got

some weak leadership in our cities. I was talking about.
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We are very pleased to be joined now by Michael Rottley,
who is the chairman of the r and C. Michael,
thanks for being with us. Good to have you on
the show.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
It's great to be on, Great to be on.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
We got a lot of things talk about. Big election
year obviously, and the RNC is going to have to
come through in a big way to help pull all
this across the finish line. But first, the campus protests stuff.
As this is continuing on, I have thought that this
would would go far beyond just the initial few days,

and it does seem to be causing real headaches for
the Democrats. How do you assess it? And do you
do you think that this is a drag not just
for Joe Biden going into the fall election, but also
for other races across the country.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
Yeah, I mean this is definitely going to be a
drag on the Democrats for two main reasons. First off,
look at what these protests are celebrating. They're celebrating Hamas,
they're celebrating the kill of Jewish They're you know, they're
they're celebrating at tax on Israel. Uh. And and that
is something that the American people violently opposed. We we want,

you know, to stand with Israel. We support the Jewish people.
All across the world. So from a from a substantive standpoint,
these things are really, uh, you know, hurting the Democrats. Secondly,
look at who's funding them. You know, we've seen a
number of studies that have already come out that have
shown that the groups that are funding these uh these

protests are the same groups that are funding the Democrats.
And so you know, when when people understand that these
are far left, progressive Democrat funders who are are seeding
these things, uh, that is going to have a negative
impact on the Democrats and the candidates as well.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
Now there's two possibilities that also come to mind with
these protests, as these movements which we've discussed are very
much astro turf, right, There's money that goes into these things.
That's how all these tents that looked exactly the same
showed up on these campuses at the same time. And
we know there are different nonprofits that are left wing

slush funds that are helping with all of this as well.
But if this continues on, and it certainly seems like
it will for a while longer, let's start with the RNC.
Are you concerned and what preparations are being made to
make sure that in Milwaukee in July it's not just
going to turn into total pandemodium because of these street

communists running around.

Speaker 2 (21:35):
That is our biggest concern. You know, you think about
fifty thousand delegates, alternates, guests, and media are going to
be in Milwaukee. There's a logistical challenge of getting that
many people in and out of that arena every day
for four days straight. But you throw the riots that
we've seen even in Wisconsin right over in Madison, we've

seen the protests, we've seen the encampments over there, that
that really does give us a lot of pause. And
so you know, we're working right now with about forty
different law enforcement agencies, including the Secret Service, to make
sure that we have that secure perimeter area as locked

down as well as we can. And obviously they're going
to be facing the same type of issues in Chicago
with a Democratic you know, convention as well.

Speaker 1 (22:26):
What are your thoughts on whether they will this it's
clearly Biden base people who are on these campuses doing
all the crazy stuff and screaming the anti semitism and
you know, shouting in favor of Hamas and all this stuff.
Do you think that they will actually show up at
the DNC to cause mayhem in Chicago or would the

would their handlers be able to convince them that is
not useful for the cause.

Speaker 2 (22:53):
Look everything we've seen so far as this group is
even farther to the least than Joe Biden. I mean,
maybe they're hanging out there a RFK junior, But you
know that jenesp O group is very real, and I
think that there are political implications, and what they're trying
to do is drag Joe Biden to the left, and
they're trying to drag Joe Biden into supporting Hamas. I

think the political implications of these things is very real
because they have already succeeded. The fact that Joe Biden
is withholding weapons and munitions from Israel right now while
they're in the middle of an existential fight with Hamas
is absolutely appalling. The fact that he's doing it to
try and shore up his own base in Michigan is

really troubling.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
Speaking of Michael Watley, RNC Chairman, Michael, obviously, it's highly
unusual that Donald Trump is in the midst of a
criminal trial while being the de facto I know it
hasn't been officially officially announced, but de facto Republican nominee
for president the r n C pivoting and and can

you just take this into some of the strategy for
what the Trump campaign and and the other campaigns that
you're gonna be involved with. It's gonna look like, given
some of these headwinds that we're seeing, did we lose
him because I cannot hear him. I think we lost him. Well,

I maybe maybe we'll get him back here in a second,
because I thought that I thought that was gonna I
want to know how Trump is gonna win. So I
thought that was a pretty important question. I was like,
where did you go? So he was so sad. I
was so ready for it. You know, it's like you
you're you're thinking you're about to, uh watch him just
just hit a home run, and uh, instead you realize
there's no one at that because the phone line dropped. Uh. Well,

we'll see if we can get Michael back on maybe
to answer that question. We'll see what ended up happening there.
Also want to take some of your calls eight hundred
two A two two eight A two and uh, look
at some of your v I P emails as they
come in. But you know I told you Kerry, and
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Speaker 3 (26:52):
Twenty four, a weekly podcast from Clay and Buck covering
all things election. Episodes, drops Sunday's noon Eastern. Find it
on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
You know, we miss our main man Clay Today he's
on vacation, just Buck rocking out with all of you
on the show for three hours. Same deal on Monday.
By the way, I'll be solo, but the good news
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Crocketcoffee dot com. I also got a lot of VIP
emails here that I wanted to get to. We're having
a little bit of trouble on the phone lines, sorry
to say, so we'll see if we can get those

squared away. Here we're just talking to the RNC chairman
and that was a technical issue, so I did I
did not scare him off with my question how does
Trump win the election? We just lost lost contact there
and we have a lot of VIPs writing in. Let's
start with Mitch, who writes, Hey, guys, love the show
and you are really doing rush proud. I have a

question in regards to Michael Cohen and his upcoming testimony
on the cross examination of Stormy that the defense asked
if she hates Trump and was able to prove her
feelings towards Trump, would the defense be able to enter
into evidence the TikTok videos and statements that Cohen has
made during the trial while Trump has been gagged. I
would think this would be enough to disqualify any remaining

credibility that he had Mitch a very good and detailed question.
I would say this, and I think some of the
difference in how Clay and I tend to assess these
trials is that Clay looks at it from a very
illegalistic Obviously he went to law school and is a

practicing or is licensed to practice law. He looks at
it from a how the system is supposed to work
according to the system perspective. I look at it more
from a this is how the system is going to
work because it has been corrupted to go after Trump.
So that's just understand my perspective place perspective on this.

I think that's where we have we see it somewhat differently,
and this is where on what's going to be admissible
for Michael Cohen and what kinds of testimony will be allowed?
The first question should be that is addressed by the
judge and in these proceedings is this legitimate based on

the legal issues at play? But I think the first
consideration is will this damage Trump? And then it's can
we get away with doing this to damage Trump without
completely blowing up these proceedings and you know, making it
too obvious that there should be a mistrat which I
think there already should be making it too obvious that

the appeal Court should completely reverse this whole thing, which
again they should do that, I'm not convinced they will
do that. Look at this in DC. The District Court
totally array on this on the Jan six I know,
we got to keep all this straight right on the
Jan sixth case in d C. The District Court is
totally set against Donald Trump in a way that and

that's Judge Chuckkin. It couldn't be more obvious Judge Chuckkin
wants to She's been really I think the second harshest
probably judge when it comes to j six defendants who
have been before her in that court. There's one other
judge thing it's been even a little worse, but it's
close off to ask Julie Kelly about that one. But
she's very anti Trump. The appeals court in d C,

the Circuit Court of Appeals has been equally anti Trump.
And it's only because it is federal that there is
I think a faster pathway to get the Supreme Court
to look at it, which is what has happened in
New York. It is a local New York City prosecution
under the state laws of New York, and so the

appeals court may not be any better than the court
that's looking at it right now. So we can't make
any assumptions. Oh, it's gonna be fine when all is
said and done. I mean, we're hoping an appeals court
in DC stop Steve Bannon from going to prison. Does
anyone want to place bets on whether that appeals Court's
going to stop Steve Banner from going to prison? I
can tell you this, They're not going to stop it.

Only the Supreme Court is going to stop it. Only
the Supreme Court will prevent Bannon from having to turn himself,
you know, into a prison facility at some point in
the future. In my opinion, So when you ask these
questions about Michael Cohen and what should be allowed, I
think the question is much more You're much more likely
to know what's going to happen by what will be

allowed or what do they want to be allowed? Should
and will be are not the same thing in these
trials at all. The distance between them is massive. So
Trump is gagged by the court's order. Michael Collen is not.
Is that fair? Of course not, But it's not going

to be none of this is fair. You see what
I mean. None of this is fair. The whole thing
is a sham. So when we get too down into
the details, Oh but what about this? And you know,
I think he could raise this objection and hey, you know, Lee,
we need to bring those things up so the public
can hear it. But they don't care. They do not care.

The people running these proceedings, the prosecutors, the judge, they
want to get Trump. That's what they're Their whole mantra is,
that's what the framework is around all of this. And
let's get to Jeff writes, Hey, Buck, for the life

of me, I can't understand why Comer has not pulled
the trigger and put out a report to get a
House vote on impeachment of Biden for bribery and corruption.
Hunter received millions from Ukraine for his dad's firing of
the prosecutor. Firing exchange for a billion dollar credit line
was bragged about by Joe on video. Maybe is waiting
for local elections to bring in a few more Republican

House members, but it needs to be done asap. Thanks Buck,
you're off the hook. Good at what you do. Well,
Thank you, Jeff, You're very kind. And very astute what
I'm impeaching. You know, you're not going to remove him,
So I very much think of and it's Napoleon, right,
don't interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake. Democrats

are making such big mistakes with this legal stuff. Why
would we want to shake things up right now and
possibly bail them out by giving them something to fixate on.
I mean, do you really want to have endless Nancy
Pelosi speeches on tea? But that says a travesty. The
impeachment f Jeff Biden is terrible. I mean, you really
want them to have something like that to talk about.

They're not going to be able to remove Biden, and
I don't know how much worse things could look for
Biden than they're looking right now. So that's why I
would be slow to say that there should be in
it now. Our listener, Jeff says, maybe we wait till
there's a stronger house. Yeah. Sure, but then you're not
talking about impeachment proceedings. You're talking about, you know, after

the fact, holding hearings on this. Assuming I'm sorry, assuming
Trump wins, Assuming Trump wins and Biden's gone, So I
don't really see it as as a good strategic move
right now, something I'm unwilling to do it. It's just
that I don't think that we should get in the
way of Democrats making a total mess of absolutely everything

for themselves Joe Biden, most specifically listener Steven writes in
another VIP, remember go to clanbuck dot com sign up
become a VIP. You can see the video. We did
get a VIP who asks for a ginger appearance in
the third hour, So I'm I'm gonna go have to
wake her up from nap time so we can get
a little gingercam action here. She's so great. I told

carry last time, like we got to get another one.
She's like, let's build a human family.

Speaker 2 (35:55):

Speaker 1 (35:56):
I'm like, I know we're doing that too, but you
know we're trying to human family, dog family. We can
build it all the same time. Well, I gotta have
a great wife who can hold it all together and
make sure the house is running smoothly. Stephen writes, it's
possible Trump is going Is it possible Trump can circumvent
the gag order like what he did where he read
verbatim a Jonathan Turley article and says, I didn't say it.

I'm just quoting what Jonathan Turley said. Stephen, again a
good point, But what I said before is what is
true here. What should be is not what will be,
and the judge gets to decide. So if you're gonna
try to play games and say, well, by the letter
of the law, I didn't say it. You know who
gets to determine whether or not the gag order has

been violated, the anti Trump judge. The system is corrupted,
the system is weaponized against Trump. We have to understand
that is the framework in which we're operating. We'll have
more on this and more updates from Trump himself coming up.

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