All Episodes

May 6, 2021 110 mins


Due process in America is hanging by a thread: media lies about Capitol Hill on Jan. 6th, Rudy raid, the Chauvin trial. Chauvin verdict is likely to be overturned, Minneapolis will burn. Democrats and the mob are running the country. Rush on the George Floyd riots in Minneapolis and the choice we had during the election: Trump or the mob. Rush on riots in Baltimore and Ferguson, myth of systemic racism in America. Facebook extends Trump ban, we go back to when Rush deleted his Twitter account. Josh Hawley is pushing back against Big Tech, McConnell and the GOP establishment isn't. Clarence Thomas on Big Tech censorship of conservatives. Media/Big Tech collusion. James Golden podcast on Rush debuts next week.


Rush debunks Biden's lies about trickle-down economics. Trickle-down economics works! It always works. Democrats distort trickle-down economics with their class warfare BS. Dems play games with the census numbers after losing House seats in blue states. The birth rate in America is down again. Rush explained why Trump's promise to control immigration was appealing when you look at what's happening in Europe. Caller thinks it's time to panic. Rush on the census and the citizenship question.


Runaway spending. Merrick Garland demands more money for DOJ. The lockdowns and the CDC's idiotic guidance. The battle for the Republican Party and the Liz Cheney drama on Capitol Hill. Caller on how all the free money from the government is slowing the reopening of the economy. Rush on why Democrats cannot allow voter ID. EIB High Note: Circus elephants -- retirement options improving! The Democrat Party is now the party of big corporations. The Democrat blue state criminality of the covid lockdowns.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of The Rush Limbaugh Show podcast.
Hey gang, welcome, And this just in from the CDC.
In case you haven't seen this, This just in very
very important stuff from the CDC. If in fact, you
are driving in your automobile alone with a mask on,
you no longer need a Joe Biden bumper sticker. Everybody

knows who you voted for. Hi, everybody. Jason lewis here
on the Russia Limbaugh Program as your guide, your host today.
So glad to be coming to you from the land
of ten thousand riots used to be lakes, but we're
making a quick shift in our marketing plans here in Minnesota.
It is my honor wants again to be in the Attila,
the Hunt chair, the EIB behind the Golden EIB Mike

at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. Today and
tomorrow we're gonna have some fun. We're gonna play some
great Rush clips, remember the great one, America's anchorman, and
talk about everything that's happening. I gotta tell you, I
gotta tell you. I tweeted something this week that you
would think would have some folks a bit more circumspect

about it. And not some folks, everybody a bit more
circumspect about it. The whole purpose equality under the law
is due process. Everything, everything that we believe in America
is about process. If we had a benevolent dictator, if
the Supreme Court were omniscient, if we had a committee

of men as they do in the former Soviet Union,
the commissars and everybody else, who were all knowing, all
seen and altruistic, why we wouldn't need a constitution. We
wouldn't need due process, we wouldn't need anything. We would
just have bestowed upon us liberty, and we could trust
the dictator to keep our liberty. We don't have that.

Men are fallible, they love power. Or we get our
rights from the Lord Almighty. We bequeath to the government
enumerated powers. That's a constitutional doctrine that's out of fashion.
We have all the rights. We give the government certain powers.
We don't have to say, gee, where's my right in
the constitution. We have the rights. Government in order to

act must point to where their power is in the constitution.
That's how it's limited. That is the basis of our republic.
But it's all based on process, on checks and balances.
A federalism, a vertical check and balance, the horizontal checks
and balances between the judiciary, between a legislative and the

executive branches. Why is that because we don't have a
benevolent dictator, We don't have one person that will make
certain we are free. That one person assumes power, then
all of a sudden, your liberties are gone. Hugo Chavez,
Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Mao, doesn't matter who it is.

And I would say a few more names in America
who would do the aim if they have power and
some are So what do we do? We have a process.
The framers said, well, you know what, in order to
charge somebody and take away their liberty, their life, their property,
you've got to have a process of that. The burden
of proof, probable cause, reasonable suspicion, clear and convincing evidence

beyond a reasonable doubt. These are all burdens of proof
that the government must meet in order to take away
your liberty. Because in order to pass a law in
your state, capital or in well, up until COVID and
these governors started passing executive orders, but we used to
have a process, the legislature would have to pass the

law and the governor would have to sign off on it.
We used to have a process for voting regularity, the
state legislature would have to change voting law. But along
comes COVID and all of a sudden, the Secretary of
State Steve Simon here in Minnesota can willy nilly act
as that dictator. But he's not so benevolent. He changes
the law to benefit his party, which he did. The

reason I bring this up is we are now in
the midst of an appeal in the Derek Schauvin trial
here in Minneapolis. St. Paul I tweeted out the due
process was hanging by a thread. Why is that. It's
not a matter of guilt or innocence. It's not a
matter of guilt or innocence. I don't care why you
believe about Chauvin. It's a matter of everybody, from O. J.

Simpson to Derek Schauvin having the right of a fair
and impartial jury and trial before their life, liberty, and
property is taken away. That is the process that keeps
us free. It's all about process, and that's why the
due process clause is in the Fifth and fourteenth Amendment.
No state shall deny anyone their life, liberty or property

without the due process of law, and that has been
incorporated to all state tribunals. Well, I got news for you.
I tweeted that this trial, which has now been appealed
by the Chauvin defense team as it should, has not
been fair from the get goal. From the get go,
that must be blunt about this. The trial should have

been moved. It should have been a change of venue
right from the get go. But beyond that, the jury
should have been sequestered so they couldn't hear Anti Maxine
Waters threatened. The jury threatened the people of Minneapolis and
Saint Paul. If you don't get a guilty verdict, confrontation
comes clearly jury intimidation. The jury should have been sequestered

so they didn't see the city of Minneapolis settled with
the Floyd family for twenty seven milliton dollars in front
of the jury, and now we come to find out.
One jury member number fifty two said, have you been
involved in any BLM protests? Have you been involved in

any activism social activism on the police issue? No? No
me or you can now no, no, no, I'm an
impartial juror. Oops. The picture shows up. He's in the
middle of a protest against police. Take your knee off
my back t shirt and all the rest. Now, I
tweet out. Due process is hanging by a thread here, folks.

You can't conduct a fair tribunal, a jury of your
peers in that sort of an atmosphere. It's got to
be appealed, not a matter of guilt or innocence. It's
a manner of process, due process. Oh my gosh, the
Twitter trolls went nuts. You would have thought why you
would have thought I was undoing election law. You would

have thought I was spying on the Trump campaign from
a FICA warrant. You would have thought I was doing
all the things Democrats have been doing to destroy the
very fabric of this nation, to shred that Constitution in
so many damn pieces you will not recognize it. The
sistential crisis, to use that horribly overused word, is the assault,

the assault on everything that is America by this new
Democrat out of control mob. That is what's going on here.
And it can happen to Derek Chauvin today, It'll happen
to you tomorrow, guarantee it. You know, Banana Republic countries,

they rig elections and then they go once they win,
they put their former political opponents in jail. Oh and
I tell you Rudy Giuliani had a raid on his home,
even though a subpoena would have worked under normal circumstances,
even if you believe he should have been subpoena. Oh
and they didn't take his hard drive info on Hunter
Biden either. Just Rudy. He's starting to see where this

is going, folks. We're gonna have to deal with these
people sooner or later. And I remember Rush talking about
this not that long ago, and about what happened in
Minneapolis rolled audio number one. Lives were destroyed while the
leadership of the Democrat Party cheered. Their dreams were burned
to the ground. This is the difference between US and

Joe Biden, Mayor Jacob Fry, and Governor Tim Waltz. My
message to Minnesota is clear. I'm here to help you.
We will bring back law and order to your community.
This is really a good point, folks. Trump is saying
here that the leadership of the Democrat Party in Minneapolis,

this is after the George Floyd had they stood down,
They stood aside while the city was torched while the
city featured looting and riots. Businesses and homes were burned
to the ground, and Democrat leaders cheered. Democrat leaders cheered
the dreams of their own voters being destroyed, being burned

to the ground, and they did. They aligned themselves with
the criminal element, not the innocent, and then they started
defunding police talks. And so Trump is saying, if that's
what you want, go ahead and vote for it. But
I'm here to help you, and we are not going

to ever applaud your life being destroyed. We're going to
deal with the people who are trying to destroy your life.
Amen to that. In fact, I was with the presidents
as I was running for the United States Senate a
last year when he was in Minnesota, uttering those words
before Governor Wallace canceled his rally in Rochester. I'm telling you,

this is turning into a place that Stalin would blush over.
This is getting out of control. People. Now you've got
this autonomous zone, George Floyd Square or the Free State
of George Floyd or whatever it is, where a police
in Minneapolis, after almost a year, still can't get in there.

There was a woman who apparently was pushed out of
a window. Police dispatch audio said, well, we'll try to
get in here because you ask her to move a
block away. According to National File, and that the police
dispatch audio that they got, I mean this. Multiple people
have died unable to get police protection in our own

version of Chaz here in Minnesota is this is out
of control. And this is why the single biggest arguments
you get has a Minnesotan these days is with your
neighbor over, who is going to be the last person
out to turn the lights off. The real estate is

cratering in downtown Minneapolis. Saint Paul can't be far behind
because they've got a mayor that doesn't seem to care
about law and order either. This is a state that
has been fundamentally and deliberately transformed by a welfare system
that has been overly generous for decades and a refugee

program out of control and a failure to assimilate. And
what we've got now, my mother grew up in North
Minneapolis would not recognize the area and the tragedy of it. All.
The people who are suffering are the people, not just
the people who live there. The whole metro area in

the state is suffering under Jacob Fry and Melvin Carter
and Tim Walls especially, but I will tell you it
is the people in North and South Minneapolis suffering the most.
I'm Jason Lewis in today. We are back with more
on the Excellence and Broadcasting Network right after this and
your guy, Jason Lewis, the artist formerly known as Congressman

Jason Lewis on the Excellence and Broadcasting Network today. Glad
to be here. More from Rush coming up. We'll talk
about the Ferguson effect. He had something very very important
to say about that. We'll get to that and all
the rest of the news today. We've got a GOP
house fight. We've got the DOJ wants more money so
they can what I guess, go after domestic extremists. That

would be anyone who disagrees with the Biden administration. We'll
get to all of that in so much more today
on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. It is a great
pleasure to be here. But right now, since we're coming
from the great state of Minnesota. Used to be the
land of ten thousand Lakes, like I say, but we've
changed that to ten thousand riots. Just stick around. If
this appeal goes through and there's a mistrial or an

appellate court overturns the Shapin verdict. Time to get the
plywood out. You think there's a lumber of shortage in
the real estate industry these days for new construction of homes,
you ain't seen nothing yet. So you've seen downtown Minneapolis.
That's where all the lumber's gone, called plywood on the windows.
It's really it's really been a tragedy in so many ways,

and a tragedy encouraged by the new Democrat Party and
their allies in the media. It is hard to overestimate
the coordination that's gone on between the press, local and national,
I would argue, and the Democrat Party and of course
big tech now the the Facebook, Facebook and a shocker

boy didn't see this one coming. There. Their oversight board,
which is an oxymoron, is it is going to take
a look at the Trump ban and just see if
they ought to continue with that. We'll get to that
in Russia's take on that. As we go forward through
the hours today to one eight hundred two A two
to eight eight two. The contact line is always on
the Russia Lumbaugh program. That's one eight hundred two A

two to eight eight two. I want to talk about
systemic racism that Joe Biden, the author of the nineteen
ninety four crime bill that imprisons so many Black Americans,
now talks about at nauseum. If you take a look
at the number of well, let's just say June of

twenty twenty in Chicago, where during one weekend, twenty four people,
most of them most of them in the minority community.
Twenty four people killed, sixty one injured in one weekend,
massive levels of black on black crime. Young women can't
send their kids out to play twenty four and one weekend.

According to the Washington Posts owned database, in twenty nineteen,
police apparently killed nine anywhere from nine to thirteen unarmed
African American men nine to thirteen throughout the whole year
under millions of encounters. But Chicago, twenty four dead and

one weekend, And you think that's going to get a
story on CNN, Well, yeah, you gotta give CNN a break.
They've been kind of busy with lawsuits, libel and things
like that. These people lie with impunity, They lie with impunity,
and the result has been the lack of freedom and

due process and the republic we are shredding what it
means to live in a free country right now. And
if we don't start to face this stuff, if we
don't start to push back and get in the face.
Dare we say, get in the face? I sound like Maxine,
but you know there is this is a great debate

amongst Republicans right now. What are we doing. Let's just
rise above it, let's just ignore it, let's just stop
it all. If we rise above it and turn the
other cheek, it'll go away. It won't go away. It
won't go away. If somebody comes up to you and
lectures you because you're not wearing your mask jogging outdoor alone,

lecture them back. Otherwise, folks, you're watching your liberties. Just
you sail away. But anyway, I want to get to
this systemic racism, and Russia's got something to say about this,
because the crime is going to be most acute in
the poorer areas, and if we don't get a handle

on that, we're going to have a real issue. So
when we handicap the police, when we when we stereotype
all police is bad, they quit policing. And when that
happens you have what's called the Ferguson effect. Here's what
Rush had to say about that hit audio number two.
The cops have adopted the Obama stance, and that is restraint,

and in Baltimore means you can't see them, and that's
supposed to make it no crime. See in the Obama world,
in the Democrat Party world, the presence of cops equals
violence because the cops are intimidating, and the cops are provocative,
and the cops are the cops, and they cause unrest
and they cause people to engage in violence because they're

so biased and extremist and racist. So the Obama theory
is the cops presence causes violence, pulling the cops back
to the point where you can't see them, that will
give you a peaceful community. Of course, it's just the
exact opposite, and anybody with a sintilla of common sense
knows it. But the Department of Justice has taken over

the town. The Department of Justice is taken over the
police department. They're on the way too, and it is
the truth. They believe the cops are the problem, and
so the cops you can't find them. The cops are
now practicing Obama DOJ restraint. Look, I'm not making this up.
I know this, folks. I know it sounds like Seth
Hire whose lives matter? Black lives matter, Black lives matter.

But I'm just telling you the cops have always been
seen as the provocative agents. If you listen to the left,
it is the cops and how they act and even
just their presence which causes unrest in American cities. And
so the cops have heard the complaints and they've withdrawn.
The cops are not there. They show up after the fact,

but they're not anywhere around before that this stuff happens.
They do not have a presence. I mean, they go
to work, don't misunderstand it, but they're not on the
street being seen this kind of stuff by design, folks,
I'm not making it up. Barack Obama. Every Democrat in
this country thinks that it's the cops that are responsible
for violence just by wearing the uniform and showing up.

So the cops in response, okay, okay, we'll hear you,
they're backing off as usual. Rush is right. There was
a study done by the BJS the Bureau of Justice
Statistics a while ago that relied upon data from the
National Crime Victimization Survey, and that's when victims of crime
report the incident. And so the bj took report, it

took the victims responses. I was assaulted. I think it
was non fatal violent crimes. According to Jeffrey Anderson in
the Journal, and they found that non fatal violent crimes
victims said that were reported to the police, Whites accounted
for forty eight percent of offenders and forty six percent

of those arrested. Of the crimes reported, Blacks accounted for
thirty five percent of the offenders and thirty three percent
of those then arrested. It's almost perfectly proportional. The point being,
we've got to start pushing back on this notion of
systemic racism in policing and in society. No country, no

country has done more to right the wrongs of its
past than the United States of America. As we embark
upon another experiment in broadcast excellence on the Russia Limbaugh program,
More from Rush coming up once again an honor for me,
the artist formerly known as Congressman Jason Lewis to be
behind the Golden eib Mic at the Limball Institute for

advanced Conservative studies high at top the EIB Tower in Minnesota. Well,
you've got to be on a tower in Minnesota to
be safe these days. So that's just you know, it's
a necessity of broadcasting. It is wonderful to be here though,
and I do have so much to talk about today,
and you do too, and so does Rush and we're
gonna get to it all. You know. Facebook decided to

punt I love this and this is like the Facebook
oversight board saying that Facebook was justified in suspending a
president of the United States on a common carrier public utility.
I'm gonna get to that in a moment, because that's
the best analogy. Clarence Thomas wrote something quite Harry you died,

as he always does on this, but for their oversight
board to say, wow, we looked at this, and I
want to tell you Facebook had a point. Will study
it some more. They should come back in six months
and decide if the band should be permanent. But then
you can keep the suspension on a former president for
another six months, just fine with us. Are these people

serving as FISA judges or what? This is a rubber stamp,
just like the FISA court has become a rubber stamp
for spine or censoring your political opponents. I voted against
reauthorizing FISA, and that was the reason. We live in
a free country. There should be no secret courts that

serve as rubber stamps to be abused, like the Steel
dossier was abused to get illegal warrants on the Trump campaign.
That should not happen in a free republic. It happened here,
and the media keeps sweeping it under the rug because
it does not fit with their agenda of electing democrats

invite Well, don't get me started on that. But when
it comes to campaign finance reform, what essentially the news
media MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, they're engaged
in what we call in kind contributions that ought to
be reported to the FCC. Their promotion of Democrat and
Democrat ideals has become so demonstrably evident that they are

basically coordinating as corporations with one party. That's illegal. Campaign
finance corporations can't contribute. Why do the media corporations get
an exemption from contributing to Democrats? X y Z corporation can't.
They can have their employees set up a pack, but
they can't do the bidding. But media companies do corrupt.

That's why they are corrupt. They're not just wrong, they're
not just liberal. The people that deliberately lie about Covington,
lie about James O'Keefe, about Faisa, lie about Russia, are
corrupt individuals and they ought to be held accountable. But

I digress. I want to get I want to get
to Russia's take on this because it's it's really important.
I remember when they deleted his Twitter account. Here's what
el Rushbow had to say. I saw that Twitter banned Trump.
They suspended his account, They canceled him, they wiped him out,
they erased him. They said he's Sionara. So I called Catherine.

I said, we got to get out of Twitter. This
isn't this unacceptable. We need to we need to cancel
the account, we need to do whatever we have to
do to get out of it. Just just just go
in there and shut it down. She's a great idea.
So we did, and then the next thing I know,
it's being reported. Twitter canceled me, and I said, well,

this is fabulous. So then here came the emails from
people I haven't heard from in the drive by media
who have my address and some others. Did Twitter cancel
you or did you cancel them? What's the truth? I
didn't reply to any of it, Like I don't reply
to any inquiries, there was nothing new about that. I

don't reply to any drive by media inquiries of me.
So I just let it go. And then eventually one
of these bright eyed, bushey tailed media people got the
wise idea to call Twitter and ask them, and a
Twitter spokesman said, no, the user cancel the account. We
didn't cancel, so then there was great relief. There was

great relief among the drive by media. Twitter did not
cancel me. I suspended my own account. That then created
a joyous media reaction, and we have a montage to
illustrate how. You know, increasingly, folks, I don't like taking

up podcast time with media comments about me because they
happen every day and it's you know, when the program
was new and the media was talking about it, that
was a big deal that helped promote the program. This
program can't get much bigger than it is, and so
we don't need to do this to promote the program.
It's it's got to have some kind of news value

or otherwise entertainment value. We don't just do it for
the heck of it. That's why I saved it here
till the last hour. But this is the montage. Conservative
talk show host Russia Limball deactivates his Twitter account. Limball
had nearly eighty nine million followers. The Twitter account of
conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has been deactivated. Take a

look at Rush Limbaugh's Twitter page. It has been deactivated,
but not by Twitter, but by Limball himself. Conservatives are
deactivating their accounts in solidarity, including Rush Limbaugh, who had
millions of followers of his own. Rush Limbaugh's account is
no longer available. Influential talk show host deactivated that account himself.
Rush Limbaugh has deactivated his Twitter account. Rush Limbaugh has

deactivated his own Twitter account after the social media giant
permanently suspended President Trump's Twitter has now lost Russia Limball.
Rush Limbaugh took his downy deactivated it. Yeah, we were
up for about three months there on Twitter see October November. Yeah,
three and a half months, and I know a lot
of you were very very upset with me when we

went on Twitter. Officially, we had a couple of Twitter
accounts out there. We didn't we didn't use them much,
but it was all part of reven up and gearing
up for a big push, folks. I gave this last
year everything I've got. I don't I don't want to
get too much more into it, but I believe me,
I gave this last year everything I had. I didn't

take one minute of personal time away from this program.
When I was gone. It was medical, you know. Doing
the Twitter thing was partly all out effort to give
everything that I we had to the election effort last
year two twenty and so the you know, three months,

three and a half months of being on Twitter, we
gave it a shot. We gave it a shot. We
did what we could, ask did a whole lot of
other people. You know, I want to elaborate on this
whole Twitter, Facebook, a big tech things. You know, Josh
Hally's doing a great job going after a big tech
It was a failure of It's in the news, so

let's mention it. But the sort of Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney,
a big government neo conservative establishment, and Mitch McConnell in
the Senate and those site types that did not address
this in the NDAA bill because they were so obsessed
on getting their national defense will passed without any limits

on spending, without any controls. These people believe that the
only thing that matters in Washington is plussing up the
DoD budget. That is the essence of why why there
their establishment. Really people talk about this Channey and this
war with the Conference chairmanship, and we can or the chairwoman,

we can get into that a little bit later, perhaps,
but the fundamental difference is regime change and military action abroad,
and that that's really the underlying current here and the
fight that's going on. And when they did not repeal
Section two thirty in the NDAA bill, a perfect opportunity
was wasted, and that's why it was. But I want

to get into that a little more when we come back.
But right now, as you know, we are big fans
of Pure Talk. It's the cell phone service provider that
Rush introduced us to last year when he discovered you
could spend just thirty dollars a month for unlimited talk
text and six six gigs of data monthly. That's with
great coverage, the exact same kind that the bigger, better

known cell phone companies offer. Pure Talk offers great customer
service with every employee here in the US listen to
rush for all the details. Hey, folks, there's one sure
bet that you can make this year, and that is
you're going to use your cell phone more than you
did last year. That translates to bigger cell phone bills.

You're gonna be paying more for it unless you are
proactive and do something about that. This is why so
many people in this audience are switching their cell phone
service from one of the big providers to Pure Talk.
Pure Talk offers you unlimited talk, unlimited text, and six
gigs of data for just thirty dollars a month, and

if you go over on data, they don't charge you
for it. They don't charge you if you go over
your six gigs of data. Now you compare that monthly
price thirty bucks month to your current cell phone bill.
Just compare it your current cell phone bill. I mean,
I would I say make a guess, but seventy five
eighty bucks depending on how many lines and phones you have.

I don't know what it is. But thirty bucks a
month for unlimited talk, onlimited text, six gigs of data.
Now here's the real icing on the cake. Pure Talk
uses the same cell phone towers as one of the
biggest cell phone service providers in America. They focus on

providing great service and support with every Pure Talk employee
located in the US. From your cell phone, do this
dial pound two fifty and say pure Talk get started.
You'll say fifty percent off your first month. That's pound
two five zero and say pure Talk. Just pick up
your phone right a pound two five and say pure Talk.

Guess what. Somebody from there will answer and you're offer running.
We are back on the Russia Limbaugh program. More of
El Rushbow coming write up. Greetings to you music lovers,
thrill seekers, conversationalists all across Russia's fruited plain. As we
continue in the Excellence and Broadcasting Network. I am Jason
Lewis glad to be here today and tomorrow to guide

you through more of the wit and wisdom of El Rushbow.
Clarence Thomas hit this on, hit it on the head
not long ago with regard to big tech and why
they should not have the right to exclude people from
their platforms as they have President Trump. Every conservative you
can think of. It is abject censorship. It is a

violation of the first Amendment not the exercise of a
private company's first Amendment. So what what the media have
done in their collusion with big tech is to make
it seem as though you're working at Joe's Auto Parts
and in the middle of the day you stand up
and say I'm going to give a speech and thea says, no,

you're not. You're going to get to work. You got
customers up there, they're looking for a distributor cap. I'm
showing my age and get up there and find the
part for him. The boss has the right to do.
You don't have a right to free speech at your
place of work if it disrupts your job. That's not
what big tech is about. Big tech, has Judge Thomas said,

is a common carrier whose very essence requires them not
to exclude certain people for any reason. Oh you think
I'm stretching this. Let's just say that your local utility
company con Edison, Xcel Energy, pick your favorite utility company

where you get your gas and power, and they decided
tomorrow that we don't like your politics, we're not going
to serve you. And we're a private company. We can
do anything we want. Edom of association, freedom of speech,
how long do you think that would last. Not only
are they a common carrier who have amassed market share

and a concentration of power of a good that is
not easily distributable on a small scale, but they're a
public accommodation. I'll give you another example. A restaurant says,
I'm not going to serve Asian Americans. Hey, it's private company.
I have a right to exclude based on viewpoint. That's
my viewpoint. Oh no, public accommodation commerce clause upheld the

Civil Rights Act. You can't do that. So why in
hell aren't we telling these would be dictators at Facebook
and Twitter and Instagram and all these other little Twitter
trolls who are still stuck in their parents' basement in
their pajamas, shut the hell up in debate. Actually that's

a little bit of an oxymoron too. How about if
they just shut up in we debate? You get the point.
They do not have a right to exclude people. They
do not have a right to have immunity from lawsuits.
If they're going to exclude conservatives on these platforms period,
they don't have that prerogative. And it is a tragedy

that the big government conservatives in the Republican Party did
not repeal Section two thirty in that National Defense Authorization
Act because every Republican and every Democrat wants to see
that past. That was a golden opportunity missed, and that's
why some of these Republicans are in trouble. Clarence Thomas

as usual was areadite. These are common carriers, not unlike utilities.
They don't have the right to exclude based on viewpoint, period.
And if they don't do, if they don't quit doing that,
break them up. They have antitrust market share levels that
would make John D. Rockefeller blush for crying out loud.
They cheat on their algorithms, They do all these sorts

of things that skew business towards them to concentrate power
and monopoly status. And yet they think they're immune from antitrust.
They're immune from commerce Clause regulation, they're immune from public
accommodation law. Are you kidding me? Hey? A new podcast
is being created here by the EIB Network at debuts
next week. Russia Limbaugh, The Man behind the Golden EIB

Microphone is its title. Each episode promises to share insights
into the man that brought us all together right here.
If you're a podcast listener, you better find this podcast
and subscribe today in advance of next Wednesday's first episode.
Listen to our old friend bos Nerdly Russia Limbaugh, the
Man behind the Golden EIB microphone. It's a new podcast

hosted by yours truly, James Golden, or, as many of
you know me, bos Nerdly. I'm going to take you
behind the scenes for an intimate look at the man
Russia Limbaugh, who changed America as we know it. It's
coming May twelve to iHeartRadio or wherever you listen to
your favorite podcast, presented by My Pillow and the Tunnel

to Towers Foundation. You know it's not easy. It's not
easy sitting in the Attila the Hunt chair behind the
gold on EIB Mike. I used to think it was
hard filling in for Rush when I was doing that,
but now it is really difficult to do the show
with a mask on. I think I can hardly get
anything out. I'm telling you people, do what you don't
wear your mask alone in a studio. I mean, you

could give COVID to yourself. I was down in Florida
this week ran into some great people from Connecticut and
New York and Mike the realtor and some friends from Chicago,
and if you ever want to understand why you should
never listen to experts. But enough about the CDC, right,

take a look at the COVID timeline and how Minnesota's
under a lockdown but Wisconsin isn't and there's no fence
in case rates In fact, some are lower in states
that opened up. Texas and has done away with a
mask mandate, Florida's wide open in all of the predictions

of hell, hell coming, hell fire and damnation coming to
these states that open up never came true. I cannot
recall an example, friends, where the so called experts have
not only been wrong on every account, but so demonstrably

wrong as to be never believed again. Yes, yes, all true.
A former member of Congress, butts I escaped. Welcome hour
two underway one eight hundred two eight two to eight
eight two. That's one eight hundred two eighty two to
eight eight two. We will try to get to a
caller two this hour as well as next. Has it
is my honor to fill in for well, We're always

filling in for the Great Rush from now until eternity,
but he's never gone because we got the clips on
the Russia Limbop program and those will be forthcoming as well.
So we will carry on the cause as we say.
They can try to ban us, but it's not gonna work.
Speaking to that, by the way, in regard to Trump,
Trump getting banned from social media and the big tech

legitimizing it. The FCC controls radio. They're a common carrier,
they're a limited supply, a limited airwaves. It's a they
must be controlled and have a license and all the rest.
You can't do that with big tech, railroads, utilities, any
business that's open to the public, a public accommodation is

subject to regulation, but not big tech. They're immune from lawsuits,
unlike even newspapers. If this ought to be a litmus
test for any Republican you're thinking about supporting, if you
are not for repealing Section two thirty or breaking up
big tech yesterday, you can join the rest of the

Lincoln Project and the rest of the political perverts and
leave good riddens. Because this is the real threat, not
to Republicans or to a political party, but to the country,
to the country. Never has there been this much concentration
of power in a few oligarchs. Never, not during the

Gilded Age, not during the Robber barron Age, you name it. Never,
Well more coming up on the program, But right now,
I do want to talk about this, this spending malaise
we are in. I just love, I just love the
way by I would you know, you want you want
to just beat the tar out of Joe Biden, the

way you'd beat the tar rhetorically out of every other
liberal hack. But I feel bad for Joe because I
don't think he knows thinking about a political party that
would put a guy that's clearly clear clearly got some
cognitive issues and put them as a poster child. So
Kamala or anybody else can pull the strings. That is

the most duplicitous, underhanded thing you could do to hey,
a human, but be to the country. But they'd rather
do that because their hatred of Trump was unbridled. So
now you have this sitting president saying, goofy things while
he proposes six trillion dollars in new spending in the

span of a couple of weeks. You know we've already spent.
When I was in Congress, the federal budget was about
four point one trillion dollars. Domestic discretionary spending accounted for
about a trillion of that entitlement spending, which we tried
to tackle when I was in Congress and serving on
the Budget Committee. We actually were the first budget resolution

to go after entitlements. And I'm glad I didn't. I'm
glad I voted that way because they are controlling the budget.
They're eighty percent of the budget and will create a
skill crisis real soon if we don't do something about it.
And I'm talking about work requirements for Medicaid, reasonable things
like that, right. We had a provision when we were

trying to reform healthcare to say, look, if you're able
bodied adult without children, you're not handicapped, you have no kids,
you're not married, you're just a young guy. You got
to look for work or work part time to get medicaid.
The Indivisible groups, the liars they are, said we were
trying to abolish Medicaid. They just lie. Media, of course

did not fact check them. Then that's what stuck, And
that's the danger of this monopoly on speech. The lie
gets halfway around the world before the truth gets out
the door. But if you don't get handled on these entitlements.
You will not get a handle on the budget, and
we will bankrupt our children under the Cares Act, PPP money,

personal checks, the American Rescue Plan. We've spent five point
seven trillion dollars alone on COVID relief when the answer
was stirring us right in the face. Undo the lockdowns.
No amount of priming the pump demand side fiscal stimulus

would account for investment and incentive and entrepreneurialship of an
open economy. All we had to do is open up
the economy. Should have done it last summer. As I
said when I was running for the US Senate in Minnesota,
we listened to the experts who told us first not
to wear a mask, then to wear These experts won't

even tell you how the virus started. They lie like
the who lies, like China lies. By the way, we
have eradicated the flu though, it's kind of nice, isn't it.
You know, just a few years ago there were thirty
eight million sick. Now nobody. It's amazing how this works,
and you believe that, right? I mean, this is we're

being gaslighted to a degree that's almost unimaginable. But Biden
was talking the other day as he proposes to bankrupt
the country once and for all, about the Trump economy,
even though we had the greatest economic renaissance when I
was in Congress working with the President to pass the
Tax Cutting Jobs Act than we'd had in a generation.
This is what Joe Biden had to say about it, folks,

trickle down economies economics has never worked. For too long.
We've had an economy that gives every break in the
world to the folks who needs at the least. It's
time to grow the economy from the bottom up in
the middle out. Yes, and the only way to grow
the economy from the bottom up in the middle out
is to create jobs. We had a record historically low

unemployment rate before COVID of three point nine percent historically
in the African American it convey the black community, a
female unemployment at an historic low. We had more jobs
than people available to fill them. Median income with skyrocketing
for the lowest quintiles. All of this, all of this

was good repatriation of a trillion dollars of foreign profits
coming back to America to invest. And then the Democrats
dream of COVID has an excuse to destroy the economy,
rewrite illegally election law in several states, and control your
life like it's never been controlled. But Biden his line

because he's giving the tax breaks to the wealthy, not Trump,
we took them away. But give you an example, the
deduction for state and local taxes in high tax states Minnesota, California, Massachusetts,
New York. The vast majority of the salt deduction goes

to incomes over two hundred thousand dollars a year. So
what this means is, if you live in New York
can pay exorbitant taxes, you can deduct those on your
federal income tax, which means it's an offset for you.
But guess what, everybody else in the country has to
pay more in federal taxes to make up for the loss.
Guests who's trying to put that salt deduction back has

a sop to the private equity managers on Wall Street.
Joe Biden, how about the carried interest loophole? When people
like Mitt Romney take other people's money, take a public
company that's healthy, private, hollow it out, destroy it. And
I've witnessed this firsthand, by the way, and then when

they make money, when they resell the company that's hollowed
out for a big profit, they get taxed at capital
gains rates. I actually supported the bill in Congress to
eliminate the carried interest loophole so that those commissions would
be taxed at the full rate, not capital gains rates,
for private equity types. Not Joe Biden. These are the

people that are giving the tax breaks to Wall Street
because that's where they get their money. The only way
to get an economy going is to rise the tide
to lift all boats, as JFK used to say. And
the only way to do that is to encourage two things,
capital investment and work. The only way you do that
is to get capital investment back in the private sector

away from bridge to nowhere public sector wasteful spending, and
to incentivize people to work by not paying them to
stay on unemployment, not paying them not to pay their rent,
not paying them for food stamps, which is eighty percent
of the Farm Bill, Medicaid, you name it. We did

that with the Tax Cutting Jobs Act under President Trump.
I was proud to lead help lead the charge. I
wasn't Certainly you're not a leader as a freshman. But
I voted for it, and I spoke on the floor
and I pushed it, and we had the greatest economy
in a generation. And now Biden is threatening it with
six trillion dollars in new spending in the matter of

a couple of weeks. Here's what Rush had to say
about it all. What is trickle down economics associated with?
Even low information voters know trickle down economics equals Reagan
equals what hatred of the poor? Rich get richer income

In all of that, nothing but lies. Trickle down is
supposedly a failure. It doesn't work. What the left wants
everybody to believe trickle down is is that they're rich.
Noney of whom are rich unfairly will give their money away,
knowing that they have more than they need and seeing

their fellows citizens suffering they're rich, will give that money.
And you know it never happens, and therefore trickle down
doesn't work. That's not what trickled down is. George Sorrows
hadn't given his money away. He's donating it to causes
for which he expects to return, but he's not given
it away. Called George Sorrows say, you know what I
really need a million dollars. He's he wouldn't miss a

million dollars. I don't know how many billions call him
up ask him for a million. It would change your life.
He won't give it to you. Bill Gates won't give
it to you. Warren Buffett won't give it to you.
You got to convince them to invest it. They're not
going to give you a million dollars. Nobody gives anybody
money like I take it back. Some people do, actually
you just never hear about it. But most people don't

do that. So that definition of trickle down is asinine.
You know what trickle down is? Trickle down is how
the economy works. You take your car to a car wash.
You're paying the car wash to wash it. The car
wash has employees. The money that you spend at the
car wash trickles down to the last guy on the

line that drives the car. That's trickle down, and it works.
And the more people spend and the more commerce theory is,
the more trickle down. What the left wants you to
think is that when the rich get their money, they
hoard it and they don't spend it, which is assinine.
When's the last time you saw a really rich person

driving what four cylinder turbocharged little lawnmore, you don't see it.
You see them in Mercedes and Bentley's and Rolls, Royces
and or whatever the hell else. It's just they have
these huge homes that there are people that work at.
It's you would you would not believe the landscaping budget

of some of these evil rich people. Trickled down is
precisely what works, and the more of it, the better.
It is how people earn more money. But the Left
has got this butchered, convoluted definition of it that the
rich either don't give their money away or they don't
spend it because they don't want to share. They've got theirs,

but you're not going to get yours, and they're the
more they got theirs by aching yours. And that's the
esinine cockamami theory that they want everybody to believe. If
it weren't for trickle down, the Catholic Church wouldn't have
any donations. Trickle down is, it's a good thing. It's
exactly what happens. But the Left has defined it in
such a way that it's it's got a bad taste.

It it's got bad pr it's got a bad brand,
bad image. Trickle down, Yeah, that doesn't work. It does
every time it's tried, just like abstinence, by the way,
works every time it's tried. And everybody who engages in
commerce is engaging in trickle down. There's nobody other than

a welfare recipient who is only on the receiving end
of trickle down. Hey, Rush often spoke of Legacy Box,
the sponsor that does amazing work in bringing family memories
back to life by digitally transferring all those moments captured
on an old family videotape or film. Legacy Box uses
technology you and I don't have to, So let's make

this easy. Listen to the way Rush describe the Legacy Box.
You know you're talking about using technology to make something easier.
Are friends at Legacy Box. They use tech every day
in a helpful service that you benefit from. Legacy Box
is a bunch that digitally transfers all of those moments
in your life recorded on videotape, camcorder tape, film reels

or pictures, and they move this stuff to DVDs or
digital files because you can't watch it anymore it's so old.
Legacy Box has the technology, They have the equipment to
make this so easy that it's all completed in just
a couple of weeks. Now, just to give you an
idea of the size and scope of their operation, there's
a team of two hundred highly trained technicians working at

their fifty thousand square foot Chattanooga campus, and they're transferring
your family memories and a lot of other family memories
is one item at a time, and they have provided
the service for more than a million families over the
last significant number of years. Now, what they do for
people in families is memorable and long lasting. You got

old home movies on say Hi eight Super eight, can't
watch it anymore, don't have a projector same thing with
VHS or Betamax. You've got all these home movies on
videocacent you can't watch it because you don't have a
VHS or Betamax player anymore. Technology has changed. Well, Legacy
Box changes that because they've got the equipment. They've got

digitizing transfer quick. They will put your old film movies
and your VHS and Betamax material into a modern digital format,
easy to use, easy to edit, easy to duplicate the
process and start to finish is easy. They send you
the box, You put the stuff in the box. The
box is shielded and protected so nothing in it gets damaged.

You send them the stuff, They do the transfer. Two
weeks later, they send it all back to you on
DVD or thumb driver, however you want it. Go to
the legacybox dot com slash rush. That's simple. Get fifty
percent off their regular price. That's legacybox dot com slash
rush to get started and again to save forty percent

back on the RuSHA limbo program. Proud to be in
the Attila the Hunt chair behind the gold on EIB
Mike once again, I am former Congressman Jason Lewis, be
here today and tomorrow. Try to squeeze in a call
or two as we move forward. In fact, we will
trust me if I lied to you yet and we
are into the program an hour and a half, two hours,
you know that's not bad. It'd be a lifetime for

a democrat. If you want to know what else is
going to get banned on the Internet. Speaking of big
tech and censorship which is ubiquitous, here's something that will
surely be um exercised, shall we say um squashed soon

last December, the United States Census released their December twenty
twenty estimate for populationships for the country's population, but where
people reside within the states. So on the basis of
that twenty twenty twenty estimate, places like New York as

they were getting out from under the Cuomo tyranny, and
they moved to Florida, California fleeing Newsom, going to Arizona.
People flocking to Texas where there's no income tax and
nice weather. That's why I live in Minnesota. I like
low taxes in surfing, oh end, quality of life with
peace and tranquility. But I digress. According to that estimate

in twenty twenty December, just a few months ago, Minnesota
was going to lose a seat, New York too, California
maybe two, a number of Blue states we're going to
lose congressional representation, which undoubtedly would have flipped. The House
of House may still flip, but this would have done
it for sure. Fast forward a couple of months and

we get the official count released last month. Amazingly, there
are suddenly two point five million more residents in Blue
states and a half a million fewer residents in Red states.
Just from a couple of months ago. My old buddy
Steve Moore over at the Committee to Unleashed Prosperity has

covered this census surprise. Is it a coincidence? Could be
a coincidence, could be just air by the experts once
again saying people that told us not to wear a mask,
now they're telling us to wear them in bed. This
is bizarre. The New York number was revised upward from
December by eight hundred and fifty thousand people, keeping them

a congressional seat. Minnesota kept their eight congressional seats, and
the DFL that's the acronym here in Minnesota for the
Democrat Party was euphoric. Oh we got all those forms out,
didn't we do a great job in rigging or I mean,
getting this census count done right? So Minnesota magically gains
fifty thousand residents and keeps all eight seats. You better

listen because it might be banned pretty soon. Thank you,
Johnny Donovan, Still the fastest three hours in radio. We
got more great rush clips coming up. We're gonna squeeze
in a call next segment. Promise you that this census
story is something everybody out of zero in on CDC
in the Teachers' Union collusion, the Woke Corporation, and Liz
versus stefanik Cheney versus Stefani coming up on SmackDown USA.

I actually I made that up. That's not really coming up.
But we may get into that too, because I've got
some personal experience with those two. I served with both
of them in one hundred and fifteenth Congress, and I
know exactly what's going on there. I tell you that
there is something though that is out this week that
must be addressed, and Rush did a great job of
it a few years ago, and I want to replay

that because the rationale for open borders by so many
on the left and on the Chamber of Commerce right,
he is, oh, gosh, we don't have workers, so we've
got to basically take in everybody else. And there is
a grain of truth in everything. But in this particular case,

you can extrapolate that to the birthrate. We now have
the lowest birthrate, the lowest birthrate since nineteen seventy nine.
It fell four percent last year to about three and
a half million babies, sixth straight annual decline. It's actually
quite shocking if you think about it they decline four percent.

That's about double the average rate of decline in the
last few years of people. The dinks double income. No,
kids are not having kids. They're not understanding what family is.
And as we were talking about the economy, yet to
understand something. The economy is made up of two fundamental
things that spur economic growth and only these two things,

people and productivity. Output per worker is dependent upon capital
formation and productivity one and two the number of workers.
So when you know, Joe Biden would call it a
giveaway to small business. If you have a deprecia, straight

line depreciation some of the digits. However, you depreciate your
business equipment, well that's a giveaway to business. Know, the
businessman or woman buys the truck for the truck driver,
and the truck driver is a lot more productive with
the truck than without it. That's capital formation, that's productivity increase.
You must have capital, but you also must have the

truck driver. People, and well, we're not having babies. There's
gonna be an economic effect, but more important than that,
there's gonna be a cultural effect. We are losing the
concept of assimilation and what it means to be a
citizen of a Western society. Call it the death of

the West, as one pundit did years ago. But it's happening,
and the left doesn't care because there're citizens of the world.
They're elitist who sit a top. Doesn't matter what the
peasants are doing. They're guarded off. But the rest of
us want a cohesive nation built on our values, values
of the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, the Roman Senate,

everything that has to do with the West, Western civilization,
and it's very, very dangerous to keep that going with
a falling birth rate in America. Here's what Rush had
to say about it, hit audio. What's going on in Germany?
Idios an absolute Angela Merkel opens the borders and brags
about the fact that she wants eight hundred thousand illegal

and immigrant refugees per year because the Germany birth rate
is below population replacement levels, so you've got a labor
force problem and it's totally out of control, and it's
not being reported on in this country because it would
not be helpful to the pro immigration, open borders crowd

in this country. But it's same premise. What people don't understand,
the reason why you have tough time convincing people when
you run out and tell people are not particularly politically oriented,
who don't pay attention to politics every day, and who
have been sucked in the premise, hey, we're a great country.
There people around the world suffering. If they want to

come here to better their lives, why shouldn't we. That's
a very seductive argument. It's used on suspecting people who
are unaware of the real motivation behind people who want
mass immigration and open borders so here. They got it
in their minds that it's the compassionate thing to do.

It's what powerful people with plenty and abundance do we
share it? Why in the world would we want to
not treat these people nicely and so forth. What you're
faced win then is well you got to tell them
why the pro immigration, open borders forces are really doing it.
And then you get into politics. And if the low

information crowd that thinks it's just a wonderful humanitarian thing
to do, if they don't have a political understanding foundation,
you are running an obstacle course trying to change their
minds about it. And that's where we find ourselves in
this country. Because the real reason, and let's take the
Democrat Party. First, the real reason that left wing Democrats,

which is about all they're alreadymore our sole in favor
of open borders is this. The Democrat Party politically, for
its enduring power and thus survival, needs a permanent underclass
of people dependent on government. And the fastest way to
get them is to bring them here from poor nations

when they're young, when they're uneducated and unskilled and can't work,
and thus they arrive totally dependent. And if this happens
with a Democrat in the White House, they are going
to grow very accustomed to the government of the United
States taking care of them. And as they learn who
the government is, ie it's Obama Democrats, they become Democrat voters.

And that is the reason they support it. It's not compassion,
it's actually the opposite of compassion. They want poor and uneducated,
low skill people to come into country and in stay
that way. That's the trick. They want them to stay
ill educated, they want them to stay lower middle class

to poor. They don't want them earning a lot of money.
They don't ever want them becoming independent. It's hideous. It's
the exact opposite of compassion. Why the Democrat party is
in favor of open borders, and the more of those
circumstances that exist, the better. The less English they speak,

the more dependent on government they are, the better. Because
the Democrats didn't look at them as really just a
giant unregistered voting block waiving to be registered. And you
can easily poison those people's minds against Republicans. All you
have to do is say, they don't want you here,

they don't want you to have welfare check, they don't
want you to have health care, so you cement them
as Democrats for the rest of their lives. Team they're
live by that pothentical and they sound cynical, but it
is the reason. That is why it is not compassionate.
It's not a desire to share America's wealth with the
poor and the impoverished of the world, because when they

get here, the objective of the Democrat Party is to
keep them poor and to keep them ill educated. That's
the objective. Republicans want them here because their donors do
those people equal cheap labor. And the people who get
hurt in all this are people who become educated and

develop skills, who then have an ability to command a
certain wage. But they'll never get it because the immigrants
over here, we'll get the jobs because they don't have
to be paid as much. It's hideous, and we find
ourselves opposing it, and when we do, we are castigated

as heartless and old and unfeeling, when in truth, what
we're doing is standing up for the humanity of everybody
American citizens that we're here and we are trying to
do our best in seeing to it that these newly
arrived immigrants, if they're left to be Democrats, they're always
going to be poor. They're never going to be fully educated.

By design, it can't be compassionate. Why the Democrats want
them here and the home. I don't know what you
call a program or what, but the numbers of people
crossing the border are not subsiding. I mean they're continuing
to come across in droves even during the campaign, while
nobody's looking as focused as they have been. I will

tell you has promised coming up next segment, we will
take a call on the excellence in broadcasting network Don't
go Anywhere All one eight hundred two two to eight
eight two has promised. I do want to squeeze in
a call here on the Russia Limball program. I am
Jason Lewis glad to be with you in Illinois, Effingham
Mayor's Chuck, thanks for ther patient, sir, you're on the

Russia Limball program. Thank you for taking my call. I
mega diddos to all the listeners. We all loved Rush
because he was accurate and he made things easy to understand,
and he certainly educated me. I can tell you that.
I also want to say the day that he told
us his listening audience that he had cancer was it

was like one of my immediate families had just told
me that they were coming from them. I was totally deflated.
But anyway, Rush inspiration on the way he handled his challenges,
that is for certain. Yes, um, well, Russia woods say.
He's say, folks, I'll tell you when it's time to panic.

And he also said that he got out before he
could tell us it was time to panic, because it's
definitely time to panic. He also told us that if
we lost this election, that the face of Americas are
going to change and it would be unrecognizable. My question
to you is, now, what the hell do we do? Well?

You know it has been part of the psychological makeup
of conservative is that they just want to be left alone.
And when you want to be left alone, you want to,
you know, create wealth and hire people and realize the
American dream. But you don't want to. I don't want
to say if it's avoiding conflict, he doesn't have time
for arguing with people who are irredeemable. I eat these

left wing Twitter trolls. And yet we've arrived at the
point where we can no longer turn the cheek, that
we've got to fight fire with fire. There's a difference
between self defense and aggression, and we are in the
self defense mode. And what I mean by that is
we have to start pushing back. We have to start
going after these corporations and returning a few boycotts. We

had a quick carrying the water for corporate America when
they turn around support democrats. You look at my center
race last year here in Minnesota. Every major corporation that's
included in the Minnesota Business Partnership supported a socialist for
the US Senate Tina Smith, not me, a free market capitalist.
Why would I want to carry the water for those bums.

And we have to start looking at things that way.
We have to start looking at these real Karens who
get in your face when your mask is down around
your chin because you can no longer breathe. We have
to look. We have to start telling people who are
engaged in child abuse by demandating mass for five year
olds who don't clean it can't breathe, an ab asthma

that they are. They are the lack of altruism, the
lack of compassion. They are tyrants, and that is a
It's just very very tough for the right to do that.
It's not in our DNA, and it's certainly not in
the DNA of big government. Conservatives coming out of the
bush Cheney hears, and so they go along to get along.

You know, it's funny you should say this. So as
the Democrat Party years not port side, not to more liberalism,
but to a collectivist, fascistic, tyrannical viewpoint of America in
the world, I would say, you know, communists, we used
to say that in the Cold War, Oh you're a communist.
But these people love big corporations as long as they

do their bidding. They love that kind of private property.
So maybe it's more the corporatism of modern fascism. But
as they go that further left. That way what the
old Republican Party did was follow them left, or we
don't have to go that far left. We can just
go this far left and still get votes. That is
the antithesis of what you're talking about. What needs to

be done is we need to I don't want to
use the term purge by the same token. We've got
to offer a choice, not an echo. If you want
to beat up on Donald Trump, join the Democrat Party
because they got plenty of people there that we were
willing to do it. Well, we don't need you in
a Republican Party that's trying to unify for the mid term.
The Republican Party has to have a quote unquote litmus

test of its own. The Democrat litmus test is command
and control corporatism. Ours ought to be the working man
and woman, the middle class, the American lifestyle, the republic
And if you don't get those people speaking in unity
within the Republican Party, you're not going to have a force,

an opposing force that can that can be victorious. If
that makes any sense to you, yes it, well, I
appreciate the call um. You know, Russia had something on
this census account that I that I missed the other
segment I wanted to get to do we have time
to play that now. It's going to be close, right,

Let's go ahead and listen to Ruck. This is a
really important story. You know. The real question here, who
took the citizenship question off the census and why that's
the question? The idea of that it's controversial and put
it back on Wrongo and I'll tell you who took
it off Barrock, who's saying, oh, eliminated the citizenship question
from the census. And the real pregunta is why. Well,

we all know the why. The Left is doing everything
it can to increase the census by including illegal aliens
in it. And if you put a citizenship question on there,
you might depress or suppress the participation of the illegals.

And the Democrats demand and require that the illegals participate
in this. They want as many unproductive, dependent souls as
they can get, supposedly living legally in the United States.
The census to them is simply a vehicle for the

redistribution of wealth. And they also of course want to
use it to help in the drawing of congressional districts
and this kind of thing. But it's really primarily about money.
So her comment here, I do wonder that even if
the citizenship question doesn't end up on there, all of
this kind of conversation around it could in fact do

what they want to do, which is sort of depressed
the counting among people who might be afraid of answering
the census question. So what she's saying is she is
in favor of illegals participating in CENTSUS and putting down yep,
live here, yep, I'm in the country, yep, and be
considered a legal residence of the country. That's what she
would prefer in all of her leftist buddies, and she

thinks the controversy here is going to suppress people or
depress people from even participating. But again, everybody, this is
a classic illustration of how we're always on defense, or
way too often on defense. We get up every day,
we just want to have a good day, a happy day,
just get through the day here, and every day we
have to respond and react to some whacko idea they're

putting forward. We want a citizenship question on this sense,
it's like it's been it was removed because they took
it off for political reasons. Now, somehow wanting to add
it back makes us the racists and the bigots and
the controversial types, when in fact, the question needs to

be asked, why do people get rid of it in
the first place, because that's where the answered all of
this lies. Hey, unless you're Liz Cheney or the Democrats,
it is coming up for the mid terms. I want
to tell you that a nice little bumper there from
my old buddy Mike. Welcome back, everybody. You've got a
quick little break here. Then we'll come back. CDC colluding
with schools. Shocking, isn't it shocking? Now, we'll try to

squeeze in a call or two as well as we
continue on with the Russia Limbaugh Program and more great
Rush clips coming up next hour as well. I'm Jason Lewis,
the artist formerly known as Congressman Jason Lewis. We'll be
talking about all those stories and as I say, squeezing
a call or two at one eight hundred to eight
two eight eight two has the Excellence and Broadcasting Network

Our three underway on the Russia Limbaugh Program. I am
Jason Lewis. Glad to be here once again for the
fastest three hours in radio. This justin as well, Merrick
Garland and the Justice Department demanding more money from Congress.
They are seeking an eleven percent increase in a thirty
five billion dollars budget. This, you know, this is fresh

off the heels of going after Rudy Giuliani and a
few other folks, and now Merrick Garland says we need
to thwart we need to thwart extremist violence here at home,
and he will simply not rest until every Republican is
locked up. Okay, he didn't say that last part, but
that's you know, the dead ceiling is coming up here
what July. Last time the Republicans got serious about the

debt ceiling was the Budget Control Act of twenty eleven,
when we actually imposed sequesters on the federal budget and
it was working. I voted against when I was in
Congress breaking that budget sequester. And now look what's happened.
It has blown wide open and you can call it MMT.
The modern monetary theory that Ocasio Cortez and the squad

is promoting. It's nothing more than Keynesianism and drag. They're
going to print money until every asset is out of
reach of every young person people. You know these people.
There's only three ways to finance government, my friends. You
can tax, you can borrow, and you can inflate. And
now the ten year Treasury is pushing one six one seven.
Inflation signals are everywhere. You got a lumber shortage, and

we're going to print all this Fiat money until home
prices or out of reach of young people. Education is
out of reach of young people, and combined health insurance
or I should say not combined, but combine that with
the Obamacare and health insurance is out of reach of
young people. I don't know why one young person would
vote Democrat, truly, I don't. They have priced them out

of education, they have priced them out of healthcare, they
have priced them out of homeownership, and the COVID lockdowns
have priced them out of a job. It's really quite
shocking here in Minnesota, my friends, Governor Walls just announced that, okay,
maybe by July one will end the mask mandate. I

kid you not. I just got back from Florida. It's
wide open, Texas open. Wisconsin, due to a number of
judges saying you can't do this via emergency order, has
been effectively open and many arenas. There's no correlation between
the number of infections and lockdowns. There's certainly no correlation

between mask mandates and infections, as people have been getting
them with mask mandates on a higher level in some
areas than without them, and now that we have the vaccine,
I want to be as clear as I can on
this particular issue. Everything should be opened up right now. Yesterday,
when I was campaigning for the US Senate last year

in Minnesota, I was demanding an in the lockdowns in April.
I went up all over this great state and saw
these small businessmen and women, these seasonal resorts that were
decimated and ruined by these lockdowns. I saw school districts
conning parents into this zoom learning, devastating children, isolating kids,

while the teachers' union was telling the CDC when it
was safe to go back to school. This has been
a government dream by liberals. They have exploited a public
health crisis to lock the young and healthy down while
they've infected the elderly in congregated living facility. It has
been the greatest mismanagement of a public health crisis in

the history of the United States of America, including the
Spanish flu we had h one n one. We had
the nineteen sixty eight LU crisis, fifty seven we had one.
Never did we lock down a country only now when
liberals had power, And that will be a greater damage
done to this country than COVID. In Minnesota got ninety

percent of seniors, people most at risk, with one dose
of the vaccine or more. Why is anybody locked down?
Why is anyone locked down or told to wear a mask.
If you want to wear a mask, go ahead. If
you're really worried, don't go out. Don't tell other people

what they've got to put on their face. Don't tell
kids they've got to smother and they have their face
muzzled so you can virtue signal. This is an outrage.
This is just an outrage. And now we've got basically
the CDC coordinating with teachers unions on when to open schools,

even though we know there is no threat to young
people from COVID. The seasonal flu is a far greater threat.
We've known that for a year, and yet we've kept
these schools locked down. We've kept these kids socially isolated.
We've engaged in a systematic era of child abuse in

the name of public health by these experts that don't
know what the hell they're talking about. It's been a shocking,
a shocking display of thought control, of mind control, of
instilling fear in an entire nation. Now we've got the

mask nannies that will squeal on everybody. I see one
more idiot out there walking alone with two or three
masks on, I think I'm gonna lose it. But truly
I want to be I don't want to call them.
What is the greatest threat? Oh? What is the word
I'm looking for. There's an idiot, and there's moron, and

the one can reproduce, which means they're a greater threat
to the human condition. I'm not sure which these people are,
but either way, I'm not enamored with them. Russia addressed this,
and especially the teachers running an indo round into round
about the around COVID getting their money for not teaching
play audio tenant, Can we get rid of the myth

once and for all that school teachers anymore? Are these
did average ordinary as Obama want to say, next door
neighbors who are just doing everything they can to further
the educational experience of your children. That's not who they are.
They are left wing activists, active members of unions who
are oriented first by a political agenda, second by their

own well being and your kids come last. Can we
just get that out in the open. And it's all
about I know I'm gonna get in trouble for this,
but it's all about people who know full well they're
getting a deal. Their states can't afford being paid for
by people who aren't earning half as much as what

they are paying these public sector employees. It's a moment
of truth in defining what kind of country we're going
to be going forward. Are we finally going to put
the foot down and say there's going to have to
be some reason and sensible action behavior here on how
public sector employees are paid, or is the country going

to exist? Are the taxpayers of this country going to
have as their first responsibility the lifestyle support of public
sector union members. Is that the primary reason for the
existence of taxpayers? So let's throw out the window here.
This Norman Rockwell version of Miss Carter in the second

grade with the little students bringing in the apple. Hi,
Miss Carter, himis call you. I'm ready for my math taket.
It's not what's going on. It's the whole educational system
been co opted by people who have found an easy
way to a good living, and they realize it and
they don't want to give it up without a fight.

It's always about the money, particularly from people on the
left who claim they're motivated by everything but money. They're
motivated by good intentions, by their big hearts, They're inspired
and motivated by their desire for good works. It's always
about the money, and as easy a money as they

can get. I would like, I know this is probably
not possible. I would like somehow to have a calculation
on how many people in this country actually work for
a living rather than siphon for a living. I have
a sneaking suspicion that the number of people actually working

for a living is decreasing and the number of people
who siphon for a living is rising because it's considered
easy money. And along the way, you automatically get to
call yourself an expert. You know, it's amazing. Russia is
so right about that. It's all started with collective bargaining
on the public sector level. Even FDR said government employees

shouldn't be allowed to collectively bargain because they're negotiating their
budget with the person they elected. And that's what the
teachers unions in Minnesota, the MBA specially has done here
and across the country for that matter. Friends, they basically
donate the largest player in state and local elections. They
donate and get their person hired Walls as a former teacher,

and then they sit across the table and bargain with
the person they got elected. It is a classic first
year law student conflict of interest scenario. And that's why
most reasonable people say, no, no, no, you really can't
collective bargain with the people you're going to get elected,
and that they have and they control this nonsense. And
so they literally for the last year have been getting

paid not to teach, not to do what they're supposed
to do, and be self righteous about it to boot
and now the American Rescue Plan is going to bail
out to states even further. That's what Rush was talking about. Meanwhile,
the CDC guidance on children's summer camps says, are you

ready for this? Even vaccinated adults and children have to
wear masks outdoors, except of course, when they're swimming. Then
they have fishnet masks. Children are not at risk for
this stuff. Why are we doing this to them? And yet,
and yet, these are the same governors from Newsom to Walls,

certainly to Cuomo, that deliberately put COVID positive patients back
in nursing homes while they were locking down kids, that
deliberately kept small businessmen and women from earning a living.
They have devastated this state and this coun by using
a public health crisis has a means to accumulate and
implement power. These are precisely the sort of people that

should never have it. I'm Jason Lewis on the Rush
Limbaugh Program. More on EIB when we come back one
eight two two two eight eight two. That's one eight
hundred two eight two two eight eight two. I do
want to squeeze in a called this segment. I think
we'll have time to do that. Then we got more
of Rush on voter ID coming up and the EIB
high note looking forward to that. In the last segment

of today's program. I am Jason Lewis. Let me tell
you something I've got a little I would say a
whole lot of inside information on this Liz Cheney at
least Stephonic battle for conference chair in Washington. But I
did come into Congress or with the representative Chainey. I
served in thee hundred and fifteenth and I actually served

with the least Stephonic on Education and Workforce Committee when
we were trying to reform higher education, but it was
blocked by the Democrats. Trying to make certain that university
have some skin in the game on student loans, not
just the taxpayer. Wouldn't that be nice if a university,
who dare we say, con your child into getting a
four year degree and I don't know, let's just say

the social sciences where you can't earn a living, and
put you in debt for a hundred thousand, then you
can't pay it back. The university took a hit. I mean,
it's a form of malpractice that they're giving you an
inflated degree, right, that's market wise worthless. They should pay
back the loan or some of it. We tried to
do that on Edin Workforce. Democrats would have nothing of

the sort because they are beholden to the education lobby,
to big education. But in one hundred and fifteenth to
twenty sixteen election that brought in President Trump, myself and
Representative Cheney. The first thing you're told, I'm not speaking
out of turn here because I was friends with leadership
and I was friends with a Freedom Caucus, but I
was a pro Trump guy, and I think that the

President's focus on the forgot man and woman, the middle class,
America first, and not internationalism, not regime change, secure boarders.
It's a sort of well, there's neo conservatism, that was
neo populism. That is what the country needs right now,
and I have bought into that and I still stand

by that. But what you're told when you get to
conference is you gotta be a team player. You gotta
be a team player. And there's some truth to that
as well. It can go overboard, to be sure, that's
for certain, but there's some truth that if you don't
stand together, you'll fall apart. And missus Cheney is just
not a team player. The party's trying to unify around

that neo populus message, and if they do, they'll win
the House back in the mid terms because the Democrats
are going off the deep end. But there Liz is
out there saying no, no, no, no, we gotta go
after Trump. And I'm not going to support Trump, and
there's a divergent message. They're using their own mantra. They've
got to do it. But they paved the way for
Liz Chenney, the Vice president's daughter. They made certain that

she got on the Rules Committee, which is a very
important committee. They made certain that Kathy M. Morris Rodgers,
who was doing an outstanding job as conference chair, stepped
down and Liz grabbed that. But then she wouldn't be
a team player. She's got to go. And that's just
the way it's going to be. But let me just
tell you what's beneath it all. What's really beneath it all,
whether it's Liz Channey or Adam Kinsinger or any of

the other mit Romney is quite frankly, whether your focus
is America or whether your focus is the world. These
people are big government conservatives who believe that the United
States ought to have a national imprint across the globe,
ought to be in Syria, we ought to be in Afghanistan,

and finally we ought to be in Iran. And that's
their goal. They care more about that plussing up the
Defense Department. You know, under the budget sequestered, defense was
about five hundred and forty eight billion. It's now seven
hundred and sixteen billion. The president's first request was six
hundred and three billion. By the time the Armed Services
Committee and these Hawks got done with it, it was

seven hundred and sixteen billion. That's all they care about.
They don't think FIS is a problem. I remember, and
I don't think I'm speaking out of turn, because actually
I got along with Liz Cheney fine when I spoke
with her, but I voted against reauthorizing FISA. I was
talking to Cheney on the floor of the House at
the time, and she looked at me and says, Jason,
you don't let terrorists, do you now. I think she

was kidding, but many a true word or spoken in Jess.
They want to reauthorize FISA. FIS is just fine, Secret Court.
We got to get the terrorists. They're everywhere. We gotta
be in go back into Iraq, we gotta be in
a Ran, we gotta be in Syrie, we gotta be
in Afghanistan. And that's what they care about. It's the
War Party versus quite frankly, the America First Party, and
that's the great underlying debate in the Cheney's to fight

at least share some of these views, but she's not
adamantly anti Trump because what really got him going, whether
it's you know, the Lincoln Project or the neo Conservatives
in Congress, is We're going to stop the endless wars.
That's something they just could not countenance, and it's something
the party has to stop otherwise it's no different than

the Democrat Party. Then, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Clay, you're on the
Excellence and Broadcasting Network. Hey, Jason, Hey, thanks for taking
my call. You a great jobs at all the other
great guest hosts. You know, every day that goes on,
I get more grateful for Russia's insight. And I've been
listening ever since I was seventeen years old. I don't
think i'd have the insight I would otherwise without him

into that. No, I travel for a living across the country,
and I can see it everywhere. Small businesses. They're having
their backs broken. I mean, if it wasn't broken enough
during the initial phase of COVID, if you will, um,
you know, go broke in the name of this virus,
you shall go broke. The ones that survived that now
it seems like they're now surviving in assault it's almost

like the government is trying to promote a strike against
America and a strike against labor itself. You know, right
now the money going to people to sort of not work.
It's really really starting to show up in places that
have opened up, and also even in the blue states
that haven't opened up as much, it is showing up

big time. People can't get anybody, and the people that
are showing up to work are highly stressed, and you
probably can't blame them for one to stay. And I'm
just I'm curious what the end game? What like, what
is the end game about all? Is? They are they
trying to force some massanization or what's the deal? But
they're going to wipe out their own Well, the end
game is what it's always been with the atalitarian left

or right, and that's power and keeping power. Understand what's
happened under COVID. They've been able to punish, punish their
opponents in business and reward big Tech and Amazon and
all the other companies that have made billions during the
shutdown because of mail in orders. They've been able to

change election law to the point where witness signatures, let
alone voter id is a thing of the past. Voting
on election day is a thing of the past. Election
deadlines for Balloch or the thing of the past, and
secretaries of State like Steve Simon collude with liberal groups
to sue him and then he settles with them usurping

the separation of powers in the legislature's ability to write
to make election law. All of that resulted in a
Democrat victory at the polls. They're controlling people, telling them
what to wear. They're telling you you must get a
vaccine passport. They're telling you your kids can't go to school,
but the teachers union must get paid. It is an

orgy of power that is right up the alley for
any would be tyrant. And what better than instilling fear
in people? You know, there was a World War One
protester at the time, Randolph Bourne, who said war is
the health of the state. When you can get people afraid,

then you can control them. And that's what they've done.
They've got they've they've terrified an entire country, tragically young people.
You've got kids, some school nursers on TV the other
day telling you that you can't get kids to take
off the mask even though they're through one of them
threw up in it. This is insane. And if we

don't start pushing back on this and the little, the
little virtue signaling brats that are imposing it on us,
it's going to get worse. I'm Jason Lewis high at
top the EIB Tower is always on the Rush Limbaugh program. Indeed,
we are back also America's real anchorman. More of Rush
coming up each and every day. I'll be back tomorrow

looking forward to that as always, and we've got the
EI be high note and the next segment the last
caller or the Yeah, the last caller from Cheyenne talked
about what are they? What's the in game from this
COVID hysteria. It is hysterical. I mean understand that, my friends,
because we have never treated a public health crisis or

any sort of viral outbreak in this manner, not even
the Spanish flu in nineteen seventeen and eighteen. Ike had
a horrible nineteen fifty seven winner nineteen sixty eight influenza.
By the way, we've eradicated the flu. What do we
have thirty eight million illnesses a couple of years ago,
now nary any of them. These are from the experts.

We're supposed to believe that. Now we get lockdowns, we're
told what to where. Where's the assumption of risk? The
assumption of risk is an old, old legal doctrine that
is the essence of defense and a sil lawsuit for negligence.

If somebody enters your yard and says, I'm going to
jump on the trampoline, and they assume the risk. If
they go mountain climbing, they assume the risk. If they
get hurt, their ability to sue the mountain guide or
the owner of the trampoline is mitigated. It's lessened because
they assume the risk. We ought to be applying that
to this COVID nonsense in the era of vaccines for

anybody and everybody. If in these wonderful vaccines, if you
still are afraid of going out, then stay the hell home.
If you still want to wear a mask, you wear
a mask. But don't you dare tell anybody else what
they have to do. You can get a vaccine. If
you're worried, you can stay home. You can wear your

own mask. But the idea that anybody ought to be
locked down, anybody ought to be told to wear a
mask right now is absurd, and yet the governor of
Minnesota is going to phase in phase in liberty. I
called for that phase in a year ago. Man oh

man to these people, well, I mean, if you look
at what they've been able to do electoral wise on
all of this, think about it. Under the fear of COVID,
we couldn't go vote. So what do they do? The
Secretary of State here in Minnesota and throughout the country
got liberal groups to sue him, sue the office and say,

oh gosh, you're disenfranchising people because under COVID, I can't
go vote. So I ought to have a mail in
ballot and I shouldn't have to attach my signature, and
there shouldn't be a deadline of election day or a
couple of days thereafter, and blotted out it out. Well, naturally,
these liberal secretaries of state got their buddies to sue them,

and then they settled usurping the power of the legislative branch,
which writes election law. So here we have the specter
of Governor DeSantis signing a voting law in Florida that
tells people to got to prove who they are and
you're not going to have a year long vote, and
that's somehow restrictive. But in Minnesota where you can have

somebody vouch for you to vote whether they want universal
mail in without signatures, why that's not restrictive. No, that's
that is disenfranchisement because it encourages fraud. And when you
have an election in twenty twenty where the Democrats use lawsuits,
use lawsuits to end deadlines, to end witness and voter

ID proof, that's also defrauding the country and people who
vote legally. Rush told us about the importance of voter
ID not long ago audio clip thirteen your photoid business.
Can you think of anything you do in your life
where you do not need a photo idea? You need

a photo cash check, photo ID to get on an airplane,
you a photo ID. For most mundane things in life.
You need a photo ID. But yet Eric Holder and
his gang tell us that to require a photo ID
when one votes is intimidation and it is discrimination and

it will cause people to hold up in their homes
and not vote. When people say well no, no no, no,
will be glad to provide them a photo ID free
if if they just come down the city hall. That's
a trick also to get people out of their out
of their homes. It's the state using its awesome fist

to discriminate and intimidate people who don't have photo ID. Okay,
oh well, and let's let's take it at face value.
The Democrat Party standing toll, standing strong for people who
want to be able to vote, but who can't prove
who they are. By the same time, to these people
who do not have photoids, are they thus able also

to get on an airplane? Are they not able to
get a credit card? Are they not able to cash check?
I mean, look at all the things you can't do
if you don't have a photoid. Look at all of
the areas in our society, in our economy where you

are shut out if you don't have a photo ID.
Just think about it. The Democrat Party, which claims to
stand for the little guy, wants to maintain that status
for certain of its constituents no photo ID, because it's
just too scary and intimidating to have to have one

of those to vote. But at the same time, those
people are shut out of the US economy. You would
think the Democrat Party would care about that. I mean,
here are people they're voters can't get an airplane, can't
cash a check, can't whatever. You need a photo ID,
they can't do it, married, whatever, you can't get whatever.

And the Democrat Party seems content for them to be
shut out of such a large part of the US economy. Now,
why don't we ever hear anything about that? Why don't
we ever hear that the Democrat Party doesn't care a
whit about their voters being shut out and excluded from

so much of the economy because they don't have an
ID photo ID. All the Democrats care is that they
don't have a photo ID so that they can vote.
Ask yourself this, what is discriminatory about producing a photo
ID to vote and not discriminatory produce a photo ID

to get on an airplane in order to get married.
Where why is one discriminatory in the other's not? Well,
we all know the answer to this. The answer is
vote fraud. The answer is a Democrats want to cheat,
and a photo ID goes a long way towards stopping
voter fraud. People can vote numerous times pretending to be

different people, but you can't pretend to be somebody else
if you have to produce a photoid. Now there's not
a person on earth with common sense? Who understands the
charge that a photoid is discriminatory. There's not a single
person with a shred of common sense that understands that argument.
You can have the civil rights coalition leaders all stand

up with their megaphones and start shouting, threatening caterwaul and
complaining about having a photoid as discriminatory, will take us
back to Jim Crow to how does that possibly compute?
What is it? What are they are there people who
are already living lives that are alive. Are they afraid

that so many of their voters are going to be
found to be not who they are? Are they going
to find that Jack Smith is actually Jack somebody else?
That the idea that having to have a photo ID
is discriminatory and intimidating should mean that it's discriminatory and
intimidating everywhere you have to display one. They never say

that only when you vote. There's not a person in
this country with a shred of common sense who doesn't
understand what this is all about, plain and simple. This
is about making sure that the Democrats can continue to
cheat and have people vote more than one time. That's

what they're trying to protect. They're also trying to ensure
that it is never established that that in fact is happening,
and the requirement of photo IDAs would lead to all
currents of discoveries like that. And yet, as Rush points out,
these are the same people that have no compunction whatsoever

in demanding that you get a quote unquote real ID
by October of twenty twenty one. I think it's been
pushed back now. Some states in Minnesota think it's been
pushed back. You have to have a real ID, a
new driver's license that comports with federal requirements to get
on an airplane. Here's a novel idea. How about having
a real ID when you go get that, you're gonna

have to get it to vote as well. I'm Jason
Lewis more Rush, coming right up on the Excellence in
Broadcasting Note. Okay, I'll and running for segment four today.
This is always fun, a fun part of the show
called an EIB high note. By the way, I'll be
back tomorrow for more of this too on an open

Line Friday. But we end every show on what we
call the ei BE high note, a piece of positive
news dedicated to Russia's optimism, which he had so much
of for today's high note. Retirement is looking good for
some former circus elephants thanks to a new habitat at
Florida's White Oak Conservation Center. The retirees are from the

Ringling Brothers, Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, where
elephants played a central role for most of it's one
hundred and forty six year history. Twenty sixteen, they retired
the act. The elephants were moved to a small preserve
south of Orlando, which really wasn't ideal, So a nonprofit
group called the Walter Conservation stepped in and created a

new habitat and now the elephants are living their best
life with plenty of room to rome and splash around.
You name it. Here is Michelle gad and Nick Newby,
two people who are very very close to the project,
and what they had to say about a lot of
kids have this dream of running away and joining the circus,
and I was the kid that wanted to run away

and let all the animals out of the circus. This
has been years of hard work that we put into this,
so to see it come to fruition today is pretty
pretty cool. And man is it rewarding for these elephants
to change their lives and have them out on these
big pastures. Saw them a little proud today, Yeah, a
little proud, a little excited. You know. I think we'll
all look back on this day and this will be

one of the best days of all of our careers.
It's just a great day, great day. It is a
great day, and it's really important, and it's very very hard.
And congratulations of these folks. We're doing a great job there.
But it's hard to stay optimistic in a time like this.
So you need these ei be hind notes every once
in a while to remember how Rush did it, the
happy Warrior, the real, the genuine happy warrior, America's anchorman.

And there's a way to do it policy wise too.
You've got all these woke companies now opposing voter reform
ballot integrity, from Coca Cola to Delta Airlines to American Airlines.
Now in Texas fifty companies, Microsoft, American Airlines, Unilever, and
of course non Texas companies like Levi, Strauss, Etsy, Patagonia

all outraged over the Texas election reform. Well, here's the
way to stay optimistic. Tell the folks that we represent
their employees, not big corporations. You know, this whole notion
that the Republican Party is the party of corporate America
A has never been true. Anyone can go to Open

Secrets and see where Wall Street contributes far more to Democrats.
Corporate America's clearly in arm of the Democrat Party now,
so we don't have to carry their water anymore. We
ought to feel liberated over that slap on those tariffs
for cheer slave labor in China that undermines American middle
class families. Tell these corporations, if you don't vote, you

can't contribute. Barry Goldwater said, no one should be able
to contribute to politics who can't vote. Why are these
massive corporate packs allowed to intervene? Wouldn't that We'll see
you the Democrats opposed. Then right, there's a way to
do this with a smile on your face. And I
think it's really important. Andrew Plymouth, Minnesota, you're on the
Excellence and Broadcasting Network. Go ahead, Hey, Jason, I just

wanted to say you probably won the Senate sea in
Minnesota if there was a level playing field. But well,
I was proud. I was proud to collect the most
votes of any Republican statewide candidate in history. Poles at
us down to one or two points. We own the
iron range, and shockingly enough, we had we had some

surprise results in November that took us by surprise like
everybody else. Yeah, I just wanted to say, I'm kind
of concerning living here in Minnesota that Governor Wallace just
said that seventy percent of Minnesotans, once they get vaccinated,
they can take off their masks. And I just wondering
is that even legal to say? Is that like an

incentive for an experimental shot. Well, think of what he's saying.
He's saying, I will keep a mask on your child,
I will keep them out of school, I will keep
your business shut down unless you do exactly what I say,
and that is take this experimental drug. I don't care
whether the vaccine is the greatest things in slice bread.

That's not a role for government. They don't control your body,
as Democrats love to say about abortion, when you actually
have two bodies involved, we just have one. So much
for private privacy between you and your doctor. This is
what they love. They are control freaks. They are conformist

control freaks who think they're put on earth to tell
other people how to lead their lives, and giving them
power is the worst thing you could do, and that's
what COVID has done. So I can't psychoanalyze them. I
just know a tyrant when I see it. Andrew, thanks
for checking in. Let's take a quick break. We'll come

back wrap things up. The Rush Limbaugh program rolls on
on EIB. It's always a great pleasure to be behind
the Golden EIB mic in the Attila the Hunt chair,
HI adopt the EIB Minnesota Tower today. We'll come back
to you tomorrow from the great state of Minnesota as
we try to navigate a governor who's doing his best

to imitate Andrew Cuomo. The Minnesota Department of Health and
Governor Tim Walls did exactly what Cuomo did in New York.
It's just at the Minnesota media doesn't seem to want
to cover it. They infected the elderly while they locked
down the young and healthy. Exactly back pass words. That's
all we should have done in this pandemic right from

the get go, protect the most vulnerable and let freedom
loving people go about their business. Instead, they did the
most cynical thing possible, from Newsom to Cuomo to Governor
Walls in Minnesota. They took a public health challenge and
they exploited it for political expediency and power. They ruined

an economy, they ruined lives. I think they abused children,
and they infected the elderly. These are the people telling
you to wear four masks after you're vaccinated when you're
alone in your car. This is about as transparent as
you could possibly imagine, my friends, and it is time

for all of us to stand up with a thing
that made America great. Freedom. See them

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