All Episodes

August 12, 2024 36 mins
Pennsylvania says they won't count all the votes on election night. Trump ad on Kamala. Trump doing interview with Elon Musk on X. iHeart talkback question. JD Vance destroys Walz's stolen valor lies. Why is RFK Jr. still in the race? Kyle Smith rips Walz military lies. Fauci gets covid for 3rd time, after 6 shots. VIP emails and calls.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Plays on vacation for the week. This is buck We're
gonna dive into the Trump side of the equation of
this election. Now we are less than three months from
election day. Pretty crazy when you think about how quickly
this whole thing is going to come to a conclusion. Now,

I would note it may not be election night, you
see Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has officially put out that from the
Pennsylvania Department of State that they won't always know the
final results of all races on election night. Any changes

in results that occur as counties continue to count ballots
are not evidence that an election is rigged. See the
full explanation at vote dot Pa. Blah blah blah. Isn't
it amazing? I mean Florida can get us a count
that night. I think the entire country of France can
get say day count in lots of places can do

the count. But in Pennsylvania, no, they can't.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
And I think it's reasonable for people to say, oh,
you mean the critical swing state where Democrats broke the
state constitution in twenty twenty in order to change voting
regulations to favor their side.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
Never mind anything else that you think was going on there.
The state that is the single most important. Yes, the
keystone state is the keystone in this election. They can't
get us on election night a final tally, and they
want us to just be okay with that. I know. Look,

we got a lot of GOP lawyers in place, we
got a lot of poll watchers. We talked to Chairman
Wattley of the RNC on this one. He's on it.
He knows. I've talked to him personally off line. He's
on it. He knows, he gets it. You know, we're
we have learned lessons from twenty twenty. The GOP has

learned lessons specifically, Well, this situation Pennsylvania is, Oh boy,
can you imagine if it really just comes down to
that night, comes down to Pennsylvania and then all of
a sudden, well, we don't know. We'll get back to
you in a few days. Let's see how many votes
Trump has first before we tell you what the final

vote tally is. It's not gonna be good. It's not
gonna be good. A little bit a little bit of
a problem here though, is I mentioned Trump and where
his messaging stands? Here is Trump right now on this
campaign play it, this is the final.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
Battle with you at my side, we will demolish the
deep state. We will expel the warmongers from our government.
We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out
the communists, Marxist and fascists. We will roll off the
sick political class that hates our country. We will route
the fake news media, and we will liberate America from these.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
Villains once heer of. Remember, we just witness an election
with a massive seesaw effect in the polls. Yes, I
know they changed out candidates, but perception can shift very rapidly.
Look what happened to Biden after that one debate. Kamala

has agreed to debate Trump. Now, Kamala doesn't have dementia.
A lot of things you can say about her, but
there's no evidence that she has dementia or senility or
you know age old or you know old age rather issues. Okay,
to be fair, but she is going to be pressed
at least by Trump, if not by the moderators, which

I'm sure they'll go very easy on her and try
to box Trump in at every occasion. But there's going
to be moments for Trump to hammer home that this
person is Kamala Harris is a fraud is a political chameleon.
You know, it's funny. I just saw this Byron York
piece and Washington Examiner. Byron's a very good writer, and

it's no Kamala Harris cannot flip the script on the border.
A candidate with an indelible record on an issue can't
just push a button and purport to be the opposite.
Some scripts can't be flipped. That's his headline for the
piece he wrote up at Washington Examiner. And I will
just say, yeah, that's exactly right. You can't just this

would be like Bernie Sanders saying, you know, I'm an
I'm an unreconstructed ultra capitalist. I just think whoever makes
the money keeps the money. Then that's the best way.
You know, Bernie Sanders is not allowed to just all
of a sudden decide when he wants to be elected.

I know he's not in this race, but you get
what I'm saying. Oh yeah, I'm actually the low tax,
small government guy like you. Just can't do that, and
that's what Kamala is trying to do on the border.
She has been part of the worst administration ever on
this issue, with the most pro illegal immigration policies ever,
and now she's trying to tell you that she's strong

on the border. Trump will call this out. The media
is trying so hard. They want you to be afraid
because they're afraid. They're afraid Trump is going to win,
so they are trying to I guess you could say
the psychologist might call this projection. They're trying to convince
you that you are the one who should be afraid

because Kamala is so amazing. No, she's not, they know
she's not. In fact, you can go back. It's fun.
I was doing it last night just to sort of
see what I can come up with. Go back and
see all the commentary about how Kamala Harris was a
drag on the Biden ticket, and so the guy who

couldn't even run for reelection all the way, the guy
who had to abort the mission mid midway through, was
within the last twelve months considered to be so much
better than Kamala that he should consider replacing Kamala because
nobody likes her and she's bad at her job. And

now it's just whoop, snap of the fingers. Kamala Harris
is amazing, great on the border, very tough, very tough
on the border. Oh, going to lower prices, Oh going
to help you pay the bills and be so good
for the economy. I mean, who could believe this stuff?
The people who are voting for Kamala don't believe this stuff.

They know, as I've said, for them, it's you know, abortion,
identity politics, you know, fifth wave feminism or whatever it is,
third wave femin you know, whatever wave it is, way
fifth wave? Who cares? It's a wave and it's bad. Okay,
it's a wave and it's bad for America. And I
think that this is the the ultimate challenge they have

is that they're relying on mass delusion for her election.
This is a mass delusion election for Kamala Harris. If
they can succeed in manufacturing that delusion, they will be
in the place they need to be to win. That's it,
because if it's an election based on facts, logic, reason, records, truth,

she can't win. No way she can win. And I
think you know she'll get she'll get beaten resoundingly. But
we've gone through crazy times as a country. And what
what COVID reminded me of was or maybe taught me
in a way that I had never even experienced before.
Was it massed? Illusion is a very real thing in

America that you can get people to embrace with religious fervor,
irrational policy, and government mandated lies. And now they're trying to,
in a sense, run that same playbook to get Kamala
in office. They're telling us things about her that we
all know to be untrue, and they don't care, and

they're just going to keep saying them. They're gaslighting three
hundred and fifty million people and they're doing so thinking
that they're the good guys. Now back to the Trump
side of things, I do we need to get Trump's
going to be hit more rallies. Trump's going to be
out there, He's going to be tonight on x the

platform formerly known as Twitter, which Elon Musk has bought,
and I think is one of the most important advantages
that we have now versus twenty twenty, the fact that
there is a free and open information platform for the truth.

Think about all the clips of Kamala Harris's past comments
and everything else, and there's so much and you have
remember it's not just oh, they're not banning it, they're
not shadow banning it. So a lot of things that
we believe. Oh the old Twitter let us say this
or that. Yeah, but nobody saw it. So did it
really get said? Did it really make any difference?

Speaker 4 (09:21):
Were you?

Speaker 1 (09:22):
If you're on X And by the way, I hope
if you follow politics. I really think x's is a
great resource, and I hope you're on it, and I
hope you follow me and you follow Clay and it's
a it's a really useful tool if you're into politics
and current events. I'm just gonna say it more so
than you know. I mean, there's a Clay and buck
app is fabulous, but the other news sites out there,

X's I think the single most valuable news gathering tool
that exists right now. So once you get using it.
But anyway, Donald Trump is going to be on X
tonight with Elon Musk at eight o'clock. We need more
of this. We need more of Trump on a big platform. Look,
truth social is great, but that's you know. I'm on truth.

I post on truth. But truth is is Magaville right
or Nagaville? Do we ever get a I need to
ask the big guy. I've never asked him this. Do
we go maga or maga? Which do we prefer. You know,
you yell at me. I'm you out there yell at me.
Whichever way I say, there are people who say I

should say it the other way. So I need to
get I need to get a from the top, from
the big guy himself. I need to ask Trump which
one he prefers. He'll probably say whatever, who cares say
it however you want. At least then will know. At
least then we'll have a ruling from on high. But
we need Trump to be able to take the message

directly to the people and go around the filter of
the media. That is what he did successfully in twenty
sixteen using Twitter, before he was considered a true political threat.
They thought he was a clown. So did CNN, so
did all the They thought, oh, isn't this great. The
more people see of Trump, the more Hillary's going to win. Well,
they were wrong. Then they changed that in twenty twenty, right,

they learned the lesson. They weren't fighting the last war,
they were fighting the war of twenty twenty for political office.
And then this time around it has shifted back where
we can actually have a an open and honest discussion
about both what Trump brings to the table and the
lies that are being told. Abou Kamala Hair. So I
think this is is very significant. And look at the

look at the the tim Walls controversies already, how they've
been talking about tim Walls well in a range of things,
the support of putting tampons in boys bathrooms. As a politician,
think about that, What a weirdo? Honestly, he's the one
that's trying to call jd Vance and Trump weird, Like
what exactly is weird about JD Vance? He's an incredible

success story, also self made. And I really do believe
that there's an effort on the left to if you
are a self if you are a self made success,
particularly as a white male in this country today, you
are to be undermined and and constantly, you know, shoved
out of the spotlight. You know, we don't want to
hear about that. You didn't build that, right, You weren't.

You weren't responsible. It took a village, it takes everyone.
It's a collective project, right, And that's a lie. Jd
Vance did build it, so to speak, He built his career,
He built his his uh success through talent and hard
work and perseverance, perseverance, probably the most important trade a
person can have in their success over their lifetime, and

one of the ones that gets talked about the least,
you know, psychological endurance, perseverance, stick, touitiveness, however you want
to call it, resilience. That's what really matters. People talk
so much about talent. Talent's a gift. Talent's great, But
you gotta work hard, Okay, hard work. A lot of
people work hard though. I always say this, you know,

talk to somebody who's digging ditches by the side of
the road. Do you work hard? Yeah? Does he get
paid a lot? No? And so hard work is not
a pathway necessarily to success either. But if you add talent,
hard work, and perseverance, resilience, persistence, then you've really got something.

And Jdvance, I think exemplifies that. And I think Jdvans
exemplifies that no matter what skin color you are, no
matter what gender male or female you are, that he
is the promise of the American dream. And that's not
the American dream that the Democrats want to promote. It's
not about what you do that's exceptional and that you overcome.

It's where do you fit within the system, what category
do you fall into and what does the machine choose
to elevate you to, you know, kind of like Kamala Harris,
there's very distinct visions of the American future that are
on display in this election right, very different futures for America.

Do we have a future where the American dream is
you can be as successful as you can as your
talents and will and grit will take you. Or some
people have to suffer, some people have to lose opportunities
because of historical injustice, or they have to step aside
now to make way for glass ceilings to be shattered

or whatever. That's when you get into that Marxist stuff
that's at stake at in this election as well, very
much so, it's actually in the forefront. And as you know,
I was talking about how Kamala Harris is an abortion extremists,
no question about that. She's never moderated or changed on
that position. She believes an abortion all nine months of

her pregnancy for any reason whatsoever. So that extremism and
that evil is out there. And when a woman experiences
an unplanned pregnancy so many times they're going to have
that feeling of being alone and also the pressure around them,
societal pressure, maybe even friend and family pressure. Oh, you

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Speaker 5 (16:39):
Stories are Freedom Stories of America, inspirational stories that you
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Speaker 1 (16:45):
Each day, spend time with Clay and buy. Find them
on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.
Welcome back in se you. We're gonna get some of
your calls here, and I want to remind you that
you also can leave us a voice message on the
iHeart app. Anyone. All listeners, not just VIPs, can send
a talkback message. Press a little microphone on the iHeart app.

We got one of them here. KFYI listener Mike number
twenty five, hit it.

Speaker 6 (17:11):
Hey Buck, this is Mike or Phoenix. I have never
voted in anything in my life. The only thing that
would get me to vote right now would be make
sure that Trump takes out the irs. If you take
out the Irs, I'll get my whole family to vote.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
They've never voted either. I gotta say I like the idea.
I mean, first of all, you need a massive simplification
of the tax code, and then the IRS could be
this very small enforcement entity that's just like look, simplified
tax code. Everyone knows what you owe, you pay the tax,
flat tax. Let's get it going. I like it, but

you know, I haven't heard Trump talk about it. I'll
talk to some people who can get it in his ear. Though,
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in Buck sent me. That's fifty Choq three thousand. He
said weapons of war. He was talking in a campaign stop.

Speaker 5 (18:56):
About he was trying to talk about gun control and.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
He said of war, I carried in war.

Speaker 5 (19:02):
I will say that the Harris Walls campaign did say
that the governor misspoke there. Sure do you accept that
he misspoke? Another word is that he lied about it,
and he didn't correct the record for fifteen years until
he was put under political pressure because I called it out, Dana,
whatever you want to call it a misspeaking or a lie.
I think Tim Waltz should have to correct the record.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
Yes he should. But you'll notice CNN basically acting as
a pr arm of the Harris Wall's campaign. And this
is one of the reason why I think JD. Vance
is such a good VP. You're not gonna outthink he's
smarter than all these journalists. I'm just gonna say it, Okay,

he's smarter than them with very very few exceptions, or
maybe a couple of journals are kind of at the
same wavelength brain wise, but they're not more clever, not
able to you know, some of the people that the
GOP has put forward in very high level political positions,
they get jammed up. They do. And you know, I

don't have to name the names. You know, you know
people that the media pounce. They like to say that
about us, so I like to say it back. They pounce,
and they're the ambush works, and all of a sudden,
we got a problem on our hands. They tried this
with the whole JD Evans talking about cat ladies. Yeah,
if you take out of context that he said, I'm
not talking about women who have never been in a

position to have the partner that they wanted, a husband,
they wanted to have a baby, or people who can't
have babies, people who have health issues or genetic challenges.
That's you know, we're very sympathetic to that. He said
all of that, but the media ran this whole. Oh well,
look what he said about the cat ladies. A lot
of women who have cats also have five kids too,
or or you know whatever. A lot of women who

have cats are super conservative and right about everything, so
he was speaking in general terms, but they tried to
misrepresent what he said. Now that that little tempest in
a teapot, I think has passed. And also, you know,
the women who are really upset about the JD vance
position are overwhelmingly they were going to vote for Harris
or Biden or any Democrat anyway. By the way, are

we getting RFK Junior on the show? Guys? Remember he
said he wanted to come on recently, right, his team
reached out because yeah, we're we're working on it. I
don't know, because I just we're at a point now
where I can't play games anymore. I don't understand why
he's still in the race. I don't know what he
thinks he's accomplishing other than distorting the end result. Now, yeah,
if he distorts it so that Trump wins, will I

be happy? Sure, But I'm not convinced at all that
that's going to be the case. And I think whatever
you believed was going to be the case, you have
to take into account that it's different now that it's
no longer a a Biden ticket, Right, shouldn't that shift around?
I mean, who if he was pulling if RFK Junior

was pulling from Biden mostly or you know, by a majority.
Is that the same with Harris? I don't know, and
we don't have a lot of time to look at
the numbers and the the data on this to come
to a final conclusion. So I this is a a
Kamala Harris Donald Trump election, full stop. Okay. I mean yeah,

they have VP candidates too, but this is Trump Harris.
That's that's what the real contest is. So we'll have
r f GA Junior on. I know, you could say
you like that he has a voice in this, and
I don't know the the fascination with him early on,
I liked him on COVID. Clay is far more favorable
and it look isn't that good? Right? I mean Clay

and I were both we're both right wing, but we
don't always see the right the same way. You know,
he's a little more favorable to RFK Junior in general
than I am. So he you know, you have that
voice here and day in and day out of somebody
who was a whole On a second, I like what
r FKA Junior says. I I tend to be I
was open to hearing about it, and now I don't
don't really think it serves a purpose anymore in the election.

In the election, I agree with him on COVID and
that's about it. And then on the Walls issue, Kyle Smith,
who is a film critic for the Wall Street Journal,
and I think, honestly an excellent film critic. I take
Kyle's They're not a lot of people who I can
read what they write about movies. Usually, if the audience

loves it and the critics hate it, that's when you
know you want to go see it. Right if it's
eighty five percent positive on the Rotten Tomatoes from the
audience and in the forties or below for audience, it's like,
oh man, this must be fun. And maybe there's some
traditional values of like good versus evil embodied in this movie.
I might have to go check this out. But Kyle
Smith had this thread on X that I wanted to

share with you that I think gets lays out very
well the Tim Wall's issue, which is is certainly a
challenge for him right now. Kyle writes, there is no
doubt now that Tim Walls dodged deployment, abandoning his troops
as the number one enlisted soldier in his unit when
it was going to Iraq, repeatedly and incorrectly said he

was a retired sergeant major when he retired one rank
below that. He ate and implied Afghanistan War service when
the closest he got was Italy. This is bad, Kyle continues. Fundamentally,
the Dems just don't speak military, so these kinds of
details wouldn't even have occurred to them. They literally didn't

know what they didn't know. I think that's important, by
the way, for Democrats so often they think of the
military as just a thing that, oh, great, we can
say this guy served. You know, you think of some
of the more prominent Democrat veterans currently in senior government positions.

I mean, who's the first one that comes to mind,
booda judge, you know, I mean the guy served. Sure, yes, true,
thank you for your service. Right, but you know, you
don't have a culture. You just don't have the same connectivity.
And it's like when it's like when Libs talk about guns,

Yeah they got a few, they got there's some Democrats
who own guns, Tim Walls for example, right, but they're
they're not part of the gun culture. And the Democrats
don't really embrace the marshall and honestly on military culture
the same way. They just don't. I mean, I know
there are a lot of Democrats who serve, but they
just are not as attuned as a party mechanism. The

Democrat party is not as attuned to this issue. So
I think that is a part of it. I think,
in astute observation from Kyle Smith, he keeps going. Jd
Vance is going to shred walls on this. The WAPO
Washington Post fact check confirms all the above, but couches
it in the mildest and least judgmental language. Possibly find

to serve twenty four years and then finally get the
call to do something. Really, trying to retroactively earn all
those paychecks, as it were, and then run away to
a military sensibility is just unconscionable. Cutting and running when
he had already reached the conditional highest enlisted rank of

E nine meant that he was effectively cutting his own
pay significantly for the rest of his life rather than
go to Iraq. I see the let's change the subject responses.
The fact that you have no response to this is
acknowledged and I suspect that when military people talk all

democrats here is the miss athmar voice from Peanuts, but
serving in the National Guard is not very impressive as
a military credential. Wow, Kyle, Kyle's just like, look, he's
a veteran. This is Wall Street Journal film critic. He is.
I'm just quoting Kyle's but he's having none of it.

He's having none of it. And I think there are
a lot of other people out there who certainly agree
with a with a lot of that. I mean, Kyle's
gone even. Look, we had Sean Parnell and as a
combat veteran, I mean Shaan was Sean was in long
and numerous gun battles for his life and lost his
lost soldiers under his command and thought he was going

to die. I mean, I've talked to Shawn's been a
friend of mine for fourteen years, thirteen fourteen years now,
so we've talked about this, you know, over drinks, as
guys do. And he thinks that what Walls did was cowardice.
He used that word on the show. And Seawan is
not you know, he he is a if you you know,
if you've got the American flag on your shoulder, and

your servant the military. You know, you deserve respect and honor.
But he will not. He will not allow people to
get away with misrepresenting their service or abandoning those under
their command. Right. I mean, there's a reason why we
have UCMJA. It's I'm like, oh, this person served, and
you know Democrats do this with everything, but you're not

allowed to criticize military service. But it's a Democrats military service.
Remember they ran the fake National This cost Dan Rather
his career at CBS Evening News. They ran the fake
National Guard documents to throw an election against George W. Bush.
It's falsified documents. I mean, I don't think we even
spent enough time remembering some of the things Democrats have tried,

Russia collusion against Trump. Obviously, they ran forged military service
record to try to throw a presidential election. The one
or two number, you know, was the biggest or the
second biggest news show in the world at that time.
Democrat aligned. I mean, Dan Rather was an imbecile by
the way. I mean, that's kind of funny. You know,

I actually worked at CBS even News as an intern.
I was eighteen years old, and I remember just being
like this guy's an idiot. I was eighteen. He showed
up and it just kind of sounds trying to sound
the parts and make sure that my hair looks exactly
the same every night. And oh the gold standard off.
He's an actor. He's an actor. Oh he's going to
all the dangerous places. Yeah, they have fixers that let

them fly in and they stand, you know, with some
kind of like you know, oh, war on terror. There's
a mosque in the background. Whooh, so impressive. Anyway, they'll
do anything, though, and they'll criticize military service, and they
will be as nasty as they can be and then
turn around and say, how dare you do that? How
dare you remember the answer to the question do the

Democrats have any shame? No, they don't. They do not
have shame. You know. For people in Israel right now,
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IFCJ dot org. Speak Out with the guys on the
Sunday Hang with Clay and Buck podcast, a new episode
every Sunday. Find it on the iHeart app or wherever

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corporation probably hates your values and they're like, you know, hey,
like maybe you can get Oh wait, I forgot I
was gonna say, maybe you can get your eighth shot.
That Fauci made an appearance recently to let everybody know,

in case you're really worried, doctor Fauci here he is everyone.
You thought he was gone, just counting his millions in
farmer stock proceeds and all the rest. And no. Instead,
here he is telling you that after getting six six
count them shots for COVID, sure enough, Fauci has COVID.

Play it. I got infected about two weeks ago. It
was my third infection, and I had been vaccinated and
boosted a total of six times. It's insane, you know.
The sixth time it was a little better than the fifth.
The fourth. I gotta say, I feel like they deviated

from the script and I wasn't as involved with the characters,
if you will. But the sixth episode of My Vaccine Nation,
I really thought they nailed it. And but I got COVID. Anyway,
what this guy, I swear the fouch he's out there still,

you know. Really, I just wish he would have taken
the virus more seriously and gotten shots number seven and eight.
Otherwise he might have been able to avoid the sniffle
that he had for several days. He had a sniffle,
That's what I'm told. Yeah, and let me tell you

I had a sniffle. May mean I just had COVID.
Oh no, oh no, I didn't test for it. So
whatever VIP email from George, let's mention more often the
people need to get out and vote, because that is
the most important support there is. Without the votes, all
the other effort is for not George, I just did it.
So there you go. Yes, all of you, you must vote.

You must vote. We you know, Clay hits that a lot.
You know, Clay likes to write rally the troops and
get everyone focused and fired up to make sure you're
going to vote. And also that person you know, someone
you know, someone who would vote for Trump if they
were to vote, but you know, no, and I got
a little you know, and I got to go into

the thing, or I got to go to the place,
I got a register or whatever. If you get that
one friend to say, look, man, you got to do
this one. You got to vote this time, it can
make it can make all the difference. And when you're
talking about what ten thousand, fifteen thousand votes being the
difference in an election like Georgia or Michigan or there

are millions of people who listen to this show, millions,
so how many of you actually need to in some
of those states. Make sure you get out and vote
and encourage other, you know, citizens, lawful voters to get
out there and do the same. Not that many of
you so well, you know, I'm just I'm just saying

that the vip emailers has a good point. Let's see
Mike in Ohio. What's going on, Mike.

Speaker 4 (35:11):
Bog Thanks for taking my call. Love listening to you guys.
You guys are a wealth of information. I just want
to say to people, if you don't know the school
that these people come from, the Democrats that are in
the power now, you need to realize Obama the last
of the last from just leaning a little bit left.

I would say I'd give Bill Clinton a little bit
of I give him a little bit of credit that
he was a little more willing to reach across the aisle.
These people come from the school of a Lenski and
they're being very good about brainwashing the public with the
propaganda weian the main media. And what people don't seem

to realize is they can twort and twist back and
right now they've made somebody that has not accomplished much
of anything. And in fact, the very voter constituency that
she's going after did a lot to hurt them when
she was in any power, and they need to realize

that they are doing exactly what Olenski would say is, yeah,
you do, you lie, and you lie until it becomes
that truth.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
Rules for Radicals is really the modern Democrat playbook, which
reminds me of my friend Glenn Beck and the guy
who gave me my started media. He's going to be
with us tomorrow, somebody who's probably done more than anybody
else in the whole country to make everyone aware of
the Olenski Playbook and Rules for Radicals. So we'll talk

to Glenn Beck tomorrow about that and more. Make sure
you join us

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