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May 27, 2024 40 mins
The best of the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show Hour 2.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thank you for listening. This is the best of with
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. I saw
a discussion on the View.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
I know, I know, I watch, so you don't have to.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
Guy by the name of Coleman Hughes who has a
new book out saying that we are talking about race
incorrectly in this country and that we need to change
our discussion. And I want to play this for you
because Sonny Houstin, who I would say regularly has among
the worst takes in anyone for anyone who is on

daily media, attacked this author. I think Coleman Hughes, in
his twenties, relatively young guy.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
Listen to.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
I want to play a couple of these cuts and
let you guys hear him. I give credit to the
View for actually having a discussion, being willing to have
this author on, but I do think it represents two
different views of how the world should be. Listen to
cut twenty six. Here this is Coleman Hughes Sonny Houstin
on the View.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
Your argument that race has no place in that equation
is really fundamentally flawed.

Speaker 5 (01:14):
Well, there's two separate questions. One is whether each racial
group is socioeconomically the same that I agree with you
they're not. Yeah, they're not question But yeah, of course
I agree with that fully. The question is how do
you address that in the way that actually targets.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
Poverty the best?

Speaker 5 (01:30):
And what Martin Luther King wrote in his book Why
We Can't Wait is he called it we need a
bill of rights for the disadvantage, and he said, yes,
we should address racial inequality, Yes we should address the
legacy of slavery.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
But the way to do that.

Speaker 5 (01:42):
Is on the basis of class, and that will disproportionately
target Blacks and Hispanics because they're disproportionately poor, but it
will be doing so in a way that also helps
the white poor, in a way that addresses poverty as
the thing to be addressed.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
Okay, so that was part one. That's part of the discussion.
And then Sonny Houston decides Colvid Hughes, she's going to
directly attack him.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
Listen to this.

Speaker 4 (02:05):
Many in the black community believe that you are being
used as a pawn by the right and that you
were Charlatan of sorts. How do you respond to those critics?

Speaker 5 (02:15):
I don't think I've been co opted by anyone. I've
only voted twice, both for Democrats. Although I'm an independent.
I would vote for a Republican, probably a non Trump Republican,
if they were compelling. I don't think there's any evidence
I've been co opted by anyone, and I think that
that's an ad hominem tactic people use to not address
really the important conversations we're having here, and I think

it's better and it would be better for everyone if
we stuck to the topics rather than make it about me.

Speaker 4 (02:41):
I want to give you the opportunity to respond to this.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
I appreciate the criticism. I appreciate it.

Speaker 5 (02:45):
There's no evidence that I've been co opted by anyone.
I have an independent podcast, I work for CNN as
an analyst.

Speaker 3 (02:52):
I write for the Free Press.

Speaker 5 (02:54):
I'm independent in all of these endeavors, and no one
is paying me to say what I'm saying. I'm saying
it because I feel it.

Speaker 6 (03:00):
Okay, Can I just she's not only she's actually my
least favorite at the table. I will say, I agree
with you, she's the worst. She is. She has become
she's super you know, just sort of always takes the
most entitled position. You know, she she's very, very smug
with everybody all the time. I was like, oh, I'm

a lawyer, so I know more than everybody. She's honestly,
deeply unimpressive and not very bright. But I'll just say this,
her whole thing there, and this is what really bothered
me of people are saying, no, she's saying it. She's
saying it. She's using this this ploy on a show
where this gentleman is being very gentlemanly. By the way

Coleman hughes, she's the one who is taking upon herself
to say, well, you know, everybody says you're a fraud
in the black community and that you've been co opted.
So what do you say to that? Like, first of all,
I wish she had gone you know that Pierre Poliev
guy and Kenah, he should have been like, whoo who
name and name You're the one who said it, you know,

remember he's just like y out with that guy. He
should he should have forced her because because what she's
doing is hiding behind this oh, this generic perception. No,
she clearly believes that too. And look, you know her,
she has a she has a child at Harvard, she's
a fan of racial preferences. I think she might think
that her career may have been helped by racial preferences.

And she is a female minority, multi multimillionaire and still
thinks that life is really hard for her and she's
a victim, so she takes it personally. It's very obvious
from her analysis on that set to.

Speaker 2 (04:37):
Call somebody a charlaton is a pretty significant attack, even
if you put it in someone else's voices. Remember also,
Sonny Hostin's ancestors own slaves. Remember we had that discussion
where she found out that actually she was the beneficiary
of slavery having existed.

Speaker 3 (04:52):
But you could do this.

Speaker 6 (04:53):
Do you think anybody who writes a controversial book, or
not even controversial, a book that makes a political argument
that she likes, she has a moment to dive into
the argument or to deal with what he writes about.

Speaker 3 (05:03):

Speaker 6 (05:03):
Do you think that she would ever say to Ibram
x Kendy on that stage, for example, same kind of
issues written about. You think she'd say, you know, people
think that you're a hack who uses racial division to
unjustly enrich yourself with idiotic theories, and you're not even
a real public intellectual, like you're just spewing stuff that
other people have spewed and using race people say that,

do you think she would ever do that?

Speaker 3 (05:27):
Of course, of course not. She doesn't say she wouldn't
do it for Nicole Hanna Jones.

Speaker 2 (05:31):
And also I think it's interesting how she is saying
that he's This is I think such.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
An important point here.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
What identity politics requires is that no one be able
to speak out on their own opinion irrespective of their race.
And what she's saying to Coleman Hughes is you basically
aren't allowed to have the opinions that you have because
you're a black man, and if you do have them,

you can't really believe them because you're just a tool
of others.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
And probably that's.

Speaker 6 (06:07):
Exactly right, That's exactly right. And also I mean, would
I would if I ever considered that, I would say
the world that or the America that Sonny Houston and
those who are left dislike her want is one in
which the following they consider to be just a Vietnamese
immigrant comes to this country penniless, Okay, and at no

point in that penniless journey arriving here, Let's say the
parents you know they bring their child with them. They
are not beneficiaries of affirmative action. They do not get
government contracts. They are not, in fact ending the discriminate
against negatively in the higher education system. Even though they
don't speak English, they come here with nothing. If you

are the son of a black medical doctor, you know,
a black heart surgeon. If you are the son of
Ben Carson, for example, I don't know if he has
kids or not. I'm assuming he probably does. I think
he's going to be he's yeah, well, you know, he's
an amazingly successful and well off guy, the son of
somebody has accomplished as Ben Carson in that situation in

Sonny Austin's world, or any black Cardio crass.

Speaker 7 (07:14):
Malia and Sasha Obama, Melia sashobab right, perfect examples.

Speaker 6 (07:18):
It doesn't matter Malia and Sasha Obama. Well they're Obama.
So there's you know that, there's like the political affirmative
action that happens too for famous Democrats. But point being,
if you if you're the son of a black billionaire,
you get the advantage of going to going to apply
to Harvard as a black person. And if you are
a penniless Vietnamese immigrant who comes to America with nothing,

and all he or she has is hard work. Harvard
says to you, sorry, too many of your kind applying.
And Sonny Houston, who is a millionaire with children who
go to Harvard herself, thinks that is justice. Why do
you think she gets so nasty about this, because because
ultimately she knows if the argument were exposed, it's clearly unjust.

People just want their stuff, they want their special privileges.
It has nothing to do with what is fair. It
has nothing to do with what is constitutional. Clay Supreme
Court's already ruled it is unconstitutional to do what Sonny
Hostin wants.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
She doesn't care. She's a lawyer.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
Yeah, No, I think it's really important here. And that's
why his better point that Sonny Houstin didn't address is
if you look at elite colleges, do you know who's
actually hugely underrepresented poor people? Because socioeconomics is actually what

keeps someone from oftentimes being able to go to an
elite college.

Speaker 6 (08:47):
If you want to tell me that somebody with two
parents who went to college and out with a household
income of two hundred and fifty thousand, dollars or more has
an advantage over somebody from a single parent household, with
the single parent not finishing high school and a household
income of forty grand You win that argument every time
because you know, or rather I would agree with that
argument every time. Right, that is true. The world in

which Sunny hostin the left one who operate is it
is the skin color or the ethnicity of the individual
that matters, not socioeconomic status, and that unfortunately is farcical,
it's absurd.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
And I would also build on this buck by saying,
the person with the lower socioeconomics status, if they have
been able to elevate themselves closer to the person who
is the advantage socioeconomic status, I would argue that their
actual potential is far higher because they haven't been able

to unlock all of the advantages that someone else has.
Almost like a venture capital, if you're looking at individuals
and thinking, Okay, this person from a single parent household
to your point, who has a forty thousand dollars income,
they got let's say a thirteen hundred on the SAT.
Somebody with every advantage got to thirteen sixty. Well, how

much higher could the SAT of thirteen one hundred go
how much higher.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
Is their ceiling?

Speaker 7 (10:09):
Who would you rather invest in the person who hasn't
had the opportunity yet to maximize their potential, or the
person who's had every advantage and probably has already gone.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
As far as they can go. It really to me,
if you're trying to produce elite, meritocratic individuals, you want
to go with the guy or gal who has the
biggest possible ceiling, not the person who's already maximized their
ability thanks to their advantages.

Speaker 6 (10:35):
But again, the sonny hoston argument on this, and what
she was really just so nasty to Coleman Hughes about
is if you are a white kid from Appalachia who
has one parent and you grow up with you know,
you know on welfare, you've had it easier than Obama's kids.

That's that's the argument. And for the purposes of college application,
for the purposes of higher you've had it easier, and
therefore there should be discrimination in favor of the latter
and not the former. That is the argument that she's
because she is eliminating economics as a factor in the disparity.
It is only about ethnicity, It is only about skin color.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
It also then gets really crazy and super racist, right,
because then you start asking, Okay, what percentage minority do
you have to be tocount as a minority for purposes
of applying to Harvard. Yes, if you have one grandparent
who is black, I bet you're applying as a black person.

Speaker 6 (11:31):
I know someone who basically lied about being a Pacific
islander so she could get into Stanford and it worked. Yeah,
she was one sixteenth.

Speaker 7 (11:39):
Yeah, I mean right, I mean it's like it's crazy,
but you end up back in the super racist If
you have one drop of black blood, then you are
black world that actually existed during slavery.

Speaker 6 (11:51):
Elizabeth Warren got hired as a Harvard law professor pretending
to be a Cherokee.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
True, she's the whitest.

Speaker 6 (12:00):
Woman we've ever seen.

Speaker 3 (12:01):
You can't get.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
Any whiter, and then cited her cheek bones as evidence
of her Native American heritage. And then what was she
one one one thousand and sixty fourth or something? She
put out the genetic history like, oh, this proves that
I wasn't lying, and the data somebody look up what
the percentage? I think it was like one of one
thousand and sixty fourth percent and somebody said that's actually

less ann than the average white person has in America today.

Speaker 6 (12:27):
I was immediately on Twitter lighting up CNN Communications over
this because they were like, shit, it proves that I
was like, Nope, it does not prove that Elizabeth Warren
as Native American. It proves that you were idiots.

Speaker 3 (12:38):
And this is where do you remember Sean King, the
fake black guy on Twitter? You know that guy?

Speaker 2 (12:44):
Yeah, I told him. I don't remember what the percentage
I said. I think twenty five percent that I would
give fifty thousand dollars to the charity of his choice
if he would take a DNA test to prove that
he was black. Did not take it up. But the
guy is just a white dude, I think, pretending to
be black. He has a white white I mean, he's

got red hair, you know, look at the pictures of
him when he was a kid. He's at Kentucky white.

Speaker 6 (13:08):
My understanding is if your if your parents are white,
then you are considered to be white. So that is
a good place to start with. If both your parents
are white, you're generally considered to be a white.

Speaker 3 (13:18):
To be white generally.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
So you're listening to the best of Clay Travis and
Buck Sexton.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
Laura Travis aka my wife was listening to my discussion
of her driving ability yesterday in the car, and she
wanted it to be said that she is twice as
good of a driver as I am, and that she
wanted to throw down the gauntlet and call me out
for what she termed and I thought it was an

aggressive take fake news about her driving ability. Now, she
did acknowledge that her mom was a really bad driver.
She did not offer any defense of her own mother,
but she said, I'm I'm quoting her a twice as
good of a driver as you are. I think she
said one hundred percent better. And she cited my aggressive

driving as frequently making her think that she is going
to die.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
So so.

Speaker 7 (14:18):
I would submit that if you ever drive with someone
in the car next to you who reacts aggressively to
everything that happens, even when there is no true peril,
it's not gonna surprise probably a lot of you that
I am not very often afraid while driving myself, But

if you have someone who sits next to you and
inhales breath or reacts uproariously every time that there is
a car in close proximity, I would submit again humbly,
that is my wife sitting next to me when I
am saving her life on a regular basis by not
allowing her to drive and kill us both.

Speaker 6 (14:57):
Does Laar then do the thing that maybe my own
wife Carrie does, where you have like two hundred yards
before the car ahead of you stops, but as you're
slowing down, there's the like that that thing or or
some other like like the chance that this was going
to result in a bad ending is maybe one in

a billion, but you still have to hear about it
as though you just you know, missed a stroller with
three babies in it going ninety miles an hour in
a twenty mile an hour zone, Like is that where
you are to?

Speaker 2 (15:30):
Yes, she said, Like I drove us back from the
beach this weekend and she said, I was going to
take a nap, but I was afraid we were going
to die. And I was like, is that why you
spent the whole time, you know, like on your phone
checking Instagram and not for the most part, paying attention
to what was going on?

Speaker 3 (15:45):
But I want it disclosed.

Speaker 6 (15:47):
As fast as you've ever been caught speeding, how much.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
Over have you go that. Yeah. Yeah, well I'm trying
to think.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Probably thirty miles over the speed limit, wow, not like
a Hey, I was only like eight eleven miles over.
I haven't I haven't gotten a ticket, although I have
not gotten a ticket in a couple of years now,
and so things are going well there. Inevitably I'm going

to now get pulled over, but I.

Speaker 3 (16:17):
Am aventure issues.

Speaker 6 (16:19):
He denies this, but all of my siblings and I
remember this because I was with him. I was young,
but I was with him. He got two speeding tickets
in one day. I've never heard of another human being
doing that. I've never heard of that happening I have.

Speaker 3 (16:33):
That is awesome.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
I have gotten a speeding ticket before and thought to myself, well,
clearly now I'm not at risk of getting a speeding ticket.
One of the funny things is one of the times
that I got pulled over was with my sixteen year old,
who I'm teaching to drive right now. I rode back
from school with him yesterday, which is a totally different
level of danger For anybody out there who's taught a

fifteen or sixteen year old how to drive a car.
You know what I'm talking about. But when he was
still in his car seat, we were driving to the beach.
And I've said this before on the show. I think
I have built some elementary schools in southern Alabama. There
are tons of communities down there that exist basically their
entire budget, I'm convinced is just to pull people over

who are driving to go to the beach. For instance,
I don't even know if we're on in this community Georgiana.
In Georgiana, Alabama, they should put a statue of me
up in the town square, because I swear that I
built a substantial portion of their elementary schools. Georgiana, Alabama
one of the all time number one traffic stop just

gauntlets of all the country. I've been pulled over there
a ton. And one of the times I got pulled
over there, I got pulled over and my he was
like three.

Speaker 3 (17:51):
At the time. My son had been told, Hey, we're
going to the beach. We're going to the beach.

Speaker 2 (17:55):
And when we got pulled over, he just popped up.
He had been watching a movie or something in the
back of the car, and he said, are we at
the beach yet? And uh and and mom said no,
do you see those flashing lights. Dad's gonna get arrested,
and I think he was. He was traumatized at the
age of three over that. But again I'm happy if
you are right now listening to us in Georgiana, Alabama.

The reason why your kids are well educated is because
by speeding through your community, I have funded the entire
educational system of that community in South Alabama.

Speaker 6 (18:27):
So Clay may be risking lives on the sidewalk, but
he is helping people with.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
Their abcs, So that is very nice. That's right.

Speaker 6 (18:33):
I would say the when you look at the numbers,
I don't have them handy. You look at the amount
of revenue that comes in some communities from speeding ticket
slash speed cameras. Now, yes, which is another speed traps
speed well, well, but I mean I mean the yeah,
it's not a person.

Speaker 3 (18:50):
They just take a photo. They don't even bother pulling
you down, pulling you over.

Speaker 6 (18:53):
Now, yeah, you look at the amount of money from that,
and you will have to read it a few times
because it will blow your mind. How much money.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
I mean, even.

Speaker 6 (19:02):
Smaller communities, millions and millions of dollars from this. Yes,
it becomes a major source of revenue to your point
about what's going on in this one part of South
Alabama you mentioned. I wish I could know all the
top I had team. If you can find this for me,
let me know. I remember a guy knew in the NYPD.
He was senior up enough that he was involved with

the finance and logistics side of things, and he told
me what the City of New York makes in parking
tickets every day in parking finds across the City of
New York. It is mind blowing. It's effectively an additional
tax on the city and the people in it, but
no one talks about it. But it's massive sums of money.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
And when I talk about a traffic like you know trap,
what speed trap? What I'm talking about is not like, hey,
the speed limits fifty five and they pull you over
cause you're going seventy. I'm talking about you're driving on
a road and there's no difference at all, and the
speed goes from fifty five to thirty five to twenty
five back to thirty, Like there is no way that

a normal person driving can maintain the correct speed without
being basically a scientist of the road and on ways
which I download and use all the time, now they
actually will mark these communities now where they have these
speed traps set up in these cameras that you're talking
about twenty five miles an hour on a road where

people you know are going sixty five or fifty five
on the opposite side a mile away.

Speaker 3 (20:32):
It's crazy.

Speaker 6 (20:33):
Ali may have to back me up on this one,
but there is that experience when you're in the Travis,
the Clay Travismobile, in his suv and he's driving where
you are like, you start to feel like almost in
a roller coaster, where your back sort of is being
pushed against the seat by these centrifugal force and you
also find yourself just like in a roller coaster, checking

to make sure that your seat belt is buckled. I'm
just saying that's a real thing. And Clay has driving
the car. All of a sudden, your stomach is kind
of hitting your spine and you're like, I hope the
seat belts work in this thing.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
It's just that's what Sally says is an accurate description.
I wanted to share Laura Travis's insults at my driving.
By the way, four million parking tickets issued two hundred
and sixty million in revenue in New York City from
parking tickets that is insane. Over what period from October
twenty twenty to September twenty twenty one, according to our crew.

Speaker 6 (21:30):
Two hundred and sixty million dollars in parking tickets.

Speaker 1 (21:33):
You're listening to the best of Clay Travis and buck Sexton.

Speaker 2 (21:37):
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show, and we're
going to dive into a lot more discussion of the
blood bath comment and all of those aspects.

Speaker 3 (21:50):
Some great clips for you coming.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
But I'm excited about this guest, and in fact, I'm
holding up for those of you who are watching us
on video right now at clayanbuck dot com. Bad Therapy
Why the Kids Aren't Growing Up by Abigail Shreer. I
am going to read this book. Buckets got his own
copy as well. We get a lot of books, Abigail,
who is with us now A lot of times. To

be frank, I don't have the time to be able
to read them. I put this on my list. My
wife wants to read it. You are absolutely killing it,
and so I want to start with this though before
we get into the book. You have had a similar
experience as me when American Playbook came out, it was
the number one selling nonfiction book in America. It did

not make the New York Times list. Your book went
to number one, I believe on Amazon, which is virtually
unheard of. It did not make one of the fifteen
best selling books in America. This is one of the
best endorsements of a book I can give you, because
to me, it means The Times does not want.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
Your book to get the publicity and attention.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
Explain that for listeners out there, who I think a
lot of people think the New York Times just ranks
the best selling books.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
They don't at all.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
What why is this significant? And what does it say
to you that they have avoided recognizing how many people
are buying and reading your book.

Speaker 8 (23:13):
Well, you know, they don't like anybody who kicks the
legs out of their narrative, right. So with the last book,
they were very unhappy with me because I wrote, you know,
about the epidemic of teenage girls deciding they were transgender,
and I, you know, pointed out the risks and I
argued it was a social contagion. And the book was
really successful, and that bothered the New York Times a

lot because eventually they had to admit those risks. So
in this book, you Know, Bad Therapy really just says that,
you know, the the question is why are these why
does this generation think it so unwell? Why are they
awash and diagnosis? Why are they constantly taking mental health
days off of work? Why do they think that there?

Why are they all and why don't they all have
a diagnosis? Why are they all on psychmads or so
many of them? And why do they never say they're
shy they have social phobia, and they never say they're nervous,
They say they have anxiety. They never say they're sad,
they say they're depressed. And the point of the book
was really to empower parents to stop listening to these

so called experts who are really undermining parental authority, really
undermining especially dad's ability to do what they think is right.
It's often the men get who have changed the most
and gotten the most undermined by these so called experts.
And that's the last group that The New York Times
ever wants to give any power to.

Speaker 6 (24:40):
Abigail's back thanks for being with us. To what degree
do you think there's some connection possibly between the fact
that the psychiatric and psychologist profession is by far, according
to all the data, and I don't think anybody disagrees
with this, the most left wing by political affiliation of
any of the medical specialties. I mean to the point

where now you have some of these medical associations that
are going along with and you wrote the book about,
you know, gender identity disorder, genditis for you or whatever.
They're going along with things like men can get pregnant.
I mean, they actually are going along with anti science.
How much politicization is to blame for this, sure so

a lot.

Speaker 8 (25:25):
I mean the group that had remember these accrediting organizations,
had nothing to say when kids were heading into a
second year of lockt lockest What did they do. They
showed up in Congress to warn about police tactics, climate change,
right and systemic racism. They had a lot to say
about that. Now they think there's the solution to kids'

mental health. You know, in the book, I argue, there
are a large part of the problem. And here's the
connection to what you just raised. You know, if you
have intergenerational trauma, if all kids are walking around with
the trauma of their ancestors. Not true, by the way,
it's a lot of nonsense. But if they are, then
colonialism and slavery are with us today. There continue to

harm these kids. Now we know it isn't true. It
hasn't been true, and I went into the research to
show that it wasn't true, But you know them. Unfortunately,
a lot of good parents have been undermined by the
idea that they don't know what's best for their kids'
mental health, and so they've been strong armed once again
into not doing what's right for their kids.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Bad Therapy is the book Why the Kids Aren't Growing Up?
And I am already starting to read this a little bit, Abigail,
but I've read your excerpts. I think it was in
the Wall Street Journal, which I thought was really interesting,
And I want you to expand upon this because I
see it at the front of the book too. Talk

therapy can induce rumination, trapping kids in cycles of anxiety
and depression.

Speaker 3 (26:56):
This is what some of your research has found.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
Social emotional learning handicaps our most vulnerable children in both
public schools and private The piece that I read that
you excerpted was talking about how as parents were constantly
sort of taught to ask our kids how they feel,
and that that is making kids believe that whatever their
feeling is is their truth, as opposed to teaching them

that their emotions are going to vary and that it
can't be the guidepost of their life.

Speaker 3 (27:27):
I thought it was so fascinating.

Speaker 2 (27:29):
Explain what you uncovered about that focusing on feelings and
treating them as legitimate.

Speaker 8 (27:36):
Sure, focusing on feelings, which we know are in constant
and often even inaccurate guides to whether we have been
hurt or injured, or whether we're in the right Catting
kids to constantly focus on their feelings is actually a
recipe for misery.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
We know this.

Speaker 8 (27:51):
The psychological research shows it. We're just doing the opposite.
We're going into schools and as parents were doing the
same thing. We're constantly asking kids how are they feeling
about this? How are they feeling about that? We're inducing
a constant focus on their negative feelings. Why is it negative? Because,
of course, if you ask someone constantly how they're feeling,

they're actually going to produce mostly negative responses. And the
reason is in all of our you know, thousands of
wakeful seconds, most of them are not in a state
called happy. They're in some kind of period of you know, irritation, itch, discomfort, worry,
and getting kids to focus on those things while rather

than going out and doing good. That's the opposite of
what we want to be doing. But the other's another
bad thing when with things like social emotional learning, constantly
asking kids about their negative feelings in school. But what
I want parents to know is it naturally tees up
a criticism of the parents. Why because parents are the
ones whose job it is to keep a child safe.

So if they were terribly traumatized by an incident, the
next question is where was mom.

Speaker 2 (29:05):
I think the data you mentioned dads, I think the
data and I'm curious if you find this that as
dads have become less involved in two parent households, the
overall health of kids has collapsed, mental health in many ways.
And there's this idea, and I bet you've read about
it and studied at Abigail that lots of people, even

on the left, they talk left, but they live right.
That is, they have nuclear families in their own life.
A lot of people wagging their finger at you on
MSNBC and CNN. They are married to a woman or
they're married to a man. They have traditional household structures.
They raise the kids in the two parent household, and
then they lecture anyone who suggests that that would be

a good model, even though they're following it themselves. Where
does fatherhood rank and factor in here in your research?

Speaker 8 (29:56):
So what father is that men are the ones who
have changed the most in terms of parenting in the
last generation. And here's why. All of their instincts, they
were told are bad for the kids' mental health. Telling
a kid you'll live, you're going to be fine, shake
it off or knock it off, that kind of thing.
They were told, don't do that. It's bad for their

mental health. Basically, that would that is the wrong way
to proceed. And so the kids got no balance. They
got constant empathy, they got constant you know, eliciting of
their feelings, and never a sense that they would be resilient,
they would be fine. And here's the other thing. They
weren't told that their grandparents went through much worse. See

your grandparents, that's the only proof you've got that your
genetic material is resilient. They need to hear what dad
and mom and grandparents went through and great grandparents went through.
It's the only proof they've got that, they can get
through it too.

Speaker 6 (30:55):
Abigail Schreyer, the author Bad Therapy While the Kids Aren't
Growing Up is the book, recommend you all get a
copy of it now. And just in terms of the
therapy component of this for kids, how much of this
do you think is also the usage of the medicalization
of childhood discontent, which we all go through at different times. Right,

we all skin our knee at different times, we fall
off the jungle gym, although now I don't even if
there are jungle gyms anymore, like you can't really the
playgrounds have changed a lot from what they used to be.
But by medicalizing these problems, it means that they can
get at kids and indoctrinate them younger and younger.

Speaker 8 (31:36):
That's right. They get them into the mental health pipeline
and they never leave. They just get more and more medication.
And here's the thing. Sometimes kids are going through a
bad phase. Sometimes they're going to outgrow it. And there's
something else too. When you get in and delete their
normal resources with medication, their normal sadness, you're also capping
the happiness, the highs. You're altering. You may be deleting

a sex drive and the young kid who's just starting puberty,
and you're doing all the things that will make it
harder for them to adjust to and cope with normal life.
And that's what we're seeing, a generation that.

Speaker 1 (32:10):
Can't cope, Abigail.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
How much does social media play in here in terms
of I talk about this on the show sometimes. One
of the most staggering stats I've seen, thirty percent of
teenage girls have thought about killing themselves in the last year.
I mean, that is an unbelievable number. Obviously, that is
feelings triumphing over the logic of their life, because I
can't imagine that thirty percent of women and teenage girls

are actually living in dire straits.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
How much of that is a.

Speaker 2 (32:38):
Function of the feelings that they get from social media?
And how should parents, in your mind contemplate social media.

Speaker 8 (32:46):
Social media is bad. It's hurting this problem, no doubt.

Speaker 9 (32:51):
You know.

Speaker 8 (32:51):
I wrote about the last book, a social contagion of
trans identification that was basically spread largely through social media.
But here's the problem. The sad things they're stealing, the
sad feelings they have, you know, if they feel lonely
and depressed, partially because social media, we're then remediating it
with mental health, not giving them a better life, not

taking away the phone, not curbing social media, but giving
them more and more mental health interventions that aren't working. Diagnosis, medication,
it's not working. Its counterproductive. Why because it's the life
that's a problem. And the reason we know this is
liberal boys from teenage Teenage boys from liberal families have

worse mental health. Sorry, teenage boys from liberal families have
worse mental health than teenage girls from conservative families. Now,
let me tell you, the girls are on a lot
more social media, but the difference is in the environment.
The lack of authority from parents, the introduction of mental
health experts into the home at the first indication of

sadness or a problem, all those things, and the constant
surveillance of any activity, never letting these kids have real
independence and trying to do something in the world even
when it's dangerous or has potential danger, like walking home
from school. Those are all things that make a kid
feel capable, and we're not letting him do those things.

Speaker 6 (34:18):
Abigail Schreyer, Everybody, Why the Kids Aren't growing up? Bad therapy.
Why the Kids Aren't growing Up? Is the book Abigail,
thanks so much for being with us. Appreciate the time.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
Oh thank you.

Speaker 8 (34:27):
Take care.

Speaker 1 (34:28):
You're listening to the best of Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 3 (34:32):
Let's be honest as we go in.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
You and I spent four hours yesterday at a photo
shoot for PR for the show here in Nashville.

Speaker 3 (34:44):
That's why you came to town.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
How many hours of live radio would you rather do
than a four hour photo shoot? I'm not gonna lie.
I was so tired after that photo shoot. I think
I'd rather do three days of radio than one day
of a four hour photo shoot.

Speaker 3 (35:05):
What about you?

Speaker 6 (35:06):
I would speak until my vocal cords turned to actual mush.

Speaker 3 (35:11):
Before I would keep doing that.

Speaker 6 (35:12):
And when they you know, I'm not good at to
make love to the camera like, that's not it's not
my skill set.

Speaker 3 (35:18):
I try. I have a weird crooked.

Speaker 6 (35:21):
Smile that looks like a smirk.

Speaker 3 (35:24):
You know.

Speaker 2 (35:25):
It's yeah, just I will tell you, And I told
you this yesterday my way my wife. I told her, hey,
I've got the photo shoot. She gave me two garment
bags of clothes. She didn't even ask me what I
thought I should wear. I had no idea what she
had packed until I opened it up and there were

handwritten notes in there of what was supposed to be
paired together because she didn't even trust me to unzip
it and put on the appropriate clothing.

Speaker 3 (35:59):
That's how little I was involved in the choice of
my time.

Speaker 6 (36:03):
I'm going to share something a little behind the scenes, okay,
because I had to point this out.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
I was told.

Speaker 6 (36:10):
I was told, for at least the more formal shots,
no boat shoes. Now I feel called out by that
a little bit, okay, because I am known and have
been for a long time. I've been wearing boat shoes
since I think I was six years old. I've worn
so many pair always Sparry, by the way, the real,
the original.

Speaker 2 (36:27):
They were not very cool for a long time. Then
they became super cool, Wendy, they become super cool. Yeah
they are.

Speaker 6 (36:34):
They are in style right now. And so I tried
to bring this up to my wife, who then pointed
out to me, no, you're not on trend, because you're
so off trend for so many years that the trend
finally comes in your direction. I was like, but, but
but the broken clock. It's apparently with fashion you're not
allowed to do that. Like I can't take a victory

lap because I've been wearing shoes that are meant for
cuddly grandpa's mostly or people that are on yachts, but
really mostly cuddly grandpa's. They are my favorite form of footwear.
They are now truly check it out. Don't take my
word for it. In style the I accident. I am
very fessio nab and yet I was told I have

to wear like big boys shoes and I did, so
there we go.

Speaker 5 (37:19):
It was.

Speaker 2 (37:19):
It was a long process by which all of you
need to be drinking as much coffee as Buck and
I are. Because Crockett Coffee, which I think we have
neglected to mention during the course of today's show, which
is a huge failure, is absolutely phenomenal. Crocketcoffee dot Com.
I'm gonna be pounding it this weekend when I sit

down and read my newspapers on Saturday and Sunday, and
I know you will too, Buck, because you got a
bunch of travel. You're gonna be bouncing all over the place,
and I can't wait.

Speaker 6 (37:52):
Crocketcoffee dot Com. Please subscribe. That's the best way to
do it. That's how you get your best deal. Some
of you asked for organic blend and also a light roast.
Those are coming in the next couple of months. So
we have more products that we're rolling out. But subscribe now,
get those savings, get your delicious Crocket coffee. Go to
Crockettcoffee dot com and we have I believe we have.

Speaker 2 (38:14):
A few cut thirty one out there is one of
our listeners responding on the Harrison Butker situation.

Speaker 3 (38:21):
I believe listen to this.

Speaker 9 (38:22):
I think that Harrison fucker happens to be the most
beautiful man in this country right now. And I accidentally
ran across his commencement speech on my phone and I cried.
I'm seventy eight years old, and I.

Speaker 6 (38:42):
Cried, Oh, it's very very touching to say to this,
to this caller saying that Harrison's the most beautiful man
in the country.

Speaker 3 (38:52):
You didn't see.

Speaker 6 (38:53):
Clay Rocket all of his looks yesterday at the photo shoot.
I'm just saying, Clay's been working.

Speaker 1 (38:57):
Out the photo.

Speaker 3 (39:00):
I know I'm gonna go. I don't even I know.
Russ used to say this too, and I'm sure you
see this as well.

Speaker 2 (39:08):
The percentage of the time that I do video that
people don't comment about anything I said at all.

Speaker 3 (39:16):
It's all cosmetic.

Speaker 2 (39:19):
Continues to stagger me, and I know I shouldn't because
I've been doing live television for like a decade now,
but whenever I jump in the comments, the amount that
has nothing whatsoever to do with anything that I've said
blows my mind. And I understand that I can't be
trusted to dress myself, which is certainly an indictment of
my fashion sense, But I just I'm blown up, Like,

how many guys that you know really spend a lot
of time on fashion? Is it a high percentage? It
doesn't seem to me yet. On social media, it's like
all these guys spend a time ton of time on
this stuff.

Speaker 6 (39:49):
And what people don't realize is that in our in
the industry, meaning like TV news and such, all the
big names you know, pretty much, they all have people
that dress them as a job. That's very common.

Speaker 3 (40:03):
They have stylist.

Speaker 6 (40:05):
All the networks have stylists that are picking their clothing
and lining. So if you're like, oh so and so
is so well dressed over at CNN, No, the professional
fashion person that picks out their clothing make sure they're
well dressed. Clay and I get our own flip flops,
our own baggy shorts, and our own faded T shirts together.

Speaker 3 (40:24):
Thank you,

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