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August 12, 2024 30 mins

Yael Eckstein discusses the ongoing challenges faced by the Jewish people in Israel, particularly in the aftermath of the deadly terror attacks. She emphasizes the resilience and faith of the Israeli people, who continue to live their lives despite the constant threat of violence. Yael also highlights the importance of standing against evil and the rise of antisemitism, noting that Christians and Jews must unite in the face of hatred. She shares stories of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews providing humanitarian aid and support to those affected by the conflict. The Truth with Lisa Boothe is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network - new episodes debut every Monday & Thursday.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
So we are approaching here in the near future, one
year since the October seventh terror attacks in Israel. I.
Remember I was co hosting the big weekend show that
weekend when the atrocity is unfolded, and sat there in
awe of what I was witnessing, hearing just the terror,

the hell that was unleashed on the Jewish people. It
was surreal to be on air, you know, co hosting
during that time and trying to relay that information to
the rest of America. So in that like, we're going
to talk about that in the past few months that
have transpired on the show today with Yale Extein. She
is the president and CEO of the International Fellowship of

Christians and Jews. If you listen to the podcast, you
know that we've been partners with them for a little
while now in this shared mission to one just tell
the truth and stand up for what is good and righteous,
and then also just talk about an organization that really
is doing the Lord's work, that really is saving people,
that is providing life saving ambulances, that is providing food

and shelter, and is actually saving lives in Israel. And
I recently met Yale at an event and I wanted
to have her on the show, you know, not just
as a you know, a sponsor of the show, but
just as a guest on my own doing, on my
own volition, of just wanting to speak with her. Just
the stories that she was telling and the work that
they were doing, and the way that she was describing
what was happening in Israel. I wanted to have her

on to share that with the audience outside of just
you know, me reading these scripts and what have you,
of just really getting into it. So we're going to
talk to her about, you know, how do you even
put into words what these past few months have meant
for the Jewish people. We're also going to talk about
the anti Semitism that we've all witnessed together around the
world here in the United States, you know, people chanting

death to Jews and cities across America, at college campuses,
at universities. How anyone could dehumanize a group of people
and the way that they have, you know, talk about
some of the trones that we saw. I remember when
we were reporting the weekend that it all happened, of
you know, women being raped next to the dead bodies
of their friends at the Nova Festival, women, children, elderly

just being butchered house to house by Hamas, and yet
the media still desired to cover what the Gaza Health
Ministry has to say, despite the fact that it's just
a Hamas propaganda group, considering Hamas controls the government. So,
you know, we've seen a lot of evil over the
past few months, you know, particularly is Israel Brasis for

what's next as you know, increased hostility with Hesbala and
you know, basically surrounded by enemies. So that's what we're
going to do on the show is talk to Yale
and just get the perspective of someone who's on the
ground trying to save lives from a humanitarian perspective and
also just doing the right thing at a time when
you know that should be clear, but it seems to

not be, particularly those of us who are Christians who
stand with or Jewish friends. So stay tuned for Yale
x teen, the President and CEO of the International Fellowship
of Christians and Jews. It is one of the world's
largest religious charitable organizations and they really do phenomenal work,
So stay tuned for Yale. Well, yeah, I oh, I

recently have gotten to know you. We've been working together
on a you know, a shared mission of just doing
the right thing and this time where you know, so
many people seem to lack moral clarity, it's just been
a pleasure to get to know you and you guys
are doing such important work. So I really appreciate you
taking the time to join the show today.

Speaker 2 (03:39):
Oh, you're so incredible. It's such an honor to be
on with you. Thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
So, you know, we're approaching almost a year since the terrible,
you know, terror attacks that we all witnessed, you know,
the deadliest terror attacks against Israel since the state's establishment
in nineteen forty eight, one of the deadliest har attacks
in history. How do you put into words what these

past few months have been like for the Jewish people?

Speaker 2 (04:09):
It is it's such a hard question to answer because
we're still in it. You know, a lot of people
say that Israel is now a country with PTSD, but
we don't really have the PTSD yet because we're still
living in it. We still have over one hundred of
our people, from one year old baby to an eighty

five year old grandfather, who are still in the gaza
as hostages and not home, and it won't stop, and
we won't be able to rest until every single one
of them is home. We're still under missile attack. Just
today there were dozens of missiles and rockets and Israeli
towns when them hitting a family home in Kuriashmona. Was
there just a few a few days ago. We still

have Iran threatening to bombard this tiny country the size
of New Jersey with rockets, and so we are still
living in it and the reality has changed so much
since October seventh. I think that you know, we always
remember that we are facing an evil and surrounded by
an enemy that wants to destroy us. These enemies remind

us every single day. They have from the day the
day of Israel is established. But we've been able to
kind of build life and move on with life and
have good life. Israel was voted the seventh happiest country
in the world, and that was after October seventh. So
I think what we're holding right now, Lisa, is this incredible.
I would say attribute of faith that people around the faith,

around the world who have faith could relate to. On
one hand, yes, having fear, on one hand, yes, getting prepared,
doing everything we need to do, but on the other hand,
having this resilience that the coffee shops are still full,
our children are still laughing, and within the pain and
fear and trauma, we have the knowledge that the Guardian

of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. People around the world
praying for us, and that we're on the front lines
of this war between good and evil, between those who
sanctify life, those of us with Judeo Christian values, versus
those who are seeking death. And it is not just
a moral but I think a holy responsibility and mission

just to be here and make sure the state of
Israel exists.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
I think that's what people forget. You had mentioned that,
you know, Israel is a country about the size of
New Jersey, but surrounded by enemies that seek its destruction
simply for being Jewish.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Yeah, I think that that can't be lost on anyone.
And it's so often forgotten that Israel's looked at as
the oppressor, and yet we are a country of ten
million people two million those are actually non Jews who
are living in Israel, surrounded by hundreds of millions of Arabs.
There are twenty two states in the Arab Union, and
there's one Jewish state, not just in the Middle East,

but in the entire world. The land mass of Israel
is point four percent of the entire Middle East versus
ninety nine point six percent. That in all of the
Middle East there are thirty thousand Jews, and in Israel
there are over two million Arabs. So I think that
the whole narrative that's been creative, is created and spread

is the antithesis of the reality. But I don't think
it's anything new. I think that when you look at history,
when you go back to the Bible, from Amalek to
Wicked Hayman, all the way through modern history to the
Nazis and the Communists, there's always been people who hate
the Jewish people simply for being Jewish. And so what

we're seeing now with the rise of anti Semitism and
hating Israel and calling Israel all these names that were
so obviously not when you look at the facts on
the ground, I think it's the same evil that is
just taking a different name in our generation, Islamic extremism.
But what's different today, Lisa, is that there are so

many people of faith, Christians especially, who are waking up
to say, okay, I've seen this story before, and I'm
not going to be part of it. I've read about
what led to the Holocaust, the exact same things are
happening now. I'm going to stand against this hatred before
six million Jews are killed. And I think people are
also realizing so clearly it's not a fight or a

war only against the Jews. It is against Christians as well,
that when you see American flags being burned, my heart sinks.
At these protests, you realize it's not about Israel. It's
about Israel and America, about the Christians and the Jews,
about people of faith versus it's extremists who want to
destroy everything good.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
We've got a quick commercial break more with Yel on
the other side, it's good versus evil. I mean, you
know when we talked, I told you you know, I
was co hosting on Fox the weekend the terror attacks
and just sat there at horror as we learn more
and more or about what transpired. You know, reports of
women being raped next to the bodies of their dead

friends at the Nova Music Festival. You know that your children,
women and the elderly butchered as Tamas went, you know,
house to house through neighborhoods. You would think that witnessing
that those kinds of atrocities would unite everyone against the
evil that we saw. Uh, Yet it didn't. I mean,

we've we've seen people stand in solidarity with you know,
Hamas somehow with the Gosens. You know, I guess why,
you know, why is there that lack of moral clarity
when it seems so clear to tow good and honest people.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
Think that it's such a great question and such a
blessing that that you and so many others are able
to see that. I think that's the power of hatred
that the the Arab extremist world. I specifically say Arab
extreme because the two million Arabs in Israel, according to
all the Poles, want to live in Israel. That we

have the abraham Accords, the historic Abrahm Accords, of course
with many Arab countries who realize that they want to
be partnered with Israel. And so I think that specifically
it's not the Arabs, this Arab extremists who have been
building this narrative against the Jewish people for so many

years for this moment, Because when you build a group
of people, in this case, the Jews as being so
bad and so horrible and the worst thing that ever
happened to the world, and that they are the source
of every war and the source of everything. That then suddenly, okay,

you could create legitimacy to do anything, to rape them,
to kidnap them, to behead of them, to go into
babies rooms with a with a knife and saw off
their head, to cut a woman's womb open, take out
their baby and burn them both alive. Suddenly, when you

create this narrative for so long that there's a group
of people that are some human, then you could create
support for anything that you do. And that's what's terrifying,
because that's exactly how did they burn six million Jews
in gas chambers in the middle of cities in Germany

and thirty thousand Jews in a mass grave in the
center of Kiev in Ukraine. How did they do this?
How people didn't know? And the answer is no, of
course they knew. They just created the narrative so much
before that Jews were some human that they were okay
with it, and so I think that's what we're seeing now.

But the absurdity is when you see things like gays
for Gaza I mean in Gaza, their charter literally says
that anyone who is suspected of being homosexual will be killed.
They have videos of themselves throwing people they suspected of

being gay's off buildings. And so how do you have
a group of people standing up for the evil that
would destroy them. It means the hatred in their heart
towards the other group of people is even stronger. And
that's where we see anti Semitism rearing this suggly head again,
that if it's not stopped, will lead to the same

things that we've seen throughout history.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
You know, I've told my Jewish friends, I just I
simply did not realize that anti Semitism was so prevalent
in today's world. I just didn't, you know, it's been alarming,
you know, someone who's not Jewish to see what we've
seen in cities across the world, not just here in America,

at college campuses, where you see people cheering on the
death and destruction of Jews. I just, you know, I
honestly didn't realize it was so rampant.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
Yeah, And I think what you've been talking about along
with your peers, is that it's not just a Jewish
problem is that it starts with the Jews, but then
it moves on to others. It starts we look at
what our enemies say. We're going first for the Saturday people,
the Jews, and then we're going for the Sunday people,
the Christians. We're going first for the little Satan Israel,

and then we're going for the big Satan America. When
you see at protests these people, these protesters burning American flags,
you realize the American people might feel divided on it,
but the enemies look at it very clear. We're in
the same boat. And so I think there are two

things here that stand out to me the most in
this story. As we see this, like you're saying, it
feels like it's this instantaneous rise in anti Semitism, Like
where did this come from? Where was this? Was this
always here? And I didn't see it? And I think
there are two things that stand out for me. Number one,
and they're very interconnected. Number one is how many people

are seeing what's happening and recognizing the evil that, even
if you're not Jewish, threatens you just as much, both
because it's an abomination to faith and if you're a Christian.
You realize, of course that Jesus was Jewish and believe
that Christians were grafted onto the rich, olive tree of Israel.
That this is a this is a personal story for

Christians as well, along with those values of standing for justice,
standing for what's right, standing with those who sanctify life.
And that's the second thing that I see through my
work on the ground with the International Fellowship of Christians
and Jews. What we represent is the silenced majority, because Lisa,
I don't think that the majority is so silent. I

think they just don't have many mainstream platforms who are
willing to speak their voice. You are one of the
brave ones, and I know you get a lot of
backlash for it. I know you get a lot of
people sending you hate mail and disagreeing with you because
how could you stand with Israel that you, Lisa, along
with so many others, especially at iHeart, represent represent this

silenced majority in America and here in Israel, with International
Fellowship of Christians and Jews, represents is the silenced majority
who stand with Israel. And so in the past two
days alone, I've been distributed over ten thousand food boxes
to bomb shelters to get ready for the Iranian attack.
The Fellowship has placed over one hundred and fifty bomb

shelters in the most strategic locations. We've equipped hospitals with
equipment that they need to deal with the mass casualties.
And in everything that we do, all this humanitarian aide
that we bring to the individuals, to the Holocaust survivors,
to the terrified children, to the heroic doctors, what we
tell them is this is from Christians who love you.

And it's incredible to see their face change. They look
at me and they say, Christians love us. I thought
the whole world has been taken over by anti Semitism.
I say no, no, no, They're over seven hundred million
Christians around the world who stand with Israel, who pray
for Israel, and who are providing food and shelter for Israel,
just as the Bible prescribes feed the hungry, clothe the naked,

shelter the poor. And that movement in Israel, of what
it's igniting in people's hearts, this feeling of oh, okay,
it's the same anti Semitism, but times have changed because
the Christian community has woken up. For me, that is
the most inspiring thing to see.

Speaker 1 (16:42):
Quick break more on this important topic, stay tuned. You know,
it's just about standing up for what is right. And
as you pointed out, if you can dehumanize one group
of people, you know you could do that to anyone.
So it really is just about standing against you and
standing up for what is good and righteous. I mean,

how has this been for you to be on this
journey to be able to I mean, because the International
Fellowship of Christians Jews, I mean, you guys do such
good work. I mean, you truly have helped so many people.
You've saved lives throughout Israel. So how has this been
for you personally to be able to spearhead that mission
and just to help so many people over these past

few months and beyond that too. But you know, obviously
we're talking about this in the context of the terror
attacks in the aftermath, So you know, how has this
been for you to to be able to make that
kind of a difference and to be part of to
be a part of this.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
Wow, Well, Lisa, it's been life changing and it's been
really the honor of my life. I've been working in
the Fellowship for over twenty years. My father at By
FELIXI and founded the Fellowship over forty years ago, and
I believe that we were called for such a time
as this. You know, when I think about all the
different impactful stories, think about on October seventh, when I

heard about the attacks, and the Fellowship, being the largest
philanthropic organization in Israel, is uniquely positioned that we have
warehouses of food, we have warehouses of bulletproof of vests
and helmets, we have volunteers on the ground in every
single city. And so on October seventh, as terrorists were
still roaming the streets, the government called the Fellowship and

said we need your help. Whatever you could do right now,
do And so, after having my own personal kind of
moment of breakdown of is this the end? Are my
children going to get kidnapped? Or terrorists going to come
into my house any second and take my children and
burn my house down? Is Israel not going to exist
any longer? And putting my kids and my husband in

the bomb shelter and going out, I felt like God
was called and all I heard God saying was go, go,
go go now. This is the time, and we're on
the border distributing bulletproof vests, and we were in those
bomb shelters bringing food. And when those people from the
Tibutsim were released, their family members killed and kidnapped. Those
lucky ones who survived, we were the first ones to

greet them and give them shoes and food. And I
remember watching live television as there was someone of one
of the first responders driving down south. This was October eighth,
as Terrists were still there, who was reporting from the
border of Gaza, inside of Israel towns, and all of
a sudden he came under live fire and he got

out of the car, but his phone was still on reporting,
got out of the car, got on the ground. He
was inside of high bushes and grass, and I realized
he's wearing a bulletproof helmet and vest that the Fellowship distributed.
It says on an international Fellowship of Christians and Jews,
and he's getting shot at on live television and on TV.

That vest saved his life, and I realized God is
working through us for this moment. I've seen children take
shelter in bomb shelter that we have provided in a
city like o Fakim. I saw the children go into
the bomb shelters, and then the bomb land right next
to it, and the bomb shelter is covered in trapnel

with holes in it that didn't penetrate because that shelter
was there and saved the children's life. An elderly Holocaust
survivor I remember in Stot who all the time was evacuated,
but there were some elderly who said, I'd rather die
here by terrorists than live as an evacue So they
stayed in the city of Stot but everything was closed

because it was evacuated, so there were no grocery stores open,
no doctors, no neighbors to help, and so the fellowship
went every day and distributed meals to those five hundred elderly.
And I went and I sat with one of the elderly,
and she looked at me and she said, yeah, I'm
a Holocaust survivor. The Nazis killed my family and seventy
percent of them identified as Christian, and now it's Christians

who are coming and saving my life, bringing my food
in a war zone during my final years. So for me,
those few stories and I could talk for hours summarize
the privilege and blessing that I feel to represent Christians
in Israel.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
Especially obviously there's a lot of uncertainty for Israel right now.
We saw recently has launched an attack that you know,
killed twelve children and teens on a soccer field. Tensions
have increased, and you know a lot of uncertainty about
how broad of a war in the Middle East this
will turn into and what that means for the rest
of the world is you know, and most specifically Israel

are how are you guys preparing right now? And how
do you prepare with you know, that kind of uncertainty.

Speaker 2 (21:41):
Yeah, I think it's I think it's such a good
point how the whole world is changing right now. I
saw someone yesterday talk about if there is a week America,
Iran will at tech Israel, Taiwan, China will take over Taiwan,
Russia will take over parts of Europe that we are

so interconnected. Whoever looks at this as an Israel issue
is missing the whole picture that there is a shift
and radical Islam and other extreme forces are trying to
take over the Western world and this war against Israel
is the same war against America, and so it is

incredible to see how America is standing with Israel right
now and has been since October seventh. There are many
opinions of what America could do, and should do and
shouldn't do, But I think the overall message is still
America recognizes not only that Israel is America's greatest ally
and America is Israel's greatest ally, but that we need

each other, that we're fighting the same war, and if
something God forbid, what happen to Israel, America would be next.
America would not be safe. And so we're preparing in
many ways. I leave the government work to the to
the people and the government with thank God. I'm a
humanitarian aid worker. I'm not a government official, and so
what we're doing is the humanitarian side. Just yesterday I

was at one of the most key locations in Israel
electric poles that provide over seventy percent of electricity to
the people of Israel. And we know, in this tiny
country of Israel the size of New Jersey that Hasbella
Terrists have thousands of precision missiles, hundreds of thousands of missiles,
and thousands of precision missiles, and many of them appointed

exactly at that station that provides seventy percent of electricity
to Israel, and so we went to the hospital that's
right near it, We went to the homes of elderly
that are right near it, We went to the bomb shelters,
and we provided them with enough aid that for at
least three days they'll be able to be self sufficient
in the event of those electric poles getting hit. So

it's providing the basics of water, a food, of hospital beds,
all those what we think of. I think in the
privileged West that we would never think, oh, a six
pack of water could be the difference between life and death.
That's what the people of Israel right now are preparing for.
And so the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews have

volunteers on the ground right now in every single city,
working around the clock and against the clock, because an
attack could break out in a minute, in an hour,
or in a day, that we are working as if
there's no time, in order to save as many lives
as possible.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
Now, you know, and I think it's important in the
media to you know, tell the truth about, you know,
what is happening. I was pretty appalled that the Israeli
government had to show the media over forty minutes of
raw footage of the terror attacks, just to get them
to cover it honestly and to see the truth for
what it was. You know, we see the media sometimes
just take what the Gaza Ministry Health or the Gaza

Health Ministry says is true despite the fact that you know,
Hamas is a complete control of the government. So that's
just you know, Hamas propaganda. So important to get the
truth out there when there seems to be an intention,
you know, an intent to deny what is truth.

Speaker 2 (25:14):
I think it's so spot on, and there are so
few people that are doing it. We know it's documented
both by US and by HAMAS, that they're using human shields,
that they're storing their weapons and UN schools, that they're
launching rockets from hospital roofs, that the hostages are being
they're being abused in the hospitals inside of Gaza. It

is a fact documented that you can't even challenge that
there were UN workers that were part of the October
seventh attacks inside of Israel. That what's happening is very clear.
There's one side who are declared terrorists and another side
that is democratic country that lives and breathes and implements

all the different precautionary measures in order to try to
help save civilian lives. I remember, in the beginning of
the war, of one said, you can't go for the
terrorists who are embedded in civilian towns. You have to
evacuate the civilians. So Israel evacuated the civilians through thousands
of notes on their roofs telling them to evacuate because
there are Hamas terrorists there. In Israel's only focusing on

the terrorists. And then when the civilians evacuated, first of all,
Hamas terrorists were shooting at many of them and killed
many of them for evacuating because they wanted to use
them as human shields. And number two, the international world
suddenly said, oh, you're kicking them out from their homes.
You can't do that. That Israel is stuck between a
rock and a hard place when the other side is

using human shield So I think it's very important to
recognize the Israel side that cherishes life, that sanctifies life,
even of our enemies. We have enough bumbs to destroy
guys if we wanted to, but instead we're putting our
soldiers on foot there to weed out the terrorists in
order to save lives of our enemies. Versus our enemies

who are launching rockets into civilian cities, into Arab cities
in Israel. That attack that you were talking about, where
thirteen innocent children were killed while they were just playing soccer.
They were on a soccer field, just like you have
in America and Europe and everywhere else, playing soccer on
a Saturday afternoon. Well, the terrorists targeted that city and
Arab city in Israel and killed thirteen children. That it's

not hard to see, just like you were saying earlier,
without the lens of anti Semitism, it's very clear what's
right and what's wrong. It's very clear who's the enemy
and who's the one defending life and values. When you
bring anti Semitism into the mix, suddenly killings are justified,
rapes are justified, and we need heroes like you Li

said to get the word out.

Speaker 1 (27:56):
Well, you're the hero, you know, on the ground doing
important work, and I know you've got a lot of
work ahead of you. Is there anything else you'd like
to leave us with before we go.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
Well, I just want the people, especially in America to know,
and Christians around the world, how much we appreciate your
friendship and how this will be written in the history
books of Israel, the Jewish people, I believe, also America
and the world we still today all tell the stories
of the heroic Corey ten boots and those who risked

their lives to go against what was popular during the
Holocaust in order to stand with what is right, what
is just, and what's holy in God's eyes. And today
we have millions of Corey ten booms. And I'm so
honored on the ground in Israel every time I distribute
a food box and save a life, and place a
bomb shelter, and provide ambulance that is bulletproof and shrapnel

proof that can operate during war under rocket attack. And
I say, in all these situations, these are from Christians
who love you. These are from Christians who love you.
That the people of Israel will never forget the silenced majority.
And actually how you found a way while being silenced,
to make your voice so heard by saying we stand

with life. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Speaker 1 (29:17):
And I appreciate that, you know, showing love at a
time when you know there is so much hatred as well.
You know, we appreciate what you do. We appreciate you
joining the show. I know you've got you're a busy
woman doing really important work, so we appreciate you coming
on here and you know, just giving us some insight
into to what it's been like and what you guys
are the work that you're accomplishing. So we really appreciate you,

appreciate your time.

Speaker 2 (29:42):
Thank you so much, Lisa, And for anyone who wants
to get involved, even just one food box forty five dollars,
you can go to www dot IFCJ dot org and
if you want to see what we're doing on a
daily basis, where I am in the field the people
of Israel, the human side, you can follow me on
all social media.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
Yeah, thank you so much. We appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (30:02):
Thank you, Lisa, God bless you, God bless you.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
That was Yale Exstein, the President and CEO of the
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Appreciate her for coming
on the show. Obviously she's surrounded by enemies right now
in Israel, you know, doing great humanitarian work and it's
a scary time, so appreciate her for taking the time.
Appreciate you guys at home for listening every Monday and Thursday.

But you can listen throughout the week. I want to
thank John Cassio and my producer for putting the show together.
Until next time.

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