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May 17, 2024 33 mins

In this episode, Tudor and Corey DeAngelis discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the education system and the need for school choice. They highlight how the pandemic revealed the flaws in the government school system and the power of teachers unions. They also discuss the importance of parental involvement in education and the need for transparency and accountability in schools. Corey emphasizes the need for school choice as a way to empower parents and improve the quality of education. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network. For more visit

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast. I had an interesting
radio interview this morning where we were talking about this
recent poll that came out, and the story now is
that people are starting to forget the pandemic, starting to
get past that and not really think about that when
they look back at Donald Trump's presidency. But I'm thinking
that that maybe only applies to his presidency and not

what happened in our schools, because we as parents learned
a heck of a lot through COVID. And I always
say that when we look back at that time, even
though there was a lot of tragedy and loss and
it was a very challenging time as Christians, we have
to look back at that time and say, well, what
did we get from that, What did we learn from that?
What were the takeaways? And I think in the education

system there were major takeaways from COVID, and I look
at that and say, well, that was a blessing that
God gave us through this that we would never have known.
I think parents sitting by their computer, their child's computer,
and seeing what they were learning or what they weren't learning,
and also just having that whole insight into how parents
weren't very welcomed into the classroom in a way we

didn't recognize was the case until COVID hit. And so
I'm excited about my guest today because he has been
a warrior and a champion for parents in this subject.
He's also recently written a book. His name is Corey DeAngelis.
I'm sure you've all heard of him. He's a senior
Fellow at the American Federation for Children and a visiting

fellow at the Hoover Institution, and he is the author
of the new book The Parent Revolution, Rescuing Your Kids
from the Radicals Ruining our Schools. And you guys know,
we've talked about this a lot. It's definitely an issue.
It's still going on. There's a lot to talk about.
But first, before we get into that, I just want
to talk to you quickly again about what your opportunity

is with the Fellowship, the International Fellowship of Christians in Jews.
We've been talking about this for a few weeks now,
still want to give you that opportunity to help out.
We know the attacks we're severe on October seventh, we
know that Iran is still attacking, and the International Fellowship
of Christians and Jews is on the ground now addressing
all of the urgent needs. And that's why, as you know,

I have partnered with IFCJ. And while they are praying
for the best, they are always preparing for the worst.
And right now, IFCJ is packing emergency bomb shelter kits
that can be delivered immediately to those in desperate need,
and your life saving donation will help assemble and place
those kits with enough food and life saving emergency supplies

for twenty people huddled in a bomb shelter and experience
we have never had to go through. Listen. The cost
to put one of these kits together and distribute them
is two hundred and ninety dollars each. Your gift can
help save people's lives, and today, thanks to a matching
challenge gift from a generous IFCJ supporter, your gift will

double an impact to help provide twice the support. The
number to call to make your gift is eight eight
eight four eight eight IFCJ again. That's eight eight eight
four eight eight IFCJ or four three two five, or
you can always go online. It's support IFCJ dot org. Again.

That's one word support IFCJ dot org to give your
gift today. Thank you so much for your continued support
of our brothers and sisters over in Israel. Now let's
bring it back to the United States and talk about
what is going on in our schools. Corey, welcome back
to the podcast.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
Hey tutor, thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
Absolutely so you've got this new book out. But you
heard what I was saying about COVID, and I really
feel that way. I mean, for me, it was significant
because I was watching what was happening and I said,
I don't know if my kids are going to go
back to school. I don't know when they're going to
go back to school. And now I know that they
probably wouldn't have gone back to school for at least
another year. So we pulled them from the public school

system and sent them to private school in twenty twenty.
Well end up to our early twenty twenty twenty twenty one,
that cycle of school and their education has just been
night and day. And we come from a very good
public school system. However, when you start to break out
down what's happening in these school systems, it's not necessarily
always friendly to our kids, is it right?

Speaker 2 (04:19):
And COVID didn't break the government school system in a
lot of ways. It was already broken, and the school
closures the teachers unions overplaying their hand, just revealed their
true colors and woke up families. It sparked a parent
revolution so much that I dedicated the book to Randy
Winegarden and the teachers unions for overplaying their hand and

awakening a sleeping giant, which happens to be parents who
want more of a say in their kids' education. First,
the parents saw that the schools didn't care all that
much about them. They were closed while the private schools
were open. Families were scraping by trying to figure out
how they had were going to be able to pay
twice once for the closed government school and then again
out of pocket for private school tuition and fees. Other

families were trying to figure out homeschooling and micro schools
what some people were calling pandemic pods. But the other
thing that happened was that families got to see what
was happening in the classroom through remote learning, which, look,
we really should have just called it remotely learning. There
wasn't a lot of learning going on, but it wasn't
even just that. It wasn't just that they were horrible

at teaching academics. Families who thought that their kids were
in good schools based on their test scores started to
see something else was going on. They were focusing more
on indoctrination, gender ideology, critical race theory, other divisive concepts,
and confusing children that were indoctrinating, not educating, And that

sparked a parent revolution. And now we have eleven Red
states already with universal school choice, allowing families to choose
the school that works best for them, public, private, charter, homeschool,
and to have the money follow the child. Education funding
is supposed to be meant for educating children, not for
protecting a building or a particular institution. It should follow

the kid if we should fund students, not systems. And
I detail how, in very significant detail, specific things the
unions did. And oh, if you want to look at
the book, you can take Senator Ted Cruz's advice on
the back. He says, ruin Randy Winingarten's day by reading
this book. But they can't rewrite history. I mean, all

the receipts are there. They lobbied the CDC to close
the schools, They held children's education hostage. They got one
hundred and ninety billion dollars in extortion payments and ransom
payments from the taxpayer, and they were fear mongering every
step of the way. I was living in DC at
the time, and they were putting fake body bags outside
the public school offices. They were using caskets and tombstones,

fake ones. Obviously in other places like Arizona, they were
telling that their members to send letters to the governor,
and they were telling them how to create fake obituaries
and fake epitaphs. I mean, they can't teach anything else,
but they figured out how to teach their members how
to fearmonger every step of the way, and it just
made them look like fringe lunatics and control freaks.

Speaker 1 (07:16):
Well, and for people who are listening who don't know
Randy Weiningarten, she is the president of one of the
largest teachers unions in the United States, and she has
been the champion for She was the champion for shutting
down schools. She's been a champion for a lot of
this radical ideology that has come in boys and girls sports,
all of this kind of stuff that's happened tampon's in

the boys bathroom, all of these things had they been
championed by this woman. But then at the end of
COVID she came out and she was like, I was
the one championing opening the schools, which I mean, this
is gaslighting at its best. This is how the Democrat
party works in and I want to point out that
she is a very strong Democrat. So for people who

are sending their kids to school, if you're questioning whether
or not political ideology is going into the schools, this
is not just someone who has come out and publicly
said she's a Democrat. She goes around to campaigns with people.
She makes sure that she's funding their campaigns, and that
blows my mind. These teachers put massive amounts of money
into these unions. The unions are only using a small

portion of it. They're giving most of it back to
their Democrat friends to make sure they get elected, to
make sure policies go into place where they can just
continue to squander American funds and taxpayer dollars. And I
say that because if you start to break down some
of these schools, you've got the Chicago teachers out on
a vacation. But they do this across the country. They

take these massive vacations, and I'm saying that because they say, oh,
this is a training and quotes, I'm saying this is
this is a school training and they end up in
Cancun for a week and they spend a million dollars.
And if you are pulling them, which I think we
should be on a regular basis, pulling their spending in saying,
how is it that they can tell us teachers aren't
getting paid enough? And how do teachers stand for it

if they pull a Foyer request and find out that
the money is being spent on people's boob jobs and
vacations over in Cancuon.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
Yeah, And you can even look on the Open Secrets website.
Anybody listening, you can look up the American Federation of Teachers,
Randy Winegardon's union. Ninety nine point nine seven percent of
her campaign contributions in twenty twenty two went to Democrats,
non independents, not Republicans. And it's been like that for decades.
I'm finally, parents are finally figuring out this complex money

laundering scheme between this incestuous relationship between the Democrat Party
and the teachers' unions. In a way, the Democrats are
basically a wholly owned subsidiary of the teachers' union, and
that's why they fought to keep schools closed for so long.
During when Congress was debating reopening schools, you had the
teachers union spike their donations towards the Democrat Party to

fight to keep the schools closed as long as possible.
And you had Chicago teacher Genie Yes, they were vacationing
in Puerto Rico and other places while railing against going
back to work. They were deleting. They deleted a tweet
actually in twenty twenty one, I believe that they said
that the push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism,

and misogyny. They threw every lefty buzzword at the wall
to see what would stick. Just to not go back
to work. They were even striking in twenty twenty two,
I mean, two weeks to slow the spread in Chicago
turned into two years to flatten a generation of kids.
But the good news is although they hurt kids academically, mentally, physically,

socially with these school closures to extract resources from taxpayers,
they showed families. What was happening and now, I mean,
look at what happened with Terry mccalliff. Randy W. Weingarten
does stump for candidates, and she did in Virginia with
Terry mccalliffe, the former governor of Virginia. He was a

blue state that went ten points to Biden. The year before,
Glenn Youngkin won on the issue of education with education
voters by six points and that was the number two
issue in the election. So Republicans can win on the
issue of education freedom as long as they have the
funding to balance out the funding from the unions, and

if they have the right message with parental rights and
parents being in the driver's seat. Because Terry mccaulliff messed
up on the campaign trail he said I don't think
parents should be telling schools what they should teach, and
then had the school closer Randy Weingarten as his campaign closer.
The night before the election, she was stumping for him.
So I think the GOP can pick up the mantle

and become the parents' party if they continue this to
lean into parnal rights as a political winner and just
the right thing to do well.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
And I think she's also been pretty clear about being
a globalist and wanting to have a global society. I mean,
this is the woman who came out with the Ukraine flag.
I'llbeit upside down. She tweeted a picture of herself holding
the Ukraine flag, but then she also went to Ukraine,
and I'm like, why are you? Why are you? And

who is paying for this? Are our teachers paying for
her to have this lavish trip over to Ukraine and
then go out and tell everybody that she did this
To me, It's just very frustrating to see all of this,
and that's what I think woke people up, parents up,
and they said, well, wait a minute, we are not
going to allow this to happen in these schools anymore.
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on

the Tutor Dixon podcast. When you bring up Virginia, we
had the parent who was hauled out of the school
board meeting because he was talking about his daughter being
raped because of the policies there, and they were like,
get out of here, you have no say here now.
Ultimately they came back and they were like, oh, maybe

we screwed that up, But that is the sense that
as parents we got. That's how they see us. They
don't see us as having value, They don't see us
as in any input into our child's education. And I
think that's kind of the blessing that came out of COVID,
that parents got really way more involved in education, right.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
And that the National school Boards Association actually sent a
letter to President Biden implying that some parents should be
investigated for quote unquote domestic.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Terrorism right under.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
The Patriot Act. And they cited that parent in Virginia
that was upset about his daughter being raped in the school.
They cited him as an example as to why they
needed the FBI mobilized, using the strong arm of the
federal government to bully and silence parents into submission at
school board meetings. Well, guess what their plan backfired because

twenty six states have left the National school Boards Association,
And since they sent that ridiculous letter that only served
to do the opposite, It actually embolded families to push
back even harder, to lock arms to influence change, to
pressure politicians and school boards to pull their funding from
the National school Boards Association. We should call them the

Regional school Boards Association at this point, because they let
the mask slip, and people have held them accountable, but
you still have today to this day, some school boards
they'll cut off the mics of families because families are
reading books that apparently are okay for the classroom for
young children, but they're not okay for public meetings with adults,

which just goes to show you that the school boards
have it all wrong. And they also still try to
label families as evil people. Why because they see them
as a nuisance. They don't see the families as a
partner or even a customer in the relationship. When you
have school choice, when families can take that money to
the school board meeting and say, hey, if you don't
listen to me, if you cut off my MIC, I'm

going somewhere else with my child's education dollars, the school
boards will start to listen a little more because they'll
have an incentive to do so. Because that's how competition
works in every other sector. It works in education too,
So it almost counterintuitively, having school choice makes it less
likely that you'll have to exercise that choice because if

you have more agency, if you have more power in
that relationship and that discussion with the school board or
other leaders. If they listen to you, you might stay.
But if not, and if they can't fix things, because
it's a one size fits all disaster and it's a monopoly, still,
families should be able to take that money somewhere else.
We spend about twenty thousand dollars per kid in the

government schools. That amount has increased by about one hundred
and seventy percent inflation adjusted since nineteen seventy. Money doesn't
go to the classroom. It goes towards Randy Weingart and
it makes over five hundred thousand dollars a year. It
goes towards administrators. Between two thousand and twenty twenty, the
number of teachers and students in the system increased by

about the same amount, by about seven or eight percent,
but the number of administrators in the system increased by
about ninety percent. It's a jobs program for adults.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
And remember, this is government for.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
Kids, and this is how government doesn't work.

Speaker 1 (16:18):
That's right. And I think people forget your school is
government because that is funded by the government. It is
run by the government. And so as you get more
and more people who are pro big government. And I'm
to be honest, I've seen it on both sides, but
in this case, I say, this is more toward the
Democrat side. In our schools where we're getting increased administrations.
It's big government in our children's schools. But you mentioned something,

and I want to get to that, because you talked
about the whole domestic terrorism and I think that that
was when and something we've seen lately is that the
Democrats have overplayed their hand and so they started to
come out and say these these parents are domestic terrorists
and they've been listed as this on this like terror
watch list, and so you saw the leftist media come

out and say this, and I feel like it didn't
last that long because I think they sort of realized
it was kind of like Hillary Clinton's Deplorables moment. If
you go after the parents and you start to say
they're bad, they will stop going to that school. They
will make the choice I'm going to invest in my
child in a different way, and i will pull them.
And we started seeing that. I mean, I remember on

the East side of Michigan they said, gosh, some of
our schools they've had so much, so many students leave
that they've had to fire teachers and instead of being
honest about what that meant. They started to complain, We've
had to fire teachers. We're having to let teachers go
because the school system isn't well funded. It wasn't well
funded at quote unquote because students' parents were making the

choice to say we don't want our kids here, and
they didn't get the pupil funding because the heads weren't there,
the count wasn't there because parents said we are fed
up with this. I just want to compare that quickly
to today, for them to come out and say parents
were terror threats, and yet watching what is happening on
our college campuses, and no one is saying, where's the

FBI to investigate these forty year olds who are camping
on our college campuses, who are not students, who are
leading this rebellion against the United States, who are not students,
they're not parents of students. They are radicals that have
come in and the education system is saying it's okay,
they're looking the other way. Where are the news stations

now to say these are actual terrorists.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
I believe one of the universities, I believe it was UCLA,
actually weaponized the FBI against the pro Israel side on
the campuses. So it just goes to show you they
put the thumb on the scale on one side, and
then they act like they're being unbiased. They have a side,
they're picking a dog in the fight. And look the
teachers unions over the past few years, they've played stupid games.

They're winning stupid prizes. There has been a mass exodus
from the government school system. About a million kids have
left government school since pre pandemic times, and homeschooling has
basically doubled since pre pandemic levels. And I like that
you pointed out what's going on the college campus is
because all this rot starts in the K through twelve system.
The kids don't just they they're not just like this

when they enter the colleges. There is in doctrination at
these elite institutions. We shouldn't even call them elite anymore.
But these Ivy League institutions and other institutions of higher
indoctrination I like to call them, but I think it
starts for thirteen years with impressionable minds children going from

five to the age of eighteen, for seven hours a day.
Conservatives can't fight back against that leftward drift just by
having more kids. In a way, the left doesn't even
have to have kids anymore. They can use and weaponize
the school system to mold the minds of other people's
children in their leftist worldview. So even if you don't

have kids the school system today, if you care about
the future of our country, you can't just let this go.
You can't ignore what's happening in our public school system
because look at what's happening in the universities. Those people
are going out into corporations, they're going out to the
rest of society. We don't want our Americans to society
to drift more towards socialism. And guess what's going to

happen if you have socialists running our K through twelve schools.
Even if there's a lot of families that can access
homeschooling or ten percent going to private schools, well, guess what.
Ninety percent of kids about still attend the government run schools.
And you need to be able to fight back. Conservatives
have two ways most importantly to fight back. One take
back your school boards, and then two, have the power

to vote with your feet and exit so that the
school boards focus more on the basics as opposed to indoctrination,
and so that at the end of the day, if
a parent says, you know what, this is beyond repair
and I'm not gonna this is not a school that's
aligned with my values in my faith, I should be
able to take that money. Even if it's not the
full twenty thousand that we spend in the government schools.
You should at least be able to get ten thousand.

And some states are doing that, letting families take half
of the money to go to a private school. Arizona
does this, Florida does this, Utah does this, Arkansas. A
lot of red states Iowa have passed universal school choice.
Every state should do it, but especially if you're a
red state led by Republicans. It's a party platform issue

to support school choice. So I'm looking at you home
state of Texas, where we just took out a lot
of the anti school choice incumbents. We targeted thirteen of
the guys in the House who voted against school choice
their own party platform, and we took out or forced
into runoffs ten of those out of the thirteen, translating
to a seventy seven percent win rate against incumbents, which

basically never happens. Incumbents win ninety five percent of the time,
usually the republic In primary voters in particular, even if
the politicians don't want the Republican Party to be the parents' party,
the voters are holding them to that moniker by taking
that priority to the ballot box with them.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
Well, I've said quite a bit on this program. The
listeners will know that I've said my experience has been
so life changing for my kids that I would put
investing in your child's education at the top of your list.
Because you focus so much on what they're going to eat,
what sports they're going to play, how they're exercising, all

the things that are making them healthy. Well, this is
their minds, and it is just as important as every
other part of their development, and in some cases more so,
because it's going to impact how they live as adults,
what they eat, what they do, because in these schools
they're told that you don't health. This in mindset, you know,
you don't actually have to be concerned about your body.

You can do whatever you want. But I would say
inch again, it's interesting because you talk about all of
these states that have now school choice, and it is
to me amazing because I've been watching the school choice
movement for so many years and it seemed like it
was such an uphill battle. And then, like you said,
COVID opened the minds of parents and legislators and elected

officials I believe, and they went, wow, wait a minute,
there has to be some competition here, and parents have
to be able to choose. And in the state of Michigan,
where we are in the bottom ten for education, and
you're looking at these students that are trapped in these
I mean it is I had one guy say to me,
you know, this is just like segregation, but instead of

throwing the doors open to education, now we have white
administration administrators standing in the doorway holding the doors closed,
forcing these kids to be in these failing institutions. And
I was like, man, that is exactly what's happening in
the state of Michigan. These schools are failing so hard.
In Kalamazoo, we have the Kalamazoo Promise. You have to

go to public school and then you get free community college.
And what we've found is these kids that get to
the community college immediately fell out because they haven't had
an education. And once you've robbed a child of an education.
There's no going back. You can't recreate that twelve years
that they should have been in school. But in Michigan
it goes even further. It's not only that we don't

have the choice that you can go to any school. Now,
Governor Whitmer has come out and said, well, because we
have this new report that shows that we will have
no population growth through twenty fifteen, in fact, will lose
seven hundred thousand people. The way we're going to get
new people and this, to me is a total lie.
This is just a way to get more money into
her friends at the unions. She is going to have

free preschool and free community college and mandatory kindergarten. So
now our students have to go into school younger, so
we're talking about at three years old. Now they're going
to and they're saying this is so great, But the
reality is more teachers are being employed, more people paying
into the union, more unions formed, a community college as well,

free community college. Now another different union formed, going to
be spending money on the Democrats. And you cannot tell
me that there is a single person in this country
that says, man, I really want to move but preschool's
precluding me from doing it. But Michigan has free preschool,
so I'm going to move there. Give me a break.
This is all baloney.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
They just want more power, and it's cradle to grave
Democrat control. Adding another tacking on another year to a
failing system is not going to do anything to fix
that broken system. And Democrats are total hypocrites on this issue.
Joe Biden went to private school. He sent his kids
to private school. You see this over and over and
over again all across the country. School choice for me,

but not for thee. It's elitist Democrat hypocrisy where they
want taxpayers to pay for everything else. But when it
comes to Kate the twelve education only they, the elite,
can choose the best schools for their kids. Everybody else
has to be assigned to their failing government run institutions,
even though this would save tax payer money. It's a scholarship,
but it spends less than what we spend in the

government run schools. But Democrats tend to support pell grant
scholarships for college. You can take that wherever you want
to go. You talked about pre K and a lot
of the pre K programs you can choose private pre
ks like with the federal head Start program, Medicaid vouchers.
You can choose religious hospitals if you want. But when
it comes to K through twelve education, no, we can't
have vouchers there, And you hit the nail on the head.

It's all about powers because they want to get more
money to their special interests that control them. You only
have that power dynamic when it comes to K through
twelve education, where you have a monopoly that feels threatened
the teachers' unions, and they want to keep your kids
trapped there. They want to keep the minds in their institutions,
but they want to keep the money in their institutions too,

And you don't have that when you have choice with
anything else in society that doesn't really threaten a monopoly
like it does with the government school system them. So
you have this weird logical inconsistency when it comes to
the Democrats because they listen more to power when it
comes to politics than they do to logic or morality.
And that is a big problem with the Democrat Party today.

And I think if Trump leans into school choice, he's
a big school choice supporter, he can really take away
some votes from Joe Biden. I mean Republican Democrats, Republicans
and independent supports school choice in super majority numbers all
across the country, according to the latest Real Clear Opinion
Research polling on the issue. And in twenty eighteen, when

DeSantis barely won his first governor's race against Andrew Gillum,
the headline in the Wall Street Journal the next day
was that school choice moms tip the governor's race for
DeSantis because, according to CNN exit polling, black moms came
out in support for DeSantis because his opponent, the Democrat,
was going to get rid of their scholarships for their

kids to get a better education at a private school.
So choice get you can make inroads with additional voters too.
I don't think that should be your main reason for
supporting it, but that is a side benefit to the
already strong arguments for morality for having families be able
to direct their own taxpayer dollars to the school that

works the best. That could be a public school. If
you like your public school, you can keep your public school,
unlike with your doctor, but if not, you should be
able to take that to a private school. And something
I wanted to hit on real quick was that the
reason we've had so much change has been encapsulated by
a quote by Vodie Bacham who said it best. He said,
we cannot continue to send our children to Caesar for

their education and be surprised when they come home as Romans. Well, look,
the good news is, and what I lay out in
the book is that parents aren't surprised anymore. They're not
going to unsee what they saw in twenty twenty, that
kind of level of brainwashing that's happening in the government schools,
the things that we're seeing going viral on social media,

and that those are the cameras in the classroom. Now,
social media is a sun is sunlight, which is the
best disinfectant that can expose the rot in the system.
But we need to empower parents with tools. The Parent
Revolution gives you a blueprint for expanding school choice to
your state, but also how to reform the public school

system as well. There are different things that you can
do even if you don't think school choice is attainable, Like, hey,
why not have the public schools be transparent? Tell me
what your curriculum is, report where your spending is going.
I want to know if it's not going into the
classroom world, is it being used for dei purposes? We should,
it's our money, we should. We should be able to

see where that money is going. And then also, hey,
another another good reform would be to make the school
board elections, which are usually at random times with low turnout,
make them aligned with the general election so that parents
have more of an influence on the outcome. Because right now,
the teachers' unions want as little turnout as possible because

they know that they will have an outsized influence on
the outcome of that election. If no one's showing up,
they will be the ones that have the strongest incentive
to show up. So they usually are able to hand
pick their socialist radicals to put on school boards. And
so it's funny the same party that says that the
Conservatives are suppressing votes and they're a threat to democracy, well,

when it comes to education, they're the threat to democracy.
They are the ones participating in voter suppression because if
you pose this anywhere, they will fight tooth and nail
against aligning the school elections and the bonds with the
general election because they know how the math works.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
Let's take a quick commercial break. Will continue next on
the Tutor Dixon Podcast. I really feel that taxpayer dollars
cannot be You can't have this money laundering with taxpayer
dollars into Democrat campaigns. And that's exactly what it is,
because even in areas where teachers can opt out of
the teachers' union, the pressure is so extreme that they can't.

They almost can't. It's almost impossible for them to opt out,
and so they are forced to then take part of
their salary which is paid for by us, the taxpayer,
and that goes directly into the Democrat Party. And so
if you have your child in a government school, you
are essentially helping to fund the Democrat Party. And I
don't want that to be the case. And I think

that we should have legislation that comes out and says
these teachers unions, a public union like this cannot fund governor,
cannot fund elected camp or candidates campaigns, it can't fund Democrats,
it can't fund Republicans. I mean not going to hurt
Republicans because they're not gotting any money from it anyway,
but public unions should not be funding campaigns. I think

it's asinine. It is directly taking from the taxpayer and
giving to the most radical candidates. I mean, if we
are being honest, this is not going to moderate democrats.
These are going to radical democrats who are going to
push these agendas on our kids, like transgender kids in girls'
sports and what men in the girls' bathroom and all

of these books that that was another campaign the left
tried to say, oh, they're banning books, and then parents
started reading them. They're like, no, don't read the books
that you don't want your kids to read, because we
know it's born. I mean, it's all crazy, but it's
all in the book. So tell us how we can
find the book. It is the parent revolution, rescuing your
kids from the radicals ruining our schools, and those are

the people we're giving money to through the school anyway
promo the book for us.

Speaker 2 (32:42):
I'm glad you mentioned the book banning aspect because a
Wisconsin Teachers' Union executive board member actually went on Twitter
calling to burn it. Obviously she hasn't read it yet.
And the same yahoos that are calling us the book banners,
they want to actually burn books that they disagree with
that they have even read yet, that are for adults,
not even children. They're just total hypocrites on the issue.

But you can get it anywhere. It's available on Amazon,
any retailer. Really, if you just google the Parent Revolution,
you find it. And again, if you want to take
Ted Cruse's advice, he says on the back, ruin Randy
Winingarten's day, who I dedicated the book to. By reading
this book, Look, the teacher juniors have overplayed their hand.

It's time for parents to engage in this revolution. It's
one that we are winning, and it's one that we
can win for several years to come.

Speaker 1 (33:33):
Thank you so much, Corey DeAngelis, You've been fighting for
us for so long. I appreciate you coming on the podcast.
Thank you, Thank you so much, Tutor absolutely and thank
you all of course for listening to us today, and
head over to Tutor dixonpodcast dot com. You can subscribe
right there, or anytime you want to listen, go to
the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Make sure you join us the next time and have
a blessed day.

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