All Episodes

July 1, 2020 109 mins


Mark Steyn guest hosts for Rush on Wednesday. China arrests 200 Hong Kong protesters. Happy Canada Day. New Canadian names are just as racist as the old ones. If you are triggered by master bedrooms or chess, you are mentally unwell. Russia Hoax: The Rematch. Tulsa cop dies after traffic stop shooting. It’s surprising any police officer shows up for work. Iranian ayatollah says protesters have taken up their chant: “Death to America.” This is not the time to be meeting lunatics halfway. We have too many subversive colleges.


China runs the world now. The Biden hereditary ruling class. The People’s Utopia of CHOP kills more black people than the Minneapolis Police Department. There’s nothing conservative about these fake corporate institutions. You have to push back against young liberal censorship. Western society dying under America’s watch and it’s disgusting. Ice Cube defends Louis Farrakhan from Jake Tapper. De Blasio cuts $1 billion from NYPD. ISIS put out a hit list on Americans.


Mark Steyn interviews ex-NFL star and Utah GOP House primary nominee, Burgess Owens. No streets or statues should be changed or taken down. Chris Christie says Trump is losing. Joe Biden has only gone further left after becoming de facto nominee. The dilemma of the two-party system. Can we form a third party for the so-called deplorables? The Democrat Party has never renounced its evil past. Justin Trudeau also did a lot of this self-loathing nonsense. It’s sobering to know Americans no longer respect each other’s histories.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbo Show podcast. Yes,
some America's anchor man is a way. You know why
that is. He's he's having some treatment today and the
way it's gone the last few weeks, the treatment goes well,
but he wakes up the morning after feeling totally clobbed

by the thing. So we do hope to have Rush
back before the end of the week, before the glorious
fourth because no one does unabashed, full throated love of
country the way Rush does, and it would be terrific
to have him here before the week is out to

set up your Independence Day weekend just perfectly. But we
are here at the side of another month of excellence
in broadcasting. July the first July the first, twenty three
years ago today, the Crown Colony of Hong Kong became
a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

And it is no accident that on this anniversary China
has passed in defiance of its treaty obligations. China has
passed an illegal law affecting the people of Hong Kong.
And just to show that they're taking this new illegal
law seriously, they rounded up two hundred people. Yesterday, July

the first is also the day, this very day, that
the USMCA, the replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement,
the USMCA United States Mexico Canada Agreement, comes into effect.
That would normally be a big deal and would be
regarded as a fairly spectacular accomplishment if you recall the

way the introduction of NAFTA was treated. But it's passed
almost withoutnotice because all the papers full of stories about
how Trump is depressed, Trump is thinking of quitting before
the election, Trump regrets following the advice of his son

in law, Jared Cushners. So there's all kinds of palace
gossip taking the place of what would otherwise be a
signature achievement across Today, July the first, to all our
listeners listening in Canada, and we do have a lot
because Canadian talk radio has completely gone down the toilet
in the last couple of years. It's dead north of
the forty ninth parallel, so we get an awful lot

of people listening in Canada. We had a call, I
think from Howard from Victoria in British Columbia yesday, So
to all Canadians Happy Canada Day. It's such a shame
rushes away, actually, because he had a full three hour
Canada Day special all planned for you. He'd worked it
all out and then he's not here today, and it's
I know nothing about Canada, so I'd love to do it,

but I just don't have his You'll have to wait
till next year. If a Rush's three hour Canada Day special,
mister Snerdley, I believe is back from his secret mission
to an undisclosed location. He's keeping an eye on things
down south. We have Mike and Keith taking care of

things in midtown Manhattan. I'll tell you what. I'll say
one more thing about about Canada Day, because it's relevant
to this other so called national holiday that maybe seven
or eight of you will be celebrating this weekend. I
always called Canada Day Dominion Day, because that's what it

was for one hundred and fifteen years, and then in
the early eighties they changed it quite improperly, and I
never accepted the chain. So I still wish my fellow
Canadians up north happy Dominion Day, just as I still
like the old red ensign that Canadians fought under in
two World Wars, and they're buried under that flag if

you go to the war graves in Normandy and in
other parts of Western Europe. So I always use the
old names, and I do this because you might as well.
You know, we got rid of the old names for
these things because they were supposedly colonialists and imperialists and

all the rest of it. Even though they'd been accepted
for over a hundred years. The new names have become
just as colonialist and racist in even less time. Every year,
Canadian newspapers, to mark the national holiday, have a little
feature showing maple leaf flags that you can cut out
and stick in your window. You know, it's a pretty

lousy things, a cheap way of showing your patriotism, but
they publish in the special Canada Day supplement to picture
the maple leaf flag, you cut it out and stick
it in the window. This year, Canadian newspapers put trigger
warnings on their front pages saying the warning that there
was a Canadian flag inside. And they understood that this

might distress and disturb some of their readers, so they're
just putting it on the front page so you can say,
oh my god, there's a flag in it and am
for it in the garbage can The Chronicle, Herald, the
biggest newspaper in Nova Scotia, the Telegram, the biggest newspaper
in Newfoundland. All these newspapers did this. It is like
a previous As I said, this is related to what's

going to happen south of the border this weekend. And
that's why I say, I think all these renaming holidays
and coming up with new flags like Canada is all rubbish.
Viscount Falkland, this is conservatism. This is a pithy distillation
of conservatism from the second Viscount Falkland. He's not the

guy the Falkland Islands were named after. That's the fifth
Viscount Falkland. But sixteen forty one, the second Viscount Falkland said,
when it is not necessary to change, it is necessary
not to change. That's a conservative position. That's my position
on all this march of them all, on stuff going

on across the land down here. I'm just I'm not
interested in in debating with Coldwell Banker whether we should
give up the phrase master bedroom just because some people
are triggered by it. If you're triggered by the phrase
master bedroom, you're mentally ill, and the bank shouldn't give
you a loan to buy the house because you're you're

not a fully formed, functioning human being. No one should
be going to a real estate closing with a guy
who's triggered by the phrase master bedroom. Chess. There's two
teams in chess. There's the white team and the black team,
and traditionally the white team goes first. So if you
draw the white side of the chessboard, you go first.

Nobody's permanently white, nobody's permanently black. It's all changed around.
You might be the white, you might be the black,
but the white team goes first. It's nothing to do
with racism. It's something to do with the Civil War.
It's not going to make any difference to anybody's life.
And so, in Lord Falkland's words, when it is not

necessary to change, it is necessary not to change. I
haven't got a single. I've got I think one Dixie
Chicks track on one of these stupid All Star celebrity
duet CDs. I think it's on some Tony Bennett CD
or something. I don't like the Dixie Chicks. Can't stand
the Dixie Chicks. No interest in the Dixie Chicks. But

I'm not going to call them the chicks because they've
been panicked into abandoning the word Dixie. And this is
really where where we need conservative leaders who are going
to hold the line on this stuff the sil I
don't heard a peep out of the conservative think tanks
in weeks now. The only thing I look at whenever

I see some congressman tweeting about something. He's tweeting about
how some new sanctions deal to put pressure on Syria.
Who the hell cares about Syria. They're burning down America.
When we've figured out a fix to stop them burning
down America, then we'll have all the time on our

hands to figure out why they're burning down Syria and
do something about that. This is all stupid stuff. When
it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not
to change. That's the conservative position, and I would like
to hear some conservatives articulate that rather than you know,
oh well, you know it's easier. You can see, you

can seede on a thousand trivial fronts. Oh well, master
bedroom isn't the hill to die on? You know. They're
all phrases in real estate are stupid. It's that kind
of a profession, you know, drop dead views. That's really
offensive to people who have dropped dead because they were
pulled over for driving while black. How dare they say
op dead views? You know, if you're gonna die through mornization,

you don't deserve to live. When it is not necessary
to change, it is necessary not to change. That is
the conservative position on this one. Eight hundred two eight
two eight eight two is the number to call. As
I said, there are a whole lot of stories, and

these things are always coordinated. We have this ongoing, you know,
Russia hoax, the rematch about the so called bounty that
the Russians are putting on the head of heads of
soldiers in Afghanistan. Nobody who has the remotest understanding of
what it's like to be a Western soldier in Afghanistan

would think this was any kind of plausible story. It's
more it's as I said yesterday, it's complete nonsense, complete drivel.
There's every I believe, every single figure in the leading
figurehead of a major agency in the intelligence community has
now said there's no actionable intelligence. There's nothing you can

actually brief the president on, Oh, we're putting our troops
in danger by not telling them that the Russian have
you Have you ever visited a NATO base in Afghanistan.
I was in Australia while back. I saw Under Vay, senior,
extremely senior Australian politician who just got back the day

before from Afghanistan, and I said, what's it like now?
He said, it's it's Crusader forts, by which he means
that inside the fort, you've got your Burger king, you've
got your taco bell, you've got your Duncan donuts, and
you lead an approximation of a Western existence. And then
the minute you step out of that gate, everybody wants

to kill you. And you've got to be alert because everybody, everybody,
not just the big bearded Jihadis type, but also the
old crone in the head to toe body bag and
the sweet looking little seven year old schoolgirl, schoolboy, all
of them want to kill you. That's that's the that's

the reason Afghanistan is a disaster. Afghanistan is a disaster
because we had no strategic goals, we had no national
interest that we wanted to prosecute in Afghanistan. So we
go out there, we spend a lot of money building schoolhouses.
Then the tower band take that pack that back that

particular patch of land, so they now have a state
of the art American built schoolhouse that no girls are
allowed to go to. Then we get all sentimental and
we start giving them fraudulent books like three cups of tea,
And throughout this time nothing changes. I mentioned you know,
all these fake Afghan sayings. A prudent son mistrusts his mother.

It's a low trust society. This village hates that village,
This group of villagers hates the group of villages in
the next valley. It's a low trust society. And the
people they're most suspicious of and they most hate are
in fact the Infidel who come in and occupy them
for twenty years, and they build a big fort and
they've got Duncan donuts on the inside of the fort,

but none of the Pushtoon warriors can get in and
get at all the Boston Cream donuts. So they all
want to killers and to have this stupid conversation. It's
bad enough that this country hasn't won a war in
seventy five years. It's even more stupid that what is
in fact a Macedonian content Farmer fake news operation now

is going to be used for impeachment too. Eventually, Rapriz
Yesterday's zone a society becomes too stupid to survive one
eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two. If
you're a big old lefty, I always say this, love
to hear from the lefties. We actually had quite a
sensible moderate Democrat yesterday. And if there is such a
person out there again, give me a call and tell

me what you thought a Joe Biden's press conference. He's
gone back in the bunker now till the Monday before
the Tuesday election in November. This strategy is working great
for him. Mark Stein in for Rush on America's number
one radio show, Mark Stein on the IB Network one
eight two eight two eight eight two. You'll know that

in Tulsa, Oklahoma, two policemen were shot. One of them
has now died. Sergeant Craig Johnson, forty five years old,
of the Tulsa Police died of his injuriesm Tuesday after
being shot during a traffic stop on Monday morning. The suspect,

David Ware, He's been arrested on weapons charges. They the
two officers encountered him early on Monday morning, a scuffle ensued.
He refused twelve times. He was driving a vehicle with
expired tags and so the vehicle had to be towed.

He refused twelve times to get out of the car,
which prompted officers to deploy a taser gun and pepper spray.
He fought through the taser gun before allegedly firing seven
several rounds at the officers and Sergeant Johnson, a fifteen
year veteran of the Tulsa Police Department, is now dead,

leaving behind a wife and two sons. And you have
to you have to wonder now about all the split
second decisions. I love the way people who go on
TV and radio and pass comment on current events with
the benefit of hindsight. Monday morning quarterbacking and Monday morning

you know, it's one thing to do it about a
sports event that goes on a couple of hours or whatever.
But it's an entirely different thing to do Monday morning
quarter backing about a split second in which the decisions
you make will determine whether you live or die. And
you have to bet I don't know what went on
in this Tulsa situation, but you have to bet that

when a policeman pulls a guy over for a peripheral
in fraction now and the guy gets belligerent, and it
all starts to go south. And they're thinking about those
guys outside the Wendy's in Atlanta. When one of them,
the pup yanks away, the taser, fires the taser. You
don't know what's coming next, you fire, He's dead, and

you're looking at murder charges with the death penalty as
that officer is in Atlanta. And I am astonished, frankly
that in some of these very dangerous cities that there
are actually still officers turning up and going to work

in the morning. But you have to you have to
think that all this talk, all this old we're going
to defund them. The school district has voted not to
have the coppers in the schools anymore. Every Democrat and
mayor is talking about how we need to reimagine the police.
Reimagine the police. It's a fantastic term to apply to
policing because it's it's almost like fairy unicorns, prancing pink

fairy unicorns as we reimagine the police. And meanwhile, the old,
unreimagined police are still out there. Every day dealing with
guys like this. Now, this guy, I love this. You know,
this guy has a rap sheets as long as everybody
in your family's arms put together. He's got a burglary conviction,

He's got arrests on grand larceny, he's got an arrest
resisting arrest for carrying a concealed weapon, drug possession, shoplifting.
He sounds pretty much like a career criminal. And you
would think that there would be it's questionable whether this
guy should even be on the streets. But the same,

but the same situation goes out is played out all
over this country every minute of the day, every hour.
Except the difference is that in the last month, now
police have to think, oh, wait a minute, which I do.
I'll just I'll tell you what. I'll just let him
refuse to get out of the vehicle another four times,
another five times, another seven times, another nine times, because

I don't want to be like that guy in Atlanta.
I don't want this thing to go south. And then
because I'm a policeman doing my duty to protect the
community and serve the people and the city I live in,
that I'm going to be up on a murder charge
and looking at a death penalty. I've been overcharged because
the dirty, stinking, rotten, corrupt local prosecutor in Atlanta wants

me to plead to a lesser charge manslaught, and I'll
go away forever and no one will ever know my name,
and I'll be the guy who stood there as this
guy stole my taser and fired it at me. And
because I had a split second to make a judgment
about who he was, how dangerous he was, what he

was planning to do because of that, I had a
split second to make that judgment. And then some politicized,
horribly politicized local attorney decides that I've got to be
charged with murder and looking at the death penalty, so
I'll plead it down to life imprisonment. I'm surprised any
policeman in this country still turns up to work. If

you don't want to be discombobulated by any sinister foreign
guests host, you can always go to rush limbo dot
com and become a Rush twenty four seven subscriber. And
Rush twenty four seven means what it says. You can
get Rush twenty four hours a day, seven days a
week in any distribution medium known to man. You can

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the radio show. You can listen to him at two
in the morning. If if the whole noon to three
Eastern thing doesn't work for you, you can listen to
him in the middle of the night. You can binge
listen all weekend long. You can get him in on
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There is no vault like Rush's vault in the history
of broadcasting. And it can all be yours. It's a
great It's these are depressing times. Any minute now, they're
going to cancel Fourth of July. It's an inglorious fourth
and the terrible things are happening in our country. Rush
is the great optimist, and he has seen us through

bad times before, and the evidence of that is in
the most spectacular vault in the history of broadcasting. It
can all be yours. If you get a RUSSI lymboard
dot com and become a Rush twenty four seventh subscriber.
And I always get asked, you know, people say, oh,
I'm worried about Rush. This is terrible. My heart skips

are jump. I said, it's like bad for the guests.
So because in the old days when we were here,
you tuned in and there was a guest. So so
it was Rush was doing some pro celebrity golf thing
somewhere with a lot of big shots. So he was
flying into Hollywood to record his little voice bit for
some animated show that was featuring him or whatever, or

he was going to see the President, and so you
got to you got the glow of his reflected glamor.
And now it's another it's a completely different vibe. Because
people say to me that whenever they switched the rady
on and they hear the guests host, they will say, oh,
it is Russia, okay today, what's going on? Well, the
one thing you can do to cheer him up, because

he loves to see them, is just go to Rush
Limball dot com And before you even get to the
big banner that says the Rush Limball Show right at
the top of the page, you go three four buttons
along and you can send a special message to Rush.
Just hit that button. You can send him not only
your words, your thoughts, your prayers, your best wishes, but

you can upload a little greeting card or fun photograph
or cartoon or whatever you have in mind, and that's
all there for you at Russia lindenball dot com. Meanwhile,
we stayer on and this this is the I think
one of the most interesting insights into the state of

the nation today. And it actually comes from a big
sidekick of the Supreme Leader Iatollah Many in Iran. So
he's not the Supreme leader. He's the deputy sistant under
Supreme Leader. That's what he'd be if he walked worked
in you know, the Department of Agriculture or Interior Affairs

in Washington. This guy is, but he's like he's like
a big he's not quite a Supreme leader, but he's
like a quite a super deputy under assistant Supreme Leader.
And this is the Iranian I taller lot of Foller
on Twitter. I'll try and say that again. I a
toller lot of Foller. He's got a lot of followers

on Twitter and Facebook. Anyway, this is a Toller Lord
of Faller. I think that was Bill Haley and the
comments wasn't I at all a lord of Faller? In
a while? Crocodile Anyway, Toller Lord of Foller here is
saying that America's over. It cannot be the main decision
maker when it comes to strategic matters in the world. Today.

The sound of America being shattered and of the collapse
is being heard all over the world. And then he
says this, the Fariadi meltedon jellodarambazamcabold emeralds as zabane Chabad Comarqubarca.

Well that's the that's the crowd at the end, just
shouting death to America. And if you don't speak fastly,
is what he was saying beforehand. The shout of the
Iranian nation, which has been leading the fight against America
for forty years, is being heard from the mouths of
the Americans themselves. Death to America. This Ayatolla Lota Folla

is saying that the guys on the street are in
effect the guys toppling statues of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington,
Francis Scott Key. These guys are basically chanting. They've taken
up the chant of the Iranians. For forty years. The
Iranians have been shouting death to America, and now Americans

themselves are on the streets shouting death to America. And
he's not wrong on that. It's if you the statue,
the emancipation statue in Boston came down last night. That's gone.
That's over. Francis Scott Key toppled, as I said, this

terrific Minnesota Madison, Wisconsin abolitionist Hans Christian Heg a Norwegian
immigrant who gave his life for his adopted country on
the Union Army side, and they still topple his statue.
These guys are shouting, in effect, death to America. It's

not that they don't like Confederate generals. And this is
again to go back to what I was saying at
the top of the show, Viscount Falkland's line. When it
is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change,
even if there were conceivable circumstances like to rename US

military installations named after Confederate generals, doing it to abase
the mob is not the time to do it. And
as usual, the ghastly, hideous, repulsive Senate Republicans in their
in a committee that so called conservatives supposedly control, has
actually gone along with that because they think, ah, let's

toss a bit of red meat let's toss a bit
of churning chum into the shark tank and that'll make
the sharks calm down. Are you out of your minds
for a start? It denies the point of history. Nobody
knows who fought Bragg. Let's go on try it if

you're driven along right now. Paul Over asked the first
hundred people you meet, whether they can tell you who
Fort Hood or Fort Bragg is named after, and they
won't be able to. And after a while, something becomes
a thing in its own right. We talked yesterday. I

mentioned yesterday came up the state of Victoria in Australia,
which has been the state of Victoria for a century
and a half. It was named after the great white racist, imperialist,
colonialist queen. But after one hundred and fifty years, you
become something in your own right. You're not just still

a bit of promotional merchandise for some queen who's been
dead one hundred and twenty years. And this is what
is so ridiculous and childish about this and the conservative position.
And I'm so sick. I cannot, I cannot. I have
to calm down because I know a lot of these
people Russia's met them, and some of them even I've met,

and some of them I made the mistakes some years
ago at speaking in events for them. But I'm so
sick of a conservatism that can do that, can offer
nothing more conservative than meeting lunatics halfway and claiming that's conservatism.
I used to talk about the United Nations, where you

have the world's democracies and then you have the world's dictatorships,
and then they all reach a consensus. And I used
to say, well, what kind of consensus is that going
to be? And I used to explain the un in
this way that if you if you take a pint
of vanilla ice cream and a pint of dog feces

and you mix them together, the result is gonna taste
a lot less like the ice cream and a lot
more like the dog feces. And that's why what happens
when you meet lunatics halfway. This is not a time
for clever, for clever triangulating conservatives who are triangulating America

out of business right now to say, oh yeah, let's
surrender these Confederate basis name for Confederate Nobody is pure
enough for the mobs on the street. This ayatolla atoll,
a lotta follow whatever the guys called. He's absolutely right.
The crowd, the Americans on the street are chanting, are

in effect chanting death to America as they topple these statutes.
I read out the statistics yesterday from Quillette. Over seventy
percent of so called American liberals want a new anthem,
want a new constitution. Little below that want a new flag.
Somewhere between thirty and forty percent want a new name

for the country. These people are are out there shouting
death to America, and instead of saying no, we draw
the liner that we're not interested in negotiating with a
bunch of people saying death to America. We instead sam
and say, well, how about just grievous bodily wounds to America.

You're negotiating with people who hate you, who hate everything
about you. Where are the principal conservatives who will take
a stand and say no. This country, since the Declaration
of Independence, has set itself out on a platform of

being a constitutional republic that changes things according to the laws,
so that if you want to tear down this statue
or that statue or some other thing, elect your guys
to city hall, elect your guys to the state government.
Do it that way. The idea that after one of
the longest settled, peacefully evolved constitutional entities of the modern world,

should instead actually be be throwing red meat to the
mob in the hope that they'll just they'll chow down
on that and it will save their appetites for another
thirty six hours before they come for Abe Lincoln and
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. It's pathetic, Mark Stein for
Rush one eight hundred two two two eight eight two.

Will take your calls straight ahead. Mark Stein in a
far rushed cut in Lake Ozark, Missouri, Europe first on
today's Rush Lyn Bull Show. Great to have you with us.
What's any mind cut? Yeah, Mark, You know these people
you're just describing or Rush touched on it Monday. You

know they're made the universities make these people anti for
I guarantee all of them. I went to college and
they're made to Our universities have become subversive. I mean
that's the term we have to use. Subversive. The attitudes
we have in this country about the flag and changing

all the stuff you just said. Those attitudes were We're
inculcated by our academia and our colleges. They're subversive. It's
not just left wingers they produce. It's like it's like
the camar roots and skinny genes. Okay, uh, people are scary.

They're going to come for you. If you have spectacles.
I can see the you know, the scarf, the red scarf,
and the kids. You know, it's just it's scary. Well,
there was this one. We should actually find out her
name and give her a bit of publicity. It's a
senior at Harvard. She's had one of the most pamped
existences that you can have in the entirety of human history,

and she's own on there on video on social media
threatening to stab people who say all lives matter. These
are basically an elite core of privileged eternal adolescence, because
we've let adolescence stretch into the early thirties now. But

they're serious about it and all the time. The right
basically said, as the great Tom Wolfe said to me
once about this thing, that oh, these kids just sit
in the class, rolling their eyes at all the social
justice stuff and forget about it as soon as they
leave college. No, they don't. The crazy stuff that was
happening on campus eight nine, ten years ago is now

happening in the boardrooms and the newspapers and all other
outposts of American life. Because these people are basically turning
America into one big college campus. Cut and I'd like
to I mean, what would you what would you live?
Because this is your state is typical of this in

a way. You're in the heartland. Everyone thinks, oh, there's
conservative values, there's red states and all. There's no. Every
single red state has deep blue universities, deep blue high schools,
deep blue grade schools, and kindergartens. It doesn't matter how
read your state is. The education system is still in

the hands of the social justice commissars Kurt. Yes, well,
I don't know, it's it's it's it's a far down
the road. I would say, defund them home school. Uh
you know, take that money that you would send your
kid to college and send them around the world, buy
them a car, buy them their first house. Up. Maybe

there'll be apprenticeships to replace college education. Yeah that that
that's actual. Yeah, carry on, Well, if you're an alumnus,
don't send them money and tell them why defund them,
don't watch their sports. I'm not kidding college. I think
it's Can you imagine a saying a college is harmful

to your kids? Right right? And the this was, this
was I wrote a book. I wrote a book about this,
and I said a decade ago, this is the biggest
structural defect. We have too many colleges. You can't You
can't have as many colleges as there are Taco Bell
franchises and expect it to be anything like a university.

There there are serious subjects, whether you're talking about engineering
or whether you're talking about ancient Greek and all the rest.
Six and a half years to do a bachelor's in
transgender studies is worse than a waste of time, because
it's six and a half years in which these people

are turned into automatons for the great march of the
morons that we see around the country today. Thank you
very much for your call on that cut. Again, we
have to be we have we have to be serious
about this. We can't just ever since Reagan, the writers
basically said, oh, we don't really care about education, we

don't really care about the culture, we don't really care
about the mainline churches. We don't really care about the media.
As long as we can drag a guy across the
finish line every other Tuesday in November, then we're fine,
because we still we still got guys with our after
their name. You can never have conservative government as the

culture gets more and more left wing, and as we
see now on the streets, these guys, these guys are serious.
It is death to America time. And if you don't
want to go there, you need to elect somebody who's
got some He doesn't just want to talk about lowering
the corporate tax rate. He's actually got some serious plan

to reclaim all the sites that America has lost. More
in a minute, whoa the bumba music is getting way
too cool. The Squaresville host on today's show, Mark Stein
in for Rush on America's number one radio show. Lots
more still to come, stay with us. Yes, America's anchor

man is away and this is your undocumented anchor man,
thrilled to be here, no supporting paperwork whatsoever. A foreign
exchange student at the Limbo Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.
I've been a foreign exchange student here for what is

it now, fourteen years. I really ought to be we
really ought to be thinking about graduating sometime in the
next half decade or so. Mark signing for Rush thrilled
to be here. One eight hundred two eight two two
eight eight two is the number to call Another busy
day I mentioned It's July the first, which is Canada Day,

Dominion Day in Canada. It's also the anniversary of the
handover of Hong Kong to China. And it really, I
mean it. I can't disguise my total contempt for the
people on the streets in American cities and in cities
to other parts of the Western world, in part because

when you compare them to what's going on in China,
where a third of the population against one of the
most brutal regimes in the world, a regime that statistically
kills more people than the rest of the planet combined
each year the government of China. The difference between these

brave principal protesters on the streets of Hong Kong and
these ignorant, stunted goons staggering around from one statue to
another on the streets of American cities could not be clearer.
Xiang xiao Ing, executive deputy director of Beijing's Hong Kong

and Macau Affairs Office said that the new law article
fifty five, which says that Beijing can exercise jurisdiction over
complex or serious cases in Hong Kong. This new law
is a birthday gift to Hong Kong on the twenty

third anniversary of the transfer of power from London to Beijing.
These and to demonstrate that they've arrested already two hundred people.
This is the most China runs the world now. And
you know that, you know you look at Biden. Biden

is a sock puppet anyway, and it would be nice
to think that he was a sock puppet for Kamala
Harris or whoever his VP is and will be waggling
him around as the three percent of his brain that's
left crumbles away to nothing in the first two years
of his administration if he gets elected. But Biden is

also ultimately a sock puppet for China. And look at
this thing here. This is again, this is a typical story,
just the typical story of the And I said, yes,
said Trump was brilliant, low energy Jeb, low energy Jeb.
That was great. Sleepy Joe doesn't quite cut it for

me because he's sleeping his way to victory at the moment,
and he isn't sleepy, he's corrupt. Secret Service provided Hunter
Biden protection on more than four hundred flights. Who is
Hunter Biden? He's the youngest son of the of the

so called vice president of the United States. In what
way is in what way does he need or or
is entitled to Secret Service protection? Did they provide Secret
Service protection when he left that crack pipe in the
rental car, or when Hunter's high on crack visiting his
baby mama to tell her why he's not gonna send

her a check that month, and then he drops the
car back off at the airport and he leaves the
crack pipe in the car. He doesn't need the Secret
Service for that. It's a joke. It's a joke. It's
there's no reason, people, people, and it's worth thinking about.
On July the fourth, seventeen seventy six, as George the

Third said, when he was asked what Washington's plans were
for the end of the presidency, and he was told
that George Washington was just going to go home and
live on his farm. And George the third said, why
then he will be the greatest man in the whole
wide world. In that he did. He renounced power, he

gave he had power, and he gave power up. That's
why you have a republic. You can't have a republic
where the youngest kid of the vice president, which is
a completely ridiculous office, is entitled to secret Service protection
on more than four hundred flights. Why did you guys
know about his crack habit? Yeah, you're providing protection for

him and more than four hundred flights, including though including
the flight in December twenty thirteen when he was a
board Air Force two. There shouldn't be an Air Force two.
That's another thing to go back to George the thirds thing.
People say, oh, you know Harry and Megan. Who cares
about them? He's just whatever he is now, seventh or
eighth in line to the throne. Well, what do you

think a hint, Hunter Biden is Why have an hereditary
ruling class if you're a republic. It's completely point. I'd
rather have a viscount or a marquess than Hunter Biden
with his own secret Service detail when he's flying around
on Air Force two, which shouldn't be a thing. Nobody wants.

Nobody wants to kill Joe Biden. Why is there an
Air Force two? Why can't he fly commercial? They've changed
it now so that to fly commercial to Beijing, you've
got to stand in line, You've got to shuffle shoelace
like a great bovine herd, and it's and supposedly no
one can get it on there to harm you. So
why can't Joe Biden fly commercial? Nobody wants to kill him,

and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway,
because he's like ninety eight percent dead already. Anyway, Hunter
Biden flew on with his dad to Beijing on Air
Force two as part of an official state visit. That's
another thing. You shouldn't have vice presidents making state visits.
That's a ludicrous term to apply to a visit by

a vice president. And during that visit, during that visit,
Hunter Biden entered into a multi billion dollar deal with
the subsidiary of the state owned Bank of China. So you, you,
the American taxpayer, are providing secret service details for Hunter

Biden to fly to Beijing and climb into bed with
the Chinese polit viewer. Meanwhile, we have these brave people
on the streets of Hong Kong. Who aren't like the idiots.
They're not like the grunting no nothing, the little trusty,
fundy liberal white progressive women with their six and a

half year bachelor degrees running around in bandanas, torching and
toppling statues. They're actually fighting to They understand they have
freedom and they are fighting to keep that freedom. Under
the agreement that China entered into, it was supposed to
be a half century deal to the year twenty forty

seven of one nation, two systems, and the systems are
completely differ. On the High Court, this law now for
complex or serious cases where you'll be tried in Beijing.
Why are they doing that? Because Hong Kong law, as
part of the deal, has English law, It has a
High Court, its ultimate Court of Appeal has judges from England, Canada,

Australia common law judges applying English law to Hong Kong citizens.
Hong Kong has its own currency, it has its own
legal system. This is in breach of that international obligation.
These guys understand what freedom is and they and they're
in an awful situation. They're in bed with a brute

and a bully and so they have to be extra
vigilant because they know that that brute and that bully
the dominant power on the planet, that the damn fool
Chamber of Commerce right has let become the leading economic
power on the planet and in fact the de facto
superpower of the planet because China it's its way and

we don't. And they're trying. They're out there on the streets,
a third of the population of Hong Kong, over two
million people on the streets, fighting to keep their freedom,
and we see idiots staggering around the Chop Zone, actually
surrendering freedom, saying we're bored by freedom. We've had almost
two and a half centuries of a constitutional republic, and

we're getting to the decadence stage and the defeat and
self indulgent stage, and living in liberty has become kind
of boring, and we'd rather live We'd actually rather live
in something that has the electric freesong of something a
little more dangerous and exotic. We'd like to have a
people's republic of chop. Chop has been around for three weeks,

and they shot dead a nineteen year old black guy
and a sixteen year old black guy, and the evidence
suggests that these are white trusty Fundye security guards. So
the so called chop police, the chop starper of Chopistan
or whatever it's calling itself this week, actually shot these
two black guys. So the nice chop utopia, the people's

utopia of chop kills black people at a higher rate
than the Minneapolis police department that started this whole thing.
There's nothing in this revolution, and I look at these corporations.
Walmart now says it will refuse to sell All Lives
Matter t shirts because they understand that, you know, all

Lives Matter can be a dog whistle for we don't
care about black lives or whatever. And Walmart is supposed
to be a so called conservative institution, you know. Peter Struck,
in his text to his paramour Lisa Page, mocked Trump
supporters as smelly Walmart people. I don't know how they smell,

the smelly Walmart people, but I tell you this, however,
however perfumed or male odorous they are. There is nothing
conservative about Walmart. There's nothing conservative about folding on this.
There's nothing conservative about that homophobic chicken chain Chick fil
A caving and saying, well, we won't give any we

won't give any money to anybody the Southern Poverty Law
Center dislikes. Don't don't be the roobs of the right
forever and keep falling for these fake, these fake conservative institutions. Well,
in the end, Walmart isn't on your side. In the end, Walmart,

all lives matter. Now there's somebody who's, as I said
last hour, a Harvard senior who's threatening to stab people
who say all those madam, and we think, oh, well,
that's just crazy college kids. No, it's not. Basically, Walmart
has lined up on the same side, on the same side. Yeah.

One thing I noticed is that with say faith based institutions,
as some kid who's just been denied a scholarship, he
was given a scholarship US Post Catholic University, unlike ninety
nine point nine of these so called Catholic institutions. The
Catholic institution is all hot for the LGBT quality stuff.

So they the Catholic university puts out an LGBTQ a
tweet or whatever it was, and the student dissents from it,
and now they're going to take his scholarship away from him.
Because the so called faith based institutions don't have any faith.

Go back to the line of Viscount Falkland. When it
is not necessary to change, it is necessary to not
it is necessary not to change. We need people who
are going to hold the line. We're suffering death by
a million cuts right now. And at the same time,
what you see on the streets of Hong Kong are

real protesters. What you see on the streets of Americans
cities are overindulged joke know nothings, the beneficiaries of the
most pampered adolescents in human history. They can't make anything,
they can't create anything. All they can do is destroy.
And every American corporation wants to get on the same

side as them. Don't. Don't. They're weaker, They're what are they?
Two percent? Mike Flynn has a great piece today, General Flynn.
He's had a tough time and he's written this column
out there saying that two percent of the most passionate
make the running for the other ninety eight percent. That's
the way it goes in almost all revolutions. People think

it's a numbers game. It's never a numbers game. It's
about will And I tell you something, I'm not gonna
I'm not going to have the will of the guys
who run Chop and shoot and kill black teenagers in
the people's utopia Chop. I'm not interested in bending their will.
I mentioned the I was talking about meeting these people halfway,

and somebody tweeted, yeah, if you if you meet a
lunatic halfway, you're a lunatic too. Exactly. That's how it is.
Don't meet these guys halfway. Mark Stein, for us, you're
called straight ahead Mark Stein, Infra Rush on the Excellence
in Broadcasting Network. Let's go to Linda in Lyle, Illinois. Linda,

you're next on America's number one radio show. Great have
you with us here? Mark, you are Anna role today.
You're making a new way up so heard because of
all the arguments that you give for work. Well, I
can tell you whoever succeeds to our civilization, whether it's
the Ayatollahs or the Chinese or space aliens from the

planets go, they will be laughing their heads off at
how we did this to ourselves. That's that's for sure.
It's it's not really funny, Linda. It will just seem
funny in the history books three or four centuries from now.
But what what what? What else is concerning you today? Okay,
So there's a couple of things that I wanted to

bring up to you, if you don't mind. You were
talking about in Afghanistan and my grandson was there is
a medic about several years ago, and he said that
all the people out there wanted to do was kill
each other, right, it was unbelievable. Or or they would
take stones and piled stones on top of one another.

He said, it was really pathetic. Now, the other thing
I wanted to bring up, you're you're, you're, you're right
about that. In fact, we shouldn't. The minute you know
a newspaper story isn't real is when it starts talking
about an Afghan because there's no really no such thing
as an Afghan. There are push tunes, and there are Uzbeks,
and there were this, that and the other, and they

all hate each other and the only time they ever
agree on anything is when some other party shows up,
like the British or the Russians or the Americans, and
then they think, oh, well, wait there's some new people
to hate. We'll go and hate them for a bit.
But you're absolutely your grandson's right, they all hate each other.
That's absolutely true. Yeah, it's true. And the other thing

was about what liberals think. Now I'm not talking about
these educated liberals. I'm talking about these high school and
college kids. They actually think that all people think like them,
and they don't, and if you don't think like them,
they get really mad at you. I have two granddaughters,
two of them sixteen and eighteen years old, that are

whatever they're talking about. I said, where are you hearing
this stuff? And then if they're yelling at me if
I don't think like them, and I go, wait a minute,
and they well, we have a right to our opinion
as episode away. Yeah no, no, no, no, no, Linda,
You've got it wrong. You have a right to their opinion.
Because what's interesting there? You say. They're sixteen and eighteen,

so they've been taught basically since kindergarten that there's a
correct view on climate change, there's a correct view on Islam,
there's a correct view on same sex marriage, there's a
correct view on transgender bathrooms, and there's a correct view
on open borders. And it's not just that they're entitled
to their opinion, but you're not entitled to your opinion,

and they're often like stunned at the fact that their
parents and grandparents have an act. Aren't actually going around
like brainwash zombies, repeating the party line like you meant
to on all these subjects exactly. So I wanted to
say to all the parents out there and the grandparents,
make sure you push back with these kids, because I

push back. I will not let these sixteen, eighteen or
twenty five year olds tell me that they no more
than I do in eighty one years old and I've
been around a long time. Well, good, good for you, Linda,
And actually Linda, what Linda's saying there is absolutely you
do have to push. But don't just say, ah, you know,

little Susie May is only fifteen or sixteen. Let it go. No,
don't just keep when they tell you can't say something.
It's actually important to say it again, just to demonstrate
that that approach is not going to work. We've basically
got two generations of people now who have no who

have no don't even pay lip service to the idea
of free speech. What matters increasingly is you take the
party line on an ever growing list of subjects, and
that's all you're allowed to say about it, Yes, rushes out,
but he hopes, he hopes to be back before the

end of the week for some authentic, full strength all
America an excellence in broadcasting as we head into the
fourth of July weekend, and we hope that. We hope
that too. Keith our call screener today in lieu of
mister Snadley, Keith had some guy yelling at him that

I was making too many jokes about what's going on.
I'm not actually making jokes. I'm totally disgusted. I'm disgusted
not just at the pampered trust Fund revolutionaries, but I'm
totally disgusted by the conservatives who meet them halfway. I

take this very seriously. I'll tell you why. I take
it very seriously. And you can take this as a
joke too, But right now, Western civilization is dying on
America's watch. How do you think his storian he would
did the one would come on the air. This guy,
he just wanted to yell at the call screener and
one leading jokes takes it all very seriously. Well, why
don't you take it seriously if that's how you feel
about it, To come on the air and talk about

it because I take it so seriously. Joke are serious things.
The first sign of a society declining into totalitarianism is
when it abandons jokes. You can read there's a great
Milan kundera novel about it, great Czech novel Czechoslovakia, by
a guy who written in the early years of communism

in Czechoslovakia. A guy makes the wrong joke and his
life is destroyed. Every time you make a joke, actually
now it's it's a small act of rebellion against what's
going on. Even the cheapest, meanest joke I don't is
standing up for actually the freedom to make jokes. Have

you seen these late night shows they've got now Trevor Noah,
that nice chap from South Africa or Jimmy Fallon Kimmel, Fallon,
Fallon Jimmy, whichever he is, these guys, there's not in
the least. But he was interviewing the author of the
book White Fragility. There's no jokes on the late night shows.
They exponged it. You're invited they tell things that have

the form of jokes, and you're invited to applaud yourself
for holding the correct attitude to it. So one jokes
are important too. As I said, right now, Western civilization
is dying on America's watch, and history will be merciless
about that. Here's and if you think, oh, what are
you just talking about, You're just some twit Canadian what

do you know about? No, that's actually how the Chinese
think about it. The Chinese go back because they take
the long view. So half a millennium ago, they regarded
themselves as the most advanced civilization on the planet, and
then the Europeans came along. You had the Dutch, the Portuguese,
the Spanish, the French, the British, and finally, since nineteen fifty,

the American imperium. And they think that after half a
millennium of euro American domination, the world is returning to
its natural order with the Chinese in charge. That's actually
the big story. Nobody's talking. We would talking about it
for two minutes during the COVID thing, when everybody realized, oh, really, gosh,
all the medicines are made in China and they keep

sending us nothing but defective masks, face masks that don't work.
So we're going to be We live in a society
that's so stupid. Joe Biden is going to mandate the
wearing in public by every American of face masks, all
of which are made in China and don't work. That's
how stupid we are now, Chumpy chump pants who called

in and was yelling because I'm making too many jokes
about this thing. That's that is you can eat look
at two things. Either that's stupid or it's in some
blackly humorous way. It's a bleak and devastating comment on
how stupid we are about about this, about this whole business.

But either way, either way, the Chinese who are playing
the long game here, they've snaffled the planet out from
under us while we're having a debate on whether you
should be allowed to put up statues to Abraham Lincoln.
Nothing good, nothing good is going to come of that.
And again, who can't you be you know the whole

thing now, you can't say all lives matter. That's disrespectful
to Black lives matter. All lives matter is just a
way to show how racist you are. Jake Tapper was
told by the rapper, and Jake Tapper is a Tapper,
not a rapper, And he was told by the rapper
Ice Cube to watch his mouth after he criticized Louis

Farrakhan for being an anti Semitic misogynist. So why so,
Ice Cube says, now, you've got to get on board
with this thing. Even Lewis Farrakan Calypso Louie, you can't
say anything about him. Lewis Farrakhan. It's the guy who
said that the Jews we're using bad marijuana to feminize

the black male, Right, that's Lewis Farrakhan. So at a
stroke there, he's insulting four key Democrat constituencies, Jews, Gays, blacks,
and potheads. I don't even know how a Democrat objects.
What's what's the formal objection to that statement? Jews are

using bad marijuana to feminize the black male. What what's
the objection to that statement? Oh yeah, I don't of course,
I've got of course, I've got nothing against feminizing the
black male. I just don't want the Jews doing it.
This guy is bonkers. And Jake Tapper on CNN is

being told by big, big, big shot rapper Ice Cube
that you're not allowed to criticize Nation of Islam leader
Lewis Farakan. I again refer you to this piece that
Michael Flynn has written today, because it's never a numbers game.
It's about who has the most energy in society. And

right now there's a group with about two But how
many people do you think actually support the hardcore Black
Lives Matter program, the destruction of the nuclear family, socialism
across America. I see, for example, now Time magazine, the

Henry Lus's Times magazine is now saying that we need
to cancel certain superheroes because some of these superheroes do
not have the correct attitudes. And by that they mean
they're not talking about all the ones that have turned
gay or hispanic in recent in recent times. They're talking about,

for example, Batman. Batman needs to go because Batman works
with Gotham Police, Gotham City Police Commissioner what's his name,
Commissioner Gordon. He's Commissioner Gordon of the Gotham City Police Department.
Do you realize how stupid this is when we've now
got Time magazine calling for the defunding of the Gotham

City Police Department. There is no Gotham City. It doesn't exist.
It was created by Bob Kane and Billfinger in nineteen
thirty seven. Nineteen thirty eight. Whatever it was, it doesn't exist.
It's a fictional construct from the nineteen thirties. But it's
now apparently, while China is taking over Hong Kong, while

China is buying up a resource poor nation, is buying
up all the resources in Africa and the West Indies
and Canada and Australia. While China is building new ports
everywhere Sri Lanka and across the whole of the Indian
Ocean all the way to the Middle East. We're arguing
about whether the Gotham City Police Department should be defunded.

This is the most stupid revolution in history. We'll take
your call straight ahead. Mark stein In for Rush on
America's number one radio show, rushes out. We hope to
have him back as we head into the fourth of
July weekend. I was talking about Commissioner Gordon because the

Time magazine has called on Batman to announce that he
supports defunding the Gotham City Police Department. That's what we're
reduced to. Now we have a Gordon on the line,
though I don't believe any relation to a Commissioner Gordon
from Cedar Rapids, Ohio. Gordon it's great to have you
with us on the show today. Hi, Mark, I personally

like your jokes. That's great. I think that's the sound
of one had clapping. Thank you, Gordon, Me and Trevord
Noah will have a British Commonwealth joke off and you
could be the deciding factor in the audience. That'll Bill,
I'll hold you to that. Thank you, Thank you for that.
Good's what's on your buy today? Well? I got to

think in the other day, you know, every time the
Republicans want to cut taxes, the Democrats start crying about
all of these essential services that are going to be cut,
like the school lunch program and the park service and
the fire department, and then the police department will be
overwhelmed because they won't be able to respond to any calls.

So my question is, all of a sudden, the police
are non essential. When did that happen? Right? I Mean,
it's actually incredible. The New York City budget. He just
stood up there de Blasio and announced that he was
going to cut cut the police department budget by one
billion dollars. This is a guy who's never cut any

budget anywhere in his life, because no budget can ever
be cut and yet suddenly we can take one billion
dollars out of just one agency's, just one department's budget
like that. It's amazing. You'd almost think that this, uh
it might then be possible to try that with other departments,

other departments elsewhere. Uh, it's fantastic to me, Gordon. What's
what's interesting though, is whether they'll actually be able to
sell this to people. I mean, clearly there's a lot
of rubbish going on where they're talking about reimagining the
budget and you just, you know, can you imagine if

the if the IRS call you up and say, hey, hey, pal,
you you paid ten thousand dollars less tax than you
were supposed to, so your check isn't good enough, and
you were to say, well, I was, I'm just reimagining
my taxes this year. That's what. You can't apply this
to serious budgeting constrain. I mean, I honestly don't know how.

We live in a very stupid age and the media
are going along with this. At the one on the
one hand, they're saying, defund the police, and then the
media said, oh, don't worry, defund the police doesn't mean
defunding the police, it's it'll just mean that they'll wear
prettier colored uniforms and they'll pretend to be social workers,
but they'll still do everything they used to do. And

then AOC says, no, no, no, we're being serious when
we say defund the police. We want all these every
single constable in the land how to work, sitting at
home and no more police. Which is it? Which version
do you think they'll succeed in imposing in selling to
the American people? Gordon? I hope, I hope none of

them actually help. Neither once succeeded, and you know, succeed.
But it's a crazy it's a crazy time, and the
whole world, the whole word of unessential, I think gave
birth right at the COVID situation, and now basically we
have two groups. You're either essential or not essential. And

I just I just thought that they don't succeed in
any defunding or or any harm to any type of
police departments or their budgets. Well, that you're right that
we live in a very binary society. You know, there's
fifty eight genders. There's no longer two sexes, there's fifty
eight genders. But that when it comes to the core identity.

People are either essential or non essential. And so we've
been told for months that if you own a restaurant,
or you own a little coffee place or whatever, you're
non essential, so you can't go to work, so your
business has got to go under. And then suddenly the
rioters and looters come along, and the rioters and looters
are deemed to be essential because white supremacy is a

public health crisis. So they've now been read into the
list of essential workers are doctors, nurses, first responders, looters
and rioters and statue topplers. And then on the other hand,
he into the non essential department have been read law enforcement.
This is this is basically a bonker's view of reality.

But do you think there is still a silent majority
that can actually that that can actually hold the line
against this kind of nuttiness. I hope so well. I
hope so too. Gordon, thank you, thank you for your
thank you for your call, and thank you for your kindness.
Is rem pathetic, attempted jokes. Let's go to Amanda in

Fort Meade, Maryland. Amanda, what's on your mind today? Well,
I was calling because for the last two days, my
husband and I have heard people talking on the radio
about this um Russian hit list, which sort of lassable
to us because clear back to Bush Senior and the
war he had, there have been things like that going on,

but nobody can stickue a noticeably. Just talking about the
Ices hit list that came out in twenty fifteen where
they're actually doxing American servicemen and women on American soil,
and one of the bases we were at, people had
to be overnighted out of their assignment because it was
the real information. It was their real official portrait that

they had taken that would posted online with their home address.
And in fact, I'll Bottle was on that list too. No, no,
that's true. Actually iis died of a hit list and
there were very good friends of mine on that hit list,
and I remember I won't mention the name of the
particular person, but within hours of that coming out, I

happened to be with that person. I was giving a
speech somewhere and I had to loan that person my
own little security team because from the minute that list
was out until other arrangements were made, because that person
was out of the house and couldn't go home and

had to suddenly go into hiding and everything that's actually true.
That isis have put bounties on American citizens for some time.
But you know, Amanda, that the thing about this is
they're not even here. It doesn't exist as a real
issue to them. They're not concerned about troops. They're not
concerned about, say, American soldiers going out somewhere on patrol

in Hellman Province. It's they don't even that. There's no
vision of that. It's just getting Trump into another impeachment
hearing and having witnesses and having some stupid committee hold investigations.
The actual idea of American troops somewhere out there on
the far horizon patrolling some ghastly valley in Afghanistan that

they don't even think of, that they're thinking about it
in completely different terms. Amanda. You know, I'm fully aware,
and you know, I just wish the American people, if
they're listening, could hear me and believe me when I
tell you that the American servicemen and women accept these risks,
and they worked up and they put on their uniform
and they salute the fly when the music plays, and

they go to work, and they do it every day
and they've accepted this risk. It's part of their oath.
They have oath to the people and to the Constitution,
and that's what they do. Yep. If they're they're at risk.
And anyone who doesn't think Trump has their best interests
at heart, let me remind them. He did a strategic

drone strike on a single person who is threatening the
lives of service members at an embassy overseas. He didn't
have collateral damage that was out of control, like Obama
frequently did. No, no, no, you're you're you're, you're right.
We have to we have to run, Amanda. But that
Suleimani point is great. I remember MSNBC they were saying,

oh this is They compared Sulimani to Princess Diana. That's
how out of it MSNBC on this stuff. Thanks for
your call. We got lots more still to come. Mark
Stein in for Rush On America's number one radio show.
The March of the Morons continues across the land. What
does this mean for election Day in November? We'll talk

about that straight ahead. Yes, America's anchor man is away
and this is your eib anchor Baby thrilled and delighted,
to be here. We have coming up this hour a
victorious Republican candidate, Burgess Owens, who you may know more

from the sporting than the political world. But Burgess will
be coming up in about half an hour's turn. He
had a very good night in Utah last night. And
if you subscribe to the Limbo Letter, will know that
some years ago Rush did a terrific interview with Burgess
for the Limbough Letter. And we also, I want to

take your calls on how the politics of some of
what's going on in the country is gonna gonna play out.
I mentioned right at the top of the show that
line of Lord Falkland, the second Lord Falkland, that when
it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not
to change, which is a perfect distillation of a conservative position.

And I said, I was looking for someone who would
hold the line. And I don't usually have anything good
to say about Emmanuel mak Hung, who is this petite, delicate,
metrosexual globalist dinky boy as delicate as bone china. You
remember that moment when Trump picked a fleck of dandruff

supposedly off his lapel at the G seven a year
or two back. But McCrow actually did something brilliant. He
just came out and he said, we are not going
to change a single street name or take down a
single statue. Forget about it. That's it, And that was
He said it in a French accent, and he said

it in his usual mccornlike way. But it's butcher than
anything I've heard from anybody in Congress or anybody from
any of the so called conservative think tanks. So he
just said, no, not a single They're part of our history.
We're not changing a single street name, and we're not
taking down a single statue. And as I said, he's
just like some little metrosexual globalist stinky boy. But he

has such huge stones that he could actually be the
plinth for his own statue. That's how impressive that was
compared to most of the stuff we're hearing from so
called leaders around the rest of the world. And you know,
he's an odd he's an odd chap. He's certainly not
to my taste on any thing else. He is a

peculiar person in many ways. His wife is old enough
to be her own statue. He's a very unusual sort
of chap. But on this he's absolutely right, not a
single street name, not a single statue. They're part of
French history and we ain't changing anything. And that's the
line that all of us should be taking on that. Now,
we have an interesting trend in newspaper stories. You know,

when I do this show, this early always sends over
the old stack of stuff, of things that's on his mind,
and there's a kind of theme to them. Today exclusive
this is Reuters hundreds of George W. Bush administration officials
to back Biden, group, says New York Times. Meet the

supporters Trump has lost associated press distancing from Trump, some
Republicans step up their critiques. And from Axios, another interesting
scoop from Jonathan Swan, who's an Australian chappie married to

a young lady I used to know from Hillsdale, and
he says Trump regrets following Pushner's advice. And I don't
know whether this it doesn't come directly from the President,
but it comes from a person who spoke with the
President and saying he's sick of Jared's woke bleep. So,

in other words, his son in law's stuff about letting
people out of prison, criminal justice reform, He's sick of
being stuck with all that woke stuff, and he's been
alarmed at some of the things that have been imposed
upon him. As to those Republicans who are stepping up critiques,

that means people like Chris Christie, he is losing. The
former New Jersey governor, a Trump friend and confidante, said
of Trump's reelection prospects on ABC's This Week, and if
he doesn't change course, both in terms of the substance
what he's discussing and the way that he approaches the
American people, then he will lose. The New York Times

meet the supporters Trump has lost. These are people who
didn't particularly like Trump in twenty sixteen, but liked Trumpism
in effect. They liked the program he was, the platform
he was running on. They like all the stuff about
immigration and the wall and all the rest of it.

But they have now decided that he's such an appalling
human being, said Judith Goins fifty three, a finance executive,
that they can't vote for him again. Hundreds of George W.
Bush administration officials to back Biden. Who are these hundreds
of George W. Bush administration officials who are back Biden?

I can't actually find a name in here except Jennifer Milliken,
who worked on Bush's two thousand and four reelection campaign
and later in the General Services Administration. I think the
General Services Administration is the department that picks out the

office furniture. So we're not talking exactly about former Treasury
secretaries and National security advisors, although doubtless you could find them,
like all these generals who haven't won a war in
seventy five years, who are turning on Trump for what
He's got enemies on all sides at the moment, and

he's got to find I offered it yesterday in the
wake of the terrific cover of the June Limball letter
that has rushed their addressed as Captain and America and
the headline make America Grade again Again. And I said,
at this stage that was as good a slogan as
any other. And then I actually offered what boils down

to the November election boils down to which is America
yes or no? We have people who actually want to
vaporize the entirety of American history. This is actually a
revolutionary moment. These people may not know what the history is,
but they know that they want it all in the
garbage can. And what's interesting is that the so called

moderate Democrats don't dare call them out about it. And
so you can ask Joe Biden is apparently trying to
draw a line now between Confederate generals and slaveholder statues.
He's not going to be able to do that. These
guys hate the whole lot sudden with the Declaration of
Independence seventeen seventy six. They want no part of it.

They want a new country. They want basically rubble and
the utopia, a chop like utopia, to arise in the ruins.
And so called mainstream Democrats, so called moderate Democrats, don't
dare call them out. But I tell you this, all
these Republicans distancing themselves from Trump, that isn't gonna work.

You're either gonna win with Trump or you're gonna lose,
whether you like him or not. And if Trump loses
in November, then you will lose not just the presidency,
but the Senate, and that will mean that the House,
the Senate, and the Oval Office are in the hands
of Democrats. Look at you, Look at Joe Biden. Joe

Biden hasn't done what is supposedly mainstream advice which is
normally that you run to the left in the primary
and then run to the center in the general election. Instead,
he has actually gotten lefter ever since he became the
day facto nominee, and whoever's waggling their hand up him

as he's their glove puppet. Once he's in the Oval office,
this will be an extremely activist left wing administration that
will legalize millions and millions and millions of so called
undocumented Americans in order to provide a permanent majority for
the Democrat Party at the national level. So this is

a serious thing. People say, Oh, it's the most important
election in my lifetime. This might be the last chance
you have to hold the line. If Trump loses, there's
going to be a blood bath on the right like
you've never seen. And in the meantime, the left are
just going to go full frattle at actually rebuilding an

America in the style of what we've been seeing on
the streets this last month. One of the things I
love about this show as a listener is that you
can sometimes have very subtle and nuanced and complex situations
and Rush manages to explain them in a way that
makes totally easy to understand so no surprise, he's also

found a home security system that takes away all the
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In fact, the cost is not a reason for not

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You may have done the cost benefit analysis that you
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security would operate sensors on every door and window that
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sensor on a fourth floor roof drain if you don't
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Motion detectors HD cameras in the rooms and hallways you
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no wires. Do you realize how much complexity is taken

out of the whole equation. Where aren't they wires? Hey?
It means you can do it yourself. If you can
put stick them sensors on a door or window, if
you can put a camera where you want it to be,
you really can do it yourself. You don't have to.
I mean, hire people come out and do it for
you if you want. But I'm just trying to tell
you how simple this is. Taking the wires out is

amazingly cost reducing too. You don't have to have anybody
run to wires. You have to rip out dry wall
and repaint it so that the wires are not seen.
It's a game changer, and not just in cost, but
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and does not involve following and trying to trace a
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somebody breaks in, system will call the cops fire department.
That's fourteen ninety nine a month, not fifty and there

are no contracts to sign. That will give you an
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you'll be amazed to how much it does not cost.
I predict and they'll throw in a free HD camera. Now,
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that they're is a burglar in your house, they're not
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a team out and the response time is going to
be lickety split, and they're throwing that in free. Go
to simply Safe USA dot com. That's a website just
for you. Don't need an offer code. Just simply safe
USA dot com. Mark stein in for Rush at the

Golden EIB microphone. Let's go to Almond Beach, Florida and
speak to James. James's what's on your mind today? Good afternoon,
mister Stein, It's an honor to get to speak to you,
and negatives to rush and best of prayers for his recovery.
You've intrigued me, sir, in the last couple of days
with something you said starting yesterday, but then you carried

into it today, and that is kind of a general
disgusted with our with our two party system, and sort
of the dilemma that they've placed us in. And my
question to you, your one constituent to another, I feel
very abandoned by the Republican Party. Like I'm inclined to
go for the opposition, But what can we do as constituents,

as voters, as regular deplorables out here to take back
our party. You said something a few minutes ago that
intrigued me that you know, I mean, maybe in some
desperate times here as we faced the election and the
bloodbath that will ensue if we lose twenty twenty, and
it's a dangerous game to play, but I wonder would

we be better off in some ways long term than
twenty twenty Republican Party arise out of the ashes of
the current one. Trump seemed to fight almost as hard
to push his policies and agenda that we the people
voted for. He's almost as hard against his own party
as he does in opposition, which incredible. I worked with

our local Republican Party several years ago during a previous
election that we didn't win, and I remember telling the
head of the Republican Party of the state who I
was where. I'm relocting to name names, but I had
said to him, you know, this is the last time
I sit here and hold my nose while making calls
for this party. Why don't we put up good candidates?

This was during the McCain Palin campaign. And he said, well,
you know, conservatives like good candidates. The national parties tend
to appoint. It's based on the polls and who they
think can win, and that's oftentimes two different groups of people.
And it stinks because I think our party has sold
us out. So that's my question to you. I hope

I've articulated that well, but I'm really interested to hear
your back on that, because you're a personality among very
few who I hear brave enough to frankly say that
the Republican Party is kind of garbage these days, and
as hard as it is to say, I agree with you. Well,
there is no situation like this anywhere in the free

world where you have had basically a frozen two party system, James,
for the last one hundred and fifty years. As you know,
in Italy, new parties come along every couple of weeks.
Even north of the border in Canada, you have parties
that come and go and ebb and flow. They outlive

their usefulness. I actually think parties have a natural life,
and that natural life is very rarely one hundred and
fifty years. I mentioned miss mcfay in France. His party.
He basically when he decided to run for the president,
invented a party that had some I think it's called
en mash or something which means like forward. It's it's

just like some stupid generic name for the macform party.
Nigel Farage in the United Kingdom, he decided that the Tories,
Theresa May's Tories, were about to stiff the British people
on Brexit, so he formed a party and six weeks
later they won the European elections. And you can't do

any of that here we have this frozen People talk
about weird subjects that don't mean anything in any other context.
Like ballot access and all the rest of it. So simply,
as a practical matter, you can't actually start a new
party now and hope to win in November. And I
go back to what was really a very interesting election,

which was two thousand and ten. At that time, the
whole kind of Bush era conservatism had become disconnected from
the base, and the Tea Party movement arose, and the
Tea Party made a conscious decision to work within the
Husk or the Republican Party, and that's why they won
the twenty ten election. And I think I think there

ought to be serious thought given to electoral reform here
to widen the system. AOC who doesn't say a lot
of sensible things, but she did actually say that if
she were in say, the average continental country, she and
Joe Biden would be in different political parties. They don't
actually agree on that much. But in the American context,

where you put in your frozen into the side A
Team A or Team B, you have to stay within that,
and actually I would right now. What's interesting is that
this is sort of irrelevant because we're being told by
the mobs on the street that everything from the Civil
War era doesn't matter whether you're on the Confederate side

or the Union side, you're evil and you've got to go.
So it's very odd to find that the one thing
that has to be kept from that era, everything from
the Civil War era, has to go. We can't use
the word antebellum, we can't have mint Julips. The whole
thing has got to go. And so the only things

we have to keep are the frozen two party system.
And the way to apply pressure on that is actually
to point out that the Democrats. You know, okay, if
you're going to tear down the statue of someone who
inherited one slave and kept that slave around for like
five or six years before getting rid of him, or

whatever Francis Scott Key is meant to have done. If
you're going to tear down the statue of Abraham Lincoln,
let's tear down the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has
never renounced its evil past. It was the biggest slaving
institution on the planet in the nineteenth century, and it's
the only one that has survived to the modern era.

And so if you say this statue's got to come down,
and that statue's got to come down, the Democrat party's
got to come down. Robert C. Birdo an out and
out racist till the day he died. The Democrats made
him third in line to the presidency a couple of
different turns by if the Flight ninety three plane had
hit its target or whatever, Robert C. Bird would have

wound up the president. And at the end of that
day it was only the vagaries of the presidential diary
that ensured those guys didn't actually take out the President
and the Vice president and the Speaker of the House.
So don't tell us that American history has to be abolished.
Who Jefferson Davis. He's a Democrat, the big Clan guy

in nineteen twenty wanted to spread the clan to the
Northern state Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat clansman and Slavers. Yes,
indeed America's number one radio show. And there are times
when you need the man himself here. Rush should really
be doing this next interview because nobody is a bigger

football fan than Rush. And as you know, when he
has me here on the day of after the Super Bowl,
I always risk tiptoeing as a foreigner delicately along the
analysis of the big game and making a fool of myself,
but we have with us one of the great NFL
stars from the New York Jets and the Super Bowl

winning Raiders team of nineteen eighty. I think that was
also the first year that he was inducted into any
kind of hall of fame. I think it was the
University of Miami Hall of Fame. But he's now decided
he's going to go into the political world, and he
had a I don't know whether it compares with the

nineteen eighty Super Bowl, but he had a pretty good
night last night, and he will be the Republican candidate
for the fourth district in Utah this November. Burgess Owens
joins us. Burgess, congratulations on your victory last night. It
was pretty decisive. Actually, you got almost twice as much

as the number two candidate in that race. Mark, thank
you so much for it was absolutely it. Wiel was
a good night, and I'll just see this. I feel
so blessed living in a district shares the values I
grew up in. I grew up in due South Tallahassee
Daviasification in KKK, Jim Crow. But it is a very
very exciting middle class community and middle class, household, and

we believe in God, country, and family, and it's it's
so nice to have Breman brought up in that way
and now really fighting us two to make sure that
the values that we that I grew up, the end
that I live in, that we can spread through the
rest of our country and not have to go the
other way. So I'm thankful for the concession was here.
Will they even resonates to my message? For sure? Well,
since you brought up all that that KKK stuff, what

do you think of what's actually happening on the streets
at the moment? And do you think that we're four
months out from the election? Do you think basically things
like Confederate generals and American statuary? Do you think there's
still going to be an issue come November. I'm having

a little bit of trouble hearing you. Mark. Did you
say something about the statues? Well, I'm not Yeah. Do
you do you feel about what's going on on the
streets at the moment? Oh, my goodness, I am so sorry.
I'm having some trouble to hear anybuddy. Uh, let me
do this. I'm thinking that you're asking about for the statute,
right and if I if I can say this, it

was Karl Marks who said, very simply, the first battleground
writing rewriting about history and uh, and what the left
has been doing for a long time I've seen it happened,
is they're trying to bury best to keep us from
knowing who we the people really are, because once we
know our history more, we cannot be divided. Were the
people have done some remarkable things. The greatest place in
history mankind is where people are around the world want

to come to because the culture we're built, and our
coach is one has been built on their Judeo Christian values.
That's the seed then that allows us every single generation
to live each other better from inside out and outside in.
It is who is, how, it is what we do.
And if we understand our history, we can never ever
say that there's been one races oppressed the other, because

I'll tell you my my parents' generation was remarkable, the
success they had been the most competitive minority in our country,
are winning in so many different ways, education and commitment
to family and business ownership, all those things. And so
what we see now is is attempt by the left,
by the Marxists to take away the very core of

who we are, and that's our history. So it's good
and bad by the way. And I also like to
say this, it's interesting because our fore founders were humble
enough to say to develop a more perfect union. They
knew that they weren't perfect at that time. We have
we have people today some kind of way. They believe
that they got it all right. They can literally judge
anyone in our pass and their people have never built

a thing in their lives. So it's interesting that these
these are very arrogant people now are judging those who
are not perfect. But yet we have a country that,
based on their efforts, we have the best thing going
that we've ever seen. There's a lot of talk about
a science majority. You're you're in the fourth district in Utah,
which traditionally trends Republican, a Republican leaning district. You're up

against the kind of so called moderate Democrat. Do you
think your opponent actually is that moderate in terms of
the state of Utah? Mark, I am so sorry. Mark.
For some reason, we have a bad connission and I'm
just that I'm not hearing what you're saying. I think,
Oh gosh, I tell you what b just we're gonna

call you back in just a minute. We're going to
call you back and get you back on a better line. Hopefully.
That was. That was Burgess Owens who's won the primary,
the Republican primary in Utah last night in the fourth district,
which traditionally leans Republican. Uh Mia loves old Seat and

Mia who looked like she was a rising star in
the Republican party Wow, end up losing to a so
called blue dog Democrat, a fellow called McAdams, who, according
to some of the pollsters in that district, has done
a good job at passing himself off as a good

enough job at passing himself off as a blue dog
Democrat to find himself looking pretty comfortable for November. Ben McAdam,
so called blue dog Democrat in a conservative Republican district.
And we will try and get Burgess Owens back to

talk about that. Burgess Owens, incidentally, I would like to
ask him how much he enjoys politics, because I think
it's a if you if you've been in any other
area of endeavor you make your whether you're in sports
or whether you're in motion pictures or whatever, it can
be a bit of a you'd like the idea of
going into politics, and oh, Budgess is back. Yeah, I

hope we got you out a better line here, Buds.
You're supposedly up against a kind of blue dog Democrat,
that's what they call him. Do you actually think do
you actually think he is moderate? Because right now the
entire Democrat party things that were crazy a month ago.
Now respectable Democrats are defending, like defunding the police and

setting up autonomous zones and tearing down statues. Do you
think your opponent is a serious is a genuine moderate Democrat?
You know, that's the That's a good question. And and
you know, I think if we were to start having
this conversation about our culture, there are good people in
all parties. Is this that we have to understand that

we have in a leadership that's very much against our
American culture? And this has been the Democratic leadership forever.
You know, I would say, for instance, marking the future
we ever get to where we defining or trying to
talk about ching once again. Ever again we can stop
that in in a bug. But just reminded people that
yet lynching was done by the Democratic KKK. They may

sell forty seven hundred Americans, but thirteen hundred of them
were were white Republicans, Jews and Italians. So so we
have to we're at this point now where we truly
a fact the hardest of our nation and a Democratic
party has gone all in on Marxism and socialism. And
wherever they lay there had their lateracyat, they will bring misery.

That's how they they that's how they describe the busy
to them is the political strategy. So I'm hoping that
that what we're going through right now. We're going to
get people from across the board who love our country,
who recognize even the Democratic business owners recognize who's trying
to stop their business growing. So it didn't get power.
You see these black business owners in these in the

urban communities, Who's who's opening the doors for their business
be destroyed? For power? It's always the same same, the
same party. And I'll say this for American people, I'm
a turnal options by the way, I actually believe. I
believe that evil fights as hard as before. The darn
We're about to see a renaissance by getting a House
control once against once again by Republican patriots, We'll get

some backbone, and I'll senate and get a president for
the first time who's not governing with his hands tipped
bind his back. We get that done in our country.
Next four years, we'll see something we have never seen
our lifetime, a true renaissance of business ownership, thriving businesses,
people really coming back together again because it left we're

not able to divide us as they do when they
put people in misery. So I'm just excited about the
next four years. And I think now the time for
Americans to just sit back for a little bit, recogin
as we're under attack. And once we do that, we
do the very best of coming together. And as Ali
Day was just saying, old days, we just went baby,
And that's what we're gonna do. Once we have this
conversation across the board. Let me ask you. Let me

ask you about that though, because you were a big
star in a super Bowl winning team, and it's fantastic.
There's no doubt, you know, when you won the sup
when you win the super Bowl, you win the super Bowl.
It can't be taken away from you. And there's a
lot of Republican voters out there who feel that they

win the election and then for some reason nothing changes
and the Republicans hold office, but they're not in power.
They're not powering, they're not charging down the field like
it is in a sporting victory, but it's something less satisfactory,
and they want to know that actually when you win

this time, that the policies you run on are actually
going to be implemented. Is that the difference between politics
and football. I think you asked how they're going to
give the political football then with that kind of question,
I'm sorry, Mark, Yeah, yeah, no, no no, no, that's day.

That's a good one. Okay, Okay, Well here's the thing.
But the great thing about about football to take a
play with with a team like the Raiders is we
understood there uh, there's a culture that Ali Dave was
put together. There's a culture of people given a second chance.
And with the Raiders they had guys who were calling
the Motley Crew. They couldn't sit in with other organizations

those two whiles too old, whatever might have been, but
there was just right for there the Raider culture because
Al Davis believed as you came together, he proved through
meritocracy and the idea was no matter what the what
the obstacles were what the noise was, just win Baby.
That is our country mark. We are a country that's
so diverse, we have different dreams. We go out there.
It was work every single day. Most of us feel

like we're underdogs, which is a good thing. But when
it comes down to one thing that we believe in
when it comes to America, we just wanted to win baby.
And this's going to happen over this next next few months.
Americans are realizing we're under attacked, just like we were
with seventy ninety eleven and Pearl Harbor. Once. Once those
that that those come out of that little shield of

this optimism and our dreaming power, we realize we're under attached.
That's what's happening. Now. We will come together in this
case here and defeat the enemy that's been been in
our doorstep for a long long time, Marxist and Sourcist,
who's been our infrastructure now in our institutions, weaving away
like little termites, everything that makes our country great. We're
going to win this battle, and we'll come back across

the board every party to say just when lead as
Americans will give our tears a great future and one day.
We can all be proud that well, we're part of
this fight to win back our culture. That is a
fantastic optimistic message. Win Baby burgess Owens, Thank you very much.
You won spectacularly last night in the fourth District in Utah,

and we hope you have an equally terrific night on
Tuesday in November. Burgess Owens from the football field to
the farm filthier combat of the House of Representatives. Thanks
a lot for joining us. More Rush straight ahead, Mark
stein in for Rush. It was great to hear burgess

Owens there, the winner in the fourth district GOP primary
in Utah last night. A big positive message. He's looking
forward to taking it to a so called blue dog
Democrat Ben McAdams in November and putting that seat back

in the Goop column. And we wish him the best
of luck and that it has been. It's a sort
of funny week. It's it's we're now what are we?
Two three days away from the glorious fourth and we
have people absolutely assaulting and attacking and destroying every aspect

of the world built by the Declaration of Independence. Wherever
you look across the country. It's really weird to me
I mentioned that today is Canada Day, July one, eighteen
sixty seven, so three years ago was the one hundred
and fiftieth anniversary, and Justin Trudeau did a lot of
this self loathing stuff that you know, Canada evil racist

society has to do penance for the horrible things it's done.
And the net result of that was that the one
hundred and fiftieth anniversary turned into a huge buzz kill,
absolute fiasco, absolute flop. When you tell people their nation
is worthless, they take it seriously enough, and you can't
have a big party. There's nothing to celebrate. And I

look ahead to twenty twenty six, and I remember nineteen
seventy six. If you saw the visions, remember the scenes
at the statuere Liberty and all the rest of it.
I wonder what the two hundred and fiftieth Birthday of
America is going to be like if what we see
on the streets takes hold. And I think about one

of my favorite lines from the Declaration of Independence, which
never made it into the final text, but always is
sobering when recalled from those of us by those of
us in the rest of the English speaking world, those
of us who stayed within his Majesty's dominions, as it were,

and they were Thomas Jefferson's parting words to his fellow
British subjects across the ocean. We might have been a
free and great people together. And it's very sobering to
live in a time that when Americans cannot can no

longer comprehend that those on one side of the Civil
War nevertheless had a certain amount of respect for those
they fought on the other side of the war. That
was certainly true when American revolutionaries rose up against the
British Empire. Most of the newspapers in London, for example,
one the side of the American rebels, as it was.

And in the end, you know, in the First and
Second World Wars, we got back together, and we were
a free and great people together. And there is nothing
more painful to anyone who respects what the Thirteen Colonies
made of themselves as they spread out across the continent
and halfway across the ocean to Hawaii, than to see

the self loathing and the civilizational contempt, the contempt for
their own inheritance, of the people on the streets rampaging
around people who can't make anything people who can only destroy.
As Burgess was saying, it is a tragedy. I wish

you a terrific fourth of July, and I hope that
we have turned this miserable thing around by the time
twenty twenty six comes around. We'll close it out. In
just a moment, America, America, God shed his grace on
the Catherine Lee Bates' words, do not give up on that, Mike.

Thanks to Mike and to Keith in New York City
and mister Snurdley down in Florida, The Rush Limbo Show,
America's number one show, returns tomorrow. Don't miss it.

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