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April 21, 2024 26 mins
Buck gets schooled by Clay, but saves face later. Cool space story.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Bold, reverence and occasionally random. The Sunday Hang with Clay
and Buck podcast it starts now, Tucker had an.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Interesting sit down with the ousted CNN anchor Chris Cuomo,
who for a while was there was there number one show. Actually,
people forget this. When he had his evening show, he
was getting better ratings for CNN at least than anyone else,
and then they unceremoniously fired him. But first though, Clay

I wanted to get we have a very important email
from a VIP here.

Speaker 3 (00:34):

Speaker 2 (00:34):
Have you seen this one yet? I think I have not,
He writes from our VIP Clay, I admit, at one
time I thought Clay Travis was the evil one. You
were the brash, voll mouthpiece that we were programmed to
hate in the Bluegrass. But over time, and after getting
to know you on the CNB show, I'll freely admit

the Vall's got the better end of the deal. I'll
between you and Matt Jones, I'll straight up right now
admit jealousy on the Orange side and not ours.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
I don't even know what language is this, like? What
is he valls the Orange side? What this guy was
trying to say? He loves you now that he listens
to the show, but you were the evil one because
you were a vall mouthpiece. You have to explain. Can
you translate this to English for me?

Speaker 4 (01:19):
So there, I would bet to you that there are
in fact VIPs you can let us know. You Remember Buck,
how I said that I trust college football and college
fans in general more than people who aren't.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
I asked you about this, I said, do you ask? Absolutely?

Speaker 4 (01:39):
But and that is true. So everybody out there, if
you're an Ohio State Buckeye fan, or you are a
Kentucky Wildcat or Alabama Crimson Tide, Auburn, whatever fan base
you root for in college athletics, I trust you more
than I would if you weren't a college athletics fan.

All facets of life that is my have. I will
admit readily that I have a bias towards sports fans,
particular college fans. I will forgive a lot of flaws.
So Buck, I'm a Tennessee volunteer fan. My grandfather played
for General Neeland back in the day. I started going
to games when I was five years old, long before

I ever thought about where I would go to college.
Like a lot of people who are college fans, particularly
in the South, you become affiliated with the team. So
what that guy is writing in I hear this all
the time. He's a Kentucky Wildcat fan. He thought, I
don't like you, Clay, because you're a Tennessee Volunteer fan
and their rivals. A lot of Alabama fans listening right now,
Auburn fans, Florida Gators, Georgia Bulldogs. They don't like the

Tennessee Volunteers, so they have a natural inclination not to
trust me. But over time they have come to realize
they're willing to overlook my fandom and they actually like
me because of the things that I say. And they
have a similar dis position to me, which is you're
more likely to trust somebody I think if you're a

fan than not. So I think that's what that guy
is writing in and saying from Kentucky.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
Basically, I needed I needed a sports Rosetta stone there
for a second so that I could actually get the translation.
By the way, he went on to say, the volls
my Orange Brothers get the down to earth conservative, real
sports guy. We get the whiney, arrogant liberal. I suppose
this fellow Matt Jones. I don't know him, uh, but
I take solace in the fact that you are on
our team on the bigger things in life, and you

and Buck are important voices for the cause.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
Keep it up, boys. So even though you support this
Valls team, he says, you.

Speaker 4 (03:36):
Gotta get better. Say it falls by the way. To you,
you are falls falls, like the pretend that you're pronouncing
v a w ls in your accent falls falls, not voles,
like it like a little woodland creature. Like if you're
a yeah, yeah, right, if you're a Southerner, you would
say the Tennessee falls, not the Tennessee voles or the Tennessee.

You know, it's a little bit of a confusing Its amazing.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
I was like the Manhattan kid learning there's this whole
other world out there of different things.

Speaker 3 (04:05):

Speaker 4 (04:06):
Might be like for the Kentucky people. I think I've
mentioned this before. There is a town right outside of Lexington, Lexington,
by the way, beautiful, incredibly fantastic place to live. Love Lexington,
Kentucky called Versales. Versales, Kentucky is Versailles, named after the

French palace. But if you went up to Buck, if
you were rolling in and you were like, Hey, I'm
trying to find Versailles. They'd be like, you better get
on a plane and fly to uh fly to Paris,
big boy, this is Versales. So the subtle variation of
the way that you pronounce like in Nashville. Outside of
Nashville is an area called Lebanon. You would never say,

I'm going to Lebanon, Tennessee. They'd be like, I don't
know what you're talking about. It's named after Lebanon from
the Bible, but it's pronounced Lebanon in uh in in
Nashville for it.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
And if you really want, if you really want things
to get confusing, the most famous Cuban restaurant in Miami
that every politician coming through Miami has to go to
is not Versailles. It is Versailles, which is French. But
it is a Cuban restaurant named for the French palace.
But without the American pronunciation.

Speaker 3 (05:19):
It is fine. I've been there.

Speaker 4 (05:21):
It's a great place. And by the way, I'll mention this,
I'm in Panama City Beach right now. I drove through
as as one does, Birmingham and Montgomery. My youngest oldest son.
The first time we drove through. He looked at the
sign and he said, what is this town? Mountgomery? You know,
looking at Montgomery, Alabama, you would never know how to

pronounce that word unless you had heard it. And sometimes
every now and then, you and I on this show
will admit I learned a lot of vocabulary words by reading.
I didn't never hear him spoken. So I still sometimes
am regularly mispronouncing words. But I do trust everybody out there.
If you're a college football or basketball fan, as we
get closer to March Madness, I trust you more than

I would if you didn't care about athletics at all.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
So even people that are from your the extreme of
the valls.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
There you go.

Speaker 2 (06:13):
You got it now, Yes, they like you anyway. So
I thought that was a nice come together moment everything.

Speaker 4 (06:18):
And hey, by the way, I'm telling you right now,
you need to put this on your calendar because I
got a bunch of people coming in. Buck. You need
to come to Knoxville this year. Alabama is coming to Tennessee.
It's going to be an incredible game. I've got a
bunch of people coming in now from media who have
never been to an SEC game. I've been texting setting
it up with them. I want you to come to

Knoxville and see the Valls take on the Crimson Tide
in October in God's country, the state of Tennessee. It
will be fabulous. You need to put it on your
calendar right before the election, but it is going to
be It's gonna be a scene and you will walk
around Buck, and I guarantee you every single person will
love you there.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
Well, I'm going so let's put it on calendar. I'm
showing up. I'm gonna pronounce it correctly. I'm gonna be
high five in my balls all over the place. And uh,
and Clay, why don't you take us away because we'll
do the CNN Cuomo thing in a second. Plus, Ginger's
freaking out at some probably a squirrel walk by the window,
and now she's losing her mind.

Speaker 3 (07:15):
So I got to go tend to her.

Speaker 4 (07:16):
Sarah in North Carolina wants to weigh in. Sarah, what
you got for us?

Speaker 5 (07:21):
Well? I just called because I was so shocked that
Buck had no idea what the guy writing in was
talking about. How does somebody not know that balls mean
Tennessee And it just was shocking to me. Is he
a red blooded man. What the hell?

Speaker 4 (07:39):
Oh wow, Sarah.

Speaker 3 (07:43):
Playing ice cream meters? What's going on right here? That's rough.

Speaker 5 (07:46):
It made me laugh so hard hearing that. And and
just tell you know, so, I'm in North Carolina. I
did my undergrad at State. I went to school in Arkansas.
I was in school in Arkansas when they joined the SEC.
So maybe that's why I know who the Balls and
the Tide are. But for Heaven's sake, I mean, you

have to.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Look, I'm learning something new, and I'm always open to
new things on the show every day.

Speaker 3 (08:15):
I appreciate you, appreciate you.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
I can call it in she's she's lighting me up there,
But I will say I'm not even sure I need
a defense here. But in my defense, such as it were,
if you asked guys aged you know, twenty to fifty
on the streets of New York City or Los Angeles
who the valls are, ninety five percent of them would

have no idea.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
Absolutely not.

Speaker 4 (08:41):
I don't know in New York, LA. I will say
this in bucks defense. My brother in law, so Laura's
only brother, read one of my books and he came
to me and he said, how do you pronounce vol less?

Speaker 3 (08:56):

Speaker 4 (08:56):
He is from Michigan. He is not a sports guy
at all. He designs cars for four just retired, actually
spent his whole career designing cars in Michigan. Had no
idea how to pronounce vols and came to me and said, hey,
how do you pronounce this? And I've heard other people
who are clearly not sports fans be unable to pronounce it.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
You know, well, I just said producer Ali, who is
a New Yorker like me, just pointing out. You know,
when people come and they ask where Houston Street is,
I don't flip out at them and say, excuse me,
it's Houston.

Speaker 4 (09:30):
It's Houston Street. It should be pronounced Houston. It should
be but it is Houston for whatever reason.

Speaker 2 (09:37):
And you know, the the other thing was always you
know how someone went, if someone to Amherst College or
Amherst U Mass, whether they pronounced the h UMass they
pronounced the h. We don't pronounce the h at Amherst College.
You get into all these little idiosyncrasies. But I've learned
something new about SEC football today, which is a good thing.

Speaker 4 (09:57):
Yes, you will fit in now because you'll be able
to to pronounce.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
It and I'm going to get we're going to chat.
Is that where we're going? Where are we going for
a big game? Next?

Speaker 1 (10:06):

Speaker 3 (10:06):
Oh god, oh no? Which no?

Speaker 4 (10:09):
Well, first of all, Buck doesn't know where the University
of Tennessee is and just placed it in Chattanooga. So
you you are. I said you were going to be
changing the channel music Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee. I said you
were going to be well received. That just went out
the window when you put the university. We're gonna podcast.
Nobody will know, nobody will know, nobody will know that

ever happened. By the way, what clip did you want
to play? Shall we save it for the next top
of the next hour. We're gonna go. I want to
take you to Old Miss is with the other place
that you need to go to, to Oxford, Mississippi, jewel
of the South, jewel of the country in general. And
they throw the best I believe. Now I'm gonna make enemies.

I think Old Miss throws the best tailgates, the party,
the best tailgate scene in all the sec A couple
of funny quotes from Old Miss Buck. They say, we
may have lost a game, We've never lost a party.
They throw an incredible tailgate scene in the grove amid
all the oak trees there second one and I think
this is one of the best lines in all the SEC.

They say the red shirt Miss America's buck at Ole Miss,
because at one point in time they had multiple Miss
Americas on campus. I think the best looking women of
all SEC schools. Again, I'm really making enemies here. I
think Old Miss. I think Ole Miss has the best
looking as a high standard. It's a very high standard,

best looking girls of the entirety of the SEC.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
Or honest question, honest question, at Ole Miss? Do they
have a women and Gender studies department? Because they did
at all five of the five College Consortium where I
went to school, Every school required to have a Women
and Genders studies major, not a class a major available
for everybody.

Speaker 4 (11:56):
No, that's a great question. I would want to say no.
But all these college university has become so woke. And
you mentioned this, did you see I don't know that
you even saw this.

Speaker 3 (12:04):

Speaker 4 (12:04):
We talked about the University of Florida doing away with DEI, right,
they fired every DEI employee. Did you see what the
n DOUAACP said.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
That black athletes should reconsider going to school in Florida now,
And by the way, that's not going I don't think
that's going to happen or have any effect whatsoever, because
DEI educators and bureaucrats are honestly worthless in every institution
to everyone who's attending the institution that comes from.

Speaker 4 (12:36):
Well, I was gonna I agree hundred percent, but you
and I are both in Florida right now. I believe
the NAACP is still having their boycott of Florida too,
right didn't they have the tourism boycott where they told
black people it's not safe for you to go to
Florida Right now, By the way, there's black people everywhere
all over Florida very safe, far safer here than almost
any state because the crime rate is way lower thanks

to RODN. DeSantis and the job he's done here. But
I thought that was interesting that they told the athletes
not to go to state institutions like University of Florida,
Florida State, and South Florida, a bunch of them UCF.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
It has a real effect when you have when you're
in a state, and I'm sure there are other states
right now from people listening that they would say that
this qualifies for them as well. It's true of their
state as well, that they're just their baseline view of
law enforcement is their pro cop you know, the state
is pro police, pro law enforcement. That has changed in

blue states, and that's why you've had and now people say, well,
what about the high violence in some of the red states.
It's always in cities controlled by Democrats, where it's not
that the state troopers are the ones that are supposed
to be cleaning things up. It's local law enforcement under
a commissioner who's usually a Democrat and a mayor who's
usually a Democrat.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
But here in.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
Florida, you know, there was all this national news coverage
of what they were doing so that there wouldn't be
more illegal, crazy stuff happening on spring break. Every person
I spoke to, and I spoke to a lot of
them about it, actually everyone that I was seeing down
here and everything that I heard about it was great.
No breaking the laws down here. You want to come
down here and spend money and have a good time,
that's fantastic. You want to come down here and stab

someone or shoot someone or cause mayhem in the streets,
you're going to find that that's not well taken. That's
not well taken.

Speaker 4 (14:20):
Here We've got where I'm staying right now during spring break.
I'm down here with my families in Florida. So, by
the way, I think the NAACP boycott of Florida is
still going on. They're setting records for overall amount of
tourism for all races, right, same thing is happening. I
think with this ridiculous NAACP statement for black athletes not

to go to the universities, why you're a part of
the meritocracy. You want to excel. I say, this is
a Tennessee Vall fan. You want to go to the
University of Florida, Florida State, South Florida, Central Florida, Go dominate,
get yourself rich. I'm a capitalist.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
I think there's also a huge opportunity here for and
Ron de Santis is taking this. And I'll be honest
from what I understand, Ben Sass who I know, you know,
was a Republican, but an anti Trump Republican when he
was in the Senate. But I think he's the chancellor
of University of Florida system now or whatever they call
the person that's correct, yes, and is doing a good job.

And there's a huge opportunity here for state schools across
the country, any state school that wants to take up
this mantle to say we are just about academic excellence
and the best experience for our students. We are not
some woke mind virus laboratory of nonsense. Because the oh
everyone has to get everyone has to go to a Harvard, Yale, Stanford,

and Duke. That's not true anymore. I mean that has
never been true, but I'm saying the perception has shifted.
University of Florida is rocketing up the ranks right now,
and a Florida state as well, other schools that are
state schools have a big opportunity to really build their
reputations that show people get a great education at our
state school. It's a huge asset, no doubt, that's our

carry went your wife, by the way, Well, we'll hit
some of these vip emails and when we come back,
but we'll also play and have some discussion about what
I thought was a super interesting conversation that happened between
Tucker Carlson and and.

Speaker 3 (16:16):
We don't have time for this call, but can I
just address this very quickly Clay, Bob, and Charleston.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
We can't take your call, becsuse. We got like ten
seconds he's saying that I'm wrong. Ninety five percent of
the country knows it. No, no, I said of La and
New York City, which maybe isn't even America, But we
got to stay with what I said.

Speaker 4 (16:34):
By the way, you're wrong about that too. They all
know the Tennessee.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
Ball Sunday Hey with Clay and Buck.

Speaker 5 (16:42):

Speaker 4 (16:42):
It's the four year anniversary of sports basically shutting down
all over the country, which was a early sign that
America's was losing its mind and that many places were
going to shut down. But I know for you who
are now a Florida resident, and for me, who came
down to Flora at the end of April in twenty
twenty and spend a month here with my family. I

remember posting a video of Cinco de Mayo twenty twenty
when I took my family my kids out to a
Mexican restaurant and said, everybody needs to get back to normal.
You got dragged, if I remember correctly, for saying America
needed to be open by Easter. You're one hundred percent
right on that. That was probably the time when everybody

decided that you wanted everybody's grandma to die. When I
posted that video of Cinco de Mayo of my whole
family out in an indoor restaurant eating, you would have
thought that I was calling for mass execution of grandma's
in America. Based on the way people responded, you and
I were right. I think one of the reasons we're
doing this show today is because we were right about
all of that craziness that was going on. We got

a bunch to get to the Trump Driver testimony. I
want to mention Robert her proving that Joe Biden was
a liar beyond a shadow of a doubt. We got
a couple of cuts from that. But I wanted to
hit this with Kendra, who wrote in Clay, I live
in Knoxville. I want an invite to your sec showdown party.
We may disagree on the flute, but I had your

back on salsa as the superior dip and she said,
love the show.

Speaker 3 (18:15):

Speaker 4 (18:16):
Question for you history nerd, history nerd buck, why is
Tennessee called the volunteers? Why is Tennessee the volunteer state?

Speaker 2 (18:27):
Because the War of eighteen twelve they were asking for
people to join up and fight, particularly against the Allied
tribes called the Red Clubs of Memory Serves who had
these Red War Clubs.

Speaker 3 (18:42):
And Davy Crockett.

Speaker 2 (18:44):
Was actually involved in some of those smaller operations. Are
trying to go after them. And now you're winning.

Speaker 4 (18:49):
Back some you're winning back some people here, but continue.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Andrew Jackson was a commanding officer of some of those
operations as well.

Speaker 3 (18:59):
And I think they were allied with the uh, the Chippewa.
One point was the Chippewa.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
Gosh, I gotta remember the names of the different tribes,
but Choctaw. There we go, Choctaw Indians and uh yeah,
so that's that's the volunteers because they volunteered to join
up and fight against the British in the War of
eighteen twelve. So there you go, all right, So you
may not know where people. People just always freak out

about the burning, you know. And Madison had to flee
and Dolly Madison had to run away, and everyone's like,
oh my gosh, they burned down the White House and
all that stuff. The British were using tribes all along
the frontier to go and scalp settlers and and then
of course we worked with some or rather Americans worked
with some tribes. But that's where the valls comes from.
So all right, So now am I still welcome? I

still welcome in what city we're.

Speaker 4 (19:46):
Gonna you won you want a lot of people back
with that knowledge of the volunteer moniker. So so yes, that's.

Speaker 1 (19:53):
All good Sunday drop with Clay Buck.

Speaker 4 (19:57):
I am not This is not gonna stuck many of you.
I don't know a lot about spaceships. I don't know
a lot about rockets to the extent that you were
out there and you're like, you know, one guy that
I know is gonna know a ton about interplanetary space
travel and rockets. Cleettruck. Not me. But I will say
it was pretty awesome to see this new if you
want something positive to think about, because I know every

day can feel like, you know, you're getting punched in
the face because of the stupidity that's out there. A
lot of times you don't notice the progress that is
being made. A forty two story forty two story spaceship
built by Elon Musk's SpaceX company went to space today

and if you haven't seen the video of that spaceship,
taking off. Yeah, it's pretty incredible.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
Do you I mean, it's starship, so this is this
is the clearly what he calls it. Yeah, he calls
it starship. Elon is very smart. He gave his space
program cool space names. You know, this is like this
is he realized is there's a brand component to this
and and getting people excited about it. I watched it
live on X trying.

Speaker 4 (21:06):
To planning to watch it or did you just find
yourself online and you were like you couldn't look away.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
One of my brothers works in in aeronautics, and uh,
you know that that realm or does work in that space.
So he he texted me and said, you got to
check this out. But I watched it live and it's
fun too because they run the They really make it
an event. You know, they run the space X control

room video feed. So you're hearing these guys, I mean,
for them, this is it is a monumental scientific achievement.
No nation state on the planet can do what SpaceX
can do. They are more advanced and more badass at
space stuff than we are. The China, mean in the US,

the Chinese, the Russians, you name it. Nobody can do
at the nation state government level. What SpaceX can do
right now, And I mean they're gonna be back on
the Moon in a matter of years. They're gonna be
to Mars. Probably not in the twenties, but maybe in
the twenty thirties. They're gonna get to Mars. It's amazing.

I mean, elon musk whatever one thinks of electric cars.
I think Tesla's pretty cool, but it's having its issues.
Buying Twitter to save free speech is amazing, But the
SpaceX program is I mean, this is maybe a species
advancing situation that you're watching. And I'm not a big
space nerve, but I'm becoming I want to learn, you know,

I'm like, I want to become an advanced beginner in
space travel knowledge.

Speaker 3 (22:43):
Because Clay, you watch these what they're doing. You said,
forty two stories.

Speaker 2 (22:47):
Yes, it's two stories. It's amazing what they're doing.

Speaker 4 (22:51):
The spaceship is bigger than most cities tallest building. And
I'm not talking about New York City, LA. I'm talking
about most cities in America don't have a building way
two story building. This ship is bigger than most of
the biggest buildings in the cities or towns or places
where all of you listen.

Speaker 3 (23:10):
Would you would you want to go to space? You
know how? You know how some super rich dudes.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
Yeah, not to put you on the hot seat here,
but do you have any interest in getting up there?

Speaker 4 (23:20):
It to me if it were, no, not really like
I I know everybody's.

Speaker 3 (23:26):
Like even so, I don't know if I'm gonna like space,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (23:29):
I like thing about the people who wanted to go
see the Titanic in person, and some of you out
there are going to say, oh, how could you like
I was? I don't really like the idea of being
way underground and a tiny little ship so that I
can see on in person what otherwise I could see
probably better on video. Like, I don't doubt that the
Titanic is there. Similarly, I don't doubt that the video

that I have. I'm not a flat earther. I don't
doubt that the video that I have seen from space
is pretty cool looking back down. I don't know that
I need to see it.

Speaker 2 (24:02):
Just gonna note that Clay is now kicking the flat
earther hornet nests too, so our inbox is gonna be
even more exciting than it was.

Speaker 5 (24:10):

Speaker 4 (24:12):
Yeah, I don't. I don't think. I mean, maybe if
somebody gave me a free ride to space and people
had done it for a while, it's not on my
like I would rather go to Asia than Space. I
haven't been to Asia. There's lots of places on the
globe i'd like to go.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
We're gonna talk more about Elon later because he had
a little sit down with Don Lemon, which I mean,
Don Lemon should just be so thankful for this, and
he was not, which is unsurprising given that I know
Don Lemon. We'll talk about that in a bit. But
I think Elon Musk you can make a very very
strong case that he's the most important entrepreneur alive in

the world today, right.

Speaker 3 (24:48):
I think that's.

Speaker 2 (24:51):
You know, Jeff Bezos has done some pretty remarkable stuff
at Amazon, and I know he's trying to catch up.
They've got their version of space exploration too, But what
Elon has done unreally set the standard and set the
pace here.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
So it's remarkable the achievements that they've had.

Speaker 4 (25:05):
That's why people who say, oh, Elon doesn't know what
he's doing with Twitter, with X, the guy made spaceships
better than the people that have been trying to make
spaceships for fifty sixty years.

Speaker 2 (25:16):
But he basically single handedly revived space travel as a
human experience, which is it's incredible when you think about it.
And what they made him do in the hoops he
had to go through, and they went to that island
out in the South Pacific and they were doing tests
and it failed, and he kept going and honestly one
of the great stories of entrepreneurship. And I don't know,

just vision from a leader in the last fifty years, no.

Speaker 4 (25:43):
Doubt, and also the willingness to put all of his
money on the line to I mean, there was times
where it appeared that Tesla was going to go bankrupt
and be done. There were times, I think when SpaceX
looked like a absolutely inane idea, and he had the
intestinal fortitude to stick to it and make it happen.

I remember I asked a guy who from nothing created
a multi billion dollar hedge fund, and I was like,
what is it that makes it possible for you to.

Speaker 3 (26:16):
Do what you do? This reminded me of Elon. He says, you.

Speaker 2 (26:20):
Have to be super analytical part one, and you have
to be super willing to take insane risks, yes, meaning
you have to do all the analysis and all the
research and then say come with may let it ride,
you know, stepping.

Speaker 4 (26:36):
Off into the unknown. That's what you have to be
willing to do.

Speaker 3 (26:39):
And Elon was willing to do that.

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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