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May 27, 2024 34 mins

In this episode, Tudor interviews Sandy Wirtz, the mother of Petty Officer Second Class Scott Wirtz, a U.S. Navy SEAL who lost his life while serving in Syria. They discuss the true meaning of Memorial Day and the importance of honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Sandy shares stories about Scotty's adventurous spirit and his dedication to his job as a Navy SEAL. She also talks about the challenges of having a loved one deployed and the support available for families who have lost a service member. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network. For more visit

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
On this Memorial Day, a day when we honor those
who lost their lives overseas or in service of some
sort for our country, and today we wanted to bring
on the mother of Petty Officer second Class Scottie Wortz.
He was a US Navy seal and he lost his

life when he was serving our country over in Syria.
And I wanted to just go through with Sandy a
little bit about who Scotty was and then what life
is like as someone who goes out and advocates for
families and for our country. And so Sandy Wurtz is
with me today. Sandy, welcome to the podcast. Thank you,

thank you, thank you so much for joining us today.
I think a lot of people get confused sometimes about
Memorial Day, and they think it's just a day to
kind of celebrate the country or celebrate people who have
served the country. But it is really a day where
we honor those those who made the ultimate sacrifice to
defend our country.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
That's very true.

Speaker 4 (01:05):
And I recently saw a post on Facebook. It talked
about Memorial Day and the barbecues and the parties and
they get togethers and this was pointed out the fact
that the reason that you are at these barbecues and
that you can celebrate is because there are those who

are supposed to be remembered on Memorial Day. That made
that all possible for you, and I thought it was
a wonderful post that would make people think about the
real purpose of Memorial Day, which seems to have been
lost over the years.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
It's true.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
I think it's important for us as parents to sit
down with our kids and have that discussion. And I
actually said to my girls the other day, Hey, this
weekend is coming up. Do you fully understand why we
get to have time together as a family, why we
get to do this?

Speaker 1 (01:53):
And so we went through that lesson.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
I think it's important for all families to really discuss
the uniqueness of America. That we are this superpower, but
that power only comes from humans who make this choice
to serve us in this way, and your son was
one of those. Actually, I want to mention that we've
had John Turnbull on Major John Turnbull on this program

before John introduced us, because Scotty was with him the
day that John was injured in the accident and three
others lost their lives.

Speaker 1 (02:25):
You know John very well, don't you.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
I sure do. John has become my other son.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
He speaks so highly of you. So Scotty was your
only child, correct, Yes, he was. Tell us a little
bit about him.

Speaker 4 (02:41):
Well, I think I was very blessed, which I learned
later in life, to have such a good boy. He
was never any trouble when he was growing up. He
was very adventuresome, he was very happy. He was very
eager to take risks, and that led to him coming
home one day and saying, I think I'm going to
be a Navy seal.

Speaker 2 (03:02):

Speaker 1 (03:03):
That hard to hear though.

Speaker 4 (03:05):
You know, at the time the seals were known, but
not as well known.

Speaker 3 (03:11):
And you know, also as.

Speaker 4 (03:13):
A mom, you understand you don't want to discourage your
children from doing anything. But on the other hand, it's like,
you know how many hair brained ideas they come up.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
With, you know, do that?

Speaker 4 (03:24):
So and he was still in you know, he was
still young. But the recruiters came to his high school
and he talked to the recruiters and he went into
the army, and I mean into the excuse me, into
the Navy. And even with that, you don't become a
Navy seal. And I remember him I'm going to be
a Navy seal. I'm going to be a Navy seal.
And I remember saying to him, you know, Scott, I

just want you to understand that if you don't make
it to BUDS, you don't.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
Get out of the navy.

Speaker 4 (03:52):
You know, you better have a backup plan because and
he was like, no, Mom, I'm going to be a
Navy seal. And I'll never forget that phone call the
very early on a Sunday morning when he completed BUDS
and he just called and said, Mom.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
I did it.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
Oh that was so cool.

Speaker 4 (04:09):
And I was really proud that he had the confidence
in himself to try this and that he had the
grit to get it done and do it.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
And he actually deployed what over twenty times, didn't he?

Speaker 2 (04:26):

Speaker 3 (04:26):
Yeah, he was.

Speaker 4 (04:27):
He was actually in service for over twenty two years.
The first eight of those years he was in the
Navy as a seal. But as he said to me
one day, Mom, I've got skills and I'm not being used.
I'm going to get out and I'm going to be
a contractor.

Speaker 3 (04:47):
And at the time, if you.

Speaker 4 (04:49):
Recall, contractors were known for paying a lot of money
and trying to recruit these boys, and I said's guy,
please tell me you're not doing this for money. And
that's when he said, Mom, I've got skills, and I've
worked very hard.

Speaker 3 (05:03):
To attain those skills, and I want to use them.
And so then he pursued the rest of his career.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
And I think that's something.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
I mean, even when we spoke with John, and then
when I've spoken to John since, it's fascinating to me
because I think there's nobody that I've spoken to that
has as much passionate about what they do and helping
other people than these folks who serve the country, which
obviously is a natural expectation for someone who's given of

their life and been willing to give up their life
that they would continue. But just that I think that's
something that young people today need to hear. Your story
is so powerful that he was recruited in high school
and then he kept saying, I've got skills that need
to be used, and the things that they saw over there,
they were not easy. He chose to go over there

as a contractor and help to build schools, to get
people back to support these missions. So it wasn't like
he was out of it. He was still a government
contractor helping with these things.

Speaker 4 (06:03):
Oh yeah, he was still a very active part of
that intelligence community that is doing their part and identifying
who is doing what and who needs to be taken
care of. And that's how I ended up with John
turnbook on that last mission.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
For those of us who are celebrating with families and
honoring the country and honoring people like your son this
weekend and today, how do we talk to them about
what it's like when your son was deployed. What for
those of us who don't have people that are that
are deployed, that are service members, how do you how

would you explain that to children today from the lens
of not only the fact that you're excited and you
are proud and this is something amazing, but also kind
of what are the daily stresses too?

Speaker 3 (06:55):
Well, first of all, I heard it compared one time to.

Speaker 4 (07:01):
Their desire and need to be deployed. It's like training
all season for the football game.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
And never getting But I can remember.

Speaker 4 (07:11):
Scotty being really excited about going and doing his job,
and I remember when he was coming home, I would
get a text.

Speaker 3 (07:22):
And you've probably heard about about Colonel Jack.

Speaker 4 (07:27):
Scotty sent me a text and he said, I can't
wait to get home and talk and discuss my deployment
with Jack.

Speaker 3 (07:32):
Because Jack's retired.

Speaker 4 (07:34):
Air Force Vietnam era fighter pilot, so they had that
common bound. But it really is a double edged sword
because as a parent, there's nothing more of it than
you want your child to be happy.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
And Scotty was happy.

Speaker 4 (07:51):
He loved what he did, and obviously from the I
have skills, I want to use him. He was dedicated
to his job, loved his country. So I tried not
to focus on when he left, but every time he left,
I just thought, is this the last time? So that

you know, I tried to stay positive, and you know,
he helped it be positive because he was so happy
to be doing his job that I couldn't be unhappy.
And of course I never said anything to him about
my worry and concerns.

Speaker 2 (08:29):
My generation growing up, when we heard about people who
had been deployed, the stories were, you know, obviously World
War Two or Vietnam, and even the Vietnam stories, I
would say, we didn't hear much about when I was
growing up because it was our parents, and I remember
my parents' friends who had gone over, and they were

drafted obviously, so it was a little different. But my parents'
friends who had gone over never spoke about it, never
talked about it, and they never talked about communicating back
and forth because the communication was not so simple. There
was not technology, and so it was letters back and forth.
What is it like today when you have someone over there?
Is the communication more free flowing? Are you able to

talk more often?

Speaker 3 (09:13):
Well, I have a story I'd like to tell you.

Speaker 4 (09:17):
On January sixteenth of twenty nineteen, I was driving in
my car and listening to Brian Kilmea who had said
there are four Americans that were killed in Syria.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
I knew Scotty was in Syria, so I stopped.

Speaker 4 (09:32):
The car and I texted them, and then I went
on to the grocery store or whatever. And it always
amazed me that no matter where Scotty was, or no
matter what time of day, I usually got a response
within thirty minutes.

Speaker 3 (09:51):
So I got back home and no response. So I
texted him again and just said.

Speaker 4 (09:57):
You know, we never talked that off von text. So
I said, yeah, I just checking in, just like to
hear from you. Didn't hear anything and then all through
the day I was like, I didn't tell anybody. I
didn't want to upset anybody. And finally at dawn and
I said, oh, well, of course he can't text you.

Speaker 3 (10:17):
He's busy. There's been a bombing in Syria. And it's funny.

Speaker 4 (10:21):
When I look back, how your mind plays these tricks.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
It was on five o'clock news, no names. Of course,
still didn't Saint went to.

Speaker 4 (10:31):
Bed and then I got the proverbial midnight knock on
the door and I said, Scotty's gone. So the media,
well I always laugh and not laugh, but when people
say to me, how did.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
You find out?

Speaker 4 (10:45):
And I said, I was listening to Brian Kill Me
on the radio, so even though it wasn't confirmed, but
I had that. And one other time, Scotty had a
job with the CIA and.

Speaker 3 (10:58):
He was on a shop and.

Speaker 4 (11:00):
He had posted some Facebook photos of him fishing and
you know, signs and all of this, and I thought, oh,
my gosh, she's lost his mind. He shouldn't be doing that,
and I was really upset with him. And then he
came home and I said, you know that I don't
think you were using your head. He said, Mom, what

was I doing. I said, well, I don't know what
you were doing, but I didn't think that was appropriate.
And he said, Mom, that whole ship, the whole bottom
of that ship was intelligence equipment. He said, I was
supposed to look like I was having fun. So again,
even the help that social media and all that could

bring by, you know, putting a guise of him having
a good time when he's really doing some serious work.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on
a Tutor Dixon podcast.

Speaker 2 (11:56):
I mean, it's so much different than what are my
parents lived through, what my grandparents lived through. But it
doesn't it certainly doesn't make it any easier when communication
gets cut off and you are left wondering. And today,
because we are honoring families like yours and the men
and women who made that ultimate.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
Sacrifice, just can you walk us through that night? What
is that like?

Speaker 2 (12:21):
Because I think that young people and all Americans should
know that we've seen this in the movies, but this
is your real story.

Speaker 4 (12:30):
Yes, well, and I didn't know what to expect, so
of course the people from the Defense Intelligence Agency were there.
There was a chaplain, and then there was another person.
I can't remember their title. But they came to the
house and I told them, I said, you know, I'm

not I had a feeling that this was the problem.
So they explained to us that we were to go
to Dover Air Force Base. When Scotti's body came back
from I guess they took.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
Them to Germany.

Speaker 4 (13:07):
And so they made arrangements for us, and we had
escorts to go to Dover Air Force Base. And again
to your point of the social media, there were four
families there and they asked us, do.

Speaker 3 (13:20):
You want this to be televised and we said, well.

Speaker 4 (13:23):
No, we don't want to be on TV, but yes,
I think people should see the dignified transfer. And since
then we've seen you know, you've seen the ramp of
the cargo plane and.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
You've seen the soldiers carry the casket down.

Speaker 4 (13:38):
And we were very blessed because President Trump and Secretary
Pompeo both came to Dover Air Force Base and spoke
to us, and that also was very significant that they
recognized the seriousness of this and the grief.

Speaker 3 (13:57):
So that helped. And then we got back from Dover
Air Force Base.

Speaker 4 (14:01):
We had to wait another week until his body was
returned to Saint Louis and so we went to Lambertfield
in Saint Louis in Southwest Airlines had a very dignified
ceremony removing his casket and then we took him to
the funeral parlor. And on that day it wasn't even
his funeral. On that day, on the way from Lambertfield

to the funeral parlor, it was about maybe twenty thirty minutes.
We had the Patriot Guard that escorted his casket and
people lined up on the highway.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
It was just amazing.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
And again I think the social media aspect people know
to do these things. There's an organization in Saint Louis
called Flags of Valor. The man that runs this had
seventy five volunteers and he told me this is the
most volunteers he's ever had. They placed one hundred flags
on ten foot pools around the cemetery. Everybody driving up

and down could see it. Because of the schedule with
Jefferson Barracks Cemetery, Scotty was at the funeral partment for
a week and so I was able to go every
day and sit with him and be with him. But
then the day of his funeral, the mass was at

the Basilica of Saint Louis, which is a huge cathedral,
and they still tell me today that Scotty's mass was
the biggest one that they have had. And you know
in Saint Louis with the policemen and all that, and
then again from from the basilica to the cemetery, every
overpass had a fire truck on it with a flag

on the ladder. The streets the highway was lined on
both sides with people and so I think the social
media aspect of that helps people recognize and I was
I will never ever forget the hundreds of people in
Saint Louis that came out that honored my son.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
That is such an inspiring story on a day where
that's what this day is about. And I think so
many people across the country feel like we're losing that patriotism.
But you're giving us all hope right now because to
see the country rally around a family who has given
so much because you all knew that it was important

to keep this country safe.

Speaker 4 (16:34):
Yes, and there I'm happy to say that there is
lots of support for people who lose their children.

Speaker 3 (16:43):
Right now.

Speaker 4 (16:44):
I am at a Navy Seal Foundation Parents Well weekend
and I am here with other parents who lost their sons,
and we have counseling sessions, we have team buildings sessions.
But I think the most important thing. There are lots

of dance here, but there's lots of moms and the
best thing about that is that we can unembarrassed and
uninhibited cry on each other's shoulders.

Speaker 5 (17:17):
And it is just it's so important to be able
to have that freedom to really show your grief when
you know, we all try to put up a good front,
but you.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
Know, there's the Navy Steal Foundation, Carry the Load, another organization,
one of Scotty's really good friends, started Carry the Load
just what I told you at the beginning, because he
looked around and saw nobody was celebrating Memorial Day for the.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
Reason they were supposed to.

Speaker 4 (17:52):
And Carry the Load does a cross country walk and bus,
but they go through cities and when they come to
Saint we start and we walk to Jefferson Barracks Cemetery.
But I attribute Stephen Hollie to also bringing back because
that's what Carrie the Load is about, remembering.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
Well, and maybe that's what we need to be talking
about on this day as well. Is not just that
it should be an honoring and a memory, but that
we also need to continue to supports. It sounds like
these are nonprofit organizations that anybody can support. I mean,
we hear a lot about Tunnel to Towers and what
they do for our first responders, but I think this
is sort of an area where we have always kind

of thought, well, the government takes care of people and
this and that, but it's really people who take care
of people. So are these nonprofits that anybody can help with?

Speaker 3 (18:41):

Speaker 4 (18:42):
There's one in Saint Louis, and again, you know the
good side the bad side. If there's one thing I've
learned is that throughout all the bad, there is lots
and lots of good, but you don't know it's out
there until, unfortunately, you have this.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
Shortly after Scotty was.

Speaker 4 (18:59):
Killed, there's an organization in Saint Louis called Dogs for
Our Brain. They provide service dogs to PTSD patients, veterans
who have lost limbs. Incredible organizations, Incredible what these dogs
can do. And unlike any of the other associations that
do this.

Speaker 3 (19:19):
There is no charge ever.

Speaker 4 (19:22):
I mean, your vet care, your food and it's all
completely taken care of. And if your dog dies, they
give you a new dog and start all over again.
It's really a wonderful organization and again carry the load.

Speaker 3 (19:36):
They do wonderful things.

Speaker 4 (19:39):
There is another organization in Saint Louis called Flags of Valor.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
They're the ones that put the.

Speaker 4 (19:44):
Flags around the funeral home for Scottie, and of course
the Navy Seale Foundations.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
So there are.

Speaker 2 (19:51):
And when people are listening to this, I think the
important thing to recognize here is how meaningful these organizations
are to the families who are left behind. And for
your story is amazing when you tell about driving to
the funeral and seeing all this, it is meaningful. These
things matter, but that care needs to continue to go on.

And just like all of us who have lost someone
in their lives, you know you're constantly I mean, grief
hits you in many different ways. And knowing that our
families who said, hey, I'm going to give my person
to you for a little while, and I know that
they may not return. When they don't return, it's up
to us to make sure those people have the support

that they need.

Speaker 3 (20:36):
Yes, absolutely, and.

Speaker 4 (20:39):
I just want everybody to understand that it really really
makes a difference. Like I said to be with these
other moms truly understand the grief because in most cases
people offer sympathy, but you don't want to bore them
or act like a martyr or anything like that. So

you know, I know all of us moms are pretty
much the same. Thank you, Thank you for your sympathy,
thank you for your concern. But to be here with
these moms is what is a very healing thing.

Speaker 3 (21:15):
It works.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
Stay tuned for more of my interview with Sandy Wurtz,
but first I want to take a moment to tell
you more about my partners at IFCJ. Since October seventh,
the attacks on Israel have increased, with Iran and its
proxies launching an attack of hundreds of drones and missiles.
And as you know, Israelis are living with the harsh
reality of terror every single day. But the International Fellowship

of Christians and Jews is on the ground now addressing
all of those urgent needs. And that's why I'm partnering
with IFCJ today. Listen, guys, they are praying for the best,
but IFCJ is preparing for the worst by packing emergency
bomb shelter kits that can be delivered immediately to those
in desperate need, and you can help. Your life saving

donation today will help assemble and place these kids with
enough food and life saving emergency supplies for twenty people
huddled in a bomb shelter. The cost to put together
and distribute these kids is about two hundred and ninety
dollars each. Your gift will help save lives, and today
there's a bonus thanks to a matching challenge gift from
a generous IFCJ supporter, Your gift will double an impact

to help provide twice the support. The number to call
to make sure you get your gift in is eight
eight eight four eight eight IFCJ. That's eight eight eight
four eight eight four three two five. Where you can
always go online to support IFCJ dot org to give.
That's one word, support IFCJ dot org to give more.

After this with Sandywurtz, before I let you go, I
want to hear a little bit more about Scotty outside
of his service, because I think it's important for people
to not only meet you and know you as his mother,
but know him because there is a Scotti that is
not just a navy seal. He was a steep sea fisherman.

He was an undefeated MMA fighter. I mean, it's funny
to me when I look at this, because I'm like,
at the beginning, you started by saying, well, he sometimes
gets a hair brain idea, and I'm like, okay, I
can see he seems to be like kind of a
guy that's adventurous. So tell us a little bit about
the adventurous side of Scotti.

Speaker 4 (23:25):
And from the time he was a toddler, he was
this way. I remember he would jump on the bed
in his little under rus.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
Remember under roots, okay, with me in his under roose.
He would be jumping up and down on the bed
and I was like, what are you doing.

Speaker 4 (23:41):
I'm gonna be a wrestler. I want to be a wrestler.
And that was like three years old. And then he
was a skateboarder and he I know, I'm his mom,
but he was really good at it. And this is
the era of Tony Hawks, and he wanted to be
the next Tony Hawk. And I was like, Scotty, skateboarding

is not a career, you know, you.

Speaker 3 (24:03):
Have to have a backup plan.

Speaker 4 (24:07):
And then I laughed because I would go with him
and I would videotape him skateboarding.

Speaker 3 (24:12):
I mean he would go up steps and down railings.

Speaker 4 (24:14):
A couple of years later, I'm looking at these videos
and I was like, what kind of a mother was I?

Speaker 3 (24:18):
I mean.

Speaker 1 (24:20):
A good mother.

Speaker 3 (24:21):
Slay hurt and I'm going, oh, good job, Scott. And
then we had a final good laugh when.

Speaker 4 (24:28):
He called me one time and he said, to watch
the news today. He said, yeah, he said, to see
where Tony haff bought.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
His mom a million dollar house. I said, yeah, I
saw it. That could have been me, Mom, could.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
Have been me. It's hilarious.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
You're better off.

Speaker 4 (24:41):
But yes, as he as he grew older, another thing
and I thank God for this today.

Speaker 3 (24:47):
But Scotty never said ay for money, never had money.
I mean here he is in the Navy and his.

Speaker 4 (24:53):
Dad and I had to buy his tickets to come
home for Christmas because he didn't.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
Have any money. And of course he didn't say that
until two days before knows what the tickets were twice
as much. But I remember one time he called.

Speaker 4 (25:06):
Me and he said, Mom, You're not going to believe this,
but I am going deep sea fishing in the Canary
Islands and the prime week of the year, August second,
I'm going and he's talking about all this stuff, and again,
as his mother, I'm thinking, I wonder how much this costs.
And then he's talking about the boat or the ship
or whatever.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
And I said, so do you sleep on the boat.
Oh no, we got to get a hotel. But boy,
we got this really great place to say. So again
the dollar signs. I'm like, oh my gosh. And he
told me one time and then he finally said, and
it's only three thousand dollars. Got three thousand dollars for
one week.

Speaker 4 (25:42):
And then his jeep, his his jeep. He bought it
when he was in high school. He got a job
and he bought a nineteen This was in ninety three.
He bought a cheap It was a nineteen eighty five
Wrangler or something.

Speaker 2 (26:00):

Speaker 3 (26:00):
Is everlasting credit because.

Speaker 4 (26:01):
His mom or dad neither one have a technical bone
in their body. But he rebuilt this jeep and then
over the years he would have it repainted. Well, I
call me one time and he's like, mom, I sent
my jeep to Colorado. I said, what for a complete
overhaul makeover? And again, you know, he's telling me all

about the great things.

Speaker 3 (26:24):
And then I said, so, I'm like colors. Does this cost?
He said, Mom, it's one hundred thousand dollars. I said,
good grapes, got you. I read that. Not to worry, mom.

Speaker 4 (26:33):
They are always looking for jeeps like this to be
in the movies. One movie and the jeep will be
paid for. Well, of course, never made the movies, but
the jeep still is around today. Sold it to one
of his friends for a dollar to hang on to him,
so that they were going to ship.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
It to Thailand. But it was it was always the money.

Speaker 4 (26:53):
And as you can well imagine as I look back
on that now, thank god, he had such a good
time and good life.

Speaker 3 (27:01):
And the final about the money was when he was
in Syria, they found a dog and he.

Speaker 4 (27:09):
They just knew him and his buddy. They just knew
this was a special dog. And so they were going
to and of course it was starting and everything, so
it ranged hard to go to the ASPCA in Iraq
and he's telling me the story, and you know, the
dog came back. They weren't happy with it, so they
sent it back and they said, this dog has got

to be good. We're sending it back to America. And
the whole time, I'm like, oh my gosh, how much
is this costing?

Speaker 3 (27:38):
Because they had to.

Speaker 4 (27:39):
Arrange for it to be on the helicopter, their helicopter
to go. And I remember that the commander had told
them get rid of the dog, and they were hiding
the dog. The only time the dog would bark is
when the commander walked in. So he finally, you know,
they got the doc and the commander said, if you

don't get rid of the dog, we're gonna shoot it,
you know. So they're arranging descended away and then the
final note was the commander comes in and says, can
you please tell me why this dog's name is on
the flight manifest to go to the So they had
finally gotten caught, and they.

Speaker 3 (28:17):
All admitted to it.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
But all the time I didn't know how much it costs,
and I couldn't believe it. The DA wrote that story
about Stewie the dog in their monthly little booklet newsletter,
and I'm reading this story and it said and work
spent thirty eight hundred dollars on that dog, And I thought, oh,
I knew someday.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
I was going to find out that costs.

Speaker 1 (28:41):
So eventually he got caught by you as well.

Speaker 3 (28:44):
Yeah, yes, yes, but you know, just other things. He
was well, and this relates to me.

Speaker 4 (28:52):
But I was in San Diego and I was an
event planner and I was running this event. In the
weight staff at the hotel all had their name tags
and their countries on it, and they were all from Brazil.
So I said to this group of young kids, I said,
any of you ever heard of Anderson Silva And they're like, oh,

Anderson Silva. Do you know Anderson Silva? And I said, no,
I don't. Anyway, Anderson silver it was the top MMA
wrestler in the world for many many years.

Speaker 3 (29:25):
Well, good old Scotty. He figures out a way to
get to Brazil and train with him, and he's going
to do and that was his MMA fight that he won.
You don't have to broadcast this, but it was the
only fight he ever did. So that's really that's why
you don't have to stay that part. I like the

other part.

Speaker 4 (29:47):
But anyway, these kids were like totally excited that they
kept thinking I knew Anderson Silva and I explained it
to you. I said, no, my son wrestled with him. Well,
the next day I go down to the meeting and
there must have been ten or twelve of these young
kids there and I walk into the area and they go,
we heard you know Anderson Silva And I said no, no,

I said.

Speaker 2 (30:09):
I do not.

Speaker 3 (30:10):
But I used to laugh and I said's got it.
You made me famous.

Speaker 4 (30:14):
You know, these kids left me and one other story,
and I'm probably taking too much time. I was in
the business aviation industry for like thirty thirty five years,
so I knew a lot of people and it's a
big industry. We were having an event at the Sheridan
Hotel in San Diego, which is right next to the airport,

right across from the base where they keep the ships
and stuff. Well, it was baseball season and the Seal
parachute team we're going to parachute into the baseball stadium
in downtown San Diego, and so we had lunch outside
that day and here goes the Navy Seal parachuters and

they're all going and they're practicing. It was so funny
because after it was over, some of the guys came
up to me and they said, Sandy, did you arrange them?
And I was like, no, I would certainly like to
take credit for it, but no, I did not arrange.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
That but Scotty and I had so many laughs over things.

Speaker 4 (31:14):
I mean, because at the time, Navy seals weren't as
televised or promoted, or you didn't know about him.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
Right, Yeah, no, I didn't.

Speaker 2 (31:22):
You're right about that, because you didn't hear about him until, like,
I don't know, Issama Bin Lauden or something.

Speaker 3 (31:29):
Yeah, pretty much. So yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
So anyway, well, we are so glad that you shared
Scotty's life with us today. Honestly, that is what today
is all about, for us to look back at these
amazing people. I think that based on some of the
stories you told, I think that Scotty and I would
probably today be the very close in age because I
recognized a lot of that stuff from my childhood. He

sounds like he was an incredibly fun guy.

Speaker 4 (31:56):
He you know, in retrospect, I can only say that
I can look, I can thank God for my blessing
because Scott is he was healthy, He lived a great life.
And there are so many others out there whose children

whose boys.

Speaker 3 (32:18):
Were killed in training. They were in their journals, they
were never.

Speaker 4 (32:21):
Able to even be a Navy seal and do the
job that Scotty got to do.

Speaker 3 (32:26):
You know, Scotty was forty two years old, so he
was able to live life.

Speaker 4 (32:30):
I was able to raise a child into adulthood.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
So you kind of have to look back and.

Speaker 4 (32:38):
Count your blessings and realize that there are so many
that weren't, so many mobs that didn't get to.

Speaker 3 (32:46):
Have what I had.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
Oh, you are so blessed with these beautiful stories and
these beautiful memories. But just so you are aware, you
are a blessing to us, and I think you are
a blessing to the entire United States of America. And
that's today. What today is all about is for us
to say to you, thank you, thank you for what
you've given to us. You are a blessing.

Speaker 4 (33:11):
Well, and thank you, and thank you for teaching your
kids the meaning of this day and for setting an
example for other parents.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
To teach their kids about what today.

Speaker 2 (33:20):
Is all about. Absolutely, Sandy Wurtz, thank you and thank
you all for listening to us here on the Tutor
Dixon podcast. You heard all those places that she mentioned. Honestly, today,
take a moment, step aside, look up some places that
you can help, you can give to, that you can
support for these folks who have given so much to

make sure that they have all the support that they
need on this Memorial Day. Thank you so much for listening.
Make sure you check out Tutor disonpodcast dot com. You
can subscribe right there, or head over to the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts, and have
a blessed Memorial Day.

Speaker 1 (33:59):
Thank you, m

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