All Episodes

January 25, 2021 108 mins


Mark Steyn guest hosts for Rush on Monday. Articles of reimpeachment to be delivered today. How can you impeach a president who is not president anymore? Either Kamala or Pat Leahy will preside over impeachment. National Guard to remain in D.C. for trial. The Swamp mimics Oliver Cromwell’s posthumous beheading on Trump. Knife-wielding squirrel advances on Canadian woman. Congress pushes domestic terrorism legislation. What date would Trump be removed from office? John Brennan’s long list of domestic terrorists.


Dr. Fauci is the highest paid federal employee. California lifts COVID lockdown in all regions. Rising student suicides force Las Vegas to reopen schools. Miley Cyrus under fire for preferring breasts to testicles. If hypocrisy suits the Democrat agenda, it’s in. We’re in the midst of a blizzard of lies. Rand Paul refuses to adhere to Drive-By’s narrative. How can lockdowns be lifted when dogs and cats spread COVID? Caller thinks Trump’s Patriot party is a bad idea. The 40 percent capital gains tax.


Victor Davis Hanson’s premise of woke totalitarianism. The left’s monopoly on people you must think nicely about. Biden lacks Obama bonus points so he must be radical. You fight for every hill. TSA agent gets 60 days in jail for tricking a woman into showing him her breasts. Australian caller reminds us of the lockdown’s price to be paid. Happy Invasion Day, Australia. Andrew Jackson to be replaced by Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. Biden Unity Moment: Maine residents attack man for Vermont license plate. Why would anyone be afraid of radical socialism? Trump Republicans should primary RINOs. Caller: Rush should mentor Trump to be a radio show host.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbo Show podcast. Yes,
America's anchor man is a way you know, the way
this works. This is one of Rush's treatment weeks. And
sometimes the treatment goes all spiffy and he comes back
midweek and retakes control of the show, and sometimes he's

a bit clobbered by it and he comes back a
day or two later. We stay flexible here as we
hope you will, and we wish Rush all the best.
As you know, he was here every day last week
and on absolutely kiliform And when Rush is like that,
you need to stand well back from the receiving apparatus

because it is radio like you don't hear anywhere else.
And that's the Rush we want. So if he wants
to take one day, two day, three days, whatever, we're
looking forward to having him back at full strength. Eight
hundred two eight two two eight eight two is the
number to call if you would like to join us

on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. You have the high
privilege of mister Snurdley call screening today, and that kind
of call screening would be illegal in most other parts
of the world. It will probably become illegal here. An
executive order or two down the line from the Biden administration,

So make the most of it. If you want to
be called screened by Snurdley, eight hundred two eight two
two eight eight two is the number to call. We
have Mike running things in New York City and making
sure that everything gets up to the satellite and out
to the world. Do do join us on the show.
Always like to hear from the lefty guys if you

feel if you feel the Biden administrations going swimmingly, do
give us a call and I'd love to hear what
you have to It is an historic day in the
United States. The very first article of reimpeachment in the
history of this republic is supposed to be delivered by

Nancy Pelosi to the United States Senate in the next
couple of hours, and at that point they swear in
all one hundred senators as jurors, and they begin to
make preparations for the trial. The trial is scheduled to
start on February eighth. No where in history can you

find an article of reimpeachment. It's really quite a spectacular
innovation on the part of Nancy. As you know, she's
responsible now for half of all the impeachments in the
last quarter millennium of American history. That is very impressive.
She sent over this article of reimpeachment. It's not like

the last peachment trial, whatever it was. Oh, I would
remember when that was eleven months ago, when we were
all supposed to be excited about that bow tie twit
tying himself in knots over the Ukrainian phone call. Even
as the Chinese virus slithered around the world, the government
of the United States, the United States Congress, the second

branch of government, the coequal branch of government, stayed focused
like a laser, even as the COVID slithered around the
world out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the coequal
branch of government stayed focused like a laser on the
Ukrainian telephone bill. This time around, they've got they There

were too many white men last time around, So this
time around, they've got what Nancy Velosi calls the most
diverse impeachment team in history. Isn't that a breakthrough? And
it includes you know, it's got whatever it is, transgenders
and muslim Limbs and all the other members of the
diversity coalition, And it is very diverse. It also includes

the first the only white guy on there is the
first guy to be first impeachment manager to be penetrated
by Chinese intelligence by Fang Fang. That's Eric Shagwell. He
is on the impeachment team that will be delivering any
moment now. Will will take note of it if it

happens while we're on the air, he will be delivering. Yes, yes,
mister Surdley, but n mister Snurdley asks, this is why
mister Snurdley is not on the Supreme Court. He's just
asked me, how can you impeach a president who's not
the president anymore? You're not thinking big enough. Every every

single law, every single provision in history, starts off small
and fin finally focused. Every law in the United States
has a particular focus, and then it just metastasizes and
applies to anything you wanted to apply to. So, like
those Rico statutes, which were supposed to be about organized crime,

Rush's friend and my friend, the great Conrad Black, he
was eventually charged under Rico as if he's just Sammy
the Bull, Gravano or whatever. So they all metastasize, and
in this case, yes, it would seem fairly obvious that
to hold a trial of the president would require the accused,

the guy in the dock, the alleged pup, to be
the president. But it is not so. So this is
the first post post impeachment, post presidential impeachment trial, and
John Roberts, the Chief Justice of the United States, has
recused it. He says he's not going to be presiding
over this trial. Mister Sudley, this is what's fascinating about this.

He's not going to be presiding over the reimpeachment trial
because he's read the Constitution. Remember that. It's like it's
I don't know what it is. It's like a little
notebook people keep in the bottom draw. It's all covered
in dust. But he got it out, blew the dust off,
and he looked at the Constitution and it says in
there that the Chief Justice is only required to preside

over the trial of quote unquote the president, and this
guy Trump is not quote unquote the president. So John
Roberts says, nuts to that, I'm going to play golf.
I don't have to bother wasting my time. So the
person who's going to be this is actually why mister

Saddles brought up the interesting point. We're now hearing that
the trial is going to be presided over either by
the President of the Senate or the President pro Tem
of the Senate. And if you're wondering, you've never heard
of those titles, and you're wondering who these guys are,
that's either Kamala Harris or Patrick Leahy, Senator from Vermont,

who I ran into a couple of times during the
Clinton impeachment trial. And as you know from one of
the special promotions on the Rush Limball Show, he only
leaks when he wants to. So it's either going to
be Pat Lahey and Kamala Harris, and I would bet
they go for Kamala because they're serious about this the idea,

and just so we will have the vice president of
the new regime presiding over the trial of the head
of the previous regime. On a similar note, the National Guard.
You know this thing, this domestic terrorism situation. You may
have heard about it. It's all over the news, domestic terrorism.

There's a big insurrection. There's a big insurrection against the
government of the United States and President Trump as a
rush noted on Friday, has been accused by Chuck Schumer
of inciting the erection, in the words of Chuck Schumer.
And so they're going to have the National Guard remain

in Washington, d C. Through the impeachment trial. They're going
to have to get an extended lease on those parking
garages where they're parking America's military. They initially were supposed
to be checking out the morning after the inauguration. Now
that sir, no, No, we'd like to take the rooms
or the parking spaces for an extra couple of weeks,

and we will be there through the impeachment trust. So
we have a fantastic situation here. You know, if this
was happening in Latin America or some ramshackle part of Africa,
you have a situation where the new regime is putting
the old regime on trial and just make sure nothing

happens while they're putting him on trial. They've got the
capital city under military occupation. And if you've just woken up,
you're thinking, what's he talking about? Now? Is that Chad?
Is that Rwanda? Is that Burundi? Is it some little
bit of Central America? Whether General Lissimosa suddenly back, No,
that's the United States, The military occupation of the capital

will continue through the impeachment trial. The actual judge, an
actual judge, judge John Roberts, that's what he is by profession,
a judge, has said, I want nothing to do with
this trial, and let's face it, you don't need a
judge because it's not actually a judicial proceeding. So instead
we're going to have Kamala Harris or Pat Lahy presiding

over the impeachment trial. They this is basically, if you're
if you know your little odd bits of history, what
they're mad about here is that Trump completed his term.
They never from the moment he was elected. They wanted
to show this man is not as other presidents, So

he cannot be elected to a four year term and
serve out a four year term. He has to be removed.
And the Russia investigation was initially supposed to remove him.
That's when all the CIA and the FBI and all that,
they had their guys running around London and other parts
of the world insinuating themselves in the Trump campaign, and

that didn't work. So they weren't able to get him
out with that, and then they tried the Ukrainian impeachment
and that didn't work because no one cares about who's
telephoning whom in the Ukraine doesn't have no interest to anyone,
And so then right at the end they seize this
violent revolutionary terrorist attack on the United States that went

on on January sixth, with the guy in the Viking
horns and the other guy, the guy who took the
zip ties, Eric Munchell. He's just been denied bail. I
believe he's going to be remaining in federal custody, even
though there's a story out that he didn't bring. You know,
these zip ties, they're like state of the art handcuffs,

but you don't need the key or anything. They're these
sort of plastic flex restraints that the more lavishly funded
police departments used now. And he was seen with these
zip tie flex tie things and was arrested. He apparently
just found them, which it means this is like just

another example of the twenty four seven security state that's
totally insecure. Apparently says he just found them. But anyway,
he and his mom were being accused of leading this
violent insurrection against the United States. I believe this is
the first time in history that a revolutionary uprising has
been led by a guy and his mom. So that's

keeping it in the family. But this story is taken
off and so now it's the pretext for everything. So
it's so literally the because because this guy with the
zip flex thing miss faints and his mom showed up
on January the sixth, there's now going to be National
Guard through the impeachment trial, which will be presided over

from Kamala Harris. But don't worry, don't worry. There's nothing
unusual about this at all. This is the return to
normalcy that Joe Biden promised, Mark sign for us. We
will follow the reimpeachment of the president and all the
other news that's breaking. Going to be a busy going
to be a busy newsweek. As I said, the Senators
are supposed to be sworn in as jurors the day

after the very first historic article of reimpeachment is delivered
by the most diverse impeachment team in history, led over
to the Senate by the guy who got penetrated by
Fang Fang, the Chinese secret agent. So there's nothing unusual
going on in America at all. Mark Stein for Rush

one eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two
is the number of call loves to come on the
Excellence in Broadcasting that America's number one radio show. Mark
Stein sitting in for Rush on the day the sole
article of reimpeachment is delivered. I said that they're mad

at Trump because he got to complete his term. At
this guy just tweated me. Major King Kong is his
Twitter name, possibly not his real name, and he says,
how long until Democrats begin disinterring presidents for impeachment? As
you know, mister Snerdley was wondering how you could have

a presidential impeachment trial when the guy isn't president, And
this Major King Kong would like to know how long
it's going to be till they begin digging presidents up
to impeach them. They did that with Oliver Cromwell. Oliver
Cromwell who was overthrew the monarchy and was styled Lord
Protector of England. He lived out his natural life, so

he finished his term as Lord Protector. He died in
whatever it was eighteen sixteen fifty seven, sixteen fifty eight,
something like that, and he died of natural causes and
he was buried, and then the monarchy was restored three
years later and the first Parliament of King Charles the
Second decided to dig Cromwell and two of his closest

to associates up from their graves where they'd been, like
Cromwell had been in his grave a couple of three
years or so, something like that. And they decided to
publicly execute a guy who had been dead for three years.
And they decapitated him, and they chopped off his head
and they stuck it on a spike and it was

on public display for a considerable length of time until
one night it happened to fall off it. There was
a strong wind and the head fell off its spike
and nobody it was. Its whereabouts were unknown until oh,
the nineteen sixties, and it's now when it was found.
It re emerged and is buried somewhere at Cambridge University.

But this is this is a restoration too. This is
the restoration of the swamp. And because Trump completed his term,
despite all that fever fevered talk to invote the twenty
fifth Amendment, he served out a normal four year term
and that cannot be permitted to stand. So, like Cromwell,

he's being dug up and they're going to publicly execute
him and stick his head on a spike. And nothing
about this is normal. It's ever happened in American history.
Used to be. I covered the Clinton impeachment trial in
Washington two decades ago. That's when I gave up on

the United States Senate. I found it an utterly repulsive
body because I was exposed to it all day, every day,
five days a week. But I know all the ins
and outs of impeachment, and impeachment has evolved under Nancy
Pelosi and the Democrats. So we will now be having
a trial that will not be presided over by the

Chief Justice, because the Chief Justice quite reasonably takes the
position that you only supposed to preside over the trial
of the president, and this guy is no longer president.
The trial is due to begin on February eighth and
as usual, and and Mitt Romney is on board with it.

By the way, this is a precise, a very precise
calibration he's making. He's saying he's not yet decided whether
he's going to convict. He's going to wait to hear
the evidence, but he does support having a trial of
a private citizen. Now the penalty for you know, in

in the normal course of events in civilized jurisdictions. For example,
if you are accused of robbing your local general store
and they decide that, the policeman decides there's a case
to answer, and he's going to bring it up with
the county attorney or whatever, and you then keel over

from a massive heart attack, they don't bother holding the
trial because the penalty for robbing a general store would
be a fine that you're no longer alive to pay,
or a prison sentence that you're no longer around to serve.
In the case of impeachment, the penalty is removal from office,

and obviously President Trump can't be removed from office because
he removed himself from the office a few days ago.
So we are now in one of those things that
lawyers love, where they will be arguing about the nuances
of the way it's particularly phrased in the Constitution, which
is written in plain English. The guys who wrote it

wrote in plain English whose meaning is clear, but the
guys who interpret it, as we see every day in
American courts across this land, can divine things in there
that nobody had thought of before. Hence the first reimpeachment
trial in American history. You know, when I was here

a couple of weeks ago, toward the end of the show,
there was a story I mentioned about a killer squirrel
in Brooklyn. The squirrel wasn't just holding his nuts, protecting
his nuts. He was savagely attacking lads in Brooklyn, New York.

The squirrels are now taking it to the next level.
From my hometown of Toronto, a lady was confronted with
the bizarre site of a squirrel holding a knife. This
is Andrea Diamond, who lives in Rosedale, which is the
fanciest part of Toronto. And she said she'd left up

a left out a pairing knife for pairing an apple
or whatnot. She left it outside in the garden. She
looked outside, went outside into the garden, and the squirrel
had picked up the pairing knife and was marching on. I,
for one, if this is the thing, If if the

violent killer squirrels of Brooklyn have now learned to pick
up knives and advance on their prey, I for one
welcome it's it's a killer knife wielding squirrels that is
going to be the only thing that will save us
from the Biden terror. What was it. They say, don't

bring a knife to a gunfight. Bring a squirrel to
a gunfight and give him the knife. That's the only
way to win. Rushes out today. You know there's a
cure for that. You can go to Rush Limball dot
com and subscribe to the Limball Letter. The Limball Letter
is the most packed newsletter in the United States. And

it has a terrific cover, an inspirational cover after what
happened a couple of days ago. It's got Rush standing
tall in front of a giant American flag and the
headline right there on the front page, never stop fighting
for America. You know, he's got a picture in here.

I love reading the I love reading the Limball Letter.
It's like it's like so compressed. It's brilliant compression. It's
just they like take all this stuff that's going on
around the world and they just concertiner it and distill
it into what you need to know. And he's got

one picture here from rioters in Minneapolis, I believe on
the night of the election. Actually, yeah it is. They've
got the Christmas lights and everything up there and they're
holding the banner. They're celebrating the election result by saying
America is over. They're not shy about this stuff. They're

not shy about it at all. And Russia's got this
fantastic picture of these Minneapolis rioters celebrating the election with
the big banner America is over. And Rush says, never
stop fighting for America. As I said, it's brilliantly distilled it.
There's all over the planet, there's all this stuff going on,

and Rush takes it all and distills it into the
perfect encapsulation of the situation we face. Never stop fighting
for America. It's an inspirational issue. You can get it
by becoming a Rush Limbaugh subscriber. All you got to
do for that is to Rush dot com. You'll see

the button there in the dropdown menu, I think it is,
and you simply click on that. And if you subscribe
today for one year, you'll actually get not twelve issues,
you'll get thirteen issues because we have extended the definition
of a year to have thirteen months. The Democrats do

this with everything. They can abolish biological sex. Well, we
can abolish the constraints of the calendar. So you'll get
thirteen monthly issues for your one year subscription to the
Limball Ledder. By the way, don't forget if you go
to Rush limball dot com while it's subscribing to the
Limball Ledder, you should also go to that little button

that's just above the big Russia Limball show banner that
says your Stories and you can send a get well
greeting to Rush and even upload a favorite amusing cartoon
or heartwarming homemade greetings card or whatever's on your mind.
You can do that by a clicking on the show
your Stories a button. I was saying that they're actually

doing a cromwell to Donald J. Trump. He's not the president,
but they've decided to use a constitutional provision to remove
the president from office to impeach a private citizen. And
while they learn this, well, for one thing, they would
like to get Trump. They don't want Trump hanging around

coming back in four years time, so they want to
try Trump up in knots. And Trump is tied up
in knots at the moment. He's got banks, and he's
got a couple of deposit accounts at various banks in Florida.
One of them's called the Professional Bank and one of
them is called Banks United. I think no bank has

a normal name anywhere. It's not like the First National
Bank of Miami or anything like that anymore. They've they've
just all got weird names. But anyway, these banks, Professional
Bank and Banks United are saying that they're not going
to have anything to do with Trump anymore. And even
when he's just got depositing, he's got a couple of

money market accounts at one of these banks, and they're
not going to let him. They've decided they're not going
to let him bank with them anymore. The Democrats and
the media would actually like to get him in jail.
They don't care what they get him in jail over.
They just like to get him in jail. The Iranians,
the Supreme Ayatollah and those guys have said they're charging

him with murder over the Solomani thing. Again, they don't
they don't care what he's uh, you know what, where
they's actually killed it. They would just like to get
him too as part of their revenge. And that that's
not a thing necessarily to dismiss. You know, I don't

entirely rule out Biden joining the International Criminal Court just
so he could extradite Trump to Tehran for that. We
live in seriously weird times. But the point is they're
out to get him. Everybody's out to get him, and
they really don't want him running again. And four you
don't know, I mean, after four years of being hounded,

having his bank accounts closed, having to be careful when
he's flying around on his private plane. He might be
planning on visiting his properties abroad, and it happens to
touchdown in a country to refuel, in a country that
has an extradition treaty with Iran. You never know what
can happen in with those kind of things, and there

are precedents for that too. I'll mention one of them
a little later in the show. It's a serious you
seriously if to think about this. I once had I
won't say who he was, but he was an extremely
distinguished American political figure at the highest level talking to
me about the dangers when you're just flying here and

there for a one week vacation or a two day
business trip, and you happen to touch down somewhere where
some magistrate, showboating magistrate would be happy to enforce an
Iranian extradition application. You're going to be careful about these things.
So who knows what kind of mood he's going to
be in in four years time, but the Democrats don't.

The Democrats. Yes, Trump incited the erection, as Chuck Schumer said,
and he suddenly incited the Democrats in that respect because
they're they're slavery. They're in that viagra ad situation where
if the erection persists for more than four years, you
should see a doctor, because that's what they've got over

over Trump and they'd like to get him. But they're
also thinking ahead, as the president himself said, as the
former president himself said, you know, the object isn't to
get me, it's to get you. They're thinking ahead to oh,
what if there's another Trump out there? What if there's
someone out there who fancies being the next Trump. Well,

what you got to do to him is you got
to like executing Oliver Cromwell when he's been dead for
three years. You've got to make clear to these guys
that that's not going to happen again. But what they're
gonna they're going to inflict so much on Trump that
anyone who thinks he wants to be the Trump of

twenty twenty four says, no thanks, I'd rather just stay
in obscurity, run my feed store, and not catch their
eye because they if they if you catch their eye,
they will destroy you totally. They're teaching us lessons here,
John Brennan. What we've seen is the restoration of the swamp.
John Brennan, an awful man who should be in prison himself.

John Brennan is now warning all kinds of people that
this new domestic terrorism situation. And again, you might think
that January sixth was just thought of the day before yesterday,
But the the the United States Congress, which can't get
six hundred bucks of COVID relief to you without negotiating

it for over eight months, has in nothing flat put
proposed domestic terrorism legislation out there. As if there's a
domestic terrorism movement that is within your borders like the
IRA in the United Kingdom was for many years, we've

got a domestic terrorism movement. There's no domestic terrorism movement,
but they're now putting into place after the nine eleven
security state, putting in a domestic It's not just like again,
this is all from George Orwell in nineteen eighty four.
In nineteen eighty four, Oceania has always been at war

with East Asia because there's a permanent war and it's
happening somewhere out on the far fringes of the map.
He doesn't actually say Afghanistan, but it could be Afghanistan,
and you just hear about it once in a while.
It's not terribly important, but it's enough to mean that
things like air travel are all lot more complicated than

they used to be. But even better than that is
if you say, no, no, no, no, it's not the
alaho Akbar crowd sitting in a cave in Hellman Province. No, no, no,
it's far closer to home than that. Now we've actually
got domestic terrorists. They're maybe up to seventy four million
of them all over the map. So we need big

domestic terrorism legislation to take account of the domestic terrorism
threat the Democrats. This is the difference. I read something
today and instantly fell back to sleep for another six
hours that there's some breaking news about the Durham report
about the twenty something to do with the twenty sixteen election,

right right where now, still argueing over the election before
the election they just stole from us. Meanwhile, the Democrats
are moved on to stealing the next election. Mark Stein
for us your calls straight ahead. You know the National Guard,
I said. The National Guard has now been ordered to

stay in Washington, d C. To secure the capital through
the Trump impeachment trial. They've interviewed in the Hill some
of these rank and file Guard members who say they've
never been in a situation. There's no mission, it's not
a combat zone, so they don't understand why they're under
combat regulations. There's no defined mission, there's no defined situation.

The guys say this is very unusual. They don't understand
what's going on, but they're there. It's impressive when you
look at them in the parking garage to see all
these thousands of National guardsmen in their camouflage. The camouflage
obviously is designed to blend in with trees and shrubs

and foliage, which helps if you're going off to a
combat zone that happens to be in a forest or
a jungle. But it's a little bit odd when you're
in a virtually treeless city such as downtown Washington, d C.
I don't understand if we're now going to have military
occupation of American cities. I don't understand why they don't

have camouflage designed to blend in with the city streets
they're patrolling so that they have like seven eleven logos
and Taco Bell and other common chain store types so
they blend in. If we're going to have a permanent
military occupying force of American city, is they going to

need to be some new designs in the camouflage. Let's
got a kneel in. Oh, he's a compatriot of Joe
Biden from Sussex County, Delaware. Great to have you with us, Nail.
What's on your mind? Great to be with you, Mark. I.
Just when you were talking about impeaching the non president,
it sparked the question in my mind. Let's say they

go through with it, and let's say they're successful and
the sanction is removal from office. Who determines the date
the former president Trump was removed from office? Is what? Yeah? Carry?
Would it be January first, two seventeen? So he was
never president. All the legislation he signed is now moot.

All the regulations he changed or imposed by his administration
no longer effect. Are we going to basically hit the
Hillary Clinton reset button and say Trump was never president?
You know something That is a brilliant point, Neil, because
they're basically making it up as they go along here.
And people who say, oh, well, the Supreme Court will

weigh on this, know that the Supreme Court has generally
said impeachment is a purely political act, so it's not
subject to judicial review. And that's what Roberts will do.
We'll know he'll do. That's the equivalent of the royal
prerogative in Canada or Britain or what elsewhere. So you're right,
if they want to, they can say since they're not

there isn't any in real world terms, there isn't any
actual office to remove him from. What matters is the
date you remove him. And wouldn't they like if they
go back to he was removed at one minute past
midday or one minute before midday in January twenty seventeen,
then there never was a Trump presidency and he can

never have his portrait hanging anywhere, and all his laws
are that he signed are unlawful. That would be a
that would actually explain a lot about what they'd hope
to accomplish. Neil. That's when did this point occur to you?
Because it's an absolutely brilliant one as I was listening
to you, Well, in that case, you're a genius and

you should be guest hosting. Because the thing I've learned, no,
I mean it. The thing I've learned from what Chig
democrats is they're far sighted, they're forward sighted, and everybody
thinks whatever they do is a joke. So when it
was all these putting guys in transgender changing rooms and
all the rest of it, everyone thought, ah, that's rubbish.

Everyone knows it's rubbish. Nobody who matters is laughing, and
it came to pass and they abolished biological sex. Well, likewise,
everyone thinks you can't remove a guy from office is
already removed from office, and everybody laughs and thinks it's nonsense.
Note there is some purpose behind it, Neil, and you
may have identified it. Thank you very much for your call.

Neil was first up. A neighbor of Joe Biden's from
the state of Dela Aware or former neigh because I'm
not sure Joe Biden's back in the basement, but I'm
not sure whether it's his Delaware basement or his White
House basement. He'll come out and sign some executive orders
in a bit, Mark signing for US. Lots more still
to come. It's a long list the people they're coming for.

John Brennan, who should be in jail. I mentioned him
a few minutes earlier. A few minutes ago, he talks
about American ildentell agencies cracking down on religious extremists, authoritarians,
fascist bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians. He says, so that's

a kind of long list of ideological persons they're targeting.
He could easily could by now have added to it
excitable centrists, moderates who've had a third cup of coffee,
whoever you are. If you're not fully on board with
the program, John Brennan says, American eeligence agencies have got

you on their list, and they're focused on you like
a laser, ensuring the insurrection stops. Yes, America's anchor man
is away today and this is your undocumented anchor, Man
mark Stein, no supporting paperwork whatsoever. I used to say

at this point in the show that we are live
from ice Station EIB just in far northern New England,
about twenty minutes south of the Canadian border. And always
used to say, if you flee in the country, do
swing by and say hello, because we've got a big
sign on the highway saying last Rush guest host before

the border. But I can't do that joke anymore because
thanks to Chem and ge, the Canadian US border, the
so called longest undefended frontier in the world, is in lockdown,
and nobody can flee across the Canadian border anymore. So
Chairman g has killed my joke, among all the other

things he's killed. Thanks a lot, Chairman. Speaking of which,
did you know that doctor Anthony Fauci is the highest
paid employee in the entire US federal government in twenty nineteen.
This is from Forbes magazine. In twenty nineteen, his salary

was four hundred and seventeen thousand, six hundred and eight dollars,
which makes him not only the highest paid doctor in
the federal government. I don't know why they'd put that, actually,
I don't know whether he's ever actually performed any surgery
or examined your prostate or anything, but it's it's been

a long time, and I'm not sure i'd trust him
to take out my appendix or examine my prostate now.
But in twenty nineteen, his salary was four and seventeen thousand,
six hundred and eight dollars, which makes him, as Forbes
puts it, not only the highest paid doctor in the
federal government, but the highest paid out of all four
million federal employeees. The President of the United States gets

four hundred thousand dollars, but doctor Fouchy gets four hundred
and seventeen thousand dollars plus six hundred and eight. He
was interviewed a couple of months back by Matthew McConaughey,
the distinguished thespian. Matthew McConaughey asked doctor Fouchi as a

bit of a joke, if he personally had millions of
dollars invested in these new vaccines, and doctor Fouchi laughed
and replied, Matthew, no, I got zero. I am a
government worker. I have a government salary. He didn't mention
that the four hundred and seventeen thousand and six and
eight dollar he gets is in fact the largest salary

of all four million federal workers in the country. It's
it's pretty I don't actually know why this guy is
still around. He's been at the NIH he started there
in nineteen sixty. That's fifty three years. He's been working

for the poor guy. He's just talus. He never he doesn't.
I don't know when he's eligible for early retirement. He's
now eighty years old. But he earns more than anybody
else in the federal government, including the President. He earns
four hundred and seventeen thousand, six hundred and eight dollars,

which is almost as many as the number of Americans
who have been killed by the coronavirus. It's up well,
doctor Jill Biden, Mister Snowdle is even more. If Fauci
is getting four hundred and seventeen thousand, six hundred eight dollars,
she should be good for half a million at least.

And as I said, Fauci's is just appears to be
pegged to the COVID death rate. So there's more almost
as over four hundred and nineteen thousand dead Americans now
under the Fauci regime. Miranda Divine, my old pal, Miranda
Divine from Australia. You have to read the Foreigners to

find out what's going on. Miranda has a great column
in The New York Post about how Fouchi needs to
be held responsible for his COVID nineteen mistakes. You know,
the guy getting four hundred and seventeen thousand dollars are
getting more than the president. The president at that time
waved his salary. Fauci doesn't wave his salary, and he

as you know one he came initially said masks. Nobody
needs to be walking around with a mask. Then he
three months lady does a backflip and says, no, no,
we need masks, he says in January twenty first, the
COVID isn't something that anyone in America should be worried about.
You know, he's supposed to be followed the science. If

you followed the science of doctor Foucher, you'd have whiplash
from changing direction that fast so often. But it doesn't
seem to impact the fact that this revered genius makes
more money than anybody else in the federal government. The
good news is the COVID appears to be clearing right

up now that the inaugurations in play. Gavner Gavin Newsom,
the governor of California, is saying that it maybe you
think he's meant to be giving a big announcement today
saying they're going to reopen it'll be safe to reopen restaurants,
even though the rationale for closing the restaurants was that

there would otherwise be too much pressure on the ICU,
the intensive care units. There are in fact three times now,
three times as many patients in the ICU as when
he announced his restaurant dan. But he doesn't, he doesn't care, says, oh,
no, no no, it's safe now, and that there was a well,

he was under threat of a recall petition because everyone
in calamistress and his right to point this out, because
everyone in California's got nothing to do, so they're all
sitting at home board. They've seen everything on Netflix. So
there's nothing actually anything to do in California except fill
in a recall petition for put your name to a
recall petition to get Gavin Newsom removed. So he thinks

he's seen that off. Now. Oh, they've lifted their stay
at home California just about in the last hour has
announced it's it's lifting its stay at home order for
all regions. Get out there, don't stay walled up in
your pokey little apartment filling out the recall petition. Get
out there in the open air, go to a restaurant,

go to a movie, go to a Disney theme park,
ride and have a socially go to Yeah, go to Disneyland,
get out there. Don't sit at home, just filling in
the Gavin Newsom recall petition all day long. So the
COVID looks like it's clearing up in California. This is
a tragic and again fouci and all the all we

listen to scientists, We listen to scientists, no sir, no sir.
In self governing societies, we elect citizen representatives to take
into account all the fat all we prostrate ourselves before scientists.
I get down on my knees and fouch. She must
be the most important man in the country. He makes

four hundred and seventeen thousand, six hundred eight dollars even
though he gets nothing right. But he's been there for
fifty eight years and you can't. Apparently it's the restoration
of monarchy. I prefer George the Third, as you know,
if you have heard me the long time, A big
George the Third guy. He was running in any election,
he'd be the small government guy. But you've managed to

restore divine right, the divine right of Fauci to rule
until he drops dead and he's carried out by the handles. Anyway,
this is another one. This is why this whole you know, absurd,
veneration of the scientists. Surge of student suicides pushes Las

Vegas schools to reopen, rising mental health emergencies in Clark County, Nevada,
a spate of student suicides. This is a tragic This
is a truly tragic story. And the quotes here from

teenagers who feel, you know, who felt life wasn't worth
living because they can't see their friends anymore. Do you
remember if you're a teenage so you know what this likes.
If you're getting on in years like me, you can
still remember what it's like, you know, when you're that age,
when you're fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, when days last forever,

so that you're you're in love, you're in love with
the girl, but you can't see it to the weekend
and it's only Tuesday, and every day is like an eternity.
That's adolescent time, that's child time. Every day is an eternity.
You know, you're living in a hyper present tense. Oh,
you know, it's it's it's going to be a week

and a half till the school vacation starts, and that
seems to stretch on and on forever, and it's and
then you get older, and everything is the years fly by,
the decades fly by. When you say, oh, remember that
guy who said five years ago? Five years ago turns
out to me ten years ago when you say that.
And when you say, do remember ten or so years back,

that turns out to be twenty five years But not
if you're a student, Not if you're a teenager. Spate
of child student suicide pushes the last Vegas schools to reopened. Meanwhile,
in Chicago, the teachers Union said no, no, no, Well,
we don't care how many, it doesn't matter. We don't
have the problem with youth suicides in Chicago because they
tend to get shot by gangbangers at the weekend anyway,

so they've got no time to commit suicide. So that's
why the Chicago Teachers Union is voting not to go
back to school. This is a headline from the Telegraph
in London, my old newspaper. The Royal College of Pediatrics
and Child Health says that currently there are more children

admitted to hospital for mental health than medical reasons. That's
who knew. If you shut down the whole world, if
you make perfectly healthy teenagers stay inside and not see
their friends for a year, we're coming up to the
first anniversary now. Oh, and then you're surprised that it

has mental health consequences. You know, all these things are
coming together the Biden administrator, we've now accepted basically that
in large parts of the United States, the state has
the power to tell you what to wear in your
own home. They can make you wear masks in your
own home, to tell you who you can invite to

your own home. Oh, I was thinking of having Granny
over for Christmas. No, no, you can't have Granny for Christmas,
because you can only have people living in a single household,
as they did in Vermont and various other states. And
now we're seeing the consequences of that. And yet instead
of actually saying we've done, instead of actually saying, fauci,

are you out of your mind? Maybe back in March
you can get away with fifteen days to flatten the curve,
but fifteen months to every psychologically healthy, well adjusted teenager
and wall him up in a prison that is nothing
like teenage life that's gone on in any healthy society,

and it doesn't. We still have to venerate the great
fauci Mark stein In for us. We are in the
first week of the new regime. As I said, any
moment now Nancy Pelosi's most diverse impeachment team in history,
including all the fashionable minorities, and for the first time,
an impeachment manager who was penetrated by the Chinese spy

Fang Fang. That's Eric Shagwell. They will be walking over
the sole article, the first ever article of reimpeachment in
American history, to the United States Senate. The senators will
be sworn in as jurors tomorrow and the trial will
begin on February eighth. Mark Stein for us, your calls

straight ahead. Mark stide In for Rush. Miley Cyrus is
taking heat because Miley claims to be attracted to women
and said as an aside, that she prefers breasts to
male testicles, prefers breasts to testicles, and as a results,

she's now being hammered as a transphobe. Stay away from
both of them. It's all too complicated. Now. You don't
want to get mixed up with breasts or testicles or
any of it, because you'll be whichever way you pick.
This is a nice young lady who says she's all
for the lesbianism, and she's now attacked for her transphobias.
Stick stick mister, mister Snurdley goes, why why do they

tell us this? Mister Snurdley, if you were to start
giving interviews on which body parts you like, you would
you know? That's that's how you make it big. Who
remembers Miley Cyrus's last record? I I can. I can
tell you she's famous for other things. That's how you
do it now. But my advice is stay Claire, just

don't have stay claim of body parts entirely. Michelle from
Park City, Utah is next on the Russland Bull Show.
We're great to have you with us, Michelle. Hi, Mark,
it's so great to talk to you. A big fan
of yours, love your book. Oh thank you. I wanted
to get your thoughts at what you could what you

perceived could possibly be the logic of this. I just
read that Joe Biden removed a bust of Winston Churchill
from the Oval office and replaced it with a bust
of Caesar Shaw Vez right, and if you recall Caesar
shaw I said quite the interview on PBS back in
the seventies, And I don't know if I can use

the word he referred to as illegal immigrants on the radio,
but he called illgal immigrants quite a derogatory term. Yeah
he did, I, Yeah he did. You're right. So what

is the point of Biden putting that in? I mean,
what is what? I can't I can't even process what
logic that would be. Well, is he hoping that that's
the Lettino community or so called Hispanic community doesn't have
a memory as to what Caesar shov has really thought
of a llegal immigrants. Well, I just as a serious

answer to that, Michelle, I don't think anybody has a
memory anymore. Basically, we we live in a place literally
or wellians society where everything gets memory hold. Now, obviously
people remember that Churchill is someone you're not supposed to
like because he was something to do with the Second
World War? Is that the one? Or was it the

Third World War? Or and well I forget which side
which side he was, but he started the whole thing.
And besides, he wears a bow tie from the same
habit ashes as Tucker Carlson. So we can't have we
can't have Winston Churchill. We can't have Winston Churchill in
the White House, they replect, because Winston Churchill is just

like your hate figure. But Caesar Charvis is actually a
more interesting thing, because, as he said, he didn't believe
in mass immigration because he didn't think it was good
for the people he purported to represent. It's not good
for American workers, which is the way that people who
used to claim to be the champion of the working
classes used to think. But they to someone like Biden,

and the people waggling the sock puppet of Biden, the
people telling him things in his earpiece, because I doubt
he picked that thing for his desk that just sort
of turned up. He was walked into the office and
told this is where you're sitting for the next four
years or three months, or ever long it is, and
they sat him in the chair to them seize our Chavez.

Nobody knows who he is. We live in a present
tense culture. He has a vaguely Latino name, so it
is assumed that he's on the side of open borders,
which isn't even true of today's As we saw in
the election. That's not even how when all those Texas
border Hispanics in the most Hispanic communities in America voted

for Trump. That's not even how to day's Hispanics felt
at feel And back in Chaves's day, he was quite open.
He didn't want mass immigration. Nobody needs. No advanced society
needs mass immigration, buticular society where you've been told you
can't open your hair salon, you can't open your gym,
you can't open your restaurant for the last ten months.

Nobody needs mass immigration. But the Biden camp basically declared
full open borders, far worse than anything Obama did. And
Chavez is supposed to be the sort of hard warming,
vaguely remembered heroic name that he uses to justify this.
Michelle's it's quite extraordinary. But whoever's waggling the sock puppet

of Biden is moving pretty downe fast, because just in
a lot of these executive orders, he's transformed some fairly
basic things, like like American immigration policy has said, it's
not very difficult. You know, you can't have a you
can't have open borders on the Rio grand but you're
banning international air travel there's no consistency about any of

this except and this is the only consistent point, is
that it serves the Democrat's purpose. So people arguing about
inconsistency and hypocrisy, if it suits the Dems, it's in.
Oh man, I don't know. That may be the worst
bit of bump mus bumper music I've ever had in

all the years I've been guest hosting for US. I
don't like the cut of that, Jim. It's sounds like
some last orders. Oh we know now it is. It's
some last orders knees up in a bar on the
Mexican Riviera. Oh okay, that's better. Oh yeah, it's double

bumper music Monday on the Rush Limpbore Show. Twice twice
the bumpers to mitigate for the guest host rushes out today.
You know how this works. He has his treatment weeks.
This is one of them, and if he's feeling back
at full strength, he'll come back in a couple of days.
If not, it might be a day or two later.

But give the guy a break. He was here every
day last week and on super full strength. As you'll
know if you heard so. If you meant, oh yeah,
what's this Missssen earlier. Yeah, yeah, what's that? Oh yeah,
you need a vacation. Okay, okay, mister Sladly is remding

me because I use the word riviera that I've got
a mark Stein cruise coming up and that's in October
and where cruising the Mediterranean. So we'll be watching the
either the complete implosion of Europe as it finally enters
its death throws, or in fact, it will be quite
a nice break from whatever state this country is in

after nine months of the Biden Harris administration. We're going
to all the great spots, Florence, Monte Carlo, Gibraltar, the
Rocker Gibraltar, hitting France, Spain, all the great spots. You
can find out more about it mark Stein, Cruz dot Com,
and Rush's pal and mine, Conrad Black will be there.

He's both a member the House of Lords and a
pardoned jailbird in the United States because President Trump pardoned him.
I didn't know this. He's Canadian and he was ineligible
for a minimum security prison in the United States. So
when I went to visit him in Miami, he was

with a lot of hardcore kind of guys, gang gang
kingpins and the like. Rather intimidating place if you're on
a feat foreigners such as myself. But President Trump pardoned him,
and it's not often you get to cruise with a
guy who is both a member of the House of
Lords and has served time in federal prison. So Conrad

will be there. And I spoke to someone who said that,
I spoke what is there to do in gibalt It's
you can see then, Yeah, there's a big rock there.
There's a huge rock, and it's full of barbary apes.
And they always say, mister Snadley, that when the barbary
apes leave Gibolta, that's when it will fall from Her

Majesty's dominions into Spanish hands. So the apes are there,
you can check them out. You say, what is there
to do in Well? I don't know whether you've left
the house in the last year, mister Snurley, But what
is there to do in New York City? You walk
down Broadway, it's dead, the glittering Marquees, Times Square, it's
all gone. There's nothing. There's Plywood. It's like a Plywood

theme park New York City. So Gibraltar's got more going
for it than Plywood City. Yeah, I want to I
want to wake up in the in the city that
just hammers in another piece of plywood. That's New York
these days. Anyway, you can go to markside Cruise dot com.
I spoke to someone on our Alaska cruise a year
or two back who came because he hears me on

this show, and he said that he went on Rush
did a cruise. This was like the first year Rush
was on the air, so we're talking late eighties now,
and he said Rush had done one cruise and then
after that Rush was too big, so he wasn't so
he said to be off come of this because there's
never going to be a second rushan more cruise, so

I'm going to have to do with a mark Stein cruise.
I said, that's a fantastic endorsement. Can we get that
on tape and use it for promotional materials? You can
go to mark Stein Cruise dot com if you would
like to know more. I feel, you know one of
the reasons why I think I use this phrase before

the election, but I mean it a blizzard of lies.
You know, when everything's a lie, when it's just all
swirling all around you. And as you'll know if you've
ever been in an actual blizzard. If you live in
my neck of the woods, it becomes hard just to
keep going. You can't really see the way straight ahead.
The blizzard of lies swirls all around you, and you

don't know whether you're detouring off into some little cul
de sac that you'll have to try and see your
way through the blizzard of lies to walk out of.
But that is what we that is what we are
seeing now, and the reason, the reason for it is
interesting to me. It's more than interesting. Actus's tragic and

it's a disaster. But what's been going on that for example,
starting with January sixth, the idea of converting this thing
into a domestic terrorism attack is the idea that domestic
terrorism attack became the words you can't use, you have
to use, you have to use, and if you disagree

with that, you can't disagree with it. Rand Paul was
on TV with George Stephanopoulos Sunday morning and he started talking.
He was asked a question about election foud Basically, just
like in Soviet re education camp, George Stephanopoulos wanted Ranpaul
to come out on TV with a glassy eyed look

on his face and renounce any claims of election fraud,
and Ran Paul didn't want to do that because the
other side has admitted they've said, oh, well, no, election
is an exact science. But no, no, no, there's no
evidence that there's any any fraud that would have changed
the results. So the the opposition's position, or the States position,

state media's position, the Democrats position, the new regime's permisi
position is that there was of course there no election
is an exact science, but there wouldn't have been enough
fraud to change the result. I know, of course, it's
only to look into it. We've had a fraud going
back a long time now, so we don't need any

looking into it. And Ran Paul said, I'm not going
to stand here and do that. And George Stephanopoulos basically
called him a liar on air, and Ran Paul said,
I'm not going to be called a liar by you.
And he said, in the old days, you would have
got some lefty on you, you'd have got some Democrat
on a Democrats senator or governor or whatever to disagree

with me. Now we have this situation where the host
of the shows is demanding that Rand Paul prostrate himself
before the official narrative, and Rand Paul said, I'm not
going to do it. You should go. You can go
do whatever network George Stephanopoulos is on, and you can
probably find the clip. It's out there, but it's worth

watching this idea that supposedly independent, neutral television moderators are
demanding that dissenters simply sign on to the official narrative.
This is something new and phenomenally creepy, and it's everywhere.
I was looking at an industry publication that publishes television

ratings because I'm I'm doing my little bit of guest
hosting on Fox News in a week or two's time,
So I was just interested in having a look at
seeing what the ratings were and all the rest of it.
And they use the term. They're talking about how CNN

has done terrifically, CNN's got its best numbers in years,
and saying they've shot up even more so since the
domestic terrorist attack on the United This has been called
a domestic terrorist attack. As I said, it's being run
by some guy and his mom. First first revolutionary uprising
that's ever been led by some guy and his mom.

Lenin never got his mom mixed up in it now
never got his mom mixed up in it. Hitler, never
got dear old Frau Hitler mixed up in it. But
this is the first revolutionary uprising led by a guy
and his mom. And if you dissent from the official
and even as I mentioned, the last time I was
here on the radio, whoever it was, of whichever network

it was, the senior deputy assistant under vice president of
telling you what to say, said that any radio hosts
who suggested there was fraud wouldn't be would be removed
from their jobs. And whether that applies to guest guest host,
but the last and I was, I told him to
take a hike. Everyone knows we've had sane the sanist

calls I've taken, no disrespect to the native born, but
the sanist calls I've taken were from a South African
and a Canadian because I've felt I've been in like
an utterly demented environment. Everybody from anywhere that's not the
United States knows that they're the crappiest, least reliable elections

in the Western world. This idea the left's defense. Oh well, yes,
there was fraud. There's always fraud. It's not an exact science.
You can't expect fauci like levels of accuracy when you're
talking about election in Denmark. In the entire history of Denmark,
they've never had a case of election fraud. You know,

you can say they elect lunatic governments, although oddly Bernie
Sanders wants to be like Denmark, but they don't have fraud.
They come by there, They come by those governments honestly,
which is not true in this case. And I'm disturbed too.
I don't know quite why. And God bless Rand Paul

for pushing back on this too. Many of these milktoast
Republicans don't actually shove it back down George Stephanopoulos's face.
What sort of in what sort of creepy world does
the host oblige you to sign on to the official narrative.
This is what's changed just in the restraints on free speech,

just since November the third, actually since a little before that,
a little before that. You know, at one point, like
an American universes that you say, oh yeah, you can't
say that about you can't say that about the War
on terror, or you can't say that about transgender bathrooms,
or you can't say that about same sex marriage because

it makes the Muslims or the transgender community or the
lesbians a bit unhappy. So it was done. It was
framed when they restricted free speech until mid October last year,
when they restricted free speech, was done in the name
of sensitivity to minorities. They were changing cultural morays, and

you have to accept that it's unfair to say that
about Islam or same sex marriage or whatever it is.
And now then suddenly, with the Hunter Biden laptop thing,
it changed. It's now now we have a situation where

you can't say things that dissent from the official narrative,
whether it's on the effectiveness of COVID lockdowns or whether
it's on these dirty, disgusting, totally totally insecure election procedures
that are like nothing else anywhere in the developed world

and indeed in the better functioning parts of the developing world.
And as that's the form of election that the Democrats
are going to insist on keeping in place now and
forever because of the COVID And you don't believe me,
there's a new study here that shows dogs and cats

are big spreaders of COVID. So even though it clears
up among the human beings, the COVID. They're still going
to need to have mail in voting because there could
be some cat out there sitting outside the polling station.
In twenty twenty four, You're never going to win another
election again. Mark Stein in for Rush. This is serious.
They're serious, and we need to get serious. I don't

even yes, they behaved appallingly in twenty sixteen, investigating and
putting spies and using m I six and using Christopher
Steele and all the rest of it. But for God's hey,
that's gone. Twenty twenty's gone. The Democrats are moving on
to stealing twenty twenty four. We gotta beet forward looking.
I'm Mark signing for us, your poles, straight ahead, the

Excellence in Broadcasting Network, Mark Stein singing for us. Let's
go to Greg and Charlotte, North Carolina. Greg, You're on
America's number one radio show, What's on your mind? Mister Stein,
is the honor to speak to you. I believe you.
Rush and mister Trump shouldn't give up on the Republican Party.

Every two years we have thirty plus senators up for reelection.
If half of them are Republicans, we as voters have
a chance to get rid of the rhinos. In a
cycle of ten years, we could potentially have seventy plus
new Republicans and mister Trump being a kingmaker, this can
easily happen. That's why I think the Patriot Party is

such a bad idea. That's that's though rumored to be
his idea, that the Trump himself wants a Patriot Party.
You think that's just going to what split the vote? Yeah,
because exactly you're seventy five plus million voters voted. Republicans

aren't necessarily Trump supporters, but they don't like the Democrats.
So I don't know why you would throw out the
baby with the bathwater. Well, the problem here, Gregor, you
know I would have any I wouldn't have any doubt
in saying, if you want to start a new party started,
but there's so many obstacles to it. In America, for example,

just getting ballot access, you know, it's a racquet by
the Washington UNI Party. And in the States it's very
hard to get a third party on a ballot. They
the two big parties gang up because they're not sure
who's going to be taking votes from whom, and they
don't let you get on the ballot. But the problem here, Greg,
is that, as Rush was saying last that if it

is not going to be possible to have a fair
election again, then in a sense, that idea that you
split the vote and let the Democrat in isn't as
big a threat as it was until all these shenanigans started.
And evidently, you know, Trump to a certain extent, feels
betrayed by the Republican establishment, certainly in Georgia and in

other states too. What do you do about that, Greg, Well,
we already know who those people are, so we go
ahead and vote them out on this next election run.
They already exposed themselves as being anti Trumpers or rhinos,
so we just we get rid of them by it,

just by exposing them. And they've already been exposed. Okay,
don't don't keep saying the word exposed because for some
reason it reminds me of Chuck Schumer, Chuck Schumer inciting
the erection. So I don't want to have too much
that's an exposure. Greg. Now you make you make a
good point, anyone, that this is another reason why they

want to keep impeaching him, They want to keep prosecuting him,
and all the rest of it, because they want to
tie him up, the Democrats, so that he does not
become a force. So they don't want a Patriot Party either.
But these are things. At some point we have to
map out a way ahead that doesn't just ensure we're

going to be the fall guys for the Democrats every
two years, which is, you know, the Tea Party agreed
to work within the dead husk a decade or so back.
They decided they'd work within the dead husk of a
Republican party they largely loathed, and they got no thanks
for it except to be investigated by Lois Larner and

the irs. So people have serious choices to make. But
you make a good point there, Greg, thank you for that.
We'll explore it later in the show. Mark Stein for
Rush lots more still to gain. Mark Stein in for Russia.
Have just been asked, any thoughts about the proposed forty
percent capital gains inheritance tax. Yeah, get used to this

kind of stuff. Look, there's a lot of people whose incomes.
There's millions and tens of millions of people whose incomes
have collapsed in the last year because they were prevented
from working. Not doctor Fauci As you know, he makes
more than anybody else in the federal government four hundred
and seventeen grand year, hasn't lost a penny over the
last year. Other people have no income, so it's hard

to There's not much point raising income tax rates when
nobody has income. That's why it's the other taxes they
got to go for. They can't pay for what they're
doing otherwise. Yes, America's Anco man is a way. You
know how this works. It's a treatment week, which means
Rush has some fairly excruciating things to get through for

the first couple of days, and if he feels okay
by midweek, he comes back, and if he's still feeling
clovered by this stuff, he rests up for an extra
day or two. Biggers. Rush only wants to be here
when he is at full strength, as he was last week,
as you'll know if you were listening. So this is

your the ib anchor baby, delighted, thrilled to be here.
It's a great honor, no supporting paperwork whatsoever. But I
am a foreign exchange student at the Limbaugh Institute for
Advanced Conservative Studies. I'm actually a Canadian honey trap. I

was sent here to seduce Eric Shagwell, but so far
he doesn't want any of it. He's having no part
of it. I mentioned this story, which is from the
prestigious peer reviewed journal Virulence. That's actually the name of
that's actually a name of a peer reviewed scientific journal,
Virulence and not the designated term for Joe Biden's collected

executive orders against the American people. But researchers at the
University of Minnesota and the University of East Anglia and
the Earlham Institute have said that cats and dogs may
need COVID vaccines to curb the spread. So just in case,
if you're in California where people were threatening to recall

the guy and get him out of office, the governor,
he's now reopened restaurants toward that off so human beings
are free again in California. But don't think this thing.
The COVID seems to be clearing up now that Joe
Biden's in office, but it's still very serious because you're
going to need to get your cats and dogs, maybe

your hamsters and gerbils. I don't know how this affects Eminem,
but he may need to get his gerbil. He may
need to get his Gerbil vaccine NATed against the COVID.
There now that this is there will never be a
reason for life to return to normal. And it's all

peer reviewed, it's all science. It's in this prestigious science,
peer reviewed journal called Virulence. While there are no cases,
no known cases in which a human contracted COVID nineteen
from a domestic dog or cat, the professor of evolutionary genetics,

Cock van ooster Hoot, please please no tittering, that's his name,
Cock van ooster Hoot, says, we have to be prepared
for any eventuality. So if you think it's if you're
in New York where they're making the old people line
up at the streets, the incompetent boob Andrew Cuomo is
making you line up on the streets to get your appointment.

You've got an appointment that says be here at two
forty five, and you get there and you find you
have to stand out there on the streets. Your poor
old aged auntie Mabel is going to be there standing
on the street for three and a half hours, while
Fido is ahead and the mangi old pooch from the
next door neighbor is ahead of her. In the line.

I called this a blizzard of lies half an hour ago.
And it's very weird because we've gone into kind of
overdrive in the last two months since the election was one.
I was pessimistic, I said, and this show that if
Biden wins, then things are going to get real bad,
real fast on the free speech front. I assume that

they would delete Trump's Twitter account on January twenty first.
I didn't realize they just accelerate and actually put this
stuff in beforehand because they're so anxious to do it.
Victor Davis Hanson has a terrific piece Victor's always very
incisive on this stuff in American Greatness Today, in which

he's talking about he makes the point that this new
totalitarianism is coming from all these woke hipsters, and he's right,
it's actually a form of woketalitarianism, which is the way
you have to sell it. So what it is is that,
you know, we all look at that weird beard who

runs Twitter, and we see him testifying at Congress, and
we wonder why anyone takes that guy seriously because he
looks like he's been sleeping in a dumpster for the
last six weeks. That's exactly why they do take him seriously,
because this is not the form in which fascism is

supposed to be presented. It's supposed to be presented by
hard faced men. I mentioned earlier nineteen eighty four, which
I'm actually serializing over at my website at the moment
at stein online dot com, because I hadn't read it
in a while, and people always know the bits from
from orwell that everybody quotes, like memory hole, you know,

which are a big brother is watching you and all
the rest of it. That's the only thing he got wrong.
Now it would be big non binary sibling is watching you.
But everything else is amazingly detail and what it is,
what it's some of the interesting asides. For example, Winston Smith,
the protagonist, is trying to find out what would what would?

What was it like before the party took total control,
because all he's been told is about capitalists in top hats,
So he's asking this old timer who remembers the days
before the revolution, what was it like? Did they really
wear top hats? And and it's it's a clever thing

because it makes the point that you have enduring cliches
about who the evil doers are meant to be, and
then you have people who are to be nice and fluffy.
So when when you see somebody like that guy who
runs Twitter, when you see Zuckerberg who had to buy

a necktie, I believe for his first appearance before Congress,
because he's not a guy who wears neckties, and you
realize that the Left has got like a monopoly on
all on all the people you're meant to think nicely of. So,
for example, Biden has actually in these executive orders dumb

things that are way in his first seventy two hours,
did things that are way more radical than anything Obama contemplated.
Because with the Obama regime, Obama was the novelty. He
was the great God come down from the heavens to
dispense wisdom. So he would just say things like, you know,

let this be the day that the ocean ceased to rise,
because the oceans would be so stunned by the ascent
of Obama to the White House to Barackingham Palace that
the oceans would immediately withdraw from menacing the coastlines of
the world. Because of Obama himself. There's nothing of that

with Biden. No one's infused about Biden. That's why they
had to have this concoction about the domestic terror attack
shutting down the district of Columbia and all fifty state capitals,
because otherwise so there was nobody there to see Biden inacurated.
There would have been nobody there anyway, even if even

if you hadn't had the National Guard, there would have
been far fewer people than saw Obama or saw Trump.
There had been nobody there, and it would have betrayed
the lack of enthusiasm. But precisely because of that, they
don't cut him the slack that Obama has. He doesn't
have any of the identity politics bonus points. He has
to just act radical, and he's done that in these

first executive orders. I used to say on this show
when all this stuff started about the abolition of biological sex,
for example, when they would just be putting in some
young lady who's like six foot three with a faint
touch of five o'clock shadow and muscular thighs and biceps

and budding hormone generated breasts to trash your daughter in
these Connecticut athletics championships that the Democrats are playing for
the big stuff. Now, Biden has actually, and people would say,
including listeners to this SHOWLD that doesn't everyone knows, that's crazy.
Why are you wasting time talking about this? Well, Biden

has just actually gone way further than that. You just
have to identify as a guy and you get to
shower with the chicks. You just have to identify as
a girl. You don't have to be on treatment, you
don't have to see a doctor. He's just said basically,
if you wake up in the morning and you decide.

I said this to my kid who used to do
the state track events here, my youngest kid, and he
was like, okay, but he'd always come fourth or fifth, fourth, fifth, sixth.
So when this transgender thing started, I said, why didn't
you just identify as a girl and you'd come first

in the girls events and you can always de transition
back once you've won the trophy. That's actually it was
a joke, and he didn't want to do it because
he went out a bit because he thought his friends
would laugh at him if he was to wear a
dress to school. But that's actually the world that Biden
has just licensed that from now on, if you simply

self identify, you you can go and have a shout. Now,
people said, well, why didn't they say that beforehand? Every
because Biden is telling you who the people that there's
this very naive union whatever whichever union it was, because
the Keystone pipeline everything. Oh, we canceled the Keystone pipeline. Hey,

that's good. He's just sticking it to the Canadians. Who
doesn't want to stick it to the Canadians? Just In Trudeau.
Biden's treating him the way he treated corn pop. He's
give it, he's gotten out his rusting bicycle chain and
he's flashoned Justin. And then the unions point out, we'll
wait a minute. We endorsed you, and this has gotten
rid of eleven thousand union jobs. Yeah, because you don't matter,

You don't matter. Then we have the Indian tribes who
are who who are also likewise furious about this thing
because of a sixty day moratorium on energy exploration and
drilling that extends even to native reservation. And there's and

we'll wait a minute, we supported you too. Why are
you screwing us over? Because Biden is basically the creature
of whoever's got to him. And if you think there's
some old type Jimmy Hoffer Union guy who's whispering in
his ear and telling him what to say. And no,
those things they're like last years, their last season's Democrat constituencies.

The new Democrat constituencies are running this show. And people
put up with it because it's woketalitarianism, because you think
the fascist guy is going to be like they used
to say about Trump, that Trump's Mussolini on the balcony.
He's looking into the sunlit uplands as he stands with
his chin out gazing from the balcony. No, we've got

a world of woketalitarians, hipster totalitarians, and people think, oh,
they seem so nice, and it's just a question. Now.
So we've actually had an extraordinary shutdown of dissent just
in the five days. We've got a bill that is
basically going if you think what they brought in nine

to eleven, the TSA S Security theater, taking your shoes
shuffling like a great bovine herd through the airport now
and forever. That's because of some guy in a cave
on the other side of the planet. Now they're planning
to domesticate the war on terror, and they're serious about it,

and we're in and at a certain point we have
to get serious about it too. We have to use
you know, one reason why the Chinese took over the world,
for example, is because they use all the levers of
national power. You know, the United States has more carrier
groups than anybody. So you can be in some shallow
lake on the other side of the world and oh, look,

he's a US Navy aircraft carrier coming by. The Chinese
happen to have now the biggest surface fleet in the world,
bigger than Americas. But they don't they're not interested in policing.
Having boots on the ground in over a hundred countries,
they understand you win wars by using all levers of

national power, and they're actually establishing their dominance without sending
a carrier, And that, to me is a good analogy
for where we are. We think that it's about dragging
a guy with an hour after his name over the
finish line every other November on a Tuesday evening, and

the Democrats instead again use all levers of national power.
There they're out there creating the conditions in our culture
whereby it doesn't seem odd that a fifteen year old
boy has the choice of whether he showers in the

boy's locker room or in the girl's locker room. They
establish the cultural conditions, and in fact, if you ask
a Republican about any stuff, they don't even want to
talk about it. Oh oh no, sorry, I'd rather not
get into that. I've got this new capital gains tax
cut I'm interested in proposing. You know, they create the conditions.

And to go back to what I was saying, Rush
pushed back against me on They didn't really, But when
I'd said, you know, every hill ought to be the
hill to die, because that's how Democrats don't want to
surrender anything. And Republicans, on the other hand, you know,
keep thinking that there's this mythical last hill that's out
there somewhere, even as all the hills within sight become

occupied by Democrats. No, you have to defend you have
to defend that ground, because these things that don't seem
to mean anything are actually the means by which they
lay the ground for these massive cultural transformation. Now that
Trump's gone, he's at Mara Lago, do you think there's
going to be a lot of Republicans talking about mass

transformative immigration. No, they put that one to bed. It'll
go with the wall. It'll be something they don't mention. So,
in other words, when people don't want to hear, Frank
Luntz has got all these focus groups on it. If
you say you against illegal immigration, it sounds like you
mean to foreigners. Oh oh sorry, I didn't mean say that.

Best not to talk about it. I'll talk about a
capital gains tax cut instead. No, the Democrats defend every hill,
and they advanced themselves. And if you look at all
these fire you know. So it's not even just all
the abolition of biological sex. Even the showdown with China
is over now because Biden said, oh yeah, we're happy
to have the Chai COM's own parts of our NASH

critical parts of our national infrastructure. You fight for every hill.
If there's only two parties and one party fights for
every hill and the other doesn't fight for ninety percent
of the hills, don't be surprised you wake up to
see Joe Biden signing one executive order every forty five seconds.
Mark Stein for us, You're called straight ahead, mark Stein

for rush TSA agent on a fun Lamelli has been
sentenced to sixty days in County Jail for tricking a
woman at Lax into showing him her breasts. He claimed
he had to look inside her brach when sure she
wasn't hiding anything in there, and then after examining the breasts,

told her that she had nice breasts. He's now going
to serve sixty years in jail. I don't know. I
believe this maybe a new no. No sixty days in jail,
sixty days in jail. It's say new Biden executive order
that if it's thirty four B, that's fine, you can
take them in the cabin with you. Anything bigger than

that has to go in the hole. There's now maximum
maximum size. He gets one month permamory. That's right, that's
a it's three strikes you out, but fortunately for him,
she didn't have a third one. Let's go to Joe
in Kensington, Maryland. Joe, great to have you with us
on the Rush Limball Show. Gay Marcus Jason. Actually, I

think I've spoken to you before. Oh really, so it's Jason.
It's inaccurate on my call screener. I recognize your mallifluous
antipodean tones. Yeah. Notice a bit of a comparison on
this COVID virus. The Australian sort of lockdown. They keep
comparing the numbers here to Australia being so much better

in Astray. But they don't realize is that we have
about a fifteenth of the population. And also their lockdowns
are so strict, Like recently in Brisbane they had they
had one person who came in from overseas that had it.
They literally locked down the whole state of Queensland right
one or one person. So they're sort of doing these
stopped start lockdowns, which is basically just dragging it out,

and they're very strict. I think they'll bust in your
house and arrest you. Would you even talk about breaking
the rules, so, oh no. The Victorian Constabulary, that's Melbourne,
they're absolutely bonkers. They're like if you're if you're be capped,
if you're disabled, if you pregnant woman, they like kick
you to the ground. There's all these and you're not

allowed to travel more than three miles from your home.
So whenever you know, whenever these people say oh ah,
the Australians, they're doing a fat You can't travel from
state to state. It's like actually being turned back. If
if you decide you're going to go from Maine to
New Hampshire. It's it's it's crazy this stuff. Yeah, yeah,

thank you, thank you, thank you that we gotta we
gotta go. Joe, I'm up against a hard break, but
thank you for reminding us that there's there are prices
to be paid for getting the COVID that locked down. Hey,
great to be with you. I should apologize to Jason,
our Australian friend from Kensington, Maryland, just a couple of

minutes ago, because I think when we came up against
a hard break, I called him Joe again. But he's
actually Jason. So I've reached the by maiden. I've reached
the Biden stage where I can no longer tell the
difference between Kamala Harris and Geraldine Ferraro. So I didn't
mean to call Jason Joe. And I should also wish
him a happy Australia Day. It's actually Tuesday, but it's

already Tuesday. The Australians are so much more advanced than
the rest of us that it's already Tuesday over there
and it's Australia Day, which is their national holiday. Don't
get too excited because they've got a bad case of
what's going around among us. The ABC, which is their

national broadcaster, so it's like the BBC and the CBC
in Canada. The ABC is calling it Happy Invasion Day
because that's the day of shame of when the White
Man landed in Australia, so's it's the same thing, Happy
Invasion Day. They'll be having that here if you if

you think it can't happen here, because people do that
all what couldn't happen here? The Treasury Department is taking steps.
This is the White House Press Secretary the Treasury or
possibly the Treasury sect. No, it's the White House Press
Secretary Jen Saki. The Treasury Department is taking steps to
resume efforts to put Harriet Tubman on the front of

the new twenty dollar notes. So Andrew Jackson, he's the
guy with big hair bursting out of the oval on
your twenty dollar bill. He's on his way out, and
Harriet Tubman is going to be on the way in
mark Stein for Rush. If you're missing Rush, you can

go to Rush limball dot com. Look at the Rush
Limbaugh Show banner, and just above that you'll see a
little tab saying share your stories you click on that
you can send your best wishes to Rush because he
appreciates them, especially in treatment week, which is rough on anybody,
and especially rough if you have to get your strength

up to do a three hour radio show a couple
of days after getting all that, so you can go there,
and while you're there, you might want to consider taking
out a subscription to a Rush twenty four seven dot com.
It means what it says. You can get Rush in
any format you like. You can get the radio show

any time of the day or night. You can get
the transcripts, you can see them on video on the ditto.
Can you have an unprecedented archive like nothing else in
the history of broadcasting. You have a third of a
century of Rush's wisdom and brilliance that you can remind

yourself of and then share it with friends who surely
need it, even in this first week of the new regime.
And if you sign up for a yearly membership, you'll
get an extra four weeks for free. And all you
have to do to get hold of that is go
to Rush Limball dot com and you'll see the Rush

twenty four seven tab. We probably ought to introduce a
Joe Biden Unity watch in this of this show, just
for all the heartwar bing stories that are out there.
This one is from Portland, Maine, where the Portland Police

have arrested two people who say who attacked a man
because his car had Vermont license plates. They yelled at
the victim and told him he shouldn't be in Maine
and then assaulted him on Friday afternoon. They damaged his
car and damaged him as they tried to pull him
out of the vehicle. The suspects had fled by the

time the police arrived, but they were subsequently arrested. Nathaniel
Glavin forty one, and Vanessa Lazaro both face assault and
drug charges. Lazarro was taken to the hospital and Glavin
was held. These are they basically held on ten thousand
dollar bail. So he had Vermont license plates. This is

this may actually be in some subtle way, there might
be some good news for the right in this because Portland,
Maine is a very liberal city and Vermont is a
very liberal state. So essentially what happened here is one
pair of Biden supporters beat up another Biden supporter because

he had Vermont license plates. It doesn't the identity politics thing.
It doesn't just have to be Muslims and transgender whatever.
Now we've got competing groups of Biden supporters beating up
each other. This is the world that the lockdown has
has made with another. Nothing like this in human history,

Nothing like this in human history, where they healthy populations
have been told normal life is suspended for a year.
We have things like we go into lockdown for a
bit and then they say, okay, you can come out
of lockdown now as long as you're only at twenty
five percent capacity in your business and do this blah

blah blah. And then four weeks go by, you're getting
used to living on twenty five percent of the income
you previously had in your business. And then they bring
in a whole other bunch of rules, like the for example,
the outdoor dining in San Francisco, where they mandated outdoor
dining and everyone built these things on the sidewalk that

are where canopy covered and you can have your outdoor
dining in. And then they said no, no, no no, no
outdoor dinings off too. So having paid for these things,
the outdoor dining places in San Francisco then just became homeless.
Shelters so were filled with human fecal man turn, all
the other things that make San Francisco such a delight

to perambulate around these days, we've now had it for
a year. The domestic violence in I think this is
in New Orleans and Louisiana is at record highs for
the last decade. You're telling people to live as No,
even if you go back to the Great Plague of
London sixteen sixty six, it was a few months. Nobody

has tried to suspend reality even in wartime. In wartime
you could still go out to a pub or cafe
just to make sure you're inside before the Luftfuffas started
bombing you. Nobody has ever And actually, even if you
occupied by the Germans, you could still go out to
a cafe. In some ways, this is actually worse than

World War two occupation in terms of its suspension of normal. See.
So now we've got situations where we're seeing these spectacular
rises in teenage suicide, spectacular rises in domestic violence. Okay,

we're supposed to be following the science. We're supposed to
be following Fauci, who bestrides the world like a colossus.
So what's he got to say about this? You know,
nothing exists in isolation and putting up with. As Jason
and I were talking about, the things they've done in Australia,
particularly in the state of Victoria, are things that are

absolutely nobody should have to live like that in a
free society. And most of it has actually come here too,
where they're dictating that you have to wear masks indoors,
they're dictating that you can't have family members around. Again,
why do you think Let's just Rush was asking this

is a serious question last week, and actually Rush blamed
himself in part for it, because he was staggered by
the purported numbers of people who voted for Biden. Because Biden,
as we've just seen just in the last three days,
is full throttle over the cliff of American liberties. And

I followed fairly closely that awful Senate runoff thing in Georgia,
just because I had to be here, and I think
I think the actual day of the election, I was
on the air here and I didn't enjoy it. I
didn't enjoy it at all because they weren't terribly prepossessing
candidates and in terms of their public persona, and how

they think on their feet, and how they act in
debates and things. But whenever they were asked about things,
they had these three or four lame talking points and
they kept going on about radical socialism. We didn't want
radical socialism being introduced, and so you had to vote
for Kelly Luffler in order to stop radical socialism. For

most of the last year, we've accepted that the state
can forbid you from having Granny Round two over for
lunch on the weekend. We've accepted that the state can
forbid you from leaving your home. We've accepted that the
state can tell you what garb you have to wear

in your home. In certain states you have to wear
a mask, and that we've accepted that the state can
command you to stand in a circle out on the
sidewalk six feet from the guy in the next circle
in order a painted circle, in order to get some
takeout coffee from Starbucks. We've accepted all this, And so

why would you think that Kelly Luffler warning warning us
that she's the only thing that stands between us and
radical socialism is gonna work? Because all those things, even
I spend some time in Romania, Bulgaria, a couple other
warsaw Pac countries before the Iron Curtain came down, and

they didn't do things like that. They didn't make you
stand in a side circle on the painted circle on
the sidewalk to get a cup of coffee. They didn't
say you can't have granny round. They didn't say you
have to wear a mask inside your house. Why would
anyone be terrified of radical socialism? That's mega radical socialism.
Mark sign for us your call straight ahead, America's number

one radio show. Let us go to Mel in Durham,
North Carolina, an ancient municipality named for the inventor of
the Durham Report. Due any day now, Mel, you're on
the Rushlimbus show. Great have you with us? Hey, Mark,
good job as always and of course healthy. Those to

rush absolutely as rush and you always point out and
you did today. Third parties just can't work. The deck
is too stacked against it. There's just too much swamp
to swim through. So what I would like to see,
what I would like to see is um freedom caucus

type people are our people running proudly in the GOP
primaries as Trump Republicans. Okay, set spell it out loud
and clear. And I really think, considering Donald Trump got
so many votes in the election, that we could pull
it off in a lot of districts across the country. Yeah.

I'm going to say this is sort of like what
the Democrats did to Elliott Engle in New York. He
didn't hate America enough to be a Democrat anymore, just
to be in the Congress anymore, so they primaried him out.
And uh, and I really think that this would be
the route to go in the YA election. In the
past election here in North Carolina, we had a vote

for Richard I'm sorry for Tom till Us for Senate
and he really had a swallow hard to do it
because he's such a rhino. He's so pathetic, he's so
gutless and so spinalless. But the choice was another Democrat
in the Senate, so we did it well. I really
think that with a good primary campaign, hopefully supported by

President Trump, we could we could get rid of some
of these rhinos and really make a huge difference. Absolutely
mal And here's the thing. As as the President says,
he got more votes than any incumbent president ever, and
we're supposed to accept that he lost okay, Well, one
thing a party has to do when it's lost is
have a serious thought about where it goes, what it does,

all the rest of it. And if that conversation is honest,
given what Biden is doing, this kind of weak he
you know, we yeah, we were not like the Democrats.
We just want to go over the cliff in second
or third gear. That isn't going to be That isn't
going to be enough. So you should have an honest
conversation about where the party goes. You should recognize that

Trump accounts for this spectacular, huge tally on November the third,
and as you say, these these these squishy believe nothing
people just get dragged along in the in the general undertow.
Shouldn't shouldn't be part of that conversation. Let's go quickly.

Thank you for that call. Mel Let's go quickly to
Rose in Jackson, Mississippi. Rose, what's on your mind today?
So Mark, I love you, but look I love you too.
But just before we go any further, I love you too.
I've never had a Rose on this show, and that
is one of my very favorite names, as Rush used
to say where he had his top ten favorite names.

So I may be singing, Rosie, you are my posy
to you before the show is own. Okay, okay, let's
I propose that Rush takes Trump under his wing and
mentor him to become a radio talk show personality Rush.
I mean, Trump could even guest host or maybe co
host with Rush while he teaches him the ropes. That's

a very yeah. I've heard away the two interact with
each other and they very very well together. And yeahs Rush,
that's true. They have a chemistry. Do you know. I'll
just say this person and I understand why would you
would appreciate having a little bit of variety in the
guest host. The thing is that it's not about Trump

not having the personality. He's got a fantastic personality. It's
actually that the focus required to do this for three hours,
day in, day out, the way Rush has done it,
it's actually very it's very grueling, and I that's what
you need. That's what you need to learn to be
able to come on here do fifth hours day and

day out, months on end, years on end. I don't know,
I don't know. It's quite it's a big acha. I
know you listen to some of us guests, how something.
Any any old chump can be dragged off the street
and do this Rose. But it's actually tougher than you
may think. But I get your point. They do of
a great chemistry. And if he wanted to do the

Russian Trump double act like the Sunny and Share of
talk radio, you might be on. You might be onto
something there. They could put that to him. I'd be
interested to see. It would be a bit like that
radio rally that Rush did with the President just before
the election. But that's a great suggestion. I will pass
it on to the powers that be. Mark sein for

Rush will close it out in the moment. Quick headline
before I go. Migrants increasing at concerning rate on southern border,
says CBPG, And I wonder why you think that is.
Joe Biden has basically invite all seven billion people on
the planet to come on down. You can get to

the Rio grand you got a skiff and you get
over it. You can stay. This has been Mark Steining
for USh. I would like to thank the one and
only mister Snerdley. I would like thank Mike in New York,
the best team in radio, no doubt about it, and
make sure you are here tomorrow. On the Rush Limboll
Show because Ken Matthews will be here for Rush. Have

a good day.

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If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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