All Episodes

May 22, 2024 36 mins
Sportswriter at the Oregonian attacks Clay for transgender athlete stance. Trump rips Judge Merchan. Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan speaks to Clay and Buck about Fani Willis calling him a clown, the lawfare against President Trump, the issues at stake in the 2024 election and more.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all
of you hanging out with us as we are powering
through the Wednesday edition of the program. Buck. I mean,
things just go bonkers and crazy, and sometimes I think
it's hard to keep up with how insane some of

the arguments are that are circulating on a day to
day basis. And one of you sent me this this
morning from the Let me make sure that I get
this right, because I want to, of course, give this
a gust publication, all of the attention that it so
richly deserves. There is an article up on the Portland

Oregonian website that is all about how anyone who had
an issue with a boy who pretended to be a
girl and won a state championship. I believe it was
in the four hundred. It might have been in the
two hundred. A sprint. Anyone who had an issue with

this is actually I was called a bad faith actor
and a ghoulish avatar of the lunatic fringe. And this
is the way this it's the Oregonian Oregon Live. So
shout out everybody in Oregon. You're getting your attention here.
It's probably more people than have ever paid attention to

the Oregon newspaper. This guy writes this entire column book,
and I'll read a couple of paragraphs. You've opened the
door for the most bad faith actors in American discord
to exploit a high schooler, a child for nothing more

than a belt notch. In the ongoing culture wars. You've
empowered the likes of Clay Travis an other Googlish act
vatars of the lunatic fringe, to mine our high schools
for clicks and to use them as the backdrop for
their continued fear mongering of the belief that boys have
infiltrated girls sports and are winning every track race in

the country, every swim meet, and golf tournament, and that
they're grooming your sons to become women. It continues. Buck
anybody who booed is I get? He says, I get
if parents are mad, But we should remember parents always
want to see their kids do well and often look

for excuses when they don't. We've all heard rumors about
the point guard who lives outside of school boundaries, or
laments about the little league pitcher who looks like a
high schooler. And while those aren't apples to apples comparisons,
It's quite the transition. It's also important to note that

the boy only narrowly won the two hundred and finished
second in her. They have to use the right pronouns
her other event. I do not deny that boys and
girls have biological differences, but to act like the event
was reduced to a lopsided farce is not accurate. As

for the suggestion that trans athletes should be directed to
their own division, that should immediately be dismissed and called
out for the bigotry it is. So, I would encourage
you guys to potentially go read this craziness to attack
me and anyone else out there who said, hey, you
know what, I think girls. Sports should be made up

of girls, and you're a bigot, and you're like, a,
this is where we are from the sports media. And
I give credit to some of the people in that
Oregon crowd who booed the video went viral of people
seeing the boy win the girls race and booing that's
not enough. This is happening everywhere. It's going to happen
in your school district. If this continues, it's certainly going

to happen in your state, it probably already has. And
if it hasn't already happened in your city, it's going
to happen there too. This is coming for everywhere. This
is not an uncommon thing, and as long as it's
allowed and permitted, it's going to become more commonplace. I
just I don't even see this as a remotely difficult situation,
but I do think it's important to point out that

there are people who are paid to write about sports
for a living that are defending this being able to occur.
It's it's pretty uh.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
It's pretty enraging and hilarious at the same time because
a few things. First of all, notice the the usage
of the preferred pronouns, which this Aurum guy, yes, clearly.
Why have to refer to a trans teine at all?
Why not just say a female? It's a woman, right,

This is where And I know that that seems like
a minor point, but think about this for a second.
The contention of the trans movement is that this is
a woman in every sense, or a girl in every sense,
has to be treated as a girl in every sense.
Why do they have to say a trans a trans
girl because the person's different. It's the most obvious thing

in the entire world, because it's not a girl. And
so this is why we keep running into this brick
wall of reality with these people with the orums of
the world, the msnbcs and the Democrat Party and the
Biden White House and all these different entities and.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
Groups out there.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
Who do everything in their power to make an argument
that is, from a position of logic and rationality, indefensible.
And I think that the only way that this goes
away fully now. I think they're losing the argument. They
know it, which is why they're getting increasingly epathetic. And
the game that they play more people have cut onto this.

The game that the left plays, they do it with
a lot of things, particularly with the trans issue, is
why are you so focused on it? It doesn't happen
that much. Why are you so focused on it. It's
not that big a deal to then, Yeah, this is
how it is now and it's a good thing. Yeah,
this is what's been happening all along. What are you
going to do about it? They do this all the time, right,
I mean, that's that's the bad faith in which they
which they move, the football in which they argue. I

think the only way this goes away is if you
start having guys who just who say like, oh, I'm
trans now, and they make these different athletic bodies try
to come up with some rules to explain why they're
not trans, and they just go and they just like
set all the records and basically like annihilate women's sports
on purpose to make a make a show of it
and then talk about how absurd all of this is.
That's the I can't see another way, because otherwise you

have all these people who are going to keep saying
they don't have an advantage when they clearly do, and
they're destroying women's sports by doing what they are doing.

Speaker 1 (06:46):
A couple more paragraphs that I think you'll appreciate it
again more Live. Oh there's more. On Saturday, a high
school sophomore won the six A state championship in the
two hundred meters. This is a boy. The winning athlete
was trans gender girl. As you mentioned, the Oregonian organ
Live I'm reading from the article is not naming the

runner in an effort to protect whatever privacy she has left.
This is a kid in an extremely vulnerable position. Have
you ever heard of somebody winning a state title having
an article written about them, and they don't use the
name of the person. It continues the booze that rain
down across the country, but especially on the Internet, where

the profiteers and alarm merchants eagerly pounced joys pounce. This
one race catapulted the Oregon State Athletic Association into the
center of one of the most divisive issues we face
as a country. Is it one of the most important?
Listen to this book over homelessness, drugs, racism, and violence.

Really you're writing about sports.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Bro Now, Now you've been married for twenty five years,
so almost twenty almost twenty five, so you've just been
learning from the wisdom of your spouse and you've learned
where you're wrong for twenty five years. I've been married
for a year before that. I had to deal with
a lot of women over the years, Clay, and I
can tell you that occasionally, in the occasionally I was

out there dating, occasionally I would deal with a woman
who was hysterical and irrational in an argument of some kind.
And I can tell you that Orum, whatever's first name is,
he's exhibiting many of the same traits that you will
see when someone is in an indefensible but hysterical position,
which is, talk about everything but the issue. Talk about

the tone of the other side, like the pouncing right,
talk about yes, the you know, the why are you
making it such a big deal, the deflection, the exaggeration,
the tone policing, all these different This is what this
guy's doing. Ultimately, what he doesn't deal with is a

young you know, an adolescent male, what like, sixteen year
old guy, probably at this fifty or sixteen year old
guys gone through puberty. This is a man who has
a penis, does not have female organs, has a biological
advantage over all these young girls and beat them all.
And there's a girl who should have won a state
championship who didn't because this person has a mental illness.

And people booed, And that's the right thing, because you
know what's ultimately true, At some level, the truth hurts.
This isn't someone saying I want to live my life
and be left alone. That's a different thing. Someone wants
to live their life. They're an adult, or even they're
a young person. They want to live their life. They're
not bother people. That's their own choice. Whatever we can
try to coax them out of that, but you know,
this is the demand that people live in a lie,
and people do not have to live by your lies

just because you are emotionally unstable. And this guy can't
argue around this because it can't argue the issue. Has
to argue around it because you're lose, because he has
to know that at some level. And the other side
is mean. Isn't an argument? Yeah, because I think it's mean.
I think it's mean to deny. I think it's mean
to humiliate these women, these young women, yes, who are

training and training and training and running their.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
Little hearts out.

Speaker 2 (10:11):
I think it's demeaning to them that some dude shows
up and smokes them all on the track. And you know,
there's somebody who should have gotten first place. There's somebody
who should have been on the podium and gotten a metal,
who didn't get anything because some person has an emotional
disorder and thinks they're a woman.

Speaker 1 (10:25):
I'm sorry, it's wrong. He's also a sophomore, which means
he could come back and be the three times state
champion because a lot of you know more about track
than me, but I do understand growth in college. Usually
sophomores don't win state racing championships. So as a junior
and a senior, this dude is going to be bigger, faster,

and stronger, and he's going to kick the girl's ass
even worse. And the fact that somehow I'm the bad
guy for pointing this out is illustrative. I think of
how broken much of immediately.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
He uses these terms, uses these word in this guy's
a loser I've never heard of before in my life,
Bill orm In what way are you arguing? Or I mean,
we make the same argument about this? I think any
same person makes the same argument in what way is
it bad faith? Where's the bad faith component? What exactly
is not true about what you say? What I say
about this issue. Where's the part of it where we're

misrepresenting it? Because I can talk about a whole range
of ways in which they're misrepresenting it, and it's all
the stuff I said. It doesn't happen that much. Why
are you so focused on it? Why can't you be polite?
It's not that big a deal. These are all. This
is like arguing with the hysterical woman who's wrong yes,
or a historical man who's wrong. And when he says, oh,
there's way more important things to be talking about. You're
a sports writer, dude.

Speaker 1 (11:41):
The reason why this article exists is because you're paid
to write about sports. You're not paid to write about
homelessness or the fentanyl issues that exist in our country,
or the wide open southern border or what the crime
rate is. You're a grown man who watches kids play
a sport and has an opinion on them. That's fine,
but let's not pretend that your job is really serious.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
Also, his last little salvo here, I mean, the guy
writes like a high school girl.

Speaker 3 (12:08):
But put that aside.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
I've ate He's like, I don't know the answer. I
just know that peers freaking Morgan and the Cretans of
the Internet. Yeah, yeah, good, good job, buddy. I value
sports deeply and believe in the role of competition and
the development of youth as much as anyone. But I
knew there was a vutcoming.

Speaker 1 (12:23):

Speaker 2 (12:24):
I can't help but want By the way, the first
statement is not true, But I can't help but wonder
if we are overvaluing the sanctity of competition at the
cost of the sanctity of participation and inclusion. This guy
needs a better editor. What does that even mean it
means that basically, I want to I want to jump

in with why can't we have twenty five year old
guys running in this race? That's participation and inclusion. What's
the problem you're making these arbitrary distinctions about age. There
are twenty five year old guys who can run a
four four forty who really want the opportunity to compete
you into a bunch of high school kids and just
smoke them all for laughs. Right, why not let them

do it if they want to do it. I'm sure
we could find somebody. It's all about participation and inclusion.
The participation inclusion are not goods. These are it's so
vague as to be meaningless. Okay, sports by its very
nature is exclusive, as in, you have to choose to
do it, you have to work at it, you have
to try to compete and be better than other people.

It's not you know, showing up for a choral practice
on Sunday, where you know, we want everyone's voice to
be heard so they can go to praise the Lord.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
This is a different thing. It's not much different honestly,
what he's arguing than saying we're not going to keep
scoring games because the purpose is not to win or lose,
which is fine, but just own it. And then why
do you even have a distance to run? Why is
there any rule at all? And I will just point
out and it's a good argument that I think just
ends this forever. If you show up with somebody who

is out of the age range in Little League, every
parent immediately says, no, this is unacceptable. This is way
more of an advantage than having somebody who's a year
or so older in a Little league competition. And again,
this guy's a sophomore, so he's probably going to come
back if he wants to run and win Junior senior.
Three straight years of championships in this And what about

you know, a nineteen year old who says, but I
feel fifteen, Yeah, transage, I'm trans age, I feel fifteen.
I want to compete against the fourteen and fifteen year
olds in Little league? What's the problem. The left says,
you're supposed to say inclusion and participation means, you know what,
you're nineteen, but we're going to say you're fifteen. Yes,

trans age would be a thing. So with transrace, both
were somewhat easier to even defend than transgender this is
where we are. Though they tell you it's not an issue,
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Speaker 4 (16:25):
You know him as conservative radio hosts. Now just get
to know them as guys on this Sunday Hang podcast
with Clay and Fuck. Find it in their podcast feed
on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
All right, welcome back in team. Just want to note
that there's no Trump trial today. Trump spoke out about
it yesterday though, and here's what he said about the judge.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
I don't think he likes him very much. Loves take
a loop, take a look at it, take a look
at where he comes.

Speaker 4 (16:55):

Speaker 1 (16:56):
He can't stand down on Trump.

Speaker 3 (16:58):
He's doing everything in this Now. I understand that I
don't even have a reliance and canceled.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
I can't rely on this establish cancel.

Speaker 3 (17:07):
I don't have a reliance and cancel. It might be
the only one edited canl.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
I'm not happy with the judge.

Speaker 2 (17:16):
With the judge there, and I think we're likely to
see a verdict what next week. Probably by the end
of the week, I think, so we'll we'll know where
the New York trial sits. Finally, soon soon.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
I'm gonna be fascinating. They basically get to sit around
for a week and decide what they think because the
closing summary, the closing arguments are unlikely, I think, to
move people in a substantial way. I wonder how long
if we have a deadlocked jury, how long they're going
to force them to go back into the room and

keep arguing back and forth, or will the judge just
be glad to be done with it? On some level,
I think it's intriguing to contemplate.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
The world's going to be tipsy turvy over the next
months or so. And there are a few world events
that are causing it, certainly our own election cycle among them.
There's a guy who studies how our economy is affected
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Speaker 3 (18:36):
Pose to you.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
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the bank, own a home, you're gonna want to watch
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Speaker 4 (18:53):
Sunday Hang Podcast. It's silly, it's goofy, it's good times.
Fight it in the clay and podcast feed on the
iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome back
in our number three play Travis bock Sexton Show. I
told you guys yesterday as we finished the Tuesday edition
of the program that he had walked into studio here

in d C. And so we are taping this on Tuesday,
but we're playing it for you now on Wednesday. Congressman
Jim Jordan, who the heck knows what might happen in
the next twenty four hours. Let's be honest, But I
want to.

Speaker 1 (19:27):
Start here with you, no kidding, even for crazy American
politics standards, thanks for being here. I want to start
with our good friend. I call her Fanny because I
think she's shown her ass a lot. Fanny Willis down
in Atlanta was on Rachel Maddow Show, I Believe, and

she decided that she wanted to weigh in on you.
We've got the audio here is cut six.

Speaker 5 (19:53):
Jordan has time after time after time attacked my office
with no legitimate purpose. Anyone who he knows Jim Jordan's
history knows that he only has the purpose of trying
to interfere in a criminal investigation. He has now turned
his tricks to he's going to look at grant programs,
which I invite him to do, and we have complied
with his subpoenas. But yet he continues his attacks to

try to interfere in a criminal investigation, all while his
jurisdiction has one of the worst crime rates, has poverty issues,
and not one time has he used his position to
try to investigate people who are attacking me and attacking
others legitimately doing their jobs, making him illegitimate in his position.
And it's disgusting, And so I bring that up at

the federal level, because now at the state level, they've
decided to follow this clown's lead.

Speaker 1 (20:44):
Okay, she called you a clown, I would think, just
to refresh for everybody out there. She hired her lover,
She paid him seven hundred thousand dollars in state funds.
She may well get removed by the Georgia Court of
Appeals before all is said and done. When she decides
to go after you in that manner, is it a
badge of honor? What do you think when things like that,

when attacks like that are made against you.

Speaker 3 (21:09):
Mean their case is falling apart. I mean, she paid
Nathan Wade, as you said, seven hundred thousand dollars. She
came to DC, met with met with the Justice Department
of the January six Committee, meet with folks at the
White House, all part of this coordinated effort to go
to President Trump. And oh, by the way, there's a
whistleblower down there who's talked to us. Miss Timpson has
come forward and said she did it. She alleged she
misspent federal fun So you know, like I said, I've

been called a lot worse than clown. By folks, So
I just try to stick to the facts. In fact, Clay,
every one of these cases is falling apart. The immunity
thing in DC is on hold. Two weeks ago, Jack
Smith got caught altering the sequence of the documents he
sees the physical documents don't match up with the scan documents.

Some people might call that tampering with the evidence, something
you're not allowed to do. And of course the irony
is not lost in anyone Jack Smith mishandled documents while
he's charging President Trump with mishandling documents. So that case
has fallen apart. And of course we know what's going
on in New York, which is a complete, complete joke.
We saw that when when when Michael Alvin Bragg said

he could not and this is like two years ago,
could not envision a bringing a prosecution against President Trump
and calling Michael Cohen as a prosecution witness. That's what
he said, and but then in fact did just that
after Trump announces he's running for president. So these cases
are all about politics, and when you're all about politics,

you can see why there's a good chance he'll fall apart.

Speaker 2 (22:41):
Like the Art Congress and Jordan appreciate you being with
us here. What what do you think happens if? I mean,
Clay and I talked about this a bit yesterday on
the show. Let's say, and I unfortunately predicted that there'll
be a conviction of New York. Not because I disagree
in any way that it's a sham. I think it's
an outrageous sham. It's in a absurdity, but not a
funny one really when you think about what's at stake.

But I think the jury's biased. Maybe I'm wrong. We'll
see if there is a hung jury, which I think
Clay is more inclined to think that's a possibility. What
does it mean for the rest of these cases? I mean,
do they just then act like nothing really, no big deal.
J six, We're gonna get them on that, or maybe
we'll get them in Florida or something else. Is that
just where this goes? Because it feels like it's all

such clear election interference at this point and they're gonna
double down on it no matter what is that?

Speaker 1 (23:29):
Is that your read?

Speaker 5 (23:30):

Speaker 3 (23:30):
I think so, because again, you know, you go through
the history. We've talked about this before, but you know
they spout of his campaign in sixteen. Then it's Muller.
Then then it's you know, Muller, what nineteen lawyers, thirty
million dollars, forty one agents. They go into that, they
find nothing, Then it's impeachment. Then they raiate his home.
Then it's you know, all four of these cases. Then
it's the fourteenth Amendment. Everything they try doesn't seem to work,

but they're not going to stop trying because they're determined
to keep President Trump from being the next president of
the United States. So yeah, I think they just just
keep plowing ahead. Now, as I said before, the good
news is all these all these cases are falling apart
because they never should have been brought in the first place.
But I do not see Democrats letting up. One thing
about Democrats, particularly the left, which now controls their party.

They are committed to getting to the objective, come Hecker
high water, That's just how they operate.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
Unfortunately, do you since that they're starting to be a
little bit of a panic inside of the Biden campaign,
The decision to debate on June twenty seventh and September tenth,
the lawfare collapsing regardless of what happens in New York City,
we're five and a half months out. You've known Trump
for a long time. I'm not sure he's ever been

at a stronger political position in his career than he
is as we're talking today. Do you get the sense
that they're starting they spent tens of millions of dollars
already their game plan, as it were, kind of getting
its ass kicked.

Speaker 3 (24:52):

Speaker 1 (24:54):
Do you since that they're starting to panic a little bit?

Speaker 3 (24:56):
Yeah, particularly when the polling in the states to count
the seven states and now determine the presidency of the
United States, Well, there was I saw one pole Georgia
they were down like twelve points. Yeah, Arizona they were
down like ten points. And you know, the only stay
to think of this of the seven where they're like
dead even is Wisconsin, which was consin's always dead even
you know this way Wisconsin is right now. But they're

winning the other six, including the VATA up substantially in
the polls I saw like a week and a half ago.
I think so. I do think that's you know, because
we're not We're used to the polls being kind of
close and the polls being a little off, and some
of our voters like get nervous about even saying anything.
You know, I'm just I'm not gonna I'm not going
to weigh in. And yet now with them showing Trump
in the lead and by substantial margins in some of

these key states, I do think you know, why else
would they out of the blue just well, Shitzam, we're
gonna we need a debate in June? Well, whoever heard
of that? Yeah, you know, it's like, of course we're
gonna have debates. We have them every four years in
the presidential race. But we never had them in June.
And they came from Biden, who we thought was not
going to debate. So I think that does indicate you know,
your your question is is on target.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
Speaking of Congress and Jim Jordan of Ohio Congressman, obviously
some very important races, including Bernie Marino, who is running
for a critical Senate seat as you're seeing it on
the House side and the Senate side, what are the
what are the issues that are going to be the
determining factors in the important close races, right, I mean

where it really counts, where we need to win in
order to have control of the House and control of
the Senate. What would you say, are the top three issues.

Speaker 3 (26:29):
Yeah, secure border to noboarder, that's the biggest change in
three years and one hundred and twenty days ever long
Joe Biden has been president. Safe streets to record crime.
And you can measure the inflation both in the cost
of gas and everything else. So it's you know, from
two dollars gas to four dollar gas, from stable prices
to record record inflation. Those are the issues are going
to drive you take your family out to dinner. Are

our youngest son and daughter in law and their little
one over in Indianapolis and we took them out the dinner.
It's like a month or so ago, and we didn't
go to the fancy, but it was a nice rest
and you get the bill for just like the five
of us, four of us. That's like, holy cow. How
to middle class families, Like, it's crazy, what just to
go to a pretty nice restaurant with your family. So

I think all those things, and then you add in
this attack on Trump, this weaponization of government, these agencies
being turned against we the people, and then the final
straw is some people are going to step back and look,
you know, with President Trump, we didn't have Russia going
into Ukraine. We didn't have Hamas the terrorist organization attacking
our best friend, the state of Israel. None of that
garbage was going on, and I kind of liked it

when it wasn't going on. People are going to say, so,
I think those kind of those three key issues, the
weaponization of government and then this foreign policy to something
that is in the back of people's minds as well,
and they're going to say, like, let's go back to Trump.
Things were so much better.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
You listen to the show, so you're aware that Buck
and I have been on opposite sides of whether Biden's
going to be the guy. Yeah, and I know you
have seen it feels like another a yeah, the ice
cream debate and who's going to be the Democrats?

Speaker 3 (28:04):
Those are important.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
So it's important answer here for you to see whether
you're on the side of truth, justice and clay or
evil and uh and and and and awful things and Buck.
But to set that up, it feels like every day
now there is a new viral Biden clip where he's
just not able to read the teleprompter or he's not
able to get off the stage. June twenty seventh, you

mentioned is now the CNN debate, do you think they're
really gonna roll with this guy? Or do you think
as the lawfare is crumbling and as Biden's essential argument
for why he deserves the second term, it feels like
every day takes a new punch to the gut. What
are they thinking?

Speaker 3 (28:45):
I don't know, but I do. I hate to say,
since I'm sitting with you and watching Buck on the screen,
I'm with I'm oh.

Speaker 1 (28:51):
No, let's cut the interview, now, cut the market.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
I can hear he.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Doesn't want to wait a second congressation. You don't want
to join Clay on his rapidly sinking ship.

Speaker 3 (28:59):
What a shot? The uh? I think this far? And
I mean if they change now, like what's the country say?
Like what we're now? We gotta we were We were
kind of sizing them up, you know, because I mean
it's always about the choice. We're sizing them up. And
now it's like somebody completely new and we got five
months to figure this out. I mean maybe, but my
gut tells me. And and look, I wasn't necessarily there

a few months ago. I thought, you know, what, will
they will they bump him out for someone else and
put someone else in there, But now I think it's
gonna be I think it's gonna be Biden. I just
think it is. It's it's Scranton, Joe. They'll still try
to play that game, and they'll still aside from these
two baits, probably keeping keeping them away from the crowds
as much as possible. That's my gut, and I don't

I don't know they have anything else. But the scary
thing is is what are they planning for September and October?
What do you think that's I don't know. Keep coming
I keep coming back to, like, you know, there's something else,
because if they don't get a conviction, and these like
they don't get a conviction in New York, these other
three cases are following apart, what are they gonna do?
And I keep kind of racking my brain, like what
what is it?

Speaker 2 (30:01):
I'm with you, Jim see, I see this as first
of all, you know you're right because you're agreeing with me.
And I've been right all along, which is that Biden's
going to be the nominee. And everyone says, oh, no,
it's gonna be some other person. I'm like, no, it's
gonna be Biden. And sure enough it will be. But
I also agree with you that they're not just gonna
go off to the election as things stand now. I mean,
because I think even if they got a conviction in

New York, I think the numbers might go even deeper
in the positive column for Trump. I mean, I think
it could blow up even more in their face. So
they're gonna pull something else. And I can't think of
what it is off to tout of my head. But
you know, I'm certainly not not celebrating early. Just before
we let you go, Congressmans, we'll run up against the clock.
You know, do you have much of a sense of

does the VP really matter? And and do you have
a VP that you think is the right choice for
for the Trump ticket. I like all the people he's
talking to you. I mean, I really like Sarah huck
to be saying. I don't know if she's on the
kind of the list, but I like a least he's
a colleague of ours. She's she's been tremendous. Tim Scott Mark,
as you question, I want to jump in real quick,
is alas a Conservatives she's.

Speaker 3 (31:04):
Been She's been solid. She's been really solid. I mean,
we worked well together back in twenty nineteen on defending
President Trump during impeachment when they did the crazy impeachment
thing and on the Intel Committee, and because then then
Leader McCarthy put me on the Intel Committee for two
months during during the impeachment process. So yeah, she's been,
she's been tremendous. So but I think this is all

about President Trump. I really do. I think our team
is coming. You saw that one hundred thousand people wild
with New Jersey like our folks are fired up. And
I think it's all about him in that comparison between
him and Joe Biden, and what a what a contrast,
Holy cow, what a contrast.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
So I think I ever been Jim Jordan always appreciated
you get to hang out with play in DC. I'll
be there next time. I actually don't take any excuse
to hang out in the swamp going on like a
swamp tour.

Speaker 3 (31:53):
I really enjoy you guys show. You do a great job.

Speaker 1 (31:54):
Appreciate that so much. You appreciate it. Thank you, Clay.
I do love AUMs.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
When we talked to Jim, he can other shows we've
done when he wasn't a guest. That's always what if
you want to ingratiate yourself to radio hosts. It's referenced
to show when you weren't a guest because you were
actually listening. Then we're like, oh, true, it's totally true.
By the way, it's fantastic. Anyway, Look, we were talking
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Speaker 4 (33:40):
Need a break from bollazics a little comedy to counter
the craziness, so do we The Sunday Hang, a weekend
podcast to lighten things up a bit. Find it in
the Clay and Buck podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
Close it up shop today on Clay in Buck. But
want to remind you to subscribe to the Clay and
Buck podcast feed. Please listen on radio. I might be saying, well,
listen to a radio show on one of our amazing
affiliates five hundred across the country. Thank you very much.
But here's the fun part. Yes, listen to us on
radio please by all means. But you can also get
extra content in the podcast feed that you won't even

get on the radio because we have other shows there too,
Carol Markowitz Show, Lisa Booth, Sean Parnell, Tutor Dixon shows
that are growing rapidly, building audiences of their own, and
they're all part of the Clay on Buck podcast network.
So go please subscribe. You're like, well, how do I subscribe?
Or how to listen to podcast? Download the iHeartRadio app.

It is free. You download that app, you sign up,
and then you just say, oh, Clay and Buck, I'm
going to look for them, and then boom, we appear
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I suppose. Also, whoops, I got the wrong mug in
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Cracketcoffee dot com.

Speaker 1 (34:55):

Speaker 2 (34:56):
We're partnered with Tunnel the Towers Foundation, so just know
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Speaker 3 (35:16):
So please subscribe.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
Go to Crocketcoffee dot com. Clay any odds and ends
stories for you for today that you wanted to just
hit us with before. I did watch the basketball game
last night. Carrie was like, what are you doing. I
was like, I don't know, I'm kinda I watched the
Nicks and now I kind of want to see how
the story ends. I watched the Pacers playing the other team,

the Celtics.

Speaker 1 (35:39):
Wow, this is back to back NBA games for you back.

Speaker 2 (35:42):
It's the first time I've watched back to back NBA
games and I don't know, twenty years probably, So yeah.

Speaker 3 (35:48):
I checked it out a little bit.

Speaker 1 (35:49):
You know, Look, I'm just gonna say it.

Speaker 2 (35:51):
You know, I'm going I'm going Pacers on this one,
and I'm not I'm not trying to upset any of
the Boston.

Speaker 1 (35:58):
Think So this is a good question. Do you think
now that you're married you have more time than when
you were single because dating and like chasing and like
meeting and all the things that you have to do
as a single person to watch us absolutely to watch
a sporting event. I think married guys watch sporting events
way more than single guys do because single guys or girls,

you're out chasing somebody, you got different events to go to.
You're finding out that when you're a married guy, there
are lots of nights you're just sitting at home on
the couch and you're like, oh, maybe I'll go ahead
and watch whatever the sporting event is on television right now.
By the way, you said, I've been married twenty five years.
Before I get blown up on this, August will be twenty.
I know somehow I'm gonna get fact checked on this.

I will be married twenty years August fourteenth. I was
just guessing, to be clear, I know you were close.
You were close, but I was like, I know I'm
going to get somehow fact check on this. Well, hang
with you guys tomorrow. Have fantastic nights.

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